
asacfta: i am not sure. dist-upgrade shoudl remove packages that are removed from archive iirc. i will check with mvo tomorrow to be sure - have a call with him00:03
ftaasac, i mean, i have a (= ${binary:Version}) dep00:06
asacnot sure how that would be important00:06
ftadist-upgrade doesn't remove anything unless there's a conflict, autoremove does00:06
ftaif B depends on A (= v1), then B disappears and A moves to v2, will the installed B prevent the upgrade of A?00:08
BUGabundohey asac00:08
asacfta: not necessarily. a provides might make the solver give that solution a better rating00:09
asacotherwise it depends on how many packages depend on what00:09
ftachromium-browser ( -> [73.76MB (+873kB, +1.18%)]00:11
ftaexpat and libjingle00:11
asaci think old school is provides/replaces/conflicts (all non-versioned)00:15
asachi BUGabundo00:15
BUGabundooff to bed00:16
ftadoesn't seem to be built00:30
ftaok, chromium is green, except hardy00:47
micahgasac: is it worth trying to fix ubufox for alpha-6?01:34
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
micahgasac: is it worth trying to fix the apturl ubufx problem for alpha 6?09:09
=== asac_ is now known as asac
micahgasac: if I'm attempting to fix ubufox, which branch should I fix?09:29
asacmicahg: so ...09:30
asacmicahg: its already fixed upstream09:30
asaci actually wanted to do that next ;)09:30
micahgwhich thing?09:30
asacthe beta milestoned bug09:31
asacwhat bug number are you thinking about?09:31
micahgbug 42343809:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423438 in ubufox "[MASTER] ubufox cannot install Firefox plugins on Karmic" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42343809:31
micahgthat was the apturl crash09:31
micahgnot really09:32
asaci thought i added upstream task to the bug and marked it as fixed09:32
asacmaybe that sank in some other bug?09:32
* asac checks09:32
micahgare you thinking of bug 365965?09:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 365965 in ubufox "[MASTER] installing firefox pulls in ubufox and all gnome depends through apturl" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36596509:32
asacseems i dreamed that.09:33
asacno that one is clear09:33
asacthe fix should be done in ubufox upstream branch09:33
asaci was sure i committed that ;)09:33
asacbzr branch lp:ubufox09:33
micahghow does that work with the debian package?09:33
asacfirst fix ubufox09:33
micahgor rather, can I test in the debian package and then commit the upstrema?09:34
asacthen merge the branch09:34
asacwell i think we make a "release" ;)09:34
asaclike 0.8b109:34
micahgI mean in my ppa :)09:34
asacyou fix it in lp:ubufox09:34
asacrun sh build.sh09:34
asacinstall .xpi with firefox ubufox.xpi09:34
asacthen you can test09:34
micahgthat'll make the xpi?09:34
* micahg can't test outside of ppa, still running jaunty09:35
micahgneed to load live CD :)09:35
micahgI"ll test09:35
micahgbe back in a few minutes09:35
asacmicahg: why livecd?=09:35
asacthat bug should be reproducible in all karmic09:35
micahgthat's whaat I have for karmic09:35
micahgI'm runnign Jaunty :)09:35
asaci think its good time to upgrade to alpha-6 ;)09:36
micahgnah, I wait til beta09:36
asacmicahg: can you confirm the firefox bugs please09:36
asacfor the jaunty-proposed upload?09:37
asaci know you confirmed one from ppa already09:37
micahgonce I  upload this to ppa09:37
asacmicahg: upload to ppa? ;)09:37
micahgthe ubufox fix09:37
asacthats really a detour for such a small fix ;)09:37
asactry locally and suggest a merge ;)09:37
asaci will upload that in 1-2 hours to archive09:37
micahgI can't try locally09:38
micahgI don't have karmic installed09:38
asaclivecd ;)09:38
asacok i see09:38
micahgVirtualBox :)09:38
asacwell. you can reproduce on livecd09:38
asacand bzr branch lp:ubufox shouldnt be that hard ;)09:38
asacthen you can install .xpi to verify09:38
asacthats enough09:38
micahgI guess I could;ve done that :)09:39
micahgis this an ok description? * LP: #423438 - ubufox can't use apturl on karmic09:41
asac; honour shebang by calling command directly rather than the python interpreter09:42
asacsomething like that09:42
asacappended to yours ;)09:42
JanCasac: in one bug (I don't remember the bug #) you mentioned issues with some locales for Firefox 3.5; were those similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/429835 ?09:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429835 in firefox-3.5 "chrome error when using firefox in Dutch ('nl', 'nl_NL', 'nl_BE') locale on karmic" [Undecided,New]09:45
asacJanC: thats a bug in the translations done in translations.launchpad.net09:47
asacwe have those enabled during development cycle to give translation teams a chance to fix their bugs (like this)09:47
asacdpm: ^^09:47
asacdpm: do you know someone from dutch translation team?09:48
dpmasac: yeah, thanks, looking at it09:48
JanCasac: I do09:48
asacdpm: what should we do with such bugs?09:48
asaci would like to keep them in firefox-3.5 package so it more or less stays on radar09:49
asacbut still would like to assign it to someone09:49
asacdpm: maybe assign those to you until you find an assignee?09:49
