
nixternalyuriy: that's what you get when you write software for Ubuntu I guess :/01:24
nixternaldoes it even have me listed as the author? or a author?01:24
nixternalor something?01:24
ScottKJust fix it an upload it then.01:28
yuriynixternal: it does -- i'm talking about the kaboutdata, you probably changed it01:35
nixternalI can't remember..I remember setting myself as the author and leaving the (C) for Canonical though01:39
nixternalI seriously don't care about the copyright...as long as it stays free software of course :)01:40
* nixternal goes and eats, then after than is going to send a railing email to the moveon.org idiots who claim to be "nonpartisan" yet bash republicans on their website and ask for donations to a democrat01:41
obamabug 42784104:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427841 in ubuntu "[FFe] new package kamoso" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42784104:43
obamawow, i was quite late on that one04:43
=== obama is now known as vorian
ScottKChange has been achieved04:43
vorianwithin each small move is the kernel of a radical change04:51
Sputapachelogger: weren't you working with scarabeus on the gettext branch a few months ago? :)06:03
Sputwe had it working "in theory", just that some setups wouldn't use translated strings :)06:03
Quintasanryanakca: ping08:41
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
apacheloggerScottK: kamoso dev already sent mail to lure and gilles09:02
apacheloggerproposing either a shared lib or improving the kipi interface or rewriting the code09:02
apacheloggerSput: in theory :P09:13
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apacheloggerSput: IIRC the only reliable soution is to use lowlevel gettext, i.e. it's c++ implementation directly09:14
apacheloggerand even then I would not know what to do with the ui files09:14
apacheloggerSput: I would just limit localization to the KDE enabled client :P09:15
apacheloggerAFAIK that is how marble does it09:15
* apachelogger just had an idea09:16
apacheloggerok, that is so insane it could actually work09:19
apacheloggerSput: following scenario: you stack klocale on top of the KDE integration using i18n() only inside KDE components, unless I am completely wrong KLocale should also ensure that tr() gets translated09:20
apacheloggerthen we use gettext to obtain two pot files09:20
apacheloggerone for qt only and one for KDE integration09:20
apacheloggerthe latter will manually add the qt one to the klocale translation catalog09:21
apacheloggerdepending on the cmake arguments we either build a mo or a qm09:21
apacheloggerso, if you build with KDE you get 2 mos per language, one kde and one qt09:22
apacheloggerif you build qt only you will get one qm file per language09:22
apacheloggeras insane as this sounds, it might actually work :D09:22
Quintasanapachelogger: ping10:30
apacheloggerQuintasan: pong10:30
Quintasanapachelogger: what should I add to rules when package is build like this "qmake dooble.pro && make" ?10:31
Quintasanapachelogger: I tried adding those to default rules but it keep failing because of 'clean' part :/10:32
apacheloggercdbs' qmake.mk10:32
Quintasanlet see10:32
apacheloggerQuintasan: you probably need to sort clean yoursef10:32
apacheloggerqmake is a PITA10:32
apacheloggerfor the developer and the packager and the user10:33
apacheloggerqmake is one big fail IMHO10:33
Quintasanapachelogger: debuild -S starts with clean, isn't clean supposed to run AFTER compilation?10:33
apacheloggerpoke upstream and recommend cmake10:33
apacheloggerQuintasan: no10:33
apacheloggerbefore and after10:33
apacheloggerthe source package needs to be clean aswell :P10:33
Quintasanbut I start with clean source, don't I?10:33
apacheloggerif you run debuild -us -uc you have poluted source10:34
apacheloggerwhich is why clean is always run before the source package is built10:34
Quintasandamn, each package I pick is fckd up or upstream is too lazy to fix it10:36
apacheloggerwell, all the more to learn :)10:36
Quintasantrain clock plasmoid borked, acetone was propably to lazy to sort out copyrighted images10:37
apacheloggerwell, you can always dfsg copyrighted stuff10:37
apacheloggerit usually is more annoying to upstream when users come whine about how there are no images than packagers whining about copyrights :P10:38
* apachelogger kicks hg10:38
QuintasanI found Silicon, looks better than Acetone10:38
apacheloggerdarn hg convert refuses to convert konvis full history10:38
* apachelogger imports konvi into git hoping that hg has more luck converting git :D10:39
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, acetone would be a no-go for packaging for me10:39
apacheloggerway too ugly website10:39
Quintasanhttp://www.hyperray.net/hyperget/silicon-auto-image-mounter <-- over 9000 times better10:39
apacheloggerwhy auto-mounter though?10:40
apacheloggerwhat is so auto?10:40
apacheloggercool :D10:40
QuintasanIt works just like daemon tools10:40
apacheloggerQuintasan: btw, did you cooridnate a KDE release packaging session yet?10:41
