
bobertdosdynavox: Much of the time, partitions get autodetected, and they will mount once you select them in Places. Otherwise, you need to look up the device name using fdisk and mount it somewhere.00:00
sebsebsebramis12: 9.04 in a virtual machine to try, and  9.10  on a real psyical isntall, that sounds good to me :)   also   you can get Virtualbox support in #vbox00:00
zebastianshane2peru yes, now once it's done what do i do, you said we could recover everything from where i'm at and so while it's copying i'm opening a notepad file to list any commands for the promptt00:00
AnaisitaHey. I just installed Ubuntu and everything works fine except for the sound. It just sounds weird.00:00
LucidGuyI wonder if its safe enough to give Karmic a shot.00:00
scott_ino2seidos, make sure you don't keep that permanant on yoru box, wouldn't want you breaking things00:00
sebsebsebLucidGuy: don't get it yet, unless your a developer00:00
ramis12zebastian i did try but they are awfully quite all the time...i have been trying for 1 month now00:00
scuniziramis12: you could also change the networking type from bridged to the other option.. also #vbox is great for vbox support..00:00
sebsebsebLucidGuy: or a proper  Ubuntu tester00:00
seidosscott_ino2: didn't work for me either.  You probably need to be logged in as root to do it00:00
shane2peruzebastian: right, do you remember where you saved the ati file you downloaded?00:00
boscopwhy can't ubuntu mount hibernated windows partitions?00:00
scott_ino2which is impossible00:01
sebsebsebLucidGuy: If you want to get it early maybe the Beta  on  October 1st00:01
seidosscott_ino2: probably, like you said, to keep users from breaking the system00:01
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lstarnesLucidGuy: it should work well enough if you're not using it for a production system00:01
zebastianshane2peru no freaking clue00:01
sebsebsebLucidGuy: I think it's the first00:01
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seidosscott_ino2: impossible?00:01
LucidGuyIm itching to reload this buggy install of ubuntu .. but not sure if I can wait till Karmic becomes stable00:01
AnaisitaI have a Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) sound card00:01
shane2peruzebastian: ok, do you have internet access?00:01
shane2peruzebastian: on the laptop?00:01
sebsebseblstarnes  LucidGuy  well  installing updates from the repo,  it seems won't just give the new features,  when alpha00:01
scott_ino2seidos, well.. not impossible00:01
AnaisitaCan anybody help me. I sure it's nothing, I just don't know how to start solving it.00:01
sebsebsebLucidGuy: well then Beta00:02
scott_ino2seidos, i'll just have to put it in acpi/acd.d instead i suppose00:02
scott_ino2more work for me than simply echoing00:02
zebastianshane2peru, i logged on recovery mode and from the recovery mode menu i selected prompt shell root with networking, so i'm assuming i do00:02
sebsebsebLucidGuy: or  maybe alpha, but  you will have to clean install  when the final is out really for sure probably, if you do  an alpha00:02
sebsebseb!9.10 |  LucidGuy00:02
ubottuLucidGuy: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:02
lstarnessebsebseb: I thinik there may have been a feature freeze00:02
bobertdosAnaisita:  Define "weird"00:02
shane2peruzebastian: we can re-download it if you do, with:  wget -c https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-9-x86.x86_64.run00:02
seidosscott_ino2: thankfully permission was denied for me :)00:02
ReilithionHalitech: FYI, this is what I was after: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/karmic-changes/00:02
Halitechsebsebseb, LucidGuy as long as you keep things updated as they come out, no fresh install is required00:02
Molosethey there team is it any hard to learn linux shell commands00:02
ReilithionThanks for your help00:02
sebsebseblstarnes:  well  the second dose of art work is quite a bit later on, the first dose has already been00:03
shane2peruzebastian: that will download the correct file again, and we can install it from there, and that should fix all your problems00:03
scott_ino2seidos, well i figured you kinda knew what you were getting yourself into ;-)00:03
LucidGuyHalitech, when you say update you mean keep up with apt-get update/dist-upgrade right?00:03
Anaisitabobertdos, I don't know, it doesn't sound right. It's like i'm using crappy speakers.00:03
seidos!ask | Anaisita00:03
ubottuAnaisita: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:03
zebastianshane2peru, you're lovely (I just pasted that command to the notepad file for when it's done copying files)00:03
HalitechLucidGuy, correct00:03
shane2perusebsebseb: I hate ati. :) last computer I will ever by with ati. :)00:03
sebsebsebHalitech   LucidGuy   I have had Karmic since alpha 4,  and  it seems that  most of the updates haven't done much good,  for example I don't have  that fancyish new  boot up screen when Ubuntu is loading00:03
shane2peruzebastian: do you have high speed, it is a 95MB file so it may take a few minutes, how is the copying coming?00:04
bobertdosAnaisita: First, bring up a terminal, type in alsamixer, and check your volume levels.00:04
Halitechsebsebseb, thats why its still not ready yet ;)00:04
sebsebsebLucidGuy:  yes alpha so bugs etc, that's expected,   and  this isn't the first  time I done alpha, but  like after last time, I said  I woudn't do it untill beta, but  I still did,   next time round I will stay with Karmic as host, and  virtual machine the development version,   and do a clean install as each one comes out00:04
sebsebsebHalitech: exactly00:04
sebsebsebHalitech: and you were basically saying it will be fine to upgrade probably00:05
* scott_ino2 sigh... all i wanted was better battery life00:05
seidosscott_ino2: I figured it probably wouldn't work for me either :)00:05
Halitechsebsebseb, once the final release is out, apt-get update dist-upgrade should get you the final release00:05
seidosscott_ino2: I've been running with my battery removed00:05
ramis12hello again, what is a good company that issues laptops with pre-installed ubuntu...price is not an issue00:05
scott_ino2seidos, yeah im just gonna break down and buy solid state and get a new battery since it's under warranty00:05
sebsebsebHalitech: maybe, maybe not,  probably best to clean install anyway once the final is out00:06
sebsebsebHalitech: plus I got a nice seperate /home  so  that won't be difficult to do00:06
martiben I have a problem with Wicd where it connects to my00:06
martiben                  wireless(can access other computers on LAN etc) but i dont00:06
martiben                  get internet. Anyone familiar with this problem?00:06
Anaisitabobertdos, haha yes!! the pcm level was too high! It sounds great now!!00:06
seidosscott_ino2: I was thinking of getting solid state, but I don't really need it, and don't have money to spend on things that I don't really need00:06
AnaisitaThanks bobertdos00:06
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bobertdosdynavox: my pleasure00:06
vigoramis12: Any PC maker will put just about any IBM/*nix system you want, just a matter of pre-order.00:07
demonsporkHow do I get the Creative Fatal1ty USB Gaming headset to work in Ubuntu?00:07
bobertdosAnaisita: my pleasure00:07
Halitechsebsebseb, in theory it should but then again my luck with theory hasn't been so good lately :(00:07
shane2peruzebastian: did you get the data copied?00:07
gordon142With my Atheros-based internal wireless, Ubuntu drops the connection and reconnects at least once every five minutes00:07
scott_ino2seidos, the prices have come down a lot though... maybe soon00:08
seidosgordon142: are you using ndiswrapper?00:08
gordon142There is both an open-source and a proprietary driver available for the card (that ship with Ubuntu). Both have the same effect00:08
kyle33Whats the best and coolest graphics tool?compiz or beryl?I got ubuntu 9.04 as guest in vmware00:08
sebsebsebHalitech: when I did 9.04  and started with alpha6,  I was left with with one or two or so issues from it, untill I clean installed, by the way off topic and I did pm you00:08
scott_ino2kyle33, it's all just compiz now00:08
gordon142The issue only occurs after installing all software updates, the card works fine after installing 9.04 from the latest available ISO00:08
sebsebsebkyle33: Beryl is no longer made00:09
seidos!who | gordon14200:09
gordon142something in the updates breaks it00:09
ubottugordon142: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:09
sebsebsebkyle33: Beryl was a fork of Compiz Fushion, and then it got forked back into Compiz00:09
scott_ino2kyle33, or compiz-fusion to be more precise00:09
gordon142The only thing in the system log is "roamed from <my network> to """00:09
sebsebsebkyle33: they became one00:09
gordon142I'm not00:09
gordon142Just asking the channel00:09
sebsebsebshane2peru: yeah Nividia :)00:09
gordon142I supposed I should consolidate the entire problem into a single post though00:09
kyle33Do i just use "sudo apt-get install compiz-fusion"00:09
shane2peruzebastian: ok, here are the next commands:  updatedb && locate fglrx-uninstall.sh00:10
zebastian0shane2peru i am sorry i forgot to plug the laptop and battery died00:10
zebastian0i will need that command again for the driver00:10
zebastian0i couldn't save it00:10
vigo!compiz | kyle3300:10
ubottukyle33: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:10
martibenI recently installed wicd on my ubuntu 9.04 system, but when i connect to a wireless i only get LAN and no internet, anyone know what to do? :)00:10
shane2peruzebastian: ha ha, ok, no prob00:10
kyle33ok will it work for me?I have vista host, ubuntu guest in vmware00:11
shane2peruzebastian; plug it in and we are going to have to mount the hdd again00:11
scuniziWhat's the command to release and renew IP address from cli?00:11
mneptokscunizi: sudo dhclient $interface00:11
zebastian0shane2peru i mean00:11
zebastian0not that computer00:11
vigokyle33: That page has most all the data on it that may concern that.00:12
zebastian0shane2peru that one is still backing up, it had this computer's power chord hence this one died00:12
tehbaut_for some reason I'm unable to mount an NTFS partition (but not getting any warning) in 9.0400:12
shane2peruzebastian:  I gotta run be back in a bit, here is the command00:12
scunizimneptok: wasn't there another like ifup ipdown.. or something similar?00:12
shane2peruzebastian: we can re-download it if you do, with:  wget -c https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-9-x86.x86_64.run00:12
zebastian0shane2peru i've got them both plugged to the wall00:12
FloodBot3shane2peru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:12
mneptokscunizi: ifup/ifdown brings the interface up and down. turning the interface off and on. dhclient is just DHCP.00:12
zebastian0ok shane2peru if you're going to be off, what do i do after i enter that command after backing up is done?00:13
scunizimneptok: would they accomlish the same if I'm unplugging from one connection and moving the computer to another?00:13
martibenI recently installed wicd on my ubuntu 9.04 system, but when i connect to a wireless i only get LAN and no internet, anyone know what to do?00:13
zebastian0shane2peru !!! it finished backing up00:14
zebastian0hold on00:14
mneptokscunizi: yes.00:14
scunizimneptok: thanks00:14
CoJaBo-AztecDoes ctrl+alt+del shut down or reboot the system?00:14
vigoifup and stuff is on this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124873400:15
HalitechCoJaBo-Aztec, if I remember right, that key combination has been disabled00:15
zebastian0sebsebseb can you help me follow up from shane2peru given command?00:15
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.00:15
sebsebsebzebastian0: maybe  seidos can00:15
HalitechCoJaBo-Aztec, nevermind, its ctrl-alt-backspace00:16
pepsuEnter text here...questo?00:16
zebastian0sebsebseb you think i should wait for shane2peru ?00:16
AstroEli wanna mount a .iso file to a virtual file!00:16
pepsujoin ubuntu.it00:16
seidossebsebseb: I need to pick up the yoga mat that I have rolled up on the floor, brb00:16
DasEi!iso | AstroEl00:17
ubottuAstroEl: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:17
pepsujoin ubuntu/it00:17
pepsujoin ubuntu-it00:17
Picipepsu: its /join #ubuntu-it00:17
martibenI recently installed wicd on my ubuntu 9.04 system, but when i connect to a wireless i only get LAN and no internet, anyone know what to do?00:17
sebsebsebzebastian0: yep wait for shane2peru   or  maybe wait for seidos and he can help you00:18
seidossebsebseb: back00:18
seidoszebastian0: what was the command?00:18
rejohnkdeplasma-addons question:  Is it safe to have this package removed from a standard kde desktop system? Reason: I want to have apt-get cease downloading the kdebase-workspace-wallpapers package, because it is large (45MB) for my inet connection. [I'm running KUbuntu 904 with the ppa enabled for the latest KDE package updates.]  It was suggested to me that I apt-get remove that package, & see what other packages will be removed, or00:18
rejohnWhen I did  "apt-get -s remove kdebase-workspace-wallpapers" it said: "The following packages will be REMOVED:  kdebase-workspace-wallpapers kdeplasma-addons plasma-wallpapers-addons".  The only concern I can think of is that removing "kdeplasma-addons" might be bad for my system.  Your suggestions, please?00:18
seidosrejohn: it might remove something you don't want removed...00:19
zebastian0seidos, first off, i just backed up all my files to the external hard drive, i want to unplug it as i have a laptop(this oen) on the desktop and the other on my lap and hanging from it is the hard drive, so how can i unmount it00:19
libtechright click, unmount?00:19
CoJaBo-AztecDoes ctrl+alt+del shut down or reboot the system?00:20
seidoszebastian0: libtech has a point.  can't you right click the device and unmount it?00:20
jribCoJaBo-Aztec: shouldn't do anything in X00:20
kyle33Is there a shortcut i can use to open the terminal?like cntrl+alt+something?00:20
rejohnseidos: that's what I'm asking - & i do know this is #ubuntu, not #kde ;) - but do you know if removing the "kdeplasma-addons" would be problem causing?00:20
zebastian0seidos, i am on recovery mode, shell promt networking mode00:20
zebastian0no gui00:20
libtechkyle33: you can set one if you want, im not sure if there is a shortcut by default00:20
CoJaBo-Aztecjrib: In text terminal. Seems its the only way to do a shutdown :/00:20
CoJaBo-AztecOr reboot, have no idea which it will do00:21
seidoszebastian0: umount /something/something00:21
jribCoJaBo-Aztec: well doesn't "sudo halt" work?00:21
CoJaBo-Aztecjrib: I cant sudo.00:21
seidoszebastian0: let me try in my terminal00:21
jribCoJaBo-Aztec: why not...?00:21
brozebastian0: did you fix the xserver?00:21
jribCoJaBo-Aztec: (it reboots by the way)00:21
CoJaBo-Aztecjrib: Sudo is broken, and any attempt to fix it would require sudo.00:21
zebastian0bro, not yet00:21
vigokyle33: You can set that any way you wish, Preferences>Main Menu can do it.00:21
sebsebsebseidos: he is in a  shell,  uhmmm  read the back log?00:22
seidoszebastian0: type mount, it will list your mounted "devices", then type umount devicepath00:22
shane2peruzebastian ok, I'm back00:22
kyle33ok thanks00:22
seidossebsebseb: time00:22
jribCoJaBo-Aztec: broken how?  Reboot in recovery mode (from grub menu) to fix it00:22
kyle33Is there something like task manager in ubuntu?00:22
sebsebsebseidos: ok  shane2peru is back,  so  they can help him I expect00:22
HalitechCoJaBo-Aztec, did you look at the directions here? http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo00:22
brozebastian0: did you fix the xserver?00:22
aleron6can anybody tell me whats the commend to stop the annoying update manager again00:22
CoJaBo-Aztecjrib: Problem is I want to shut it down safely first.00:22
zebastian0shane2peru,  how do i unmount the external hard drive now that's finished backing up00:22
shane2peruzebastian: got your data copied over?00:22
brozebastian0: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:22
shane2peruzebastion0 umount /media/disk00:22
sebsebsebbro: no  he didn't and is probably going to re install00:22
zebastian0bro, not yet, i'm jabbing at it with the help of shane2peru00:23
shane2peruzebastian0: did installing the proprietary drivers before mess things up?00:23
vigokyle33: Yes there is, System>Administration >System Monitor00:23
shane2peruzebastian0: is that what got you into this mess?00:23
CoJaBo-AztecThis is a mess o_O00:23
kyle33It froze, i think its vmware and not ubuntu though00:23
naturalxHey guys.  I have ATI Catalyst with an ATI mobility X1600 running on Ubuntu Intrepid.  Recently, I got a new monitor.  I now have one 1680x1050 monitor and one 1900x1200, however, when using them (either dual or individually), the catalyst refuses to go above 1680x1050 for the second monitor, even though it has 1900x1200 listed under "Maximum Resolution".  How can I get it working?00:23
jribCoJaBo-Aztec: how is sudo broken?00:24
zebastian0shane2peru, bash: unmount command not found00:24
eary1           I deinstalled vista and installed Ubuntu and when I did my sound stopped working.  My computer is the dell studio Laptop and am using the 64 version of Ubuntu. I am brave and will stick this soundlessness out but I need to know there is hope.00:24
seidoszebastian0: umount not unmount00:24
CoJaBo-Aztecjrib: sudo[9067]: segfault at 0 ip b7c5db0b sp bfe80410 error 4 in pam_smbpass.so[b7c01000+12a000]00:24
shane2peruzebastian0: really?  that is odd00:24
zebastian0bro, shane2peru you surely know more than i do,m i think you might have been right on about hte overheating drivers00:24
CoJaBo-AztecMight just need a reboot to fix, tryting to make sure I can shut down safely tho first.00:24
seidosshane2peru: he typed unmount not umount00:24
* CoJaBo-Aztec cant umount anything eiteher :/00:25
zebastian0seidos, ok i just typed umount and it went back to the prompt, is it safe to remove the ext hard drive yet?00:25
shane2peruzebastian0: it is : umount /media/disk    not unmount just umount00:25
shane2peruseidos: thanks, I didn't catch that.00:25
sandy|lurkhi, where do I find the Karmic schedule? Specifically, I'm looking for freeze dates00:25
* CoJaBo-Aztec has like, 1 billion screen shells open00:25
resnostylehello. how do i stop issues with kacpi taking 99% of cpu?00:25
sebsebsebsandy|lurk: a quick Google and it will come up00:25
sandy|lurksebsebseb: you would think so...00:25
shane2peruzebastian0: then run wget -c https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-9-x86.x86_64.run00:25
zebastian0shane2peru ok i did that00:25
seidoszebastian0: hold on, let me get my usb drive, to test to make sure.  I'm pretty sure (off the top of my head) that it will return a message verifying the drive is unmounted when you execute the umount /media/device command00:26
sebsebsebsandy|lurk: hmm00:26
sandy|lurksebsebseb: really, I did google before I came here, and I am still googling in the interest of time, but have had no luck00:26
zebastian0shane2peru hold on i'm a slow typist on two laptops00:26
shane2peruzebastian0: no prob, that is a long link too.00:26
sebsebsebsandy|lurk: yeah  it doesn't have that much info on it00:26
brozebastian0: try: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p high xserver-xorg00:27
sebsebsebsandy|lurk: also the Karmic channal at the moment is #ubuntu+100:27
Deathvalley122does anyone know when another kernel update is gonna be out for Ubuntu?00:27
sandy|lurkokay, I'll ask in there. thanks sebsebseb00:27
jribCoJaBo-Aztec: ctrl-alt-del should work fine to reboot and then load recovery mode00:27
shane2peruzebastian0: after you get that, you are going to need to follow these instructions: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat99-inst.pdf00:27
=== azazel_ is now known as Azaz3l
seidoszebastian0: if there were no errors, it should be safe to remove00:27
shane2peruzebastian0: I gotta run00:27
sandy|lurkah, right in their topic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule00:27
sebsebsebsandy|lurk: ok00:27
sandy|lurkpeace out00:27
sebsebsebsandy|lurk: yes that's the link00:27
mmInd_anyone know if I can multiple files at once using devede?00:28
CoJaBo-Aztecjrib: I want to turn the system completely off first. I suppose I can stop it before it starts to boot again?00:28
shane2peruzebastian0: you can try bro suggestion too, but you are going to need to install the proprietary driver or it will continue to overheat with videos etc00:28
seidosbro: it was proprietary video drivers that is keeping zebastian0 out of xorg?00:28
Sunniboihello how is german ubuntu00:28
zebastian0back from typing00:28
sebsebseb!de |  Sunniboi00:28
ubottuSunniboi: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.00:28
jribCoJaBo-Aztec: why00:28
mmInd_I've got about 100 files I need to add to make a video dvd and I'm using devede (for the first time) to do it00:29
HalitechmmInd_, yes you can00:29
HalitechmmInd_, how big are the files?00:29
shane2peruanyone good with installing proprietary ati drivers would be kind enough to help out zebastian0 with installing on the command line, I gotta run00:29
mmInd_Halitech, really small (like 25-50mb)00:29
seidosshane2peru: I'll do what I can00:29
zopiacdoes the find command search in (dot) folders?00:29
broseidos, i understand, that's why i told him to reset the xserver to the default state00:29
zebastian0shane2peru thanks so much for oyur help00:29
HalitechmmInd_, ok, should work fine00:30
shane2peruseidos: he installed something, and it probably should be removed00:30
shane2peruzebastian0: no prob00:30
zebastian0i got the following outputt00:30
Azaz3lsorry i have a problem with aide... i need documentation but not for installation xD i need a document about how i can make my own rules and what is each parameter :s00:30
zebastian0wget unable to resolve host address failed name or service not known00:30
mmInd_Halitech, how do you add more than one at a time?00:30
seidosshane2peru: ok00:30
shane2peruseidos: he can find the old thing with updatedb && locate fglrx-uninstall.sh  and uninstall that driver00:30
AssociateX is there a way to get rid of the "Favorites" tab from the KDE Start menu?00:30
HalitechmmInd_, depends, do you want chapters or do you want them to run together as 1 movie?00:30
speedeep_Anyone had any luck getting Ubuntu to use a digital audio out dongle on a Dell Latitude C810?  Maestro 3.  Can't seem to get anything intelligible in the way of digital audio (coax) coming out of the laptop.00:30
naturalx Hey guys.  I have ATI Catalyst with an ATI mobility X1600 running on Ubuntu Intrepid.  Recently, I got a new monitor.  I now have one 1680x1050 monitor and one 1900x1200, however, when using them (either dual or individually), the catalyst refuses to go above 1680x1050 for the second monitor, even though it has 1920x1200 listed under "Maximum Resolution".  How can I get it to work?  Any help would be much appreciated!00:31
shane2peruseidos: here is the instructions:  https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat99-inst.pdf00:31
seidoszebastian0: have you tried changing the device in xorg.conf?00:31
mmInd_Halitech, don't really care, chapters would be nice00:31
zebastian0seidos, no, let's do that00:31
zebastian0seidos, i mean00:31
zebastian0to vesa00:31
zebastian0now that i recall00:31
FloodBot3zebastian0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:31
sebsebseb!enter |  zebastian000:31
ubottuzebastian0: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:31
seidoszebastian0: yeah, and changing to vesa didn't work?00:31
jribzopiac: should be easy to test and see (yes)00:32
zebastian0seidos, it didn't00:32
Noturno99i cant install pidgin in mi linux00:32
Noturno99what library i needed?00:32
aleron6can anybody help my install these drivers00:32
seidoszebastian0: you should try bro's command00:32
HalitechmmInd_, ok, when you open devede, you will be set to add your first video, after you add the first one, click on the add on the left side (sorry, got mine running right now doing a conversion so can't look at it) and then add your second file, repeat until done00:32
seidossudo dpkg-reconfigure -p high  xserver-xorg00:32
seidoszebastian0: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -p high  xserver-xorg00:32
zopiacjrib: well it isnt finding what i would think should be in a .folder . . .00:32
sebsebsebNoturno99: Pidgin should be installed by default00:33
HalitechmmInd_, if you want to break it down to say 10 files running together, add the first 10 files to the first chapter then add another chapter00:33
sebsebsebNoturno99: if you done Ubuntu,  which Linux?00:33
jribzopiac: pastebin00:33
zopiacjrib: what to pastebin? it isnt finding what i want00:33
mmInd_Halitech, is there a way to add all 100 to one title without doing each one separately?00:34
jribzopiac: so pastebin your command, it not finding what you want (the output of your command), and an ls /path/to/what/you/expected/it/to/find00:34
zebastian0seidos, i got the following output, warning overwriting posssibly customised configuration file, back up in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20090914172003300:34
HalitechmmInd_, yeah, just keep adding them to the first chapter00:34
jribzopiac: or you're not sure it's there?00:34
zopiacjrib: im not sure its there, and it isnt a single directory00:35
HalitechmmInd_, I'm not sure what the limit is for files but you should see a progress bar in regards to file size or percentage of disk, when that hits 120 you'll have a full disk00:35
seidoszebastian0: that's not a big deal, a backup of xorg.conf is fine00:35
zebastian0seidos, unrelated: can i unplug the external drive yet?00:35
jribzopiac: right, but find does search in hidden directories.  But you could easily test this yourself by creating a small hidden directory and putting a file in there and using find.  So it's not there if find says it isn't00:35
zebastian0seidos, just letting you know00:35
zopiacyeah, it would have been easier00:35
mmInd_Halitech, okay thanks for your help00:36
zopiacdidnt think of it though, thanks00:36
seidoszebastian0: did you type umount /media/device without errors?00:36
zebastian0seidos yes00:36
seidoszebastian0: then yes :)00:36
jribzopiac: no problem00:36
HalitechmmInd_, np00:36
zebastian0seidos, whenever you're ready i'm ready00:36
seidoszebastian0: what is the name of your external hard disk?00:36
seidoszebastian0: type startx00:36
Out_Coldso i was trying to compile a driver... but i get errors.. anyone want to take a look? http://pastebin.com/m4f6dfe8700:37
zebastian0seidos, didn't work, blue, pixelated strip on top of the screen, nothing else00:37
seidoszebastian0: but x is up?00:37
zebastian0seidos...i guess, it went onto a black screen with a  stripy pixelated blue line at the top00:38
zebastian0it might be up but it ain't running00:38
seidoszebastian0: kill xorg in a terminal00:38
zebastian0seidos...er, i was in root prompt shell with networking mode00:39
zebastian0how do i get out of x at all?00:39
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seidoszebastian0: root prompt shell?  does control-alt-f1 display another shell?00:40
martin_randauhello. my first time here. is there a specific channel for hardware problems?00:40
sebsebsebseidos: no he is  in recovery mode00:40
seidosmartin_randau: there is a ##hardware channel00:40
zebastian0that that00:40
seidossebsebseb: is there a way to kill xorg without rebooting?00:40
seidoszebastian0: try rebooting00:41
broseidos: shoudn't he nano on xorg.conf and tell us exactly what drivers are loaded?00:41
sebsebsebseidos: well I guess xorg isn't even running, since he is in recovery mode in one of those shells00:41
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zebastian0seidos, yes sir00:41
seidosbro: he said he tried vesa mode already, vesa mode should work regardless of proprietary drivers he installed00:41
sebsebsebzebastian0: hang on00:41
seidossebsebseb: I told him to type startx00:41
broseidos: didn't know that00:41
seidossebsebseb: had I known he was in a root shell, I wouldn't have told him to do that :o00:42
sebsebsebseidos: shane2peru  was  helping him mount his external hard disk in   the recovery mode shell00:42
sebsebsebseidos: and stuff like that00:42
seidossebsebseb: ah00:42
sebsebsebseidos: well I guess you got a back log,  plus   the offical log will be up soon, if it's not already,  with the stuff from earleir00:42
zebastian0seidos, sebsebseb, bro, back on prompt root shell with networking(recovery mode)00:42
tehbaut_what are your favorite themes?00:42
seidoszebastian0: have you considered booting normally now?00:43
AssociateX is there a way to get rid of the "Favorites" tab from the KDE Start menu?00:43
sebsebsebseidos: that was his whole problem as well,  he coudn't boot Ubuntu normalley since the xorg issue00:43
seidoszebastian0: do you still have device as vesa in xorg.conf?00:43
zebastian0seidos, if i do the same black screen with the pixelated stripe will come up00:43
zebastian0as in x don't work00:43
seidoszebastian0: that's why I asked about your xorg.conf00:43
seidoszebastian0: at this point I'00:43
zebastian0seidos, how do i check if i still have vesa in xorg.conf00:44
seidoszebastian0: I'm not sure if the problem before was from trying to start xorg with root priviledges or the device your using in xorg.conf00:44
seidoszebastian0: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:44
seidoszebastian0: off the top of my head, under Device, identifier should be set to "vesa"00:45
zebastian0seidos, no sight of vesa anywhere about, or at least not where i'd put it00:45
Fendarilxanyone here?00:45
lstarnesFendarilx: over a thousand00:45
brozebastian, in device, at driver, what does it say? those should be your drivers now00:46
seidoszebastian0: you have to type "vesa" where your current device is listed (ati?)00:46
sebsebsebzebastian0: maybe it would have been easier to just put in  the live cd and  get your external hard disk working on it and move data  over to it, and re install,  but then you also don't learn stuff00:46
pixlboxif my ubuntu pc doesnt receive any requests after about 10 mins it rejects all inbound requests00:46
Fendarilxwell tell me why my PATH variable resets and my enviornment variables are deleted on restart00:46
Fendarilxthen I will leave00:46
pixlboxhas anyone else had this problem ?00:46
Fendarilxno only you00:47
lstarnesFendarilx: you need to set them in your ~/.profile00:47
lstarnespixlbox: it may be an issue with your router00:47
seidosbro: zebast + tab = zebastian000:47
zebastian0sebsebseb, that's what i had suggested a long time ago00:47
zebastian0seidos, what is your take on sebsebseb's suggestion?00:47
pixlboxthe only way to get it working again, is if i then send some kind of outbound request00:47
broseidos: what do you mean? i'm not used to irc...00:48
seidoszebastian0: how much time do you have, and do you want to learn?00:48
seidosbro: type zebast + tab00:48
broseidos, ok00:48
Fendarilxthis is my profile lstarnes00:48
Fendarilxif [ -d "$HOME/bin" ]; then00:48
Fendarilxexport EUDIR="$HOME/euphoria-4.0b2"00:48
FloodBot3Fendarilx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:48
zebastian0seidos, i have all day long for as long as you have that too...shane2peru didn'thave as long as i have00:48
lstarnesFendarilx: you need to export $PATH00:48
FendarilxEUDIR is my own exported variable00:49
Fendarilxfor a program00:49
lstarnesFendarilx: but you must export $PATH00:49
revengecan someone help me setup .chd files for sdmame?00:49
Fendarilxok im lost00:49
seidoszebastian0: I have time, off and on until I get a job :)00:49
Fendarilxi thought path was there00:49
pixlboxit only happens with that computer thought00:49
brozebastian0, to save nano ctrl+o, to close ctrl+x, after you've done editing00:49
zebastian0bro, done editing? what sort of editing? what should i write under identifier? currently it reads configured video device, seidos, great!00:50
NeroonCan anyone help with Kopete? It keeps disconnecting when I log into icq network00:50
sebsebsebNeroon: yeah Kopete  can be a bit weird, hence why I prefer Pidgin, but there's also licq00:51
sebsebseb!info licq00:51
ubottulicq (source: licq): ICQ client (base files). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.6-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 734 kB, installed size 2312 kB00:51
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zrutyWho was it told me to use empathy ...?00:51
brozebastian0, seidos told you to write "vesa" in line with driver00:51
scunizizruty: that's in the next release00:51
Fendarilxlstarnes i put path after an "export"?00:51
broseidos, right?00:51
Neroonsebsebseb: I'd use licq, but it has another bug, I really hate ..00:52
IdleOnescunizi: empathy is available in jaunty also00:52
lstarnesFendarilx: export $PATH00:52
sebsebsebNeroon: What's that?00:52
lstarnesFendarilx: ^ that line00:52
scuniziNeroon: try irssi00:52
Neroonsebsebseb: It just doesnt list me as online00:52
seidoszebastian0, bro:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/271277/, this is how I think he should enter vesa.  Next to identifier.00:52
Fendarilxoh and is the EUDIR valid?00:52
pixlboxchecked my router, changed the ip address of my computer and its still doing the same thing00:52
Fendarilxi defined it00:52
sebsebsebscunizi: IRSSI can do ICQ I guess not00:52
Fendarilxon the same line00:52
Fendarilxas export00:52
FloodBot3Fendarilx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:52
zebastian0seidos, bro, ok done, saved "vesa" and now i'm out of nano00:52
seidosbro: do you think typing startx in a root shell is a bad idea for zebastian0?00:53
seidoszebastian0: reboot now00:53
brozebastian0, look at seidos' link00:53
scunizisebsebseb: didn't catch that.. I was thinking irc.. acrynoms acrynoms acrynoms.. I'm going nuts lately learning new one for various disaplines00:53
zrutyscunizi: Yep, I know. And also what the pther guy said that it is already available. Anyway ~~ I installed it and started using it but it seems not really stable00:53
sebsebsebscunizi: heh ok00:53
seidoszebastian0: boot back into normal mode (not failsafe)00:53
broseidos, dunno, i never done it00:53
seidosbro: I may have done it...probably shouldn't though00:54
pixlboxcan anyone help me, ??  been trying to sort this thing out all day00:54
zebastian0ok rebooting00:54
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seidos!ask | pixlbox00:54
ubottupixlbox: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:54
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broseidos, i don't see the problem though, x should start00:54
sebsebsebseidos: he did00:54
sebsebseb!enter |  pixlbox00:55
ubottupixlbox: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:55
sebsebsebpixlbox: I do that as well, but00:55
pixlboxok, my pc refuses inbound requests after not receiving any network traffic for about 10 mins00:55
sebsebsebpixlbox: you basically split up your question in two, with quite a lot in between, so that's not that good00:55
zebastian0seidos, now what happened is i got two wee blurry, pixelated splash ubuntu's and a green pixelated top bar on a black screen00:55
seidoszebastian0: can you paste a screenshot?00:56
seidoszebastian0: I have to ask00:56
brozebastian0, is the desktop working, or still blocked?00:56
LucidGuyurg .. loosing my mind my Ubuntu refuses to restart/shutdown at times.  Urg ..00:56
zebastian0seidos, i cant paste a screenshot, i'm a different laptop00:56
zebastian0bro, not working00:56
LucidGuyIt used to work , but lost track of changes made ....  so many issues after the the upgrade from 8.10 to Jaunty.00:56
seidoszebastian0: you can't read the screen?  at all?00:57
brozebastian0, take a picture of the display :)00:57
seidoszebastian0: check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to make sure the changes you made are still there00:57
seidoszebastian0: should still say "vesa" next to identifier00:57
zebastian0seidos, i'll to reboot for that00:57
zebastian0bro, no camera00:57
zrutyI seem to be able to connect to here for instance using pidgin but at this time empathy is completely telling me there's a network error, at this very same time00:57
sebsebsebLucidGuy: indeed  8.10 is better than 9.04 in certain ways, and they even mess with shutdown and logout in 9.0400:57
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sebsebsebnot having it in system menu anymore, and he left00:58
broseidos, you think is safe to upgrade to karma already? one month should not make such a big difference in developement :P00:58
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete00:58
seidoszebastian0: hit ctrl-alt-f100:58
Neroonsebsebseb: Well, just tried pidgin. Seems to work. But is there a way to import a contact list out of icq2000?00:58
IdleOnebro: karmic WILL break00:58
seidoszebastian0: it should bring up a terminal00:58
IdleOnebro: #ubuntu+1 :)00:58
sebsebsebNeroon: ICQ2000  in Wine or?00:58
sebsebsebNeroon: When you log into ICQ  on Pidgin it should have your contact list there.00:58
seidosbro: depends what you mean by "safe"00:58
seidosbro: I'm going to wait for the next lts00:59
zebastian0seidos, i had to reboot, if i don't start up on recovery mode it simply gets stuck00:59
Neroonsebsebseb: It's just residing on my stone old win partition. Not working anymore00:59
zebastian0now i'm back on the shhell prompt with root and networking00:59
brozebastian0, so did you try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg?00:59
zebastian0so seidos, nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf right?00:59
Neroonsebsebseb: No, I haven't been online with a newer icq and up to 2000 icq didnt store them online00:59
seidoszebastian0: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:59
durtbro, there are big bugs in karmic as we speak00:59
sebsebsebNeroon: oh00:59
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sebsebsebNeroon: noI don't think you can import the list00:59
seidosbro: is all your hardware working now?  you used Jackalope?01:00
zebastian0seidos, the vesa is still there01:00
sebsebsebNeroon: I don't think you can01:00
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seidosbro: correction, use01:00
Neroonsebsebseb: Actually that was why I didnt use a newer icq. No need for mirabilis to know my list01:00
broseidos, yep, all up and running on Jaunty01:00
seidoszebastian0: I am readding this to double check vesa procedure01:00
seidoszebastian0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89064501:00
broseidos, but i didn't upgrade to koala yet, that's why i asked01:00
sebsebsebbro: 9.10 isn't out yet01:01
sebsebseb!karmic | bro01:01
ubottubro: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:01
ThemiHow do I mount my CD rom drive?01:01
brosebsebseb, i know, but you can still upgrade to it, even to alpha releases as it seems01:01
sebsebsebbro: well yes, but I woudn't recommend that,  except for developers, and proper  alpha testers01:02
WB2Colorado /part01:02
zebastian0seidos, did we do it wrong?01:02
seidoszebastian0: it should be Driver "vesa", like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/271280/01:02
seidoszebastian0: :\, yeah01:02
seidoszebastian0: sorry, it's been awhile since I've done it01:02
foundry87If I use custom album artwork from a website in Rhythmbox, where does it store the image or the location to that image?01:03
ThemiCan any one help me? How do I mount my CDRom drive to my recent install of Ubuntu 9.0401:03
seidoszebastian0: setting it to vesa should allow you to get into x01:03
zebastian0seidos, no problem you're still one of the sweetest helping violunteers here01:03
sebsebsebbro: for people such as myself, who are a bit more than the average end user,   it's better really to wait untill at least the beta, but  loads of us will still do the alpha anyway01:03
sebsebsebbro: for everyone else, the final for sure01:03
Guest24327Help Wanted!   need information or help with printer on my ubuntu system to network or share it to a pc using vista... pm's are welcome01:04
seidoswhy thank you01:04
pyxishi, does anyone here know of a good irc client for ubuntu?01:04
sebsebseb!cups |  Guest2432701:04
ubottuGuest24327: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:04
brosebsebseb, agree, i'm just a little unpacient :) [is that the right word?]01:04
sebsebsebpyxis: yep01:04
telavivi just installed gcc-snapshot to try to get g++ v 4.4 but i'm unclear how i'm supposed to use it. g++ is still connected to the old 4.3 version01:04
sebsebsebbro: unpatient01:05
lstarnestelaviv: try g++-4.401:05
zebastian0seidos, so i just wrote it out on nano, now what do i do? restart? ctrl alt del?01:05
sebsebsebbro: if I spelt right01:05
Guest24327thanks ill give a look and read and try things out.01:05
telavivthere's only g++ and g++-4.301:05
seidoszebastian0: shutdown -r now might work01:05
sebsebsebpyxis: Xchat is rathar popular, but I much prefer Konversation which is a KDE app, but you can run it in Gnome as well so :),   if you want one for the termianl well IRSSI for example01:05
Howdyhey guys01:06
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brozebastian0, do a restart01:06
zrutyI just restarted empathy but even less accounts connect, all say they got a network error01:06
Gabryshello, how to disable the splash screen AFTER logging and before Gnome is fully up?01:06
seidoszebastian0: or is it shutdown now -r?01:06
Howdydoes any1 know how to send a message from your computer to another IP on a linux01:06
zebastian0bro, doing so01:06
zrutyHow to delete the Install icon on the desktop of live USB ?01:06
sebsebseb!usb |  zruty01:07
ubottuzruty: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:07
Howdyhow do you send a message via terminal? to another guys terminal?01:07
zrutysebsebseb: Yes, I know all that, but how to delete that icon? I keep deleing it but it keeps coming back01:07
zebastian0seidos, not working, again stuck, two wee splashies ubuntus and a pixelated stripe on top and everything stuck01:07
teh_beeecho 'lol' >> /dev/tty101:07
pyxissebsebseb: thanks, i'll have a look at them01:07
zrutysebsebseb: All other settign are persisted01:07
sebsebsebpyxis: ok and Konversation :)01:07
Howdyteh_bee is that for me?01:07
brozebastian0, "reboot" command should work too as i remember01:07
Howdyhow about to another IP?01:08
sebsebsebzruty: I guess your running the equivilant to the Live CD on your USB stick, hence it coming back01:08
sebsebsebzruty: also if you save something on that USB,  when you  re load it, the thing you saved is gone?01:08
seidoszebastian0: I don't know.  I would have to read more.  You have an ati graphics card, right?01:08
beatbreakerwhat's the command when using Xinerama to get a program to open on the (eg) second screen?01:08
zebastian0seidos, i do01:08
zrutysebsebseb: Nope, everything else stays. It's just that icon that keeps coming back01:08
sebsebsebseidos: shane2peru suggested a driver for him to install ealrier01:08
sebsebsebseidos: it will be in the offical log now01:08
teh_beehowdy, dont know about another ip01:09
zebastian0there's a log from here?01:09
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xim_for some reason evolution wont let me resize the side panel and its shrunk to where all the names of my folders just say ...  do i need to reinstall evolution?01:09
sebsebseb!logs |   seidos   zebastian001:09
ubottuseidos   zebastian0: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/01:09
judson_i installed the mac4lin theme01:09
zrutysebsebseb: I changed the desktop background, added some desktop icons, switched off the sound and disabled sound theme: All persistent, even made a couple of boot scripts, all are there... Just this one icon keeps coming back, even if I empty trash etc01:09
NetEchojudson_ having problems?01:10
sebsebsebzruty: ok well I can't help I guess, since I haven't done Ubuntu from a USB  before01:10
zebastian0seidos, the laptops getting hot, i am going to reboot into recovery mode again01:10
Neroonbeatbreaker: I don't use Xinerama, but two separate screens, and this works for me in front of the app name:       DISPLAY=:0.1 <appname>01:10
seidoszebastian0: just reinstall at this point, not sure what else to tell you01:10
judson_my computer crashes everytime i watch vids on youtube though :(01:11
zebastian0seidos, do you recomend i install jaunty again and install the driver shane2peru had toldme to, or install 8.04?01:11
zebastian0bro, what do you think01:11
beatbreakerNeroon, yeah i was using 2 seperate X displays before but it was annoying me, i want to gety and get it working with xinerama instead01:11
seidoszebastian0: I would recommend seeing what other people with the same ati graphics card you have would do01:12
brozebastian0, you can go with 9.04, works flowlessly on my machine01:12
zebastian0seidos, how can i survey that?01:12
beatbreakeri wrote a script that had it opening on the other display but now that obviously doesn't work01:12
sebsebsebbro: what no it didn't untill you sorted your ATI issue out?01:12
zebastian0bro, yes but remember that because i didn't have the propretory drivers, it would get overheated and then get stuck?01:12
seidoszebastian0: see if anyone has written documentation on your card for ubuntu01:12
Howdyhow do you send a message via ssh to another IP?01:12
zebastian0wouldn't it be easier with 8.04?01:12
broseidos, not sure the ati driver problems are just related to 9.0401:12
Neroonbeatbreaker: well I prefer it that way since the 2nd display is my tv, but the DISPLAY=:0.1 <appname> might work with xinerama as well. Tried it? Maybe with a shell or something01:13
seidosbro: me neither, I'm googling01:14
sebsebsebzebastian0: probably01:14
sebsebsebzebastian0: since an older version of xorg01:14
brosebsebseb, i just messed my x because of bad driver installation, my fault alone. the only thing that's bad is the tearing [no-vsync] effect01:14
sebsebsebzebastian0: your card is old not new?01:14
seidoszebastian0: what card do you have?  what model?01:14
sebsebsebbro: yeah I think that's what zebastian0 did messed up his 9.04 install, because of bad driver installation01:14
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seidoshow do coders write code if they don't have the hardware to test it on?01:15
teh_beenotepad and pen01:15
sebsebsebseidos: you mean the specs for the hardware or?01:15
zebastian0sebsebseb, bro, seidos, i am looking for the exact card model01:15
beatbreakerNeroon, in my situaiton i'm getting XBMC to open on the right screen on boot, but i don't always use it and when i'm doing office stuff i need to be able to drag womdpws across, i can't get the drag thing working01:15
P_KableHi, anyone know how to make a cat5 shielded cable ?01:16
seidossebsebseb: is it an R400, R300, R800, X70001:16
sebsebsebzebastian0: lspci  and pastebin the output I think that will say it01:16
zebastian0i am on a compaq presario cq40-32la laptop01:16
sebsebsebseidos: I don't know what card he has01:16
brosebsebseb, it's odd that x broke just when i removed the manually installed drivers and got the ones that ship with ubuntu, not the other way around01:16
sebsebsebseidos: however shane2peru did tell him to install a driver for his card earlier01:16
sebsebsebseidos: and provided a link for it01:16
brozebastian0, lspci | grep VGA01:16
seidoszebastian0: have you tried lspci | grep Display01:16
zebastian0seidos http://h71016.www7.hp.com/html/interactive/CQ40/model.html?jumpid=in_HP3D_3d/NBT/CQ40|3DCENTRAL|other01:17
BlueyI have this coded in /etc/identd.conf01:17
Bluey#-- User and group (from passwd database) to run as01:17
Blueyserver:user = identd01:17
Blueybut getting this error message01:17
Blueyidentd[28850]: reply to 63356 , 6667 : ERROR: NO-USER01:17
FloodBot3Bluey: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
BlueyWhat does it want?01:17
Neroonbeatbreaker: I see. But then I'm no help for you, since I never had xinerama running here. Sorry01:17
seidosbro: interesting01:17
broseidos, what?01:17
seidosbro: lspci | grep VGA and lspci | grep Display have almost the same line01:18
Blueyi am having a problem with identd -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/271286/  what does it want?01:18
beatbreakeranyone else? how can i get a program to open on the second screen using xinerama?01:18
broseidos, yes, but Display doen't return anything on me01:18
seidosbro: interesting01:18
aleron6does anybody here know the command to stop the update manager for popping up constantly01:19
seidosbeatbreaker: I don't know01:19
sebsebsebaleron6: it should  pop up when you got updates, and then you should install them01:19
aleron6well its getting anoying give me the command01:19
brozebastian0, what's the model of the notebook?01:19
sebsebsebaleron6: the wrong command?01:19
aleron6and it been popping up to many times01:19
sebsebsebaleron6: if you have updates for Ubuntu install them :)01:19
aleron6to make it stop popping up01:19
mattwj2002hey guys01:20
seidoszebastian0: type lspci | grep VGA it is easier than that website you linked to01:20
Blueyaleron  system/admin/update manager01:20
sebsebsebaleron6: the best way to stop it popping up, is by installing the updates01:20
zebastian0how do you do the horizonal line?01:20
sebsebsebaleron6: if you just leave the updates,  it will remind you that there are updates01:20
seidosbro: it's a CQ4001:20
zebastian0i mean01:20
seidoszebastian0: shift backslash01:20
aleron6but i dont need the updates01:20
mattwj2002hey guys01:20
zebastian0it's a CQ40-324LA01:20
broseidos, that's the series, what's the exact model?01:21
sebsebsebaleron6: you might think that you don't need them, but you should still install them, because they are security updates for Ubuntu01:21
mattwj2002I got HDTV playing on my netbook01:21
zrutyHow to start ... motd for example, or display any other text file, at startup, without having to start an xterm in gnome?01:21
zebastian0seidos, bro, here's it ATI Radeon™ HD 320001:21
broseidos, zebastian0, hd3200 series?01:21
zebastian0bro, this is my laptop01:21
Neroonbeatbreaker: Just to make sure: Are you sure you're running xinerama?01:21
zebastian0it's in spanish but it's intelligible01:21
joshis there something wrong with the feisty package repo?01:22
beatbreakeri'm 100% sure i'm using xinerama, it behaves like xinerama01:22
beatbreakerthe settings say i'm using xinerama01:22
sebsebsebjosh: uhmm I guess so,  since fesity is no longer supported01:22
sebsebseb!7.04 |  josh01:22
ubottujosh: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.01:22
Neroonbeatbreaker: hm01:22
broseidos, google retuns a lot of problems with hd3200, and 8.10 too01:23
sebsebsebjosh: maybe the server version has support just about still,  but the desktop nope01:23
broseidos,  http://forum.boxee.tv/showthread.php?t=138301:23
* zebastian0 clicks too01:23
joshsebsebseb: yes, but why then are older versions still on the server?01:23
Loder3331what's the name of the off topic channel again?01:24
Neroonbeatbreaker: But isnt dragging windows one of the basics in xinerama?01:24
joshI have a server on edgy and want to upgrade01:24
sebsebsebjosh: Is it the server version?01:24
joshdon't I have to go from edgy to feisty then to jaunty?01:24
joshsebsebseb: yes01:24
sebsebsebjosh: ok for proper servers 8.04 is recommended, that's also the LTS01:24
sebsebseb!lts |  josh01:24
ubottujosh: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0401:24
Blueyokay I will re-ask my question later....01:25
sebsebsebjosh: if your on edgy, it would be much easier to clean install01:25
zrutyDoes somebody know the link to the site that explains to fix grub after reinstalling Windows?01:25
zebastian0bro, can you point out the log from earlier on today when shane2peru was here?01:25
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:25
sebsebsebjosh: I guess the repos are still there for versions such as 7.04  since yes got to go through versions,   but they don't have to add other updates to them,   except the server updates if that's still supported01:25
ubottuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.01:26
brozebastian0, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/09/15/%23ubuntu.txt01:26
sebsebsebjosh: that's unlucky in a way, if it had been 6.06  you could have upgraded directly to 8.0401:26
=== MK-ubuntu is now known as MK-BB
sebsebsebjosh: now you have to go through  7.04 and  7.10  to  upgrade01:27
beatbreakerthat's why i'm using xinerama, but i need this script to open on the second display http://pastebin.com/m6064a8aa01:27
joshsebsebseb: but if I change edgy in sources.list to feisty I just get a bunch of 404 errors on apt-get update01:27
joshso I can't goto 7.0401:28
sebsebsebjosh: I think I have been in here before,  when other people have had similar problems to yours01:28
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.01:28
sebsebsebjosh: It would be easier for you to clean install and put 8.04 server on01:28
sebsebsebjosh: or would it hmm, what kind of server you got?01:28
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases01:28
joshI'd rather step the versions01:29
joshI guess I should have kept up :)01:29
sebsebsebjosh: yeah with the LTS's at least01:29
telavivI need to have any other version other than gcc 4.3 on ubuntu. How can i do this?01:29
Loder3331Anyone have any idea why the resolution would be the same on another distro as it is here on ubuntu, but on the other distro, everything is too big?01:30
aleron6does anybody know a good nvidia card of ubuntu01:30
zebastian0bro, what do you recomend i install? 804 or jaunty?01:30
sebsebsebaleron6: I think most of them are01:30
altf2oi think pretty much all nVidia cards are just fine on Ubuntu.01:30
sebsebsebaleron6: and then you get a driver from the  Ubuntu repo and usaully that works01:30
Loder3331get a gtx 295 co-op ftw edition01:30
sebsebsebaleron6: the very latest Nivida cards though,  those you might get issues with01:30
* altf2o i've stuck with them specifically because the Linux support is outstanding.01:30
Loder3331like mine, the one I just mentioned01:30
sebsebsebjosh: ok mirrors01:31
dab_Can anyone help me get terminal to run/look like this? http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=17956&d=116147079701:31
Guest23739Anyone know how to fix PAM? I cant login to anything, im in the root recovery mode now.01:31
sebsebsebjosh: on the desktop  version,  you can change the mirror and get the updates  from some where else, I don't know about the server01:31
brozebastian0, i just switched to 9.04, not using linux for quite some time, so i don't really know the 8.1001:31
Guest23739su/sudo just segfault01:32
zebastian0bro, is there another log from when i was tlking to shane2peru? i think at one point he said he had the same trouble and i think he nailed it on the head, what the original problem was01:32
* altf2o has had no issues w/ 9.04. It's support especially for my Wacom Bamboo tablet out of the box, has been exceptional. I see no reason to not use it unless you have a specific reason to stick w/ an older version.01:32
beatbreakeri need to know how to get this script http://pastebin.com/m6064a8aa to open the app on the second screen when in xinerama01:33
brozebastian0, i don't think so, ask sebsebseb, i'm quite new to irc :P01:33
=== Guest23739 is now known as CoJaBo-Eee
sebsebsebaltf2o: indeed,  even though the driver is closed source hmm01:34
sebsebsebaltf2o: that was in reply to your Nivida comment01:34
sebsebseb!server | josh01:35
ubottujosh: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support01:35
altf2oyep. If closed makes my product run flawlessly under this platform, then i'm all for it.01:35
zebastian0sebsebseb, in  your assessment, should i install jaunty or the last LTS?01:35
brozebastian0, i'd say go with Jaunty, there are surely improvements over 8.10. why else it would be a new release then?01:35
zebastian0seidos, do you think jaunty is the way to go?01:35
sebsebsebzebastian0: I guess 9.04 will be alright, as long as you install the correct ATI driver01:35
zebastian0sebsebseb can you help me install the wget -c https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-9-x86.x86_64.run on the command line once i do a clean install?01:36
sebsebsebbro: not sure why he is talking about 8.10 now,   we were talking about 8.04 before01:36
zebastian0bro: i meant 8.0401:36
zebastian0that's the long term stable version right?01:36
sebsebsebbro: and 8.10 and 8.04  have pretty much the same xorg or whatever, where as 8.04 doesn't which means at least with certain ATI cards it's better01:36
sebsebsebbro: ah01:37
sebsebsebbro: 9.04 and 8.10  have  pretty much the same xorg or whatever above01:37
sebsebseb!lts |  zebastian001:37
ubottuzebastian0: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0401:37
Neroonbeatbreaker: What does the script do now? Nothing?01:38
zebastian0sebsebseb, do you think it would work better if i installed hardy heron instead of jaunty?01:38
dsdeizhow do you do a minimal install again?01:38
brosebsebseb, and you think ATI did worse on 9.10 than before? cause it's a possibility, but...01:38
dsdeiz!minimal > dsdeiz01:38
ubottudsdeiz, please see my private message01:38
nkei0What's a good chatroom to go to for hardware questions?01:38
sebsebsebbro: I don't know01:38
beatbreakerthe script does nothing, when run in the termial it obviously says that the second display doesn't exist because i'm running xinerama now and it's effectivaly one display01:39
sebsebsebbro: I know  Intel graphic cards can be a right problem on 9.04,   people have had  ATI issues,   SIS or whatever it was won't work,   and  Nivida  is  :)01:39
brozebastian0, just install the 9.10 and if you're in trouble, blame me :)01:39
zebastian0seidos, do you think i should install hardy heron with the ati ones?01:39
Loder3331my gtx 295 caused me to have to re-install ubuntu01:39
Loder3331nvidia card01:39
sebsebsebbro: 9.10 not yet01:40
CoJaBo-EeeWhat does /var/lib/samba do, and what kind of bad things will happen if its deleted?01:40
seidoszebastian0: did you find out what video chipset you have in your laptop?01:40
zebastian0not to sound ignorant, but my assumption, gut feeling or whatever is that since 8.04 has been there for a long time as it is meant to be, it should be by now more debugged, but what do i know i'm a noob01:41
seidoszebastian0: 8.04 is probably a safer bet01:41
aeubuntu hardy is currently using mysql server 5.0.x, intrepid+ are using 5.1.x - will hardy ever move up to 5.1? how can I find out about these policies?01:41
brosebsebseb, that's what i told seidos, i don't think these driver issues are just jaunty-related01:41
seidoszebastian0: I suppose there is the possibility that a newer version works better with ati graphics cards01:41
sebsebsebzebastian0: install 8.04 with a seperate home :)  then try 9.10 when it 's out,   I am thinking,  or give 9.04 another go and make sure you install the correct driver01:41
sebsebsebzebastian0: well you got an external hard disk now,  so you don't need a seperate home as such now anyway01:42
seidoszebastian0: I know with my intel graphics card, 8.04 worked better after installation01:42
test34Loder3331, why01:42
zebastian0seidos, my chipset: ATI Radeon™ HD 320001:42
Loder3331I installed the driver recommended to me by ubuntu and upon restart, I couldn't get anything on my screen01:42
beatbreakerwhat's the IRC channel for the X people?01:42
sebsebsebseidos: yes 8.04 has  a older and completly differnet  version of xorg from what 8.10 and 9.04 have01:42
beachdazeneed help setting up a webcam, a chicony CNF7051 specifically.  It works in cheese, but not in skype or tinychat..any hints please?01:43
zebastian0sebsebseb, you think it might work better for my ATI Radeon HD 320001:43
zebastian0is there a way of checking?01:43
sebsebsebzebastian0: 9.10 yes maybe when that's out01:43
test34Loder3331, you could have edited you /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the video driver from nvidia to nv01:43
sebsebsebzebastian0: Live CD01:43
sebsebsebzebastian0:  trying Ubuntu from  a Live CD is the way to test hardware before installing01:43
Loder3331I'm new to linux and I have no idea how to do anything like that, and nobody here could help me with it at the time so I just reinstalled01:43
test34Loder3331, thats what I just had to do after an upgrade in Karmic alpha01:44
durtbeatbreaker, #xorg, use searchirc.com01:44
seidoszebastian0: http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/browse/product+ati--radeon-hd-3200?id=683201:44
zebastian0sebsebseb, bro, seidos, here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100495501:44
CoJaBo-EeeWhy would deleting a printer FUBAR the system? o_O01:44
Loder3331test34, do you have any idea why things would be displaying incorrectly in another distribution of linux, with the same resolution? Everything is way too big and I can't do anything with it01:44
test34Loder3331, you'll know for next time01:45
arandCoJaBo-Eee: deleting how?01:45
brozebastian0, those are 64bit drivers, i'm not going that far to tell it's the same thing with 32bit01:46
wzssyqalib32asound2-plugins replace ia32libs,is it a bug?01:46
seidoszebastian0: "...i have no loyalty except to eye candy."  hahahaha01:46
beatbreakerdurt, thankx01:46
seidoszebastian0: are you running 64bit?01:46
test34Loder3331, you could try to use the same /etcv/X11/xorg.conf in the other distribution (save the one that works right on a usb key or something)... are you sure it was the same resolution ?01:46
CoJaBo-Eeearand: I deleted a non-existant printer via settings GUI, and that massively broke the system.01:46
sebsebsebzebastian0: you need to install the correct driver for your archecture  so  for 32bit or 64bit in your case it's 32bit I belive?01:46
zebastian0seidos, bro, sebsebseb, my concern is this, shane2peru, said that he had the same problem with his ATI chip, and that it's because it overheats with the repo drivers, that ihave to wget -c https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-9-x86.x86_64.run but i wonder if that will work for hardy01:47
thiagocrepaldii just installed slapd (openldap server) and executed sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd to configure ldap server. it's done and working. However, i can't find slapd.conf anywhere. Where does ubuntu store it ? I am using a brand new ubuntu 9.04 server edition01:47
CoJaBo-Eeearand: Bug 303458 apearently.01:47
test34thiagocrepaldi, did you look in /etc01:47
CoJaBo-EeeWhat does /var/lib/samba do, and what kind of bad things will happen if its deleted?01:47
sebsebsebzebastian0: that driver is for 9.0401:47
zebastian0thats why i'm asking01:47
zebastian0if it would be better to reinstall jaunty01:48
sebsebsebzebastian0: it could maybe also work on hardy, but  hardy will probably  be fine  for your ATI card01:48
brozebastian0, those are the latest drivers01:48
ugliefrogis ther a open office channel ? i need help on a formula01:48
zebastian0and by the way, that seems to be for 64 and i'm 3201:48
arandCoJaBo-Eee: it's samba: file sharing protocol windows<>GNU/Linux01:48
sebsebsebzebastian0: the latest ATI drivers probably aren't even made for the older version of xorg that hardy has01:48
Loder3331yeah I checked using xrandrx. I'm not sure if that'll work. It only runs off of the dvd. It's specifically for gaming. I can't really see anything, so I can't really get into my folders or anything. I suppose I could use the terminal and try copying it01:48
thiagocrepalditest34, yes. it should be on /etc/ldap01:48
arandCoJaBo-Eee: why you want to delete it?01:48
zebastian0shane2peru, said that he has the same problem, basically that his computer freezes when playing a movie because of overheating01:48
thiagocrepaldii looked in /etc, /usr and /var using find command01:48
durtugliefrog, http://searchirc.com01:49
zebastian0sebsebseb that's exactly why i'm torn as to whether i should use hardy or jaunty01:49
brozebastian0, 9.8 [9.9 version], those are the latest, the same on ATI website and ubuntu repos01:49
sebsebsebzebastian0: you can test your card using the hardy Live CD, before installing anything01:49
durtthiagocrepaldi, if no one knows here try #ubuntu-server01:49
seidoszebastian0: they recommend here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1004955 that you install the restricted drivers suggested by the OS01:49
CoJaBo-Eeearand: Its currupt, preventing login of any kind. Deleting the whole  dir fixes the problem, but what side-effects will that cause when I boot back into normal mode?01:49
ugliefrogdurbin, ty01:49
sebsebsebzebastian0: the Hardy repo will have a differnet driver for your  card than  what the  jauntey repo has01:50
zebastian0seidos, yes but those were the oens that kept getting the computer stuck whenever i'd play a movie01:50
browell, i never heared of "overheating drivers" before....01:50
sebsebsebbro: your looking at the offical log?01:50
zebastian0shane2peru said he had the same problem, that the drivers from the repo overheated his computer01:50
sebsebsebzebastian0: ok  the driver from the repo didn't work, and you ended up with problems?01:50
arandCoJaBo-Eee: hopefully none if you don't use the protocol for shares, better would probably be reinstalling the samba packages though.01:50
sebsebsebzebastian0: then you try from the website and yep problems?01:50
brosebsebseb, no, why?01:50
zebastian0sebsebseb yes01:50
zebastian0ultimately i want no problems whatsoever01:51
sebsebsebbro: oh something about heating before01:51
dockoi have a software raid1, a fail event has been detected on /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2. then /dev/sdb just disappeared, how is it possible?01:51
aknumm ... i am having some trouble configuring dual boot ... what does root (hd0,0) means ?01:51
zebastian0i want to run compix01:51
zebastian0and be able to watch movies01:51
sebsebsebzebastian0: ok so both caused problems,  the repo driver, as well as from the ATI site?01:51
test34thiagocrepaldi, find /etc -name "slapd.conf"01:51
CoJaBo-Eeearand: I have several shares, but the settings for those are in /etc/sambasomething.conf, arent they?01:51
Loder3331test34, where can I find that file? is it /etcv/X11/xorg.conf from my home directory? I don't see an etcv directory in my home folder, with hidden showing01:51
brobro> well, i never heared of "overheating drivers" before....01:51
sebsebsebzebastian0: well obviosuly01:51
sebsebsebzebastian0: This has been going on for quite a while now,   I think it's time for you to  install  8.04,  test it from the Live CD first even01:52
zebastian0sebsebseb, can you help me install the wget -c https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-9-9-x86.x86_64.run ones01:52
zebastian0and if it doesn't work01:52
zebastian0i go back to hardy?01:52
thiagocrepalditest34, i already tried that before asking here... it should be there.. i already reinstalled it several times.01:52
seidossebsebseb: I 2nd that01:53
zebastian0ok can you link me to the hardy heron 86 architectuure live cd one?01:53
zebastian0i can't find it on the ubuntu website01:53
sebsebsebzebastian0: maybe  seidos can hep you install that driver,  I  am not sure what to do with runs01:53
zebastian0just the newest01:53
=== IdNotFound`alt is now known as IdNotFound
arandCoJaBo-Eee: "dpkg -S /var/lib/samba" shows that it's part of the "samba-common" package, you could try reinstalling it.01:53
arcitensIs there an easy way to change pulseaudio output devices? I have speakers and a wireless headphones and the only way I can figure out to get sound to go through the headphones is to open up 'pulseaudio volume control' and manually move a playing stream.01:53
zebastian0seidos here http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ which is the live cd?01:54
thiagocrepalditest34, ubuntu 9.04 do not use slapd.conf. i found out on #ubuntu-server01:54
zebastian0the alternate or the desktop?+01:54
sebsebsebzebastian0: you can download the Live CD for 8.10 if you want and try   that firs01:54
thiagocrepaldidurt, i got help there. thanks.01:54
zebastian0sebsebseb http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ which is the livecd?01:54
sebsebsebzebastian0: 8.10 is after all better than 8.04 in certain ways that are worth it :)01:54
zebastian0such as?01:54
seidoszebastian0: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download01:54
sebsebsebzebastian0: this is a good idea to try both versions 8.04  and 8.10 from Live CD01:54
ScarletSwordfishI'm trying to install X-Chat.  I tried to ./configure it but it said "cannot find glib".  So I downloaded and unpackaged GLib and tried to ./configure it but it says ./configure: no such file or directory. And indeed there is none.  So what do I do with it?01:54
Gneazebastian0: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/01:55
zebastian0http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-8.04.3-desktop-i386.iso <---livecd?01:55
CoJaBo-Eeearand: It seems to have recreated the dir and some of its contents on its own. I'm hoping thhe worst that can happen is I lose my Samba settings?01:55
test34Loder3331, it is not in your home directory, it is in the root of your hard drive01:55
sebsebsebzebastian0: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy  for 8.04 yep  and  http://releases.ubuntu.com/intrepid  for  8.10 yep01:55
test34ScarletSwordfish, why do you need to compile it ?01:56
zebastian0will the programs that run on jaunty run on hardy? like skype and kde 4.3 etc?01:56
sebsebsebzebastian0: yes that's the ISO for hardy01:56
ScarletSwordfishX-chat? because it's not compiled, as far as i know01:56
sebsebsebzebastian0: on the actsual ubuntu site hardy is  also still available as a download by the way01:56
arandCoJaBo-Eee: more likely, since you're remove a library, that you loose the samba functionality, until you reinstall it.01:56
CoJaBo-Eeearand: Its just databases.01:57
test34ScarletSwordfish, add universe repository01:57
Loder3331test34, how do I get there from the terminal? what's the command to go to the root01:57
zebastian0¿Will the apps that work on jaunty, like the latest version of kopete, nicotine, kde, gnome work on hardy?01:57
test34Loder333, type: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf01:57
ScarletSwordfishtest34: is that a command?01:57
kevin___hey i am new to this01:57
sebsebseb!welcome | kevin___01:57
ubottukevin___: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.01:57
sebsebseb!new |  kevin___01:58
ubottukevin___: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com01:58
test34ScarletSwordfish, no, use synaptic package manager,  settings - repositories01:58
thiagocrepaldiATI do notprovide support to a lot of it's hardware on your recent releases. my ati raden x1250 do not work on ubuntu jaunty with latest fglrx drivers because of it. damn it. MAYBE it's the same problm you might have01:58
sebsebsebkevin___: np01:58
test34Loder3331, then xorg.conf will be in your home folder01:58
arandzebastian0: possibly, but at a higher risk of problems and more inconvenience of installing.01:58
test34Loder3331, type: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf01:58
zebastian0that's it i'm reinstalling jaunty then01:58
Loder3331yeah, but when I want to paste it into the correct place in the other distro01:58
sebsebsebzebastian0: what?01:58
sebsebsebzebastian0: I thought you were going 8.04?01:58
zebastian0well, i want the latest kde and nicotine and skype01:58
sebsebsebzebastian0: there's a ppa for KDE 4.3 for hardy01:59
beachdazeanyone with tinychat.com expereience?  can't get my webcam to be recognized01:59
sebsebsebzebastian0: skype you get from there website,   and   what's nicotine ?01:59
seidoszebastian0: you should go with LTS version01:59
kevin___am i kburts now?01:59
seidoszebastian0: other people have better experience with it01:59
zebastian0besides i can always try to install the ATI drivers properly with that guide shane2peru left01:59
zebastian0will it have the same cool compiz effects from jaunty?01:59
sebsebsebzebastian0: Hardy is actsaully better than 9.04 in certain ways :)02:00
seidoszebastian0: install LTS, get ati card working in it, then if you want to be courageous, upgrade02:00
zebastian0will it work faster?02:00
zebastian0will it overheat less?02:00
sebsebsebzebastian0: just like Intrepid is better than Jauntey in certain ways02:00
sebsebsebzebastian0: and hopefuly 9.10 will be better than  all of those02:00
Loder3331test34, I have the file on my flash drive, now I need to know what to type in the other distro to put it where it goes02:00
zebastian0i am downloading hardy on this laptop02:01
sebsebsebzebastian0: yeah what  seidos said,  and you can also try  your card  using the 8.04  and 8.10 Live CD before installing anything, and then pick one that it works with02:01
zebastian0meanwhile i'll try to reinstall jaunty02:01
kevin___i cant seem to be able to change my name to "kburts" on irssi02:01
kevin___can anyone help?02:01
zebastian0and see if i can install those drivers shane2peru said02:01
zebastian0if they don't work02:01
zebastian0off to hardy i go02:01
test34Loder3331, cp /media/flash-drive/xorg.conf /etc/X11/02:01
AssociateX is there a way to get rid of the "Favorites" tab from the KDE Start menu?02:02
test34Loder3331, (you need to replace "flash-drive" with whatever..)02:02
Loder3331it's showing as disk on my desktop, would that be it?02:02
test34AssociateX, #kubuntu ?02:02
kevin___i cant seem to be able to change my name to "kburts" on irssi, can anyone tell me how02:02
=== jeremy is now known as Guest88882
robbhello, need some google-fu help, trying to search for info on encrypting an external usb harddrive, have various utilities installed already (9.04) "encrypt external usb drive"02:03
swajrkevin___:  type /nick kburts02:03
=== kevin___ is now known as Kburts
test34robb, try truecrypt02:03
sebsebsebzebastian0: ok02:03
swajrno problem02:03
LordMetroidIs the Ubuntu Netbook remix faster than the normal version?02:03
sebsebsebLordMetroid: they are differnet02:04
sebsebsebLordMetroid: for netbooks the remix would be recommended though02:04
demohi - i cant write in hebrew with mIRC under wine, what can i do?02:04
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zebastian0seidos what do you think about my plan?02:04
test34sebsebseb, he knows they are different.. they would not make 2 version if they were the same02:04
Loder3331test34, I just tried doing it here first, before I go to my other distro. It said Permission denied. To I have to put something in front of the command?02:04
CoJaBo-EeeWhat all functions does Samba do? I thought it just provided SMB shares and stuff, but apparently it does more?02:04
sebsebsebdemo: ask in #winehq02:04
LordMetroidI am going to buy myzelf a Zotac IONITX motherboard for use in my HTPC/server so I am unsure if I want the netbook remix or the normal one02:04
demothanks sebsebseb02:04
test34Loder3331, sudo02:04
sebsebsebtest34: ok02:04
sebsebsebdemo: no problem and good luck02:05
robbtest34: "easycrypt" is avail on sources...this works?02:05
seidoszebastian0: good luck02:05
sebsebsebseidos: yeah good luck02:05
sebsebsebseidos: ah02:05
test34robb, never tried that one sorry02:05
sebsebsebzebastian0: above that was for you02:05
robbm, hm02:05
LordMetroidI just want to run XBMC now and than and mainly use it as my web-server, fileserver, git repositories, etc...02:05
robbgive'r a whirl i reckon02:05
DJAshnarQuestion : On an Asus EEE PC 701 4G surf, running Ubuntu 9.04, how can I fix the SD card mount issue?02:06
Loder3331ok thanks test34, I'm going to go try that and see what happens02:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about widhe02:06
bobertdosCoJaBo-Eee: It does pretty much anything pertaining to sharing between Unix and Windows. File shares, printer shares, setting up as a sharing server........02:07
zebastian0what is wubi=02:08
bobertdos!wubi | zebastian002:08
ubottuzebastian0: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.02:08
robbtest34: apt-get truecrypt?02:08
CoJaBo-Eeebobertdos: Well, currupt Samba config files FUBARd any kind of login (su/sudo, ssh, even text terminals), so something more is going on o_O02:08
* CoJaBo-Eee still doesnt get how deleting a printer can FUBAR the entire system02:08
test34robb, the good thing with truecypt is that it is also availble for Windows: http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads02:09
robbwindows :)02:09
test34robb, just copy linux version and windows version on your external drive and you can use it anywhere (they also have mac)02:10
robboh i see02:10
robbwell, i think for now the hdd stays attached to this box02:10
robbbut thanks for future pointer!02:10
DJAshnarHow do I get Ubuntu 9.04 to recognize the SD card on my Asus 701 4G surf?02:10
zebastian0sebsebseb if i chose catalan on my ubuntu install it won't change the outputs from terminal or the sudo apt get style commands right? it's basically gui and keyboard layout settings right?02:10
test34ok np robb02:10
sebsebsebzebastian0: I don't know, maybe seidos or someone like that knows02:11
bobertdosCoJaBo-Eee: Well, once installed, Samba does integrate itself into the OS pretty heavily, and I know the Samba=Common packages contain some shared components.02:11
sebsebsebzebastian0: also if you do a thread with loads of details about  your card on the forum, that could be useful02:12
sebsebsebzebastian0: and about stuff that you did to try and get it working02:12
LoafersHow do I reset ubutnu font defaults?  I installed wine and it f****** up my fonts and this is the third time this has happened.  I even tried removing msfonts and all those fonts but it still looks terrible... Why hasn't this been FIXED!?!??!!?02:13
zebastian0seidos, if i chose catalan as the default language on ubuntu it will not change the outputs of shell and so into catalan right? those settings are pretty much for the gui right?02:13
CoJaBo-Eeebobertdos: Do you know anything about the /var/lib/samba folder? Deleting it fixes the system to a usable state (at least in recovery mode), but is it going to blow up once I reboot to normal mode? oo_O02:13
MagnoFluxmy ubuntus graphics messed up - how can i fix it02:13
sebsebseb!language |  Loafers02:14
ubottuLoafers: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:14
rob____anyone interested in helping me with a dependency problem i'm having instaling pidgin on 8.10?02:14
seidoszebastian0: I don't know what catalan is02:14
sebsebsebLoafers: ask in #winehq02:14
Loaferssebsebseb: it also happens when i install msttcorefonts, and when i remove the package the fonts dont' revert back to the original02:14
ScarletSwordfishtest34: i do not see any "add universe repositories" option02:15
sebsebsebLoafers: purge the package or something, and you can delete the hidden .wine folder in home,  to get like a default Wine again02:15
zaccourshould i install epiphany browser or epiphany gecko browser?02:15
sebsebsebLoafers: and the menu shortcuts are in  .local  I think02:15
Loaferssebsebseb: i purged all the font packages02:15
Loaferssebsebseb: sudo dpkg --purge ttf-arphic-uming ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-kochi-mincho ttf-thai-tlwg ttf-arabeyes ttf-indic-fonts-core ttf-lao ttf-malayalam-fonts ttf-unfonts-core msttcorefonts02:15
zaccourepiphany vs epiphany gecko which should i choose? google is no help02:16
sebsebsebzaccour: by default it uses Gecko I think :)  ,but  Webkit is also a good rendering engine02:16
zaccoursebsebseb, whats webkit?02:16
sebsebsebzaccour: even though it was started by Apple who aren't  exactly Linux friendly, but  Webkit is open source so :d  it's also  Apples  fork of KTHML  what Konqueror uses02:17
sebsebsebzaccour: Gecko and Webkit are rendering enginges02:17
