
=== jtatum`` is now known as jtatum
aradavmor2, hello :)09:40
davmor2ara: Morning09:40
aradavmor2, do you happen to know when are the alpha 6 images starting to appear in the tracker?09:40
davmor2ara: now09:40
aradavmor2, ok09:40
aradavmor2, they are there09:41
aradavmor2, I just pressed F5 ;-)09:41
davmor2ara: only ubuntu desktop for now09:41
aradavmor2, ok09:41
* ara takes alt i386 full disk09:41
davmor2they are slowly trickling through although there will be a massive respin of al the alternatives09:42
davmor2ara: ^09:42
arathen I'll take the live cd ;-)09:42
arawhat bug do the alts have?09:43
davmor2d-i needs a fix09:43
davmor2ara: I'm assuming that slangasek is leaving the alternates on as a smoketest for us ;)09:56
slangasekd-i doesn't have any particular bug that I know of, it's just getting synced up with the kernel - it probably installs fine09:57
* ara takes ubuntu desktop i386 full disk10:29
davmor2ara: did you get live desktop?10:45
aradavmor2, yes, but the installation did not kick off automatically10:45
davmor2one up on alternate then :(10:46
jtholmesdavmor2, what iso's are ready10:47
davmor2check the tracker, but alternates don't seem to have a gui at the moment10:53
jtholmesdavmor2, forgot where tracker is what is url thx10:54
aradavmor2, no X when finishing the installation11:32
aradavmor2, do we have a bug number?11:32
davmor2ara: your in console correct?11:33
aradavmor2, my what11:34
davmor2ara: are you in a terminal?11:34
aradavmor2, yes11:34
davmor2is so run ps aux | grep dbus11:34
davmor2if it isn't running the the bug is 43061111:35
davmor2then then even11:35
araok, it is not running11:37
* davmor2 quits testing in favour of waiting for some cd's that work :(12:26
* ara -> lunch12:37
asachi all ... someone here could please verify bug 398205 on jaunty?12:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 398205 in xulrunner-1.9.1 "Geolocation via WLAN doesn't seem to work" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39820512:52
asacthere is a fix in jaunty-proposed that needs a sign off before we can roll out latest ffox 3.5 security updates12:52
=== fader|away is now known as fader_
davmor2fader_: I've been waiting for you13:04
davmor2fader_: Morning everything is broken13:04
davmor2the end fullstop13:05
fader_davmor2: You know, I'm starting to hear 'good morning' when you say that :(13:05
fader_davmor2: Ugh, would this be bug 430611?13:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 430611 in dbus "dbus fails to start on clean boot using upstart job" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43061113:06
davmor2fader_: yeap13:32
davmor2happens on live and alternate too yay13:32
fader_Meh, who needs dbus anyway?13:33
davmor2fader_: apparently the gui13:34
fader_I feel like I should yell at you kids to get off my lawn and tell stories of when I had a stack of floppy disks and took a whole weekend just to get Slackware to give me a shell prompt with no GUI, and I was happy13:35
davmor2fader_: I wasn't using Linux back then but I can tell you all about the zx81 where you had to type in basic to get and application if that counts :P13:37
fader_davmor2: Oh yeah.  I started life on a TRS-80 with the 16k(!) RAM expansion.13:38
fader_davmor2: Is it a safe assumption that the dbus bug is hitting everything?  I can (finally) test some images if there are any that might work.13:46
davmor2fader_: apart from live desktop13:46
davmor2fader_: which is of course how everyone is communicating to fix the dbus issue ;)13:47
fader_-server doesn't use dbus at all though, does it?13:47
davmor2fader_: try it you could be right :)13:48
davmor2but then there is a d-i update to be put in before a6 so they'll need re-spining too soon13:49
* fader_ stops his download.13:50
davmor2fader_: on a plus side pitti is now on the case with my ati bug from a couple of weeks ago :)13:50
davmor2but only cause it has happen to him too :)13:50
fader_Heh, dragging out the big guns13:50
fader_Ahhh, I see.  Here I thought maybe you had some dirt on him or something.13:50
davmor2it turns out its compiz which is why everything else installs fine :)13:51
davmor2fader_: want to have a laugh download http://www.davmor2.co.uk/speed.avi13:56
