
jmlhow can I filter merge proposal emails in GMail?01:46
micahgjml: I filter on Subject01:52
jmlmicahg, how does that work?01:53
micahgDon't they all have [Merge] in them?01:53
micahgalthough this might be better: [Merge][Merge]01:53
micahgX-Launchpad-Notification-Type: code-review01:53
micahgthat header might be better01:54
jmlmicahg, yes, they do. But I'd like proposals for different projects to be tagged differently01:54
micahgcan't you add multiple filters in gmail?01:54
jmlmicahg, do you know how to filter for arbitrary headers in gmail?01:54
micahgthere's a project filter01:54
micahgjml: i don't know that it's possible01:58
micahgyou could load gmail in thunderbird and do it there...01:59
jmlmicahg, hmm.02:00
micahgjml: maybe put a request into gmail for the feature?02:00
jmlmicahg, it turns out that filtering on arbitrary headers is one of the top 10 requested features :)02:01
mwhudsoni really don't understand why they haven't done that yet02:08
wgrantIt seems like it'd be a pretty critical feature.02:11
wgrantI couldn't live without it.02:11
mwhudsonmind you, as a launchpad developer i'm not really in any position to ask why an obviously useful feature hasn't been implemented yet...02:18
micahgjml: maybe by [Merge] and another thing in the subject02:19
micahgthe project is in the subject as well02:19
micahgor if you have a server you control, you can pipe it through procmail and then have gmail pull it02:20
micahgand change the address to +project02:20
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noodles775Nice... I love the new milestone page :)07:47
ricli85i uploaded a pot file through the web interface about a week ago but it still hasn't been approved, how long do i need to wait?08:01
spmricli85: that should start fixing from earlier today actually. we were having some interesting issues around translations that necessitated a temporary hold.08:04
ricli85spm, ok, i'll wait some more then and see if it gets approved soon, thanks08:06
spmthere's a bit of a backlog, aiui, so don't hold your breath; but things are happening again.08:07
alok, so bazaar.launchpad.net only works while i'm in this channel i guess?08:40
spmal: heh. nice timing; I just bounced it. should be good.08:42
alspm: k ;)08:42
doctormo_is the launchpadlib python code ready for general use? and is it possible to use it to do project searches and project details?08:58
doctormo_https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib <- In here it says that a cache dir needs to be specified. Is this still the case?09:01
wgrantdoctormo_: If you want a cache, yes. But it's not mandatory.09:01
wgrantBut it's a very good idea.09:01
doctormo_wgrant: Was there problems using XDG cache dir?09:02
wgrantdoctormo_: Yes. The cache isn't thread-safe.09:02
doctormo_wgrant: Ew, that can't be good for the look of the thing. Any reason or is it arch problems?09:03
wgrantdoctormo_: No idea.09:04
doctormo_wgrant: thanks for your help though, filled in a few data points09:04
Davieydoctormo_: unless i'm mistaken, you also need to be an edge user09:05
wgrantDaviey: No.09:05
wgrantDaviey: It's both not restricted to beta testers on edge, and also now available on production.09:05
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Davieyhmm.. wonder why i thought it was edge only09:06
wgrantDaviey: It was until two months ago.09:06
wgrantHowever, it wasn't restricted to beta testers.09:06
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maxbHas anyone filed a bug about making public info readable without oauth credentials?09:09
wgrantmaxb: Yes.09:10
wgrantmaxb: I did a couple of months ago.09:10
wgrantmaxb: For now you can hack launchpadlib to use the webapp vhost, if you really want it.09:11
maxbegads, that works!?09:11
wgrantNot easily.09:13
wgrantIt needs a couple of changes in wadllib too.09:13
doctormo_That bug effects me too, although I suppose it's not too much of a problem since my users are expected to have an account anyway.09:24
doctormo_wgrant: I don't suppose you've used a file resource object via launchpadlib? finding it hard to sort out how to use it.09:30
wgrantdoctormo_: I haven't, but I thought they worked just like normal files.09:31
doctormo_wgrant: like normal file io objects?09:33
wgrantdoctormo_: Yes.09:34
doctormo_ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded <- wow that errors gets annoying quickly09:34
doctormo_Ah, not file io, but a file object which needs .open()09:36
sorenI think I asked this before, but has anyone succesfully interacted with the API from Javascript?09:45
* soren is contemplating some nifty mashing up he could do with the launchpad data available as JSON09:46
wgrantsoren: LP does lots of interaction like that.09:47
wgrantBut there will be issues getting browser to let you do it from other sites.09:47
cody-somervilleI use the launchpadlib to import launchpad data into my database and then use my own restful API and javascript09:48
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* cody-somerville loves how people rebuild the same packages over and over.09:52
cody-somervillethat is, instead of looking to see if someone else has already published it in a PPA they upload to their own PPA09:53
cody-somervilleand thanks to tools like bzr-builder, a lot of it is just crontabs firing09:54
sorenwgrant: I'll be doing it from chrome, probably.09:55
