
thumperwgrant: you noticed#00:02
wgrantThe middle one hasn't had any attention, AFAICT.00:02
wgrant(try going to a distribution source package, distro series, distro arch series, or product series. Click on tabs. Be confused.)00:03
thumperbuild failures00:11
rockstarthumper, call?00:31
thumperrockstar: yes sir00:32
* jml is back00:36
jmlwow, the template conversion summary is pretty exciting00:45
jmllots of "almost dones"... who will be next00:45
jmlmwhudson, hello00:46
mwhudsonjml: hello00:46
jmlmwhudson, do you want to talk at all about the entrypoints stuff?00:47
mwhudsonjml: did i send my reply yet? :)00:47
mwhudsonseems not00:47
mwhudsonjml: i have a half written reply00:47
jmlmwhudson, oh cool.00:47
jmlmwhudson, well, if you'd like to talk, let me know.00:48
mwhudsonjml: will do at some point today i'm sure00:48
jmlmwhudson, ok00:48
barryjml: are we in testfix?01:01
jmlbarry, I don't know.01:02
jmlhttps://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lp/builds/135/steps/shell_7/logs/summary seems to indicate some sort of failure01:03
barryjml: blarg.  let me look01:04
mwhudsonfind -name xx-*.txt | xargs rm -f01:06
barrymwhudson: rs=me01:07
mwhudsonbarry: don't tempt me01:07
thumpersinzui, barry: should breadcrumbs have icons like the bug one?01:07
barrythumper: i think they can.  "should they" is a beuno question :)01:08
barrymwhudson: where's the candy-like history erase button when you need it?01:08
barrygot some family stuff to do now.  if no one else attacks those failures in the meantime, i'll take a look in a few hours.  ping me if you do though so i don't step on your toes01:09
thumperbarry: I want to be able to explicity say "don't add this view name to the breadcrumbs", can I?01:11
thumperjml: this could give us better defaults01:14
thumperjml: if we default to not adding the page name01:14
thumperjml: but allow people to add it in01:14
* mwhudson lunches01:19
jmlmaxb, btw, what happened with the first test run was that Launchpad was in testfix mode, thus rejecting new patches.01:29
jmlthumper, "this" being... explicitly saying "don't add this view name to breadcrumbs"?01:29
thumperjml: yes01:30
beunothumper, barry, they should not01:38
beunosalgado will fix that01:38
thumperbeuno: by "that" I take it you mean breadcrumbs should not have icons?01:39
beunoyes  :)01:41
rockstarthumper, that diff size was misleading.  Lots of it was deletions, which I don't review.  :)01:49
thumperrockstar: I said that :)01:52
* thumper needs fun and caffeine01:54
thumpertypo: s/fun/fud/01:54
thumperalthough fun would also be good01:54
bacjml, mwhudson: i have a testfix branch to submit01:57
mwhudsonbac: great!01:57
mwhudsonbac: do you want one of us to review it?01:59
mwhudson(or rs it, more likely)01:59
bacmwhudson: no.  just didn't want to interfere with work you may be doing.  i fix one test and revert a revision that caused lots of failures.02:00
baci will rs it02:00
bacbarry: ^^02:00
mwhudsonbac: thanks a lot02:00
* thumper turns BranchHierarchy.objects into a generator02:03
thumperdebugging generators is harder02:04
pooliethumper, jml, hi, i'm just going to put my 2.1 timeline mail into launchpad milestones02:16
poolie(silly old me)02:16
poolieand just thinking about aligning them with launchpad milestones02:17
pooliei see you don't actually use milestones?02:17
pooliei mean :)02:17
poolieoh maybe they're on launchpad-project but that oopses02:18
pooliewell, i'll just add the ones i want and then we can talk about them02:18
poolieif we want02:18
thumperrockstar: ping02:21
thumperpoolie: we do, kinda02:22
pooliebtw https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+milestones times out fairly persistently02:22
thumperpoolie: I think that is a known issue, but not entirely sure02:24
thumperpoolie: there was one that was doing *a lot* of bug tag queries02:24
wgrantThat was the project group milestone page.02:24
wgrantNot the milestone listing.02:24
sinzuithumper: No breadcrumbs should not have icons.02:25
rockstarthumper, pong02:25
bacmwhudson: fwiw, my next ec2 submission took 7 minutes...02:32
mwhudsonbac: that's rather better02:32
mwhudsonbac: how long did the instance take to boot?02:33
bacmwhudson: dunno, wasn't paying attention02:33
mwhudsonbac: it's in the output if you still have that02:33
mwhudsonafter all the ........................................................ that are near the beginning02:33
dobeyis there any way to get the branch specified in the Vcs-Bzr: tag in a source package, via the LP API?02:34
mwhudsonbac: cool02:34
wgrantdobey: No.02:34
mwhudsonboot time + three minutes isn't too bad, i think02:34
wgrantdobey: But...02:34
bacmwhudson: no, much better than last.02:34
wgrantdobey: You should be able to assume soon that eg. lp:ubuntu/hardy/dpkg is the canonical hardy dpkg branch.02:35
dobeybut that is not what i want :)02:35
wgrantWhat do you want to do?02:36
dobeyi want to get the sour package branch for a particular source_package_publishing_history in the LP API02:38
wgrantYou can't rely on Vcs-Bzr to be reliable for that.02:39
dobeywell i can't rely on anything to be reliable for it at the moment02:39
dobeybecause there's no API to get it via LP02:39
wgrantLP doesn't have that information.02:40
wgrantNothing does.02:40
dobeyi just want to automate the tedium of doing releases02:41
thumperrockstar: sorry, missed pong02:41
dobeybecause it's taking me a lot more time than i would like to spend, doing them02:41
thumperrockstar: got a minute?02:41
dobeyand it's going to get more so, once i have to start dealing with stable branches vs. trunk02:43
dobeyi also wish 'person' had methods to query for bugs02:44
dobeyas i don't see any way to do a query for 'all bugs assigned to me'02:45
thumperdobey: it can be done, but it isn't trivial02:46
dobeywell, the web does it, so i'm sure it's doable. i just don't see how to do it, and don't really want to go searching through web ui code to figure out how :)02:47
wgrantThere's no API for it.02:48
wgrantThere's a bug about that.02:48
wgrantIt's just not trivial.02:48
rockstarthumper, sure. Skype?02:48
rockstarthumper, just call02:49
thumpertrying to type while pinentry keeps popping up is an arse02:49
jmlwhy are so few of the exposed methods and properties on Person actually visible on the API docs?03:31
wgrantjml: The attributes all show up on Team.03:33