apacheloggeris that even comon these days?10:41
* apachelogger sure looks forward to october when he can jump in with all the godlike powers he got again :P10:42
QuintasanI don't think so. You mean session to explain what ninjas do?10:42
apacheloggerQuintasan: nah, to ensure they dont fck up10:42
apacheloggeri.e. revu all changes and basically jump for the important, yet difficult packages10:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna did some IIRC, he probably can explain when he gets up10:43
Quintasanfck, qmake is srsly a PITA10:43
* apachelogger notes that importing konvi into git takes ages10:43
apacheloggerQuintasan: told ya :P10:43
apacheloggerQuintasan: you most likely need to implement everything but qmake/make yourself10:44
apacheloggeri.e. clean and install10:44
Quintasanokay, two ways to get it to generate makefile10:44
Quintasandelete win and osx *pro files or hack rules :P10:45
apacheloggerdebuild will restore deleted files, so the former is an option10:45
apacheloggerif you want to learn something...10:45
apacheloggerimplement the whole build using low-level debhelper10:46
apacheloggeryou can pass a specific pro file to qmake IIRC10:46
apacheloggerso if you have ultimate control over the build you probably dont need to delete that stuff10:46
* apachelogger is wondering if the git konvi import takes the branches into account10:47
Quintasanthere is a noobs guide to debhelper or I need to go through manuals?10:47
apacheloggerstopped obtaining revisions at 665000 and searches up the revisions now ... at 835000 already :S10:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, there is a very very unuseful guide in the wiki10:48
apacheloggermaybe it improved though10:48
apacheloggerworth looking I suppose :D10:48
apacheloggersimply put: you need a clean target and a binary-arch target that depends on a build an install target, where install depends on build and build on configure10:49
apacheloggeryou might want to stamp build though :P10:50
* Quintasan never used debhelper10:50
apacheloggerit's best to start reading at the bottom10:51
apacheloggerwhat you need to understand is that debian/rules is for the better part a very simple make file10:52
apacheloggerthus makefile paradigms appy, like, every line break also equals going back to the execution dir ...10:52
apacheloggerreading it like a script might make sense though10:53
apacheloggereasier to understand10:53
apacheloggerso if you start at the bottom you have the phony targets10:53
apacheloggerthen binary which is really just a wrapper for binary-arch and binary-indep10:53
apacheloggerthis splitting is mostly useful when you need different stuff to be done for an arch:all and arch:any package10:54
apacheloggerboth "depend" on build and install10:54
apacheloggerif you look at install, it depends on build10:54
apacheloggerso build must be done before install10:54
apacheloggerbuild "depending" on build-stamp and that is depending on config.status10:55
apacheloggerin config.status you would run cmake .. or configure or qmake10:55
apacheloggeronce that is done build-stamp continues ensuring we are in the right dir10:56
apacheloggeryou can obtain information about debhelper scripts via their man page10:56
apacheloggere.g. man://dh_testdir10:56
apacheloggerthen it just runs make and creates a file build-stamp10:56
apacheloggerthat file is prevent useless runs of build10:57
apachelogger...look at the clean target youll see that there the stamp gets removed10:57
apacheloggerwhich basically means that make will only be run after a clean10:57
apacheloggerso build is done, returning to install10:57
apacheloggerthat again runs some dh magic to ensure everything is in place for make install10:58
apacheloggerone word of advice though ... for qmake in 90% of all cases it makes sense to abuse man://dh_install for installation rather than placing everything manually via the install target10:58
apacheloggeronce install is finished we return to binary-arch, all "dependencies" of that are now done and the binary-arch target is self is processed10:59
apacheloggerhere you only find a pile of debhelper scripts to build the package and place additional files10:59
apacheloggerI recommend you take a look at the manpages of each of those for clearity11:00
apacheloggerif everything went fine the dh_builddeb script builds the actual deb11:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: all clear? :D11:00
Quintasanyup, but knowing myself I will need to package two or three things before understanding it fully :P11:02
apacheloggernothing wrong with that :)11:02
neversfeldekformula was remove from koffice 2.0.82 again, but it was part of 2.0.81. How can I get it deinstalled when upgrading to 2.0.82, make koffice-kde4 replace kformula (>=2.0.81) ?11:03
apacheloggerneversfelde: you don't11:04
apacheloggerneversfelde: do we deploy via PPA?11:04
neversfeldeapachelogger: yes11:05
neversfeldeit is in the backports beta ppa11:05