cody-somervilleI wonder how much buildd time is actually wasted by people carelessly using up a limited resource09:55
sorenwgrant: Not Google Chrome. Firefox chrome.09:55
wgrantsoren: Ah.09:55
wgrantsoren: That would probably be fine, then.09:55
sorenwgrant: Do you know where I can see some example code or something? Is there a library of sorts to do this?09:56
wgrantsoren: LP has some JS client lib for it. Let me see...09:56
thekornhi, has the link to directly jump to the sourcecode been removed accedentially from pages like https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/event-item-separation ?09:56
thekornor is it part of the new blingbling design09:57
wgrantthekorn: It's currently lost in the middle of a page redesign.09:57
wgrantthekorn: It will be revived once the branch page is redesigned in a few days.09:57
thekornok, so there is hope it will come back soon09:58
thekornthanks wgrant09:58
wgrantIt will return.09:58
=== intellectronica changed the topic of #launchpad to: There is a Planet Launchpad | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: intellectronica | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer channel
IntuitiveNippleFor bugs, how is an upstream bug tracker link supposed to be added when there is no 'distro' option for the upstream package? In this case, I want to add a bug link to bugzilla.mozilla.org against xulrunner-1.9.1 (or firefox-3.5) in an existing bug #35940710:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 359407 in firefox-3.5 "Jaunty icedtea6-plugin doesn’t work in Firefox 3.5" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35940710:32
wgrantIntuitiveNipple: Create a task for the upstream bug (using "Also affects project"), and enter the project name and URL there.10:40
wgrant... damn.10:40
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Lunar_Lamp"Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. " <== is this an issue that's being fixed etc.11:51
dpmjtv: we've got a problem with some UNR Karmic translation imports. Let's take the netbook-launcher as the main package. I had blocked the karmic netbook-launcher templates to allow translators to complete the translation work upstream. This blocked the PO files from the uploaded Ubuntu package as expected.11:52
dpmI now have approved the templates imported in the next package upload (5 days ago), but that upload didn't seem to provide any translations, as I cannot see any from that day in the imports queue (there are only the ones previously blocked back in August). https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/netbook-launcher/+imports?field.filter_status=all&field.filter_extension=po11:52
dpmlool tells me that his logs show the PO files being stripped and imported, but as I say, I cannot see them in the imports queue. Any ideas?11:52
Lunar_LampOr am I doing something wrong?11:52
jtvLunar_Lamp: were you looking at code?  Because that has problems sometimes.11:52
wgrantjtv: It seems to be actually dead now.11:53
Lunar_Lampjtv: I was just tyring to go to:http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mysql/mysql-server/mysql-5.1/revision/310611:54
jtvdpm: not really parsing at the moment, but one data point that may help: if a blocked (or needs-review) pofile sits in the queue, and an update comes in, the queue entry's content text is updated without any other visible change.11:54
jtvLunar_Lamp: so that's the code department...  rockstar, you here?11:55
jtvor abentley?11:55
Lunar_LampIt seems to be working now jtv - and my issues are back to trying to fix other people's code.11:55
Lunar_Lamp(well, apply their patches anyway)11:56
jtvLunar_Lamp: ok, glad it's not blocking you now...  is this patching business anything you need further help with?  I don't know who's on help rotation today, but I can find out.11:56
Lunar_Lampjtv: I think my issues were because I had "checked out" the latest version of the repository, and then was trying to apply a patch that was already applied. Thus it wasn't applying cleanly.11:58
Lunar_Lamp(My experience with bazaar is about 30mins old, so forgive me if I'm not using the correct terms)11:58
jtvLunar_Lamp: I haven't forgotten the feeling.  :)  Yes, when patches break, usually it's a sign that a human really does need to look at it.  In my experience bzr does very well at it, but that doesn't make it any easier when it does happen.11:59
dpmjtv: sorry, I didn't quite get that what is it not parsing at the moment? And what's the import queue's entry text?12:00
dpmentry content text, I mean12:01
jtvdpm: I'm not parsing what you're saying because of a few distractions.  :)  The import queue entry's content text.  In other words, the text of the actual file that's been uploaded.  When a file is uploaded, and there's already a queue entry for it from a previous upload, the entry is updated so it contains the latest version of the file—but you don't see that in the queue.12:02
jtvFor instance, the upload date still reflects the _original_ upload that created the entry, not the latest upload that updated the same entry.12:03
sivangmrevell: hey matthew12:03
jtv(And yes, we have a bug open on that)12:03
mrevellHi sivang12:03
sivangmrevell: got my email about orginizing a launchpad meeting in Budapest ?12:03
sivangmrevell: I will be attending the plone conference12:03
jtvdpm: also, the uploads aren't supposed to trigger approval; it's the auto-approver that should do that.12:03