mwhudsongrr my brain isn't working very well today03:34
jmlwgrant, that's unfortunate.03:34
wgrantjml: It is. That's what you get for doing mildly hackish things, I suppose.03:34
sinzuiimplementing Team in a Person is also unfortunate03:34
mwhudsonlifeless: does txAWS use boto under the hood?03:36
lifelessboto free03:36
lifelesscleaner api03:37
lifelessand a teeny gui :>03:37
mwhudsonlifeless: 2.4 compatible, i guess?03:37
lifelessdunno :)03:37
jmllifeless, bram says Twisted is confusing :\03:37
lifelessjml: its coding standards sure are!03:37
jmllifeless, heh heh03:38
jmllifeless, now _that_ I agree with.03:38
mwhudsonlifeless: how does it talk to the web service part?  i thought it was some SOAP horror show03:38
* jml needs to hack up a Twisted version of pep8.py03:38
mwhudsoni guess i can find this stuff out myself...03:38
jmlmwhudson, are you thinking what I think you're thinking?03:39
mwhudsonjml: probably03:39
lifelessmwhudson: twisted.http.client thingy + xml03:39
mwhudsonwee, no setup.py03:39
jmlmwhudson, excellent. :)03:39
mwhudsonthat's going to make building an egg nice and easy03:39
lifelessuse packages03:39
lifelessthey are better than eggs03:39
mwhudsonlifeless: "hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh"03:39
mwhudsonin other news, loggerhead is terrible03:40
mwhudsongraar so is paste03:41
mwhudsonDEB [20090917-03:40:51.803] [47331369258224] paste.httpserver.ThreadPool: Added task (128 tasks queued)03:41
mwhudsonstop spawning threads, stupid software03:41
jmlmwhudson, btw, do you still want a call today? If so, can we arrange a time now?03:41
mwhudsonjml: i think it would be a good idea, yes03:41
mwhudsonjml: any time in the next say three hours works for me03:42
jmlmwhudson, ok. let's talk now. :)03:42
mwhudsonjml: not so "now" eh?03:43
jmlmwhudson, skype did something03:44
lifelessI hate the default reactor03:47
thumper\o/ landing last of the code page 3.0 fixes03:51
thumpernow for those breadcrumbs03:51
jmlthumper, wooot04:29
* jml away04:30
thumpermwhudson: the bzr.dev builder is showing weirdness loading the git plugin04:31
mwhudsonthumper: i guess bzr.dev is already at api version 2.1 ?04:33
mwhudsonthumper: a run against the 2.0 branch would be more interesting right now i suppose04:33
thumperthis brings up a question04:41
thumperfor the next 6 months of bzr development, what version is launchpad going to run?04:41
thumperor 2.1b?04:41
lifeless2.1b please04:41
mwhudsonthumper: yeah, i think we more-or-less have to follow the "beta" line04:59
thumperrockstar: breadcrumbs are up05:11
rockstarthumper, I see that.05:12
thumpermwhudson: got any idea how to run "make check" properly for cscvs and the new bin/py stuff?05:16
mwhudsonthumper: does make check PYTHON=~/canonical/checkouts/trunk/bin/py work?05:17
thumpermwhudson: it won't here because I don't have that path05:17
thumperI'd hate to see that in the Makefile05:17
mwhudsonthumper: i was assuming you'd change to point to a real bin/py05:18
thumpermwhudson: on the commandline?05:18
mwhudson(i'm not sure it would work either)05:18
thumpergot it using the right python05:20
thumperwhich hopefully will bring in the right bzrlib05:20
thumpermwhudson: I'm looking at the 'unicode' object has no attribute 'branchName'05:20
mwhudsonthumper: ah, cool05:20
thumperif branch.__class__ is not types.StringType:05:26
thumper            branch = branch.branchName05:26
* thumper tries to remember the base_string thing05:26
mwhudsonthumper: kill it quick, before it breeds05:27
thumperisinstance(x, basestring)05:27
thumpermwhudson: this is in the cscvs branch05:28
thumperI don't think I have that set up :(05:28
* thumper looks05:28
mwhudsonthumper: well i guess i'm glad it's not in launchpad05:28
thumpermwhudson, rockstar: either of you got a few minutes for a trivail cscvs fix?05:28
mwhudsonthumper: yeah05:29
mwhudsonthumper: where is this obscenity?05:30
thumperI'm checking for others05:30
thumperjust the one05:31
thumpermwhudson: that should account for the three failing CVS test_worker import failures05:32
* thumper checks05:33
mwhudsonthumper: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22200/ ?05:33
thumpermwhudson: that is exactly what I have, and it passes the three TestCVSImport failures with 2.0rc2, r=me05:34
mwhudsonthumper: ok, i'm running the cscvs tests here, but if they pass i'll land it05:35
thumperI don't think you'll have any problems05:35
thumperthat line has to be more robust now :)05:35
thumpermwhudson: I was very tempted to replace all the 8 space indents though05:35
thumpermwhudson: I almost went blind!05:36
mwhudsonthumper: :-)05:36
mwhudsonwelcome to hel^Wcscvs05:36
thumpermwhudson: an rs=me for any fixing of the whitespace in cscvs :)05:38
mwhudsonthumper: you can't trick me that easily!05:38
* thumper tweaks the stacking tests to use format="2a"05:38
mwhudsonthumper: the cscvs branch is in pqm's queue now05:48
thumpermwhudson: cool06:01
thumpermwhudson: I'm looking at the TestBranchPuller failures now06:01
thumpermwhudson: it seems pretty mechanical, removing format='1.6' from places06:02
mwhudsonthumper: ah right, we use "1.6" to mean "some format that supports stacking" a bit i guess06:02
thumpermwhudson: is that going to take ages to get through?06:09
mwhudsonthumper: don't know06:10
thumpermwhudson: I have a fix for the rest06:10
thumperv.trivial thankfully06:10
mwhudsonthumper: happy to hear that06:10
thumpermwhudson: can you review?06:11
* thumper is pushing now06:11
mwhudsonthumper: sure06:11
thumpermwhudson: proposed, email should be through shortly06:18
thumpermwhudson: I'm running it through ec2 now06:18
thumpermwhudson: I'm expecting the CVS failures, but the others should be fine06:19
mwhudsonthumper: cool06:19
thumpermwhudson: review diff up06:21
thumpermwhudson: I'm going to make dinner now06:21
mwhudsonthumper: ok06:21
thumpermwhudson: I'll check on the ec2s later06:21
maxbThe lazr.enum import problems on karmic are back07:05
jmlI'm done for the day. G'night all.08:22
noodles775Night jml08:22
adeuringgood morning08:31
stubmwhudson: with loggerhead, is generating a revision graph cache CPU intensive?08:40
=== henninge_ is now known as henninge
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
maxbWho's dev-ing on karmic these days, I could use a fails-for-everyone-or-just-me confirmation09:21
