
robert_ancellkenvandine, ping00:01
rickspencer3hi robert_ancell00:06
rickspencer3how are you this morning?00:07
robert_ancellrickspencer3, hi rick00:07
robert_ancellgood, my video system seems unhappy though, text/panels not always refreshing.  Is it safe to dist-upgrade today?00:08
rickspencer3robert_ancell, uh00:08
rickspencer3I would not recommend a dist-upgrade00:08
rickspencer3I think Friday would be a good day (Saturday for you)00:08
TheMusoSOmething tells me the alpha will be somewhat delayed.00:09
kenvandinerobert_ancell, pong00:19
robert_ancellkenvandine, hey, do you know much about this empathy patch?00:20
kenvandinehave't looked at it since july though00:20
robert_ancellso I've got it to compile and it puts an entry in the menu.00:21
robert_ancellHave icons been deprecated though?00:21
kenvandinein the messenging menu?00:22
robert_ancellyes, there used to be a set_property_icon00:22
kenvandinei think that is a bug... but we need to check with ted00:22
kenvandinei was just looking at that in gwibber a few minutes ago00:22
kenvandinedbusmenu bug00:22
kenvandineso yes... leave set_property_icon there for now00:23
robert_ancellkenvandine, ok, so I guess I'm not sure when the patch is "finished".  I've fixed all the requests of upstream and it works but I don't know the requirements for the messaging menu and it doesn't have a lot of documentation00:23
kenvandinecan you attach a patch to the bug and i can test?00:24
kenvandinei can run it by ted too00:24
kenvandineor add a patch to the packaging branh and push it somewhere00:25
robert_ancellThere is a patch in the GNOME bug but I'll build a PPA for it00:25
kenvandineif it uses packaging branches00:25
rickspencer3robert_ancell, thanks for helping with that!00:26
kenvandinecool, thx robert_ancell!00:32
* kenvandine goes to get the kids to bed00:33
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
ccheneyanyone know if the cpu freq applet is going to be rewritten anytime soon to be useful for newer cpus?01:07
ccheneya single cpu now can have 8 'cores' (between real and ht) and will have up to 12 by around december01:08
ccheneysetting throttling for that many cores using the current applet is painful01:08
rugby471pitti or Riddell: could you please have a look at this merge? - https://code.launchpad.net/~rugby471/jockey/fix-386375/+merge/1124707:12
rugby471pitti or Riddell: it fixes bug 386375 and get's rid of some unnecessary text in the progress bar (ie. 0% )07:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 386375 in jockey ""Hardware Drivers" displays empty error dialog when not connected to the network" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38637507:15
pittiGood morning07:48
kklimondagood morning pitti, I have two questions07:49
kklimondapitti: bug 429483 - it requires UI Freeze exception for a new dialog window (http://trac.transmissionbt.com/ticket/2387) and a Donate link in Help menu.07:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429483 in transmission "Transmission 1.75, a bugfix release, is available" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42948307:52
kklimondapitti: if it's a big no no we can just patch out both of them07:53
pittibratsche: pong07:54
pittibratsche: ah, unpong then :)07:54
kklimondapitti: the second question is about but 42293 - what is the right way of fixing it? or rather when should those symlinks be deleted? I'm trying to get piuparts to work without additional settings and it's one of more irritating bugs. :)07:54
pittiRiddell: I have the jockey merge in a tab now, will look at it after the alpha rush07:55
kklimondabug 4229307:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 42293 in coreutils "coreutils.mo are dangling symlinks" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4229307:55
pittihi kklimonda07:55
pittikklimonda: transmission sounds fine, replying in bug07:56
pittikklimonda: followed up in 42948307:58
pittikklimonda: right, I take this on my list now08:19
seb128hello there08:30
asacis keybuk spree over ;)?08:30
* asac needs to check what was done to poor networkmanager ;)08:31
pittikklimonda: I assigned the coreutils bug to me, should be relatively easy to fix08:32
kklimondapitti: won't there still be dangling symlinks after you point them to locale-langpack? Or are you going to distribute LC_TIME/coreutils.mo in langpacks too?08:45
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:48
kklimondagood morning :)08:49
pittikklimonda: they are the same files08:51
pittikklimonda: of course they will be dangling for the langpacks you don't have installed08:51
pittihey chrisccoulson08:51
chrisccoulsonhey pitti08:52
kklimondapitti: so ignore pattern should be added to piuparts for those files anyway? fine by me08:53
pittikklimonda: ah, perhaps; we could also change the package to not get stripped and not have the translations in the langpacks at all08:58
pittinot sure how important it is to be able to translate coreutils in LP08:59
asacso how can i best figure if a system has upstart or not (upstream fashion)?09:02
asachmm. guess need to wait for keybuk09:02
robert_ancellhey pitti09:06
robert_ancellcan you look at sponsoring the empathy changes in bug 340180 and bug 409828?09:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340180 in indicator-messages "Please provide indicator-applet support in empathy" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34018009:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409828 in empathy "Empathy shows wrong icon for notifications" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40982809:07
pittihey robert_ancell09:07
pittirobert_ancell: not right now, we are in a6 freeze09:07
robert_ancellah, ok09:07
pittirobert_ancell: can you please just sub sponsors? I'll do a major sponsoring round tomorrow09:07
robert_ancellnp, I was just asking as kenvandine was going to try the changes and this would save doing the PPA09:08
chrisccoulsonhey pitti - we need a FF exception for the DK-disks update after a6 don't we?09:09
pittichrisccoulson: borderline, I think; it's code cleanup mainly, or is there really a new feature?09:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - i haven't looked at it in much detail, but it seems the smart code got reworked a fair bit to make it more useful09:10
chrisccoulsonand the API is more simple too09:10
chrisccoulsoni was going to say it might be best to do dk-disks and g-d-u under the same freez exception request, as both updates depend on each other09:11
seb128hey robert_ancell09:12
seb128robert_ancell, how are you?09:12
robert_ancellseb128, hey, good09:12
=== asac_ is now known as asac
seb128pitti, hey09:16
seb128pitti, I'm wondering if your devicekit-disks change doesn't break things09:17
pittihi seb128, good morning09:17
seb128pitti, we started receiving bugs since yesterday from users saying that gvfs doesn't list their cds and dvds disks anymore09:17
seb128I'm wondering if gvfs picks the new devicekit-disks dynamically09:17
pittihm, it should be d-bus activated09:18
pittiseb128: can you dupe them and assign to me?09:18
pittiit wouldn't be right to never permit a daemon restart09:18
pittiphone, bbl09:18
seb128pitti, ok09:18
asac_whats the best way to restart dbus services?09:19
asac_i use killall but that can't be the right approach ;)09:19
