
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
ArneGoetjeapachelogger: thanks a lot. :)01:23
morficis ARM here to stay? somehow had the idea i read ubuntu dropped ARM support, i would love to be totally wrong on this though :)02:15
directhexmorfic, ubuntu/arm hardware will be in the shops for xmas02:17
morfici'd be happy to just keep ubuntu on this device if ubuntu is supporting it for a while02:18
keesjcastro: in http://identi.ca/notice/9803393 did you mean you were trying to _raise_ your vrms score?  :)03:05
greg-gkees: he's an instigator like that :)03:36
keesI suspected.  :)03:36
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LaserJockI wonder how high I can get mine?03:42
keesthat's the meme I'm working on now.  ;)03:42
LaserJockdarn, only 0.7%03:43
LaserJockhow the heck am I gonna tick off the FSF with that low of a score!!03:43
LaserJockand 1/2 of my score is from ATI/nvidia drivers, which I don't need03:44
* kees is waiting for a massive apt-get to finish...03:45
superm1i dont think it's fair to count the modaliases03:45
superm1they're flat text files, nothing non-free about them03:45
jcastroyou need all the sun java stuff to really make a difference03:45
stoojDoes anyone know of a python programme that uses policy kit?03:46
keesI'm attempting to install all of multiverse and partner.  ;)03:47
LaserJockso if I install all of multiverse I can get to 30%03:48
LaserJockwhat we really need is a web-vrms that looks for non-free web apps03:48
kees  342 non-free packages, 15.2% of 2252 installed packages.03:48
kees  172 contrib packages, 7.6% of 2252 installed packages.03:48
greg-gLaserJock: that sounds like a great Fx plugin: "Sorry, vrms says that this site has non-free javascript and runs on .NET, you can't go here"03:49
[reed]kees: what program is that?03:50
kees[reed]: vrms03:50
LaserJockI'd love to run vrms on the Windows Vista desktop I just got today for work03:53
LaserJockI'm sure I'd have a slightly higher score ;-)03:53
dholbachgood morning06:28
billybigriggerso i ibus taking over for xorg for input?07:04
billybigriggernow any keyboard and mouse issues should be attempted to be debugged through it?07:04
YokoZarDoes anyone else have Applications->Accessories->gedit instead of Applications->Accessories->Text editor?07:21
billybigriggeri have gedit07:28
pooliedoko: thanks for the fix for bug 392355, i'll test it07:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392355 in bzr "C extensions placed in wrong directory on karmic" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39235507:47
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directhexhm. one of my syncs seems to have evaporated08:45
directhexhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mono/+bug/426759 is "Fix Released", but I can't find it on the package publishing history nor the karmic queue08:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 426759 in mono "Sync mono (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix released]08:46
ogracjwatson, "Run usplash at the native resolution if KMS is available." where does usplash get the info about the theme/resolution to use for that ?08:58
ogra(i'm trying to convince it to use the matching framebuffer res on armel without defaulting to 640x480 and without making Keybuk unhappy by looking for a file that holds the res from initramfs)08:59
cjwatsonogra: can you use bzr log / bzr diff? the patch is fairly simple09:04
cjwatsonif you read the diff and still don't understand, then ask me :)09:05
directhexblarg, why is my system so much less stable post-format?09:07
Laneyyou should have installed warty and upgraded09:08
directhexthis system has never had warty09:09
Laneythats your problem right there09:09
* Laney runs09:10
pittiGood morning09:10
simon-oHi, I fixed a bug and uploaded the branch. It is enough to file a merge proposal or do I need to subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors to the bug?09:13
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mvosimon-o: for what package and bug?09:14
simon-omvo: bug 376400 package graphviz09:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376400 in graphviz "dot2gxl gets segfault even with simple graph" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37640009:15
mvosimon-o: subscribing ubuntu-main-sponsors is probably a good idea then09:15
mvoto ensure it is picked up by the sponsoring queue09:16
simon-omvo: thanks, I just subscribed them.09:16
mvosimon-o: thank you for working on it!09:21
slytherinare there any rescue images for karmic? I got a unbootable PC because of bug 424503 and I don't want to download whole karmic daily CD. :-(09:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424503 in grub2 "Boot fails with Out of Range Pointer error" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42450309:24
YokoZarslytherin: you could try a stick image...but those are larger than the CD09:25
YokoZarso not really ;)09:25
slytherinahh, I will download the CD image.09:25
slytherinsad thing is I didn't even have backup of old cd image (2 days old). So I can not even use jigdo/zsync.09:26
cjwatsonyou can use the netboot image to rescue09:29
cjwatsonin a pinch09:29
slytherincjwatson: I will try when I go home. Thanks for info.09:35
slytherincjwatson: mini.iso is the image, right?09:35
zygamvo: hello09:55
zygamvo: is there any list of small tasks that 3rd parties could help you with the app store?09:55
mvozyga: I have a "TODO" file in the source, there is also the "bitesize" tag in the bugreport09:56
mvozyga: the bugreports of software-store09:56
