
=== twohey_ is now known as twohey
meoblast001just out of curiosity, is it easier to apply patches in bzr than git?02:06
davidstraussmeoblast001: If you have the patch plugin installed, which you should on most platforms, it's just "bzr patch FILE-OR-URL02:16
meoblast001no wonder i don't use git02:17
meoblast001i just gave up on trying to patch a file02:17
meoblast001apply a patch rather02:17
davidstraussmeoblast001: Did bzr patch work for you?02:22
meoblast001i don't have anything to patch with bzr.. i just know i'm going to have to use it in the future02:22
meoblast001and wanted to make sure it wasn't as much of a PITA as it is with git02:23
davidstraussmeoblast001: You may want to run "bzr help patch" just to check that you have it installed.02:23
meoblast001i have Ubuntu so i'm assuming i do02:23
davidstraussmeoblast001: Hmm. It's not in bzr core.02:26
meoblast001yeah, i have it02:26
damijitI'm having trouble pushing my branch to an SFTP server.02:32
damijitI'm following the instructions here:02:33
damijitWhen I push the branch, everyone seems to complete successfully. But when I ssh to the SFTP server to look at my branch, only the .bzr directory is there. None of my files are there.02:33
damijitDoes anyone have any idea why this might be?02:33
davidstraussdamijit: bzr does not push a copy of the working tree02:52
davidstraussdamijit: There are plugins to do so, though02:52
damijitdavidstrauss: Thanks, I'm looking at this: https://launchpad.net/bzr-push-and-update/. My problem is that bzr is not install on the SFTP server (it is my school's server), so "ssh [remote] bzr update [branch]" fails. Am I out of luck, or is there some way around this?03:10
mheldhey y'all03:36
mheldI'm helping to teach a course in comp sci and I'm trying to use svn to deal with homework handins and assignment/lab handouts03:36
mheldor bzr03:36
mheldbasically [PUT VCS HERE]03:37
mheldwe have the students pair program through the year but then we have them switch partners a few times through the year03:37
mheldwe (ideally) want the students to see the same source when working together, but i'm not sure how we'd do that03:37
mheldI guess we could have one repo for all the handouts and push to each user account then let the students deal with sharing their assignment repos03:37
mheldyeah, I'll probably just make a webapp03:56
fullermdvila: I just ran selftest with up-to-date bzr.dev.  Still get the errors that seem related to nonexistent revs (and I forgot --no-plugins, so I get a stack of e.g. qbzr too, but that's another matter)09:10
fullermdvila: But the other stuff you fixed seems fixed here too.09:11
vilafullermd: thanks for the feedback, I'd really like to understand the difference between our setups,11:24
vilaso of course 1) Can you re-rerun with --no-plugins (or better BZR_PLUGIN_PATH=-site ./bzr selftest... which is more precise) 2) try again with python25 or 3) teach me how to install python-2.6 while retaining python-2.5 in FreeBSD11:26
vila2 & 3 are relevant only if you can reproduce the failures, but a mail or better a bug  with the failures would be really nice11:27
vilafullermd: I just upgraded the botnet to stop using '--no-plugins' which is one more step on the road to test a set of predefined plugins, but testing against several python versions may be relevant if your intuition is right there11:29
Lo-lan-doDoes automatic repacking run for each 10/100/1000/etc. revisions per branch, or per repository?13:00
jelmerLo-lan-do: repo13:04
Lo-lan-doGreat, thanks13:10
Lo-lan-doHm. Pushing a branch to a 2a repo running bzr 1.16 through bzr+ssh:// yields a "bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "'LocalTransport' object has no attribute 'startswith'")" errol13:18
Lo-lan-doDoes that ring a bell?13:18
Lo-lan-doThe resulting branch doesn't seem to be broken13:20
jelmerLo-lan-do: no idea, sorry14:00
jelmerLo-lan-do: seems like something is trying to use LocalTransport as a string14:01
Stavrosis it possible for me to use bzr with github (and git branches in general), or does it screw things up?14:41
jelmerStavros: no, that works14:43
jelmerStavros: I'm using it for some projects14:43
Stavrosjelmer: oh, amazing14:44
Stavroswhich plugin are you using it with?14:44
Stavrosi wanted to use github but i didn't want to switch away from bzr14:44
Stavrosdoes it discard any metadata or anything?14:44
Stavrospush isn't supported? what? :(14:46
jelmerStavros: I'm using bzr-git14:46
jelmerStavros: you can use dpush14:46
Stavrosoh, hmm, what's that?14:46
jelmerStavros: it throws away metadata that can't be stored in git14:46
Lo-lan-do(He's *developing* bzr-git :-)14:47
* Lo-lan-do grovels14:47
jelmerLo-lan-do: so are you now >-)14:47
Lo-lan-doNah, I'm trying to understand it currently.14:47
Lo-lan-doGot your mail, btw, I'll try to fix what you mention, but I won't be at home for a week.14:48
Stavrosoh yay, this plugin is awesome14:50
