
desrthi.  i'm having trouble uploading to my PPA00:22
wgrantdesrt: What's it not doing?00:23
desrtit's uploading, but then i get a rejection email saying that the file is already there00:24
wgrantThe file is already there.00:24
desrti deleted it00:24
wgrantThat doesn't matter.00:24
wgrantYou can never upload the same version again.00:24
desrtit's no longer showing on the PPA page00:24
desrtthat sucks a lot :(00:24
desrtis it possible for an admin to go in and delete the files?00:25
wgrantUploading the same version would be very confusing to users, and confuse apt even harder.00:25
wgrantWhy not just bump the version?00:25
desrtbecause nobody downloaded it00:25
desrtit was a botched upload and now i've fixed it00:25
wgrant=> it's a new version => new version number00:26
wgrantIt really does make things a lot less confusing for everybody.00:26
desrtis it possible to nuke the entire PPA?00:26
wgrantYou could get an admin to rename and disable it for you.00:27
wgrantBut doing that just to upload the same version again seems like a very bad idea.00:27
desrt"  Package deletion can take some time before the packages are actually removed. See the full PPA help page. "00:28
desrtshame the help page says nothing on the topic :p00:28
desrtmaybe when i wake up tomorrow it will be gone00:28
wgrantYou still won't be able to reupload.00:28
desrtit seems exceptionally silly00:31
desrtbecause it's my PPA00:32
desrtwhy should i be prevented from deleting something that i just uploaded?00:32
wgrantYou were able to delete it.00:32
desrtwhat if i accidentally uploaded my password or something00:32
wgrantYou just can't upload something immensely confusing.00:32
desrtit's still on the archive00:32
desrtthat's the problem00:32
wgrantIt should be removed from the archive disk within a day.00:33
desrtright.  that's what i hope for.00:33
wgrantHowever it will remain accessible from the web UI forever unless you get an admin to remove it.00:33
desrtthe email makes it very clear that the fact that it's on the archive is a problem00:33
desrtit's already gone from the UI00:33
wgrantNot if you search for deleted packages.00:34
wgrantThe publishing status refers to the status on ppa.launchpad.net. Nowhere else.00:34
desrtoh interesting00:35
desrtthere's a bug in the web interface00:35
desrtyou can't search for superseeded packages from the delete page00:35
desrtso you can delete packages, but only if they haven't been superseeded00:35
desrtthat seems to be the problem00:35
wgrantThat's not the problem.00:36
desrtit's quite reproduceable00:36
wgrant+delete-packages will show any packages that haven't yet been removed.00:36
wgrantWhy would you want to delete a package that has already been removed because it was superseded?00:36
desrtit's still on the archive00:36
desrtthe superseeded package is still on the archive.  the new one is already deleted.00:37
desrtthe web interface lets me search for 'superseded' from the delete page00:37
desrtbut it returns no results00:37
desrtso there's definitely a bug here.  perhaps 2.00:37
wgrantIt's just confusing.00:37
wgrantLet me explain.00:37
wgrantIt's a bit strange, but it does make sense.00:38
wgrantPackages will show up on +delete-packages if there are bits of them that haven't been removed yet.00:38
wgrantIf a package is marked Superseded or Deleted, it is not removed from disk immediately.00:38
desrton the archive or in the PPA webapp?00:38
wgrantIn the case of a Deleted publication, it will be eligible for removable immediately.00:39
wgrantIn the case of a Superseded one, it will become eligible for removal in 24 hours.00:39
desrtso the reason that this pacakge is not showing on the +delete is because it's already queued for delete by virtue of having been superseeded?00:39
desrtthat's very very strange00:39
wgrantNow, on my PPA some deleted and superseded packages do show up.00:39
desrtyou remove your ability to immediately delete a particular release by making a new release00:40
wgrantEr, what?00:40
desrthere was my exact sequence of actions:00:40
wgrantIt's not shown on the page because you don't need to remove it!00:40
desrt1) upload pkg000:41
desrt2) upload pkg100:41
desrt(ie: pkg1 supercedes pkg0)00:41
desrt3) delete pkg100:41
desrt4) try very hard (and fail) to delete pkg000:41
desrt5) note that the archive contains pkg0 (but pkg1 is completely gone)00:41
wgrantWhat is the timeline?00:41
desrtall today00:41
desrta few hours between pkg0 and pkg1 since the builders were slow with the alpha build today00:42
desrtnow here's why i think there is at least one bug:00:42
desrteven if i accept that it makes no sense to want to delete packages that have already been marked as superseded then why does teh +delete-packages page have 'superseded' as an option in the pulldown menu to search for packages to delete?00:43
wgrantI'm looking at that now.00:44
wgrantBut why do you care?00:44
desrt(and i don't even accept that premise, which is why i think there may be 2 bugs)00:44
desrtbecause it's exceptionally misleading?00:44
wgrantThat still won't help you upload the same version.00:44
wgrantThe main use-case for deleting a superseded package is reducing your disk usage to get under your PPA quota. Normally you'd have to wait for the quarantine period.00:45
