
newserhello, does karmic have a better support for inter videocards?00:00
HaeginsServerBroHi, anyone able to help me recover an ubuntu karmic server install00:02
HaeginsServerBroit crashed earlier today and when I rebooted it grub gave errors00:03
HaeginsServerBroNow I'm booting off a unetbootin ubuntu image and it's giving me BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 61s! [depmod:775] errors00:04
HaeginsServerBrook, looks like it might have been a BIOS issue...00:08
DaekdroomWhich command access the GUI where I can config GDM?00:16
maxbDaekdroom: there is no such GUI00:27
Daekdroommaxb: thanks00:27
DaekdroomJust making sure I wasn't missing something.00:27
maxbSomeone is supposed to be writing one IIRC, but I'm pretty sure it's not arrived yet00:28
maxboh, actually00:28
maxbbut it looks REALLY basic so far00:29
DaekdroomYeah. I checked it.00:29
DaekdroomSome versions ago it could configure almost anything.00:29
maxbYes, but gdm got a total rewrite upstream00:30
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AylaI lost the "gnome-sound-properties" program, which should be in the "gnome-control-center" (apt-file told me so), but I can't retrieve it even with reinstalling gnome-control-center, any ideas ?01:10
twrightAyla, you can get it back with sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop01:10
Aylatwright: I already tried that (with apt-get), the problem is still here01:11
twrightjust a sec then01:11
AylaIt's not my day xD01:11
twrightAyla, you could try reinstalling gnome-audio01:12
Aylatwright: reinstalling ? it was not installed01:13
twrightpulseaudio is now integrated into gnome so you can not just remove it01:13
twright"it was not installed", I think that this was the problem01:14
Aylatwright: no :( I installed it, and the program "gnome-sound-properties" is still missing01:14
twrightin that case you might be able to see if all of the recommends of the ubuntu-desktop package are installed via synaptic01:15
Aylatwright: it seems so01:17
twrightin that case are libcanberra-pulse and all of the recommend of gnome-media installed?01:18
Aylalibcanberra-pulse is not01:19
twrightthen in that case it and pulse  audio should be01:20
twrightyou could try sudo aptitude install libcanberra-pulse pulseaudio pulseaudio-esound-compat  pulseaudio-module-bluetooth pulseaudio-module-gconf pulseaudio-module-udev  pulseaudio-module-x11 ubuntu-desktop01:22
Aylatwright: same problem again and again :/01:25
twrightAyla, well it  should not be too difficult from here01:25
twrightdid the above command do any good?01:26
Aylaeverything was already installed, I tried reinstalling, but no chance01:26
sunshinepantsdoes anyone use quake 3 arena on ubuntu?01:28
twrightAyla, Is sound preferences missing from both the panel and menus then01:28
twrightsunshinepants, I do (or at least mods)01:28
sunshinepantstwright: I use the point release and sound doesn't work.  Mouse is also not working01:29
twrightAyla, very weird - it many have broken some packages in removing pulseaudio so you could try fix broken packages in recovery mode01:30
Aylatwright: ok, I'll do that01:30
twrightsunshinepants, I don't think quake likes pulseaudio01:30
twrightAyla, good luck :-)01:31
Aylanow bed time @_@01:31
twrightsunshinepants, are other similar games (i.e. openarena) working well01:33
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
sunshinepantstwright: I thought pulseaudio's whole thing was transparency for alsa / oss apps.  actually I have no other games, well doom3 and quake4, half life2.  none work on linux natively afaik01:33
twrightsunshinepants, doom3 and quake4 should01:34
twrightanyway the sound on older games sometimes does not work well01:34
sunshinepantstwright: really? that is good news.  so I guess you are straight alsa-only?01:45
twrighttwright, actually I am using pulseaudio as I don't really have that much of a gaming system01:46
twrightalthough you can suspend it when playing01:46
sunshinepantstwright: are you talking to yourself? j/k01:51
twrightoops, it appears so01:52
sunshinepantsit appears everything with q3a is good except for that, hopefully the mouse thing is also easy to fix.  It will be a while before I can test again01:53
twrightare you also on quake live?01:55
twrightsunshinepants, are you also on quake live?01:57
sunshinepantstwright: no, I installed it but it was just not as nice as playing native quake/quake3.. I'm logging this so leave your handle and I'll add you.  I'm not even sure that I can add people I'm just assuming that exists01:58
Andre_Gondimdoes anyone know which GNOME Karmic will be release, 2.28 or 2.28.101:58
twrightadmiral_pain, see you sometime01:58
twrightAndre_Gondim, probably whatever fits the schedule01:59
Andre_GondimTwigathy, the gnome 2.28.1 will be release one week before the karmic release02:00
twrightAndre_Gondim, if you ask on the mailing list someone might be more likely to know02:00
odinsbanewow so the 2.6.31 kernel is released, and it appears to compile the latest fglrx drivers.02:00
twrightI doubt they will go to 2.28.1 as it will be in rc then02:01
twrightthey might add it later02:01
twrightodinsbane, but not for any older cards :-(02:01
musikgoathi, whats the username and password that can be used when running the installer and jumping to a tty?02:09
musikgoati'd like to check for some files in a partition and don't want to go back through the installer again if i don't have to02:09
Nattgewif you run sudo it won't ask02:10
NattgewI think ubuntu is the username02:10
musikgoatNattgew: i'm at a login02:10
musikgoatwondering if there is a default username password when running the installer02:11
NattgewI think ubuntu is the username, no password02:12
musikgoatNattgew: hah, i tried lots of generic words, but not leaving it blank02:13
odinsbaneWell it fglrx installs now, but I still don't get compiz.  Has anybody reported anyluck with ATI and karmic?02:13
NattgewI had an older card work with karmic... I think with the radeon driver02:18
kuaeraI just upgraded from kubuntu jaunty to karmic [in order to try amarok 2.2 - I figured it was safe] and am experiencing extreme graphical corruption on most plasma elements.02:33
Nattgewkuaera, what graphics card are you using?02:35
kuaeraNattgew: On that computer, ATI Mobility 7500, I believe02:36
kuaeraNattgew: ...admittedly, glxgears performance is up 350%.02:37
kuaeraNattgew: It's an M7 core; though the corruption is ONLY on plasma. I can view GTK/Qt applications just fine, and the wallpaper/cashew are okay.02:40
kuaeraWould this be some kind of Qt regression?02:48
musikgoatheh, not a good start so far, installed karmic alpha 5 nbr on an eee, and get fsck errors on the first boot02:49
kuaeramusikgoat: Och.02:49
musikgoatits saying last mount time is in the future, i fsck.ext4 /dev/sda1 and it fixes the problem, then reboot gives the same error02:50
musikgoatmaybe the hwclock needs to be reset02:50
malnilionmusikgoat, did you try running just a simple fsck?02:53
malnilionRather than fsck.ext4?02:53
musikgoatmalnilion: the error was because i only fsck'ed the one partition, not the other02:54
musikgoati mis-read02:54
musikgoati'm at the desktop now02:55
musikgoatthanks though02:55
malnilionGlad you're up and running.02:55
kuaeramalnilion: Do you have any suggestions for me? :/02:56
malnilionThat is a very strange issue kuaera and I have no idea lol02:57
musikgoathmm, but the trackpad is not working :P02:57
kuaeramusikgoat: I got that sometimes with certain kernels.02:57
musikgoatok, apt-get upgrading packages to give that a shot first03:00
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Nattgewwhen I right click on a folder, it says Open Folder and then Browse Folder... they do the same thing... is that a new Gnome thing?03:39
Nattgewevidently that's only on the desktop...03:40
crdlbNattgew: by default, nautilus uses spatial mode, which is why there are two choices03:40
crdlbubuntu changes the default03:40
crdlbI would expect that the browse option would go away if browse is the default, so that might be a bug03:41
crdlb"if browse is the current default mode", I mean03:42
Nattgewis there a way to change that mode?03:42
crdlbto spatial?03:42
Nattgeware the options browse and spatial?03:42
crdlbpreferences -> Behavior > always open in browser windows03:43
Nattgewok, thanks, that's interesting, I never noticed that03:44
raymondjtothhi how i install esound in ubvuntu 9.10?04:10
raymondjtothhow i install esound in ubuntu 9.1004:11
raymondjtothi took out paluse since dint like me im running 9.1004:11
raymondjtothany one willing to help me04:12
raymondjtothgot no sound untill i put them in04:12
idyllic hi, i am on Karmic Alpha 5. I am unable to add my computer to ubuone account. When I start the client applet, It doesn't bring up the page for me to add my computer.04:13
raymondjtothany one know how to add esound in ubuntu 9.10?04:13
raymondjtothany one?04:15
raymondjtothok i removed the paluse didnt play well how i install esound in ubuntu 9.2004:20
raymondjtothi mean 9.1004:20
raymondjtothany one here see my text04:22
dtchenyou did what? removed pulse and now want to install esound?04:23
raymondjtothdtchen yes pulsed gave me trubble with one softwere im using04:23
raymondjtothhow do i get esound04:23
dtchenwell, i presume you'd want apt-get install esound, then04:23
dtchenon the other hand, which software was giving you trouble?04:24
raymondjtothto meny04:24
raymondjtothto meny to name here04:24
dtchenyou said "one"04:24
dtchenis it "one" or "many"?04:24
raymondjtothi did it install it when i go to click sound i get waiting for sound dtchen04:24
dtchen(sigh, i wish there were a bit of consistency...)04:24
raymondjtothwhat i do now and dont get a sound mixer eather with esound04:24
raymondjtothwhat i do now04:24
dtchenthe sound stack is pretty fragile, and you've just gone and made it a bit more messy, unfortunately.04:25
raymondjtothdtchen how i fix this04:25
raymondjtothwith so,thing that works04:25
raymondjtothi need sound04:25
dtchenmy recommendation is that you revert all your changes to pulseaudio, and we walk through the troubleshooting04:25
