
LaserJocksbalneav: you up tonight?02:49
sbalneavI am!02:53
sbalneavLaserJock: You?02:56
LaserJocksbalneav: kinda03:01
LaserJocktrying to organize and break down boxes03:01
LaserJockand get a paper ready for my PhD advisor03:01
LaserJockand see if I can work on the Edubuntu DVD a little03:01
deangcompris admin isn't working :(06:18
deancan someone help me with gcompris admin and why it won't work?06:30
dean23 people here and nobody can help??06:31
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
ace_suares1hi scotty!18:09
sbalneavI'm in there now18:09
ace_suares1me too18:10
alkisgWhy don't you guys say so? :)18:10
sbalneavSilent but deadly :)18:11

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