maxbSee LaunchpadOnKarmic for tests which are failing these days for me even with python2.409:22
wgrantmaxb: Both issues confirmed.09:28
maxb(and gah :-) )09:29
wgrantSomething like that.09:29
wgrantDoes buildbot use Hardy?09:29
maxbOn the plus side, as of last night, all of the interesting bits of my python2.5 branch have landed on devel09:31
wgrantWhat remains? Just the s/2.4/2.5/?09:31
maxbthat, and an increased startup timeout for the test librarian which may or may not still be relevant09:33
wgrantThat zope.sendmail fix ended up upstream?09:33
maxbGary ran with that one and got it done :-)09:37
wgrantVery good.09:38
thumperlosa: ping09:52
mthaddonthumper: hi09:52
thumpermthaddon: the pqm seems wedged, the csvcs merge of mwhudson hasn't seemed to progress for several hours09:53
thumpermthaddon: is it the actual test run wedged, or just the ui?09:53
mthaddonyeah, going to kill the job - see a few zombied processes09:54
mthaddonthumper: I'm afraid he'll need to resubmit09:54
thumpermthaddon: ok09:54
thumpermwhudson: got that?09:55
stubmwhudson: Do you know if generating the graph revision cache in loggerhead is cpu bound or io bound?09:56
thumpernight all09:58
bigjoolsstub: any idea what would cause this simple query to take so long? https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1355EC126810:03
stubbigjools: Something else must have had a lock on that row10:05
bigjoolsyeah that was the only thing I could think of too, but I can't think what would10:06
stubbigjools: I think it can also lock if there have been inserted rows not yet committed - until the commit happens, PostgreSQL can't tell if your update is going to cause unique constraint violations or not.10:09
bigjools good point10:10
stubbigjools: Perhaps the trigger was another script hanging mid transaction?10:10
bigjoolsno idea what would be updating stuff that Build references, unless ...10:12
bigjoolsbuilder maintenance I bet10:12
bigjoolsok thanks stub10:12
stubif rows have been updated in the builder table, that could block too since PG needs to validate the foreign key reference.10:13
bigjoolsmmmm I get an error about diverged branches when rf-get is updating dulwich10:15
intellectronicabigjools: did you try removing it and getting it fresh? maybe you've made some changes locally by accident?10:19
bigjoolsintellectronica: definitely not made local changes!10:20
intellectronicabigjools: anyway, i see that gavin just wrote about this to the list, so i guess you're not alone (although i just updated and didn't experience this)10:20
bigjoolsI suspect someone uncommitted a revsion on LP10:21
bigjoolsand those of us that had that revision are getting issues10:21
wgrantbigjools: dulwich gets rebased sometimes.10:30
bigjoolsI don't even know what it is :)10:30
wgrantThe Python git implementation.10:30
wgrantUsed by bzr-git.10:30
BjornTbigjools: it probably got replaced with another branch10:30
BjornTbigjools: my local revno is 297, and lp:s one is at 41310:31
bigjoolsyeah, when I did pull --overwrite a lot of stuff was deleted10:31
bigjoolsfabulous rant by Cody about reST :D10:36
deryckMorning, all.10:59
gmbMorning deryck11:01
stubbigjools: I got the same error doing an update the other day. I pull --overwrited my dunwich and things went fine after that.11:14
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wgranthenninge: From your new home page screenshot, it looks to me like there is no longer a way to get to the app homes.13:33
henningewgrant: you know what, I was just thinking about that ... ;-)13:33
wgranthenninge: Why should it be locationless?13:34
henningewgrant: hm13:34
henningewgrant: I went by Martins mock-up13:34
henningebeuno' mock-up that is ...13:35
henningejust trying to rattle his cage but I guess he is really not here ... ;)13:36
henningewgrant: maybe I'd put them in the list on the right, above the featured projects.13:37
henningeor linkify from the list on the left for not logged-in users...13:38
wgrantBut that list is gone for logged-in users, isn't it?13:38
henningewgrant: yes, so it's either on the left or the right, depending on your logged-in state ...13:39
henningethe right list is not visible for logged-out users13:39
wgrantAh, forgot that bit.13:39
henningenormally I'd call this kind of inconsistency terrible, but usually people stay logged in once they have an account13:40
henningeand very rarely use the hompage.13:40
henningeat least, that is my expectation, don't have any figures on the logg-in-out behaviour of LP users ... ;-)13:41
gmbbeuno: Hi; sorry to interrupt your vacation and all, but do you have a moment to take a look at lp:~gmb/launchpad/bugtask-index-conversion ? It's - well, it's the bugtask-index redesign branch.14:06
=== gmb_ is now known as gmb
flacostemorning Launchpad!14:23
flacosteCode, Translations are done!14:23
flacosteRegistry -> 2 to go, Bugs -> 3, Answers -> 3!!!14:23
flacosteblueprints -> 1914:24
flacostewe are almost there14:24
barryflacoste: the 2 in registry are going to be "fun"14:26
flacosteright, person-edit and person-index14:26
salgadoperson-index is done!14:28
barrysalgado: you rock!14:31
=== henninge is now known as henninge-bbl
danilo_salgado, do expect some test failures in your breadcrumbs branch, translations team just landed a few page_title introducing branches15:02
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salgadodanilo-afk, ok, thanks for the heads up15:06
leonardrBjornT, i'm being asked to clear out all my outstanding branches, which includes https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/remove-edwin-code/+merge/725315:12
leonardri never merged that because i thought you wanted to use it15:12
leonardris that still true?15:12
matsubaraChex, gary_poster, rockstar, bigjools_, henninge-bbl, sinzui, intellectronica, Ursinha: LP production meeting in 40 min at #launchpad-meeting15:19
BjornTleonardr: i don't need that branch to be merged. the important changes were lines 32-35 in the diff, and that change is already merged.15:19
intellectronicamatsubara: allenap is the new intellectronica15:20
leonardrbjornt: ok, i'll just merge it on my own15:20
matsubaraintellectronica, thanks. I'll update the MeetingAgenda page15:20
intellectronicamatsubara: we're training him in the stanislavski method. he's still working on the accent. be easy on him ;)15:20
intellectronicamatsubara: thanks15:21
