
lifelessjfroy|work: theres an option to log, I think00:04
jfroy|workOr API to get to it. I'm basically trying to write a plug-in that adds a --fixes scheme for my company's bug tracker and also a post-commit hook that will add a message to the bug if the commit includes the --fixes metadata.00:04
jfroy|workadding the --fixes scheme was trivial00:04
jfroy|work(just another UniqueIntegerBugTracker)00:04
lifelessthe revision.properties00:05
jfroy|workwell --long doesn't do it00:05
lifelessin your post commit hook00:06
jfroy|workI'm trying right now just to check if the metadata was recorded00:06
lifelessprint branch.repository.get_revision(revision_id).properties00:06
jfroy|workThere has to be a command to inspect a revision, even a debug command of some kind00:06
jfroy|worktime to break out a python shell huh00:07
jfroy|workfair enough :)00:07
jfroy|workha, like the name :)00:07
jfroy|workhuh, log doesn't print the revision ID00:13
jfroy|work--show-ids, nvm00:13
jfroy|workAnd right now, it seems the property value will be hardcoded to "$BUG_URL fixed"00:16
jfroy|workAnd stored with the key 'bugs'00:17
jfroy|workWhich seems to be a magic constant in the builtin commit command, which has me worried one day someone will change that and the plug-in will break00:18
KhaZDumb question: currently when I want to add files to bzr, I basically run bzr st -S . | grep "^?" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs bzr add.  Is there a better way of doing this, besides maybe aliasing said command?00:18
lifelessjfroy|work: its not part of commit; its part of the bug module00:25
lifelesspydoc bzrlib.bugtracker00:25
lifelessKhaZ: 'bzr add'00:26
KhaZ... D'oh.  It is quite possible I'm that much of an idiot.00:26
jfroy|worklifeless: the 'fixed' part yes00:27
jfroy|workbut not the property name00:27
lifelessthe property name won't change00:28
lifelessor if it did the query api in bugtracker would be adjusted to support reading from both00:28
lifelessI'm saying, its no more or less at risk of changing than any metadata00:29
jfroy|workI don't see any code in the bugtracker module that ever reads a revision property00:30
lifelessthere's stuff in qbzr00:30
lifelessit will probably mgirate to the core at some point00:30
jfroy|workI see00:31
spmlifeless: 'kk (+trunk to 2.0 and 2.0.0)00:31
lifelessspm: 2.0 to 2.0, and 2.0.0 to 2.0.0 :)00:31
lifelessspm: pushing trunk to 2.0 would be bad ;P00:31
jfroy|workSo it should be relatively safe for the hook to look for the 'bug' property (as a constant key value, not as a constant imported from bzrlib)00:32
spmheh. that's not what I meant :-)00:32
lifelessjfroy|work: yes00:32
lifelessjfroy|work: 'bugs'00:32
jfroy|work* 'bugs'00:32
jfroy|workdamn, beat me to it :p00:32
spmlifeless: so. 2.0: 4665 pushed, vs 4664; 2.0.0: 4667 vs 4665. no changes needed to locations.00:39
lifelessspm: thanks00:39
lifelessjam: ^00:39
spivGood morning.01:03
pooliehi all01:17
pooliehi spiv, lifeless01:17
pooliemaybe i should change the 'compiled extensions' warning to say "if you're running from a bzr source directory, run 'make'"01:18
spivpoolie: good morning.  Thanks for starting the review of the hpss homedirs patch.  I forgot to mention that part of the diff (mainly pathfilter.py) is in a separate review (which has been approved now).01:24
poolienp, i saw robert's verbal approval01:24
poolieof that01:24
poolieif you want me to read it too i can01:24
spivI wouldn't bother if I were you :)01:25
mkanatOkay, assuming that I don't go to the 2a format right now, what's the best format for a repository that I will have to maintain well into the future, right now?01:45
mkanatAnd that random people, including our users, might be checking out from.01:45
mkanat(Which is why I don't want to go 2a right now--I need relatively good backwards-compatibility so that users can get at the repo.)01:46
mkanatI'm asking because Bugzilla picked bzr over Hg, BTW.01:46
pooliehi mkanat01:52
pooliethat's great news btw01:53
pooliemkanat: i'd probably go for 1.901:53
poolieit's faster and smaller than earlier formats01:53
poolieand it'll be supported by bzr releases going back, of course, to 1.901:53
mkanatpoolie: That sounds pretty good. And that will be upgradable to 2a in the future?01:54
pooliewhich is nearly a year ago now01:54
* mkanat nods.01:54
mkanatOkay, cool.01:54
poolieand 2.0 will support it01:54
poolieso in your case i'd probably be suggesting people install 2.0.0 (or 2.0.x later)01:54
pooliewhich will be a bugfix-only series01:54
pooliebut use 1.9, for interoperation with older releases01:55
mkanatSome people won't be able to install 2.0 very easily.01:55
mkanatBut everybody should be able to get 1.9.01:55
mkanatAt least. :-)01:55
mkanat(For example, Bugzilla still works on RHEL4, but that only has python 2.3.)01:55
davidstraussmkanat: why would 2.0 be hard to install?01:56
lifelessmkanat: 1.9-rich-root01:56
lifelessmkanat: if you don't go 2a01:56
lifelessmkanat: the rich root will make moving to 2a easier01:56
mkanatpoolie: Is there any way yet of reconciling two separate cvs imports and saying "these are actually the same, and these commits match to these commits and these files match to these files"?01:56
davidstraussmkanat: no01:56
lifelessmkanat: bzr has only ever supported python 2.4 and up, FWIW01:57
mkanatlifeless: Hmm, ever? Okay. :-)01:57
davidstraussmkanat: CVS -> bzr is non-deterministic01:57
mkanatdavidstrauss: Yes, but it would be nice if I could re-do my import, because some of it's messed up.01:58
mkanatDue to the fact that we started it with an older bzr and an older cvsps_import.01:59
davidstraussmkanat: There's also no way in bzr for a single file to have multiple UUID ancestors01:59
mkanatdavidstrauss: But without breaking people who have already checked out from the existing bzr import (which is a lot of people including all my client work).01:59
davidstraussmkanat: so merging two branches with the same files and different bzr ancestry is a non-starter01:59
davidstraussmkanat: you could "merge" into the repo and resolve all conflicts in favor of the incoming files02:00
davidstraussmkanat: then you'd pick up the file UUIDs from the branch being merged in02:00
mkanatdavidstrauss: That would break merging back into the older checkouts, though, right?02:00
mkanatI mean, I don't see any advantage.02:00
davidstraussmkanat: correct. you can't maintain ancestry in both directions02:00
mkanatAh well.02:00
davidstraussmkanat: it's an architectural limitation i've discussed with aaron bentley02:00
pooliemkanat: if you can get all your users to help switch, it may be feasible02:01
poolieyou'd need to tell them to just cherrypick across from their existing branches into new ones based on the new import02:01
mkanatpoolie: The actual user base is fairly small, so it might be possible.02:02
mkanatpoolie: That is, my *main* concern is all the work I have in client branches.02:02
lifelesspoolie: re the extensions nag02:02
mkanatAnd the work I did with NASA.02:02
poolieper-client forks02:02
mkanatpoolie: Yeah.02:03
lifelesspoolie: I suggest: make bzr --version show the full list of missing extensions, and have the nag be a one-liner: 'One or more C extensions could not be loaded. See bzr help C-extensions'02:03
mkanatpoolie: So we'd do the import by basically just applying each patch of each revision individually, and copying the log message?02:04
poolielifeless: i agree about the nag02:05
SamB_XPmkanat: you *might* be able to use rebase for some of it ?02:05
pooliemkanat: right, and bzr-rebase may be able to help02:05