raymondjtothi want better than pulse04:26
raymondjtothi like to leqarn im a disability person04:26
raymondjtoththats why i ask need easy to config with my atisum04:26
raymondjtothdt hope understand04:26
dtchenno, i'm a bit confused04:26
dtchenplease explain the precise problem(s) to me.04:27
raymondjtothdt im a disability person and a driver for sound that is easy to config like windows ones are04:27
raymondjtothwhat i got pulse to hared for me04:27
idyllic hi, i am on Karmic Alpha 5. I am unable to add my computer to ubuone account. When I start the client applet, It doesn't bring up the page for me to add my computer.04:27
dtchenraymondjtoth: are you using a current desktop cd?04:28
raymondjtothwhat i do now dt04:28
raymondjtothi liked the one in ubuntu 9.04 dt how i get it in ubuntu 9.10 what 9.04 has04:28
dtchenraymondjtoth: (e.g., http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/karmic-desktop-i386.iso )04:28
raymondjtothdt no i installed to hd04:28
dtchenraymondjtoth: do you have a desktop cd of one of the 9.10 alphas?04:29
raymondjtothdt i all ready installed it04:29
raymondjtothas upgrade04:29
dtchenraymondjtoth: yes, i know you've installed it, but you don't have a pristine system, and so troubleshooting tends to be much more difficult04:29
raymondjtothdt o ok will do04:29
raymondjtothso for my sound how i get what 9.04 soudn has in ubuntu 9.1004:30
raymondjtothwill get it if need it04:30
raymondjtothdt what i do to get this sound04:31
dtchenraymondjtoth: i recommend you download and write that image to a cd, then reboot into it, and come back here04:32
raymondjtothim in it04:32
raymondjtothwhat i do04:32
dtchenraymondjtoth: are you in the _current_ daily-live or alpha 5? alpha 5 is not new enough.04:33
raymondjtothi have new one dt04:33
dtchenraymondjtoth: ok, so you've rebooted into the current desktop cd? now, are you logged into GNOME?04:34
dtchenraymondjtoth: if you use rhythmbox, does sound audible?04:34
dtchenraymondjtoth: if you use rhythmbox, is sound audible?04:34
raymondjtothi hear sound04:34
dtchenraymondjtoth: ok, so which application is giving you problems?04:35
raymondjtothdt want to try differfnt sound driver04:35
raymondjtothbetter than pulsed one04:35
dtchenraymondjtoth: sorry, what's the problem?04:35
raymondjtothmy ipod and meny err04:35
raymondjtothwith pulse i get04:35
Moon_Gloriouswubi work with 9.10?04:35
raymondjtothwant to take it off so can get somthing that dont get me mad04:35
raymondjtothat all04:35
raymondjtothand start throwing thing04:35
dtchenraymondjtoth: what are you using your ipod with that pulse gives you problems?04:36
dtchenraymondjtoth: i don't understand what "yes" means in that context04:36
raymondjtothmy ipod has problem with pulse04:36
dtchenraymondjtoth: what program(s) are you using to play music from your ipod?04:37
raymondjtothdt what driver cna i used04:37
raymondjtoththe default one04:37
dtchenraymondjtoth: rhythmbox? the one you just tested?04:37
raymondjtothdt thats it04:37
dtchenraymondjtoth: what does rhythmbox or your ipod do instead of play the music you want?04:37
raymondjtothonly dose this when ipods on here04:38
raymondjtothdt what driver i got04:38
raymondjtothfor option04:38
dtchenraymondjtoth: only does what?04:38
dtchenraymondjtoth: does rhythmbox (the music player) crash?04:38
raymondjtothdt i get when i play somthing of ipod or install it pulse needs to close04:39
raymondjtothand report it ever yimer04:39
raymondjtothever time04:39
dtchenraymondjtoth: let's attempt to reproduce the bug so i can get information to fix it, ok?04:39
raymondjtothi took off pulse sound]04:39
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raymondjtothall ready if boot into ubuntu04:39
dtchenraymondjtoth: you need to be using a live cd, not what you have installed on the hd04:40
raymondjtothi just tryed playing somthing and sed pulse need to close04:40
raymondjtothftom ipof04:40
dtchenraymondjtoth: please open Applications > Accessories > Terminal, and in it, type: apt-cache policy pulseaudio|grep ^ii04:41
dtchenraymondjtoth: please open Applications > Accessories > Terminal, and in it, type: apt-cache policy pulseaudio|grep Installed04:41
raymondjtothok done04:42
dtchenraymondjtoth: what does the second command give you?04:42
raymondjtothjust a blinking vurser04:42
dtchenraymondjtoth: the second one, meaning: apt-cache policy pulseaudio|grep Installed04:43
raymondjtothInstalled: (none)04:43
dtchenraymondjtoth: please reboot into the live cd04:43
raymondjtothim in live cd04:43
raymondjtoththats what i get04:43
dtchenraymondjtoth: you need to have pulseaudio installed _and_ running04:44
raymondjtothhow i di that04:44
raymondjtothhow i reinstall it like was04:44
raymondjtothso it running04:44
raymondjtothdt i like this driver my self HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer)04:44
raymondjtothdt how i get the  HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer) installed04:45
dtchenraymondjtoth: that's already being used. pulse runs on top of it.04:45
raymondjtothi lobe them and easy for me04:45
raymondjtothi want too yse it by self make it easy for me04:45
raymondjtothim a disability person makes it easy for me04:46
dtchenif you've set it to that, then you're using it.04:46
raymondjtoththan pulse it04:46
raymondjtothdt how do i i got no sound driver installed04:46
raymondjtothnot even paulse04:46
dtchenpulse is not a sound driver04:47
raymondjtothdt can you helo me get driver installed04:47
dtchenyou already have a sound driver installed04:47
dtchensee: cat /proc/asound/cards04:47
raymondjtothwhat i do i hear no sounbd04:47
raymondjtothi removed pulse04:47
dtchenthen you need to use alsamixer04:48
raymondjtoth0 [Intel          ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel04:48
raymondjtoth                      HDA Intel at 0xefebc000 irq 2104:48
dtchenor, you can apt-get install gnome-alsamixer04:48
raymondjtothdt what recamend for this one to install04:48
raymondjtothand how do i04:48
dtchenif you want to use alsa direct, then just apt-get install gnome-alsamixer04:48
raymondjtothgnome-alsamixer is already the newest version.04:49
raymondjtothThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:04:49
raymondjtoth  rtkit libgconfmm-2.6-1c204:49
raymondjtothUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.04:49
raymondjtoth0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:49
raymondjtothi get that04:49
raymondjtothwhat i do04:49
raymondjtothwaiting for sound i get when open sound up04:49
dtchengnome-alsamixer has a menu entry; it should be in Sound & Video04:51
raymondjtoththere we go04:51
raymondjtothhow i add so it stat with ubuntu04:52
raymondjtothso i see it like windows dose04:52
dtchenyou can add it to your startup programs04:53
dtcheni don't use GNOME, so i'm afraid i'm not the best person to walk you through it04:53
raymondjtothok how i get sounds to work like ubunt 9.04 did04:53
billybigriggerthat was a waste of a dual-layer disc04:57
billybigriggerhow do i tell if my dvdrw is DL capable? i always thought it was, g-d-u is no help, and neither is lshw04:57
raymondjtothdt how i add it to start up04:59
billybigriggerraymondjtoth, System>Preferences>Startup Applications05:00
raymondjtothbillyu trying to add alsa mixer to start05:01
raymondjtothwere do i finde it05:01
billybigriggeri just told you05:01
raymondjtothno once i brose for it05:01
billybigriggerthen click "Add"05:01
raymondjtothor eddit one05:01
billybigriggerdon't edit one05:02
billybigriggerADD one05:02
raymondjtothbilly how i get this to read it05:02
raymondjtothbill system and then preference and then sound05:03
raymondjtothwhen i click that i get waiting for sound to start05:03
raymondjtothwhat i do to fix it05:03
billybigriggersorry i wish i could help more05:04
billybigriggerthis cowboy is off to bed05:04
raymondjtothor any ome05:04
raymondjtoth system and then preference and then sound05:05
raymondjtoth<raymondjtoth> when i click that i get waiting for sound to start05:05
raymondjtoth<raymondjtoth> what i do to fix it05:05
raymondjtoth system and then preference and then sound05:05
raymondjtoth<raymondjtoth> when i click that i get waiting for sound to start05:05
raymondjtoth<raymondjtoth> what i do to fix it?05:05
billybigriggerhey raymondjtoth05:05
billybigriggerthat must be a bug05:05
raymondjtothbilly yes05:05
billybigriggerwhen i launch pavucontrol i get "waiting for sound" aswell05:06
billybigriggerdtchen, aware of this?05:06
raymondjtothno i uninstalled pulse and tryed to install esound05:06
raymondjtothand got only then05:06
raymondjtothsound i update05:07
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.05:07
raymondjtotho ok05:08
FlakeparadigmI have two questions.05:15
Flakeparadigmtwo issues, more or less05:15
Flakeparadigm1) Have the Nvidia drivers been fixed for the new kernel?05:16
dtchenwhich drivers?05:16
Flakeparadigmgraphics drivers, speciffically 137 I think it is05:16
billybigriggerwe're on 185.xx.xx now :P05:16
dtchen185.18.36 works fine with the current Karmic kernel05:17
dtchenit seems like 173.14.20 does, too05:17
Flakeparadigmoh, ok. Thanks!05:17
FlakeparadigmAlright #2 - When I try to download something from the internet, it takes a while to connect to the server05:18
Flakeparadigmand my internet speeds are rather slow05:18
FlakeparadigmBut in karmic only, though.05:19
dtchenunfortunately, that's much too vague to really diagnose05:20
FlakeparadigmWhat are some possible issues that I can explore?05:20
dtchenyou'd need to describe the nic(s), the medium(-ia), the applications, etc.05:20
FlakeparadigmWell I've noticed it in firefox, aurora, and konqueror. The wait is also seen in wget05:22
Flakeparadigmwhat exactly do you mean by nic and medium?05:23
test34I get more problems with my sound in karmic.. is this a known problem ?05:23
Flakeparadigmoh, Network Interface Card. ha. I have an Intel Wireless 3945ABG card alog with a Realtek RTL8101E/RTL8102E05:26
Flakeparadigmboth interfaces have the same issue.05:26
test34anywhere I can find the current version of a packages for current-stable and alpha ?05:26
