
starkravingDoes anyone know how to customize a LiveCD? I am trying to get my wife's laptop to start up temporarily in Ubuntu, but it keeps showing the 'critical temperature reached, shutting down' message, then shuts off the computer. I know this is false and want to disable the temperature check05:54
starkravingDoes anyone know how to customize a LiveCD? I am trying to get my wife's laptop to start up temporarily in Ubuntu, but it keeps showing the 'critical temperature reached, shutting down' message, then shuts off the computer. I know this is false and want to disable the temperature check06:02
^arky^Regarding bug 428293: Is this correct way of modifying /etc/defaults/speech-dispatcher ?06:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428293 in speech-dispatcher "Spd doesn't start on LiveCD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42829306:30
CIA-33wubi: Agostino Russo * r153 trunk/ (7 files in 5 dirs):21:10
CIA-33wubi: * Modified embedded grub cfg since root.disk is available at21:10
CIA-33wubi:  installation time21:10
CIA-33wubi: * Added back syncio mount option21:10
xivuloncjwatson, I have added  a couple of files to lupin (r118), one to upgrade wubildr on the host, the other is your 10_lupin file with a couple of minor changes22:33
xivulonI haven't actually hooked them yet, since there is a bit more work to do, and I am not sure about the best way to package those22:34
xivulonbut I tested them and they seem ok, I have already updated wubi accordingly22:34
xivulonanother thing to do is to delete partman-auto-loop/fstab.d/hostboot22:36
xivulonfyi there is a bug in grub2 that makes it crash when you try to test a loopback device without filesystem, sent a mail to grub ml22:37

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