poolieor, you can just fold them all up into one commit, depending how much resolution you want to keep02:05
lifelessrebase still follows fileids02:05
mkanatpoolie: Okay. In that case, next question--is there a better existing CVS importer that can do branches and branch relations than cvsps_import now?02:05
SamB_XPlifeless: oh, right, dang02:05
poolielifeless: the hard part is making --version show them: --version won't normally know all of the extensions we might want toload02:05
mkanatpoolie: I heard something about cscvs from kiko once.02:06
pooliei know of the tool02:06
lifelessmkanat: cvsps-import or cvs2bzr02:06
lifelessmkanat: cscvs is not for conversions, its for ongoing mapping, and only really does trunk02:07
mkanatlifeless: Ah, okay.02:07
mkanatMy problem with cvsps_import right now is that it wasn't correctly handling utf-8 in CVS log messages, and it wasn't deleting files under certain circumstances, it seemed.02:07
lifelessmkanat: it can do other branches, with fiddling, but unless you plan to stay on cvs, go for cvsps-import or cvs2bzr (which is fastimport based)02:07
lifelesspoolie: so, seems to me that we don't really know that full list ever; so the current warning is also able to be incomplete.02:08
lifelesspoolie: I don't think it would be overly ugly to have a module scoped list of expected extensions, and plugins could add to that list if they have extensions too.02:08
poolieor otherwise02:08
pooliejust give the nag warning02:08
poolieput the missing list into the log file02:08
poolieit's probably actually rare that a non-developer will see just some things fail to load02:09
lifelessI desire --version to show the list because its a very easy thing to ask a Windows or new user to look at.02:09
poolieor see something that's not fixed by either running make, turning off the warning, or filing a bug02:09
pooliei don't object to it, i just think it's a different (filed) bug02:10
lifelesspoolie: kk02:10
pooliegood idea on the message though02:10
mkanatlifeless: Any particular preference between cvs2bzr and cvsps_import?02:12
lifelessmkanat: I suspect they will have different bugs ;)02:13
mkanatlifeless: Hahaha, okay. :-)02:13
mkanatMaybe I'll just stick with cvsps, then.02:13
mkanatSo, if I want to make sure that people don't accidentally check in as somebody else, is the best way to require signatures?02:18
mkanatWell, actually, I'm not even sure that would work.02:18
zsquarepluscis someone here using bzr on sourceforge? do they support more than one branch per project?02:45
mkanatjam: I'm running into a problem with cvsps 2.2, importing Bugzilla into bzr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-cvsps-import/+bug/43112702:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431127 in bzr-cvsps-import "cvsps_import fails with cvsps 2.2" [Undecided,New]02:56
aboSamoor1Hi, I use bzr in my personal branch in launchpad. I save my different projects under different folders, my friends found it hard to pull all the folder to pull one of them. Is there any way to split the folders under different branches without losing the history of the commits ?03:04
zsquarepluscaboSamoor1: last time i asked about that i was not given a direct solution. but the hint that you could use fast-import/export and filter. so it should be possible with 2 or 3 steps03:08
aboSamoor1zsquareplusc: well, it is not only performance issue. I don't want to announce all my work once I send someone the address of branch.03:10
aboSamoor1zsquareplusc: also I don't want make global commits history. so it will more clear to me the history of the commits of each project alone03:11
zsquarepluscaboSamoor1: "bzr help fast-import-filter" should give some insight03:17
lifelessaboSamoor1: just make separate branches now; e.g.03:18
lifelessif you have in your current branch /proj1 /proj2 /proj303:19
lifelessthen bzr push ../new-proj2-branch03:19
lifelesscd ../new-proj2-branch03:19
lifelessbzr rm --remove proj1 proj303:19
lifelessbzr mv proj2/* .03:19
lifelessbzr rm proj203:19
lifelessbzr commit -m "Make this branch be for proj2 only."03:19
lifelessand push that to launchpad under an appropriate project03:20
aboSamoor1lifeless: how will the history of the new branch look like ? I mean if the initial branch has commit till 100 and proj2 was last updated with commit 90 what will be situation ?03:21
zsquareplusclifeless: --remove is not documented in my bzr's help rm, is that brand new?03:21
lifelesszsquareplusc: actualy its old I think :)03:28
lifelessaboSamoor1: try it and see ;)03:28
lifelessaboSamoor1: as it in a separate branch it won't impact your existing work :)03:28
aboSamoor1lifeless: good point03:28
lifelessin short, it will have everything up to the point you do the rearrangement03:29
lifelesswhich is what 'preserve history' means, generally ;)03:29
aboSamoor1bzr push ../new-proj2-branch ----this must be ---> bzr branch ?03:29
lifelessaboSamoor1: that makes a new branch at the path ../new-proj2-branch03:30
zsquareplusclifeless: hm, if its old, it's undocumented. i can't find a word about in in "help rm" or "man bzr"03:30
lifelesszsquareplusc: as in removed03:30
lifelesszsquareplusc: ignore it ;)03:31
zsquarepluscaboSamoor1: its correct with push. you are in the directory of the current branch and push a copy to a fresh directory03:31
zsquarepluschm.. with bzr 1.17: bzr rm --remove CVSROOT  ... bzr: ERROR: no such option: --remove03:35
lifelesszsquareplusc: don't use the option is what I mean03:35
zsquarepluscah, but with just rm you still have the history03:36
lifelesszsquareplusc: Of course, the question was how to keep the history, wasn't it?...03:36
mkanatIn order to control commit access to a bzr repository, do I have to control the unix permissions of the repository .bzr directory, or just the unix permissions of the branch .bzr directory?03:37
zsquareplusclifeless: what i understood was, how to make 3 separate branches from 3 folders in one, each with only the history of the respective folder03:37
lifelesszsquareplusc: to do that you need to break the history, rewrite it into a smaller form, which is what you'd use fast-export and fast-export-filter for03:38
aboSamoor1lifeless: I did that for the first project it increased the commit number by one, now how can I view the history of the new branch without using launchpad ?03:41
zsquarepluscaboSamoor1: bzr log or bzr qlog or bzr vis, depending on which plugins you have installed03:42
lifelessaboSamoor1: bzr log03:42
aboSamoor1lifeless: I am satisfied with the solution proposed, thanks very much :)03:57
mkanatHey hey. Anybody got some feedback on my permissions question, above?03:58
lifelessaboSamoor1: cool03:58
lifelessmkanat: both03:59
mkanatlifeless: Okay.03:59
mkanatlifeless: That's what I thought; it's what I've been doing.03:59
mkanatlifeless: So basically if we have separate committer groups, we need separate repos?03:59
mkanatlifeless: Okay, that's what I thought.04:00
lifelessthere are ways to avoid that; theres some stuff in contrib I believe04:00
lifelessbut the most secure simple and robust way is one-capability per-repository04:00
aboSamoor1lifeless: the only drawback of the solution, that if you split the old branch to 5 new branches you have 5 duplicate histories. 5*100 MB :(04:02
lifelessaboSamoor1: they won't grow at the same rate though04:02
lifelessaboSamoor1: and if you have a shared repository the deep history will be shared so you want have 500MB used on disk.04:02
aboSamoor1lifeless: I will try bzr split later04:03
aboSamoor1lifeless: I see04:03
mkanatIs there a config for setting up "bzr serve" as a init.d daemon that logs to syslog?04:06