* allenap quickly looks up stanislavski so he can take part in the charade15:21
dobeyin the API, is project_group.all_milestones sorted at all?15:21
bachi sinzui15:21
sinzuihi bac15:21
intellectronicaallenap: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislavski's_system15:22
allenapintellectronica: I'm there :)15:22
bacsinzui: so the idea with person+edit is all of those g*&^%d(&ed lozenges go away, leaving a nice, clean edit page.  in doing so, a bunch of tests will break.  that's it?15:22
sinzuibac: That sums it up15:23
bacsinzui: what about the 'other actions'? will they stay at the bottom?15:23
sinzuibac: I want them removed, but clearly that is a lower priority15:23
bacsalgado: i've merged in your person-three-o branch into my work.  please let me know if you update it15:25
gmbWhat? How can devel be out of date compared to my local copy? Has someone been uncommitting?15:26
salgadobac, will do15:26
leonardrintellectronica, can we have a short conversation about lp/picker.js?15:42
intellectronicaleonardr: sure. skype?15:43
intellectronicaleonardr: maybe ask EdwinGrubbs to join too? he knows much more about it15:43
leonardrsure, but your name is on the code that concerns me15:43
leonardrbasically i'm trying to merge https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/remove-edwin-code/+merge/725315:43
leonardrwhich has been unmerged for a long time15:44
leonardrbasically it stops the javascript web service client from requesting an XML rendition of a resource and then parsing the xml15:44
intellectronicaleonardr: right, and meanwhile i've inlined some hacks to parse the xhtml result into picker itself15:44
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: coordinate with gary_poster. He has started some of the tempaltes. He know which ones need love.15:45
leonardrintellectronica: so when you do Y.DOM.create(entry) and all the code after that, that's parsing the xhtml?15:45
intellectronicaleonardr: yeah, that's a nasty hack for parsing the result15:46
intellectronicawell, parsing the result and getting the dom structure for the embedded value15:46
gary_posterThanks sinzui.  Hi EdwinGrubbs :-) thanks for review.  Trying to DTRT for those templates now.  I'm going to make a pastebin for me to share the info I have.15:46
leonardrintellectronica: ok, the point we want to get to is where save() sends picker_result.api_url to picker._resource_uri + '/' + attribute_name15:47
leonardrbasically we tell launchpad to modify that single field15:48
leonardrand the xhtml response we get back will be that single field15:48
leonardrno need to parse anything15:48
intellectronicaleonardr: awesome15:48
=== danilos is now known as danilo-afk2
intellectronicaleonardr: we still need to DOM.create to be able to use the result in a page, but there's no need to do all the complicated field by field iteration. that's really great15:49
intellectronicawell, i suppose we can use innerHTML too, that may be more efficient15:50
leonardrintellectronica: ok, how would you feel if i simply put my new code into place and let you make the change to picker.js?15:50
intellectronicaleonardr: this is not a very good time to have broken code in trunk. maybe try to land both changes together?15:51
EdwinGrubbs gary_poster: it sounded like sinzui was suggesting that you had unconverted templates that I could work on.15:51
leonardrintellectronica: i was saying that on the assumption your code wouldn't break15:51
intellectronicaleonardr: ok, maybe i need to understand how the new way of patching and retrieving a single field works15:52
gary_posterEdwinGrubbs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/272894/15:52
leonardryou already have the hack in place locally, and BjornT said the relevant part of my branch was already landed15:52
gary_posterEdwinGrubbs: So you could take over anything in lines 30-end.15:53
danilo-afk2leonardr, intellectronica: I am seeing doc/launchpadlib.txt errors in buildbot, would you guys know something about it? https://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/builders/lp/builds/141/steps/shell_7/logs/summary15:53
leonardrintellectronica, take a look at line 32-35 of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/launchpad/remove-edwin-code/+merge/725315:53
intellectronicaleonardr: if it doesn't break then that's fine. my only worry was that i'll have to take care of a broken result now, because i don't really have much time. if it doesn't break and just requires a cleanup later on then i'm happy to take care of that15:53
gary_posterderyck: could you look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/272894/ , lines 38-46?15:53
danilo-afk2(just because you are discussing launchpadlib, no other reason to think you might know more :)15:53
gary_posterderyck: those are pages in "launchpad" that Francis said are for bugs somehow15:53
EdwinGrubbsgary_poster: can I put that in a wiki page, so I can mark which ones I've started on?15:54
leonardrintellectronica: i feel that if it was going to break, it would be already broken15:54
gary_posterEdwinGrubbs: absolutely, that would be much smarter15:54
leonardrdanilo-afk2: it looks like the server isn't accessible when that test runs?15:54
deryckgary_poster, looking15:54
intellectronicaleonardr: how did you test this?15:54
leonardrintellectronica: i haven't tested it yet. i'm just trying to figure out where all the pieces of code go15:55
intellectronicahas it really been merged? if yes and we don't have problems then i suppose you're right and it doesn't break15:55
deryckgary_poster, yes, that is correct.  We'll handle those, plus the structural-subscriptions-manage one.15:56
danilo-afk2leonardr, ok, so it's not a new change, but probably spurious, thanks15:56
deryckgary_poster, I'm doing a branch now for the non-hwdb ones.15:56
gary_posterderyck: awesome thank you15:56
intellectronicaleonardr: well, that's easy to test. let's merge it and try looking at a bug page with the result15:56
leonardrall right15:56
gary_posterEdwinGrubbs: ^^^ what deryck said (I'll put it on the wiki page if you don't, once you tell me where it is)15:56
intellectronicaleonardr: does it merge cleanly?15:56
leonardrintellectronica: no, that's why i brought you into the conversation. my branch has a hack to picker.js that conflicts with your hack15:57
intellectronicahmmm ...15:58