mrevellsivang: Hi, yeah, it's on my list :)12:04
sivangmrevell: cool, I think we could create some itneresting sprints there to combine plone and launchpad as zope apps for one-stop-shop solution of managing both software production and content management12:04
sivangmrevell: but for that we need to have plone on zope3 for start12:04
jtvdpm: the auto-approver script at the moment is having a problem with a duplicated domain; I have a code fix in review now but we should probably also figure out which upload is causing this and deal with it manually.12:04
dpmjtv: yeah, but manually approving the template should trigger an auto-approval of the PO files, even if they were blocked, shouldn't it?12:04
sivanganyway, have to run to lunch12:05
sivangpeople are waiting12:05
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dpmjtv: right, so do you think I should simply manually unblock the PO files in the queue, even if their date des not correspond to the date of the upload?12:06
jtvdpm: yes on both12:07
jtvdpm: I don't think the approver can safely unblock the translations by itself because it can't see whether they were blocked because their template used to be blocked, or whether they were blocked individually.12:08
dpmjtv: (the templates were approved some days ago) I'll do that (unblock the PO files from August), but as I said, what concerns me a bit is the date of those PO files. There have been 3 translation uploads, and there are PO files for the two first ones in the queue, but not for the last one. What I mean is that previous PO uploads _do_ seem to remain in the queue as new ones are added, but not for the last one. Anyway, I'll give that a go. Thanks!12:12
dpmlool: ^12:12
jtvdpm: when an import succeeds, its entry is gc'ed off the queue in... 3 days iirc.12:12
jtvdpm: and if the files' paths have changed, they won't be considered the same uploads.12:13
dpmyeah, but the import clearly didn't succeed, as there were no translations imported12:14
dpmand there were no path changes afaik12:14
dpmanyway, I'll try that and I'll report back12:15
doctormoWhat is the advice on uploading videos into bug reports on launchpad?12:30
SamBdoctormo: keep them small ?12:30
SamBthese would be screen-videos ?12:30
doctormoSamB: Yes, 7MB too large?12:30
doctormohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/429926 for instance12:31
SamBI would try to use a lossless codec optimized for pixel graphics12:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429926 in inkscape "Node Connectors in Wrong Positions After Document Resize" [Low,New]12:31
SamBthat doesn't sound all that large ...12:31
stubsize of bug attachments is pretty insignificant compared to everything else in that storage.12:31
stubISO images might raise eyebrows12:32
SamBstub: well, I was thinking more about the download time than anything12:32
wgrantstub: What's biggest these days? BinaryPackageFiles?12:32
SamBthe codec bit was because I hate *PEG artifacts on screenshots ;-P12:33
doctormoSamB: It's an Ogv file, not a PEG12:34
SamBwhat codec ?12:34
wgrantTheora, presumably.12:34
SamBI don't presume such things12:34
wgrantThese days it's a fairly valid assumption that .ogv is Theora, I think.12:35
SamBnot really12:35
SamBit might be a good first guess12:35
SamBor, wait12:35
SamBmaybe I'm thinking of ogm12:35
doctormoDesktop/bug429926.ogv: Ogg data, Skeleton v3.012:35
doctormoI guess it's not good at telling me12:36
SamBfile wouldn't be12:36
SamBit can't skip variable-sized chunks to find anything indicitive of the actual codec ;-)12:36
SamBheck, I'm kind of surprised that it can detect self-extracting zips ;-)12:37
wgrantlibmagic is generally pretty good.12:37
SamBhow does that differ from file(1)12:38
wgrantfile uses libmagic.12:38
SamBoh, you think they hard-coded it in the C code ?12:38
doctormo[Ogg] stream 1: video (Theora v3.2.1), -vid 012:39
doctormo[Ogg] stream 2: audio (Vorbis), -aid 012:39
doctormoMplayer to the resque12:39
SamBmost of the detection, you realize, is done based on rules in "magic" files12:39
wgrantSamB: I know.12:39
SamBbut not all12:39
* SamB struggles to understand how a self-extracting zip can begin with PK\003\00412:43
wgrantHey, this is PE we're talking about.12:44
SamBwgrant: was pretty sure PE had a magic number!12:44
SamBwell, not just one ;-)12:44
wgrantSamB: But you wouldn't put that at the start.12:44
wgrantThat would be too obvious.12:44
SamBwell, no.12:44
SamBbut don't you neede the MZ header at the beginning?12:45
idnarPE doesn't care12:45
idnaryou only need that if you want to print an error message when someone tries to run it in DOS12:45
SamBwell, I thought winzip self-extractors worked also on DOS12:45
SamBidnar: or work on DOS ;-P12:45
SamBthe other possibility is that this is actually just what happens if you remove the SFX stub from the beginning of a winzip SFX ...12:47
SamBoh, I guess the real file magic for self-extractors is mostly based on looking at offsets used by known stubs?12:48
SamBthere is a DOS extender that uses valid PE executables ... which do not work in Windows!12:51
looldpm, jtv: So I understand things are sorted out; do you need a no change netbook-launcher reupload?12:52
SamBand here I thought that the only dos extender that used PE for it's main executables was an implementation of a win32 subset ...12:52
looldpm: No change of getting a langpack update today I guess?12:52