Drakesonwhat is the bzr equivalent of git reset --hard origin/master ?04:07
spivmkanat: no, unfortunately.04:08
spivmkanat: it would be good to improve our logging to make that possible.04:08
bob2Drakeson: what does that do?04:08
mkanatYeah--I imagine running a constant "bzr serve" is faster than serving through inet.04:08
Drakesongit-reset resets current head to the speficied state (origin/master here). --hard matches both the working tree and the index to the state one asked for.04:10
spivmkanat: yeah, most likely; it commonly takes a couple of hundred milliseconds to start a bzr serve process, assuming a warm system.  A cold system and some plugins can make that much worse.04:11
* mkanat nods.04:11
spivDrakeson: "bzr uncommit -r something && bzr revert", perhaps?04:12
spivOr maybe just "bzr pull --overwrite -r something", I guess.04:12
SamB_XPspiv: how about an overheating system ?04:13
Drakesonleave that aside for moment. assume I do rm -Rf * in a working directory (that leaves .bzr intact). How can I get get back all the files?04:13
spivI'm not sure exactly what the git jargon means.04:13
spivSamB_XP: I don't overclock, so I couldn't say ;)04:13
spivDrakeson: bzr revert04:13
SamB_XPspiv: oh, mine does that without being overclocked04:13
Drakesonspiv: thanks04:14
SamB_XPI had to clock it down to get it to stop rebooting -- probably there is some kind of problem with the cooling ...04:14
=== AfC1 is now known as AfC
JemsquashDoes anyone know the timelines for 2.0? I see the release candidate has been pulled from the main page of bazaar-vcs.org.04:37
lifelessrc1 was pulled, rc2 is out and fine04:38
lifeless2.0.0 is being assembled at the moment, no further changes04:38
Jemsquashthanks lifeless04:40
mneptokJemsquash: just merging the animated .gif of poolie waving frantically that auto-displays during branch routines. stand by.04:42
mneptoklifeless: was the decision final on this one for weave merges? - http://birdhouse.org/~mnep/avatars/scream.gif04:43
thumperis anyone going to fix the hardlinking issue with WorkingTree6?05:01
lifelessthumper: eventually I guess? its fallout from content filtering, and theres a bunch of work needed in that area05:14
pooliehey spiv, i may (if we're lucky) review your patch this afternoon06:02
pooliei was wondering what you thought too about the idea of the client inhibiting itself from sending requests to servers when the implementation is known to be broken06:03
pooliei think i asked before but didn't see (or remember :) your reply06:03
lifelessspiv: the 'extra' in smart tcp server for testing is flummoxing me06:08
lifelessspiv: got a minute for a chat06:08
lifelessspiv: for example:06:16
lifeless(Pdb) bzrlib.bzrdir.BzrDir.open(self.get_url() + '../')06:16
lifeless*** UnknownErrorFromSmartServer: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "Invalid URL join request: Cannot go above root: '/' + ('../',)")06:16
lifelessbzrlib.bzrdir.BzrDir.open( "bzr://")06:16
lifeless*** BzrError: Attempt to escape test isolation: 'bzr06:16
lifeless<bzrlib.transport.remote.RemoteTCPTransport url=bzr://>06:17
poolielifeless: could you look at bug 430738 some time?06:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430738 in bzr "Upgrade fails with NoSuchId in _iter_file_id_parents in add_inventory_by_delta" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43073806:17
lifelesspoolie: does 'check' pass on that repository?06:17
pooliehe doesn't say06:18
pooliehe says reconcile passed06:18
* thumper is helping some windows bound people with bzr06:26
spivlifeless: the last thing I would say is that if isinstance the for_testing server that you shouldn't hardcode /extra/; you can (and probably should) use server_obj.client_path_extra06:26
thumperwhat is the absolute easiest way to install bzr on windows that allows bzr+ssh usage?06:27
spivthumper: windows on client, or server (or both)?06:27
thumperhow much hoop jumping needs to be done for people without ssh keys?06:27
thumperspiv: windows client for sure06:27
thumperspiv: I was going to set up my desktop as the main code host06:28
thumperspiv: it is for a polytech project06:28
thumper3 people collaborating06:28
spivIt should mostly just work, I think, now that we default to using paramiko on Windows.  (IIRC)06:28
thumperspiv: as you may expect, my desktop is linux06:28
thumperspiv: the bazaar wiki page for windows installing isn't very helpful06:29
mneptokthumper: we know you still use an Amiga.06:29
thumperit says "download these 8 things..."06:29
spivThere's no requirement to have SSH keys, but they can help avoid the need to retype your password a lot :)06:29
spivthumper: Huh, I thought it was just a case of "download and run the .exe installer"06:29
thumperspiv: I don't allow ssh with a password to my server :)06:29
spivthumper: but I could easily be wrong.06:29
thumperwhich one?06:30
thumperI tried the py 2.6 one as I thought that ment "uses python 2.6"06:30
thumperbut no06:30
thumperthe standalone installers say 2.2 and 2.3, and I'm not sure if they are meaning python or what06:30
spivGosh, I'm out of date.  I thought there was just one!06:30
thumperI'll ask again later tonight06:30
mneptokthumper: IIRC, PuTTY allows creation and use of ssh keys.06:30
thumperperhaps I'll get some windwos users06:30
spivthumper: http://bazaar-vcs.org/Download has, next to "Windows installer", a link called "default 1.18.1 installer".06:31
thumperwhen is the 2.0 one going to be there?06:31
spivthumper: I guess you're looking at the Launchpad page of download files?06:31
spivWhen it's released, I assume ;)06:31
* thumper goes to make dinner06:31
spivthumper: I'm pretty sure you almost always want to be using the "Standalone" installers on Windows.06:32
spivpoolie: I'm ok with the idea of not sending requests we know the server will get wrong... the question is how can (and should) we determine the "known to be broken" fact?06:34
spivpoolie: You're thinking of looking at version string in the response headers, I guess?06:35
spivpoolie: the way we've dealt with this (or something similar, at least?) before is to create a new verb.06:36
lifelesslp handles ~ fine06:41
lifelessso I beg the question, how would one tell?06:41
bialixhi all06:41
bialixhow's 2.0 moving?06:41
lifelessI don't know about you, but I'm pretty good at ignoring yet another email,06:49
lifelessparticularly email that comes from a cron job ;)06:49
lifelesscopy paste fail06:49
lifelessI don't know about you, but I'm pretty good at ignoring yet another email,06:49
lifelessparticularly email that comes from a cron job ;)06:49
lifelessand gain.06:49
* lifeless stares at vim06:49
lifeless        elif isinstance(transport_server, server.SmartTCPServer_for_testing):06:50
lifeless            # The smart server adds a path similar to work, which is traversed06:50
lifeless            # up from by the client. But the server is chrooted - the actual06:50
lifeless            # backing transport is not escaped from, and VFS requests to the06:50
lifeless            # root will error (because they try to escape the chroot).06:50
spivlifeless: sounds good06:52
spivlifeless: what are you referring to with "lp handles ~ fine"?06:53
lifelessthis should make you laugh:06:53
lifeless    Attempt to escape test isolation: 'bzr://example.com/quack/' ['/tmp/testbzr-HhM4se.tmp/', 'file:///tmp/testbzr-HhM4se.tmp/', '/tmp/testbzr-HhM4se.tmp/', 'file:///tmp/testbzr-HhM4se.tmp/']06:53
spivI'm missing something.06:54
spivWhat was that comment in reply to?06:54