pittiasac_: I do the same, for d-bus activated services09:21
pittiI'm not aware of a more official method09:22
pittiseb128: gvfs-mount -l; sudo killall devkit-disks-daemon; gvfs-mount -l works here, hmm09:22
pittiseb128: didn't try with a CD yet, though09:22
seb128pitti, sorry for the email spam I had some timeout issues on launchpad and did the changes several times09:23
pittiseb128: but it also kills the polling subprocess, so I guess it's related to that09:23
asac_kwwii: is there any further input you need on the NM icons?09:23
pittiseb128: np09:23
seb128pitti, could be yes09:23
asac_kwwii: hi ;)09:23
kwwiiasac_: hey, just sent you the png and svg files09:25
kwwiiincluding an orange one09:25
rodrigo_nautilus seems to be broken with last update, is it just me or known?09:25
asac_fantastic. now i have to integrate all this ;)09:25
kwwiiasac_: just let me know if there are any problems or you need anything else09:25
kwwiiasac_: note that I will be on a plane back home this afternoon09:26
* rodrigo_ upgrades some more packages09:26
seb128rodrigo_, how broken? what update? there was no recent change09:27
rodrigo_seb128: it doesn't start, gives some dbus errors, and ends09:27
asac_kwwii: hmm ... i have problems accessing my mail server ... can you bounce the mail to asacasa@gmail.com too?09:27
rodrigo_seb128: will file a bug if you don't know about it09:27
asac_kwwii: (in case it doesnt come back up until i get to this)09:28
mac_vasac_: nice palindrome for a mail id ;)09:28
asac_its googles fault ... they said that 4 letters are not long enough :/09:28
asac_yeah. but i somehow like it ;) ... if it wasn't that long ;)09:28
rodrigo_seb128: http://pastebin.ca/156942109:29
seb128rodrigo_, is dbus running?09:29
rodrigo_seb128: yes, seems so09:30
seb128rodrigo_, dpkg -l | grep gvfs-backends09:30
rodrigo_seb128: oh, no gvfs-backends package09:30
seb128pitti, some of the guest session changes made notification-daemon be used there09:30
rodrigo_I guess that's it09:30
* rodrigo_ installs09:30
seb128rodrigo_, that's it yes09:30
seb128how did you manage to remove it?09:30
seb128pitti, oh, it's because the .service checks for GDMSESSION being gnome or default09:31
rodrigo_I didn't do it myself, so either it was not installed, or was removed with the dist-upgrade09:31
seb128not guest-restricted09:31
pittiseb128: ah, that would be it09:31
pittigood catch09:31
seb128rodrigo_, grep gvfs-backends /var/log/dpkg.log09:31
rodrigo_seb128: nothing there09:31
seb128pitti, should I just add guest-restricted to the notify-osd .service?09:31
pittiseb128: either that, or just invert the test and check for stracciatella perhaps?09:32
seb128rodrigo_, grep gvfs-backends /var/log/dpkg.log*09:32
pittiseb128: I'm not sure what Xubuntu etc. want09:32
rodrigo_seb128: is this a new package, or has it been around for long?09:32
seb128pitti, ok09:32
rodrigo_seb128: right, nothing in /var/log/dpkg.log*09:32
seb128rodrigo_, it's there since gvfs is in ubuntu, ie hardy09:32
seb128rodrigo_, dpkg -l | grep gvfs?09:33
rodrigo_seb128: I just installed it, so now it's there:09:33
rodrigo_ii  gvfs                                        1.3.6-0ubuntu1                             userspace virtual filesystem - server09:33
rodrigo_ii  gvfs-backends                               1.3.6-0ubuntu1                             userspace virtual filesystem - backends09:33
rodrigo_ii  gvfs-bin                                    1.3.6-0ubuntu1                             userspace virtual filesystem - binaries09:33
rodrigo_ii  gvfs-fuse                                   1.3.6-0ubuntu1                             userspace virtual filesystem - fuse server09:33
rodrigo_ii  libgvfscommon0                              1.3.6-0ubuntu1                             userspace virtual filesystem - library09:33
rodrigo_ok, now it starts09:34
seb128if nautilus worked before it was installed09:34
seb128it's weird that you don't have it in the dpkg.log though09:34
Amaranthhrm, wish we could block people from filing bug reports if they're using SKIP_CHECKS to override the compiz blacklist09:50
Amaranths/bug reports/apport crash reports/09:51
chrisccoulsonseb128 - do you think we should split services-admin from g-s-t and remove it from the CD now? it's pretty useless in the upstart world now isn't it?10:07
pittichrisccoulson: +110:10
pittichrisccoulson: it's useless and error prone enough with the old init scripts10:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool, i'll do that then (and possibly the g-s-t update too)10:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you have any opinion about polkit-gnome-authorizations too? that doesn't manage the new polkit-1 policies, so that could probably go as well couldn't it?10:12
* chrisccoulson puts on cruft-busting gloves10:13
james_wbin it!10:19
chrisccoulsoni'll try and work on that as well then!10:20
james_wonly thing it manages now is packagekit, hal, screenresolution-extra and checkbox10:20
james_wso there's no need for it to be in the default install I don't think10:20
james_w(on my system that is)10:21
chrisccoulsonjames_w - yeah, i agree. i don't think many users will find a need for editing those policies10:21
james_wthough it seems like we should be able to get people to port the last two10:21
chrisccoulsonjames_w - possibly. i don't think screenresolution-extra would be difficult to port10:22
tseliotchrisccoulson: what should screenresolution-extra do? What changes are you suggesting?10:30
james_whi tseliot10:31
chrisccoulsontseliot - it is still using the old policykit isn't it?10:31
tseliotjames_w: hi James10:31
tseliotchrisccoulson: I guess so. I wasn't aware of the changes in policykit10:32
* tseliot hasn't touched policykit code for a few months now10:33
chrisccoulsontseliot - yeah, a lot of stuff moved to the new polkit-1 API. it's not a big issue, because both versions are on the CD10:33
chrisccoulsonand there are some things (like HAL) which will never be ported10:33
tseliotchrisccoulson: are there any examples of the new API in python I can look at?10:34
chrisccoulsontseliot - not sure about python examples.10:34
chrisccoulsonactually, apport would be a good example10:34
tseliotok, I'll have a look at apport then. Thanks10:35
chrisccoulsontseliot - it's not particularly important this cycle, as the old polkit has to stay around for HAL anyway10:37
chrisccoulsonhi seb12810:37
seb128another half an hour wasted waiting for my computer to boot, karmic is no fun this week10:37
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:38
tseliotchrisccoulson: ah, ok, so would it be something I can port to, say, Karmic+1?10:38
chrisccoulsontseliot - it would probably be best to do in karmic+1 now, given the stage we are at in karmic now10:39
tseliotchrisccoulson: this is good news as I'm very busy with X stuff right now :-)10:40
chrisccoulsontseliot - FYI, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/PolicyKitOneMigration gives a summary of work still outstanding for the migration10:40
tseliotchrisccoulson: excellent, thanks10:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - are you having issues booting too?10:47
seb128it's rather than I get nothing on screen and fsck running every second boot now10:47