apacheloggerneversfelde: kformula will get nuked when the koffice libs become incompatible with it11:06
Quintasanapachelogger: one question, what's the point of configure depending on configure-stamp?11:06
apacheloggerneversfelde: replacing it is quite ugly TBH11:06
neversfeldethere seem to be some files, which where in kformula-kde4.install that are now in kplato-kde4.install, so I will have to make kplato-kde4.install conflict with kformula11:06
apacheloggerQuintasan: prevent configure from being executed when it is not necessary ... all stamp targets are only to prevent that the containing stuff gets executed if the appropriate stamp file is available11:07
apacheloggerneversfelde: oh, then replace and conflict kformula with kplato11:08
neversfeldeapachelogger: k11:08
Quintasanso things like ./configure or qmake dooble.pro should go to configure-stamp?11:08
neversfeldethank you11:08
apacheloggerQuintasan: depends on the other available targets, but generally yes :)11:09
* apachelogger hg converts konvi git to hg :D11:09
apacheloggerthat is so freaking insane11:10
apacheloggerbest thing ever: you can't bzr fast-export branches with tags containing an epoch, git does not appear to be liking that very much and breaks on fast-import11:10
Quintasanapachelogger: debian/rules:21 *** missing separator (TAB instead 8 spaces?). Stop11:13
QuintasanI used TAB there :|11:13
* Quintasan is going crazy11:18
QuintasanITS ALIVE11:20
Quintasanapachelogger: exacly as I though, clean did not depend on anything, adding configure and build to depends helped :P11:23
apacheloggerQuintasan: why would you have to build before being able to clean?11:27
apacheloggerthat does not make sense11:28
apacheloggerthat is like: you have to fill your harddisk before you can format it11:28
apacheloggerthe quasselVskonvi codeswarm does not take konvi-kde3 into account while it was branched from trunk11:30
apacheloggerstill quite interesting11:30
apacheloggerat the time konvi went to the KDE 3 branch quassel grew quite a bit :D11:30
Quintasanapachelogger: I looked at it like this11:40
Quintasanapachelogger: a) you start with pure source b) you configure (+Makefile) c) then you build it(+ *.o files) d) you clean Makefile and *.o files11:40
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
apacheloggerQuintasan: you cannot assume that the intial source is purged11:42
apacheloggerQuintasan: always run clean11:42
apacheloggerclean must work anyway11:42
apacheloggerotherwise the package will get rejected11:42
Quintasanapachelogger: but it fail all the time11:42
apacheloggerso fix it :P11:42
Quintasansays - "no rules to make 'clean'"11:43
Quintasanno matter what I put there11:43
apacheloggerbatpaste your rules file11:43
apacheloggermake clean only works when there is a make file ;)11:45
apacheloggershould be distclean IMHO anyway11:45
apachelogger[ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean11:45
apacheloggerunless makefile does not exist run make distclean11:45
Quintasanah k11:46
apacheloggeralso, if you prefix any command with - an error will be ignroed11:46
apacheloggerso -make distclean11:46
apacheloggerwould have about the same affect11:46
Quintasanbut I lol'd since built deb file did not contain any binaries :O11:46
apacheloggerjust that lintian will bitch about it :D11:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: make install is defuncted11:46
apacheloggeras I anticipated :P11:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: use dh_install to put everything into place11:47
Quintasan $(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/dooble install11:47
Quintasanreplace this with dh_install?11:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: did you already take a look at the dh_install manpage?11:47
apacheloggerthe thing with dh_install is that it needs to be run for _every_ binary package11:48
Quintasanfirst let me deal with clean11:49
apacheloggerill explain meanwhile :P11:49
Quintasanso it shouldnt depend on build or anything11:49
RiddellLure: why do you have an unlock dialogue for autologin?  the whole point of autologin is there's no password11:49
apacheloggerso dh_install in the install target would work for your package11:49
apacheloggersay you add a -data package it will not work that well anymore11:49
apacheloggerthus it is common to have dh_install run in the binary-* target11:50
apacheloggersince those get run for every binary package anyway11:50
apacheloggerso just implement an appropriate debian/install file and remove the comment from dh_install11:51
apachelogger... it is already in your binary-arch target, just commented out :)11:51
apacheloggerRiddell: autologin to decrease login time but still being somewhat secure11:51
Quintasanokay, I want to know wtf is with this error about 8 spaces instead of tabs11:52
apacheloggerRiddell: like you turn on the pc and go get a cup of coffee, when you come back you just need to enter the password and can pointy click around11:52
Quintasanapachelogger: I need to put [ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean  in clean rule, right?11:52
