
LaserJockScottK: you doin' FTBFS again tonight?00:37
ScottKJust looking at it a bit.00:37
ScottKWe also have the archive rebuild test going on now https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-2009090900:37
ScottKNot much in the way of results yet, but what there is can be found here http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20090909.html00:38
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LaserJockScottK: I'm looking at a FTBFS one right now where a python package failed because of a doctest failure00:40
LaserJockbut the doc test fails because it's looking at a list of modules00:41
LaserJockand it expects a certain set, but the set that's returned is longer00:41
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LaserJockScottK: that link you gave for the latest rebuild test looks like something's messed up with amd6400:54
ScottKLaserJock: Why do you say that?00:55
ScottKIt's been running ahead of i386 from almost the start00:56
ScottKMost of the builds that are done are amd64, so it's no suprise that's where the failures are.00:56
LaserJockwell, it looks like an awful lot are failing00:56
LaserJockin particular 9base is the first Universe package I believe alphabetically00:57
LaserJockwell, close to the first00:58
LaserJockjust seems like a pretty high FTBFS rate00:58
LordMetroidhttp://concise-software.blogspot.com/2009/08/concise-howtos-install-erlangotp-r13b01.html is reporting that JInterface is missing from the Erlang packages, is this still the case with Karmic?01:21
LordMetroidHow do I figure that out?01:22
wgrantLaserJock: Those are all legit failures. i386 is just backlogged because it's i386.01:41
wgrantAnd the failure rate isn't much higher than expected.01:41
wgrantIt was often around 10% in rebuildd, IIRC.01:41
LaserJockI was thinking it was looking like 20-30%01:42
LaserJockbut upon relooking at the list of packages it's probably more like 10%01:42
wgrantLaserJock: We have gcc4.4.01:42
wgrantIt's actually sitting slightly under 4% right now, but there are langpacks involved.01:44
wgrantI noticed they built first.01:44
wgrantWhich makes no sense.01:44
wgrantAh. Of course.01:44
wgrantTHey're forced to a score of 0 before the rebuild archive score is forced to -1001:44
wgrantSo they will have monopolised the i386 builders, and they are unlikely to fail.01:45
wgrantHence the large number of amd64 failures.01:45
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about casper02:41
micahg!info casper > qiy02:42
qiymicahg: is casper dead or not?02:42
micahg!info casper02:42
ubottucasper (source: casper): Run a "live" preinstalled system from read-only media. In component main, is extra. Version 1.173 (jaunty), package size 64 kB, installed size 376 kB02:42
qiymicahg: casper and live-initamfs, which is the future?02:43
qiy!info live-initramfs02:43
micahg!info casper karmic02:43
ubottulive-initramfs (source: live-initramfs): Debian Live initramfs hook. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.154.8-1 (jaunty), package size 84 kB, installed size 436 kB02:43
ubottucasper (source: casper): Run a "live" preinstalled system from read-only media. In component main, is extra. Version 1.191 (karmic), package size 67 kB, installed size 376 kB02:43
qiywhich is default/offical? micahg02:43
* micahg is looking for a blueprint02:44
qiylive-initramfs universe optional02:44
qiycasper main extra02:44
qiyso casper is offical02:45
superm1qiy, for the forseeable future ubuntu will be using casper02:49
qiysuperm1: why they fork?02:49
superm1qiy, i'm not too sure on the history, you'll probably want to look in debian/changelog for hints and talk to those who were the initial committers02:50
cody-somervilleIt got forked because Ubuntu was unresponsive at the time cause Colin, the maintainer of Casper, was busy.02:50
cody-somervillelive-initramfs in universe probably won't even work with Ubuntu but I saw a few weeks ago patches discussed in Debian to add support for Ubuntu to live-initramfs02:51
qiycody-somerville: so casper is not dead02:52
qiycody-somerville: are they still look and work similar ?02:58
cody-somervillenot at all02:58
qiywhat about that live-helper? cody-somerville02:58
cody-somervillewhat about it?02:59
qiy!info live-helper03:00
ubottulive-helper (source: live-helper): Debian Live build scripts. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1 (jaunty), package size 3821 kB, installed size 7708 kB03:00