zygamvo: let me check that! :-)09:56
mvozyga: there are quite a few smallish UI bits that are not done exactly as the spec says09:56
zygamvo: is it possible to do development on jaunty?09:56
mvozyga: difficult, it uses aptdaemon and that is not available on jaunty09:57
mvozyga: it would be a good idea to isolate that into a common class that can then be exchanged for a Mock class (or even a synaptic backend ;)09:57
mvozyga: then it can be run under jaunty just fine AFAICS09:57
mvozyga: that would be a nice task, something like the backend/ dir in update-manager09:57
zygamvo: I'm fine with karmic kvm but I'll reinspect in a second - I need to find & fetch sources first09:58
mvozyga: bzr get lp:software-store should do the trick09:58
* mvo hugs zyga - great to have you back here :)09:59
zygaI'm ill so I have some time off from my regular work09:59
zygamvo: I've got it - let me have a look at what's already there10:00
loolcjwatson: hola10:02
loolcjwatson: You might remember chaning usplash to use the native kms resolution10:02
mvozyga: oh, get well10:02
loolcjwatson: (I do see that usplash is not that much relevant anymore but still)10:02
loolcjwatson: You actually changed the init/shutdown scripts to not pass -x / -y10:02
loolcjwatson: But that causes usplash to try to modeset to the first res in the linked list of themes10:03
loolcjwatson: Which is 640x40010:03
loolcjwatson: So we're actually using 640x40010:03
loolcjwatson: I tried an ugly patch to use the /sys values from the native kms virtual size and pass these as usplash xres/yres10:03
loolcjwatson: And result was nice10:03
loolcjwatson: So I wanted to double check whether it was intentional or not to use 640x400 (ogra suggested it might be to get the 640x400 centered around black)10:04
cjwatsonlool: I thought that it would normally simply use the boot resolution10:04
cjwatsonthe intent was that it would do so10:04
ograusplash does only what you tell it :)10:04
ograand uses 640x400 if you dont tell it anything10:04
cjwatsonthat isn't really true, when it comes up bogl_xres is set to the native resolution10:04
cjwatsonsomething slightly odd is happening if that isn't the case10:05
loolcjwatson: if there's no -x/-y and no usplash.conf, usplash uses the first theme res as default xres/yres and modesets to that10:05
cjwatsonok, that was not my expectation. feel free to fix10:05
loolcjwatson: Ok thanks10:05
cjwatsonI don't think you should use /sys though; it would be better to have an option to usplash to use whatever resolution the framebuffer is currently in10:05
loolcjwatson: Do you see any issues with reading these values from /sys?10:05
cjwatsonI do, it's ugly :)10:05
loolcjwatson: I absolutely agree10:05
cjwatsonusplash is perfectly capable of figuring out the current fb resolution - it's just a matter of picking a theme based on that10:06
cjwatsonI'd absolutely be in favour of such a change10:06
loolIt's not a 5 minutes change like reading from /sys though but I agree it's the right thing to do10:06
* ogra only sees usplash_bogl_set_resolution(int xres, int yres) but no "get_resolution" in usplash_bogl.c10:08
zygamvo: is it possible to replace aptdaemon with something like packagekit?10:08
ograah, right, i see it10:08
zygamvo: I'm just wondering how to run it right now10:08
zygamvo: is it conceptually the same thing?10:08
mvozyga: yeah, packagekit, synaptic, aptdaemon, its just the install backend10:13
mvozyga: ideally it should be a backend class so that the backend can easily be switched10:14
zygamvo: it looks like atpdaemon is used everywhere, including the ui10:14
zygamvo: if that's what you want I could try to hack it to move all stuff to backend and just glue the current code to use that backend10:14
zygaI'll probably move to karmic to get aptdaemon though10:15
zygai'll be easier this way10:15
zygamvo: is there any particular abstract interface thingy you like (like from abc import ... ) ?10:15
mvozyga: ok, my plan is to eventually move the aptdaemon stuff all out into a single place, but I have not had time for that, so just using karmic is easier for now :)10:16
mvozyga: no preferences here10:16
zygamvo: okay10:16
loolcjwatson: the svga backend (but not the bogl backend) sets the res on init; should I care about that backend or is it ok if I only cover the bogl one?  I dont know whether the SVGA backend is actively used and whether it's important that it sets the res10:28
cjwatsonlool: svga is used on x8610:29
cjwatsonlool: for arm you don't need to worry10:29
loolPff bogl does a kernel ioctl with xres/yres set to the defaults of 0 and this is kernel driver specific10:43
zygaI've got karmic :-)10:49
geserlooking at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/31587515/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.cmake_2.6.4-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz I wonder what's the right fix. Move the missing header file from libxmlrpc-c3-dev to libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev or merge both -dev packages again as it was split so libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev could get into main but currently both libxmlrpc-c3 and libxmlrpc-core-c3 are in main so there is no11:12
geser real reason for the split.11:12
Keybukkees: yes, I do mind11:24
Keybukkees: pulling random patches makes it hard to test things, and in general I do not want any patches in the Ubuntu package - we should only ship the upstream releases with no changes11:29
Keybukthere will be a new upstream release rsn, I will package that as soon as it's out11:29
Keybukso be patient11:29