leonardrwell, my branch has code to send PATCH to the individual field15:58
intellectronicaleonardr: oh right, so we'll need to change that too to get the effect15:59
leonardrif i know how to test it, i can probably get this working15:59
leonardrjust load a bug page?15:59
leonardram i, for instance, changing the bug status?15:59
intellectronicaleonardr: load a bug page and try to change the assignee or milestone. if they work then your change is good. if not, give me a shout and i'll look at what's going on together with you16:00
intellectronicaif that's ok with you16:00
leonardri'll get this damn thing out of my life once and for all16:00
EdwinGrubbsderyck: for all the non-hwdb templates?16:00
deryckEdwinGrubbs, I'm doing the two non-hwdb ones.  I think abel will do the hwdb.  But someone on bugs will do those as well.16:02
deryckThis is bug 431916 for me.16:03
mupBug #431916: Remove bugbranch-delete.pt and structural-subscriptions-manage.pt  from lib/canonical/launchpad <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by deryck> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/431916>16:03
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gmbsinzui: So, I'm working on the bugtask-index redesign, according to the mockup that intellectronica did.16:05
gmbsinzui: It's gone pretty smoothly but for one problem: we want the bugtask table to stretch across the page above the sidebar.16:05
gmbIf I use main_side, that doesn't work. If I use main_only I don't get the sidebar16:06
sinzuiyour question is timely16:06
gmbsinzui: (This is because squashing the bugtask table looks *horrible*, btw)16:06
* sinzui checks is code landed16:06
EdwinGrubbsderyck, gary_poster: Can you mark which ones you are working on that are still in the unassigned list: https://dev.launchpad.net/VersionThreeDotO/UI/TemplateToDoList16:06
* gmb waits with bated breath16:06
leonardrintellectronica: it works on its own, i'm going to try to port my change16:06
deryckEdwinGrubbs, will do.16:07
gary_posterEdwinGrubbs: looks good for me.  thank you16:07
sinzuigmb: in the next 30 minutes there will be a CSS class called full-page-width that will extend into the sidebar16:07
gmbsinzui: Nice! So, how would I use that in this instance?16:08
sinzuigmb: I used it on the porlets around the bug and spec listing tables to take the full page16:08
gmbsinzui: Can you point me at an example?16:08
gmb(Or is this in the code that's due to land?)16:08
sinzuigmb: it does not work when placed on a table that has the listing class, I placed it on the parent16:08
deryckoh happy fortuitous day, gmb! :)16:09
gmbderyck: Let's not count our chickens :)16:09
sinzuigmb: <div class="portlet full-page-width">16:09
gmbsinzui: Thanks. Can you point me at a branch I can merge?16:09
sinzuigmb: lp:~sinzui/launchpad/milestone-design-oops16:11
sinzui^ Look at a firefox milestone16:11
gmbsinzui: Thanks! I'll take a look now.16:11
* deryck never counts chickens. neva eva.16:12
gmbsinzui: Looks good! I'll try it out on my bugtask branch.16:27
gmbsinzui: Ha. So, that solved part of the problem. The bugtask table now stretches across the page. However, the sidebar stayed where it was. Let me have a play with this and get back to you.16:34
sinzuigmb: yes. That is because of the z-index. I think some trickery is need to push the side content below the table16:35
* sinzui thinks16:35
gmbsinzui: Your thinking is welcome :)16:35
leonardrintellectronica: the http requests are going through but i'm getting strange errors on the client side16:49
intellectronicaleonardr: what errors do you see?16:49
intellectronicawant me to look at a branch?16:50
leonardrintellectronica: not yet, just letting you know16:50
leonardrintellectronica: ok, got it16:58
leonardri'll push a branch and we can discuss16:58
leonardri'm trying to patch the bug when i shoudl be patching the bugtask16:58
leonardrthe question is how to handle that in a general way16:58
intellectronicaleonardr: i can't imagine why you'd be operating on a bug. i don't think you even have the identity url for it anywhere there16:59
intellectronicabut yeah, i'll prolly understand better looking at the branch17:00
leonardrok, let me get things straight17:00
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
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beunogmb, can I see a screenshot instead?  :)17:13
gmbbeuno: Sure. https://devpad.canonical.com/~gbinns/ss.png17:13
gmbbeuno: I'm currently trying to get the bugtask table to stretch across the top of the page, but as sinzui noted above there needs to be some trickery done to get the sidebar to not sit over the top of it.17:14
leonardrintellectronica: i'm pretty sure there's a bug in lazr.restful17:14
beunogmb, the breadcrumbs aren't underneath the title17:15
intellectronicaleonardr: what's that?17:15
beunothe "reported by..." should be in the heading area17:15
gmbbeuno: Ah, that's probably because I forgot to sort the title out :)17:15
gmb(tunnel vision)17:15
beunoconvert to question looks odd iconless17:16
gmbbeuno: Ok.17:16
gmbbeuno: Yeah17:16
gmbI was wondering if we had an icon for that action.17:16
beunomaybe they should all be iconless?  don't know17:16
beunowe don't17:16
sinzuigmb: I suspect creating a slot in base-layout.pt for content to appear before the side lost may be easier. I am still thinking about how to tell the content to position itself relative to the table17:16
beunogmb, did you look at the mockup we did en buenos aires for this?17:17
gmbbeuno: In the mockup, Tom used something like (>) as an icon. I think ti would look odd if they were all iconless, especially since every other page has icons.17:17
gmbbeuno: No, the one that Tom sent out in his RFC email.17:17
gmbThat might be the same one.  I dunno.17:17
leonardrintellectronica: when you navigate into a field resource it navigates based on the name of the interface field17:17
gmbsinzui: Right, I was thinking along the same lines (but trying to get away without it ;) ).17:17
gmbsinzui: I'll give the extra slot a shot.17:17
beunogmb, so first converting, then desiging it?17:18
leonardrso /firefox/+bug/15/assignee_link doesn't work, you have to do /firefox/+bug/15/assignee17:18
mupBug #15: PO file import errors should be more verbose <feature> <Launchpad Translations:Fix Released by carlos> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/15>17:18