cody-somervilleqiy, live-helper 1.0.5-1 supports building live images for Ubuntu03:01
qiycody-somerville: imo, live-helper is used with live-initramfs03:06
qiycody-somerville: how is casper? does casper need a live-helper?03:07
cody-somervilleIts nice that you have that opinion03:07
cody-somervillebut live-helper supports both live-initramfs and casper03:07
qiycody-somerville: so casper users should use live-helper too?03:08
cody-somervilleqiy, To do what? Create a customized live image? They can if they want to03:08
qiycody-somerville: yeah, to create a customized live image or ubuntu/debian create their images03:12
qiycody-somerville: casper conflicts live-initramfs03:36
cody-somervilleqiy, right - you can't use both at the same time naturally03:36
qiyit is trying to overwrite /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf.d/compcache from live-initramfs03:36
qiycody-somerville: ^03:37
StevenKqiy: As cody-somerville says, you can't have both installed at the same time.03:43
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dholbachgood morning06:40
mruizhi all07:06
mruizwhat "debuild -sa" does ?07:06
randomactionman dpkg-buildpackage07:10
mruizrandomaction, thanks07:12
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fabrice_spHi dholbach !07:13
fabrice_spabout bug #427025, could you post the full log? I've been building this package several time, in karmic, and never got this error07:14
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable (https://launchpad.net/bugs/427025/+text)07:14
dholbachfabrice_sp: sure, just a sec07:14
fabrice_spthanks :-)07:14
mruizWhat is the default command to build a package: debuild -S -k<my_key> or debuild -S -sa -K<my_key> ?07:15
dholbachmruiz: -k<keyid> shouldn't be necessary if you set up DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME in ~/.bashrc properly (and your gpg key)07:16
dholbachthe "-sa" is only relevant if you intend to upload the package somewhere07:16
mruizdholbach, thanks07:19
* mruiz writing it down07:19
mruizdholbach, news about the mentoring program ?07:19
dholbachmruiz: no and I'm not running it anymore07:20
fabrice_sphave to go now. CU later07:20
mruizdholbach, who is on charge?07:20
dholbachmruiz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring/Reception07:21
sivanghi all08:26
sivangis there anybody interested in packaging a very useful utility written in twisted ?08:27
slytherinsivang: Are you paying for it? :-P08:29
sivangslytherin: hmm, I would have - but now that I'm unemployed it might be a bit a problem08:30
sivangaren't there new MOTUs wanting to package their first python software ?08:30
slytherinI am not one of them. I stay away from python.08:31
slytherinAnd those who want to package python software have probably already done so. :-)08:31
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sivangslytherin: then I guess I should do it myself08:54
sivangwhat's the protocol these days for upload something to unierse if my ubuntu-devel membership expired ?08:54
dholbach_sivang: 1) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess 2) send a quick email to motu-council@lists.u.c saying that you want to rejoin the team and what your plans are09:06
dholbach_sivang: how are you doing? :)09:06
dholbach_tseliot: can you take a look at bug 411915 when you have a bit of time?09:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411915 in envyng-core "Spelling Mistake: Dowloading" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41191509:06
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sivangdholbach_: my health poor, but I'm trying to hang there09:07
* sivang hugs dholbach 09:07
sivangand misses him09:07
dholbachlong time no see :)09:07
sivangI worked for stupid company for the last year09:08
sivangwas very busy09:08
sivangat least I became a plone expert09:08
sivangso something good came out of it09:08
tseliotdholbach: I approved the merge proposed by james_w and he volunteered to upload the fix: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~arky/ubuntu/karmic/envyng-core/fix-411915/+merge/1123109:08
dholbachah ok09:08
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slytherinHow can I separate  the build process so that the targets for required by arch:all packages are not run when doing only arch:any build?09:21
