
ace_suares1LaserJock: oh oh00:24
ace_suares1so the build failed ?00:24
AhmuckLaserJock: seen the e-mail ?00:44
Ahmuckpeople want edu software admin/classroom side00:45
AhmuckLaserJock: :-o , to large to fit on a DVD?!00:45
* Ahmuck wondered about that myself00:45
Ahmuck_LaserJock: you have any MOTU on board edubuntu that can do packaging for edubuntu?01:36
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Ahmuck-Srhttp://ichi2.net/anki/ - has a *.deb but would be nice to have it included.  not sure if the deb is MOTU approved01:42
LaserJockace_suares1: the build succeeded but the .iso is to big to burn02:30
LaserJockace_suares1: you can use it in a VM though02:31
ace_suares1cool i'll try yesterday zsync segfaulted!02:31
LaserJockAhmuck-Sr: stgraber and myself are the only MOTU/Core Devs for Edubuntu02:31
LaserJockAhmuck-Sr: we've wanted to return schooltool to Edubuntu for a long time02:31
Ahmuck-Srubuntu won't lend you a MOTU or two?02:32
Ahmuck-Srso ur a certified MOTU ?02:32
Ahmuck-SrLaserJock: ur certifiable?02:33
LaserJockAhmuck-Sr: heh, I've been a MOTU since 200502:35
LaserJockAhmuck-Sr: Ubuntu doesn't "own" MOTU so they can't lend them to us02:36
LaserJockMOTU are free to work on any package in Universe02:36
LaserJockand Core Devs are free to work (within reason) on any package in Main02:37
Ahmuck-Srso i take it your mentoring MOTUs now?02:38
LaserJockwell, I used to02:38
LaserJockI wrote the Ubuntu Packaging Guide long ago and did a lot of work to try to set up stuff for people to learn to become MOTUs02:39
LaserJockbut Edubuntu and my PhD kind of ended that work02:39
LaserJockthe problem is it takes roughly 6-12 months to "produce" a MOTU02:40
LaserJockso it's a huge investment with little initial gain02:41
LaserJockif we can get some existing developers to spend time in Edubuntu land we can get work done while investing in the future developer community02:42
LaserJockbut organizing existing developers takes a manager with time to devote to coordinating everything02:43
Ahmuck-Srwhy does it take 6-12 months to produce MOTU?02:44
Ahmuck-SrMOTU is just packaging, correct?02:44
Ahmuck-Srnot any chance of creating a packaging tool ?02:45
LaserJockpackaging is quite complicated02:46
LaserJockespecially in Debian-based systems02:46
Ahmuck-Sri use checkinstall for my personal system02:46
Ahmuck-Srit works well02:46
Ahmuck-Srso that's why i wondered about MOTU02:46
LaserJockI mean, it takes ~ 1000 Debian packagers + ~150 Ubuntu packagers to get Ubuntu out02:46
LaserJockwell, checkinstall is *very* rudimentary02:47
LaserJockit doesn't actually build a source package02:47
LaserJockit just fakes a .deb02:47
LaserJockwhich often can work for single add-on packages02:47
LaserJockbut would be a nightmare for building a distro on02:47
Ahmuck-Srso most DVDs are at least 8G02:48
Ahmuck-Srand the current is 4G02:49
Ahmuck-Srso it's ok?02:49
LaserJock4.2GB is the limit02:49
LaserJockwe're at 4.502:49
LaserJockand we *should* be < 2GB IMO02:49
Ahmuck-Srso ur back to two dvd's02:49
LaserJockthe problem is that we're doing everything twice02:49
LaserJockthere are two parts to a DVD02:50
LaserJockthe Live session02:50
LaserJockand the debian-installer .deb pool02:50
LaserJockso you can either do a graphical or text-based installation02:50
LaserJockthey way our DVD is set up now, everything is in both02:50
LaserJock*and* there's way more in the text-based side than we need02:51
LaserJocklike basically we have Ubuntu Server CD + Ubuntu Alternate CD + Ubuntu Desktop CD + Edubuntu Addon CD02:52
LaserJockplus all the language packs02:52
* Ahmuck-Sr is trying really hard not to get sucked into full edubuntu participation02:57
pleia2Ahmuck-Sr: why? you should :)02:57
Ahmuck-Srhi pleia202:57
Ahmuck-Srwell, it would mean commiting a big chunk of my time to study02:58