seb128so I just have to sit there and wait 15 minutes for it to be done when it happens10:47
seb128and I can't see why it runs fsck since there is nothing display on screen10:48
asacseb128: have you tried to switch your clock to UTC?10:48
seb128asac, no10:48
seb128I don't like to workaround bugs because otherwise we forget about those and they don't get fixed for our users10:49
* Laney seems to be tickling lots of boot bugs10:49
asacactually i think the problem is not unclean shutdown10:49
asacit happened for me after two days off10:49
Laneyfound an unrelated util-linux/udev one yesterday10:49
asacbut the superblock timestamp was still exactly 2h ahead10:49
Laneyreinstalled and found a mountall one too :)10:49
seb128asac, the fsck due to timezone offset?10:49
asacis that fixed?10:49
* asac doesnt reboot anymore10:50
seb128asac, right, Keybuk tracked that to a fs issue10:50
asacseb128: bug id?10:50
seb128ask scott when he's around10:50
asaci hope its on release team radar ;)10:50
seb128he said that e2fsck and dumpe2fs disagree on the timestamp set10:51
asacok sounds like there is an idea at least10:54
tseliotseb128, Amaranth: I think I've just found out why compiz didn't work any more with my nvidia card. Something messed up my settings for the opacity plugin: http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/karmic/screenshots/compiz-problem.png10:55
Ngare there any issues with devicekit-power wedging? I was poking at a failure to suspend last night and I realised that g-p-m was unresponsive and I think it was blocked talking to devkit-power, which also seemed to be blocked on something10:59
seb128pitti, interesting change in gdm git: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56515111:05
ubottuGnome bug 565151 in general "Thrashing autofs home directory mounts" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:05
seb128pitti, they store configs in /var/cache/gdm now11:06
seb128pitti, that fixes the "user dir is not accessible to read config"11:06
pittiseb128: oh, nice!11:23
pittisorry for being absent for so long, it took me half an hour to get my machine booting again11:24
pittiit's completely wedged11:24
seb128pitti, join the club11:24
pittiI'll just reisntall my laptop now11:24
seb128<seb128> another half an hour wasted waiting for my computer to boot, karmic is no fun this week11:24
pittifor me it hangs forever on "starting sad crypto disks..."11:24
seb128it seems to run fsck every second boot there11:25
seb128but I've nothing on screen so I just wait 15 minutes and get my desktop eventually11:25
pittiright, now it disables my screen again as well11:27
pittiseb128: argh, indeed, no CD-ROMs any more11:28
pittibut that's not due to yesterday's devkit change11:28
pittiit just changes the postinst11:28
pittiand this is a clean boot11:28
seb128hum ok11:28
seb128linux bug?11:28
pittineed to investigate later11:29
pittifirst I need a working machine again11:29
seb128gvfs didn't change recently11:29
pittiI see the CD in devkit-disks --dump11:29
pittibut not in gvfs-mount -li11:29
seb128gvfs didn't change for over a week now11:31
seb128so it's weird11:32
seb128restart, brb11:32
pittiI'm off for reinstalling, bbl11:55
pitti_reinstallihm, seems seb128's reboot didn't go so well12:10
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
seb128ok, laptop seems to boot and work ok again now12:16
kklimondawhy isn't it possible to disable touchpad from mouse settings anymore?12:16
seb128why do you need to do that?12:16
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - it isn't possible because that's how upstream implemented it ;)12:17
chrisccoulsonwb seb12812:18
kklimondaseb128: I have both touchpad and trackpoint and I never use touchpad but from time to time I accidentally touch it and move my mouse. Not too often or I would dig deeper but often enough to notice that I can't disable it anymore ;)12:18
pitti_reinstalliseb128: welcome back12:18
pitti_reinstalliseb128: what did you change?12:18
pitti_reinstalliseb128: I just commented on the gvfs cd bug, I think I know what's going on12:18
seb128pitti: nothing, new set of updates and clean boot seemed to be enough there12:19
pitti_reinstalli(don't have it at hand, I'm on my wife's computer while mine is reinstalling)12:19
pitti_reinstalliseb128: most likely it's due to the gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor crash12:19
seb128I just read your comment12:19
pitti_reinstallithe monitor that's for the CD drive12:19
seb128"the crash"12:19
seb128like there was only one ;-)12:19
pitti_reinstalliwell, that one has a gazillion dupes :)12:20
seb128urg, that many duplicates? why the heck didn't I get email about those12:20
pitti_reinstalliand most importantly, of course, it's the one that I get, too :-P12:20
seb128pitti_reinstalli, any clue of what is going on or should I ping davidz or alex about it?12:22
pitti_reinstalliseb128: haven't looked at it at all yet, TBH12:22
pitti_reinstalliafter this alpha6 mess, I need to close IRC for a day to do a catch-up/debugging session or so12:22
pitti_reinstallinot tomorrow, since there's release team meeting and some other catch-up/sponsoring to do, but perhaps next Monday and Tuesday half day each12:23
seb128pitti_reinstalli, ok, I will try pinging upstream guys, GNOME 2.28 is on monday12:23
seb128pitti_reinstalli, I will handle sponsoring, I'm not that busy today and tomorrow12:23
seb128I just wait for the freeze to be over12:24
seb128do you know if the freeze is likely to end today?12:24
chrisccoulsoni did some nice easy updates last night for you to sponsor:)12:24
seb128yeah I noticed, thanks!12:25
chrisccoulsonso, no-one has looked at the GDU crasher yet? (the one with gazillion dupes). I don't mind taking a look - I could do with something to take my mind off work!12:26
chrisccoulsonbrb, lunch#12:27
pitti_reinstalliseb128: I hope we can get a6 out today12:31
seb128pitti_reinstalli, ok good12:34
seb128didrocks, hello12:34
didrockshey seb128 :)12:34
seb128didrocks, how are you?12:34
seb128didrocks, do you want to do the mutter update when you have a slot for an update?12:34
didrocksseb128: fine, still busy all this week, but fine :)12:35
didrocksseb128: it's already on my week-end schedule12:35
seb128excellent, thanks!12:35
seb128good luck for your busy week ;-)12:35
didrocksseb128: thanks a lot :-)12:35
didrocksseb128: also, if somebody can work review the MIR when alpha is out: bug #428793 it would be great.12:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428793 in goocanvas "MIR for goocanvas" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42879312:37
didrocksone thing less to think about :)12:37
didrocksoh promoted :)12:37
seb128it's fix released?12:37
didrocksyes, this night12:37
didrocksnext time, I'll check :-)12:38
james_wpitti_reinstalli: do you have a ~/.xsession-errors from the gvfs crash?12:38
didrocks(thanks pitti_reinstalli)12:38
pitti_reinstallijames_w: not right now, just reinstalling; I'll let you know once the box comes back up12:38
james_wpitti_reinstalli: great, thanks12:38
james_wit seems like adding an apport hook to get ~/.xsession-errors would sometimes get the wrong one wouldn't it?12:39
didrocksseb128: so, you should be able to sponsor bug #425339 now when you have some time12:39
davmor2pitti_reinstalli: we got pretty good coverage going on :)12:39