JanCIMHO there is something wrong if translators can cause this sort of problem though  ;)09:49
asacdpm: maybe a i18n tag?09:49
asacJanC: not really09:50
asacJanC: for normal strings yes. but even with "normal" po you can have templates09:50
asacif you bust those up you will break the app UI09:50
asacso a string "you just bought %d apples"09:50
asacif translated like: "du hast gerade %d %s gekauft"09:51
asacwould probably cause issues09:51
asacnot saying that in this case its definitly not the po2xpi transformer09:52
JanChm, that entity name is correct AFAICS?09:52
dpmasac: 1) add an additional task to ubuntu-translations 2) assign it to the relevant team from https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators, if it's a critical bug, I'm subscribed to ubuntu-translations bugmail and I see it, so I can also ping the particular translator or translator team leader 3) add relevant tag: 'i18n' or 'l10n'09:52
asacjust saying its probably fixable by translators ;)09:52
asacJanC: do you have a link?09:52
dpmasac: that's the normal procedure, but feel free to assign it to me as well ^09:52
JanCwell, I just looked at the named *.jar09:52
asacmicahg: ok ... for translation bustage bugs like 429835 ... we want to do what dpm said above ;)^^09:53
asacJanC: paste ;)09:54
asacmicahg: if unsure, just assign to dpm ;)09:55
dpmmicahg: yeah, feel free to do that or ask me anything if I'm around09:56
JanCasac: I'm not sure how firefox translations work, but the used entity name is defined in the untranslated .jar; if it's possible to fuck that up for translators, it's a lot worse than using the wrong %-placeholder in gettext translations...09:56
micahgI couldn't find the entity in the .jar archive, but I might not have been looking for the right thing09:58
dpmJanC: Ubuntu translators shouldn't be able to modify untranslated jars, if I understand it correctly, this can only be done if you have commit access upstream. But if that were the case, I'm sure upstream would have noticed that09:58
asacJanC: you comments dont really help. if you can paste the relevant files i would take a first look though ;)09:59
JanCto me, an *entity name* sounds like a variable name  ;)09:59
dpmJanC: then, if that's the case, if you could find out which particular string is the offending one using the search function there -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/firefox-3.5/+pots/firefox-3.5/nl/+translate , it will be easier for translators to fix it10:01
JanChonestly, if translators are allowed to translate entity names (as opposed to references to entity names), that is a bug10:02
asactoo bad that launchpad does not yield anything if you search by entity name10:02
JanCbut I'm looking into it further  ;)10:02
mac_vasac: hi... is this true > Bug #429777 , that the 3G prompts for a password even when not required? i dont use 3G so i cant confirm ;p10:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429777 in hundredpapercuts "3g Network does not require a passwort, yet you still need one" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42977710:04
asacjust get the relevant file portions and i will check10:04
asacJanC: ^^10:04
micahgasac: should I change the milestone on the apturl bug to alpha6?10:04
asacmicahg: no10:04
asacthats ok10:05
dpmJanC: Sounds good, yeah, I'd rather prefer to focus on getting to the bottom of this before speculating on what translators can do. Thanks10:05
micahgasac: once the translation bugs have an Ubuntu translations task, they go to triaged, right?10:05
asacmicahg: for us yes.10:06
asacmicahg: but they are release critical10:06
JanCwould be useful if I had some documentation about how the firefox-3.5-nl.jar maps to the non-translated stuff though :-/10:06
asacmicahg: actually not really10:06
micahgasac: so critical or high + milestone?10:06
asacmicahg: we should just use a unique tag10:06
asacmicahg: the idea is that we review translations for bustage and if there are issues reported that are not addressed go for "xpi" approach10:07
asacmicahg: lets use xpipo10:07
asaci want to use somethign unique that noone else uses10:07
micahgshould I set a milestone?10:07
dpmJanC: unfortunately, documentation on the Mozilla translations format is pretti scarce. You might want to ask at the #l10n channel in the Mozilla IRC server10:07
asacdpm: its better if he just asks here10:08
asacat least i think10:08
asacif its a general understanding issue (rather than a launchpad specific) i will send them to #l10n i guess10:08
dpmI was just thinking in case he had general questions about the xpi format10:09
dpmyes ^10:09
JanCfirst of all: is it possible that such an issue is the result of there being no translation ?10:09
dpmanyway, JanC, feel free to ask, and we'll help you in what we can :)10:09
micahgasac: jaunty-proposed for safe browsing seems fine10:10
asacmicahg: great. please comment on the bug10:11
asacalso check the geolocati0n thing ... which iirc worked ;)10:11
* micahg doesn't know how the geolocation works10:11
asacJanC: please get us the data.10:11
asacJanC: its much more efficient10:11
asacand no. those problems usually won't arise if there is no translation10:12
micahgasac: done on attack bug10:12
