
nixternalRiddelll: where exactly is the ksplashx stuff you did for kdm?00:03
nixternalnevermind, found it00:06
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
ScottKIs there anything we can do about the PCM problem metioned here: http://www.thedallemagnes.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=246&Itemid=100:56
* ScottK has run into it before too.00:56
* ScottK bets apachelogger knows how to solve it.00:56
crimsunin the short term, yes00:57
ScottKcrimsun: What should we do?  I'll take short term.00:57
crimsuni can land a test build of alsa-utils in the ubuntu-audio-dev that specifically initializes certain codecs' PCM to 77%00:58
crimsunthis is a pretty massive change, though, since it pretty much removes udev's invoking alsa-utils start00:58
ScottKI see.00:58
crimsuni'll try to get it together before atlanta linuxfest this saturday00:59
ScottKWhat's the small words for someone who isn't into audio explanation?00:59
ScottKI'm gathering there's a reason we might not want to change this?00:59
* Tonio_ searches for a way to have kdesudo running with root HOME but with the user fonts settings and theme...01:05
Tonio_it's so ugly right now...01:05
ScottKNetbook makes an even better flashlight than the cel phone.01:05
Tonio_Riddell: do you know of a way to eventually set the fonts and theme on the fly, within env of any other way, and without changing the $HOME ?01:06
Tonio_ScottK: kdebluetooth available on my ppa01:07
Tonio_ScottK: no bluetooth device here to test (not even a phone...)01:07
ScottKI've at least got that.01:08
Tonio_ScottK: file transfert test woulds be nice01:08
* ScottK was planning on ISO testing tonight.01:08
ScottKWe'll see what I get to.01:08
Tonio_and hopefully kblueplug could be remove.... those are the 2 tests I'd like to see01:08
Tonio_ScottK: hum it'll need a setting in kds and kblueplug fixed cause the binary name changed...01:11
Tonio_appart from that, it seems to have made some progress looking from the UI01:11
ScottKIt's unlikely to have gotten more broken.01:11
Tonio_ScottK: :)01:11
Tonio_ScottK: I'm fixing kblueplug right now01:11
Tonio_and I'll update kds01:12
ScottKYeah, but don't upload to the archive now ...01:13
Tonio_no of course01:13
Tonio_ScottK: should we activate the obex server by default ?01:14
Tonio_I tend to say yes01:14
ScottKWhat would that affect?01:14
* ScottK knows about zip about bluetooth01:14
Tonio_ScottK: hum bah you can receive files01:14
ScottKAh.  Receiving sounds good01:14
Tonio_ScottK: but then it asks which folder should be used at first startup01:15
Tonio_ScottK: which from a livecd perspective is bad :)01:15
Tonio_then we can eventually set a default folder01:15
Tonio_ScottK: how to do so in a rc file with xdg dirs ?01:15
ScottKIs there some cdg thing we could use?01:16
Tonio_ScottK: or we set home by default, which sucks01:16
Tonio_ScottK: or we patch :)01:16
Tonio_ScottK: the easiest : no obex service01:17
ScottKFor now, yes01:17
Tonio_the best, Documents as default directory01:17
Tonio_of Downloads01:17
Tonio_but I don't know how to play with xdg dirs from within a rc file... only envs can match I guess01:17
ScottKAsking is bad.01:17
Tonio_well it makes sense to ask when activating the service01:18
Tonio_and it makes sense to start the service by default01:19
Tonio_but asking by default is bad :)01:19
crimsunScottK: "alsactl store is being called twice during the shutdown sequence, so the zeroed level gets stored on reboot/shutdown and restored on boot"01:19
crimsunScottK: unfortunately, without converting the entire initscript to upstart semantics, there's no straightforward way to resolve it01:20
crimsunScottK: however, even converting the initscript to upstart semantics won't fix the real issue, which is that the initscript blindly pushes these mixer settings on every audio card. the long-term solution is to populate the alsa-utils init database with specific SSIDs that require mixer level quirks.01:22
crimsunScottK: hopefully that's a bit more verbose and understandable.01:22
ScottKSo how long is 'long term'?01:23
neversfeldeTonio_: did you test the kde syncml software from playground recently?01:24