idyllic<dtchen> 185.18.36 doesn't work well with new kernel yet. I still got error.05:39
idyllic<dtchen> kern.log -> NVRM: CPU does not support the PAT, falling back to MTRRs.05:40
DanaGdtchen: another handy thing, instead of alsamixer: gamix.05:46
musikgoat|eeeso empathy doesn't have irc support?06:07
musikgoat|eeethats suprising that they would set it to be the default im client when it doesn06:08
musikgoat|eee't have irc support06:08
crdlbmusikgoat|eee: telepathy-idle06:11
alteregoathank god i'm agnostic06:18
musikgoat|eeecrdlb: its good that there is something out there, is this planning on being inported to the ubuntu dist?  if not, i just find it surprising that empathy was chosen to replace pidgin06:34
crdlbpresumably, it will be installed06:35
mneptokmusikgoat|eee: Empathy here seems to have the ability to add IRC accounts.06:51
musikgoat|eeemneptok: irc is a protocol in your drop down for accounts?06:52
musikgoat|eeemneptok: hmm, weird, irc wasnt in the list06:56
musikgoat|eeemaybe i'm wrong though06:56
musikgoat|eeeits in the list  now06:56
mneptokpays to look ;)06:59
rippsDoes anybody else have trouble using gmail with evolution?07:01
musikgoat|eeemneptok: yeah, must be bad eyes :P07:02
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:03
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule07:03
rippsDoes anybody know how to add AccelDFS to my video card without using xorg.conf? I've done something similar by creating a custom fdi for my wacom tablet, but I'm not sure how to do it for my video card?07:19
DWonderlyHave a problem with my netbook. When I unplug my netbook and it goes to battery power it also puts my netbook to sleep. here is the output of dmesg when I do this. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/270150/07:28
DWonderlyokay, I tracked down my problem07:39
DWonderlywhen I pull A/C power off my netbook power managment registers it as a closed lid07:40
LLStarksflash video is now crashing all browsers on my desktop. opera, chromium, firefox, etc.07:43
Oli``Where has archive mounter gone?07:48
micahgDoes anyone here running Gnome see the Shiretoko icon instead of the Firefox icon for Firefox 3.5?07:58
robin0800micahg: no07:58
micahgthanks robin080008:01
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:21
eagles0513875hey malnilion08:54
eagles0513875here goes nothign with an upgrade to karmic08:54
eagles0513875if it still works with grub one i might take a chance on grub 208:54
robin0800eagles0513875: I think grub 2 is default in karmic08:58
eagles0513875i know robin0800 but upgrading doesnt upgrade grub from grub 1 to 208:59
vigoIf I have two users or two users and a guest log on at different times, are all the users on the most current update/upgrade that the sudo did?09:04
eagles0513875vigo: i wouldnt see why they wouldnt be09:05
vigoThank you.09:07
vigoI did a few tests and checks, some updates appeared as though they did not take across the board, but they did synche up after a bit of time.09:09
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Dr_Willisrunning somthing as its updating..  can be... quirky09:14
Dr_Willisbut that dosent sound like your case.09:14
vigoNo, was just a test case I was running on a box I have here.09:15
AlanBellI have a bit of a compiz fail in Karmic09:16
eagles0513875ok there is a serious problem with x on duel boot with boot camp :(09:16
AlanBellwhen I run at full resolution on my monitor which is 2048x1152. Not sure if it is compiz or the intel graphics driver. Where should I file a bug?09:17
eagles0513875Dr_Willis: is there an xorg channel about09:17
AlanBelleagles0513875: there is #ubuntu-x09:19
eagles0513875AlanBell: thanks i need to let them know about this09:19
vigoeagles0513875: Mac Book?09:21
eagles0513875macbook pro vigo09:21
eagles0513875im using boot camp to duel boot but for some reason karmic just doesnt wanna work09:21
eagles0513875the xserver doesnt wanna work09:21
eagles0513875but with jaunty it does09:21
Mike1powertop segfaults right after it shows something … what can i do?09:22
vigoeagles0513875: this thread sorta explains it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1141740&highlight=ubuntu+boot+camp09:23
eagles0513875vigo: i have no problems with duel booting with jaunty09:23
eagles0513875karmic becomes the issue09:23
vigoeagles0513875, ahhh,,let me look some more09:23
eagles0513875x seems to be the isse as well as grub 209:24
eagles0513875when i do a clean install with grub 2 boot camp doesnt see the partition at all09:24
eagles0513875AlanBell: you have any ideas as to my issue i mentioned in the ubuntu-x channel09:25
AlanBelleagles0513875: none whatsoever :-(09:26
eagles0513875AlanBell: what does it sound like to u a kernel issue or a problem with xserver09:26
AlanBelleagles0513875: however I would suggest you do09:26
AlanBellsudo apt-get install pastebinit09:26
AlanBellpastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:27
AlanBelland put the url here09:27
eagles0513875ok hold on need to wire meself to the network here09:27
robin0800eagles0513875: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ is easier09:29
eagles0513875robin0800: i have no gui09:29
eagles0513875i get dropped right into a tty console09:29
eagles0513875AlanBell: pastbinit doesnt seem to work09:35
AlanBelleagles0513875: oh, are you connected to the network?09:36
eagles0513875ya i am sry it worked no09:36
eagles0513875AlanBell: got the pastebin http://pastebin.com/f551072e909:36
eagles0513875hell that is handy09:37
AlanBellisn't it just :-)09:37
eagles0513875ya easier then copying and pasting the logs or what ever09:38
eagles0513875what does the log show if anything09:38
AlanBellok, it all goes wrong at line 20309:38
eagles0513875what does it exactly say09:38
AlanBellwell the card you have is "GeForce 9400M"09:39
AlanBelland that is confirmed on line 4809:39
eagles0513875what do i need to do comment out something?09:40
AlanBelland that does not turn up in the list of supported cards starting on line 11109:40
eagles0513875AlanBell: what doesnt make sense is how it works fine on jaunty09:40
AlanBelldon't know. I am stuck now, but you have some decent information to file a bug with.09:40
eagles0513875ya let me ask in xorg and see if they can help me out a bit09:41
AlanBellok, good luck09:41
eagles0513875thanks will let you know the verdict09:42
eagles0513875karmic from what i have seen in my vm on this desktop its gonna be nice09:43
eagles0513875AlanBell: dunno why i might have a hunch that  a compilaiton of x might be required to a newer version09:44
eagles0513875AlanBell: would installing the driver do anything09:44
AlanBelleagles0513875: I wouldn't go recompiling x. It is just the nvidia driver09:48
eagles0513875i didnt have anything installed driver wise yet09:48
eagles0513875am installing it now09:48
AlanBellthe list of supported cards might be in a file somewhere, but I expect you are going to hit closed source stuff09:48
AlanBelloh actually you are using nv which is the open driver at the moment09:49
AlanBellinstalling the nvidia driver will probably fix it then09:49
AlanBelland you have a bug to report against the nv driver09:49
flukeboxhi all09:50
AlanBellI just reported bug 428769 against the intel driver for not working in Karmic with my 2048x1152 monitor09:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428769 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "compiz starts with a blank screen on a 2048x1152 monitor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42876909:50
flukeboxi just want to know ... how can i change my gdm-greeter theme ?09:50
flukeboxanybody here ?09:56
flukeboxanybody here using karmic ?09:56
vigoI was looking,,,,09:57
vigoYes, this is the Karmic channel.09:57
flukeboxhave you any clue where gdm-theme manager has gone?09:57
nzmmflukebox: i am a user09:57
flukeboxi can only login-screen but no gdm-theme manager09:57
flukebox*only see09:58
flukeboxearlier there was 'login-window' application "System → Administration → Login Window".. from where we can change gdm themes09:59
flukeboxbut ..now i m locate similiar app09:59
flukebox nzmm: you here ?09:59
vigoGDM  - Acronym for GNOME Display Manager. GDM is the standard display manager for GNOME and Ubuntu. GDM provides the user with the initial login screen and manages the starting and stopping of X server sessions.09:59
vigo    *09:59
vigoThat thing?10:00
flukeboxvigo: yeah10:00
flukeboxvigo: that only10:00
flukeboxvigo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:00
idyllicThe gdm 2.27.91 login manager is a complete rewrite compared to the version in earlier Ubuntu releases. Don't think you can change anything at the moment10:01
flukeboxgo to this section 'changing login window (GDM)'10:01
vigoflukebox: I did a search on Ubunti Docs and got this page after refining it to Karmic...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Glossary10:01
David-Tanyone here got eclipse and vuze installed on karmic?10:01
vigoand > https://help.ubuntu.com/search.html?cof=FORID%3A9&cx=003883529982892832976%3Ae2vwumte3fq&ie=UTF-8&q=karmic+GDM&sa=Search10:01
David-Tthey seem to have complicated dependency problems involving libswt10:01
flukeboxvigo, idyllic: is that so ? i mean .. theme couldn't be hard-coded ?10:03
* David-T finds debian bug 54163810:03
ubottuDebian bug 541638 in eclipse-rpc "eclipse-rpc: Eclipse and Azureus can't be installed at the same time (libswt" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/54163810:03
vigoflukebox: That is the nature of Alpha, I reckon.10:04
nzmmflukebox: i dont think the gdm is very configurable these days10:04
nzmmby design10:04
Dr_Willisyea the gdm config stuff.. is totally  redone now it seems.10:05
idyllicIt took so long to reach the gdm and from gdm to the desktop in karmic. At least for me.10:05
Dr_Willisidyllic:  it wsa amazing fast here.10:05
idyllic<Dr_Willis> i disabled a lots of services and startup. It is still very slow compare to jaunty =/10:06
idyllic<Dr_Willis> can shed some light on it? =)10:06
flukeboxidyllic, Dr_Wills: I m also seeing some slowdown compared to jaunty .. even greeters comings after 30+secs after boot10:06