desrtthe whole "we refuse to delete your data" mentality is a bit odd to me, i must admit00:46
FlannelHi all, what steps do we have to go through to get two teams merged?  One is now defunct, it'd be nice to have it not sitting around.  Do we file a question against launchpad still? or is there a better method now?02:30
wgrantFlannel: File a question.02:31
Flannelwgrant: Alright thanks02:31
aboSamoor1I have personal branch. can I separate to different personal branches ?02:56
MethsYou can branch branches03:00
aboSamoor1Meths: my work is saved under folders, I want to make a new branch for each folder without loosing the history03:01
wgrantaboSamoor1: Ah. Have a look at the bzr-split plugin. Also, #bzr is better for this sort of question.03:01
aboSamoor1wgrant: thanks :)03:02
desrtwgrant: thanks for your help earlier03:50
desrtyou were right.  launchpad rejected the upload of all but a totally unseen before version number03:50
desrtweird, but whatever :p03:50
ub3rst4rdoes anyone know how to convert .resx to .pot so they can be uploaded to the translations section05:22
mwhudsondo ppas check if a built package can be installed during the build process?05:26
wgrantmwhudson: No.05:27
mwhudsoni have a package that fails to install05:28
wgrantI see.05:28
mwhudsoni'm uploading a hacked up version of it to launchpad05:28
mwhudsonbut it's for hardy, which i don't have lying around05:28
ub3rst4rdoes anyone know anything about .pot or how the translations work?05:31
spmub3rst4r: the translations guys aren't around yet; perhaps another 2-3 hours?05:34
ub3rst4rk thanks05:34
Q-FUNKsomehow, it seems that recent chnages in LP have obfuscated the location of the menu to change which package is affected by a bug and help.lp.net isn't helping. would anyone know where that went?07:12
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mat_they LP people13:02
mat_tBeen trying to report a bug in Software Store, but "Report a bug" button takes me to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs13:03
james_wmat_t: yes, you are now asked to follow the instructions there to report the bug13:04
james_wubuntu-bug software-store13:04
mat_tjames_w: oh13:04
mat_tjames_w: does it mean we're actively discouraging people from using LP?13:05
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james_wubuntu-bug opens an LP page to report the bug, it just attaches lots of juicy information that saves you typing it in13:05
james_wpackage versions and the like13:05
mat_tI see13:05
mat_tclever :)13:05
james_wwhich a lot of people skip giving, so the first interaction is "what version of Ubuntu are you using?"13:06
mat_tI still think this instructions page should be *within* LP13:06
mat_tjames_w: OK, so I'm in Karmic, and I'm trying to report a design/usability bug in Software Store... How do I do it?13:08
james_w<james_w> ubuntu-bug software-store13:08
james_wor "Help -> Report a problem" if there is an option in software-store13:09
mat_tjames_w: yeah tried it, but it doesn't let me enter any information, just sends the report13:10
mat_tjames_w: ok thx13:11
kklimondais it normal that I don't get emails for new bugs that are set to private for packages I'm subscribed to even if I'm in ubuntu-bugcontrol ?13:11
james_wmat_t: http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/2009/09/16/Reporting_Bugs13:11
james_wkklimonda: yes unfortunately13:12
james_wmat_t: it is supposed to open a browser for you to complete the process, but firefox may be crashing for you as it is for me13:12
wgrantkklimonda: That's an awkward thing to fix, unfortunately.13:12
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z3lhi everybody13:18
z3lhow can i add a project host on launchpad to the file sources list ?13:25
z3li mean the file /etc/apt/sources.list13:27
deryckwgrant, ping13:28
wgrantderyck: Hi.13:28
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z3lI read this : https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/InstallingSoftware but i can't find "the first line from the apt sources.list entries section of the PPA overview page."13:35
noodles775z3l: click on the 'Technical information' link...13:35
* noodles775 checks for exact wording...13:35
noodles775z3l: in the 'Adding this PPA to your system' section.13:35
wgrantz3l: How did you get to that page?13:36
wgrantnoodles775: Quite a few people seem to get to the help wiki without ever seeing the PPA overview page. Maybe some places just link to the ppa.launchpad.net address.13:36
mat_tjames_w: yeah, that's exactly what happened13:37
mat_tjames_w: thanks :)13:37
noodles775wgrant: Ah, I see.13:37
z3lwgrant : from here -> https://help.launchpad.net/FrontPage13:37
wgrantz3l: How did you know that you wanted to install a PPA? Did you have a particular one in mind?13:37
doctormoIs there any way to use launchpadlib without having it oauth every fickin time? It's making debuging a nighmare and slow13:38
wgrantdoctormo: You can save and load credentials.13:39
wgrantdoctormo: There's an example at https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib, IIRC.13:39
wgrantdoctormo: And consumers like ubuntu-dev-tools have helpers.13:39
doctormowgrant: thank you, I just don't understand why people are still using oauth.13:39