ScottKThanks.  It'd be nice to have something other than 0 in the meantime.01:24
Tonio_neversfelde: which one ?01:29
Tonio_oh yes, it is even packaged on my ppa01:29
Tonio_neversfelde: not stable afaik01:29
neversfeldeTonio_: saw it in your PPA, but it was old, last time I had a look01:29
Tonio_ScottK: kconf_update could do our kdebluetooth trick01:29
Tonio_neversfelde: hum what's your revision number ?01:30
Tonio_neversfelde: 1024634. still unstable01:30
neversfeldeTonio_: I never really tested it, was only interested if there was progress01:31
* neversfelde got a new netbook and cannot sync^^01:31
shtylmanRiddelll: the one where there is no text in the right click menu or the checkboxes...02:06
shtylmanbut it only happens when oxygen is the style...02:06
JontheEchidnaoh shiz, Arby deactivated his LP account: https://edge.launchpad.net/~rbirnie-deactivatedaccount02:14
shtylmanand who was he?02:14
rgreeninghuh? have a bad day maybe? :)02:14
JontheEchidna~seen arby02:15
kubotuArby was last seen 7 months, 20 days, 8 hours, 27 minutes and 44 seconds ago, quitting IRC (Remote closed the connection)02:15
JontheEchidnaHe was a ninja that used to help us to KDE releases, among other things02:15
rgreeninghope we didn't do anything to scare him away02:15
JontheEchidnaactually, him and I started on the same KDE release under apachelogger's tutorage02:15
JontheEchidnamanually updaing some 50-odd kde-l10n-* packages, if I recall02:16
shtylmanwhy did he stop02:16
shtylmanjust moved on to other stuff?02:16
JontheEchidnadunno, I don't think he had a falling out or anything like that02:16
JontheEchidnaperhaps lack of time + moving on to other things, just a bit sad to see him go02:16
shtylmanI see...guess he just found other stuff to do..im sure it happens02:16
shtylmanso...I really dont know about this openoffice bug...02:18
shtylmanand if I will be able to find a fix02:18
shtylmanthis is really problematic...02:18
JontheEchidnaon a stupid note, it's now impossible to report bugs from karmic, since the "Report a bug" links redirect to a wiki telling you to use apport-kde, which doesn't work at the moment :/02:18
JontheEchidnaI'd file a bug, but...02:18
rgreeningJontheEchidna: its apport-bug you need to run not apport-kde right02:19
JontheEchidnargreening: well, using ubuntu-bug, but that ultimately invokes apport-kde which fails to open the browser02:19
JontheEchidnaapport-cli is busted, too02:20
JontheEchidnaI did manage to get a report about that in before the epic fail02:20
rgreeningJontheEchidna: you on karmic and if so, what ver of qt you running?02:21
JontheEchidna4.5.2, in karmic02:21
ScottKJontheEchidna: You can add ?noredirect or something like that to get to LP regurlarly.02:21
rgreeningI tried Riddelll's Qt 4.6.. its busted.02:21
rgreeningapport-bug works here for me JontheEchidna02:22
rgreeningas well as /usr/share/apport/apport-kde02:22
JontheEchidnathe thing just doesn't open up konq when I tell it to do it's stuff :(02:23
ScottKJontheEchidna: filebug?no-redirect02:23
JontheEchidnaScottK: cool, thanks02:23
shtylmanrgreening: is it safe to update system now :)02:26
rgreeningI think so. Im running fine now02:27
ScottKshtylman: It appears most of the bustage is behind us.  I updated safely earlier today.  I think the major area that's still a problem is encryptfs not mounted to /.02:27
JontheEchidnayeah, I updated this morning and rebooted fine02:28
rgreeningoh and no auto detect usb drives02:28
JontheEchidnahuh, usb devices work here02:28
* JontheEchidna is a lucky boy02:28
rgreeningoh, maybe fix since i checked last02:28
ScottKJontheEchidna:  Bug #43111802:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431118 in malone "Disable +filebug redirection for apport" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43111802:31
Tonio_ScottK: for the xdg in rc file thing, I think we can to it with kconf-update02:32
JontheEchidnaScottK: my problem is that apport-kde was broken with an unrelated problem, so now I have no way to report bugs if they come up02:32
JontheEchidnawell, aside from the no-redirect now02:33
ScottKRight, you'll like the second one I filed.02:34