bobertdosCoJaBo-Eee: I can't say I know much about that directory. It doesn't look like it would necessarily be the most damaging directory to remove though. Have you tried purging the packages?02:17
zaccoursebastien_, but how do i know which one to choose?02:17
EstethDoes anyone know how to get the vmhgfs module to compile for VMware tools on the latest ubuntu?02:17
sebsebsebzaccour: by default  you should get Gecko02:17
zebastian0what is the advantage of the ext4 files system?02:17
zaccoursebsebseb, so i should select epiphany gecko instead of epiphany?02:18
sebsebsebzebastian0: fast boot up, fast shut down, and fast disk checking02:18
zebastian0will the next LTS have that file system?02:18
sebsebsebzebastian0: yes by default and also 9.10 will have it by default02:18
sebsebsebzaccour: sudo apt-get install epiphany02:18
sebsebsebzaccour: then it will also install anything else that it needs to install02:18
jmarsdenzebastian0: See http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/New_ext4_features02:18
ammadeusycan i ask basic questions here?02:18
sebsebseb!ask | ammadeusy02:19
ubottuammadeusy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:19
CoJaBo-Eeebobertdos: No, but it doesnt look like that would have worked. AFAICT, that dir only stores config for features I dont use. So I think I;m safe. I hope...02:19
sebsebsebzaccour: it's just Epiphany can also now use Webkit02:19
asdqwewinbox on kubuntu?...02:19
zebastian0is it possible for me to install ext4 on jaunty?02:19
test34ScarletSwordfish, you cant also: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:19
bobertdosCoJaBo-Eee: Yeah, I'd think so.02:19
sebsebsebzebastian0: yes, but it's not properly stable, because of the kernel they have and that02:19
ammadeusyi was trying to join this channel using command /join ubuntu02:19
ammadeusybut it didnt work02:19
ammadeusyi had to use /list02:20
ammadeusyand then click twice on ubunut02:20
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:20
ammadeusyhow do i connect here directly02:20
jmarsdenammadeusy:  /join #ubuntu     the # matters02:20
sebsebsebzacktu: oh  yeah  the command I gave that will put a game on02:20
ammadeusyah ok02:20
ammadeusythank you02:20
sebsebsebzacktu: you want to do this  sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser02:20
ammadeusyother stuff about connection, if you will02:20
jmarsdenammadeusy: No problem.02:20
=== naruto is now known as Guest810
ammadeusyi am behind a proxy server02:20
* CoJaBo-Eee crosses fingers, and reboots02:20
=== David is now known as Guest3212
sebsebsebzacktu: Why are you using alternative browsers, what's wrong with Firefox in Ubuntu for you?02:20
ammadeusythis proxy works with http 80, 443, 81 and that's all.02:20
* CoJaBo-Eee waits02:21
ammadeusyhow can i connect here if the proxy does not allow 6667?02:21
Flannelammadeusy: 800102:21
ammadeusyflannel: do that work for efnet.port80.se as well?02:21
* zebastian0 installing jaunty in catalan02:22
sebsebsebzebastian0: catalan is a language?02:22
growlitheammadeusy: The server tells you the ports you can use when you first connect02:22
decosebsebseb: it's spoken in spain02:22
Flannelammadeusy: Ah.  Use: http://webchat.freenode.net/02:22
n-iCezebastian0: are you spanish?02:22
sebsebsebdeco: ah when you say that I am thinking ah yes,  since there was this woman...02:23
Guest3212hey guys...i currently have a test server, and then my actual....now my friend wants me to build him a server and i want to do it....but i want to make sure that any updates he gets have been tested for problems on my server...so how can i set up a repository to auto update from and how do i place updates from the normal repository that i deem stable into my repository02:23
sebsebsebzebastian0: Why not do it in English?   Your English is good enough, plus  if your going to use this channal for support it will make things easier02:23
sebsebsebdeco: well I think I have heard of   it before02:23
zaccourok i installed epiphany, now where can i find the epiphany icon? there is none02:23
sebsebsebzaccour: ah yes this issue, easy to fix though02:24
ammadeusyflannel: didnt get this webchat... why use that?02:24
sebsebsebzaccour: What's wrong with Firefox in Ubuntu for you?    I also quite like Galeon as an alternative02:24
Flannelammadeusy: If your proxy doesn't allow you to connect other than those ports, you can use the webchat02:24
zebastian0sebsebseb, can i install ubuntu on a netbook using a normal livecd and an external cd drive?02:24
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zaccoursebastien_, epiphany is faster and more stable from my experience02:24
DigitalKiwiirssi > weechat02:24
sebsebsebzebastian0: I thought you were going to re install on a lap top or desktop, not a netbook?02:24
jmarsdenammadeusy: Because you say you can't get to the IRC server ports via your proxy... http://webchat.freenode.net/ will use port 80 which your proxy supports.02:25
DigitalKiwioh webchat, not weecchat02:25
sebsebsebzaccour: from my experience Konqueror is faster,  and even Opera02:25
decozaccour: go to system-preferences-main menu, and select interent and just check epiphany02:25
ammadeusyflannel: yes. the problem is that i need use blow fish for encryption02:25
ammadeusyflannel: gonna work in a place that they use sniffer for IM and etc02:25
usserGuest3212, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/28602:25
usserdlp1982, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/28602:25
zaccourdeco, i will try that thanks02:25
sebsebsebzaccour: also    the rendering enginge and security are the two most important things when it comes to a browser02:25
ammadeusyflannel: i dont want to get busted or have my privacy in jeopardy02:26
jmarsdenammadeusy: Then don't IM from work :)02:26
sebsebsebzaccour: not speed or any of that02:26
ammadeusysometimes it is needed, dude.02:26
decozaccour: you are welcome , tell me if it works02:26
sebsebsebzaccour: also re installing the package,  should add it to the menu, or logging out of Ubuntu and back in again02:26
zaccourdeco, still don't see the icon in the menu02:26
zaccoursebsebseb, so i need to uninstall then reinstall?02:27
decozaccour: log out and log in again02:27
ammadeusywell. ok. thank you anyway. :)02:27
zaccourdeco, i will try that brb thanks02:27
sebsebsebzaccour: plus to help with browser/renderingengine market share,  it's  better for people to be using Firefox :)   since that's number two after the worst browser of all IE.   That will also help with web standards support :)  which  helps make the web become better overall.02:28
IdleOneWhen trying to play .avi with movie player or VLC both start up and crash. libdvdcss2 and ubuntu-restricted-extras are both installed. any ideas?02:28
jmarsdenammadeusy: If you tried encrypting IM on my network to try and hide policy violation, I'd probably spot the weird looking encrypted stream, note what the endpoint is, and bust you for that anyway... if you want to work there, and not be busted, don't IM from there.  Period.02:28
jdsandesonanyone have any luck setting up brodcom wireless under jaunty?02:28
bborucan someone quickly tell me how to unmute outputs on startup via cli?  i have these ALSA drivers that mute themselves after every reboot.02:28
decojdsandeson: what is wrong ?02:29
sebsebsebzaggynl: that's one way to do it yes02:29
sebsebsebzaggynl: not uninstall though02:29
zaccourstill not in the menu :(02:29
sebsebsebzaccour: just re install02:29
sebsebsebzaccour: or log out of Ubuntu and back in again as I said02:29
zaccoursebsebseb, so i just uninstall then reinstall?02:29
jdsandesoninstalled on a compaq with brodcom and everything works but wireless02:29
ammadeusyanother question people, may I?02:29
zaccoursebsebseb, i restarted, didn't work02:29
decojdsandeson: you need the firmware02:29
IdleOne!ask | ammadeusy02:29
ubottuammadeusy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:29
sebsebsebzaccour: epiphany-browser in the terminal will also open it02:30
ammadeusyok, sorry.02:30
jdsandesoninstalled on compaq and everyting works but wireless02:30
zaccoursebsebseb, i know how to open it and use any other icon, i just wanna find the epiphany icon so its the real look02:30
decojdsandeson: as i said you need the firmware02:30
IdleOnejdsandeson: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:30
bobertdosIdleOne: For the moment, focus on VLC. You might need to try a different video renderer.02:31
khaledi'm new to ubuntu and i have just one simple question please, how can i run a .java file ?02:31
migg137how do i add a chanel to my irc? i am trying to add air crack ng but cant figure out how02:31
tehbaut_anyone know how to get win7-style app grouping and window previews?02:31
sebsebsebzaccour: Epiphany uses Gecko by default,  and it can also use Webkit as I said before,  both rendering engines are very good.  Gecko is also the one Firefox uses.   However webserver statistics don't get the rendering engin people are using instead they get the browser.   There will be web developers out there that have no idea what Epiphany or Galeon or whatever use,  but they will know what Firefox uses.02:31
ammadeusyi'm about to install linux and try professionaly use for first time... is there a proper channel in which i can bother you people with dummy questions? :$02:31
bobertdos!java > khaled02:31
ubottukhaled, please see my private message02:31
Flannelammadeusy: That's what we're here for02:31
ammadeusyflannel: ok. thank you once again. i'll be back more often, then.02:32
bobertdosammadeusy: We'll be here :)02:32
dlp1982has anyone used the addonics 5 to 1 sata port multiplier?02:33
ammadeusyhow do I "unjoin" a channel by command?02:33
Flannelammadeusy: Which client?02:33
lstarnesammadeusy: /part02:33
ammadeusymirc 6.3402:34
ammadeusyworked fine! hehe02:34
d3Lt40n3do we still need a firewall on ubuntu?02:35
sebsebsebzaccour:  gtk-update-icon-cache   I asked someone and that's what they said hmm02:35
notwistd3Lt40n3: what are you talking about02:35
lstarnesd3Lt40n3: it is recommended that you have one, and ubuntu comes with iptables and ufw preinstalled02:36
sebsebsebd3Lt40n3: yes  whatever OS your using if it's Internet connected you should have an enabled firewall02:36
IdleOnebobertdos: this is what I get when trying to play http://paste.ubuntu.com/271303/02:36
usserIdleOne, that usually means the problem with video drivers02:37
IdleOneusser: libdvdcss2 and ubuntu-restricted-extras are installed. Anything else I should install?02:38
sebsebseb!iptables | d3Lt40n302:38
ubottud3Lt40n3: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist02:38
bobertdosIdleOne. Yeah, what usser said, which is why you should see if a different renderer works.02:38
usserIdleOne, the video card. check if the glxinfo | grep direct says Yes02:38
IdleOneusser: it does02:39
usserIdleOne, you got Ati?02:39
tehbaut_how do I force mount a drive again?02:39
tehbaut_didn't see the options in man mount02:39
IdleOneusser: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)02:40
zaccourdoes ubuntu community provide updates for galeon?02:40
=== Evil is now known as Guest93071
zaccouri mean is it updated with the regular updates?02:40
sebsebsebzaccour: not sure02:40
usserIdleOne, hm, and do you have compiz enabled?02:40
sebsebsebzaccour: I think Galeon is one that doesn't get updated much in Ubuntu02:40
shane2peruzebastian0: are you still here?  How is the graphics setup?02:40
sebsebsebzaccour: and the reguler updates are only security updates02:40
IdleOneusser: no compiz02:41
sebsebsebshane2peru: your back02:41
shane2perusebsebseb: yep. :)02:41
sebsebsebshane2peru: we  spent a while with him,  suggested 8.04, and then  he was going to try your drivers02:41
IdleOnezaccour: it's in the repositories so I assume some maintenance is provided02:41
sebsebsebshane2peru: it's in the offical logs if your interested  15th and 14th02:41
shane2perusebsebseb: yep, the proprietary drivers is the only way to get that ati card working with ubuntu, even then mine still overheated when I tried processing videos02:42
Dominik1can I set all my files on a disk (not the system disk) to read only, however allow users to add additonal files? that would mean the folders can be written to but each individual file is read only, is this possible?02:42
sebsebsebshane2peru: well our stuff when you weren't here is I guess in the 15th only or whatever02:42
=== MK-ubuntu is now known as MK-BB
khaledi'm unable to open .java files!02:42
shane2perusebsebseb: hmm, I'm not familiar with logs or anything like that, I'm not much of an irc-er02:42
IdleOneusser: honestly I think compiz is nice but becomes a distraction so I don't bother02:42
sebsebsebshane2peru: sure, but the one in hardware drivers should have been the propritary one  from the repo02:42
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:43
sebsebsebshane2peru: yeah I was going to do that02:43
sebsebsebshane2peru: plus your client has a log I guess02:43
usserIdleOne, hm that is strange that it gives you that error then02:43
d3Lt40n3ubotto: so you mean when i boot ubuntu, the firewall is already started?bytheway,im using firestarter gui for my firewall02:43
bobertdoskhaled: You mean just source files? What are you using?02:43
shane2perusebsebseb: I monitored my temps, and my computer ran about 10 degrees C lower with the proprietary drivers installed, even at idle.02:43
sebsebseb!bot |  d3Lt40n302:43
ubottud3Lt40n3: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:43
zebastian0how do i get the language packages, i installed ubuntu in catalan but it says it's got incomplete language packages02:44
IdleOneusser: not to mention if I try to enable 3d graphics it tells me none available02:44
shane2perusebsebseb: wow, that is some serious log keeping. :)02:44
sebsebsebzebastian0: have you got rid of your 9.04 install yet?02:44
sebsebsebshane2peru: indeed02:44
bobertdos!pm > khaled02:45
ubottukhaled, please see my private message02:45
IdleOneusser: but like I said I don't need 3d or compiz02:45
d3Lt40n3oppss!!im talking to a bot..02:45
sebsebseb!thanks |  d3Lt40n302:45
ubottud3Lt40n3: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:45
zebastian0sebsebseb yes i installed jaunty again, and now i'm trying to get the remaining language packages to install it in catalan02:45
sebsebsebd3Lt40n3: you didn't put thanks, but  it's !thanks  reply works for what you put :D02:45
shane2peruzebastian0: I'm back. :)02:45
IdleOneusser: any other ideas?02:45
khaledbobertdos: yes just the source files!02:46
sebsebsebzebastian0: As I already suggested, why not do it in English?02:46
shane2peruzebastian0: you are still going to need to install the proprietary drivers02:46
shane2perusebsebseb: the ati drivers in the repos are old or something, not sure.02:46
zebastian0sebsebseb because i don't speak english02:46
sebsebsebzebastian0: Your English is good enough, and it will make  support easier, if your going to use this channal for it02:46
usserIdleOne, try a different renderer. like X1102:46
bobertdoskhaled: If you have to, right-click to use gedit. I like jEdit, but of course to use jEdit to its fullest, you want to install Sun Java first.02:46
IdleOneusser: explain please02:46
seidoszebastian0: you type english but don't speak english?02:46
shane2peruzebastian0: you don't speak English???, you had me fooled. :)02:46
Ashyhas anyone here used xen with ubuntu?02:46
Dr_WillisI cant even read english! :)02:46
* zebastian0 embraces shane to peru02:47
IdleOneAshy: ask your next question which is the real one :)02:47
sebsebsebzebastian0: heh02:47
shane2peruDr_Willis: lol :)02:47
Ashyi can't seem to get my internet working after installing xen on ubuntu 8.0402:47
* zebastian0 reinstalls english ubuntu jauynty02:47
sebsebsebshane2peru: zebastian0 just tried to make you famous :D02:47
usserIdleOne, there are different "ways" to render a video on linux, there's xvideo that you use, opengl, x11, and some others02:47
Ashyive also tried ubuntu 9.0402:47
shane2perusebsebseb: lol, he can try, I'm not sure it will work02:47
usserIdleOne, try a different renderer, X11, it should be somewhere in the players settings02:47
zebastian0shane2peru, i need you to help me install those drivers02:47
sebsebsebzebastian0: you can also change the language some how to English02:47
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen02:47
seidoszebastian0: hahaha02:47
BlueyI am having a problem with irc ident server (pidentd) could some one take a look at this and tell me what I am doing wrong?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/271286/02:47
shane2peruzebastian0: ok, you have a fresh install, and are ready to go?02:48
IdleOneusser: ok lemme poke around02:48
shane2peruzebastian0: you even have a desktop to work with this time?02:48
zebastian0shane2peru nope, just in the process of doing the fresh install02:48
AshyDr_Willis, cheers man02:48
shane2peruzebastian0: did you start yet?02:48
zebastian0the fresh install?02:48
shane2peruzebastian0: right, the new install02:48
IdleOneusser and bobertdos thank you for your help :)02:49
sebsebsebzebastian0:  there is a way to change the install to ENglish02:49
=== mactimes_ is now known as mactimes
sebsebsebzebastian0: ,but since your going to be mainly using the terminal anyway02:49
zebastian0shane2peru i'm in the midst of it, i am doing hte fresh install agian02:49
zebastian0in english02:49
sebsebsebzebastian0: I guess right now it  doesn't really matter02:49
shane2peruzebastian0: I think if we install the ati drivers, it may fix the problem, but I'm not sure what all has been changed now02:49
usserIdleOne, but X11 doesnt support proper video scaling, ie no full screen  :)02:49
shane2peruzebastian0: ok, that is fine, we will get the drivers installed the right way thist ime02:49
seidosshane2peru: do you have an ati card?02:49
tehbaut_mount -f /dev/sda2 ...says... "can't find /dev/sda2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"02:49
guest9214How do you change the look of the bootlader? Right now ubuntu is first, and i want my vista install #102:49
=== mirco_ is now known as mirco
sebsebsebguest9214: why Vista first, and that's easy to change02:50
tehbaut_so how can I mount /dev/sda2 ?02:50
shane2peruseidos: I have the same card he has actually02:50
IdleOneusser: the sacrifices we have to make.... :)02:50
seidosshane2peru: cool02:50
shane2peruseidos: well, mine is one number off, but same driver02:50
seidosshane2peru: good luck02:50
sebsebsebseidos: yeah that's what you said earlier,   he should have someone that has the same card helping him02:50
shane2peruseidos: my laptop overheated with over 5 or 6 different distros I installed trying to fix the prob02:50
guest9214sebsebseb: so if i leave it accidentally, it'll boot to vista instead of ubuntu02:50
sebsebsebseidos: not using your exact wording just then02:50
tehbaut_mount -f /dev/sda2 ...says... "can't find /dev/sda2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" ...so how can I mount /dev/sda2 ?02:50
usserIdleOne, you dont have to, xvideo should work with intel cards, unless the pc is really really old02:51
seidosshane2peru: I remember you talking to sebsebseb about it after sebsebseb directed me to the #ubuntu logs02:51
Blueyteh -- do you have a mount point?02:51
tehbaut_maybe not02:51
IdleOneusser: pc is a couple years old02:51
Blueymkdir <mountpoint goes here?02:51
seidosshane2peru: what are you running now?  os wise?02:51
sebsebsebguest9214: yes ok, but I am curious as to why you want Vista as the default boot02:51
shane2peruseidos: running Suse on the laptop, but my main box has Ubuntu02:51
shane2peruseidos: still not fixed, been considering putting Koala on there just for kicks02:52
seidosshane2peru: what brand laptop?02:52
tehbaut_Bluey: wondering why ubuntu won't do all that in gui though?02:52
shane2peruseidos: Toshiba Satellite02:52
sebsebsebguest9214: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:52
Blueyteh - that's all done at the comand line02:52
khaledbobertdos:ok i downloaded jedit & java runtime environment, but still it opens just like a text file, it doesn't "execute" anything!?02:52
shane2peruseidos: it is AMD processor, ATI drivers, and the worse laptop I have ever installed Linux on.02:52
seidosshane2peru: I have a satellite, intel graphics though02:52
guest9214vista has all of my documents and programs, and i'm using ubuntu to learn linux commands02:52
IdleOnesebsebseb: vista as default boot so mom and dad/wife/gf don't freak out when something they don't know boots up :)02:53
shane2peruseidos: I have an old Toshiba has always run great with Linux02:53
sebsebsebguest9214: I see well as long as Vista shut itself down properly, you can access and use that partition from Ubuntu02:53
tehbaut_Bluey: only one of four partitions actually mounted on its own (via the UI)02:53
shane2peruseidos: also intel02:53
tehbaut_kinda odd02:53
tehbaut_no error messages either02:53
sebsebsebIdleOne: not this time by the sounds of it02:53
seidosshane2peru: do you use it?02:53
shane2peruseidos: the kids do now, it has been dropped, dumped on, etc. still kicking02:53
guest9214sebsebseb: I know, i can and have, that's just what i want02:54
usserIdleOne, can you pastebin the output of glxinfo and uname -a and lsb_release -a and lspci | grep VGA commands02:54
seidosshane2peru: cool02:54
sebsebsebguest9214: ok  I already  told you how to access the file you need to edit02:54
usserIdleOne, lets see whats up02:54
shane2peruseidos: I bought it with warranty, and got my money back when the screen on it died02:54
guest9214sebsebseb: ok, so i entered the cmd into terminal, now what?02:54
Blueyteh -- do you have a mount point?02:54
sebsebsebguest9214: it should have opended up the file02:54
IdleOneusser: sure gimme a minute02:54
kevin___what is the rename command, sorry i had it a little while ago, i just forgot it02:54
guest9214sebsebseb: yes02:54
sebsebsebguest9214: after you put your password in as well02:54
guest9214sebsebseb: got it02:54
shane2peruseidos: put a screen in it, and it just keeps running.02:55
usserkevin___, mv02:55
sebsebsebguest9214: at the bottom there should be Ubuntu and Vista02:55
usserkevin___, mv oldname newname02:55
quartkneeIf I download tar.gz packages for third-party apps, how can I install them via terminal? I've tried all the basic commands but continue getting error messages.02:55
Myth`1337 people in room. Awesome.02:55
seidosshane2peru: I set up an old dell as a webserver02:55
Myth`Any audio experts in the channel?02:55
usserkevin___, the rename command is mv02:55
shane2perukevin___: mv is basically the same as rename02:55
Blueykevin mv filea fileb02:55
guest9214sebsebseb: i see "# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS02:55
guest9214# on /dev/sda302:55
guest9214titleWindows Vista (loader)02:55
FloodBot3guest9214: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:55
sebsebsebguest9214: in those enteries put  Vista  as the first one,  that should take care of it,   also hopefuly you will change it back soon :)  ,because you will be more comfortable with Ubuntu02:55
kevin___am i kburts now?02:56
tehbaut_Bluey: a mount point was automatically created by ubuntu's GUI for the other partition, I don't know why I have to create a mountpoint and mount manually, but if you don't know why that could be then I'll continue doing it that way02:56
shane2peruseidos: I my main box as a server for a while, was a lot of work to get the ports forwarded through router etc, finally quit messing with it.02:56
sebsebsebguest9214: updating Grub or maybe even installing a newer kernel,  will make it not be default boot anymore, but then you can edit the file again02:56
Blueyteh o I don't sorry - I just know that works....ru using automount?02:57
rashed2020Would this make a working bash script? http://pastebin.com/m77d7e7cf .. It runs fine but doesn't do what the second and third line are supposed to.02:57
shane2perusebsebseb: he didn't move his entry did he?02:57
fezahahahahaha @ Windows Vista02:57
shane2perusebsebseb: on grub?02:57
kevin___oooh i see, i asked the question02:57
sebsebsebshane2peru: no it's  at the bottom by default like that or whatever02:57
kevin___how do i rename myself in irc? like that's the /... command?02:57
shane2perusebsebseb: ok, I lost mine once doing that. :)02:57
Gaming4JCHello All, just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on dual boot with Vista and all was great. Then I installed an ATI Radeon graphics driver FGLRX? And Ubuntu fails to boot and looks garbled <-- HELP! lol02:57
IdleOneusser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/271311/02:57
tehbaut_Bluey: if that's what Nautilis uses, then yes02:58
seidoskevin___: /nick02:58
shane2perukevin___: ha ha, we thought you meant via terminal. :)  lol02:58
=== tomek__ is now known as anahel
sebsebsebshane2peru: hmm looks like Gaming4JC  has an issue for you :D02:58
kevin___yes sorryu02:58
kevin___i asked it way wrong02:58
Gaming4JCI used Recovery Mode and attempted to fix Xorg Graphics driver, it failed. :(02:58
=== kevin___ is now known as Kburts
usserIdleOne, yep the driver is messed up02:58
Blueyteh -- no it must be instructed to use automount --02:58
Kburtsahaa i is now KBURTS!!02:58
IdleOneusser: how do I fix it?02:58
shane2peruGaming4JC: what graphics card do you have?02:59
IdleOneusser: or is it part of the known intel regression?02:59
Gaming4JCATI Radeon 4820 HD Sapphire02:59
sebsebsebguest9214: have you sorted it out now?02:59
tehbaut_Bluey: so how does Nautilis normally mount partitions?02:59
khaledcould anyone help please? i need to "execute" a java source file (.java file) , how can i do this?02:59
shane2perusebsebseb: I hate ATI :)02:59
usserIdleOne, i've had that on fedora 11 and it was because of a crippled driver that they shipped02:59
shane2peruGaming4JC: how did it get messed up?02:59
usserIdleOne, pastebin you /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:59
Gaming4JCshane2peru: * Radeon HD 4870 Sapphire02:59
sebsebsebguest9214: and # and ## are just comments, it doesn't use stuff that is commented02:59
sebsebsebshane2peru: they love you :D02:59
sebsebseb!love > shane2peru03:00
ubottushane2peru, please see my private message03:00
Gaming4JCShane2peru: I installed the propietry drivers.03:00
Gaming4JCNow nothing boots...03:00
Gaming4JClet me get the package names03:00
shane2perusebsebseb: lol03:00
xim_for some reason evolution wont let me resize the side panel and its shrunk to where all the names of my folders just say ...  do i need to reinstall evolution?03:00
tehbaut_!love > tehbaut_03:00
ubottutehbaut_, please see my private message03:00
sebsebsebshane2peru: :)03:00
shane2peruGaming4JC: how did you install the proprietary drivers03:00
IdleOneusser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/271313/03:01
guest9214Yes, i just have to reboot now. Thanks, man!03:01
Gaming4JCshane2peru: I have dial-up so I installed them via packages then went into System>> Hardware and activated. After restart it failed. Packages were all of the above listed here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=fglrx&searchon=names&suite=jaunty&section=all03:01
Gaming4JCI'm running on Vista now since Ubuntu is borked03:02
shane2peruGaming4JC: so you just installed them from the repo?03:02
Kburtsandone here using irssi?03:02
Gaming4JCShane2peru: yes03:02
shane2peruGaming4JC: I mean you didn't go downloading them from anywhere right?03:02
Gaming4JCshane2peru: I downloaded them from this url: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=fglrx&searchon=names&suite=jaunty&section=all03:02
Gaming4JCand installed them in order03:02
IdleOneKburts: ask your next question. The one you want the answer to :)03:03
shane2peruGaming4JC: I recommend you install the ones from the ATI web site, it is probably close to 100MB download03:03
Gaming4JCshane2peru: bummer I have dial-up - just made a trip to get them on highspeed.03:03
beatbreakwhat's the command to move the mouse pointer to a certian geometry?03:03
usserIdleOne, line 154 (**) intel(0): DRI is disabled because it fails to run without freezing on i810 and i865G chips. (See LP 304871)03:03
Gaming4JCshane2peru: Meanwhile how can I uninstall these things03:03
usserIdleOne, as it says see LP 304871, im assuming its a bug report number03:04
IdleOneusser: yes it is03:04
usserIdleOne, you may try enabling UXA instead of EXA but i doubt it will help03:04
quartkneeHello! How do I use terminal to install tarballs? Is it possible to install things outside of the sources.list?03:04
shane2peruGaming4JC: hmm, let me think about that one, installing the web site ones I know how to do, but uninstalling those, let me search the repos.03:05
shane2peruGaming4JC: you can boot into terminal right?  recovery mode terminal and get a command line?03:05
usserIdleOne, add this line to your Device section in xorg.conf         Option          "AccelMethod"           "UXA" like here http://pastebin.com/m303158ff03:05
digilordDoes the utility still exist that lets you choose what OS you want to boot on next reboot?03:06
Gaming4JCshane2peru: ok thanks - right now I borked it so bad it won't boot even in recovry mode. Just shows up with lines all over the screen and won't give me access to a terminal03:06
beatbreakwhat's the command to move the mouse pointer to a certian geometry?03:06
MrSchmohey guys im going to upgrade to firefox 3.5 and was wondering if its better and more stable than firefox 3?03:06
shane2peruGaming4JC: when grub comes up, hit e and you can edit the boot line, the main boot line add a 3 to the end and it should leave you in terminal03:06
guest9214sebsebseb: I asked you about the bootloader. It worked, but now windows has made its own bootloader so i have two now, both that allow me to do the same thing03:06
usserIdleOne, you're on 9.04 right?03:06
IdleOneusser: yes03:07
eboyjrHi. Can I have /dev/tty6 be an automatic remote login to my server?03:07
sebsebsebguest9214: oh03:07
usserIdleOne, yea so try UXA03:07
Gaming4JCshane2peru: ok that sounds good.03:07
shane2peruGaming4JC: I assume you are working on a separate computer?03:07
sebsebsebguest9214: ok is  that a proper psyiical install, or did you use Wubi?03:07
guest9214what should i do? either one works03:07
zebastian0shane2peru, i am right about to finish the clean install, i have to do what's noted in response 21 on this thread first though https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/36470603:07
Gaming4JCshane2peru: dual booting... :-/03:07
zer0rezi'm trying to activate my nvidia accelerated graphics drivers and i get an error that the jokey backend has crashed03:07
shane2peruGaming4JC: hmm, that is going to make it difficult,03:08
guest9214physical. I have a dediacated partiton03:08
sebsebsebguest9214: ok pastebin  your menu.lst file and i'll take a look03:08
guest9214what was the terminal command again?03:08
shane2peruGaming4JC: ok, I can give you the instructions and you are going to have to write them down and type them in03:08
Gaming4JCok will do03:09
IdleOneuser I can't find Section "Device"03:09
shane2peruGaming4JC: we are going into uncharted waters for me, so I can't promise this will work, but it may03:09
IdleOneusser: I can't find Section "Device"03:09
shane2peruGaming4JC: after you type 3 on the grub boot menu, hit b for boot and it should leave you at a command prompt03:09
usserIdleOne, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?03:09
Gaming4JCshane2peru: sounds good for me. Then what :)03:10
IdleOneusser: :)03:10
shane2peruGaming4JC: then we are going to remove what you installed and see what happens with a reboot03:10
usserIdleOne, found it?03:10
shane2peruGaming4JC: sudo apt-get remove fglrx-*03:10
IdleOneusser: yes03:10
Gaming4JCshane2peru: writing that down now...03:11
mowlol...this chan is hard to follow03:11
sebsebsebmow: it can be yes03:11
shane2peruGaming4JC: then type reboot and try to boot into it again the normal way and see if that works, I have my doubts about it, but lets try that.03:11
sebsebsebmow: hence why we autocomplete03:11
shane2peruzebastian0: looking now03:11
IdleOneusser: ok, edited. restart X?03:11
sebsebsebmow: and put peoples names in our messages so their IRC clients highlight the message03:12
mowsebsebseb > i realize this03:12
shane2peruzebastian0: hmm, that looks like a sound fix, not graphics, you mean to fix graphics?03:12
sebsebsebguest9214: no I don't want to go pm with you at the moment, maybe later.  gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:12
sebsebseb!pastebin |  guest921403:12
ubottuguest9214: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:12
mowstill can be hard03:12
guest9214oh, sorry03:13
=== Kburts is now known as kburts
=== kburts is now known as Kburts
sebsebsebguest9214: np03:13
Gaming4JCshane2peru: ok I'm going to go for it03:13
Gaming4JCshane2peru: I'll be back after testing. reboot pending03:14
shane2peruGaming4JC: no prob, I should be here03:14
cmdbbqis it possible to share files over nfs from 8.04 to 9.04? there is no inherent reason this should  fail, correct?03:14
sebsebsebcmdbbq: indeed03:14
guest9214umm, sorry for being a noob, but how do you pastebin?03:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic03:15
cmdbbqis there any reason it would fail because the directory i am trying to share is an external drive?03:15
DasEicmdbbq: the mountpoint could change, unless you use fstab > uuid03:16
cachedhow would one go about changing the 9.04 loading bar back to the to the 8.10 one?03:16
guest9214Ok, got it http://paste.ubuntu.com/271317/03:16
cmdbbqsebsebseb: where could i go to learn from the beginning how to set up nfs properly?03:17
cmdbbqor DasEi03:17
sebsebsebcmdbbq: I don't know03:17
sebsebseb!nfs | cmdbbq03:17
ubottucmdbbq: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:17
guest9214thanks guys lol i'm such a noob03:17
jamonideas on how to switch default gui file manager from nautilus to dolphin in gnome?03:17
DasEi!nfs | cmdbbq03:17
sebsebsebguest9214: it's ok03:17
cmdbbqthank you both03:17
sebsebsebguest9214: that your new, in fact that's a good thing, the more new users the better03:18
DasEicmdbbq: do you want to share them or just access( copy) ?03:18
sebsebseb!br |  Guest81003:18
ubottuGuest810: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:18
guest9214Cool. I love irc!03:18
sebsebseb!love > guest921403:18
ubottuguest9214, please see my private message03:18
eboyjrHi. Can I have /dev/tty6 be an automatic remote login to my server?03:18
eboyjrLike when I start my computer03:18
usser_IdleOne, so what happened?03:18
eliotnthere are so many on the ubuntu channel!03:19
sebsebsebeliotn: yep03:19
eliotnis there a bot here?03:19
raeldenk_hi everybody03:19
sebsebseb!bot | eliotn03:19
ubottueliotn: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:19
teh_beeIm a bot03:19
zebastian0shane2peru, ok i am ready now, tell me what i need to do03:19
sebsebsebteh_bee: no your not03:19
Kburtshow do i get a chanserv into a irc channel?03:19
zebastian0i just did a clean install on jaunty shane2peru03:19
IdleOneusser: that didn't work. after restarting X it got to login manager but was just a little white box and could not type. booted to recovery and ran xfix which set it back to Identifier"Configured Video Device" in xorg.conf03:19
sebsebsebteh_bee: or are you?03:19
teh_beeshuttup i am03:19
shane2peruzebastian0: you need to download the drivers from the ati web page03:19
coz_Kburts,   /chanserv  help  ?03:20
sebsebseb!ati  | shane2peru  zebastian003:20
ubottushane2peru  zebastian0: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:20
IdleOneeliotn: it is slow tonight :)03:20
raeldenk_I've lost my dsl-provider file (rm error !) is there a mean to recover it ? please help me03:20
zebastian0shane2peru i can't find the one for mine03:20
Samuscan someone tell me how my log files are being rotated, when $(which logrotate) is a symlink to /bin/true ?03:20
zebastian0shane2peru those are for 64 bit and mine is 32 shane2peru03:20
Samusraeldenk_: which filesystem ?  and probably not03:21
shane2peruzebastian0: ok, you installed jaunty 32 bit correct?03:21
zebastian0shane2peru that's correct03:21
shane2peruzebastian0: you have the Radeon hd 3200 card correct?03:21
MagnoFluxmy ubuntus graphics messed up - how can i fix it03:21
n8tuserSamus-> look in /etc/logrotate.conf03:21
zebastian0shane2peru that's correct03:21
raeldenk_Samus, /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider03:21
shane2peruzebastian0: I will have a link for you in a second03:21
jamonhow to switch default gui file manager from nautilus to dolphin in gnome?03:22
buckySamus, man logrotate03:22
bobertdosMagnoFlux: More specifics would be a good place to start,03:22
kimiu have php mailer03:22
shane2peruzebastian0: go to this page:  http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx03:22
usser_IdleOne, did it work?03:22
shane2peruzebastian0: I'm going to walk you through it03:22
kimiu have php mailer03:23
IdleOneusser: that didn't work. after restarting X it got to login manager but was just a little white box and could not type. booted to recovery and ran xfix which set it back to Identifier"Configured Video Device" in xorg.conf03:23
IdleOneusser_: : that didn't work. after restarting X it got to login manager but was just a little white box and could not type. booted to recovery and ran xfix which set it back to Identifier"Configured Video Device" in xorg.conf03:23
guest9214I think my bootloader thing is because of vista, i tried to fix it myself using command prompt03:23
IdleOnesorry tab complete fail03:23
zebastian0shane2peru ok hold on03:23
MagnoFlux•bobertdos• i have an ati 1900 gt - i have ubuntu installed on my second hard drive - after an update yesterday - whenever i start up ubuntu the screen is completely black with random lines on the top - i tried to fix it with the recovery option - no luck03:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat03:23
tehbaut_mounting /dev/sda2 is rerturning 'type unknown'03:23
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:23
shane2peruzebastian0: there should be three columns in the first column scroll to Linux, and you want to click on Linux x8603:24
IdleOne!msg > eliotn03:24
ubottueliotn, please see my private message03:24
tehbaut_any ideas why and what to do about it?03:24
kimiu have php mailer03:24
usser_IdleOne, hm. i couldnt find anything on that LP presumably bug report03:24
Gaming4JCshane2peru: It worked! I used a recovery shell typed the command, and then reconfigured Xorg. Now it's back to normal. Thank You!!! :D03:24
eliotnthis is pretty interesting03:24
Samusn8tuser: but how is it rotating things when "logrotate" doesn't exist on the server ?03:24
Gaming4JCshane2peru: do you know where the official ATI radeon drivers for 64bit Jaunty are? :)03:24
IdleOneusser_: launchpad.net search for the number03:24
shane2peruGaming4JC: glad it workd for you03:24
MeGahey guys sup03:25
n8tuserSamus-> did you looked in that file?03:25
Samusbucky: again, there is no "logrotate" binary on the system, as far as I can tell.  I replaced /usr/sbin/logrotate with a symlink to /bin/true03:25
zebastian0shane2peru ok i'm there, linux x8603:25
dm-madmanWondering if anyone here knows what kind of images IE6 properly displays transpaaarent backgrounds with03:25
shane2peruGaming4JC: are you having problems with the drivers that are being used at the moment?03:25
Samusn8tuser: yes03:25
shane2peruzebastian0: ok, select Radeon03:25
IdleOneusser_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/30487103:25
Gaming4JCshane2peru: Not anything noticable, but there's no graphic acceleration for 3d apps.03:25
bobertdosMagnoFlux: So, do you actually get as far as logging in?03:25
unopdm-madman, png definitely03:25
n8tuserSamus-> also look in /etc/logrotate.d03:26
Samusdm-madman: 8bit or less PNG images are fine, alpha-blended are not03:26
shane2peruzebastian0: then select ATI Radeon hd 3xxx series and download that03:26
zebastian0shane2peru ok selected radeon and now which do i select03:26
shane2peruzebastian0: ^^^^  see above03:26
MagnoFlux•bobertdos• no - i dont even get as far as than - on grub it auto starts ubuntu - and black screen arrives03:26
Samusn8tuser: I don't want to use logrotate, I want to find out how it is running when it doesn't exist ...03:26
tehbaut_mounting /dev/sda2 is rerturning 'type unknown' ... any ideas why and what to do about it?03:26
zebastian0shane2peru next page i download right?03:26
kimiu have php mailer03:26
kimiu have php mailer03:26
tehbaut_mounting /dev/sda2 is rerturning 'type unknown' ... any ideas why and what to do about it?03:27
shane2peruGaming4JC: if you really want to try and get the 3d stuff then you can install the proprietary drivers from the web site, but somehow that leaves you out in the cold when it comes to ubuntu support03:27
shane2peruzebastian0: correct03:27
ramirohow do I upgrade firefox to 3.5 without having to update all my packages or download the binary from firefox's website?03:27
coz_tehbaut,   if no one can answer that here right now you can also try the #linux channel03:27
sebsebseb!ff35 |  ramiro03:27
ubotturamiro: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY03:27
buckySamus, dpkg -L logrotate  if you have linux then you have logrotate03:28
tehbaut_coz_ thanks for the tip :)03:28
shane2peruGaming4JC: so how important is 3d to ya?03:28
ramirosebsebseb: thanks03:28
sebsebsebramiro: np03:28
coz_tehbaut,  no problem    they have an overal linux approach so I often suggest that channel as an alternative03:28
Gaming4JCshane2peru: fairly important, I use Blender tons and play some 3d games often -- it helps with Wine as well.03:28
n8tuserSamus-> did you also look at what syslogd is doing?03:28
heogenikonia, are you there?03:28
Samusbucky: are you really new to GNU+Linux operating systems ?  I have said four or five times already that I removed the "logrotate" executable from the system and replaced it with a symlink to /bin/true.03:28
shane2peruGaming4JC: back up first. :)  I have them installed and works fine03:29
heogenikonia, how have you been?03:29
shane2peruGaming4JC: are you running 64bit or 32?03:29
IdleOneusser_: anymore thoughts?03:29
buckySamus, why did you do that?03:29
Gaming4JCshane2peru: 64bit Jaunty03:29
Gaming4JCShane2peru: Core i7 920 if the cpu matters :)03:29
shane2peruGaming4JC: how new are you to linux?03:30
zebastian0shane2peru downloading03:30
MagnoFlux•bobertdos• seems i gotta roll for today - thx for lookin at my prob tho - ill bbl03:30
Samusbucky: because I don't want log files to ever rotate03:30
buckySamus, if you just go about rm'ing files you're going to screw up your package manager03:30
shane2peruzebastian0: ok, when it is done, installation should be simple03:30
Gaming4JCShane2peru: I've used Ubuntu since Hardy Heron -- tested Live CDs out since Hoary HedgeHog03:30
Samusbucky: and Ubuntu doesn't give you the option to remove the package without removing most of the system03:30
Gaming4JCShane2peru: So I know my way around terminals and have a novice/intermediate feel for them03:31
buckySamus, actually it does.. it's called equivs03:31
shane2peruGaming4JC: ok, here is the link:  http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.HTML03:31
Samusbucky: you can't screw up apt by removing files, unless those files are part of apt's configuration.  and as I said, I didn't remove any files, I replaced the system default03:31
shane2peruGaming4JC: look at the instructions too, and you should be able to install it03:31
rashed2020Guys, I have a bash script that runs fine when I run it manually. But doesn't when in a cronjob. Any clues?03:32
Samusbucky: you're still missing the point: how is Ubuntu rotating my log files when my system doesn't have a logrotate binary on it ?03:32
usser_IdleOne, seems fishy, some people claim the issue is the kernel others blame the driver03:32
shane2peruGaming4JC: you should be able to install that yourself, fairly easily, just make sure you look at the instructions03:32
IdleOneusser_: so for now I am stuck in limbo03:33
Gaming4JCshane2peru: Thanks for the info! :D looking into it now...03:33
usser_IdleOne, i dunno, if you have enough expertise you can try building your own kernel or just wait for karmic koala03:33
usser_IdleOne, yea pretty much03:33
ramirorashed2020: .bashrc isn't sourced?03:33
IdleOneusser_: I will wait but thanks for your help :)03:33
shane2peruGaming4JC: no prob, if you run into a snag I will probably be here03:33
usser_IdleOne, no problem03:33
MrSchmois firefox 3.5 pre-release the latest version for linux?03:34
usser_MrSchmo, the latest version for linux is whatever is on mozilla.com03:34
buckySamus, you're the one who knows everything.. you tell me03:35
* eliotn wants his ubuntu computer to compete with that new mac03:36
kudi1is it me or is firefox 3.5 not as stable03:36
=== ScottG489 is now known as ScottG
DasEiMrSchmo: in usual ways yes, but you could (own risk) also add the repo and have the latest nightly build03:36
usser_kudi1, firefox is stable is an oxymoron :)03:36
robb9.04 having issues with sound?03:37
robbsee some comments re: thinkpad's03:38
Samusbucky: I came here with that simple question.  nobody has tried to answer it yet.03:38
robbmute button self-activating or something03:38
=== jimlong is now known as MrPockets
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up03:38
kudi1usser_: lulz03:38
Samusbucky: I do know that you can't harm apt by deleting a file in /usr/sbin as you suggested (which I didn't do, I replaced it).  no need to get snarky at me just because you couldn't answer my question and gave out misinformation03:39
jmarsden!attitude | Samus03:40
ubottuSamus: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:40
n8tuserSamus-> you kept telling you replaced your logrotate, where? which script?03:40
wartalkerhow to set ghe UI font in openoffice ?03:41
wartalkerhow to set the UI font for openoffice ?03:42
jmarsden!patience | wartalker03:42
ubottuwartalker: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.03:42
=== zebaztian1 is now known as zebastian
tyler_dI am able to connect to my cisco vpn host, but when I attempt to access any remote resources it simply times out?03:42
shane2peruzebastian: did you get it downloaded?03:43
zebastianshane2peru,  yes03:43
zebastiannow what do i do03:43
Samusn8tuser: I said several times that I replaced the /usr/sbin/logrotate binary with a symlink to /bin/true.  I also replaced the contents of /etc/cron.daily/logrotate with only "/bin/true" in it03:43
shane2peruok, to install this it is best to go to a tty terminal and we are going to kill x, so you are going to need to write these instructions down03:44
shane2peruzebastian: ^^^^^03:44
zebastianshane2peru,  hold on a moment03:44
zebastiani'll be right back ok03:44
shane2peruzebastian: ok, no prob03:44
joeb3_tyler_d, you running any firewalls?03:44
Samusjmarsden: I've spent literally thousands of hours on IRC helping people with GNU+Linux and related apps.  I am well aware people here are volunteers.03:45
tyler_djoeb3_: no03:45
n8tuserSamus-> and you restarted syslogd afterwards?03:45
kudi1mplayer was working fine b4 this is the error i get when trying to play a song from my library in sonata:03:45
Samusn8tuser: the system has been rebooted several times since then03:46
SuperMiguelhow you open virtualbox 3.0 when you install it in ubuntu?03:46
Samuswell, at least twice.03:46
gwildorSuperMiguel, accessories.... form the menu03:46
n8tuseryeah that would be an effective syslogd restart...03:46
joeb3_SuperMiguel, apps, system tools, virtualbox03:46
kudi1how do you copy in xterm?03:47
SamusI see rotated log files from yesterday, the day before, etc.  yet I did the symlink thing weeks or months back03:47
Gaming4JCThanks for the help :)03:47
mowSuperMiguel > try VirtualBox in term03:47
Samusnot to mention the cron.daily file for it doesn't have anything in it other than /bin/true03:47
Gaming4JCbye for now03:47
kudi1what is this:  DeprecationWarning: the multifile module has been deprecated since Python 2.403:47
SuperMiguelgwildor, Joe_ i installed 3.0 is not there... whats the actuall patch? the folder where it gets installed?03:47
Samuslogrotate is like The Terminator, unstoppable ...03:47
SamusSuperMiguel: the default X11 client can be loaded from the menus.  there are also three other clients which can be started from the command line: RDP, headless, SDL03:49
joeb3_SuperMiguel, /usr/bin/VirtualBox03:49
=== edson is now known as ecanto
SuperMigueljoeb3_, thanks03:50
Schmittydoes anyone know of a windows antivirus scanner that actually runs on linux, I E ubuntu software that scans a windows partition?03:52
Korlisyo all03:52
zebaztianshane2peru, ok now tell me what i have to do again03:52
mowSchmitty > fprot03:52
shane2peruzebaztian: ok, let me look over the instructions, you should click the link too:  https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat99-inst.pdf03:53
Schmittylet me check this out mow03:53
zebaztianshane2peru,  you know what let me get on the windows laptop03:53
Oneshadecan anyone help me out real quick? Im new to linux and Im trying to get it to connect to the internet (Im using the ubunutu server edition, latest version) and It keeps getting destination host unreachable when I try to ping any ip adress. I had followed a guide to get it set up, so it has a static IP adress, but I dont think I changed much else. or if anyone can point me in the direction of a guide for this kind of problem03:53
zebaztianwhile i fiddle on here03:53
shane2peruzebaztian: oh, wait, we don't have to kill x in Ubuntu, we are fine03:54
KorlisOneshade: are you on that machine right now?03:54
pitputI have ubuntu installed on a partition. Can I somehow "expand" to use the free space I have on my harddrive now since I deleted the windows partition?03:54
Oneshadeits sitting next to me03:54
Oneshadeits not this computer that im on irc with, no03:55
KorlisOneshade: ok, cuz it sounds like it's not connecting to the internet03:55
Schmittymow, this isn't what I was looking for. This is antivirus for windows running on linux03:55
IdleOne!gparted > pitput03:55
ubottupitput, please see my private message03:55
SchmittyI need antivirus running on linux for windows03:55
KorlisOneshade:  are you using wireless or wired03:55
zebastianok shane2peru tell me exactly what i have to do nwo03:55
KorlisSchmitty: look up avast03:56
jmarsdenSchmitty: clamav ?03:56
bastid_raZorpitput: follow the liveCD option of what ubottu said.03:56
MrSchmohey guys im trying to install firefox and i get "bash" /usr/bin/firefox" error. i tried uninstalling and install but i get the same thing03:56
Schmittyyou guysare sure you understand me03:56
zebastianshane2peru i downloaded the driver to desktop sand have the terminal open03:56
OneshadeKorlis: wired. I just set this machine up with a fresh install yesterday, so nothing is really configured except the couple programs i installed and the static ip03:56
shane2peruzebastian: ok, we are going to open up a terminal03:56
MrSchmohey guys im trying to install firefox and i get "bash" /usr/bin/firefox: No such file directory" error. i tried uninstalling and install but i get the same thing03:56
KorlisOneshade: are you planning on using it as a server?03:56
pitputbastid_raZor, that seems very dangerous to do03:56
shane2peruzebastian: ok, we need to type this:  sudo chmod +x ati(tab)03:56
mowSchmitty > if it's windows, can't you just use a windows antivirus?03:56
juanpabloalguien me puede ayudar ?03:57
OneshadeKorlis: yeah I was hoping to.03:57
pitputbastid_raZor, I just somehow want to "expand" the free space for my ubuntu03:57
shane2peruzebastian: tab will complete the name of the file03:57
jamiejacksonhi, i just ran "sudo mdadm --assemble /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2" accidentally, instead of specifying /dev/md0 first. how do i recover from this?03:57
Schmittymow: no. To be truley productive I need to be able to remove a windows drive, throw it on a linux box and scan for virii03:57
bastid_raZorpitput: you will have to have the current partition unmounted in order to resize it. the gparted LiveCD is the best way to accomplish this03:57
zebastianshane2peru do i type "(tab)" or you mean press the tab key as the last part of the staetement?03:57
pitputbastid_raZor, are there any risks of losing my current data?03:58
zebastianshane2peru installation mode: custom or automatic?04:03
shane2peruzebastian: use automatic04:03
IdleOneotg: stop04:03
coz_otg,   we see that and hello04:03
Korlisjmarsden, that wasnt my point, its not there by default, plus command.com isnt as powerful04:03
IdleOneotg: stop please04:03
shane2peruzebastian: automatic mode is better04:03
GlaxoSmithStarthello people04:03
zebastianshane2peru installation completed04:03
zebastianback to prompt04:03
zebastiannow what04:03
shane2peruzebastian: you should be able to reboot and you are good to go04:03
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!04:03
shane2peruzebastian: is that how you did it last time?04:03
zebastianshane2peru hold on, let me check that it worked04:04
shane2peruzebastian: it won't show till it is rebooted and xorg is reloaded04:04
zebastiani know04:04
zebastiani am rebooting now04:04
shane2peruzebastian: is that how you installed it before?04:04
SamusSuperMiguel: the default X11 client can be loaded from the menus.  there are also three other clients which can be started from the command line: RDP, headless, SDL04:04
SamusSuperMiguel: not sure if that got through before I disconnected04:04
zebastianshane2peru !!!!!!!!!!!!:( i got the same thign that i got the first time when everything went downhill, ubuntu is running in low graphics mode, your screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly. you will need to configure these yourself04:05
* zebastian clicks on ok04:06
GlaxoSmithStarthey guys, I have VMWare on Windows and my guest is Ubuntu.  When I disconnect my DNS messes up , anyone know why this might be happening or what I could do to fix it?04:06
shane2peruzebastian: really!  ahh, that isn't good indeed04:06
zebastianshane2peru now i am asked what i would like to do, run ubuntu in low graphics mode for just one session, reconfigure graphics, troubleshoot error, exit to console login04:06
bastid_raZorGlaxoSmithStart: possibly ask in #vmware04:06
shane2peruzebastian: wow, that is really not good, try reconfigure graphics and see if that fixes it, what did you chose last time?04:07
IdleOne!cn | jev04:07
ubottujev: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:07
zebastianshane2peru i can't recall04:07
sebsebsebstrange  I coudn't see who did !  o p s04:08
shane2peruzebastian: how long have you used linux?04:08
juxta_if I've made some changes to partition sizes and the like, which haven't been detected, how can I re-enumerate/rescan the disks/partitions without rebooting? I know there's a command for it, I've used it in the past, I just forget what it is04:08
tonyyarusso!cn | jev04:08
ubottujev: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:08
Amanjhi..probelm Not Found04:08
Amanj phpMyAdmin error04:08
zebastianshane2peru how would you like to reconfigure your display use default generic configuration, create new configuration for this hardware, user your backed up configuration04:08
kudi1how do i add google to the search box on the left in firefox, i jus updated to 3.5 so i have to do a couple things manually04:08
IdleOne!english > jev jak04:08
GlaxoSmithStarthey guys, I have VMWare on Windows and my guest is Ubuntu.  When I disconnect my internet my DNS messes up , anyone know why this might be happening or what I could do to fix it?04:09
Schmittyyes english is best04:09
crankharderhey, what's the goto solution for my idiot friends that I'm trying to convert to ubuntu when they tell me........ "i dont have a blank CD" ?04:09
shane2peruzebastian: try defualt generic configuration04:09
shane2peruzebastian: how long have you used Linux?04:09
* crankharder bangs head on wall04:09
sebsebsebGlaxoSmithStart: I hope that's only to try Ubuntu, and later on you will do a proper install  say when 9.10 comes out,   you can ask for help in #vmware   people in here useually recommend Virtualbox :)04:09
jmarsdencrankharder: Stick it on a USB flash drive instead04:10
zebastianshane2peru your configuration has been restored to default and your old configuration backed up, please restart04:10
quartkneeHey, can you name a few extra repositories that might help me find some key social-networking desktop tools?04:10
shane2peruzebastian: man, that is disappointing04:10
shane2peruzebastian: are you new to Linux?  ATI isn't known to be well supported in Linux, and I feel bad for you having this much hassle04:11
jmarsdenquartknee: Which "key social-networking desktop tools" do you have in mind?  Name them :)04:11
jmarsden!help Amanj04:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help Amanj04:11
jmarsden!help | Amanj04:11
ubottuAmanj: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:11
shane2peru!ask | Amanj04:11
zebastianshane2peru, what do i do now? i mean, it looks like it did originally04:11
kd8JHC!ask | Amanj04:11
shane2peruzebastian: you mean after the fresh install?04:11
zebastianshane2peru i am not really new to linux but i didn't start putting my head into it till this year04:11
zebastianshane2peru yes, it looks like regular clean install confic04:12
Amanjme probelm Not Found04:12
zebastianshane2peru you think we got the right driver file=04:12
shane2peruzebastian: don't install the proprietary drivers again. :)04:12
zebastianhow do you mean?04:12
shane2peruzebastian: yep, I'm sure of that, if you gave me the right graphics card info04:12
zebastianlike dont do again04:12
zebastianwhat we justt did04:13
Oneshadecan anyone help me on a ubuntu server edition (already installed, and with a LAMP already on it) get it to connect to the internet? whenever I try to use the ping command on any outside adress it wont work. Im new to linux, and this is a fresh install so barely anything has been changed (except it has a static ip set up)04:13
shane2peruzebastian: right, it didn't work, perhaps hold out till a new version is released?04:13
shane2peruzebastian: how new is the laptop?04:13
dead1ockwhy will gedit make a <filename>~ file after I edit files?04:13
sebsebsebOneshade: new to Linux and already using the server edition hmm04:13
jmarsdenOneshade: Ask in #ubuntu-server , it is quieter in there :)04:13
zebastianshane2peru i bought about a month ago now04:13
sebsebsebOneshade: What kind of server are you doing?04:13
kd8JHCOneshade: why are you running a server04:13
sebsebsebOneshade: you can run  server stuff in the desktop install which may be easier for you, but if your doing a proper commercial server, sure the  server edition04:14
veasmkiideadlock, that should just be the temp file it creates04:14
Picidead1ock: Because the default behavior is to save backup copies, check Edit>Preferences, Editor Tab, Filesaving to change that04:14
shane2peruzebastian: when I first bought my laptop, networking didn't work, sound didn't work, and ati graphics were a mess, intrepid was out, jaunty soon came out and things got better04:14
quartkneejmarsden well, these aren't social networking per se, but ComicStrip rss reader, rssowl, python-twitter are all things I've been looking at.04:14
zebastianshane2peru wait a sec04:15
shane2peruzebastian: I would have to say, you are going to have to either A.  try a different distro, or B.  Live with it the way it is and wait for Koala to be released04:15
dead1ockPici: Thanks, it was being a hassle with git04:15
zebastianshane2peru what about hardy?04:15
shane2peruzebastian: you can continue searching for answers, but it is going to be tough04:15
Picidead1ock: In bzr, you can have .bzrignore file, which will ignore certain filename patterns from being versioned, git might have something similar.04:15
jmarsdenquartknee: python-twitter seems to be in the Jaunty repositories... sudo apt-get install pythin-twitter04:15
zebastianshane2peru hold on a moment ok04:16
shane2peruzebastian: I think it would be a waste of your time to try Hardy honestly, but if you have no other options and have the time, give it a try04:16
shane2peruzebastian: ok04:16
DigitalKiwiwhat is zebastians problem?04:16
jmarsdenOneshade: Can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces (which you edited to set the static IP) please?04:16
Amanjshane2peru, probelm the phpmyadmin no found why? http://paste.org/pastebin/view/1044904:17
Picijmarsden: It sounds like his default route is misconfigured to me.04:17
harisundThe Firefox I am running on my Windows box is 3.5.<something> but the Firefox on my Ubuntu box is 3.0.<something>. Is this deliberate?04:17
jmarsdenPici: Quite possibly, yes.04:17
zebastianshane2peru what is the command to check which card i have04:17
zebastianlspci something?04:17
RedSocratesharisund, yes.  Firefox 3.5 doesn't ship with Jaunty; you'll have to install it yourself.04:17
jmarsdenzebastian: lspci | grep -i vga04:17
leaf-sheepharisund: firefox-3.0 and firefox-3.5 are a separate packages.04:17
shane2peruzebastian: right lspci | grep ati04:17
Piciharisund: FF3.5 wasn't out when Jaunty was released.04:17
shane2peruzebastian: oh, use jmarsden it will probably work better04:18
DigitalKiwilspci | grep VGA is more generic04:18
quartkneejmarsden: Thank you! Do you suggest any other repositories worth picking up? I'd like to explore a little beyond the default ubuntu stuff.04:18
harisundRedSocrates, leaf-sheep, Pici ah ok .. is there any "official Ubuntu" way of install this Firefox that wouldn't void my warranty? ;-)04:18
Pici!ff35 | harisund04:18
ubottuharisund: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY04:18
zebastianshane2peru i got 01:05.9 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]04:19
harisundPici, sweet man thanks. I am afraid to do anything with my Ubuntu box, else I go make a post in the forums and everyone yells at me "why do you do it like that, that is not the way things are done with Ubuntu" :) This is better04:19
quartkneeHey all! Do you suggest any other repositories worth picking up? I'd like to explore a little beyond the default ubuntu stuff.04:19
shane2peruzebastian: yep that is what we installed the 3xxx series04:19
jmarsdenquartknee: Generally you can look in PPAs for interesting new stuff once you know what you are looking for. Not sure there are any "big" unofficial Ubuntu repos -- just a lot of people doing interesting things in tehir own PPAs on Launchpad.04:19
zebastianshane2peru why not the 3200 hd series?04:19
RedSocratesquartknee, how about medibuntu?  Or do you already have that?04:20
shane2peruzebastian: did I overlook it???04:20
jmarsdenOneshade: Seriously, can you /join #ubuntu-server and I will try to work with you on the server networking issue you are having in that channel ?04:20
zebastianshane2peru give me the link again04:21
shane2peruzebastian: because there is no 3200 series04:21
shane2peruzebastian: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx04:21
n8tuserOneshade-> you can stay here too, nothing unique to make it a server only type of networking issue04:22
bastid_raZorzebastian: have you tried the radeon driver?04:22
jmarsdenn8tuser: Right, it is just a lot noisier in here :)04:22
shane2peruzebastian: I found it!04:22
zebastianshane2peru which is it?04:22
DigitalKiwishane2peru: it's under integrated04:22
shane2peruzebastian: you have to click on integrated04:22
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: why didn't you point that out before? :)04:22
n8tuserjmarsden-> its okay, people have to share the learnings04:23
pedronecesito que me hayuden  a configurar mi servidor ubuntu 9.0404:23
DigitalKiwiwell i didn't click the link until a minute ago04:23
shane2peruzebastian: I should probably install that on mine too!  lol04:23
jmarsden!es | pedro04:23
ubottupedro: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:23
n8tuserjmarsden-> we can all benefit from sharing of such info04:23
* zebastian is downloading04:23
jmarsdenn8tuser: Sure.  But newcomers may find it easier to work in a quieter channel, that channel is open to all, including you, and is logged, just as this one is... I did not suggest going to private messages :)04:24
shane2peruzebastian: I'm about to check out for the night, do you think you can run through it again?04:24
RabidWeezleanyone gotten a virgin mobile broadband2go to work in ubuntu yet?04:24
shane2peruzebastian: how long for download?04:24
zebastianshane2peru hold on04:25
zebastianit's only04:25
zebastianit's about 8 minutes04:25
Out_ColdRabidWeezle, i got an EVDO card to work...04:26
Out_Coldif it's the same type of deal there are plenty tutorials04:26
RabidWeezleOut_Cold, did you have to do the "usb_modeswitch" thing?04:26
shane2peruzebastian: you can delete that other one04:26
zebastianshane2peru please help me try this out04:26
zebastiani did04:26
shane2peruzebastian: ok, will do04:27
Out_ColdRabidWeezle, no i don't think so.04:27
Out_Coldwhich version of ubuntu are you running?04:27
=== MK-ubuntu is now known as MK-BB
RabidWeezleOut_Cold, kubuntu jaunty latest kernel04:27
zebastiani think KDE's female and GNOME is male04:27
Out_Coldi had to use netowrk manager to get it going i think.04:28
Out_Coldi haven't tried with wicd04:28
DigitalKiwibecause KDE is subject to being bloated and GNOME only works when it wants to?04:28
shane2perushane2peru: thinks wicd rules04:28
* shane2peru thinks wicd rules04:28
Out_Coldhaha kiwi04:28
DigitalKiwi<3 wicd04:28
* zebastian concurs04:28
Out_Coldi use wicd too..04:29
RabidWeezleOut_Cold, big problem with this card is it's got a switchable usb storage on to hold the windows drivers XD04:29
cjaeDoes updatedb work for say a usb hdd? I need to  find a specific .pdf04:29
Out_Coldbut haven't used it with EVDO04:29
kd8JHCmy Verizon evdo card works perfectly in jaunty.. no extra stuff required04:29
webbb82i need some advise i have karmic installed at the moment but im thinkin about installing jaunty again so i can add kde can i install kde in karmic like in jaunty04:29
Out_ColdRabidWeezle, that doesn't sound like the same as i had.04:29
bfoxzebastian:  let's hope they don't breed04:29
jmarsdencjae: You can ask updatedb to scan any mounted filesystem.  But for a eon time thing, find /media/whatever -name "name-of-file.pdf"  may be easier :)04:30
Out_Coldwebbb82, it's the same process04:30
sebsebsebwebbb82: yes and Karmic talk is here #ubuntu+104:30
seidos!es | pedro04:30
ubottupedro: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:30
seidosI was scrolled up and didn't realize it04:30
* seidos smacks himself04:30
sebsebseb!language |  seidos04:31
ubottuseidos: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:31
sebsebsebseidos: :) at the bot, and heh at you :D04:31
zebastianshane2peru since you installed yours are you able to run compiz and watch movies without them getting stuck?04:31
seidos!lamp | sebsebseb04:31
ubottusebsebseb: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:31
cjaejmarsden, so find /media/whatever -name *.pdf will work with a  mounted ntfs fs?04:31
* seidos will stop abusing ubottu now04:32
jmarsdencjae: Yes, it doesn't care what type of fs it is searching, basically04:32
cjaejmarsden, ok  thanks04:32
shane2peruzebastian: I was processing videos, making videos, and no never did get it right04:32
jmarsdencjae: No problem.  Oh, should do -name "*.pdf"  -- quote the name if it has any wildcards in it.04:32
shane2peruzebastian: however everything boots up, and I monitored temps, and it ran a looooot cooler with those drivers installed04:33
sebsebsebseidos: heh04:33
_MrsApple_hi, is there a flashplayer that works with ubuntu? im not sure how to update mine or even how to find out where i need to update it.04:33
sanchiroI need help with email.. have a pesky 'relay not permitted' problem.. my exim4 server permits neither the spam to relay through, which is good, nor the email I want to receive, which is BAD.. ideas how to resolve this?04:33
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: sudo apt-get intstall flashplugin-installer04:33
zebastianshane2peru did the getting stuck mid movie cease?04:33
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: Flash can be a bit bad in  Ubuntu, because it's closed source04:33
shane2peruzebastian: you may have helped me with mine too, tomorrow I will install on mine04:33
Out_Cold!flash | _MrsApple_04:33
webbb82woulod the jaunty repos work for karmic koala04:34
ubottu_MrsApple_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash04:34
shane2peruzebastian: I don't watch movies on mine, but I'm sure that would be fixed, it is less processor intensive than processing videos04:34
DigitalKiwisebsebseb: what is the excuse of gnash and the open ati drivers?04:34
shane2peruzebastian: I watched the temps on mine, and they would start to climb with anything I did04:34
DigitalKiwithey are open but still suck ;P04:34
sebsebsebDigitalKiwi: Gnash and  ATI  drivers aren't related I think04:34
jmarsdensanchiro: sudo dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config    and reconfigure it the way you want04:34
sebsebsebDigitalKiwi: hmm04:34
shane2peruzebastian: installing the drivers made it run cooler, I have read reports of movies doing the same thing04:34
sebsebsebDigitalKiwi: not all opensource/freesoftware is amazing, because of lack of developers04:35
sebsebsebDigitalKiwi: also when it comes to drivers,  it's  more  about lack of manufacture support, when they aren't that good04:35
Out_Coldlike with the ATI driver lol04:35
IeatbearsHow do I detect drivers with Ubuntu?04:35
DigitalKiwithe 64 bit alpha/flash whatever flash driver has been really good to me, as has been nvidia04:35
* Out_Cold uses nvidia and still has issues04:35
sebsebsebOut_Cold: Nivida's fault,  those drivers are closed source04:36
zebastianshane2peru what about changing my graphics card? is that possible? what is a better brand and what are usual prices? also how can i check if that's doable on my laptop?04:36
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: yes, but Firefox isn't even 64bit, so there is a breakdown there.04:36
_MrsApple_sebsebseb, im pretty sure we had it on our comp already.... how do i check the updates on here???04:36
shane2peruzebastian: I know nothing about that, I assume it is probably integrated, and therefore cannot be changed04:36
meuaHi! my external is correctly labeled "ehd-data" but display in gnome as "150 GB Media" and is mounted on /media/disk (this happened after a resize with gparted). How do i get the system respect label name for mount point and display name ? thx.04:37
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: there won't be any updates for Flash,  accept maybe a security update, but probably not04:37
Out_Cold_MrsApple_, just reinstall it and it will let you know if it's already installed or in need of updating04:37
DigitalKiwishane2peru: how do i have firefox without 32 bit lib depends if it's not 64 bit? how come I can compile it? the answer is it is 64 bit ;p04:37
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: and then when  a proper later Flash version comes out, well  that will be in a later Ubuntu04:38
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: well, I could be wrong, but I don't think mozilla has released 64bit version04:38
joakoWhen I turn on the computer it logs in automatically but then it asks me for a password to connect to the wifi. How do I connect to wifi w/o password?04:38
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: if you have the link to their 64bit firefox, I would love to see it.04:38
_MrsApple_sebsebseb, and what if my bf (its mainly his comp) decides not to switch to different version of ubuntu? can i delete an existing flash or whatev and just reinstall?04:39
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: you can get it from Adobe yeah04:40
DigitalKiwihttp://wiki.mozilla-x86-64.com/Firefox:Download here it is for windows anyway04:40
amitesany ideas why I would be denied permission to cd to a directory owned by a group my account is a member of?04:40
_MrsApple_thx sebsebseb !!!04:40
MrPocketsAnyone use Synergy cross-platform with windows?04:40
shane2peruzebastian: ok, my time is running out, you are going to have to open the terminal, type: cd Desktop04:40
shane2peruzebastian: then, type: chmod +x ati(tab)04:40
zebastianshane2peru, yes it's only a few secs remaining04:40
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: and  basically any OS should eventuaully be updated, or changed to some other OS that is supported by security updates, because they stop being supported04:41
sebsebseb_MrsApple_: no problem04:41
shane2peruzebastian: then type: sudo ./ati(tab)04:41
meuaHi! my external is correctly labeled "ehd-data" but display in gnome as "150 GB Media" and is mounted on /media/disk (this happened after a resize with gparted). How do i get the system respect label name for mount point and display name ? thx.04:41
zebastianshane2peru i got the following output04:42
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: right, but I don't think it exists for Linux, you can compile 32bit software on 64bit box without a problem04:42
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: wine is the same way, it maybe compiled for 64bit, but it still only processes 32bits at a time04:42
zebastiansudo ./ati-driver-installer-9-9.x86,x86_64.run: command not founod04:42
jmarsdenshane2peru:  ftp://us.archive.ubuntu.com:/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox-3.5/firefox-3.5_3.5.3+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb  is 64bit firefox ...04:42
amitesThese are the steps I'm taking to add user to group and set directory permissions, any ideas why I would be denied access? http://pastebin.com/m2f2b58bf04:43
shane2peruzebastian: did you run: chmod +x ati(tab)04:43
xeerI have a Novatech NV-902W (Ralink RT2570 chipset) that worked flawlessly out of the box on 9.04. I reverted to 8.10 for gfx drivers and it's not recognized (Though it displays the name when issuing 'lsusb')04:43
DigitalKiwishane2peru: fedora i know has both 32 bit and 64 bit firefoxes easily available04:43
xeerMy question, what could I do to get the drivers from 9.04 (repositories?) to 8.10?04:43
zebastianshane2peru ok doing so now04:43
=== marty is now known as Guest49018
zebastianshane2peru uncompressing04:44
shane2peruzebastian: ok, you want to select install, and automatic installation04:44
jmarsdenamites: Adding a group does not take effect right away.  Log out and back in and your user will be in that www-data group.04:44
jmarsdenamites: But why are you doing that???04:44
zebastianshane2peru ok, and after that?04:44
shane2peruzebastian: it should pop up the gui to run through04:45
zebastianshane2peru yes, ok, once it's done downloading, i reboot adn check it out and if it doesnt work, reconfigure to default right?04:45
zebastianotherwise itmeans it worked04:45
Guest49018Ok, something's wrong with the desktop area. I'm on 8.04; Nautilus seems to be working fine, but I can't select or right-click anything on the desktop. My mouse is otherwise working fine.04:45
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: I'm working on 64bit Jaunty and too installed firefox, however it is only 32bit, because 64bit java didn't work with it04:46
xeerAnyone willing to look at my question?04:46
shane2peruzebastian: correct04:46
amitesjmarsden: it's a server, thank you04:46
zebastianshane2peru what's cups?04:46
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: after googling, I found out there wasn't a 64bit Linux firefox04:46
shane2peruzebastian: cups is what communicates with your printer04:46
jmarsdenamites: No problem.04:46
coldboot|homeshane2peru: What version of Firefox? I think there are older ones.04:47
DigitalKiwishane2peru: and after googling i found several instances of 64 bit linux firefox04:47
shane2perucoldboot|home: I had upgraded to the latest at that time, I since went back to what was in the repos04:47
shane2perucoldboot|home: I worked through ubuntuzilla, you can look on the forums, it is documented there04:47
coldboot|homeshane2peru: I can't remember, but I do remember having 64-bit versions of Firefox a while ago. It could have been v204:47
zebastianshane2peru, have three min?04:48
coldboot|homeah ok04:48
Out_Coldxeer you can add the repositories from intrepid to jaunty but it might break your system04:48
shane2peruDigitalKiwi: you have to separate the name form the actual product, it may say Firefox-3.5-amd64, because it is built to be installed on 64bit box, but doesn't mean it is truely 64bit04:49
xeerOut_Cold:  there is no networking; since the wireless is not functional at this point04:49
Out_Coldxeer another option is to build the driver yourself from the device vendors04:49
zebastianshane2peru, it seems to have worked...:O...does it mean now i can get compiz and play movies?04:49
DigitalKiwiMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090804 Firefox/3.5.204:49
DigitalKiwifrom help about04:50
zebastianshane2peru do i delete the file from the desktop now?04:50
Guest49018If I were to kill the nautilus process that runs by default, what would happen?04:50
shane2peruzebastian: you should be good to go!04:50
shane2peruzebastian: you can keep it or delete it, you may need it in the case of an update04:50
xeerOut_Cold:  yes that I what I am trying to do now but If I update the linux kernel wont I have to recompile each time?04:50
Out_Coldxeer, that also happens with wifi cards. i usually plug in with a wire, update, then disconnect and go wireless04:50
shane2perubye all04:50
zebastianshane2peru I would like to thank you and all of the people involved in the channel04:51
zebastianfor your great help, you have been all very kind04:51
xeerOut_Cold:  not all of us have the luxury of wired + wireless connections.04:51
shane2peruzebastian: glad to be of help04:51
Out_Coldnot too sure04:51
zebastianthis includes but is not limited to sebsebseb bro seidos04:51
Out_Coldagreed.. but it's a quick fix04:51
zebastianthank you so much guys04:51
sebsebsebzebastian: no problem and good luck with ATI and that :)04:51
* JaGG e04:52
JaGG-me e04:52
harisundWhen I boot my computer, I don't want a login screen. I want a command line login (run level 3 basically), and I want to be able to launch Gnome or whatever with a startx or equivalent instead of using the login manager. Any suggestions?04:52
binskipy2uhey guys, kinda simple question.. I'm using ubuntu 9.04 64bit.. does that mean everything in repos is 64bit?04:53
binskipy2uspecially desktop enviornments.... i was thinking of checking out lxde04:53
quartkneeI added medibuntu as a repository but I can't seem to access it with Synaptic Package manager to browse it. Is it listed under something other than medibuntu?04:53
binskipy2uas a fast desktop04:53
xeerQuestion, If I put 9.04 on a usb stick could I pull the built-in drivers onto my 8.10 system?04:54
jmarsdenquartknee: medibuntu is the repository, the collection of packages.  What package do you want to install from it?04:56
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:57
zebaztiansebsebseb, how can i look at the log of the conversation I just had with shane2peru04:58
sebsebsebzebaztian: your IRC client probably has a log, but also04:59
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/04:59
xim_for some reason evolution wont let me resize the side panel and its shrunk to where all the names of my folders just say ...  do i need to reinstall evolution?05:00
jmarsdenzebaztian: You can also find the log files under ~/.xchat2/xchatlogs/ if you enabled logging in xchat05:00
zebaztianjmarsden, I just enabled it05:01
OzFalconanyone know of a flowchart program that can export to-->from data?05:01
jmarsdenzebaztian: OK, well next time you will know where to find the logs, at least :)05:01