geserdoes the upstream build process support it? e.g. a seperate target to build only the documention09:23
qiy!info gfxboot09:24
ubottugfxboot (source: gfxboot): bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3.39-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 78 kB, installed size 408 kB09:24
qiy!info grub-gfxboot09:24
ubottuPackage grub-gfxboot does not exist in jaunty09:24
slytheringeser: yes it does.09:25
* slangasek hates curl for making the libkrb53 transition 3x harder than it should have been09:27
* slangasek hates cups for ensuring the next transition will be hard too09:28
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geserslytherin: then you use the binary-arch and binary-indep target and the binary target depending on both09:37
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slangasekwell, ultimately the right solution is to use build-arch and build-indep targets; that doesn't work today because there's a messy transition involved09:40
slangasekso you have to specifically do your building of the arch-indep stuff in the binary-indep target, and *not* in the build target where it would normally be09:41
slytherinslangasek: Thanks. And I thought I was doing something wrong. I tried putting the 'make doc' command in build-indep but it was getting built even when doing arch:any only build.09:42
slytherinslangasek: I will follow your suggestion now.09:42
slangasekyeah, because dpkg-buildpackage (which everything is based on) always calls ./debian/rules build :(09:43
slytherinslangasek: even when you say dpkg-buildpackage -B?09:43
slytherinthat is a bug then isn't it?09:43
slangasekit's a... historical wart09:43
slytherinAnd that probably adds overhead on buildd. Because the even if we split the builds, build-indep gets executed on all archs.09:44
slangasekit's how things were done in the distant past; then Build-Depends-Indep were introduced but the build target wasn't split; now the only way to have dpkg-buildpackage start calling build-arch is by breaking things09:44
slangaseki.e., all packages that don't support a build-arch target today will FTBFS, there's no reliable way to detect whether the target exists and fall back to build09:45
slytherinBut isn't it better to break sooner than later?09:45
slangasekthe default conclusion has been that no one finds the problem important enough to break anything at all :)09:46
slytherinslangasek: The problem is usually seen with packages that have both arch:all and arch:any packages and failure in build-indep causes the whole build to fail.09:50
slangasekslytherin: if it's a build failure because of dependencies not installed, that's really a package bug at present09:52
slytherinNot because of build-deps. Consider this, javadoc generation is really 'god-knows-if-it-will-work' in some archs. So failure in generating javadoc causes problem for whole build.09:53
directhexikvm is suitably abusive09:54
directhexi.e. the "build" target only calls build-arch09:54
directhexbecause the build-indep rule only works on buildds with over a gig of ram09:54
directhexsince the ubuntu buildd calls build-indep separately, it works well09:55
directhexdon;t know whether it works on debian as expected, but with binary uploading, doesn't really matter09:55
slytherindirecthex: that is why it is hard to find a solution that works for both Debian/Ubuntu.10:15
quadrispronhandler: ping10:17
dholbachquadrispro: I guess nhandler is sleeping now10:21
dholbachquadrispro: did you see bug 306399?10:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306399 in xvidcore "New upstream version available (1.2.2)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30639910:21
quadrisprodholbach: i'm reading right now10:22
quadrisproI think we should wait for a siretart's opinion10:23
andvquadrispro, siretart left for his honey moon ;)10:23
andvquadrispro, so he won't be back in few days10:24
quadrisproafter the upgrade, there's a good number of packages that would need a rebuild, and, as Loic said, siretart is looking over that10:29
quadrisproif I had some spare time, I would make more testing10:32
kaushalwhen i try to install apt-get install ssmtp11:06
kaushali get http://paste.ubuntu.com/268493/11:06
hyperairlooks like a prerm remove script problem11:21
hyperairkaushal: file a bug11:22