Keybukwe are not releasing *tomorrow*, there is plenty of time11:29
james_wI'm looking for other opinions from other devs on https://code.launchpad.net/~statik/ubuntu/karmic/couchdb/fix-bug427036/+merge/1154311:43
loolcjwatson: (I'm moving ogra's /sys reading from initramfs-tools to usplash but still intend to replace that stuff with proper usplash code)11:46
ogralool, but please remove the dependency on mxcfb (else you need to read /proc/cmdline again from the usplash script) and make it look more like cjwatson's fix11:47
loologra: ?11:49
loologra: I'll show you what I have11:49
ionkeybuk: Do you have time to review the current mountall patches?11:49
ograi have the code pretty much in my head (how i would do it)11:49
ogralets see if we match :)11:50
loologra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/269076/11:50
loologra: I'm still finishing it, there's a typo (res instead of virtual_size)11:50
ograeven better than mine (i wouldnt have touched colins part :) )11:50
ograyours fixes both :)11:51
loolWell I know it's ugly but at least it's consistent and will use the right res immediately for everybody and we used to check /sys for kms already11:51
loolBut I intend to remove the /sys checks when I'm done11:51
ograhacing it all in the C code will even make usplash.conf obsolete :)11:52
Keybukion: not yet; I'm working on the network stuff11:52
Keybukion: but I did briefly look through them and they looked ok11:53
Keybukion: can't find the URL?11:53
loologra: I dont really know why we bother with usplash.conf in the usplash init-top and _down scripts since usplash will parse the .conf by itself if we dont set it on the cmdline11:54
pittijames_w: replied in the merge request11:54
james_wthanks pitti11:55
james_wpitti: tangential question, could you tell me what led you to vote "Abstain" on that request11:56
ogralool, yeah, thats redundant11:56
james_w(so I can pass on the feedback to the LP devs as I think this is a failing in the UI)11:56
ionkeybuk: http://heh.fi/patches/mountall/11:58
Keybukion: yeah found it11:58
* Keybuk has a weird issue where if I reply to a mail, it appears to get deleted11:58
KeybukI'm not convinced it's not PEBCAK11:58
pittijames_w: there wasn't anything else that said "I just want to add a comment"11:59
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pittijames_w: perhaps I should just have left it as "Select.."11:59
james_wdid you use one of the "Reply" links, or something from the table at the top?11:59
pittijames_w: "reply"12:00
pittijames_w: in retrospect I should probably have voted "needs fixing", but I set it first before typing the comment12:02
loolCan usplash.conf have anything else than xres and yres?12:05
loollike verbose or something12:05
loolI think not but perhaps I'm wrong12:06
* ogra thinks not either12:06
Amaranthverbose is a grub boot line thing12:06
Amaranthafaik usplash only has those two options12:06
ograwell, usplash has three more options beyond -x and -y12:07
ograbut i dont think it is able to read any of them from usplash.conf12:07
ogra(only -p and -c would be relevant at all even)12:08
ograah, no -v probably too :P12:08
ogralool, the code in libusplash.c only reads x/y it seems12:10
Keybukion: they look ok to me12:34
Keybukthanks for your hard work on that12:34
KeybukI shall merge those in once I've finished the network testing :D12:35
ionAye :-)12:35
cjwatsonsoren: do the walrus/cluster/sc have to be running in order to register them, or is it better if they aren't?12:58
ogracjwatson, what do we do about the binfmt/mono/chroot issue, do you agree its worth having a bug for it ? (probably even security flagged)13:04
cjwatsonogra: sure, seems like a kernel bug, though it would really be best to take it up with upstream13:07
ograi still need to do a proof of concept first before i like to go upstream (set the interpreter in binfmt/cli to $chroot/$path_to_interpreter instead of /$path_to_interpreter to trigger teh right magic bit)13:09
cjwatsonogra: it won't work13:12
cjwatsonthe interpreter will look for files in the host system if you do that13:12
pacopilonline boxing game http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html13:13
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
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loolpitti: I see you were working on usplash changes; FYI I pushed some changes13:31
loolpitti: is this for A6?13:31
pittilool: maybe, need to wait on some input from design team13:32
pittilool: I don't mind it being uploaded now, though13:32
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loolpitti: So your changes are uploadable?13:33
pittilool: yes, they are13:33
loolOk cool13:33
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ogracjwatson, https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/427863 in case you are intrested (linked to the upstream report)14:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427863 in linux "binfmt allows breaking out of chroots due to not respecting namespaces" [Undecided,New]14:10
kirklandpitti: did you get a chance to look at Bug #426724 ?14:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426724 in gnome-control-center "login-screen has no user-pictures" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42672414:11
pittikirkland: still on my list; I reviewed the patch and left a comment there14:11
pittikirkland: I'm way too busy today, I'm afraid, but I hope I can slip it in next week14:11
kirklandpitti: cool14:11
kirklandpitti: hmm, for some reason, LP didn't email your comments14:12
bigonhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kvm O_o disapears from karmic?14:12
kirklandpitti: i'll drop the asprintf part, and resubmit14:12
MacSlowpitti, seb128: where's the gnome-session type (vanilla vs. stratiatella) selected (in which file)?14:13
pittikirkland: right, that's the easy part; I need to do the same for ~/.dmrc (feel free to beat me to it, of course)14:13
kirklandpitti: i couldn't immeidately find that code ...14:13
pittiMacSlow: argh, I think stracciatella-session still needs porting to the new gdm as well14:14
kirklandpitti: the part that reads/writes dmrc.  .face was much more obvious14:14
pittikirkland: hm, I don't know it off-hand either, I'm afraid (I'm not very familiar with the gdm code base yet)14:14
pittiMacSlow: but it should actually be pretty easy, it's just dropping a new file into /usr/share/xsessions/14:14
kirklandpitti: alrighty, i'll take another look while i'm fixing asprintf()14:14
MacSlowpitti, ah ok14:14
cjwatsonbigon: qemu-kvm14:16
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bigoncjwatson: oh right thx14:18
pittikirkland: cheers14:20
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kirklandpitti: okay, i found the dmrc load and save code, that's pretty straightforward14:32
pittikirkland: so if you can read ~/.dmrc, use that, otherwise fall back to ~/.ecryptfs/.dmrc?14:32
kirklandpitti: unfortunately, though, we don't have the user's name easily on hand at that point, only their home14:32
kirklandhmm, that should work14:33
kirklandpitti: thanks14:33
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cumulus007Hi, how often are updates of ubuntu translations from launchpad distributed?14:37
sorencjwatson: Uh... I'm not sure to be honest.14:38
dpmcumulus007: for development releases, every few days, unless there is a freeze in between. For stable releases, approx. monthly. You might also want to check out the #ubuntu-translators channel if you're interested in Ubuntu translations14:38
cumulus007dpm: Thanks for the info :)14:39
jdstrandseb128: this may not be your area, it might be devicekit's, but nautilus shows under Places all my schroots that are under /dev/mapper. This is somewhat undesirable as I have 13 of them. Is this a known bug? is there a preference I can set somewhere?15:14
seb128jdstrand, it's probably a gvfs issue15:15
seb128can you open a bug with a gvfs-mount -li log and maybe a testcase?15:15
ograKeybuk, are there plans to pull insserv in ? seemingly debootstrap adds a dep on it ( NCommander told me )15:42
cjwatson(fwiw this is not something that is up to debootstrap, it's just the messenger)15:42
sorenupstart depends on it as well, doesn't it? By way of sysvinit or something?15:42
NCommandersoren, it looks like it's been living in universe though15:43
sorenNCommander: It's a new dependency,presumably.15:43
NCommandersoren, right. As it stands, modules-tools-init fails to configure since update-rc.d tries to use insserv, and boom, broken base system15:44
cjwatsonsysv-rc Depends: insserv; perhaps a mismerge15:44
sorencjwatson: I'm not sure. Keybuk recently uploaded a new insserv, so it's definitely on his radar :)15:44
NCommandercjwatson, update-rc.d tries to call it :-/15:44
cjwatson  * debian/sysv-rc.postinst: Don't try and use insserv by default, though15:44
cjwatson    everything's in place for you to try if you like.  It can be activated15:44
cjwatson    with:15:44
cjwatson        USEINSSERV=yes dpkg-reconfigure sysv-rc15:44
cjwatsonso I think the dependency and the attempt of update-rc.d to use it is a mistake15:45
ogradefinately :)15:45
cjwatsonI'm not going to touch it at the moment though, leave it to Scott :)15:45
cjwatsonsince there's a sysvinit in the ubuntu-boot PPA15:46
mneptokcjwatson: do you know who is building Empathy packages for Karmic?15:55
mneptokEmpathy was removed during a dist-upgrade >12h ago due to a shared lib problem. no sign of a rebuilt version based on the newer libs.15:56
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy says bigon was the last uploader15:57
mneptokthanks. still working on the first cuppa, so LP is too much for my fingers just yet. :)15:58
seb128mneptok, what architecture do you use?16:04
mneptokseb128: amd6416:04
mneptokseb128: i had trouble finding a HPPA laptop16:04
seb128was probably an arch all any mismatch16:04
ogrause a sparc one16:04
mneptokogra: i tried. Larry Ellison came in the night and stole it.16:05
ograbah, bad guy16:05
bigonmneptok: some pkg are still stuck in new queue16:08
bigonseb128: did you had the time to let pass empathy trough the new queue?16:10
mneptokbigon: d'accord. j'attend.16:13
Turlfta: can you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/prism/+bug/246822 ?16:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246822 in prism "Prism should be updated to new upstream version 1.0b1" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:17
seb128bigon, mneptok: done now16:38
keesKeybuk: argh, sorry, I had already uploaded.  I only did it because it was causing me a lot of problems in my VMs (since all the signal handlers where broken, and doing dist-upgrades over ssh was tanking)16:39
mneptokseb128: thanks. waiting for it to trickle down, i guess. no updates to install here.16:39
seb128mneptok, right, you need to wait an hour for next publisher run16:39
mneptokseb128: you expect an American to *wait*?! ;)16:41
* mneptok scrambles the bombers16:42
jdstrandcjwatson: I am either doing something wrong or mass-sync/backport.py is busted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/269246/16:58
jdstrandcjwatson: hi btw!16:58
