
sistpotyluisbg: mind to give an opinion for bug #423801? Thanks!01:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423801 in audacity "Sync audacity 1.3.9-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42380101:47
sistpotyluisbg: also what do you think about bug #405318?01:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405318 in lmms "Please update lmms to 0.4.5 version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40531801:55
keeswgrant: thanks for the nominations work.  very very helpful for me.  :)02:25
keeswgrant: do you have any idea how bug 322562 could be fixed?  it seems like something is just missing a tiny export for a collections link02:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 322562 in malone "Cannot lookup bug list from CVE" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32256202:26
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formolQChi.  i just installed alpha5, and fsck fail at first boot, does someone know what to do?04:03
LaserJockbah, the icedtea6-plugin should be renamed to openjdk-6-plugin04:08
ian_brasilformolQC, run fsck manually and then reboot04:09
formolQCian_brasil, I did, it didn't work04:11
=== obama is now known as vorian
=== Hobbsee is now known as Hobbsee_
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
hrickardsAm I right in thinking that because it's past the Feature Freeze for karmic, without being granted a Feature Freeze exception, I can only upload (well have uploaded by MOTU) new versions of my package (lives) that contain bugfixes, not new features? For anyone who's familiar with the lives versioning 1.1.2 adds new features whereas 1.0.2 is just bugfixes. Can I only upload 1.0.2? Also see bug #42783608:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427836 in lives "[new-upstream]LiVES 1.0.1" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42783608:48
hyperairpretty much so08:53
hyperairfeature freeze basically means no new features08:53
hrickardshyperair: Okay08:53
hyperairalso, it pays to be patient.08:53
hyperairthere are times when nobody who knows is actively staring at the channel so just wait until somebody who knows does08:54
hrickardshyperair: Okay.08:54
Hobbseehrickards: if you do want to push new features, the earlier it is, the more likely a FFe will be granted.09:03
hrickardsHobbsee: Okay. Do you think today's too late?09:04
Hobbseehrickards: for universe?  doubt it09:05
hrickardsHobbsee: Okay. Would it be easier for me to wait a day or two until 1.1.2-2 gets into Debian, or just file a bug now.09:06
hrickardsSorry, should have been would it be *better*09:07
Hobbseehrickards: day or two and sync :)09:07
Hobbseesyncs == always easier, and usually better09:07
Hobbseein terms of maintenance and such09:07
hrickardsHonnsee: Okay09:11
* Hobbsee suggests the tab key, for much easier irc'ing ;009:11
* Hobbsee looks at her shift key, frowning at it for not working09:11
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StevenKHobbsee: Perhaps your pinky isn't working :-P09:28
hyperair...why does usb-creator cause my entire system to lag like hell?10:03
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LureRiddell: point is that autologin ensures that my kde session with all apps is started asap; autolock is needed to have my business laptop secure12:59
LureRiddell: yes, I still need to enter password, but latency (time-to-working-session) is better with autlogin+lock13:00
elopsI am going to run Ubuntu as a file server for my small business (approx 5-8 computers will use the server) should I install Ubuntu server edition or would the desktop edition work just fine?  I am a bit of a novice with lunux, but not comps--Ubuntu seems to have a lot of clout any other sugestions are appreciated.15:23
JCassMy novice opinion is to start out with a normal desktop edition15:23
JCassThe Ubuntu server is just command line15:24
JCassIf you are comfortable with that then by all means, use Ubuntu Server :)15:24
directhexdoko, libreadline-dev - needed for karmic?15:43
dokodirecthex: no, not necessary, maybe it would be nice to get libreadline5 off the CD15:49
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pacopilonline boxing game http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html17:20
darkhamplese add a document of changes between daily discs18:06
darkhamwould be helpful to users with known problems18:07
ScottKdarkham: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Karmic-changes18:34
apacheloggerasac: any news on the trademark?18:57
cody-somervillejames_w, I have some questions about bzr-builder if you're around.20:17
