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loolbjf: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22225/ > looks like uboot cant read from IDE which it should; try powering off completely and booting again17:11
ograwoah, thats niosy17:12
bjflool, GrueMaster just reported success17:12
GrueMasterI've got it working.  Will try to pastebin my minicom log.17:12
bjflool, same after full power off17:13
loolbjf: perhaps it's too slow17:15
loolbjf: Can you try manually running the bootcmds?17:15
loolbjf: So break the script, printenv, and try the commands in the script but slowly17:15
lool** Unable to use ide 0:0 for fatload **17:15
lool** Partition 0 not valid on device 0 **17:15
lool** Unable to read "/boot.scr" from ide 0:1 **17:15
loolScanning ${interface} ${device}:${partition} ...17:15
loolreading /bootboot.scr17:15
loolbjf: hold on17:16
loolbjf: that's the issue17:16
GrueMasterI think I see what's happening.  The script is cycling through several usb iterations before booting from sata.17:16
loolbjf: did you install with a separate /boot?17:16
loolGrueMaster: bjf: Can one of you guys show me the full bootcmd as returned by printenv?17:16
bjflool, I had the installer "use entire disk" and do what it wanted17:16
loolThe issue is likely in NCommander's UBoot17:17
loolbjf: Ok; I'm not sure what it does on dove17:17
bjfbootcmd=setenv file_load '${fs}load ${interface} ${device}:${partition} 1000 ${prefix}boot.scr';setenv fat_load 'setenv fs fat; run file_17:17
bjfload'; setenv ext2_load 'setenv ext2; run file_load'; setenv attempt_load 'run fat_load || run ext2_load'; echo Scanning for boot device17:17
bjf...; usb start; ide reset; for i in usb ide; do for j in 0 1 2 3; do for k in 0 1 2 3; do for l in / /boot; do setenv interface $i; seten17:17
bjfv device $j; setenv partition $k; setenv prefix $l; echo 'Scanning ${interface} ${device}:${partition} ...'; if run attempt_load; then ec17:17
bjfho Found boot.scr, checking ...; if imi 1000; then echo boot.scr OK! Executing ...; autoscr 1000; fi; fi; done; done; done; done; echo No17:17
bjf boot device found. Restarting; sleep 3; reset;17:17
bjflool, i'll pastebin an entire printenv17:18
loolbjf: thanks17:18
bjflool, https://pastebin.canonical.com/22226/17:18
loolbjf: the issue is bootcmd17:19
lool${prefix}boot.scr should be ${prefix}/boot.scr17:19
bjflool, I don't see "prefix" defined17:19
loolor rather "for l in / /boot" should be "for l in / /boot/"17:19
loolbjf: prefix is set in the loop17:19
loolsetenv prefix $l17:19
GrueMasterlool: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22227/ is my minicom capture from poweron.17:19
loolbjf: change your bootcmd to "for l in / /boot/" and saveenv17:19
ograbug 43196317:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 431963 in linux "io/fs errors when launching gdm on imx51 with sata" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43196317:20
loolGrueMaster: You're using the / prefix17:20
loolGrueMaster: and it works for you, great!17:21
GrueMasterbrb.  household issue.17:21
loolbjf: Did this help?17:22
bjflool, taking me a minute to the the change in17:22
loolOk :)17:22
bjflool, is there an easy way to edit that line or do I need to cut and paste a new one in?17:25
loolbjf: You need to cut and paste17:26
bjflool, ok that's what I thought17:26
NCommanderlool, that's an old version of th eboot script17:28
NCommanderlool, in the bootscript, it needs to be {prefix}boot.scr17:30
GrueMasterthat's what I have as well.17:32
GrueMasterI initially thought it was stuck in a loop, but it is just looping through all of the non-existant usb devices before going to sata.17:33
bjfNCommander, lool, so do I need to modify mine or not?17:34
NCommanderbjf, no, just update to the latest binaries, and be patient :-017:34
bjfNCommander, did that17:34
bjfNCommander, at least I think I did that17:34
NCommanderGrueMaster, lool, its unfortunately pretty slow. I need to extend the usb/ide subsystem to throw an environment variable so I can iterate on extactly how many devices there are, and then try to see if I can figure out another method to determine the fs then forcibly load ext2/fat17:35
GrueMasterbjf: It takes about 20 seconds to run through the loop.17:35
NCommanderGrueMaster, 20?, it only takes about 5 here17:35
bjfGrueMaster, if you look at my pastebin, you see it goes through the entire loop17:35