ScottKJontheEchidna: Bug #43112102:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431121 in malone "Don't apply +filebug redirection to ubuntu-dev" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43112102:35
JontheEchidnaooh, yeah. NIce one02:35
JontheEchidnafor example, merge tickets are now a pain in the ass02:35
JontheEchidnaas are package removal requests02:36
JontheEchidnaI suppose I should comment02:36
rgreeninganyone watching ufc fight night on spike :)02:38
ScottKYes, please.02:38
shtylmanmy amarok doesn't work ;(02:53
shtylmanI launch it...but nothing comes up...02:54
shtylmanis that normal...im guessing not :)02:54
JontheEchidnawhoa, new kbluetooth official beta release. Life!03:12
ScottKTonio_: ^^03:13
JontheEchidnaI'll assume the beta tag is due to the current state it's in (and was at 0.3.0) rather than "beta cuz I added new features"03:13
JontheEchidnaheck, 0.3 was more of an alpha03:18
JontheEchidnathe FFe should consist entirely of "kdebluetooth 0.3 was a steaming pile. kdebluetooth 0.4 doesn't fail quite so hard"03:18
Tonio_ScottK: nice :)03:24
Tonio_ScottK: I'll package this one of course, tomorrow :) no time right now03:24
ScottKKubuntu desktop and netbook images up for testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all03:25
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Main Frozen for Karmic Alpha 6,Feature, and UI Freeze in effect otherwise | Alpha 6 images need testing: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Main Frozen for Karmic Alpha 6; Feature, and UI Freeze in effect otherwise | Alpha 6 images need testing: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Main Frozen for Karmic Alpha 6; Feature and UI Freeze in effect otherwise | Alpha 6 images need testing: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts
* JontheEchidna is done03:39
ScottKNice new Quassel feature.  If you hover over the topic in the U/I, it auto expands to display the entire topic.03:44
* JontheEchidna can't wait for cpp-4.4, version 4.4.4-4ubuntu403:50
nixternalTonio_: I have a working kdm.conf now for upstart03:50
nixternaljust tested it successfully03:50
Tonio_nixternal: super :)03:51
nixternallet me paste bin it for you03:51
Tonio_nixternal: yup, I'll test tomorrow, no way to test right now, but please do03:51
nixternalfound out you can't leave author "", it needs something in it03:51
Tonio_nixternal: when it's proven to work, we can fix the kdm package for integration...03:51
Tonio_nixternal: ah ;) that simple :)03:52
nixternalTonio_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/272479/03:52
nixternalthough I may have had other typos in that last one03:52
nixternalRiddelll: finished version 0.0.1 of the kdm upstart script ^^  it is pretty raw as it is pretty much a copy of a lot of kdm and just has the start) portion of the original init script03:55
yuriyJontheEchidna: hmm they put in the redirect? that makes that apport-kde bug critical imo.04:05
* yuriy should bug pitti to at least put in the simple patch04:05
* nixternal needs a cookie04:05
* nixternal goes and grabs some cookies and milk04:06
ScottK\o/ - Netbook Live CD works and there's Install-Kubuntu right there in the applications favorites.04:11
Tonio_nixternal: hum, testing the boot, I was wondering, is usplash broken for everyone or is that juste me ?04:35
nixternalbroken here too, it isn't usplash anymore04:35
nixternalxsplash or splashx or whatever the hell it is called now04:35
yuriythey may have disabled it. that's the plan for karmic+1 anyways04:35
yuriystart X with xsplash asap and no usplash04:36
Tonio_nixternal: is xsplash replacing usplash ?04:39
nixternalalready has04:40
Tonio_I thought it was meant to make the transition between usplash and gdm/kdm only04:40
JontheEchidnaThe plan is here in full: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicXsplash04:40
Tonio_nixternal: well all metapackage still dep on usplash afaics04:41
JontheEchidnausplash is used as a fallback, and for disk checks, etc04:41
Tonio_hum okay04:42
Tonio_JontheEchidna: would be nice if that happens :)04:44
Tonio_JontheEchidna: this means we're not gonna use xplash right, but ksplash directly.... interesting :)04:45