mans28farhelp : FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.05:02
harisundHow do I figure out what event is generated when I press a key, so it can be modified using xmodmap or whatever? (I haev a hardware button on my tablet)05:03
DigitalKiwigah Shane2peru left05:04
DigitalKiwior is he shane205:04
mu3enharisund use xev from a terminal05:04
DigitalKiwioh that's not actualy a nick just spell checking >.>05:04
harisundmu3en, xev .. that's what I was looking for. sweet man thanks05:04
jmarsdenOzFalcon: I'm not quite sure what you mean, but try xfig and see if it does what you want05:04
heftigDigitalKiwi: he left 13 minutes ago05:05
harisundok I just did apt-get install gnome-randr-applet .. how do I make it show up as an applet?05:05
OzFalconjmarsden, I just want to have the link data from the flow chart in  a text format (ie node 1 ---> node2) etc.05:05
OzFalconjmarsden, I'll check xifg.05:05
jmarsdenOzFalcon: No, xfig is mroe of a drawing program that can export to a wide variety of formats... probably not what you are looking for.05:06
OzFalconjmarsden, no. If I want to build a car port mabie ;-)05:06
OzFalconjmarsden, I'm not sure what to call that format. So It's making it hard to find a prg05:07
OzFalconjmarsden, Hmmm. Looking under "node listing"05:08
DigitalKiwimaybe dia?05:08
DigitalKiwii don't know what you want exactly either :/05:08
harisundwhat's the difference between cpufreqd powernowd etc ?05:08
DigitalKiwi9 extra/dia 0.97-2  DIAgram editor05:09
garvHello there, ubuntu nooob looking for some help05:09
kd8JHC!ask | garv05:09
ubottugarv: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:09
OzFalconok. I have a flowchart. But I want to export all the nodes So I can impliment the chart within a program. I just need to be able to export which nodes connect to which.05:10
OzFalconlooking at DIA05:10
mans28farubuntu 8.1 broadcom 4328 wireless. can not modprobe ndiswrapper to get wireless up and running05:10
xeerHow do I get build-essential for 8.10 when it doesn't have networking capabilities?05:11
OzFalconmanous, Sure there ain't drivers from 4328. Sure you should be using ndiswrapper?05:11
xeerI dont see any download available...05:11
garvJust installed ubuntu latest release, cannot connect to the interwebs. OS sees both of my network cards.05:11
OzFalconmanous, Sure there ain't drivers for 4328. Sure you should be using ndiswrapper?05:11
xeerSeems ubuntu "assumes" everyone has networking that wants to compile05:12
mans28fari'm sure. 4328 was not listed05:12
OzFalcongarv, PC on internal net?05:12
OzFalconmans28far, moment05:12
garvboth are onboard cards05:12
harisundxeer, not really. ubuntu just assumes most users won't need to compile anything to get a functional system, and that if someone wants a compiler, they will be able to figure out how to get it:)05:12
mu3enxeer, assuming you have some kind of internet somewhere, you can download and install the .debs manually from a usb?05:13
manouswow,what does it mean?05:13
OzFalconmans28far, Have you tried the broadcom sta drivers (Just for a shot in the dark)?05:14
OzFalconmans28far, I know it's not listed but.....05:15
garvits like the router isnt giving either of the cards IP addresses05:15
OzFalcongarv, Have you tried manualy setting ip?05:15
mans28fari'll give a try05:15
OzFalcongarv, what does ifconfig say?05:15
[R]my cd tray automatically retracts itself and i've read that it should have been fixed in 8.10, but i'm using 9.04... and no matter what i do i can't get it to work... any suggestions?05:15
garv<--super linux noob please give me a heads up on how to run ifconfig05:15
lstarnesgarv: type it into a terminal05:16
OzFalcongarv, open a terminal05:16
OzFalcongarv, it should list eth0 and eth105:16
garvyes it does05:16
OzFalcongarv, and lo05:16
garvyeah see all of that05:17
OzFalcongarv, and it says inet addr:????????????05:17
cainramHello, all05:17
garvonly relative thing i see to that, is inet6 addr:05:18
jmarsden!welcome cainram05:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about welcome cainram05:18
garvthen it just looks like a registry netry05:18
lstarnesgarv: linux has no registry05:18
DasEi!hi | cainram05:18
ubottucainram: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!05:18
OzFalcongarv, hmmmm05:18
garvwell im just trying to tell you what im seeing but thanks05:18
cainramthanks, j05:18
garvi tried to manually set it, but it wouldnt let me "apply" the settings and I couldnt figure out what i was doing wrong05:19
OzFalcongarv, you are seeing the ip6 address05:19
jmarsdengarv: Can you use pastebin to show us all what you are seeing? :)05:19
OzFalcongarv, moment......05:19
jmarsden!pastebin | garv05:19
cainramI'm having a little trouble with my Gnome desktop... any gurus?05:19
ubottugarv: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic05:19
kd8JHC!ask | cainram05:19
ubottucainram: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:19
OzFalconjmarsden, Too advanced and not needed yet05:19
DasEicainram: give us more details05:19
OzFalcongarv, hold tight05:20
garvsec I'm on my mac let me copy txt to a flash drive05:20
garvthis is a FRESH install05:20
garvis there any sort of setup im not doing05:20
garvdrivers maybe?05:20
MushroomsHowdy all, I just recently bought a wireless network card, i already checked the compatibility with ubuntu already.. just wondering what i should do about various drivers / procedure to install hardware?05:20
cainramI mounted an ISO as a volume and all was well until I rebooted. Now I've got this thing on my desktop (not an actual file in my home/desktop) that says XYZ.volume. I can't get rid of it.05:20
OzFalcongarv, no. are both nics on the mobo05:20
cainramXYZ.iso.volume, sorry05:21
[R]Mushrooms: if it works then you dont need to do anything05:21
garvjust wondering because my raid volume isnt showing up either05:21
xeerIs it possible to get intrepid 8.10 to read ext4?05:21
OzFalcongarv, one thing at a time05:21
cainramRunning a current 9.04 install05:21
Mushrooms[R] : yeah well it has got like installation instructions that came with the box... but that's for windows, not linux.. and it does say in big red letters "STOP" run the installation cd first before connecting this device05:21
Mushroomssoo, this is why i came here looking for a second opinion05:22
DasEicainram: did you try to remove the mountpoint of the farmer iso-file ?05:22
cainramno, I'm not sure what you mean...05:22
kd8JHCxeer: yes05:22
OzFalcongarv, Load system/admin/network tools.05:22
kd8JHCxeer: http://www.tuxmind.org/2009/01/06/ext4-su-ubuntu-810/05:22
kd8JHCwhoops, sorry that's not in english05:23
xeerkd8JHC:  hrm05:23
DasEicainram: you said you mounted an iso; every fs is mounted to a directory...05:23
OzFalcondoes it list ipv4 on the local (loopback)05:23
garvyes it does05:24
garv127.0.0.01 as the ip05:24
OzFalcongarv, ok.05:24
OzFalcongarv, pull the list down. do you have eth0 and eth105:24
cainramDasEi: i'm not seeing anything in /mnt or /media related to my problem, is this what you mean?05:24
kd8JHCxeer: if you have kernel 2.6.28 it should work in 8.1005:25
garvdo you still want me to paste the ifconfig results in?05:25
Mushroomssooo.. umm any comments on my problem?05:25
OzFalcongarv not yet05:25
xeerkd8JHC:  8.10 ships with 2.6.2705:25
jMyles[R]: Your last message read like a slogan.  ;-)05:25
[R]Mushrooms: thats for windows05:26
[R]Mushrooms: if it works in ubuntu... then you dont need to do anythign05:26
kd8JHCxeer: dk what to tell you then05:26
cainramHow does Gnome Keep track of my pseudo-desktop stuff? is it a text or config file somewhere that I could manually edit?05:26
OzFalcongarv, go to a terminal05:26
Mushrooms[R]: alright imma give it a shot05:26
[R]cainram: psuedo-desktop?05:26
DasEicainram: if you right-click the symbol on you disk > properties > volume , something given there ?05:26
cainramYou know, like mounted volumes and launchers...05:26
cainramHmm, one second05:26
[R]cainram: hal knows what is mounted05:26
cainramI feel like more of a noob every day...05:27
OzFalcongarv, type: cat /etc/network/interfaces05:27
cainramlocation is listed as "x-nautilus-desktop:///"05:28
cainramIt isn't acting like a mounted volume05:28
garvall in one line just like that?05:28
lstarnesgarv: yes05:28
legend2440cainram: in terminal type  mount  is there an entry like   /dev/loop0 on   then some path?05:28
cainramone sec05:28
garvsays no such file or directory05:29
DasEicainram: simply drag icon into trash ?05:29
OzFalcongarv, make sure no typos05:29
OzFalcongarv, Sure it's not there?05:30
garvsorry didnt see the space. auto lo... iface lo inet loopback05:30
garvwas what i go05:30
OzFalcongarv, good.05:30
cainramdasei: Not working, but I'm a firm believer that the obvious is often overlooked. I've tried deleting it in all of the usual ways. Sometimes I get errors, sometimes nothing but the icon persists.05:30
froduntuhowdie chanel05:30
OzFalcongarv, and entries for eth0 or eth1?05:30
zebaztiani'm having trouble with the desktop computer, i am trying to paste some files in etc udev rules.d i tried chmod 777 /etc/udev/rules.d and yet when i try to paste the files it tells me permission is denied05:31
garvno all i got was what i typed05:31
OzFalcongarv, ok05:31
OzFalcongarv, Thinking........................05:31
cainramdasei: the error I get on Delete is "The specified location is not supported"05:31
mans28fargot it05:31
OzFalconmans28far, working or just got/compiled it?05:32
OzFalconmans28far, with STA?05:32
OzFalconmans28far, Cool.05:32
cainramOk, I'm going to reboot because my whole nautilus situation is misbehaving... Thanks for the help :) I'll try back later05:33
OzFalcongarv, Gawd. What happens when you type: sudo ifup eth005:33
garvignoring unknown interface05:34
OzFalcongarv, ok. backtrack. when you type ifconfig05:35
harisundok guys here's what I want to do. When I keep pressing the enter key I want a program to run.05:35
harisundanyway I can do it?05:35
OzFalcongarv, The device associated to ip6 was what?05:35
OzFalcongarv, did you say both nics were ONBOARD?05:36
garvsorry, i was trying to enter it manually when i typed that last command05:36
garvi switched it back to auto05:36
froduntudoes anybody know a chanel about finding other chanels?05:36
garvand got ifup: interface eth0 already configured05:36
garvyes both nic's are onboard05:36
froduntulike a chanel directory chanel?05:36
froduntusorry for posting my question here05:37
harisundAnybody? Any suggestions? I want to execute a program when I keep the "Enter" key pressed for more than 10 seconds05:37
OzFalcongarv. ok. So nics are seen. ip4 is available. But not being assign to nics......05:37
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lstarnesfroduntu: /msg alis help list05:38
garveth0 was the one that had inet6 listed05:38
ice_creamhi, i'm trying to use xmacro with ubuntu 9.04 but apparently i cant?05:38
garveth1 did not05:38
lstarnesfroduntu: there is also http://searchirc.com and http://irc.netsplit.de for online listings05:38
ice_cream"xmacro is broken with ubuntu 9.04, so if your running ubuntu 9.04 dont bother trying this, the how-to is good, but the esc key (or whatever key you assign) wont work, this is a known bug"05:38
garveth0 is where its plugged in atm05:38
ice_creamwould someone like to reply to this =D05:38
OzFalcongarv, eth1 didn't have ip4 with it did it??05:39
garvit has neither listed05:39
OzFalcongarv, ok. ifdown eth005:39
OzFalcongarv, sudo ifdown eth005:39
cainramI'm back05:40
cainramthe problem persists...05:40
ice_creamand will xmacro still have issues in 9.10 alpha..?05:40
legend2440cainram: in terminal type  mount  is there an entry like   /dev/loop0 on   then some path?05:40
ice_creami'm willing to try out an alpha os if that will solve it05:41
cainramI've tried that and don't see anything standing out...05:41
cainramcan I paste that output here or is that rude?05:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!05:41
garvsays interface eth0 not configured05:41
OzFalcongarv, my /etc/network/interfaces file looks like this. http://nopaste.com/p/azSyhc3ZC05:42
OzFalcongarv, type:  sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces05:42
garvmine has line 1,2 thats it05:42
OzFalcongarv, and make some eth0 entries like mine.05:42
OzFalcongarv, once these are in your interfaces files, type: sudo ifup eth005:43
garvokay i have the changes typed out05:44
garvis there anysort of save command i need to type05:44
OzFalcongarv,save the file (cntrl-o)05:44
zebaztianwhat was the command to open up sources list? gksudo gedit /etc/sources.list ?05:45
w0jrlhello all05:45
lstarneszebaztian: /etc/apt/sources.list05:45
harisundIs there a command-line only interface to networkmanager?05:45
legend2440cainram: its not there. i would try remounting the iso with the same command you used the first time and then unmount it properly05:45
DigitalKiwiharisund: use wicd05:46
harisundDigitalKiwi, will check it out thanks :)05:46
DigitalKiwiwhich not only is better but has an ncurses interface, i don't think networkmanager does05:46
harisundDigitalKiwi, Just what i would need then05:46
DigitalKiwi<3 wicd05:47
cainramI tried that earlier... The craziest thing happens. As soon as I open the .iso with Archive Mounter all of my desktop Icons disappear and my cube deformation stops working.05:47
garvits doing a dhcpdiscover05:47
garvrunning lines of that right now05:48
ReactorHow to deinstall packages via console?05:48
OzFalcongarv, type: ifconfig again to see if you have an ip4 address.05:48
lstarnesReactor: sudo aptitude remove packagename05:48
eboyjrReactor: sudo apt-get remove --purge package_name05:48
DigitalKiwiwhich is better?05:49
eboyjrReactor: I put the --purge there so that configuration files would be deleted as well if you are not going to be reinstalling it later and want the same configuration.05:49
Reactorok thx ;)05:49
cainramI'm going to logout and back in...05:49
garvno but there's an extra eth0 line now05:49
xeernotice the domain name?? IS THIS A SECURITY FLAW??05:49
garvlet me recheck what i typed while doing the nano cmd05:49
HeimarkI don't know if it was updates or installing Sun Java, but now I get crackling noise through my speakers and headset. Anyone have any suggestions?05:50
xeershouldn't packages come from ubuntu.com and not "ubunut"?05:50
garvthe lines i added05:50
Mushroomsi plugged my wireless card in... and then booted ubuntu.. I don't think that it is working05:50
w0jrlDoes anyone know how to unmount a network directory in ubuntu netbook remix? When I was running ubuntu desktop, i was able to just right click the icon and pick unmount volume05:50
garviface eth0 inet dhcp05:50
lstarnesxeer: it may be an official mirror05:50
garvthen i gave it an ip and netmask05:50
garvand added auto eth005:50
garvat the end05:50
OzFalcongarv, it should ignore the address (because it's getting via dhcp)05:51
garvshould i delete the address and netmask lines?05:51
Mushroomsanyone available to give me some advice on my wireless network card?05:51
OzFalcongarv, no don't worry about them05:51
cainrami'm back05:51
DigitalKiwiMushrooms: get intel05:51
evonis there a program that will allow me to graphically monitor my local area network? I just want to be able to see who is connected to my network05:51
macoxeer: if you do a "whois ubunut.com" you'll see that ubunut.com IS actually owned by Canonical, the same company that backs Ubuntu05:51
macoxeer: i'd guess they bought it to protect people who make typos05:52
k1enhi, guys, in 'ifconfig', what is "Bcast", is that like the default gateway in windows?05:52
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: sorry? I don't understand what you mean05:52
cainramAgain, when i try to check the properties of this icon I get the location as 'x-nautilus-desktop:///"05:52
lstarnesxeer: ubunut.com appears to point to ubuntu.com05:52
cainramwhat does this mean?05:52
lstarnesk1en: it's the LAN broadcast address05:52
OzFalcongarv, was ip4 listed in any ethX when you ran ifconfig again?05:52
DigitalKiwiintel network cards are very well supported05:52
lstarnescainram: likely the desktop provided by nautilus05:52
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: *sigh* i only wish someone told me that the otherday when i was asking which one i should buy05:53
garvin the new eth0 lines05:53
k1enlstarnes, erm, is that the same as gateway? how do i find the gateway?05:53
cainramis this accessible like a mount point, or a file or what?05:53
legend2440cainram: open terminal and type   cd Desktop  then type     ls -al   is the icon listed?05:53
garvbut there were 2 entrys for eth005:53
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: someone re-directed me to a ubuntu page listing some hardware compatibilities05:53
garvone did not look right05:53
lstarnesk1en: no, it's different05:53
OzFalcongarv, can you ping that ip from the box your typing from ?05:53
lstarnesk1en: it is used for sending packets to every local host05:53
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: then i cross check the one with good support05:53
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: plug it in.. now don't know what to do with it05:53
lstarnesk1en: the gateway transmits packets to the outside network05:53
DigitalKiwiMushrooms: well as long as you don't have broadcom you're probably set too05:53
Mushroomsi got a netgear05:54
k1enlstarnes, i see,   thanks, so how do i find out the gateway address?05:54
lstarnesk1en: the broadcast usually ends in .255.  gateways often have .1, but it can be anything from 1 to 25405:54
garvno i cant05:54
legend2440cainram: can you see it on the Desktop?05:54
garvits a 169 ip05:54
lstarnesk1en: you will usually need to know it already or guess it05:54
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: Netgear WG311 Wireless PCI Card 802.11G (54Mbps)05:54
garvdo i need to ifdown before i edit that config?05:55
OzFalcongarv, can that machine ping anything outbound?05:55
OzFalcongarv (google etc)05:55
cainramYeah, that's the problem, I want to get it OFF of the desktop05:55
cainramI can't find it anywhere else though...05:55
w0jrlhow do I unmount a network directory in ubuntu netbook remix? If someone tryed to answer me befor, i missed it05:55
garvdo i need to ifdown before i edit that config?05:56
evonis there a program that will allow me to graphically monitor my local area network? I just want to be able to see who is connected to my network...05:56
lstarnesgarv: I don't think so05:56
DigitalKiwiMushrooms: well if you have the proper drivers then you should be able to connect via it with a network manager (wicd is a good option) if you don't you will have to find out which ones you need and install them05:56
Tanathosalguien en español05:56
OzFalcongarv, no. but you need to down then up again to make the iface reset05:56
lstarnes!es | Tanathos05:56
ubottuTanathos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:56
Tanathossoy nuevo en los IRC05:57
xmntevon, netstat05:57
maco!es | Tanathos05:57
ubottuTanathos: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:57
k1enlstarnes, the reason i'm asking is that i have 2 machines, in one of them the gateway changed suddenly to in the other machine for some reason i cannot see anything in "network connection" (althpough i am connected to the internet)05:57
k1enso i want to check05:57
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: how do i check if i got the drivers? and that computer can not go on the internet at the moment.. any chance i can get it installed without a internet connection (via cd)05:57
macoTanathos: a, lo siento05:57
TanathosPor q???05:57
harisundWhen I minimize a window, why do I see a bunch of black rectangles? (some kind of animation) How do I turn that off?05:58
lstarnesk1en: what machine are you using as the gateway?05:58
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: i don't think it can connect at all, when i click on network manager it doesn't show a wireless connection05:58
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: only wired05:58
macoTanathos: lstarnes y yo dice !es. solo lstarnes necesita.05:58
macoTanathos: uhh...yo no hablo mucho español. /join #ubuntu-es para español05:58
DigitalKiwidoes it have an ethernet port?05:58
* maco gives up05:58
k1enlstarnes, these two machines are on 2 separtae networks, they are not connected, but both have started to be slugish lately05:58
k1enlstarnes, so i figure its the same reason (gateway becoming
garvits like my router isnt seeing this computer05:59
DigitalKiwiif so you can use that to install the drivers (as it sounds like you don't have them) or you could download them on another pc and transfer via usb, the install cd might have them, i dunno05:59
garvim gonna reboot the router... brb05:59
OzFalcongarv, ok lets try manual config.06:00
evonxmnt: thanks but that shows me a whole bunch of other things I don't understatn. I just want to see who is connected to my wireless connection at home.06:00
garvokay.. want me to reboot the router first?06:00
OzFalcongarv, visit here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html06:00
lstarnesk1en: iy may be something else06:00
lstarnesk1en: do they use DHCP for configuration?06:00
OzFalcongarv,  no. If your mac? is working so should your other boxes.06:00
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: is there a way to issue a command to my ubuntu and ask for it to scan for new hardware?06:00
garvi run dd-wrt on my router you think that would make a difference?06:00
k1enlstarnes, yes06:01
xmntevon, use your wireless router - usually it will be at the address,,
garvyeah thats what i figured06:01
evonxmnt: i understand what you mean06:01
lstarnesk1en: then they should find the gateways automatically when they attempt dhcp setup06:01
DigitalKiwiMushrooms: i don't know06:01
harisundHow do I install acrobat reader and corresponding Mozilla plugin?06:01
OzFalcongarv, visit that site and follow the "Configuring Static IP address for your network card" section06:02
harisundI want to see PDFs in my browser. Can I do that in Linux?06:02
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: oh lol :(06:02
garvyeah reading it now06:02
garvi dont need to setup dns?06:02
DigitalKiwiMushrooms: someone else might know...I'm not that familiar with ubuntu or gnome06:02
DigitalKiwior dpkg for that matter06:02
k1enlstarnes, you know that icon for networking, when i click edit configuration - there is nothing there. what do you call that ? i want to google the problem , but not sure aboput the key words06:02
lstarnesk1en: nm-applet06:02
lstarnesk1en: it's part of NetworkManager06:03
k1enlstarnes, great thanks06:03
hanasakiwhat is a good program for downlaod and management of podcasts?06:03
gOLDfeeshis there an FTP service that allows you to create accounts that aren't "system accounts?"06:03
MushroomsDigitalKiwi: lol.. ok06:03
lstarnesk1en: I usually try to avoid using it06:03
gOLDfeeshperhaps accounts stored in a conf file or XML?06:03
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd06:03
OzFalcongarv, no06:03
MushroomsCan someone please help me with my wireless network card installation i have a Netgear WG311 Wireless PCI Card 802.11G (54Mbps) plugged in06:03
hanasakiMushrooms:  whtas the issue06:03
DigitalKiwihanasaki: gtkpod i believe can manage them, not sure what to use to download them, never used those06:03
hanasakiDigitalKiwi:  what do you download with?06:04
DigitalKiwimaybe amarok06:04
Mushroomshanasaki: i bought a new Netgear WG311 Wireless PCI Card 802.11G (54Mbps) today, because i dropped by the other day asking for advice on which one to buy06:04
DigitalKiwii don't download podcasts06:04
OzFalcongarv, You DNS (Domain Name Server) is allocated to your net interface by the DHCP06:04
gOLDfeeshif you're on KDE use amarok if gnome exaile...06:04
zebaztianwhere can i increase or decrease the size of the icons on the desktop?06:04
Mushroomshanasaki: i was told that i should check a compatibility with a ubuntu website, and then pick one that works from that list if i wanted it to plug and play06:04
k1enlstarnes, so what do you use ?06:04
xmntgOLDfeesh, ftp is insecure and not at all a good way of sending or accepting files - sftp or a version control system is what you should be looking at06:04
zebaztianicon size06:05
crdlbhanasaki: gpodder isn't bad06:05
lstarnesk1en: I usually just let dhcp's dhclient handle it06:05
OzFalcongarv, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart06:05
hanasakigOLDfeesh: gnome.. thanks06:05
OzFalcongarv, Might be helpful06:05
gOLDfeeshxmnt,  well.. I'm just looking for a services to stream movies to my wii really.06:05
OzFalcongpodder is great06:05
gOLDfeeshgarv, try sudo service networking restart06:05
Mushroomshanasaki: so now i bought it, plugged it in, and... lol it doesn't seem to be registering with my ubuntu... so i dropped by to get some advice06:05
gOLDfeeshor what OzFalcon  said06:05
garvjust tried it06:06
garvwaiting for dhcp discover to end06:06
garvfingers crossed06:06
xmntgOLDfeesh, vlc has excellent streaming - however I'm not to sure if wii will work w/ that06:06
Mushroomshanasaki: it said very clearly on the box to put the installation CD in before installing the hardware. but i am guessing that's for windows, not linux06:06
gOLDfeeshxmnt,  I was never able to get the streaming to work on VLC06:07
hanasakiMushrooms: lspci -vvv and look for it06:07
garvsame outcome after restarting the server06:07
garvgoing to manually config06:07
Mushroomshanasaki: so now it's like... help... TT^TT please?06:07
OzFalcongarv, ok check your dns server is same as on your mac and type that in.06:07
Mushroomshanasaki: ok, hang on i need to run to the other computer since it's not connected to the net06:07
hanasakiMushrooms:  use the "man" command and check it out06:08
hanasakiman lspci06:08
hardanHello any arbian06:09
cainramso, I've got this Icon on my desktop left over from a previously mounted .ISO and I can't get rid of it.06:09
cainramI've tried just about everything.06:09
cainramI've even gone into nautilus and found "x-nautilus-desktop:///" but I can't delete it from here either.06:10
legend2440cainram: is there an  x-nautilus-desktop:///  entry in  Places?06:10
garvwhat should i put in for the "network" and "broadcast" items06:11
cainramlegend2440: uh, yeah, there is06:11
garvor just leave them blank?06:11
cainramI can't access it, though06:11
OzFalcongarv, hold on06:11
cainram"the specified location is not supported"06:11
legend2440cainram: oh ok nevermind you just said you cant delete it.06:11
MrSchmoanyone know how to fix random freeze/slowdown on video player backs. i installed ff3.5 and browser became slow too06:13
=== egaudet is now known as egaudet_zzz
ice_creamis the record extension completely broken in xserver-xorg in jaunty?06:14
OzFalcongarv, what was last question?06:14
OzFalcongarv, Whats happening?06:15
garvnothing at the moment06:16
garvand broadcasting06:16
garvdo i need values06:16
garvfor those items or just not enter them?06:16
cainramwhat is the cli command for deleting a file? I could try that because I know the path to the file06:16
OzFalcongarv, ok06:16
cainramit's worth a shot06:16
OzFalcongarv, yes06:16
lstarnescainram: rm06:16
cainramrm /path - thats it?06:17
lstarnescainram: rm file06:17
wally1337hi hi.. just wondering.. I had an Xubuntu system running great with a 14 inch lcd monitor.. I plugged it into a viera tv and no X comes up.. just a black screen after the boot screen06:17
OzFalcongarv, just set broadcast to your local net eg. 192.168.25506:17
cainramso rm x-nautilus-desktop:///filename.iso.volume - that's it?06:18
lstarnescainram: that won't work06:18
lstarnescainram: you need an absolute filesystem path, not a url/uri like that06:18
OzFalcongarv, and set networking to your local network. ie
OzFalcongarv, just set broadcast to your local net eg.
cainramthat's the only place I've been able to find the 'file'06:18
OzFalcongarv, one more thing06:19
wally1337so is there any way I can set my resolution other than editing my xorg.conf file?06:19
OzFalcongarv, the dns resolve.06:19
mattwj2002hi guys06:19
mattwj2002I could use some help06:19
OzFalcongarv, edit /etc/resolve.conf06:19
mattwj2002I am trying to get my tv tuner working06:20
mattwj2002it is a wintv-hvr-85006:20
mattwj2002hdtv works but not analog06:20
OzFalcongarv, and add entry "nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx"06:20
MushroomsD: hanasaki disappeared >.<06:20
mattwj2002anyone know where I can get ppa packages for v4l-dvb?06:20
garv man06:21
OzFalcongarv, xx.xx.xx.xx being either your router or your ISP DNS server.06:21
cainramI'm prepared to create another Administrative user, delete my old one and then create another with the old username... that should do it, right?06:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about v4l-dvb06:21
lstarnescainram: has restarting done anything?06:21
cainramI've restarted several times over the last hour.06:21
cainramI should also mention that trying to remount said ISO goofs up my compiz.06:22
cainramother isos mount and unmount without incident06:22
owner_Hello got a big problem.06:23
owner_My cups is broken06:23
owner_localhost:631 finds nothing06:23
OzFalcongarv, this is probable more helpfill that the other links i gave you https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/tcpip.html#tcpip-configuration06:23
cainramtry  a bowl06:23
cainramJust kidding, sorry...06:23
owner_I tried reinstalling it.06:23
owner_Synaptic says it's there.06:23
owner_Tried to install the hplp-3.9.8.run HP driver06:24
owner_it says cups isn't installed06:24
owner_what do I do?06:24
shroomsso... now that hanasaki isn't here anymore, is there someone else that can help me with my wireless network card installation?06:24
cainramshrooms, what is the problem06:25
owner_#ubuntu-support maybe I can find someone there who can help me.06:25
garvim not understanding the network and broadcast values.. im sorry06:25
shroomscainram: i bought a wireless network card today, based on the recommendation of other people here to check out compatible wireless network cards in a ubuntu website06:26
aleron6can anybody help me movie player is muted06:26
aleron6i need help06:26
aleron6it mutes everything i try to watch06:26
owner_It says I'm banned from ubuntu-support :(06:26
owner_I need to print my documents so I can apply for a job.06:26
shroomscainram: i got one of those netgear WG311 ones06:26
owner_can someone help me with cups please?06:26
garvnetwork would be my routers ip?06:26
cainramowner: try a different username...06:26
lstarnesowner_: have you installed cups?06:26
shroomscainram: so now i plug it in, and boot up ubuntu... and i don't know what to do from here06:26
garvand broadcast would be my ip?06:26
lstarnesgarv: the network ends in .006:26
owner_synaptic and apt-get say it's installed06:27
cainramshrooms: is this a usb or pci device06:27
owner_but it's not running06:27
garvand broadcast?06:27
shroomscainram: i did a lspci -vvv and it shows it in that list06:27
owner_it can't be contacted at localhost:63106:27
lstarnesowner_: this may be useful:"06:27
lstarnes!cups | owner_06:27
ubottuowner_: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:27
lstarnesgarv: ends in .25506:27
shroomscainram: pci06:27
cainramshrooms: have you ever used ndiswrapper?06:27
lstarnesgarv: it depends on what your router is and what your netmask is06:27
shroomscainram: not yet06:27
owner_My cups isn't running06:28
garvokay i got it06:28
owner_and it says it's fully installed06:28
owner_I've been to lots of sites06:28
garvi didnt realize he was telling me at first06:28
xeerI have gcc 4.3 installed. g++ wont install though complaining about gcc not being installed! what should I do??06:28
lstarnesowner_: try sudo invoke-rc.d cupsys restart06:28
subodh_how do i install a webcam in ubuntu???can anyone point me to a documentation?06:28
cainramI suggest you look into it. If you can find the windows driver for your hardware then you can use it under linux with this utility06:28
[R]subodh_: you just plug it in06:29
cainramit is a little confusing at first but if you stick with it you should have some luck06:29
shroomscainram: i just did a quick man for it... i can't find it..06:29
owner_invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/cupsys not found06:29
subodh_[R]: what apps lets you view the video??06:29
[R]subodh_: i've used cheese06:29
cainramshrooms: look in the add/remove programs utility for Ubuntu06:29
cainramit's in the repository06:30
lstarnesowner_: is cupsys installed?06:30
owner_just installed it06:30
xeerI have gcc 4.3 installed. g++ wont install though complaining about gcc not being installed!06:30
owner_sudo apt-get install cupsys06:30
owner_it still spits out the same error06:30
subodh_[R]: thanks06:30
owner_invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/cupsys not found.06:30
xmntowner_, updatedb   ... locate cupsys06:30
lstarnesowner_: what about cups?06:31
lstarnesowner_: the initscript may have changed between my version and yours06:31
garvthe dns thing doesnt work06:31
owner_I know it's installed but I'll run apt-get06:31
harisundCan I view PDfs in my browser?06:31
harisundAcrobat plugin for mozilla available on Ubuntu?06:31
shroomsmaybe i should just go back to windows ~.~06:31
OzFalcongarv, I was just out a sec. broadcast is just your local net work with 255 on the end.06:31
owner_cups is already the newest version.06:31
cainramshrooms: whats up?06:31
shroomscainram: the other computer doesn't have an internet connection either.. so.. i am at a loss too i can get it off the repository on this computer, but i don't want to install it here, i want to install it there XD06:32
xeershrooms:  go back to your windows. people that use linux have an understanding of drivers and how hardware to software works.06:32
garvokay i think i seriously messed something up06:32
shroomsxeer: well that's nice, and you're not helping newbies either. no need to put them down for this06:33
mattwj2002shrooms what are you trying to do?06:33
garvis there anyway to go back to default?06:33
garvor reset this somehow?06:33
shroomsxeer: people come here to get help, not to get dissed by people like you06:33
cainramshrooms: i"m not sure what xeer means but I think he/she's being a little rude... I want to help you work this out, i've been in stickier situations.06:33
aleron6does anybody here have the same problems i do06:34
owner_* Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                                 cupsd: Child exited with status 1!06:34
zebaztiannobody helping me over at kubuntu, i installed kubuntu desktop then i had to reboot, when i reboot, kwin crashed06:34
garvi did ficonfig06:34
OzFalcongarv, ok where are you at? can you ping that manual ip you set from the mac?06:34
aleron6with the movie player06:34
garvand under eth006:34
garvi have06:34
zebaztianthen when i rebooted kwin crashed and metacity took over and it rendered it impossible to do anything06:34
owner_I don't know why it's failing to start.06:34
OzFalcongarv, and you CAN ping it?06:34
zebaztiani don't know if i missed something after sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:34
owner_does anyone know why cups would fail to start?06:34
zebaztianalso for some reason i can't enable desktop effects06:34
garvi didnt do the dns thing06:35
owner_I'm using a proxy but would that have to do with localhost:631 ? or my virtual box networking device?06:35
cainramshrooms: so let me get this straight, you can't get a connection on the computer that you are installing the wireless NIC into?06:35
garvwhere do i start with that06:35
albnI am trying to install components for winetricks, but it says packages do not exist. What am I doing wrong?06:35
Tanathosinstall compiz from repocitorios06:35
mattwj2002aleron6 what is the problem with the movie player?06:35
albnor with winetricks rather06:35
aleron6its muted06:35
OzFalcongarv, you should be able to ping it without the DNS operational. We NEED to be sure ip4 is working 1st06:35
shroomscainram: yes that's correct i used to have a phone socket right next to this computer, but it broke, so the router has been moved to the other side of the house, and ethernet cable will not reach06:36
OzFalcongarv, you know how to ping from your mac?06:36
xmntshrooms, move the computer06:36
=== Sam0t is now known as Samot
garvit said no route to host06:36
garvhost is down06:36
shroomsxmnt: i was hoping you wouldn't say that06:37
Tanathoszebaztian: install compiz from repocitorios06:37
cainramshrooms: ok, you have two options, hear me out06:37
shroomscainram: i'm all ears06:37
mattwj2002aleron have you tried turning up the volume on the program?  if that doesn't work have you tried turning up the volume (or unmuting it on the mixer)06:37
xmntshrooms, i hate doing it too ... i have a computer and the wireless card never works on a fresh install ... it's a pain - but it's the fastest way06:37
OzFalcongarv, ok. are these machines all connected via a common hub?06:37
cainramshrooms: the first is obvious... physically move the computer to a place where you can get a wired connection.06:38
garvthey goto a hub, then to a router06:38
shroomscainram: yep06:38
garvi see a mistake a made06:38
garvgive me a min06:38
cainramshrooms: the other involves aptoncd, ever heard of it?06:38
shroomscainram: getting it off a CD06:38
OzFalcongarv, any errors on the "NETWORK" entry or "ADDRESS" entry may cause that.06:38
owner_Well I posted in the cups room. Don't know if they will get back to me.06:39
garvwhats the difference between the "vi" and "nano" cmd?06:39
OzFalcongarv, what does ifconfig on your mac say? ie what is the ip4 address?06:40
lstarnesgarv: they're different programs06:40
OzFalcongarv, nano is easier.06:40
cainramshrooms: yeah, install NDISWrapper on another ubuntu computer and then use aptoncd (also in the repository) to backup all of the computer's packages. You then burn a cd and put it in the non-connected computer and use synaptec to intsall ndiswrapper06:40
cainramI've done exactly this procedure for exactly this reason06:40
cainramand it worked like a charm06:40
garv ifconfig06:40
garvlo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1638406:40
garvinet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x106:40
garvinet netmask 0xff00000006:40
garvinet6 ::1 prefixlen 12806:40
garvinet6 fd65:edae:352e:907:217:f2ff:fe99:1982 prefixlen 12806:40
garvgif0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> mtu 128006:40
garvstf0: flags=0<> mtu 128006:41
garven1: flags=8863<UP,BROADCAST,SMART,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 150006:41
Shamouncan gparted resize ext3 / ext4 partitions?06:41
garvether 00:17:f2:99:19:8206:41
garvmedia: autoselect (<unknown type>) status: inactive06:41
garvsupported media: autoselect06:41
shroomscainram: i see, fantastic06:41
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic06:41
Flannelgarv: Please use the pastebin in the future06:41
garvfw0: flags=8863<UP,BROADCAST,SMART,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 203006:41
garvlladdr 00:17:f2:ff:fe:70:be:6406:41
garvmedia: autoselect <full-duplex> status: inactive06:41
garvsupported media: autoselect <full-duplex>06:41
lstarnesgarv: stop06:41
cainramShrooms: is this something you can tackle without more help?06:41
lstarnesgarv: please remember to use a pastebin06:41
=== prince_j2mmys is now known as prince_jammys
=== c is now known as charitwo
cainramlstarnes: thank you!06:41
shroomscainram: i am looking into it now06:42
shroomscainram: thanks for you help I'm going to try that out now.06:43
mattwj2002shrooms word of advice06:43
wally1337yo how do i set the resolution for gnome from the cli?06:43
shroomsand xeer: who ever you are, i hope one day, you'll come across something you don't know, and someone else will come across and just put you down. it will be good fun to eat your own medicine06:43
owner_do you guys know who I could chat with that would know how to fix my cups problem.06:43
shroomsmattwj2002: yea? i'm listening06:44
mattwj2002with linux I recommend having a nice 50 foot ethernet cable around the house06:44
cainramshrooms, you'll have to use Add/Remove to add the CD as a software source. Once you've done that you can use synaptec to install packages from said cd. Just look in the bottom left corner and click the06:44
cainram"origin" button06:44
cainramthe CD will appear there06:44
shroomsmattwj2002: lol i should go get one made yea XD06:44
Celrocowner_: May want to post your question here again, maybe someone who came in recently will know :-)06:44
shroomscainram: yes i know how to add a CD as a repository so that part should be ok06:44
legend2440owner_: have you tried channel  ##cups06:44
owner_no one has responded yet.06:45
cainramcool, you shouldn't have any problems06:45
zebaztianfor some reason i can't use desktop effects06:45
owner_Ok I'll restate my problem.06:45
shroomscainram yea :D thanks again for your help!06:45
zebaztiani tried to enable them and it said they cannot be enabled06:45
xmntowner_, something tells me cups isn't a very active channel06:45
cainramShrooms: any other questions contact me at davidramseycain at gmail.com06:45
owner_Hello I'm running Ubuntu 9.04. I need to print stuff to apply for a job. My CUPS is busted. It won't start. I reinstalled it and did everything. cupsys is installed. Synaptic and apt-get say it's there but when I try to install hplip-3.9.8 it tells me CUPS is not installed. Also localhost:631 gives me nothing. CUPS is dead. When I try to start it I get a exit status 1 fail.06:45
cainramShrooms: good luck!06:45
owner_sudo invoke-rc.d cupsys restart  ... invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/cupsys not found.06:45
shroomscainram: sweet thanks again!06:45
cainramno prob06:45
cainrampeace out06:45
Celroczebaztian: Pardon me, but we might need a bit more information. Are you using Compiz?06:46
zebaztianCelroc, how do i check?06:46
CelrocPardon me, all, but does it seem like CUPS isn't installed for some reason on owner_'s computer?06:46
owner_lol :)06:47
mattwj2002man I wish I was good with cups06:47
mattwj2002I have a HP printer those are easy06:47
Celroczebaztian: Umm.... not sure. I'm not real good with Linux myself, yet.... sorry. Anyone know how to check?06:47
owner_Mine is an HP Deskjet F4280 All in one06:48
nix-idiotequemattwj2002: the trick is putting them to your lip before you tilt it06:48
mattwj2002you have hp?06:48
owner_the hplip-3.9.8.run package tried to install cups06:48
owner_and other packages06:48
owner_I think I made the mistake of running it as root once06:48
Celroczebaztian: Although, if you didn't install it, you probably don't have it... I don't think it's a default package06:48
owner_and I'm not sure where it stuck all it's stuff06:48
owner_it told me running it as root would be a bad idea06:48
owner_so I didn't06:49
mattwj2002do you have hp-setup ?06:49
owner_but I can't help but think it stuck something somewhere as root06:49
owner_never heard of it but I'll install it06:49
zebaztianhow can i check if i have compiz?06:49
mattwj2002open up a console06:49
musicfellaand type in compiz =D06:50
legend2440owner_: there is no /etc/init.d/cupsys file its   /etc/init.d/cups i think  did you browse to  /etc/init.d to check for the file?06:50
mattwj2002and see if you have a program called hp-setup06:50
owner_I ran that tool06:51
mattwj2002and it didn't work?06:51
owner_it gave me this: Usage: /etc/init.d/cups {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status}06:51
owner_So then I typed ./cups restart06:51
owner_and it went nuts06:51
owner_so I typed ./cups start06:52
cainramxeer: you still there?06:52
mattwj2002just for fun06:52
owner_I got the same error: * Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                                 cupsd: Child exited on signal 15!06:52
mattwj2002not sure if this will work but it is a guess06:52
mattwj2002try sudo apt-get install cups06:52
wally1337fuck you cunts are useless06:52
owner_that's a difrent error. before it was signal 106:52
=== Reactor_ is now known as Reactor
cainramwally1337: way to accept the COC...06:53
lstarnesowner_: If I remember correctly, signal 15 is a segmentation fault06:53
owner_cups is already the newest version.06:53
owner_as apt quotes it06:53
cainramwally1337: clever leet name, by the way.06:53
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:53
Flannelwally1337: Please watch your language.06:53
legend2440qwner what does   /etc/init.d/cups status   say?06:53
owner_is ubottu a bot?06:53
owner_I keep getting those links from him06:54
xmntno, midget06:54
mattwj2002owner_ have you tried this page?06:54
ZachK18what up06:54
mattwj2002yeah he is I brought him up06:54
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.06:54
xmntmidgets shouldn't drink beer06:54
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.06:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:55
xmntFlannel, no-one's asking ?'s ... flooding the channel w/ offtopic is not only annoying it's pointless06:55
ZachK18hi ulises06:55
Flannelxmnt: You're right, which is why people shouldn't be offtopic at all.06:55
Uliseshi ZachK1806:56
owner_I'll take a look06:56
xmntFlannel, that makes no sense at all06:56
cainramso wally just sent me a friendly message letting me know that I'm a faggot jew. That's real nice. At least I got to help one person with their computing problem before I had to log of to avoid being abused.06:56
ZachK18exactly...if you're not on topic, don't join the channel06:56
mattwj2002okay sounds good06:56
UlisesI've got a problem with my Ubuntu06:56
mattwj2002sorry I wish I was more help :)06:56
ZachK18ok ulises06:56
UlisesIt's not working, doesn't start up06:56
mattwj2002that page at least gives a few ideas06:56
Flannelcainram: #ubuntu-ops is the place you should go in the future if you're having problems with users.06:56
Ulisesstops at the banner UBUNTU06:56
owner_E [14/Sep/2009:22:04:03 -0700] "/etc/cups/ssl/server.crt" is a bad symlink - No such file or directory06:57
ZachK18hmmm Ulises private chat me06:57
cainramflannel: thanks for the advice but I don't have a problem. Wally does.06:57
Flannelcainram: Right, you should let the operators know in that channel, not this channel.06:57
lstarnesowner_: you may need to generate ssl certificates for it06:57
cainramwill do06:58
cainramI'm having problems with an Icon on my gnome desktop that i can't seem to get rid of.07:01
cainramanyone know about x-nautilus-desktop:///07:02
lstarnescainram: see if anything appears from ls ~/Desktop07:02
Painkilla05hi walter07:03
cainramlstarnes: no joy07:03
soreaucainram: What icon?07:03
lstarnescainram: try ls -lA ~/Desktop07:03
shroomcainram: lol physically moving the computer works07:04
verb3kI have a question:  I am on Windows XP and VirtualBox, and I have an ext3 partition. Can I make my ubuntu "guest" see this ext3 partition? thanks in advance07:04
Painkilla05hi wsmith07:04
cainrami mounted an ISO as a volume. Now i have this icon that is called XYZ.iso.volume07:04
cainramshroom: COOL, much easier!07:04
cainramshroom, sometimes aptoncd is a godsend, sometimes it is a nightmare... Much like Linux!07:05
legend2440cainram: browse to /home/yourusername/.nautilus/metafiles  is there an xml file there called   x-nautilus-desktop:%2F%2F%2F.xml  or something similar?  if so open it and see if that iso icon is listed in there07:05
shroomcainram: now just gotta get the ndsiwrapper thing, i googled for a solution it directed me to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Netgear_WG311_v3 i guess that's pretty close07:05
owner_I don't need ssl certificates lstarnes it's just not working.07:05
cainramshroom: don't get lost...07:05
lstarnesowner_: the error message that you posted earlier referrs to a missing ssl cert07:06
shroomcainram: lol i agree, when you get it working, it's a super well oiled machine07:06
lstarnesowner_: you may be able to configure cups to not use ssl07:06
cainramshroom: all you need is NDISwrapper and the windows device driver...07:06
cainramcheck the ndiswrapper documentation for details07:06
shroomcainram: yup i'm installing ndsiwrapper now07:07
Ulises1HJi all07:07
Ulises1I need some help with ubuntu07:07
Ulises1some technical help07:07
chalcedonyUlises1, it works best to say the problem07:07
soreau! ask | Ulises107:07
ubottuUlises1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:07
Ulises1the ubuntu doesn't start up07:08
nix-idiotequeEX. Do I look fat in these pants?07:08
xmntUlises1, did you hit the power button?07:08
chalcedonyUlises1, what have you done so far, what screens do you see?07:08
nix-idiotequerepeat if necessary, it does get busy here07:08
cainramlegend2440: AhA! this is the kind of thing i was looking for! let me take a look!07:08
nix-idiotequeUlises1: install it...07:08
Ulises1The slogan UBUNTU07:08
Ulises1that's what i see07:09
* Painkilla05 pokes wsmith 07:09
Ulises1it stops at the process of startig up07:09
soreauUlises1: What are the specs of the computer you're trying to run Ubuntu on?07:10
owner_lstarnes how would I configure cups to work without ssl?07:10
lstarnesowner_: I honestly don't know, sorry07:10
owner_:) thanks07:10
poetwhere do I get '/swrast_dri.so' from?07:10
xmntUlises1, right when it starts the ubuntu screen hit alt+f2 ... this will let you see what's starting up and also the error messages that are normally hidden07:10
Ulises1is a HP 53007:11
Ulises1a notebook07:11
poetA program I have is looking for /usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so: and cant find it07:11
Ulises1yes the problen is located in init07:11
soreaupoet: What are you trying to do?07:11
lstarnesowner_: it's probably somewhere in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf07:11
Ulises1and there is a kernel panic07:11
poetsoreau: use Xvfb07:11
cainramlegend2440: Ok, it wasn't in the "desktop" xml but there is an xml file named for the folder from which I mounted the iso - if that makes sense... Should I delete this xml or edit it or what?07:11
owner_I'll look there07:11
Ulises1this is very difficult to explain this way07:11
soreaupoet: What does 'glxinfo|grep renderer' say?07:11
poetsoreau: glxinfo is not installed07:12
mike_-hello, i'm looking for some installation help, if anyone is available07:12
cainramlegend2440: will it hurt to delete these xml files?07:12
soreaupoet: Install mesa-utils07:13
ujuntuHow do I find out which Glib version is installed on Ubuntu 8.04?07:13
tasslehoffI want to setup a network with WPA-PSK and TKIP encryption. Can't this be done from the network manager? Can't find any choices for it.07:13
legend2440cainram: ok lets try this.  open terminal and type  sudo updatedb  then when that finishes  type   locate <iconname>.volume or whatever it is and see if   locate can find the actual icon07:13
owner_/etc/cups/cupsd.conf says nothing about ssl only that it uses localhost:63107:13
poetsoerau: here is what I get when I try to run glxinfo when Xvfb is bound to the display07:14
poetsoerau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/271346/07:14
brijithI  am trying to translate my python + gtk application .. I done everything as per http://www.learningpython.com/2006/12/03/translating-your-pythonpygtk-application/07:14
cainramlegend, ok07:14
cainramlegend, running07:15
soreauUlises1: In here please.07:15
brijith I  am trying to translate my python + gtk application .. I done everything as per http://www.learningpython.com/2006/12/03/translating-your-pythonpygtk-application/ But the translation in the glade file is not working. The messages that I set through the python code is getting translated07:16
brijithPlease help meee07:16
KeifferHi. I have multiple user on my little poor Ubuntu and I want to do something to resume the downloads of Transmission, when users log in and out07:16
soreauUlises1: You need to install mesa-utils and run 'glxinfo|grep renderer'07:16
ujuntuHow do I find out what glibc version I have installed?07:17
clarkkent12880ok i'm a relative n00b to ubuntu and linux in general but the 10keys that are on the right side of a standard keyboard is supposed to work like in plain old windows right? I hit num lock and i can type away to my hearts content entering numbers + - / * or . well my plain jane usb keyboard doesn't do that...07:17
clarkkent12880any ideas?07:17
cainramlegend2440: what should I expect in the way of output?07:17
soreauUlises: You need to install mesa-utils and run 'glxinfo|grep renderer'07:17
cainramI'm not getting anything usefull07:17
cainramshroom: how's it goin?07:18
soreau! pm | Ulises07:18
ubottuUlises: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:18
shroomcainram: i am reading on how to use the ndiswrapper now07:18
shroomcainram: from google and other places.. needs an .inf file i think07:18
cainramshroom: cool, keep on truckin07:18
legend2440cainram: nothing with sudo updatedb that just  updates the database that locate uses  but hopefully   locate <iconname>.volume   wil give path to the icon07:18
mike_-i am having a problem with my monitor and ubuntu communicating in order to install, i get the "cannot display this video mode optimum resolution 1280x1024 60Hz"07:18
mike_-liveCD in safe graphics mode works, with 800x600 resolution only07:19
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Keifferclarkkent12880, maybe you set another keyboard layout?07:19
poetis there a package with Xorg gl drivers?07:19
cainramyeah, you are looking for an INI file, I've had situations where I've had to use Windows or Wine to extract the drivers to the point where I could direct NDISWrapper to an INI file, keep on keepin' on!!!07:19
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clarkkent12880i just went to 105 character layout and it works now07:20
clarkkent12880i'm so smart sometimes :D07:20
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cainramlegend2440, no joy in mudville.07:21
* clarkkent12880 is feeling smart07:21
Keifferhow do i do this in transmission: Huh? I want when user X is downloading littlekitty.avi and logs out and the user Y logs in, littlekitty.avi is resumed07:21
cainramLegend2440: let's get back to those xml files. Can I just delete those with reckless abandon? I have a gut feeling that the problem is there somewhere...07:21
poetanyone have any idea where /usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so comes from?07:22
mathijsHi all, I have some packages I make some changes to and rebuild them to .debs. I keep the .deb files in a directory and put a deb file: line in my sources.list. Now, I would like apt to prefer my packages over the default ones (/apt/preferences) but how can I do this? Do I need to set a Origin: line in control? or is there a better way?07:22
legend2440cainram: it is safe to delete that file. it will be recreated next time you reboot. not sure if it will help though. or you could rename it by puttinng  .bak to the end of it07:22
cainramlegend2440: ah, good idea. I'll try.07:22
* clarkkent12880 thinks they should write a book called "Linux for the windows refugee"07:23
shroomcainram: ok i think i am ready. i just browsed the cd though.. i can only find one .inf file... i wonder if that would be the one i choose07:24
cainramwhat is the path...07:24
SharpRainLol hi07:24
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bodhi, what is the name of the live usb creator program? e.g. what would I type to run it from a terminal07:24
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Ulisessoreau, I guess this has nothing to do with the NVIDIA driver, and that the proposal is hasty07:25
shroomcainram: yeah that's the thing, the path looks too dodgy for me. it's called autorun.inf07:25
dab_Can anyone help me getting tmsnc up and running? /q07:25
shroomin the top directory within the cd07:25
soreauUlises: Let's start over. What's the problem?07:25
shroomcainram: there's a /bin/driver folder but it has no .inf nor .sys file07:25
cainramshroom: are you using a cd for the driver or what?07:26
shroomcainram: has an .exe + a .tbl07:26
Ulises(06:15:06) Ulises: (05:59:58) Ulises: I've an HP530 with Hardy Heron Ubuntu installed on it07:26
Ulises(06:15:06) Ulises: (06:00:19) Ulises: I've been using ir since december 2008 without problems07:26
Ulises(06:15:06) Ulises: (06:00:42) Ulises: recently i tryed to install a video editor07:26
Ulises(06:15:06) Ulises: (06:01:19) Ulises: and it started showing problems on starting up07:26
Ulises(06:15:06) Ulises: (06:01:29) Ulises: ...07:26
Ulises(06:15:06) Ulises: (06:01:57) Ulises: The system used to ask me for a fsck07:26
Ulises(06:15:06) Ulises: (06:02:12) Ulises: but a manual fsck an I jumped it a lot of times07:26
Ulises(06:15:06) Ulises: (06:02:27) Ulises: till it become forced07:26
shroomcainram: cd that came with the box07:26
Ulises(06:15:06) Ulises: (06:02:30) Ulises: so I did it and07:26
Ulises(06:15:06) Ulises: (06:02:42) Ulises: after that couldn't star up normally07:26
Flanneleviljussi01: /at Ulises 107:26
FlannelUlises: Please don't paste like that in the future.  That entire thing could be one single line.07:26
xeerI'm trying to install build-essential 11.4 but it depends on g++. even though I have gcc installed g++ keeps saying it depends on gcc. 'gcc -v' returns 4.3.207:27
cainramshroom: ok, the .exe may or may not be a self extracting archive. these can be opened with ubuntu. Try right clicking on the .exe and opening it with the archive manager...07:27
shroomcainram: alright, i'm trying to view the contents now with an archive manager07:28
Sunny007Morning Guz and Girlz and Otherz :)07:28
cainramshroom: i'm dealing with my own mess... I'll log back in and check on you in a few minutes, ok?07:28
Bodsdafound it, for anyone who is interested, the program name is 'usb-creator'07:28
cainramI need a reboot...07:29
shroomcainram: ok07:29
shroomcainram: no problem07:29
cainramshroom: hang in there07:29
iceblockello everyone, how ya all been07:29
Ulisesso it showed an error07:30
Uliseswhen I try to start at "recovery mode"07:30
poetany idea why apt-get isn't finding the package 'dbus-python' ?07:30
Ulisessorry for the pasting at the channel07:30
UlisesFlannel, got it07:31
Bodsda!info dbus-python07:32
ubottuPackage dbus-python does not exist in jaunty07:32
Bodsdapoet: ^^07:32
poetyeah looks like its python-dbus07:32
Bodsda!info python-dbus07:32
ubottupython-dbus (source: dbus-python): simple interprocess messaging system (Python interface). In component main, is optional. Version 0.83.0-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 219 kB, installed size 684 kB07:32
Bodsdapoet: yep07:32
poetmy bad07:32
mintuxlast night when I got ls /dev/video* I had /dev/video0 /dev/video1 but now I have just /dev/video1 and my webcam doesn't work . I got lsusb and I see mywebcam there 041e:4012 Creative Technology, Ltd PC-CAM350  so what can I do and why does it happen ?07:32
Bodsdano worries :)07:32
iceblockanyone going snowboarding?07:33
Ulisesnot my lucky day, your's faithfull.07:33
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cainramlegend2440: I deleted all of the relevant xml files and the desktop icon still persists....07:33
Bodsda!ot | iceblock07:33
ubottuiceblock: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:33
soreauiceblock: If it's on your dime, yes07:33
cainramshrooms: i'm back07:33
iceblockits not that off topic cause im ontop of Mt Ruapehu in New Zealand snow boarding...yeeeaa!07:34
iceblockanyone know who to convert .ppm to jpg?07:35
iceblockhow to convert ppm to jpg?07:35
xeerI'm trying to install build-essential 11.4 but it depends on g++. even though I have gcc installed g++ keeps saying it depends on gcc. 'gcc -v' returns 4.3.207:35
shroomcainram: wb :)07:35
xeericeblock:  why not just use google to find out07:35
shroomxeer: i could almost use your response for your own question.07:36
cainramshroom: ha!07:36
shroomcainram: *shrugs* XD07:37
xeershroom:  yes it's confusing. I installed gcc with dpkg, which displays no errors and I have /usr/bin/gcc-4.3 though my attempts to install g++ fail stating gcc is not installed07:37
clarkkent12880ok ok another stupid question time... whats a good and secure ftp server for ubuntu?07:38
kworkclarkkent12880, vsftpd07:38
cainramHe's trashing you for using windows drivers when you have no other choice and yet he's suggesting you use freedom-hating, proprietary search MONSTER like Google...07:38
Flannelclarkkent12880: sftp?  openssh-server07:38
sarthorHi, Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop i386, Matrox G450 Dual head VGA card, i have same Display on 2 monitors, how to use double monitors, HELP07:39
shroomcainram: lol07:39
xeercainram:  proprietary search monster??07:39
brandonguys i need a line of code that will allow the program i making in gambas see the serial number of both the cpu and bios any ideas?07:40
cainramxeer: ok, tell yah what, let's have a truce and ignore each other - i like to wind people up and i don't want to do that here and now.07:40
shroomcainram: may i send you a pm?07:41
cainramshroom, sure07:41
=== shroom is now known as Mushrooms
legend2440cainram: is that icon listed in    /home/yourusername/.gconf/apps/nautilus/desktop/%gconf.xml  ?07:42
AZany tutorial for ffmpeg flvtool mplayer for ubuntu 8.1 ??07:42
FlannelMyrtti: sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status.bak && sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status07:43
MyrttiFlannel: thanks, I was just reading that myself07:43
FlannelMyrtti: (and then sudo apt-get update)07:43
Poul|Raideranyone care to tell me what i would put in my ssh config file to do the following connection ?  : ssh -C -L 5900:bohr.gbar.dtu.dk:5955 user@bohr.gbar.dtu.dk07:43
poetwhere is the dbus log?07:44
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cainramlegend2440: i'm looking around in this area but not finding any references to this particular 'file'07:48
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legend2440cainram: no .gconf directory? its a hidden folder07:49
Poul|RaiderNeed a bit help creating ssh config file for the following connection ssh -C -L 5900:bohr.gbar.dtu.dk:5955 user@bohr.gbar.dtu.dk07:50
cainramlegend2440: no, I found the directory and am poking around... I'm just not finding any xml files with references to the .volume file in question07:50
mattwj2002hi guys07:50
mattwj2002what is the bug with the intel graphics in ubuntu 9.04?07:50
fezvaguer please07:51
mattwj2002could it cause a flickering display?07:51
mattwj2002I have an Eee Pc 90007:51
legend2440cainram: oh ok. i'm running out of ideas and google hasnt been much help for this particular problem07:53
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cainramI Finally found an xml file in .nautilus that had a reference to my issue!07:55
cainramI'm gonna logout and let you know what happened07:55
cainramlegend2440: i deleted the .xml file. we'll see...07:56
cainramlegend2440: dagnabbit!07:59
cainramStill there!07:59
legend2440cainram: if you open nautilus is there  an    x-nautilus-desktop  entry in the left side pane?  if so can you right click it and choose  unmount?08:03
sreeEnter text here...hello08:04
sreeis anyone there08:05
Gobbeljep me:)08:05
fixxxerHi can someone tel me whats the ubuntuone channel need to ask some questions?08:07
fixxxeror where's ubuntuone channel08:07
legend2440!karmic | fixxxer08:07
ubottufixxxer: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:07
lat_My printer driver is suddenly messed up, and can print only graphics and links. Text does not print. Anyone know a cure?08:08
Indian`black carriage08:10
Poul|RaiderAnyone here happen to know a resolution for maple13 and plots just showing up as black plots, assuming its something due to hardware acceleration?08:11
legend2440cainram: any luck?08:14
cainramlegend: not yet08:14
legend2440cainram: i have one more idea08:15
cainramI'm currently installing tracker to hunt down any references in any rogue xml files.08:15
cainramThank you so much08:15
legend2440cainram: in terminal type   gksudo nautilus  and browse to  /root/Desktop  is the icon listed there?08:16
legend2440cainram: ok08:17
cainramthanks anyway...08:17
cainramshroom: you still there08:17
B9hello I have two files and i need to get them into my usr/bin but I cannot copy or move them there, how can i move two files from my download folder to my usr/bin?08:17
cainramb9 try opening a terminal and typing sudo nautilus08:18
cainrambe careful!08:18
bastid_raZor!gksudo | cainram08:18
ubottucainram: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)08:18
mans28farub 8.1 everytime on startup have to rmmod wl ssb, then depmod -a, modprobe wl to get wireless to work.    been trying to find a way to Not have to do this everytime. can anyone help08:19
cainramthanks for the advice, i didn't know08:19
B9cainram: i have done that, what do i do now? what did nautilus do?08:20
mans28farub 8.1 everytime on startup have to   rmmod wl ssb, then depmod -a, modprobe wl to get wireless to work.    been trying to find a way to Not have to do this everytime. can anyone help08:21
cainramb9 if you can't copy to a folder because of permissions issues then you need to assume administrative privileges. you can start a program as an administrator, or root, by typing gksudo or sudo at the prompt.08:21
eraggohi glick08:22
cainramopening your file browser as root allows you to cut copy and paste with reckless abandon. For better or worse.08:22
glickexcuse me, in compbiz, is there anyway i can have applications show up on the panel regardless which screen i am currently on, so if i click on it, the cube will automatically rotate to that side?08:22
glickright now, it only shows the applications for that side of the cube08:22
iceman_32what would I type @terminal to find out version of nvidia I am runnig .08:23
B9cainram: with the sudo nautilus i have been able to paste them where i wanted them, thanx08:23
WyzirDicsoseg testverek08:25
glickdoes anyone know how to set that up?08:25
glickthat functionality08:25
mans28farub 8.1 everytime on startup have to rmmod wl ssb, then depmod -a, modprobe wl to get wireless to work.    been trying to find a way to Not have to do this everytime. can anyone help08:26
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Wyzirautomatix2 does not work with jaunty seagull shit?08:26
ZachK18what up08:29
Poul|RaiderNeed a bit help creating ssh config file for the following connection ssh -C -L 5900:bohr.gbar.dtu.dk:5955 user@bohr.gbar.dtu.dk08:29
mans28farub 8.1 everytime on startup have to rmmod wl ssb, then depmod -a, modprobe wl to get wireless to work.    been trying to find a way to Not have to do this everytime. can anyone help08:30
L1nUX1z3Rwhat's the ubuntu learning channel called?08:30
vigoThank you.08:32
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ee08:33
Reactorwhit2spring: ?08:34
Reactorwhit2spring: ok ;)08:34
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=== peterz` is now known as peterz
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!08:44
onatshi, i'm having issues with my scanner, i can't get it to work using xsane08:47
onatsthe error message when i start xsane image scanner is:08:48
Myrttionats: please use pastebin08:48
Myrtti!pastebin | onats08:48
ubottuonats: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic08:48
onatsFailed to open device 'v4l:/dev/video0', Invalid argument08:48
Myrttionats: it's detecting your webcam08:48
matt098hello  how is every one today ????08:48
onatsits a one liner, so i dont think I need to use pastebin08:48
onatsMyrtti, my scanner is built in to a network printer. how do i make it use that?08:49
Myrttiif it's connected to yours only via network, then you can't really, unless it shares the scanner to the network as well08:50
matt098i have a problem my new installation if Ubuntu Janty i dont have sound sofar i think that im missing a library file called "lib32asound2-plugins"08:50
xxexhaving some problems with grub.. now i can boot only in windows, is there a way to repair it using live cd?08:50
onatsi was actually able to make this work before08:51
onatsbut for some reason, after updates, it now fails08:51
matt098is there anyone that can help me with a sound issue on ubuntu janty?08:52
=== xxex is now known as _3296548
matt098~~ Is there anyone that can give me a hand with the sound issues that im havingafter installing ubuntu ?????08:54
v0lZyhello people08:55
v0lZyi need som ehelp08:55
v0lZyfor some reason i cant use color codes in the terminal08:55
v0lZyif i do echo -e something08:56
v0lZyit echos like08:56
matt098srry i cant help u im still a new at ubuntu08:56
matt098hay did u have a sound issue when u installed janty?08:56
strangehey guys is there a terminal command to search in a directory for files with another extension than the 3 i specify?08:56
thropehello - can anyone recommend/point me to a a usb wireless key that will definitely work out of the box with recent ubuntu? dont have time to research and had lots of trouble in the past - its for a friend I just set up with ubuntu so I want it to work smooth. (in the UK)08:56
v0lZy3 i speficy?08:56
thropein the past I even researched carefully - but got screwed anyway becuase they had changed the chipset without changing the model number08:57
ActionParsnip1!hcl | thrope08:57
ubottuthrope: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:57
jpdsstrange: find . -name .extension08:57
strange".mp3 .jpg .m3u"08:57
strangeif its not one of those it should return08:57
jpdsstrange: find . -name .mp3 -name .jpg -name .m3u08:57
=== andi_ is now known as elTigre
v0lZyu can use find08:57
v0lZyor locate08:57
matt098hay guys can ne one help me ?08:57
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v0lZymatt: i havent installed jaunty08:58
thropeActionParsnip1: yeah - I can spend an hour going through those lists, and cross referencing the supported chipset to usb cards I can find online, but I was hoping someone here might have one they use and can could point me to to save me the time08:58
kd8JHC!ask | matt09808:58
ubottumatt098: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:58
v0lZythrope: usb wirless dongle?08:58
v0lZythrope: or usb ethernet?08:58
thropev0lZy: yep - usb wireless08:58
matt098who here has installed ubuntu 9.0408:58
thropev0lZy: in the UK - if anyone can point me to any one online that I can buy and it will work that would be great08:58
zaggynlthrope: AWUS036H08:59
v0lZyhave a look at... sec08:59
thropeperhaps its impossible - I have to admit I have never seen one working with linux08:59
zaggynltad expensive and not too new but works out of the box08:59
strangejpds and v0lZy what i want is to find the files that DONT match those 3 extensions08:59
Myrttithrope: a-link WL54USB08:59
ActionParsnip1thrope: chipsets are easy to find what is good. Try to get Intel based ones or old atheros work great :D08:59
Myrttithrope: has worked since dapper or so08:59
thropezaggynl: hi thanks - it is too expensive though (more than the computer08:59
v0lZydamnit, its some no name brand08:59
zaggynlwhoa, more expensive than the pc eh08:59
v0lZystrange: man find09:00
thropeActionParsnip1: the trouble is working out which chipset the usb has - ive been burned in the past receving a different chipset to what was on the website even though the model nuber hadnt changed09:00
ActionParsnip1thrope: the chips used in usb wifi can vary from country to country so you are riight to mention UK. I can suggest you checl out http://www.efficientpc.co.uk (York). They may be able to steer you right09:00
thropeMyrtti: can't find the a link in the UK09:00
ActionParsnip1thrope: most use garbage broadcom cos they are cheap09:00
Myrttithrope: anyway, for reference: http://www.a-link.com/uk/WL54USB.html?id=BRyGuhJj09:01
matt098hay guys has ne one here had nany issues with sound drivers on janty ?09:01
ActionParsnip1matt098: zero09:01
EricFisherHi, if i want ask a question about apt-get? which channel is appropriate? Thanks.09:01
ActionParsnip1matt098: why'd you ask09:01
ActionParsnip1EricFisher: here, ask away09:01
kcanyone have a good setup for home servr?09:01
ActionParsnip1!anyone | kc09:01
ubottukc: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:01
v0lZykc as in?09:01
coz_kc,  hold on I think I have a few links for that09:02
kci installed ubuntu 8.0409:02
v0lZyi have 8.0409:02
kci installed all the applications09:02
v0lZyas home and as production servers09:02
kcbut i can't make the samba run correctly09:02
coz_kc,  here is one  http://www.instructables.com/id/Turn_an_old_Computer_into_a_web_server/09:02
v0lZyill help you09:02
coz_kc,  but the web admin is now 1.48009:03
coz_kc,  so just change those numbers for the wget09:03
ActionParsnip1kc: sudo apt-get install samba09:03
ActionParsnip1kc: sudo smbpasswd -a $USER09:03
EricFisherActionParsnip1, after I use apt-get to install a deb package, where can i find the source package in my machine?09:04
matt098Actionparsnip1: this is a fresh install of ubuntu from the cd  and ive done all of the updates and i have no sound i think im missing a library called    lib32asound2-plugins09:04
hellotellohi all09:04
=== freek_ is now known as TechCrash
ActionParsnip1kc: then run: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf and add something like this: http://pastebin.com/f6f9dcdd5   The bottom bit is all you need to define a share, obviously change the user names asyou wish09:05
hellotelloi have downloaded a 7 gb iso file (a game), how can i burn this iso on 2 dvds?09:05
matt098Actionparsnip1: all i see is the 64 bit version and this is a 32 bit o version of ubuntu09:05
ActionParsnip1kc: i share the entire ~ on my file server to be used on all systems09:05
ActionParsnip1EricFisher: i dont use source, tr asking the channel09:05
matt098Actionparsnip1: this is want i was following to try and fix my sound issue but no luck     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113038409:06
ActionParsnip1kc: once editted, save the file (ctrl+x, press y, press enter)09:06
ActionParsnip1matt098: i have no idea. Ask the channel instead09:06
ActionParsnip1kc: then run: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart and you have a share :D09:07
qwqwqqwqwi try to chroot direectory and i get "chroot: cannot change root directory to edit: No such file or directory", what to do09:07
ActionParsnip1kc: you can also ssh in, edit the file with nano, restart the service and *poof* another share09:07
EricFishertoo many people here, who knows how to find the source package after install the deb?09:07
qwqwqqwqwchroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory09:07
AlHafoudhis it possible to moount Netware NSS volumes under Ubuntu?09:09
tnoyqwqwqqwqw, you'll get that if there is no /<dir you chroot to>/bin/bash09:09
MrSchmoanyone know what is cause my totem player to play video sluggishly? it wasnt like this until i row my to ff3.009:09
matt098hay guys i have a sound issue with my new instillation of Ubuntu Janty ive followed this guild to try and fix it but as of yot no luck " http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130384 ".  i think im missing the library called " lib32asound2-plugins " any help would be much appreciated.09:09
petraveraQuestion: Whenever I connect online without a browser, I notice that my firewall is constantly being pinged by proxybots. I am wondering, since I am on a dynamic connection if there is a file in Ubuntu which gives away IP location, or if this is some sort of exploit?09:10
ActionParsnip1AlHafoudh: http://ceitl.zanestate.edu/blog/archives/2005/04/how-to-mount-novell-shares-in-ubuntu/09:10
qwqwqqwqwtnoy: it exists, i try to chroot /mnt and exists, i am running from live CD, try to repair grub09:10
MrSchmoi ran totem player in terminal and msg"/var/lib/python-support/python2.6/gdata/tlslite/utils/cryptomath.py:9: DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead09:11
MrSchmo  import sha09:11
MrSchmo" what does it mean?09:11
ActionParsnip1MrSchmo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-bad0.10/+bug/42007109:12
AlHafoudhActionParsnip1: i mean physical disks, not network shares09:12
ActionParsnip1AlHafoudh: i found that via websearching, let me have another go09:13
tnoyqwqwqqwqw, That is odd, maybe you really dont have bash in there? Have you tried /bin/sh?09:13
AlHafoudhActionParsnip1: i googled 15 hours yesterday :( i need someone who just had that experience09:13
qwqwqqwqwtnoy: how do i try /bin/sh09:13
ActionParsnip1AlHafoudh: could try a different search engine09:14
tnoyqwqwqqwqw, chroot /mnt /bin/sh09:14
ActionParsnip1!info ncpfs09:14
ubottuncpfs (source: ncpfs): utilities to use resources from NetWare servers. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.2.6-6 (jaunty), package size 713 kB, installed size 2408 kB09:14
ActionParsnip1AlHafoudh: ^09:14
ActionParsnip12mb, wow thats pretty chunkified09:14
qwqwqqwqwtnoy: doesent wotk, and both exists in /bin, bash and sh09:15
AlHafoudhActionParsnip1: yes, but it is for network mounting, no?09:15
ActionParsnip1AlHafoudh: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1354   I wouldnt know, readthe guide. It may clarify09:15
matt098info! lib32asound2-plugins09:15
zeroXtenanyone managed to get opendx working properly on intrepid (am64)?09:16
AlHafoudhActionParsnip1: yeah, its over network09:16
ActionParsnip1!info lib32asound2-plugins09:16
ubottuPackage lib32asound2-plugins does not exist in jaunty09:16
tnoyqwqwqqwqw, /mnt/bin/bash or /mnt/bin/sh has to exist.09:16
younderwhy won't opera display email?09:16
ActionParsnip1AlHafoudh: oh so you mean the local disks in a system?09:16
ActionParsnip1younder: bad config09:16
qwqwqqwqwtnoy: they do09:16
ActionParsnip1find asound209:16
ActionParsnip1!find asound209:17
ubottuFound: lib64asound2, lib64asound2-dev, libasound2, libasound2-dev, libasound2-doc (and 4 others)09:17
AlHafoudhActionParsnip1: yees :)09:17
younderActionParsnip1:  obviously, but it is a ubuntu version09:17
ActionParsnip1younder: its the same app, just coded for linux09:17
younderActionParsnip1: evolution manages09:17
qwqwqqwqwtnoy: i am doing this: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide  commands on the bottom09:17
ActionParsnip1AlHafoudh: what file system does it use?09:18
qwqwqqwqwtnoy: but cant do step 4 because of that09:18
younderActionParsnip1: I know, I used to be a developer at Opera09:18
ActionParsnip1younder: cool09:18
AlHafoudhActionParsnip1: keyword: NSS, Netware 38609:18
younderActionParsnip1: Probably why I have some qualms asking support09:19
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ActionParsnip1AlHafoudh: i think if you install the network servers but target local disks it may just be silly enough to work09:19
AlHafoudhActionParsnip1: how do you mean09:19
ActionParsnip1AlHafoudh: well the guide is talking about network shares over a network. rather than target remote shares, point the mount commands (or fstab) to the local partitions. It may just work09:21
ActionParsnip1younder: what provider do you use?09:21
ActionParsnip1younder: for email09:21
tnoyqwqwqqwqw, I find it odd that its not working for you. Other things that can give you hassles is there are permission errors, or you're using a Live CD that is 32bit when your system is 64bit (or vice versa)--but those would give different errors than you've posted09:21
younderActionParsnip1: standard POP309:21
hogan_9i have a usb device which is automatically detected and mounted (connected through usb hub in monitor), if i switch the monitor off the hub looses power, however, when i want to reconnect the usb device it is not detected. can i reset usb modules somehome?09:22
ActionParsnip1younder: what is the name of the provider please. I may be able to find a guide09:22
qwqwqqwqwtnoy: maybe  thats it, i am having 32bit cd and 64bit system09:22