SamBhuh, I didn't know EFI used PE for executables ...12:53
SamB... apparantly since before the Xbox existed12:55
dpmlool: I believe an upload is not necessary. Translations are now in Rosetta, and they will be included in the next language pack export. ArneGoetje is in charge of the generation of langpacks, he'll be able to tell you more on the actual date of generation and if it's possible to generate one today to pick those translations up. Note that I still haven't got on to approve the rest of the translations for other packages (desktop-switcher, go-home-applet, w13:00
dpmindow-picker-applet), but I'll do this later on today13:00
looldpm: Ok; would you mind pinging me when the other UNR translations are in?13:00
looldpm: What about the .mos in the translations tarball?  We dont care about these enough for a new upload?13:00
leonardrhas anyone else experienced bug 353805 with the latest release of launchpadlib? (1.5.1)13:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353805 in launchpadlib "addAttachment() crashes with UnicodeDecodeError:" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35380513:02
dpmlool: sure, I'll ping you when I'm done. I don't think we care about the mo files for this upload, as if I understand it correctly we only use them to figure out the translation domain, and in this case I entered it manually for all templates already.13:03
looldpm: Ok13:04
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mrevellbeuno: ping14:24
rhpot1991hey guys, is there any way of setting up 2 email addresses for a mailing list in launchpad?14:24
beunomrevell, pongz14:24
beunobarry, ^14:24
barryrhpot1991: no.  what's the use case?14:29
rhpot1991barry: I have a bot that I want to receive bugmail without creating a seperate LP account for him14:29
barryrhpot1991: ah, interesting.  no unfortunately there's no way to handle that currently without doing just that.  we have a bug open on "lurking" on mailing lists.  let me try to find that and you can add your use case to it14:31
barryrhpot1991: bug 194126 this might actually see some attention after lp3.0 is released14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194126 in launchpad-registry "Let people lurk on mailing lists" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19412614:32
kfogeljtv, danilo-afk: user asking a question at the bottom of http://blog.launchpad.net/translations/new-guides-to-translating-your-project15:02
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jtvkfogel: I don't think he understood that another reader had answered his question.15:05
kfogeljtv: didn't that other reader only answer one of his questions?15:06
jtvkfogel: depends on what you call things I guess...  His one actual question was answered.  I'm answering the suggestions now.15:07
danilo-afkkfogel: I'll respond15:13
danilo-afkkfogel: oh, I see jtv is doing it already, never mind then15:13
kfogeljtv: well, he did say "questions and comments" iirc15:14
=== danilo-afk is now known as danilos
jtvkfogel: yes, mostly answered by actually reading the document. :-)15:14
rhpot1991thanks barry15:17
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james_ware the new page titles fixed, or still in flux?15:22
james_wI'm seeing a couple that I find weird15:22
james_we.g. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~arky/ubuntu/karmic/envyng-core/fix-411915/+merge/1123115:24
james_w"envyng-core" package : 9.10 : Ubuntu15:25
james_wwhich is correct, but not really specific enough15:25
beunojames_w, https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/UI/Navigation15:25
beunothe title (and breadcrumb) should be like in example #3 for MPs15:26
bigjoolsjames_w: they're in flux a bit, but if you find any it's worth contacting the appropriate team15:26
beunonot sure if it's something salgado should do, or the code team15:26
james_wthat would probably be better15:27
james_wit seems anything under Code for packages uses the same title15:27
james_wdoesn't help me find what I want in the address bar15:27
beunojames_w, anything different from that page, is a bug  ;)15:27
beuno(sorry about it being in the private wiki, haven't had time to move it over)15:28
james_wthe other was https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+filebug15:28
james_w+filebug : Bugs in bzr : Bazaar15:28
james_w"+filebug" should be transliterated in my opinion15:28
james_w"File a bug" or something15:29
beunoyeah, the +whatever needs to be fixed in many places15:29
james_wok :-)15:29
beunonot sure if it's a per-page thing, or a site-wide change15:29
james_wwant these filed as bugs?15:29
* beuno looks at salgado and sinzui for an answer15:29
salgadobeuno, I'm working on that15:30
kfogeljtv: oh -- sorry :-).15:30
salgadoit's a site-wide thing -- when the bug is fixed we'll use the page's title instead of its name15:30
beunoso no bug needed I guess15:30
james_wgreat, thanks15:30
james_wI'll file one for the Code pages?15:31
james_wor is that the same change?15:31
kirklandi have some translations questions....  who should i point those at?15:48
salgadojames_w, the +merge/nnn page is a separate issue15:49
salgadokirkland, danilos is your best bet15:49
kirklandsalgado: thanks15:49
dpmsome things I might be able to answer myself, but danilos, jtv, henninge or Ursinha will be able to give you authoritative answers. They're your best bet15:49