james_wthey run at submission time, so it would only help if the submission was made in the same session as the problem12:39
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/425339/+text)12:39
pitti_reinstallioh noes.. I just reinstalled this, and it's still broken12:40
pitti_reinstallieternal hard disk activity, disabled screen12:40
seb128didrocks, yes, will do after the freeze12:40
didrocksperfect, thanks :)12:40
* didrocks returns to fight back on work :-)12:40
seb128james_w, pitti_reinstalli: having apport adding .xsession-errors lines from before the crash would make sense12:51
seb128bug-buddy does it for GNOME bugs too12:52
james_wI'm pretty sure in this case there's going to be a line about some DBus issue talking to devkit-disks, so it would be invaluable12:53
pitti_reinstallihm, I'm a bit hesitant to always attach it, though; could it potentially have sensitive stuff?12:54
seb128well as said bug-buddy does it12:55
pitti_reinstallior can we have a regexp which would filter out interesting stuff?12:55
seb128and programs printing sensitive informations should be fixed12:55
seb128well we can add a regexp too if required12:55
pitti_reinstallia lot of users even complained about disclosing the user name or paths12:55
seb128or add this only to apport-crash bugs by default12:55
seb128they are private by default anyway12:56
pitti_reinstalliwe'd reintroduce that12:56
pitti_reinstalliseb128: perhaps we can start with filtering somethign like Glib-CRITICAL.* ?12:56
seb128I was going to suggest that12:56
seb128warnings and errors12:56
pitti_reinstalli(gnome-panel:3485): libglade-WARNING **: Unexpected element <requires-version> inside <glade-interface>.12:56
pitti_reinstallithat's also interesting12:57
pitti_reinstalli(gnome-settings-daemon:3475): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_propagate_error: assertion `src != NULL' failed12:57
pitti_reinstalliand that perhaps12:57
pitti_reinstallithat sounds easy enough for a regexp12:57
seb128what ubuntu version do you run?12:57
pitti_reinstallithat's jaunty here12:57
seb128gnome-panel should be using gtkbuilder12:57
seb128ah ok ;-)12:57
pitti_reinstallican't throw Karmic at my wife just yet12:58
pitti_reinstalliI have enough to do helping her with computer stuff even with stable releases :)12:58
seb128anyway getting those is the useful part usually12:58
mat_tmvo: playing with software store - looking great!12:59
james_wit would be useful if they could be stashed somewhere, so that they could be requested if needed12:59
pitti_reinstalliso, ^(.*:\d+): \w+\(WARNING|CRITICAL|ERROR):.*12:59
pitti_reinstalliseb128: ^12:59
mat_tmvo: great work :)12:59
pitti_reinstallijames_w: right, they are gone after restarting session12:59
james_wrather than "please restart your session (as it is truncated), reproduce the problem, then attach the file here"12:59
james_wperhaps over the top, but useful12:59
pitti_reinstalliseb128: would you mind throwing that into an apport bug and assign it to me? (sorry, bad working env here)12:59
james_wmissing a backslash :-)13:00
seb128hey mvo, Amaranth, did you read anything about compiz breaking keybindings changes recently?13:00
seb128bah, they did the reportbug change on launchpad now13:03
seb128pitti_reinstalli, will do13:04
* pitti_reinstalli hugs seb12813:05
* seb128 hugs pitti_reinstalli back13:05
pitti_reinstalliseb128: +filebug?no-redirect or ubuntu-bug13:05
seb128ok, no-redirect, thanks13:05
seb128pitti_reinstalli, bug #43180713:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431807 in apport "would be nice to send xsessions-errors warnings and errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43180713:10
pitti_reinstalliseb128: thanks13:11
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
kenvandineseb128, can you also sponsor bug 430881 when you do the gdm upload too?13:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430881 in xsplash "xsplash 0.8" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43088113:13
kenvandineseb128, gdm will require that13:13
seb128kenvandine, I do plan to clean the sponsoring queue after the freeze13:13
mvoglatzor: hi, I wonder if https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-store/+bug/423718/comments/3 means that we can try again to get conffile and debconf support13:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423718 in software-store "Use Packagekit instead of gnome-app-install." [Undecided,Incomplete]13:36
mvoglatzor: I will work on the conffile handling in aptdaemon (if you don't mind) now13:36
* pitti_reinst hugs glatzor13:37
pitti_reinstseb128: I still see bug 431812 and added some analysis; you got this as well?13:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431812 in sysvinit "screen powers off during fsck" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43181213:42
pitti_reinstif so, please confirm13:42
seb128pitti_reinst, yes13:43
pitti_reinstseb128: it only really matters with fsck, but I think you got that a lot13:43
seb128I've that every second reboot13:43
pitti_reinstok, so it's not just me13:44
seb128pitti_reinst, I've added a comment to the bug13:45
huatshello everyone !13:46
seb128lut huats14:01
seb128huats, ca va?14:01
huatshello seb12814:02
huatsback in Toulouse14:02
seb128too far to annoy didrocks now then? ;-)14:03
seb128bbl, doing iso testing and playing with some updates too14:04
Keybukso, compiz doesn't remember my key bindings between reboots anymore14:13
Keybukhow would I debug that?14:13
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
* pitti back14:19
pittimvo: btw, had a look at software-store while reinstalling - this looks nice!14:19
mvopitti: thanks14:20
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - do you know about compiz keybinding issues? I've seen a few people now say that it's forgetting custom keybindings14:25
LaneyI lost my switch workspace keybindings a couple of times14:26
pittiI have some custom keybindings here, but I never lost them, hmm14:27
Laneyset in gnome-keybinding-properties14:27
seb128chrisccoulson, bug #43098114:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430981 in compiz "keybindings not remembered on reboot" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43098114:29
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks14:30
Keybukseb128: I wouldn't say Low, I'd say Medium14:30
seb128Keybuk, I set to low because that's one user and not confirmed14:31
seb128Keybuk, I planned to move to high if that's happening to everybody though14:31
Keybukit's certainly happening to me14:33
KeybukI'm not everybody though ;)14:33
seb128well that makes several users14:33
seb128can be bumped ;-)14:33
* seb128 does that now14:33
seb128bug settings bumped, assigned to canonical desktop team and karmic task added14:36
seb128chrisccoulson, can you dup bugs you see from this one?14:37
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, can do. i've not looked for other bugs yet, but some people mentioned it on IRC14:38
seb128can you point them there?14:39
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, no problem14:40
dobeyseb128: can i get those uploads now? :)14:41
seb128dobey, no, alpha6 freeze still in effect14:41
dobeyoh ok14:41
dobeyseb128: is there generally a specific time when it's unfrozen, or is it 'when the CD is generated and released'?14:42