micahgand proposed merge for ubufox10:12
asacbut it cannot be ruled out ... which is why we need to look at the facts (.dtd/.properties) files10:12
micahgnow I must get some sleep10:12
asacmicahg: good night10:13
asaci will review, merge etc.10:13
* mac_v doesnt want to repeat himself , but reminds asac of a question asked a few mins ago :)10:13
dpmJanC: looking at the upstream statistics, where translations are imported from (http://l10n.mozilla.org/dashboard/?locale=nl), it seems that fx35x is completely translated anyway (the 0 Missing figure tells that)10:13
asacdidnt i answer?10:13
micahgasac: are you going to wait for all the ubufox fixes?  it seems like we're starting to get more of those apturl crashes every day10:14
mac_vhm.. oh did you , didnt notice ,10:14
micahgthat's why I wanted to push it for alpha610:14
* mac_v cant find the ans :(10:14
asacmac_v: i cannot even find the question right now10:15
asacdid you ask on a different channel?10:15
mac_vhehe , just a sec10:15
asacwhat time was it?10:15
asaci thoguht i answered something from you10:15
mac_vasac:  hi... is this true > Bug #429777 , that the 3G prompts for a password even when not required? i dont use 3G so i cant confirm ;p10:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429777 in hundredpapercuts "3g Network does not require a passwort, yet you still need one" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42977710:15
asacoh yeah. i just thought the answer, but didn't type it i guess10:15
asacmac_v: its definitly not a hundredpapercut10:16
asacbut we want to fix it10:16
asacproblem is that you cannot just fill in random stuff everywhere10:16
asacfor those that need real username/password it would be wrong10:16
mac_vhmm... ok so reassign it to nm-applet?10:16
asacbut i think we will end up doing that anyway10:16
mac_vthanks :)10:17
micahgasac: lp should link the branch for me, right?10:18
micahgok, night all10:21
* mac_v wonders when micahg actually sleeps o.0 , micahg is almost awake on all time zones ;p10:22
asacmicahg: launchpad does that if you use --fixes lp:XXXXXX10:22
asacin bzr commit10:22
asacdebcommit does that if you have LP: #xxxxx in changelog10:22
asacmicahg: is a hero ;)10:22
mac_vasac: once i was discussing something with him and he said > "its almost dawn ,so i guess no sleep today"10:23
asacJanC: please save chrome://browser/locale/aboutCertError.dtd and paste it somewhere10:28
asacsame for chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd10:28
JanCyeah, I was getting there about  ツ10:30
JanChttp://paste.ubuntu.com/271386/ is aboutCertError.dtd from the locale10:31
JanChttp://paste.ubuntu.com/271388/ is brand.dtd10:32
JanChttp://paste.ubuntu.com/271389/ is the "original" aboutCertError.dtd I suppose10:33
JanCwhich has some extra stuff at the top compared to the translated one10:34
JanClooks like an include that's missing or something?10:34
asacJanC: is http://paste.ubuntu.com/271386/ really the complete aboutCertError.dtd ?10:36
JanCthe translated one10:36
asacnothing omitted?10:36
asaclike something on top etc.?10:37
JanCnope, like, I say, there seems to be some include missing  ;)10:37
asac<!ENTITY % brandDTD10:38
asac    SYSTEM "chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd">10:38
asac  %brandDTD;10:38
asacJanC: can you check other locales?10:38
JanCif I install them10:38
asacone sec10:38
asaci think i have other locales10:38
JanCmaybe have some installed for tests/demos10:39
JanCokay, I had farsi installed for some RtL test long ago, and it doesn't have that "include" either10:40
JanCI guess this is a translation package build issue then?10:41
asacso bug is in runpo2xpi10:42
asacdoesnt like multi line entities i would think10:43
asacerr i mean doesnt like multi line SYSTEM includes10:43
asacfor entityline in `grep ENTITY.*%.*SYSTEM $dtdfile`; do10:43
eagles0513875hey asac :)10:43
asactoo bad10:44
asacwhy did they start to linebreak it ;)10:44
JanCasac: why not, it's perfectly legal SGML  ;)10:45
asacits xml here10:45
asacparsing in shell script is not nice ;)10:46
asacyou cannot even run an xpath on it ... hmmm10:46
asacmaybe you can10:46
asacbut i am sure even if xpath can match this, xpath command will have a bug ;)(10:46
asacyeah. that road leads nowhere as xpath cannot deal with chrome:// paths for sure10:47
asacso the parsing will explode before xpatch match can be tried10:47
eagles0513875have just 10 more bugs to file then everything is good to go :)10:47
asacis the wiki page up to speed?10:48
eagles0513875im doing the wiki as im filing the bugs10:48
eagles0513875thing im confused on is some names of extensions that have yet to be added to the launch pad list of packages for the project10:49
JanCasac: no way to use a headless xulrunner or something?  ;)10:49
JanC(as I suppose this has to run on a server)10:49
JanCBTW: I guess my bug report should be re-assigned ?10:52
eagles0513875andv: what you on about with bug 42561210:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425612 in livehttpheaders "mozilla-livehttpheaders not using the recommended version of mozilla-devscripts" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42561210:52