lifeless15:33 < spiv> poolie: I'm ok with the idea of not sending requests we know the server will get wrong... the question is how can (and should) we determine the "known to be broken" fact?06:54
spivOh, that was unrelated to ~ in URLs.06:54
lifelessah ok06:54
poolieit was unrelated07:01
poolieit was about 1.17 sticking xml into chk streams07:01
pooliepurportedly chk streams07:01
pooliespiv: we know now that 1.17 was broken07:02
pooliepoolie: it was unrelated07:27
pooliepoolie: it was about 1.17 sticking xml into chk streams07:27
pooliepoolie: purportedly chk streams07:27
pooliepoolie: spiv: we know now that 1.17 was broken07:27
spivpoolie: right07:28
vilahi all07:28
vilapoolie: you're speaking to yourself ? .... Often ?.... :P07:28
poolie:) i think i fell off irc07:30
pooliei wasn't sure if it got through07:30
pooliewhat's the cleanest way to test things sent to trace.warning?07:40
vilapoolie: nearly done with bug #430749, I still have one failure07:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430749 in bzr ""Failed to load compiled extensions" warning breaks the test suite" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43074907:41
vilapoolie: just in case you're on it07:41
pooliei'm nearly done with giving a nicer message and am just trying to work out how to test it07:41
pooliei'm also going out in about 40 mins07:42
poolieoh btw, i forgot to say yesterday07:42
vilaok, I think there is another for that07:42
pooliei appreciated all your bug tidying07:42
vilaok, I think there is another bug for that07:42
pooliethere is07:42
pooliebug 43052907:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430529 in bzr "missing extensions warning is unclear" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43052907:42
vilaok, so no problem, we'll review each other :)07:42
vilathe way I address mine doesn't depend on the message only on the config variable07:43
pooliethis is kind of annoying07:44
vilaand last one fixed, running a full test suite to check07:44
poolieit's a stupid thing to get stuck on07:44
pooliethe testing i mean07:44
viladon't feel stupid, IME writing the first test of a new kind is always hard, far far harder than the code07:45
pooliethe thing is it's not the first07:45
poolieit's just that trace really needs some cleaning up07:45
poolieat least now we can do it with less fear of compatibility07:45
vilaworth spendng some time on it isn't it ? :D07:46
vilapoolie: so what is it you're wanting to test exactly ? The text itself ? (Coincidentally I have test_config.py under my eyes, there is an assertWarning(warning)  there07:54
poolievila, the text, and it's no longer a python warning07:54
pooliei might pull at the cruft in a separate branch07:54
vilaooh, it was a *python* warning, sorry I missed that07:57
pooliei'll pull out some uncontroversial stuff from trace.py and send mail about the rest07:59
pooliein short it's a question of whether we should still be using python logging07:59
poolieit's a bit conflicted with our ui factory stuff07:59
poolieit takes a little while to load07:59
poolieand it makes things a bit more complex to test07:59
bialixbonjour vila, good evening poolie08:26
vilahello bialix08:27
vilapoolie: my vote is to unify under the ui banner08:27
vilapoolie: but I still have to read your mail :)08:27
naokicommiting to stacked branch with bzr-2.0rc2 is OK on Ubuntu but failed on WinXP08:32
spivnaoki: that sounds bad, please file a bug.08:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431223 in bzr "bzr2.0rc2 fails commiting to stacked branch on WinXP" [Undecided,New]08:37
spivnaoki: Hmm.  Sounds like bug 375013, but I don't know why you'd get different behaviour on Ubuntu vs. WinXP for that.08:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375013 in bzr "lightweight checkout commit to a stacked branch does not work" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37501308:39
spivnaoki: perhaps on Ubuntu you aren't using a lightweight checkout of the branch?08:40
spivnaoki: also, what version of bzr are you using on Ubuntu?08:41
rojanuI am trying to connect to a server through proxy on Windows;  I have set http_proxy=http://my.proxy.server.com09:18
rojanueven tried to configure authentication.conf to no avail, any ideas?09:19
vilarojanu: try adding '-Dhttp' and look at your '.bzr.log' for clues09:19
rojanuvila: where do I find the log?09:21
vila'bzr version' will tell you09:22
rojanuOk.  log has some traceback info and msg printed to stdout "bzr: ERROR: Connection error: failed to connect to bzr.bugzilla.org:4155: Operation timed out"09:25
vilaDid you specify '-Dhttp' in your command ?09:26
vilaErr, wait, you're connecting with a bzr+http:// url ?09:26
rojanuhere is my command "bzr -Dhttp co bzr://bzr.bugzilla.org/selenium/3.4"09:28
vilarojanu: http is not involved here09:29
naoki_spiv: I used bzr-2.0rc2 on Jaunty x8609:33
naoki_spiv: And I didn't use lightweight checkout on both.09:33
naoki_I did use only stacked branch that stacked on standalone branch.09:34
vilarojanu: I meant, I don't know what proxy you're using but I'm not sure it will know how to transparently proxy the bzr protocol...09:35
rojanuvila: I don't know what proxy it is apart from the server address.  In browsers, we have pac files specified!!!09:37
vilarojanu: browsers speak http, bzr can speak http too with http servers, here you're trying to speak to a bzr server in the bzr protocol09:38
vilarojanu: does bugzilla offers http access for that branch ? At a different address ?09:38
vilarojanu: you may want to contact *them* to know that09:39
rojanuvila:  I will contact bugzilla to get a http address, Thanks09:41
vilarojanu: the alternative is to contact your admins to allow direct connection to  bzr.bugzilla.org:415509:42
spivnaoki_: thanks!  I'm still mystified, but I've updated the bug.10:00
lifeless"bzr: ERROR: Attempt to escape test isolation: 'file:///home/robertc/source/baz/pending/working/bzrlib/version.pyc/' ['/tmp/testbzr-laC87z.tmp/10:01
vilalifeless: why grrr? Aren't you happy to catch one more ? :D10:02
lifelessvila: this is 'bzr version looks for a bzr source tree'10:02
vilahaaa, GRRRRR instead10:03
vilaindeed I mean10:03
lifelessvila: test root could be in ., and . is in the source tree, so permitting that means permitting all access within the source tree.10:03
lifelessthus grr :P10:03
vilalifeless: so that one test should be put in its own test class :)10:09
lifelessvila: there are many such.10:09
lifeless400 tests to go10:10
vilawow, 400 good reasons to escape ?10:10
vilaMy remark was only for valid escape cases10:10
lifelessI have a list of 500 failing tests10:11
lifelessI've worked through finding causes the first 100 [and fixed]10:11
lifelessso there might be only 2 left to go. I don't know :)10:11
lifeless1;2c/win 2010:13
lifelessvila: I know that you mean only valid cases, but when we open it up, that test can then misbehave, and we won't know10:14
vilawe don't know *today*, so better guard most of them, the 'bzr version' one, if I remember correctly, requires access to the source tree and can't even pass if run from an installed version10:16
lifelessit should work when installed.10:16
vilaby skipping ?10:17
vilaor by conditional assertions ?10:18
vilalifeless: if you could review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/430749-no-extensions-warning/+merge/11951 ,10:19
vilaI'll be able to put some green on the botnet which is currently full red :-/10:19
vilakind of small-red-button but also related to your reflexions about config-in-home-dir accesses :)10:21
lifelessvila: conditionals10:21
lifelessdo you see a double header on that page?10:21