mupBug #15: PO file import errors should be more verbose <feature> <Launchpad Translations:Fix Released by carlos> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/15>17:18
gmbbeuno: I'm not clear what you mean.17:18
beunogmb, as for the icon17:18
leonardr*but*, when lazr.restful tries to set the value, it uses the externally-facing name of the field. so *that* has to be assignee_link17:18
leonardrbut there's no way to specify assignee_link, so you can't modify that field17:18
beunogmb, you could grab some gimp, and recreate the dupe icon but with the question icon in the back instead17:19
gmbbeuno: Yeah, that sounds like a plan.17:19
gmbI'll see if I can fix the bugtask table first.17:19
beunogmb, sorry I can't help much right now  :)17:19
beunowhat would be SUPER AMAZING17:20
gmbbeuno: No worries. Some guidance is a good, though.17:20
leonardri'm going to file a bug for this, and i'm going to send you a version of the branch that doesn't change picker.js17:20
leonardrgo ahead and use the hack for now17:20
beunois doing what the mokcup shows17:20
beunowhich is "Add bugtask" instead of "als affects" twice17:20
beunowhich nobody ever ever ever knows what to choose17:20
beunoif you fix that confusion17:20
beunoyou become my instant hero17:20
gmbbeuno: Heh. I'll see what I can do, but I'll get the design bit done first.17:21
beunogmb, that, to me, would be the single most important change on that page17:21
beunocollampsing all those 3 options into one17:22
beunoderyck, ^17:22
beunomaybe moving the "me too" out of under there17:22
* deryck looks at scrollback17:22
gmbbeuno: Right. One crisis at a time, thoguh :)17:22
beunolike in https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/UI/Bugs/ThreeDotO?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=bug_page_30.jpg17:22
beunogmb, I'm taking advantage of my gf making tea and not seeing me work17:22
beunoI will probably disappear suddenly in about 2 minutes17:23
beunoso I'm squeezing as much as I can  :)17:23
sinzuigmb: I think cproc is landing the registration slot where you can place the:17:23
sinzui    Bug #15 reported by Foo Bae on 2007-12-1817:23
mupBug #15: PO file import errors should be more verbose <feature> <Launchpad Translations:Fix Released by carlos> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/15>17:23
gmbsinzui: Ah, cool.17:25
deryckbeuno, you want something from me?  Or just looking for consent for gmb to become your instant hero? :)17:25
beunoderyck, just to keep you in the loop and try to get you on board17:25
deryckbeuno, gotcha.17:26
deryckbeuno, I'm certainly on board with that, but I think we need to be realistic about what can be accomplished in a day.17:26
beunothey've cought me17:26
sinzuigmb: did you try wrapping the entire side content in a div with style="z-index: 10"? we may need a float: left instruction added to the table to let the portlets know that they can wrap around it17:26
gmbsinzui: Hmm, no. Let me try that...17:27
intellectronicahey beuno, have you got a sec to look at my work in progress bugs index page redesign?17:27
intellectronicadamn, the gf won17:28
beunointellectronica, she went to the bathroom17:28
beunoGO GO GO17:28
gmbsinzui: No joy.17:28
intellectronicabeuno: https://devpad.canonical.com/~tom/bugs-homepage-redesign-screenshot.png17:29
leonardrintellectronica: do you by any chance remember the formulae for running the windmill tests?17:29
leonardri am pushing my code to lp:~leonardr/launchpad/get-field-uri17:29
leonardrtake a look at the code (it's a subset of what's already been reviewed) and if the tests pass i'll land it17:29
sinzuigmb: what was the effect, content pushed out? insane wrapping?17:29
gmbsinzui: No change at all :)17:29
intellectronicaleonardr: https://dev.launchpad.net/Windmill but there are no tests for the bugtasks table yet, if that's what you're looking for17:30
beunointellectronica, I like it17:30
intellectronicaleonardr: also, i don't know if that hasn't changed now that BjornT_ is working on making windmill work as part of the general test suite17:30
leonardrintellectronica: thanks for link. i am just trying to run the tests i added to this branch17:30
beunoI don't know if I like the format for "bug supervisor..." etc17:31
intellectronicabeuno: how can we improve on that?17:31
beunonames will be long, oit will wrap, it doesn't look like it does in other places...17:31
intellectronicai really want to keep these links in one place so that people don't have to fish for them all over the page17:31
intellectronicawould you suggest moving it out of the sidebar?17:32
beunoI think so17:32
beunobug tracker as well17:32
beunoand just leave the action17:32
beunoyou could have it in the main content17:33
beunoon  the right17:33
beunotop right17:33
beunowhere the serarch is17:33
beunosearch even17:33
beunocought again17:33
beunobbl, I'm on strike 2 now17:33
intellectronicabeuno: another option is to have the title of the fields on a separate line. that way wrapping will be less of a problem17:34
beunointellectronica, gmb, email is easier for me  :)17:34
* beuno -> gone17:34
intellectronicabeuno: gotcha17:34
sinzuigmb: I have a cracked proposal. Move the table to the side portlets. You need to add a position: relative, then play with the left: or float properties to align the table to the left side.17:36
gmbsinzui: I like it. Let me fetch my crack pipe and get hacking.17:36
deryckintellectronica, the screenie looks nice, man.  You've done some nice work there.17:36
sinzuigmb: you may still need a z-index: 10 on the side portlets to ensure they flow with the table17:37
intellectronicaderyck: cheers. b.t.w you don't see the cloud because there's no data, but that looks nice too. now wrestling with the search box17:37
gmbsinzui: Understood17:37
deryckintellectronica, gotcha.  I like the border around the search area.  It gives us room to improve later as we try to play with improved search/filing ideas that we batted around but don't have time for now/17:38
deryckintellectronica, how does the "Hot Bugs" section get built?  Just latest or latest touched?  Or some actual calculation of "hot"?17:40
intellectronicaderyck: for now it's just latest touched. but i think it's worth keeping it vague so that we can change the query later to something more sophisticated. what do you think?17:41