bjfNCommander, I'm checking what I did to see where I went wrong17:36
GrueMasterI'm not digging up a stopwatch for exact timing.17:36
NCommanderbjf, whats the version string? (its posted at the start)17:36
NCommanderGrueMaster, fair enough. I do know its an issue that I didn't realize quite how bad it was until we were doing full blown installer testing :-/17:36
bjfNCommander, U-Boot 1.3.4-dirty (Sep 16 2009 - 20:05:29) Marvell version: 4.2.3 NQ.  Canonical Development Version.17:37
GrueMasterNot a big problem.  If I didn't have a serial port hooked up, I would think it is just doing it's normal bios boot (like x86 systems).17:37
NCommanderbjf, interrupt the autostart, then type ide reset and see if your drive pops up17:37
bjfCanonical>> ide reset17:38
bjfReset IDE:17:38
bjfMarvell Serial ATA Adapter17:38
bjfIntegrated Sata device found17:38
bjf[0 0 0]: Enable DMA mode17:38
bjf  Device 0 @ 0 0:17:38
bjfModel: ST9250410AS                              Firm: 0002SDM1 Ser#:             5VG06NA217:38
bjf            Type: Hard Disk17:38
bjf            Supports 48-bit addressing17:38
bjf            Capacity: 238475.1 MB = 232.8 GB (488397168 x 512)17:38
NCommanderbjf, try: ext2ls ide 0:117:38
bjfCanonical>> ext2ls ide 0:117:39
bjf<DIR>       1024 .17:39
bjf<DIR>       1024 ..17:39
bjf<DIR>      12288 lost+found17:39
bjf         1506745 System.map-2.6.31-204-dove17:39
bjf          409765 abi-2.6.31-204-dove17:39
bjf           90063 config-2.6.31-204-dove17:39
bjf<SYM>         23 vmlinuz17:39
bjf<SYM>         26 initrd.img17:39
bjf         3360412 vmlinuz-2.6.31-204-dove17:39
bjf         3360476 uImage17:39
bjf         3273248 uInitrd17:39
bjf         3273184 initrd.img-2.6.31-204-dove17:39
bjf             356 boot.scr17:39
bjf         3360476 uImage.bak17:39
bjf         3273199 uInitrd.bak17:39
bjf             356 boot.scr.bak17:39
NCommanderbjf, ext2load ide 0:1 1000 /boot.scr17:40
NCommanderautoscr 100017:40
bjfCanonical>> autoscr 100017:40
bjf## Executing script at 0000100017:40
bjfStarting Ubuntu...17:40
bjfUnknown command 'load' - try 'help'17:40
bjfUnknown command 'load' - try 'help'17:40
bjfWrong Image Format for bootm command17:40
bjfERROR: can't get kernel image!17:40
* NCommander hits head17:40
bjfNCommander, let me try that again17:41
NCommanderwhy did I think that was going to work >.<;17:41
NCommanderSounds like autodetection isn't very happy17:41
bjfNCommander, same failure17:41
ogralool, "Configuring the network with DHCP " heh17:41
loologra: hmm?17:41
ogracopying /lib/modules from the usb key that had the former install17:42
NCommanderbjf, when the autodetection fires up, what does it do when it gets to ide 0:1? (it should be printing out each device as it scans for it)17:42
ogrameh, dhcp needs some special love17:42
loologra: Ah it doesn't work17:43
loologra: Check syslog and the like17:43
NCommanderogra, where's that message from?17:43
ograNCommander, imx51 netinst17:43
* NCommander personally doesn't feel like dying anymore, and grabs dove netinstall17:44
loolNCommander: I think it's broken17:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 431945 in linux-mvl-dove "Lacks a bunch of modules for d-i support" [Undecided,New]17:45
ograits definately is given it misses all udebs17:45
NCommanderogra, I did a netinst though w/ dove back in Dublin17:45
* NCommander can' tremember what kernel he did it with though ...17:45
loolcp: cannot create link `/home/lool/cdimage/scratch/ubuntu/ports_daily/tmp/karmic-armel+dove/CD1/cdrom/uImage.in': No such file or directory17:46
loolodd first time I get a different error on a manual build17:46
NCommanderlool, anyway, after today, I agree on having boot.scr be self-contained is a good thing, but it should detect if its been run off our boot.scr or not to prevent searching twice17:46
bjfNCommander, https://pastebin.canonical.com/22227/17:47
NCommanderbjf, looks like it started up just fine?17:47
bjfNCommander, that's not right17:47
loolNCommander: Hmm ok17:47
NCommanderoh bugger17:47
NCommanderI see17:47
* NCommander is still not fully there17:48
NCommanderlool, the search loop is simply very slow (I'll be making improvements to extend it), but we'll have even more specific Canonical-functioanlity in the loop.17:48
bjfNCommander, that was GrueMaster's here is mine: https://pastebin.canonical.com/22225/17:48
NCommanderoh ...17:49