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slytherinslangasek: the trick you mentioned does not seem to work for some reason. My document generation target is getting called after the -doc package is created. So all the generated content is missing from -doc package.14:35
bddebianHeya gang14:45
ScottKHeya bddebian.14:46
bddebianHi ScottK14:46
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dholbachporthose: #ubuntu-meeting?15:01
hjmfdholbach: me I ask you a shameful and offtopic question?15:01
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dholbachhjmf: try it and I'll see if I answer :)15:01
hjmfyesterday I noticed that my ubuntu membership expired :-(15:02
hjmfdholbach: the fact is that I didn't noticed the automatic renew emails that I received days before15:02
hjmfdholbach: can I do something about it?15:02
dholbachjust a sec15:03
hjmfdholbach: k15:03
=== cprov-zzz is now known as cprov
dholbachsend a quick mail to ubuntu-membership-board-emea@lists.u.c15:04
dholbachthey'll fix you up15:04
dholbachtell them your launchpad id and stuff and they'll take care of it15:05
hjmfdholbach, asac OK I'll do; thank you both15:05
* asac happy that this moves forward15:05
dholbachno worries15:05
dholbachshould be quick15:05
asacdholbach: the email looks cryptic15:05
hjmfyes, a bit cryptic15:06
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership has more info on the split15:06
dholbachand why15:06
asacok ... so probably ok ;)15:06
hjmfdholbach: looking and sending15:07
the-dudewill becomming a ubuntu maintainer be much easyer then becomming a debian maintainer?15:13
slytherinthe-dude: There is no such thing as Ubuntu Maintainer. There is Ubuntu Developer. And I believe becoming Debian Maintainer (DM) is easier.15:14
dholbachbasically you work on things in Ubuntu, you work with reviewers who upload changes for you, once they tell you how much great work you do, you can apply for Ubuntu developer membership15:15
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted will link to all the important stuff15:16
hjmfdholbach: delivery failed to ubuntu-membership-board-emea@lists.u.c DNS error15:16
dholbachhjmf: lists.ubuntu.com, right?15:16
the-dudebecomming a debian maintainer seems so formal and official15:16
hjmfmy bad :-)15:16
the-dudeso its building a new package and finding someone to review it ? thats all it takes?15:18
dholbachthe-dude: not necessarily a new package - if you work on existing packages and improve them, that's even better :)15:18
dholbachwe don't have the concept of "package maintainer" - it's not like you own a package in Ubuntu15:19
dholbachbut we work on them as a team15:19
dholbachI encourage you to check out the link above15:19
the-dudebut I want to add new new packages instead of fixing bugs15:19
dholbachand have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - it explains a lot about how things work15:19
dholbachyou can do that too15:19
the-dudefinding a new package which I like seems a lot easyer then waiting for a bug in a existing package I like15:20
dholbachwell, I'll leave that decision to you, but I found it much easier to work on existing packages and fix a small bug here, and another small bug there instead of starting to package an application and really take care of it15:21
the-dudeI already have experiance with packaging15:22
the-dudeim just searching for a way to get it in to debian or ubuntu15:23
the-dudeubuntu seems a bit easyer but I have a sponsor for debian15:23
the-dudeso im not sure yet15:23
hjmfdholbach: issue fixed, thank you15:25
dholbachhjmf: rock and roll!15:25
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Laneywho's our LP liaison?15:50
sorenLaney: You. Didn't you get the memo?15:56
* Laney kicks some ass15:57
quadrispronhandler: ping15:57
quadrisproiulian: ping15:57
Laneythe-dude: if you have a sponsor then Debian is easier16:02
Laneyfinding MOTU reviewers can be really hard16:02
Laney(plus we are in a freeze now)16:02
Laney...also I think having a human responsible for each package is a massive win - we have a bit of a problem with fire-and-forget packagers sometimes16:03
bdrungdholbach: jippi16:07
dholbachbdrung: congratulations!16:09
bdrungfinally i can screw ubuntu up. ;)16:10
highvoltagebdrung: jus saw daniels mail. congrats!16:10
bdrunghighvoltage: thanks16:11
the-dudeLaney: so what would you suggest? wait for a while?16:24