eagles0513875are you talking about something i did or what10:52
andvI'm mentoring my student, read the comments better10:52
eagles0513875ahhhh ok sry bout the confusion andv10:59
JanCasac: can you re-assign this bug to whoever is going to work on it (I'd rather not have ubuntu-nl translators to lose time on figuring out why they are assigned now...)10:59
asacJanC: feel free to do that.11:04
JanCasac: reassign to you?11:04
JanCand thanks for the help  :-)11:05
mac_vasac: an off topic question: the bluetooth module is plain "bluetooth"  , right ? i want to blacklist it , so simply adding "blacklist bluetooth" to the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf should prevent it from loading, right?11:07
asacmac_v: why do you want to blacklist bluetooth?11:21
mac_vasac: the bluetooth is causing problems :( , Bug #409233 and i dont use it either ;)11:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409233 in linux "[Regression] Bluetooth Causes Suspend to fail" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40923311:22
asacmac_v: tried latest package?11:23
asacfrom yesterday?11:23
mac_vhmm..> this update ? pulseaudio-module-bluetooth (1:0.9.16-0ubuntu1) to 1:0.9.17-0ubuntu111:24
mac_voh wait , i have one waiting :)11:24
mac_vbut still , i have the bluetooth disabled from the startup list using BUM , and still there is a process "bluetooth" ? why is that?11:26
mac_vif i try killing it from the system monitor , the system monitor crashes o.011:27
asacafter upgrading to latest restart11:31
asacthe bluetooth process should be ok11:31
mac_vhmm... ok.11:32
asaclet me know if there still is a problem11:33
mac_vsure :)11:33
* mac_v still whines about 1 process unnecessarily loading ;)11:33
JanCmac_v: be happy, I have a smartcard daemon running all time too, even if I don't use it very often11:36
JanCall that could be prevented with proper dbus/udev stuff AFAIK11:36
mac_v ;)11:37
andvasac, I'm setting up a relationship with debian guy for moz extensions11:47
andvasac, we want to create a channel on OFTC for it, and awoodland suggested me to ask you11:48
asaci dont think we should create a new channel for that ;)11:49
asacwe dont really need a channel imo. we need to agree on policies and on top we have the malinig list11:50
asacand if someone wants to chat they can use this channel or #debian-devel11:50
andvasac, the mailing list is available on alioth11:51
asaci know11:51
asacthere is no need for more imo11:51
andvasac, I hope you don't except DDs to join ubuntu-mozillateam ML11:51
asacno. but no new channel11:52
andvasac, the new channel was useful for CIA commits11:54
andvso someone knows who is working on what11:54
eagles0513875andv: when did u guys start working for the us government and the intelligence community :P11:57
eagles0513875couldnt resist not making that joke11:58
andvasac, mozilla-devscripts support iceape?12:13
asacdepends on what support means12:16
andvasac, I gonna work on the mozgest package12:33
andvasac, I will keep it in sync with ubuntu12:34
andvasac, but looks like we have a different binary name12:34
andvasac, mozilla-mozgest in debian, mozgest here12:34
andvasac, xpi:depends recognize iceweasel / icedove as well?12:41
asacatm yes.12:43
asaccyphermox: so two things i forgot to tell you: a) we need a needs-packaging bug for openconnnect. otherwise i cannot get freeze exception12:46
asacthat one should be closed in changelog12:46
asaccyphermox: the other thing would be to bump connman to the latest upstream release12:46
asaccyphermox: also we need kind of mechanism that allows consumers to do their own git tag version scheme12:47
asacsimilar to the vpn stuff12:47
asacthen i want to move it to -devscripts12:47
asaci have first folks asking for those snippets for outside comsumption12:47
cyphermoxasac, still need to find out why openconnect crashes when I try to start a connection12:47
asaccyphermox: hmm. that would be good ;)12:48
asaccyphermox: i would think upstream bug. you have a backtrace?12:48
cyphermoxwill in a second12:49
cyphermoxor if not, at the latest tonight12:49
asacandv: will think about the naming12:49
asacandv: according to http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMozExtTeam we want to go for xul-ext- prefix12:49
asaci still believe it maekse no sense12:49
asacwill open discussion again asap12:49
andvasac, Depends: iceweasel (>= 2.0) | icedove (>= 1.5) can be safely removed then right?12:50
asacif you use Recommends: ${xpi:Depends} then probably yes.12:50
asacmaybe keep the "thunderbird" directory name12:51
asacthat one is still needed until tbird/icedove gets 3.012:51
mac_vasac: the latest update fixed the suspend issue :)12:54
mac_vbut now i have a weird sideeffect! , not sure if its gnome-bluetooth causing it or not12:55
asacmac_v: going for lunch now ... lets talk after that, ok?12:55
mac_vasac: sure... no probs , but i'm pretty sure its something else :)12:56
eagles0513875woot woot i have a proper machine now to test on :)12:56
eagles0513875no more vm :)12:57
gnomefreakim not here long at all just finishing something up real fast13:00
andvgnomefreak, I'm fixing mozgest in debian13:31
andvgnomefreak, they use iceape / icedove13:31
andvhow can I add them?13:32