younderActionParsnip1: telenor09:22
hogan_9*todate i have to restart the computer for the usb device to be recognised again ... :( which is not satisfactory09:23
tnoyqwqwqqwqw, try to run /mnt/bin/bash directly09:23
qwqwqqwqwtnoy: bash: /mnt/ubuntu/bin/bash: cannot execute binary file09:23
tnoyqwqwqqwqw, but yeah, you'll definately need the same Live CD as your system. It MIGHT work if your Live CD was 64-bit and your system is 32-bit... but I've never tried it.09:24
tnoyqwqwqqwqw, yeah, thats your problem then.09:24
qwqwqqwqwtnoy: ook, will be back if something wont work, tnx09:24
younderActionParsnip1: pop.online.no09:24
ActionParsnip1younder: pop3: pop.online.no smtp: smtp.online.no09:24
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younderActionParsnip1: yes, it is set up so. It reads the email, but it never shows up in my email client09:25
ActionParsnip1younder: i found this but its probably stuff you already know: http://www.freeemailtutorials.com/operaM2/setupEmailAccount.cwd09:26
younderActionParsnip1: thanks09:26
jpichi, i created a ubuntu liveUsb but did not allocate enough space for the system (i decided to install eclipse, 600M), what manual should i refer to?09:27
jpic(or system configuratio GUI if any)09:27
ActionParsnip1younder: if you have folks at opera support you stil lkeep in contact, you can give them a call.09:28
younderActionParsnip1: my thoughts exactly09:30
ActionParsnip1its not what you know, its who you know :)09:30
pescrichI have Xinerama with two monitors. How can I have a "static desktop" on one, and the normal desktop (multidesktop) on the other? Is this possible?09:31
allan8904hi can i ask about problems on here?09:33
prince_jammysallan8904: yes.09:33
kd8JHC!ask | allan890409:34
ubottuallan8904: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:34
allan8904I booted up my computer and everything was normal, then about after 2 minutes all the applications that i launched's text has been replaced by random "------ - - - -- - ---  --" everwhere so i cant read the buttons or menus or anything. i tried deleting the .kde folder and it still does the same thing after reboot. Any ideas?09:34
jpici guess i'll mount -o loop /cdrom/usr /usr then09:35
ActionParsnip1jpic: you can boot to live cd to resize partitions if you have space09:35
ActionParsnip1jpic: or plug in another usb storage and symlink the folder after copying the data across09:36
jpici don't have a cd reader09:36
jpicactually symlinks won't work on vfat09:36
* jpic just tested09:36
xim_for some reason evolution wont let me resize the side panel and its shrunk to where all the names of my folders just say ...  do i need to reinstall evolution?09:36
ActionParsnip1jpic: then you need some form of bootable system to resize the partitions09:36
jpiccan't i allocate more space for the squashfs? either on the fly either by booting ro single?09:36
GobiTheGoblinhi there, how I can kill gdm? I run /etc/init.d/gdm stop, and i just keeps coming back?09:37
prince_jammysGobiTheGoblin: are you using sudo?09:37
GobiTheGoblini <- it09:37
ActionParsnip1jpic: not sure, ive not played with those09:37
GobiTheGoblinprince_jammys: yep09:37
prince_jammysthat's annoying.09:37
hatake_kakashiGobiTheGoblin, try init 309:38
GobiTheGoblinhatake_kakashi: will try, ty09:38
jpicActionParsnip1: thanks for answering, i need to find a safe guide because that's the only os i have (dead hdd)09:38
jpic(and no cdrom reader)09:38
PLNHello every one09:38
hatake_kakashiGobiTheGoblin, can't guarantee it'll work but its worth the shot09:38
manuscleHey everyone09:38
ActionParsnip1jpic: just make sure your data is archived and you can play away09:38
PLNI am new user on liunx os09:39
jpicActionParsnip1: data is safe, but the OS itself is not09:39
GobiTheGoblinhatake_kakashi: it is :D09:39
jpicall i have is that usb key which i didn't set up with enough space for installs09:39
hatake_kakashiGobiTheGoblin, it worked? ok09:39
PLNhow i can oracle database on ubuntu09:39
manusclehave a problem with mounting folder09:40
K7522manuscle you'll need to be a bit more descriptive. ;)09:40
manusclelol, i am currently writing my problem, but english is not my native language! ;-)09:41
ActionParsnip1jpic: then you could borrow a friends PC to duplicate the USB device so you have a backup of that too :)09:41
hughwormMorning all. I could use help with getting video driver for a new installation.09:41
ActionParsnip1PLN: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html09:41
PLNany oracle developer here09:42
ActionParsnip1PLN: oracle have an ubuntu repo09:42
K7522hughworm, did you check System > Preferences > Hardware Drivers first?09:42
prince_jammys!oracle | PLN09:42
ubottuPLN: If you -must- install oracle .... here's a good place to start: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html09:42
zambai'm using debootstrap to install a system.. is it possible to get that to use an apt cacher?09:42
manuscleso, i'va written in my fstab this line :  /var/www    /mnt/sdc/www none bind, /mnt/sdc/www is on a partition with 200Go fre space, but when i mount this, /mnt/sdc/www is limited to only 6Go!09:43
ActionParsnip1manuscle: if you are simply mapping one folder to another you dont need fstab09:43
GobiTheGoblinhatake_kakashi: Havent tried yet, need to solve one more thing before I can try09:43
hatake_kakashiGobiTheGoblin, ahh ok09:44
ActionParsnip1manuscle: sudo ln -s /mnt/sdc/www /var/www09:44
hughwormK7522 I guess you mean System > Admin > Hardware Drivers? List is empty. I have a S3  VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266]09:44
manuscleActionParsnip1: But with symbolic link, i can't acces by FTP09:44
ActionParsnip1manuscle: ah, weird09:45
ActionParsnip1manuscle: system should just see it as a folder09:45
K7522manuscle, that is odd09:45
hatake_kakashimanuscle, try mounting it using bind option09:45
manusclei did :  /var/www    /mnt/sdc/www none bind09:45
ActionParsnip1hatake_kakashi: see above ;)09:46
tnoyreverse it, /mnt/sdc/www /var/www09:46
hatake_kakashiActionParsnip1, yeah kinda double-checked it again lol09:46
RaaGWant Virtual box on ubuntu09:46
ActionParsnip1RaaG: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose09:46
RaaGSun ?09:47
ActionParsnip1RaaG: yes09:47
ActionParsnip1!virtualbox | RaaG09:47
ubottuRaaG: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox09:47
RaaGok brother09:47
ActionParsnip1(waits for thanks....)09:48
K7522ActionParsnip1, thank you <309:48
manuscletnoy: lol, that's so symply!09:48
manuscletnoy: thanks it's work!09:48
K7522hughworm, I'm tryin to figure that one out.09:48
ActionParsnip1K7522: some dont. its really frustrating09:49
tnoyglad I could help :)09:49
K7522ActionParsnip1,  I'm thanking you for him :)09:49
ActionParsnip1K7522: cool, thanks09:49
ActionParsnip1K7522: despite price, manners always seem to be forgotten09:49
hughwormK7522: I think I need a driver called prosavage_smbus but I don't know where or how to get it. Googling didn't help much!09:50
manuscletnoy: sometime i can help too but it's so rare ...09:50
tnoymanuscle, we help where we can09:51
K7522hughworm, you're going to need to edit your xorg.conf to your video card.09:51
miranda82is there anyway i can sort my processes by bandwith usage?09:51
manuscletnoy: I agree ^-^09:52
jpichi, where does apt download packages please?09:53
hughwormK7522: ok...?09:53
miranda82jpds, /var/cache/apt/09:53
miranda82jpic, sorry,. that was for you09:53
jpicthanks miranda82!09:54
prince_jammys/var/cache/apt/archives, probably. ''man apt'', FILES section.09:54
YtxxI have created a new user on my ubuntu server ... but I am unable to login to it09:54
YtxxI typed three times the password and I get this09:54
YtxxPermission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).09:54
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: log back in as your first user and run: sudo passwd <new users name here>09:54
hughwormK7522: /etc/X11/xorg.conf is in front of me09:54
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: if you dont set a password, the account is there but disabled09:54
YtxxActionParsnip1: I have changed it ... and I tryed to login still doesnt work09:55
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: same error?09:55
YtxxActionParsnip1: sudo adduser testuser09:56
Ytxxand typed the password twice09:56
ActionParsnip1ok cool09:56
Ytxxand I get that error09:56
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: are you trying to connect via ssh as the new user?09:56
prince_jammysESP required here.09:57
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: ok read /var/log/syslog09:57
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: do you use key pairs for ssh security or just passwords?09:58
allan8904how can i clear my fontcache?09:58
YtxxActionParsnip1: I use key pair for my root user09:59
stevenyhello all~09:59
Ytxxwhere do I locate the /var/log/syslog09:59
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: o the ssh server09:59
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: /var/log/syslog is the absolute location of the file09:59
kalesma come funziona.......10:00
prince_jammys!it | kales10:00
ubottukales: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:00
YtxxActionParsnip1: sudo: /var/log/syslog: command not found10:01
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: less /var/log/syslog10:01
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: its a log file, not a command10:01
Ytxxwhat do you mean less ?10:01
allan8904less is so you can view whats in the file10:02
pythagorashey wsup all10:02
konzaHi, I am unable to telnet using port 80.......... pls help10:02
Ytxxdo i run it on the server ?10:02
achilleshello, I added a new SATA disk 1TB to my ubuntu, I'm trying to create a format using parted and fdisk, I create the start cyl 1 but what is the last cyl to occupy 1TB ?10:02
hatake_kakashiachilles, +ITB ?10:03
hatake_kakashior better yet, hit enter10:03
tnoykonza, how are you trying to telnet using port 80?10:03
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: yes to read the log10:03
konzatelnet www.google.com 8010:04
ActionParsnip1achilles: fdisk default is the whole disk so you can just press enter for the end10:04
konzatnoy, telnet www.google.com 8010:04
YtxxActionParsnip1:Sep 15 03:45:26 Cby kernel: [908379.776121] iptables denied: IN=eth0 OUT$10:04
tnoykonza, That is working for me, so your syntax is correct. What is the error you're getting?10:05
Ytxxdoes it mean anything to yo ..  I suspect is the iptable.10:05
konzatnoy, <TITLE>ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved</TITLE>10:05
achillesActionParsnip1, hatake_kakashi http://pastebin.org/1802510:05
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: thats your firewall dropping conenction10:05
marany ideas: http://ikelk.lt/pastes/ew5-_W!nuk10:06
tnoykonza, If you get something like that, the telnet command is working, you need to pass a valid command to the server once you connect10:06
konzatnoy, Its connection but I am not getting the http headers10:06
prince_jammysGET / HTTP/1.1 <enter><enter>10:06
hatake_kakashiachilles, you've made it incorrectly, its supposed to be /dev/sda not /dev/sda310:06
YtxxActionParsnip1: is it related to the iptable ?10:06
konzatnoy, telnet is working, but ^10:07
ficoosHi, I get this error on evert dpkg operation "dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/<pkgNameHere> (--unpack)"10:07
achilleshatake_kakashi, why ? the new disk is sda310:07
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: doubt it, sounds like you are hitting the server, just getting denied access10:07
hatake_kakashiachilles, are there any other scsi/sata/usb storage devices plugged in on the same computer?10:07
achilleshatake_kakashi, I'm afraid to format the currently installed one10:07
achilleshatake_kakashi, yes there is10:08
konzatnoy, i can get the headers if i use localhost....10:08
hatake_kakashiachilles, the reason is this: Disk /dev/sda3: 5033 MB, 5033871360 bytes10:08
Malekohey guys..how do we remove all non hidden files?10:08
konzatnoy, I am using a proxy server, will that affect it?10:08
hatake_kakashinote the size of it10:08
achilleshatake_kakashi, http://pastebin.org/1802610:08
tnoyThe proxy server might have something to do with it if it expects different commands10:09
achilleshatake_kakashi, oh maybe its the swap!10:09
YtxxActionParsnip1: http://gist.github.com/18719510:09
achilleshatake_kakashi, yes it's the swap sorry!10:09
hatake_kakashiachilles, would've been better if you did fdisk -l instead10:09
=== K7522 is now known as K7522|AFK
=== K7522|AFK is now known as K7522
achilleshatake_kakashi, http://pastebin.org/1802810:10
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: you can use the cursor to read up and down with less10:10
ficoosand I get "unable to open files list file for package `libtext-wrapi18n-perl': Input/output error"10:10
ficooscan't find anything on google10:11
=== K7522 is now known as K7522|AFK
YtxxActionParsnip1: well I just need to fix this ... do you think its possible to diagnose the iptable ?10:11
hatake_kakashiachilles, that's the wrong disk, note the size of the disk, 160GB not 1TB and so you've created a virtual partition or whatever it is inside /dev/sda3 which is swap10:11
achilleshatake_kakashi, how can I know what dev name the new disk took ?10:12
konzaanyone knows what is osql?10:12
hatake_kakashiachilles, like I said before `fdisk -l'10:12
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: if you ssh over as your user that works. Try: ssh testuser@localhost10:12
achilleshatake_kakashi, yes I got it /dev/sdb10:12
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: see if that is good10:12
achillesthank you!10:12
hatake_kakashiachilles, nw10:12
ScreaminIkedoes anyone here know of a supported AM radio tuner?10:12
ScreaminIke(pci or usb)10:13
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allan8904is there a portage-type package manager that can be used on ubuntu?10:13
tnoyScreaminIke, I dont know if its supported or not, but Hauppauge devices have been rather linux-friendly in the past10:14
ScreaminIkeapt-get can build from source, too, if you like10:14
Ytxxits asking http://gist.github.com/187195 should I say yes ?10:15
ScreaminIkeapt-get is the package manager. it's like portage, but, by default, it grabs debian binaries10:15
slobad23is there a free linux equivelant to macromedia captivate?10:15
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: yes10:15
allan8904yeah but the dependiecies are all downloaded as binary, i'm talking about full source compilation10:16
jriballan8904: /why/?10:16
vigoScreaminIke: AM radio support? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=843012&highlight=radio10:16
ScreaminIkeallan8904, you can put in params to build from source10:16
YtxxActionParsnip1: after the third attmt i get this10:17
YtxxPermission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).10:17
allan8904jrib: just so its optimised. I know 5% doesnt sound like much, however when you're running it on a 1.73ghz lapy with an intel915gma card it makes a small difference10:17
vigoScreaminIke: There is a point there about checking and or unchecking Analog/Digital.10:17
pythagorasis ubuntu the best??10:17
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:18
pythagorasis it?10:18
jriballan8904: just your machine...  Anyway there's apt-build but imo it's a complete waste of time10:18
vigoI like it.10:18
prince_jammysit's the best distro of the ones that's named after south african words.10:18
pythagoraswhat bout ubuntu ultimate is that ok?10:18
allan8904pythagoras: nah gentoos the best distro10:18
YtxxActionParsnip1: should I add "AllowUsers testuser" to ssh_config ?10:18
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: then the account is most likely bad, I'd check group membership10:18
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: makes sense10:18
ActionParsnip1!ultimate | pythagoras10:19
ubottupythagoras: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition10:19
jribpythagoras: try both and use what is best for you10:19
ActionParsnip1allan8904: there is no best10:19
ActionParsnip1allan8904: best is an opinion so is not concrete10:19
YtxxActionParsnip1: what do you make sense ?10:19
tnoygentoo is great until and emerge world f's up your system10:19
vigoThank you ActionParsnip1.10:19
kitallisI've got these three separate blocks of unallocated space, can't i somehow merge them in to 'free' space?10:19
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.10:19
allan8904ActionParsnip1:True but gentoo is bleeding edge, optimised too the teeth however it just takes alot of hand configuring and time to install things...something i dont have time for at the moment10:20
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: to add the new user to the allowed users in sshd_config or whatever you said10:20
ActionParsnip1allan8904: doesnt make it better10:20
pythagorasso what are u using allan?10:20
ubuntuany one know of a good ip blocker?10:20
ActionParsnip1allan8904: i personally think puppy is the best, but thats my opinion10:20
allan8904ActionParsnip1: what makes puppy better then ubuntu?10:20
ActionParsnip1allan8904: there is no universal best anything10:20
allan8904ActionParsnip1: i only installed puppy on a powerpc machine because i really had no other option10:21
pythagorashmm everyone wreckon ubantu the distro around..10:21
ActionParsnip1allan8904: its light and suits my personal needs perfectly, it also runs on ,y ancient systems10:21
ActionParsnip1allan8904: so to me it is the best, millions would agree, millions would disagree10:21
allan8904ActionParsnip1: what GUI do you use?10:21
zebaztianwhat app can i use to check hash sums of an ubuntu iso?10:21
kitalliscan anyone help me with that ^^10:21
pythagorasword on the street has it ubantu the go...10:21
erUSUL!md5sum | zebaztian10:21
ubottuzebaztian: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more10:21
kitallisI've got these three separate blocks of unallocated space, can't i somehow merge them in to 'free' space?10:22
ActionParsnip1allan8904: openbox10:22
ActionParsnip1allan8904: my more powerful systems run lxde10:22
allan8904ActionParsnip1: can i ask why?10:22
ActionParsnip1allan8904: lightness10:22
zebaztiancan i download with apt whilst ¡'m downloaading something through wget -c?10:22
allan8904ActionParsnip: whats wrong with something like KDE10:22
erUSULkitallis: partitions ? use gparted...10:22
ActionParsnip1zebaztian: sure you can10:22
pythagorasanyone here run windows10:22
erUSULzebaztian: yes10:22
ActionParsnip1allan8904: fat slow, and kde is really flaky10:22
vigokitallis: Back it up and run a disk utility, gparted is good.10:23
slobad23is camstudio the best piece of software for desktop videos?10:23
zebaztianActionParsnip1, are you on gui?10:23
erUSULpythagoras: in ##windows10:23
kaddykde is flaky?10:23
allan8904ActionParsnip1: see i think KDE is nice, shiney and full of features10:23
ActionParsnip1zebaztian: indeed10:23
prince_jammysoptimize + kde == funny combination.10:23
ActionParsnip1allan8904: i dont like shiny. i want the job done10:23
pythagorasi like the sphere in ubantu10:23
zebaztianActionParsnip1,  which DE?10:23
allan8904ActionParsnip1: whats teh point of doing it on an eyesore though?10:23
YtxxActionParsnip1: I have managed to login .10:23
ActionParsnip1kaddy: is in my experience10:23
ActionParsnip1allan8904: its not, looks fine here10:23
ActionParsnip1zebaztian: lxde10:23
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: wtg :D10:23
pythagorasthe sphere desktop is cool10:24
zebaztianActionParsnip1,  is that ubuntu?10:24
kitalliserUSUL, can't those are 3 seperate blocks, if i make a primary partition outta any one of them, then the other too would be left unallocated cause of the <4 limit10:24
YtxxBut there's something different from the root user . .10:24
allan8904ActionParsnip1: The thing is that the second you run any kde app all teh libs are loaded in teh background10:24
kaddyUbuntu is good, but its for Noobs10:24
ActionParsnip1zebaztian: no, lxde is a de. you can run it on ubuntu if you wish: http://wiki.lxde.org/en/images/4/4c/LXDE_desktop_full.png10:24
ActionParsnip1!lxde | zebaztian10:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lxde10:24
allan8904ActionParsnip1: so you may as well use the GUI too10:24
ActionParsnip1!info lxde10:24
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 2 kB, installed size 40 kB10:24
kaddylxde is da bomb!10:24
ScreaminIkekaddy, try to stay on topic10:24
zebaztianActionParsnip1, can i run lxde on hardy?10:24
erUSULkitallis: can you move/copy some paritions to make room ?10:24
ActionParsnip1zebaztian: sure can10:25
zaggynlLXDE is quite nice10:25
kaddyi am staying on topic10:25
zebaztianActionParsnip1, is it getable from the repos?10:25
zaggynlfull desktop in ~60MB10:25
ActionParsnip1zebaztian: sudo apt-get install lxde10:25
YtxxActionParsnip1: is there a way of listing the users ?10:25
zaggynlas opposed to the default 200+MB gnome ubuntu desktop10:25
kaddyDon't you ubuntu guys get sick of the same old dead inovation Gnome desktop though? seriously?10:25
kitalliserUSUL, i did, i had 2 before, now I have 3 :/10:25
allan8904ActionParsnip1: But you dont get like 95% of the features10:25
zebaztianActionParsnip1,  is it lighter than xfce?10:25
kaddyand gnome 3/shell is utter crap10:25
jrib!ot | kaddy10:25
ubottukaddy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:25
ActionParsnip1Ytxx: type: users    at command line10:25
ActionParsnip1allan8904: what features?10:26
kaddyonly noob niggas use ubuntu or gnome10:26
ActionParsnip1allan8904: i can install any app from any DE and use it in a light environment10:26
allan8904ActionParsnip1: can you have desktop compozing on it?10:26
zebaztianActionParsnip1, can i compiz eyecandy on lxde?10:26
ScreaminIkeActionParsnip1, can ubotu fix kaddy?10:26
ActionParsnipallan8904: sure, you can use lxde + compiz if you really want10:27
ActionParsnipallan8904: like I said. i dont like ll that stuff10:27
YtxxActionParsnip: the new user 'tesuser' doesnt apear on the list only root and admin10:27
allan8904ActionParsnip1: what specs are your comp?10:27
ActionParsnipallan8904: which one?10:27
allan8904ActionParsnip: the "good one"10:27
kaddywhat would you know parsnip! afterall... your just a White Fake carrot!10:27
allan8904oooohhhh burn lols10:28
ActionParsnipallan8904: fileserver = gentoo + 64mb edo ram + p100 mmx10:28
zebaztianActionParsnip, is lxde lighter than xfce and as manipulable as kde?10:28
ActionParsnipallan8904: router = bsd + 500Mhz P3 + 256Mb SDRAM10:28
kitalliserUSUL, the problem is that the unallocated space is on different sectors of the disk, so there isn't just one block i can partition into10:28
ActionParsnipallan8904: desktop = AM2 Semp 3000 1.6Ghz + 2Gb DDR2 + 250Gb SATA210:28
allan8904ActionParsnip: ah no wonder you use that then10:29
ActionParsnipallan8904: i like it. i can run full kde + compz rubbish on my desktop. i choose not to10:29
YtxxActionParsnip: do you know why the new user is not listed ?10:29
allan8904ActionParsnip: yeah but it would be slow on it10:29
erUSULkitallis: so you are stuck. you ca not make new paritions nor move existing ones ?10:29
ScreaminIkei'm currently using 400MHz and 128MB ram. lololol10:29
ActionParsnipzebaztian: lxde has similar min requirements but actually uses less than xfce in reality10:29
ActionParsnipallan8904: it performs well10:29
allan8904ActionParsnip: on my lappy is slightly sluggish, however on my desktop its sweet as10:30
ActionParsnipallan8904: i can play penumbra and urban terror very well10:30
zebaztianActionParsnip, will my ATI radeon graphics 3200 work well with it?10:30
ActionParsnipallan8904: as wel as doom3 via wine10:30
pythagoraslater all10:30
ActionParsnipzebaztian: sure will :)10:30
allan8904ActionParsnip: why not just use windows for gaming...10:30
ScreaminIkekitallis, you have to unmount a partition to edit it10:30
allan8904ActionParsnip: i'm all for linux however i'd like the best tool for teh job10:30
ActionParsnipallan8904: you seem to be mixing "features" with "eye candy"10:30
zebaztianActionParsnip, what's lxde based on?10:31
ActionParsnipallan8904: windows costs and linux is free, linux plays the games I like toplay so why should i waste my money10:31
ActionParsnipzebaztian: gtk10:31
kitallisScreaminIke, obviously :/10:31
allan8904ActionParsnip: i got windows for "free" from uni, we all were supplied with a copy and serial for windows xP, vista business and windows 710:31
zebaztianActionParsnip, i had a horrible time with the ati driver, then i installed the newest one specific to this chipset and it has slowed down my laptop10:32
allan8904ActionParsnip: so price wasnt a factor for me10:32
kitalliserUSUL, well I can make only ONE partition from any one of those unallocated space10:32
ScreaminIkei have a wintendows install on my 'good' box. it's a hassle to take down my ssh/apache/gnump3d and have to reboot every time i want services i've come to depend upon10:32
kitallisbut i want to merge them and create a single one10:32
kitallisguess i cant10:32
ActionParsnipallan8904: well i'm a bit older than uni, so i dont get given much. I do get free PC systems that folks dont want though10:32
zebaztianActionParsnip, so no matter what libraries, gnome and kde apps should run faster considering its low resource consumption?10:32
ActionParsnipzebaztian: yes as the DE itself uses less to run10:33
MrSchmoanyone have this program qt4 setting in menu: system>Preference  and what does it do?10:33
allan8904ActionParsnip: probs why you dont like the eyecandy :p10:33
allan8904ActionParsnip: anyway nice discussing it with you10:33
erUSULkitallis: if you can not copy/move other partitions so the space is continous in the disk you can not.10:33
ActionParsnipallan8904: no, even if a had a blade system with 200 CPUs and 2Tb RAM, I'd still use LXDE10:34
erUSULMrSchmo: change the appearance settings of qt4 apps10:34
zebaztianActionParsnip, is it buggy?10:35
zebaztiandoes it have releasesees parallel to ubuntu?10:35
ActionParsnipzebaztian: not at all10:35
YtxxActionParsnip: users dosnt list 'testuser' is this the expected behaviour ?10:35
zebaztianActionParsnip, is it as versatile? as in can i set things the way i want them like on kde ?10:35
zebaztiani remember that was one feature i never liked about xfce much10:36
zebaztiani felt i couldnt bend it and shape it my way10:36
ActionParsnipzebaztian: not so much, the gui is quite constrained but you can set window decorators and background images and icons nice10:36
ActionParsnipYtxx: not sure man10:37
zebaztianActionParsnip, what's its navigator?10:38
ActionParsnipzebaztian: navigator?10:38
zebaztianthe...nto window manager10:38
zebaztianlike dolphin or nautilus10:38
ActionParsnipzebaztian: oh, file manager10:38
alusnginx released a security fix yesterday, at version 0.6.39. ubuntu base 9.04 still lists 0.6.35 in apt10:38
ActionParsnipzebaztian: you can run either of those in LXDE10:38
aluswhen will ubuntu get the security update?10:38
zebaztianActionParsnip,  what's the default though?10:39
zebaztianit looks very Windows-like on those screenshots10:39
ActionParsnipzebaztian: Thunar is default I think10:39
MenZaalus: You may be better off asking in #ubuntu-motu10:40
MenZaalus: Alternatively, create a ticket in !Launchpad10:40
aluswhat is "motu"?10:40
rvbhello, i bought a new PC and installed Kubuntu Jaunty 9.04 i can hear sound but my mic isnt working10:40
rvbwho can i make my mic work>10:40
prince_jammys!motu |alus10:41
ubottualus: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU10:41
MenZa!sound | rvb10:41
ubotturvb: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:41
MenZarvb: Check those links out for your mic problems.10:41
zebaztianActionParsnip, can i run ubuntu with lxde alone? as in no gnome, no kde10:41
MenZazebaztian: Sure.10:41
rvbthanks.. i'll do that and post back10:41
zebaztianMenZa, with all the same repos and apps though?10:42
MenZazebaztian: Certainly. The repositories are independent of whatever DE/WM you use.10:42
ActionParsnipzebaztian: sure if you want but you will not be able to use the apps that use those libs10:42
MenZazebaztian: So are the apps. Some will require gtk libraries to load, but they'll run.10:42
lylithi need alot of help from anyone who knows, my problem is this, i have a pc that had vista pre-installed from the store, i hated vista, so i installed ubuntu 9.4 to the machine, and completely removed the vista partition.. well, that was a while ago, but now i got a new machine for ubuntu wich im on now, and i want xp on my old vista machine, well, when i try to use my xp disk it loads all the setup files and when it gets to the part "st10:43
lylitharting windows" (on the very first blue screen where it loads drivers for setup) it goes to a blue screen and says a problem has been detected and my computer needs to be shut down.. aka its the blue screen of doom, i cant even get to setup... ok so, i completely removed my ubuntu partition using the live cd, then went back out and tried again, got the bsod again... i really need xp on the machine, and google didnt help at all, anyone h10:43
lylithere know anything that could help?10:43
FloodBot2lylith: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:43
MenZalylith: Sounds like a problem with the XP cd, not Ubuntu.10:43
jriblylith: ##windows for help with that10:43
MenZalylith: Alternatively your hardware setup. Try ##windows instead.10:43
zebaztianActionParsnip, how do you mean i won't be able to use apps that use those libs? explain please10:43
lylithi thought so... but it cant be, the xp cd is the same i've always used x.x10:44
zebaztianha i just saw this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lubuntu10:44
MenZazebaztian: Most applications use either Qt (KDE libraries) or GTK+ (GNOME libraries). If you simply launch your desktop with lxde, those libraries will still be available for the applications to use. If you remove the libraries, however, you may run into some issues.10:44
brijith1is there any one to Help me in translating labels in galde  ......?????10:45
zebaztianso it would be better to have both kde and gnome as a log option? won't that slow down the system in the long run though?10:45
zebaztianMenZa, ActionParsnip10:45
qianjiguican you see more about it detail?10:45
qianjiguibrijith1:can you see more about it detail?10:46
MenZazebaztian: I suggest just leaving GNOME on it. If you need Qt libs for anything, they'll download.10:46
brijith1is there any one to help me in translating labels in glade10:46
konzaanyone knows anything about mysql injection? pls reply10:46
zebaztianMenZa, so I can run any kde app, both on the gui and the shell, from lxde?10:46
bazhangkonza, cracking?10:47
prince_jammyskonza: /j #mysql10:47
brijith1qianjigui: I have a python application which uses glade interface10:47
ActionParsnipzebaztian: if an app needs libs then it will need it installing so you may have to have them installed so you may need to have gnome installed10:47
konzabazhang, nope........ i wanna learn hacking.. and not cracking..10:47
prince_jammyswrong channel for either.10:48
bazhangkonza, that is beyond the scope of this channel10:48
zebaztianActionParsnip, what about kde?10:48
brijith1qianjigui: what I want to do is to translate all the messages in the window10:48
konzabazhang, is there any other channel for that?10:48
qianjiguito which language?10:48
zebaztianActionParsnip, MenZa regardless though it will still perform better/faster than gnome or kde right?10:49
bazhangkonza, no idea  /msg alis list *term_you_want*10:49
ActionParsnipzebaztian: if you want to run kde apps ten they will need some kde libs, so they will need to be installed. apt-get will manage this10:50
arquebuskonza- you may find people who will discuss that in #ubuntu-offtopic10:50
qianjiguithe better irc tool for ubuntu is?10:50
allan8904pidgin lol10:51
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines10:51
prince_jammyserr, no.10:51
konzabazhang, can u pls explain that command what u told?10:51
zebaztianActionParsnip, so what you're saying is that if i say want to use konqueror, sudo apt-get konqueror in a lxde only paradigm wiill take care of installing the qt libs on its own?10:51
bazhangkonza, let's discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic10:51
brijith1Help mmeeee10:51
prince_jammyszebaztian: yes, apt will take care of installing/informing you of required dependencies.10:52
zebaztiangreat, so pretty much install gnome and then lxde10:53
brijith1using Gettext  translation of labels in glade is not working please help me.10:53
prince_jammysthe package 'ubuntu-desktop' contains nothing other than a list of dependencies, which is why installing causes all the apps/dependencies to be installed.10:53
ActionParsnipzebaztian: konqueror will install qt libs as it needs10:54
ActionParsnipzebaztian: there is nothing stopping you running konqueror in lxde10:54
zebaztianso, leave gnome alone install lxde and get the kde apps you need pretty much?10:54
allan8904ActionParsnip: lol looks like i gave you a bit of work explaining desktop managers and stuff10:54
zebaztianActionParsnip, i cant believe you lied to me10:55
Dougalmy computer is accepting ssh connections over the local (home) network, but not ftp10:56
ActionParsnipallan8904: ?10:56
DougalI'm pretty new to setting up SSH or FTP, And i thought i'd installed enough stuff to be a backend for both of them, but apparantly not10:56
Dougalwhat do I need on the desktop upstairs before it'll operate as an ftp server?10:57
hateballDougal: Is there any reason why you need FTP? sftp is a whole lot more secure and easy to use (imo)10:58
Dougalhateball: sftp would be fine too10:59
hateball!info ssh | Dougal10:59
ubottuDougal: ssh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-5ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 44 kB10:59
hateballDougal: that should be all you need to get going10:59
Dougalhateball: so if i can ssh into my computer, i should be able to sftp in as well? even if i can't ftp in?11:00
hateballDougal: Yes11:00
Dougalhah, it worked.11:00
DougalI feel kind of silly now...11:00
hateballDougal: sftp and ftp/s are not the same :)11:00
Myrttikonza: this is, btw, the support channel11:01
Myrttikonza: not #ubuntu-offtopic11:01
Myrttikonza: you can either try from the command line, in a terminal, with passwd11:01
Myrttikonza: or in system - administration - users and groups11:02
Dougalyes, i think i knew that. I just thought of sftp as the more advanced option and assumed it'd be *harder* to get working as a result. Anyways, thanks!11:02
zebaztianActionParsnip, have you used ede?11:02
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ActionParsnipzebaztian: not used it11:03
konzaMyrtti,  i want to change the password which i gave during nickname registration11:03
Myrttikonza: where, in freenode or in Ubuntu?11:03
Myrttikonza: /msg nickserv help11:04
gharzguys, i'm using mac mini powerpc... and using radeon 9200... in the Display dialog... i can't find 1440x900 resolution... how do i add this?11:04
gharz guys, how do i add 1440x900 resolution for my monitor? i'm using radeon 9200 rev 01... the maximum resolution is only 1024 x 76811:06
indusgharz: can u type glxinfo | grep render in a terminal and paste output11:06
ActionParsnipgharz: run: sudo lshw -C display11:06
indusor that11:06
ActionParsnipgharz: you can now use the product line to websearch for a driver11:07
error404notfoundi am trying to upgrade intrepid to jaunty and i get: http://pastebin.com/m706008aa i also tried remove the sndfile package, no use11:07
gharzindus: direct rendering: Yes OpenGl renderer string: Software Rasterizer11:09
induserror404notfound: can u do a sudo apt-get update first11:09
indusgharz: hmm11:09
error404notfoundindus, fixed it :P, i did a dpkg -r sndfile-packagename and its fixed11:09
m1rgharz: i am searching for same but ati hd 435011:10
gharzActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/271395/  this is the result11:10
indusgharz: do u have an ati tool to configure display?11:10
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:10
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gharzindus: ati tool? i am not sure... this is a fresh install of the ubuntu11:11
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konzacan not join a channel.......... requires keyword... why is it telling like that11:11
indusgharz: in system>administration do u see anything ATI?11:11
gharzindus: no... i don't see any ATI11:12
m1rgharz: check under Programs > others > ati catalyst ?11:13
Dougalum... back again. Sftp is working great for me for single files, but i can't seem to transfer a directory of them.11:14
DougalI tried " put DirectoryName "11:14
gharzm1r: i don't see any ati catalyst11:14
Dougaland i got a response "skipping non-regular file "DirectoryName"11:14
indusgharz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video11:15
jesus1When editing startup applications in the GUI, which file changes? Or even, which are the files determining, for any wm/de what applications should start? Furthermore, are they run as root?11:15
indusgharz: are you using the open source driver?11:15
gharzunder System->Preference->Display... i tried "Detect Monitors" but it doesn't show 1440x90011:15
gharzindus: i'm using the default driver from jaunty... by the way... i'm using mac mini powerpc11:15
indusgharz: go to system>administration > hardware drivers and check?11:15
DougalCan anyone advise on getting sftp to transfer whole directories instead of individual files?11:16
gharzindus: only Broadcom Wireless 4312 driver is showing11:16
indusgharz: ati drivers probably provide better performance and resolutions * citation needed*11:16
ActionParsnipgharz: you need to install ati drivers11:16
emiledougal: mount the sftp in nautilus and just drag and drop11:16
gharzindus: how about reconfiguring my xserver-xorg11:16
m1ri have installed  ATI drivers manualy over Envyng and cant even load synaptic now to remove them :)11:17
indusgharz: hmm that doesnt seem to work with ubuntu these days ,all automatic11:17
indusgharz: u can edit your xorg file11:17
indusgharz: see that link i gave you11:17
dunplayplayhow to edit xorg.conf11:17
emiledougal: if i remember well (s)ftp on cli doesnt support put for dir (you should mkdir them and use mput for multiple files)11:17
gharzindus: ok... let me check on that11:18
dunplayplayindus can indicate the link again11:18
indusgharz: also i suggest check the forums under hardwre and laptops11:18
indusgharz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Video11:18
indusgharz: wait dont see that link it sucks11:18
gharzindus: ok11:18
ActionParsnip!envy | m1r11:18
ubottum1r: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver11:18
indusgharz: not updated good, i search for another11:18
jesus1When editing startup applications in the GUI, which file changes? Or even, which are the files determining, for any wm/de what applications should start? Furthermore, are they run as root?11:18
dunplayplayindus: can indicate the link for xorg edit?11:18
indusdunplayplay: searching11:19
WistfulI just downloaded the linux-source with sudo apt-get linux-source and in the ReadMe page it says : "Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across the Net." ??11:19
WistfulWhat is that?11:19
StupidWeaselA description of what linux is =P11:19
Wistfulwritten from scratch by Linus Torvalds ? they refer to the kernel or the whole OS ?11:19
m1rActionParsnip: Package envyng-gtk is not installed, so not removed11:19
indusWistful: ya its true as far as fundamental stuff11:19
StupidWeaselThe OS is GNU11:20
indusWistful: or the way the kernel is written11:20
Wistfulthey wrote it wrong!11:20
StupidWeaselOr rather, started out as gnu. The kernel is linux == linus trovalds et al.11:20
ActionParsnipm1r: try: dpkg -l | grep envy11:20
indusWistful: processes, hardware handling etc, cant explain in words its  a tech topic11:20
m1rActionParsnip: it seems it installed envyng-qt version (i am using gnome)11:20
Dougalemile: thanks. I wouldn't know how to mount in Nautilus, but i'll take a look at nput11:21
koichirosehow do I set nautilus to connect to ftp servers in active mode?11:21
ActionParsnipm1r: i'd uninstall it. it sucks and isnt supported11:21
m1rActionParsnip: u mean not to use envyng at all ?11:21
indusgharz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=968048&highlight=ati+resolutions11:21
indusgharz: maybe good for you11:21
gharzindus: how about doing a dpgk-reconfigure xserve-xorg? will this help?11:21
gharzindus: ok let me check that link11:22
Nicd-Wistful: what do you mean by that?11:22
indusgharz: well, those commands dont do anything these days, worked in dapper drake time11:22
ActionParsnipm1r: no its not supported11:22
Vincemanthe command get * should work in FTP, why doesn't it? ftp can't open11:22
gharzindus: ic11:22
m1rActionParsnip: ok thanks, but what would you recomend then ?11:22
indusgharz: they changed a lot of things since hardy so not as easy as before now11:23
ActionParsnipm1r: what video card do you have?11:23
WistfulNicd-: "Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by Linus Torvalds , with assistance bla bla" How can this be true? I don't understand? Linus just wrote the kernel and how it interacts with the other parts of the OS..11:23
indusgharz: i used to fix my issues with taht command before :)11:23
m1rActionParsnip: had nvidia 7300 and changed to ATI  HD 435011:23
gharzindus: thanks... so let me just follow that instruction from your latest link which you have provided11:23
indusgharz: that ati card in link is old , so only follow some basic xorg editing tips, or try for similar threads11:23
ActionParsnip!ati | m1r11:24
ubottum1r: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:24
indusm1r: choose your stuff http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=6420277211:24
ActionParsnipm1r: i'd have stuck with the nvidia personally11:25
m1rActionParsnip: problem is my card dont get detected under hardware drivers which would allow me install of driver (using ubuntu 8.04.3 64bit11:25
ActionParsnipm1r: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18011:25
ActionParsnipm1r: reboot, job done11:25
m1rActionParsnip: i have ATI inside now :/ 435011:26
indusm1r: you have ati or nvidia?11:26
ActionParsnipm1r: then you need the ati driver from www.ati.com11:26
Nicd-Wistful: maybe it just refers to the kernel11:26
m1rActionParsnip: thanks, will check it out11:27
WistfulNicd- : It doens't ! It's written in the sense of an entire OS.. and it's plain wrong11:27
indusWistful: its not wrong11:28
indusWistful: probably a minnix clone but whatever11:28
ActionParsnipWistful: doesnt change the price of bread does it?11:28
juarezcan anyone pls help me11:29
ActionParsnip!ask | juarez11:29
ubottujuarez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:29
SlartWistful: check the kernel.org main page.. under the heading "What is Linux?".. they have the same sentence there.. I don't think the ubuntu developers wrote that text themselves11:30
indus!offtopic | Wistful11:30
ubottuWistful: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:30
WistfulOk.. Next time I'll just skip the area where it says : What is Linux? because is plain wrong and it doesn't make any sense..11:31
juarezok sorry,  well im trying to transfer some files from my laptop running BackTrack to  my ps running XP.11:31
ActionParsnipis backtrack suppoted here?11:32
pvh_sa|wrkhey all... how do i fix my file associations on ubuntu (9.04) - i've got .odt files associated with an old (no longer installed) version of openoffice, would like to fix that.11:32
sena--Wistful: i think you are right, i think referrign to OS should be fairer to say GNU/Linux, because Stallman did equally good job and deservers credit11:32
jrib!defaultapp | pvh_sa|wrk11:32
ubottupvh_sa|wrk: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.11:32
juarezits based on Ubuntu 8.1011:32
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koichirosehow do I set nautilus to connect to ftp servers in active mode?11:33
ActionParsnippvh_sa|wrk: right click file -> open with, then browse to the app you want to use in /usr/bin11:33
pvh_sa|wrkthanks ActionParsnip and jrib11:33
ActionParsnipjuarez: doesnt matter, if its not an official release its not supported in the official channel11:33
eni23hello at all. exists a script for cleaning folders from windows-stuff ? (eg. desktop.ini & thumbs.db & albumart, upper-case-file-extensions..)11:33
Slart!derivatives | juarez11:33
ubottujuarez: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)11:33
Slartjuarez: I think backtrack falls into that category11:33
juarezok, tks anyway11:34
ZzIppo_Acer Aspire One 531 / Eee 900 /AO D250 / manually partition the disk. partitioning menu, but any changes I make aren't actually applied.!??11:34
ZzIppo_"No root file system is defined" message ,, back 2 previos screen,, can"t install,, ,, Alpha 5 September 3rd is ok,!? daily live is fubar,,cant install!?  ,, why what!?11:34
SlartZzIppo_: talking about karmic koala aka 9.10? go ask in #ubuntu+1 in that case11:35
gharzindus: i can't still find the solution :(11:35
ActionParsnipjuarez: install an official release and we can help11:35
ActionParsnipjuarez: derivitives amy have weirdsettings and apps which we dont know about11:35
indusgharz: did u try edit xorg file?11:37
indusgharz: this is a common problem so iam sure you will find a thread on forums, iam nvidia user so not sure how to help11:37
ActionParsnip!karmic | ZzIppo11:37
ubottuZzIppo: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:37
gharzindus: i'll edit xorg manually by adding "1440 x 900" on the Screen section?11:38
indusgharz: also have crt monitor11:38
juarezok, but the whole aim is to rescue  some files from a damaged HDD and if i run 9.04 on live cd, it wont let me acces my HD11:38
indusgharz: yes i have read ppl do that11:38
sena--juarez: you may setup ftp server and client and exchange files this way for backtrack support go to #remote-exploit channel11:38
indusgharz: type xrandr on terminal11:38
gharzindus: ok... let me try it.11:38
ActionParsnipjuarez: you can use foremost and testdisk in live 9.0411:38
juareztks mate11:38
ActionParsnipjuarez: you should have a data backup too if the data is important11:38
ActionParsnipjuarez: no backup == data is disposable11:39
jumbersWhat would cause mail to root to get backed up in the mail queue and never sent properly? (Running postfix)11:39
gharzindus: this is the result of xrandr   http://paste.ubuntu.com/271406/11:39
indusgharz: maybe thats the problem11:40
gharzindus: what's the problem?11:40
=== admin_ is now known as bluegeek
indusgharz: NICE linke https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver11:43
indusgharz: be patient when reading,11:43
indusgharz: this should be of help .good luck :)11:44
WishingMasteri want to get latest updates(nightly builds) from GNOME,can anyone give me the apt line of the repository, for example  'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty main'. for GNOME11:46
SlartWishingMaster: they have a deb repository? not just git or svn?11:48
gharzindus: perfect!!!! i just changed the virtual value to 1440 900 and it worked!!!!!11:48
WishingMasterSlart, so you mean like kde sends nightly updates GNOME doesnt ?11:49
StoyI am looking for a program that will allow me to rotate a video 90 degrees, I have looked at PiTiVi and OpenShot, but no luck yet, anyone got any ideas?11:49
SlartWishingMaster: I have no idea what KDE does11:50
WishingMasterSlart, okay can you give me the apt line for GNOME?11:50
ActionParsnipWishingMaster: just because they are both DEs doesnt mean they both do nighly builds11:50
WishingMasterActionParsnip, got that dude...11:51
=== Gary is now known as Guest1230
koichirosehow do I set nautilus to connect to ftp servers in active mode?11:52
FrEaKmAn_hi, how could I check which ports are used in ubuntu server?11:54
SlartFrEaKmAn_: netstat might be useful.. try looking for listening ports11:54
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ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: netstat -a11:56
FrEaKmAn_and I-Node is what? port?11:57
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: the number after the colon is the port11:57
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gharzguys, how do i install flash in powerpc? i have already executed apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras but flash wasn't installed. please help.11:58
IpSe_DiXiThi, has anyone encountered probs after the last updates of today?11:58
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:58
ActionParsnipgharz: you need gnash or swfdec11:59
SlartFrEaKmAn_: I think an i-node is something in a file system.. netstat displays a *lot* of information.. the trick is to trim it down to something you can use11:59
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: netstat -b looks good11:59
smn_hi people. I got a folder /opt and i wnat to be able to create fodler and files under that directory. The /opt directory has root as owner at the moment. How can i give myslef accses?11:59
=== MacGyver_ is now known as MacGyverNL
smn_hi people. I got a folder /opt and i wnat to be able to create fodler and files under that directory. The /opt directory has root as owner at the moment. How can i give myslef accses?11:59
smn_hi people. I got a folder /opt and i wnat to be able to create fodler and files under that directory. The /opt directory has root as owner at the moment. How can i give myslef accses?11:59
SlartFrEaKmAn_: the man page describes a lot of switches to filter the content.. you can use grep as well12:00
gharzActionParsnip: which is better amongst the two? gnash of swfdec?12:00
ActionParsnipsmn_: use sudo mkdir to create the folder, then run: sudo chown :$USER <the folder you created>12:00
ActionParsnipgharz: ive no experience of either. i dont use ppc12:00
gharzok thanks12:01
FrEaKmAn_Slart, ActionParsnip - thanks. The problem was that apache didnt want to start and I needed to know if its running. Checking the logs solved my problem12:01
ActionParsnipsmn_: you will then give your users group ownership, you can then chmos the group permissions but the owner will be root ;)12:01
gharzActionParsnip: when i ran apt-get install gnash... my system says gnash is already the newest version12:01
ActionParsnipFrEaKmAn_: you can use: ps -ef | grep <something>     to find out too12:01
xurxoWhen I tell terminal: sudo apt-get install subversion, I get : E couldn`t find package suversion. Any Ideas? Thanks!12:02
ActionParsnipgharz: i think you need gnash-mozillaplugin or someting. Try:   apt-cache search gnash | grep moz12:02
obiwan__hi please, i need to know how to look built modules in my kernel. I have to do this:   Validate you don't have loaded (or built into the kernel) the Linux community provided  driver for Broadcom hardware12:02
ActionParsnip!info subversion12:02
ubottusubversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.4dfsg1-1ubuntu2.1 (jaunty), package size 332 kB, installed size 4176 kB12:02
Nicd-xurxo: did you type suversion? :P12:02
presidentei have a problem with file avi, i use ubuntu 9.04 in an Asus a400012:02
Slartxurxo: subversion.. not suversion12:02
ActionParsnipobiwan__: sudo apt-get install subversion12:02
xurxono. suBversion12:03
obiwan__why ActionParsnip ?12:03
smn_actionparsnip: any way i can do that in gui?12:03
obiwan__i'm happy with sudo apt-get xd12:03
presidentecan you help me?12:03
ActionParsnipobiwan__: sorry crossed lines12:03
obiwan__hah ok ok ;:)12:03
IpSe_DiXiThi, has anyone encountered probs after the last updates of today?12:03
ActionParsnippresidente: can you expand a little12:03
xurxoI did it right in the terminal. Also, I did the mirror test in the Software sources12:03
obiwan__alo presidente hah yeah explain12:03
presidentethe file avi don't work with vlc12:04
smn_ActionParsnip owner: root, group: root12:04
ActionParsnipobiwan__: if you run: lsmod you can see all loaded modules12:04
obiwan__mmm strange avi should work :S12:04
presidentethe screen is black12:04
obiwan__yeah action, but the message says: loaded + builtin12:04
obiwan__hi please, i need to know how to look built modules in my kernel. I have to do this:   Validate you don't have loaded (or built into the kernel) the Linux community provided  driver for Broadcom hardware12:04
ActionParsnippresidente: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras as well as w32codecs or w64codecs12:04
Nicd-I have a VNC problem (low resolution) when no monitor is connected, as describe here: http://www.nytsoi.net/files/vncproblem.html -- Can anyone look into it?12:05
obiwan__i don't know how to look the builtin modules12:05
ubuntuhey .. where can I find a tutorial to make a 5.1 home cinema to work all 6 channels ? because there are just 2 channels working right now :|12:05
presidentei did it12:05
gharzActionParsnip: thanks!!! now flash is playing12:05
presidentei installed all codec (i think)12:05
xurxoMy Computer Janitor wont work. I says: Essential package dash is missing. There may be problems with apt sources.list or Packages files may be missing? Suggestions? Thanks!12:06
obiwan__i think there's one option in aptget to seek for missing dependancies, but don't know which12:06
gharzthanks guys for all the help!!! ubuntu rocks!!! thanks people.12:07
ubuntuhey .. where can I find a tutorial to make a 5.1 home cinema to work all 6 channels ? because there are just 2 channels working right now :|12:07
ActionParsnipgharz: awesome...oh, oh well12:07
presidenteobiwan__ the dipendancies are ok12:08
Slartubuntu: are you playing 5.1 sound to test it? I'm not sure if there is anything in the default install to "enhance" 2.0 sound to 5.1 but afaik it should play 5.1 sound through all the speakers if they are there12:09
obiwan__hm then i don't know :(12:10
ubuntuSlart, I can't make 5.1 work by default.. I set on 6 channels, but nothing.12:10
ubuntuin alsamixer12:10
smn_ActionParsnip im confused. how do i in gui give myself acess to this foler /opt ?12:10
obiwan__the only thing i can say is sudo apt-get purge package && sudo apt-get install package12:10
Giddionhi, ive booted from the live cd,  how do i find info like CPU type / speed, memory info and HDD info?12:10
ActionParsnipsmn_: you can run your file browser using gksdo12:11
Giddionjust type that into terminal?12:11
Slartubuntu: I don't have a surround sound setup for my desktop so I can't really test it myself.. you've searched the forums?12:11
ActionParsnipsmn_: i wouldnt give yourself ownership of /opot, use a subfolder instead12:11
ubuntuSlart, yes but I couldn't find anything for this kind of sound system.. it's on AC3 :|12:12
ActionParsnipsmn_: /opt   sorry12:12
smn_ActionParsnip yeah thats fine. subfolderwise i mean.12:12
Giddioni get Permission Denied12:12
ActionParsnipsmn_: sudo mkdir /opt/folder; sudo chown :$USER /opt/folder; sudo chmod g+rw /opt/folder12:12
ActionParsnipsmn_: the folder will be owned by root but you will give your user full access with the chown/chmod commands12:14
ubuntuI found something but I need to reboot. brb. :)12:14
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presidentenothing i don't found a solution12:15
zebastianActionParsnip: i just installed hardy, i need help, i can't get wicd and several others through sudo apt-get12:15
zebastianActionParsnip: do i have to enable the jaunty repos?12:16
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.12:16
ActionParsnipzebastian: ask te channel dude12:16
presidentebut it's possible that is a problem with video driver?12:16
=== Someone67` is now known as Someone67
zebastianActionParsnip: i tried sudo aptitude install lxde and it didn't work either12:17
ActionParsnip!info lxde hardy12:17
ubottuPackage lxde does not exist in hardy12:17
tyfjfind -regex  '.+'       #why this find nothing?    thank you12:18
ActionParsnip!info lxde intrepid12:18
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB12:18
ActionParsnipzebastian: looks like its intrepid onwards, there may be a hardy ppa for it someplace12:18
zebastianActionParsnip:  i asked you if i could install it in hardy12:18
zebastianyou said yes12:18
Slarttyfj: it does on my system12:19
smn_actionparsnip: http://pastebin.org/1804512:19
zebastianActionParsnip:  can i enable the jaunty repo on hardy to get wicd?12:19
Slarttyfj: you're not running it in an empty folder?12:19
smn_and i cant make folders12:19
tyfjno, I get lots file in the folder12:19
ActionParsnipzebastian: there may be one, i dont use it12:20
Slarttyfj: can you pastebin the command line where you run it?12:20
ActionParsnipsmn_: ok thats great12:20
tyfjSlart: should I open a switch to use -regex  option?12:20
ActionParsnipsmn_: if you now run: ls -la /opt/lampp/htdocs/ShogooT    you'll see the ownerships12:20
Slarttyfj: I don't understand.. "open a switch"?12:21
FeasibilityStudyanyone know how to overcome the apparmor bug that follows:12:21
FeasibilityStudyUse of uninitialized value $profile in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Immunix/SubDomain.pm line 4401.12:21
zebastiani just edited the sources.list how do i upgrade it?12:21
smn_actionparsnip http://pastebin.org/1804712:22
ActionParsnipzebastian: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade12:22
ActionParsnipsmn_: well you are root so you have access anyway, you shouldnt use root at all12:22
ActionParsnipsudo > smn_12:23
ActionParsnip!sudo > smn_12:23
ubottusmn_, please see my private message12:23
tosmohi, after upgrading to 9.04/jaunty /etc/network/interfaces seems not to work anymore. there's a pre-up rule for my ppp connection, which isn't executed anymore. is /etc/network/interfaces deprecated for some reason?12:24
ActionParsniptosmo: interfaces supercedes all:)12:24
tyfjSlart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/271414/                any hints on how to use:  find -regex12:24
ActionParsnipsmn_: you ran the command as root, so $USER will turn into root and not your normal user12:25
ActionParsnipsmn_: you shouldnt be using root and the account should not be enabled for secuity12:25
smn_argh. doing it again12:26
Slarttyfj: can you explain what you're trying to do?    running   "find -regex '.+'"   gives me lots and lots of files when I run it in my home folder12:26
ActionParsnipsmn_: stay off root, youwill get less issues12:26
smn_i can make folders and files now12:27
ActionParsnipsmn_: as user?12:27
manouetosmo I apologize for ActionParsnip's ridiculous and useless answer. No /etc/network/interfaces is not deprecated12:27
smn_as user12:27
ActionParsnipsmn_: cool :)12:27
tyfjSlart: it should do what you got,  but   "find -regex '.+' " give me nothing always, in any folders12:27
manouetosmo are you sure your updated file is the same as the original?12:28
ActionParsnipsmn_: its not hugely secure, the owner is nobody, which is why you can access it12:28
s12en7s120whats up, i need a little help12:29
ActionParsnipsmn_: as user run: sudo chown root:$USER /opt/lampp/htdocs/ShogooT; sudo chmod g+rw /opt/lampp/htdocs/ShogooT12:29
ActionParsnipsmn_: the folder will then have the owner of root but your normal user will have full access too12:30
smn_doing it12:30
ActionParsnip!ask | s12en7s12012:30
ubottus12en7s120: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:30
smn_done and i can use the folder12:31
ActionParsnipsmn_: cool12:32
ActionParsnipsmn_: if you run the ls -la again you can check the permissions12:32
ActionParsnipsmn_: should be   root smn12:32
smn_ive did the command but /opt/lampp/htdocs checking permissions12:33
=== leo is now known as Prognostikon
ActionParsnipsmn_: sudo chown -R root:$USER /opt/lampp/htdocs/ShogooT; sudo chmod -R g+rw /opt/lampp/htdocs/ShogooT12:35
ismailbhutta1how to install php 6.012:35
ActionParsnipsmn_: then the permissions will be set recursively on all the files12:36
ubottuPHP is an HTML-embedded scripting language. A command-line only version can be installed in Ubuntu with the "php5-cli" package. See also !lamp for integrated server PHP. The Ubuntu server PHP5 guide is found at https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/php5.html12:36
ismailbhutta1php 6.0 installation12:36
ActionParsnipismailbhutta1: http://shibuvarkala.blogspot.com/2009/08/howto-install-php6-in-ubuntu-debian.html12:36
manoueismailbhutta1 you must forgive ActionParsnip, he is neither very bright, nor does he read questions properly12:37
floris|celeronyay, installed ubuntu 9 on a celeron 400 machine12:37
afrikaXwhy does my firewall block traffic thru my vpn connection? (1723 + pptp ports are wide open) but the firewall seems to care about the traffic inside the vpn?12:37
manoueActionParsnip please actually read the questions. Thank you12:37
bazhangmanoue, please stop that12:37
floris|celeron256mb ram teehee12:37
ismailbhutta1manoue: hmmm seems he give right link12:37
ActionParsnipmanoue: the link i gave tells how to install php6 on ubuntu does it not?12:37
Abueleitorhi, someone here know what frameworks its the best one for meddium- scale projects, thx (i tested zend)12:37
Halitechfloris|celeron, what desktop did you install on that machine?12:37
manoueActionParsnip do not address me until I ask you to. Thank you.12:37
smn_actiopnparsnip its done12:37
ukevhi, my gnome does start firefox on every login, how can I disable this?12:38
bazhangmanoue, please stop12:38
ActionParsnipmanoue: as long as you give me the same coutesy. thank you too12:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sessions12:38
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot12:38
floris|celeronubuntu desktop 9, 699mb.iso 32bit. on a 6,4 gb quantum fireball ata drive., 400 mhz celeron system, 256mb ram, wifi card, wpa2 connection, on a 30mbit internet docsis3 accuont , lol12:38
Dr_Willisukev:  it may of some how got saved to your default session. (thats a feature, where it rembers what you had open when you logged off)12:39
Halitechfloris|celeron, you actually installed gnome on it? wow, bet it just flies ~L~12:39
ukevDr_Willis, yes I know about startup settings in gnome, but the point is: firefox is not inside the startup list and it is not inside the bashrc file..12:39
floris|celeronyep, gnome.12:39
ActionParsnipfloris|celeron: not a bad system12:39
floris|celeronflies, well ... hehe, it works.12:39
manoue!ot | ActionParsnip12:39
ubottuActionParsnip: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:39
jakestar: option requires an argument -- C whats that mean?12:39
floris|celeronman, i cn't blieve i did web design on this back in 98. :012:39
ActionParsnipmanoue: you should fire that at floris|celerontoo to mainain integrity12:40
jakesAnyone know what this means12:40
jakestar: option requires an argument -- C12:40
ActionParsnipjakes: what command did you run to get it?12:40
jakessudo tar xvzf z600llpddk-2.0.tgz -C /12:40
smn_can you check the output actionparsnip? http://pastebin.org/1805012:40
Dr_Willis ukev  check the startup applicatons perferences. OPTIONS tab.   perhaps. you could close all apps.. and tell it to 'save/rember' that way it rembers  that nothing was running I guess.12:41
ukevDr_Willis, but you are right, I used the "remember session programes" feature and so firefox started every login but now i disabled this feature but firefox is still starting every time12:41
Moz_Hi. Im new to linux but would like to have a server running linux and asterisk. Im going to install ubuntu but would people recommend the server or desktop edition? Im thinking server as I can then use the server as my office server as well as asterisk box.12:41
simplexioMoz_: server if you can handle cmdline12:42
ActionParsnipsmn_: looks great, you can now write their as your user12:42
HalitechMoz_, are you familiar with using the command line?12:42
ukevDr_Willis, I tried that already, also I could't find a place in gconf where firerfox is mentioned to be started12:42
ActionParsnipsmn_: can you also use http://pastebin.com  it doesnt have all that adware crap12:42
simplexioMoz_: dekstop eats RAM12:42
Dr_Willisukev:  theres also system settings --> Session manager - It has a check box to 'start with a empty session'12:42
Moz_Simplxio / Halitech - Im not confident using the command line yet. I plan on learning a lot more but at the moment dont have the experience.12:42
ActionParsnipjakes: tar does use -C, maybe it needs to go before the file12:42
Moz_Simplxio / Halitech - al;though Im very confident with a windows command line.12:43
Dr_Willisukev:  oh wait.. thats a kde app. :) i got both on this box.12:43
florisnot sure what happened, lol, tried to copy/paste the image http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/693961/Sep%2015%2C%202009_2/DSCF0443.JPG and then xchat lcosed, hehe. anuway, that is the system12:43
KoolDhey how to install a wireless usb in ubuntu???can some one point me to a document?12:43
HalitechMoz_, you could still install the server version and then install ebox to do the configuration12:43
SkarpzI downloaded Mythbuntu on my system and now want it off, how do I do that?12:43
Moz_Halitech - ok thanks for the info.12:43
Halitech!ebox | Moz_12:43
ubottuMoz_: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox12:43
simplexioMoz_: yeah. well basicly you do all conf into files. so you learn cli command and howto use nano quite fast, besides all howtos for server side are pretty much for cli12:43
ActionParsnipKoolD: if you have it attatched and run: sudo lshw -C network     you can see what chip it uses and wesearch from that12:44
Moz_simplexio / Halitech: Thanks for the quick advice. I'll give server editiona try and see how I get on.12:44
simplexioMoz_: and like i said, if you run X + gnome (default ubuntu desktop) you use alot RAM for it12:44
KoolDActionParsnip:thanks, i'll check it out12:45
floriswell, i am glad this worked, lol, ubuntu for the win. now to find uot how to let the ubuntu 9 server edition to find the wireless connection and set a pass for it, etc, .. and auto connect, .. on ethernet it is not a problem, but doing wifi is a bit more tricky for me.12:45
simplexioMoz_: just learn to love bash, <TAB> extend commnds or give option out on cli, helps alot12:45
ActionParsnipKoolD: if nothing comes up, use     lsusb   you can then search for the 8 character hex code12:45
ukevDr_Willis, hm... any other idea? is there no documentation about where startup-hooks can be?12:45
Dr_Willisukev:  never noticed - really never had the problem.  Not got somthing in the Autostart directory?12:46
KoolDActionParsnip:thanks, i got a interface,just had to enable it12:46
uni4dfxbluetooth isn't supposed to work in jaunty right? it can't receive files; when copying a file from obex it will freeze and then you can't unmount the device, etc12:46
ActionParsnipKoolD: nice :)12:47
ukevDr_Willis, no, the autostart dir is empty... I also tried to search with the gconf-editor the term "firefox" but there was no entry which had to do something with startup or autostart12:48
ActionParsnipukev: you can symlink the .desktop entried from /usr/share/applications in ~/.config/autostart12:48
SkarpzAnyone know how to get Mythbuntu completely off?12:48
xeerI am trying to use the 'net' table in iptables, it says "iptables v1.4.0 can't initialize iptables table 'net': table does not exist (do you need insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded"12:50
xeerI'm using intrepid 8.1012:50
Dr_WillisSkarpz:  fire up the package manager and remove it.. but it installed a lot of dependencies. such as mysql and so forth. Getting all tose off ,may be a little hareder12:50
Blizzerandxeer : Have you updated your Ubuntu system12:51
s12en7s120hey, whats up12:51
xeerBlizzerand:  apt-get update?12:51
ukevActionParsnip, in .config/autostart are a few .desktop files, but now firefox related one12:51
s12en7s120does anyone know of any operating systems specificly made for window repair12:51
s12en7s120windows XP12:51
s12en7s120that are linux based12:51
Dr_Williss12en7s120:  check out the 'system rescue livecd' and the gparted livecd12:52
afrikaXwhy does my firewall block traffic thru my vpn connection? (1723 + pptp ports are wide open) but the firewall seems to drop the traffic inside the vpn? when the firewall is off the vpn works. but as it connects the opened ports work but the firewall shaps the traffic inside, is it supposed to do that?12:52
Dr_Williss12en7s120:  and others at 'distrowatch' web site12:52
s12en7s120ohh shoot, lol12:52
SkarpzDr_Willis: What I want it to do is to stop stopping at startup to need to go into recovery mode to download packages. How can I do what you've said? I've tried just removing the desktop but it wasn't enough. Most everything is still there.12:52
Blizzerandxeer : Yup or just use up System --> Administration --> Software Update or something of that sort . Beware , there may be about 300 MB updates if you are updating for the first time12:53
s12en7s120would qtParted work as well from Knoppix or BT3?12:53
Dr_WillisSkarpz:  could be gdm is auto logging in, and starting it up as the default session. Ive not used muthbuntu in ages.12:53
smn_thanks actionparsnip ill use pastebin.com from now on.12:53
Dr_WillisSkarpz:  the 'mythbuntu-desktop' package you mean? thats just a meta-package that pulled in everything else it needed. It does nothing to remove that.12:54
xeerBlizzerand:  I have a server install so the upgrade is only 62mb12:54
shosHelli, does anybody know of a solution to the slow usb transfer rate problem on ubuntu jaunty 9.04 amd64 ?12:55
SkarpzDr_Willis: yeah instead of Ubuntu or Kubuntu it says Mythbuntu when loading12:55
Nicd-how would I tell my system to start vncserver (Xvnc) instead of X?12:55
Nicd-when booting12:55
Blizzerandxeer : k , go ahead . that should solve the prob12:55
s12en7s120upgrade your USB12:56
shoswhat do you mean12:56
zxd_Where are you?12:57
Slartshos: you mean "slowing down until it's just a trickle where I could copy the bytes by hand and still be faster"-problem?12:57
shosSlart: yes that: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1150108&page=2412:58
ukevare there no other possibilities for programs to autostart?12:58
s12en7s120do you have the kernal update?12:58
Slartshos: not really sure why but I have no problems using my usb hard drive.. but transferring a 4GB file to a usb stick just dies after 500MB or so12:58
jribukev: possibilities other than ...?12:58
Pici!zh | zxd_12:58
ubottuzxd_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:59
s12en7s120did you get the kernel update?12:59
Nicd-how would I tell my Ubuntu to start vncserver (Xvnc) instead of X when booting up?12:59
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:59
s12en7s120the Ubuntu12:59
bazhangs12en7s120, which one do you mean12:59
zxd_谢谢!Thank you! 3Q!12:59
shosSlart: sometimes its ok but sometmimes its really slow like 1.5 mb sec12:59
ukevjrib, the .config/autostart/ directory, .bashrc, gnome settings -> session/startup settings.... My firefox is starting every login but in none of these lists13:00
Slartshos: I don't have any good solutions for it... I just avoid using usb sticks and large files =/ I'm guessing one of these days someone will look up while reading the kernel source code and say "Hey, what's that comma doing there" or something similar13:00
s12en7s120or if thats not the one then usually kernel will fix the problem13:00
s12en7s120im talking to you shoes13:00
jribukev: does it happen to a new user?13:00
ukevjrib, no it does not13:00
Slartshos: oh.. 1.5 MB/s.. mine just goes down to well..1 byte/s or so13:00
Blizzerandxeer : How did it go . Sorry but I had to reboot the PC.13:00
jribukev: grep -R firefox ~/.*13:01
xeerBlizzerand:  almost done downloading packages13:01
=== abys is now known as abys_
Dr_WillisNicd-:  if you want a 'hidden' vnc session  thats not the current desktop. You can install/run some of the 'vncserver' servers such as tightvnc.13:01
ukevjrib, it happens only after I set gnome to save the session on logout but now I deactivated the feature but firefox and rhythmbox are still starting automatically13:01
tawanis Opera 10 working well on Ubuntu? I have it on Debian Sid and the menus don't work well.13:02
Dr_Willistawan:  it worked here - last i tried it.13:02
pythagorashwy wasup all13:02
jribukev: tried turning the feature on, turning off those programs, logging out, logging in, disabling the feature?13:02
Nicd-Dr_Willis: I want it to start the vncserver in place of the normal desktop. The computer is to be used via VNC only.13:02
ukevjrib, yes, I tried that13:03
jribukev: try the grep then13:03
Dr_WillisNicd-:  theres 2 ways to do vnc.. Share/show the current desktop OR have a hidden vnc session thats NOT visiable from the local machine.13:03
amnesiahi, a quick question how come my user is able to remove this folder?13:03
amnesiaamnesia@amnesia-laptop:~/Desktop$ ls -lA | grep bla drwx------ 2 root    root          4096 2009-09-15 13:55 bla amnesia@amnesia-laptop:~/Desktop$ rm -r bla rm: descend into write-protected directory `bla'? yes13:03
Dr_WillisNicd-:  if you want you could set up gnome to auto-login and start  the gnome vnc feature.13:03
=== Chiliblue_ is now known as Chiliblue
Nicd-Dr_Willis: I tried vino but it has problems when running headless13:04
Slartamnesia: it really deletes it if you answer yes?13:04
amnesiathat's what I dont get..13:04
Blizzerandtawan : to make opera 10 work you have to do some tweak arounds . Try #opra13:04
ukevjrib, the grep need to much time because there are to much data in my home-dirt13:04
HalitechNicd-, vnc isn't a desktop environment so you can't use it as replacement for gnome/kde/etc13:04
jribamnesia: and ls -ld    ?13:04
Blizzerandtawan : I meant #opera13:04
Dr_WillisNicd-:  sound  like you want to use a 'normal' vncserver then. There are guides on making vnc auto spawn as needed when you connect via a vnc client also.13:04
AndyAHi! How do I direct an exe to an existing .so file.... I've tried with ldconfig with no success...13:04
NewbieHello i'm in the process of enabling wireless to work with my NX6125 laptop, All i've found so far is information about the broadcom 4318 driver, but from there i really havn't had much luck, could anyone possibly assist me?13:04
jribukev: really?  In .*?  I doubt it but start with ~/.g* then...13:04
amnesiajrib: drwxr-xr-x 2 amnesia amnesia 4096 2009-09-15 14:02 .13:04
tawanBlizzerand, specific to Debian Sid? Ok will look ;)13:04
WB2Colorado /query chanserv info #opra13:04
jribamnesia: there you go...13:04
Dr_WillisNicd-:  they can spawn via inetd I recall. With the right setup13:04
ukevjrib, yes really, because of .virtualbox .wine and a lot more.. :)... I will try it13:05
jribukev: good point13:05
pythagorasis ubantu really good??13:05
duffydackNicd-, I`d probably use NX if I wanted to connect and run a desktop session as needed.13:05
jribpythagoras: try it for yourself and see if it is really good for *you*13:05
amnesiajrib: others can only execute aka view the contents right?13:05
Nicd-Halitech, Dr_Willis, isn't Xvnc supposed to work as an X server for the applications? shouldn't it be possible for it to replace X then?13:05
jribamnesia: -ENOCONTEXT13:05
pythagoraswhat do you use jrib13:06
Blizzerandpythagoras : Yep or you could try any other linux distributions too13:06
duffydackNicd-, is ssh -X forwarding not an option ?13:06
Slartpythagoras: nope.. but ubuntu is ok13:06
HalitechNicd-, no, it acts as a forwarder for a currently running x server13:06
jribpythagoras: I use ubuntu and arch...13:06
pythagoraswhat is similar to windows...13:06
Dr_WillisNicd-:  you are not understanding how vnc works. Since you are 'headless' you dont want to use Xvnc or X11vnc. You want a normal 'vncserver'13:06
jribamnesia: content of what?13:06
amnesiajrib: the folder (drwxr-xr-x 2 amnesia amnesia 4096 2009-09-15 14:02 .)13:06
KULA_hi :)13:07
jribamnesia: yeah, others can 'cd' into and list contents13:07
Dr_WillisNicd-:  you could  ssh in, start 'vncserver' then connect via any vnc client..   its that easy. Once ya get vnc going.13:07
Nicd-duffydack: can I connect to an existing session with that?13:07
chris|pythagoras, it runs on x86 hardware13:07
Newbie/tmp/bcm4318.tar-3.gz could not be opened, because the associated helper application does not exist. Change the association in your preferences. - I receive this error when trying to download the "bcm4318.tar.gz" file to open with Archive Manager from the ubuntuforums, why is that?13:07
Blizzerandpythagoras : If you are so inclined to vista try vixta linux13:07
Nicd-Dr_Willis: can I connect to an existing, running session with that?13:07
amnesiajrib: yup but how come a folder owned by root and has drwx------ can be removed by every single other user?13:07
jribpythagoras: don't come to linux looking for windows, you will not be happy.  Think of linux as something new, different and possibly better13:07
ukevjrib, ok .p* finished and prints a few entrys but nothing with autostart, only: (gconf:) apps/browser, url-handlers: http https about unknown; avant window navigator entrys; gnome-settings: gedit; apps/lifearea; end the rest are settings of epiphany (count: 5)13:08
Dr_WillisNicd-:  depends on how you launch.  an existing running VNC SESSIOn.. yes...13:08
jribamnesia: it can't13:08
BlizzerandUlises : Hello there13:08
Nicd-Halitech: this says otherwise: http://www.realvnc.com/products/free/4.1/man/Xvnc.html13:08
Dr_WillisNicd-:  headless means you wont have an X session going. Just vnc sessions.13:08
SharpRainHow do I know if I have GTK on my system?13:08
pythagorasi download ubantu ultimate is that good13:08
jribamnesia: pastebin commands that show what you just said13:08
ActionParsnipNewbie: cd /tmp; sudo tar zxvf bcm4318.tar-3.gz13:08
jribSharpRain: you do13:08
Nicd-Dr_Willis: ok, that's an error in my part then, I thought headless just meant running without a monitor13:08
SharpRainOkay, thanks13:08
ActionParsnipSharpRain: dpkg -l | grep -i gtk13:08
jribpythagoras: no, get regular ubuntu from ubuntu.com13:08
UlisesI can start up my ubuntu Hardy Heron13:08
UlisesHello Blizzerand13:08
jribSharpRain: why do you need it?13:09
Blizzerand!ask| Ulises13:09
ubottuUlises: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:09
bazhangpythagoras, no need for it; and its not supported here-->get the original www.ubuntu.com13:09
pythagorasohh i though ultimate was better ..more features13:09
Dr_WillisNicd-:  and with no monitor you cant see a local X session...13:09
ActionParsnipUlises: can you expand what is happening please13:09
amnesiajrib: that's the point...13:09
amnesiajrib: amnesia@amnesia-laptop:~/Desktop$ rm -r bla rm: descend into write-protected directory `bla'? yes amnesia@amnesia-laptop:~/Desktop$ ls -lA | grep bla amnesia@amnesia-laptop:~/Desktop$13:09
SharpRainEmacs 22 says I will get a better experience if I use emacs-22-gtk one only if I have gtk on my system13:09
UlisesBlizzerand, did you watch the ling i've sent at pastebin?13:09
Dr_WillisNicd-:  so theres no need to start up X or gdm. Peronally i found 'headless' caused to many problems.13:09
SharpRainI chose emacs-22 gtk13:09
=== Nakeido is now known as TimothyA
Nicd-Dr_Willis: basically I just want something like Microsoft's Remote Desktop: computer boots, logs in automatically, starts programs. I connect later and see that desktop with the programs running and can control them13:09
Slartamnesia: do you get the same result if you create the folder somewhere else? say in /opt or something13:10
jribamnesia: that's not "any other user".  That's amnesia.  amnesia has write privileges to the parent directory, so amnesia can delete contents13:10
Dr_WillisNicd-:  you can set up vncserver to do that.13:10
BlizzerandUlises : What were uyou trying to do to begin with13:10
pythagorasjrib thx13:10