jdstrandcjwatson: I tried with '-l production' too, but got the same error16:58
cjwatsonerr, blink, didn't see that when I last used it16:58
* jdstrand scratches head16:59
jdstrandcjwatson: I did just get python upgraded on my machine...17:00
cjwatsonjdstrand: who's the requestor of this particular bug? (LP id)17:00
jdstrandcjwatson: dobey17:00
jdstrandcjwatson: bug #39743117:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 397431 in jaunty-backports "Please backport python-oauth 1.0~svn1053-0ubuntu1 from Karmic to Hardy" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39743117:00
jdstrandcjwatson: my backport.py invocation is in the paste17:01
ScottKslangasek had an interest in that one too.17:02
cjwatsonit's not just backport.py anyway17:02
cjwatson>>> launchpad.people['dobey'].preferred_email_address17:02
cjwatsonTraceback (most recent call last):17:02
cjwatsonso it's either a launchpadlib (or deps) bug or an LP bug17:02
jdstrandyeah, hmm17:03
jdstrandI hate those17:03
jdstrandcjwatson: ok, thanks. I'll get this to the attention of the right people17:03
looldoko: lp:~lool/glibc/eglibc-vfp-testsuite-updates17:04
looldoko: Could you please merge this when you upload ubuntu9?17:04
loolI created an ubuntu10 on top17:04
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looldoko: Fixes testsuite failures on armel17:04
loolNCommander: ^17:05
loolKeybuk: Can you help with the insserv MIR?  LP #42770917:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427709 in insserv "[MIR] insserv" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42770917:07
loolI can guess the rationale etc. but it's a bit weird that I document why it's needed myself and then tend to the review17:07
ograyou could as well just shove it in and write "because"17:08
NCommanderdoko, this is low priority, but I'll see if I can do something to help fix powerpc failures (I'm not sure if I'll have any free cycles in the near future to look at it :-/)17:18
dokolool: done17:35
looldoko: thanks!17:39
looldoko: Are you uploading this today BTW?17:39
looldoko: Or shall we revert the glib changes on armel17:39
pittistgraber: sabayon was removed from Debian, with "ROM; almost completely broken"; should we follow suit? are you using it in edubuntu?17:39
pittiit doesn't have any rdepends17:39
pitti./ubuntu.karmic/dvd: * sabayon            # desktop profile management17:39
pitti./edubuntu.karmic/supported: * sabayon            # desktop profile management17:39
pittithat's it17:39
pittiseb128: ^17:39
dokolool: I'll upload, just finished testing on lpia17:40
jdstrandcjwatson: fyi, the backport.py issue is bug #31943217:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319432 in launchpadlib "RelativeURIError when trying to access an redacted object" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31943217:43
looldoko: ok thanks!17:43
cjwatsonmvo: do you have any idea what it is that causes all these "Package foo is already installed and configured" bug reports?17:44
RainCTseb128: Hey. I've got a question. The Zeitgeist binary package is currently called 'zeitgeist-core' but I think I'd better have it as just 'zeitgeist' now, any opinions on this? (basically what I'm wondering is whether a transitional package would be needed)17:49
* pitti chuckles17:49
seb128RainCT, don't bother doing a transitional package no if was never in stable17:50
pittiRemoving candidates:17:50
pittiia32-libs-tools 14 in karmic17:50
pittiment: (From Debian) RoThe Project; Most idiotic breakage ever17:50
pittioops :/17:50
* pitti wonders whether to remove it from karmic as well17:50
pitticjwatson, slangasek: does that touch our multiarch efforts? ^17:50
RainCTseb128: Great, so I can just rename it with the next revision?17:50
cjwatsonia32-libs-tools is the ia32-apt-get thing, isn't it? I didn't think that we'd changed our ia32-libs to use that (intentionally not)17:51
RainCTseb128: ok, thanks :)17:52
cjwatsonjdstrand: you could always edit the script temporarily and hardcode an e-mail address :)17:53
pitticjwatson: right17:53
pitticjwatson: no, we didn't, we still have the usual mega-.deb with the .so files included17:54
* pitti kills it, easy enough to revive17:54
slangasekpitti: doesn't affect us in the least17:55
ulaas_hi. what is the default theme for karmic gnome desktop?17:59
ulaas_still human?18:00
slangasekcjwatson: geser is reporting that a large number of the rebuild failures are false positives due to bug #412933; can we stop the rebuild run if it's ongoing, and do another one once that's fixed?18:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 412933 in eglibc "bayonne FTBFS with g++-4.4: wrong prototype for strchr()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41293318:00
slangasek(I'll look at fixing that in eglibc today)18:00
cjwatsonslangasek: I'd be happy to stop it, but LP timeouts loading the relevant page at the moment18:02
slangasekheh, ok18:03
slangasekgeser: ^^ :)18:03
cjwatsonI don't get it though, eglibc is clearly trying to arrange for C++ strchr(const char *) -> const char * and strchr(char *) -> char *, and the prototypes look right for that. What's wrong with it?18:04
cjwatsonobviously that makes no sense in C :-)18:05
cjwatsonit appears to have been a change made for ISO C++ conformance18:08
slangasekoh, really?18:11
jdstrandcjwatson: is backport.py supposed to be able to handle backporting to a suite where the package doesn't already exist?18:12
jdstrandcjwatson: eg, foo is in karmic, but not in hardy. should backport.py be able to put foo in hardy-backports?18:12
mvocjwatson: "foo already install and configured"> I think I have a fix in bzr18:12