gnomefreakandv: just add them to rules file and control depends13:32
gnomefreakthat should be it13:32
gnomefreaklooks right. should be at the end of rules13:33
andvgnomefreak, I need to add them on depends?13:33
gnomefreakandv: they should have already been there.13:33
andvDepends: iceweasel (>= 2.0) | icedove (>= 1.5)?13:34
gnomefreakoh it doesnt have it13:34
gnomefreakandv: yeah add it to depends in control should be enough13:34
gnomefreakandv: where did you get that from?13:35
andvdebian package13:35
andvim updating it13:35
gnomefreakoh so its not the same as ours?13:35
gnomefreakrules is different? either way just add them to depends should be plenty but test to make sure13:36
* gnomefreak getting pissed at flashblock13:36
gnomefreakandv: i dont have time to make a chrrot today to test for you13:38
gnomefreakchroot even13:38
gnomefreakis it me or is bzr merge broken?13:45
gnomefreakplease let me know what the hell is wrong13:45
* gnomefreak be back ina minute13:46
gnomefreakfor some reason the instructions dont work. was there a change in m-d that would cause https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Extensions/Packaging#Preparing%20an%20update to not work13:50
gnomefreakandv: ^^^13:50
andvgnomefreak, ?13:51
gnomefreakandv: the instructions dont work for some reason please see pastebin above for error i keep getting13:52
gnomefreakandv: do you feel like doing that upgrade?13:53
andvgnomefreak, try to give a bzr upgrade remoteurl13:54
gnomefreakreplace remoteurl with my upstream branch location?13:55
gnomefreakandv: i never used bzr upgrade before :)13:56
gnomefreaklol there is a ubuntu-dev branch but no package in archives13:58
gnomefreakasac: you made an ubuntu-dev branch of linkwidgets but you never pushed it?14:00
asacgnomefreak: hmm14:01
gnomefreakasac: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/firefox-extensions/linkwidgets.ubuntu14:01
asacgnomefreak: why do you think i didnt push to it?14:01
asaci see 5 revisions there14:01
asacgnomefreak: aren't you supposed to be on holiday?14:02
gnomefreakasac: i cant find it in repos14:02
gnomefreakasac: yes trying to be at least. we will be taking honeymoon in nov. since emergency prevented us from going. from nj we flew back here14:02
gnomefreakstill trying to take time offf to spend together :)14:03
asacfta2: how does subversion work for local_branch? is its just "return" if $self->{'local-branch'}14:04
fta2in mozclient? not sure it ever worked, i did it only for hg initially, maybe git14:08
fta2the idea is just to do the checkout in the local_branch directory, and then copy or clone the results in the temp directory that will be stripped and packed.14:09
fta2same as in chromium14:10
fta2asac, ^^14:10
asacfta2: are you saying you dont use local branch anywhere except for NM ;)?14:12
asacor is that implemented in the individual packages now?14:12
asacyou said that checkout does not work, but update14:12
asacwhere is that code for hg?14:12
asacor ... are you setting MOZ_LOC... instead of LOCAL_BRANCH?14:12
asaci saw potential different code paths14:12
fta2no, i'm saying in mozclient, it's mostly ok for hg (except it's not able to create the local_branch itself, iirc), so it's usable *and* used by ff/xul/...14:14
fta2try it, it should spit an error when it's not supported14:15
fta2with filename & lineno14:15
fta2asac, the reason it's incomplete in mozclient is that it was my 1st implementation of a local cache. the idea was just to re-use an existing cache, not create it in the 1st place. the packages that came later with their own code are more advanced14:32
asacfta2: its all ok14:34
asacdidnt look at mercurial but svn14:34
asacso didnt see the update14:34
gnomefreakandv: please look at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozilla-extensions-dev/firefox-extensions/mozilla-imagezoom.ubuntu i will be gone in a minute or so but that is done14:35
asacfta2: what does it mean: the packages that came later with their own code? i would think that packages should use the VCS.pm's shipped14:35
asacjust .conf files etc. in package14:35
andvgnomefreak, we should keep tb in the depends i guess14:35
andvgnomefreak, better ask asac about that14:35
fta2asac, i meant packages not using mozclient, like chromium14:36
asacandv: yes. icedove/tbird manually also in the DIRS14:37
andvgnomefreak, keep tb14:37
andvand add tb into DIRS14:37
andvgnomefreak, on rules14:38
gnomefreakandv: k14:38
andvasac, iceape and iceweasel as well14:38
andvif on debian14:38
andvDIRS works fine with ffox abrowsers14:38
andvbut not with debian stuff yet14:38
gnomefreakits already in rules14:39
gnomefreakandv: i just have to remove firefox from it. we are keeping firefox-addons right? do we add debian packages to it and to depends?14:39
andvgnomefreak, no, firefox-addons should not be there14:40
gnomefreakandv: just the packages than?14:40
andvgnomefreak, yes, dont need to add iceape / icedove it is meant for ubuntu14:40
andvat least until we sync with debian14:40
gnomefreakandv: add thunderbird to depends too?14:41
gnomefreakensure that no packages (browsers / mail clients) are in Depends: cause ${xpi:Depends} will do the trick for us14:41