Dr_WillisNicd-:  and you couls start the proper vncserver from rc.local13:10
Slartamnesia: I'm starting to think it's something along the lines of "you own everything in your home folder, no matter what"13:10
ActionParsnipNicd-: why not just use web interfaces to what you need. a full blown desktop is often unnecessary13:10
jribSlart: it's not13:10
SharpRainThis is a popular channel13:11
Slartjrib: oh? ahh.. nevermind. I just saw your last message.. I get it now13:11
KendrickSFWow...I haven't used irc since the early 1990's...This is a trip down memory lane! Greetings Ubuntu gurus!13:11
jakeshow do you install a .run file?13:12
grawityKendrickSF: Be prepared to meet a huge amount of spammers, trolls, newbies, and other creatures, then.13:12
SharpRainHi I just installed Emacs and I can't find it on my system..13:12
zaggynlSharpRain: whereis emacs13:12
SharpRainI don't know13:12
grawitySharpRain: Have you tried typing "emacs" on the Terminal?13:12
zaggynlit's a command "whereis"13:13
Blizzerand_Ulises : K , I got disconnected <sorry> but can you answer the question I posted13:13
grawitySharpRain: Or "whereis emacs", as zaggynl suggested.13:13
SharpRainHmm, thanks, that works13:13
b0redhow to print system timezone?13:13
shosemacs isntalls by default in /usr/share/ i think13:13
ActionParsnipjakes: chmod +x the file then you can run it13:13
KendrickSFgrawity: Thanks...This channel is running way faster than the irc channels I visited at CalPoly15 years ago.13:14
Picib0red: Try: echo $TZ13:14
Dr_WillisSharpRain:  emacs also has a gui (x) and Non X versions.13:14
NewbieCan anyone help me with setting up my Wireless connection on a "nx6125" (Broadcom  4318) laptop? I've tried following the steps on ubuntu forums but have ran into neumerous errors13:15
b0red[root@s15305831 ~]# cat /etc/localtime13:15
grawityb0red: Try 'readlink /etc/localtime' or something.13:15
Newbieusing 8.10 ^13:15
neptune_for some reason youtube .com doesn't load on my firefox13:16
neptune_anybody know why/?13:16
Slartneptune_: try ping www.youtube.com in a terminal13:16
richardcavellbecause your flash player sucks?13:16
Boohbahneptune_: do you have flash player version 10?13:16
tawanneptune_, the site or the movies?13:16
aaron11helo im having some problem with pigin it crashes when ever i want to type somthing to a person i read through some bugs at launchpad but didnt unserstand anything im using ubuntu jaunty and here is some extra information last night i was having some problems with my Xserver and rebooted in recovery and everything was fine but my firefox google search area on top does not work or respond to my enter key or the search button.13:17
neptune_i have flash player, itts the whole website that doesnt load, (i get a white screen)13:17
koichirosehow do I set nautilus to connect to ftp servers in active mode?13:17
indusneptune_: u using 64 bit?13:17
Boohbahneptune_: are you behind a content filter that is blocking the site?13:17
neptune_ping works...13:17
neptune_Boonhbah i am not aware of it if i have it13:17
aaron11im reading through this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/24867913:18
Slartneptune_: try this then "wget -O- www.youtube.com" It should print out the source from the main page13:18
jakesActionparsnip, that worked thanks now at the installation screen its saying "No write permission" for installation path13:18
Nicd-Dr_Willis: apparently this tells me how to start the vncserver on boot: http://www.abdevelopment.ca/blog/start-vnc-server-ubuntu-boot -- but how do I stop the regular display from starting?13:18
Blizzerand_neptune_ : You need flash player to view vids in firefox13:18
neptune_yes wget gives me the source13:19
neptune_its a firefox issue13:19
amnesiaSlart: it does work in opt13:19
neptune_it just doesn't like youtub13:19
neptune_how can i reinstall firefo?X13:19
amnesiaSlart: but the permissions were exactly the same..13:19
Slartneptune_: yup.. then it's something with firefox.. perhaps try running firefox from a terminal and see if you get any error messages13:19
abys_be? ;)13:20
KendrickSFI'm trying to install Ubuntu on the unallocated space of my hard drive that has a primary partition with Windows 7 on it and some unallocated space...I've tried it twice with the default "choose between Ubuntu and your other OS," however the Windows 7 boot manager still runs and grub doesn't seem to superscede it. Suggestions?13:20
Nicd-Dr_Willis: apparently this tells me how to start the vncserver on boot: http://www.abdevelopment.ca/blog/start-vnc-server-ubuntu-boot -- but how do I stop the regular display from starting?13:21
neptune_i am reinstalling it from synaptic13:21
Slartamnesia: jrib explained it.. if I understand it correctly the permissions on a folder doesn't mean the same as for a file (have a look here http://www.zzee.com/solutions/linux-permissions.shtml#zzee_link_9_1077830297 )13:21
aaron11does anyone have an idea13:21
aaron11helo im having some problem with pigin it crashes when ever i want to type somthing to a person i read through some bugs at launchpad but didnt unserstand anything im using ubuntu jaunty and here is some extra information last night i was having some problems with my Xserver and rebooted in recovery and everything was fine but my firefox google search area on top does not work or respond to my enter key or the search button.13:21
Blizzerand_KendrickSF : Are you sure you installed it , if yes do you have the live CD13:21
aaron11im reading through this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/24867913:21
Slartamnesia: basically.. the parent folder permissions decide if the folder can be deleted, renamed and so on.. the permissions you set on the folder itself mostly restricts what you can do with the files *inside* that folder13:22
neptune_still nothing13:22
neptune_:( what should i do?13:22
Blizzerand_neptune_ :reinstalling won't help13:22
amnesiaahh okay13:22
aaron11hi [o_O]13:23
neptune_so what's gonna help?13:23
chris|Nicd-, if you don't have a Screen, there is no point in having a VNC server13:23
Nicd-chris|: and why is that?13:23
KendrickSF@Blizzerand: I do have the live cd. it created a partition in the free space, but the grub boot manager didn't run when I rebooted. The Windows 7 boot manager ran.13:24
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:24
aaron11>_< please read my question13:24
ToXBoT!patient | aaron1113:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patient13:24
chris|Nicd-, because the reason for having a VNC server is to have that X Screen remotely available13:24
aaron11ToXBoT lol13:25
ToXBoTaaron11, I don't rem the keyword!13:25
Slartaaron11: I've read it.. I have no idea what is going on.. never had problems like that13:25
Blizzerand_neptune_ : Try deleting .mozilla folder in you home folder and reinstalling firefox . Also please install adobe flash ( http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ ) select the .deb13:25
neptune_Blizzerand I have flash13:25
oiahhefhanyone removed notify-osd and replaced it? can i just replace it w the older package?13:26
chris|Nicd-, if you don't what the screen, then VNC is probably not the right service for you. Maybe you should look into SSH instead13:26
KendrickSFOh well, I knew I was gonna have some trouble dual booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu.13:26
=== trmanco is now known as Guest94855
Blizzerand_KendrickSF : k boot into the live CD and try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows13:27
aaron11oh «:_(13:27
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:27
Josh_wow, updating ubuntu over network proxy SUCKS.13:28
aaron11cant anyone helo13:28
aaron11sorry hel-p13:28
neptune_[13:28] <neptune_> i deleted .mozilla and it works13:29
neptune_[13:28] <neptune_> thx13:29
neptune_[13:28] <neptune_> i lost my bookmarks tho :(13:29
Blizzerand_neptune_ : k try the first part  . .mozilla is a hidden file , to unhide it use ctrl+h13:29
Nicd-chris|: no, I want a screen, that was a misunderstanding. but when I run vncserver, it tells me that something is already occupying display 0. I need to do /etc/init.d/gdm stop (which is GNOME apparently) to start vncserver13:29
KendrickSF@Blizzerand: Oy vey...That looks very helpful! Thanks so much!13:29
ActionParsnipjakes: run it with sudo13:29
Nicd-chris|: so how could I stop gdm from running (not X, my misunderstanding) so I wouldn't have to do that on every boot?13:30
UlisesBlizzerand the connection got off13:30
Blizzerand_neptune_ : Sorry for the last post . That by mistake and bookmarks you can bookmark them again <sorry though>13:30
Slartaaron11: just be patient.. repeat your question every 15 minutes or so.. while you wait you can search the forums. Try to include all the details in your question.. such as what version of ubuntu you're running, 32bit/64bit and so on. screenshots are nice if something "looks weird", check /var/log/syslog for error messages.. check if the problems are the same if you're using a live cd and so on13:30
UlisesDid you wathc the error I pasted at pastebin?13:30
Blizzerand_Ulises > Do you have the live CD with you ,13:31
UlisesI'm running ubuntu through it13:31
Ulisesright now13:31
=== Guest94855 is now known as trmanco
SkarpzDr_Willis: I put it up in the forum and I may ask in here again at a different time13:32
Blizzerand_Ulises : K , just hang on13:32
chris|Nicd-, try sudo update-rc.d gdm remove default13:34
NewbeeI tried to install clamav-daemon on jaunty. But when I try to scan something with clamdscan I always get: "lstat() failed: Permission denied. ERROR13:34
Newbeeeven if I use sudo. So I don't know what to do about it.13:35
Nicd-chris|: thanks, I'll try that13:35
jeevaneed high resolution in my laptop13:35
jeevait shows only 102413:35
jeevahow to increase it?13:35
Blizzerand_Ulises : Which partition do you run ubuntu on13:36
oreongiorno a tutti13:36
indusoreon: giorno13:36
=== jeeva is now known as jeevaguru
exarkunOn Hardy, when I run update-manager, it immediately opens a dialog box titled "Not all updates can be installed" and then prompts me to run a partial upgrade.  How can I tell what updates couldn't be installed, and why?  What is this a partial upgrade to?13:36
oreon•indus• ciao13:36
Blizzerand_Ulises : from a terminal run ,sudo e2fsck -p /dev/sda113:36
indusoreon: so you have an ubuntu question ?13:37
jeevaguruneed help on screen resolution13:37
oreon•indus• sei italiano13:37
Ulisesok i did13:37
Blizzerand_Ulises : What was the result13:38
Myrtti!it | oreon13:38
ubottuoreon: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about e2fsck13:38
Myrttiindus: pro tip: use English13:38
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot13:38
aaron11helo im having some problem with pigin it crashes when ever i want to type somthing to a person i read through some bugs at launchpad but didnt unserstand anything im using ubuntu jaunty and here is some extra information last night i was having some problems with my Xserver and rebooted in recovery and everything was fine but my firefox google search area on top does not work or respond to my enter key or the search button.13:38
Blizzerand_Ulises : Did you get any errors13:38
RadarGI just installed VLC and when I go to start the app it acts like it tries to open it but it fails13:40
Blizzerand_Ulises : That should have done something good , or fixed something . If not follow this article , it may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=469589213:40
KendrickSF@Blizzerand: Thanks for the "Overwriting the Windows Bootloader" link! I think that's exactly what I need. Cheers!13:40
Blizzerand_KendrickSF : Glad I could help13:41
=== k is now known as Guest53695
zebastianActionParsnip: i'm on lxde now, is there a way for me to add a panel with the battery monitor beside the clock on this?13:41
Blizzerand_Ulises : Gotta go , if you have more doubts use the ubuntuforums.com13:41
ActionParsnipzebastian: right click -> add to panel13:41
Ulises¡Good bye!13:42
=== Col is now known as coL^
KULA_who speak polish?? ;]13:42
Newbeecan this permission problem with clamd be caused by the rights of the folders?13:42
aaron111no no forget my question13:42
zebastianActionParsnip: i did that and selected battery monitor, but when i checked it on the check list a big area of the panel simply became black13:42
aaron111i did it13:42
Blizzerand_Ulises : I'd advise you to check whether it did solve the prob though13:42
Myrtti!pl | KULA_13:43
ubottuKULA_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:43
indus!it > oreon13:43
ubottuoreon, please see my private message13:43
ActionParsnipzebastian: ive not used it on laptops so maybe thats normal, run it a while, see how it changes13:43
CIHANhowdy ppl:)13:44
vigoHello CIHAN13:45
vigooops, I am not ppl, I am hooman.13:46
vigoAnother wonderful day.13:47
zebastianActionParsnip: how can i set compiz to work on lxde?13:47
talinhello. i downloaded a file to /usr/local/steam/bleh.bin... when i try to chmod +x bleh.bin; ./bleh.bin in that dir, it says file not found...13:48
talinany idea why?13:48
talini tried running it with sudo13:48
vigotalin: did you mkdir or am I not awake yet?13:49
cybErpunk..talin, do a ls /usr/local/steam and check that the file is there13:49
talinfile /usr/local/steam/bleh.bin, ELF blahblah13:50
talinit is there13:50
aaron111does anyone know why i cannot log on to my youtube account13:50
ActionParsnipzebastian: same as any DE13:50
CIHANvigo if u aint ppl u shouldnt be talking u filthy hooman!13:50
ActionParsnipzebastian: get drivers installed then run: compiz --replace13:51
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zebastianActionParsnip: i did that but there are like no effects enabled13:53
ActionParsnipzebastian: you edit them in ccsm13:53
Guest69970Hi, how do I deactivate NetworkManager? If I try to add a link in rc3.d to start /etc/init.d/networking instead of NetworkManager my internet just dies (yes I have configured /etc/network/interfaces right). So how do I deactivate NetworkManager?13:54
zebastianActionParsnip:  how do i make compiz the default? i noticed it switched back after i closed the terminal13:55
IdleOne!ccsm > zebastian13:55
ubottuzebastian, please see my private message13:55
CIHANso i try to conenct to youtube from turkey as u guys might know it is been blocked by the goverment13:55
ActionParsnipzebastian: alt+f2   compiz --replace    press enter13:55
CIHANthere are a couple of apps to bypass this block13:55
zebastianActionParsnip: that will last after reboot?13:55
CIHANbut there are non for linux based os13:55
vigoCIHAN: TOR and Vidalia running?13:56
arandzebastian: or use compiz --replace &diswon in terminal13:56
Ytxxanyone know how to scp a folder with its content I am getting the13:56
arand* &disown13:56
ActionParsnipzebastian: you may need to make a script to start it, then create a .desktop file for it in ~/.config/autostart13:56
Ytxxthis error /Users/yaredtseghu/rails/test: not a regular file13:56
CIHANjust for the record i just started using backtrack13:56
ActionParsnipzebastian: i dont know any other way personally13:56
grawityYtxx: Try scp -r13:56
ActionParsnipCIHAN: you can use stuff like http://www.hidemyass.com13:57
CIHANi know about proxys13:57
CIHANbut that slows down13:57
CIHANthe connection speeds in turkey are shit already13:57
zebastianActionParsnip: is there an lxde channel? how do you make a script?13:58
ActionParsnipCIHAN: keep it PG with the language13:58
ActionParsnipzebastian: gksudo leafpad13:58
ManDayGuys I can't redirect output of a certain program to file. I do    &> logfile programname  and actually everything goes into logfile BUT the only thing that I really care about is still printed to screen - how can this be?!?13:58
ActionParsnipzebastian: #!/bin/bash13:58
ActionParsnipzebastian: compiz --replace13:58
LjLManDay: it's being output to stderr13:58
ActionParsnipzebastian: have those 2 lines in the file13:59
grawityLjL: But &> redirects both.13:59
ActionParsnipzebastian: save the file in /usr/bin as startcompiz13:59
ActionParsnipzebastian: then run: sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/startcompiz13:59
grawityActionParsnip: Why not exec compiz --replace?13:59
prince_jammysManDay: perhaps your prog outputs directly to the terminal.13:59
zambahow do i set the timezone?13:59
ActionParsnipgrawity: same thing....14:00
LjLgrawity: oh. i didn't know, always did both separately.14:00
grawityActionParsnip: Without 'exec', you have a useless /bin/bash running in a corner.14:00
ActionParsnipzebastian: you may want to add a & on the end14:00
ManDayprince_jammys, what is the technical difference?14:00
ManDay(what does the program do differently) ?14:00
prince_jammysManDay: ie. (in a shell script): echo foo > /dev/tty14:00
grawityManDay: It might write to /dev/tty instead of stdout.14:01
prince_jammys&> will not redirect that14:01
talinhow is this possible? sudo mkdir /usr/local/steam; sudo wget http://.../hldsupdatetool.bin; sudo chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin; sudo ./hldsupdatetool.bin ... "no such file or dir"?14:01
ManDayok, but how do i log this stuff then?14:01
grawityActionParsnip: And with 'exec', compiz replaces bash.14:01
prince_jammysManDay: well, first make certain that that is really the case.14:01
ManDayprince_jammys, it most likely is the case - as you said14:02
ManDaySo how do I log what it sends to the tty directly?14:02
jribtalin: you're missing a file or directory, not necessarily that one.  See if you have those ia32* packages installed....14:02
zebastianActionParsnip: add an a on the end of what?14:02
prince_jammysi don't even know. perhaps with a tool like screen14:02
ManDayprince_jammys, thats a good idea14:02
ManDayill try14:02
prince_jammysor maybe 'script', which i've never used.14:03
talinjrib: the problem is thati  don't know that the ia32-equivalent packages are called on freebsd14:03
ManDayprince_jammys, huh?14:03
* jrib looks at channel name14:03
prince_jammysManDay: man script also to see if it's of use.14:03
talinjrib: i've been reading troubleshooting stuff for linux14:03
jribtalin: freebsd has a channel on freenode iirc14:03
ActionParsnipzebastian: the line: compiz --replace &      is correct. I missed the &14:03
talinjrib: ? this is freebsd... but there is 0 documentation for freebsd and steam14:04
Picitalin: This channel is #ubuntu14:04
jribtalin: this is #ubuntu, try the freebsd channel14:04
talinoops, wrong window14:04
IdhanI have problem with the java plugin with firefox ... java is installed but firefox doesnt use it..how can I do it?14:04
ManDayprince_jammys, if you could tell me how to make a terminal scrollable i could also go with that. my problem is that the program crashes and gives an error message which is too long to fit into the terminal - so i cant see its beginning14:04
zebastianActionParsnip: i opened leafpad with the gksudo, i pasted on one line #!/bin/bash and under in another line compiz --replace then i saved it as startcompiz in usr/bin and then i ran that command you gave me, will from now compiz load everytime i log into lxde?14:04
talinjrib: heh, i'm trying to the same install on ubuntu ;)14:04
prince_jammysManDay: run it in screen is one way14:05
ActionParsnipzebastian: no,14:05
ActionParsnipzebastian: run: gksudo leafpad /usr/bin/startcompiz      and change    compiz --replace    to     compiz --replace &14:05
zebastianwhat does it do then ActionParsnip14:05
ActionParsnipzebastian: its a script we need to call at startup14:06
grawityManDay: What terminal are you using? gnome-terminal, xterm, Linux console, PuTTY?14:06
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ManDaygnomer terminal Granis14:06
ManDaysorry, grawity14:06
ActionParsnipzebastian: you then need to run: sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/startcompiz14:06
grawityManDay: And doesn't it have scrollbars?14:06
ManDayermm no, maybe i disabled them14:06
ManDayill take a look in the prefs14:06
Guest80129I have installed crunch bang Linux in virtualbox but can not get full screen to work guest addtions do nothing! im using ubuntu 9.04 as host os14:07
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jribGuest80129: try #vbox14:07
talinwhat is the ia32-libs package called now?14:07
ManDaygrawity, yep, there it is14:07
zebastianActionParsnip: done, how do i get compiz to load automatically every time i log onto lxde now?14:07
ActionParsnipzebastian: you can then run: sudo cp /usr/share/applications/leafpad.desktop /usr/share/applications/startcompiz.desktop && gksudo leafpad /usr/share/applications/startcompiz.desktop14:07
jribtalin: same...14:07
_ikke_How come i can ping google.com, but cant connect with it with my browser (ubuntu 8.04 in a vm)14:08
ActionParsnipzebastian: we are in the middle of doing it now14:08
Guest8721How do I add an initscript to boot or default. I have tried "update-rc.d net.eth0 defaults", but the script doesn't start. Any ideas?14:08
talinjrib: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs says "couldn't find package"14:08
jribtalin: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ia32&searchon=names&suite=jaunty&section=all14:08
jribtalin: do you know how to troubleshoot from here?14:09
danpandreacould somebody explain step by step how to make an intel 3945ABG wireless card to work with ubuntu?14:09
ManDayDoes anyone know what   /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6(__fortify_fail+0x48)  means and what'S a common cause of the resulting BOF ?14:09
talinjrib: not really14:09
ActionParsnipzebastian: in the file that opens, change the line that starts Exec=   to read Exec=startcompiz14:09
jribtalin: what version of ubuntu?14:09
ActionParsnipzebastian: save the file and close gedit14:09
ActionParsnipnot gedit, leafpad14:09
talinjrib: 9.0414:09
jribtalin: what is the output of: uname -m14:10
talinjrib: x86_6414:10
ActionParsnipzebastian: you now have a launcher, you can now run: cd ~/.config/autostart; ln -s /usr/share/applications/startcompiz.desktop .14:10
jribtalin: run « sudo apt-get update » and try to install the package again.   If it still fails, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list14:11
zebastianActionParsnip: i got one line that reads Exec=leafpad %f do i change it to Exec=startcompiz14:11
talinjrib: that worked! thank you14:11
zebastianExec=leafpad %f to Exec=startcompiz is that correct ActionParsnip?14:12
_ikke_How come i can ping google.com, but cant connect with it with my browser (ubuntu 8.04 in a vm)14:12
Guest80129does anyone know how to set hompage in dillo?14:12
LjL_ikke_: a proxy set on your browser maybe?14:12
_ikke_LjL: Nope, checked that14:13
ActionParsnipzebastian: yes14:13
prince_jammysManDay: script -c YourCommand  YourFile.log  seems promising.14:13
ManDayThanks prince_jammys :)14:13
prince_jammysManDay: assuming you have script, which i believe comes with default ubuntu.14:14
zebastianActionParsnip: bash: cd: /home/sebastian/.config/autostart: No such file or directory14:14
jcohi, is there an alternative gnome terminal, with advanced features like silence/activity notifications, send input to multi tabs, etc...?14:14
zebastianActionParsnip:  that's the output to the command you gave me14:15
ActionParsnipzebastian: cd ~/.config/autostart14:16
danpandreacould somebody explain step by step how to make an intel 3945ABG wireless card to work with ubuntu?14:16
ActionParsnipzebastian: ln -s /usr/share/applications/startcompiz.desktop .14:16
zebastianActionParsnip: No such file or directory14:16
ActionParsnipzebastian: cd ~/.config14:17
vigozebastian: Remember the ~'s?14:17
Guest80129can anyone tell me how to set homepage in dillo browser thx14:17
zebastianActionParsnip: ok it changed the working directory14:17
ActionParsnipzebastian: lets check what we have: cd /home/sebastian/.config/14:17
ActionParsnipzebastian: what is the output of pwd?14:17
zambahow do i tell ubuntu what locales to generate?14:18
zebastianActionParsnip: /home/sebastian/.config14:18
prince_jammysManDay: that seems to work nicely, and you can redirect script's output to /dev/null and still have the stuff captured in the log file.14:18
bigcx2hey guys, is there anyway to reload/refresh gconf settings without restart gdm?14:18
MeGagood morning14:18
bigcx2hey guys, is there anyway to reload/refresh gconf settings without restarting gdm?14:19
jribbigcx2: you shouldn't have to refresh anything.  That's the whole point of gconf14:19
ActionParsnipzebastian: ok, if you run    ls     do you see a folder named autostart14:19
bigcx2jrib: i wanted to make a gconf change directly in the xml14:20
zebastianActionParsnip:  nope14:20
Garp_Question: How can I change runlevel in recent ubuntu systems? I would like to restart most stuff (doing the equivalent of a telinit 1 telinit 5). Any suggestion ? THanks.14:20
bigcx2jrib: and it didn't pick it up14:20
jribbigcx2: why... use gconftool14:20
bigcx2jrib: for a personal package14:20
ActionParsnipzebastian: ok then run: mkdir ./autostart; cd autostart14:20
jribbigcx2: ask the gnome guys how to properly do that14:20
bigcx2jrib: just curious, do you work for canonical?14:21
jribbigcx2: no14:21
harisundIs there an acrobat reader plugin for Mozilla? I have that medibuntu thing but I am unable to find anything.. there used to be acroread-mozilla-plugin or something like that right?14:22
bigcx2jrib: i think i just found my answer, dh_gconf14:22
jribbigcx2: sounds right14:22
Borishello. I hvae a brief question, can I start Ubuntu Live CD on HP Proliant server with RAID5 to test RAID5 functionality and is it safe for data on this RAID volume? Which Live CD I should use - Ubuntu Server or Desktop?14:22
ActionParsnipzebastian: now yo have the folder you cxan symlink in the apps you want to autostart14:23
dayoinstalling moodle on hardy with this guide: http://is.gd/3iBWy it says i need to install libapache2-mod-security, but it's neither in the debian nor the ubuntu repo. what do i do?14:23
ActionParsnipzebastian: so you can run: ln -s /usr/share/applications/startcompiz.desktop .14:23
zebastianActionParsnip: can you explain what you just said14:23
ActionParsnipzebastian: which?14:23
zebastianActionParsnip: zebastian: now yo have the folder you cxan symlink in the apps you want to autostart14:24
amnesiaahh crap14:24
jribamnesia: ?14:24
ActionParsnipzebastian: if you want any apps to run at startup, then that folder is used14:24
amnesiaahh cwl you're still here14:24
amnesiawell apparantly it has something to do with the desktop folder14:25
zebastianActionParsnip: so now lxde WILL run on start up with compiz14:25
jribamnesia: cleaning apt so yeah :)14:25
ActionParsnipzebastian: you can create syblic links to the desktop files in /usr/share/applications. symlinks use no space and will make whatever is linked, run at statup14:25
amnesiaI guess it is inheriting the permissions of its parent folder14:25
ActionParsnipzebastian: did you make the link?14:25
amnesiabut how that works, I havent got a clue14:25
amnesialol is your cache that full?14:25
jribamnesia: no, didn't you see what I told you before?  You can only delete foo/bar if you have write permissions on foo, which amnesia does14:25
zebastianln -s /usr/share/applications/startcompiz.desktop . ActionParsnip?14:25
ActionParsnipzebastian: yes14:26
amnesiawhat's foo?14:26
amnesiaand what's bar:p14:26
zebastianok brb let me go check that it works14:26
amnesiafoobar sounds real familiar14:26
jribamnesia: an arbitrary directory, and bar is arbitrary file inside foo14:26
prince_jammysnames used for examples.14:26
ActionParsnipzebastian: once that link (or you can use raw .desktop files) exists, it will run at startup14:26
amnesiajrib: I've also made a new user and tried to remove it with that account, which worked14:26
{g}Hey People! How can I move+resize the partition I am using as / ? gparted wont let me when started while the partition is used. When I start Ubuntu from CD gparted is not installed. Should I use parted?14:26
jribamnesia: pastebin please...14:26
psqlHi guy+14:27
amnesiaokay, hang on14:27
Cpudan80{g}: use a gparted live cd, or download gparted from the ubuntu live cd (sudo apt-get install gparted)14:28
Dr_Willis{g}:  boot a live cd that has gparted on it and use it from there.. or install gparted  (it will install to the ram) from that live cd14:28
MeGaomg guys am trying to make IRC server since 3 days but it JUST FAIL :(14:28
prince_jammys{g}: if you have the ubuntu live CD, it has gparted in the menus as 'Partition Editor'. There is also a gparted live CD which you can download.14:28
psqlcan someone help me?.... I have this error in synaptic:"E: openoffice.org-wiki-publisher: il sottoprocesso post-installation script ha restituito un codice di errore 1"14:28
w0ls0nhello all.14:28
{g}drunken_sorteal: ah! didnt know i can install stuff on a livecd14:28
MeGacan someone help me with this damn irc server?14:28
{g}prince_jammys: ok, rebooting now14:28
{g}Cpudan80: thanks!14:28
ActionParsnipzebastian: better?14:29
zebastianActionParsnip: i just logged in and i got this dialogue come up http://pastebin.com/m6d5b91e314:29
Borishi, does anyone know, support of RAID5 volumes are identical in Desktop and Server Ubuntu 9.04 LiveCD?14:29
psqlcan someone help me?.... I have this error in synaptic:"E: openoffice.org-wiki-publisher: the subprocess post-installation script gives an error code 1"14:29
ActionParsnipzebastian: ok,do what it says14:30
w0ls0nis there an easy way to release and renew an ip?14:30
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zebastianActionParsnip: I don't get what it says14:30
ActionParsnipzebastian: leafpad ~/.gtkrc-2.0     and add the line it tells you14:30
harisundAnyone? Can ubuntu read PDFs within the Mozilla browser like I can do on Windows?14:30
induspsql: go to packages >fix broken packages14:30
w0ls0nI changed DNS on my winblows box and rebooted but it's not picking up the new DNS server14:30
ActionParsnipharisund: if you istall the acroread mozilla plugin14:30
ManDayPlease have a look at my problem with slow resume from hibernation: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126626314:30
induspsql: then in a terminal type sudo apt-get update14:30
vigoharisund: Yes it does.14:30
geniiw0ls0n: sudo dhclient -r ethX && sudo dhclient ethX       (substitute for ethX as required)14:30
harisundActionParsnip, what package is that? And which repository is it in?14:30
ActionParsnip!find acroread14:31
ubottuFile acroread found in app-install-data-partner, apparmor-profiles, claws-mail-tools, cups, dahb-html (and 23 others)14:31
vigo!PDF | harisund14:31
ubottuharisund: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)14:31
amnesiaahh jrib I was wrong14:31
amnesiaand you were right14:31
ActionParsnipharisund: try: apt-cache search acro | grep moz14:31
klosudo: unable to resolve host localhost.localdomain14:31
harisundActionParsnip, That was the first thing I did. It only shows me flashblock and swfdec-mozilla14:31
ActionParsnipklo: make sure what is in /etc/hostname  matches what is in /etc/hosts    for
ActionParsnipharisund: no it shouldnt as neither of those contain acro14:32
harisundActionParsnip, I recall there being a mozilla plugin on earlier versions of Ubuntu. I have all the universe/multiverse repos enabled and even added the Medibuntu one14:32
harisundActionParsnip, The acro is from Macromedia14:32
w0ls0nis there a way to find out if it's getting the backup dns info now?14:32
{g}hmm.. gparted shows me the extended partition with a keyring next to it and wont let me change its position. why that?14:32
ActionParsnipharisund: acroread is from Adobe, not macromedia14:32
w0ls0noh duh14:33
harisundActionParsnip, That I know. You said "no it shouldn't as neither of those contain acro" so I said they do contrain acro from Macromedia14:33
ActionParsnipharisund: oic, my bad14:33
harisundapt-cache search acroread shows acroread-Adobe Reader and acroread-fonts - Fonts for Acrobat Reader (medibuntu package)14:34
ActionParsnipharisund: do you havemedibuntu repos enabled14:34
harisundYes I do14:34
harisundhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683 <-- I used this page14:34
ManDayDoes anyone here have ROOT installedß14:34
Borisdoes anyone here tried ubuntu on HP Proliant server?14:34
amnesiajrib: how am I exactly able to manage this foobar app/lib(?)14:34
grawityManDay: What do you mean by "ROOT"? The superuser account?14:35
indusManDay: root user?14:35
ManDayno, the program14:35
ActionParsnipManDay: root isnt a program, its an account14:35
ActionParsnipManDay: got a link?14:35
indus!info root14:35
ubottuPackage root does not exist in jaunty14:35
harisundActionParsnip, That page I linked shows installation of acroread-plugins and the mozilla plugin for pre-8.04 families of Ubuntu, not Jaunty14:35
ManDay!info root-system14:35
ubotturoot-system (source: root-system): Meta package to install all ROOT packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.18.00-2.3ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 25 kB, installed size 68 kB14:35
jribamnesia: I'm not sure what you want to do.  The behavior you described is normal.  What do you want to change?14:35
amnesiajrib: I'm only working on this so I know how it works14:35
=== [A]Way is now known as [A]KangB
ActionParsnipManDay: wow suprised they called it that14:36
[A]KangBhi everyone14:36
jribamnesia: k, what aren't you sure about?14:36
BuFFhi, what is the path to place vim's color schemes ?14:36
ActionParsnipharisund: then you'll need a paa for jaunty for the mozilla plugin for acroread14:36
jribBuFF: ~/.vim/colors/ works14:36
harisundActionParsnip, sorry but what's a paa?14:36
BuFFjrib, thanks14:36
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.14:36
rich_dnbeach time i boot ubuntu i have to readd my samba printer on my windows pc to print to it, why is that?14:37
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amnesiajrib: well what is this foo/bar thing, wikipedia tells me stuff about the us army fubar14:37
harisundhmm ok I will try to find more information thanks . I just don't want Firefox telling me "Do you want to download this PDF or open it with Evince" every single time I click on a PDF link14:37
ActionParsnipharisund: typo, sorry14:37
andrewz__whats a good dictionary program, offline with definitions and a gui14:37
[A]KangBhow can i get a vHost on Freenode!?14:37
indusharisund: adobe reader mozilla plugin14:37
IdleOne!cloak > [A]KangB14:37
ubottu[A]KangB, please see my private message14:37
indusActionParsnip: what is harisund looking for?14:38
[A]KangBthanks IdleOne14:38
harisundindus is there a package of that name?14:38
zebastianActionParsnip:  it just occured to me, sometimes when i am watching a movie or an avi video, i turn compiz off, how would i go about doing that?14:38
jribamnesia: foo and bar are just used as generic names for variables, like "x" and "y" in math14:38
indusharisund: well, its now called adobe reader14:38
amnesiaahh okay14:38
ActionParsnipzebastian: could make a script to turn off compiz and run the program then start compiz up when its done14:39
amnesiaso basically you're sayin I am not in "some file"?14:39
ActionParsnipzebastian: that sort of messing around is 1 reason why i detest compiz14:39
ActionParsnipzebastian: its just not worth it14:39
indusharisund: cant you find it from synaptic?14:39
zebastianActionParsnip: but to do it manually14:40
zebastianhow would i go about it14:40
jribamnesia: when I said foo/bar I could have said Desktop/ateam-movie or jrib/Desktop or any other directory with something inside of it.  I was just trying to be generic14:40
harisundindus there is "adobe reader" yes but no mozilla plugin14:40
amnesiaahh okay sorry14:40
indusharisund: hmm mozilla plugin for what14:40
harisundFor the adobe reader14:40
amnesiaso the permissions for removing are arranged differently?14:41
indusharisund: to do what14:41
mgv1hello, i want to ask. why don't they do some installations in ubuntu more simple? like the tor installation which i havn't succeed with14:41
indusharisund: i know what but i still want to ask14:41
harisundindus to see PDFs within my browser14:41
shomonhi, I've got a 54m wireless card, I plugged it in and nothing is showing up on ubuntu hardy. Is there anything I need to do to make it work?14:41
DungeAnyone can explain me the difference between /etc/passwd and /etc/passwd- ?14:41
ActionParsnipzebastian: you can use the compiz control app to switch between14:41
indusharisund: yes thats a  firefox plugin14:41
andrewz__can i download a offline copy of gnome-dictionary somehow?14:41
Total_Oblivionhello! How can I uninstall ubuntu from my PC?  have dual boot14:41
indusharisund: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:714:41
indusis this what you want14:42
zebastianActionParsnip: the what?14:42
NophiqHi all, How can I avoid backup files like "myfile.txt~"?14:42
ActionParsnipzebastian: theres an app you can run to switch between window managers. Iforget its name14:42
harisundindus yes that takes me to Adobes' website directly ..14:42
HalitechTotal_Oblivion, use your windows install cd to repair the MBR then format the ubuntu partitions using windows14:42
jribamnesia: the permissions on a directory have a different meaning than those on a file14:42
Boriswill I have access to RAID5 volume right after start of Ubuntu livecd? is it safe for raid5 volume data?14:42
SharpRainis gedit good?14:43
zebastianActionParsnip: otherwise how would you do it on the terminal? to turn compiz off and on14:43
amnesiajrib: I know14:43
indusharisund: strange14:43
cursiveafter a fresh install of ubuntu, how do I get computer, documents, trash etc. icons on my desktop?14:43
harisundindus I guess i will have to try that. It's just that I am afraid to download anything from the web and install it myself (like I do in Windows) since then if I ask for any support on the forums or IRC I am simply yelled at for not using the repositoies14:43
indusharisund: wait 2 sec14:43
jribamnesia: and as you notice, write permissions for a directory determine whether a file can be removed and/or renamed14:43
indusharisund: ya that reader is what you looking for i believe14:43
cursivejust moved from ubuntu from vista :314:43
amnesiajrib: but remove doesnt fall under read,write,execure right?14:43
thiebaudeSharpRain, i use it14:43
jribamnesia: it falls under "write for parent directory"14:43
harisundindus It's as though if I don't use the repositories for something I am voiding my Ubuntu warranty haha ..ok I will try it the manual way14:43
indusharisund: it then integrates with browser too so u can view pdf14:43
amnesiahm okay14:43
harisundindus All right will give it a try14:44
indusharisund: wait14:44
indusharisund: download from ubuntu repo enable the partner repository14:44
harisundindus,  I have enabled the partner repo14:44
cursiveplease answer me14:44
harisundindus: What's the name of the package there?14:44
gb__hiya all14:44
indusharisund: checking wait 1 wsec14:44
ActionParsnipzebastian: not sure, never ran compiz in lxde14:44
thiebaudecursive, what is your question?14:45
jribamnesia: if you're interested in this sort of stuff, you may be interested in learning more about how the filesystem works.  Look up what inodes work.  I think that will also give you a better understanding for your current question14:45
cursiveafter a fresh install of ubuntu, how do I get computer, documents, trash etc. icons on my desktop?14:45
cursivejust moved from ubuntu from vista :314:45
cursiveto ubuntu from vista*14:45
gb__does anyone here have pcchip p29g model?14:45
thiebaudecursive, i drag and drop them to the desktop14:45
shomonis there a how to for setting up dual monitors in ubuntu?14:45
zebastianActionParsnip: well it should be replace for....what's lxde's file manager?14:45
ActionParsnipzebastian: openbox --replace14:45
_ikke_cursive: right click on desktop and then create launcher14:46
thiebaudecursive, i cant drag and drop the places icon14:46
ActionParsnipzebastian: lxde's file manager default is thunar but you can use nautilus if you like, or rox, konqueror, dolphin14:46
cursivehow do you get trash on desktop?14:46
ActionParsnipzebastian: your choice14:46
indusharisund: aah ok seems not availabele for repos14:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about launcher14:46
indusharisund: medibuntu i tried?14:46
jrib!icons | cursive14:46
ubottucursive: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)14:46
zebastianActionParsnip: what's the thingy you add to a command so you can close the terminal without it closing the program you opened through the terminal?14:46
ActionParsnipzebastian: &14:46
ActionParsnipzebastian: if you use alt+f2 you dont need that14:47
zebastiancrap, i closed the terminal14:47
noelferreirahow can i see the encoding of a file?14:47
_ikke_zebastian: its and &14:47
harisundindus: I have both medibuntu and partner repos enabled, and universe/multiverse and everything. acroread is available, but I want to read those documents iwthin my browser and not have to download them seperately into the desktop and then open with evince14:47
zebastianand now i have no top bars14:47
ActionParsnipzebastian: ye, use alt+f2 and you dont have that14:47
jribzebastian: & disown, or use nohup, or use screen14:47
_ikke_argh, too late14:47
geniinoelferreira: file <filename>    gives some info14:47
ActionParsnipzebastian: alt+f2, openbox --replace14:47
indusharisund: no that install does it14:47
ActionParsnipzebastian: use alt+f2 for stuff like that, less problems14:47
indusharisund: it will ask for enable browser plugin14:47
harisundInteresting, I will give it a try again hang on14:47
indusharisund: i downloaded from website so i know that works14:48
indusharisund: now i dont know14:48
indusharisund: try14:48
zebastianActionParsnip: how do you get out of alt f214:48
noelferreira Non-ISO extended-ASCII text14:48
noelferreira genni is the endoing extended-ASCII in this case?14:48
indusharisund: or just install from adobe to save the hassles14:48
ActionParsnipzebastian: when you run the command it will vanish, or you can press alt+f4 to close it14:49
=== x_x is now known as Guest13542
harisundindus: Will do man :) Thank you14:49
noelferreiragenni extended-ACCII is a encoding type. that's because iconv doesn't recognise it.14:49
cursivehow do I set VLC to the default media player?14:49
noelferreiragennii extended-ACCII is a encoding type. that's because iconv doesn't recognise it.14:50
zebastianActionParsnip: i keep doing alt f2 and nothng happens14:50
noelferreiragenii extended-ACCII is a encoding type. that's because iconv doesn't recognise it.14:50
ActionParsnipzebastian: if you have compiz enabled it doesnt like lxdes launcher thingy14:50
zebastianActionParsnip: i can see why you would hate compiz14:51
brozebastian, hi.14:51
mgv1i want to ask. why don't they do some installations in ubuntu more simple? like the tor installation which i havn't succeed with14:51
geniinoelferreira: It's probably then iso 885914:51
ActionParsnipzebastian: it just stops a whole load of good stuff run. and for what, some crappy animations. per-lease14:51
zebastianbro: hi, you won't guess what i did in the end14:51
brozebastian, reinstalled ubuntu?14:51
cursivehow do I set VLC to the default media player in ubuntu? so when I open up my songs, it opens it in that, instead of that movie player14:51
zebastianbro: installed hardy, it works perfectly14:52
Halitechcursive, right click the media file you want to open with vlc, select properties and then change the default app14:52
harisundindus Thank you again :)14:52
LiCeThi all14:52
ActionParsnipcursive: right click an mp3 or whatever -> open with then select openwith other app, then tell the OS to remember the option14:52
noelferreiragenii and how can i check that. because there's diffetent types of iso and i need to convert it to utf-8 and o need the correct actual code tu use with iconv14:53
arandcursive: What I know you can do is go into properties-openwith for specific files (>>filetypes)14:53
brozebastian, tell me, you do have tearing [no-vsync] in movies and on desktop [while moving windows around], in hardy?14:53
LiCeTgot a new webcam "communicate stx"14:53
LiCeTand just get a black screen14:53
arvind_khadriLiCeT, cheese?14:54
zebastianbro: what does that mean? tearing?14:54
LiCeTstops directly after starting cam14:54
loneonecan someone help me to install huawei 3g usb stick?14:54
chingusEr I need help, is this the right place?14:54
IdleOnechingus: depends14:55
chinguser k thanks14:55
IdleOneask your next question14:55
arvind_khadrichingus, if its ubuntu :)14:55
chingusI am having trouble turning on the dektop effects14:55
chingusIt can't seem to find the drivers14:55
LiCeThow do in stall gspca?14:55
brozebastian, it's when you see that the window is kind of slashed vertically and the upper half is slighty moved to right/left than the lower half. like in games when you don't select vertical syncronization [vsync]14:56
chinguswhat is stall gspca?14:56
loneonecan someone help?14:56
arvind_khadrichingus, which card?14:56
arvind_khadri!ask | loneone14:56
ubottuloneone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:56
zebastianbro: no no it works perfectly14:56
zebastianit's great14:56
chingusI don't know how to find out14:56
zebastianway better than jaunty14:56
LiCeTseems in need gspca14:56
ActionParsniploneone: run: lsusb    you will et an 8 character hex code you can websearch for14:56
amnesiajrib: so any user can still remove someone elses folder?, as long as the parent folder has write permissions14:56
arvind_khadriLiCeT, aptitude search gspca14:56
IdleOneLiCeT: gspca-source14:56
loneoneI want to install huawei 3g usb stick to my ubuntu14:57
chingusLiCeT: gspca-sourc14:57
chinguswait sorry14:57
chingusIntel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)14:57
dragonrigshelo my ubuntu has some problems latly i had an update and it needed 157mb and in my disk there is 215 gb and the error mesage told me to do sudo apt-get clean now whenever i go to the applications button. nothing apears but it gets highlighted14:57
chingusThats my card14:57
LiCeTwhat about it chingus?14:57
IdleOne!intel > chingus14:58
ubottuchingus, please see my private message14:58
chingusEr I can't turn on desktop effects becasue it can't find drivers for Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)14:58
LiCeTi   gspca-source                    - source for the gspca v4l kernel module14:58
LiCeTafter search gspca14:58
Halitechdragonrigs, use pastebin to post the output of df -h14:58
LiCeTamsn && skype i just get a black screen14:58
thiebaude!intel | chingus14:58
ubottuchingus: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.14:58
rich_dnbguys why do i have to copy a printer every time i need to print?14:59
LiCeTpointing directly to the light i get the light14:59
Beefcakedhi i was just wondering.. when i had windows vista installed on my laptop it would last for 2 hours. now it only barely gets through 30 minutes14:59
IdleOnechingus: I have the exact same card. you can't :(14:59
thiebaudeIdleOne, and i have the 8081514:59
geniinoelferreira: Apologies on lag, work required me. You might want to try convmv14:59
genii!info convmv | noelferreira14:59
ubottunoelferreira: convmv (source: convmv): filename encoding conversion tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-1 (jaunty), package size 19 kB, installed size 88 kB14:59
zebastianActionParsnip: something got lost, when i logged on it said unable to establish connection with fam15:00
chingusI tried this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=113058215:00
chingusbut my comp crashed15:00
SoulBladehow do i check the compile flags used to build the installed version of expat?15:00
dragonrigsHalitech http://pastebin.ca/156701115:01
mgv1i want to ask. why don't they do some installations in ubuntu more simple? like the tor installation which i havn't succeed with15:01
noelferreiragenii, i am using a server where i am not adminsitrator and i can't installl convmv: is there any other option. i just need the correct file encoding listed. the i use iconv15:01
mgv1why does my toolbar bookmarks dissapeard?15:02
chingusOkay I suppose I should reestablish my problem I can't activate desktop effects as drivers are not found for graphics card Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02 I tried whats on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 but it made my comp crashed. How can I activate them?15:02
Halitechdragonrigs, you used wubi to install?15:02
thiebaudechingus, you might not be able to15:02
dragonrigsHalitech yes15:02
ActionParsnipmgv1: they are simple, you cant even chosse defaults apps its that simple15:02
chingusAbsolutely nothing I can do thiebaude?15:03
geniinoelferreira: Does output of: iconv -l         show 8859 as a type it knows about?15:03
loneonecan anyone help me about huawei 3g modem usb stick I cant install it properly pm me pls15:03
thiebaudechingus, im not sure, but i had to edit my xorg.conf to fix my problem15:03
ActionParsniploneone: run: lsusb     you will get an 8 character hex code, websearch it and you will find guides15:03
chingusHow did you do it?15:04
thiebaudechingus, does your X freeze?15:04
loneoneok I try it now15:04
chingusEverything works fine but when I try to make it flashy no drivers are found15:04
Halitechdragonrigs, ok, no way of resizing without reinstalling, you'll need to start looking at whats installed and removing some things15:04
mehediwhy ubuntu can not play any media without installing media plug in?15:05
dragonrigsoh no15:05
Halitechchingus, if its not a laptop, buy a new card15:05
mgv1<ActionParsnip>: tor wasn't installed currectly for me and the intel graaphic driver is too problematic and not for begginer15:05
ActionParsnipmehedi: windows is the same15:05
chinguscan't afford one lol15:05
ActionParsnipmehedi: no OS can play media without codecs15:05
dragonrigsHalitech there is no other way but using wubi to reinstall15:05
ActionParsnipmgv1: intel drivers are easy. I have a guide15:05
Halitechdragonrigs, you can do a real install install of the quasi install that wubi is15:05
noelferreiragenii, iconv -l <filename> gives me all the types available. how can i get the one the file is using?15:05
loneoneI have another problem about this modem there is a program run in windows need to connect usb stick and mobile company to connect me to internet15:05
cornetmehedi: the *real* answer is due to license restrictions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats15:06
Halitechchingus, anything used would still be better then the onboard intel chip15:06
mehediits impossile to run ubuntu without interner connection15:06
thiebaudeActionParsnip, any day im ready to put 9.10 on my system15:06
chingusreally, is it that bad?15:06
dragonrigsHalitech what?15:06
Halitechmehedi, no its not, just harder15:06
ActionParsnipmgv1: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/reverting-xorg-video-intel-driver-of.html15:06
chingusthiebaude anythink with the xorg.conf idea?15:06
ActionParsnipmgv1: you do realise nearly ALL netbooks use crappy intel chips so there are billions of guides on how to set them up15:06
Halitechdragonrigs, wubi "installs" ubuntu into a file inside windows, if windows goes boom, so does ubuntu15:06
thiebaudechingus, i can give you what i use, but i will say use at your risk in case it dont work for you15:07
thiebaude1 sec15:07
chingusI have backup of xorg.conf15:07
arvind_khadri!pppconfig > arvind_khadri15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pppconfig15:07
ActionParsnipmehedi: sure, you can run any installed OS with a web connection15:07
thiebaudechingus, open a terminal15:07
dragonrigsso your saying that my windows just went boom Halitech15:07
mehediin windows there is no need for downloading any media plug in.but why it is in ubuntu?15:08
Halitechdragonrigs, no, just saying *IF* windows goes boom then so does Ubuntu15:08
chingusk terminal open15:08
thiebaudechingus, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:08
dragonrigsHalitech so... how do i fix my problem15:08
dragonrigshelo my ubuntu has some problems latly i had an update and it needed 157mb and in my disk there is 215 gb and the error mesage told me to do sudo apt-get clean now whenever i go to the applications button. nothing apears but it gets highlighted15:08
mgv1<ActionParsnip>: so maybe i need to find a time to install them. but until now i didn't and i don't know how to do it right anyway15:08
Halitechmehedi, windows still needs to download codecs, just has some base ones installed by default15:08
geniinoelferreira: Sometimes: file -i <filename> will give more specific info, but not guaranteed15:08
thiebaudechingus, ok, under the video section15:09
Halitechdragonrigs, I told you, you need to clear space out or reinstall with a true install instead of using wubi15:09
ActionParsnipmgv1: thats wat the internet is for15:09
chingusThere is no video section15:09
noelferreiragenii, :( text/plain; charset=unknown15:09
thiebaudechingus, display15:09
chingusThere is only device monitor and screen15:09
thiebaudechingus, i wish i could see how your xorg.conf looks like15:10
mehediwhat is the main benefit of ubuntu?15:10
chingusI'll show you15:10
Halitechmehedi, do a fresh install using an install cd and not a restore cd and see what works out of the box15:10
thiebaudethanks alot15:10
chingusSection "Device"15:10
chingusIdentifier"Configured Video Device"15:10
chingusSection "Monitor"15:10
chingusIdentifier"Configured Monitor"15:10
FloodBot2chingus: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:10
_ikke_is it a big problem if a system upgrade in ubuntu was aborted?15:10
mgv1<ActionParsnip>: i can't easily understand how to perform the many ideas in guides15:10
dragonrigsHalitech so i remove windows COMPLETLY but what happens if the real install doesnt work15:10
geniinoelferreira: It's apparently an unknown character set then15:10
dragonrigsHalitech how do i exit from ubuntu live cd15:11
thiebaudechingus, right under configured video device15:11
Halitechdragonrigs, you don't need to remove windows completely, you can dual boot15:11
chingusI am sorry15:11
ActionParsnipmgv1: most are step by step, like taht one i gave15:11
chingusdidn't know about flooding15:11
Halitechdragonrigs, shut down and reboot15:11
dragonrigsHalitech thats how it gets hard15:11
chingusyes thiebaude15:11
mehediwhat is the main benefit of ubuntu?15:11
mehediwhat is the main benefit of ubuntu?15:11
dragonrigsHalitech so no need for reinsyall15:11
noelferreiragenii, so how can i convert it to utf-8?15:11
kworkmehedi,  over what ?15:11
dragonrigsmehedi |!wait15:12
Halitechdragonrigs, no but you need to free some room15:12
_ikke_is it a big problem if a system upgrade in ubuntu was aborted?15:12
dragonrigsill do the real install15:12
thiebaudechingus, add this           Option              "DRI"   "off"15:12
mehediover windows15:12
Halitechmehedi, its free, no viruses, support is free and alot better then MS15:12
chingusk added15:12
thiebaudechingus, and save it15:12
chingusk done15:12
thiebaudechingus, ok, now just re-boot completely15:13
ActionParsnipmehedi: its a bit oftopic here15:13
thiebaudehope it works15:13
mgv1<ActionParsnip>: yes but when i've tried many guides i didn't knew what to do. why it's not simple to just make installtions?15:13
IdleOnethiebaude: DRI is disabled by default in jaunty due to the known intel regression15:13
chingusAfter I reboot, should I activate the desktop effects?15:13
dragonrigsHalitech IF a defect is found while on live cd what will i do15:13
tavelram(on a single-user system running blackbox) any suggestions on something more lightweight than gdm? xdm? quingy? how stable is quingy?15:13
thiebaudeIdleOne, me adding that fixed my problem with my X freezing15:13
elopsa mount keeps being added to my mtab file, any idea why this might be? i may have added something somewhere a while back that did this, but i cant remember where... it is not in fstab15:14
IdleOnethiebaude: ok just saying15:14
Halitechdragonrigs, what do you mean?15:14
chingusthiebaude, once i reboot should that be it?15:14
thiebaudeIdleOne, if i dont add "DRI" then x will freeze15:14
thiebaudechingus, yes15:14
chingusk thanks15:14
chingusthanks a lot15:14
demonsporkdoes anyone have the "Matrix Rebooted" Iconset, because the original source is missing and I can't find it anywhere else15:14
elopsa mount keeps being added to my mtab file, any idea why this might be? i may have added something somewhere a while back that did this, but i cant remember where... it is not in fstab --  http://pastebin.com/d27473af15:14
thiebaudeand if it dont work, i tried15:14
ActionParsnipmgv1: because not all systems are identical so you need to work a bit yourself15:14
dpreacherActionParsnip hello after long time15:15
geniinoelferreira: If exact coding IS known, with iconv the syntax is like:  iconf -f ISO_8859-1  -t UTF-8 <filename>15:15
ActionParsnipdpreacher: howdy15:15
dpreacherActionParsnip i'm good and you?15:15
thiebaudeIdleOne, i guess thats what i get for a 9yr old graphics card,lol15:15
ActionParsnipdpreacher: not too shabby at all :)15:15
mehediubuntu has a huge problem. once the screen resolution is being changed,it can not be readjusted without setup!!15:16
mgv1<ActionParsnip>: funny. what do you mean by systems? like jaunty or something like that? why there isn't transsystem installations?15:16
IdleOnemehedi: do you need any help with ubuntu?15:16
IdleOnemehedi: ask a question15:16
Halitechmehedi, I can change mine easily without rerunning the setup15:16
dpreachercan someone suggest how to instruct pppd to log to separate files per pppoe connection (we have 2 isp lines coming in, and ubuntu has load balancing the 2 connections) using syslog?15:17
jms1989hello, quick question. why wouldn't a ubuntu system auto mount a usb drive? would could cause it?15:19
dsdeizanyone here with debian experience?15:19
MeGahey guys is there program for linux that work like Microsoft C++?15:19
elopsa mount keeps being added to my mtab file, any idea why this might be? i may have added something somewhere a while back that did this, but i cant remember where... it is not in fstab --  http://pastebin.com/d27473af15:19
IdleOnedsdeiz: #debian15:20
mgv1<ActionParsnip>: i couldn't succed with the guide15:20
kudi1whats a god cd bruner program15:22
Halitechkudi1, k3b15:22
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto15:22
librenesdpreacher-> just an idea, if you are familiar with iptables, you can mark and direct the log per interface basis..15:25
demonsporkis it still better to install the nvidia drivers directly from nvidia or is the driver from the repository adequate15:25
boscopI already set opera as my default browser on ubuntu (for speed reasons) but when I double click on a html file in nautilus, it still opens it with firefox. why?15:25
thiebaudedemonspork, repository15:25
demonsporkboscop, and html file is considered "the internet" when you set opera to be the default browser, it is just set to handle things like http://www.google.com and such15:26
dpreacherlibrenes, currently loadbalancing using shorewall which uses iptables basically. but you're saying that iptables would be logging instead of  pppd? i know which interface is for which isp line...15:26
demonsporkboscop, you have to associate the html file with opera separately15:26
boscopdemonspork, each single hmtl file??15:26
demonsporkboscop, no15:26
th3seaw0lfI have a dell optiplex gx 240, with AD1885 Integrated Audio. i installed ubuntu 9.04 and im not getting any sound. neither from my speakers nor from my pc speakers, need help please.15:27
demonsporkboscop, just the .html extension isn't associated, because setting a default browser just associates URL handle with a particular browser15:27
librenesdpreacher-> yes, there are hooks within netfilter aka iptables to allow you to mark a packet based on which interface it goes in/out then your rules will log them15:27
demonsporkboscop, but since a .html file isn't a URL, then it is still set top open with firefox15:27
dpreacherlibrenes, thanks for the awesome tip. I'll sit with my colleague who has worked on the shorewall setup and get it done.15:28
boscopdemonspork, ok thx15:28
th3seaw0lfI have a dell optiplex gx 240, with AD1885 Integrated Audio. i installed ubuntu 9.04 and im not getting any sound. neither from my speakers nor from my pc speakers, need help please. can somebody help me please?15:29
librenesdpreacher-> perhaps you and your friend can write some tutorials on how you got it accomplished? i cant do it myself as i never had two isp providers15:29
thiebaudechingus, did it work?15:29
boscopdemonspork, and how do I make apps like vlc show up in opening dialogs?15:29
chingusno :(15:29
thiebaudeahh man15:29
chingusbut it sped up my computer by a lot15:29
boscopdemonspork, for example opening a stream in opera15:30
chingusAmazing I was aiming for the effects but this is actually better...15:30
thiebaudechingus, you trying to compiz?15:30
chingusBut still any more tips?15:30
dpreacherlibrenes i see. that'll be some task to achieve then. i'll post my notes somewhere public15:30
chingusI tried Compiz but no help.15:30
thiebaudechingus, i cant use compiz either15:31
chingusThe desktop thing just doesn't work15:31
ccole1good day, using 8.10 as a file server i wrote a shell script to backup the users home directories, i set it as a cron job but it only backs up some users not all, when i run the script manually it works as intended. what could be wrong15:31
chingusI might actually go with the other person's suggestion, and get a new graphics card15:31
chingusWEll thanks thiebaude.15:31
thiebaudechingus, just remember that xorg.conf thing i did15:31
librenesdpreacher yes, its not quite easily done. here is one link that may help   http://www.shorewall.net/traffic_shaping.htm15:31
chingusPity the desktop couldn't work but my comps lighting fast now.15:31
thiebaudechingus, write it down15:32
chingusWhat did that function do?15:32
chingusWrite what down?15:32
thiebaudechingus, yep15:32
Pavlzend of draft for 802.11n after 7 years :-)15:32
chingusOh kk15:32
dpreacherlibrenes i agree no less, my friend's i'd admit the more smarter and persistent one, who got the loadbalancing done after some months without a custom kernel or anything15:33
tuxxieccole1: output the script to a log file.15:33
chingusIts saved in and all now, and made back up of that on more than just root...15:33
mgv1do you maybe know why so many times it takes loads of time to find the right wireless network wireless network while some time it doesn't find it at all?15:33
thiebaudechingus, cool15:33
ccole1i did it gives no errors15:33
chinguswell anyway g2g thanks thiebaude15:33
thiebaudechingus, no problem, glad that worked15:33
tuxxieeven when it does not work?15:33
librenesdpreacher i dont think it requires a special kernel, more of a module within netfilter15:34
tuxxieuse rm -v15:34
dpreacheroh librenes...i was referring to the load balancing part15:34
dpreacherwhich also can be done with or without custom kernel15:34
lotiahello all. are there any sources from where i can install newer kernels onto jaunty15:34
ccole1rm -v explain please15:35
Dr_Willislotia:  check the PPA repositories perhaps.15:35
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.15:35
tuxxieccole1: man rm15:35
tuxxieyou are using rm to delete the files correct?15:36
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/15:36
th3seaw0lfI have a dell optiplex gx 240, with AD1885 Integrated Audio. i installed ubuntu 9.04 and im not getting any sound. neither from my speakers nor from my pc speakers, need help please.15:36
ccole1sorry i know what rm does but i am not removing files15:36
lotiaDr_Willis: i checked there first. unfortunately the ppa is no longer being used.15:36
ccole1i am creating a tar archive to backup user files15:37
prince_jammysccole1: see if there's any error output in /var/mail/$USER15:37
eni23hello guys. i got here a lot of mp3's with mpeg2-layer codec. how can i find them all in bash15:37
demonsporkHello, I can't figure out how to get my Creative fatal1ty USB headset working in Ubuntu Jaunty. Help15:37
miranda82i remember there was a program that would let you sync multiple things, like fspot to picasa, emails to gmail, calendars with gcalendar, rings a bell to anyone?15:37
mgv1do you maybe know why so many times it takes loads of time to find the right wireless network wireless network while some time it doesn't find it at all?15:37
ccole1can i post a copy of my script15:38
tuxxieccole1: pastin your script15:38
Halitechth3seaw0lf, if its the same as the Dell optiplex I had, its an ISA based sound card and I found it easier to install a PCI sound card15:38
ccole1#creates a gzip tar file of users home directory and databases15:38
miranda82conduit is the answer btw...15:38
th3seaw0lfHlitech, so what should i do?15:38
th3seaw0lfget a new soundcard?15:38
Halitechth3seaw0lf, does it show up in lspci?15:38
solos_revengeis there a masm dissembler in the masm installer included?15:39
tuxxieccole1: is the script running as root? and are there hole dir missing or just a few files?15:40
Halitechth3seaw0lf, then its probably an isa based card which means getting a PCI sound card would be easier15:40
arvind_khadrisolos_revenge, its nasm in linux15:40
ccole1i put it as a cron job sudo crontab -e15:40
solos_revengeyes but im talking about masm15:40
ccole1of the 8 directories it copies 2 when run as a cron15:41
th3seaw0lfHalitech, now soundcard then? ok :/15:41
solos_revengeits a different syntax isnt it?15:41
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:41
brot_hi, can anyone help me with a PAM problem?15:41
prince_jammysccole1: use the pastebin15:42
prince_jammys!pastebin | ccole1 : nothing got pasted here15:42
ubottuccole1 : nothing got pasted here: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:42
th3seaw0lfthere is a 4 line code i have to type in terminal now and again, can i make an executable or smthng so those 4 lines are executed with a single click?15:42
grawityth3seaw0lf: Make a shell script15:42
th3seaw0lfgrawity, i dont know how to15:43
Halitechth3seaw0lf, there is info here (older though so may not work) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156334 and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetupSoundCards?highlight=%28sound%2915:43
tuxxieccole1: your command looks like #tar cvfz tar.tar /home/15:43
grawityth3seaw0lf: 1) Open a text editor. 2) Type #!/bin/bash as the first line. 3) Type the rest of your commands. 4) Save. 5) In terminal, chmod +x yourscript.15:43
th3seaw0lfok, thanks grawity15:43
th3seaw0lfthanks Halitech :)15:43
solos_revengewell ollydbg does well15:44
ccole1yeah, i'm just paranoid about backups so i do a piece at a time and test each part15:44
brot_i have a stack of modules in order auth required pam_env,auth required pam_tally,auth sufficient pam_unix.so ... this is effectively rendering my authentication useless ...15:45
brot_i want to know why15:45
brot_can anyone help?15:45
lars2!help > lars215:46
ubottulars2, please see my private message15:46
brot_if i change pam_unix.so back to "required" ... everything is working ok15:46
tuxxieccole1:  please pastin your script so i can look at it.15:47
jiohdiwhy do some programs run by name and others require ./ to run them?15:47
brot_jiohdi: if they are in the PATH you dont need the ./15:48
tuxxiejiohdi: some are in your path.15:48
grawityjiohdi: There's an environment variable $PATH that contains a list of directories where to search for programs if you don't specify a path.15:48
brot_jiohdi: otherwise you will need the ./15:48
tuxxiewhere is the link?15:48
grawityjiohdi: For example, 'ls' is in /bin, and /bin is in $PATH, so you only type 'ls'15:48
jiohdigrawity: in what path?15:48
grawityjiohdi: echo "$PATH"15:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about path15:49
brot_jiohdi: try e.g. "which echo" and then "echo ${PATH}"15:49
Dr_Willisjiohdi:  your 'current' directory is normally not on your PATH  unlike windows where it normally IS searched first.15:50
brot_jiohdi: you will find /bin in the list of directories15:50
jiohdiI get you... mostly bin folders15:50
Dr_WillisBash Basics :)15:50
grawitygrawity@insanity ~/Projects$ echo $PATH15:50
grawityjiohdi: And if you want to run a program that is not in $PATH, you need to specify the full path.15:50
jiohdior be in that directory15:51
_ikke_Dr_Willis: Thats the most satisfying answer15:51
grawityjiohdi: No, the current directory is never in $PATH by default.15:51
grawityjiohdi: ./someprogram means "run someprogram from the current directory"15:51
jiohdiI meant in the directory of the program15:51
grawityIf you're in the directory of the program, you _still_ need to specify the full path to the program.15:52
brot_anyone knows about some detailed PAM documentation?15:52
monneWhen I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.04 from live pendrive, its giving unable to install GRUB in /dev/sda FATAL ERROR15:52
monneI tried other partitions, same error15:52
jiohdigrawity... I just did ./uninstall from within the google-earth dir and did not need to specify anything more15:52
grawityjiohdi: But you did specify the path - by using ./15:52
grawityjiohdi: "." means the current directory, and ./uninstall means a file "uninstall" in the current directory.15:53
jiohdiah I c15:53
NakidGirl_With_IHi All how to install XEN kernel on Jaunty15:53
=== boscop_ is now known as boscop
NakidGirl_With_IHi All how to install XEN kernel on Jaunty15:54
monneHas anybody with a similar problem?15:54
NakidGirl_With_IHi All how to install XEN kernel on Jaunty15:54
monneUnable to install GRUB, FATAL ERROR whiile installing jaunty from Pendrive15:55
NakidGirl_With_IHi All how to install XEN kernel on Jaunty15:55
mohanohia software is asking for libpython.2.6.so, But the file is in /usr/lib path.. But it isn't looking there..15:55
adalalmonne: make sure the pendrive installation was free from defects15:55
adalalmonne: run a checkdisk on it15:55
mohanohihow to set path?15:55
brot_mohanohi: edit your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile15:56
prince_jammysccole1: save the date in a variable and use the variable when making the file names. what if the date changes in mid-script?15:56
mohanohibrot_: ok.. :)15:56
brot_export PATH15:56
monneadalal, Okay! Let me try15:56
Dr_WillisErr.. a Library path  is DIFFERNT from the shell PATH for binaries15:57
mohanohibrot_: thanx :)15:57
Dr_Willisunless i missread what mohanohi was saying... he needs his lib path.15:57
brot_Dr_Willis: how to set path15:57
tuxxieccole1: on the tar line redirect using only >> to a file and i would use pbzip2 for speed but besure to leave 1 cpu core open.15:57
mgv1can you tell me how do i able to encrypt files when burning them?15:57
mohanohiDr_Willis: yes.. thats the thing.. i need to set the lib path15:57
ackbahrHi! I just reinstalled Jaunty 64bits on my computer, and I (that is the user name and password given during setup) am not administrator! What can I do?15:57
Dr_Willisits LD_PATH i think for libs.. and that dir should allready be in the default LD_PATH15:57
NakidGirl_With_IHi All how to install XEN kernel on Jaunty15:57
mgv1and also, do you know of an active food channel?15:57
legend2440NakidGirl_With_I: http://mulps.wordpress.com/2009/05/31/install-xen-kernel-on-ubuntu-9-04-jaunty-i386/15:57
NakidGirl_With_Ilegend2440> Thnanks let me check15:58
=== yoni is now known as CrAzYoNi
mohanohiDr_Willis: should i do export LDPATH=:/path/to/mydir ?15:59
ccole1tuxxie:i am redirecting the 2nd stream ie stderr to the log file15:59
tuxxieccole1: yes but not all files backed up. this will give you and idea of what is happing prior to the script stopping.16:00
brot_mohanohi: sorry ... Dr_willis is right ... you mean LD_PATH ...16:00
ccole1tuxxie:the problem remains that when i run this script manually sudo ./backup.sh it does all directories, when i put it as a cron job it only does 216:00
ccole1tuxxie ok wile try now16:01
yassine_i nedd program convert .nrg to iso16:01
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mohanohibrot_: how to set it?16:01
mohanohibrot_: should i do export LDPATH=:/path/to/mydir ?16:01
brot_mohanohi: did you install phyton?16:02
yassine_i nedd program convert .nrg to .iso16:02
mohanohibrot_: yeah..16:02
mohanohibrot_: the file is in /usr/lib folder..16:02
tuxxieyassine_: http://www.linuxscrew.com/2007/09/16/convert-nero-image-nrg-to-iso9660-iso/16:02
AE-Member973u play aion?16:03
Pici!ot | AE-Member97316:03
ubottuAE-Member973: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:03
yassine_tuxxie , thank you16:03
AE-Member973this is aion channel16:03
brot_mohanohi: find /lib /usr -iname libpython.2.6.so16:03
mohanohiAE-Member973: no.16:03
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.16:03
brot_mohanohi: is it present on the system?16:03
mohanohibrot_: yes it is..16:04
IdleOneyassine_: nrg2iso in repository16:04
brot_mohanohi: strange ... yeah then try to add the path to LD_PATH16:04
IdleOneyassine_: apt-cache search nrg2iso16:04
mohanohibrot_: how? i am new to this :(16:04
mohanrajhw to format pendrive16:04
mgv1can you tell me how do i able to encrypt files when burning them?16:05
murielgodoihi all,  I'm trying to set a gconf value as default to all users, but no success. Any Ideas?16:05
mgv1and also, do you know of an active food channel?16:05
=== nimrod_ is now known as Wunnymush
brot_mohanohi: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/path/to/lib16:06
mgv1and also, how can i make xchat open links from here? http://searchirc.com/search.php?F=partial&I=food&T=both&N=all&M=min&C=1&PER=15&D=color&Submit=+Go+16:06
brot_export LD_LIBRARY_PATH16:06
Picimgv1: /msg alis help list    for finding channels, also try #freenode16:06
mohanohibrot_: thank you :)16:06
tuxxiemohanohi: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html will help you.16:06
mohanohituxxie: will look through.. thank you :)16:07
mgv1<Pici>: how do i use freenode to find channels?16:07
Picimgv1: You're on the freenode irc network, #freenode is the general help channel, maybe they have suggestions16:07
mgv1<Pici>: ok :)16:08
ccole1tuxxie:i ran it using cron it just ignored the other directories16:09
tuxxieccole1: any logs?16:09
ccole1tuxxie:it just echoed the files and directories being backed up16:11
ndrwchow can I request a package that's had a bugfix in karmic be backported(?) to jaunty?16:12
ionut__Hello! I'm having a problem with smplayer and nvidia. I have nvidia 185.18.14 and mplayer with vdpau. If I play a video in fullscreen whenever I go to the bottom to show the smplayer toolbar the screen flickers. Also when the toolbar disappears the screen flickers. Even when I turn the volume down with the multimedia keys. DOes anyone else experience this?16:12
ndrwcalso, how can I request that a package in hardy be synchronised with upstream for some major bugfixes?16:13
dragonrigsis there a countdown for karmaik16:13
ionut__Forgot to mention : using Jaunty 64 bit with 2.6.30-020630-generic on a Dell Inspiron 1520 notebok with NVIDIA 8600 M GT video card16:14
roobly_rooI've installed g++, build-essentials, etc and have been compiling some things from source on Intrepid Ibex.  I came to the realization though, that memcmp (a very basic function) isn't included in /usr/include/stdio.h.  How this could have happened is beyond my ability to reason, but does anyone know a decent means of getting functional C++ libraries in ubunutu?16:14
dragonrigshelo  is there a countdown for karmic16:15
psalasy que16:15
ionut__dragonrigs : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-910-karmic-koala-release-schedule.html16:15
psalasquien habla español?16:16
IdleOne!es | psalas16:16
ubottupsalas: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:16
dragonrigsspeedball gr816:16
ndrwchrm, I might have to try out alpha 6 on my macbook again, alpha 5 didn't boot :/16:16
Vincemanwhy won't VLC play a MOV-file?16:17
dragonrigsspeedball yooho16:17
mgv2i've just faild to install an dvd of files because the screen went black and now it says that the disc is empty even though it was in the middle of the copying.16:18
arandndrwc: try daily sa well..16:18
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:18
yassine_how do i use nrg2iso?16:18
ionut__Hello! I'm having a problem with smplayer and nvidia. I have nvidia 185.18.14 and mplayer with vdpau. If I play a video in fullscreen whenever I go to the bottom to show the smplayer toolbar the screen flickers. Also when the toolbar disappears the screen flickers. Even when I turn the volume down with the multimedia keys. Does anyone else experience this?16:18
=== dragonrigs is now known as aaron11
rashed2020Karmic will break WHAT?16:18
ndrwcarand: it's a macbook 5,2 and I've already got acpi=off in jaunty, but it's my main work machine so I can't afford downtime during office hours :/16:18
LjLitself, rashed202016:19
yassine_how do i use nrg2iso?16:19
mgv2lets say i'm going to install windoes xp over ubuntu running system. i would i be able to do it and be able to boot ubuntu? do i need to first devide the drive again?16:19
ionut__yassine man nrg2iso16:19
IdleOneyassine_: nrg2iso file.nrg file.iso16:19
IdleOneyassine_: you might need to use sudo16:20
ionut__./nrg2iso image.nrg image.iso16:20
ionut__yassine: http://gregory.kokanosky.free.fr/v4/linux/nrg2iso.en.html16:21
xurxoThis is my problemxurxo@xurxo-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get -y install build-essential ncurses-dev gettext xmlto16:21
xurxo[sudo] password for xurxo:16:21
xurxoE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.16:21
xurxoAny suggestions? Thanks!16:21
FloodBot2xurxo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:21
thiebaudexurxo, did you run that?16:22
dkurtzwhy does update-rc -f <service> remove only remove the links in rc<num>.d and not rcS.d?16:22
LjLwow, it specifies you have to use sudo now? awesome.16:22
xurxothiebude. Yes. I got it off the internet. why?16:22
geniiLjL: Heh, you noticed that too16:22
mads-Hi. I have a ubuntu live cd which for some reason will not start X. Is it possible with this to install ubuntu over the internet or something? I can boot it up and I have access to tty16:22
thiebaudexurxo, its telling you to run dpkg16:23
arvind_khadri!alternate | mads-16:23
ubottumads-: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal16:23
mgv2if i've a bunch of links and i want their htmls, how can i download them all together?16:23
xurxohow? just type in what it tells me to?16:23
mads-I am not able to burn any CDs or make any bootable USB disks16:23
Omletnew game: http://www.clodogame.fr/change_please/8715913/16:24
LjLxurxo: that would seem like a reasonable option16:24
thiebaudexurxo, yes in a terminal16:24
DJones!ot | Omlet16:24
ubottuOmlet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:24
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:24
dkurtzmgv2, use wget16:26
mgv2how can i add more sets of sounds to ubuntu?16:26
tuxxieccole1: I am not sure what to tell you. I have almost the same script and it works like a charm. sorry :(16:26
ionut__Hello! I'm having a problem with smplayer and nvidia. I have nvidia 185.18.14 and mplayer with vdpau. If I play a video in fullscreen whenever I go to the bottom to show the smplayer toolbar the screen flickers. Also when the toolbar disappears the screen flickers. Even when I turn the volume down with the multimedia keys. Does anyone else experience this?16:26
xurxoxurxo@xurxo-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg --configure -a16:26
xurxoSetting up flashplugin-installer ( ...16:26
xurxo--2009-09-15 17:24:58--  http://archive.canonical.com/pool/partner/a/adobe-flashplugin/adobe-flashplugin_10.0.32.18.orig.tar.gz16:26
xurxoResolving archive.canonical.com...