David-Tfor some reason after gdm starts I hve to wait 30 seconds before it shows the list of users and lets me login10:06
nzmmflukebox: all you seem to be able to do is change a few login settings, but no easy themeability it seems10:06
Dr_Willisidyllic:  its fast here.. i never touched anything.    so cant really offer any suggestons10:06
flukeboxnzmm: i guess so .... too bad though :-(10:06
nzmmguess so10:07
flukeboxhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/GdmFaceBrowser    ... when will this come ?10:07
vigoMake it better! we are allowed to.10:07
flukeboxhttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot/Demo ?10:08
nzmmflukebox: i would say n+2 is most likely10:08
flukeboxn+2 ?10:09
flukeboxnzmm: n+2?10:09
nzmma few ubuntu releases away10:09
eagles0513875man oh man oh man this isnt looking too good10:09
idyllichi, i am on Karmic Alpha 5. I am unable to add my computer to ubuone account. When I start the client applet, It doesn't bring up the page for me to add my computer.10:09
flukeboxnzmm: ohh... okk ... cool10:10
SwedeMikeidyllic: I guess people doesn't know what ubuone is. I'd never heard about it before, and googling doesn't give an english-language webpage.10:14
idyllic<SwedeMike> >.< Sorry. UbuntuOne.. the new online storage service was what i referring to10:15
eagles0513875AlanBell: is this normal on karmic to have an xorg.confg like this http://pastebin.com/f1947cfe10:15
vigoUbuone in  Places10:15
eagles0513875wtf this is getting interesting10:17
robin0800eagles0513875: no on a clean install there is no file present10:18
eagles0513875robin0800: ok10:18
robin0800alpha 5 that is10:18
eagles0513875i wonder what would happen when i remove it10:18
idyllic<robin0800> O_O;; then how is Xorg conf stored?10:18
eagles0513875ya i just did an upgrade10:18
eagles0513875idyllic: exactly how is it stored robin080010:19
mac_vnzmm: hi... did you get time to work on the icon library?10:19
eagles0513875i need some serious help from someone whose really well versed in x10:27
vigoThank you, I am getting that Edbuntu thing now.10:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reconfigure10:29
idyllic<eagles0513875> maybe,  you can try "Xorg -configure"  before at tty10:31
eagles0513875idyllic: wil try now10:32
eagles0513875idyllic: it doesnt exist10:32
idyllic<eagles0513875> What do you mean by it doesn't exist?10:33
eagles0513875saying xorg-configure command not found10:34
* eagles0513875 thinks me on noobish mode today10:34
idyllicit is capitalized X10:34
robin0800eagles0513875: there is a space between the  g and the -10:35
eagles0513875ya im having a noobish moment10:35
eagles0513875it flashed the nvidia logo and my monitor has now gone blank10:36
robin0800eagles0513875: but it wont work you must stop X first10:36
eagles0513875robin0800: it was never running to begin with10:36
idyllic<eagles0513875> reboot then start with xterm session. then type "telinit 1"10:37
eagles0513875idyllic: can just boot into the recovery kernel aka run level 110:37
idyllic<eagles0513875> Thanks. learn something new.10:38
tgpraveen!info empathy10:51
ubottuempathy (source: empathy): High-level library and user-interface for Telepathy. In component main, is optional. Version 2.27.92-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 119 kB, installed size 568 kB10:51
tgpraveen!info banshee10:52
ubottubanshee (source: banshee): Media Management and Playback application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-6 (karmic), package size 2572 kB, installed size 8464 kB10:52
arvind_khadrihi, i noticed that bluetooth isnt working proprly....did anyone else see that?11:06
Tallkenhaven't tested BT11:07
Dr_Willisdepends on what part of 'bt' :) i guess also11:11
arvind_khadriDr_Willis, i am not able to add devices, it was working a few days back11:13
Dr_WillisI found that on my phones i need to inititate the pariring from the phone to the pc.. not from the pc to the phone..11:17
beans43"greeter application appears to be crashing"  help11:26
mostafa_hey anybody knows how to add to Grub2?11:26
mostafa_hey anybody knows how to add to and delete item from Grub2?11:30
robin0800mostafa_:  sudo /etc/default/grub then update-grub11:30
Dr_Willisthres a 'grub 2 ' beginners guide onthe wiki/forums11:31
Dr_Willis  /etc/default/grub  and /etc/grub.d/* are the files you edit11:31
yofelthat would be11:32
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:32
Haeginhi, apt is segfaulting at the end of an update or before I install, remove or upgrade. I have tried reinstalling apt to no avail. Any ideas?11:32
Haeginbeans43: the greeter application is gdm, have you changed any login screen themes or anything recently? If not you can get into your system using a console login (Ctrl+Alt+F1-6) and then run startx to try and get into graphical login.11:34
beans43Haegin, no. i have not change a thing. i notice is gdm , so i try to install kdm, but it failed. said dependencies11:36
andruki just installed alpha 5 and rebooted and i get a "Entering rescue mode..." "error: out of disk" "grub rescue> " prompt.  i have been unsuccessful in finding much documentation on the web, and i dont think the built-in help is working (previously had same error with alpha 3).  anybody have any advice?  how do i file a bug report against this?11:37
beans43Haegin, my firefox and xhcat keep crashing too11:38
Haeginbeans43: yeah, kdm is the kde greeter, you probably don't want to mix kde in as you will end up with lots of stuff you don't want. If you want to try using a different greeter you could use xdm.11:38
beans43Haegin, also installing kubuntu failed11:39
beans43dependencies prob11:39
Haeginbeans43: are you using ubuntu or kubuntu?11:39
beans43ok, i will try xdm11:39
Haeginok, if firefox and xchat keep crashing what error messages do they give?11:39
beans43Haegin, no error.11:40
andrukhere's a nice screenshot of grub 2 erroring out: http://yfrog.com/030000010fjj11:40
Dr_WillisThers a neat looking Framebuffer based Login greeter. Qingley ? I think was its name11:40
Haeginbeans43: try running them from a terminal to see what errors they spit out11:40
beans43Haegin, also, when i move files via natulis from /dev/sda1 to flash drive, half way, it failed. no error. my destop files are not visible. i end up rebooting11:40
HaeginDr_Willis: Qingy is probably the one you are recalling, it looks nice but it's harder to configure.11:40
Haeginbeans43: sda1 being your root partition? your home partition or what?11:41
Dr_WillisI toyed with it.  Dident get too deep into it.11:41
beans43Haegin, ok, so far firefox is fine.... i will run it via xterm next time11:41
beans43Haegin, my root and home11:41
Haeginbeans43: ok, if you can retry the operation in a terminal it might give more informaiton as to why it failed11:42
Haeginhow new is your hardware?11:42
beans43Haegin, something is very wrong, and i need to get 9.10 when final comes out11:42
beans43Haegin, ..... 3 years i suppose11:42
beans43i have compiz running too11:42
beans43Haegin, problem is intermittent11:43
beans43i ll have to wait till october for a clean install11:43
Haeginbeans43: ok, it's almost certainly a karmic issue but for now you should make sure you are fully up to date, consider stopping compiz if that might be causing problems and run things from terminals if they start crashing to try and work out what the error message is11:43
HaeginDr_Willis: if you are interested in lightweight login managers I quite like slim11:44
beans43Haegin, ok thx11:45
SwedeMikeI just installed karmic and upon first boot I was dropped to shell because the superblock of the ext4 / partition had a timestamp in the future.11:45
Haeginbeans43: good luck working it out.11:45
SwedeMikeeasily enough fixed, but not easily handled by a novice user.11:45
HaeginSwedeMike: did you happen to notice how fan in the future it was?11:46
SwedeMikeHaegin: two hours.11:46
SwedeMikeapproximately... so my theory is that the installer was running in another TZ setting11:46
Haeginyeah, I had a similar problem where mine was always exactly an hour ahead of my system. I'm guessing you are 2 hours ahead of GMT?11:46
HaeginSwedeMike: I was experiencing the problem on a system that had been running for a while. I think it was a kernel problem as updating got rid of it.11:47
SwedeMikehm, I'm in CET.11:47
SwedeMikeso right now 12:47, the timestamp of the superblock was 14:2011:48
SwedeMikewhich matches approximately the time I started the installer (installed usb stick->ssd)... which by the way installed very quickly indeed, solid state media is the bomb.11:48
HaeginSwedeMike: yeah, with DST that's two hours ahead of GMT which is the only pattern I could pick up11:48
Haeginif the installer was running the same kernel that gave me problems that might explain it11:49
SwedeMikeI think it's kind of weird that ext4 fsck would give such an error just because the timestamp is in the future11:49
HaeginSwedeMike: in some ways yes but I imagine there could be potential for bad filesystem corruption if the system clock is faliing causing access and modified times to be all over the place. Especially with journaling.11:55
krushiacould someone enlighten me as to how ubuntu's kde packages are broken up? for example, i see kdebase-workspace-bin and kdebase-workspace-data, but also kdebase-workspace, and then kdebase12:49
krushiai'd assume kdebase encompases all and the others are subsets12:49
krushiabut deps don't seem to show it like that12:49
penguin42krushia: You can look on packages.ubuntulinux.org and have a dig through the packages12:51
penguin42krushia: It looks to me like kdebase-workspace-bin and friends was replaced by kdebase-runtime12:54
vigoI just placed a slew of K packages in, Edbuntu mix in the Ubuntu edition. Let me look at the logs...12:56
Unggnuhi all12:59
Unggnucan anyone confirm this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/421662?12:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 421662 in linux "Intel 3945ABG WLAN doesn't work with Ubuntu Kernel in Karmic [regression]" [Undecided,New]12:59
