
tuxxyhey who designed ubot415:54
PiciThe main bot plugins were originally written by Seveas (Dennis Kaarsemaker), but have been maintained more recently by tsimpson (Terence Simpson). They're running on supybot.15:56
tuxxysuupybot really damn, I assumed it was eggdrop15:57
ubottuUbottu uses supybot, which is available in the main !repositories, with additional plugins that are available at http://ubottu.com/clone.html15:57
jpdstuxxy: In Ubuntu, Python is all.15:59
tuxxyI see16:00
tuxxy!info firefox16:00
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.14+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB16:00
ubot4tuxxy: firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.14+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB16:01
ubot2tuxxy: firefox (source: firefox-3.0): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.14+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 67 kB, installed size 124 kB16:01
tuxxythats the script I wanted to add to mine16:01
jussi01tuxxy: its the encylopedia plugin for supybot16:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-irc's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:01
tuxxyhmm it is, but how did you add the package databse please16:02
Picijussi01: Thats the packageinfo plugin I thought.16:02
jussi01tuxxy: the factoids are there ^^16:02
jussi01oh, sorry, so it is16:02
* jussi01 was thinking factoids16:02
jussi01tuxxy: it just pulls from the ubuntu repos.16:03
tuxxyok thanks Pici Ill try and add it to mine now16:04
tuxxyhey guys one last thing, I want to install the preconfigured packageinfo plugin for my supybot would I still need to run supybot-plugin-create script16:31
Picituxxy: Nope, just download the script files, put them in a directory where the bot is already looking for plugins (you can have more than one, see @config supybot.directories.plugins, and just @load PackageInfo16:39
tuxxyok thanks gain Pici :D16:58
tuxxyanyone here can help me configure packageinfo plugin for my bot please17:50
jussi01tuxxy: #ubuntu-bots ;)18:04
tuxxyok sure18:04
=== DJones_ is now known as DJones
tuxxyGuys do I need root on a machines to run packageinfor plugin?18:56
nikolook at read me18:57
tuxxyniko perhaps you could help me then, I have it configured and loaded however I fail when running the final 2 scripts to update the /apt folder18:57
tuxxyI did look at readme but I am stuck now =/18:57
nikohave you fill each source.list as mentionned ?18:58
tuxxyyes my sources.list is here http://pastebin.com/m494d8a9618:58
tuxxydo I need to chmod +x sources.list18:59
nikohave you only jaunty on mentionned distrib ?18:59
tuxxywell yes I try to get it working with Jaunty first then maybe I add extras but struggling to even have just Jaunty work =/19:00
nikotake a look at config.py19:01
nikoand add remove old one19:01
tuxxyok what am I looking for19:01
tuxxyok 1 sec19:01
tuxxyniko http://pastebin.com/m24f463c819:02
tuxxyI needed to edit aptdir = something("Where should the apt directory be? (<botdir>/data/apt for example)") ?19:03
tuxxyin config.pl19:03
nikoload the plugin19:03
tuxxyI did load it19:03
nikoand after user !config blablablabal dir19:03
tuxxyI already did19:03
jpdstuxxy: Did you put your apt cache as literally the /apt directory?19:04
tuxxyaptdir = something("Where should the apt directory be? (<botdir>/data/apt for example)") should I change that19:04
tuxxyhelp-b0t> The operation succeeded.19:06
tuxxy<tuxxy> @info firefox19:06
tuxxy<help-b0t> Jaunty is not a valid distribution []19:06
nikotuxxy: you have to fill full path19:07
nikolike /home/bot/data/apt19:07
jussi01tuxxy: one again, this belongs in #ubuntu-bots19:07
nikoyes don't grow up poor log rate we have here :)19:08
nikohi jussi01 :)19:08
jussi01hiya niko19:08
jussi01Im hardly around, sorry19:08
nikotuxxy: as jussi01 mentionned, please use #ubuntu-bots19:10
tuxxy=( its empty though19:10
tuxxyI give up lol19:29
tuxxyok guys so if packageinfo plugin does not require root then why do I have permission errors when running the 2 final scripts to complete the installation20:23
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
tuxxycan someone tell me who created the packgeinfo plugin please, I need to speak with them?23:24
nikoread .py files header23:26
tuxxyTerence Simpson?23:27
tuxxyniko perhaps you can help me now, I have followed the README and done all the steps23:28
nikoi go bed now23:28
tuxxyok night23:28

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