JontheEchidnaya, Riddell already got kdm to start ksplashx the first thing it does04:45
JontheEchidnanow we just need to start kdm first thing, I guess04:45
Tonio_this means ksplashn then login propt, then ksplash right ?04:46
JontheEchidnaYeah, maybe a custom theme later so it looks less redundant04:46
Tonio_so when a chkdsc occurs, we fallback to usplash....04:47
Tonio_JontheEchidna: that might look ugly, unless I'm wrong on purpose...04:47
JontheEchidnayeah, not too pretty at all :(04:48
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I think I'd prefer a shell fallback in this case :)04:49
JontheEchidnaoh, and usplash is used for shutdown04:50
* ScottK-netbook waves04:51
Tonio_ScottK-desktop: have you ben able to test kdebluetooth a little ?04:53
nixternalTonio_: what do you need to know about kdebluetooth?04:58
nixternali find it useless right now because all it is good for is input devices04:59
Tonio_nixternal: new version on my ppa for tests, should fix the basic functionnalities at least05:06
ScottKTonio_: No.  Got stuck doing some $WORK, testing ISO installs, and dealing with a 6 year old that woke up after have had a 'accident' in her bed.05:08
Tonio_ScottK: nevermind that was just a question :)05:13
ScottKLooks like the netbook install works.05:14
ScottKclaydoh: You doing release notes for Alpha 6?05:40
nixternalhrmm, I am building a package and the damn .cpp files get deleted before they can get used...this is driving me silly trying to figure this one out...anyone seen this before?05:45
rgreeningdam this usb not detecting. tried a new guest account and same issue...05:55
ScottKCome on folks ...06:04
* ScottK notes the complete lack of test results he didn't do in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/all and goes to bed.06:04
spstarr is there a PPA for kernel? or nightly builds?06:04
spstarris dead06:05
markeyis it safe to upgrade on karmic again?08:43
Riddellltime to test from ISOs people!11:13
ScottKmarkey: It should be unless you have an encryptfs not mounted as /.11:32
ScottKRiddelll: I think we're in reasonably good shape on Netbook testing.  It'd be nice if someone could try wubi though.  That has yet to work.11:33
davmor2Riddelll I'm testing just to many bugs to report to go quickly :(11:53
Riddelllno dbus starting here on a desktop install12:41
JontheEchidnaclaydoh: whoa, you're fast13:57
claydohJontheEchidna: ?13:58
claydohJontheEchidna: oh oops :)13:58
claydohn ow i need to install karmic and check it out :)13:59
claydohwhich I can do now that I figured out my boot problem yay!13:59
ScottKclaydoh: You doing release notes?14:00
claydohScottK: looking at em right now14:00
JontheEchidnaRiddelll: I figured out that you can copy the wiki pages over and keep the attachements if you don't try to make the article first14:02
Riddelllmm, really?14:03
JontheEchidnayeah, I just messed things up last time14:04
ScottKRiddelll and agateau: It looks like there's a good chance I pulled from the wrong quassel branch by accident and the indicator stuff is, not, in fact in our current package. My apologies.  I'll fix it right after Alpha 6 is out.14:04
ScottKagateau: It does look like we'll need a newer libindicate though.14:04
agateauScottK: ok,14:04
agateauScottK: I released a new libindicate tarball and uploaded new patches on my page14:05
ScottKBug fix release or new features?14:05
agateauScottK: haven't checked if Sput has included them yet (pinged him on irc yesterday)14:05
agateauScottK: my mistake: I uploaded a new libindicate-*qt* yesterday14:06
ScottKIIRC he did merge your updates which is why I was thinking we needed the newer one.14:06
agateauthis one builds with latest libindicate (0.2.0)14:06
JontheEchidnahaha: http://feeds.wordpress.com/1.0/gocomments/castrojo.wordpress.com/584/14:06
ScottKIs it just bug fixes?14:06
JontheEchidnaer, not haha at the comments, but at the blog itself14:06
agateauScottK: mainly, but libindicate 0.2.0 is the so-called v2 api, so it's also adapting to libindicate changes14:07
agateauScottK: but this does not bring launchers with it14:07
agateauI have been told launchers is a feature implemented in the ui,14:07
agateauso as long as it's not in the plasmoid, you are safe :)14:07