apacheloggerRiddell: IMHO a very minimal usecase though11:52
apacheloggerQuintasan: yeah, replace your make clean with it11:53
apacheloggerQuintasan: do you have spaces somewhere that cause that error :P11:53
Quintasannow I need to know where the hell the binaries are put11:53
Riddellapachelogger: how do you set that?11:54
apacheloggerthere is a special setting for that in kdm11:54
apacheloggerlast tab of the KCM IIRC11:54
apacheloggeralong the no-password for login option11:54
Riddelloh I see it11:55
apacheloggerQuintasan: ../ by default11:55
apacheloggerQuintasan: depends on how you build really ;)11:55
Quintasanshit, this sucks11:55
apacheloggerthat is regular stuff no matter what is in your rules file11:56
QuintasanBinary is build in the source directory11:56
apacheloggerthe app binary :D11:57
* apachelogger thought the deb binary11:57
Quintasanyeah, and I need to put Icons dir somewhere11:57
QuintasanThis is harder than I expected11:57
apacheloggerthe harder the better I always used to think :D11:58
apacheloggernow I am too lazy to add more than 3 cdbs includes :P11:58
Quintasanapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/f64cdd090  <-- this is direcotry layou12:00
QuintasanI obviously need Icons, Images, Tab and Doc12:00
Quintasanalso qss12:01
Quintasanbut where I should put those?12:01
apacheloggerQuintasan: you might not12:02
apacheloggerQuintasan: first check the binary12:02
apacheloggerit is common that qmake binaries have all that crap embedded in the binary12:02
apacheloggerso at the most you need the app icon in /usr/share/pixmaps and a desktop file12:02
Quintasanlol, with Dooble we have 3 QtWebKit browsers :D12:04
QuintasanThey propably are not embedd12:05
apacheloggerway too easy to creat a browser these days12:05
apacheloggerwe should write our own12:05
Quintasanapachelogger: the icons are not embbed into binary, there are lots of files in Icons directory12:08
apacheloggerQuintasan: are none of them embedded?12:08
Quintasanapachelogger: nope, no icons until I manually select .cfg file from Icons directory12:09
apacheloggerthen it's getting dirty12:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: inspect the code12:09
apacheloggereither that thing would expect the cfg somewhere to be or you need to patch it so that it does12:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: please paste that file12:13
apacheloggerEgS: ping ping ping12:13
apacheloggerI am a sexy hot biatch12:13
apachelogger-(~/src/git/quassel/build:$)-> grep -r -i quassel_qt.mo trace12:14
apachelogger31892 access("/home/me/.kde/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/quassel_qt.mo", R_OK) = 012:14
apacheloggerQuintasan: that code is a bit different :D12:15
apacheloggerif the settings do not yet contain iconset, then add iconset with currentdir/Icons/...12:15
apacheloggerQuintasan: probably needs to be patched12:15
Quintasanwell, the browser right after compiling starts with no icons12:16
apacheloggerthough I find it insane that upstream writes that stuff to the settings object even if the user did not set it12:16
apacheloggerQuintasan: if you start it a second time?12:16
Quintasancompiling :P12:17
apacheloggerjust replace the code there12:17
apachelogger                      arg("Icons/nuvola/configuration.cfg"));12:17
Quintasanno icons even after 5 restart12:18
apacheloggeryeah, needs patching :P12:18
apacheloggerpatchy patchy12:18
apacheloggerand poky poky upstream12:18
apacheloggeryou might borrow the MSOD12:19
apacheloggeror was it LSOD12:19
apacheloggersomething that sounds like a drug for sure :P12:19
apacheloggerNightrose: ping12:20
QuintasanI will put Icons dir in /usr/share/dooble right?12:20
Nightroseapachelogger: pong12:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: yep12:20
apacheloggerNightrose: do you have Sput's mobile numba?... can you text him?12:21
apacheloggerI am close to a nervous breakdown12:21
apacheloggerthere he is12:21
apacheloggerSput: I HAZ GETTEXT12:21
apacheloggerwhat I was talking about earlier actually works12:22
apacheloggerright after creation of the kapp:  KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalog("quassel_qt");12:22
Sputdo we need to use i18n() at all?12:22
apacheloggernot at all12:22
Sputhm, and what happens with !kde?12:22
apacheloggernot the tiniest bit12:22
Sputand! can we convert our existing translations, or are I gonna make some people extremely unhappy? :)12:23
apacheloggerwe can12:23
apacheloggerthey need proof reading and stuff12:23
apacheloggerbut for the better part it seems to work12:23
Quintasanapachelogger: there are even java modules for Dooble XD12:24
apacheloggerbasically what we do is introduce a Messages.sh like KDE extracting all qt stuff to a pot and all KDE stuff to a pot (just in case you ever want i18n for some KDE specific strings)12:24
apacheloggerthen at build time either create a qm (which I did not test yet...)12:24
apacheloggeror a mo12:24