deryckintellectronica, yes, agreed.  vague now to release, better later.  good call.17:42
leonardrintellectronica: my new tests pass, and my code doesn't break any existing tests. if you'll bless my new diff, i'll land that branch, and come back to the bug (which i will now file) when i come back from holiday next thursday17:45
leonardrif you, like me, feel slightly uncomfortable with the idea of me landing something and then going away for a week, maybe you'd like to take over the branch?17:45
intellectronicaleonardr: i'm not sure i understand. what's the bug? is everything on the bug page still working?17:46
leonardrintellectronica: i have not removed your hack17:46
leonardrthe bug prevents me from removing it17:46
intellectronicaleonardr: normally i'd love to, but i have heaps to finish, so i can't realistically promise to look at it until we're done with all our 3.0 work17:46
leonardrintellectronica: ok, i'll probably land it when i get back17:47
intellectronicaleonardr: in that case, feel free to file a bug and assign to me for doing that later on17:47
leonardrintellectronica: the bug is in lazr.restful, so i'll fix it, and then file a bug for you to get rid of the hack17:47
leonardrthat's probably what you meant17:47
intellectronicayeah, that's what i meant17:47
* gmb <-- taking a break for food; this is frying my brain. Back in an hour or so17:50
mrevellnight all17:56
maxbgary_poster: My lazr.enum import pains on karmic are back again. Just wondering if you have any immediate thoughts on the issue, or if I should dig into it myself this weekend.18:02
gary_postermaxb: argh!  no18:03
gary_postermaxb: can you give me a traceback or something?18:03
* maxb slices a testlog18:04
=== BjornT_ is now known as BjornT
gary_posterso, back, with a new and amusing new face.18:09
gary_posteror something.18:09
maxband mysteriously localized to codehosting bits18:09
gary_posteroh.  well, that's a clue at least.18:10
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
gary_postermaxb: to state the probably obvious, the tests I have looked at so far look like they are calling out in one way or another, and the paths appear to not be set up correctly.18:20
gary_posterUnfortunately, it's not obvious to me on a skim how these things are calling making subprocesses.18:20
gary_posterIn any case, on the bright side from my perspective, and maybe yours, this appears to me to be something funky having to do with our test set up, rather than some breakage in zc.buildout.18:20
EdwinGrubbssinzui: I can't find a zcml entry for rdf-index.pt. Do you know where it is used?18:33
salgadoEdwinGrubbs, /rdf, maybe?18:36
salgadothat's it, just confirmed on launchpad/configure.zcml18:37
EdwinGrubbssalgado: oh, it's not in the zcml directory. Thanks.18:38
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
=== Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
bacsinzui: did you create a bug for the person-edit conversion?19:00
sinzuibac: No19:00
baci'll do it19:01
sinzuiI told everyone you were working on it19:01
baci just need me a number19:01
bacit was supposed to be a surprise19:01
* sinzui told everyone who seemed to care at least19:01
sinzuibac: I am in a call, If you want me to review it, I expect to be available in an hour19:01
bacsinzui: ok19:02
barryEdwin-lunch: when you're back from lunch, ping19:04
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=== Edwin-afk is now known as EdwinGrubbs
mwhudsongood morning20:38
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jtvhi mwhudson21:47
mwhudsonjtv: should i be telling you to go to bed?21:47
jtvmwhudson: in a moment, but first you could do wonders for my ability to sleep by helping me with a notfound-traversals failure.  :)21:47
jtvThis is the grown-up software engineer's way of asking you to read me a story.21:48
mwhudsonjtv: rm notfound-traversals.txt ?21:48
jtvBasically I seem to have managed to replace a 404 for a certain nonsensical URL with a 500.21:48
jtvBFD to me, but what do I know...21:49
mwhudson500s are pretty bad, i'd say21:50
jtvhere's what I did: I added a Navigation & Breadcrumb for Language, and now /+languages/xx/foos (where xx is a language code) no longer produces a 404.21:51
jtvInstead, ForbiddenAttribute: __getitem__ on Language.21:51
mwhudsonjtv: is there a GetitemNavigation somewhere?21:52
mwhudsonjtv: kill it before it breeds21:52
jtvnow the name begins to make sense21:52
jtvWhat do I put there instead?21:52
mwhudsoni think just a Navigation21:52
jtvJust kill?21:52
mwhudson(assuming there is actual navigation to be done, i guess)21:53
mwhudsonjtv: oh, you added the navigation?21:53
jtvyes, without understanding much about it21:53
salgadojtv, if you wait till tomorrow you won't need to add this Navigation as bug 423898 will be fixed21:55
mupBug #423898: Should not rely on Navigation._publishTraverse() to have objects appended to request.traversed_objects <Launchpad Foundations:In Progress by salgado> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/423898>21:55
jtvsalgado: would that give me the breadcrumbs I crave?21:56
jtv(and hi btw :)21:56
salgadojtv, yes21:56
salgadoyou still need the Breadcrumb adapter, but a Navigation is no longer needed21:56
jtvsalgado: nice!  Using plan Navigation solves it all for now, so I'll just add an XXX referring to that bug.22:01
salgadojtv, ok22:02
jtvmwhudson: see?  Now I'll sleep a whole lot better.  :)22:04
mwhudsonjtv: yeah, a happy result!22:04
jtvthanks, guys22:06
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
thumperbooting the laptop22:14
thumpercall shortly22:15
mwhudsonthumper: laptop busy fscking?22:25
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: this bug relates to rdf https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/640522:33
mupBug #6405: /rdf page doesn't provide access to RDF exports <registry> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/6405>22:33
EdwinGrubbssinzui: Should I even bother trying to convert this now, since it will have to be changed so much in the future?22:35
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: The page will not render if it is not converted. Just do the minimum to convert it. We need to rethink DOAP22:39
thumperlosa, mwhudson: the cscvs merge seems stuck on db comments again22:39
EdwinGrubbssinzui: is the macro:page/applicationhome also to be replaced by the new templates?22:49