Ahmuck-Srjust to get from point a to b02:58
Ahmuck-Srand i'd have to dust off my C++ books, and then learn python, etc.02:58
LaserJockyou wouldn't need to learn much of that to begin with02:59
LaserJockwhen I started all I knew was ./configure && make && make install02:59
Ahmuck-Srwell, that's fairly simple02:59
Ahmuck-Sri can read and udnerstand it to some degree, but can't write worth anything02:59
LaserJocka lot of what we need are people to work *in* the bug tracker, not necessarily on the bugs themselves02:59
LaserJockyeah, reading and understanding is good03:00
LaserJockI rarely write patches myself03:00
LaserJockwe mostly need to communicate with Debian and upstreams about bugs03:00
LaserJockfind the bugs that are just packaging issues, fix those, and forward the rest on03:00
Ahmuck-Sri've worked with bug trackers before, however you need to assign bugs and if there is noone to assign to ...03:03
LaserJockhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~edubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs is where our bug list is03:04
LaserJock291 open and 264 not assigned03:04
Ahmuck-Srthe other issue, for example the atomix bug, posted on 2009013003:05
Ahmuck-Srno response.  could be tested easy enough in 8.10, then i would close it if it worked properly03:05
Ahmuck-Srhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/atomix/+bug/323195 - this is the url for edubuntu bugs in the topic03:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323195 in atomix "xutils-dev and atomix fail to install" [Undecided,Incomplete]03:06
Ahmuck-Srer, this one03:06
Ahmuck-Srnot sure what the "edge" is03:06
LaserJockoh, it's the same thing03:07
Ahmuck-Srhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/denemo/+bug/69829 - this one should be filed with denemo and then closed03:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 69829 in denemo "denemo does not react on mouse scrolling" [Wishlist,Incomplete]03:08
Ahmuck-Srhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/denemo/+bug/248354 - this one is a packaging request03:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248354 in denemo "Denemo version should be updated in Hardy too" [Undecided,New]03:09
Ahmuck-Srso what is the expiry date for a bug that is incomplete?  3 months, 6 months, ?03:10
Ahmuck-Srwrote on 2008-09-30:03:11
Ahmuck-Srhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/edubuntu-addon-meta/+bug/284502 - this one should be closed imho.  i suspect the poster has already corrected it.03:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284502 in edubuntu-addon-meta "i cant log into my system" [Undecided,New]03:12
LaserJockAhmuck-Sr: I gotta run for a bit03:13
Ahmuck-Sri'm building a some beta debs for my system03:14
LaserJockeither ask in #ubuntu-bugs (great place to ask these sorts of questions) or I'll answer when I get back03:14
zerothisI have a weird thing to do. boot without my internal HD plugged in, them mount it. possible?04:15
Ahmuck-Srzerothis: in ltsp ?04:32
Ahmuck-Srer, edubuntu04:32
zerothisIn terminal, I presume.   I booted without the HD plugged in. Then plugged it in (then was told this is bad:(  Is there a way to reset/refresh the PCI bus to trigger the recognition internal hard drive. or is this like nuking a gnat, since I only need the hard drive active?04:34
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LaserJockhighvoltage: around?20:45
LaserJockanybody out there testing the DVD?20:47
highvoltageLaserJock: yes I'm here20:49
highvoltageLaserJock: I've been testing the i386 DVD, busy syncing amd6420:49
highvoltageLaserJock: rsync says 10 hours remaining, but I think it will come down quite fast20:49
