
showardHi, could someone reset my bug control account? it's resetting soon. Thanks (showard314)00:28
drew212hi guys03:03
micahghi drew21203:35
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alourie|workdholbach: hi daniel09:44
dholbachhi alourie|work09:55
mattiHi dholbach :)10:18
alourie|workI need an advice10:22
alourie|workIf I'm trying to split a package in 2, how do I say which files end up in which package?10:23
dholbachhi matti10:23
dholbachalourie|work: specify in debian/<package1>.install debian/<package2>.install10:23
dholbachalourie|work: might be mor on topic in #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-devel10:24
alourie|workdholbach: I did, but it didn't help10:24
alourie|workdholbach: should I take it there?10:24
dholbachyou might get more reseponses there :)10:24
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* jacob really wishes that people would be more specific.. ex. #40149416:21
BlackFatejacob, lol16:24
BlackFatesomeone tell him to buy a new one16:24
jacobalso, I hate how I can never get ubottu to provide bug links when I reference them. :P16:25
BlackFatejacob, join #ubuntu-bugs-announce to get links etc :P16:26
BlackFateeeebotu does this16:26
jacobBlackFate: right, but ubottu/ubot4 would usually repeat a link for a bug when you say the number16:27
jacobas in, bug #40149416:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 401494 in ubuntu "keyboard dosn't work in terminal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40149416:27
jacoblike that. :)16:27
jacob(note to self: say "bug" before the number)16:27
BlackFateah didnt know this small detail. im new around freenode16:27
jacobwelcome to the network that will consume all of your free time. ;)16:28
BlackFatejacob, well im a helper in a greek network, i know its prety time consuming :P16:29
bdmurrayhggdh: wrt bug 430953 I just think that one feature not existing in the help is a rather large oversight16:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 430953 in coreutils "coreutils man pages are incomplete" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43095316:35
hggdhbdmurray: my personal position is that the man and info pages should match. Old, hard-core UNIX users are quite used to man, not to info (myself, for example). But upstream position has been rather firm in that16:37
hggdhthe man pages are usually only changed when an error is spotted on them...16:38
bdmurrayhggdh: how about saying its a bug becasue @1234567890 is not a string? "display time described by STRING, not `now'"16:38
hggdhwe can try... but I would expect a response to adjust the info page *only*. We can, nevertheless, try to propose a patch with the correction on both man and info16:40
BlackFatewell some commands are not in man16:40
BlackFatelike "let"16:40
hggdhThe point is if we look at 'man date' and "info coreutils 'date invocation'" it is easy to see that the info pages are much more elaborate16:42
hggdhbdmurray: 'date -d @1234567890' -- "@1234567890" *is* a string ;-)16:45
hggdhbdmurray: one thing I just thought: the --help should state that the help (and 'man') output is simplified, and "please see info coreutils 'date invocation' for full options"16:59
hggdhI think this would be accepted upstream16:59
bdmurraythat'd be something, I guess its not really that important though17:02
hggdhBlackFate: 'let' as in bash scripting?17:04
hggdhbdmurray: I am not sure it is not important. I do *not* like this behaviour ;-)17:04
ejatwhere should i check if the splash wont show up while booting ?17:16
^arky^ejat: you can remove 'splash' entry in grub17:20
ejatit happened after my latest upgrade17:20
ejatit will show the splash when restart or shutdown ..17:21
ejatbut not at the start ..17:21
Kamusinhow can I manage a report that is directly (apparently) a conectivity issue with a mirror?17:47
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alouriegood evening23:06
BUGabundoola alourie23:06
alourieBUGabundo: hya23:07
alouriebrb, need to reboot23:07
* alourie is back23:19
BrairRabbianyone know why Karmic Koala live cd daily build, hangs in an endless loop, just as the boot music starts to play, x86 and AMD64 affected.23:29
BUGabundoBrairRabbi: please ask on #ubuntu+123:30
chrisccoulsonhey BUGabundo23:34
chrisccoulsonyou might notice i subscribed you to a compiz bug earlier ;)23:34
BUGabundohey crimsun23:34
BUGabundoI did23:34
BUGabundothanks so much23:35
chrisccoulsonit seems that the keybindings are broken for everybody23:35
BUGabundofell free to sub me to the readahead bug too :)23:35
BUGabundoI bet23:35
crimsunBUGabundo: yes?23:37
alourieI had a major crash since last upgrade. How do I report it?23:38
alouriejust post /var/log/messages as one single bug? :-)23:38
BUGabundocrimsun: typo. sorry, was meant fro chrisccoulson23:38
BUGabundoalourie didn't apport fire up?23:38
alourieBUGabundo: well23:41
alourieXorg crashed as a result in nvidia's segfault23:41
alourieand then23:41
alouriegrub just got screwed so machine didn't boot23:42
alourieso no :-)23:42
alourieThere are still udev errors when machine boots23:43
alourieand once in a while it requires manual fsck23:43
alourieso the only way I can see that apport would catch it, is if it runs before grub2 :-)23:45
alourienah, I want to sleep now, will deal with filing bugs some other day23:49
alouriegood night all23:49

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