FloodBot2xurxo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:26
thiebaudeionut__, have you tried mplayer?16:26
xurxoConnecting to archive.canonical.com||:80... connected.16:26
tuxxieccole1: I would ask #bash16:26
IdleOne!paste | xurxo16:28
ubottuxurxo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!16:28
[31d1]is there a seperate channel for talking about karmic?16:28
ionut__thiebaude the same happens with mplayer (I compilled the lateste version, I used mplayer-mt) but the result is the same - the screen flickers (flicker = desktop background appears intermittently with the video)16:28
DJones!karmic | [31d1]16:28
ubottu[31d1]: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:28
[31d1]aha, thc16:28
xurxothiebaude: so, did you see what its doing? maybe you can explain to me why this has to do anything with flashplayer16:29
Krauser_hi is there a way to reboot a completely hanged up machine using ssh ?16:29
geniiKrauser_: Is the ssh session also locked?16:29
dkurtzit if's completely hung you probably can't ssh to it16:29
geniidkurtz: Yes, exactly16:30
Krauser_is there a way to know wether it is powered on or not ?16:30
mgv2<dkurtz>:  how do i launch it and for which question?16:31
Krauser_i cant ping it16:31
Krauser_it shows reques timed out16:31
dkurtzthen i'd say it's off of the network interface isn't up16:31
dkurtzmgv2, for retrieving the html from different links16:31
dkurtzKrauser_, does anyone have physical access to it?16:32
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dkurtzor does it have a service processor?16:32
Krauser_dkurtz yes employees have16:32
Krauser_through ssh16:32
Krauser_its a seperate machine16:32
Krauser_for game servers16:32
dkurtzanyone that could tell you it's status of on or off?16:33
icenovahey guys !16:33
michLinuxGuyicenova: hey guy!!!16:33
Krauser_dkurtz is there a programme wich auto restarts a completely hung up machine ?16:34
icenovai need help !16:34
dkurtznot unless you can access it through an ip kvm16:34
dkurtzor something separate from the OS16:34
icenovai bet 153098329 users come here asking the same thing16:34
michLinuxGuyKrauser: You would need watchdog hardware to do that16:34
icenovai need help choosing my pc components, but i want them cheap !16:35
Krauser_sad :(16:35
Trijntje!ot | icenova16:35
ubottuicenova: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:35
Myrtti!hardware | icenova16:35
ubottuicenova: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:35
michLinuxGuyicenova: What is your budget?16:35
DJonesicenova: You'll probably be better asking in #hardware16:35
classicalhey all :-)16:35
icenovaoh ups16:35
icenovai thought i was writing on that chanel LOL16:35
icenovamichLinuxGuy, 250 €16:36
classicali have ubuntu 9.0416:36
icenovabut ok, i'll move to that channel16:36
classicaland it's work very slow16:36
icenovathanks anyway !16:36
classicalwhat is problem ?  :s16:36
nanotube!hi | crescendo16:38
ubottucrescendo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:38
ndrwcalright, reading the backports info is rather confusing... if a package exists in jaunty and a fix will be released in karmic, does that mean that the relevant fix should appear in backports or updates? how do I request <whatever> needs to happen?16:38
crescendoI'm trying to resize (shrink) a LUKS partition, but all the tutorials I can find are over a year old, and some commands are failing. Can I solicit some remote-access help from someone? :P16:40
icenovano one helps me there :(16:40
michLinuxGuyicenova: I find I can buy a pre-built machine cheaper than building one.16:41
icenovareally ?16:41
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icenovabut i just need some of the parts16:41
michLinuxGuyI bought an e-machines box at costco with an LCD monitor for $400 (US).16:41
avoozlI'm getting bitten by 'Corrupted MAC on input' when transferring large files over ssh, the symtpoms seem to correspond to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/60764 but for me the workaround to disable rx/tx checksumming through ethtool does not work16:42
avoozlsomehow ethtool -K eth0 tx off  does not give any errors but still keeps the setting 'on'16:42
dajhornndrwc: Not always.   If it is something important, you could try "nominating" the package at Launchpad.16:42
eni23for get lame running faster i need fast cpu or more ram?16:43
avoozl[oh and my network card is a nVidia Corporation MCP79 Ethernet (rev b1)]16:43
eni23it's really 'lame' on a atom server16:43
ndrwcdajhorn: as in "nominate for release"? ok, I'll see what happens...16:44
monlamSCP stalls when i try to transfer files between my Ubuntu & #Crunchbang system using Wireless card. Ethernet works fine-- Any hints?16:44
eni23is lame support server-cpu's?16:44
ndrwcdajhorn: sorry, is that from the bug report or the package?16:44
Krauser_how to secure SSH against hackers ?16:44
eni23Krauser_: really16:45
dajhornndrwc: Look for an appropriate "nominate for release foo" button at the bug page.  Give a good reason for a backport if you do this.16:45
FloodBot2dragonrigs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:45
ndrwcKrauser_: pull out the network cable :P don't have a root login, have strong passwords16:45
eni23when you have a secure pw/aut-keys16:45
Krauser_ndrwc, :) it has to have root16:45
Krauser_2nd option16:45
Krauser_passwords aer strong >16 letters including caps small number symbols16:46
geniiKrauser_: A few tactics ... use a strong password.... don't run it on port 22 .... limit login attempts to 3 or less .... don't allow root login by ssh16:46
ndrwcKrauser_: what, root login in ubuntu? that's silly16:46
avoozland run something like sshdfilter16:46
eni23why not aut ssh with keys. that's much more saver16:46
ndrwcdajhorn: um.... ok I hit nominate, selected jaunty, submitted and... I'm lost :(16:46
Krauser_eni23, can u give a link to wich explains how to use key system ?16:47
dajhornndrwc: If you're unfamiliar with this, then find the package page, and open a question instead.16:47
eni23i only know a link in german. wait, i search something16:48
Krauser_eni23, english only please :-S16:48
dajhornndrwc: https://answers.launchpad.net/16:48
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ndrwcdajhorn: yes, I'm very unfamiliar with launchpad. There didn't seem to be a comment box16:48
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eni23Krauser_: http://www.debuntu.org/ssh-key-based-authentication16:50
ndrwc"help with launchpad" is not the same thing as "help with the red tape" :/16:50
eni23^^ it's english16:50
gladiatorhi .. i am trying to setup mysql on my system .. i installed mysql client and mysql server packages ... but i am getting "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)" when i try to do mysql -u root16:52
gladiatorany suggestions?16:52
nicolahhi guys, how do I reach "smb://supermachine/c/" using the terminal ? "cd smb://supermachine/c/" doesn't work16:52
monckygladiator: have you started the server? /etc/initd.d/mysqld start16:52
Krauser_eni23, thanx for that16:53
monitorFOCK ALL16:53
Josh_nicolah, smb:// is a samba protocol. You'll need to connect to your 'supermachine' with samba16:53
monitorsamba yer16:54
ndrwcnicolah: smbclient, smbget etc.16:54
monitorputa que pario16:54
monitorsua mãe16:54
gladiatormoncky: yes. it fails16:54
geniinicolah: http://learnlinux.tsf.org.za/courses/build/net-admin/ch08s02.html16:54
FloodBot2monitor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:54
monitormeu pau16:54
sipiormonitor: you off your meds?16:54
monckygladiator: it fails to start? what do the logs say?16:54
gladiatormoncky: /var/log/mysql.log and /var/log/mysql.err are both empty16:55
mads-Hi. I have a ubuntu live cd which for some reason will not start X. Is it possible with this to install ubuntu over the internet or something? I can boot it up and I have access to tty. I am not able to make anymore CDs or USB disks16:55
monckygladiator: what about /var/log/messages16:55
Beefcakedhi guys maybe you can help me.... ubuntu is using more power in this laptop than vista had16:55
eni23gladiator: what says /etc/init.d/mysql start?16:55
hporsehi. i've got a fresh kubuntu installation here and the first thing i recognize is, that the keyboard is broken under X, but not in the tty consoles. any idea how i could fix this?16:56
gladiatoreni23: nothing there either..16:56
TrijntjeBeefcaked: install and run powertop16:56
abyshi somebody who can help me with css that crashes when i use wine16:56
Spkr2Cmputrs_From time to time, my computer will freeze up and the capslock light will blink on and off.  Sometimes the screen will blank, sometimes not.  I can find no pattern in when it occurs.16:56
monneCan anybody tell me how to dial a DSL connection from while using WLAN in Ubuntu?16:56
geekaiaI'm have some problems to install nvidia driver on kernel 2.6.3116:56
Trijntjemads: I think its better to fix X before installing ubuntu. Otherwise it wont work anyway16:56
monneI can only dial DSL from Wired and not from Wireless16:56
BeefcakedTrijntje: thank you. does ubuntu have something like hardware profiling in windows where in i can set to a hardware profile where some of my devices are disabled?16:56
geekaia I have runned the nvidia installer  ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.36-pkg1.run16:56
bastid_raZorSpkr2Cmputrs_: i believe that is a kernel panic16:56
geekaia and it has returned to me16:56
gladiatormoncky, eni23: is there a way to completely uninstall and reinstall mysql again? i tried apt get purge but that doesnt seem to remove all the data either...16:57
ndrwcgeekaia: you have restricted kernel modules?16:57
avoozlgeekaia: it is easier to install them from the nvidia-vdpau ppa16:57
geekaiasome erros16:57
avoozlgeekaia: then it is packages16:57
Spkr2Cmputrs_What is a kernel panic?16:57
avoozlgeekaia: packaged even16:57
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eni23gladiator: have you tried to stop mysql via init.d16:57
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BeefcakedSpkr2Cmputrs_: i dont know exactly, but the kernel is an integral part of the operating system... so it panicking must be really bad16:57
monckygladiator: apt-get remove <package>16:58
nameless|I seem to be having a problem installing ubuntu 8.03 i386 server edition. I can get to the ubuntu boot screen with the options to install, check the cd and memory, etc... When I select install it takes me to a language selection screen and my system seems to freeze up. I can't select anything16:58
gladiatoreni23: stop says [OK] start says [fail]16:58
geekaiamy log files apears as :16:58
geekaiaERROR: The runtime configuration check failed for the library16:58
geekaia       'libnvidia-tls.so.185.18.36' (expected:16:58
geekaia       '/usr/lib/tls/libnvidia-tls.so.1', found:16:58
geekaia       '/usr/lib/libnvidia-tls.so.116:58
TrijntjeBeefcaked: I'm not sure. btw, the changes powertop makes don't last, so you have to keep it running16:58
FloodBot2geekaia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:58
icenovahey guys btw16:59
LouisTHi, can someone help me fix a nvidia driver error? when ever i start up, it gives an error and needs to use the "low graphics mode", and i looked at the error and it says it's unable to load the kernel module.. but, when i try to install nvidia drivers, it always goes to xorg failsafe.. but when i 1st installed the driver, all it showed was a little line with the ubuntu background colours at the top, and when i moved my mouse i could see it some16:59
eni23gladiator: ls -la /var/run/mysqld/ ? what files you see and what rigths16:59
bastid_raZorgeekaia: you should be install the nvidia driver from a TTY while X has been stopped.16:59
icenovaon my mac g5, with os x 10.4, when i insert my frozen throne cd and open it, it says missing string 105916:59
icenovawhat is that ?16:59
miranda82hey guys, anyone knows how to completely CLEAR my whole evolution calendar?16:59
nameless|I seem to be having a problem installing ubuntu 8.03 i386 server edition. I can get to the ubuntu boot screen with the options to install, check the cd and memory, etc... When I select install it takes me to a language selection screen and my system seems to freeze up. I can't select anything17:00
geirhanameless|: Can't remember how the server install looks, but in the typical TUI interfaces you use the tab key to move between boxes and buttons17:00
geekaiaI was tried this17:00
bastid_raZoricenova: that has nothing to do with #ubuntu.17:00
ndrwcLouisT: what's your hardware? I had that problem on my laptop, BIOS was mapping the video memory incorrectly17:00
gladiatoreni23: no such directory17:00
nameless|geirha: yeah, I tried that and it didn't work. It's like my system stopped recognizing my keyboard?17:00
mgmuscarii need some GENERAL computer help - it isn't ubuntu related but my nice $2000 thinkpad running ubuntu has succumbed to the stupid flea infestation that i arrived to when i moved into a house for school... does anybody know what might be a good solution? i apologize for the off-topic question but maybe i can answer an ubuntu question for someone while i'm here17:00
geekaiabut it was returned to me http://paste.ubuntu.com/271533/17:00
LouisTndrwc: it's a desktop, but what kind of info do you need?17:01
geekaiaafter an apt-get dist-upgrade17:01
icenovabastid_raZor, your right srry, but they cant help me on mac channel T_T17:01
geekaiaknow how to solve this problem17:01
BeefcakedTrijntje: ive installed powertop through synaptic... how do i use this?17:01
ndrwcLouisT: I have no idea :P but gpu info, drivers version17:01
Myrtti!helpme | geekaia17:01
ubottugeekaia: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience17:01
TrijntjeBeefcaked: run sudo powertop in a !terminal17:01
eni23gladiator: your mysql installation really looks weird.17:01
mgmuscarigeekaia - i'm guessing you've checked your system for third-party opengl packages...17:02
geirhanameless|: Does the leds toggle if you hit Caps lock/Scroll lock? Does alt+F2 work?17:02
gladiatoreni23: no sorry .. drwxr-xr-x  2 mysql root and ...  drwxr-xr-x 23 root  root17:02
Beefcakeda ! terminal? did you mean to put ! before terminal because it should mean something different?17:02
nameless|geirha: I didn't try those, but the num lock led did not toggle17:02
LouisTndrwc: i have a failsafeX-backup file, i assume it has the errors in it..17:02
geekaiawhat is the packages what i need to install?17:02
ndrwc!terminal | Beefcaked17:02
ubottuBeefcaked: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:02
TrijntjeBeefcaked: no, just terminal ;) But if you type !terminal here the ubottu bot will tell you where to find it.17:02
ndrwc... like that :)17:02
LouisThow would i get the GPU info, ndrwc?17:02
geirhanameless|: Then it seems it doesn't handle the keyboard, indeed. Is it usb or ps2?17:03
ndrwcLouisT: ... what model card is it, if you know?17:03
eni23gladiator: try to start mysql and watch this directory17:03
Trijntjendrwc: nice teamwork ;)17:03
gladiatoreni23: sorry again .. these are just directory navigation directories :S17:03
mgmuscarigeekaia: the install script is failing because it's suggesting that you have some conflicting libraries17:03
Beefcakedoh okay, lol, that confused me. im new to linux so i thought running sudo powertop in a terminal with a ! meant something else, haha17:03
LouisTno idea, ndrwc17:03
bastid_raZorLouisT: lscpi | grep VGA17:03
nameless|geirha: it is PS2. It works fine before it gets to the actual install part17:03
mgmuscarigeekaia: run synaptic and search for opengl, make sure you don't have any third-party packages selected, and if you do, do a remove completely on them. then try your driver install again17:03
ndrwchrm, I find it hard to remember things this early17:03
LouisTbastid_raZor: bash: lscpi: command not found17:04
ndrwcLouisT: try lspci17:04
bastid_raZorLouisT: i typoed.. lspci17:04
BeefcakedTrijntje: i have it running and i enabled the USB auto suspend. its reporting that an i915@pci is topping the interrupt list. of course.. keyboard and mouse17:04
mgmuscarianybody have any ideas for laptop flea control that won't void my warrant? :D17:04
mgmuscariwarranty, that is17:04
adalallaptop flea?17:04
ndrwcmgmuscari: define fleas17:04
avoozlhm it seems that when i use a 2.6.31 kernel, i can work around the mac errors by using ethtool -K eth0 tx off rx off     .. now that is kind of strange isn't it.. it would almost seem like a nasty driver bug in the checksum offloading17:04
geirhanameless|: Hm. ps2 keyboards are "rock solid" in linux by my experience, so maybe it's not the keyboard after all, but a kernel freeze. Might be you need to supply some boot options. Not sure where to begin though17:04
LouisTndrwc: 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51G [GeForce 6100] (rev a2)17:05
geekaia<mgmuscari> Thanks17:05
Lartza_Anyone experienced with icecast?17:05
geekaiaI go try this17:05
hrabAnyone got any prospects on when flash won't won't be a complete turd in buntu?17:05
mgmuscariadalal: i moved into a house with 3 cats, and lo and behold, the girl that moved out of the room i moved into left a terrible flea infestation that has spread to my laptop and desktop. i don't care about the desktop so much but my thinkpad is still very new :'(17:05
Lartza_I need help with couple of stuff, first how do I change the server stats, admin, location etc.17:05
TrijntjeBeefcaked: that your graphic card i think, 3D effects17:05
Lartza_Second why are my client_connections and connections rising all the time17:05
adalalmgmuscari: oh, so literally a flea17:05
nameless|geirha: lol, neither do I. I don't know what I did different (I don't think I did anything different) but it's working now (I went to check the LED's and they responded this time)17:05
TrijntjeBeefcaked: you can google it to see how to disble it, lots of people have that17:06
mgmuscariadalal: yes, lol17:06
nameless|I think it's just time for a newer system17:06
BeefcakedTrijntje: mmm. i have aero on vista on all the time but it still lasts so much longer. 1:30hours on vista but only 30 minutes on ubuntu.17:06
mgmuscariadalal: i think these are OSS fleas. maybe the girl installed them in the house through an unauthenticated apt repository17:06
Beefcakedits weird because i had the idea that ubuntu would be less intensive on the system and therefore outlast vista in power savings17:06
geirhanameless|: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions17:06
avoozlhm no i stand corrected.. it just took a little longer for the errors to occur :(17:06
ndrwcmgmuscari: soak it in isopropyl alcohol? :P17:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about icecast17:06
avoozlbah this means i can't use this machine at all17:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about icecast217:06
TrijntjeBeefcaked: i'm not sure, it might be a buggy driver. How many cpu states can you see in powertop?17:07
mgmuscariman, that sounds like it'll void my warranty...17:07
nameless|geirha: thanks17:07
sicksmgmuscari:  dont worry about fleas in your computers unless you cool them with blood, kill them everywhere else and the computer fleas will die off.17:07
ndrwcmgmuscari: or seal it in a plastic bag and use a strong vacuum pump17:07
mgmuscarisicks: thanks. dealt with this before?17:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:07
geirhanameless|: working, you mean you can select languages now?17:07
mgmuscarindrwc: also a good idea17:07
BeefcakedTrijntje: sorry, i dont know what a cpu state is?17:07
shosooh, there are bubbles in my bowels17:07
shossry wrong window :p17:07
ChrizChey - I'm guessing there's atleast one person in here who uses Pidgin on Ubuntu. Whenever I sign into MSN, I get between 15 and 20 messages saying "MSN Error: Friendly Name Changes Too Fast." how do I stop that? (I know it's not exactly Ubuntu-related but I don't think pidgin has a support channel this large)17:07
ndrwcmgmuscari: however I would suggest apt-get remove cat && apt-get install fleapowder :P17:08
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adalalmgmuscari: like the other person said, jus clear it off everywhere else..17:08
nameless|geirha: yes17:08
TrijntjeBeefcaked: thats how fast your cpu is working, C1 is full speed, C4 is low speed. Low speed uses little power.17:08
adalalmgmuscari: it's like pollution.. the solution to pollution is diffusion :P17:08
geirhanameless|: Must be the positive energy flowing out from #ubuntu17:08
nameless|geirha: but I'm running into errors about no kernel modules being on the cd or something17:08
mgmuscarindrwc: i wish! terminix is coming tomorrow... i hear that the stuff is bad for plastic/electronics so i don't want to leave it to be bombed. anyway, thanks for the advice. i'll drop the topic so that i don't get OT'd again17:08
LouisTndrwc: did you see my last message?17:09
BeefcakedTrijntje: im using a celeron. I have c0 (cpu running), another c0 and c1, c2, c3 on (mwait running017:09
ndrwcLouisT: yes... so a 6100, as in, old?17:09
Beefcakederr, just mwait, no 'running'17:09
mgmuscarianybody here running a 1920x1200 display?17:09
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TrijntjeBeefcaked: if you dont see C4 somewhere in the powertop screen you should be able to enable these options in you bios. I have to go now, googling ubuntu powertop should give you a lot of information17:10
miranda82hey guys, anyone knows how to completely CLEAR my whole evolution calendar?17:10
LouisTndrwc: any idea on what i should do? =/17:10
ndrwcLouisT: I have a similar-ish card somewhere....17:10
Lartza_mgmuscari, not me but why do you ask?17:10
geirhanameless|: Does it halt the installer? or is it just warnings passing by?17:10
ndrwcLouisT: ok I have a 6200, seems to work ok17:11
miranda82answer is: rm ~/.evolution/calendar/local/system/calendar.ics17:11
BeefcakedTrijntje: btw.. im currently doing everything powertop asks me to do. the thing you said earlier.. do you mean i have to do this stuff again so i save power the next time?17:11
mgmuscarii am plagued by a graphically corrupted usplash whenever i boot my pc and try to use 1920x1200 (native) resolution for it17:11
nameless|geirha: it gives me an option to continue install without loading kernel modules and then gives me an error about not detecting network interface stuff17:11
cheftuxanyone using itunes with ubuntu? i could use some help17:11
BeefcakedTrijntje: oh okay, thank you very much, i appreciate the help!:)17:11
Vincemanhow do you activate xine in mozilla firefox?17:12
mgmuscaricheftux: why are you trying to use itunes with ubuntu? are you running it through wine or something?17:12
Lartza_mgmuscati: Stretched?17:12
cheftuxattempting to mgmuscari but its not working17:12
nameless|geirha: it fails the step Detec network hardware17:12
Lartza_cheftux: Don't use iTunes17:12
cheftuxi've tried wine, and using sun virtualbox17:12
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mgmuscariyes, but not gracefully. instead of scaling the splash screen, it repeats bits of it in choppy vertical stripes17:12
jshultzvirtualbox is better17:12
cheftuxi have an iphone and i need to sync with itunes, unless you know another way17:12
mgmuscarilooks kind of like 'uu b unn tu'17:12
jshultzi wouldn't play music from itunes via VB.17:13
Lartza_jshultz: FOr what?17:13
jshultzuse banshee isntead17:13
LouisTndrwc: the thing is, it worked when i used ubuntu 8.04, but then i upgraded to 8.10 and then it started doing that, so i installed the newest drivers from nvidia using the .run they have, and it made it start using the failsafe, so then i downloaded and burned a copy of ubuntu 9.04 and installed it, and then it said to install the nvidia drivers using the "Hardware Drivers" program, i did that and it started doing the line thing again..17:13
geirhanameless|: Ok, so it's unable to find a driver for your network card then. Do you know what network card(s) it has?17:13
Lartza_mgmuscari: Hmmm...17:13
mgmuscaricheftux, there's some rudimentary support in other packages i believe... although i never sync my iphone period because i have it jailbroken :p17:13
ndrwcLouisT: uhh....17:13
Lartza_mgmuscari: Jaunty I assume?17:13
cheftuxif i use banshee will it sync my iphone like in tunes and i really don't want to jailbreak my phone17:13
nameless|geirha: it's part of the mobo. Not sure what model it is. Whatever they put in the HP Pavilion a1130n17:14
hrabIs there a way to turn off the xxxx has joined/left notifications in Konversation?17:14
ndrwcok, if anyone can tell me how to work out what version of the nvidia drivers i have via cli..17:14
cheftuxsee the whole point of itunes is getting my music off my old account and transfering it onto the new computer17:14
mgmuscaricheftux: you don't have to jailbreak it, i'm just saying that i don't bother using any sync features that can't be done OTA17:14
icarusso i just deleted a lot of files how do i get them back?17:14
mgmuscaricheftux: i hope that the music isn't music you bought through the itunes store... DRM sucks17:14
jshultzhere's what i did, and it's a crappy solution. my music is hosted locally. i have a vm with a stripped down winxp that i use for itunes and adobe cs4. itunes runs like crap in a vm though for some reason. but anyway, it pulls the music via a shared folder through vb. it syncs with with my ipod that way.17:15
Lartza_mgmuscari: You can buy them DRM free though17:15
mgmuscariicarus: check your trash...17:15
jshultzi have the 3.1 firmware which apparently hasnt' been jailbroken yet.17:15
cheftuxlol least it works though17:15
mgmuscarilartza_: well, not everything. unless they've changed it recently... i haven't used it in a while...17:15
cheftuxthanks guys!17:15
Vincemandoes anyone ever play MOV-files on there linux system?17:15
ndrwcLouisT: I assume that I have 180, on a 620017:15
LouisTndrwc: i can see mine in /var/log/nvidia-installer.log, but idk if that helps17:15
Lartza_mgmuscari: iTunes Plus, you can even convert your DRM songs to DRM free17:16
LouisTndrwc: well, when i installed using "Hardware Drivers", it installed 180... =/17:16
geirhanameless|: Hm. Google or the manual might know. I don't :)17:16
ndrwcLouisT: I think I've just been able to put them in via the restricted hardware drivers app17:16
icarusmgmuscari, i wish it was that simple but the files are not there due to the files being on a portable device when they were deleted17:16
mgmuscarithat's a step in the right direction17:16
mgmuscariicarus: check the trash on the device. depends on the filesystem of the device17:17
mgmuscariyou could unmount it17:17
nameless|geirha: MSI MS-709317:17
Lartza_icarus: YOu mgiht not get them back17:17
mgmuscarithen mount it as read only. that way you won't risk overwriting things that are still there17:17
LouisTndrwc: when i go into that, it says i have 180, it's acivated, and currently in use...17:17
ndrwcLouisT: it's difficult to track down the problem unless you can find someone who's had the same symptoms and described in a way you're searching for17:18
icarusi cant find the trash folder17:18
LouisTyea, i've asked others that i know about it, but they have no idea =/17:18
ndrwcmine was that I needed to do a bios update, highly obscure bug specific to my laptop model17:18
ndrwcLouisT: oh, is this onboard?17:19
n-iCei want to make my external vga port a separate tty on my laptop and redirect xbmc17:19
LouisTndrwc: what do you mean?17:19
Sp0tterIs it possible to use a dual head setup that uses a monitor from both an nvidia card and one from an ATI card as a multiview setup using xrandr?17:19
n-iCei'm not sure how to make the external port a separate tty, or how to redirect xbmc's output17:19
n-iCexbmc: rtfm17:19
n-iCetty: googled, no luck17:19
ndrwcLouisT: as in, on the motherboard or PCI/AGP/whatever expansion card?17:19
mgmuscarisp0tter, you're running both of those in the same box?17:19
jonnedoes anyone know why skype would start up twice without being in startup applications?17:19
jonneand session saving is off17:19
ndrwcLouisT: yes which? :)17:20
aaron11does anyone know why my application menu is wiped out17:20
Sp0ttermgmuscari, yes17:20
mgmuscarisp0tter: and you don't have any trouble running both of those kernel modules?17:20
Sp0ttermgmuscari, I'm asking if its possible, i havent bought the 2nd card yet17:20
LouisTi assume the motherboard, on the from of the tower it says it has a PCI expansion slot however17:21
Sp0tterthinking of getting this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681412132017:21
icarusso how do i recover my files?17:21
Sp0tterI just wish I knew if you could use the hdmi and dvi out at the same tiem on that one17:21
mgmuscarisp0tter: i myself would never even attempt to run such a setup, considering how hard it is to even get fglrx working correctly...17:21
keith_hansonhm... any macbook users here? I'm using the AwesomeWM, and can't seem to get my audio to work.17:21
n-iCei want to make my external vga port a separate tty on my laptop and redirect xbmc17:21
mgmuscariwhy would you buy a second graphics card from a different vendor?17:21
Sp0ttermgmuscari,  It's not hard at all to get fglrx working..17:21
n-iCei'm not sure how to make the external port a separate tty, or how to redirect xbmc's output17:21
n-iCexbmc: rtfm17:21
n-iCetty: googled, no luck17:21
ndrwcLouisT: ok, might be best to do some more searching for "nividia", "linux", "6100", and your motherboard :(17:21
FloodBot2n-iCe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:21
Sp0ttermgmuscari, because nvidia cards support CUDA17:21
Grenagefglrx is incredibly tempremental.17:22
mgmuscarisp0tter: depends on what your graphics chipset is... takes some finagling to get things running correctly on my laptop, for example17:22
ndrwckeith_hanson: which revision?17:22
Sp0tterfglrx works fine for me, but with my motherboard you can only use dvi OR hdmi out, and I need dual digital outputs17:22
mgmuscarisp0tter: so why don't you ditch the ati card?17:22
Sp0ttermgmuscari, its onboard.. and free to use17:22
mgmuscaridisable it and buy a card with two dvi ports17:23
GrenageDual port Nvidia not an option?17:23
Sp0ttermgmuscari, you are not helpful at all :)17:23
gladiatormoncky, eni23: i removed everything named mysql and reinstalled both server and client17:23
mgmuscarii guess you're looking for the xTreme budget solution17:23
Sp0tterGrenage, Id' like to use 3 eventually17:23
gladiatorstill the same problem17:23
GrenageAh I see17:23
mgmuscarisp0tter: want to buy an ati x1800xt cheap?17:23
Sp0ttermgmuscari, no.17:23
keith_hansonndrwc: Of ubuntu or Awesome? Ubuntu Jaunty, macbook 1,1, and Awesome release "Faith"17:24
GrenageI've only run two screens with one nvidia card, I am afraid.17:24
Sp0ttermgmuscari, if you don't know.. why cant you just say "i have no idea" instead of trying to offer different solutions than the one im' asking about17:24
demonsporknone of the icon sets I am installing seem to work, the icons changed, but they stay the same change (a theme I didn't install) no matter what set I install17:24
aaron11helo i have ubuntu jaunty and my applications menu is compleetly wipped out my updates didnt have enough space so it said to run sudo apt-get clear or clean please do help me do i need to not use wubi is there a simpler way? please do help me!17:24
Sp0tterGrenage, I'm running two screens on the build in ati hd4200 right now, but only one is digital out  and the analog is killing my eyeballs17:24
MFenhow do i make gaim use ff3.5 when i click a link?17:25
MFeni have both 3.0 and 3.5 installed, and i want to use only 3.517:25
ndrwckeith_hanson: only stuff i can find on a macbook 1,1 is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook1-1/Hardy sorry :( have you had sound working in other WMs/releases?17:25
GrenageI see, is it a poor refresh rate?17:25
VCoolioMFen: do you have 3.5 as default browser? or does gaim have prefs for that?17:26
mgmuscarii would use the word pedantic, but that would be the pot calling the kettle black in my case, so i'll just capitulate and say that i really don't know whether you could make that work. my educated guess would be, "no," and i wouldn't purchase a piece of hardware and try to make it work17:26
Sp0tternah, then analog out just has ghosting and you have to hit the AUTO focus button everyrime you turn it on (or siwtch the kvm)17:26
MFenVCoolio: i don't even know what "default browser" means in gnome. if gaim has prefs for it, then that's what i'd like to find out about17:26
Sp0tterthe newer cheap lcd monitors don't do well with analog above 19"17:26
mgmuscarii mean, it may be possible, but it probably depends on the exact chipsets of each card, and which driver module you use... you might do better with the open source ati drivers than with fglrx17:26
VCoolioMFen: in system>preferences>preferred applications you can set your default browser17:27
Sp0ttermgmuscari, the open source one radeonhd is incredibly slower than fglrx17:27
MFenaha, preferred applications (accessible through gaim > preferences > network)17:27
GrenageGotcha, I would throw wy work ATI into the Nvidia and test it for you, but I wouldn't get a chance until next week.17:27
keith_hansonndrwc: Yes. Gnome seems to have the sound working, though I'm somewhat newbish and can't figure out what is starting up so that I can setup the same things in Awesome17:27
mgmuscarisp0tter: are you planning to use this for 3d applications?17:27
keith_hansonndrwc: Thanks btw :)17:27
Piciaaron11: What do you mean by 'wipped out'? Can you explain it in other words?17:27
Sp0ttermgmuscari, yes17:27
ndrwcwell, I will continue stumbling through launchpad until I get emails etc. informing me how to do things properly :P17:27
MFenyep, that worked17:27
MFenthanks :)17:27
younderThere is a Crome development version out for ubuntu17:28
mgmuscarisp0tter: don't you think that running both the nvidia and ati kernel modules concurrently, and moreover trying to get them to communicate in some way will incur massive overhead?17:28
ndrwcaaron11: you could try wiping your panels....17:28
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Sp0ttermgmuscari, no17:28
geirhanameless|: Apparently that MB has Realtek RTL8100C NIC, which Ubuntu should have a driver for. So that's a bit odd.17:28
mgmuscarisp0tter: why not?17:28
aaron11Pici it shows nothing no 'accsesories' no 'programming' like that17:28
Sp0ttermgmuscari, why would it?17:28
aaron11ndrwc what do you mean17:28
Piciaaron11: Do you have any panels? Do you see Applications, Places and System at the top left at all?17:29
ndrwcaaron11: how about right-click and edit menus? otherwise delete your panels preferences17:29
mgmuscariit strikes me that you probably won't be able to reach the level of customization that it would take to avoid any kinds of collisions, especially in terms of memory addressing and other low level stuff17:29
GrenageIf the screens are independant, it 'should' be ok.17:29
Sp0ttermgmuscari, that makes zero sense :)     memory addressing has nothing to do with ati vs nvidia17:29
aaron11Pici yes17:29
mgmuscarimemory addressing has everything to do with where data goes when it's trying to go to the cards...17:29
aaron11Pici but if you click applications nothing comes17:30
Sp0tterGrenage, from what I understand the screens are independent but xrandr connects them on a virtual screen17:30
LouisToh, he left..17:30
aaron11Pici if you click places or system it works17:30
Sp0ttermgmuscari, I'm sorry but I disagree with you completly.  Yuo are making vague irrelivant statements my friend.17:30
Grenagemm then it would be a suck it and see, there may be some overhead.17:30
mgmuscarii mean, one fundamental issue that i can think of right off the bat is that they'll compete for other libraries like opengl and stuff17:30
ndrwcSp0tter: the question is can the bios allocate memory for both cards17:30
Piciaaron11: Can you open a terminal and run: update-menus17:31
ndrwcdoes it work in <some other OS>?17:31
Grenagethe BIOS can no worries.17:31
Sp0tterndrwc, of course it can...17:31
mgmuscarisp0tter: why would one assume that "of course" it can?17:31
Sp0ttersure, in windows you can use any multiple cards for a dual head setup17:31
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aaron11Pici no17:32
Piciaaron11: no you can't do that, or no it didn't work?17:32
mgmuscariwell, whatever, i'll concede defeat, leave this to the systems guys, and limit my expertise to theory...17:32
aaron11Pici it didnt wrk17:32
syslqamd_x64? Will it work on intels? I dont see any other x64 download17:33
ndrwcmgmuscari: I have to say from personal experience though, what windows works with and how the bios maps memory can be totally different things...17:33
mgmuscarindrwc: that's another good point17:34
Piciaaron11: Can you run: alacarte and see if there is anything available to be checked for the applications menu?17:34
aaron11Pici do u run that in a terminal17:34
ndrwcSp0tter: I think your best chance of getting anywhere is to start with one card, get it working, and try adding the second17:34
Piciaaron11: Doesn't matter, its a gui application17:34
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Loder3331Does anyone know how to boot fedora on top of vista and ubuntu?17:35
aaron11Pici its not gui17:35
mgmuscarindrwc: it sounds like he's already running an integrated ati chipset and wants to add a pci express video card on top17:35
Piciaaron11: alacarte is a gui application.17:35
mgmuscariand understandably doesn't want to blow $55 to find out that it doesn't work17:35
Sp0tterLoader sure.  Copy your /boot/grub/menu.lst file down and then install fedora on a new partition, and then added the entries to the new menu.lst from the old one17:36
librenesLoder333-> on top as you mean a virtual guest running on fedora or windows?17:36
ndrwcmgmuscari: ahh ok, so the hardware hasn't been purchased yet... Sp0tter be prepared to buy a new system for your CUDA card if it doesn't work :P17:36
Loder3331sorry I meant triple boot17:36
Sp0tterndrwc, well I have another nvidia card here I can test with, I guess thats what I need to do17:36
Loder3331I think spotter has the right idea of what I want to do17:37
mgmuscariLoder: no problem, as long as you have some free partitions17:37
librenesLoder333-> then thats easy..yeah per Sp0tter17:37
mgv1how can i add more sets of sounds to ubuntu?17:37
Piciaaron11: What was the last thing you did before this broke?17:37
Loder3331I have already freed 80gb for fedora17:37
Sp0tterLoder333, It's pretty simople, i did a similar thing yesterday with  ubuntu and arch17:37
mgv1lets say i'm going to install windoes xp over ubuntu running system. i would i be able to do it and be able to boot ubuntu? do i need to first devide the drive again?17:37
om26erthe package server is down so is there any other way to register the gpg key17:37
ndrwcLoder3331: assuming the fedora installer lets you install wherever you want and not auto-install grub, easy17:37
Loder3331I just tried to just put it in there from the fedora dvd, and it didn't work17:37
Qu4R0wi not try dual boot ubuntu with fedora but ubuntu with suse=ok17:37
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mgmuscariloder: is that space on a separate partition?17:37
Loder3331It's just unallocated space on the drive17:37
Loder3331I shrunk my vista drive by an extra 80gb to put fedora in there17:38
Sp0tterSo with my motherboard, it has dvi and hdmi out, but you can only use one of those + the analog.  Are nvidia video cards the same way?17:38
mgmuscariloder: so it's unpartitioned... no problem17:38
Qu4R0wmgv1: better install windows first17:38
Loder3331I chose "free space" as where to install fedora when I was putting it on, and it gave me an error17:38
Sp0tterBeause if i could use the hdmi->dvi adapter + the dvi  out for a dual head i could forget the  ati card for now17:38
Sp0tterLoder, what error?17:38
Loder3331It's a long, long error file17:39
dragonrigsPici got my mesage17:39
dragonrigspici got disconnected17:39
Loder3331I read through some of it and I think it said something about not knowing where to put it, but I don't know17:39
harisundWhat modifications does Ubuntu do to my Firefox? Why do I see a "Ubuntu Firefox Modifications 0.7" in my Firefox Add-Ons list? Who authorized Ubuntu to do this?17:39
cronosshello, i'm wondering if i can change the ctrl-alt-suppr combination to restart my server, in fact the suppr key is not working on the keyboard of the server, is there any way to change it to ctrl-alt-c for example ?17:39
Picidragonrigs: What was the last thing that you did before this all broke?17:39
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ndrwcmgv1: try google? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20003117:39
LuciusMareHello,anybody here tried ubuntu netbook remix at acer aspire one zg5?17:39
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Loder3331the layout of my drive is like this:  Vista-free space-ubuntu partitions-windows recovery partition17:39
dragonrigsPici i ran sudo apt-get clean or clear17:40
mgmuscarisp0tter: i think that would probably depend on the specific chipset... afaik hdmi and dvi use the same encoding, but whether the card allows two streams to be written out simultaneously on different interfaces i don't know17:40
Picidragonrigs: Anything before that?17:40
Sp0ttermgmuscari, yea its not available from nvidia or asus unfortunatly to tell me if it allows it17:40
dragonrigsmmm no17:40
ruby_on_tailshow can I open rara files on ubuntu ?17:41
mgmuscarisp0tter: it probably depends on the drivers17:41
demonsporkwhat is the shortcut for the run command dialog box17:41
Qu4R0wharisund: it become with ubuntu..it is normal17:41
demonsporkI forgot17:41
Picicronoss: ctrl-alt-super isn't a key combination that I'ev ever heard of, do you mean ctrl-alt-delete or ctrl-alt-backspace ?17:41
harisundman Ubuntu is like some Apple among Linuxes. Anybody know what exactly it does?17:41
mgmuscarisuper is the windows key17:41
ndrwcLoder3331: does fedora have an install-from-livecd option the same way ubuntu does?17:41
joeb3_demonspork, alt f217:41
Picidragonrigs: apt-get clean wouldn't cause issues like this.  Thats why I ask.17:41
cronossPici, yes i mean ctrl-alt-del sorry :)17:42
Qu4R0wruby_on_tails: what u run on?17:42
Loder3331That's what I'm using I think, I burned the iso to a dvd17:42
Pici!dontzap | cronoss17:42
ubottucronoss: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.17:42
demonsporkjoeb3_, thank you17:42
Loder3331and booting from that dvd17:42
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ruby_on_tailsQu4R0w: ubuntu ? gnome17:42
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Qu4R0wruby_on_tails: can u just right click and "extract here"17:42
Pici!rar | ruby_on_tails17:42
ubotturuby_on_tails: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free17:42
om26eris there a manual way to register a ppa key the ppa key server is down17:42
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bodlyharisund: it adds .deb package handling and sets some defaults.17:43
ruby_on_tailsQu4R0w: I get this > Archive type not supported.17:43
davidma7685Where do I find programs that I've closed but are still running? (they're not showing up in the taskbar next to the clock)17:43
cronossPici, i'm not talking about ctrl-alt-backspace, i'm talking about ctrl-alt-del i want to be able to reboot my server in console by another combination17:43
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ndrwcom26er: try man apt-key17:43
bodlyharisund: if you don't like it you can uninstall the package ubufox17:44
Qu4R0wruby_on_tails: try apt-cache search rar/unrar17:44
bin1010I just plugged in a plantronics USB headset, I want to record off of it.  How do I find where it lives in /dev?17:44
harisundbodly, ubufox. That's what I wanted to know thank you :)17:44
LuciusMareanybody here tried ubuntu netbook remix at acer aspire one zg5?17:44
danHello I am having a problem with my sound mplayer and other audio devices keep on getting stuck like a cd player skipping.17:45
ndrwcbin1010: try lsusb17:45
ruby_on_tailsLuciusMare: I tried on samsung n11017:45
steven__How can I install Direct3D on Ubuntu?17:45
LuciusMareruby_on_tails: cool.but not what i asked...17:45
ndrwcbin1010: sorry, that's a guess :(17:45
bin1010Bus 006 Device 003: ID 047f:0ca1 Plantronics, Inc. USB DSP v4 Audio Interface17:45
Qu4R0wCan i know if Ubuntu have "recognition system"??same with Vista?17:46
mgmuscaristeven__: direct3d is a microsoft library... works under windows...17:46
mgmuscarii don't think there's a well-supported native implementation of d3d under linux17:46
steven__I need to get a game to work and it says that I need Direct3D to run it.  Can you please help me get it working?17:46
ubuntuhow can i force mount a scsi hdd17:46
bin1010I need to find like the /dev/dsp2 type thing.  I am trying to record from ffmpeg17:47
mgmuscaristeven__: use wine17:47
TonyTThey anyone into art around here? I need an application like poser which I can use as a reference, any out there for ubuntu?17:47
geniisteven__: Perhaps enquire in ##winehq17:47
steven__Yes, but how do I get it installed under wine?17:47
harisundIs there an applet that shows CPU usage as a graph on the Gnome Panel?17:47
mgmuscaritonytt: have you looked at blender?17:47
ubuntuhow can i force mount a scsi hdd17:47
ndrwcbin1010: only other thing I can think of is /dev/input/ :/17:47
TonyTTmgmuscari, no, I will do that now.17:47
Qu4R0wsteven__: what u going to install?17:47
JediMasterwhat's the name of the program that creates ubuntu/deb packages from source code so you can uninstall them?17:47
steven__Conquer Online17:47
ndrwcharisund: system monitor17:47
mgmuscaristeven__: which version of directx?17:47
steven__I don't have that either17:48
steven__It only mentioned that I need Direct 3D to get it working17:48
mgmuscaristeven__: direct3d is part of directx17:48
kromarhi, is it possible to copy my linux to an other disk with gparted?17:48
ubuntufor some reason i can mount scsi hdd17:48
steven__It is already installed and patched, it just won't run without Direct3D is all17:48
harisundndrwc, Thank you :)17:48
steven__I never knew that17:48
steven__So how do I get DirectX on my comp then? lol17:48
cocoa117is that true only root or sudo can use chown to change file's owner?17:49
mgmuscaristeven__: which version of directx do you need to install?17:49
ndrwcharisund: the "extreme" system monitoring option for a desktop is conky17:49
steven__Did not say. I guess the more recent, the better17:49
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mgmuscaricocoa117: usually17:49
geniicocoa117: If the file in question already belongs to a user, they can chown/cmod it all they like17:49
mgmuscaristeven__: what game are you trying to run?17:49
steven__I imagine anything under 8.0 would be bad...17:49
steven__Conquer Online17:49
danHow do I run a check to find out whats wrong with my audio players and why they keep getting stuck on a loop like a cd skipping17:49
Picicronoss: hm. I suspect it would involve looking at /etc/event.d/control-alt-delete, but I'm not sure how upstart calls that17:49
kromarhi, is it possible to copy my linux to an other disk with gparted?17:49
bro_hey guys, can i update my nautilus in hardy to the version from jaunty? i'd like to have the "compact view"17:50
LuciusMarekromar: why gparted?use cp --archive17:50
cocoa117genii, i have that trouble when file belong to me but i can't chown to somebody else17:50
LuciusMare*sudo cp --archive17:50
seidosbro_: probably but I've never done it17:50
ndrwckromar: try it and see :P17:50
JediMasterkromar: if you have a blank new disk, "dd" is a quick and easy way to copy a disk/partition17:50
LuciusMareJediMaster: also a possibility17:50
mgmuscaristeven__: start here: http://tinyurl.com/pm2ly817:50
bro_hi seidos. i too downgraded to hardy. the video problems are gone now17:50
ndrwcJediMaster: "quick" is relative to block size :P17:50
kromarJediMaster: wahts "dd"?17:50
geniicocoa117: There is a safeguard so that regular users can't chown something to root like a vicious app then run it with those priveleges17:51
LuciusMarekromar: dd is a program17:51
Qu4R0wsteven__: actually wine not support all .exe17:51
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bro_seidos, just that i got used to some goodies in jaunty, now hardy looks so old...17:51
kromarJediMaster: but it will work if i copy it with gparted or will i get problems?17:51
cronossPici yes i looked in that file i don't think i can change the combination from there, there is only : start on control-alt-delete ; exec /sbin/shutdown -r now "Control-Alt-Delete pressed"17:51
ndrwckromar: block-level file copying17:51
cocoa117genii, i c17:51
mgmuscaricocoa117: are you just trying to give someone else access to see it?17:51
LuciusMarekromar: www.lmgtfy.com/?q=dd17:51
cocoa117mgmuscari, i was17:52
ubuntuhey how can i find the hdd on the dev folder17:52
mgmuscaricocoa117: alternatively, you could modify file permissions to allow them to view, modify, and/or execute the contents of the file17:52
cocoa117mgmuscari, but never mind, i think i just chown so others can do it17:52
ndrwcubuntu: mount17:52
LuciusMarendrwc: i think that that was not what he asked for17:53
mgmuscaricocoa117: that works as long as you're in the sudoers file17:53
ubuntundrwc ?17:53
davidma7685How can I find a running program that I closed the window for?17:53
ndrwcubuntu: what do you mean?17:53
cronossPici, btw thank you for your help :)17:53
ubuntuam trying to mount a scsi hdd17:53
LuciusMarendrwc: i think that he thought about getting a n adress of a device to mount it.17:53
cocoa117mgmuscari, got it, i always in the sudo file, so never realised i can't chown once i am not17:53
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ndrwc... gparted?17:53
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heoa_Howc can I control things like in KOrganizer, such as calendar, todos etc, from CLI?17:53
ubuntundrwc let me explain17:53
mgmuscariwhat do you mean you're always in the sudo file? you mean you log in as root?17:54
ndrwcit'd be an sdn if it's scsi17:54
LuciusMarendrwc: dmesg...?17:54
Loder3331Lol, I wonder what happened to the people who were helping me. Is anyone that was helping me with the vista-ubuntu-fedora triple boot? Or does anyone else know how to do it?17:54
ndrwcLuciusMare: hrm yes17:54
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Loder3331is anyone still around*?17:54
mgmuscariloder: what are you up to?17:54
CarolusBuenos dias ¿Alguien habla español?17:54
Loder3331I'm trying to add fedora17:54
prince_jammys!es | Carolus17:54
ubottuCarolus: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:54
ubuntundrwc i had a server with windows 2000 and crashed but since it has scsi hdd i got another server and used the ubuntu live cd and am trying to see if i can pull any data out of the hdd17:54
Loder3331I already have vista and ubuntu installed and dual-booting17:54
mgmuscariloder: why don't you just boot from the cd and install it that way?17:54
Loder3331I tried and it gave me an error17:55
Loder3331I created 80gb of free space for fedora17:55
Loder3331and it didn't work17:55
Carolusok gracias17:55
mgmuscariloder: what was the error. i don't think you told us before17:55
steven__Man...noone in Wine community can get this to work...haha17:55
mgmuscaristeven__: bronze rating means that it'll run ok. maybe not perfectly, but ok17:55
Loder3331it said there was a problem and gave me a really long text file which I was given the option to save17:56
Loder3331I figured I'd try to find out if I'm doing something wrong before I have somebody go through all that17:56
ndrwcubuntu: dmesg | grep SCSI ?17:56
mgmuscariloder: we can't help if you don't tell us what the problem was17:56
ndrwcLoder3331: so the livecd doesn't have an option to install then? bummer :(17:56
Loder3331What do you mean, ndrwc?17:56
ubuntundrwc ?17:56
mgmuscariloder: pastebin the file17:57
MenZa!tab | mgmuscari17:57
ubottumgmuscari: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:57
ndrwcLoder3331: ok the ubuntu livecd has the install option on the desktop as of about hardy IIRC17:57
mgmuscariMenZa: thanks!17:57
MenZamgmuscari: No problem. :)17:57
ubuntundrwc i dont understand17:57
mgmuscarinever realized that would work in pidgin...17:57
ndrwcubuntu: in a terminal, "dmesg | grep SCSI"17:58
Loder3331I was trying to use the fedora livecd (dvd) to install fedora into some unpartitioned space that I freed up for it17:58
MenZamgmuscari: I didn't know it did. I'm happy the developers put it in, though.17:58
Loder3331and it wouldn't let me17:58
mgmuscariMenZa: that certainly makes it easier...17:58
Loder3331mgmuscari: I'll have to go save the file first17:58
Loder3331Is it possible that the arrangement of my partitions could prevent fedora from installing?17:58
mgmuscariLoder3331: have you tried booting from the cd (not into ubuntu or windows) and installing from there?17:59
Loder3331That's all I ever tried17:59
ndrwcLoder3331: I think at this point try #fedora :/17:59
Loder3331I'm using the dvd17:59
Loder3331Yeah, I went there first, but they're not very helpful or active17:59
mgmuscariLoder3331: there is a limit on the number of primary partitions you can have on a disk17:59
MenZaI'm tempted to agree with ndrwc on this one; it seems like a problem with Fedora, not Ubuntu. Of course, if you can get the logfile, Loder3331, then it might be easier for us to troubleshoot it.17:59
MenZaLoder3331: And, alternatively, direct you to the correct channels. :)18:00
=== durt_ is now known as durt
ndrwcLoder3331: you're not running past 4 primary partitions are you?18:00
Loder3331I don't think I am. Is there a way to tell?18:00
mgmuscariLoder3331: furthermore, if you're trying to let it autoconfigure grub, it'll try to make a primary partition for the boot stuff, afaik. try to point it to your existing /boot18:00
Loder3331I know that I have two for vista, the regular partition, and a recovery partition18:00
Loder3331I don't know how many ubuntu uses18:00
ndrwcLoder3331: gparted again18:00
MenZaLoder3331: It sounds like you have three primary partitions. A primary partition is required to boot from.18:01
ndrwcit's amazing how many problems gparted solves... :P18:01
MenZaLoder3331: Check it with gparted, though.18:01
JediMasterwhat's the name of the program that creates ubuntu/deb packages from source code so you can uninstall them?18:01
Loder3331Does the free space for fedora have to be in any particular place?18:01
Loder3331Right now, It's between vista and ubuntu18:01
mgmuscariLoder3331: no, but you know, i find that it's always nice to have a clean partition table18:02
ndrwcLoder3331: if all else fails put it at the end so it can create an extended... though AFAIK that would also count as a primary18:02
MenZaJediMaster: checkinstall does that.18:02
MenZaLoder3331: "As far as I know"18:02
ndrwcnot sure if it's possible / difficult to convert between primary and extended partitions..,18:03
JediMasterMenZa: that's the one, thanks18:03
mgmuscariLoder3331: have you tried making logical volumes?18:03
MenZaIt's impossible, ndrwc.18:03
ndrwcMenZa: figured as much18:03
speedballhello aaron11?18:03
Loder3331I don't know how that works, nor do I know what purpose it would serve, so no18:03
MenZaYou need to remove and create the partition. If you have enough free space, you can create a temporary partition to unload the data on, then copy it back, though.18:03
mgmuscariLoder3331: you wouldn't hit that primary partition limit with logical volumes18:03
ndrwc"it's amazing how many problems can be solved with ..." an external hdd18:04
Loder3331How do I configure a volume to be logical? And which one(s) should I do it do?18:04
Loder3331do it to*18:04
MenZaLoder3331: You need to remember that you Logical partitions can't be booted directly from. My suggestion is a /boot partition, which runs as primary. This could run a bootloader to boot both Fedora and Ubuntu.18:05
MenZaLoder3331: The practicalities might require you to basically nuke your current partition table, unless you have the required space. And know that it might take a long, long time if you need to move partitions around.18:06
Loder3331right now vista is my /boot partition18:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about auto-apt18:06
MenZaLoder3331: And by a long time, I mean several hours.18:06
MenZaLoder3331: Huh?18:06
mgmuscariyou just have to make sure that your /boot is on a primary partition and that your kernel image is also in there18:06
Loder3331vista is /boot, and when I boot, I choose between vista and ubuntu18:06
mgmuscariLoder3331: do you mean you're chain loading grub through the vista bootloader?18:06
Loder3331ubuntu is always selected automatically, but vista is my /boot partition according to gparted, if I remember correctly18:06
ndrwcLoder3331: so I assume ubuntu's /boot is on the same partition as the root filesystem...18:07
Loder3331I wouldn't know, really18:07
MenZa/boot and a boot flag aren't the same, Loder3331 - /boot is a Linux-specific mountpoint18:07
ndrwcI wasn't aware that one could set an ntldr entry for a linux partition18:07
aaron11speedball: ok18:07
Loder3331So by creating a /boot partition, when my bootloader comes up, instead of choosing from vista and ubuntu, I could choose from vista, or a sub-menu, or other bootloader or something, from which I could choose ubuntu or fedora?18:08
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:08
mgmuscarindrwc: i certainly have never been able to get vista's bootloader to point to linux18:08
ndrwcmgmuscari: I've only seen it done with wubi18:08
mgmuscariLoder3331: do you see grub when you boot your computer?18:08
Loder3331black screen with grey text choices?18:08
MenZaLoder3331: Can you give me an idea of the number/capacity of your harddrive(s), so I can look around and draft up an idea for a partition layout?18:08
younderCrome for ubuntu rocks.18:08
mgmuscariLoder3331: so grub is the linux bootloader, and it's located in /boot18:08
Loder3331one 750gb harddrive18:08
Curtis_Bwhere is the gedit binary? it's not in /bin18:08
MenZaLoder3331: I'll have a look around - give me five--ten minutes :)18:09
mgmuscariit would look like this: http://thegabfather.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/grub4kt.jpg18:09
JonJCurtis_B: It would probably be in /usr/local/bin/18:09
koh__How do I go about reading media/data off other partition? eg. Windows18:09
younderThere is still just a development version, and plugins don't work reliably18:09
Curtis_Bthanks JonJ, I thought that space was for software I build on my own...hrm18:09
ndrwcmgmuscari: I remember doing dodgy things copying the mbr to a file and trying to point XP at it, ended up using a second hdd :/18:09
MenZaOh, question - Loder3331, do you have a Windows Vista installation CD, or an OEM recovery CD?18:09
mgmuscariLoder3331: the windows one would say "Windows Boot Manager" at the top18:10
Loder3331and similarly to that, where you would choose between the windows OSs after choosing the windows option, in my case, It would read as fedora/ubuntu or something?18:10
Loder3331No I don't, MenZa18:10
Loder3331I'm 95% sure I'm booting with grub18:10
Loder3331it looks like the picture18:10
mgmuscariLoder3331: properly configured, grub will display something like 'Ubuntu' 'Fedora' and 'Windows Vista'18:10
MenZaLoder3331: Right18:10
=== koh__ is now known as RussellAlan
Curtis_BJonJ, fyi, it was /usr/bin18:10
JonJCurtis_B: Nah, it's for local software that isn't essential for the system, as far as I can tell18:10
mgmuscarigrub chain loads the windows bootloader, which is on your windows C: partition18:11
JonJCurtis_B: Ah, ok18:11
Loder3331Does a recovery partition serve the same purpose as a recovery cd?18:11
Loder3331For windows?18:11
Loder3331Because my drive has a recovery partition18:11
Curtis_Bso /bin is essential, good to know18:11
mgmuscariLoder3331: yes but that would eradicate your linux installations18:11
MenZaLoder3331: I suppose, yes18:11
Loder3331and my BIOS has an option to boot into the recovery manager18:11
tuxxiemgmuscari: properly configured grub will only have linux os's :D18:11
applecacherecovery ahs ur drivers etc18:11
ndrwcLoder3331: somewhat depends on the manufacturer :/18:11
mgmuscarituxxie: touche18:11
sudayahow can i fix my cam on ubuntu 9.0418:12
Loder3331Is gparted included in ubuntu or do I have to use the livecd?18:12
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tuxxiesudaya: whats wrong with it??18:12
mgmuscariLoder3331: sudo apt-get install gparted if you don't have it18:12
sudayai cant capture in vlc player18:13
Loder3331I have the livecd18:13
Loder3331but I could just dl it now then18:13
Loder3331It's downloading atm18:13
ndrwcscary, it's not part of base... then again I have a fairly minimal install :/18:13
sudayatuxxie: i cant capture in vlc18:13
mgmuscariLMAO - i just got the most RIDICULOUS email from my department... sorry for the OT but this is funny. university police are asking us to lock the windows to our offices at night due to bat infestations.18:13
Loder3331It looks like it's done, mgmuscari. How do I get to it?18:14
mgmuscarifrom a terminal you can just run gparted18:14
Loder3331nvm, I found it18:14
sudayatuxxie: Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0c45:613c Microdia PC Camera (SN9C120)18:14
sudayatuxxie: my cam device18:14
Loder3331Okay how do I check to see if these are primary?18:14
mgmuscarihate to run before you figure your stuff out Loder3331, but i have to go talk to a professor about the project we're assigning our students... good luck18:15
Loder3331Thanks, and thanks for you help so far18:15
mgmuscariLoder3331: no problem. try the man pages for help on the appropriate flag to look for extended/primary. run man gparted18:15
ndrwchave a look at the bars at the top, a cyan-ish border around several indicates extended18:15
ndrwcin gparted18:15
sudayatuxxie: it also doesnt work with luvcview -w -s 192x19218:16
katoncan anyone tell me how is the best way and simple  to install VDPAU ????18:16
MenZaLoder3331: [ /boot | /media/win | / U | / F | /home | swap ] is something like what you want18:16
MenZaLoder3331: I'll just write up some further specs for it18:16
katonthere is a PACAKGE ?18:16
Loder3331Lol I have no idea what that means18:16
MenZaLoder3331: Hence why I'm writing up some more information about it :)18:16
ndrwcLoder3331: hang on screenshot18:16
Loder3331lol k18:17
sudayatuxxie: hello!!18:17
pepsuhi all18:17
vs-admHi everyone18:17
ndrwcLoder3331: ok http://www.drfreeware.org/screenshots/gparted.jpg <- /dev/sda2 has a dropdown and type "extended"18:17
pepsuubuntu rulezz18:17
vs-admI have a question about Palimpset18:18
pepsudo u like it ??http://img17.imageshack.us/i/peps.png/18:18
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pepsui did it18:18
jerkmanhey, im trying to get a joystick working under linux, now call me crazy, but it is for an amiga and it just so happens to fit a serial port PERFECTLY... is there a driver and does anyone have any experiaence with this sort of thing??18:18
ndrwcLoder3331: also http://gparted.sourceforge.net/screens/gparted_1_big.jpg etc.18:18
Loder3331I'm not sure what you're trying to show me, ndrwc18:18
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vs-admIt complains on 1 reallocated sector. Is this feature tunable or hardcoded?18:18
Malekohow do we set a root permission on program?18:18
stephengarvinI was wondering if xubuntu or the netbook version of regular ubuntu would be better for an older laptop for my mom thats wanting to browse the web and do facebook like things18:19
ndrwcLoder3331: in gparted, to see if a partition is extended? sorry it's quite early here18:19
Malekotrying to make ftp cmd requires root permission run18:19
Malekoto run*18:19
BalisticIs the Openoffice 3.x repo at http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ppa/ubuntu supposed to be empty for intrepid?18:19
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MenZandrwc, care to check this out and see if you agree: http://pastebin.com/m6e11305018:19
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Loder3331how do you do a screen capture like in windows, on ubuntu?18:20
Loder3331I usually just press print screen and paste it in paint18:20
Loder3331does that work in ubuntu with gimp?18:20
ndrwcLoder3331: printscreen, it'll ask where to save it18:20
MenZaIf you press Print Screen, a small window will pop up asking you to save it.18:20
Loder3331okay 1 sec18:20
jerkmanhey, im trying to get a joystick working under linux, now call me crazy, but it is for an amiga and it just so happens to fit a serial port PERFECTLY... is there a driver and does anyone have any experiaence with this sort of thing??18:21
sudayahow can i fix my web cam18:21
RussellAlanHow do I go about reading media/data off other partition? eg. Windows18:22
Loder3331alright what's the fastest way to get you to see this screenshot of gparted?18:22
MenZa!fstab | RussellAlan18:22
ubottuRussellAlan: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:22
ndrwcMenZa: /swap could easily be inside extended though18:22
sudayahow can capture video from webcam in lc18:22
RussellAlanthanks menza18:22
MenZandrwc: Excellent.18:22
sudayahow can capture video from webcam in vlc18:22
C10uDhello, anyone knows where i can talk with the xorg ppa owners?18:22
MenZandrwc: You reckon it would work, yes?18:22
MenZaC10uD: Try #ubuntu-motu18:22
garvanyone have experience with the netbook ver of ubuntu vs. xubuntu?18:22
C10uDthanks MenZa18:23
MenZaOh, ppa owners, C10uD18:23
MenZaC10uD: Check their contact information on Launchpad.18:23
ndrwcMenZa: should do I suppose, so long as uids/gids are the same18:23
C10uDoh ok18:23
MenZaLoder3331: I'll not say I'm pro with partitions, but have a look at this: http://pastebin.com/m21a21713 - I'm 90% sure it should work fine.18:23
MenZaLoder3331: Note that the order of partitions is pretty important18:23
Loder3331menza, ndrwc, I'm trying to send you a screenshot of my gparted screen18:24
obiwan_please 1 question, how can i update the kernel?18:24
Loder3331did you see it?18:24
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:24
MenZaI see it, Loder333118:24
MenZa!kernel | obiwan_18:24
ubottuobiwan_: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages18:24
obiwan_ty MenZa18:24
MenZaobiwan_: Be careful, though.18:24
MenZaobiwan_: You shouldn't have to manually compile a new kernel.18:25
MenZaAnd it can go poof.18:25
garvanyone with xubuntu experiance? the #xubuntu channel is dead18:25
MenZa!anyone | garv18:25
ubottugarv: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:25
Loder3331I still don't know what the information at that pastebin link means in terms of what I have to do with gparted18:25
MenZaLoder3331: Look at the, uh, bar I created. It's ASCII, so not quite as pretty as what you see in gparted.18:26
MenZaIt requires you to delete most of your partitions and start over, basically.18:26
MenZaPartitions are stone-age like that.18:26
garvMenza would you reccomend using xubuntu or the netbook ver of ubuntu with a older laptop?18:26
MenZagarv: That's up to your preferences.18:26
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:26
MenZaMan, I would be arthritic if I didn't depend so much on the factoids in here.18:27
ekimmargniHow can I have network manager use a static IP on the LAN? Is that a setting on the router, or in NM (or both)?18:27
ndrwcMenZa: my system atm: http://imagebin.org/6396618:27
ndrwcswap inside extended18:27
MenZandrwc: Ah. I'll keep that in mind.18:28
ndrwcMenZa: wait did I have a point there? :P18:28
Loder3331MenZa: okay so if I read correctly, I need to have a boot partition(primary), followed by a windows vista partition(primary), followed by an ubuntu partition(extended), followed by a fedora partition(extended), followed by a /home partition(extended), followed by a 16gb swap partition(I have 8gb ram.., extended)18:28
ndrwcI think i'd better get some sleep18:28
Loder3331Is that correct?18:28
MenZaLoder3331: "Extended" just means it can contain several partitions, without ACTUALLY being a partition.18:29
MenZaAnd good lord, if you have 8GB, don't waste a kilobyte on the swap18:29
ndrwcmy work machine would be a better indication, it's a macbook so it's got EFI, OSX, Ubuntu and swap18:29
adacwhich grafic driver should i install if I don't want to use the proprietary ones (nvidea, ati). For to get a movie playing without problems?18:29
Loder3331ubuntu gave me a very small swap file by default18:29
ndrwcMenZa: ... hibernate?18:29
Loder3331so should I just take that one and put it at the end18:29
rigodeniI noticed when i restart my comp, at the ubuntu load screen it keeps doing "Routine check of disk" how can i disable this?18:29
Loder3331with gparted?18:29
MenZandrwc: It should be able to suspend-to-ram.18:29
ndrwcoh why do swap partitions keep being used if swap files are better?18:29
ndrwcMenZa: power failure?18:30
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:30
ndrwcthiebaude: thankyou :)18:30
bodlyadac: depends on which card you have.  nv driver for nvidia card.  ati driver for ati card.  the nv driver has no 3d acceleration at all.18:30
MenZaLoder3331: If you *do* want swap, i wouldn not go above 1--2GB swap, but I really don't think you need it.18:30
Loder3331So MenZa, did you see my current configuration?18:30
Loder3331in the screencapture?18:31
MenZaLoder3331: I must've missed it. Apologies.18:31
MenZaLoder3331: Oh, I saw you sending it. Please upload it instead.18:31
Loder3331Alright where18:31
thiebaudendrwc, no problem18:31
gwildoridk wtf is with everyone recomending against swap...18:31
MenZaLoder3331: I IRC through my server, which has no graphical interface.18:31
garvis the netbook remix the same as the MID edition? if not where can I find a good information page on the netbook remix18:31
MenZaLoder3331: http://imagebin.org, for instance.18:31
Loder3331lol ok, how18:31
MenZa!nbr | garv18:31
ubottugarv: nbr is Ubuntu Netbook Remix18:31
applecachesend file18:31
rigodeniI noticed when i restart my comp, at the ubuntu load screen it keeps doing "Routine check of disk" how can i disable this?18:31
LenHi, can anyone help me?18:32
gwildorrigodeni, did you try letting it do the check?18:32
MenZagarv: check http://canonical.com/netbook18:32
ndrwcrigodeni: accept that you'll have data loss?18:32
ekimmargnirigodeni: you probably shouldn't18:32
MenZaLen: That certainly depends what you need help with.18:32
rigodenigwildor: no18:32
applecacherigodeni; maybe ur hard drive has problomes18:32
gwildorrigodeni, i would start there.18:32
garvMenza thank you18:32
Loder3331how do I upload my picture to that page, MenZa?18:32
ekimmargnirigodeni: you can make it run less often though, using tune2fs - and you can make it run faster by using ext4 filesystem18:32
rigodenigwildor: k18:32
adacbodly, Well I want to use my usb stick on multiple pcs the grafic card can differ. so what would you suggest?18:32
applecachesend the file to him18:33
Lenits just because my linux cant find computers by name, just by ip18:33
applecacheright click on his name18:33
applecachethen send file18:33
Loder3331He wants me to upload it instead18:33
rigodeniekimmargni: i heard theres issues with ext4 still18:33
ndrwcLoder3331: http://tinyurl.com/imagebin18:33
ekimmargnirigodeni: which issues?18:33
Leni'm thinking in installing bind18:33
MenZaGood question, Loder3331 - http://tinypic.com instead.18:33
bodlyadac: the vesa driver should work with just about any card out there.  but it will be slow and not have many features.18:33
ndrwcor imageshack.us or whatever really :P18:33
applecacheupload -= send i think18:33
rigodeniekimmargni: i dunno18:33
Loder3331can I just use the link ndrwc just gave me?18:33
Loder3331It seems to be working18:33
adacbodly, yeah it seems to be too slow for video (movies)18:34
ndrwcLoder3331: you can use whatever works, so long as you tell us where you've put it :)18:34
LenMenZa: its just because my linux cant find computers by name, just by ip18:34
ekimmargnirigodeni: all the issues I hear about have been fixed... online defrag, deleting large files, a bit of a kludge for desktop manager dotfiles... all done18:34
ekimmargni!ext4 | rigodeni18:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext418:34
ekimmargniluckily seb isn't here to botspam me :)18:35
bodlyadac: if you just move your xorg.conf file out of the way, X should be able to figure out which driver to use automatically18:35
ndrwclen: you have a dns server?18:35
MenZaLoder3331: Whichever :)18:35
rigodeni"ubottu: Sorry, I don't know anything about ext4" lol18:35
MenZaLoder3331: Checking it out now.18:35
JamesB192I trashed the contents of /etc/grub.d on my Kubuntu laptop (Karmic using GRUB2) how do I replace the files that were there?18:35
MenZaLoder3331: Well... You *can* leave Windows as the first partition - or so I'm told. Moving that block around would be no fun. swap the locations of /boot and /media/win on my partition table and work with it from there18:36
adacbodly, so is it possible to install both drivers ati and nvidia at the same time?18:36
legend2440!karmic | JamesB19218:36
ubottuJamesB192: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:36
bodlyadac: as far as i know, yes.18:36
ndrwcLoder3331: does your bios/recovery have specific requirements on where the recovery parition lives?18:36
Lenndrwc: no, Im thinking in installing bind18:36
Loder3331I have no idea18:37
MenZaLoder3331: I'd just delete most of my partitions and rebuild it completely. Oh, and leave your recovery partition where it is18:37
ndrwcLoder3331: you didn't move it then?18:37
Loder3331It's been there all along18:37
Lenndrwc: but I don't know how to set it up18:38
MenZaLoder3331: It is a bit of brain surgery you have going here. If you're new to Linux, why don't you stick to one distribution?18:38
ndrwclen: err dunno. why bind? why not dnsmasq?18:38
Loder3331Lol I don't know18:38
Loder3331I just want to have them both18:38
om26erhow can i set the notification to appear in the bottom18:38
Loder3331So what steps do I need to take in gparted from this point, to get where I need to be?18:39
Loder3331Do I just create a /home and a /boot partition in the free space?18:39
MenZaLoder3331: Moving partitions around, deleting partitions, re-installing18:39
Loder3331and put them in the correct places?18:39
MenZaMake sure they're all in the extended table18:39
MenZaLike in the paste I gave you earlier18:39
MenZaIt *is* possible to do this, but you may need to read up on the different things a bit. It's a bit difficult to work with.18:39
=== spc_ is now known as spc
ndrwcLoder3331: are you wiping or keeping the NTFS partitions? looks like they need repairing18:39
Lenndrwc: I just read on google that bind is more used, so I was shooting for bind18:40
Loder3331I plan on keeping them18:40
ekimmargniHow can I have network manager use a static IP on the LAN?18:40
Loder3331most of my things are on that partition18:40
legend2440om26er: right click bottom panel choose add to panel  choose Notification  Area. i think that will work. Never tried it18:41
K_DallasHig guys! What is the easiest way to make a bootable USB from karmic.iso? Thanks18:41
adacbodly, you mean the proprietary ones? Or are there other?18:41
stianhjK_Dallas: unetbootin18:41
om26erlegend2440: i am talking abt the notification that popup18:41
ndrwcLoder3331: other thing, are you wiping ubuntu? install fedora first if you are, in case it's not as flexible as ubuntu for install locations18:41
ndrwceh maybe not... :/18:42
K_Dallasstianhj, I don't have ubuntu installed yet but i have access to opensuse. Would this worked as well?18:42
legend2440om26er: oh ok. not sure18:42
Loder3331I wasn't planning on wiping ubuntu18:42
fccf!karmic | K_Dallas18:42
ubottuK_Dallas: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:42
ndrwcLoder3331: ok18:42
matt098Hello, how is everyone today?  I have a small sound issue with ubuntu janty, this is a fresh install all updates have been downloaded and I have tried following this guide " http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130384 " but still no luck.  Can anyone help me ???18:42
Loder3331If possible, I want to just install fedora18:42
Loder3331without getting rid of anything, if possible18:42
stianhjK_Dallas: unetbootin is available for windows18:42
bodlyadac: there are opensource drivers for both ati and nvidia cards.18:42
K_Dallasfccf, thanks for the heads-up.18:42
gwildormatt098, i dont think i can help, but i can say thanks for the awesome post.18:42
ndrwcLoder3331: you realise you've asked something along the lines of "I want more seats in my car" right? :P18:43
adacbodly, what is their name?18:43
K_Dallasstianhj, that would be great. much appreciated thank you.18:43
ndrwcgood luck :)18:43
matt098how do u whisper?18:43
gOLDfeeshWhen I try to install prelude, I get the following:   error creating directory /etc/prelude/profile/prelude-manager: No such file or directory.18:43
wakeupscreamingubuntard ?18:43
stianhjK_Dallas: opensuse will work as well.. it's in the repos i guess18:43
Loder3331Lol, so is it possible?18:43
K7522|AFKndrwc, I want more seats in my car.18:43
K_Dallasstianhj, great18:43
=== K7522|AFK is now known as K7522
ndrwcK7522|AFK: good for you. do you have space in your car?18:44
bodlyadac: xserver-xorg-video-nv and xserver-xorg-video-ati18:44
K7522ndrwc, No :( hehe18:44
* K_Dallas thinks google cannot beat IRC anytime soon ;)18:44
Loder3331So ndrwc is it possible to do this? Or do I have to get rid of ubuntu first18:44