gnomefreakthats from wiki14:41
andvit dont get mail clients14:41
gnomefreakthunderbird -- mail client14:42
gnomefreakok leave it with xpi* than14:42
gnomefreakandv: pushed but branch is still updating14:46
andvok, great, gonna do it this evening14:47
gnomefreakandv: cool14:47
gnomefreakok im done for today doing updates than getting back to holiday, will be around a week or 2 than nov im gone for a while (not sure how long yet)14:48
andvgnomefreak, what's the status14:48
andvof -stumbleupon?14:48
gnomefreakandv: of?14:49
gnomefreakdont know i dont remember working on that14:49
gnomefreakdid i?14:49
andvnope, you didnt14:49
andvbut I was going to update it for debian so was wondering how it is here14:49
gnomefreakandv: it worked last time i checked other than that i dont have a clue14:53
asacandv: dirs works fine with debian stuff14:55
asacbtw i think you confused me above14:55
asacthe xpi:Depends is always good14:56
asacif not its a bug14:56
asacjust the DIRS are important for old tbird/icedove/iceape/seamonkey14:56
eagles0513875asac: once i wake up a bit i will finish up those extensions14:56
gnomefreakforget deamonkey as deps14:56
asacgnomefreak: the dep is ok14:56
asacjust the DIRS needs to be tweaked still14:57
gnomefreakSM1 doesnt have a addon thing (name escapes me atm14:57
gnomefreakSM2 has addon capibility14:57
* gnomefreak will fix SM2.1 sometime. atm profile patch is broken cant recall what else was but i dont have latest tarball. you can add SM2 to dailies if you want its stable enough. but wont have time for Sm* for a while (2 weeks or so) SM1 needs patch love due to nss/nspr changes. should be as easy as taking changes from iceape in debian and change path names to use branded version. i am gone for the day. not sure when i will be back15:00
gnomefreakholy shit that is long15:00
asacforget seamonkey15:01
asacwe should check whether we have the right bound for seamonkey15:01
eagles0513875asac: can i ask you a question thats nto related to mozilla stuff15:02
eagles0513875but another rather urgent question15:02
andvasac, gonna get firefox-sage in sync too15:09
andvasac, can I grab the med-xpi-pack script?15:09
andvasac, debian has latest upstream, so I'm moving the debian package to use m-d and med-xpi-pack so we can sync it directly15:10
asacwhy grab? if you build-depend on moz-ds you can just use med-xpi-pack15:10
mac_vasac: heh ,the sideeffect i was mentioning... i had a weird problem where the /home wasnt unmounting on shutdowns! , just did another update and it was solved :)15:45
asacgood ;)15:47
asacmac_v: please close your bug15:47
mac_voh... yeas...15:47
mac_vand it was not my bug ;p  ... i just found it ;)15:47
asachmnm. please ask on the bug and if the guy says its not fixed let me know ,)(15:48
micahgasac: I have someone e-mailing me about ff extensions16:19
micahgasac: can I set the release series on the ubuntu package for FF3.5?16:24
eagles0513875got a question for you guys about the names of 2 packages on launch pad flashgot and linkpad it says those packages havent been published16:36
micahgeagles0513875: I thought we were going to import them through debian?16:37
eagles0513875micahg: ask asac im just filing bugs against the pacakge and the mozilla-devscripts16:38
eagles0513875i dunno details bout where they are coming from16:38
ikoniaeagles0513875: haven't you asked about this not being published ?16:40
eagles0513875ikonia: some packages use a different name that i am not aware of16:40
eagles0513875im going by the name of the branch and some are new features for karmic16:40
ikoniayes, but didn't asac say "don't worry about it" ?16:41
eagles0513875ikonia: im just trying to make sure im doing my job right and im not gonna worry bout it but i hate leaving something unfinished though16:41
ikoniabut didnt he say "don't worry about it" ?16:42
ikoniaso what's the problem?16:43
eagles0513875i just dont wanna leave somethign incomplete that he had instructed me to do16:45
ikoniabut he also said "don't worry about it" - it's not going to cause a problem if it's not known/ready yet16:45
eagles0513875ikonia: can i ask you another question on an unrelated note to the topic of this channel? or would that best be done in offtopic16:45
eagles0513875ok ikonia16:45
ikoniaI'd ask in one of the offtopic channels16:45
asacthis channel is ok for short offtopic trips16:59
asaci dont mind16:59
eagles0513875asac: finishing up on the extensions bud17:00
asachow many left?17:01
eagles051387510 more i believe im jsut double and triple checking i have them all on the wiki17:01
eagles0513875asac: now that i have a working linux partition on my macbook it helps can file bugs on my desktop and look at the extensions on laptop as well as wiki on my desktop17:04
asacgood. sounds like progress17:05
eagles0513875:) very much so17:05
eagles0513875and you know what it was17:05
eagles0513875asac: just a heads up 3 more left to do :)17:30
eagles0513875asac which out of the extensions i have up right now are maintained upstream so i can put that in the branch like i have for pwdhash17:30
andvasac, is it possible to apply patches when using med-xpi script?17:49
eagles0513875asac:  and andv filing me last one :)17:50
