
polycarbonateand you are connected with wireless rightg00:00
FelpsJi had never tryed to connect by ethernet00:00
FelpsJToday i tryed and couldnt connect00:00
polycarbonateso the only problem is ethernet?00:00
polycarbonatemay be because your ethernet card is not recognised00:01
polycarbonatedo you see eth000:01
polycarbonatein ifconfig?00:01
polycarbonateor ifconfig -a00:01
polycarbonateyes thats the problem00:01
FelpsJi see in ifconfig -a:00:01
FelpsJlo   -    loopback00:02
FelpsJwlan0   - the wifi00:02
FelpsJand pan0   - i dont know what is00:02
polycarbonateits bluetooth00:02
polycarbonateyour ethernet card is not recognised00:02
polycarbonate%80 work out of the box00:03
FelpsJcan i look for drivers?00:03
FelpsJhow sad.00:03
polycarbonateis it laptop?00:03
FelpsJan old one00:03
polycarbonatewell you should find out the ethernet card brand and model00:04
FelpsJthe model i dont know. any way to know model in ubuntu?00:05
polycarbonatewell i dont know any further about installing drivers00:05
polycarbonatei ussually search and find a how-to00:05
FelpsJok. thank you00:06
FelpsJgoogle will help me now heheeheh00:06
polycarbonatebut ask others if there is an option for installing restricted drivers or something00:06
polycarbonateyour welcome :)00:06
FelpsJi think yes. I installed a windows driver for the wifi adapter.00:06
polycarbonatedo you have windows installed in another partition?00:07
polycarbonatemaybe you could find the model number there00:08
FelpsJi will try. :)00:08
polycarbonatewell then find it :)00:08
FelpsJdidnt think about this!00:08
FelpsJthank you.00:08
FelpsJlet's try.00:09
FelpsJsee you00:09
FelpsJpolycarbonate, I'm back00:27
FelpsJIt was just reboot00:27
FelpsJIt's working now00:27
polycarbonateu did nothing?00:27
polycarbonatewell nice00:28
FelpsJi rebooted in windows00:28
FelpsJand copy the model00:28
FelpsJwhen i back to ubuntu... voialá00:28
FelpsJit's working ;)00:28
polycarbonatecopy this00:29
polycarbonatekeep it00:29
FelpsJcant understand binary :)00:29
polycarbonatesee you00:30
FelpsJthank you00:30
polycarbonateur welcome add me00:30
Foxtrotcan anyone help me with a problem? I can't connect to the internet on any linux distro00:30
polycarbonatedo you use ethernet connection?00:32
polycarbonateor a usb router?00:32
polycarbonateis your ethernet car recognised?00:33
polycarbonatetry ifconfig -a00:33
Foxtrothow can I tell?00:33
polycarbonateopen command line00:33
polycarbonatei mean terminal00:33
polycarbonateand type00:33
Foxtrotsays command not found00:34
polycarbonateomg, howcome..00:34
polycarbonateifconfig utilities are installed on all linux sytems00:35
FoxtrotI am using moblin00:35
polycarbonatei dont think i can help :(00:35
Foxtrotmoblin is linux though right?00:35
polycarbonateyes it is00:36
polycarbonateis it open source?00:36
polycarbonateand free00:36
polycarbonateits highly customised00:37
polycarbonatei dont know sorry :)00:37
FoxtrotI have tried two OSes before this, nothing linux will run with internet but it works with xp00:38
polycarbonatei guess its because of the ethernet card00:38
polycarbonatedo you have xp in another partition?00:38
polycarbonatedo you know the brand and model number?00:39
polycarbonateof the eth. car00:39
Foxtrotno clue00:39
FoxtrotI have an eeepc 1005ha00:39
polycarbonateeeepc components must be working out of the box00:40
polycarbonateis it new?00:40
polycarbonatevery recent?00:40
polycarbonatehow many months before you bought it?00:40
Foxtrot4 days old00:40
polycarbonatemaybe thats why00:40
polycarbonatethe new drivers arent added in releases00:41
polycarbonateyou must find the drivers for linux and intall it00:42
polycarbonatemaybe you can find a how-to on internet00:42
Foxtrothmm ok00:43
Foxtrotthanks I will check it out00:43
polycarbonatehey foxtrot00:47
polycarbonatethere is a guy who has the same problems as you00:48
polycarbonatehere: http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=7360300:48
polycarbonatelook here00:49
polycarbonatethere is a script which installs everything needed and corrects some annoyances in 5 mins00:50
Fizban140newthis is far too much work to get linux working00:54
Fizban140now I have no way of getting any drivers on my netbook00:57
Fizban140since the last distro of linux correputed my flash drive00:57
Fizban140linux wont read my external hdd00:57
Fizban140so I am fucked00:57