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: yes22:50
sinzuiLocationless or main_only22:50
Chexthumper: this is the pqm queue, correct?22:50
thumperChex: yes22:50
thumpermthaddon: pqm wedged again same as last night22:51
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: If application button do not make sense for the page (/rdf) use locactionless. main_only is the default22:51
mthaddonthumper: ok, so something in the code is causing a problem - can someone look into that?22:53
thumpermthaddon: the change is in the cscvs branch itself, so it seems very screwy22:53
thumpermthaddon: it isn't the branch that is landing that is at fault22:54
mthaddonthumper: ok, so what's wrong with cscvs?22:54
thumpermthaddon: one line change blocking bzr 2 from landing22:54
mthaddonthumper: I guess I'm just asking if we can make a change that will stop this happening again22:56
thumpermthaddon: I don't know what is wrong...22:57
thumpermthaddon: it shouldn't block there!22:57
thumperit is "make schema"22:57
thumperI have no idea...22:57
kfogeljml: hey23:03
kfogelwhere o where is my jml23:05
kfogelthumper: those approved branches of mine you noticed yesterday -- they were already merged, somehow Launchpad just didn't know about it.  I've marked their status as "merged" now, so they'll no longer show up in activereviews.23:10
jmlkfogel, hello23:11
kfogeljml: hey there23:11
thumperkfogel: ok, ta23:11
jmlkfogel, computer problems prevented me from arriving sooner.23:11
jmlI was forced to wait on an fsck.23:11
kfogeljml: if by "computer problems" you mean "fleet of leather-clad bikers wielding live armadillos", then sure.23:12
kfogeljml: you know you can hit Escape to stop that, I think?23:12
jmlkfogel, I believe it's koalas, this cycle23:12
jmlkfogel, ha ha ha23:12
kfogeljml: the escape thing wasn't a joke...23:12
wgrantSo that's why everyone is having problems, but nobody can work it out.23:12
jmlkfogel, it doesn't work23:12
wgrantrocketfuel-get is broken for non-Canonicalites.23:12
kfogelwgrant: !!??23:12
kfogeljml: one second while we both jump on this thing wgrant just said23:13
kfogelwgrant: that counts as a P1.  What's the problem?23:13
wgrantYou know how ~3 people have been complaining that rocketfuel-setup fails when it complains about sourcecode/mailman's absence?23:13
wgrantI just ran rocketfuel-get. It complained about shipit and didn't actually update any of the branches.23:13
jmlwgrant, rf-get has changed recently23:14
wgrantIt has.23:14
wgrantAnd it has no error handling.23:14
* thumper still doesn't use rf-get23:14
jmlwgrant, that surprises me23:14
* wgrant tries.23:15
sinzuiI know dulwich is broken. I used --overwrite to force the branch to update23:15
jmlwgrant, it has some error handling.23:15
kfogelwgrant: looking at recent rf-get changes now...23:16
kfogeloh frig, there's still no way to get the history of a file efficiently in bzr23:16
wgrantbzr log?23:17
kfogelwgrant: try it :-)23:17
sinzuikfogel: I use gannotate to look though a file. I do not know how to get just the log of the commits that changed the file23:18
kfogelwgrant: I did 'cd utilities; bzr log -v -n0 rocketfuel-get', although I'm not strictly sure the -v is necessary...23:18
mwhudsonkfogel: it's waaaay better in 2a format than it was before, at least...23:18
kfogelah, eliminating -v helps23:18
kfogela lot23:18
kfogelmwhudson: YES23:18
kfogelmwhudson: actually the culprit appears to be the -v really23:18
mwhudsonjml: please to be fixing devscripts.sourcecode to pull overwrite23:19
wgrantA plain bzr log on that file takes just 5 seconds here.23:19
kfogelI had thought that whatever work -v did was what bzr would have to do to extract logs for just that file anyway, but apparently not23:19
jmlmwhudson, yeah, I've already made a note to do so :)23:19
mwhudsonkfogel: log -v should be faster in 2a too...23:19
jmlmwhudson, although aiui, it's a matter of adding a parameter to one function call in one place.23:19
mwhudsonjml: yeah23:20
kfogelmwhudson: it may be faster, it's just still rather slow23:20
mwhudsonjml: so i guess it doesn't actually demand you do it...23:20
kfogelwgrant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/273138/23:20
mwhudsonjml: the last-touched principle & all that23:20
kfogelwgrant: I'm sure you were at that rev already23:20
wgrantI see.23:21
jmlmwhudson, oh sure, I'm happy to do it.23:21
jmlI just would have been happier if someone else had already done it :P23:21
kfogelwgrant: looking at diff, one sec23:22
wgrantkfogel: I have a fix.23:22
kfogelwgrant: zing!23:23
wgrantJust working out what the Right Way to report errors is, given that it might be an optional.23:23
kfogelwgrant: ok.  Should jml and I start our call (that's what we backgrounded, but if you have questions we can wait..)23:23
wgrantkfogel: Go ahead. Sorry for interrupting.23:24
kfogelwgrant: m'gosh, sorry we broke rf-get!23:24
thumperhmm... pqm seems to be advancing, but slowly23:31
thumperChex, mthaddon: any idea why pqm would take an hour to apply comments.sql?23:32
mwhudsonmaybe postgres really wants to vacuum or something23:32
pooliei think it used to be possible to change the status of a question, but the option seems to have gone away23:42
poolieeven on lpnet23:42
wgrantThe permissions for that are very restrictive.23:44
poolieit's a bazaar question23:44
pooliemaybe the permissions have been broken? do you know off hand who is allowed to edit them?23:45
poolieactually it's not23:46
pooliei don't know why i got it then23:46
mwhudsonkiko: build engineer tole?23:46
pooliewgrant: ok, i remember, i've hit this before23:47
wgrantpoolie: It's in bazaar, but not bzr?23:47
pooliei don't have permission to change the status but i do have permission to reassign the question and then i can change the status :)23:48
wgrantAh, yes.23:48
pooliei think someone else may have moved it before i got there23:48
EdwinGrubbsBjornT: ping23:51
EdwinGrubbsjml: ping23:56
jmlEdwinGrubbs, pong23:57
jmlEdwinGrubbs, wassup?23:57
EdwinGrubbsjml: I don't understand the benefit of the /+storeblob page.23:58
jmlEdwinGrubbs, me neither. I didn't know we had one :)23:58
mwhudsonEdwinGrubbs: wgrant replied to you on #launchpad-reviews....23:58
kikomwhudson, heh23:59
thumperhi kiko23:59
kikoheya tim23:59
kikohow are you?23:59

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