TallkenUnggnu: not today, will tomorrow, but I think I've used my WLAN on Karmic already...13:02
UnggnuTallken, thx13:03
UnggnuTallken, maybe it happens only with this revision13:03
Unggnubut not uncommon, Inspiron 152513:03
Tallkeni'll comment the bug tomorrow13:06
UnggnuTallken, many thanks, I have to go, bye13:07
=== albert231 is now known as albert23
arvind_khadriany guides for shifting over to alsa??13:18
vigoI think Pulse is required for that. But am not certain of the status. if there is any.13:21
jadams_so no one else has run into the flash/pulseaudio problem I have?  essentially, anytime flash is running I can't play audio from rhythmbox, and vice versa, depending on which was started first.  Googling finds a lot of fixes for this very issue, none of which work for me :(13:24
jadams_those fixes are for earlier versions of ubuntu, without fail...and obv. pulseaudio has changed since then13:24
duffydackflash+firefox in karmic is very laggy also.  I`m hoping things change next month...need to13:25
vigojadams_: I was having choppy vid playback online, srythmbox seems to be picking up.13:26
duffydackit would be great to have vlc embedded in firefox to play flash vids.. it does it so much better.13:26
arvind_khadrijadams_, same prob here13:29
jadams_arvind_khadri, good to know I'm not the only one.  I see no bugs filed against pulseaudio in karmic.  Should I file it there?  What should I include in the bug report?13:30
duffydackthe radeon driver is a lot better in this version however.  wine no longer freezes the whole machine when using graphically intensive apps13:30
duffydacksaying that, the screen blanks whenever changing desktops or rotating cube.13:31
jadams_arvind_khadri, you should flag this as affecting you in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/38389113:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383891 in pulseaudio "Totem and Rhythmbox fail to play. Both show as 'playing' with pause button available and show track time, but do not progress or produce sound." [Undecided,New]13:33
MindVirusNo iPods were found in the HAL device tree13:33
MindVirusThis is what podsleuth tells me when my iPod is visibly plugged in.13:33
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:33
arvind_khadrijadams_, ant idea how to shift over to alsa13:34
MindVirusarvind_khadri: I can play music off of my iPod.13:35
MindVirusPodsleuth is malfunctioning.13:35
MindVirusThis is a bug.13:35
MindVirusIt's been reported but I don't know of any solutions.13:35
MindVirusdto: were you the one with the podsleuth problem?13:36
MindVirusjml: Was it you? I'm sorry both of you; I just remember someone came in here with a 3-letter lowercase name with my problem.13:37
arvind_khadriMindVirus, search launchpad about it.13:41
MindVirusarvind_khadri: roger.13:42
eagles0513875i need to talk to a dev badly13:43
arvind_khadrieagles0513875, #ubuntu-motu13:45
eagles0513875banned from there13:45
arvind_khadrieagles0513875, oops, go beg for mercy in #ubuntu-ops then13:46
eagles0513875they wont budge trust me i have tried13:46
eagles0513875this isnt looking ver promising for me and duel booting with karmic on my mac with boot camp on 2 fronts :(13:47
arvind_khadrieagles0513875, ok , whats the problem?13:48
eagles0513875one grub 2 isnt allowing boot camp to see my linux partition where as grub 1 it does13:48
eagles0513875and 2 on karmic i have no desktop13:48
beans43need help with sound card http://pastebin.com/m18308cda13:48
eagles0513875it drops me right into a tty console13:48
arvind_khadrieagles0513875, use grub 1 then, and did you install server version...13:50
eagles0513875no used the regular jaunty cd and then upgraded13:50
eagles0513875jaunty works just fine but these iissues need to be rectified before release though13:51
eagles0513875it seems like x after upgrading doesnt like my video card or something13:53
eagles0513875wha tdoesnt makes sense is what changed from jaunty to karmic xserver wise13:53
penguin42eagles0513875: You're Nvidia aren't you?  If so then you'll need newer Nvidia binary drivers won't you?13:58
eagles0513875im using whats in karmic repos13:59
eagles0513875and even wiht the 185 driver installed it still wouldnt work13:59
rippsDoes anybody know why evolution doesn't work with gmail imap anymore?14:15
rippsOkay this is like the 3rd I've asked... does anybody here know how to deal with evolution problems, and is anybody else experiencing them?14:23
* penguin42 doesn't - I suggest finding a evolution channel ?14:32
raymondjtothhow i reinstall my sound some how it got uninstalled in ubuntu 9.1014:38
raymondjtothhow i reinstall my sound some how it got uninstalled in ubuntu 9.1014:41
raymondjtoth<raymondjtoth> ?14:41
raymondjtothhow i reinstall my sound some how it got uninstalled in ubuntu 9.1014:42
raymondjtoth<raymondjtoth> ?14:42
penguin42Hi BK14:45
BluesKajhey penguin42 ...do you run 64bit ?14:45
penguin42why do you ask?14:46
BluesKajok I'm using a nvidia graphics card geforce 7600gt , but the previous driver from the 32 bit version isn't installed..and my glxgears are 1/5 the frame rate14:47
raymondjtothhow i reinstall my sound some how it got uninstalled in ubuntu 9.1014:48
raymondjtoth<raymondjtoth> ? going to try reinstalling14:48
BluesKajgoogle earth is running in emulation mode aka very slow14:48
penguin42BluesKaj: GE seems to be running OK for me; I'm running Intel graphics though - I'm not sure how 32bit GL apps work on 64bit14:49
penguin42I'm also not sure if Nvidia is the same or not - they didn't used to use DRI14:50
BluesKajpenguin42, glxinfo gives DRI as yes14:52
BluesKajanyway , guess I have some research to do :)14:52
penguin42BluesKaj: if you look at /proc/pid/maps for the google-earth where is it getting it's libGL.so from?14:53
penguin42and does Nvidia install it's own libGL?14:54
pvandewyngaerde_i am using kubunt karmic,  i see a little envelop in my systray,  what does it mean ?15:06
arandpvandewyngaerde_: Indicator applet? When using mail/chat it shows you unread messages...15:09
robin0800arand and irc clients15:09
arandi.e. chat ;)15:10
pvandewyngaerde_ok, but it does not do anything if i click on it15:10
pvandewyngaerde_will it gives me a very small box15:10
robin0800pvandewyngaerde_: no15:11
penguin42pvandewyngaerde_: I get the feeling it's still being worked on - it doesn't seem to do much (but there again I don't use a gui mail client)15:11
pvandewyngaerde_i dont use that to15:11
pvandewyngaerde_i dont want this15:11
arandpvandewyngaerde_: if you don't have an app open, it does naught, in jaunty it used to be hidden unless you started a concerned app, but in KK it's been shown constantly (dunno why).15:11
pvandewyngaerde_also keyboard shortcuts dont work yet15:12
eagles0513875ahhh penguin42 :(15:12
eagles0513875turns out the issue im having is xserver related15:12
eagles0513875as looking in the log there is no mention as to my gpu15:12
eagles0513875but what makes no sense is what changed from the version in jaunty to karmic15:13
robin0800penguin42: you can click on a message from irc and as long as the clent is in the notification area it can pop it up15:13
pvandewyngaerde_i get a segmentation fault for krunner15:13
robin0800pvandewyngaerde_: if you dock irc client it dosen't work yet15:14
pvandewyngaerde_hmm. strange things happen here on my computer, brb15:16
squeI updated karmic today and it broke grub setup15:23
squeI just booted from installation cd. But I have no idea how to reinstall grub using grub215:23
squecan anyone help me?15:24
LLStarksflash player is officially and confirmably broken on karmic.15:25
BluesKajLLStarks, I'm using the chromium browser and flash works well15:27
LLStarksdoesn't matter, i have enough people to say you are wrong.15:28
BluesKajLLStarks, depends on your browser plugin setup15:28
BluesKajtried konqueror ?15:28
squemine didn't work properly too15:29
squenor on firefox neither on chrome15:29
penguin42LLStarks: I've spent the morning watching youtube and playing crap flash games - so I think it depends on your setup!15:29
LLStarkswhy would i use konq?15:29
LLStarksi hate it.15:29
squesometimes it didn't load inside the window and sometimes it didn't get click events15:29
squeI am running on 64bit kernel15:30
squewith compiz15:30
eagles0513875what has replaced xorg15:30
squeeagles0513875: ?15:30
eagles0513875xorg is no longer in use something else has replaced it and i quote15:31
eagles0513875quote BluesKaj on this: xorg is gone , dunno what they call the graphics/video system now15:31
BluesKajsque, 64 bit here , chromium does the job if you enable plugins15:31
squeBluesKaj: I have enabled plugins, it is not chromium error it is flash15:31
penguin42eagles0513875: No, it's still using xorg15:32
BluesKajflash works in chromium , but if you won't describe what's happening15:32
squeBluesKaj: the same behaviour exists on firefox and chromium, which is: It does not load always it has a 50% to not load, a page refresh may workaround it. and if it loads it does not always responds to mouse events15:32
eagles0513875then i need a newer version penguin42 :(15:33
eagles0513875do you know if the newer version will support a 9400M video card15:33
penguin42eagles0513875: Your problem is Nvidia drivers15:33
BluesKajpenguin42, where is xorg.conf ...doesn't exist on my setup15:33
eagles0513875neither on my vm15:33
penguin42BluesKaj: It's not needed - it's automatically detected - you can add an xorg.conf if you want15:33
eagles0513875whats wrong with the nvidia drivers15:33
penguin42BluesKaj: I use one for a bit of a weird dual head setup15:33
eagles0513875for me looking at xorg log it seems like my video card is not supported in the version of xorg in karmic yet it is in jaunty15:34
BluesKajpenguin42, so it's using kernel modules , which then uses a crappy driver automatically15:34
penguin42eagles0513875: Because it's nvidia it's probably dependent on the closed source drivers15:34
eagles0513875i had them installed and still nothing penguin4215:34
penguin42BluesKaj: Not quite; the kernel modules are used for mode switching only most of the time and some of the render acceleration I think15:35