Laneyuse your debian sponsor16:25
the-dudebut then I won't get a @ubuntu alias ;)16:26
sebnerbdrung: congrats :)16:26
bdrungsebner: thanks16:27
Laneythe-dude: you can fix things in Ubuntu, but I really wholeheartedly recommend packaging *new* things in Debian16:27
Laneythe majority of what we do applies equally over there anyway16:27
the-dudeLaney: ok thanks, will get the package in sid then16:30
Laneygood good16:30
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slytherinLaney: Why do you think 'fire-and-forget' is not problem in Debian?16:36
Laneyslytherin: I didn't say that. I think that having a named maintainer responsible for each package helps when problems come up though.16:39
* directhex names Laney 16:40
* Laney leaves the chamber :(16:40
slytherinLaney: Both methods have their own disadvantages. You can find many packages in debian not updated for long time with many bugs open because there is only one maintainer.16:41
slytherinI prefer Ubuntu method. It's disadvantages are lesser of the two evils IMHO16:42
LaneyI don't think we're particularly good at handling our bugs in general16:42
slytherinwell, I am not talking about all bugs, just bugs that arise out of packaging problems.16:43
directhexi want a median16:43
directhexevery package should be "owned" by a team16:43
ScottKNo way16:43
directhexindividuals are blockers in debian, and motu si too large to give lovin' to everything in ubuntu16:44
the-dudeso ubuntu packages don't have official owners?16:44
directhexno. in ubuntu everything is owned by everyone. comrade.16:45
geserdirecthex: "motu is too large"?16:45
directhexgeser, i mean their remit. the number of things the motu people need to look after is too large16:45
directhexgeser, too thinly spread16:45
slytherindirecthex: MOTU is not too large. Number of packages owned bu MOTU are too large. MOTU team is too small to handle all that.16:46
directhexslytherin, that's what i meant. i phrased it badly16:46
the-dudeso how does it work? anyone with access can just upload en new package if they feel like it?16:47
directhexehm, i mean an *updated package* there16:47
directhexfor brand new packages, yes they can go in directly for those with appropriate rights, but sometimes it's better to do the peer review thing via revu16:48
* ScottK has always done so even though it's not required.16:48
the-dudehmm it sounds a bit weird16:49
the-dudesounds like something that could get messy16:49
directhexit tends to work. ish.16:50
ScottKIt could, but we generally work as a team and communicate a lot when needed, so it rarely has problems.16:50
slytherinthe-dude: Not when everyone is co-operative and no one goes into uploading packages at random without asking previous uploaders.16:50
directhexwe're all one big huggy family!16:50
* geser hugs directhex :)16:51
* slytherin got to go16:51
the-dudeit sounds to good to be true ;)16:51
directhexto an extent, what happens is a package doesn't *formally* have an owner, but there's an unofficial "who touched it last" thing where it ends up being considered as someone's "area of expertise". such that even though you can update it directly for something, you may just want to double-check with whomever touched it last over things they might be more knowledgable about16:52
directhexwhich works for me16:52
LaneyI just think we need better processes for taking care of our local packages16:53
the-dudebut do developers get access to all branches?16:53
directhexthis is my package. there are many like it but this one is mine16:53
geserthe-dude: what you mean with branches in the packages context?16:58
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the-dudegeser: development testing stable17:15
the-dudelike jaunty en hardy en inteprid?17:16
geserfor the development version any developer can upload17:18
ScottKAlso true for stable release, just nothing gets accepted without archive admin approval.17:19
ScottKSomeone who cares about Gnome might want to go through gnome-core-devel and remove obsolete (no longer in the archive) packages as it's currently uninstallable in Karmic17:36
ScottKI'd be willing to help a newcomer with this if they are interested in doing it.17:48
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
jbernard_ScottK: im happy to take a look18:18
ScottKjbernard_: Great.18:18