vilahoo, yes10:21
vilaone with branches, one with branch10:21
lifelessthumper: ^10:22
lifelessvila: reviewed10:28
vilalifeless: bug #431133 ;-P Welcome to my world :D10:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431133 in bzr "blackbox.test_too_much.TestCommands.test_main_version in a checkout of bzr does network I/O" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43113310:28
vilalifeless: thanks ! Is that a tweak ?10:29
lifelessvila: yes10:32
vilalifeless: all impacted tests are based on TestCaseWithTransport and all use run_bzr_subprocess,  are you sure you want TestCase ?10:32
lifelessvila: TCWT is fine10:33
lifelessthe ExternalBase change is a no-op, you realise?10:33
vilanot sure what you mean by that, I delete all uses of ExternalBase because I find the class useless10:34
vilaand misleading10:35
pygihi folks10:35
lifelessvila: ah10:36
lifelessvila: see my proposal for new test dirs?10:37
vilaI don't think so10:37
lifelesschecl the list mail10:37
=== thumper__ is now known as _thumper_
lifeless_thumper_: hi10:38
_thumper_lifeless: hi10:38
lifeless_thumper_: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/430749-no-extensions-warning/+merge/1195110:38
_thumper_lifeless: what's that?10:39
lifelessdo you see two headers there? Is that know/desired/a bug I should file?10:39
_thumper_lifeless: I'm on windows :-|10:39
_thumper_yes I know the two headers10:39
_thumper_it is fixed in a branch I have in review10:39
lifeless_thumper_: you poor thing.10:39
_thumper_for 3.010:39
_thumper_there were many heading issues with the new 3.0 work10:39
lifelesswhatever possessed you to do that?10:39
_thumper_I'm trying to get bzr working on windows10:39
_thumper_there are three different bzr standalone installers10:40
_thumper_what is the difference between them?10:40
_thumper_also, once I have them10:40
_thumper_what do I need to talk to LP from a windows laptop?10:40
_thumper_I need a local ssh key I guess10:40
_thumper_are there docs on the bzr wiki on how to get this set up?10:40
lifelessunder windows10:40
lifelessthe first link10:40
_thumper_I've got the 2.0rc2 from LP10:41
_thumper_not the 1.18.1 one10:41
lifelesstheres a link to docs too10:41
lifelesswhich explains the differences10:41
* _thumper_ looks again10:41
lifelessyes, just need your ssh key; use pagent or putty or something like that10:41
_thumper_lifeless: the download page isn't that helpful10:42
_thumper_it doesn't mention the 2.0rc2 for windows10:42
_thumper_nor the different stand alone installers10:42
lifeless_thumper_: uhm10:43
vilalifeless: amen for killing blackbox tests10:43
_thumper_http://bazaar-vcs.org/WindowsDownloads has a wrong wildcard at the top10:43
lifeless_thumper_: taking those point by point; the page is tuned for end users; end users shouldn't be using 2.0rc2.10:43
_thumper_ bzr-2.0rc2-3-setup.exe,  bzr-2.0rc2-2-setup.exe,  bzr-2.0rc2-1-setup.exe - what's the difference?10:44
lifelesssecondly, for end users the first link, the one that says default, is the right one10:44
lifelesswhere are you getting those links? Cause I have no idea.10:44
lifelessI would guess at build number10:44
_thumper_I'm downloading the 1.18.1 standalone installer now10:45
lifelessjam: https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+download - are the -1- and -2- installers obsolete? if so lets delete em.10:46
lifelessjam: I would, but I'm not sure I can undelete on lp if I'm wrong:)10:46
_thumper_the windows downloads instructions doesn't say anything about "getting the default"10:46
* _thumper_ is being somewhat pedantic10:46
lifeless_thumper_: s/pedantic/annoying/10:46
lifeless_thumper_: where are you looking precisely please10:46
lifelessbecause on here10:46
lifelessI see a link that folk will just follow and will just work.10:47
_thumper_I followed the instructions link10:47
_thumper_on the Download page10:47
_thumper_people like instructions10:47
_thumper_the instructions it takes you to contradict those on the earlier page10:47
lifelesswell the WindowsDownload page says 'most recent bzr-setup-*.exe'10:47
_thumper_but that wildcard doesn't match10:48
lifelesswhich modulo the aforementioned question about what the -N- bit is10:48
lifelessright, so it should be fixed ;)10:48
_thumper_bzr-*-setup.exe is right10:48
lifelessI think so10:48
* _thumper_ ran the standalone installer10:49
_thumper_where is the effective .bazaar directory on windows?10:49
_thumper_for the locations.conf et al?10:49
lifelessbzr --version10:49
lifelessrun it10:49
_thumper_I did10:50
lifelessit should have told you10:50
_thumper_ha, didn't read that bit :)10:50
lifelessnaoki: your bug is a duplicate of the one that the error tells you about10:59
lifelessnaoki: you need a regular branch or checkout, pushing to or bound to respectively, to add data to a stacked branch.10:59
ngnpI have the same (local) repo as Related branches: push, parent and submit ... what have I done wrong11:00
naokihmm, the error message tells me "Cannot commit from a lightweight checkout to a stacked branch.".11:01
naokiI didn't use a lightweight checkout.11:01
lifelessnaoki: yes. there is more detail in the bug report it references11:01
lifelessnaoki: a stacked branch where there is an in-place tree is equivalent11:02
naokiI see.11:02
lifelessngnp: I don't know that you've done anything wrong. what would you like bzr to do differently?11:02
naokiOK. I mark my bug as duplicate.11:02
lifelessnaoki: I've done that;)11:02
lifelessnaoki: I was catching you here to explain11:03
lifelesswe'd like to make it work but its really not trivial11:03
ngnplifeless: I somehow did not expected these three ... just a push and parent? The weird this is that when committing the parent is sync immediately ... that's not what I wanted :(11:04
lifelessngnp: do you mean repo or branch when you say they are the same?11:05
ngnplifeless: I'm working on ~htdocs/mdc and when committing there my ~/Documents/bzr/mdc is updated too. I want to control _when_ that happens :(11:06
lifelessngnp: which of those two did you create first?11:06
lifelessngnp: and how did you create the second one?11:07
ngnpThe ~Documents version11:07
lifelessif you don't remember, just run 'bzr info' in ~htdocs/mdc and pastebin the result11:07
ngnpfirst then dunno ... I guess a pull11:07
lifelessI bet you did 'bzr checkout'11:08
lifelessbut the info will tell us11:08
ngnplifeless: http://pastebin.ca/156947811:09
lifelesssee this line:   checkout of branch: ...11:11
lifelessthat says 'when you commit, it will auto push to the ...'11:11
lifelessrun 'bzr unbind'11:11
lifelessand then you'll need to use 'bzr push' to do the push11:11
ngnplifeless: thanks :)11:12
lifelessvila: do you recall what bzrlib/tests/commands/ is for11:25
lifelessis that == the cli package I proposed?11:25
lifelessvila: it doesn't really seem to be, to me?11:25
vilanot cli, quite the complement in fact11:26
vila..bad word :-/11:26
lifelessits not clear to me how the tests there differ from other ones in blackbox, other than that they create the command object directly.11:27
lifelessseparately, InstrumentedTransport - that would be better as a decorator I think.11:28
lifelessHookedTransportDecorator, decorate any transport you want?11:28
vilawait a minute11:29
vilapaging context in11:29
lifelessI ask, because the convolutions it goes through look to be precisely what chroot+ readonly+ etc all do already11:30
lifelessand if it was setup like that it wouldn't be failing with isolation errors11:30