kirklanddanilos: howdy, i'm still trying to learn to get translations working with my projects15:50
dpmkirkland: ^15:50
kirklanddpm: coold15:50
kirklanddpm: okay, the project is launchpad.net/byobu15:50
kirklanddpm: it's importing to launchpad15:50
kirklanddpm: and now i just went to https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/byobu15:50
kirklanddpm: requested a download, and got a tarball of .mo files15:50
kirklanddpm: so i can insert those into my package15:51
dpmkirkland: (unfortunately I've got a call in a couple of minutes, so I won't be very responsive :( . The LP translations team will be able to help you)15:51
kirklanddpm: that's fine and dandy, i think15:51
dpmbut I believe you should simply download the PO files and put them in the source package, not the MO files15:52
daniloskirkland: hi15:52
kirklanddanilos: howdy15:53
kirklanddanilos: okay, so my project is gettext-ified i think15:53
daniloskirkland: heya...15:53
kirklanddanilos: i think i really just need to know 2 things ...15:53
kirklanddanilos: what is the "output" that my project needs to put out, and how does launchpad pick that up15:53
daniloskirkland: right?15:53
kirklanddanilos: i think i know how to get the "input", i see i can just press a button and download a tarball of .mo files, which i can periodically pick up15:54
daniloskirkland: so, you should have a subdirectory with a .pot file (for now, you'll have to regenerate that yourself with either intltool-update -p, or xgettext usually), where you'd put the translated PO files as well15:54
daniloskirkland: let me take a look at your project branch and I might give a few more suggestions15:55
kirklanddanilos: okay, yeah, i have made potfiles15:55
daniloskirkland: right, so, have you considered actually using our bzr export feature as well?15:55
kirklanddanilos: i would love to!15:56
daniloskirkland: tarball download usually results in ugly filenames15:56
kirklanddanilos: show me how15:56
gaspaHi, seems bazaar.lanchpad.net has some kind of problem...  I'm the only experiencing that?15:56
gaspa(it just says 'internal server error' )15:56
daniloskirkland: so, I see you already set it up as  lp:~kirkland/byobu/translations on https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/byobu/trunk/+translations-settings15:56
daniloskirkland: exports happen daily (sometime during the night UTC), so that's when you'll see that branch populated with translations15:57
daniloskirkland: however, your main branch (which you are importing translations from) seems to be using the broken filenames for PO files which Launchpad produces but can't easily recognize later (yeah, very ugly bug)15:58
kirklanddanilos: okay, so i should just merge from there?15:58
daniloskirkland: yeah, that should be it15:58
kirklanddanilos: i think i would like to purge those .po files15:58
daniloskirkland: however, you should first rename files like byobu-de.po to de.po15:58
kirklanddanilos: okay, let me do that15:58
daniloskirkland: so, you can see how your updated translation files show up in https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/byobu/trunk/+imports, but they are in 'needs review' (and will stay like that because LP auto-approver can't split the template name and language code from the filename); bzr export doesn't produce the crappy names so it's better :)16:00
kirklanddanilos: okay, renamed!16:01
daniloskirkland: in general, you should be able to use exactly the same branch for translation exports, but in a few weeks export will be improved so it doesn't export po files even when they haven't changed16:01
kirklanddanilos: now what?16:02
kirklanddanilos: now i should merge from somewhere?16:02
kirklanddanilos: to pull the updates?16:02
daniloskirkland: right, so, now the translations will be imported after auto-approver approves them (that may sometimes take a few hours), and exports will appear daily in the branch you are using for exports... then, at your leisure, just merge the export branch into trunk (i.e. before a release or something)16:02
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kirklanddanilos: where is this branch?16:03
daniloskirkland: if you are not accepting translations from any external source, you can also just let LP directly write to your trunk branch16:03
daniloskirkland: heh, I believe you set it up on https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/byobu/trunk/+translations-settings16:03
kirklanddanilos: lp:~kirkland/byobu/translations ?16:03
daniloskirkland: the link tells me it's lp:~kirkland/byobu/translations16:03
daniloskirkland: yes16:03
kirklanddanilos: cool16:04
daniloskirkland: (if you decide to go with direct write to the trunk branch, note that before we further improve it it will result in one commit every day, so might pollute your history; that fix should be in by next Wednesday)16:04
kirklanddanilos: cool, i'll just pull at release time16:05
daniloskirkland: yep, that's fine as well16:05
daniloskirkland: also, if you are not committing translation updates directly to the trunk branch, you can also use only "Import template files"16:06
kirklanddanilos: okay, now when i build my package, i should install the .po files where?16:06
daniloskirkland: (i.e. no need to import translations that you exported from LP back)16:06
daniloskirkland: oh, PO files need to be "compiled" into MO files... GNU gettext and intltool autoconf macros provide that functionality, if you are using any of them16:07