seb128dobey, when the cd are online and announced14:43
dobeyseb128: ok, thanks14:43
seb128you're welcome14:43
mac_vmvo: hi.. you around?15:07
mvomac_v: yes15:07
mac_vmvo: mat wants a patch for Bug 402633 , will this work > http://paste.ubuntu.com/272865/15:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402633 in compiz-fusion-plugins-main "Change the animation on window close to fade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40263315:09
kwwiipitti: do you know when the xplash artwork will be in place?15:09
pittibratsche: ^ do you?15:10
mac_vmvo: was confused since the bug reports the present animation for close as glide 2 but the animation.xml has it listed as zoom!15:11
bratschekwwii: kenvandine has made the package and uploaded it I think.. but I'm not sure when it goes in exactly.15:11
pittiah, so I guess it'll be uploaded after the alpha freeze15:11
bratscheIs that later today?15:12
mvomac_v: hm, IIRC its glide2, I can have a look later when I'm done with working on software-store (for today)15:12
kwwiibratsche: hrm, not having it before the beta would be bad if we still need to change things15:13
mac_vmvo: ok , thanks ,:)15:13
kwwiibratsche: anyway, thanks for the info15:13
kenvandinepitti, yeah it is waiting to be sponsored (after a6)15:14
bratschekenvandine: dbarth wanted to see if there's any chance we could do another xsplash release before then to get in one more bugfix that I made last night.15:16
kenvandinebratsche, sure15:17
kenvandinemerge it all to trunk and tag it please15:17
kenvandine0.8.1 :)15:17
bratscheOkay, all merged up and version is incremented to 0.8.115:18
* kenvandine turns the crank15:21
kenvandinebratsche, what was the bug number you fixed with the panel-above branch?15:23
kenvandinebratsche, it would be handy if you included bug numbers in the commit logs :)15:23
bratscheOh yeah, sorry.15:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427511 in xsplash "bottom gnome-panel bar sometime on top of xsplash" [Medium,Confirmed]15:24
kenvandinethx :)15:24
mac_vmvo: hm... i got the source for compiz from > https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/compiz-fusion-plugins-main/0.8.3+git20090914-0ubuntu1 , was that the wrong source :(15:30
pittimvo: btw, I can't uninstall gnome-app-install, apturl still holds it in15:37
pittimvo: will apturl be ported to software-store?15:37
pittiif not, we need to hide it somehow, we hardly want two Add/Remove apps15:37
pittiseb128: tossed you bug 431882, please let me know if you are overloaded15:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431882 in gnome-panel "Software Store shows up under System Menu instead of Applications menu" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43188215:38
seb128pitti, not overloaded but I fixed that bug already?15:38
pittioh, then it's a dupe?15:38
seb128pitti, the current position is what the spec describe15:39
seb128talk to mpt?15:39
pittiah, I see15:39
seb128bug #42620915:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426209 in software-store ""Ubuntu Software Store" is in the wrong place in the panel menus" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42620915:39
seb128"<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareStore#Launching%20graphically>: '“Ubuntu Software Store” should be a top-level item in the “System” menu, immediately after “Administration” but before the following separator. It should not be present anywhere in the “Applications” menu.'"15:39
seb128rickspencer3, ^15:40
pittiseb128: bug updated15:40
seb128pitti, thanks15:40
seb128I don't mind either way but somebody decide and let me know15:40
seb128I can change it back if required15:40
rickspencer3seb128, I think that's wrong15:40
rickspencer3seb128, I'll let you know how it pans out15:41
seb128rickspencer3, please talk to mpt and let me know what to do then ;-)15:41
pittiIt feels wrong to me as well, but at least the current situation is deliberate15:41
rickspencer3seb128, right15:41
pittibut at least we need to uninstall gnome-app-install15:41
pittii. e. fix apturl (or drop it)15:41
mvopitti: yeah, I will port the required functionatlity15:42
james_winteresting: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/35327815:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 353278 in policykit-kde "[jaunty] kpackagekit doesn't prompt for user password" [Medium,Confirmed]15:50
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
mat_tseb128: hey16:08
mat_tseb128: could you have a peek at the patch here https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bug/40263316:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402633 in hundredpapercuts "Change the animation on window close to fade" [Low,Fix committed]16:09
mat_tseb128: see if it's good to go16:09
seb128mvo, ^16:11
seb128mat_t, why did you change the ubuntu task to fix commited?16:12
mvoseb128: let me check16:12
seb128mvo, thanks!16:12
mat_tseb128: oh, sorry, I thought this was appropriate16:12
mat_tseb128: still a newbie when it comes to these things ;)16:13
seb128mat_t, well it's wrong if the fix is not in bzr and it probably means people will not open the bug16:13
seb128ie they will think the change is done and waiting for upload when it's not16:13
mat_tI see16:13
pittiseb128: meh, seems I can't reproduce bug 376145 now :-(16:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376145 in gvfs "gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor crashed with SIGSEGV in gdu_pool_get_presentables()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37614516:42
seb128ok, me neither16:43
pittiI got it several times before my reinstall, and now when I want to look at it, it's gone16:43
seb128but alex said he would ping davidz about it16:43
seb128so let's see how it goes16:43
pittiand CDs work fine16:43
pittiso at least I now know that it's a dup16:43
pittiI'll stare at the backtrace and code for a bit16:43
rugby471mvo & mac_v: hello16:47
rugby471pitti: did you manage to look at that jockey merge proposal today?16:47
mvohey rugby47116:47
pittihey rugby47116:47
pittirugby471: yes, see bug report, I updated it16:47
mvorugby471: I merged your branch this morning, I left in the spinner gif in the image loading dialog (hope that was ok) - out of curisotry, what was the reason to remove it?16:48
rugby471pitti: ah just saw it in my inbox :-)16:48
rugby471mvo: yeah I wanted to talk toy you about that16:48
rugby471toy > to16:48
rugby471basically we already have a progress bar in the dialog to show something is happening16:49
rugby471I didn't feel there was need for two things to be shown16:49
rugby471the other reason is that I think it will bring more toruble with it16:49
mvorugby471: ok, that makes sense. I left it in because when I tested it screenshots.d.o was down and no progress bar at all16:49
mvorugby471: trouble in what way?16:49
pittiseb128: hah! as soon as I enter a CD, I get16:49
pittiDrive changed:      'CD/DVD Drive'16:50
rugby471to fit in with all gtk themes, (to be transparent)  we have to ship the png frames16:50
pittiDrive disconnected: 'CD/DVD Drive'16:50
rugby471mvo: which is more trouble :-)16:50
pittiseb128: it doesn't actually crash, though16:50
rugby471mvo: screenshot.d.n is back up now, I email christoph16:50