apacheloggerdepending on whether built with KDE or not12:24
apacheloggerthe existing translations should be convertable using gg://ts2po12:25
apacheloggerwhich seemd to result in a prety decent .mo for me12:25
Sputsould's cool12:25
Sputthough the "qm which I didn't test yet" frightens me12:25
apacheloggerme too12:26
Sputas we already tried that one back then and it didn't work for several people including me :)12:26
Sputbut maybe we did it differently back then12:26
apacheloggerwe tried mo loading in Qt I think12:26
SputI thought we were building .qms?12:26
apacheloggerI dunno :P12:26
Sputanyway, if that worked, it would be extremely cool12:26
apacheloggerlets see12:26
Sputof course, today is UI freeze :)12:26
Sputfor us12:26
apacheloggerworst that could happen is that a po and a ts need to be maintained, cross converted via ts2po or po2ts12:27
apacheloggeror get the gettext --qt export fixed up12:27
Sputsounds interesting in any case12:29
Sputwe prolly would get a ton more languages if that .po approach worked12:30
Quintasanapachelogger: there are some lines that look like (QString("%1/Tab/Default/search.html").arg(QDir::currentPath()));12:56
apacheloggeroh man12:57
Quintasanapachelogger: should I patch them to point to /usr/share/dooble/blash?12:57
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
RiddellLure: ok, I know what the issue is, I'll take a look at it when I get a moment13:02
LureRiddell: thanks13:03
apacheloggerRiddell: btw http://aplg.kollide.net/kubuntu/swarm-09-09-12.avi13:20
apacheloggerSput: even more btw http://aplg.kollide.net/kubuntu/KonversationVsQuasselSwarm/2009-09-13_12-22-19.avi13:20
apacheloggerSput: does the core actually have translations?13:22
apacheloggerthat needs special treatment :S13:22
Sputthough in the future we'll probably change that13:22
Sputwell, except for cli options and warnings and stuff13:22
Sputbut client-visible stuff should be generated in the client13:23
apacheloggerwell, I would pass cli option translations though low-level cpp gettext anyway :P13:23
apacheloggerqlocale seems like a bit of an overhead for that13:23
* apachelogger notes that po->mo->klocale seems to work pretty well alright13:24
apacheloggeron to qm13:24
Sputhuh, what's this swarm stuff about? looks fun13:24
apacheloggercommits over time of existence13:26
apacheloggerthough unfortunately I didnt get konvi in when it was in the KDE 3 branch13:26
Sputaah based on commit history13:26
Sputneat idea :)13:26
apacheloggeron the other hand that illustrates how that boosted quassel :D13:26
apacheloggerI am not sure how to handle that the core got translations of its own -.-13:27
Riddellapachelogger: commits to what?13:27
apacheloggerSput: could add quassel_core.pot13:27
apacheloggerSput: always make that a qm13:28
apacheloggerRiddell: version control13:28
apacheloggerwith a bit of fiddling it doesn't matter which VCS, nah, actuall a lot of fiddling13:28
apacheloggerquite useful if you want to know how many times Riddell did not manage to set his bzr nick :P13:30
QuintasanRiddell: Dooble is a PITA to deal with but I think I will finish it today13:36
Riddellthanks for that13:37
ryanakcaQuintasan: pong, hurray :)13:41
ryanakcaQuintasan: are you packaging all the little blurbs it seems to quasi-depend on? (ex, the search engine in runs as default)13:43
Quintasanryanakca: nah, just core13:43
Quintasanryanakca: there is epic mess with configurations for icons etc13:43
apacheloggerof course our patches are as buggy as always13:47
apacheloggerhoorays for cant remove language13:47
neversfeldeplease test koffice 2.1 beta2 from the staging ppa :)13:49
neversfeldekarmic only atm13:50
Quintasanthis is retarded14:51
Quintasanhttp://pastebin.com/f50c38a87 <--- can anyone tell why it complains about missing separator? I'm using tabs there14:52
apacheloggerQuintasan: can you upload the file somewhere?14:53
apacheloggeralso, what is the precise error14:53
Quintasandebian/rules:26: *** missing separator (TAB instead 8 spaces?). Stop14:54
Quintasanapachelogger: http://hs.quintasan.pl/rules14:55
apacheloggeryou have spaces14:55
apacheloggerQuintasan: what editor are you using?14:56
apacheloggeror are you doing echos and cats :D14:56
apacheloggerQuintasan: misconfigured maybe?14:56
apacheloggervim would by default tab debian/rules14:56
apacheloggerQuintasan: paste your .vimrc14:56
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
* apachelogger notes that cmake is freaking him out today14:58
apacheloggerQuintasan: set expandtab will replace tabs with spaces14:58
Quintasanthanks :O15:00
ScottKapachelogger: (about kamoso dev talking to Kipi people) Great.  I'll modify the bug to be less threatening.15:54
ScottKapachelogger: I got a U/I freeze waiver for quassel expiring tonight, so if you have any intent to help Sput push the translations stuff through, now would be a good time.16:00
apacheloggerwell it is b0rked16:01
apacheloggerSput: ping ping16:01
apacheloggerdoesn't make any sense really16:01
apacheloggerwhen I install current master and replace the german qm with my one built from a po the UI still stays translated16:01