penguin42BluesKaj: The only thing that's changed recently is the use of kernel mode switching15:35
penguin42(oh and use of is it UXA rather than EXA on Intel - or is that the other way...)15:35
BluesKajwell, it's another mistake cuz my graphics aren't what they should be15:36
LLStarkspenguin42. once again, i disagree. flash shouldn't stop working for multiple people.15:36
LLStarks*suddenly stop.15:36
penguin42BluesKaj: That's not because Xorg has gone - Xorg is still there15:36
penguin42LLStarks: I don't disagree - flash should work; I'm just saying it seems to work for me15:36
LLStarksit stopped working yesterday for multiple people with different setups15:37
LLStarksand flash player environments15:37
LLStarksare you fully upgraded?15:37
BluesKajpenguin42, I tried installing the previous driver that karmuc 32 bit used and i couldn't login cuz the the kernel source driver was installed with glx-185 ...incompatability i guess.15:38
penguin42BluesKaj: This nvidia?15:41
pvandewyngaerde_really beta,  nvidia giving me lots of problems15:41
eagles0513875this is one nasty bug i have15:41
penguin42it's normal for the alphas; they use a newer kernel and then the binary closed source drivers have to play catch up15:42
eagles0513875penguin42: then that brings me to my other question why in the xorg log i dont see my video card listed there as supported15:42
penguin42eagles0513875: Probably because the closed-source drivers broken in some horrid way - I don't use Nvidias, I've not had to debug them15:43
eagles0513875penguin42: and upgrading x wouldnt help at all15:44
penguin42eagles0513875: I doubt it15:44
eagles0513875this is quite a pressing bug in my honest opinion http://www.myspace.com/jaharveyisbomb15:44
eagles0513875not that15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428887 in grub2 "karmic alpha 5 duel boot on macbook pro with boot camp only alows me to install grub on the efi partition." [Undecided,New]15:44
pvandewyngaerde_kde4 startup hangs here for like 5 minutes15:44
=== Into_the_Pit is now known as Frickelpit
BluesKajpenguin42, you're too kind to the devs , xorg.conf may still exist but editing it is quite a useless method to fix a graphics problem15:48
BluesKajit was very useful in the past15:48
penguin42BluesKaj: Oh I agree you shouldn't have to fight an xorg.conf15:48
penguin42BluesKaj: But this isn't anything new - certainly it's not anything new since Intrepid at least15:49
eagles0513875hehe funny you mention it BluesKaj haha im reading about the parts of it atm for part 2 of my linux exam15:49
penguin42BluesKaj: I mean I seem to need it because my monitor won't autorecognise and the Gnome GUI is too dumb to allow you to specify a monitor it can't autodetect15:50
penguin42BluesKaj: In my case I don't think it's X's problem - and actually the one bit which is X's problem the new kernel mode switching is supposed to be able to help15:52
robin0800penguin42: Have you tried Xorg -configure15:53
penguin42robin0800: Yep15:53
penguin42robin0800: In this case the monitor res isn't correctly being detected by EDID, and I don't know if the problem is the machine or the monitor, but I don't think it's X15:53
robin0800penguin42: You can disable EDID in the driver? and add correct settings in xorg.conf15:55
penguin42robin0800: Yeh as I said, I've got the res set in the xorg.conf; the annoying thing is that you have to do it with the xorg.conf - the GUI has no way to specify an arbitrary resolution even though xrandr can do it15:56
robin0800penguin42: This is still alpha not even beta yet15:57
penguin42robin0800: Oh yeh - this isn't a Karmic issue - this is longer term and there is nothing looking like anything being done about it15:58
pvandewyngaerde_its all broken here,   every program crashes,  no sound,  omg15:58
robin0800penguin42: also on a clean install of Alpha 5 xorg.conf file isn't included15:59
penguin42robin0800: Yes I know, and it's not needed15:59
robin0800penguin42: shouldn't! be needed15:59
penguin42robin0800: Well yeh16:00
robin0800penguin42: This laptop has gone from EAX to AAX now and if I set EAX it Is Just No Good16:02
BluesKajwell, here goes ...trying the xperimental driver16:14
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jtholmeswas the karmic installer changed i can no longer kubuntu live cd?16:47
jtholmesno longer startup the kubuntu live cd16:47
ikoniasunshinepants: can you look at your part message please "eat poo" isn't really needed is it16:51
sunshinepantsikonia: version me, I dare you :D16:52
penguin42is it just me or is the new software update app really slow?16:59
ikoniasunshinepants: why ? I'm just asking you to change your part message16:59
Tallkenikonia: he modded the whole strings, he wanted you to see "CTCP-VERSION from sunshinepants: <3."17:00
ikoniaerrrr great17:00
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.17:01
jtholmescant get kubuntu alpha 5 live-cd to boot has squashfs errors during startup any ideas17:06
sunshinepantsjtholmes: x86?17:08
penguin42any particular errors?17:08
jtholmessunshinepants, yes x8617:09
duffydackum... so the latest daily-live doesnt boot up.17:09
duffydackfrom a usb stick I mean...17:09
jtholmespenguin42, yes starts squashfs then prints casper resyncing ... then give ubuntu login17:10
BUGabundoola joaopinto17:11
penguin42jtholmes: You've tried another CD burn?17:11
joaopintooi BUGabundo17:12
joaopintoBUGabundo, no outro dia querias algo comigo ?17:12
* BUGabundo points joaopinto to # topic17:12
jtholmespenguin42, no but I will, it failed on three diff machines but will try another burner to see what happens thx17:12
joaopintoops, wrong chan17:12
penguin42jtholmes: It's possible it's just a bad burn17:13
jtholmespenguin42, yes let me try another burner17:13
sunshinepantsjtholmes: you can try to run the iso via virtualbox, too17:14
jtholmessunshinepants, yes but i dont have vbox loaded at this time17:14
jtholmesthx folks17:16
astromme_Does anyone know what to do when dpkg seems to be hanging when installing a .deb? (linux-headers-2.6.31-10 in specific)17:28
sunshinepantsastromme_: not exactly. dpkg -f --configure may help17:28
penguin42astromme_: How long have you given it?17:29
shadeslayerastromme_: happened to me once when i chroot'ed into a system17:29
astromme_penguin42: I've given it 30 minutes17:30
astromme_shadeslayer: I'm not chrooted, this is a wubi install though....17:30
astromme_sunshinepants: ok I'll try that17:30
shadeslayerastromme_: was just saying.....17:30
astromme_sunshinepants: erm... "conflicting options"17:30
sunshinepantsoh.. perhaps I meant 'apt-get -f --configure'17:31
astromme_sunshinepants: 'command line option --configure is not understood'17:31
astromme_anyways apt-get -f install hangs as well17:31
astromme_ooh, bad news bears: dpkg: warning: files list file for package `linux-headers-2.6.31-10' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.17:33
astromme_ok, I forced a remove of it with dpkg --force-all -r package-name17:37
astromme_and now it seems to be upgrading, albeit very very slowly. I haven't gotten back to kernel-headers17:37
=== Mike1_ is now known as Mike1
moreupgrademethois karmic safe to upgrade to using do-release-upgrade in terminal for ubuntu 9.04 distro (non-server)?17:52
BUGabundomoreupgrademetho: hi17:54
BUGabundoits a Devel release17:54
darkhamhey people, someone are trying the 13-09-2009 daily karmic livecd?17:54
BUGabundoyou can't expect it to be stable17:55
BUGabundoit can and will break17:55
moreupgrademethoBUGabundo: im not asking about the stability of the OS, just the upgrade tool17:55
BUGabundothen yes17:55
BUGabundothat's one way to upgrade17:55
BUGabundo$ do-release-upgrade -d17:55
BUGabundoor with GUI17:55
BUGabundoupdate-manager -d17:55
moreupgrademethoBUGabundo: ok, thanks (the website says only ubuntu server should upgrade that way)17:55
BUGabundonot true AFAIK17:55
moreupgrademethothey should put that as a method to upgrade through terminal on the website, not just ubuntu server17:56
darkhami've some problem with today's daily karmic live, while it's in boot, it opens the cd tray17:58
darkhamand ask me tu pull out17:58
darkhamlike like the restart/shutdown17:59
darkhami boot it more times, in verbose, and i haven't any error message18:00
deanhmm, using Dust theme in karmic, the top panels font is bolded, how can I set it normal like in jaunty?18:01
MatirWhenever I try to play audio, all I get is a crackling sound like a geiger counter.  Anyone encounter this before?18:01
deanthe font is set to regular for "applcation" font btw.18:01
Tallkenyuriy: concerning apport-kde: your patch works here; unless your patch is just a workaround and you're tweaking the code somewhere...18:03
Turmsi've just upgraded to karmic, the problem is that gdm starts i identify and afterwards i'm left with a black screen and just an xterm18:05
darkhamplese add a document of changes between daily discs18:05
TallkenTurms: stupid idea: have you selected Gnome on GDM's session list?18:06
Matirdarkham, the dailies are built by an automated build system with whatever packages happen to be ready at that time18:06
TurmsTallken: good question! the problem is that gdm starts and presents to me the windows for identifying but i've just the choise for language and keyboard18:09
* penguin42 wonders if there is any automatic test ing of packages or dailies?18:09
Matirpenguin42, my understanding is the daily iso is only tested to see if it built properly and is <700MB18:10
penguin42Matir: Pity, auto booting in a VM shouldn't be that hard18:10
Ian_Cornepenguin42: No but if it doesn't work, fixing it might not make it daily anymore ;-)18:12
darkhamMatir, developers can't build a document by automated?18:13
Turmsanother problem: i cannot see the login prompt in the vc's18:13
yuriyTallken: the patch basically works, but it doesn't actually fix the hanging, just avoids it18:13
Matirdarkham, are you looking for a list of packages who have changed since yesterday's build?18:13
TallkenTurms: probably sth is very wrong and he doesn't know which type of sessions is available. I can't help you. ask again here, the issue is GDM not presenting the menu to select Gnome or KDE. If noone replies, go to the forums; if noone replies, bug report.18:13