EtienneGslangasek a new sets of Eucalyptus packages have been built two days ago, but are still awaiting publication.  Is this because of FF?  do you have any idea when we expect they hit the archive?20:48
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=== bip`debian is now known as mdz
ScottKEtienneG: Everything is on automatic right now, so it's not because of FF (I don't know what that would be).20:59
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sorenThey're binary new.21:00
sorenScottK: Something you could take care of?21:00
ScottKPerhaps later tonight.21:01
sorenI somehow thought they'd been approved already. :(21:01
=== bip`debian is now known as mdz
sorenEtienneG: Its because I split the -cloud package into -sc, -walrus, -java-common, and -cloud. They're new packages, so need approval.21:02
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EtienneGsoren, thanks for the info ... do you have any idea how long it will take for these to be approved, and who I need to talk to to speed that up?21:29
sorenEtienneG: It takes 15 seconds once someone decides to do it.21:30
EtienneGsoren, good to know, thanks a bunch!21:31
sorenEtienneG: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+members21:31
EtienneGmdz, is that something that can be arranged?21:32
EtienneGmdz, we where talking about the built but unapproved new set of packages for Eucalyptus21:33
EtienneG1.6~bzr672-0ubuntu2, more specifically21:34
mdzEtienneG, yes, soren can speak to an archive admin and ask them to expedite it21:35
EtienneGmdz, ok21:35
sorenEtienneG: ScottK is an AA, so that's what I did about half an hour ago.21:36
mdzEtienneG, it is Sunday, though, and it may not get done until tomorrow unless it is incredibly urgent21:36
EtienneGmdz, I guess I can survive with the current version for the moment21:36
mdzEtienneG, you can still get the .debs from Launchpad, I believe21:37
EtienneGmdz, indeed, I saw that21:37
mdzsoren, if ScottK doesn't happen to get to it today, please speak to a european-based ~ubuntu-archive member tomorrow and make sure it gets done early in the day, since we want it to be published and tested for alpha 621:38
sorenmdz: Sure.21:38
EtienneGand tested it will get, I assure you21:38
tripzerodid the latest updates blow away nvidia support?21:47
Gurpartapcjwatson: hello22:06
superm1if anyone with ~ubuntu-archive powers is around over the weekend, can bug 439032 be expedited?  we haven't had a good mythbuntu live disk generation in 3 days and were hoping to test some bug fixes that were recently integrated in preparation for a6.22:13
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 439032 could not be found22:13
superm1and by that i mean bug 42903222:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429032 in ubuntu "Please sync libimage-size-perl 3.2-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42903222:13
superm1it's currently blocking us because image-size was removed from the archive without syncing the new package it was renamed to in debian in the last few days22:14
superm1kirkland are you around? Daviey pointed out you've got some powers, maybe you can help ^?22:29
EtienneGkirkland, if you do happen to service superm1 above, could you also expedite eucalyptus 1.6~bzr672-0ubuntu2 ?22:34
EtienneGfunny bug in LP ... if you try to create a bug with a very long title, it will OOPS with a timeout searching for similar bug.  If you shorten the title, it works.23:16
crimsunTheMuso: slmodemd is causing havoc with pulseaudio, as exhibited in bug 394500. any suggestions what can be done for Karmic?23:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 394500 in pulseaudio "[Karmic] processes holding /dev/dsp* or /dev/snd/pcm* cause "pulseaudio: card not found - Null Output / Dummy Output"" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39450023:31
TheMusocrimsun: Ok23:37
slangasekEtienneG: it's because they're in the new queue23:40
slangasekEtienneG: I'm not going to have a chance to do new processing before tomorrow (at my regularly scheduled time)23:41
EtienneGslangasek, ok, i can live with that if need be23:41
TheMusocrimsun: hrm I am not sure how we solve this one. I wonder why they have slmodemd installed in the first place...23:44
TheMusoProbably due to installing it from jockey I suspect.23:44
crimsunTheMuso: indeed23:56
crimsuni've been inspecting the sl-modem-daemon source, and it hardcodes modem:%d, which is unfortunate23:57
crimsuni think perhaps we can extend module-udev-detect to report which processes are causing it to return "busy"23:58
crimsunthat way at least there's some indication of why people are receiving null/dummy output23:58

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