apacheloggerwhen I use the same qm in a modified build it fails to translate the UI16:02
apacheloggerthe file gets access according to strace16:02
ScottKapachelogger: Just wave your little pinky with your near godlike powers and fix it up. ;-)16:04
apacheloggertoo lazy16:05
apacheloggerI might add 3 lines of cdbs includes16:05
apacheloggerthats about as far as I would go these days :P16:05
ScottKapachelogger: You might also want to see why vlc FTBFS on armel so maybe kamoso can build there.16:08
* apachelogger shudders16:09
apacheloggergood idea though16:09
apacheloggeron the other hand16:09
apacheloggerScottK: at this point kamoso does not even fit on a netbook screen16:09
apacheloggerso I doubt it would be much good on arm machines16:09
ScottKRight, it's mostly about having the stats look good.16:10
ScottKOTOH, N900 will have TV out and will likely run Kubuntu armel.16:10
ScottKSo who knows.16:10
* apachelogger needs more icecream but is too lazy to get the power cord for the netbook16:11
apacheloggermaybe I should ccache16:11
apacheloggermaybe I am approaching this from the wrong direction16:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
neversfeldewas someone able to test koffice 2.0.82?16:38
* apachelogger is still doing the build, install, fail, tryagain game16:39
apacheloggernow I even doubt my system, building unmodified quassel to check it actually would translate something16:39
neversfeldeapachelogger: you said something about correct bzr whoami settings, how do I do this?16:41
apacheloggerbzr whoami "NAME <EMAIL>"16:42
apacheloggerthough unless you ignore all sorts of warnings you should have done that already :D16:42
neversfeldemhh, I did this, but there seems to be something wrong, there is no link to my launchpad profile16:42
apacheloggeryour lp profile needs to have that email addy listed16:43
ScottKneversfelde: You can also set this up in ~/.bazzar/bazzar.conf16:43
apacheloggerI do not get it16:43
apacheloggerat all16:43
ScottKemail = Scott Kitterman <scott@kitterman.com>16:43
ScottKlaunchpad_username = kitterman16:43
ScottKneversfelde: ^^16:43
* ScottK should spell better too. /.bazaar/bazaar.conf16:44
* apachelogger takes a knife and jumps at Qt16:46
* ScottK prepares bandages.16:47
ScottK(playing with knives is dangerous)16:47
neversfeldemhh, there is a second lp account neversfelde-ubuntu, that seems to be the problem16:48
apacheloggeroh well16:50
apacheloggernow I don't get it anymore16:50
apacheloggerwth I must say16:50
apacheloggerQt Linguist 4.3 is Certified for Windows Vista16:51
apacheloggerWindows Vista and the Windows Vista Start button are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.16:51
apachelogger--qt                    C#-Modus: eine .dll-Datei für .NET erstellen16:54
* apachelogger aptget soures gettext16:54
* ScottK hands apachelogger a 'c'.16:54
* Quintasan grabs a chainsaw and goes to kill qmake guy16:55
Quintasanthis is fcking crazy16:55
Quintasanapachelogger: can I do something like if(something) then (do something) else (do something else) in makefiles?16:58
apacheloggerScottK: that appears to be a translation issue16:59
apacheloggeroh how I love rosetta16:59
apacheloggerthough I wonder what that is translatable to begin with :S17:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: aye, ask the google :P17:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: the rules example I linked to earlier is having some if condition IIRC17:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: though, why do you want to if?17:01
Quintasanapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/f9033394  <--- guess what debuild does first :D17:01
yuriyfound the bug with apport-kde but i'm not sure how to deal with this. there is no main window, so how do i run some code on exec()?17:03
apacheloggerQuintasan: didnt I tell you how to fix that? :{17:03
apacheloggertwo ways actually17:04
Quintasanapachelogger: this Makefile is from upstream17:04
Quintasanapachelogger: and I need to patch it :S17:04
QuintasanI tried dpatch instead of quilt, but guess what - dpatch uses make clean :D17:05
apacheloggerQuintasan: nuke your make distclean completely17:05
apacheloggerand clean manually17:05
apacheloggerand use your chainsaw to go after upstream17:05
QuintasanI finished Dooble, now I'm working on Silicon, this also uses QMindfuck17:06
yuriyseems like i don't have to exec() the KApplication and that's fine except I get a segfault17:08
yuriyon exit17:08
Quintasanapachelogger: hmm -$(MAKE) distclean seems to do the trick :O17:08
apacheloggerSput: it appears to me gettext only supports ts/qm v1 i.e. Qt 317:26
apacheloggeryet they reference 4.3.017:26
Sputpatch it then!17:26
apacheloggerSput: I'd rather do python or java than C17:27
apacheloggerespecially in gnu code17:27
Sputquite understandable17:27
apachelogger<!DOCTYPE TS><TS>17:28
apachelogger  <name>Menu</name>17:28
Sput"The GNU Gettext PO format, which is commonly used in Open Source projects, is now supported by Qt Linguist."17:28