NCommanderI think I know what happened17:49
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NCommanderGrueMaster, bjf, I think your old envirionmental variables got retained when you upgraded u-boot17:49
NCommanderor at least bjf's17:49
GrueMasterMine is ok, I think.  Let me pastebin my prinenv for comparison.17:50
=== nombot_clone is now known as Meizirkki
NCommanderbjf, do: bubt u-boot-db88f6781y0bp_hX00_nand_1CS_fast_bank_en-09162009.bin from the Canonical>> prompt (bubt can be used safely once you switch from SPI-NOR to NAND)17:50
NCommanderbjf, hit yes when it asks if you want to zap the environment17:51
GrueMasterhttps://pastebin.canonical.com/22229/ is my environment17:51
NCommanderGrueMaster, your got properly reset17:52
* NCommander isn't sure how that worked out17:52
GrueMasterProbably because I didn't have an older Nand boot bin.17:52
NCommanderAh, that would explain it17:53
loolNCommander: make sure you update the instructions to reflect this17:53
NCommanderlool, right, let me just make sure bjf's upgrade goes safely/sanely17:53
GrueMasterremember, yesterday when I set the dip switches, I was getting bootparam (1.07) > and nothing else.17:53
GrueMasterWhich I would guess ment that there was nothing at that flash location.17:54
bjfNCommander, it's thinking about it... looks like that worked17:54
NCommanderbjf, \o/17:54
bjfNCommander, I'm logging in now!17:56
NCommanderbjf, woo17:56
* NCommander notes there's probably a good way to blow away the environment with the nand command ...17:58
GrueMasterwoohoo!  First error on dove.  Already reported, but reproduced on dove none-the-less.  Bug #418300.18:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 418300 in gnome-disk-utility "gdu-notification-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in gdu_pool_get_devices()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41830018:00
GrueMasterHah!  My usb-nic works on dove.  Broken on imx51.18:04
loolGrueMaster: Oh cool, compare lsmod?18:06
GrueMasterthis one is the dm9601 driver based nic.18:06
ograhmm, even with the whole /lib/modules content copied over i dont get the system on the net18:08
loolNCommander: So I fixed the alternate CD for dove18:09
loolNCommander: But I'm pretty sure /cdrom is incorrect18:09
loolNCommander: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/daily/current/karmic-alternate-armel+imx51.list uses /install18:09
ogranot via dhcp nor via fixed ip18:09
ogralool, for kernel and initrd ?18:09
ograyes, its /install18:09
loologra: yes18:09
NCommanderlool, we can change that, as long as the paths in boot.scr and the actual files match up18:10
loolNCommander: I think I fixed everything I knew about in dove; I'll leave it to you to fix the actual alternate CD18:10
loolNCommander: That's up to you18:10
NCommanderlool, I'll hit d-cd once I get a chance18:10
GrueMasterInteresting.  I unplugged the onboard nic port and plugged in the dm9601.  NetManager crashed (generating bug report now), restarted, and connected through the usb-nic no problem.18:11
ogra~ # ip addres show eth018:11
ogra2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast qlen 100018:11
ogra    link/ether 00:13:3b:04:05:b5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff18:11
ogra    inet brd scope global eth018:11
ograi dont get why it doesnt work18:11
GrueMasterheh.  firefox just crashed waiting for LP.18:11
loologra: What's the error in the log?18:12
ograno errors18:12
ograah looking closer (i was looking for NIC probs) ...18:13
ograJan  1 00:32:12 main-menu[701]: DEBUG: resolver (libc6-udeb): package doesn't exist (ignored)18:13
ograJan  1 00:32:12 main-menu[701]: DEBUG: resolver (libnewt0.52): package doesn't exist (ignored)18:13
ograthat doesnt explain why fixed IP doesnt work though18:14
loologra: You dont get a dhcp error?18:15
NCommanderlool, thank you for fixing livecd-rootfs for dove yesterday18:15
ograit silently times out18:16
ograi get the dhcp failed message from d-i though18:16
loologra: tcpdump?18:17
ograi just resetted18:17
loolNCommander: np18:17
NCommanderlool, did you change the d-cd scripts so alternate boot? (this code looks different then the last time I touched it)18:18
NCommanderer, build18:18
loolNCommander: I actually fixed a bunch of your stuff *cough*18:18
* NCommander sweatdrops18:18
loolflash-kernel and debian-installer notably18:18