asacandv: why?17:51
asacits med-xpi is indpendent17:51
asacyou can just use patchsystems like normal17:51
asacbut have to see the individual case to say whats beset17:52
andvasac, damn just discovered m-d don't work with .xpi at top level17:52
andvasac, it cleans the .xpi file before doing anything17:52
andvasac, bdrung fixed that on latest 0.16, do you know when it will come out?17:52
eagles0513875asac:  :) finished em all17:53
eagles0513875they are all on the wiki17:54
eagles0513875let me know what else i can do for you guys packaging if needed but i need a few to setup my laptop with the necessary packages for packaging17:54
asacandv: not sure aobut release date. normally you shouldnt have a .xpi in the orig17:55
asacsounds like a bug to have that17:55
andvasac, what do you suggest?17:55
andvasac, I'm cleaning up firefox-sage but it has the .xpi at top level17:55
asac.xpi should be produced during build17:55
asacotherwise upstream tree should be created from .xpi using med-xpi-unpack17:56
andvasac, I could extract xpi stuff into the upstream tree17:56
andvasac, so I work at top level with upstream files directly17:56
andvand not with an .xpi file17:56
asacandv: thats the way we do it yes.17:58
asacif extensions are maitained from .xpi releases17:58
asacwe produce .upstrewam tree using med-xpi-unpack17:58
andvasac, yeah, I am trying that way17:58
asacwe do that in a few packages17:58
andvlet's see17:58
eagles0513875asac:  hope the wiki is to ur satisfaction there are 3 that i couldnt file bugs for as it seems like they have not been published to launchpad18:01
andvdebuild worked, let me see if the build will success18:02
* eagles0513875 is happy that all is posted18:08
ftaasac, any success with mozclient?18:31
ftad'oh! http://launchpadlibrarian.net/31845703/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.xulrunner-1.9.3_1.9.3~a1~hg20090915r32496%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz18:34
ftasame http://launchpadlibrarian.net/31845668/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.firefox-3.7_3.7~a1~hg20090915r32496%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz18:34
micahg1asac: the localized versions seem broke on karmic18:48
micahg1now 3 people showing the issue18:48
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
sebnerfta: chroot problems everywhere :(18:51
micahgmy guess is they're respinning some stuff for the alpha 6 release18:52
ftait's the massive update to upstart18:56
ftaasac, grrrr http://paste.ubuntu.com/271605/19:00
ftathe bot failed for ucd19:00
micahgasac: can I set the upstream links for ff3.5 in ubuntu?19:57
ftaasac, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr-builddeb/+bug/399938/comments/920:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399938 in bzr-builddeb "unpacking the upstream tarball not working" [Undecided,Fix released]20:13
ikoniaeagles0513875: why are you offering to package things !!!!!! why do you not learn to stop offering things you can't do21:55
ikoniaman oh man how many times does this stupid dance need to take place21:55
micahg!coc | ikonia22:04
ubottuikonia: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/22:04
ikoniamicahg: ?22:04
micahgI thought we try to encourage participation :)22:04
ikoniamicahg: I thought we tried to stop people telling lies22:04
micahgwhy are they mutually exclusive?22:05
asacmicahg: yes. po2xpi is a bit broken22:05
ikoniamicahg: they are not22:05
micahgasac: ok, so is there anything I can do or are the statuses correct?22:05
asacmicahg: so target is langpack-o-matic ... we tracked po2xpi there in the past22:06
micahgso I should move from Ubuntu Translations?22:06
asacmaybe keep a "catch dupe" task for firefox-3.5 open on the MASTER bug22:06
asacmicahg: yes. you can reuse that target if it helps22:07
asacotherwise its invalid22:07
micahgasac: done and marked metabug22:09
micahgasac: should I mark the upstream series for ff3.5 in ubuntu?22:09
asacmicahg: what do you mean?22:13
asacyou mean associate the upstream series with the package?22:13
micahgso that people can more easily add upstream bugs22:13
asaci can do that22:13
asacone second22:13
asacok did it22:14
micahgsomeone commented in a bug about it22:14
ftaasac, this gzip (or pipe) bug is turning me crazy22:15
asacok also made 3.7 current development focus22:15
asacfta: do you know how i can reproduce it? i didnt see that for ages22:16
ftabug 399938, comments 9..1122:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399938 in bzr-builddeb "unpacking the upstream tarball not working" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39993822:17
asacare you sure you use the system bzr-builddeb? maybe you installed the plugin in the $HOME/.bzr dir at some point22:17
ftait's not about bzr22:17
asacbut i ran the evolution apt-get yesterday and didnt get it22:17
ftanot even about python22:17
ftai can upload that tarball if you want22:17
asacyes please22:18
ftaas i said, when i scp it to my 32bit box, it's fine22:18
ftabut it's not in my x64 box22:18
micahgasac: would you be open to me making ubufox's ubuntu versioning dynamic?22:22
asacmicahg: sure22:24
asacwould love to. but not running some command22:25