apacheloggerthat is clearly not v2 markup17:28
Sputwhat is that supposed to tell me?17:28
Sputlinguist can edit PO files?17:28
apacheloggerSput: that you can translate po with linguis17:28
Sputbut we can't officially use PO with Qt17:28
apacheloggeraldn linguist is certified for windows vista17:28
apacheloggersee above17:28
apacheloggerthe qt writer was written 200317:29
Sputyeah, v2 markup has a version="2.0" property17:29
apacheloggerSput: hunt down Bruno Haible <bruno@clisp.org>17:29
apacheloggerhe implemented Qt 3 supports, maybe he can get us Qt 417:29
* Sput rather delegates that to someone who actually knows what he's doing17:30
apacheloggerwell, someone just needs to hunt him down :P17:30
apacheloggerI can take care of the blaming17:30
apacheloggerSput: if linguist supports editing po wouldn't it also support exporting that as qm?17:31
SputI wonder17:31
apacheloggerwould just seem logical I suppose17:31
apacheloggerit does17:32
* apachelogger tests if that works17:32
Sputwell yeah, you can open a .po and release as .qm17:32
spstarrdo we have PPA for the r6xx bits?17:32
apacheloggerSput: doesn't seem to work though17:32
Sputalso we couldn't do that at buildtime, could we17:33
Sputwe could ship the binary files though17:33
apacheloggerwell, it would mean that there is code17:33
Sputso what we currently have is that we can extract the strings into a .pot, we could translate that using gettext tools, but we can't create a .qm from that, right?17:34
Sputbecause the .qm it creates isn't compatible?17:35
apacheloggercreates Qt 3 qm17:35
ScottKSounds like time to file some bugs.17:35
Sput- C# with Qt: The support for Qt format strings has been updated for Qt 4.17:36
apacheloggermaybe linguist cant export properly because it lacks the context information17:43
apacheloggerif I add the appropriate context information of a string it works17:46
apacheloggerSput: the linguist approach might still work17:47
Sputthat would mean manual creation of the files, and shipping the .qm, right?17:48
apacheloggerah, nvm17:49
apacheloggercontext == classname17:49
apacheloggerThe translation context for QObject and each QObject subclass is the class name itself. Developers subclassing QObject must use the Q_OBJECT macro in their class definition to override the translation context. This macro sets the context to the name of the subclass.17:50
Sputthat's all Q_OBJECT does? :D17:51
apacheloggerit goes on anyway17:51
apacheloggerIf Q_OBJECT is not used in a class definition, the context will be inherited from the base class. For example, since all QObject-based classes in Qt provide a context, a new QWidget subclass defined without a Q_OBJECT macro will use the "QWidget" context if its tr() function is invoked.17:51
apacheloggerall this Qt makes me wanna puke right there on my desk17:52
apacheloggerSput: I recommend that you hunt down that gettext dude or at least file a  BR17:52
* ScottK suggests a laptop so apachelogger can have a better place to puke.17:52
apacheloggeroh and another BR for Qt "support darn standards"17:53
apacheloggeroh dear18:09
* apachelogger head-desks18:09
apacheloggerScottK: I just realized that the whole ruby-gettext to main was a complete waste of resources18:10
ScottKWell let's get it dropped out then ...18:10
apacheloggerfist let me do a reference translation18:10
yuriynixternal: you used sys.exit(0) for cancel in apport-kde, was that because of hanging or segfaulting?18:19
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=== xxxxxx is now known as siekacz
apacheloggerScottK: turns out I am pretty good at wasting time :S18:34
apacheloggeri18n() works just fine out of the box18:34
apacheloggerScottK: so, what do I do to get it back to universe?18:56
ScottKapachelogger: If it's not directly seeded (I assume not) just drop it from B-D/depends/recommends for the package in Main and it'll get done automatgically.18:57
* apachelogger prepares upload18:57
ScottKTechnically, it'll show up in component mismatches and some archive admin will move it.18:57
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
* ryanakca sighs, s/quit/query/20:37
shtylmanryanakca: I think the actions area should go all the way across20:42
shtylmanthe white on the side doesn't quite give the same effect imho20:42
shtylmanand I would put the stuff you have on the left over to the right20:42
ghostcubeheh i installed the karmic langiuage packages for kde 4.3.1 working like charm in jaunty :)20:44
ryanakcashtylman: *nod*. Have much experience with JS?20:50
shtylmanryanakca: a bit20:51
shtylmanive made sides that use it20:52
ryanakcashtylman: Feel like helping me out with a particularly annoying JS bug?20:52
shtylmansure...I can try20:52
ryanakcabug 38923320:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389233 in kubuntu-website "[wiki] title underlines overlap table of contents" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38923320:53
yuriyshouldn't that be a css bug?20:54