LaserJockhighvoltage: ok, can you head over to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/edubuntu/all and put your info in?20:49
LaserJockhighvoltage: are you rsyncing from i386?20:50
highvoltageLaserJock: the education stuff and edubuntut themes are on the live dvd and installs well20:50
highvoltageLaserJock: I just ran each program to see that they open fine and they do20:50
LaserJockhighvoltage: we have about 1 hr before the announcements go out20:50
highvoltageLaserJock: obviously there's no time for decent in-depth testing, but we knew from the start that this was going to be roughly a tight release20:50
LaserJockhighvoltage: for Alpha6 we just need to not have show-stoppers20:51
highvoltageLaserJock: yes I am, I copied the i386 and syncing20:51
highvoltageLaserJock: ok20:51
highvoltageLaserJock: actually, i386 is looking pretty damn good20:51
LaserJockit might take quite a while to sync from i38620:52
highvoltageLaserJock: there's no usplash on bootup, and there are some ugly error messages that are exposed but they seem benign, we might be able to fix that before release20:52
highvoltageLaserJock: some screenshots: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jonathan/files/screenshots/edubuntu/karmic-testing/i386/20:52
LaserJockI saw them20:52
LaserJockhighvoltage: no usplash or Ubuntu usplash?20:52
stgraberheya highvoltage and LaserJock20:52
stgraberusplash is broken on my regular Ubuntu too20:53
stgraberso probably not edubuntu specific20:53
LaserJockI thought they removed usplash20:53
LaserJockthe idea was to only show usplash for very long boot times20:53
LaserJockotherwise we're supposed to have short enough boot times that it's not needed20:54
highvoltageLaserJock: I get an ubuntu themed usplash on shutdown, but just text on startup20:55
highvoltageheya stgraber20:55
highvoltagestgraber: ah, good20:55
LaserJockyeah, I think it might be intentional20:55
highvoltageat least there's not showstoppers for the i386 so far... so...20:55
LaserJockhighvoltage: so go tell the ISO tracker :-)20:57
highvoltageLaserJock: the "Passed with no bugs" button20:57
highvoltageLaserJock: what bugs are they talking about?20:58
LaserJocktechnically if you find bugs you're supposed to report them20:58
LaserJockfor now I think passed with no bugs should work as we hav eyour email20:58
highvoltageLaserJock: i386 is marked. obviously it's not completely bug free :)20:58
highvoltageLaserJock: ok.20:59
highvoltagekarmic-dvd-amd64.iso 969693277  28%  167.01kB/s    4:02:1221:00
highvoltageI might even stay up for amd6421:00
highvoltagebut I'm not sure if I'll have it in time21:00
highvoltage(if cut-off time is indeed in an hour)21:00
stgraberhighvoltage: that's usually RC bugs, we won't add all of Ubuntu's bugs there21:00
stgraberthat's basically bugs during the installation process or caused by it21:00
stgraberI have some work to do on that website for a long long time but for some reason the code has become so ugly that I always find something else to do ;)21:01
LaserJockanybody else have the amd64 .iso?21:02
* stgraber doesn't21:02
LaserJockI have one at home but that doesn't help us now :(21:03
highvoltagestgraber: cool, then for all intents and purposes we have 0 rc bugs for i38621:05
highvoltagestgraber: don't you have like, super-fast 200mbit insternet or soemthing? :)21:06
LaserJockwell, I gotta get back to work21:09
LaserJockbut if anybody drops by with amd64 testing issue in the next hour please send them to the ISO tracker21:10
highvoltagehi Michelle_Qimo21:32
highvoltage40%, seems like amd64 won't be here in time :/21:46
Ahmuck_Srany idea if 64 would run in a vm ontop of a 32 bit os ?22:11
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LaserJockso we got 1 .iso out for alpha 6 anyway, \o/23:53

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