slangasekcjwatson: do you have a reference handy?  (And if that's the reason, why is the eglibc code #if gcc_4_4'ed?)18:12
jdstrandcjwatson: it doesn't now, and I am deciding if I should error out more clearly or fix it so it works18:13
cjwatsonjdstrand: it ought to just land in NEW; if it doesn't, that's a bug18:14
jdstrandcjwatson: ok, thanks18:14
cjwatsonmvo: yay, I'd been wondering about that. Where, update-manager or elsewhere?18:14
cjwatsonslangasek: no, I'm just inferring from the fact that the relevant prototypes are guarded by #ifdef __CORRECT_ISO_CPP_STRING_H_PROTO18:14
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cjwatsonslangasek: note that /usr/include/c++/4.4.1/cstring does stuff with that definition as well, so I infer that glibc and libstdc++ needed to cooperate on it, which is probably why it's specific to g++ 4.418:15
mvocjwatson: in apt itself, it seems to mis-interpret a dpkg state18:15
slangasekI think when I was looking at it before, I didn't even notice the difference in the argument type18:16
geserslangasek: might not be the best reference but http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strchr/ talks also about two declarations for strchr() in C++18:16
cjwatsonmvo: oh, neat18:16
slangasekgeser: right - sorry for steering you wrong18:16
geserslangasek: so I can continue fixing it?18:17
dokolool: I don't rush the upload now, I'm going to upload gcc-4.4 before the glibc build. will do that tomorrow, leaving now18:17
slangasekgeser: yes18:17
slangasekgeser: and I need to re-do a fix to kismet, reopen a bug, and apologize to quadrispro when I see him :)18:17
geserslangasek: and you could also sponsor bug #42779118:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427791 in cwidget "[FTBFS] error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42779118:18
cjwatsonright, so the problem in bayonne is that strchr(tone, '/') returns const char * - i.e. the warning is regarding the return value, not the first argument18:18
cjwatsonor the error, rather18:18
statikhi doko, i'm having some problems with the latest python2.6 upload, bug #42800418:19
slangasekgeser: ack18:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428004 in ubuntuone-servers "building of python C extensions is broken" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42800418:19
cjwatson(it's being assigned to a char *)18:19
slangasekcjwatson: yes, now that I've been pointed at the real difference between the difference in the prototypes, I grok why it's a bug18:19
statikdoko, i don't know enough about setuptools to fix it myself, but i think that bug report shows exactly what is failing18:20
dokostatik: hmm, poolie did acknowledge that something like this was fixed with the recent upload18:20
cjwatsonslangasek: *nod* just spelling it out since I'd gone to the effort of looking :-)18:20
slangasekgeser: ack, will grab after I unblock some folks waiting on FFes18:20
oussamahello everybody18:20
statikdoko, yes thats what is so interesting about it! building in place was working fine for my team until today/yesterday18:20
dokostatik: will try to look at the weekend. I'm away now18:21
cjwatson(p.s. I *love* being able to do https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bayonne rather than having to download the whole source18:21
lamontbug 39670018:22
ubottuBug 396700 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/396700 is private18:22
cody-somervillepitti, Does apport include the contents of the DCD file in bug reports?18:27
gesercjwatson: I hope you didn't manage to stop the rebuild18:27
ScottKstatik: I can build C extenstions that don't use setuptools, FYI.18:34
cjwatsonmvo: have lots of duplicates ;-)18:34
loolpitti: Pushing new glib2.0 without --enable-assert-messages on armel as doko indicated he will only upload eglibc tomorrow18:34
cjwatsongeser: no18:34
slangasekwgrant: I don't suppose http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20090909.html has a way to incorporate successful archive builds from later versions of the package?  (i.e., auto-detect that the bugs have been fixed)18:34
geserslangasek: unless uploads to the main archive propagate also to this rebuild archive, a change in the script would be needed to check if there is newer version in the main archive than the rebuild archive and omit those packages18:37
slangasekgeser: sure - that seems like an obviously beneficial change to make to the script, though :)18:38
ograpitti, you guys discussed sabayon today ? i know sbalneav puts a lot of time into it but doesnt know much about packaging, it would be a shame to lose it18:42
ograpitti, he does all his work upstream and provides ppa's with our packages including his patches, i know it works fine for many people from his ppa, he just needs someone to spnsor and do the packaging from the motu crowd18:43
gesercan anyone advise me what would be the best fix for http://launchpadlibrarian.net/31643733/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.cmake_2.6.4-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz? libxmlrpc-c3-dev got split into libxmlrpc-c3-dev and libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev to let libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev into main. cmake build-depends on libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev and the missing header is in libxmlrpc-c3-dev. The options are now to move the18:43
gesermissing header to -core-c3-dev or merge the both -dev packages again as both are now in main (don't know why)18:43