jbernard_ScottK: libeel2-dev needs to be removed18:18
ScottKjbernard_: At least.  Not sure what else.18:18
jbernard_ScottK: what is the workflow for making sure i've found them all?18:19
ScottKjbernard_: Are you on karmic?18:19
jbernard_ScottK: yep18:19
jbernard_ScottK: i suppose i could keep rebuilding the package without the missing depends18:19
jbernard_ScottK: until all can be resolved18:20
jbernard_ScottK: is there a better way?18:20
ScottKThat or look up to see that the all still exist in LP or using rmadison would be the other choice.18:20
ScottKNeither one is particulalry appealing, but up to you18:20
jbernard_ok, ill take a look and see what i can come up with18:21
ScottKGreat.  I have to run some errands in a bit, so if I don't respond to a ping, it's not because I'm ignoring you.  I do read the scrollback if I'm pinged.18:21
ahei uploaded a package of a pure ruby application to my ppa and it was built fine and the packages platform is all but still on my ppa page it is shown under i386 build18:25
aheis this normal or is there something wrong?18:25
jacobahe: if the arch is "all" then they always seem to build on the i386 machines18:26
jacobjust make sure that the output packages end in _all.deb and you should be fine18:26
aheah ok18:27
ahethx, so everything is ok18:27
jbernard_ScottK: just libeel2-dev18:38
ScottKjbernard_: Excellent.  Make a debdiff in a bug and ping me with the bug number.  I'll send it right up.18:38
jbernard_ScottK: im on it18:39
* ScottK out for a bit jbernard_.18:39
jbernard_ScottK: bug #39383418:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 393834 in meta-gnome2 "[karmic] gnome-core-devel depens on libeel2-dev, which was removed" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39383418:46
RoAkSoAxbdrung, congrats!!19:05
bdrungRoAkSoAx: dito19:06
fabrice_spRoAkSoAx, congrats also to you!19:06
fabrice_spbdrung, congrats :-)19:06
RoAkSoAxthanks fabrice_sp :)19:06
mfosterhi folks, I have a question. If I have want to overlay a patchset (from a tarball) onto a package prior to building what's the right way to do that?19:07
bdrungmfoster: using a patch system19:07
* RainCT ended up compeletely messing up his system (or maybe not, but anyway) and decided it's time to try out Debian for another week :P19:08
mfosterwould I put the tarball into the patch folder and extract it in the rules file?19:08
bdrungcdbs'es simple-patchsys, quilt or dpatch19:08
fabrice_spsomebody willing to testbuild the fix in bug #427025 ? I've been able to build it in 2 different computers, but it's FTBFS to Daneil19:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427025 in pycryptopp "FTBFS with python2.6 because the installation is done in /usr/local/lib/python2.6 instead of /usr/lib/python2.6" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42702519:08
RainCTBut Lenny feels outdated, how does one live in testing (eg. compared to a late Ubuntu alpha)?19:09
fabrice_spor even upload it ;-) (after building it)19:09
mfosterlet me rephrase my question a little. I have a tarball containing source code (not patches), how do I incorporate it into my package. The URL is http://www.grid.net.ru/nginx/upload.en.html (it's a 3rd party module for nginx)19:11
bdrungfabrice_sp: i test it now19:14
fabrice_spcool thanks!19:14
bdrungmfoster: you can create a patch out of it19:15
DktrKranzhey RoAkSoAx, congrats!19:16
sluimersHello, I've got a question, how do I get a screenshot in my package? You know, the one you see in the desciption of a package.19:17
DktrKranzsluimers: screenshots.debian.net19:17
RainCTsluimers: upload it to http://screenshots.debian.net/19:17
RainCTDktrKranz: *grrr* :)19:17
DktrKranzRainCT: slooooooooow :P19:17
sluimersthanks guys :)19:17
RoAkSoAxDktrKranz, thanks man :)19:18
DktrKranzso you don't need me to stress your packages anymore :P19:18
bdrungfabrice_sp: i get the same error like dholbach. i used pbuilder on amd6419:19
RoAkSoAxDktrKranz, haha :)19:20
POXfabrice_sp: fix for 427025 will be uploaded to Debian in ~15 minutes19:21
DktrKranzRoAkSoAx: you probably will on Debian side, but you're safe at least on Ubuntu :)19:22
RoAkSoAxDktrKranz, haha yeah. I actually have to get lekhonee into Debian xD19:23
fabrice_spbdrung, I've used sbuild on amd64 and pbuilder on i386. Strange. Anyway, I'll wait for the fix in Debian and request the sync then19:32
fabrice_spthanks bdrung and POX19:32