Fizban140have to go out and buy a new flash drive just to spend another day trying to get this thing to work00:58
Fizban140thats what is so great about windows, it just fucking works00:58
SiDiFizban140: windows just never worked out of the box for my hardware, while ubuntu did perform much better each time01:33
TheSheepFizban140: please mind your language01:34
SiDiAnd i seriously doubt you cant boot on an usb stick or even on your external HDD and use it to install w/e OS you want from there01:34
SiDiand this has nothing to do with installed systems, it has to do with your bios01:34
TheSheepor a hardware failure01:35
n2diywhat was the first version of Xubuntu?02:23
forces6.06 I guess02:24
n2diyok, tnks02:25
=== syrius is now known as demokraky
EseI dual boot xubuntu and windows vista03:30
EseI'm on a netbook03:30
Eseand apparently xubuntu messed up my bluetooth03:30
Eseneither windows nor xubuntu display my bluetooth receiver03:31
=== demokraky is now known as syrius
forcesturn it on03:43
forcessome laptops have a switch03:43
Esenop, this one doesn't03:46
=== majuk1 is now known as majuk
kromarhi, i installed a new harddrive and xubunto is not on the same partition anymore, how do i restore grub?05:28
miguelonnnnhi! i'm reading a xubuntu man and it says "add this script to the startup items". How can i do it?08:01
miguelonnnndone it :)08:13
miguelonnnnapplications ->settings -> startup & sesion08:14
miguelonnnnthere's a tab there named "autostart"08:14
miguelonnnnsimply add what you need ;)08:15
_Pete_seems to be totally new for me :)08:15
miguelonnnnyeah its a little different from ubuntu hehe08:15
miguelonnnnwell got to restartt see you later _Pete_ _ :) byee08:15
rgnrhey all08:38
rgnrhow do i unloch flashdrive?08:38
DornHeya, anyone up for little help with problem with my monitor?10:22
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:52
Dornhmm im trying to change resolution with "xrandr --output default --mode "1024x768" just says xrandr: cannot find mode 1024x768, i already made that mode with cvt and xrandr newmode, any tips to make this work?11:48
CharelBI'm using two screens ... and xfce ... can i use on one screen one workspace and on the second screen an another workspace?14:21
TheSheepyou can have them as two displays, with independent workspaces both14:27
CharelBTheSheep, how?15:02
TheSheepCharelB: I think it depends on your graphics card15:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about twinhead15:30
CharelBI've got an Nvidia Geforce 860015:31
TheSheep!dualhead | CharelB15:31
ubottuCharelB: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama15:31
CharelBthank you15:31
kromar1hi, can someone help me with a grub problem?18:56
vinnl!ask :)18:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask :)18:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:57
lobohey, the wireless icon on the top panel is missing and its not automatically being picked up.  i tried "Adding new items.." but couldn't find anything related.22:46
knomelobo, you have to add notification area23:01
lobook I get a dialog that first says "There is already a notification area running on this screen. "  Then immediately after I get "Could not open "systray" module"23:03
knomeokay, then press "alt+f2" and run "nm-applet"23:04
lobodoesn't seem to do anything23:06
loboalright i see the process running, but i still don't see the network menu that I had before.23:07
knomelobo, are you sure it isn't somewhere else? is there a small arrow somewhere? it might be hidden.23:16
lobomy wireless usually automatically connects when i login, but it didn't after my last reboot23:18
lobomy wireless card seems to be working, i was able to scan networks thru ifconfig23:19
ldezI'm a noob so it might be best to ignore me... But maybe something had accidentally closed it and your session cache saved it? Get knome to verify my thoughts first.. but maybe you should clear your /.cache/ in home folder?23:20
knomelobo, is there an icon with two monitors?23:23
loboThere's only [Applications] (on LHS)  and [Bluetooth] [Screenlets] [X-Chat] [Time] [Quit] on RHS23:24
loboi also just noticed that I lost my virtual desktop23:24
sidildez: lobo feel free to repeat the problem you're having, cause i disconnected and i dont know what you said below:p23:26
sidilobo: did your network applet disappear ?23:27
loboafter a reboot23:27
loboi was trying to install compiz23:27