davmor2tiz quite amuzing seeing a clock go that fast :)13:57
davmor2a bit of a concern aswell13:57
fader_davmor2: Nice!  You must have a really fast processor.13:59
fader_I bet it can finish an infinite loop in less than a minute!13:59
davmor2one for the kernel team me thinks14:00
davmor2it's only happen since yesterday was fine last week14:00
aradavmor2, what bug is causing the new update to the debian installer? do you happen to know it?14:07
davmor2not a bug.  The kernel has been updated and d-i needs to match it.14:08
aradavmor2, ok, thanks14:08
davmor2things will work without it but if there is likely to be an re-spin any time soon it just seems pointless.14:09
fader_davmor2: Do you know if there is definitely going to be a respin before A6 for -server?14:11
davmor2fader_:  across the board (14:14:49) cjwatson: there is no conceivable hope of the current images being alpha 614:16
fader_davmor2: Gotcha.  Thanks.14:16
fader_It's gonna be a long evening I think. :)14:16
davmor2tomorrow will be fun though right14:17
fader_Tomorrow I get to test bundles of hardware with the real A6 image, so I'll get to do it all over again :)14:20
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
araThis evening looks promising...14:23
davmor2ara: you must be looking out the window and not at your computer ;)14:24
aradavmor2, I should, if I want to stay sane14:25
davmor2ara: your on the testing team for Ubuntu that means you have already forsaken your sanity.  It's a pre-requisite :)14:29
fader_davmor2: What makes this really weird is that ara and I don't even exist -- you've been testing for so long that you've gone way around the bend and imagined us.14:32
davmor2fader_: I don't believe you and I can't lose the argument if I imagine you as I control what you say HA!14:34
fader_Just got a notification from the ISO tracker that mythbuntu is up and ready... might as well see if it boots :)15:19
davmor2deja vu15:20
jtatumara: is there a testing meeting today? didn't see an email on the list15:54
arajtatum, well, there should be, but nobody added topics to the agenda15:55
arajtatum, if you don't need to discuss anything, maybe we can skip this one15:56
arajtatum, do you think that biweekly is better?15:56
jtatumara: ok :) yes, things seem quiet this past week. skipping sounds fine with me.15:56
jtatumara: hmm... perhaps it would? Do you think it would improve attendance or just make the agenda more substantial?15:57
arajtatum, it might be both... or none, we have always to test things ;-)15:57
arajtatum, I will send an email to the list about it (and announcing the lack of meeting this week)15:58
jtatumara: great :) thank you15:58
davmor2ogasawara: morning I found an issue yesterday with the system doubling in speed since the new kernel went in I've video'd it now you can down load it a http://www.davmor2.co.uk/speed.avi  What can I get information wise to make a sensible bug out of it for you guys?16:47
ogasawaradavmor2: most useful bit will be to narrow down as closely as possible between which two kernels the regression was introduced16:49
ogasawaradavmor2: if you can let me know the bug # too that'll be good (also tag it regression-potential)16:51
ogasawaradavmor2: I can then try and see what patches went in and we can try to build some test kernels to bisect further16:51
davmor2ogasawara: it didn't happen last week Monday or Tuesday or during alpha 5 testing the week before16:54
davmor2ogasawara: once we get working iso's I'll try it again in case it was just one of the many issues currently that was effecting it.16:55
davmor2but definitely post alpha 516:55
fader_davmor2: Just to confirm, mythbuntu has the dbus issue :(  No surprise, but still sad.16:57
ogasawaradavmor2: ok, let me know after the latest batch of testing.  I'll look and see which kernels were in play during Alpha 5.16:58
davmor2fader_: I think someone did a respin to get there armel system on the tracker and it wiped out some of the other reports16:59
fader_Ah, that would explain it16:59
fader_davmor2: Do you know if anyone had reported that the 'Install Mythbuntu' option didn't actually launch Ubiquity but just went to the normal live environment?16:59
