
kwwiigood morning09:15
mac_vkwwii: hi... what new with the NM icons? any naming change?09:27
kwwiimac_v: erm, you mean the ones in the panel?09:31
mac_vkwwii: i think so , yeah , wasnt that the one you were discussing with asac? i had asked him a few days ago and he had said NM will be using fewer icons09:32
mac_vno idle , send-receive , transmit09:33
kwwiimac_v: right, I just sent him a lock and a bubble like icon for the menu of nm09:38
kwwiicurrently nm is totally messed up on my machine09:38
mac_vhmm... ok , then i'll wait for the Human theme update ;)09:39
kwwiilast night I also fixed the naming on the xdg user dir icons09:40
kwwiiso there will be an update soon09:40
mac_vkwwii: where is the xdg name guidelines page? not the lp bug , but any other gnome site?09:41
mac_v but *is there* any09:43
kwwiimac_v: yes, at freedesktop.org10:08
* kwwii co-maintains the naming spec10:09
* mac_v somehow cant find it :(10:09
kwwiisorry, I was in a meeting, let me find a link10:22
mac_vawesome , thankx , i'v been looking for that for so long :)10:29
kwwiiask and ye shall recieve ;)10:30
thorwilthis fits the spirit of ubuntu really well! :)  http://www.flickr.com/photos/arghmonkey/2284421781/in/pool-1188458@N2412:19
kwwiithorwil: man, you don't know how much I like that pic12:25
thorwilkwwii: i like it too, still see a dissonance12:25
thorwilkwwii: flickr search is too dumb for searching for license. but you can search for tags. hence ...12:26
thorwilthere gotta be a way to add your own tags?12:29
thorwilonly on pictures from "friends". stupid flickr is stupid12:33
thorwilhaha, there is an advanced search that also takes CC licensing into account, but you can't limit that one to a group's pool12:44
kwwiithorwil: yeah, flickr is not the optimal way of doing this but it was there and people know about it12:54
thorwilkwwii: it's just frustrating how close it comes to then fail on the last tiny steps. what messed up thinking to have _either_ advanced search _or_ search in a pool12:55
thorwilkwwii: there are 35 images with a CC license that permist commercial use, according to a search in my favorites (now identical to the pool ...)13:01
kwwiithorwil: yeah, I even sent them an email asking for features...naturally they said "thanks, we'll add that to the list"13:24
kwwiiI might need to download them all and check for myself, just to be sure13:24
mac_vmat_t: you could ask Travis for the compiz close change ;)13:25
kwwiithorwil: am I supposed to see images with that html page?13:27
mat_tmac_v: thx, where can I find him?13:34
mac_vmat_t: i think he'll be sleeping now ;p , i'll see if i can get the patch done myself , it's a simple one ,13:37
mac_vmat_t: but David's comment in the other explicitly says dont change to close... is it just to close the other bug or to not have the animation to fade i wonder13:38
mac_vother bug*13:38
mat_tmac_v: it was regarding the other bug13:40
mat_tmac_v: if you could release the fix, please do! :) Otherwise I can talk to Travis13:42
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
mac_vmat_t: right now , i'm having a look at it ... will inform if i get the patch ready ;)13:49
mat_tmac_v: cool!13:57
kwwiizniavre: hey, I fixed the problem with the top right corner pixel :)14:03
zniavrekwwii,  bonjour / hello14:04
zniavrecould you share the fix with me ?14:04
kwwiihi, sure14:06
kwwiiessentially, I removed all the variables in the width and heigth14:07
kwwiiwell, not really, but you will see when I send it to you :p14:07
thorwilkwwii: arg, thumbnail links are local, sorry. but the loinks should work14:12
kwwiithorwil: cool, thanks...I'll check it out in a bit14:13
kwwiithorwil: erm, is that page your pics or all of the CC licensed pics?14:18
kwwiiI ask because my pic is not amongst them :)14:18
kwwiiI don't assign any license to my pics on flickr14:19
kwwiiI guess I could send an email to myself asking if I can use it :D14:19
thorwilkwwii: all CC without NC licensed14:39
thorwilkwwii: so you are the perfect example why we should ask people about licensing14:39
kwwiiright, I think I will send an email to everyone in the short-list14:41
kwwiinow is when I really wish I had 3g or such14:41
kwwiigoing to the airport where I have no internet connection...not even in the 1st class lounge :p14:42
kwwiithorwil: funky question, but did you remove any photos from the short-list?14:59
thorwilkwwii: i wouldn't know how15:00
kwwiithorwil: ok, thanks...just trying to figure this out. I guess it was the author15:01
darkhamhey people, some hope of something like that http://www.youtube.com/user/madsrosendahl#play/uploads/3/XlCVrtgxVcI in karmic stable?15:03
darkhamthis type of stuff, give many popularity , i don't think it would be bad...15:04
kwwiidarkham: we will be having an animation but it will be a bit simpler than that15:08
kwwiidarkham: the artwork should be included shortly15:08
darkhamkwwii: i've some hope to watch it in daily live cds?15:10