ScottKOK, then we should probably let Riddelll upload it.14:08
agateauyep, Riddell told me he would do this after alpha614:08
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
=== olujicz_ is now known as olujicz
rgreeningnixternal: apport-kde is severely broken15:19
rgreeningcan't use ubuntu-bug at all to report the fact that apport-kde is broken either :)15:20
yuriyrgreening: fix pyqt ;)15:21
rgreeningpyqt works.. afaik for me...15:22
rgreeningwith Qt 4.5.215:22
yuriyrgreening: or maybe qt. bug 40336115:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403361 in python-qt4 "apport-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QWidgetPrivate::deleteExtra()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40336115:22
rgreeningyuriy: I'm not seeing a crash. It's hung15:23
yuriyrgreening: the hang is because of a workaround for the crash15:23
rgreeninghow stupid hahah15:23
* rgreening hates myself today15:23
yuriyd'oh. overwrote my modified apport-kde15:30
rgreeningwould you believe Im installing ubuntu-desktop to see if usb mounting works there.. grr...15:43
rgreeningstoopid system breakage15:44
neversfeldenew kdebluetooth beta release, too late for us :/15:46
sebasIt's beta anyways15:50
* sebas notes that beta means "it's not ready, don't release it"15:50
JontheEchidnaheck, 0.3 could probably be called an alpha15:50
neversfeldeI will create a package, probably we can put it to the backports beta ppa15:51
JontheEchidnaTonio has packages for a svn version close to beta in his ppa15:52
neversfeldemhh, as far as I understood, kdebluetooth is dead and kbluetooth is a new project which has other priorities. Based on kdebluetooth ofcourse.15:54
JontheEchidnawell, it's not really new at all. Just a name change (kbluetooth4 -> kbluetooth) with a new maintainer15:55
JontheEchidnaplus a heap of bugfixes15:55
yuriyrgreening: bugged pitti. partial fix for apport-kde going into next upload.15:57
rgreeningthen maybe I can report some bugs without using apport-gtk :)15:57
rgreeningok, time to logout and start a gdm session.. yuk16:00
jefferaiRiddelll: who do I talk to about freeze exceptions?16:23
Riddellljefferai: moi16:28
seeleanyone going to be in paris or london next week and want to meet for beer/food?16:30
Riddelllnext week? that must mean the big day is soon16:32
jefferaiRiddelll: hey16:34
Riddelllhi jefferai16:35
jefferaiare you aware of the recent taglib-1.6 release?16:35
RiddelllI've heard rumours of its existance16:35
Riddelllapachelogger was muttering about it16:35
jefferaiit would be very, very good for it to be in karmic16:36
jefferaiboth for Amarok, and for anything else using taglib16:36
jefferaibecause there are about a bazillion bugfixes -- some critical -- since 1.516:36
jefferai(by critical I mean, fixing possibilities of data loss)16:36
Riddelllare there new dependencies?16:37
jefferaijust bugfixes16:37
jefferaiso essentially, we'd like the amarok exception to cover amarok, taglib, and the about-to-be-released new version of taglib-extras16:37
Riddellldoes it change the ABI at all?16:38
jefferaiit's complicated16:38
jefferaitaglib-1.6 offers support for two new formats, which are off by default but which should definitely be built in, because Amarok will require them16:38
Riddellluh oh16:38
jefferaithese formats are ported over from taglib-extras16:38
jefferaior to be more precise, it's the exact same code, but taglib-extras was providing it until taglib itself was released with it16:39
jefferaiI'm not sure how that affects ABI though16:39
jefferaiadding more stuff in16:40
jefferaithe taglib-extras ABI will definitely change, but the only package using that right now is Amarok (someone did a dependency check)16:40
Riddelllsomebody failed, juk uses taglib-extras too16:40
jefferaiI can fix juk16:41
Riddelllwhen is taglib-extras due to be released?16:41
jefferaiI'm testing it out now16:42
jefferaibut, I'd have to change the Amarok source code to work with the new release16:42
jefferaiso basically -- either we need to hold off on the whole thing, or you need to put all three packages in16:42
jefferaithe latter is far preferable16:42