kirklanddanilos: ./usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/byobu.mo16:07
kirklanddanilos: that looks right?16:07
daniloskirkland: to get MO files, you need to use "msgfmt -o blah.mo blah.po"16:07
kirklanddanilos: gotcha, okay, i have that16:07
kirklanddanilos: it's just been broken up until now16:07
daniloskirkland: yes, though note that path depends on bindtextdomain call16:07
kirklanddanilos: right!16:07
kirklanddanilos: okay, so i'm ready to roll a release16:10
kirklanddanilos: but i should probably wait for LP to pick up the changes I just made, renaming those files?16:10
daniloskirkland: the export branch looked fine already, though you might hit some conflicts... to resolve them, feel free to overwrite files in your trunk with those from LP export (it merges translations in a smart way for you)16:11
daniloskirkland: if you have updates in a branch, then yes, you should wait for LP to import them and export them afterwards16:12
kirklanddanilos: my text hasn't changed in a long time16:12
kirklanddanilos: okay, so i'll overwrite, and just take LP's on top of mine16:12
daniloskirkland: right, then there's probably no need to wait... a rename is just for the future16:13
daniloskirkland: i.e. get translations straight from the bzr export16:13
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cody-somervilleWhat would case python-launchpadlib to return a string instead of a datetime object?17:00
intellectronicacody-somerville: what object.field are you asking for?17:02
cody-somervilleI think its an underlying lib it depends on17:03
cody-somervilleas I backported karmic's launchpadlib to hardy17:03
pwolaninCan anyone point me to instructions for taking an existing source package in launchpad, then making my own version (updated source code), and then getting it into a PPA so it will build?17:18
bigjoolspwolanin: there's nothing that explicit, but there's a PPA guide at https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA17:22
pwolaninbigjools:  yeah, that's a little confusing.  So if I have code in launchpad, do I have to upload it again to make a package?17:26
bigjoolspwolanin: you have a tarball of the source?  or a source package?17:27
pwolaninbigjools: basically I want to take this official package, but then update the source and some of the config https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/hardy/nginx/hardy-backports17:28
bigjoolspwolanin: okay, you shou;d be able to bzr branch it, then change stuff, then run "bzr builddeb"17:29
bigjoolsthen upload it to your PPA17:30
pwolaninbigjools:  ok, so even if I make my own brnach of this code, there is always a separate uplaod step to the PPA?17:31
bigjoolspwolanin: yes, that's unavoidable17:31
pwolaninbigjools:  ok, that's fine - just trying to grasp the process17:32
bigjoolslater this year we'll be working to put a button somewhere that will upload a branch to your PPA17:32
pwolaninbigjools: my bzr doesn't know about builddeb - is that an extra I need ot install?17:33
bigjoolsyeah it's a plugin, not sure where you get it.  james_w?17:33
james_wapt-get install bzr-builddeb17:33
bigjoolsthere ya go :)17:33
pwolaninok, let me give that a shot - bigjools the magic button would be nice of course :)17:34
bigjoolsit will happen :)17:35
dokois there a launchpad developers ML?17:40
pwolaninbigjools:  how does the PPA know which version of Ubuntu you want to build for?17:44
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bigjoolsdoko: yes17:45
bigjoolspwolanin: it's in the Distribution: field of the control file17:46
bigjoolsor you can override that in the upload path17:46
* Spads has coffee and a faboo blueberry muffin17:46
pwolaninbigjools: ok, so e.g. if I start w/ a Hardy package there will be nothing to change17:46
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pwolaninbigjools:  odd - the there control file has no Distribution line17:53
james_wpwolanin: it's actually the first line of debian/changelog17:56
pwolaninjames_w: and that controls how the PPA builds it?18:00
james_wpwolanin: indirectly18:00
james_w"debuild -S" takes what is written there and puts it as the "Distribution:" line in the _source.changes that it creates18:00
james_wwhen you dput that to LP it will use that to decide what to build for18:01
james_wunless you override that in the dput path18:01
pwolaninhmm, so 8.04 installs an outdated bzr?18:04
pwolaninbzr: ERROR: Unknown branch format: 'Bazaar Branch Format 7 (needs bzr 1.6)\n'18:04
beunopwolanin, 8.04 is... a year and a half old18:06
pwolaninbeuno:  LTS?18:07
beunopwolanin, yes18:07
beunoso it wasn't outdated then18:07
beunoit's outdated today18:07
pwolaninbeuno:  it seems to still be the version Canonical would suggest for running a server18:07
beunopwolanin, well, yes, as it's the most stable to date18:08
beunobut it also means it has older versions18:08
beunoso you may need to installer newer non-default versions18:08
pwolaninbeuno: yes, sure - I don't see anything in hardy-backports though18:08
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beunopwolanin, I don't know about backports, but you can get the latest bzr from it's PPA18:09
pwolaninbeuno: ya, just looking there18:09
cr3I've experienced a chroot problem when building packages for karmic, is that a known problem?18:44