kwwiidarkham: yeah, I am asking now as to when the artwork will be in the distro15:10
kwwiiit has been done for quite a while actually15:11
kwwiiI think that the final mockup is on the wiki15:11
darkhamfor what you artwork developers are now workink the most?15:21
kwwiilol, on everything15:23
* kwwii heads out to the airport15:24
darkhamwhat of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot15:41
darkhamare on charts?15:41
mac_vmat_t: added the patch :)15:52
mat_tmac_v: great!15:56
mat_tmac_v: that must be one of the quickest bug fixes in history :)15:56
mac_v ;p15:57
darkhamvery good ideas in the mockup pages, please team make karmic better than ever!!!16:01
darkhami salute you16:01
mac_vmat_t: mvo has committed the patch... now thats really a quick fix ;)17:19
mat_tmac_v: yeah, well done! ;)17:24
mrmcq2ukwwii - is the gdm mockup from canonical going to make it into karmic?17:43
mac_vmat_t: lololol...! even the fix is released now !  \o/17:54
mac_vmrmcq2u: kwwii is on a plane now ;)17:55
FLOZzHello all  _o/17:55
mrmcq2umac_v - he sure gets the plane allot17:57
mat_tmac_v: yes I know :)18:22
* mat_t didn't realise his own hidden powers18:23
zniavrenice usplash21:12
mrmcq2unow all thats missing is the gdm theme to match :D21:22
mac_vmrmcq2u: to match what?21:22
mrmcq2uthe new xsplash theme21:23
mac_vi must have missed it , let me update ;)21:24
MDC1mrmcq2u, mac_v, seems i've missed it too - but the new boot time was amazing!21:34
mac_vMDC1: grr... i got stcuk at boot!21:34
MDC1well - me too but after some upgrade or install it was as new again21:36
* mac_v rebooooooots21:42
mrmcq2ustill have no idea whether the gdm theme will even change for karmic :(21:44
zniavrei hope soon the shock is big21:46
mac_vzniavre: shock?21:46
zniavrexspalsh > gdm21:47
kwwiimrmcq2u: yes, it will change for karmic....I worked on it today, almost ready22:34
mrmcq2uhurray :D22:35
mrmcq2uI have been trying to figure out whether the new gdm in the canonical mockups would make it in to karmic for weeks :D22:35
mrmcq2uand just to give you my opinion kwwii - I think all of canonicals proposals with relation to art both gdm and xsplash have been A+ this release22:36
kwwiimrmcq2u: yeah, me too and I was the one who was supposed to work on the themeing22:37
kwwiiwe wanted to redo the interface but that will now be left for +122:37
kwwiiI have created a new metacity and gtk theme to make it look nicer22:38
mrmcq2uwill the gdm look like the one on the wiki you proposed22:39
kwwiiyes, as closely as possible without editing a theme engine22:40
kwwiiI could probably get a screenshot out tomorrow, once I know how to make the new gdm use the theme ;)22:40
mrmcq2uThats awesome, thanks for the info22:40
kwwiianytime :)22:41
zniavrexnest gdmflexiserver does not work anymore for me22:41
kwwiizniavre: right, here either22:41
kwwiiI do not think the new gdm works with it22:42
mrmcq2uwill you be able to have the gtk theme specific to the gdm or will it need to be a new default gtk theme?22:42
kwwiiit is a normal gtk and metacity theme, I just made a different one so that it looks nice22:43
mrmcq2uIs the different one going to be the new default for the desktop too or can you have gdm use a seperate gtk theme to the default one for the desktop?22:47
kwwiino, this will just be the default for gdm22:47
mrmcq2uah cool22:47
mrmcq2uany testing ppa :D lol22:48
mrmcq2uworth a try :D22:48
kwwiino, but once I know how to set it, I will put it in my ppa22:48
kwwiiactually, I will put it directly into karmic asap22:48
kwwiibut because it is so late in the cycle, it will be in my ppa for at least a week before it makes it in the distro22:49
mrmcq2ulol, just added your ppa :D22:51
kwwiiI will add a new human icon theme package tomorrow22:52
kwwiiwhich fixes the xdg icons in the places menu22:52
kwwiithanks be to god that I installed the alpha...I did not know it was messed up22:52
zniavrefolder-download ?22:53
kwwiiand music and documents22:53
kwwiithey were all named incorrectly22:53
zniavreonly folder-download were missing here22:54
kwwiino, but the other two look slightly different, eh?22:54
kwwiipersonally, I think we should change "download" to "downloads"22:55
zniavrein french it's TĂ©lĂ©chargement   (without the s)22:55
kwwiiright, in the end, I didn't mention it until now. it is pretty late to suggest such changes now22:56
kwwiiand it is22:56
kwwii"download" in the xdg spec22:56
zniavrei already fix the name in my own icon theme22:57
zniavreyes that's true22:57
kwwiialthough as co-maintainer of the spec I guess I could change it pretty easily22:57
zniavreit looks nice in the side panel of nautilus (bookmarks)22:57
kwwiiyes, although at first I did not like the idea of using the special folders I have to admit it is a pretty good idea22:58
kwwiioh well, time for sleep...bonne nuit23:01
zniavregood night23:02
zniavrethank you23:02
kwwiiglad to help23:03

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