darkhamyes Matir18:14
darkhami know the list of all packages18:14
yuriyTallken: thanks for testing18:14
Tallkenyuriy: ah ok. thx for the explanation :)18:14
darkhamal list with only changes would be helpful18:14
Tallkenu welcome :)18:14
TurmsTallken: i'm fed up with presenting bug reports! i will uninstall the whole X and reinstall it .... if i can have access to the vc's18:14
TallkenTurms: clean install would be better.18:15
TallkenTurms: and if you don't report, noone will fix it, speacially if it's a tiny itsy bitsy issue noone else has found18:15
TallkenTurms: and the absense of access to VTs suggests something else is wrong. Clean install is better.18:16
TallkenTurms: Karmic tries to set the max resolution on the VTs, maybe it's that.18:17
astromme_Uh oh, same issue18:17
TallkenTurms: (in case you don't want to clean install)18:17
astromme_It gets to linux-headers and fails again....18:17
astromme_It installed every other package alright. Weird18:17
TurmsTallken: well, i do not like it! i'have been using debian for the last 11 yrs and i cannot accept that i've to reinstall ubuntu which is debian based18:18
TallkenTurms: you kinda updated to a alpha version :p18:19
TurmsTallken: and ok, i'll try with a xorg.conf with max res 800x60018:19
TallkenTurms: hum? if you can't access VT it isn't in the Xorg18:19
TallkenTurms: you'll likely have to force something on the grub.cfg like vga=0x343  [random hex here, search for docs]18:19
TurmsTallken: well, that is another problem which occurred to me in hoary or breeze, i cannot remember18:19
TallkenTurms: which graphics card do you have ?18:19
TurmsTallken: nvidia, quite old 400 mx if i'm not mistaken18:20
TurmsTallken: but in another partition i have squeeze and it works 1280+102418:20
TurmsTallken: actually i've just tried using the xorg.conf of squeeze (debian doesn't yet have the xorg.conf empty)18:21
TurmsTallken: and i tried lowering resolution to 1152x96818:22
TallkenTurms: ok, maybe I'm confused here, what do you mean by VC ?18:23
TurmsTallken: virtual consoles18:25
TallkenTurms: so, you have two different issues18:25
TallkenTurms: one is GDM not knowing which sessions it has18:25
TurmsTallken: yes, vc's is the worst18:26
TallkenTurms: the other is proabably the resolution which is set for the the framebuffer which is used by the VT is too high/incompatible with the graphics card18:26
TallkenTurms: the VT issue has nothing to do with Xorg nor xorg.conf18:26
TurmsTallken: yes i know18:26
TallkenTurms: you'll have to modify the framebuffer resolution18:26
TurmsTallken: maybe you are right18:27
Tallkenthen why the heck were you speaking to me about xorg.conf ?18:27
TallkenTurms: do note18:27
TallkenTurms: Karmic uses GRUB 1.96, aka GRUB2. The grub.cfg may not be in the format you're used to: http://www.mepis.org/node/299218:28
TallkenTurms: force some lower vga18:28
Tallkeni still recommend at least booting a live CD18:28
Tallkenat least to check the consoles18:28
Tallken*the VT18:28
TurmsTallken: well, maybe i misunderstood something you wrote, you  said that resolution could be too high because X tries to use the highest, so i i thought you were speaking about xorg.conf18:28
TallkenTurms: ah no, I should've been more explicit: the Karmic's kernel tries to use the "native" resolution for the framebuffer and hence the VTs/VCs18:29
TurmsTallken: well i tried last year grub2 and i found it to be e mess to set up, anyway the grub which is used at starttime is the squeeze one18:30
Tallkenfor example my VT is I believe at 1280x800. Can't be sure though since I don't know how to check the resolution18:30
Tallkenbut it has a better resolution than ever before18:30
Tallken[    0.001388] Console: colour VGA+ 80x2518:31
Tallken[    0.001393] console [tty0] enabled18:31
Tallkendon't know18:31
Tallkenit's better than before18:31
Tallkenthat, I can say for sure :p18:31
TurmsTallken: ok, then i'll switch to debian and try to lower the resolution in the grub karmic stanza, thanks18:32
Tallkenyou welcome18:32
Tallkencan't be sure that's the issue18:32
Tallkenbut probably is18:32
TurmsTallken: well if i can have the vc's i'm out of the problem18:33
Tallkengood luck18:33
Tallkenwill go away now18:33
Turmsi'll unistall x and reinstall it :-D18:33
Tallkenuse --purge when uninstalling18:33
Tallkenunless you want to keep some setting18:33
Tallkenbut it's better to purge old settings18:33
Turmsthanks !18:33
Tallkenu welcome18:34
webbb82ive been thinkin bout installin karmic alpha 5   by now most of the bugs should be gone rite?18:37
BUGabundowhy webbb82?18:40
BUGabundoalpha 5 is old18:40
BUGabundoget a daily18:40
BUGabundo!daily > webbb8218:41
ubottuwebbb82, please see my private message18:41
webbb82is it stable enough18:43
webbb82when the final is out in october can i just update or woulod i have to do a fresh install18:45
BUGabundowebbb82: its on 2918:46
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule18:46
BUGabundoand no, you don't need to reinstall18:46
BUGabundojust update how often you want, with update manager18:46
webbb82thanks  one last question.. is there any apps that wont run with karmic or will most anything built for jaunty run in karmic?18:47
plagerismright now lots wont run. Heh18:48
BUGabundowebbb82: depends18:49
webbb82so are you guys the ones actually programing karmic?18:49
BUGabundoif you find any of the archive18:49
BUGabundoplease report on launchpad18:49
BUGabundoI'm not18:49
BUGabundoI'm _just_ an alpha tester and user support18:49
webbb82cool well i realy want to help out also so ill just install then do  reports on anything that i run into18:50
webbb82lol one of the sides you sent me the download link will take 3 days     the other link takes 10 mins18:56
TallkenBUGabundo is also an avid Gwibber user :p18:57
BUGabundogwibber 1.218:57
Tallkenwebbb82: Twitter, Identi.ca, Facebook & others Microblogging tool18:58
Tallkenfor Gnome18:58
Tallkenalso works on KDE but pulls metacity-common18:58
Tallkenwhich I really don't want on KDE18:59
webbb82oh ya18:59
TallkenI'm with ChoqoK now :)18:59
Tallkenit's a pitty it just supports Identi.ca & Twitter18:59
Tallkenbut better than nothing I suppose19:00
Tallkenand surprisingly stable :D19:00
TallkenGwibber sometimes would hang19:00
Tallkennever got around to finding out exactly why19:00
webbb82whats ur site19:00
Tallkenmy site19:00
TallkenIdenti.ca ?19:00
webbb82ur blog19:00
webbb82oh i take it ur using it for twitter or facebook  sorry19:01
Tallkenyes :)19:01
webbb82identi.ca  never heard of that one19:02
BUGabundowebbb82: best SN and µblog around19:03
webbb82im checkin it out rite now19:04
Tallkenwebbb82: Identi.ca is a free/libre Twitter clone, with its source code published under AGPLv319:04
BUGabundoUI Freeze in place for Karmic19:05
BUGabundothere we go19:05
BUGabundo  Membership entitles you to the following benefits:19:06
BUGabundo+  * Voting privileges to confirm Ubuntu [[CommunityCouncil|Community Council]] nominations.19:06
BUGabundofinaly something I like to look forward19:06
webbb82wait membership to what19:07
IdleOneubuntu community19:07
IdleOneBUGabundo: is a big wig :P19:07
BUGabundo!membership | webbb8219:07
ubottuwebbb82: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember19:07
webbb82head honcho19:07
IdleOnewebbb82: anybody can become a member. provided the council approves you19:08
webbb82so if i were to be reporting bug reports , being active in forums and such19:09
IdleOnethen you get a cool member/ubuntu cloak and a @ubuntu.com email addy and you can vote on certain things and have a say in what goes on in ubuntu and it's direction19:09
IdleOnewebbb82: yup19:09
IdleOneread that link it gives you all the info19:10
webbb82oooo neat   i like power19:10
IdleOneit is not about power19:11
IdleOneit's about wanting to be a part of something bigger then you and giving back19:11
webbb82i know lol19:11
webbb82power is nice though19:12
IdleOnedepends how it is used19:12
webbb82aahh tooshea19:12
IdleOneUbuntu seems to be fair about the way it is used19:12
mostafa_is there anyone who knows parted magic to back up?19:13
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:13
mostafa_is there anyone who knows parted magic for back up?19:14
webbb82mostafa_: maybe you should check out ubuntu channel19:15
mostafa_webbb82: I check there too but there is no response unfortunately19:16
webbb82mostafa_: ha i know the feeling19:16
webbb82pretty discouraging with 1000 people and not one person to help19:17
mostafa_anybody works with clonezilla for drive imaging?19:20
plagerismughh, what broke my systems today?  everything linked agains nvidia-glx is broken(segfaults)19:23
webbb82i want to join the testing team19:26
webbb82https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-testing   this is where rite19:26
Dr[E]aMi heard alpha 6 is coming out. release date?19:35
mostafa_anyone know the basic steps of using clonezilla for imaging19:35
NattgewAlpha 6 on the 17th19:35
webbb82im downloading the karmic daily  but i judst looked at the file name and the name is karmic-alernate-i386.iso19:42
NattgewI've noticed that the karmic images are all named like that... very helpful when you're downloading different kinds of karmic...19:44
webbb82ok i just wanted to make sure i downloaded the rite file19:45
plagerismwebb alternative is the none livecd version of the install19:45
plagerismor at least it used to be19:45
Spike1506anyone knows if the latest avaible ati drivers work with the latest alpha? i wanna test it but since i have a ati card i would like to know before i gonna test :p19:45
BluesKajwell, for what it's worth , I managed to find a driver that gives me my old frame rates and DRI+3D acceleration on 64 bit with nvidia geforce 7600 GT , the driver is available at nvidia.com , but one has to stop X  with "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop" , command then sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.36-pkg2.run , all at the tty prompt19:58
BluesKajanyway i copied all this into my CLI cmnds file , for future reference20:09