fader_I don't see it from a cursory search but you're more likely to know offhand17:00
davmor2ubuntu alternate was the same my this failed report got knocked off17:00
davmor2fader_: ara did it's across the live cds17:00
davmor2ara: what was the bug number for that?17:00
fader_davmor2: That would explain why I didn't find it, since I was looking for mythbuntu specifically :)17:00
fader_Is it even worth linking these bugs against the images on the tracker knowing they're going to be respun anyway?17:01
davmor2yes go on be a devil ;)17:01
davmor2fader_: Bug 43060717:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 430607 in ubiquity "Selecting "Installing Ubuntu" starts the Live CD, but not Ubiquity (needs conversion to Upstart)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43060717:02
davmor2fader_: ^ does that sound familiar17:03
fader_davmor2: That's the one17:04
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
arahey guys, I have been off about 20 minutes, any updates?17:49
davmor2ara: everything is still brokne17:58
davmor2broken even17:58
araUbuntu QA meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 2mins17:58
davmor2Kubuntu alt images are up19:09
sivanganybody had luck using 4500M HD from intel with latest ubuntu stable ?19:36
sivangI'm trying to understand if this is a worthwhile purchase19:36
fader_sivang: You might have better luck asking in #ubuntu; this channel is mostly devoted to testing updates and the next release19:37
sivangah I see, the folks in ubuntu didn't help so far,19:38
sivangbesides for referecing me to the hardware testing wiki which those cards are not listed19:39
* davmor2 is testing kubuntu alt 64, alt 32 and live 3219:40
fader_sivang: :(19:40
fader_sivang: I'm assuming that's a video card?  If so, I'd imagine it's supported, as Intel's stuff has pretty good support19:41
davmor2sivang: try the intel site19:41
sivangRight, but there are problematic models as I learend while searching though GMA 50019:41
davmor2sivang: http://ubuntologist.blogspot.com/2009/07/my-intel-4500hd-super-video.html19:50
davmor2jaunty supports it but it is slowish19:50
sivangdavmor2: using this instructions I get full speed?19:54
sivangor is it still slowish ?19:54
davmor2Pass reading it he got better performance But I don't have one so can't tell you19:55
jtholmesPersistence on kubuntu is not working I followed the instruction on thishttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence?action=show&redirect=LiveCDPersistence url20:09
jtholmesIs there something i am missing casper says it is saving the snapshot but nothing ends up on the USB stick which is ext3 any ideas20:10
jtholmesI have tried the USB stick mounted and unmounted and same results20:11
jtholmesPersistence is one of the elements of the live cd test procedure20:11
jtholmesI see where 3 other folks did not show a problem with the Persistence testing and wonder if i am following the wrong instructions for Persistent option20:12
davmor2ogasawara: bug 430940 it's still happening on the fixed images so nothing to do with that :(20:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 430940 in linux "On my nvidia box the system is running at double speed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43094020:21
jtholmesdavmor2, any ideas on my above ^ comments on persistent option20:26
davmor2jtholmes: you've setup the usb disk first I'm assuming?20:28
jtholmesdavmor2, yes per the https i posted above,  it is 4gb and i made it all ext3 fs20:29
jtholmesand labeled it  casper-rw20:29
sbeattiejtholmes: and you're passing 'persistent' on the boot command line?20:30
jtholmessbeattie, yes  after the '--'  but i always remove  'quiet and splash' so i can see what is going on20:32
jtholmescasper usually finds the  Stick but never appears to read it20:32
davmor2jtholmes: I should just work at that point.20:33
davmor2it even20:33
jtholmesdavmor2, i am going to try another stick20:34
davmor2ogasawara: is there anything else missing from that bug that might be useful to you?20:41
sbeattiejtholmes: hrm, watching the boot output on kubuntu-amd64-live with persistent enabled, I got a warning about being unable to find the persistent storage; that's with the 20090916.1 build.20:58