Riddelllif I open a bug can you supply a full changelog and rationale why this is important?16:42
jefferaifull changelog of what?16:43
Riddellltaglib and taglib-extras16:43
jefferaiI don't think taglib has a changelog16:43
jefferaitaglib-extras I could16:43
jefferaialthough it's tiny16:43
Riddelllwhy doesn't it have a changelog?  hard to assess the problems for a freeze exception without knowing what's changed in it16:45
jefferaiAsk wheels?16:46
jefferailooks like there is a brief, totally non-complete changelog16:46
jefferaiin the NEWS file16:47
jefferaihas some stuff for 1.6-RC1 and 1.616:47
Riddelllhmm, wheels, tsk16:50
jefferaiRiddelll: but to give you an idea: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kdesupport/taglib/NEWS?revision=1022849&view=markup16:51
jjessehow many llls do you need Riddelll?16:52
jefferaithat's a small taste of the number of fixes/changes16:52
Riddellljjesse: one more than the other imposter Riddell16:52
Riddellljefferai: that looks like a reasonable changelog16:53
jefferaiit's just not exhaustive16:53
jefferaiRiddelll: juk doesn't use taglib-extras...16:55
Riddellljefferai: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/juk says differently16:56
jefferaiRiddelll: if it's using taglib-extras it's some debian/ubuntu specific patch16:57
jefferaibecause I'm looking at the Juk source code right now16:57
jefferaiI have a feeling that someone put the dep in there without realizing that you have to code it16:58
jefferaiit doesn't just add the extra file formats for free16:58
jefferaibut that dep is wrong16:58
jefferaithe source code doesn't lie16:58
Riddelllthe dep is a binary dep and added by scanning the binary for what libraries it needs17:01
Riddellljefferai: you're right17:02
Riddelllwe do have a patch17:02
Riddelll"  * Add kubuntu_06_juk_read_mp4.diff to make juk read MP4 tags  -- Harald Sitter"17:02
jefferaiwhere can I see that patch?17:03
jefferaiit's possible you wont' need to change anything at all17:03
Riddellljefferai: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdemultimedia/ubuntu/annotate/head:/debian/patches/kubuntu_06_juk_read_mp4.diff17:05
jefferaiRiddelll: the patch would have to be changed, but not much17:06
jefferaiin fact, mainly you'll just have to remove 80% of it17:06
jefferaisince taglib has mp4 natively, all the checks for taglib-extras can go away17:07
jefferai(so long as you built taglib with mp4, which you should)17:07
jefferaiso -- other than an ubuntu-specific patch, the only other package using taglib-extras is Amarok, which I can fix up17:07
Riddelllwhat would happen if we just dropped that patch?17:08
Riddellljefferai: is there any reason we wouldn't build with MP4 support?  it wouldn't need any extra build-depends would it?17:10
jefferaionly "legal" reasons17:13
jefferaiI'm not sure what they are17:13
jefferaionly that fedora legal reversed their opinion and now think it's ok17:13
jefferaiI think because the patents only cover the codecs17:13
jefferainot the metadata17:13
Riddelllright, shouldn't be any patent issues with it17:13
jefferaiRiddelll: if you just dropped the patch JuK wouldn't support mp4 files...you could do that, but you could also easily fix the patch to keep the support, but just use it from taglib instead17:14
Riddellljefferai: could you file a bug requesting the feature freeze exception giving a ratonale and pasting whatever changelogs there are https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/taglib/+filebug?no-redirect17:14
Riddelll(if I file it I can't then go approving it)17:14
jefferailaunchpad provides openids17:14
jefferaibut doesn't let you log in with them17:14
Riddelllthe sign of a self important site, google and yahoo are the same I believe17:15
jefferaiRiddelll: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/taglib/+bug/43196817:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431968 in taglib "Feature-freeze exception for taglib and taglib-extras" [Undecided,New]17:23
claydohdoes the netbook installer have the install icon on the desktop now?17:29
ScottKclaydoh: Yes.17:30
claydohScottK: thanks17:30
nixternalrgreening: I am unable to work on apport let alone look at it...I am stuck in "Upstart broke my shit" itis :)17:31