rugby471emal > emailed16:50
mvorugby471: heh, ok. yeah, the white on gray is not that great16:50
mvorugby471: oh, nice16:50
rugby471mvo: hehe16:50
* mvo scratches his head16:50
mvomaybe we can make it pulse until the first progress is recived?16:51
mvo(it == the progressbar?)16:51
rugby471mvo: I though the progress bar started as soon as the dialog is loaded?16:52
mvorugby471: yes, but initially its empty until the first block (8k) is transfered16:52
rugby471mvo: oh16:52
mvoso if the thing stalls from the start it looks like nothing is happening16:53
rugby471mvo: I suppose that is a good idea then :-)16:53
mvocool :)16:53
mac_vrugby471:  hi ;)16:53
mvomac_v: I commited the patch for plugins-main16:56
rugby471mvo, pitti: just going to do some testing so I have to trun my internet connection off :-)16:56
mac_vmvo: thanks ;) ... did i do the patch against the right version?16:56
mvomac_v: I modified it a bit to be part of the 01-animations-default patch16:57
mvotesting now, if its good, I will upload16:57
mac_vah ok ... :)16:57
rugby471I am back :-)17:09
tgpraveenbigon: will empathy have msn audio/video chat in karmic?17:09
rugby471pitti: The reason I was using [-3] is because there were two empty values in the list that I received17:09
seb128tgpraveen, the upgrade is still being discussed17:09
pittirugby471: do you have a trivial way to reproduce such an error?17:09
rugby471pitti: anyway I have now added some code to remove any such balnk items of the list17:09
pittirugby471: the code is meant to grab a standard exceptoin output and give the last line17:10
seb128pitti, still debugging this cdrom issue?17:10
pittiseb128: got side-tracked, but will get back to it17:10
rugby471pitti: sorry :-)17:10
seb128pitti, any idea if somebody will track me down if I start uploading now? ;-)17:10
* mac_v points seb128 to logs ;p17:10
pittiwe need a DELAYED queue :)17:10
rugby471pitti: using this http://pastebin.com/d9b57071 makes it all better17:11
seb128we need people to lift freezes ;-)17:11
rugby471pitti: is this okay to put in ?17:11
pittiseb128: I really don't want to lift the freeze without consulting Steve, I didn't follow all the breakage in detail17:11
pittiah, seems he just woke up17:11
rugby471pitti: or not compliant with your writing style (if jockey has one)17:11
seb128pitti, ok, cool17:12
pittirugby471: it's really really weird that an exception would have empty trailing lines17:12
rugby471yeah but I get it everytime on jaunty17:12
pittirugby471: as I said, first I'd like to see the actual output which causes that empty dialog17:12
rugby471pitti: and that was what the bug was originally about17:13
pittie. g. reproducing it in a mechanical manner (for the test suite)17:13
rugby471pitti: do you want me to pastebin the list I get17:13
pittirugby471: then, this should be much easier with17:13
pittirugby471: str(e).strip().splitlines()[-1]17:13
pittirugby471: please do17:13
rugby471ah, forgot about strip() :-)17:13
rugby471that is much cleaner17:13
rugby471pitti: see you in a sec17:14
pittiseb128: asking17:15
rugby471pitti: here we go17:15
rugby471pitti: http://pastebin.com/d2afa5f1317:16
rugby471pitti: is that okay ?17:17
pittirugby471: oh, fun17:19
rugby471pitti: hehe17:19
pittirugby471: right, then I believe adding strip() is the correct solution17:19
rugby471pitti: should I update my branch with that then?17:20
rugby471pitti: or do you just want to commit to trunk?17:20
pittirugby471: please go ahead and update the branch and merge request17:20
rugby471pitti: okay17:21
rugby471pitti: just going to dinnner, will update when I am back17:21
pittino time to look at it right now, sorry, and tomorrow I'll have forgotten about it without getting a new mail :)17:21
mat_tmvo: thx!17:24
pittiseb128: go wild!17:31
seb128pitti, yes sir!17:32
pitti@all: freeze is lifted, go ahead and upload17:35
Zdraseb128, did you had time to think about that stupid default to not show icons in menus?17:38
chrisccoulsonpitti - did you say you have issues with your CD drive too?17:38
seb128Zdra, I'm not thinking about that one17:38
Zdraseb128, to add an argument: Try to make something with inkscape: GOOD LUCK !17:38
pittichrisccoulson: yes, seems the gdu monitor dies when I insert a CD17:38
seb128Zdra, I'm waiting for the feedback after beta, we have time to switch the gconf key17:38
pittiseb128: I'll upload gdm17:38
Zdraseb128, ok17:38
seb128pitti, can you sponsor kenvandine's change too17:39
seb128pitti, and the accessibility one?17:39
pittiseb128: sure, that's included17:39
seb128they are both trivial17:39
chrisccoulsonoh, ok. i don't see that. i thought that the "devkit-disks --dump" output in the bug report was a bit strange17:39
pittiseb128: oh, that's not committed; looking17:39
chrisccoulson"mount paths:             /tmp/cdrom"17:39
pittichrisccoulson: looks like wedged fstab?17:39
chrisccoulsonpitti - thats what i was wondering. perhaps you could try removing the CD entry from your fstab?17:39
pittichrisccoulson: anyway, I originally suspected it would be due to bug 37614517:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376145 in gvfs "gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor crashed with SIGSEGV in gdu_pool_get_presentables()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37614517:40
pittichrisccoulson: i. e. that the monitor for the CD-ROM crahes17:40
seb128pitti, bug #42383117:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423831 in gdm "gdm > 2.26: a11y should use onboard and not gok that is missing" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42383117:40
pittichrisccoulson: oh, we stopped adding cdrom entries to fstab a while ago, I don't have one17:40
pittiseb128: thx17:40
chrisccoulsonpitti - possibly. but would you not lose other volumes in computer:/// too?17:40
chrisccoulsonpitti - i still have a CD entry on a fresh install17:40
seb128pitti, that can wait if you want to upload now17:40
pittichrisccoulson: hm, I did a fresh install today17:40
chrisccoulson(although i installed from the alternate CD)17:41
pittiseb128: no, that's fine, I'll review it17:41
pittichrisccoulson: ah, it's only ubiquity17:41
seb128pitti, thanks!17:41
pittichrisccoulson: d-i still does it for server love17:41
* chrisccoulson goes to remove CD entries from fstab17:41
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira
seb128pitti, did you review the xsplash changes for license etc?17:44
pittiseb128: yes, there was a merge proposal which I ack'ed17:45
seb128ok thanks17:45
seb128sponsoring now17:45
* seb128 goes wild on uploads17:45
pitti-changes@ gets full :)17:45
pittiseb128: ok, new gdm conflicts to xsplash < 0.8, so if you sponsor that now, I can go ahead with gdm17:50
seb128pitti, how does it conflict?17:50
seb128pitti, I think we should not have a conflict there17:50
pittiseb128: it calls a new option, --daemon17:50
seb128what happens if the option is not available?17:50
pittixsplash wouldn't start, I guess17:51
seb128if that's only xsplash will not be used it's better than having people uninstalling xsplash no?17:51
pittiprobably yes17:51
seb128anyway I've already uploaded xsplash17:51
pittikenvandine: ^ ?17:51
seb128it will go through binary new though17:51
pittiseb128: it'll be in NEW, though17:51