z3lwgrant : i would like to install ktoon -> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktoon13:40
wgrantdoctormo: ... why shouldn't they?13:40
doctormowgrant: firefox isn't an operating system, reinventing authorisation and then trying to man handle a website cross auth into a client desktop auth system. It's just not right.13:40
wgrantdoctormo: That's just the current implementation of the authorization part of Launchpad's OAuth support.13:41
z3lI must be blind, i don't see 'Technical information' link 'Technical information' link13:41
wgrantz3l: That's not a PPA.13:41
wgrantThere is no ktoon in any PPA.13:42
wgrantAnd there is no ktoon package known to Launchpad.13:42
doctormowgrant: Aye, hopefully there'll be a future token based system which intergrates the authorisation into the whole os and not just for launchpad.13:42
doctormoOr just for firefox13:42
* doctormo dreams about web browsers not having cookies any more13:43
wgrantdoctormo: What is your exact complaint with the way things currently work?13:43
wgrantHow would it be done better? At some point the provider (LP) has to interact with the user almost directly, or everything collapses.13:43
doctormowgrant: none, except for a web browser requirement, none at all. You've done what needed to be done with OAuth. Ignore.13:44
z3lwhat is this link : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktoon, just a hosted source page ?13:44
wgrantdoctormo: Well, LP is a webapp...13:44
noodles775z3l: so you don't need to do anything complicated to install ktoon 0.8.1-4... Just go to Applications->Add/Remove...13:44
wgrantz3l: That's an Ubuntu source package.13:44
noodles775and search for it there.13:44
wgrantz3l: That shows the versions of ktoon available by default in each Ubuntu release.13:45
doctormowgrant: And say if I wanted to talk to auth on a text only desktop. Just for sake of asking.13:45
wgrantdoctormo: Then I use links to go to the authorization URL.13:46
doctormowgrant: If it were me, I'd take the username and password, have those boxes in my os wide service add, do the hoke with the tokens and forget the password once done. No need for web browsers, only for http requests.13:46
wgrantdoctormo: Perhaps a non-browser official client could be provided, but consumers can't just ask for email address and password.13:46
doctormowgrant: Web browser is a consumer, something has to act as client, I'd rather it wasn't an easily fooled web browser.13:47
wgrantdoctormo: The browser is not the consumer.13:47
doctormowgrant: Only the operating system, I understand what your getting at, but I don't quite agree.13:48
wgrantdoctormo: Huh?13:48
wgrantI never said anything about the operating system.13:48
z3lwgrant & noodles775 : thank you for answer, i understand better now :)13:49
doctormowgrant: typical OAuth treats the web browser as soemthing special, I have no idea why, it's not like it's very secure. It's just a replacement for propper os based auth sessions, hence mistakenly treating it like it's the os by calling it like a core service for service auths.13:50
wgrantdoctormo: Because OAuth is normally used as an alternative access method to webapps, so the browser already has a secure copy of the master credentials.13:51
doctormowgrant: It only has that because it's got it's own set of credentials that the os isn't privy too. If it was backed onto the same system, it wouldn't matter.13:52
wgrantdoctormo: Ah, so you are asking for a fundamental shift of all Web authentication?13:53
Davieydoctormo: err, if you try and use launchpadlib on a box without firefox it falls back to w3m.. So ANY browser.. it's not fair to mention firefox specifically.13:54
doctormoDaviey: Your right, I'm being unfair to firefox. ANY web browser.13:54
doctormowgrant: Well yes and no, I don't think the industry is going to shift. But it doesn't mean that devels should follow the line completly. Having a second lp auth that allows a http, non-brwoser client would be good, use something simple to specify the required fields and don't use html.13:57
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad to: There is a Planet Launchpad | Launchpad is now open sourced: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Help contact: gmb | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-dev is the developer channel
popeygmb: HELP!14:16
gmb_popey: Did you actually want my help or did you just shout "HELP" to crash my laptop? 'Cos that's what happened.14:22
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popeyNo, just testing my crashscript14:23
gmbpopey: Thanks for that, good to know.14:24
flacosteBjornT: did bzr-git worked to push to github?14:44
BjornTflacoste: no. bzr-git doesn't support pushing yet (at least not according to the docs, i didn't actually try)14:45
flacosteBjornT: ok, so you used git itself to create a branch and apply the patch, i guess14:45
BjornTflacoste: yeah. wasn't much problem, since it was only one commit14:46
doctormoAre there ways to list all the available bzr branches (code) for a given project using launchpadlib?15:00
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james_wdoctormo: https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc/15:06