jjessenixternal still?17:32
nixternalI am unable to work on pretty much anything...the keyboard on this netbook is ok to chat with you, but don't expect me to do work :p17:32
nixternaljjesse: worse today...at least yesterday I was able to work around stuff17:32
nixternalI don't want to reformat/reinstall, as that is the MS way of fixing shit17:32
nixternalbut I am getting close to having no other choice right now, as I have a job I have to get done ASAP17:32
yuriystrange, installed all updates today and no more problems17:33
ejatyuriy: me too .. but my splash wont show up :(17:36
nixternalyuriy: I take it you don't have encrypted disks?17:37
rgreeningmy usb sticks wont detect :(17:40
rgreeningunder gnome or kde17:40
rgreeningso it's udev related or something17:40
ScottKAnyone still got Hardy?17:41
* jefferai kicks anonsvn17:44
claydohScottK: only in a vm17:44
ScottKI need to update the qt4-x11 backport due to a security issue and I'd appreciate some testing ...17:45
ScottKWith luck, I17:45
ScottKwill have it in my ppa soonish.17:45
claydohhmmm if haiku had wireless, I might not be using kubuntu exclusively17:47
* claydoh is a beos fanboi17:47
nixternalman, I used to love beos17:51
nixternali remember the first time I installed it, i felt so elite back then...hardly anything worked way back then, but it was cool17:51
jefferaiRiddelll: any idea when I'll know the status?17:51
Riddellljefferai: hopefully alpha 6 will be out the way tomorrow and we can make some packages and test it, if there's no problems we can probably upload whenever.  does amarok need changes?17:52
jefferaiyes, Amarok will need changes17:53
jefferaiso I need to try to coordinate17:53
nixternalis anyone else having the usb probs that rgreening noted? I need to get an iso on a stick so I can get a working machine besides this netbook :)17:53
claydohnixternal: haiku has its first alpha out, tho i have hardware incompatibilities with it so far :?17:53
Riddellljefferai: I'll let you know when we've been able to test packages17:53
nixternali should check it out again17:54
jefferaihow many days, do you think?17:54
Riddellljefferai: tomorrow or monday I think17:54
jefferaiI'll tell the packagers on the list that I will be pushing the changes into Amarok on Tues17:54
jefferaigives them several days to get taglib-1.6 and taglib-extras-1.0 in tree17:54
jefferai(you're the only one in feature freeze that I know of, so it won't be as big a deal for them)17:55
nixternalKeybuk FTW! just in case you all didn't realize it yet17:57
yuriynixternal: nope! no encrypted disks17:58
rgreeningScottK: can you verify the usb sticks show up in your system via device notifier (under latest karmic). If so, can you get me a list of your installed packages? I believe I have a missing package or something.18:45
ScottKrgreening: In a meeting, but yes.18:45
rgreeningScottK: ty. Im ever so grateful18:46
rgreeningIm thinking its HAL related18:46
Nightrosejefferai: Riddelll: remember that tagging of rc is on monday18:51
jefferaiwait wut?18:51
Nightroseif we really want to depend on new taglib we should get that in before RC18:52
jefferaior release an RC218:52
Nightrosethen we will miss karmic18:52
Nightroseand fedora18:52
jefferaiI could commit the changes now, but I don't have mp4 files to test with18:53
jefferainor audible/real18:53
jefferaiNightrose: anyways -- then I'll commit this stuff ASAP, and tell the packagers to fix it ASAP :-)18:55
Nightrosethx :)18:55
jefferaibut this depends upon really knowing that the exception will be granted18:56
ScottKJontheEchidna: Is there anything we can to for knds to make it so Firefox fonts aren't huge on a netbook?18:59
nixternalYES!!! I have been wanting to blow those large fonts up19:01
yuriythat wouldn't be very helpful :P19:01
nixternalhaha, I mean, blow them up and get rid of them, not blow them up to make them larger...though that would be funny to do :)19:03
ScottKapachelogger: I tried the Firefox installer for my Alpha 6 test reinstall and it worked very nicely.19:06
JontheEchidnaScottK: The UI elements apart from web content should use KDE settings if QtCurve is in use, but HTML font settings seem different19:43