sidiyou can launch it again with 'nm-applet'23:27
loboi tried that, but it isn't showing up23:28
sidiPlease open a console and type it again23:28
lobo** (nm-applet:6033): WARNING **: <WARN>  applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service as it is already taken.  Return: 323:28
sidiso it looks like its started but not attached to the panels by some kind of magic23:29
loboyah, =[23:29
siditry nm-applet --help23:29
loboi also lost my other virtual desktop too23:29
sidii dont have it myself so i dont know the arguments you can give it but its very likely that you can kill it23:29
sidicompiz is known to trash your number of virtual desktops23:30
sidiyou can reconfigure them with simple-ccsm23:30
knomethat was a nasty disconnect23:30
sidiwelcome in my world, knome23:30
RoogarHi, I just installed xubuntu and have zero experiecne with linux.  I see there's an update manager with a rather large list of updates.  Do I want/need to grab all these or are some optional?23:30
knomesidi, ;))23:30
knomeRoogar, there is the subtitles which tell which are important, optional etc.23:31
knomeRoogar, i recommend you install them all though.23:31
Roogaralright ty, i'll just grab them all23:31
sidiRoogar: between releases, you are only offerred translation updates and security fixes, so there is no reason to refuse them23:31
Roogarso is there some sort of master list and people post the updates they've created to them and xubuntu checks it upon startup/connection to interwebs?23:32
sidiIt happens (very very rarely) that something doesn't work for a few users after an update, though, so when you see that the "linux" package itself is in the list, try to keep it in mind incase something stops working right after a reboot23:32
sidiRoogar: actually, when security breaches are discovered, developers fix them and the ubuntu developers then grab the fix, make it work with the current version in ubuntu if appropriate, and then upload the new version to the ubuntu servers23:33
sidithen your computer checks what's new in the ubuntu servers23:33
sidithis means only canonical employees can send security updates between releases23:34
sidiAnd your computer makes sure that these updates come from a verified server, so you're completely sure that noone apart from canonical is sending you updates23:34
sidiwhich is much more secure than updates per application :)23:35
Roogarwell then, how handy!23:35
loboalright i just uninstalled all that compiz crap23:36
loboanyone have any other ideas before i reboot?23:36
sidilobo, please paste 'aptitude search networkmanager'23:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!23:37
sidiand also, paste "ls .config/autostart"23:37
sidils ~/.config/autostart sorry :)23:44
sidi(~ = /home/<yourname> which is your working directory when you open the terminal :d)23:44
loboyah that i was my bad.23:45
sidiwow, not many things here23:46
sidiand definately not nm-applet23:46
sidiI dont know what to do honnestly :/ i'm not sure what causes your problem23:47
knomelobo, you can try removing ~/.config23:48
knomelobo, and maybe ~/.cache too23:48
lobowill that be automatically recreated when x starts?23:48
knomelobo, that will of course remove your configs23:48
loboits a fresh install23:49
loboso not much config23:49
ldezInstead of removing them, maybe it would be wise to rename them to something like ~/.cacheBackup/ .. so that in case that doesn't solve the problem, then you still have a copy?23:49
lobovery wise ldez23:50
knomeldez, you'd still have a broken cache/cfg backup and had to solve what is wrong - configurating things again might be more convenient23:50
ldezHeh, like I said.. I'm a noob so don't take anything I say for a good idea without it being verified by someone smarter, which knome seems to be.. sidi *definitely* is...23:51
knomeif you want to save your .cache and .config it is a good idea, but as you have a fresh installation, you should just remove them23:51
lobowait, is there something that actively tracks directory changes?23:52
lobootherwise wouldn't mv be just as effective as rm23:52
knomethere is not that tracks the changes and remembers them23:53
loboalright i'm gonna reboot23:55
=== lobo__ is now known as lobo
loboits working23:57
sidilobo: im still very curious about how you installed compiz :)23:59
lobowell i didnt do it successfully23:59

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