ryanakcayuriy: Yes, but it's caused by the JS. The rounding script we use adds a blurb that messes everything up20:55
shtylmanwhat does the rounding script add?20:55
shtylmanwhat modifications are you allowed to make to fix this?20:57
shtylmanryanakca: like...are you able to pull the table of contents out of a table tag and use an OL instead?20:59
shtylmanor can you only edit the JS/CSS?20:59
ryanakcashtylman: We're allowed to add whatever modifications to the theme we want. https://wiki.kubuntu.org/htdocs/kubuntunew/js/shadedborder.js , at the end of the file, '.sb, .sbi, .sb *, .sbi * { position:relative; z-index:1; }' is what's causing the issue21:00
ryanakcashtylman: iirc, the table of contents is an ol. We don't take care of that part though, it's done by moinmoin21:00
ryanakcaOk, so we can make whatever modifications we want to the CSS, Javascript and general page layout.21:01
shtylmanwhy not just use images to do this? why use javascript?21:01
shtylmandoes this validate :) ?21:02
* ryanakca forgets the original reasons... One thing is that it is *very* easy to change the appearance of the border using CSS, setup shadows, change the rounding angle, etc. 21:03
shtylmanhow did you find that that line was causing the problem?21:04
shtylmancommented everything else out?21:04
ryanakcashtylman: newz2000 did.21:05
shtylmanso we don't actually know21:05
ryanakcaRunning it in firebug, line by line also works, until that line, of course :)21:05
shtylmanI see21:05
ryanakcaAnd modifying that one line brings *everything* crashing down.21:05
shtylmanis there a way to turn *just* the rounding off?21:09
ryanakcashtylman: *just* the rounding? Yes. But it requires either modifying the theme or messing around with your web browser to block shadedborder.js21:12
shtylmanI see21:12
shtylmanany easy way to block shadeborder.js in firefox?21:12
ryanakcaMight be able to tinker with scriptblocker or firebug21:15
shtylmanryanakca: well, the easiest thing first is to remove z-index: 1 altogether...that seems to at least make the lines go under the contents box21:16
shtylmannvm...firebug was just acting up21:21
LureRiddell: anybody working on updated knm package: I think bug 424606 would be nice if fixed before next alpha...21:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424606 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement "knetworkmanager crashed with SIGSEGV in __dynamic_cast()" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42460621:24
RiddellLure: last I looked knm only compiles with KDE trunk now, I haven't seen wstephenson around to enquire21:24
Riddellyou're welcome to try21:24
LureRiddell: we just grab dir snapshot from playground?21:25
* Lure never looked into plasma version of knm21:25
JontheEchidnaI know that there has been some work in making knm compile with 4.321:28
JontheEchidnaI'm fairly sure that it was committed in the regular playground location too21:29
ryanakcashtylman: back. Anyways. Watch what happens when I remove it... *tries*21:30
shtylmanryanakca: yea...removing it isn't great .. :)21:30
ryanakcaYou saw?21:30
shtylmanwell, I removed it myself... and yea...21:31
ryanakcaWell, we could drop the rounding altogether. Have one long column that goes from the top of the page to the bottom of the page, no gap.21:36
shtylmanryanakca: can you remove the routing temporarily?21:36
shtylmanI want to grab a source of the page without the rounding21:36
shtylmanotherwise firefox save-as grabs the rounding infected one..21:37
ryanakcashtylman: just remove the shadedborder line at the top and the <script ...> *.render('.*'); </script> lines at the end from the saved version21:38
shtylmanI did...and it still has the rounding...21:39
ryanakca... odd. I'll take it out from wiki.ryanak.ca/kubuntu/ for you, just a sec21:43
shtylmanryanakca: its ok...I just got a wget of the html file21:45
ryanakcashtylman: done21:46
shtylmanryanakca: fixed :)22:14
shtylmanryanakca: ok...so the fix I have is all in the shadedborder.js file22:14
shtylmanryanakca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/270528/22:15
shtylmanthats one part of it22:15
shtylmanryanakca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/22:16
shtylmanthe other part22:16
shtylmanmy bad22:16
shtylmanok..so the first part is to replace lines 236 or so in the js file22:17
shtylmanand the second part replaces the last few lines22:17
ryanakcashtylman: Awesome. I'll look at it after supper, thanks :)22:23
shtylmanno prob...enjoy22:24
JontheEchidnavorian: could you look at bug 427677 for a second ack please?22:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427677 in kgmailnotifier "[FFe] New upstream release (kgmailnotifier 0.5.0)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42767722:35
JontheEchidnahmm, new upstream release again...22:36
JontheEchidnait's at now (translations)22:36
JontheEchidnamaybe it'd be better to just get this FFe through, then I can upload after since it's a bugfix release22:37
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