randomactionfabrice_sp: it FTBFS, I get the same error as dholbach but on i38619:32
LaneyRainCT: did you roll back those ubuntu-boot packages?19:38
RainCTLaney: Yeah, reverted them using a server CD in rescue mode, but then I got an error about /proc being a symlink. I've removed that now so maybe it'd work now, but I'll give Debian another try anyway :P19:39
LaneyI was hoping for a handy command to copy19:39
RainCTLaney: Heh. Same problem??19:40
Laneyit's unbootable19:40
Laneysreadahead problems or something19:40
RainCTI understand how you feel... *g*19:40
RainCTLaney: well what I've done is just   sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/<previous package>.deb   inside a chroot19:41
fabrice_spPOX, do you mean the problem in pycryptopp or the problem in the build (KeyError:...)?19:41
fabrice_spbecause the package was building fine yesterday, and it fails now19:42
fabrice_spby the way, it's failing also now in my sbuild19:43
POXfabrice_sp: works fine with python2.6 from experimental19:46
randomactioncould that be caused by new python packages in karmic?19:47
fabrice_spsurely: it was buillding yesterday, and it's failing today19:48
blackxoredhi, I could probably spent some more time maintaining my packages as a MOTU in ubuntu, are you interested????19:49
RainCTblackxored: I'm not sure if I follow.. But, help is always welcome :)19:51
blackxoredRainCT, probably focused the statement wrongly, so here it goes again19:51
blackxoredI could probably use some of my time to contribute to ubuntu as well, initially syncing or merging my debian packages there, got it?19:52
blackxoredon a regular basis19:52
blackxoredand I was wondered if that could be useful, so, if you guys are interested19:53
fabrice_spblackxored, as stated RainCT, any help is welcome :-)19:55
blackxoredfabrice_sp, fine then\19:55
blackxoredalthough slytherin has taken this round19:55
blackxoredI'll be up for the next one ;)19:55
fabrice_spblackxored, did you subscribed to bug mail of your package?19:56
blackxoredfabrice_sp, (s) yes19:56
fabrice_spgood starting point :-)19:57
blackxoredfabrice_sp, I've been marking fixing bugs there19:57
blackxoredfabrice_sp, great then19:59
fabrice_spalso, do you know about the FTBFS page?19:59
blackxoredfabrice_sp, sure20:00
fabrice_spso you already know everything :-)20:00
blackxoredfabrice_sp, far from that :D20:00
blackxoredfabrice_sp, ok, back to work, glad to know i can contribute here too :D20:04
fabrice_spthanks for your contributions :-)20:05
fabrice_sp(in advance ;-) )20:05
bdrungblackxored: have fun with digging through eclipse bug reports20:05
blackxoredbdrung, hi, no that's nthykier's job :D hehehe20:06
fabrice_sppython2.6 has been updated yesterday, and I supect to be that upgrade the root cause of the new FTBFS20:06
* fabrice_sp reports a bug againt pyton2.620:06
bdrungblackxored: then you can digg through the vlc bugs :p20:06
bdrungfabrice_sp: sounds plausible20:07
blackxoredbdrung, I love vlc :D20:07
blackxoredbdrung, did you manage to fix the bug that prevents eclipse-platform from building???20:07
fabrice_spbdrung, I've both logs, and it's the only difference (in term of versions)20:08
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blackxoredbdrung, ???20:10
bdrungit builds20:11
blackxoredbdrung, ^^^^20:11
blackxoredgreat, so that lets only eclipse left20:11
bdrungblackxored: do you like this bug list, too? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bugs20:11
* blackxored has no comments about that list ;)20:12
* blackxored thanks an entire bugsquad team should be created for that :D20:13
bdrungthen have a look at the linux package: 5780 bugs20:13
blackxoredbdrung, yes but that is sort of general20:14
blackxoredbdrung, and thanks for the bug survey :D you almost made me cry20:14
bdrungblackxored: ubuntu has more users than debian and therefore more bug reports20:15
blackxoredbdrung, yes I know, I'm one of them :D20:16
* bdrung will now install karmic20:17
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ScottKjbernard_: Looking.20:46
ScottKjbernard_: Generally I'd prefer to include why in debian/changelog and also close the bug in changelog too.  Care to fix it up or would you rather i  did?20:47
jbernard_ScottK: im on it20:47
ScottKjbernard_: Great.  Ping me again when ready.20:47
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