cjwatsonmvo: should we consider a stable update for that apt bug at some point, perhaps?18:43
mvocjwatson: yeah, I think that is a good idea, lets see if its really fully fixed or if there are other corner cases too18:47
jdstrandcjwatson: fyi, updated backport.py to workaround the bug we discussed earlier and fixed synclib.py to handle NEW packages. backport.py and mass-sync both are working now18:50
jdstrand(commits 68 and 69)18:50
cjwatsonjdstrand: thanks18:53
mneptokbigon: FYI, i needed to manually re-install Empathy once the libs were updated.18:53
cjwatsonmvo: would you expect to see that bug on a package that does *not* have triggers itself?18:56
cjwatsonmvo: I've found lots on packages shipping triggers, which are presumably the same thing - but also lots on packages that don't seem to have triggers of their own19:01
cjwatsonmvo: I just searched for "already installed and configured" on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu19:01
mvocjwatson: the bug for packages that are shipping triggers (like man-db) should be fixed with bug #414631 (in bzr)19:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 414631 in apt "package man-db 2.5.5-1build1 failed to install/upgrade: package man-db is already installed and configured" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41463119:02
mvocjwatson: the others will need extra analysis19:02
cjwatsonok, I won't dup those19:02
* mvo looks at the output19:02
mvouh, many19:03
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statikScottK: ah thanks for pointing that out about non-setuptools, I'll amend the bug summary19:04
mvocjwatson: I can do that monday, sorry that I have not gotten around to that apt upload yet :(19:04
cjwatsonno problem, thanks19:05
looljdstrand: I dont get the changes in 427663??19:21
jdstrandlool: no, you wouldn't. the reporter was paulliu19:22
jdstrandlool: if you ack I'll process19:22
jdstrandlool: heh, that didn't come out quite right19:23
jdstrandlool: I was answering your question in the bug:19:23
looljdstrand: oh sorry19:23
jdstrandJamie, I'm core dev so I dont think I need universe-sponsors?19:23
jdstrand13:22 < jdstrand> lool: no, you wouldn't. the reporter was paulliu19:24
looljdstrand: I mixed it with my own syncs19:24
* jdstrand didn't mean to come of snarky :)19:24
looljdstrand: let me approve it hold on19:24
looljdstrand: approved thanks19:25
looljdstrand: and sorry19:25
jdstrandlool: sure! glad to help :)19:25
paulliulool: thanks.19:27
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NCommanderDoes anyone know how big the entire archive is ATM?19:50
sebnerNCommander: ah good to see you, Did you get my mail a couple of days ago (about vtk) ?19:52
NCommandersebner, no19:52
sebnerNCommander: I wrote to sonicmctails@gmail.com19:53
NCommandersebner, might have missed it (all the LP bug mail goes there)19:53
NCommandersebner, what was it?19:53
RainCTUhm.. Somehow knows how I can get apport to catch crashes of unpackaged stuff?19:53
NCommanderRainCT, package it :-)?19:53
sistpotyRainCT: use gdb :P19:54
RainCTNCommander: Heh. No, I want it for stuff under development19:54
RainCTsistpoty: Tried that, but gdb loves freezing my session when the app it's running crashes19:54
sebnerNCommander: vtk ftbfs on armel, lpia and powerpc and at least there seems to exist a fix in debian bts for armel and I asked if you can take a look at it. (and maybe the other platforms (They ftbfs on another position))19:55
sebnerhuhi sistpoty =)19:55
sistpotyhi sebner19:55
sistpotyRainCT: oh, that doesn't sound healthy for gdb19:55
sebnersistpoty: debian websvn telle me: Prepare nexuiz 2.5.1! \o/19:55
sistpotysebner: heh... must admit I've lost track a little bit of nexuiz19:56
NCommandersebner, looks like an EJAVAPROBLEM19:56
RainCTsistpoty: at least it's doing that for both gnome-shell and gnome-voice-control. Maybe it only happens with panel-related stuff :P19:56
NCommandersebner, got a debdiff? I'll sposnor it19:56
NCommander(after confirming a test build on armel or powerpc)19:56
sebnerNCommander: nothing yet because I don't have an armel machine to test so I wrote you a mail ;)19:56
sistpotyRainCT: you could set a limit for coredumpsize (with limit) and look at the core dump?19:56
sebnersistpoty: no worries, the commit message is 1h old ^^19:56
NCommandersebner, hrm, odd19:57
NCommandersebner, it was marked as NEW, but I didn't see it in my inbox19:57
sebnerNCommander: heh, no worries :)19:57
sebnerNCommander: I make a debdiff and you testbuild it? deal?19:57
NCommandersebner, how big of a diff do we have from Debian?19:58
NCommandersebner, I rather just NMU in Debian and sync it19:58
sebnerNCommander: aha! I just noticed that it seems debian fixed the issues19:59
sebnerNCommander: will need a merge though19:59
sebnerNCommander: dependency thing and python2.620:00
RainCTsistpoty: uhm I've done "ulimit -c 1000000", now what?20:00
NCommandersebner, do that, I'll sponsor the change20:00
sebnerNCommander: well, you can review if you want, I can sponsor myself ^^20:01
NCommandersebner, :-P20:03
sebnerNCommander: you are just the "armel" guy :P20:03
NCommanderand the powerpc, ia64, and sparc guy20:04
* NCommander kicks debbugs20:04
* sebner hugs NCommander :)20:04
sistpotyRainCT: yep, then you should get a coredump if you start it from a shell and it crashes. You can then inspect the coredump with gdb20:06
sistpotyRainCT: unless there's another limit that you also need to set, and which I constantly forget *g*20:06
RainCTsistpoty: ah, where is this file supposed to appear? didn't get anything in the cwd20:07