pittiI'll test the gok->onboard change now, and then remove the conflicts17:51
seb128pitti, thanks17:51
seb128pitti, hum, let it17:52
seb128less risky if the other alternative is to block on xsplash17:52
seb128well I guess xsplash --unknown-option will not block17:52
rugby471pitti: I have pushed the changes and redone the merge proposal, do you need me to remind you in the morning or anything?17:53
pittirugby471: I should get mail about it, thanks17:53
rugby471pitti: thankyou ! :-)17:53
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you see any warnings in ~/.xsession-errors before the volume monitor crashes?17:58
pittichrisccoulson: if only I knew -- since my reinstall today I don't get the crash any more17:58
pittichrisccoulson: I probably need to restart a couple of times17:58
pittiI don't think that a mere reinstall could cure that17:59
chrisccoulsoni'm just trying to look at why it might crash (i cant recreate it here either). there are some g_warnings in gdu that might give an idea why gdu_pool_new could return NULL17:59
chrisccoulsonthere is no NULL pointer check in gvfs anyway18:00
pittichrisccoulson: oh, I don't mean the pool_new() thing18:00
pittiI thought that was finally fixed for good with yesterday's dk-disks upload18:00
pittichrisccoulson: I mean the gdu_pool_get_presentables() crash18:00
* pitti -> gdm testing, brb18:00
chrisccoulsonoh, are we thinking about different bugs?18:00
chrisccoulsonah, yeah, i was looking at the gdu_pool_get_presentables() crash, but that will crash if passed a NULL GduPool18:01
chrisccoulson"SegvReason: reading NULL VMA"18:01
james_wI think it's the same reason for the crash18:06
james_wpool_new returning NULL again18:07
james_wjust for different reasons this time I expect18:07
james_wthough if that was only fixed "for good" yesterday could it be the same reason?18:07
chrisccoulsonjames_w - i've noticed sometimes that when i open users-admin for the first time, it fails with an error (failed to read configuration, or something like that) but it opens ok the second time. i wonder if this is something strange about being dbus activated?18:08
chrisccoulsonthe 2 things could be related18:08
james_wthat would be my guess18:08
chrisccoulsonso, devkit-disks-daemon gets activated by dbus, but the connection fails the first time18:09
chrisccoulsoni'll ask someone if they can attach their ~/.xession-errors, as that will likely have the reason for crashing in there18:10
kenvandinepitti, it wouldn't background xsplash18:13
kenvandinepitti, so not sure what that would do to gdm18:13
kenvandinei figured better safe than sorry :)18:13
mac_vhrmm... anyone knows whats blocking alpha 6?18:13
seb128mac_v, the freeze has been lifted so I guess writing notes?18:14
mac_vyeah probably ;) the known issues maybe a long list18:17
chrisccoulsonknown issues? it's working absolutely perfectly here....18:18
pittikenvandine, seb128: eww, we should keep the conflicts; apparently xsplash doesn't crash on the unknown --daemon and just sits there, and this blocks gdm entirely18:21
pittionboard works fine18:21
pittikenvandine: can we get the desktopcouch dependency fix today?18:22
pittito just pull in couchdb-bin?18:23
kenvandinepitti, it is waiting for review now18:23
kenvandinestatik, ^^18:23
kenvandinethink you can review/merge that branch?18:23
pittikenvandine: does it require the OLS team's review for a packaging fix?18:23
* pitti isn't sure about your peer review procedures18:23
kenvandinethe packaging branch is their's18:23
kenvandineso they use tarmac to merge18:23
kenvandinebut that queue can be long18:24
kenvandinestatik, ^^18:25
kenvandinehey jono18:26
kenvandinejono, feeling better?18:26
jonokenvandine, feeling a little better now :)18:27
statikhi kenvandine, and pitti. i wonder if you noticed the 3 debdiffs for desktopcouch, bindwood, and python-couchdb that change the dependency to couchdb-bin that were attached to bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/desktopcouch/+bug/427036 yesterday?18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427036 in desktopcouch "Launching xulrunner affects boot time" [High,Confirmed]18:28
kenvandinei guess we didn't notice those18:28
statikreviewing the rdepends for couchdb, those looked like the right packages to change. i believe chef* should continue to depend directly on couchdb18:29
pittiso couchdb itself was already uploaded18:29
statiki saw that, many thanks18:29
pittishuold I just sponsor the debdiffs, or should they land in a branch first, and be bzr bd'ed from there?18:30
statikpitti: from what james_w has told me, it's ok to just sponsor the debdiffs and they will automatically go into the right official branch18:31
kenvandinei say sponsor the debdiffs for now18:31
statikpitti: i did them as debdiffs rather than bzr because of the nature of the change, it seemed much easier to review and sponsor as debdiffs18:31
pittiwell, not automatically18:31
kenvandinestatik, but you will need to make the changes in your branches18:31
kenvandinebut they should match18:31
pittistatik: that's fine; I just don't want to make bzr vs. archive inconsistent18:31
statikthanks! by "official branch" i mean lp:ubuntu/desktopcouch. we'll still need to merge into lp:~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntu/karmic/desktopcouch/spb18:32
kenvandineoh that is what the spb is18:33
pittiboth uploaded, thanks!18:35
pittiyay faster boot18:36
james_wstatik: why not fold the change in with the desktopcouch upgrade?18:36
statikjames_w, because the bug was targeted to alpha6, and the desktopcouch upgrade had been rejected for alpha6? that was my logic anyway :) i think i need to understand a bit better what the cutoff is for uploads of bugfixes targeted to a milestone18:39
james_wstatik: ah, good reason :-)18:39
james_wif you grab someone on a Monday of milestone week and ask for an upload then you will have no problem18:40
james_wTuesday might be ok18:40
james_wany later and there is a risk of disrupting the milestone18:40
statikyeah, we had every intention of having desktopcouch upgrade ready to go on monday morning :/ sorry about that18:40
pittikenvandine, seb128: ubuntu-xsplash-artwork NEWed, so it shouldn't block gdm for too long18:41
james_wwhile there is often a respin on Wednesday it's not a good idea ro rely on it, sometime we get it right first time :-)18:41
statikpitti, what does NEWed mean? (i suppose i could look at the soyuz code but i'm lazy)18:41
james_wstatik: no worries, with practice we'll get it right18:41
james_wstatik: thanks for all the cool new stuff :-)18:41
al-maisanstatik: NEW means the source package was seen by soyuz for the firs time18:42
rugby471mvo: just pushed some small changes, when are we going to see the pathbar in software-store?18:42
seb128pitti, thanks18:42
james_wstatik: as al-maisan says. It requires a check that we actually want it in Ubuntu, that it is correctly licensed and not going to do hideous things to those that install it, and then set the overrides that put it in main or something.18:43
kenvandinepitti, thx18:43
* james_w starts cooking otherwise there will be complaints18:43
statikal-maisan, james_w: ah, that makes sense. so a package being in new means that an archive admin needs to approve it?18:43
james_wstatik: exactly18:44
al-maisanstatik: yes18:44