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ndrwcLoder3331: should be possible18:44
K7522K_Dallas, IRC > ubuntuforums.org > google18:45
adacbodly, thx a lot! Is it possible that when i install nvidia ones that may when I boot my usb stick on another pc the fallback will be vesa?18:45
shane2peruanyone know how to bind nfs to specific ports on ubuntu?18:45
K_DallasK7522, :):) agreed, msot of the time18:45
K_Dallasmost* even18:45
Loder3331Actually I don't mind deleting ubuntu, so if I delete all partitions except the two ntfs partitions, where do I go from there?18:45
JediMasterdo I need to compile with the win32codecs to get support for decoding things like windows media player codecs?18:45
bodlyadac: as long as you don't have a driver hardcoded into your xorg.conf file, that should work.18:45
Loder3331I don't know how to make things part of the extended or anything like that18:45
JediMasterugh, wrong channel18:45
Frotshow can I compile ms office for ubuntu?18:46
* ndrwc $ grep "bed" /dev/room18:46
legend2440Loder3331: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-newbie/112118-dual-boot-fedora-8-ubuntu-desktop-version.html18:46
ndrwcFrots: steal the source code18:46
K_DallasFrots, wow! Do you have the source?18:46
ubuntu1use wine for ms officr18:46
ndrwcquick sell it on ebay18:46
Guest6257running crunch bang linux in virtualbox 3.0 unable to get guest additions   using ubuntu 9.0418:46
mdgFrots: see if you can get an rpm18:46
jhowellin server 9.04, 'invoke-rc.d mysql start' does nothing.  However, 'restart', 'stop', 'foo', and even 'start2' *do* things.  Please see: http://pastebin.com/m1abed131  Starting at line 97.18:46
K7522ubuntu1, why use wine for ms office? Just use open office in your native desktop18:47
demonsporkI am trying to install icon themes on 9.04, and only some of them work for all of the icons.  Glass-icons is one that doesn't work, certain things like archives and certain other filetypes work, but folders and hard disk and cd rom icons don't, they just go back to defaults18:47
ben_mFrots: That's easy, just run emerge18:47
ChrizChow do I set my resolution above 1024x768 on 8.04 LTS?18:47
jhowellSo what's special about the word 'start' that has broken this init script?18:47
FrotsI dont understand18:47
FrotsI read it on the wiki18:47
mdgFrots: rm -rf C:18:47
Frotsbut it didnt work18:47
ben_mFrots: emerge is the packet manager for Ubuntu18:47
Frotsdoesn't work18:47
ben_mI heard18:47
Frotswhere do i get emerge18:47
ben_mdo it with sudo18:47
shane2peruanyone know how to bind nfs to specific ports on ubuntu?18:47
Frotssudo emerge ms office ?18:47
K7522ChriszC, System > Preferences > Display check there18:47
Frotsor sudo rm -rf c:18:48
ben_mFrots: c: won't work18:48
Loder3331legend2440: will that work if you already have a windows partition as well as a windows recovery partition?18:48
ben_mFrots: if you want to do that, use it with ~18:48
adacbodly, Uhhh I just noticed that both, xserver-xorg-video-nv and  xserver-xorg-video-ati, is already installed. But that is my xorg.conf file: http://pastie.org/617687 How can i check with driver is currently up running?18:48
ben_mBut I wouldn't18:48
bodlyadac: checking...18:48
matt098Hello, how is everyone today?  I have a small sound issue with ubuntu janty, this is a fresh install all updates have been downloaded and I have tried following this guide " http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130384 " but still no luck.  Can anyone help me ???18:48
Frotsit askes for a password18:49
__lupo__hi all, I`ve beem using the ubuntu 9.10 alpha... and I was keeping my system updated... but I just updated now and then I got an error...18:49
jason_I have but crunch bang linux on virtualbox 3.0 guest addtions do nothing when clicked using ubuntu 9.04 as host help please!18:49
Frotsmdg: where can i get this rpm thing18:49
__lupo__does anybody had this problem18:49
MenZaSounds like you've tried a bit already, matt098, but check this link.18:49
legend2440Loder3331: i dont have windows  maybe someone in channel  #fedora  would know18:49
MenZa!sound > matt098 (Please see the private message from the bot)18:49
MenZaj/w 6918:49
ben_mI'm going to try rm -rf ~ now ... I wonder if that actually works :D:D:D:D ~_~18:50
bodlyadac: ok, there's no driver defined, so Xorg should be picking what it thinks is the best driver.  read /var/log/Xorg.0.log to find out which driver it is using.18:50
shane2perunobody knows about nfs?  and how to bind it to specific ports?18:51
FrotsI lost my data18:52
Frotswhere is mdg18:52
Frotsmy desjtop is gone18:52
bumbblebeehow can i access my shared folder in vbox18:52
mdgguys who is bruenig? he keeps harrassing me18:52
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mdghow do you leave18:53
K7522shane2peru, I know that it uses ports 2049/tcp 2049/udp but as for binding them elsewhere I don't know.18:53
grawitybumbblebee: If the guest OS is Windows, it should be in Network somewhere.18:53
Tomassoanyone able to use the laptop in the sun? im not able to see the screen very well18:53
FrotsFloodBot2: can you help me18:53
shane2peruK7522: well, on the surface it appears to use those ports, but when it comes down to it, other ports are involved and it is random for security18:53
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Ravenkin_laptopbumbblebee, you install guest additions, then you have to create a share folder in the client, point virtualbox to the shared folder in the host, and then run mount -t vboxsf "host share name" "client share name" with the directory listed18:53
PolitikerNEUTomasso: There are some new laptops reflecting the sunlight18:54
shane2peruK7522: I need to bind them so I can have an iptables firewall18:54
PolitikerNEUTomasso: I mean: using the sunlight18:54
jason_guest additions vbox  not working nothing happens crunch bang linux ubuntu 9.04 as host os vox 3.0 help!18:54
bumbblebeegrawity, Ravenkin_laptop i used  net use X: \\vboxsvr\ from command line18:54
bumbblebeeworked but18:54
Tomassomhhm that could be great, i cant see the screen very well, but the sun makes me feel good..18:54
ben_mTomasso: there are linux distributions that actually solve that problem18:54
keiya_Hey, is there a client that connects to Exchange?18:54
grawitykeiya_: Not really. You could try Evolution, but the method it uses isn't very liked by many.18:55
Tomassoben_m , how they do it??18:55
adacbodly, ok so while checking Xorg.0.log It seems that the driver that is taken is indeed the nvidia one. here is my log: http://pastie.org/617696 So my the cause for the slowliness wathcing a video is caused by something other...like the read/write speed of my usb stick? Is that possible?18:55
MenZakeiya_: Evolution works better for me than Outlook ever did in Windows.18:55
keiya_I mean, one that connects not through OWA, which all of them seem to use... the OWA xml-rpc stuff is disabled on this one.18:55
FrotsTomasso: I think it was puppy linux18:55
keiya_Or something.18:55
ben_mYeah I think so18:55
keiya_Either way, it thinks it's exchange 5.5. It's 8.118:56
shane2peruK7522: running rpcinfo -p will reveal the ports involved, however after a reboot, they are different, it is the nlock and mountd?  or something like that.18:56
Frotsis it true that emesene will replace pidgin?18:56
FrotsI heard it on the news18:56
tiltFrots: url? :)18:56
ben_mthis mroing18:56
LjLFrots, no it's not, you know it's not, and stop being silly.18:56
K7522shane2peru, tryin to sort it out, don't use nfs much.18:56
LjLthank you.18:57
bodlyadac: yes, that is possible.  is the video you're trying to watch on the usb stick as well?18:57
FrotsNo for real18:57
shane2peruK7522: understood, I'm still learning. :)18:57
adacbodly, nope. Is from a server in my home network18:57
vigoDid UFW get replaced by ore with Firehol in 9?18:57
keiya_This rather makes this a no-go :/18:57
shane2peruvigo: no, UFW is still default18:57
FrotsI meant that the standard messaging client that gets installed18:57
Frotsis going to be emesene18:58
grawityFrots: Not emesene. (Empathy, maybe - but I doubt that too.)18:58
vigoThank you.18:58
Frotswhy do you guys kick me if i ask something :s18:58
Frotslike in empty ?18:58
jussi01Frots: unless you have a support question please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic18:58
adacbodly, tried also to put it on the usb stick itself... which has quuite the same result as plying it from my samba server18:58
Frotsjussi01: why so elitist18:58
keiya_This is rather problematic...18:59
pro-rsoftwhen you've configured two monitors as two separate X displays, how do you get the mouse from one to the other?18:59
keiya_I can access my mail through imap, but the calendar stuff... :/18:59
benkleinIn Evolution, how do I tell it to delete a problematic message from the queue of messages to send?18:59
K7522shane2peru, http://www.lowth.com/LinWiz/nfs_help.html18:59
bodlyadac: sounds like a driver issue then.  there is also the proprietary nvidia driver and another opensource one called nouveau that i've never tried.18:59
grawitykeiya_: Doesn't it have CalDAV or something like that?19:00
=== codylaeder is now known as valarauca
DsXackplease help - i can't run banshee.... http://paste.ubuntu.com/271603/19:00
matt098MenZa, thx u19:00
adacbodly, I could install the proprietary one of course. Is there still a fallback then to vesa or another one if I'm on a different pc?19:00
ben_mI have some problems with the word "daemon" since I'm very religious. Can I somehow rename all "daemons" into something else19:00
matt098MenZa, it didnt fix my problem but the links might appreciate it19:01
gwildorben_m, its day-mon   not dee-mon19:01
legend2440DsXack: are you running  karmic?19:01
shane2peruK7522: nice document, I didn't dig that one up, but it says to edit /etc/init.d/nfslock and I don't have that file19:01
DsXacklegend2440, yes19:01
legend2440!karmic | DsXack19:01
bodlyadac: no, i think it will only use the proprietary driver if you hardcode it into your xorg.conf.  then it won't do the fallback to vesa19:01
ubottuDsXack: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:01
gwildorand ben got the boot...19:02
DsXacklegend2440, sory19:02
K7522shane2peru, do you have the nfs-utils package installed?19:02
zack19is there a way to run my display at bigger then 800x600?19:02
shane2peruK7522: hmm, doesn't seem to be in the repos19:03
adacbodly, I see so if i would install the proprietary one I would have to write this explicitly into the xorg.conf. So that could cause trouble then on other pc's. Ok I guess that is not worth it ;)19:03
bj0rn2I've been looking for a way to stream my live audio (from soundcard) to upnp.. icecast does the streaming to http, but I can't find any upnp server software that can take a http sound stream? anyone know of something I could use?19:03
J_PHi all19:03
matt098zack19,  make sure you ahve your video drivers installed and that your monitor supports a resolution bigger than that19:03
bodlyadac: you could still try the nouveau driver for nvidia19:03
J_PAnyone know how I change the time (default 60s) to shutodown machine when press power button?19:03
K7522shane2peru, that's why you don't have that particular file; you can see what package they are in by looking at the "RPM" column. That package may be depreciated, try editing the rest of the ports and see if you've resolved it.19:04
jschalli play starcraft in wine, and i want to be able to alt-tab out of it. i'm able to now, but the screen resolution stays at 640x480. how can i make it change back to normal on alttab?19:04
zack19how do i go about updating or reistalling the display driver19:04
adacbodly, If kvm would detect the resoltion correctly  I would boot the usb stick with kvm in avirtual machine as guest. So I could program in the virtual machine (guest) and watch movies on my host system :)19:04
zack19i just switched to ubuntu so im a bit of a newb19:04
adacbodly, yeah i will probably try that out!19:04
shane2peruK7522: yeah, I will look through the rest, that is why I was looking for Ubuntu specific instructions.  Thanks for the tip though19:04
K7522shane2peru, actually it looks like most of the rest of it is ntfs-utils. Let me try to dig around some more.19:04
matt098zack19, do you ahve any idea what video card you ahve?19:04
zack19built in from a hp pavillion dv670019:05
n-iCewhat are the usb paths once you plug it19:05
matt098zack19, on a laptop ?19:05
K7522shane2peru,  well that link worked for others somwhere on the ubuntuforums.org site but again, may be depreciated19:05
shane2peruK7522: ok, perhaps your google magic is better than mine. ;)19:05
n-iCewhat's the usb path once I plug it?19:05
shane2peruK7522: I dug up this old link: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-825094.html  and gave it a try, but it didn't seem to help19:06
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
grawityn-iCe: what usb paths?19:06
n-iCeHow can I go to my usb files, from terminal19:06
n-iCeis my question19:06
adacbodly, Uhh from what I read in synaptics the  Nouveau are only for testing purpose at the moment...so I guess I will remain in the status quo for now19:06
zamban-iCe: check under /media19:07
grawityn-iCe: you mean USB drive? /media is where all mountpoints are located19:07
johnTn-ice, just a question... why terminal?19:07
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n-iCejohnT: I don't have X19:08
n-iCezamba: it isn't there19:08
zamban-iCe: 'mount'19:08
zamban-iCe: try that and see19:09
silici0how do i list my kernel list at grub?19:09
matt098zack19, hay can u do me a favour try this19:09
zambasilici0: check /boot/grub/menu.lst19:09
J_PAnyone know how I change the time (default 60s) to shutodown machine when press power button?19:10
silici0zamba:  has it any kind menu or something ?19:10
matt098zack19, go to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers19:10
silici0i mean can i access a menu before the inicialization1?19:10
zambasilici0: not sure.19:11
zambaJ_P: hum?19:11
zack19ok it popped up with a driver for the display\19:11
matt098zack19, select it and enable it19:11
silici0zamba:  thanks anyway :)19:12
matt098zack19, let me no if it works :D19:12
=== aiOn` is now known as RonDutt
jwhitleykarmic udev 0.6.3-2 is BROKEN.  It Pre-depends on "mountall", which doesn't exist.19:12
grawityjwhitley: #ubuntu+1 is for Karmic19:13
jwhitleyACK!  sorry NOT udev, upstart19:13
shane2peruK7522: gotta run for a bit, be back, if you dig something up, please post it here, I will leave this ope.19:13
feydrjust upgraded and screen/gnome won't work -- 'no more ptys'19:13
shane2peruK7522: open*19:13
jwhitley@grawity, thanks.  switching now.19:13
Grasso325I'm new to ubruntu19:13
matt098Hello, how is everyone today?  I have a small sound issue with ubuntu janty, this is a fresh install all updates have been downloaded and I have tried following this guide " http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130384 " but still no luck.  Can anyone help me ???19:13
K7522shane2peru, yep; I found an interesting post here. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=570308 Unfortunately I have to go as well, work stuff19:13
J_Pzamba: when I press power button, gnome show message that  ubuntu will shutodown in 60s. I would like change this time, understand?19:13
Grasso325who can I ask for help?19:13
K7522shane2peru, good luck I hope you get it sorted.19:13
legend2440J_P: if you right click the logout applet in top panel and choose preferences is there an option for   Show confirm dialogs for logout, restart and shutdown?19:14
zambaJ_P: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=978289&page=319:14
zggiboxdoes any1 know if there's a logout applet like this for xfce? that will shutdown in x seconds, or give you an option to cancel?19:15
=== K7522 is now known as K7522|aFK
ChrizChey how do I set my resolution above 1024 x 768 in 8.04 LTS? (I've tried System -> Preferences -> Screen Resolution but it only allows up to 1024x768. My monitor supports up to 1440x900)19:17
matt098ChrizC, are your video drivers installed?19:17
ChrizCmatt098: indeed.19:17
aloktherocker@ChrizC check out ur xorg.conf,i guess u can get some help if u go thru the forums19:18
tiltzggibox: you can disable the confirmation dialogue19:18
zaccouranyone here use gyachi?19:18
tiltzggibox: you but the 60 seconds are hardcoded19:18
=== serg is now known as ubliRj
keiya_oh dear.19:18
knopp1hi friends, i have a problem with my sound on my HP probook 4510s19:18
keiya_Evolution doesn't support Exchange Server 2007. That's my problem, isn't it19:19
kansanhaving trouble loading up mysql on ubuntu hardy; heres my error message when attempting to start mysql: http://pastie.org/61772019:19
J_Pzamba: I did gconf-editor but not find this option to disable 60 second shut down timer..19:19
Phurlhi all , where can i find the latest ffmpeg svn head debs?19:19
J_Plegend2440: not19:20
jeromelI have a problem with the management of 2 sound cards !  I chose my usb sound card but when I play sound, the sound comes only from internal card19:20
eni23kansan: mabye should start mysqld?19:20
J_PI would like press button and imediatally shutodown machine19:20
J_Pnot wait that 60s timer19:20
kansaneni23, i got htat error message while trying to start it;  sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start19:21
lichi-sanSalut tout le monde19:21
HalitechJ_P, I think you should see another button to shutdown19:21
lichi-sanHello everyone19:21
speedxxxcoreHi, I'm remotly logged into a server, I need to determain if it has 2threads running or 2 real cores. How can I check this?19:21
J_PHalitech: uhh ?19:21
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > Is your server processor dual core ?19:22
knopphi all, how i can config my sound on my HP probook 4510s19:22
speedxxxcorelichi-san: I dunno19:22
feydrI can't use screen or gnome cause I'm getting errors about 'no ptys avail' -- tried updating through apt-get dist-upgrade and of course sys-vc dependency is broke..19:22
feydrany suggestions?19:22
HalitechJ_P, you say when you shut down you see a 60 second timer, there should be another button on that screen to shut down without waiting the 60 seconds19:22
speedxxxcorelichi-san: I wonder if there is some command to check it ... inside the os19:22
lichi-sanspeedxxcore > cat /proc/cpuinfo19:23
J_PHalitech: this show when I press button on machine..19:23
HalitechJ_P, yes19:23
J_Pnot software button19:23
speedxxxcorelichi-san: what values in there?19:23
J_PI want press button in machjine and machine shutdown, without wait 60s19:23
=== ^Einstei1 is now known as ^Einstein
HalitechJ_P, oh, you aren't using the shutdown button on the taskbar?19:23
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > how many "processor" value do you have ?19:24
J_PHalitech: not. just pressgin hardware button, in machine19:24
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > or try uname -a19:24
speedxxxcorelichi-san: I got processor 0 and processor 119:24
HalitechJ_P, does it pop up a window on the desktop?19:24
J_PSo if that 60s is configurable, I can change that time to 5 for example, see?19:24
garvi have a asus p5n-d as far as i can tell there is no ubuntu support for the motherboard, ideas?19:24
J_PHalitech: yes,19:24
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > Your server is dual core19:25
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > So you have two threads19:25
LenWhy cant my ubuntu can't find other computer's from my LAN by name just like Windows?19:25
HalitechJ_P, that would be a BIOS option but if you get the window on the desktop, you can click shutdown now on there19:25
J_PHalitech: yes, I press button on machine and show 60s time in desktop. I not want wait that time how i do ?19:25
jeromelPidgin use the usb sound card ! I do not understand =(19:25
speedxxxcorelichi-san: so, is it two.. hyperthreading threads or 2 real cores?19:25
J_PHalitech: not not, is a configuration in ubuntu19:25
Flare183Len: Because you don't have samba installed.19:25
d-eeewhat it do?  my mic records perfectly in windoze, but in ubunut its wild static.  what's good, yo?19:25
J_Panyone can help me.. ?19:25
haytham-medhi all, is there an irc room for linux games19:26
LenFlare183: I have it installed19:26
J_PI just would like to configure that 60s time.. is posible?19:26
Flare183Len: Then you must configure it for it to work.19:26
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > I don't know, it can either be hyperthreading or dual core, but i don't know19:26
Flare183J_P: Yes, in your BIOS settings.19:26
LenFlare183: what I need to do?19:26
bodlyspeedxxxcore: what cpu model name is it?19:26
d-eeekanye west styles... what is the best program to convert a grip of wav files into mp3, holla?19:26
J_PFlare183: that is not a BIOS settings.. is a gnome settings19:26
ekCan someone here please explain to me how to use a bitmap font in gnome terminal? I've been trying everything I can find searching online and nothing seems to work.19:27
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Flare183J_P: Your BOIS controls that setting not Ubuntu.19:27
ek.. Although, I could be looking at the wrong place or something.19:27
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > cat /proc/cpuinfo in model name, what is it ?19:27
HalitechJ_P, see here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122993919:27
speedxxxcorebodly: intel, cpu family 15, model 2, stepping 519:27
LenFlare183: what I need to do to configure my samba correctly19:27
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > and in model name ?19:27
Flare183!samba | Len19:27
ubottuLen: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:27
ubliRjdudes, let present me!!!!!19:27
ubliRjI'm finally connect to internet under19:27
ubliRjlx ubuntu19:27
HalitechFlare183, actually, according to the thread I just posted to J_P, its a built in 'safety' feature19:28
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speedxxxcorelichi-san: intel xeon 2.419:28
Flare183Halitech: Ahh ok.19:28
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > You have a real dual cpre processor19:28
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:28
HalitechFlare183, I was thinking it was part of the soft shut down option in the bios as well until I just googled it19:28
Guest17730my pidgin wont start it starts to load and it disappears help19:29
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > hope i resolved your problem19:29
speedxxxcorelichi-san: you sure it's real dual? =)19:29
tiseptihow can i add items to the ubuntu menu from a shell script?19:30
LenFlare183: I can mount remote folders and share files using samba here on my ubuntu, but when I ping <some computer> I get an error message saying that host is unkown19:30
bodlyspeedxxxcore: several of those processors have hyper threading.  what speed is it?19:30
lichi-sanspeedxxxcore > All processors since Core 2 Duo are dual core, so, yeah, i'm sure19:30
TrentonAdamsHey guys.  I'm new to ubuntu, but a very experienced Linux user.  I'm having some troubles compiling third party software.  Is there a way of installing all the standard system development files, such as openssl's devel packages, and what not?19:30
TrentonAdamsI'm looking more for a "quick" way of doing it.19:31
speedxxxcorebodly: lichi-san: I think this cpu is older.19:31
LenFlare183: but the ping works for IP, just don't work for names19:31
PiciTrentonAdams: install the build-essential package and if you're recompiling a package that is already in the repos, then use apt-get build-dep packagename  to grab the build dependencies.19:31
speedxxxcorebodly: 2.419:31
TrentonAdamsPici: Thanks muchly, I'll try it out.19:31
Flare183Len: That's because samba doesn't like using "names".19:31
bodlyspeedxxxcore: search for "family 15" on this page:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_microprocessors19:32
speedxxxcorebodly: I think I found it... it has 1 core... but 2 smp?19:33
Ladenhas there any anti virus for ubuntu?19:33
LenFlare183: Why? it's more simple to use name than IP even because the IP comes from DHCP and name it's static.19:33
Zopiaci accidentally uninstalled a few programmes, along with the default image viewer. what was it called?19:33
phuxLaden, yes but why use it?19:33
Mr-Woofladen: you can download AVg19:33
bodlyspeedxxxcore: yes, i think that's the hyper-threading19:33
speedxxxcorebodly: lichi-san: 2 smp cpus it seems to have? is that threads?19:33
Myrtti!virus | Laden19:33
ubottuLaden: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:33
Mr-Woofhandy to have anti virus, if your streaming/handling files for windows19:33
pacopilonline boxing game http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html19:33
Flare183Len: I have no idea, that's up to the programmers.19:33
bodlyspeedxxxcore: hyper-thread makes one core look like 2 to the OS19:34
speedxxxcorebodly: ah.. makes sense...  btw, is there any built in benchmarking tool?19:34
LenFlare183: lol, indeed. Do you think that if I install a DNS server here like BIND would solve this problem?19:35
TrentonAdamsPici: Is there a way of having all of the standard build deps, for system packages, like the kernel, openssl, and all others that are commonly used, automatically installed?19:35
TrentonAdamsPici: Or do I have to do per package?19:35
bodlyspeedxxxcore: depends on what you want to benchmark.  apt-cache search benchmark will get you a list19:35
LenFlare183: the network Im trying to use wont have Internet Connection.19:35
TrentonAdamsWhat are ya'll using for gnome IRC clients?19:35
Vincemanany mencoder users here?19:35
Flare183Len: Maybe, or you could just setup a static route on your Router.19:35
lichi-sanNeed to leave now19:36
Flare183!anyone | TrentonAdams, Vinceman19:36
ubottuTrentonAdams, Vinceman: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:36
arifd86simple BASH question: how to create a variable that is the combination of two other variables, without spaces? Thank you! :D19:36
TrentonAdamsFlare183: huh?19:36
* Flare183 facepalms19:36
PiciTrentonAdams: build-essential includes the standard stuff to compiling anything, but for specific package build dependencies you'd have to go per package.  After doing build-dep a few times you'll start to have to get less and less packages.19:36
NewbieHello guys i was wondering if anyone could assist me with setting up "kismet", I'm having a problem with the "source=" section of the config, [source=madwifi_ag,ath0,madwifi’] being an example, but i'm using a nx6125 and the "Broadcom B43 wireless driver", Could anyone tell me what to replace "madwifi_ag" and "madwifi" with to work with my Broadcom B43 driver's?19:37
McShane #ubuntu-offtopic19:37
Ladenwhat's the advantage of edubuntu over ubuntu?19:37
LenFlare183: I have some guests computers that may plug into this network, and I'd like just to type their name and find. Don't want to go fiding its ip19:37
VincemanI get the following error message when I use mencoder: Option ovc: Unknown suboption pcm19:38
VincemanError parsing option on the command line: -ovc, what have I done wrong?19:38
HalitechLaden, Edubuntu has more things inncluded for school aged kids19:38
J_Phey, anyone can help me how to alter 60s timer when I press button in machine box (not software button, just hardware power button) ?19:38
Flare183Len: Sorry. But that's the only way to do it, unless they are all on a wired connection in the same workgroup.19:39
VincemanFlare183, nothing works :-(19:39
Flare183Vinceman: memcoder --help19:39
TrentonAdamsPici: I did "apt-get build-dep openssl, but the headers still don't appear to be available, as I get an error "openssl/crypto.h: No such file or directory"19:39
Vincemanmencoder --help19:39
Vincemanin terminal19:40
Flare183Vinceman: Yes.19:40
xorHi there.19:40
ChousukeTrentonAdams: build-dep would install the build-dependencies for openssl19:40
ChousukeTrentonAdams: install openssl-dev19:40
xorHow do subtitles work on totem?19:40
LenFlare183: Ok, in anycase i'll try to install bind. Thx19:40
xorI have a sub file named exactly as the movie name and it doesn't work.19:40
Flare183Len: No problem.19:40
VincemanFlare183 I got the parameters for the command off a website, they are not in the help file19:40
xorI also have subtitles set to load automatically when the movie loads, and still doesn't work.19:40
Vincemanwindows is probably better than linux19:40
xorI renamed the file to srt didn't work either.19:41
* agl is deeply regretting updating Karmic this morning - vim (and everything else linked against glib) stopped working.19:41
xxxmis there an italian here?19:41
Piciagl: Karmic support/discussion in #ubuntu+1 please19:42
Pici!it | xxxm19:42
ubottuxxxm: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:42
mikefletcher85is it possible to use the dd command ad have the output file be a windows share?19:42
TrentonAdamsChousuke: thought of that, but there is no openssl-dev19:42
fufuwhat application should I use to create FLOWCHART in Ubunut?19:42
ChousukeTrentonAdams: oh, hm, libopenssl-dev?19:42
Myrttifufu: dia might be useful19:42
TrentonAdamsChousuke: nope19:43
PiciTrentonAdams, Chousuke: its libssl-dev19:43
fufumyrtti how do i check if DIA is installed?19:43
am0k0815latex fufu19:43
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Myrttifufu: aptitude show dia19:43
fufucan I use add/remove? to check for DIA or LAtex?19:44
TrentonAdamsPici: I tried libssl-dev previous, but I get an error. http://pastebin.com/d58468b2519:44
Myrttifufu: might do, dia isn't installed by default19:44
Myrttifufu: neither is any latex stuff19:44
Myrttifufu: I'm not too familiar with add/remove19:44
fufuHow can I install DIA?19:44
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fufuwhats the difference between Add/Remove and synaptic manager?19:45
shane2peruany nfs wizards out there?  How can I bind my nfs to a specific port?19:45
lowlycoderis there a way in ubuntu to switch mouse buttons? (i.e. using a right handed mouse in the left hand)19:45
Picifufu: synaptic has all the packages available in the repos, add/remove just has a subset of them.  Add/remove is more for user friendly applications.19:46
mikefletcher85is it possible to use the dd command ad have the output file be a windows share? or is there a way to have a windows share show up as either a folder or a drive?19:46
PiciTrentonAdams: What version of Ubuntu are you running?19:47
geniishane2peru: Use the -p and -P switches of nfsd. They are fairly well documented19:47
shane2perugenii: can you elaborate a little?  I'm not that good. :)19:48
ekimmargniHow can I set networkmanager to request a specific IP address from my router's DHCP server?19:48
shane2perugenii: or, point me to some documentation, that would be great19:48
NewbieCould anyone help me with setting up Kismet with my Broadcom B43 wireless?19:48
fufui want to do a flowchart to help describe relationship between my forms and databases, is DIA good for that, or any other apps?19:48
mikefletcher85is it possible to use the dd command ad have the output file be a windows share? or is there a way to have a windows share show up as either a folder or a drive? Im running Ubuntu 8.04 32bit using the Live CD.19:49
Halitechekimmargni, don't think you can but you should be able to set the router to assign a specific IP to a MAC address19:49
ekimmargnifufu: yes, dia is meant for that sort of diagram19:49
Picimikefletcher85: What are you trying to do? Copy files to a windows share?19:49
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MarkGHi, anyone smart enough to work out the mess than is Mail servers under Linux?19:50
AAAHello All!19:50
ekimmargniHalitech: heloo again :) -- I was just on with linksys support & they say this router doesn't support static dhcp leases, but that if you request a valid IP outside the DHCP range (ie below the starting IP address for DHCP server) then it will assign that IP to the requesting device19:50
J_Pplease, anyone know how change that time (60s) out when press hardware (not software) button on desktop ?19:50
shane2perugenii: hmm, I checked the man page, and that doesn't seem to be what I mean, nfs uses 2049, and that is fine, however nfslockd changes every reboot, and I need to bind that to a port number, as well as mountd19:50
antikapis the ext4 file system as secure as NTFS?19:50
MarkGI got a problem trying to work out what I need to install to do what I plan.   Here is my unanswered post on the Ubuntu forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126460919:50
johnTantikap, what do you mean for 'secure'?19:51
Halitechekimmargni, bummer on not supported, why not just assign a static IP to the machine in question?19:51
ekimmargniHalitech: so, if I request 192.168.1.[99..2] it'll assign the requested IP on the LAN19:51
antikapresistent against electrical cuts for example19:51
VincemanFlare183 the manual says that mencoder is used for encode mplayer playable movies to other mplayer playable formats19:51
mikefletcher85Pici: I'm trying to make an image of the host of to another drive19:51
RUMMYhow can I restore apt.conf file or where can I get it fot ubuntu 8.1019:52
VincemanFlare183 but since MOV is not an mplayer playable movie I have tough luck19:52
ekimmargniHalitech: how would I do that? My ISP gives me an IP via DHCP, my router gives me an IP via DHCP & neither will allow static DHCP leases (well, unless I want to pay a fortune)19:52
AAAI am on ubuntu server 9.04 and trying to install java. running command "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin" give couldn'y find package error. multiverse is for sure uncommented in sources.list. Any ideas?19:52
GobiTheGoblinHave you guys hear about new MS training material for Best Buy?19:52
ekimmargniHalitech: err, *dynamic* IPs via DHCP19:52
fufucool im installing DIA using add/remove thanks for the help guys!19:52
MyrttiGobiTheGoblin: how's that related to this channels topic19:52
TrentonAdamsPici: 9.0.419:52
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MyrttiGobiTheGoblin: #ubuntu-offtopic, please19:52
jackson_i hav problem wit compiz19:52
GobiTheGoblinMyrtti, k19:53
jenistinI have a quick question about Squid Proxy conf. I have specified the https_port, and it prompts me for the PEM passphrase when I start the daemon, but it doesn't bind the port specified.19:53
geniishane2peru: About the lockd setup, no immediate ideas19:53
ekimmargnijackson_: #compiz ?19:53
Halitechekimmargni, if the machine is behind the router then simply set it as static with the IP address you want, wouldn't have anything to do with your isp19:53
johnTantikap, ext4 makes more intensive use of cache, so it might be 'less' secure in that way. I never had problems with ext4 tough, I suffered a lot of power outages here and didn't lose any data. IMHO you can use ext3 is you are really concerned19:53
ekimmargniHalitech: Yes, but I'm saying this router doesn't support static DHCP leases (yay, good purchase choice)19:53
Picimikefletcher85: As long as you had the windows share mounted somewhere, you could output dd to a file.19:53
RUMMYwhere can I get apt.conf file for ubuntu 8.1019:53
Halitechekimmargni, you wouldn't do it on the router, you would configure it on the machine in question19:53
shane2perugenii: hmm, seems to be uncharted waters for Ubuntu, I found documentation for it on Suse, but it is different19:53
jackson_it checks for intel graphics19:53
ekimmargniHalitech: aha! where? how?19:54
Halitechekimmargni, network manager I think will allow you to do it19:54
_s_k_y_Hi guys, is ubuntu user friendly like windows? I have used linux about 10 years ago I'm wondering if it's worth installing.19:54
johnTS_k_y : definitely yes ;)19:54
jenistin_s_k_y_, yes19:54
johnTits of course worth installing or trying the live image19:54
_s_k_y_Do packages still install all over the place?19:54
johnTthen you can decide19:54
Halitech_s_k_y_, grab the latest Live cd and try it for yourself, only you can judge if its ready for you19:54
AAAso any help about installing java?19:55
jenistin_s_k_y_, Aptitude is a great package manager19:55
jackson_package for 9.04 for compiz19:55
jackson_ for intel i8619:55
johnTAAA, search it in the package manager or download the binary from sun site19:55
mikefletcher85Pici: would it look like "dd if=/path of=smb://IP/Folder"?19:55
_s_k_y_thanks for you responses :)19:55
Halitechekimmargni, I usually just manually edit /etc/network/interfaces myself19:55
jenistinI have a quick question about Squid Proxy conf. I have specified the https_port, and it prompts me for the PEM passphrase when I start the daemon, but it doesn't bind the port specified.19:56
dsuchAAA: you sure had an Internet connection during install? (just been bitten by that :-), perhaps you just need to sudo apt-get update  :-))19:56
jackson_can u help ekimmargni19:56
geniishane2peru: Seems to be something on the subject here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils/+bug/2870619:57
jenistinJ_P, what's the question?19:57
NewbieCan anyone help me with getting Kismet/Aircrack working along-side a B43 chipset?19:58
Mokesnapi am taking a linux class online and have switched my computer over to ubuntu but now i dont know how to view my lecture recording which are .jnlp files that open with java.  is there an app out there that wil allow me to view my recordings?19:58
shane2perugenii: ahh, that is very relevant!!!  Thanks.19:59
geniishane2peru: You're welcome19:59
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:59
jenistinMokesnap, what happens when you run them with your java engine?19:59
TrentonAdamsPici: you there?19:59
J_Pjenistin:  I want change time 60s when  power button is pressed. Or just power down without wiat anytime. I try System > Preferences > Power Management (or Screensaver > Power management) > General > Select what to do "when power button is pressed" I select (shutdown). but not works. I press power button and ywt show message 60s to shutodown.20:00
jenistinJ_P, have you checked the gnome config?20:00
J_Pjenistin: where? what is command ?20:01
Picimikefletcher85: No, you'd need to make a real mount for the samba share. i.e: mount -t smbfs \\IP\path /mount/something20:01
rayneHey, I am currently using the latest release of Ubunty and am unable to hear Sirius's web player. sound works everywhere else though, including sites like YouTube20:01
PiciTrentonAdams: Sorry, had to take a call20:01
jenistinJ_P, gconf-editor is the app20:01
seidosJ_P: you can use shutdown command in your shell20:02
J_Pjenistin: yes, but I not find any entry to this config..20:02
rayneIt says it is connected and shows no signs of issues, but I can't hear anything from anystations20:02
J_Pseidos: jenistin:  I want change time 60s when  power button is pressed. Or just power down without wiat anytime. I try System > Preferences > Power Management (or Screensaver > Power management) > General > Select what to do "when power button is pressed" I select (shutdown). but not works. I press power button and ywt show message 60s to shutodown.20:02
grawityPici: Actually, GVFS mounts (the GNOME ones) are accessible under ~/.gvfs/ like any other filesystem.20:02
jenistinrayne, is Sirius using a flash app or what?20:02
mikefletcher85Pici: would it look like "dd if=/path of=smb://IP/Folder"?20:02
seidosJ_P: ah, when power button is pressed20:03
J_Pjenistin: you know in gconf-editor  what is option ?20:03
ranguahey, could anyone help me identify a process?20:03
HalitechJ_P, did you read this that I posted earlier? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122993920:03
PiciTrentonAdams: What version of libssl-dev does it look to be trying to install.  Look at the output of apt-cache policy libssl-dev20:03
jenistinJ_P, not off hand, no20:03
ranguaits the one with PID=020:03
raynejenistin, it appears that it is a flash app, it launches a seperate browser for its player20:03
ranguaand for some reason, it's receiving data from the internet... all the time.. i can't stop (nor i want to kill it before knowing what it is)20:04
Picimikefletcher85: No, the shell doesn't know what smb:// is, so you'd either had to mount it in Gnome and use whatever it creates in ~/.gvfs or mount it manually with: sudo mount -t smbfs //IP/Folder /media/path/ and then use /media/path/file in of=20:04
J_PHalitech: yes (Right click on your username (the "Fast User Switch Applet") and select Preferences.). That works when sotfiware button is clicked. but for hardware button (when power button is pressed) not works.20:04
jenistinrayne, it's hard to say what may be the issue without looking more closely; have you contacted their support?20:05
HalitechJ_P, because it is a safety feature to prevent the system from being shutdown in case its an accidental press20:05
mikefletcher85Pici: thanks i'll give that a shot20:05
=== codylaeder is now known as valarauca
raynejenistin, TBH, their support is total shit. It took me over an hour last time I contacted them just to stop my billing cycle20:06
peshomHello everyone. Anyone can give me some advice with using rsync for two-way syncing?20:06
J_PHalitech: yes. But I would like shutodown without question or wait 60s20:06
tdn_How do I change language from English to Danish? System wide for all users.20:06
J_PHalitech: if that 60s was configurable, is fine. but where that time is configurable ?20:06
J_Pwhere ?20:06
HalitechJ_P, then find a distro that doesn't include that feature like Debian20:07
jenistinrayne, flash is flash; does it work in Windows for you?20:07
kansantrying to edit /etc/sudoers .... but its read only20:07
raynejenistin, don't have winblows on this computer20:07
Halitechkansan, sudo visudo20:07
J_PHalitech: good idea. Change a intire distribuition just because is not possible configure a timeout from 60s to 5s. That's a a joke!!20:07
HalitechJ_P, if it bothers you that much to hit the power button and click shut down or wait the 60 seconds then yeah20:08
jenistinrayne, what is the mime statement for the applet?20:08
huwaw69what is the channel for nix mint?20:08
raynejenistin, Not sure what a mime statement is20:09
bodlyJ_P: you could try asking in the #gnome channel20:09
Cynthiahuwaw69: could be #linuxmint20:09
J_PHalitech: this not make sense20:09
huwaw69thanks Cynthia20:09
Ladenhow  can i do social chat through x chat?20:09
seidosJ_P: I have Ubuntu ask me what I want to do when I press the power button.  If I want to shutdown, I press power then click "shutdown"...but I rarely shutdown, I usually suspend20:09
kervelany ETA yet for the initscripts / sysv-rc problems in karmic ?20:09
raynejenistin, testing a possible solution I found on some forums, involves installing VLC and its plugin for Firefox20:10
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peshomHello everyone. Can anyone give me some advice with using rsync for two-way syncing?20:10
HalitechJ_P, if there are no config options in gconf or the power settings then its something a lot deeper that you would need to change, and it may not be easy20:11
jenistinrayne, VLC's support of flash files is spotty20:11
jenistinrayne, are you using adobeflashplayer?20:11
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jake__any ideas why pidgin would stop sending messages and keep giving me errors?20:11
raynejenistin, yes, the ones from the labs for 64bit support20:11
jake__it happens all the time - i dont get it using msn on windows20:11
huwaw69!join irc.spotchat.org20:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:11
HalitechJ_P, all I know is on my Debian install when I click shutdown, it shuts down with no 60 second wait message20:11
jenistinrayne, I'm not familiar with that release; labs?20:11
raynejenistin, which is the weird thing... is I can watch and hear youtube videos and imbedded flash adds on other sights20:12
raynejenistin, its like their development part of their site, apparently the 64bit version isn't exactly done20:12
ph33rhi, I am using ubuntu 9.04, the screen flickers and freezes when I enable compiz, it worked flawlessly in suse 11.1 though, so it works, could anyone tell me where I am going wrong ?20:12
huwaw69ph33r try ubuntu ibex20:13
jenistinrayne, oh I see. Well Sirius internet radio website says that the audio is streamed in WMV20:13
raynejenistin, ah... hence why VLC would be needed20:13
ph33rhuwaw69, what's ibex ?20:13
huwaw69ph33r its ubuntu 8.1020:13
jenistinrayne, yes, but VLC is spotty with WMV as well. Have you tried mplayer?20:13
raynejenistin, yes, is there a plugin for Firefox for it though?20:14
J_Pthats 60s is configurable in some place...20:14
huwaw69or perhaps your video card is not good enough for compiz ph33r?20:14
ph33rhuwaw69, can't it work in 9.04 ?20:14
BenCalHi, I'm using Ubuntu Karmic. Following a system update and trying to boot with kernel 2.6.31-10 I receive this error and it stops: pci_enable_pcie_error_reporting failed  - Can somebody give me advice?20:14
J_PAny ubuntu developer here ?20:14
jenistinrayne, yes, and I've used it successful for asx streams20:14
Myrtti!karmic | BenCal20:14
ubottuBenCal: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:14
huwaw69ph33r it works, but it depends on the user's system20:14
ph33rhuwaw69, the same laptop could work, I used suse with compiz in the same lappy20:14
jenistinrayne, but I think I was using the plugin on Windows, dunno if there is one for Linux20:14
huwaw69is suse the latest version too ph33r?20:15
PiciJ_P: #ubuntu-devel, but make sure you read the channel topic before you ask.20:15
ph33rhuwaw69, yes 11.120:15
huwaw69how did you install compiz?20:15
raynejenistin, mediaplayerconnectivity work?20:15
ph33rhuwaw69, from the add/remove software20:15
huwaw69what did you search>?20:16
huwaw69just compiz?20:16
ph33rhuwaw69, I installed ccsm, fusion and emerald20:16
Piciph33r: 1) You shouldnt need to install anything for compiz, it comes pre-loaded on 9.04. 2) What graphics card are you using?20:16
jenistinrayne, dunno, sorry :( I have to go, best of luck to you!20:16
ManDayWhen I installed ubuntu I set my right CTRL as "Compose key" (a kernel configuration?) - is there anything I'll have to set for X11 to make it work??20:16
raynejenistin, VLC freezes firefox... sooo... removing and putting mplayer back on20:16
ph33rPici, intel 95020:16
J_PPici: in the topic don't show about devel!!20:16
J_PPici: are you sure ?20:16
rayneph33r, Have you enabled the restricted drivers for your video card?20:17
PiciJ_P: You asked where the developers were, I answered.20:17
ph33rrayne, not yet, let me check20:17
bgamariJ_P: The easiest way to find out what you I looking for is just to read the source20:17
J_PPici: ahh ok20:18
ph33rrayne, how do I enable them ?20:18
J_Pbgamari: yes, download gnome sources...20:19
johnTph33r, from ubuntu 9.04 the path is > System > Administration > Hardware Drivers20:19
bgamariJ_P: yep20:19
rayne>> Administration >> Hardware Drivers20:20
ph33rjohnT, done that, none in use20:20
SirLXhow can i change the temporary directory (TMPDIR)?20:20
rayneph33r, see above :)20:20
johnTph33r, any restricted driver available for activation in that list?20:20
matt098Hello, how is everyone today?  I have a small sound issue with ubuntu janty, this is a fresh install all updates have been downloaded and I have tried following this guide " http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130384 " but still no luck.  Can anyone help me ???20:20
rayneph33r, Unless you enable restricted drivers, you video card will have limited functionality and be unable to run the graphical effects of Compiz20:21
ph33rjohnT, yes atheros madwifi card20:21
wildc4rd_evening all20:21
johnTph33r, no restricted video drivers available then?20:21
ph33rjohnT, nopes20:21
johnTintel 950, right?20:22
ph33rjohnT, yes :)20:22
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ph33rjohnT, acer 557320:22
SirLXhi, how can I change dir temporary directory (tmpdir)?20:22
johnTPh33r, Googling...20:22
ph33rjohnT, ok :)20:23
grawitySirLX: Some programs use the environment variable $TMPDIR.20:23
grawitySirLX: But in the end, you're not going to get rid of /tmp completely.20:23
SirLXgrawity, thanx20:23
kikbguyHey guys, I'm new to irc chat but I have a problem with ubuntu, should I just ask my question here?20:24
johnTph33er, one of the first result I've found is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55837 ; shortly, it suggests to try 'vesa' drivers. I'm searching further...20:24
grawitykikbguy: Yes, just ask.20:24
legend2440ph33r: http://www.ipodtouchfans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22416120:24
behappyits possible to browser a site on my server with an imitation Ip using squid or any whatever proxy , because I get blocked from that site and I am enable to looking from it ?20:25
grawitybehappy: Yes.20:26
kikbguyOkay, when I install the ubuntu 9.04 live cd on my hp desktop computer, the screen is shifted to the left so that the rightmost quarter of my screen is black and the rest is 3/4 of ubuntu20:26
adaptrbehappy: how did you manage to get blocked from accessing your own server20:26
hedkandiabout synaptics:20:26
scuniziWhat's the server and channel for Open Office? their site doesn't list one.20:26
grawityscunizi: Then maybe they don't have one?20:26
hedkandi  Depends: python-central (>=0.6.7) but 0.6.5ubuntu1 is to be installed20:26
scunizigrawity: there is one.. I've just forgotten it.20:26
hedkandiwhat does that mean?20:26
behappyadaptr, I get my server blocked to access to the target site20:26
Piciscunizi: #openoffice.org20:26
scuniziPici: on freenode?20:27
Piciscunizi: Yes.20:27
behappygrawity, squid ?20:27
kikbguyI wanted to know how to fix the screen shifting to the left issue20:27
ph33rlegend2440, checking20:27
=== stephengarvin is now known as garv
scuniziPici: thanks.. use to be gimp.net I think..20:27
trismscunizi: they are all listed here http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/IRC_Communication20:27
geniiscunizi: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/IRC_Communication   lists pretty much ALL their channels20:27
geniitrism: Hehe20:27
johnTkikbguy, install the correct video drivers20:27
scunizitrism: genii thanks20:28
johnTtry to activate restricted video drivers if you got them in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers, otherwise download them20:28
hedkandi#join debian20:28
kikbguyI'm sorry that I'm a newb and everything, but do you know how I would install the correct video drivers?20:29
kikbguygotcha, thanks so much guys20:29
Myrttitomek_: excuse me?20:29
Myrttikikbguy: depends on what hardware you have20:30
boscopafter playing fretsOnFire, my resolution is very low. how can I reset it to the value before? and why does this happen with so many games?20:30
tomek_ale chuje z was  rozumiecie po polsku20:30
Myrtti!pl | tomek_20:30
ubottutomek_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:30
kikbguymyrtti, i have an hp desktop pc if that helps20:30
tomek_na raczej20:30
garvmy chipset doesnt seem to be supported by ubuntu are there any generic drivers i can use to try and get things working?20:31
hedkandiwhat does this mean?20:31
hedkandi  Depends: python-central (>=0.6.7) but 0.6.5ubuntu1 is to be installed20:31
tomek_KTO Z POLSKI20:31
Myrtti!english | tomek_20:31
ubottutomek_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:31
Myrttitomek_: /join #ubuntu-pl20:31
LjLhedkandi: it means that the package python-qt4 depends on version 0.6.7 or above of python-central, but the rest of the system requires 0.6.5ubuntu1 for some reason20:31
hedkandiso we're saying that I have ubuntu1 0.6.5 on my current system20:32
MxxConhey folks, for ubuntu server do i need to have console-kit-deamon installed?20:32
LjLhedkandi: what version of ubuntu are you on?20:32
tomek_have you coffee20:33
Myrttitomek_: please behave and use English, or join #ubuntu-pl20:33
ior3kdid the last karmic updates make the machine unbootable for anyone else?20:33
Myrttitomek_: this is the support channel, not random chitchat20:33
Myrtti!karmic | ior3k20:33
ubottuior3k: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:33
Piciior3k: Karmic support/discussion in #ubuntu+1 please20:33
SpaceBasshey folks20:33
tomek_huj wam w dupe20:33
LjLhedkandi, do you have any non-default respositories enabled?20:33
ior3kPici: got it, sorry20:34
=== bluebottle is now known as Guest67859
Myrttitomek_: you will be removed from the channel, if you do not start listening20:34
SpaceBasstrying to install wordpress - used ap-get and ran the install script, but when I try and access it locally firefox wants to download the php page rather than execute it20:34
LjLhedkandi: like what, for instance?20:34
boscophow can I restore the resolution to before the game?20:34
K7522|AFKboscop, System > Preferences > Display20:34
hedkandideb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main20:35
boscopK7522|AFK, haha, I can't access "system"20:35
LjLhedkandi: do you have backports enabled?20:35
hedkandisorry what are backports please?20:35
boscopK7522|AFK, anything on the shell I can do?20:35
LjLhedkandi: it's a repository (containing "back-ported" software)20:35
tafsenHi.  How can I start programs with my remote controll?20:35
bodlyboscop: use xrandr20:35
Vincemanwhy is MOV not workable with for anything that isn't apple?20:35
Vincemanthe MOV-format..20:35
K7522|AFKboscop, gnome-display-properties20:35
LjLhedkandi: actually, do you even have the "updates" repositories enabled? (you should, but you might not)20:36
Platypus-ManI'm having issues with my laptop (Atheros AR242x), it works with Alternate Atheros "madwifi" driver, but only until I restart it, then I have to go through the process of disabling, restarting, plugging in TP cable while fondling etc all over again... did some Googling, but only found outdated posts... any tips?20:36
hedkandiI'll have a look20:37
TrentonAdamsPici: I left the computer for a bit.  libssl-dev would be "Candidate: 0.9.8g-15ubuntu3.2", but it complains about "libssl-dev: Depends: libssl0.9.8 (= 0.9.8g-15ubuntu3.2) but 0.9.8g-15ubuntu3.3 is to be installed"20:38
boscopK7522|AFK, thank you very much20:38
TrentonAdamsPici: "it" being apt-get complains about the 0.9.8g-15ubuntu3.3 to be installed, or whatever.20:38
hedkandiLet me check: updates are for bug-fixes to my existing hardy software, so it could mean upping the minor minor version number20:38
K7522|AFKboscop, my pleasure :)20:39
hedkandiwhereas a backport could up the major version number20:39
trismVinceman: if you install libquicktime1 you should be able to play movs20:41
ubottuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)20:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about elinks20:42
hedkandii think the best thing is to get python-qt4 from intrepid backports20:43
hedkandihow would I do this then?20:43
hedkandiwhat is the line for sources.list?20:43
=== rpbrooke is now known as jelkner
_markus__I've been running karmic sine a few weeks, after I upgraded a few minutes ago, I can't boot into my system anymore (neither normal nor recover). The last lines when running recover are that it writes starting script in bottom-local and ...-local, then nothing. I can press ctrl-alt-del and it reboots. During the reboot sequence I see that the filesystem was mounted read only yet. Any ideas?20:46
Pici_markus__ : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.20:47
hedkandiguys: what is in this repo?20:48
hedkandideb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid-backports main universe multiverse restricted20:48
hedkandibackports of what for what?20:48
Pici!backports | hedkandi20:48
ubottuhedkandi: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:48
hedkandinot helpful20:48
hedkandiwhat is in intrepid backports?20:49
hedkandispell it out for me if you're smart enough20:49
Picihedkandi: No need for the atitude.20:49
bodlyhedkandi: you want a list of packages? or an explanation of what backports is for?20:49
geniihedkandi: Being abusive doesn't inline people to assist you or answer questions.20:49
hedkandideb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid-backports main universe multiverse restricted20:49
quake_guyI am running synergy with my PC and Ubuntu. The PC drives it and I would like to get my keyboard to respond normally on my linux box. Right now I cannot hold down the "down button" to make cursor go down. The right arrow work fine but not the left. Any suggestions?20:49
hedkandimaking dubious accusations will get you thrown out, genii20:50
hedkandiso in deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu intrepid-backports main universe multiverse restricted20:50
hedkandido I find intrepid software backported for other things?20:50
hunger__hey all, anyone know of a way to print out a USB's power consumption, and max power output (from what I've read, 5V and 500mA)20:50
kudi1is it possible to mount a baa file?20:50
hedkandior do I find software for intrepid?20:50
bgamarihunger__: probably in sysfs somewhere20:51
Picihedkandi: Its packages from newer releases of Ubuntu backported *to* Intrepid. See http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid-backports/ for a list of packages.20:51
bodlyhedkandi: it is newer software backported to intrepid20:51
hedkandiok thank you for your help20:51
johnThunger, I don't think its possible to do a such thing, but I might be wrong20:52
Vincemantrism, I have it installed but it doesn't run, can you help me out?20:53
VincemanI already tried chmod20:53
trismVinceman: it's not an executable, you should just try opening it in one of the media players like totem20:53
trismVinceman: opening a .mov file that is20:53
Vincemantrism but it was already installed it said when I tried to install it20:53
trismVinceman: if that doesn't work, just install ubuntu-restricted-extras, that should get you all the codecs you need20:54
hunger__johnT, i'm beginning to think the same, i can find out how much a device is drawing, and per a USB spec the usb module is supposed to say what it is, but from what i've read so far there's no way20:55
hunger__bgamari, thanks i'll go poking around in there20:55
frostburnwhat's a good avant window manager replacement?20:56
grikdogis ext4 stable under 2.6.28-15-generic?20:56
johnTgrik: yes it is20:56
MarkGCan someone take a moment to explain what packages I need to collect POP3 mail from my ISP, store in on my Ubuntu server, and be able to access it by IMAP anywhere on my home LAN?20:57
hunger__ok thanks everyone off to do more reading20:57
grikdogjohnT: thx20:57
Vincemantrism apt-get install ubuntu-restricted extras?20:57
cemcis there a way to encrypt a user's home AFTER ubuntu got installed?20:58
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alabamawill your home directory be encrypted when your screensaver turns on, if you have the feature enabled?20:58
bodlyMarkG: fetchmail to get the mail, courier-imap to server them up20:59
johnTcemc do you have a separate /home partition or just a directory?21:00
IceWeweI'm having buffer I/O issues with a RAID 5 array. I've independently tested all the disks and they all pass a full media scan, could something else be happening?21:00
trismVinceman: yeah21:00
MarkGDoes Dovecot offer any advantages over courier-imap?21:00
cemcjohnT: just a directory21:00
Vincemantrism the movie is supposed to last about five minutes, but it goes by without image in a few seconds21:00
MK-ubuntui guess ubuntu-server room is always quiet21:00
bodlyMarkG: actually, now that you mention it, i'm using dovecot, not courier21:01
kudi1can ubuntu mount .daa21:01
Vincemanapt-get says it doesn't know ubuntu restricted21:01
johnTcheck this : http://blog.gnist.org/article.php?story=EncryptedSwapAndHomeUbuntu - this is a complex but comprehensive guide about enrcrypting home and swap too. But of course there are lots of easier alternatives21:01
johnTlike: re-installing ubuntu with home encryption on, or using another OpenSource utility21:01
trismVinceman: oh are you saying the movie plays, just not well?21:01
johnTlike Truecrypt21:01
MarkGI want the easiest to setup, I spend an age to get dovecot working (its now sorta working).   How does sending mail fit into the scheme of things?  in a setup like this?21:02
cemcjohnT: is Truecrypt safer then encrypting the home ?21:02
trismVinceman: and the package I was talking about is spelled ubuntu-restricted-extras21:02
MarkGI suppose what I am not saying, is I will never be opening or sending emails from the Ubuntu system directly, it will always be an intermediary21:03
Vincemantrism it's a big package21:03
johnTcemc, Truecrypt is Safe as it uses AES 256, but truecrypt creates a separate file container21:03
johnTTruecrypt does not encrypt home directory,21:03
MK-ubuntuhey guys,21:03
MK-ubuntuI have a question21:03
johnTit simply offers you strong encryption with ease21:03
trismVinceman: yes it has alot of stuff, many video codecs, and probably other stuff...the restricted codecs are lumped together in a bunch of poorly named packages, so it is hard to tell what has what21:03
bodlyMarkG: if you're not going to send mail from this box then you don't really need to install sendmail, postfix, etc.21:04
MK-ubuntuon my VPS (server) I got 2 IPs assigned to me, but i got the 1st one to work but cant get the second one to work.. can you guys help?21:04
tobixenI just did "apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade" on my karmic system, and now X doesn't work anymore ... is that a known issue?  Worked fine earlier today21:04
cemcjohnT: ok, I'll look into it, thanks21:04
johnTbut you can't encrypt home directory with truecrypt. this program can create a file container or encrypt a whole partition.21:04
trismVinceman: that's why I initially said just the libquicktime1 package, but you said that wasn't working for you21:04
cemcjohnT: like cryptsetup ?21:05
Vincemantrism so I do run the risk a bit of my PC becoming one big chaos :-(21:05
galtomtobixen, Yes it is :)21:05
cowgardenhi, i tried to install madwifi and now my wireless interface is gone (was wlan0 with a ath5k driver) I did not blacklist anything yet21:05
johnTalmost, www.truecrypt.org ;) it is a simple-to-install and to use program, check it21:05
tobixengaltom: so what do I do, wait and hope the issue is resolved until tomorrow? :)21:05
alabamawill your home directory be encrypted when your screensaver turns on, if you have the feature enabled?21:05
johnTits cross-platform too21:05
MarkGbodly: However I DO want the mails to live in a IMAP "sent" folder.21:06
trismVinceman: you could try installing vlc or mplayer, they use a different set of codecs, and mov should work out of the box in them21:06
johnTalabama, I never heard about such feature21:06
MarkGso I think I do need to send them via the ubuntu system.  I'm not sure how it all connects together tho!21:06
galtomtobixen, I think yes. I tried to fix, but I can't21:06
bodlyMarkG: i would be surprised if there are not several how-to's out there with step-by-step instructions.21:06
cowgardenalabama, when your home is encrypted it will be decrypted on demand only21:06
cowgardenalabama, means it is encrypted as long as your screen is locked21:07
MarkGI have looked and not come up with much in the way of howtos, or they are just not the right setup21:07
guntbert!karmic | tobixen21:07
ubottutobixen: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:07
MarkGI thought my requirements here would not be too out of the ordinary.21:07
galtomubottu, THX21:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about THX21:07
alabamacowgarden: so if my screens locks with the screensaver, my home directory is encrypted?21:07
jpdsgaltom: Try: "ubottu, thanks"21:08
galtomubottu, Sorry. I mean thank you21:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:08
bodlyMarkG: basically i pop mail down from a server and serve it out via imap at home, just like you want to.  but i send my mail through gmail and sent mail doesn't get saved on my local server.21:08
bodlyMarkG: so i'm not really sure how that would hook in there either.  :-)21:08
tobixenguntbert: of course, known risk.21:08
cowgardenalabama, if you have to type your password again to use the computer, yes (and if you enabled the home encryption at all)21:09
brocan i upgrade to nautilus 2.4 on hardy?21:09
=== bluebottle is now known as Guest75231
MarkGbodly:  I thought it was just me being a thicky!!!21:09
guntberttobixen: yes :-) but please talk about it in #ubuntu+1 only21:09
=== rpbrooke is now known as jelkner
bodlyMarkG: i guess you would just setup postfix and configure it to use the same maildir that dovecot does21:11
alabamacowgarden: what kinds of things are *not* encrypted when you enable home directory encryption?21:11
johnTeverything else21:11
delly'ello there. Is there a way to disable tapping for the touchpad? I have tried gsynaptic and one other GUI, both say they want a line added to the xorg.conf, but is there a easier way to turn of the tapping?21:11
bodlymarkg: then have postfix forward to the server you pop mail from21:11
obiwan_hi, please how can i move in text mode? mouse wheel won't work21:11
johnTpag up pag down21:12
bgamariobiwan_: you mean scrollback?21:12
cowgardenalabama, everything appart from /home/ and in home are: you docs, the desktop and program settings. programms temp and the whole system are outside of it21:12
obiwan_scrollback hehe21:12
MarkGare postfix and sendmail similar applications?  Do they serve the same general purpose?21:12
bgamariobiwan_: Shift-PgUp/PgDown21:12
obiwan_i don't have page down johnT :(21:12
bgamaridelly: look at xinput21:12
seidos2011 is the next LTS release?21:12
obiwan_don't have page down :(21:12
cowgardenany Ideas about my missing wifi interface?21:12
johnTlol don't have pgdown?:D21:12
khufuIs synaptic opensource?21:12
obiwan_it's $200 netbook xP21:12
Vincemantrism, the installation says it's saving stuff to blabla.exe.. but I thought exe files don't work in linus21:12
cowgardenKhisanth, 4 shure21:12
johnTyou made my day21:12
bgamarikhufu: the synaptic package manager?21:12
trismVinceman: it is probably just extracting codecs21:13
cowgardensry Khisanth21:13
bgamarikhufu: yes21:13
dellybgamari: anything more spesifix? Xinput is quite huge, or do i have to look trough the entire mess?21:13
khufuAnd whyis it named just like the Mouse manager under windows+21:13
obiwan_nice it has, it works with Fn key didn't know21:13
bodlyMarkG: yes, there are quite a few mail transfer agents (MTAs)21:13
bgamaridelly: sorry, the xinput utility21:13
obiwan_i've learned two things  :)21:13
trismobiwan_: depends on what you're using, if you're in irssi and you want to scrollback, and you don't have pgup/down like me you can hit ESC then p to go back and ESC then n to go forward21:13
Vincemantrism, this is really heavy (wo)man...21:14
johnT:D obiwan, even the crappiest netbook can't miss keys21:14
kudi1what is a multi sector image?21:14
bgamaridelly: xorg comes with a command line utility for interacting with the xinput subsystem21:14
khufuI don't like this synaptic21:14
bgamaridelly: If your xorg is new enough tapping is exposed as an input property21:14
khufuDoes debian ship with it?21:14
khufuor only ubuntu21:14
Brandanohi people. Quick stupid question: is it safe to uninstall old linux kernel header packages? apart from compiling stuff they should be unneeded, I think?21:14
dellybgamari: ok, where am i suppose to look for figuring it out?21:14
obiwan_and hirzontal scrolling?21:15
johnTkhufu you can install another package manager if you want21:15
bgamarikhufu: I don't believe it's in the default debian installation21:15
bgamaridelly: man xinput21:15
MarkGso I need fetchmail to collect POP3 mail from the remote ISP deliver it to my ubuntu mailbox, then dovecot to serve it up, and I need sendmail to send it out again to my ISP's SMTP server.  Is that the nuts of it?21:15
johnTjust as you install any other application21:15
feydrbeen fighting upgrades on jaunty today.. short story is I lost my kernels and rebooted on accident -- wanting to install new kernel on mounted partition.... how would I go about doing that?21:15
bodlyMarkG: yup, that should do it.21:15
obiwan_my screen has only 9 inches and lines don't break, they go beyond the screen21:15
obiwan_i need to scroll right anyway :S21:15
HANCi am kind of getting back into linux the last verion that i used was redhat ether 6.1 or 7 and sthen went to the service is their anyone who has any suggestins for ome decent tools and does the x interface still exist?21:15
trismVinceman: oh wait, are you installing the restricted-extras? the exe files are fonts, it is installing the mscorefonts21:15
danbhfivefeydr: do you have a livecd?21:15
bgamarifeydr: chroot21:15
johnTobiwan, are you serious? :)21:15
obiwan_yeah haha this piece of ... computer my mother bought haha21:16
feydrdanbhfive: yep21:16
Vincemantrism, when I run the mov it does scroll along the bar for a few seconds21:16
khufuwhat happened to the tor package?  it's nowhere in ubuntu21:16
Vincemantrism but I see and hear nothing21:16
BrandanoHANC: if you are used to redhat you might want to try Fedora too. On the other hand Ubuntu is friendlier to the casual user21:16
feydrbgamari: I figured... so I just need to maybe chroot /media/disk/ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade or something??21:16
obiwan_how can i move right? shift + home and shift + end which are to left and right of av page and re page won't work21:16
johnTsorry obiwan, I can't help you :)21:16
bgamarifeydr: yeah, perhaps explicitly install linux-image or something as well21:16
dellybgamari: Ok, i found the touchpad on the list command. But that is not really helping, what am i suppose to do?21:17
danbhfivefeydr: follow this to chroot, then install linux-generic21:17
johnTit is a very rare issue21:17
m1k3ycha0s: DO I LOOK LIKE A BITCH TO YOU?21:17
trismVinceman: it may just be a video that doesn't work on linux, I've run into a few, although mplayer will play almost anything thrown at it21:17
m1k3ycha0s: DO I LOOK LIKE A BITCH TO YOU?21:17
danbhfivefeydr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery#Update%20Failure21:17
=== MK-ubuntu is now known as MK-BB
johnTmikey moderate yourself21:17
obiwan_ok no problem johnT :)21:17
khufuUbuntu really lowered the rib eh21:17
bgamariobiwan_: I've never heard of horizonal scrolling in a tty21:17
Vincemanmplayer is not movieplayer21:17
ikoniakhufu: ?21:18
=== kogepathic is now known as IceWewe
obiwan_please does anybody know how to scroll right in real text mode? (not terminal). Lines don't break, they go beyond the screen and i can't read them. How can i scroll right?21:18
bgamaridelly: you want the set-prop command21:18
trism!mplayer | Vinceman21:18
ubottuVinceman: mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs21:18
ikoniaobiwan_: what terminal are you using ?21:18
arandkhufu: tor has their own repo to add, look through their site.21:18
bgamariobiwan_: are you on a framebuffer console?21:18
ikoniaobiwan_: and what do you mean by "real text mode"21:18
roygbivanyone know which package i need to install to get the smbmount command?21:18
obiwan_bgamari, that's cause usually screens are bigger than the usual tty wide format, but this is smaller haha21:18
ikoniaroygbiv: smb-client21:19
obiwan_i mean im in ctrl alt f1, it's not terminal emulation21:19
roygbivnice! thank you ikonia21:19
bgamariobiwan_: are you on a framebuffer though?21:19
Vincemantrism, I get: Failed to open LIRC support.21:19
bgamariobiwan_: or standard vga text mode?21:19
alabamacowgarden: do you know where I could find a list of what important things are *not* encrypted when you encrypt the home directory?21:19
obiwan_don't know what's a framebuffer exactly, i know it's kind of file where you say what graphic goes on each pixel , but don't know how to tell if i'm in framebuffer or not21:20
mluser-workHello everyone.. what is ubuntu's equivalent to gentoo's /etc/conf.d/local.start script?21:20
trismVinceman: http://blog.timc3.com/2009/02/10/mplayer-disable-lirc/21:20
bgamariobiwan_: lsmod21:20
obiwan_/etc/init.d/ command start21:20
dellybgamari: i found set-int-prop, xinput manual incomplete?21:20
obiwan_or service command start21:20
bgamaridelly: set-int-prop would work as well21:20
bgamaridelly: I just have a newer version of xinput21:21
obiwan_ok bgmari, what should i look for?21:21
bgamariobiwan_: fbcon21:21
obiwan_ok brb plz w821:21
obiwan_fbcon     46112      021:21
obiwan_is that?21:21
dellybgamari: "Sets an integer property for the device.  Appropriate values for format are 8, 16, or 32, depending on the property." now it don't make sense, if i am suppose to set a value, then how do i figur out what controls the tapping behaviour?21:22
cowgardenalabama, all impoerant stuff should be encrypted appart from the tmp and tools like truecrypt which could be modified secretly by a third21:22
bgamaridelly: I'd help you more if I could, unfortunately my karmic machine is broken at the moment21:23
lordmetroidHow big is it recommended to have /boot ?21:23
Mike_lifeguardI'm trying to add a user, but I don't understand what the groups are. Also, shouldn't I be able to put a user in more than one group?21:24
bgamaridelly: look at the output of list-props on the device21:24
bgamaridelly: you should see something concerning tapping21:24
obiwan_yeah lord_daemon21:24
trismlordmetroid: I usually do 128MB21:24
obiwan_sry lormetroid21:24
dellybgamari: Ok, thanks. I think i should be able to do the rest myself now :P21:24
obiwan_sry , i mean Mike_lifeguard21:24
alabamacowgarden: what?21:24
lordmetroidSHould I make /boot as first partition in the beginning of the disk?21:24
obiwan_Mike_lifeguard,  useradd -m user -G more groups21:24
Mike_lifeguardobiwan_: are you sure you mean me?21:24
candrodorI opened my Home folder from the Places menu.  Clicked on another folder and it crashed.  Now there are no icons on my desktop and clicking on Panel lists/items etc doesn't get a response.  Can I do anything other than restart?21:25
obiwan_yeah you and only you hehe21:25
khufulordmetroid, yeah sure21:25
candrodorI mean, the file browser window crashed.  not the whole computer.21:25
Mike_lifeguardobiwan_: sure, but shouldn't the gui utility do that too? O-o (also there is no explanation of what the groups mean)21:25
khufulordmetroid, it helps21:25
bgamaridelly: the property name you are looking for it Synaptics Tap Action21:25
obiwan_of course21:25
bgamaridelly: Look in the synaptics manpage for more21:25
obiwan_i always love terminal mode21:25
obiwan_but there's a gui way21:25
cowgardenalabama, there is no list, but someone could modifie your programs without your knowledge. for full encryption take the alternate installer and reinstall ubunu fully encrypted21:25
obiwan_user-manager i think it's called21:25
Mike_lifeguardobiwan_: I know. I have it open, and I'm finding it deficient :)21:26
mivja przełączyć sie na polski?21:26
tetehi there, i have a problem.. i installed a game and then my system crashes (kernel oops), and when i try to login now my mouse and keyboard is not working (in X)21:26
alabamacowgarden: modify my programs?21:26
tetecan someone help me plz? how can i boot without X?21:26
teteand what could be the problem?21:26
Vincemantrism, great I don't get that message anymore but yet still it doesn't work.. it says "Exiting (End of file)"21:26
obiwan_Mike_lifeguard, then don't know anything better :(21:26
bgamaritete: Ctrl-Alt-F121:26
candrodoractually, the power button in the top corner is unresponsive as well.  So I don't know how to restart now either.21:26
Vincemantrism I chmod 777ed the mov file too which was 64421:27
bgamaritete that will bring you to the console21:27
cowgardenalabama, just in case someone sneaks to you computer and boots from an usb stick he could modifie programs.... and your encryption does not protect you against that21:27
tetebgamari, is not working because as soon as X starts the mouse and keyboard is not working so ctrl+alt+f1 cant do it21:27
trismVinceman: you shouldn't need to change the permissions, 644 is correct21:27
alabamacowgarden: how could the programs be modified?21:27
bgamaritete: then boot into rescue mode21:27
=== bodly is now known as bodlyZZZZZ
obiwan_bgamari, what  should i do? i have fbcon              4612      021:27
no_onehi there21:27
bgamariobiwan_: hmm21:28
teteand what should i do then? ^^21:28
cowgardenalabama, like any data21:28
bgamariobiwan_: that's a good question21:28
owni ditched gnome and kde for good, but i'd like to still have a popup execute command prompt that i can bind to a compiz command keyboard shortcut.  anyone know of a good package?21:28
bastid_raZor!pl | miv21:28
ubottumiv: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:28
bgamaritete: presumably revert whatever change you did to cause the machine to crash21:28
tetedpkg-reconfigure xorg is not working21:28
alabamacowgarden: like putting a backdoor in them?21:28
bgamariobiwan_: perhaps disable fbcon21:28
cowgardenalabama, yes21:28
trismVinceman: you may just be out of luck with that particular movie file21:28
tetebgamari, i just installed a game... ok then i'll try this but i have no idea why the mouse/keyboard is not responding21:28
bgamariobiwan_: might want to look into fbset21:29
teteand i think the problem is somewhere else21:29
pixlboxhaving a problem with google images for some reason the thumnails wont show up, ive cleared the browser cache but stil nothing21:29
obiwan_ok but what if i disable fbcon will that break my console?21:29
bastid_raZortete: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg21:29
teteok ill try it21:29
no_onecan anyone please tell me how to create a virtual dvd DL filesystem, that I can with any burner sotf21:29