jbernard_ScottK: ok, that should be much better20:59
* ScottK looks again20:59
ScottKLooks much better.21:00
fabrice_spCan some MOTU have a look at sync request in bug #416262 ? It would allow us to close most of the bugs in aptoncd.21:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 416262 in aptoncd "Sync aptoncd 0.1.98+bzr112-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41626221:01
ScottKjbernard_: Uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.21:10
ScottKjbernard_: A couple of comments for you ....21:11
ScottK1.  No need to edit both control.in and control.  If control.in is changed, control will get regenerated automatically.21:11
ScottK2.  There's a new poilcy on maintainer, and all Ubuntu packages (Universe and Main) should now be Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>21:11
ScottKI fixed the second one before I uploaded.21:12
ScottKjbernard_: Want another one?21:12
jbernard_ScottK: Re: #1, that is true but both control and control.in were present in the source so I figured I'd be thourough21:14
ScottKjbernard_: It doesn't hurt, but it's extra work.21:14
jbernard_ScottK: sure, whaddya got?21:14
ScottKjbernard_: Make gwp buildable.21:14
jbernard_ScottK: ill take a look21:16
jbernard_ScottK: how long before the new gnome-core-devel hits the archive?21:16
ScottKLikely an hour and a half for fast archs.21:16
jbernard_ok, lemme see what i can come up with21:17
ScottKjbernard_: It's about built on i386: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-gnome2/1:2.22.2~4ubuntu7/+build/123803821:18
ScottKSo publisher run starts at :03 and finishes ~:45, so ~2145 UTC.21:18
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch
jbernard_ScottK: with gnome-core-devel in incoming, gwp builds successful21:51
jbernard_ScottK: ive got version 0.4.0-1.221:52
seglerhello, i programmed a rhythmbox plugin, and i want it to get into universe. i uploaded it to revu. but it says to me, that i should use another maintainer e-mail address. something with  @ubuntu.com. what should i do? which adress is the right one?22:36
jbernard_segler: i believe the maintainer field should be: "Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>"22:45
sorenHow many release team members need to ACK an FFe?23:13
arandDoes Hardy handle the ~ in package vsersion differently? Since I have a Hardy box where it prefers *-0ubuntu1.1 over *-0ubuntu1.1~arand-* ยค Whereas on intrepid, it prefers *-0ubuntu2.1~arand-* over *-0ubuntu2.123:14
Laneyarand: do some dpkg --compare-versions experimentation23:14
arandLaney: oh, nvm, it was the right way around on hardy, /me is blind.23:19
Laneysoren: always was 2 previously23:20
Laneyrelated, do release teams need to ack removals? I guess yes23:20
sorenLaney: I see. I couldn't find that mentioned anywhere on the wiki.23:21
sorenIt's a big wiki, though. I may have missed it.23:21
Laneysoren: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#Exceptions%20for%20Universe/Multiverse23:22
sorenLaney: Oh, there it is.23:22
sorenLaney: Ah, no, that's for new upstream versions.23:23
sorenLaney: This is a new package.23:23
LaneyI don't know why it always talks about new upstream releases23:23
sorenAnyhow, if a friendly motu-release team member would be so kind to give bug #427581 a quick glance, it would be much appreciated.23:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427581 in ubuntu "[FFe] New package: python-mhash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42758123:23
LaneyI think it's the policy for all FFes23:23
Laneybut what do I know!23:23
sorenLaney: Possiblu.23:23
sorenPossibly, even.23:23
sorenBlimey, that's a long list! https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~motu-release/+subscribedbugs23:24
Laneymotu-release: please make the page clearer :)23:26
chrisccoulsoni take it that motu-release need to ACK package removals too?23:31
Laneytrying to find out23:33
chrisccoulsonLaney - thanks. Did I ask you a similar question earlier? sorry if I already did - it's been a busy day ;)23:33
seglerplease motu team, comment on my small rhythmbox plugin i uploaded http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/rhythmbox-radio-browser23:43
Laneychrisccoulson: You mentioned it, and I'm interested in finding out the answer too23:47

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