sistpotyRainCT: in cwd actually20:08
geserulimit -c?20:08
sistpotyRainCT: works for me at least: zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./test.bin20:09
sistpotyRainCT: unless the program you try to debug has its own segfault handler20:10
gesersistpoty: what's your value for /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern?20:12
sistpotygeser: core20:12
geserRainCT: and you?20:12
sistpoty(I don't have apport installed, maybe that makes a difference?)20:13
RainCTgeser: |/usr/share/apport/apport %p %s %c20:13
geserset it to core20:13
gesersee man 5 core20:13
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sistpotygeser: nice, thanks for the info20:14
geserif you pipe it to a command it doesn't get written to disk20:14
RainCTmaybe it just doesn't work with shell (it has a wrapper script and works as a plugin upon mutter or some weird stuff), I'll try it with gnome-voice-control but first I've got to eat something :P20:15
RainCTsistpoty, geser: thanks for your help :)20:15
sistpotynp ;)20:16
sebnerNCommander: http://paste.ubuntu.com/269358/ <-- if you are fine with it I'll upload it after a testbuild20:22
NCommandersebner, uploading to my PPA20:29
sebnerNCommander: I don't have any space left on / so pbuilder dies. Let's wait for your ppa ^^20:32
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NCommandersebner, one of the joys of having a devirtualized PPA is that I can test it on all architectures at once20:33
sebnerNCommander: that's why you are the guy whom I wrote a mail :P20:34
NCommandersebner, ;-)20:34
ScottKNCommander: Would you please rescore r-cran-timedate?  I'm very curious to know if my sparc hack worked or not.20:37
NCommanderScottK, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/r-cran-timedate/290.85-1ubuntu1/+build/123893920:38
ScottKNCommander: That should be enough.  Thanks.20:39
ScottKBTW, edge doesn't show the build score anymore.  Someone should complain about that20:39
NCommanderScottK, I see it20:39
NCommander    *   Start in 1 minute (7098709) Rescore build20:39
* ScottK looks again20:39
dutchieis this the right place to poke my branch getting merged?20:39
ScottKUrgh.  Started already20:40
NCommanderScottK, if it still fails, I'll have to look at it manually; my SPARC box crashed while updating upstart20:40
NCommanderthe upshot is it doesn't boot anymore20:40
sorendutchie: Depends on what it's a branch of.20:41
ScottKNCommander: If you want to work on sparc, figure out why xvfb segfaults (see the previous revision's build log)20:43
sorenmvo: ^^ That's your cue :)20:43
NCommanderScottK, sparc a miserable pile of fail ATM sadly20:43
NCommanderScottK, I'm trying to work out why silo is crying in the corner20:43
ScottKThat's definitely I higher priority20:43
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mvodutchie: I'm having a look at the branch now22:00
mvodutchie: could you mail the translators too that some strings change due to this? Or maybe manual unfuzzing in the po files is enough, it seems that not many user affect strings are affected (just ~3?)22:16
dutchiemvo: is that a translator's team?22:20
mvodutchie: there is a mailing list, give me a sec22:21
mvodutchie: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators22:21
mvodutchie: that is the mailing list - I upload the new pot to rosetta now22:22
mvodutchie: thanks very much for the branch, its merged now22:22
dutchiei think that's my first contribution to a FOSS project that's been merged22:23
* mvo hugs dutchie22:23
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wgrantslangasek: That's on my todo-list after I finish exams and stuff in a few hours.22:43
slangasekwgrant: cheers :)22:43
simon-ocody-somerville: bug 428104: I don't know why --without-ssl was in debian/rules and why it worked before22:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428104 in lftp "3.7.15 removes support for https" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42810422:57
cody-somervillesimon-o, I noticed that as well. autotools bug or something maybe22:58
zegustyDoes anyone know the driver level keyboard buffer size?23:01
cody-somervillesimon-o, ah, I see why23:07
cody-somervillesimon-o, new version of gnutls no longer ship libgnutls-extra-config23:07
cody-somervillehowever, lftp doesn't FTBFS it just happily continues with ssl support dropped.23:08
simon-ocody-somerville: ok, I see. but the --without-ssl is still nonsense. It should be --without-openssl23:09
* cody-somerville nods.23:09
cody-somervillesimon-o, just about to say that :)23:09
simon-ocody-somerville: I don't see where libgnutls-extra-config is used. Just libgnutls-config (which was also dropped)23:16
cody-somervillesimon-o, sorry, I meant to say libgnutls-extra-config and libgnutls-config23:17
cody-somervilleJust libgnutls-config is used23:17
cody-somervilleI have a patch but I'm having trouble running autoreconf23:17
simon-ocody-somerville: ftp://ftp.yar.ru/lftp/devel/lftp-3.99.14.tar.gz You can also check that package, it uses pkg-config to check for gnutls23:26
simon-olet me know if I can help out23:26
* cody-somerville nods.23:27
cody-somervilleThats how I'm doing it.23:27
cody-somervillerunning autoreconf on that results in the same errors so I think there is a bug in autotools or something23:28
cody-somervilleI'll have to patch configure its self I guess23:29
sistpotycody-somerville: can you pastebin the errors (for my experience, usually it's not autotools that produce the error, but rather broken Makefile.am's or configure.ac's)23:31

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