lifelessBzrError: Attempt to escape test isolation: 'hooked://foo@localhost:37295/tmp/testbzr-VVo9LS.tmp/bzrlib.tests.commands.test_branch.TestBranch.test_branch_local_remote/work/' ['/tmp/testbzr-VVo9LS.tmp/', 'file:///tmp/testbzr-VVo9LS.tmp/', '/tmp/testbzr-VVo9LS.tmp/bzrlib.tests.commands.test_branch.TestBranch.test_branch_local_remote/', 'file:///tmp/testbzr-VVo9LS.tmp/bzrlib.tests.commands.test_branch.TestBranch.test_branch_local_remote/', '11:30
vilaSo commands/__init__ says: Test the internal behaviour of the commands (the blackbox tests are intended to11:31
vilatest the usage of the commands).11:31
lifelesswell, blackbox tests internal behaviour for something like 90% of the tests in blackbox today ;)11:31
lifelessI'm not objecting to the commands test package11:32
lifelessjust it was a bit of a spike you did,11:32
lifelessand its been left fallow since11:32
vilayeah, but nobody ever understood why it was named like that and even I am not sure :-/11:32
lifelessThe hooking stuff is spectacularly ugly though, and if I can get from you what you needed to achieve I'll do a separate branch to clean it up11:33
vilapff, it's quite old and I seem to remember that I needed to do that to minimize changes at that time11:33
lifelessvila: please think a bit about this11:34
lifelessfrom what I can see you wanted to hook into some behaviour11:34
vilamay be it was to work around a bug fixed since like redirections bringing back pycurl transports instead or urllib ones11:34
lifelessyou created a TransportHooks11:35
vilaso I had to keep a tighter control than what decorators provided11:35
lifelesswhich doesn't work for all transports11:35
lifelessvila: I propose the following:11:36
vilaIt's intended to be used for ConnectedTransport only11:36
lifeless - we make that transport hooks official and public for all transports.11:36
lifelessnon ConnectedTransports will simply never fire11:36
lifeless - we change the tests to just use SFTPTransport or FTPTransport directly11:36
vilaThat *sounds* good (i.e. that seem to address the initial aims whatever they were, while being cleaner)11:37
lifelessand finally, I'd be strongly inclined to consider these tests acceptance tests11:38
vilaLooking at the code also seem to imply I wasn't very good at parameterizing the tests at that time11:38
lifelessif you wanted to do this overnight, I wouldn't complain :)11:39
vilalifeless: don't count too much on it especially today, I need to finish early due to some light medical operation11:40
lifelessvila: ok11:41
vilalifeless: and that's really not today, tomorrow on the other hand... :-D SO maybe file a bug with the IRC discussion11:41
lifelessvila: bug filed11:51
lifelessvila: its kindof three bugs, I can file more specific ones when you run out of steam :)11:51
vilalifeless: it's ok11:52
* vila fiddling with buildbot to add the timing run11:52
vilalifeless: http://babune.ladeuil.net:26862/builders/timing-at-jaunty/builds/1/steps/Non-regression tests/logs/stdio/text12:02
vilathat one is still in progress but the next should run on a "quiet" host (or I'll tune the scheduler) and with incremented numbers (after the /builds/ part)12:03
vilalifeless: that way the archival is handled by buildbot and you can peek whatever suits your needs :)12:05
vilaThe format is correct ?12:05
lifelessno idea12:06
vilalifeless: on the other hand, we may want to integrate whatever processing you want in the botnet itself, that sounds quite its job after all12:07
vilano urgency, just a thought12:07
lifelesssomething is adding noise to it12:07
lifelesswget -O- 'http://babune.ladeuil.net:26862/builders/timing-at-jaunty/builds/1/steps/Non-regression%20tests/logs/stdio/text' | subunit2gtk12:08
vilaprobably because you get both stout and stderr ?12:08
lifelesscan you squelch stderr then ?12:09
vilawell, I'll try at least :)12:09
lifelessso the processing desired is 'analyse stuff'12:09
lifelesswhich could be the subunit-ls --times I posted to the list12:10
lifelessor 'how long are repo tests taking' etc12:10
vilaprogress: 012:10
vilatime: 2009-09-17 11:10:20.952940Z12:10
vilaprogram finished with exit code 012:10
vilathat 2>/dev/null is quite a booster :D12:11
lifelessRan 465 tests in 206.470s12:11
lifelessFAILED (errors=1, known_failure_count=18)12:11
lifelessnearly there12:11
lifelessmore servers not supporting get_url :(12:11
vilaprobably interpreted as a test name12:11
vilathere shouldn't be much left.. which ones ?12:12
zyga-workI have a question about https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/7156312:14
zyga-workhow to use bzr join correctly12:14
zyga-workdoes bzr, today, support nested trees in a way that allows one to have a branch that contains other branches12:15
zyga-workand the inner branch can be still managed as a separate branch12:17
james_wzyga-work: only at an experimental level12:20
zyga-workgreat, do I need .dev tree or will 1.18 suffice?12:20
james_wI don't think there have been any changes in that area12:21
lifelessits not enabled for any supported repository format12:21
zyga-workif you could walk me thru using it to, say consolidate a "workspace" branch that contains "libfoo", "libbar" and "program" I could update the wiki in return12:21
lifelesszyga-work: ^12:21
lifelessvila: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/test-speed - shiny shininess12:55
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-dejeuner
lifelessoh bah13:04
vilalifeless: was grabbing some food13:04
vilalifeless: can't find a simple way to get a clean stdout :-/13:07
lifelessok, branch is actually pushed now13:08
vilalifeless: hmm, indeed, totally different beast :)13:11
lifelessso for --subunit13:13
lifelesshow about13:13
lifelessselftest | tee subunit.log | subunit2pyunit13:13
vilalifeless: the problem seems to be that the redirections can't be handled...13:14
vilawow, the addition to start_server seems hackish, I'll have to test that against my local_test_server plugin asap13:16
lifelesswhat builder are you using?13:16
vilaI created a new one (not committed yet if you're looking at the public branch013:16
lifelessvila: paste the relevant bit of the config here?13:21
lifelesspresumably only a couple of lines...13:21
lifelessvila: start_server is hacky to the extent that tests depend on a directory *two levels up* from where they start to isolate them from the file system13:23
vilalifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/272782/13:23
lifelessif you imagine (and its not where I'm going - wt wants real disk, reasonably so), that everything was in a memory file system, we'd need to change our server start locations and so forth to provide those two extra directories.13:24
vilalifeless: hmm, you mean xxx/work ?13:24
lifelessso, you can argue that perhaps I should do that work first :)13:25
lifelessbut I think there is a chicken and egg effect13:25
vilaIt will be clearer if that '../..' was obtained by a relpath calculation13:25
lifelesscan't do that13:25
lifelessone url will be (say) sftp://, the other is file://13:25
lifelessvila: try13:26
vilabut that's exactly where I have a problem (or rather not me but well), we have a relation between the server root and the test working dir13:26
lifelesscommand = 'python ./bzr selftest --subunit 2>/dev/null'13:26
vilaOSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory13:29
vilaUpon execvpe python ./bzr selftest --subunit 2>/dev/null ['python ./bzr selftest --subunit 2>/dev/null'] in environment id 4867699213:30
lifelessmake a tiny little shell script13:30
lifelessput it on the slave.13:30
lifelessrun that13:30
vilaexactly what I wanted to avoid :-/13:30
=== mrevell-dejeuner is now known as mrevell