james_wsearch for getBranches15:06
james_wyou can call it on a project, team or person15:07
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doctormothanks james_w15:41
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lantash1QUESTION: Can somebody tell me why the automatic synchronization and one-time import don't work here: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/lottanzb/0.5 I requested an import several times during the past days and nothing happened16:03
lantash1ah, it just looks like they haven't been reviewed. Can somebody with the required privileges do that for me? https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/lottanzb/0.5/+imports16:04
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dpmlantash1: it seems that you didn't import a POT template together with the PO files. I believe that's why they are stuck in Need Review. LP cannot figure out where to import those translations without a template17:26
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tomfriedhof_I can't access this url http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~davidstrauss/pressflow/6/20:24
pwolanintomfriedhof_: hmm, I was just there a little while ago21:05
pwolaninI can access it now21:05
tomfriedhof_thanks pwolanin, I just grabbed the gz file and ran a diff21:11
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niemeyerHey guys21:25
niemeyerI'm wondering if there's some issue relative to the ordering of releases, or if I'm missing some step21:26
niemeyerThe latest release is 0.9.1, as shown in the "series and milestones" graph21:26
niemeyerBut the Downloads link in the right hand side actually shows 0.921:26
niemeyerI'm not sure if I did something stupid or if Launchpad is a bit lost there21:26
pwolaninI'm trying to push a copy of an existing branch to a new branch, but launchpad is giving me a bzr error21:53
pwolaninUsing default stacking branch /~vcs-imports/drupal/main at lp-45211920:///~acquia/drupal21:53
pwolaninbzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "KnitPackRepository('lp-45211920:///~vcs-imports/drupal/main/.bzr/repository')\nis not compatible with\nKnitPackRepository('lp-45211920:///~acquia/drupal/1.x-6.x/.bzr/repository')\ndifferent rich-root support")21:53
pwolaninI guess "different rich-root support" is the key item here?21:54
james_wpwolanin: yes, that's the key21:56
pwolaninjames_w: ok, maybe I got it to work by deleting the empty branch I'd created on lp and then pushing21:57
james_wthat's possible21:57
james_wat least it is working :-)21:57
pwolaninjames_w: can you explain what a stacked branch is?21:59
james_wsorry, got to dash22:00
james_wsomeone else will be able to22:00
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quentusrexWhy does an orig get counted multiple times for the size limit in a ppa?23:05
quentusrexeach version increment uses the same orig file, but it's counted for each package version... I have a 160MB orig file with sound files and images, but for each package version it fills up the space quickly...23:06
quentusrexeven though it should only be stored once.23:06
wgrantquentusrex: File a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+filebug. It's a pretty easy fix.23:08
quentusrexok, thanks.23:08
wgrantActually, it's not so easy.23:08
wgrantBut file it anyway.23:08
quentusrexI'm filing23:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432152 in soyuz "orig files for source packages are being counted for each version" [Undecided,New]23:10
quentusrexAlso, for building for multiple releases, do I need to rebuild the whole package with the ~release added to the end?23:12
quentusrexI've already deleted the orig file from a previous attempt, but it says: File freeswitch_1.0.4.orig.tar.gz already exists in PPA for PBXbuntu Drivers, but uploaded version has different contents.23:30
quentusrexit was a corrupted orig file...23:31
quentusrexthe original was23:31
wgrantquentusrex: You can't ever upload one with the same name.23:32
wgrantquentusrex: How was it corrupted? Why was it changed at all from upstream>?23:32
quentusrexthere is no upstream package yet.23:32
quentusrexand the files inside it were corrupted.23:32
quentusrexI'm building the ubuntu package first,23:32
quentusrexbut someone else is working to get the debian package later23:33
wgrantWell, you'll have to change the version of the orig.tar.gz.23:33
wgrantEither by making it 1.0.5, 1.0.4+repack, or something else.23:33
quentusrexthat doesn't work... :(23:38
wgrantquentusrex: What goes wrong?23:39
quentusrexit doesn't detect the repack orig properly...23:40
quentusrexduring the build process23:40
wgrantquentusrex: Did you specify the right version in the changelog?23:40
quentusrexthat could be why....23:41
wgrantYour last couple of uploads were native.23:42
wgrantOh, no, that was a couple of days ago.23:42
quentusrexwhat does native mean?23:43
wgrantIt means that the diff.gz and orig.tar.gz are merged into one tar.gz, which is different every time.23:43
quentusrexmakes sense23:45
quentusrexawesome, that worked.23:45
quentusrexis there a page for naming and what you can do with the package naming?23:55

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