asacnot sure what to best use22:25
micahgcan't the build file dynamically patch the version?22:25
eagles0513875ikonia: btw in response to packaging stuff they are willing to teach me how22:45
ftaasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium-browser_4.0.210.0~svn20090915r26226.orig.tar.gz  73798543 / 01ec4f4d092f581c4dbf9f39160dbf7322:49
asacfta: why would that happen for me on that if it doesnt happen for evolution-data`from archive?22:57
ftaasac, i don't even know why it's happening to me in the 1st place22:58
asaci know stupid idea, but did you run a full memcheck yet?22:58
asacok  i try to run gunzip on it?22:59
asacor what?22:59
ftabut why would tar zxvf fail while gunzip + tar xvf succeeds?22:59
asactar tzf chromium-browser works22:59
eagles0513875asac: you have a chance to look at the wiki that i finished up earlier22:59
asacfta: aybe your tar binary is corrupted or something23:00
ftae62c26a70d3827bfd1ba85a69d0cb215  /bin/tar23:01
fta4c76231bcffe023f1575912251cb0088  /bin/tar23:01
asactar zxvf worked23:02
asaceagles0513875: looked good. are those all extensions from that code.launchpad.net page?23:03
eagles0513875si senor23:03
asaceagles0513875: ok also file one on ubufox23:03
asacand assign the bug to me23:03
asaceagles0513875: why does linkwidgets and firegpg not have a LÜ:23:04
asacLP bug?23:04
eagles0513875there are 3 that i couldnt find the packages it kept saying they arent published in lp23:04
asacah ok23:05
asaceagles0513875: for those you can file bugs against firefox-extensions project directly23:06
eagles0513875ahhhh ok23:06
asaceagles0513875: just remember to name the package name in the title23:06
eagles0513875have made not of that and will do it tomorrow right now im not all here23:06
asacand point to the branch in the bug summary23:06
asacthats the project eagles051387523:06
asaceagles0513875: thats fine. thanks a lot.23:06
eagles0513875no problem23:06
asaci think there are more extension packages that are not maintained in branches. so next step would be to spot those23:07
eagles0513875so basically file the bug anyway and file it against the firefox-extensions project23:07
asacand review them accordingly23:07
eagles0513875that would be somethign for someone whose been working with the mozilla stuff for quite some time23:07
asacin parallel we can start fixing things. just let me know when you have some time to look at how things are done23:07
asaceagles0513875: packages that have packages in the archive have packages you can file bugs against23:07
asacso for those not in branches, you can file bugs against package and add them to the wiki23:08
asacjust say "NOBRANCH" or something in the bzr branch column23:08
asaceagles0513875: to spot extension packages not in bzr you probably might want to got through the output of apt-cache rdepends firefox23:08
asacand firefox-3.023:08
asacand firefox-3.523:09
asacand check each of those packages individually23:09
eagles0513875asac: i was trying to file bugs against them but it was telling me error that they werent published to lp23:09
asacbut lets start that tomorrow23:09
asaceagles0513875: well. those where extensions not yet in the archive. we have a few that were never uploaded but that have branches23:09
asac(but they are supposed to get uploaded at some point so its good to do it anyway23:09
eagles0513875gotcha so those 3 that dont have bugs have yet to be pushed23:10
asaceagles0513875: yes. for now file the bugs against firefox-extensions project23:11
asacnot against a package (as there is none in ubuntu)23:11
eagles0513875will do those in the am23:11
eagles0513875being in a tired state = prone for mistakes and stupid ones at that lol23:11
asacfta: were you brave enough to reboot after the upstream upgrade?23:15
asaci am a bit in doubt atm23:15
ftaupstream upgrade of what?23:15
asacupstart ;)23:15
micahgasac: is there something I should give priority to verfying for the karmic ff3.5 transition?23:16
eagles0513875asac: im hearing that was being held back to some issues or something23:16
asacarhive.ubuntu.com had evertying for me this time23:17
asacjust not sure if should reboot ;)23:17
asacor leave this system on until the first victims got fixed ;)23:17
asacmicahg: what do you mean?23:17
ftanope, no reboot yet23:17
eagles0513875asac: any chance at getting some packaging mentoring23:17
micahgasac: I was going to verify that stuff was done, I did a few23:18
micahgjust wanting to know if some stuff is more important to verify than others rather than going top to bottom23:18
asaceagles0513875: step by step. as i said we can start to look at how to fix the bugs you filed tomorrow23:25
eagles0513875ok bud :)23:25
asacand so you can do some small tasks23:25
asacthat will help you get used to the basic tools i hope23:25
asacmicahg: ah you are talking about the ffox 3.5 spec23:26
asacmicahg: yes. so main porting tasks are more important23:26
asaci think most main packages are in the topmost half23:26
asac_before_ the rollout ppa to archive23:26
asacthe univers packages are below23:26
asacmicahg: does that answer your questioN?23:27
micahgthanks asac23:29

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