vilabut well, certainly the easiest in the mean time13:30
vilalifeless: I'm tracking --usepty which is used at slave start and tie stdout and stderr, that may be a viable alternative13:32
lifelessvila: whatever is easiest13:43
viladone, try with 13 as number in the prvious url13:46
vilarats, wait, I changed a part of the path13:47
vilalifeless: by the way, I went with the shell route, one more dependency but that's not a concern here13:52
vilalifeless: and the schedule is 11PM my time i.e. 9 hours from now13:54
vilaapprox your breakfast no ? :D13:54
lifelesswget -O- 'http://babune.ladeuil.net:26862/builders/timing-at-jaunty/builds/13/steps/Timing%20tests/logs/stdio/text' | subunit-ls --times | sort -n -k2 -r | head -n 2014:19
=== psynaptic is now known as psynaptic_afk
lifelessvila: just confirming - thats not using --parallel14:23
vilalifeless: my god no ! :D14:24
lifelesscool, thanks14:24
lifelessbzrlib.tests.test_source.TestSource.test_no_asserts 24.87414:24
lifelessbzrlib.tests.blackbox.test_breakin.TestBreakin.test_breakin 10.46014:24
lifelessbzrlib.tests.test_hashcache.TestHashCache.test_hashcache_load 5.01414:24
lifelessits working - great14:24
lifelessnow, we just need a better QL for subunit14:24
vilacommitted and publish on lp, patches welcome the script name time-selftest.sh14:25
lifelessbut I'm really really wiped, still sick & I meant to be in bed hours ago :(14:25
* lifeless goes14:25
vilalifeless: and don't take the actual timings are accurate ! Lots of things happending here (catching up the no extensions failures)14:25
vilalifeless: sleep well !14:26
=== psynaptic_afk is now known as psynaptic
=== mario__ is now known as pygi
loshi guys. Is there anything like: bzr diff --old XXX --new YYY --annotated ?15:42
losI was looking for something that would show the diff annotated with info from YYY15:42
awilkinsbzr annotate YYY -r old-revision   ?15:44
awilkinsOh wait15:44
awilkinsProbably want the new revision number15:44
awilkinslos: qannotate is pretty good :-)15:45
losawilkins, checking...15:45
losawilkins, sorry for delay.16:35
losawilkins, I need it text based and basically what I want is: diff between the two trees + annotation on diff with data from more recent tree16:35
losawilkins, any thoughts?16:41
awilkinslos: What's the metadata you want in the annotation?16:51
losawilkins, committer would be enough, revno is optional16:52
awilkinslos: You may have to implement that if you want it ; it supports diff between arbitrary revisions but it doesn't have the --annotate option and I can't think of a simple way of doing it16:53
awilkinsBut I'm not totally conversant with the innards16:53
losawilkins, yes, that's what I was suspecting as well.16:54
losawilkins, I was referring to the fact that I may need to implement it myself... :)16:55
awilkinslos: At least it won't be as hard as it would be for git (although I bet git already has it)16:55
awilkins(and that's where your usage example is from)16:55
losawilkins, I was not aware of that.16:56
awilkinslos: I don't know if git has it, TBH, I don't use git a lot16:57
awilkinslos: But if you review the implementation of annotate and diff I'm sure it's not hard to concoct it16:57
awilkinsRight, train time16:58
losawilkins, thx16:58
senderis there a way to ignore everything in /sites/default, except for /sites/default/files/showcase, without spelling out out all other directories?17:11
senderRE:(?!sites/default/files/showcase/*).* works but ignores too much, e.g. a new file in root17:11
senderRE:(?!sites/default/files/showcase/*).sites/default/**/* gives an python error ...17:12
kothogI am curious: I am looking for a way to mirror a remote bzr repository locally--like a git clone, or a hg clone, or svnsync. Is there a way to do this with bzr? I don't need a working copy: just a copy of the remote bzr repository data.17:22
kothog(I know I can pull a remote branch locally..  but does that get history and all other branches of the project, too?)17:23
beunokothog, not at the moment, no17:25
kothogsad kothog.17:26
kothoganything experimental developers want a test monkey for?17:26
beunokothog, I know there's a plugin called multi pull17:29
beunothat may do something similar17:29
kothogk..!   thanks beuno, appreciate your time and answers. :)17:29
maxbDoes anyone know why cvsps-import chooses to represent CVS tags as bzr branches?17:36
phinzei'm continually getting Contents conflict in features/support/env.rb when i merge from trunk to project branch... i keep doing cp features/support/env.rb.OTHER features/support/env.rb; bzr resolve; but then next merge with a change for that file says it again17:55
phinzewhat am i doing wrong here?17:55
phinzemaxb: i would imagine that's because CVS's concept of a tag is really closer to a bzr branch than what bzr calls a tag17:57
phinzein bzr a tag is really more of a "revision nickname"17:57
phinzewhereas in cvs tag is really just a convention -- a branch you never write to that you call a "tag"17:57
maxbThat is not really true17:58
maxbA CVS tag is a nickname for a tree-state17:58
phinze(i was assuming svn maps back to cvs in that way... entirely possible i was wrong) :)17:58
maxbIn most cases one would hope and expect that the tree-state referred to a single point in time, i.e. a revision17:58
maxbIt is, however, true that a CVS tag can indicate a horrendous mishmash which corresponds to no true single revision17:59
phinzeah, so it is like svn in that way, where each file can be at a different revision17:59
phinzecan't speak for its devs, but i imagine that the cvs import was just taking the safe route? :)18:00
phinzeso in CVS you cannot "commit" to a tag location?18:01
phinzebecause you could do that in SVN18:01
phinzeokay getting somewhere: "(Bazaar currently relies18:05
phinzeof content analysis to detect binary files for commands like ``diff``.18:05
phinzeIn the future, a ``binary = true`` rule may be added but it is not18:05
phinzesupported yet.)18:05
phinzenow to find the nature of that content analysis that is deciding my config file is binary18:06
phinzeso if a NUL byte occurs in the first 1024 bytes18:07
phinzethen bzr decided the file is binary18:07
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awmcclainWe're getting this error when trying to buld 1.18 from source and 2.0 from easy_install: Cannot build extension "bzrlib._annotator_pyx".18:27
awmcclainUse "build_ext --allow-python-fallback" to use slower python implementations instead.18:27
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=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
kfogelAnyone know why I'm getting this, having just upgraded to latest trunk bzr?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/273029/19:59
pwolaninanyone able to explain how bzr merging/tracking works in terms of different branches and history?  I'm trying to understand what the best workflow would be for a set of inter-related branches20:00
vilakfogel: because you didn't run 'make' in your source directory20:01
kfogelvila: ah, thanks.  'python setup.py build' used to do it; I guess not anymore?20:01
vilabuild_ext you mean ?20:02
kfogelvila: that fixed it20:02
kfogelvila: I used to just do "python setup.py build" and get a trunk bzr that didn't give any warnings, and did use the C extensions.20:02
kfogelvila: apparently, that's no longer sufficient, and I should run "make" instead.20:02
vilakfogel: I never use build myself, always make, may be worth filing a bug20:02
kfogelabentley: is it a bug that "python setup.py make" no longer seems to build bzr with C extensions, and "make" must be used instead, or was the old behavior just a coincidence and "make" is the Official Way?20:03
