[03:09] where do you change the playback jump mount? [03:14] found it. [03:53] does anyone know if they are getting rid of the gui diskless image setup part in mmc, in karmic? [04:00] Egghead, i don't know, why? [04:01] i just installed karmic with repos installed, and the mcc doesnt have the setup area for diskless anymore [04:02] the part where u can run mcc to config the diskless image [04:02] Egghead, I pinged the author of that feature, but he is in germany and is likely asleep by now [04:02] just wondering if thats been 86'd [04:03] cool thanks for trying :) [04:04] btw karmic installed nicley [04:04] Egghead, that is great to hear [04:05] glad to see that the network setup allowd me to config for manual w/o any probs :) [04:05] every other time i had to manually edit stuff like resolv.conf ect to get static addys working [04:06] also it seems alot faster, i mean really noticable faster [04:08] awsome job [04:18] Issues with media keys, can anyone help? (other than google)? [04:19] It involves two usb keyboards, media keys and other fun stuff such as xmodmap. === Shadow__1 is now known as Shadow__X [17:53] hi there.. are crashes when scanning for channels in mythtv-setup expected/known problem? running clean mythbuntu 9.04 here [17:54] segfaults when trying to do a full scan based on given information and gives '"pure virtual method called" "terminate called without an active exception"' and aborted when trying to import channels.conf [17:55] teprrr, multicore processor? [17:57] superm1, yeah. just noticed a post in some ml saying that it works better on non-smp machines.. [17:57] teprrr, well there is a way to set the affinity of a single process [17:58] i thought it was like taskset -c 0 [17:58] and actually the mythtv-setup script already does that [17:58] oh.. okay.. I run mythtv-setup.real here :) [17:59] don't [17:59] there's a reason we have a wrapper script :) [17:59] yeah, apparently cli params work just fine with the wrapper too :) [18:00] (I'm trying to configure my system over x forwarding here :) [18:00] it would actually be a lot faster if you spawned a vnc server (with start4vnc or startvnc4, forget the command) and then run mythtv-setup in that [18:00] yay, works fine now. thanks :) [18:01] it's not as bandwidth heavy, and in case the connection is severed, things still run [18:01] i've found it far more useful for doing channel scans from a laptop over wifi that would normally take /ages/ [18:01] hmm, well, I'd prefer nx perhaps, but X forwarding seems to work just fine inside lan [18:01] though my htpc is connected over wlan to it [18:07] btw, does mythtv nowadays support limiting of live recordings? ie. if you left a channel on it'll start to remove it later? or does that depend still on changes in programs? [18:08] I busted my old installation with leaving a channel on and it filled the whole drive then :P [18:10] teprrr, sounds like you need to add the live tv timeout [18:16] tgm4883, okay. will look into that [18:36] Hello. During a recent update in mythbuntu xine, vlc and mplayer stopped working when playing DVDs. Xine says unknown buffer type and dies. [18:36] Does anyone know what this might be? [19:12] http://pastebin.ca/1562351 hmm, any ideas why mythfrontend frm my other machine fails to watch live from that other backend? [19:13] make sure the timezones are set correctly on both boxes [19:13] and check the log of the other box for what it's screaming [19:19] hmm, at least date on console displays the correct times [19:19] and watching it doesn't work directly from the backend box either.. [19:20] ahh, permission problem. changed the recording dir to somewhere else which wasn't owned by user mythtv.. [19:21] now it works, great :) [23:21] Does anyone know if the Twinhan AD-SE200 works with MythTV? [23:31] is anyone here?