mac_vSpike1506: ati here ;) , works better than jaunty \o/20:11
Spike1506mac_v, with the closed source drivers?20:11
mac_vjust the drivers which come with the system , nothing fancy20:12
mac_vSpike1506: oh , i use xorg edgers ppa too :p20:12
* Spike1506 needs to closed source ones for 3D.20:12
mac_vthe radeon stuff is still not proper20:13
BluesKajwell, my graphics went into the toilet after installing 64 bit , some research helped me find the solution20:13
Spike1506wanna share it BluesKaj?20:13
BluesKajSpike1506, read above20:14
Spike1506bbl now20:15
BluesKajSpike1506, if you have a 7 series nvidia card, this driver is the one , NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.36-pkg2.ru20:16
* Spike1506 has ati20:16
Spike1506ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series20:16
Spike1506OpenGL version string: 2.1.891820:16
Spike1506anyways, gota go now, sorry and thanks for the ifno20:16
BluesKajso do I but it's an onboard x200 which disabled in the BIOS20:16
mac_v!hi | wastrel20:17
wastrelmy touchpad had 2 finger scrolling in jaunty20:17
ubottuwastrel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu+1!20:17
wastrelbut in koala i don't have it20:18
mac_vwas set it from the prefs20:19
mac_vwastrel: ^20:19
wastrelhrm i had both 2 finger and edge scrolling in jaunty20:19
wastrelseems i can only set one or the other in koala20:19
mac_vwastrel: yeah  , everyone is complaining about it :) , now its either or ;p20:20
wastrelit's horrible ;__;20:20
Mike1i hope Karmic gets a lot more stable before the release -_-20:21
Mike1crash manager is my most „used” app :D20:21
plagerismOkay something between libc6-i686_2.10.1-0ubuntu9_i386 and libc6-i686_2.10.1-0ubuntu11_i386 broke libgl provided by nvidia-glx-18*20:22
jpdsMike1: Really? Haven't had that many crases there.20:24
plagerismI have had lots, but they are generally not show stoppers for me20:24
plagerismexcept for this libc6-i686 thing this morning20:25
Mike1netbook-launcher eats 20% CPU sometimes20:25
Mike1killing it solves the problem (it somehow automatically restarts)20:25
wastrelmac_v: thanks for the info.20:26
wastrelboth was better :/20:26
webbb82im doing the install rite now  do i want to encrypt my home directory??????20:26
Mike1sometimes „sreadahead“ (why would i need that anyway?) eats 100% after start for some minutes20:26
mac_vMike1: yup , mee toooooo20:27
mac_vthats for every new kernel update20:27
Mike1oh, good to know20:27
webbb82so i should enrcypt my home dir20:27
Mike1but man-page of it says that it’s for SSDs20:27
Nattgewwebbb82 it makes it more secure but it may slow it down a little bit20:27
mac_vMike1: its to refresh the files that need to be called during boot20:28
webbb82Nattgew: im on a aspire one netbook  i need all the power i can get20:28
NattgewI haven't encrypted mine, I just have one folder encrypted20:29
webbb82ok i didnt think so20:29
plagerismI like the ecryptfs-private20:30
plagerismI put it in a dropbox share20:30
plagerismSo I have the same encrypted files available wherever I go on all my computers20:31
Nattgewthere's an idea...20:31
wastreli will make a bug20:31
David-Taren't there enough already?20:33
swtaarrsis there a way to change which mixer channels are controlled by my hardware volume buttons?20:42
swtaarrsthe sound prefs seem to be completely redone and they've lost a lot of functionality in the process20:42
BUGabundoso nautilus is borked :(20:43
wastrel^^^ re-enable 2 finger scroll with edge scroll20:48
wastrelthanks once again gnome for removing settings20:48
webbb82having some troubloe getting my broadcom wifi going21:06
Nattgewwebbb82 what kind of card do you have?21:07
webbb82i was in hardware devices and activating the driver and it froze21:08
webbb82i also tried the other sta one and it did nothing21:08
Nattgewjust the devices window froze?21:09
webbb82i got it21:09
webbb82there were two drivers a sta one and another the sta one is working21:10
Nattgewgood... I think I noticed that oo21:10
webbb82ya thanks thougth, oh and i can tell a differance between this and alpha 521:10
Nattgewis that a good thing or a bad thing?21:11
webbb82nice loggin ubuntu logo thing21:11
Nattgewwith the progress bar?21:11
webbb82see if there are any system updates21:11
webbb82what would happebn if i ckecked pre-realeased  updates21:12
NattgewI'm guessing nothing different...21:13
webbb8212 updates available21:15
webbb82a bash update21:15
webbb82sorry bout all this chattin but as far as  reporting bug reports is there any software that can help to file bugs21:18
Nattgewapport tends to automatically come up when things crash21:18
drs305and if not apport-bug or ubuntu-bug21:20
drs305Just type it into a terminal.21:20
laz0rhi, I just accidently changed a bug from Triaged to Fix Commited on Launchpad, and now I can't change it back!21:30
laz0rmaybe someone could take a look?21:30
laz0rit this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/e2fsprogs/+bug/42782221:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427822 in e2fsprogs "fsck says last write time in future" [Critical,Fix committed]21:31
BUGabundohey Ayla21:31
AylaI found a bug on my karmic amd6421:31
Nattgewlaz0r: Triaged is not an option in that field...21:32
Aylathat's what I get when I go in the date & hour configuration panel21:32
laz0rNattgew: well, i am pretty sure it said triaged21:32
BUGabundoAyla: only one ?21:33
laz0ri clicked on the triaged field because i wondered if it then would tell what triaged means21:33
Nattgewlaz0r... yeah, I think you're right. you could try #ubuntu-bugs21:33
AylaBUGabundo: no, I also have to fsck my main HDD every boot, but that's another story21:33
AylaI think I'll move back to 9.0421:34
BUGabundooh why?21:35
AylaI installed karmic this morning, I already have lots of bugs21:35
BUGabundowell its DEVEL21:36
guntbertAyla: what do you expect from an alpha software - except bugs ?21:36
Aylait's to be released in one month, I through it'd be already quite stable21:37
guntbertAyla: make that 7 weeks - and look at the designation ALPHA21:39
laz0rnobody is answering in #ubuntu-bugs, should i leave a note on the bug that i changed it by accident?21:39
Aylaguntbert: I know what ALPHA means21:42
Nattgewlaz0r I would wait a bit, if no one answers then yes leave a comment21:42
guntbertAyla: :-)  but why were you surprised to find bugs? what else could be the reason to start that version now? (besides curiosity of course :-)21:43
Aylaguntbert: well, the hour & date panel has been here for years, it's strange it's broken now21:46
guntbertAyla: there are several bug reports on that - search on LP for #40621121:48
lia1238Touchpad tap doesn't work in alpha5. Can anyone with a laptop and touchpad confirm this?21:48
jadams_hey, whoever else was having problems with flash in karmic21:49
jadams_arvind_khadri, you were, right?21:49
jadams_I just did a locate flashplugin21:49
jadams_and rm'd almost anything I found21:50
jadams_and started up firefox21:50
jadams_and it worked flawlessly21:50
arvind_khadrijadams_, yes21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406211 in gnome-system-tools "time-admin crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Medium,Triaged]21:50
Nattgewlia1238 mine has tapped fine21:51
Tallken?? ipmasq21:53
Tallken! ipmasq21:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ipmasq21:53
lia1238maybe my wacom affecting my touchpad's tab.21:53
TallkenZOMG 503 on ubuntuforums21:59
Tallkenforums are back22:01
lia1238How do I install ccsm?22:03
drs305A more complete settings manager would be: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager22:05
drs305Unless you are referring to that, in which case: there ya go.22:05
lia1238drs305, i tried that, it wasn't found.22:06
lia1238i tried enabling universe and multiverse22:06
lia1238W: A error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/Release22:07
drs305Yes, it should be in universe. Had the correct spelling/hyphenation?22:07
Nattgewlia1238 that's just an authentication error22:07
Nattgewit should find the package fine22:07
Nattgewtry an apt-get update again...22:08
drs305You can also go into the Repository settings of Synaptic, Authentication tab, untick the ftp authentication and it will ask you the next time you run apt-get update.22:11
drs305You might be able to overwrite it with this:  sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 437D05B522:13
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule22:35
arvind_khadri!gpgerr | drs30522:42
ubottudrs305: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <key> && gpg --export --armor <key> | sudo apt-key add - »22:42
arvind_khadridrs305, easy to use :)22:42
drs305Of course, each repository has it's own key so the bot entry won't work for others.22:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 391035 in aptitude "aptitude stops displaying downloads" [Undecided,New]22:57
dupondjestill nobody on this one ? :s22:57
nemosome recent change to nvidia completely screwed up my display23:15
nemo-173 doesn't work at all, with either the .28 or .31 kernels23:15
nemobut the .185.36 version in the -180 line just crashes on me23:15
nemothis is with a clean xorg.conf generated by nvidia's config tool23:16
nemounfortunately prior versions in the -180 line seem to have been removed :(23:17
nemo01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 LE] (rev a1)23:17
nemoand  dpkg-reconfiger xserver-xorg just exits23:21
nemodoesn't even try generating a generic xorg.conf for use by nv23:21
W9ZEB-Larsis the Intel GMA 500 supported by Karmic?23:23
buckyW9ZEB-Lars, http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=66eb4e88fccc602ac0ac499c87a29f54&t=125340623:29
W9ZEB-Larsbucky: thanks for the link.  I had been looking for something like that.23:34
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
gbs-wesjust did an update and it broke my nvidia drivers :( all that i saw that updated was bash, mysql, and firefox3.5/xulrunner stuff. weird.23:42
gbs-wesi can't even go back to an old nvidia driver and have it work23:43

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