cjwatsonI'm trying to sort out an urgent problem with Ubuntu, but https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/crested/+edit and https://edge.launchpad.net/builders/molybdenum/+edit are timing out for me18:46
cjwatsoncan anyone help?18:46
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cjwatson... never mind, apparently different buildds are happier18:51
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pwolaninam I doing somethign sill - lp wants create branches for me like  ~pwolanin/+junk19:22
pwolaninDo I need to create a project first - even if it's just a placeholder?  I'm a bit lost comparing this to github where I can clone an existing repo easily in order to start my own development19:24
salgadointellectronica, can you help pwolanin?19:29
salgadopwolanin, do you want to branch from an existing codebase or is this a completely new one?19:36
maxbpwolanin: It is mandatory that every branch be associated with a project, or "+junk" (or a distribution source package)19:36
pwolaninsalgado:  from an existing codebase19:36
salgadopwolanin, is it hosted/mirrored in Launchpad already?19:36
pwolaninsalgado: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/hardy/nginx/hardy-backports19:37
pwolaninsalgado:  basically I jsut want to use this as a basis for building a newer version of nginx19:37
pwolaninperhaps with some customized configuration19:37
salgadopwolanin, in Launchpad there's no need to create the branch through the web UI.  you make the branch using bzr commands, push it to Launchpad when you want and everything gets created automatically19:39
salgado$ bzr branch lp:ubuntu/hardy-backports/nginx19:39
salgado# hack, commit, push19:39
pwolaninsalgado:  if I push where does that code go?19:40
pwolaninI can push to ~pwolanin/ubuntu/hardy-backports/nginx19:40
salgadoby default you have to specify where to push it to19:40
salgadoyes, that'd be the correct location for this branch19:41
pwolaninok, I was assuming that wasn't allowed based on it not being possible in the UI19:41
pwolaninapparently not19:43
pwolaninbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~pwolanin/ubuntu/hardy-backports/nginx": No such distribution series hardy-backports.19:43
salgadopwolanin, I think you have to push it to lp:~pwolanin/ubuntu/hardy/nginx in this case19:48
pwolaninsalgado: I tried that too19:48
salgadopwolanin, what error did you get with that?19:49
pwolaninbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~pwolanin/ubuntu/hardy/nginx": ~pwolanin/ubuntu/hardy/nginx is too short to be a branch name. Try '~<owner>/+junk/<branch>', '~<owner>/<product>/<branch> or '~<owner>/<distribution>/<series>/<sourcepackage>/<branch>'.19:49
salgadooh, right19:49
salgadoyou need a branch name19:49
flacostebeuno: still around?19:50
pwolaninsalgado: ah, ok - let's see19:50
pwolaninsalgado: ok, that did something, thoguh some warning about stacking19:51
flacostebeuno: if you could update the conversion script in your account to the latest revision on lp:~flacoste/+junk/3.0-template-tracker19:52
flacosteUrsinha: ping19:52
Ursinhaflacoste, pong19:52
flacostehey Ursinha!19:52
Ursinhahi flacoste19:52
flacosteUrsinha, where do you keep the branch holding the QA test plan script?19:53
Ursinhaflacoste, it's in the lp-qa-tools project19:53
Ursinhaa moment19:53
Ursinhaflacoste, here: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ursinha/lp-qa-tools/trunk-test-plan-tool20:01
flacosteUrsinha: that's "trunk"?Y20:01
Ursinhaflacoste, yes20:02
flacosteUrsinha: can you set it as the trunk development focus?20:02
flacosteerr, associated branch?20:02
Ursinhaflacoste, a convention me and matsubara created when the lp-qa-tools was created20:02
Ursinhaflacoste, I'm not sure I understand what you mean20:03
Ursinhaflacoste, we have more than one "trunk" in there because the project has several scripts20:03
matsubaraflacoste, short answer is no we can't. long answer, rather than have a single branch with all our utilities we have a bunch of small branches for each one and use the project to aggregate all of them20:04
flacostematsubara, Ursinha, a, i see20:04
flacostekind of goes against the grain of Launchpad here20:04
flacosteprobably makes sense to have all the scripts in one branch20:04
flacostethat way you can share more code between them20:05
Ursinhaflacoste, that makes sense, but the scripts are like mini projects that were created separately and then put together under lp-qa-tools project20:06
flacosteUrsinha: i don't see your branch listed on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/lp-qa-tools20:06
flacostenever too late to fix that20:06
ftawhy are bug comments now folded? are we supposed to use pastebin links now to paste stuff??20:07
ftamy last comment is barely readable: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr-builddeb/+bug/399938/comments/920:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399938 in bzr-builddeb "unpacking the upstream tarball not working" [Undecided,Fix released]20:08
Ursinhaflacoste, and now20:12
flacosteyep, i see it20:12
flacosteare all the scripts in use on that page now?20:13
flacosteprobably a bad question to ask20:13
flacostesince you probably see everything :-)20:13
flacostei see 11 branches20:13
flacosteUrsinha: what's the script that generate the test plans stats for graphing?20:18
Ursinhaflacoste, nope, not all scripts20:19
Ursinhalet me do some magic here20:19
Ursinhaflacoste, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad/lp-qa-tools/test-stats20:27