bgamariobiwan_: shouldn't. it should just use standard text mode vga instead21:29
adalalpixlbox: is your internet connection okay?21:29
obiwan_i don'ti do'nt have fbset bgamari21:29
alabamacowgarden: how do you get it to encrypt the entire system upon screen-lock?21:30
geniimiv: /join #ubuntu-pl21:30
pixlboxyeah its about 4 meg download21:30
candrodorAh, ok, ctrl-alt-f1 got me sorted.  thanks guys.21:30
Mike_lifeguardWhere are sudo attempts logged?21:30
adalalpixlbox: is this only with that one browser (firefox i presume)21:30
obiwan_bgamari, i get WARNING: ALl config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat, it will be ignored in a future release.21:30
erUSULMike_lifeguard: /var/log/auth.log21:30
obiwan_nice erUSUL didn't know about it21:31
erUSULobiwan_: :)21:31
bgamariobiwan_: looks pretty harmless'21:31
cowgardenalabama, for full encryption take the alternate installer and reinstall ubunu fully encrypted, it has an option for that21:31
no_one? can anyone please tell me how to create a virtual dvd DL filesystem, that I can with any burner sotf .21:31
mivthank you21:31
obiwan_ok bgamari, so what now? that messages was given after modprobing -r fbcon21:32
erUSULno_one: "virtual dvd DL filesystem" ??21:32
LeChacalhello, i need to change the order in which certain modules are loaded so that one is loaded before the other, if i change the order of the lines in the /lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/modules.dep file is that all i need to do?21:32
alabamacowgarden: I'm aware of that but how do you get it to encrypt the *entire* system upon screen-lock?21:32
adalalpixlbox: have you tried any other browser (ie. chromium, opera, etc.)? (btw, it makes it easier if you tag your lines here with the username of the person ur talking to... ie. jus type in ad , and then hit tab)21:32
dellyOk, can anybody explain why the synaptics(note the S) manpage is dated? It lacks information on MANY of the capabilities that is listed by xinput.21:32
erUSULno_one: can you elaborate ? DL== double layer?21:32
bgamarialabama: you'd be waiting a whle21:33
adalalpixlbox: or in my case.. adal and then tab21:33
cowgardenalabama, but seriously, id it cp or nuclear weapons? /home/ or full encryption, it will be stil the easiest to look at the password you are typing or get it by the noise of the keys or anything21:33
pixlboxadalal: yeah ive tried both them browsers but when it comes to google images none of the thumnails load21:33
cowgardenalabama, nothing is decrypted until it is used, so a locked screen locks all data too.21:33
bgamariobiwan_: I'm not sure disabling fbcon is the best way out21:34
bgamariobiwan_: as I said, look into fbset21:34
heoa_How can I redirect matches in Irssi like "/lastlog perl -f ~/file_perl_discussion"?21:34
duryodhanhi .. I am trying to upgrade to karmic and it says "Failure" because I have installed unsupported packages .. where can I get a list of the packages which are causing this problem ?21:34
adalalright... hmm.. are all the other pictures loading fine?21:34
no_onewell there are soft for other os's that emulate a virtual dvd witch can use to copy data into and when we want we simply make a copy of the virtual fs to phisical dvd21:34
guntbert!karmic | duryodhan DON'T21:34
ubottuduryodhan DON'T: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:34
bgamariobiwan_: if you still do want to disable fbcon, then you need to add it to the modules blacklist21:35
no_oneerUSUL,  well there are soft for other os's that emulate a virtual dvd witch can use to copy data into and when we want we simply make a copy of the virtual fs to phisical dvd21:35
pixlboxadalal: yeah in other sites and stuff, pictures load up perfect, in google images the thumnails just arnt loading, it's weird21:35
duryodhanguntbert: but I want to :) .. I need all the newer gnome libs and its a pain to compile each one by one21:35
MenZaduryodhan: Karmic is very, very, very broken right now. Wait. For the love of God, wait.21:35
MenZaduryodhan: It's broken. Very broken. Broken to the extent that it is useless. If you upgrade now, you might not be able to even boot your system.21:35
erUSULno_one: i do not know of anything simlar for linux21:35
duryodhanMenZa: wow .. I never saw anything like that online21:36
no_oneerUSUL,  ok  tnaks21:36
lorenzohi, I did a complete backup with remastersys; in the end, I got the message that there was too much data for an .iso file. Is the folder that remastersys created a valid backup or do I have to remove some stuff and do it over again? thank21:36
adalalpixlbox: that is weird, maybe it's to do with your local google server, try searching with google.co.in, or google.co.uk instead, and see if things improve21:36
MenZaduryodhan: It's only just now, today.21:36
guntbertduryodhan: listen a few minutes to the crying and whing in #ubuntu#1 right now - and you'll reconsider21:36
duryodhanMenZa: Maybe I can get the iso and install it beside my current system ?21:36
MenZaduryodhan: If you're still interested, I suggest monitoring #ubuntu+1 and see when it's fixed.21:36
no_oneerUSUL,  ok  thanks.   I've found ways to do that, but only regular 4.7 Gb dvd21:36
pixlboxadalal strange thing is it seems to be just my pc other computers in the house are working fine21:37
duryodhanMenZa: cool thanks .. but can I like get the alpha 5 DVD and install it on the side of current ubuntu install ?21:37
adalalpixlbox: some sort of issue with caching :S.. u said u cleared your caches?21:37
MenZaduryodhan: Sure. But I strongly suggest not running any upgrades on it.21:37
MenZaFor now, that is.21:37
duryodhanMenZa: ohh ok .. thanks ! thanks for the warning guys21:37
pixlboxadalal: yep , several times in all browsers21:37
tdnHow do I have a user automatically login on start up?21:38
bastid_raZortdn: what version of ubuntu?21:39
adalalpixlbox: do you have any parental controls setup? or something to do with your dns server?21:39
twisted`could someone explain to me why the hell openssh-server is not in the repositories?21:39
trismtdn: System/Administration/Login Screen21:39
twisted`and why the nl.archive.ubuntu.com is not working21:39
guntbertduryodhan: for experiments use a virtual machine21:40
twisted`cause it's ridiculous that it just won't work21:40
trismtdn: on the Security tab21:40
hemantHi, is there a way to disable ipv6 w/o having to reboot. I read some posts on the internet, and all said i should reboot21:40
pixlboxadalal: no, :S ill have a mess around with network settings and the router hopefully that will sort it21:40
hemanti am using jaunty21:40
ikoniatwisted`: looks to be working to me21:40
adalalpixlbox: try using a different internet dns server21:40
ikoniahemant: you'll need to reboot21:41
hemantor better still is there a way to speed up internet w/o disabling ipv6?21:41
ikoniahemant: get a faster connection ?21:41
ikoniahemant: if you're seeing that slow a connection, I doubt it's ipv621:41
hemantikonia: yeah, with the same internet and other OS (same computer) internet works super fast, but its just with ubuntu21:42
kingnerdhemant, you can change the way browsers pull different objects and render the page21:42
=== velo__ is now known as velo
kingnerdIt might just be because Windows is a slow O/S?21:42
ikoniahemant: it's possible you have a weak kernel module driving your network card. What model card is it ?21:42
* kingnerd hasn't used Windows in 7 years21:43
ikoniakingnerd: he didn't meantion anything about windows21:43
tdntrism, thanks.21:43
hemantkingnerd: its not the brwoser, i m install jdk6 using apt-get21:43
kingnerdOh okay21:43
kingnerdWait, the problem is under Ubuntu?21:43
kingnerdDo you have restricted-drivers enabled?21:43
hemanthmm i duno, how can i check that21:43
ikoniahemant: what network card do you have in your machine21:43
hemantin restricted drivers i only see nvidia21:45
ottoberthallo freunde...;-))21:45
jhattaradoes the gparted's check option give verbose output ?21:45
vix2i need to dld 20 youtube vids21:46
vix2is there a plugin dld manager i cn use21:46
ottoberthello, friends;-))21:46
vix2where i cn queue it and leave21:46
emydvxma questo canale è italiano?21:46
ottobertsomebody speaking german in here????21:46
ikoniaottobert: #ubuntu-de for german chat21:47
ikonia!it | emydvx21:47
ubottuemydvx: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:47
trismvix2: if you have the links to all the videos you could make sure wget is installed an do a wget -i name_of_file_with_one_url_per_line.txt21:47
haytham-medanyone wants to play freetennis multiplayer?21:47
fabio_what is freetines?21:48
ikoniahaytham-med: this is a support channel21:48
vix2how do u get name of a flv file frm a url21:48
ikoniahaytham-med: please don't canvas for gaming recruits21:48
velo__hi there ... i have installed 9.04 on my lenovo s10e. i have a problem- i`m not able to connect to the network- wifi and cable connection not working. please help21:48
ikoniavix2: sorry what ?21:48
haytham-medok sry21:48
vix2how do i wget the flv file21:48
vix2whose name i do not know21:48
ikoniavelo__: if your wifi and cable connection is not working the common cause would be either both network cards not working under ubuntu, or the dhcp server is dead21:49
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johnTlike wget ftp://ftpsite.org/*21:49
johnTthis command will download every file21:49
trismvix2: I use the http live headers addon in firefox to grab stuff like that, but you could probably just use one of the video downloading plugins to get the url21:49
TheCheezedoes anyone here use alltray?21:50
kaffienI have my rd1000 auto mounting like it should but it will not auto dismount when i press the eject button21:50
qe2eqevix2, Offhand, there's the python and perl 'mechanize' modules, theres also wget file;  wget `grep file *.flv`21:50
trismjohnT: not really going to help grabbing the flv because the videos are loaded by flash after the page is rendered21:50
kaffienim not in the folder, i do not have anything copying to it21:50
velo__ikonia: dhcp on router is ok ... but how can i make the network cards working?21:50
VCoolioTheCheeze: I did, but there are issues with e17 so no more21:50
ikoniavelo__: what network cards are in it ?21:50
TheCheezeVCoolio, e17?21:51
adalalvelo__: your networking is probably disabled... tried 'sudo service networking start' and 'sudo service NetworkManager start'21:51
VCoolioTheCheeze: enlightenment, alternative window manager21:51
adalalvelo__: and do you see any wireless networks?21:51
TheCheezeVCoolio, think you might be able to help me with some issues i am having with it?21:51
jhattarai have a new computer with jaunty installed and now i want to get the hard drive from my old hardy computer set up in it, as i suspect there are some errors on the hardy's hard drive how should i proceed adding it to the new computer ?21:51
VCoolioTheCheeze: just ask, if I don't know maybe someone else does21:52
velo__ikonia: broadcom21:52
ikoniavelo__: that should work fine21:52
Mocis intel still the best video card for ubuntu (for 3d and video) ?21:52
ikoniaMoc: it has mostly very good support in linux21:52
TheCheezewell, the only one in the respository is .69. i cannot seem to make an install for the newer ones, and the .69 is not docking to tray on close. am using jaunty21:52
velo__adalal: yes. the autentications starts, but is not succesful21:52
bastid_raZorMoc: i would say nVidia is a close 2nd if not 1st over intel.21:53
MocI have a choice between intel 4500MHD or Nvidia Quadro NVS 160M21:53
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
jiohdithere are items in my trash that are refusing to leave... help21:53
VCoolioTheCheeze: I think there is a versioning problem there, because .69 is an older version but they call the newer ones .7.1etc21:53
VCoolioTheCheeze: just uninstall the .69 version and compile the .7 yourself or find a .deb21:54
jiohdihow can I have permission denied to empty my trash?21:54
adalalvelo__: seems like something's wrong with your router, it's not accepting connections from your computer, does it have access to certain MAC addresses only?21:54
TheCheezewhen i try to make an install, i get errors that i am missing some things that the software manager says i have21:54
TheCheezejiohdi, is one of the files root-only?21:54
VCoolioTheCheeze: if you're compiling make sure you have the -dev variants of those packages21:54
TheCheezejiohdi, pop open a terminal, navigate to the trash, and rm -rf it21:55
lowlycoder /quit21:55
jiohdiTheCheeze: I cant find trash in terminal, what is its path21:55
TheCheezeVCoolio, the -dev's are the only ones available21:55
prince_jammys!trash | jiohdi21:55
ubottujiohdi: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash21:55
VCoolioTheCheeze: what package is the problem?21:55
Vincemantrism, where's your sense of 'not giving up'?21:56
TheCheezeVCoolio, i have tried with both .7.4 and .7.021:56
VCoolioTheCheeze: no, I mean the dependency that causes trouble21:56
veloikonia: have you written something? i was disconnected21:56
trismVinceman: well the thing is, in general, if mplayer won't play something, nothing on linux will, so I usually either don't bother or switch to windows to play the file21:56
ikoniavelo: nope21:56
TheCheezeah, lemme pop it open again so i can read it to ya21:56
kferdousHi everyone21:57
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kferdousNeeded some help installing ubuntu server via VirtulBox21:57
zaccouranyone here use gyachi?21:57
zaccourcan't get voice chat working, i get an error21:58
trismVinceman: you could always try vlc, but I think it is pretty unlikely it'll play there21:58
Charles1anyone know why synaptic wants to remove gourmet when installing exaile?21:59
TheCheezechecking for X11... no21:59
TheCheezeconfigure: error: X11 is required21:59
kferdousAnyone please? :)21:59
Sp0tterkferdous, did you ask a question?22:00
=== everton137_ is now known as everton137
Sp0tterask a question and I will answer it if i can22:00
kferdousSp0tter I want to install ubuntu server x64 version22:00
jiohdiTheCheeze: I am in Trash, but none of the offending files are visible22:00
kferdouson win 7 via VN22:00
trismVinceman: or I suppose you could try installing quicktime in wine22:00
TheCheezethey may be hidden22:00
Sp0tterWhat's your question ?22:01
HusainiI booted to Ubuntu live cd and opened terminal then root terminal then grub, then did "find /boot/grub/stage1" which gives Error 15: File not found22:01
homerhomer1hey, if anyone is bored can you try out my ezQuake install script?  - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1237775   It's ugly but it should work fine.22:01
jiohdiTheCheeze: how do I unhide them, I am signed in as root via sudo -s22:01
Husainihow to fix ?22:01
guntbert!ot | homerhomer122:01
ubottuhomerhomer1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:01
kferdousSp0tter I dled ubuntu-9.04-server-amd6422:01
TheCheezeyou should be able to just sudo rm -rf22:01
kferdousAfter I mount the iso22:02
kferdousin VB22:02
homerhomer1ubottu: Sorry22:02
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/22:02
guntbert!danger | TheCheeze22:02
ubottuTheCheeze: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!22:02
Vincemantrism it is moments like this that I regret ever switching to linux22:02
homerhomer1Will do in the future22:02
TheCheezeVCoolio, any clue on that one?22:02
TheCheezeyay bots22:02
kferdousSp0tter can I PM?22:02
velo___ikonia: any idea?22:02
Sp0tterjust ask your question dude22:02
jiohdiTheCheeze: no good, they are still there22:03
trismVinceman: well, 99% of the time I have no issues, and I have a windows partition for the other 1%22:03
guntbert!pm  | kferdous22:03
ubottukferdous: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:03
zaccourgyachi is such a great program, do only i use it? lol22:03
VCoolioTheCheeze: I just noticed your entries, sorry, but no, what the h. No X11? Don't understand that one22:03
Husainihey ?22:03
zaccourbut with voice chat i get this error Cannot run gyvoice due to the following missing files:22:03
zaccour      tsd32.dll22:03
zaccour      tssoft.acm22:03
zaccourNot in the following directories:22:03
zaccour      /22:03
FloodBot2zaccour: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:03
zaccour      /usr/lib/win32/22:03
pitputare there linux distros that use ubuntu .debs but have more up-to-date packages by default?22:03
bastid_raZorkferdous: you should tell vbox to mount the iso as the cd and then boot the vm.. but #vbox may have the best help available.22:03
Sp0tterkferdous ... its been like 7 minutes and you haven't asked your question, i'm sitting here staring at the screen waiting :)22:03
TheCheezeVCoolio, yeah, that's what has me confused too. i thought it was just because this is my first try at compiling and am missing something obscure... but X11?22:03
icerootpitput: ubuntu unstable22:04
kferdousIt says This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected i686 CPU. Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.22:04
VCoolioTheCheeze: Try to contact the developer M Trausch (check on launchpad), he's very helpful and fast via mail22:04
TheCheezekk, thank you22:04
pitputiceroot, what distro do you use?22:04
icerootkferdous: then use a x86_64 cpu, also use #vbox22:04
icerootpitput: ubuntu22:04
Sp0tterkferdous, are you running Win7 x64 and did you choose Ubuntu 64bit as your vbox type22:04
pitputiceroot, why did say ubuntu unstable?22:05
erUSULkferdous: you dled the 64 bit version of ubuntu but you have a 32 bit cpu22:05
icerootpitput: because its a version of ubuntu22:05
thrillybhello #ubuntu!22:05
icerootpitput: like debian sid22:05
kferdousSp0tter yes22:05
Sp0tterkferdous, unless you have a specific need to use over 4 gig of ram in the vbox,  I recommend using a 32 bit guest os22:05
pitputoh! sorry for being newb iceroot22:05
kferdouseraggo hmm i'm running win 7 64bit22:05
kferdousI have 2 gb22:06
icerootpitput: but i dont think you will find a stable-release using *.deb newer then ubuntu stable22:06
kferdousAnd running this on a laptop22:06
iceroot!enter | kferdous22:06
ubottukferdous: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:06
h00kIf I have a program that is segfaulting on a fresh install, what is the best way to capture that necessary info? (Pidgin)22:06
Sp0tterhigher numbers don't always mean better, download the 32 bit version of ubuntu server22:06
thrillybanyone have any experience / preferences to directory services on Ubuntu server?22:06
kferdousSo get the x86 ver?22:06
erUSUL!debug | h00k22:06
ubottuh00k: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures22:06
pitputiceroot, people have been saying that sabayon has up to date software22:06
pitputdo you know22:06
icerootpitput: never heard from, sorry22:07
h00kerUSUL: er, yes, thanks :)22:07
Trijntjeconky problem here: When I run conky (on root window) all my desktop icons disapear. When I move my mouse over them they become visible untill the next conky-redraw. Any suggestions?22:07
jiohdiwhere does one add or remove items from the standard menu?22:08
MarkGhi, got a silly newbie problem.  I added a user from the commandline with useradd -d /home/user -m user   when I log on, I get no bash prompt.  How can I get it back?22:08
kferdousSp0tter ok thanks I'll do that right now22:08
jribjiohdi: right click on the ubuntu icon -> edit menu22:08
Sp0tternp, it will work fine22:08
sebsebsebMarkG: sudo adduser22:08
jribMarkG: use adduser, not useradd.  Delete your user and recreate it22:08
gartralalright, i've sen it asked 100 times and stil cnt remember.. how do i check the status of my fans?22:08
FlannelMarkG: -d would be /home/ not /home/user, but yes, use adduser not useradd22:09
MarkGCan Linux people make things any more complex?22:09
sebsebsebMarkG: put in the password and  fill in the account details22:09
trismTrijntje: sounds like you're using gnome, you really don't want to use conky in the root window in that case22:09
sebsebsebMarkG: well you only need to set up a password for them22:09
MarkGsometimes it's a facepalm moment, that surely is one of them.22:09
icerootgartral: sensors    sudo apt-get install sensors22:09
gartralThank You iceroot22:09
jiohdijrib, I am running xfce no ubuntu icon to click on22:09
trismTrijntje: you should give it it's own window22:09
erUSULMarkG: ? the man page of useradd says in its first line  «  useradd is a low level utility for adding users. On Debian, administrators should usually use adduser(8) instead. »22:09
erUSULMarkG: do not find it complex.22:10
kferdousSp0tter how much do I put for the RAM?22:10
jribjiohdi: try #xubuntu, or try running alacarte or gnome-menu-editor from the terminal I guess22:10
icerootkferdous: depending on what you want to do with the server22:10
MarkGhardly intuitive two similar utilities thou is it...22:10
jiohdijrib, thanks :)22:10
icerootkferdous: normaly 512mb is enough22:10
trismTrijntje: see question 3 of the faq http://conky.sourceforge.net/faq.html22:10
trpi am sending one email using my pc, i have installed and configure postfix, but it is sending local ip not public ip could someone help me , i will appreciate any help22:11
kferdousiceroot for VBox22:11
kferdous384 is default on it.22:11
erUSULMarkG: on is meant to be usaed from scripts (useradd ) the other is the one meant to be used by humans22:11
icerootkferdous: as i said, 512mb is enough for ubuntu-server22:11
MarkGand that affects me how?22:11
erUSULMarkG: just FYI.22:12
kferdousIs 8GB enough? Or do I need more?22:12
jhattarashould i boot in single user mode to check secondary hard drive or can i run the check without logging out ?22:12
erUSUL!who | MarkG22:12
ubottuMarkG: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:12
icerootkferdous: but of course depennding on what you want do. and remeber. ubuntu-server = ubuntu without a gui (and special kernel) so if you are a linux-beginner, use a real ubuntu instead of the server-edition22:12
jribjhattara: it should just be unmounted22:12
zaccourhow do i get voice chat in gyachi? i get an error22:12
sebsebsebMarkG: some other account  details  can be changed graphically  as well once you added the user properly22:12
erUSULjhattara: if you can umount it. you can do it without going into recovery mode22:12
MarkGiceroot  can I fun full Ubuntu on a Sheevaplug?22:12
Sp0tterkferdous, all the defaults are fine for ubuntu server22:13
sebsebsebMarkG: for example if you want the account to be able to do sudo22:13
icerootMarkG: what?22:13
Trijntjetrism: hmm, it seems I have to choose between flicker and no icons :(. With double_buffer yes icons get lost, without it conky flickers22:13
jhattarajrib, erUSUL, thanks, just as i thought, should i use command line tools or can i do it with gparted ? does gparted give verbose data of the check ?22:13
charnelhow can I format a device. I have an external hd of 320 gb and no partitions in it22:13
erUSULMarkG: btw. may i ask why you did not used the System>Administation>Users and groups GUI ?22:13
thrillybreasking question - anyone have any experience / preferences to directory services on Ubuntu server?22:13
iceroot!gparted | charnel22:13
Trijntjetrism: is this specific to gnome?22:13
ubottucharnel: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:13
pitputanyone know the linux-mint channel?22:13
MarkGIs there a channel where everyone does not assume I run X and Ubuntu desktop?22:13
trismTrijntje: no, you want the own_window option, then you can have both, assuming you have a spot on your desktop without icons22:13
sebsebsebMarkG: when I said graphically I meant what erUSUL mentioned22:13
jribjhattara: no idea about gparted, I've always just run fsck22:13
genii!mint | pitput22:13
ubottupitput: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)22:13
charnelI installed the gparted22:13
MarkGor even capable of running desktop22:14
erUSULjhattara: do not remember exactly how gparted deos fsck. i allways use cli it gives more control (i can choose the options i pass to fsck)22:14
jribMarkG: this one when you prefix your question with "I am not running X"22:14
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org22:14
Trijntjetrism: true, but it looks less nice with a border around it. Well, too bad I guess, thanks for your help22:14
trismTrijntje: there shouldn't be a border (or at least there is an option to configure no border)22:15
geniipitput: I knew the channel was in nthere somewheres :)22:15
pitputanyone know how I can get on irc.spotchat.org?22:15
charnelThe drive is not visible in gparted22:15
jribpitput: depends on your irc client...22:15
charnelbut I can see it in devices list in lsusb22:15
geniipitput: /server irc.spotchat.org22:15
pitputjrib, I have xchat.22:15
VCoolioTrijntje: you can remove the border with own_window_hints undecorated22:15
Trijntjetrism: thanks again, ill try that22:16
jribpitput: genii's suggestion should work then22:16
pitputgenii, where do I input that under?22:16
jribpitput: same place you puh "jrib, I have xchat."22:16
jhattarajrib, erUSUL, fsck.ext3 -v DEV ? any other options i should use ?22:16
geniipitput: On your IRC client's text input line22:16
epaphusHello, is it possible to do a ubuntu minimal install with only the needed applications and functions a user needs? (firefox, office, pidgin)..  not even let the user change his background22:16
pitputjrib, oh I see. thanks jrib and genii22:17
jribepaphus: read library.gnome.org admin guides22:17
bcjDo any of the Linux media players include spatializers for headphones?22:17
erUSULjhattara: depends on the situation. do you spect the fs to be very damaged ? or just is a routine check ?22:17
jrib!minimal > epaphus22:17
ubottuepaphus, please see my private message22:17
jhattaraerUSUL, i suspect it has at least some damage, it's an old drive from my last computer that in the end didn't boot properly22:17
epaphusjrib, thanks.. but that would include access to changing the deskptop theme, right?22:18
jribepaphus: not if you read the admin guides at library.gnome.org22:18
epaphusjrib, thanks22:18
erUSULjhattara: i sometimes pass -n on the first pass to see the damage but not make any changes to the fs22:18
jribepaphus: the section is something like "locking down gnome" or similar and there are two documents22:19
steviemanI just used synaptic to install uudeview and I don't know where it got put, doing a locate uudeview returned no results, would find work to find this program?22:19
jhattaraerUSUL, so -vn first and then what ? just plain -v ? depending on the report ?22:19
yourfinancialguyWhich is a powerful program for recording and mixing audio?22:19
erUSULjhattara: then i can use -pcky with more confidence22:19
jribepaphus: in the first document, make sure you read about locking down gconf values22:20
Slimu_yourfinancialguy: audacity22:20
epaphusjrib, cool. thanks.. have you done this yourself?22:20
erUSULjhattara: -p is for repair c and k search and mark badblocks (can take a long time) -y is to answer y to all questions by default22:20
jribepaphus: no, only here and there to play around22:20
erUSULjhattara: man e2fsck22:20
erUSULstevieman: is a command line program or gui ?22:21
adalaloh yes22:21
yourfinancialguyvery nice - thank you Slimu:-[22:21
jhattaraerUSUL, how much information does it give by default ? is the verbose option necessary ? does fsck log what it's done automatically somewhere ?22:22
geniipasword001: /join #ubuntu-hu22:22
steviemanerUSUL: command line22:22
erUSULjhattara: never used it myself. afaik it does not log it22:23
linuxguy2009Is it possible to use these GIF animated wallpapers that I found online and actually have them move? By default they just sit there.22:23
erUSULstevieman: and does not work if you just call it from terminal ?22:23
steviemanerUSUL: nope22:23
pasword001szasztok valaki magyar nincs fenn beszélgetnék vele22:23
jriblinuxguy2009: you can have mplayer play something where your wallpaper is :)22:23
linuxguy2009jrib: That xwinwrap thing I read about you mean?22:24
zaccourhow do i get voice chat working in gyachi?22:24
jriblinuxguy2009: no, mplayer -rootwin ...22:24
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erUSULstevieman: what does « dpkg -L uudeview | grep bin » return ? use pastebin22:24
Guest41537has anyone used sane and xsane?  I'm struggling with an HP scanner.22:24
jriblinuxguy2009: I don't think I tried with compiz, you probably do need to use xwinwrap in that case22:25
pasword001valaki segitsen22:25
linuxguy2009jrib: Ill have to install mplayer and try it thanks.22:25
chase1hello, i'm having a problem. i would like to remove xubuntu from my computer. there is no separate partition for it or anything, as I tried that method. however, it still shows up on my dual boot screen when i turn on the computer. does anyone know what i should do?22:25
pasword001de csak hatud22:25
jriblinuxguy2009: you also have to make sure nothing else draws over it (like nautilus)22:25
pasword001help hungary22:25
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál22:25
erUSULpasword001: type « /join #ubuntu-hu »  hit enter22:26
pasword001de ott most senki sincs ubottu22:26
Guest41537how do I get a name in this irc, instead of "Guest41537"22:26
sebsebsebGuest41537: use a name that  isn't registered22:26
scuniziGuest41537: I have and struggle is the right word for me.. I tried with a brother MFC unit and could only get xsane/sane to work when I loaded it as root (not recommended.. but)22:26
erUSULGuest41537: /nick yournick should work22:27
pasword001más magyar oldal nics?22:27
Guest41537OK.  Where do I register the name?22:27
sebsebseb!register | Guest4153722:27
ubottuGuest41537: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode22:27
erUSUL!register | Guest4153722:27
* erUSUL slow fingers22:27
sebsebseberUSUL: I win then :D22:27
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sebsebseberUSUL: Fastest finger first22:28
trismGuest11443: you can get the info while you're still in irc by doing a /msg nickserv help register22:28
zaccourhow do i get voice chat working in gyachi?22:28
pierluxI know Karmic is alpha, but today installing from netboot or dist-upgrading from jaunty fails for me, has this been reported?22:28
sebsebseb!karmic |  pierlux22:29
ubottupierlux: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:29
trismpierlux: people have been coming in here all day talking about it, so I'm sure someone has22:29
pierluxtrism, ok thanks :)22:29
TrentonAdamsHey guys, how do I debug a VPN connection on ubuntu?  I'm not seeing the connection info going to any of the lgos.22:30
_MrsApple_I need help with gimp, i was wondering how you use it to pull out color from a picture once youve made the picture black and white?22:30
pasword001ubottu: csak it tuc segiteni mert nagyon kéne ha tuc ird meg nagyon mekőszőnném22:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:31
jrib_MrsApple_: you may want to try #gimp22:31
trism_MrsApple_: you mean you're trying to add color to a black and white image?22:31
jrib!hu | pasword00122:31
ubottupasword001: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál22:31
_MrsApple_ive made the picture black and white and i want to show the color of only like.. one thing on the picture.22:32
pasword001jrib:ok hu22:32
jrib_MrsApple_: You want to apply some sort of mask that makes the picture black and white22:32
pasword001na senki22:33
_MrsApple_jrib, erm... its already black and white.22:33
trism_MrsApple_: not exactly sure the standard way to do this in the gimp but you could make two layers, one with the black and white image and the other with the color image and then edit the mask on one of the layers so you can see the layer below22:33
jrib_MrsApple_: yeah so undo what you did and use my suggestion :)22:34
_MrsApple_hmm. ok.... ok. thx!!22:34
_MrsApple_and what is #gimp? another channel geared towards that?22:34
yassine_how do i do searching about file or folder?22:34
RFerreirahow can i use framebuffer?22:34
jrib_MrsApple_: Here is what I would do: copy the layer, make the top layer black and white.  Then mask out the tops of the part layer you want to be color so the bottom (colored) layer shows through: http://docs.gimp.org/2.4/en/gimp-layer-mask-add.html22:35
yassine_any help?22:35
jrib_MrsApple_: #gimp is dedicated to gimp support22:35
jribyassine_: what exactly do you want to do?22:35
trismyassine_: find / -name your_file_name_here -print22:35
mimiloonhi everybody, is there a way to get "activeX" working with firefox under linux?22:35
jribmimiloon: no22:35
_MrsApple_thanks jrib and trism22:35
Glaxyyxyhey guys, how can I insert into multiple files starting on the same line, guessing I would have to use sed for this , sed -i '3s/string' maybe ?22:35
trism_MrsApple_: yw, good luck editing your image22:36
jribtrism: ha didn't see you just made the same suggestion, would have saved me some typing :)22:36
trismjrib: yours was more clear I kind of rambled in there22:37
mimiloonjrib: damn, is there an alternative to active x?22:37
yassine_trism ,find: invalid predicate `-libqt4-dbus'22:37
jribmimiloon: not using activex.... what is it you need it for?22:37
yassine_trism , how can i solve that?22:38
jribyassine_: tell us what you are trying to do so we can help you :)22:38
trismyassine_: you'll need to quote the string if you want the dash at the beginning22:38
trismyassine_: find / -name "-libqt4-dbus" -print22:38
mimiloonjrib: i got a school assignment for me to use a website and it requires me to have active x installed; i don't have windows installed22:39
TheCheezehow do i make jaunty stop overheating and shutting down my latop? this is very annoying22:40
jribmimiloon: your best bet is probably to try installing internet explorer in wine, #winehq can help you with that.  Alternatively, use a virtualizer (like virtualbox for example) to install windows inside your ubuntu22:40
trismGlaxyyxy: you can do a for FILE in *.something; do sed -e "s/your_expression/new_expression/g" $FILE > $FILE.edited; done22:40
trismGlaxyyxy: you'll need to mv them back to the correct files if you want to overwrite them, I usually like to check that I did it right first though22:40
aethelrickmimiloon: what's the web site?22:40
Glaxyyxydude, all I need is to make line 3 = 'something'22:41
Glaxyyxyhow do I do that :P22:41
mimiloonaethelrick: myitlab.com22:41
jribGlaxyyxy: what's wrong with what you said?22:41
eltumei guys22:41
eltumehow do I check my computer hardware info22:41
jribtrism: -i will edit the file in place if you don't give it a parameter22:41
mimiloonjrib: damn, i'll give it a shot22:41
hahahanTheCheeze: Does other Linux tastes olso overhead your laptop?22:42
trismjrib: yeah I'm always wary of doing that though, like to check that the files look ok first22:42
mimiloonjrib: thanks for your suggestion22:42
jribtrism: very true22:42
TheCheezenever tried hahahan22:42
trismGlaxyyxy: sorry I misunderstood, I thought you already had the sed expression, you just wanted to run it on multiple files22:42
yassine_trism,find: /home/yassine/.gvfs: Permission denied22:42
TheCheezeit seems to happen under load, example while i was just compiling something22:42
yassine_trism, why?22:42
hahahanTheCheeze: Then do it.22:42
aethelrickmimiloon: damn... I just read the requirements on the site... your going to need to go the VM route for this puppy22:42
jribtrism: -ifoo makes backups though :)22:42
trismyassine_: don't mind the permission denied stuff, it just means you're searching in places you don't have permission to access22:43
DasEieltume: hwinfo, lspci, lshw...22:43
aleron6does anybody here have the same problem i got with movie player being muted22:43
trismjrib: nice, I'll have to try that next time22:43
aleron6i cant hear the movies i wanna watch22:43
aethelrickmimiloon: they recommend IE8 :S22:43
yassine_trism, i use the root privilage22:43
trismyassine_: you still may get a few even as root22:43
TheCheezewould it help to upgrade to the ubuntu 10?22:43
DasEiTheCheeze: depending on cpu, there are ways to downclock it, though less perfomance then22:44
TheCheezeerr... 9.1022:44
yassine_trism, how can i slove that pls?22:44
Glaxyyxyyou guys are like, insane22:44
frewsxcvis there any advantage between using an ssh tunnel for http rather than just using vpn?22:44
jrib!karmic | TheCheeze22:44
ubottuTheCheeze: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:44
GlaxyyxyI figured it out for myself22:44
jribGlaxyyxy: I told you what you said first would work...22:44
DasEiTheCheeze: Intel ? amd ?22:44
TheCheezeamd x6422:44
kudi1how do i make a program executable22:45
jrib!permissions > kudi122:45
ubottukudi1, please see my private message22:45
frewsxcvkudi1, chmod +x programnameere22:45
Glaxyyxythat's not valid dude22:45
TheCheezekudi1, you can right-click, properties, permissions, allow to run as an application22:45
DasEi!info powernowd | TheCheeze22:45
ubottuTheCheeze: powernowd (source: powernowd): control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.00-1ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 26 kB, installed size 136 kB22:45
valleykudi1: chmod a+x filename22:45
TheCheezeor you can chmod it22:45
Glaxyyxyyou need to do `sed -i '3,3s/^/something/g' file`22:45
jribGlaxyyxy: k22:46
jribGlaxyyxy: 3,3 can just be 322:47
komputesHow can I convert 1GB into blocks?22:47
trismyassine_: if you don't want those messages you could redirect stderr to /dev/null (find / -name filename -print 2> /dev/null)22:47
mimiloonaethelrick: thanks for the heads up22:47
twisted`could someone help me figure out why Ubuntu doesn't resolve dns?22:47
jribGlaxyyxy: and the /g isn't really needed since ^ will only match once22:47
twisted`I've added a dns to the interfaces file22:47
DasEikomputes: a file ?22:47
twisted`but for some reason it doesn't work >_>22:47
ionut_Hello! I'm having a problem with smplayer and nvidia. I have nvidia 185.18.36 and mplayer with vdpau. If I play a video in fullscreen whenever I go to the bottom to show the smplayer toolbar the screen flickers. Also when the toolbar disappears the screen flickers. Even when I turn the volume down with the multimedia keys. Does anyone else experience this?22:48
aethelrickmimiloon: you're welcome... for a happy and easy VM experience give virtual box a go :)22:48
mimiloonaethelrick: i'll do that22:48
komputesDasEi: I need to know how many blocks 1GB takes, this is because user quotas takes blocks and not MB/GB. I do not need to convert a file, i need to conver a number. GB -> Blocks22:48
ionut_note: (flicker = desktop background appears intermittently with the video)22:49
scott_ino2does anyone know an easy way to see whether im using radeon or radeonhd?22:49
scott_ino2if i have both installed22:49
post_i installed 9.04 on my Amd with Nvdia G70 graphic card, the screen sometimes freezes while trying to start the graphical mode, it was working fine in 8.04, any suggestions?22:49
DasEikomputes: see, then use fdisk -l to get the info, use calculator22:49
komputesDasEi:  fdisk -l does not show any output.22:50
ionut_post_ when I had problems with nvidia and freezing I installed the latest kernel and nvidia driver and no freezing for about a month22:50
ionut_komputes try sudo fdisk l22:50
ionut_sudo fdisk -l22:50
DasEikomputes: see, then use *sudo* fdisk -l to get the info, use calculator (no*)22:50
Mike_lifeguardwhere would apache put php errors?22:51
DasEikomputes : speedcrunch, if no calc handy22:51
komputesDasEi: calc open22:51
ionut_scott_ino2 try lspci22:51
komputesDasEi: what now22:51
scott_ino2ionut_, what? that would give me a list of hardware, im talking about which driver22:51
Trijntjetrism: After some googling i found a way to have conky look like its on the root window with these options (if your interested) own_window yes own_window_type override own_window_transparent yes22:51
aethelrickMike_lifeguard: in /var/log/apache/22:51
Mike_lifeguardaethelrick: thx22:52
DasEikomputes : Gigabytes to blocks ?22:52
aethelrickMike_lifeguard: you'll see logs in there for access and errors22:52
ZiberWHy do I get connection refused when I try "rndc reload"?22:52
trismTrijntje: gotcha, I'll try that22:52
komputesDasEi: how?22:52
scott_ino2ionut_, i have both radeon,radeonhd drivers installed, want to know which one im actually using22:52
szeckhey guys how to install my usb tv tuner on ubuntu any idea? I can see it on lsusb but how to get it work22:52
DasEikomputes :you can see size and how many blocks at all, so devide your gigab by the blocks,  get the size of one block, nor ?22:53
aethelrickszeck: maybe try mythtv?22:53
ionut_scott_ino2 lsmod | grep radeon22:53
komputesDasEi: there has got to be a better, more effective and specific way22:53
ZiberWHy do I get connection refused when I try "rndc reload"?22:53
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komputesDasEi: I followed what you said, how can I verify that 1048233 blocks is 1GB?22:54
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Mike_lifeguardaethelrick: do you know what the adm group is?22:54
trismkomputes: you could use parted -l, it lists the sizes in GB22:55
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DasEikomputes : for which circumstance you need these input ?22:55
komputestrism: I need a block -> GB and GB -> block converter22:55
komputesDasEi: user quotas22:55
DasEikomputes: so a config, that won't show graphically, to verify you can again test on fdisk -l,  though you then only verify the validation of your found factor22:56
boscopatm opera doesn't display any pdf files. can I tell it to use evince?22:57
komputesDasEi: I do not understand, in plainer english please :)22:57
aethelrickMike_lifeguard: where you seeing that?22:57
ZiberHow can the connection be refused on a local connection?22:58
DasEikomputes : you now the size of a partiton,  you found 1Block represents x GB, your factor, so you can check it aaginst22:58
q0_0panyone know how to backup a windows box22:59
thiebaudeq0_0p, maybe #windows22:59
scott_ino2ionut_, for what it's worth i figured it out22:59
q0_0pis it possible to tar the whole windows drive and get it to work?22:59
komputesDasEi: still simply an estimation, I may be wrong. I will find a better way to do this conversion.23:00
scott_ino2can't just do grep have to check the xorg.log23:00
Vincemanhow can you delete dirs with dirs in them etc. in sudo accessible areas?23:00
Mike_lifeguardaethelrick: the error logs are owned by root, but have group adm23:00
DasEikomputes: why not, haven't used quotas on ubu yet, please tell me if I'm still around23:01
DasEi Vinceman:rm -r23:01
komputesDasEi: will let you know if i find something that converts to blocks23:01
thiebaudeanyone interested in an Ubuntu show , it will start at midnite, london time, category5.tv23:01
DasEikomputes: as every disk is different, it's gonna be something around hdparm I guess23:02
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Guest55052Ah, fantastic! After finding a helpful thread on the forums, I was able to make my SMB share play nicely with my XBMC Xbox. :)23:03
jhattaraerUSUL, you still here ?23:03
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ebclPutting a machine into kiosk mode, running browser only: Question - how do I disable [or re-map] the ALT+F4 / CTL+w combo?23:04
ebcl... .erm, that would be running gnome.23:04
genobreakerhey guys i have a question23:05
cF`Zuz|WorkThere are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't23:05
TheCheezegenobreaker... i know that name...23:05
genobreakeri understand binary23:05
genobreakeri made a binary to decimal converter in programming today23:06
TheCheezewhy do i know that name?23:06
cF`Zuz|Worki see, you just dont get jokes  ;)23:06
kappahi how come mdb viewer doesnt work in 9.04 anymore?23:06
genobreakerdo you guys know a program that can burn iso's to usb for ubuntu23:07
sebsebseb!usb |  genobreaker23:07
ubottugenobreaker: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent23:07
nexesi just installed ubuntu (love it so far) but noticed that its running the 2.6.28 kernel and not the new 2.6.30, when will this be updated?23:07
sebsebsebnexes: the next one gets a later kernel by default23:07
genobreakerno i need a program that works fro ubuntu that can burn an iso to usb23:07
kappanexes, new != better23:07
sebsebsebnexes: you can have a later kernel now, but  not much point, unless you have some valid reason to do that23:08
sebsebsebnexes:  kappa   Newer is not always better!23:08
cF`Zuz|WorkI bought this program and in the box it said Requirements: Windows 2000 or better, so i installed linux, but its not working....23:08
nexeskappa: true, true, just curious i guess, i came from using fedora 11 with 2.6.3123:08
garvMy network card will not auto assign a ip and I cannot ping my router after staticly assigning one23:08
sebsebsebnexes: ah ha I see23:08
laura_Hey there! I'm trying to get lircd to listen on udp port 5000. The command "lircd -H udp -d 5000" runs with no errors, but I'm not showing port 5000 listening in netstat:23:08
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garvFresh install btw23:08
laura_root@jaunty:~# ps aux | grep lircd23:08
laura_root     22820  0.0  0.0   3116   568 ?        Ss   17:00   0:00 lircd -H udp -d 500023:08
laura_root     22822  0.0  0.0   3336   800 pts/1    S+   17:00   0:00 grep lircd23:08
laura_root@jaunty:~# netstat -na | grep 500023:08
FloodBot2laura_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:08
ebcl!ignore cF`Zuz|Work23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ignore cF`Zuz23:08
sebsebsebnexes: yes Fedora is more cutting edge than Ubuntu,  later packages first etc23:09
kappamdb viewer is broken in 9.04, it works fine in previous version of ubuntu23:09
sebsebsebnexes: The Ubuntu repos only do  security updates, then people can  install  some later stuff from a PPA,  or in another way, or just wait untill the next Ubuntu release23:09
nexesits seems to me that my ubuntu distro is quite a bit faster than fedora though, so a good trade off in my book!23:09
sebsebsebnexes: Did you do Ext4?23:09
ubuntistashow can i set a new profile to mozilla 3.5.3?23:09
nexesyeah i have ext423:09
nexesfor /23:10
nexesext3 for boot23:10
genobreakerso far  all the iso burners ihave tryed have failed me23:10
sebsebsebnexes: hmm23:10
frewsxcvubuntistas, firefox --profile-manager i thin23:10
CrazycheeseGuys, Im working on fixing weird lang autodetection in Firefox. Somehow, no matter the locale, no matter the language pack, first start of Firefox is always in en-US language, and user has to go to about:config and fix it manually. Is it the same situation in Ubuntu?23:10
frewsxcvi think23:10
sebsebsebnexes: you don't need a seperate /boot when doing Ext4 in Ubuntu23:10
frewsxcvubuntistas, no: firefox -ProfileManager23:10
Crazycheeseguys @ irc.mozilla.org have no clue.23:10
sebsebsebnexes: by default everything goes into / in Ubuntu, and  having a seperate /home can be useful23:10
nexesi had to set it up like that when installing fedora 11, it needs one, and i just kept that partition setup when installing ubuntu23:11
sebsebsebnexes: obviously swap is seperate23:11
trismCrazycheese: that is odd, I have no problems switching between en and ja locales with firefox23:11
garvis there any known problems with dd-wrt and ubuntu?23:11
ebclPutting a machine [standard gnome] into kiosk mode, running browser only: Question - how do I disable [or re-map] the ALT+F4 / CTL+w combo?23:11
ubuntistashow can i set a new profile to mozilla 3.5.3?23:11
kikbguyMajor issue:  When I start up the ubuntu 9.04 live cd the rightmost 1/4 of my screen is blank and ubuntu is shifted to the left 3/4 of my screen making it mostly unusable.  I was told to download the video drivers, but when i go to system-> hardware updates it only has wireless driver options with no video drivers to download.  Any idea how to fix this?  (I am using a 5 year old hp desktop pc.)23:11
Crazycheesetrism: how do you switch the language?23:11
strangerhey, anyone has any idea how to add or change language at ***Stardict**** ?23:11
ubuntistasfrewsxcv doesn't work23:11
garvKikbguy, are you using a crt or lcd?23:12
trismCrazycheese: a variety of ways, you could test it on the command line doing a LANG=ja_JP.utf8 firefox &23:12
trismCrazycheese: or whatever locale you need23:12
sebsebsebubuntulog: Why?23:12
garvhave you tried to adjust the screen layout via the monitor?23:12
ZiberAre there any public DNS resolves I could use?23:12
sebsebsebubuntuistas   why?  ,but they left23:12
trismCrazycheese: if you want the whole session in another language, there is an option in gdm23:12
kikbguyI don't believe I have that option on my monitor, but I'll check right now and let you know23:13
enduser000hello, can anyone tell me where the configuration file for wallpaper tray is?23:13
garvkikbguy look for a menu button23:13
Crazycheesetrism: well, I my locale is set to ru_RU.utf-8 everywhere and no matter(even forced with LC_ALL=), firefox always starts the default  first session in en-US.23:13
JustinAHello everyone!23:13
enduser000can't find it and sudo apt-get remove --purge doesn't remove it23:13
MenZa!hi | rionline, JustinA23:14
ubotturionline, JustinA: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:14
Crazycheesetrism: gdm is set to ru_RU.UTF-823:14
kikbguyyeah, my monitor does not have that option23:14
kikbguyI have a menu button23:14
rionlinethx menza23:14
genobreakerim saving up for the ati 5870x223:14
garvRouter wont assign my nic an ip.. I only get 169 ip any idea?23:14
JustinANeed a little help; I have a Mac with the Ubuntu 9.04 ISO downloaded, and I need to stick it on a USB drive so I can install it on a optical-free computer23:14
kikbguybut I tried it and don't see any options to shift the screen23:14
enduser000hello, can anyone tell me where the configuration file for wallpaper tray is? can't find it and sudo apt-get remove --purge doesn't remove it23:14
garvkikbguy, what make and model is your monitor?23:14
cowgardenwhat does ./ do before a command or shellscript?23:15
enduser000cowgarden: runs it in the current directory23:15
kikbguymy monitor is an insignia 42" lcd tv23:15
enduser000can anyone tell me where the configuration file for wallpaper tray is? can't find it and sudo apt-get remove --purge doesn't remove it23:15
ebclZiber, opendns.org23:15
rionline@cowgarden..: means "do it here, it is here"23:16
IdleOneenduser000: you sure it is installed? apt-cache policy wallpaper-tray23:16
enduser000it's installed23:16
CrazycheeseGuys, anyone using firefox 3.5.3 in non-US language?? Was the first start IN YOUR native language?23:16
cowgardenenduser000, ah, btw if your name represents your musicle taste I like it :)23:16
enduser000cowgarden: sorry, it's a eula thing ;D23:16
komputesDasEi: found this but I think it's wrong http://www.unitconversion.org/unit_converter/data-storage-ex.html23:16
garvkikbguy have you tired to go into monitor resolution and change the resolution?23:16
JustinAI know I could use all kind of helpful utilites to make a live-USB thing from in linux23:16
sebsebsebCrazycheese: hi23:16
sebsebsebCrayboff: your on 9.04?23:16
AutoMatriXhi folks, I'dlike to re-install intrepid but I don't have no harddisk, is ther a solution ?23:16
JustinAbut how do i get the installation CD on a bootable flash drive?23:16
enduser000can anyone tell me where the configuration file for wallpaper tray is? can't find it and sudo apt-get remove --purge doesn't remove it23:16
enduser000AutoMatriX: you don't have a harddisk to install it on? or you don't have something to back up your files with?23:17
ionut_JustinA there is a utility called USB Startup Disk Creator in System -> Administration23:17
sebsebsebCrayboff: wrong one23:17
rionlinejustina: try unetbootin23:17
rionlinewait, let me look23:17
sebsebsebCrazycheese: You got Firefox 3.5.3  on 9.04?  directly from Mozilla?23:17
JustinAunetbootin is only for linux and windows, i'm on a Mac23:17
sebsebsebCrazycheese: or what?23:17
alsurencowgarden: the point of ./ is so that you don't accidentally run an executable from the current directory when you meant to use the one from your $PATH23:17
AutoMatriXenduser000, I just wxant to reinstall the master partition23:18
JustinAbut Mac's terminal has the dd commmand23:18
garvkikbguy if its a lcd tv it will HAVE to run in native in order for it to scale correctly23:18
JustinAis it possible with that?23:18
sebsebseb!details |  Crazycheese23:18
ubottuCrazycheese: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:18
Vincemanif you extract stuff from a zip file do all files get the same date modified?23:18
trismCrazycheese: actually, I've only tried firefox-3.0 like that, I'll go check out firefox 3.523:18
cowgardenalsuren, yea, just had a script that wouldn't work without it and I was currious23:18
sebsebseb!ff35 |  trism23:18
rionlineunetbootin is right: download most distros and put it on stick23:18
ubottutrism: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY23:18
ionut_JustinA if you're on a Mac just make the bootable usb form the Ubuntu Live CD on a system with a CD-ROM drive23:18
Pereiraoenduser: try using gconf-editor... look in /apps/wp_tray23:18
DasEiJustinA: no, that won't boot, you gotta find a mac user or even run a ubuntu vm in mac, usbcreator is very convienant23:18
kikbguyhow do i run in native?23:19
cowgardenalsuren, (1 click wep cracking :)23:19
alsurencowgarden: imagine if someone created a script called aptitude, which did rm -rf /, and you did $ sudo aptitude23:19
AutoMatriXenduser000, i talked about a CD, not a harddisk, sorry, my mistake23:19
JustinAi'll try unetbootin from a VM23:19
JustinAbut is the live CD it creates the same as an installation CD?23:19
trismCrazycheese: you're right, it isn't showing the correct locale for me either23:19
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garvkikbguy any luck changing resolutions?23:19
enriafAutoMatrix: you can download it from ubuntu.com23:19
kikbguyno luck changing resolution23:19
trismCrazycheese: must be a problem with the package, probably should go report the bug23:19
sebsebsebgeekgerl: hi23:19
geekgerlhello :)23:20
cowgardenalsuren, that was bad..., so ./ also limits it's powers to that folder?23:20
DasEiJustinA: or try to boot alternate installer, be CAREFULL and install to usb, carefull as not to overwrite internal disk23:20
sebsebsebgeekgerl: ok  your meant to ask a question first, not  give out a pastebin link first23:20
geekgerlsorry, yeah23:20
enduser000AutoMatriX: np, you can use a flash drive if you have that23:20
AutoMatriXenriaf, I've got the ISO bu do not know hos to reinstall from that file23:20
JustinADasEi: lol, I've made that mistake before... I'm very careful...   but what's the alternate installer?23:20
enriafcowgarden: no it doesn't limit it power, the power is define by the permision that you hav23:20
Crazycheesesebsebseb: I have lastest XUL and Fx built from scratch on archlinux.   My locale is set to ru_RU.UTF-8.   I have installed language files from mozilla site on correct location.     First (and all following) start(s) Firefox launches in en-US, unless I change it manually to "ru" in about:config.     I  was wondering if Ubuntu experiences same thing.23:20
alsurencowgarden: no. It just points bash to the script contatained in the current directory23:21
sebsebsebCrazycheese: This is Ubuntu support not ArchLinux!23:21
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal23:21
trismCrazycheese: yeah we do I just tried it23:21
sebsebsebgeekgerl: What's your issue?  I  may look at your pastebin link later23:21
cowgardenalsuren, so where was the link to the previous conversation?23:21
geekgerlHi there. Trying to get lircd to listen on port 5000. The command "lircd -H udp -d 5000" runs fine, netstat shows nothing listening on port 5000. Full output - http://paste.ubuntu.com/271739/.23:21
trismCrazycheese: just for firefox-3.5 though not for firefox-3.023:21
enriafAutoMatrix you have to burn the iso file into a cd with a program like brasero23:21
gcl hi guys, im trying to get surround sound to work. atm, it the speakers seem to be channeling sound out correctly in speaker tests. However, when running VLC when i select "5.1" from "Audio > Audio device" i get the following error: .."surround51" sis already in use23:21
DasEiJustinA: saw !alternate above ?23:21
sebsebsebgeekgerl: oh you were Laura?23:21
alsurencowgarden: if you've got a script in somedir, you can do somedir/script.sh23:21
geekgerli was! sorry, i'm new to chatzilla client in firefox23:22
Crazycheesesebsebseb Please dont be distrofobic! Ubuntu is my alternative distro as well! The question is not ubuntu or arch related, its pure firefox.23:22
geekgerldidn't mean to spam the group23:22
gcldoes anyone know how to fix that?23:22
cowgardenalsuren, *laughing* ok23:22
sebsebsebgeekgerl: you didn't spam/food :D23:22
gclor am i asking in the wrong channel?23:22
AutoMatriXenriaf, I just said I dont have a CD, there is just a HD on board and for info : USB boot wont work, my motherboard does not allow it23:22
sebsebsebCrazycheese: I am not sure you can  try  irc.mozilla.org #firefox   or  ##linux  or  #firefox on this network23:22
sebsebsebgeekgerl: flood not food :D23:23
kikbguyFor some reason opensuse 11.1 fits my screen (but sucks compared to ubuntu in every other respect), and fedora 11 has the same screen shifted to left issue if that helps at all23:23
JustinADasEi: yeah, looking up the alternate23:23
trismCrazycheese: since it seems both distros are doing it you should probably go report it to the firefox guys23:23
Ulises1Hi all23:23
JustinAlooks complicated23:23
Crazycheesesebsebseb: Guys @ irc.mozilla.org  have NO clue....23:23
zaccourok i have gyachi voice chat working it seems but i have to choose a server. how do i know which one? there's lots of them23:23
sebsebsebCrazycheese: try ##linux then23:23
enriafAutoMatrix now I understand what you mean23:23
trismCrazycheese: I mean like on the firefox bugzilla23:23
JustinAi think ill try the usbcreater type thing23:23
AutoMatriXenriaf, sorry, english is not my native tongue23:23
Crazycheesesebsebseb: trism: thanks guys, Im on it.23:23
enriafAutoMatrix as me :D I am thinking in a solution23:24
kikbguyAnybody have any ideas?23:24
DasEiJustinA: next to the textinstaller, you can also choose expertmode in where special install options, like grub on usb etc. can be taken23:24
enriafAutoMatrix but it is difficult why don't you try to find out a cd reader?23:24
leandropissurnohello everybody23:24
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leandropissurnoi have a problem with my wifi card23:25
AutoMatriXenriaf, basicaly it would be nice that grub booted the system from a live iso-file which is on the harddisk23:25
TrentonAdamshi guys, what is the recommended IRC client for gnome?23:25
AutoMatriXTrentonAdams, Xchat23:25
kikbguyI think it's pidgin, but I'm a newb23:25
trismI'm going to be different and say irssi23:25
enriafwhy xchat what is the different betwen pidgin?23:25
SharpRainPidgin is bad as an IRC Client23:26
JustinA@DasEi: So once I successfully get the live-CD booting from the USB drive, how do I install from the USB Drive to the hard drive?23:26
durtkikbguy, check which versions of Xorg are being used and which drivers, oss or restricted. going from nvidia to nv in ubuntu does this for me.23:26
njbairIsn't there an fstab flag to keep it from freezing on boot if an NFS share is not available?23:26
sebsebsebgeekgerl: hmm23:26
TrentonAdamsInstalling xchat-gnome now, we'll see.  I'm using pidgin at the moment.23:26
sebsebsebgeekgerl: Your issue isn't distro specific right?23:26
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geekgerlsebsebseb: not that i know of23:27
DasEiJustinA: ?? you want to install to the harddrive ?? not to the usb ?23:27
kikbguydo you know how I could go from nvidia to nv/open up restricted drivers from the 9.04 live cd?23:27
AutoMatriXTrentonAdams, Xchat is different than xhat-gnome23:27
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eyeronthey are identical23:27
geekgerlsebsebseb: i only have 9.04 ubuntu boxes right now, so i don't have another distro to test on23:27
AutoMatriXTrentonAdams, and pigdin, is OK but it is more for instant messagers23:27
nexesstupid question i know, but what version of firefox are you guys on?23:27
zaccourok i have gyachi voice chat working it seems but i have to choose a server. how do i know which one? there's lots of them23:27
enriafAutoMatrix this this can be usefull http://is.gd/3jxbO23:28
nosmelcI'm trying to get an Ubuntu desktop machine printing to a shared Samsung ML-2010 printer on a XP machine.  The driver for the printer is in the database, but I get an access denied error.  What am I doing wrong?23:28
durtkikbguy, does the live cd have the hardware drivers gui?23:28
sebsebsebgeekgerl: yeah  I don't think it is, which means you could ask in ##linux23:28
JustinA@DasEi - Yes, I have a new nettop with a HD, but no CD drive, so I just want to get the installer on the USB so I can install to the HD23:28
sebsebsebgeekgerl: well even Ubuntu stuff could be asked in there, but really this is the channal for that23:28
Trent_Okay, xchat is installed, I'll see if I like it.23:28
geekgerlsebsebseb: ok, thanks, i'll try there!23:28
erUSUL!install | JustinA23:28
ubottuJustinA: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:28
TheCheezegenobreaker, pm plz?23:28
durtkikbguy, you could try that, but the setting won't survive a reboot.23:28
leandropissurnodoes anybody have a bcm4322 wifi card?23:29
AutoMatriXenriaf, thanks so much to you and google, you are bot a kind of a pair :D23:29
enriafaptitude or apt-get?23:29
garvis there a "release renew" command for terminal?23:29
eyeronxchat and xchat gnome are identical23:29
jribeyeron: they are not23:29
sebsebsebgeekgerl: I even asked some IRC friends of mine  if they could help you, but I guess not23:29
sebsebsebgeekgerl: good luck, altough I am not even sure what your trying to do exactly23:30
AutoMatriXenriaf, seems like a network-boot to me but we'll see ;), thanks, dear23:30
kikbguydurt, right, and I can't download the hardware drivers for the livecd because it won't survive a reboot and can't install ubuntu because the screen is still shifted 1/4 to the left in the installation procedure.  I'm definetly in a pickle23:30
leandropissurnoi'm having a litle problem with the wireless....ubuntu recognize the network, but wont connect WPA23:30
DasEikomputes: erm, easy link, erm, no for sure you can get disk info either by hdparm or smartctl, maybe even hal-specific cmds or hwinfo, then turn this against the size and so have the factor, but as this is different from every drive, there will be no general site for that23:30
leandropissurnoonly connects with unsecured network23:30
icarusi deleted  a lot of valuable files off of a portable device that i had and now i can not get them back as they were deleted permanently is there any way to get back my files?23:30
enriafAutoMatrix I don't understand what you meant23:30
Neaaiwhat other irc client is there other than xchat-gnome? for some reason i like more kvirc or mirc in windowsland23:31
gdoteofhey guys.  i am trying to get flexbuilder 3 running, and i finally got eclipse 3.5 up and going, but now I need to have a 32 bit JRE running, and I can't figure it out.  i have the 64 bit running ATM, apparently23:31
geekgerlsebsebseb: thanks for all the suggestions. i'm trying to get a network-based remote setup for mythtv. long story. i'll check out #linux and #mythtv to see if if anyone knows there. thank you!23:31
sebsebsebgeekgerl: ok no problem :)23:31
trismNeaai: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat23:31
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AutoMatriXenriaf, no problem, you set me in the right direction, thats more than OK :D23:31
enriafAutoMatrix if you have other pcs is the better option and easiest I think23:31
durtkikbguy, an autoimage ajust on your monitor won't help?23:32
trismNeaai: my pick is irssi, but that's just me23:32
kikbguyMy monitor does not have that option, it is a 42" lcd tv23:32
garvcan someone screenshot there /etc/network/interface file for me?23:32
johnTgdoteof, I am working on your question23:32
Neaaitrism: i will have a check. thanks for the link23:32
gdoteofjohnT, thanks.  me too :)23:32
erUSULgarv: two lines: 1) auto lo 2) iface lo inet loopback23:33
gdoteofjohnT, i found instructions pretty explicitly here, http://java.dzone.com/tips/32-bit-jdk-a-64-bit-ubuntu-sys but they didn't work23:33
garvtheres no entry for eth0 at all?23:33
durtkikbguy, text mode install?23:33
johnTgdoteof, have you already tried to download the 32bit java package from the sun official site?23:33
erUSULgarv: if you did not add one no. no by default23:34
mmajorI really need to desactivate, or at last reduce the sensibility, of my touchpad. I have a dell laptop and it is so sensible that my text cursor jump when I write, making the process of writing very hard.23:34
DasEiJustinA:telling the whole story brings us back to the beginning then, you got to make the stick bootable, which then is a question for a mac channel, or setup an ubuntu environment;  does the new nettop has any os it yet ?23:34
gdoteofjohnT, no I haven't.  i have the 64 bit running, I don't even know how to stop it really :/.23:34
gdoteofjohnT, i will download them23:34
garvive tried two routers, and neither of them will give me an ip23:34
erUSULgarv: ubuntu uses Network Manager by default for managing network interfaces23:34
kikbguydurt, that's a good idea, but once it's installed won't I have the same problem with the screen being shifted to the left?23:34
leandropissurnodoes anybody have a bcm4322 wifi card?23:34
leandropissurnoi'm having a litle problem with the wireless....ubuntu recognize the network, but wont connect WPA23:34
leandropissurnoonly connects with unsecured network23:35
johnTgdoteof, 64 bits are the future :) don't need to 'stop' them23:35
johnTme too I have a 64bit version23:35
erUSULgarv: you can add an entry for eth0 if you want/prefer to use it over NM23:35
durtkikbguy, but then you can setup tv out properly?23:35
gdoteofjohnT, can they both run simultaneously?23:35
johnT32 and 64 bits applications? of course23:35
CrazycheeseGuys, is there any ubuntu livecd release, that has Fx3.5.3 preinstalled for a little test?23:35
garvit was just an idea, but i cannot get an ip from a router at all with my nic23:35
JustinADasEi - No, just a virgin 500GB hard drive... trying to get the install ready on my Hackintosh; I just finished burning the Ubuntu 9.04 CD23:35
Crazycheesethis is getting ridiculous...23:35
gdoteofjohnT, well can I run a 32bit JRE along side a 64 bit JRE23:35
kikbguydurt, i'm not sure what you mean by set up tv out properly (sorry, I'm a beginner/newb or whatever)23:36
johnT I don't know if it works with JRE's too...23:36
JustinADasEi - Guess I try booting it on my hackintosh, and see if I can follow the steps to create a bootable stick from in there23:36
mmajorHow can I disactivate my touchpad on Ubuntu ?23:36
johnTbut I have a 64bit ubuntu and i normally run 32 bit apps without even noticing23:36
gdoteofokay, the 32 bit is installed, johnT.  yeah I do as well.. but int his case i am not sure23:36
DasEiJustinA: hm, as we started now, you'll get a installation on usb, but no installer medium...23:37
johnTgdoteof, does Ecplise works right now?23:37
durtkikbguy, I think your prop is getting tv out working right, which may require adjustments to xorg.conf, but the live cd uses something else to configure Xorg, which I can't remember offhand, anyone?23:37
trismCrazycheese: well, firefox-3.5 isn't officially supported in ubuntu yet, I assume it will probably be the default in karmic23:37
DasEiJustinA:further on, as of different hw, next question is will that boot on the nettop ?23:37
gdoteofjohnT, yes eclipse works fine.  it is the flexbuilder that is whining23:37
bastid_raZor!ff35 | trism Crazycheese23:38
ubottutrism Crazycheese: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY23:38
JustinADasEi - The nettop (zotac ion/ dualcore atom) will boot USB okay23:38
johnTgdoteof, whats the exact error reported with Flexbuilder?23:38
trismI know it is in the repos, my point is it isn't the default version yet, which is why they are calling it shiretoko instead of firefox23:39
DasEiJustinA:As you did it so far, give it a try and see if nettop boots it, then at least you got a environment from where you (network) can access the cdrom an then install to nettops hd23:39
CrazycheeseLooks like I will have to grab 9.04 live cd and do apt-get install ff35 on live cd.23:39
gdoteof'Start the installer with 32 bit JRE'23:39
kikbguydurt, So you think I should edit the xorg.conf. file?  Is there some sort of guide to doing that?23:39
gdoteofjohnT ^^  then some other stuff that basically says it's okay to have a 64 bit os23:39
attorianzoWhat is a "session daemon"? is it different with a daemon?23:39
JustinADasEi: Okay, thanks for your help... I'll be back later if that doesn't work...23:40
gdoteofjohnT, i cannot copy paste or even type with the dialog open, it really wants focus, but basically it is saying start it with a 32bit JRE23:40
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gdoteofjohnT, so i ran the self extracting 586 jre from http://www.java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=www.java.com:8023:41
gdoteofjohnT, but i am not sure how to 'run' it or tell the 64 bit to be quiet23:41
garvis there anyway to see what hardware ubuntu is detecting?23:41
durtkikbguy, IIRC xorg.conf is not usable off of the live cd, there is another mechanism is use, I can't remember the name off-hand.23:41
johnTgdoteof, I am thinking about a simlink23:41
johnTtry to go inside '/usr/bin/java'23:41
johnTgdoteof, /'usr/lib/java', pardon23:42
gdoteofgdot@gdot-ubuntu:/usr/lib/java$ ls23:42
gdoteofswt3.2-gtk.jar  swt-gtk.jar  swt.jar23:42
dayohow do i use something like `passwd -l` for users with ldap authenticated nfs home directories?23:43
dennygoothello guys, got a strange thing going on with xsane. i can only use my scanner if i gksu xsane, otherwise it gives me an error message that says "failed to open device 'artec_eplus48u:libusb:002:004':invalid argument23:43
kikbguyDurt, thanks a bunch for trying to help. it sounds like I have a major incompatability between my hardware and ubuntu, perhaps I should just report the bug to launchpad and hope someone takes pity and fixes it before 9.10 comes out.23:44
dockoplease recommend some good tool to check HDD in ubuntu 8.10. it was in software raid1, there were some problems with the drive, now it's mounted in my desktop and seems to be working, but i want to check it23:45
durtkikbguy, excellent idea.23:45
gclhow guys, does anyone know how to fix the error message : "audio device "surround 51" is already in use"?.. when tryin to select "5,1" from "Audio > Audio device"23:45
gclhey guys*23:46
johnTgdoteof, already tried sudo update-alternatives --config java, don't you?23:46
johnTgdoteof, the /usr/lib/java directory appears to be good: you have the 32bit swt installed properly23:46
trismdennygoot: I don't know if this will help, but it seems to be the same problem https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ArtecEplus48uConf23:47
gdoteofjohnT http://pastebin.com/d3a04795623:47
kikbguydurt, thanks.  I had the same screen shifting to nthe left problem with my 1 year old hp laptop and within a month of reporting it the problem was resolved.  Take it easy guys and thanks again for the help - Adam23:48
dennygootanyone know why me usb scanner only works if i am in su mode? xsane dont work, gksu xsane does... it's definetly not the hardware.23:48
johnTgdoteof, already tried the alternative n° 5?23:48
johnTgdoteof, you have the openjdk selected, try the 5) - the java-6-sun proprietary package23:48
gdoteofi just did23:48
johnTgdoteof, didn't solve i guess23:48
gdoteofdo i need to do anything else, java --version shows 64bit still23:48
johnTdo you need 64 bit jvm? You can try to disinstall it as a workaround23:49
dennygootif your talking about java issues, i had a problem with java 6, had to use synaptic to remove it, then reinstall, dont know if that helps but..23:49
garv can someone link me to a network card that will work out of the box with ubuntu23:49
Sedatedgarv most cards will work out of the box, just try to get a brand name one23:50
gdoteofjohnT, i don't think I need it.  what package(s) should i be removing here?  openjdk-6-jre, default-jre?23:50
dennygootthese cards are reoprted to work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported23:51
nexesgarv what card are you using, mine is the broadcom 4328 and it worked fine out the box23:51
dennygootoops those are wireless23:51
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Sedatedgarv: is your nic onboard?  what's your motherboard or PC model #?23:51
gdoteofjohnT, removing them all23:51
johnTgdoteof, remove the proprietary packages too, sun-*23:52
Vincemanthere is no space for chaos in lniux23:52
gdoteofprogress, now it can't find a JVM23:52
dennygootthese network cards should work: http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/net/wired-ethernet23:52
johnTgdoteof, ok. re-install the package from sun microsystems site23:52
johnTthe 32 bit one of course23:53
garvnic is onboard, mother is asus p5n-d23:53
BlizzerandVinceman : Can't say that for sure though23:53
dennygootanyone know why xsane can only use my scanner when i gksu xsane first?23:53
technothi everyone. does anyone know if there is a way to start the gnome vnc server thing, from remote through ssh? my gnome session is running and is logged in, and i got access via ssh, and the vnc port is opened in firewall. just need to start the gnome remote desktop thingy from ssh console. thanks in advance for all help.23:53
gdoteofjohnT, did.  still is not finding the VM.. i am going to add the path that it was installed to into my PATH23:54
Blizzeranddennygoot " probably because it needs admin powers to be opened23:54
enriqueafdennygoot you have to change the permissions for who can use the scanner23:54
dennygootthis might help with the vnc ssh thing, dont know, i just had ti bookmarked: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-656129.html23:55
technoti'll check it. thanks alot23:55
dennygooti did change the permissions, but it still gives me a weird error like it cant read from the source, which i know is wrong, cause like i said gksu xsane works23:55
nh2what is the equivalent of Ctrl-C in single user rescue mode?23:56
technotdennygoot: nah, that trick is for starting a vnc server that will spawn a new x when logged in. which is not what i need :\23:56
Sedatedgarv... which ubuntu release are you using?23:57
nh2I started a ping and cannot abort it23:57
szeckhei guys i have installed ME Tv and i have the dvb usb in but the program says: No dvb device installed..... the device is in lsusb.... any suggestion?23:57
technoti need access to my allready logged in desktop :\23:57
dennygootohh, sorry. don't know then..23:57
ubliRji have a problem with skype on 7.04 skype: relocation error: skype: symbol snd_device_name_hint, version ALSA_0.9 not defined in file libasound.so.2 with link time reference23:57
garvsedated 8.0423:57
technoti'm sure there must be a simple way.23:57
Sedatedgarv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netcfg/+bug/34971223:57
enriqueaftechnot is as easy as you tunel that port via an ssh session23:57
technotthat's not the problem enriqueaf23:57
garvsedated i was using the lastest but had the same problems, so i went back to 8.04 to see if it would fix it23:57
dennygootok this is what it says "failed to open device (my artec)"23:58
gdoteofjohNT, woot.  worked.  thanks.  now it is bitching about a 32 bit eclipse23:58
enriqueaftechnot why not?23:58
gdoteofjohnT, but i can get that.. thanks!23:58
johnTgdoteof, let me know about eclipse23:58
Sedatedgarv: that bug report says it works in karmic.  you could probably pick up any cheap card with a Realtek chip and have no problems23:58
technotthe problem is that gnome is not setup with vnc enable.. and i need to enable it so i can log on my allready existing gnome session.23:58
dennygootand then also it tosses in an invalid argument afterwards23:58
technottunneling vnc over ssh wont get me anywere near my goal.23:58
gdoteofjohNT, will do23:58
garvyeah just robbed one out of my moms computer works fine23:58
johnTgdoteof, good ;)23:58
garvsucks though i didnt want to have to spend any $$ to get this file server up23:58
technotboth vnc and ssh ports are opened in firewall, no problem.23:58
obiwan_hi, please is thre any command for trace other commands? for example, when i do ls look what system calls ls do?23:58
jribobiwan_: strace23:59
bobbob1016I have a headphone jack on my PC, when I play audio, it plays through headphones, even though I have speakers hooked up.  Is there a way I select where the sound goes through software?23:59
trismtechnot: well, vino-server (System/Preferences/Remote Desktop) lets you share the current logged in session, but I don't know if you can start it from the command line23:59
technotbut i am logged in my computer at home, and i need to log into that specific gnome session23:59
obiwan_thx jrib !23:59
technottrism: exactly ..23:59
technoti need to know how to enable it from command line23:59
szeckhei guys i have installed ME Tv and i have the dvb usb in but the program says: No dvb device installed..... the device is in lsusb.... any suggestion?23:59
technotnormally you go system->whatnot->remote desktop. and hit "enable" and that's it :p23:59

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