* NCommander goes to go hide 18:19
GrueMasterheh.  Firefox just crashed while trying to report a bug on another firefox crash.  sigh.18:19
NCommanderGrueMaster, recursion: n. see recursion.18:19
lool< NCommander> lool, did you change the d-cd scripts so alternate boot? < NCommander> er, build    >>   19:09 < lool> NCommander: So I fixed the alternate CD for dove18:20
NCommanderright, sorry18:21
NCommanderI'm going to go get food18:21
NCommanderthen I'll look at straighting out dove alternates18:21
ogralool, http://paste.ubuntu.com/272974/ in case you see something i dont18:22
loologra: No, looks like dhclient doens't work; it doesn't work manually either does it?18:22
loologra: You could check whether you have CONFIG_PACKET18:23
ograi would assume so, the same kernel works fine in the live image and installed systems18:23
ograCONFIG_PACKET should be builtin18:23
loolplars: GrueMaster: The fun never ends!  ^18:23
loologra: Yeah I assume the same, just a desperate attempt18:23
ograi was searching for af_packaet for a while half an hour ago :)18:24
plarslool: which thing, kernel in alt image lacks CONFIG_PACKET?18:25
loologra: that's on imx51?18:25
loolplars: The new image18:25
plarslool: ah, that's dove though18:25
loolplars: GrueMaster: You dont need to test it though; it's just to have things working that we build it and test from time to time18:25
loolplars: Yeah; we have one for imx51 though18:26
loolplars: It's slighlty broken and will be fixed soon18:26
plarslool: ok, let me know if you think it needs my attention18:26
ogradoes it actually need a d-i uplaod ?18:26
ograi would think a respin should suffice for imx51 alternate18:26
loolplars: No, unofficial image18:26
loolplars: If you are idle and wish to do some extra QA, I'm happy to fix the image but it's not an important image18:27
loologra: It needs a d-i upload18:27
loolto refresh initrd18:27
plarslool: if I'm idle, that's funny18:27
ograoh, right18:27
loolYeah, #if 018:27
looljust a manner of saying that you likely wont ;)18:28
loolOk enough debian-cd/cdimage/flash-kernel/redboot-tools for me today; I did that basically the whole day18:28
* ogra tries a different NIC18:29
loolplars: Note that linux bugs for imx51 should be filed on linux-fsl-imx51 not linux18:29
plarslool: ah, crap... thanks18:29
loolplars: and assigned to amitk at his request18:29
loolplars: For dove it's linux-mvl-dove18:30
plarslool: as in, assign it to him when he requests it, or as in "he requested that we always assign to him"?18:30
loolplars: I understood the latter18:32
plarslool: ok, what about dove kernel? assign to bjf?18:32
loolplars: I'd guess so yes18:32
loolbjf: ^18:32
plarsI'll add that to the workflow doc, which reminds me....18:33
ograha !18:35
ograworks as soon as i connect directly18:35
ograthe hub was in the way it seems18:35
ograInstalling the base system :D18:40
bjfplars, yes, dove kernel can be assigned to me19:01
* ogra cries19:03
plarsbjf: ok, thanks19:04
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-100-imx5119:04
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: readlink: missing operand19:04
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: Try `readlink --help' for more information.19:04
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: mkinitramfs: missing  root  /sys entry19:04
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: mkinitramfs: workaround is MODULES=most19:04
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: mkinitramfs: Error please report the bug19:04
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-100-imx5119:04
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: Failed to create initrd image.19:04
kblinhi folks19:33
kblinI'm running a sheevaplug with the preinstalled ubuntu jaunty, and it seems like I don't have any modules in my /lib/modules dir19:35
kblinhow would I get those?19:35
loolkblin: I dont think they are shipped; I suggest you rebuild your own kernel20:12
kblinyeah, looking into that when I get home20:22
kblinI'm still at a conference, busy enough with other stuff20:23
NCommanderlool, ogra dove alternates boot and properly come up to d-i, but the ENOMODULES stops anything from working, so other the path issue, they look ok. Once bjf has an opportunity to sort out the udebs, I'll retest off a daily20:44
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