pwolaninactually got a deb built, but something seems to be missing frmo the ppa docs21:02
pwolaninNo signature on /home/pwolanin/build-area/nginx_0.7.62-acquia1~hardy1_source.changes.21:02
pwolaningpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.21:03
pwolaninah, no key info is shown on the PPA page - am I missing something?21:04
salgadocprov, can you help pwolanin?21:13
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pwolaninanayone knwo about getting the PGP for a ppa?  do I just need to wait longer?21:37
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pwolaninare these instructions out of date?  https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Your%20PPA%27s%20key21:44
tormodare ppa uploads blocked because of the karmic build issues?21:47
pwolaninI don't see any sort of notification  https://help.launchpad.net/21:58
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cjwatsontormod: I believe so22:35
doctormoUploading to ppa (via ftp to ppa.launchpad.net): Connection failed, aborting. Check your network [Errno 111] Connection refused22:37
doctormoIs everything ok in launchpad land?22:37
tormoddoctormo: ^^22:39
cprovdoctormo: ppa.l.m ftpd is dead.22:50
cprovdoctormo: fixed22:51
doctormowonderful, thanks cprov22:51
cprovdoctormo: although, as someone mentioned, chroots are still in maintenance thus no builders22:52
doctormocprov: Not a problem, it'll go in queue right?22:53
cprovpwolanin: sorry, what's exactly your problem ? (I've lost history)22:53
cprovdoctormo: yup22:53
pwolanincprov:  trying to get started with a ppa22:54
pwolanincprov:  docs suggest that a GPG key needs to be installed locally from the ppa apge22:54
cprovpwolanin: right, and it will only be generated after the first successful upload22:54
pwolanincprov: oh, I get an error abotu a missing key when I try to upload22:55
cprovpwolanin: it's not related22:55
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cprovpwolanin: LP will generate a key to sign the PPA repository contents22:55
pwolanincprov:  ok, it's not on the luanchpad page list of error messages - any ideas then?22:55
cprovpwolanin: you need to sign upload with your personal key22:55
cprovpwolanin: that's not an LP error, it's debuild AFAICS22:56
cprovpwolanin: what's your LP ID ?22:56
pwolanincprov:  pwolanin22:57
pwolanincprov: the erorr says:22:57
pwolaninPlease remember that the signature file (.sig or .asc)22:57
pwolaninshould be the first file given on the command line.22:57
pwolaninso somewhere the insturctions are missing a step22:57
cprovpwolanin: which command line did you run ?22:58
pwolanincprov:  dput acquia nginx_0.7.62-acquia1~hardy1_source.changes22:59
pwolanincprov:  where I edited the conf file per instructions to reference the ppa as "acquia"22:59
cprovpwolanin: okay, is your .changes file signed ?22:59
pwolanincprov: no, I did not see that in the instructions23:00
pwolanincprov:  folling this page https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading23:00
cprovpwolanin: it's part of the default 'source building' instructions23:00
cprovpwolanin: the first link in that page is https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage23:01
cprovpwolanin: run `gpg --list-secret-keys pwolanin` and check if there is a secret gpg key available23:02
pwolanincprov:  ok, I saw a note there about possible error messages, but maybe it's here somehwere https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic#Building%20the%20Source%20Package23:02
cprovpwolanin: right23:03
pwolanincprov: I have a key and I registered it earlier today w/ launchpad23:03
wgrantdebuild should have given you a warning that it couldn't find the key.23:03
pwolaninwgrant:  hmm someone here suggested using bzr builddeb23:03
wgrantThe UID on the key needs to precisely match (including any comment) your name and email address in debian/changelog.23:03
pwolaninso I did it that way23:03
wgrantpwolanin: That uses debuild internally, so that doesn't matter.23:03
pwolaninwgrant:  ah, that could be it - I put the team e-mail address not my personal one23:04
wgrantpwolanin: If there is a good reason that the key doesn't match the changelog, give bzr-builddeb '-kDEADBEEF', where DEADBEEF is your key ID.23:04
cprovah, bzr-builddeb joy ...23:04
pwolaninwgrant: ok, let me try that.  Seems like I needed -S flag too?23:05
wgrantpwolanin: Yes, you always need -S for Launchpad uploads.23:05
cprovwe should write an help page specifically for users using bzr-builddeb and PPAs ...23:06
cprovwhile we implement BuildingSPBranches :)23:06
wgrantcprov: This issue wasn't specific to bzr-bd, though.23:07
james_wactually, if pwolanin is on an old release it was23:08
cprovwgrant: agreed, but a specific help would have helped.23:08
pwolaninbzr: ERROR: no such option: -k23:08
james_woh, no23:08
james_wbzr-builddeb used to default to not signing23:08
pwolaninjames_w: I got wahtever hardy installs - though I updated bzr itself via ppa23:08
pwolaninjames_w: can I just sign the file manually?23:09
wgrantAh. Ancient.23:09
wgrantpwolanin: debsign -kabcd1234 blah_source.changes23:13
pwolaninso if I just --clearsign the files is that going to work?23:13
pwolaninok, well did that - new error:  Checksum doesn't match for /home/pwolanin/build-area/nginx_0.7.62-acquia1~hardy1.dsc23:17
pwolaninah success!23:30

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