Stavrosno more pulling stuff on linux and copying to windows14:50
Stavrosnow let's see if it works14:50
Stavrosah, it doesn't :/14:51
Stavrosjelmer: are you trying to read a NamedTemporaryFile anywhere?14:52
jelmerStavros: We're doing something with temporary files14:53
Stavrosjelmer: that doesn't work under windows14:53
jelmerStavros: though I don't think we're using that specific class14:53
Stavroswell, it's failing for me and i'm not getting a traceback :/14:53
jelmerSee also https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr-git/+bug/38212514:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 382125 in bzr-git "Can't branch from remote repository on Windows" [Undecided,New]14:53
Stavrosbut if you want to do it in windows you need to make a file with mkstemp()14:54
jelmerI'm not on Windows, so not entirely sure how to debug that14:54
Stavrosis it in dulwich or in your code?14:54
jelmerdulwich is my code too :-)14:55
jelmerI suspect the code that's problematic for you is in bzr-git14:55
Stavroscan you check to see if you're using tempfile? i'm going to comment on that bug but i don't want to be irrelevant14:55
jelmeras far as I can tell we use tempfile.mkstemp everywhere14:56
Stavroslet me grep the code then14:56
Stavrosthat's odd, you're right14:58
jelmerI'll be back later today14:58
Stavrosah, okay, thanks for your help14:59
jelmerit could be that we're trying to open that file twice or something15:00
Stavrosyeah, might be missing a close()15:00
Stavrosso, someone branched off my revision 62 and made various changes to various files. i changed one file they hadn't touched, committed, and then merged their changes. bzr produced conflicts in unrelated files i hadn't touched. is this normal?15:07
fmi am trying to understand pipes. i have one pipe upstream where i created a file. now i switched to another pipe by bzr switch-pipe and i thought the file would be inherited, but it is not ....17:14
fmvila: is there a way to reorder pipes?17:21
blueyedHi. I've shelved local changes, merged (but have forgotten to commit the merge) and unshelved. Can I separate my local changes now again?17:29
blueyedI'll create a diff against the parent branch, then revert and patch. Looks like what I need.17:35
blueyedthis does not work as expected.. gives me a diff of change 7935 (tip) only: bzr diff --old lp:b2evolution -r7909 --new lp:b2evolution -r793418:02
blueyedhow do I get the changes between 2 revisions in a remote branch?18:02
blueyedoh.. I see.. r7909..7934 should do.18:03
blueyedseems like when using "-r" only the latter gets used? Shouldn't it error out then?18:05
RobOakesIs there any way to specify which text editor bzr uses for comments?  Right now, it looks like the default is nano.  I would prefer for it to use vi.18:12
LarstiQRobOakes: I recommend to set $EDITOR and/or $VISUAL18:13
LarstiQRobOakes: bzr respects those.18:13
LarstiQas do most tools.18:13
RobOakesThat's good to know.  Thanks for the tip.18:13
LarstiQRobOakes: otherwise, `bzr help configuration` mentions you can set the editor explicitly.18:14
* LarstiQ back to studying18:14
jam1LarstiQ: btw, I'm pretty sure it was nano because that is what 'alternatives' uses as the default editory18:29
jam1something like /usr/bin/editor ...18:29
LarstiQwe fall back to vi after that iirc18:29
=== jam1 is now known as jam
meoblast001if a file is moved, are things logged as a deletion and creation, or a move?19:32
luksas a move19:33
meoblast001it seems quite inefficient to me to delete a file and create a new one if both contain the same contents19:33
meoblast001luks: so it doesn't create a completely new copy of a file?19:33
luksyou mean in the repository, right? no, it just changes name for the file entry19:34
lifelessmoin moin21:24
lifelessjam: hi; wondering if remove_expensive_references should discard the null node as well22:18
GoundyI just did a wrong: bzr add22:59
Goundyhow can I undo it plz ?22:59
Goundynote: Haven't committed yet23:00
exarkunbzr revert23:00
Goundyow shit23:00
Goundyit fucked all up >_<23:00
mwhudsonbzr rm --keep the-file-you-added23:01
Goundywell it re-added my files anyway23:01
Goundythanks guys23:01
fullermdvila: (1) yields nothing unexpected; usual list of fails.23:08
* fullermd waves at igc.23:39
igchi fullermd!23:39
pooliegood morning23:41
lifelesshi poolie23:48
igchi lifeless, poolie23:49
* lifeless watches memory usage go past 5G23:52
* fullermd . o O ( `bzr memtest86` )23:54
lifelessfullermd: meliae - johns py_memory_dumps' final name23:54
lifelessfullermd: I'm tuning it to let me analyse a dump I got from the fast-import of netbeans, when that when up the kneebend @56K revisions23:54
lifeless28012 robertc   20   0 5352m 5.2g 1036 R  100 90.2  22:16.97 python23:55
lifelessso this is a dump, of the memory graph, of a 6.4GB runaway process23:55
lifelessI have 6GB of ram on this box :P23:55

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