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as Edwin-afk
=== Edwin-afk is now known as EdwinGrubbs
abentleykfogel: No, it was "python setup.py build".20:05
squeHello I am trying to setup a multi-user server and I have really bad times with file permissions... I followed guides from here20:19
squeespecially i the part tha says "Setting permissions"20:19
squeHowever.. the experiment failed. I created a folder named /bzr with 02770 permissions owned by root/bzr20:20
squebut when I create a repository inside this folder it is created with those permissions: http://pastebin.com/d2a0c903d and commit from a non-root fails as it cannot write inside .bzr/branch/lock20:21
squecan anyone advise me on what to do with file permissions?20:25
kenichi_if you have a branch with no working-tree, how bad is it to create a branch of that branch, *under* the parent?20:58
zsquarepluscsque: don't you need write permissions for the group on the folder? it can't create the lock file otherwise21:01
phinzekenichi_: i have no idea, but that's a hilarious question ;)21:02
kenichi_ha, thanks.  i can't think of anything *technically* wrong with it...21:04
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
doctormoAdvice please, how easy is it to tie into bzrlib to do a checkout while keeping gtk mainloops from freezing?21:15
senderanyone the best way to resolve a "bzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('...')is not compatible withRemoteRepository('...')different rich-root support" error? I'm surprised as this comes up while pulling from the original repo...21:19
squezsquareplusc: Either I am an idiot or this bzr is NON user-friendly at all21:28
LarstiQsque: use posix acls21:29
Takdon't you need to set the default umask as well?21:30
squeLarstiQ: I am trying very hard!21:30
squeWhat I have till now for the best practise is to create a group (I named it "bzr") and add all potential users of repository in it21:30
squeThen i created a folder with 02770 permissions where it is my shared repository21:31
LarstiQsque: don't use plain old unix permissions21:31
squeyou mean ACL?21:31
LarstiQsetfacl -m group:developer:rwx /bzr21:31
LarstiQsetfacl -m default:group:developer:rwx /bzr21:31
LarstiQsque: the default: will cause newly created directories to inherit the right permissions21:32
squethis is the best way?21:32
LarstiQsque: plain unix permissions can not express that wish21:32
LarstiQsque: yes21:32
kfogelabentley: sorry, that's what I meant (typo in IRC, not on the commandline)21:32
spirov92hi, I'm kinda confused. I made some changes in one branch, commited, then tried to push it on another branch over sftp, but the actual files are not modified. any ideas why?21:32
doctormoForget my last question, I'm stealing from bzr-gtk instead21:32
squeLarstiQ: I know and that's why I am banging my head at the wall. Didn't thought to use ACLs. To tell you the truth I only know that it exists never used before, but I am asap to read more about it.21:33
LarstiQsque: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/50568/comments/921:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 50568 in bzr "'bzr push' does not preserve sgid bit on newly created directories" [Medium,Confirmed]21:33
LarstiQsque: they're very handy :)21:33
abentleykfogel: In revno 4640, "setup.py build" does build extensions.  I haven't got a more recent bzr due to bug 43073821:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430738 in bzr "Upgrade fails with NoSuchId in _iter_file_id_parents in add_inventory_by_delta" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43073821:35
spirov92when I make changes in one branch and bzr push from that branch to another, the changes should be copied to the other one, right?21:35
spirov92anyone willing to help a n00b?21:40
LarstiQspirov92: yes, the changes will then be in the other branch21:40
spirov92but the actual files should be copied too? I don't see the actual files being modified21:41
Takspirov92: pushing over sftp?21:42
LarstiQspirov92: if the other branch has a working tree, you will need to run `bzr update` for it to update the workingtree21:42
LarstiQspirov92: but are you sure you need a working tree on it?21:42
LarstiQspirov92: all bzr needs is in .bzr/21:42
spirov92yep, I need a working tree, since the sftp branch is a website21:46
spirov92um...the server doesn't have bzr installed. how do I update the tree over sftp?21:47
LarstiQspirov92: I recommend you use the bzr-upload plugin instead to do deployment21:48
spirov92hmm...where do I actually get the upload plugin? can't find it in any openSUSE packages :(22:01
LarstiQspirov92: lp:bzr-upload22:01
LarstiQspirov92: so, `bzr branch lp:bzr-upload ~/.bazaar/plugins/upload`22:01
spirov92thanks :)22:02
* LarstiQ heads to bed22:02
spirov92yay, I now have the plugin :)22:03
LarstiQspirov92: see `bzr help upload` and or the README for instructions22:03
spirov92hmmm....if I just copy the entire working tree and .bzr folder to another machine, it will still work, right?22:05
squeLarstiQ: Ty very much it worked perfectly with ACL :)22:37
zsquareplusci'm using bzr cvsps-import and its creating thousands of notifications (bzr-notify). can i do something to clear the queue of notifications?23:05
lifelessoh heh23:06
lifelesskill the bzr-gtk process :)23:06
thumperwhy does windows suck so much23:06
thumperI got bzr working very easily23:07
thumpergetting it to push over bzr+ssh to another machine still doesn't work23:07
lifelessis the other machine running a ssh daemon?23:07
thumperI think there is some firewall thing somewhere that is blocking port 2223:07
lifelessare you @ home?23:07
lifelessthere is a firewall in windows, configure it via control panel23:08
thumperlifeless: I talk from my laptop to the desktop from home and away using linux23:08
thumperlifeless: I was in windows on the same laptop failing last night23:08
lifelesssee the control panel then :)23:09
lifelesswhy the need for windows though?23:09
thumperthere is also norton internet security23:09
thumperlifeless: to iron out the instructions for 3 other people I'm trying to teach bzr23:09
lifelessbrave man23:09
zsquareplusclifeless: i don't see a bzr-gtk process but there is a bzr-notify which i killed now, but notifications keep displaying. there is a queue somewhere :/23:23
lifelessvila: urgle, you left in imports of config, after tweaking to not use it!23:23
lifelesszsquareplusc: well, if you killed off the dbus reflector it will have spawned again23:24
zsquareplusclifeless: hm, i don't know what that is. killing bzr-notify worked and it did not restart23:25
lifelesszsquareplusc: ok23:25
zsquareplusclifeless: it's not much of a problem. i'd just wish bzr cvsps-import would not create notifications for each changeset it's converting :p23:27
=== Pilky_ is now known as Pilky
zsquarepluscsorry to interrupt, poolie and/or lifeless, maybe one of you or someone with good bzr knowledge should probably check the instructions on sourceforge. i had problems understanding if they support multiple branches per project. maybe it's just me who did not understand but i think they should have a good description so that project admins feel confident to choose bzr over the other VCS they...23:57
zsquareplusc...also offer.23:57
zsquarepluscthat would be this page here: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sourceforge/wiki/Bazaar23:57
zsquarepluscoh and they really do support multiple branches :-)23:58

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