
maxbThat will be the problem then00:00
Hosein-mec_maxb: i found my problem . i cant send my gpg key00:02
Hosein-mec_i dont know why it cant send ....00:03
Hosein-mec_it is related to my internet provider ?00:04
maxbIt's not just you00:04
maxbabentley: Are there any LOSAs contactable? keyserver.ubuntu.com has apparently fallen over00:05
Hosein-mec_keyserver.ubuntu.com in not accessible even via proxy ...00:08
mwhudsonperfect time for it to fall over, late evening friday uk time00:12
erichammondI just got added to ubuntu-virt on launchpad so that I could help manage bugs in vm-builder.  However, I am now also getting flooded with bug report emails for other packages like qemu-kvm.  Is there an easy way to turn these off if I'm only interested in vm-builder ?00:13
Hosein-mec_maxb: mwhudson: It appears to be back up now00:15
Hosein-mec_importing an SSH key is necessary ?00:27
mwhudson_Hosein-mec_: that's used with the codehosting00:28
mwhudson_Hosein-mec_: if you just want to upload to your ppa, you don't need it00:28
mwhudson_(yet, sooner or later the upload will be done over sftp i guess)00:28
Hosein-mec_what is codehosting ?00:29
mwhudson_Hosein-mec_: the code tab, hosting bzr branches00:29
Hosein-mec_ok thanks00:29
Hosein-mec_i uploaded my package to Launchpad successfully but didnt receive email from Launchpad yet00:32
Hosein-mec_and still no package in my ppa00:32
Hosein-mec_my source rejected : Unable to find distroseries: unstable00:49
Hosein-mec_how change name of distro ?00:49
Hosein-mec_my source rejected00:58
Hosein-mec_Unable to find distroseries: unstable00:58
Hosein-mec_how set name of distro ?00:58
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
erichammondIs it possible to subscribe (email) to bugs which have a specific tag (ec2-images)?03:06
mwhudsonerichammond: sadly no03:08
erichammondRSS feed?03:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 151129 in malone "Can't subscribe to a tag" [Medium,Triaged]03:08
mwhudsondon't think so :(03:08
erichammondAt least for newly submitted bugs or bugs which just got the tag added?03:08
erichammondHm, Guess I'll have to set up some polling or subscribe to all bugs an add crazy filtering or something.03:09
mwhudsonyeah, for now :(03:09
* mwhudson would have clicked me too on the bug, but he already had03:09
jumpkickhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/ urls are returning "Internal Server Error"05:13
mwhudsonjumpkick: which one?05:33
mwhudsonoh yeah, all of them05:34
jumpkickuh huh05:34
jumpkickI think there might be one load balanced that is still up05:34
jumpkickbut a boat load of the rest are down05:34
jumpkickguess there is either a maintenance thing05:40
jumpkickeither that or there isn't very good monitoring on them05:40
mwhudsoni just texted a sysadmin05:41
mwhudsonwe don't have full weekend coverage, sadly05:41
mwhudson_jumpkick: codebrowse should be back now06:39
tonyyarussojml: Okay, so I thought I knew what I was doing, but got an error I don't understand.  Could you take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/269565/ ?  (It created a branch, but didn't actually push anything to it apparently.)06:43
spmmwhudson_: is bounced?06:57
spmyes. coolio.06:57
mwhudson_spm: yeah, pjdc did it06:58
spmman I think I ate too many wedges & scones with that coffee. just want to find a nice peaceful comfy chair and doze. :-)06:59
jumpkickmwhudson_:  thanks07:09
dtohi. the github site lets you put up a wiki or even an html page. is there a corresponding feature in launchpad?07:39
dtoeven something basic would be helpful07:40
dtoalso, i can't seem to find how to upload one of the downloads.07:45
dtooh, i have to make a release.07:47
dtoso, what do people do to make basic webpages or a wiki for a project?08:03
noshelterwhat do u mean?08:07
noshelterwrite up the html :P?08:07
dtonoshelter: i mean, is there a way to host the page on launchpad, or some kind of wiki feature like google code and github have?08:11
nosheltersorry, dont know how to do that08:15
noshelterfor launchpad08:15
quentusrexWhat is the process for building a package for multiple releases?08:26
quentusrexdo I need to increment the versino and change the changelog for each type of release?08:26
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Hosein-meclaunchpad Accepted my package. how many hours takes launchpad compile package ?11:16
wgrantHosein-mec: Normally a few minutes. Which is your PPA?11:22
Hosein-mecwgrant: https://launchpad.net/~hoseinhz63/+archive/ppa11:22
Hosein-meci received some email11:23
wgrantIt failed to build.11:23
Hosein-mec[Build #1240248] lpia build of smooth-tasks 20090910-1 in ubuntu jaunty RELEASE (hoseinhz63 PPA)11:23
Hosein-mec[Build #1240247] i386 build of smooth-tasks 20090910-1 in ubuntu jaunty RELEASE (hoseinhz63 PPA)11:23
wgrantDid you specify any build-dependencies for your package? It doesn't look like it.11:24
Hosein-mecwgrant: how to find it ?11:24
wgrantHosein-mec: Sounds like you want #ubuntu-motu. That's the best place for packaging help.11:24
Hosein-mecok thanks11:25
AnMasterhttps://code.launchpad.net/~anmaster/cfunge/trunk <-- why does it say no revisions, because I pushed more than 10 minutes ago, and I thought that was the update delay for hosted branches11:26
AnMasterah now it works, 12 minutes hm11:27
wgrantAnMaster: It normally takes just a couple of minutes, but I think it can take a while if it's busy.11:27
Hosein-meclaunchpad cant build12:23
Hosein-mecanyone can help ?12:23
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=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: There is a Planet Launchpad | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer channel
tgm4883when filing a bug about launchpad PPA's, would that go here https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad18:08
tgm4883i'm there, but the text makes me think there is a separate place for launchpad components18:08
james_wtgm4883: you can file it there and it will be reassigned if needed18:18
tgm4883james_w, thanks, thats what I did18:21
lfaraoneHey, what's the recommended distro to do LP development on? (karmic or jaunty?)18:34
maxblfaraone: jaunty would be recommended. I'm of a few people leading a charge to make it work on karmic too19:23
maxbAt this point it's quite practical to develop on karmic, provided you use python2.419:23
maxbwhich isn't a supported version in karmic, though is still present19:23
dkohHi, I have a question I haven't been able to answer from the user guide.  I am trying to download a patch using apport-collect, but I accidentally revoked authority from it.  How can I give the program authority again to use launchpad on my behalf?19:39
maxbdkoh: *download* using apport-collect?20:05
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maxbdkoh: anyway, you probably want "rm .cache/apport/launchpad.credentials"20:11
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