JontheEchidnayou'd probably have to mess with Firefox's settings19:43
ScottKapachelogger: You're the Firefox expert here.  Any ideas how we deal with ^^^19:58
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markeyfree hugs for the first packager to provide taglib 1.6 and taglib-extras 1.0!20:23
markeywho could resist? :)20:23
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JontheEchidnaHAL seems pretty busted here, any KDE app I start goes like:21:03
JontheEchidnaQStringList Solid::Backends::Hal::HalManager::findDeviceByDeviceInterface(const Solid::DeviceInterface::Type&)  error:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown"21:03
JontheEchidnaplus autodetection don't work21:04
JontheEchidnahal's upstart script is broken, I guess21:06
JontheEchidnahal is not running21:06
JontheEchidnargreening: ^I think I found the problem (no clue how to fix, tho)21:06
rgreeningooo oooo ooooohhhh21:07
rgreeninglet me see if my hal is running21:07
rgreeningmy hald is running here21:08
rgreeningit just doesn't report the usb drives21:09
JontheEchidnamine wasn't. "start hal" from the command line worked21:09
JontheEchidnanow let's see if we can autodetect usb devices...21:09
JontheEchidnayup, works like a charm now21:09
rgreeningfu :(21:10
rgreeningmy system wont detect them at all21:10
rgreeningi dun wanna re-installl!!!!!!!!!!!21:11
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ScottKFYI everyone (UDS) http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/09/15/uds-update/22:23
rgreeninguds whee22:36
rgreeningI need my coat22:36
cbrhmm.. i wonder if it's known that since the new upstart stuff KMS fails22:37
JontheEchidnaSomebody with powarz needs to put up an alpha 6 story on kubuntu.org22:43
=== JontheEchidna changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Alpha 6 released! | Feature and UI Freeze in effect | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need paperKuts! https://launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts
rgreeningnot me. If I wrote it it wouldnt' be pretty atm..Im in grr land22:52
rgreeningstupid no usb auto detect grumble grr grumble22:52
cbrmy smartcard reader doesnt work in karmic at the moment :(22:53
cbrwhich is extremely unwelcome22:53
rgreeningcbr is it the reader driver isn't working or that it doesn't auto mount/detect in the device notifier?22:58
cbrlsusb sees the reader22:59
cbrbut pkcs15-tool says no card present22:59
cbrso possibly it isnt recognizing the card being put it or smth?23:00
rgreeningcbr do you see /dev links for it?23:02
rgreeningcbr also, does it show up in dmesg?23:02
cbrthe device23:03
rgreeningyes, like /dev/mmc....23:04
cbrit's an usb device imo23:04
cbrbuilt-in though23:04
rgreeningdo you have a card in it?23:04
rgreeningif so, it will have a device file and partition dev file associated23:05
rgreeningI have an issue where everything works, it just doesn't show up in the notifier. Some hal/solid breakage23:05
cbri dont even know what the /dev node for the reader is23:06
rgreeninglook in dmesg... insert a memory chip in the reader and look at dmesg again. see what shows up new23:07
rgreeningif anything...23:07
cbrBus 007 Device 004: ID 0b97:7772 O2 Micro, Inc. OZ776 CCID Smartcard Reader23:07
cbr$ ls /dev/bus/usb/007/00423:07
cbrdmesg shows nothing23:07
cbrit never did imo23:07
cbrit's not a memory chip23:07
cbrit's a smartcard23:07
rgreeningoh.. duh23:07
cbrit uses opensc23:07
rgreeningmy bad23:07
* rgreening shots self in head23:08
Riddelllat last23:19
rickspencer3"should be treated with caution"23:24
rickspencer3for sure23:24
rgreeningdefinately not worded cautiously enough :)23:30
rgreeningneed blinking stop signs and such23:31
* rgreening needs to re-install if he cant get usb autodetect working otherwise cant dev usb-creator further23:35
* claydoh has finally joined the ranks of ssh users after nearly 10 years of linux23:36
* claydoh will begin coding KDE apps in about 50 years :)23:37
rgreeningpersonally, I like to shh! users :)23:37
claydohso now I have a good use for this 1998 vintage laptop23:38
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