davmor2sbeattie: and you wrote a bug immediately right  /me ducks behind the couch21:00
* sbeattie is waiting for the 20090916.2 builds to finish downloading.21:00
* davmor2 is just test wubi on it now to see if it is fix-ed21:00
sbeattiejtholmes: hrm, okay, I see the same warning with the ubuntu live cd, but I do get a persistent home (fs is labeled with home-rw)21:07
fader_Is 20090916.2 the latest and greatest for -studio or is it still needing respun?21:08
davmor2fader_: as I understand it kubuntu is safe to test21:10
fader_davmor2: Thanks.  I'll see if I can get it slurped down before you crazy kids finish all the test cases ;)21:11
ogasawaradavmor2: hi, I posted a comment to the bug.  basically I want to start by confirming the 2.6.31-8.28 kernel restores the system to "normal" speed.21:12
ogasawaradavmor2: there were a few rebases with upstream since that kernel so we'll need to do a few bisects to try to narrow it down21:13
davmor2ogasawara: Okay I'm going to need that kinda involvement till after a6 is out of the door.  So can we do it on Friday.21:14
ogasawaradavmor2: works for me21:15
davmor2ogasawara: cool I can spend all day on it then21:15
sbeattiejtholmes: were you able to get kubuntu's live cd to accept at all? I'm just stuck sitting at a kdm prompt, and it won't take any input at all.21:20
jtholmessbeattie, yes i did today but yesterday when that happened i opened console (F2) and su'd and killall kdm and then kde came up ok, interesting21:26
jtholmessbeattie, sorry I did not see above posts ^ answered wrong question21:28
jtholmessbeattie, no i did not get any home-rw or anything else I get an error when shutting down ata.1 ... exception ...21:29
jtholmessbeattie, so i dont think that casper is capable of writing to  casper-rw21:29
sbeattieI'm not even getting ctl-alt-F2 to give me a tty under kubuntu.21:29
sbeattiethat's with the 20090916.2 build.21:30
fader_davmor2: have you seen bug 430940 only on nvidia systems or is it that you've only tested it on an nvidia system?21:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 430940 in linux "On my nvidia box the system is running at double speed" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43094021:30
jtholmessbeattie, i also had that problem at one time then on another boot of live cd i was able to get ctrl+alt +FN and get a console window21:30
davmor2fader_: only on the nvidia system21:31
jtholmessbeattie, i have the 20090916 no dots after it that was early AM today21:31
davmor2fader_: I know it could be the nvidia gfx card or the amd dual core or .............21:35
sbeattieyeah, that appears to be gone from cdimages.21:35
fader_davmor2: Does it happen in the live environment as well?21:35
davmor2fader_: yeap21:36
arahey guys, which images are safe to test?21:43
davmor2ara: kubuntu but not wubi again21:43
aradavmor2, all of the ubuntu still broken?21:44
davmor2yeap 3 hours-ish21:44
araok, I will sync kubuntu then, thanks! davmor221:44
davmor2ara np21:47
* fader_ starts kubuntu amd64 expert21:55
* fader_ sighs.22:19
fader_Right.  The default disk image isn't big enough for that.  Starting again.22:19
fader_davmor2: kubuntu alternate seems to be working, huzzah!23:09
fader_Well, except that I ran out of space again.  But the install worked. :)23:10
davmor2fader_: how much space do you allow?23:11
davmor2512 meg23:11
davmor2live is broken23:11
fader_I left it at the defaults.  On an 8G drive it allocated 2.2G for / and 4.something for /home :/23:11
fader_I was hoping you or someone else with a bigger drive could tell me if it still defaults to something too small23:12
fader_I'm going to run through another test case and make sure that it installs correctly, and then maybe report a bug about the partitioner23:13
davmor2what about swap23:14
fader_It got 1G23:14
davmor22.2 G is more than enough so it should be fine23:16
fader_Hmm, I'll be interested to see the usage from a full install on one partition23:17
fader_Doing the encrypted install now23:17
fader_Used 2.3G on the install23:40

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