james_wstatik: either the whole package is NEW, or it builds a new binary package that it didn't before. Both require checks, with the latter case being much quicker usually18:44
statikthis whole thing kind of makes sense18:45
statiki have a vision in my head of packages flowing through the system now18:45
statiksince i'm nagging you guys with questions, here is another one: will ubuntu or launchpad support any of the new source package formats? I read about both quilt and git 3.0 source package formats, but i couldn't tell whether debian officially supports them18:46
james_wthey plan to switch to the quilt 3.0 as default18:47
james_wthey don't support it yet though18:47
james_wand I fear soyuz doesn't18:47
al-maisanstatik: I guess we're busy supporting the source package format we have :P and then there's work on source package branches..18:48
* al-maisan has not heard about either quilt 3.0 or git formats but that's not to be construed as an authoritative answer by any means ;)18:49
al-maisananyway, dinner time!18:49
statikkenvandine, hey some unrelated good news about couchdb btw, i think we'll have a 0.10 final release next week.18:50
kenvandinestatik, awesome news18:50
rugby471mvo: just tested the pathbar integration (it is awesome :-] )18:54
mvorugby471: yeah, its a bit buggy still (the integration code)18:55
mvobut it looks great18:55
rugby471mvo: yeah, it is known that clicking currently does nothing?18:56
statikkenvandine, also thank you for following up on the dependency change for desktopcouch, and sorry about the duplicated work18:56
rugby471mvo: it is pretty, but pretty useless in it's current state :-)18:56
kenvandinestatik, no worries18:56
mvorugby471: yeah, the integration is not fully working, the pathbar code itself supports click signals :)18:58
statikit is so nice working with the ubuntu team, you folks teach me something new every day19:02
davmor2statik: you missed the s off the end of something19:14
pittikenvandine, bratsche: ah, thanks for fixing the xsplash throbber! xsplash still flickers a lot, though, is that known?19:36
bratscheFlickers how?19:37
bratscheThe animation stutters a lot and isn't very smooth.  I'm not sure what to do about that yet though. :/19:37
bratschepitti: Do you happen to know how gdm does its "fade in" effect when it first appears?  Do you know where in the code that is?19:39
bratscheI feel like I should try to do the opposite effect in xsplash in the gdm session.  Right now it just abruptly disappears, because there is no compositing enabled.19:41
bratscheI wish we could enable metacity compositing in the gdm session.  That would fix it.19:43
pittibratsche: well, I see the bg image, then a black bg again, then it comes back19:43
pittiit takes some seconds, then it stabilizes19:43
pittibratsche: no idea about gdm's fading, I'm afraid19:44
bratschepitti: I'm not experiencing that flicker.. I'm not quite sure what to do about it.19:46
bratschepitti: I managed to get rid of all the flicker on my system by doing some kind of crazy XComposite tricks to get the compositing overlay window initialized before compiz starts.  I'm not sure what else to do yet.19:46
pittiok, just wanted to know whether it's already known19:46
pittibut it didn't do that in 0.719:46
bratscheOh really?19:46
pittiexcept for the jumping throbber, it was smooth19:46
bratscheOh oh...19:47
bratscheI'm sure it was doing it in 0.7 but the background was set to the warty-final.png or whatever, so you didn't see it.19:47
bratscheSo probably the logo and throbber flickered then.19:47
bratscheOr maybe I'm wrong.  Feel free to file a bug and mention that you didn't see it in 0.7.19:48
pittiok, will do19:48
bratscheWhat kind of hardware is this btw?19:48
pittibratsche: intel gm945, Dell Latitude D430, external 1280x1024 TFT19:49
bratscheOkay thanks.  I'll try to look into it.19:50
bratscheYikes, I thought I was done with flickering stuff. :)19:51
bratschepitti: Are you using compiz?19:52
pittibratsche: yes; but it's also doing this for gdm, where metacity is used19:53
bratscheOkay, thanks.19:53
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AmaranthWhy does compiz always wait until I'm not around to explode for everyone? :P20:31
seb128the breaking  being this time? the shortcut one?20:40
Amaranthseb128: yeah, the loss of shortcuts20:42
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seb128Xorg takes 15 seconds to start on my bootchart, *shrug*20:59
davmor2seb128: who needs X ;)20:59
AmaranthI think using the ubuntu-boot PPA must have shielded me from the problems people were having21:05
hyperairwhat's in the ubuntu-boot ppa?21:05
Amaranthnothing anymore21:05
Amaranthit's all been moved to main21:05
Amaranthbut it had all the packages that needed to be updated to get a booting system21:06
hyperairhas usplash been ditched for good?21:06
hyperairalso, i still find xsplash a strange thing21:06
Amaranthhyperair: iirc it's supposed to show up for passwords and fsck21:06
Amaranthbut only passwords work right now21:06
hyperairit looks like some kind of pixel-thick spaceship jumping up and down21:06
hyperairAmaranth: no, passwords don't work21:07
hyperairAmaranth: at least not from initrd21:07
davmor2seb128: quick query is there or will there be a gnome 3 meta package?  Or should just installing gnomeshell magically install everything else needed?21:13
seb128weird question21:13
seb128what do you expect GNOME3 to be?21:14
seb128it's basically what we have now + gnome-shell21:14
Amaranthit's gnome-shell :P21:14
davmor2seb128: ah cool I wasn't sure if that was the only difference or if there were a bunch of other apps that would need installing too21:15
chrisccoulsonhyperair - the xsplash theme just changed with the last upload btw21:19
chrisccoulsonno more "pixel-thick spaceship jumping up and down";)21:20
seb128the issue right now is linux io scheduling sucking21:20
hyperairchrisccoulson: woo. what's it now?21:20
hyperairseb128: hear hear!21:20
seb128the animation stops for seconds on ioload21:20
hyperairbfs ftw21:20
hyperairi haven't gotten round to trying it yet21:20
Amaranthbfs is not an io scheduler21:21
chrisccoulsonlinux io scheduling is quite sucky actually.21:21
hyperairhmm it isn't?21:21
Amaranthnope, CPU21:21
hyperairwhoops =p21:21
Amaranthand mainline can get the same results with a couple of tweaks21:21
Amaranththere are 4 tweaks needed, 3 of them you can do without patching your kernel :)21:21
hyperairit would be nice to not completely hang during periods of high disk i/o21:22
hyperairwhat are the tweaks?21:22
chrisccoulsonhyperair - thats what my desktop does. everything hangs when there is lots of disk IO - even applications that aren't doing anything with the disks21:22
Amaranthhyperair: http://www.realistanew.com/random/sched_hacks21:22
chrisccoulsoni get pretty much 100% iowait when my disks are being used21:23
Amaranthdon't worry about it causing problems, those are the defaults in the current sched tip21:23
hyperairchrisccoulson: yeah that's pretty much it.21:24
Amaranthso 2.6.32 will use those settings plus one other change related to kthread scheduling we can't change like this21:24
hyperairchrisccoulson: it's also why i couldn't stop dd when i forgot count=1 and had it zero out 4G of my hard disk =.=21:24
chrisccoulsonouch ;)21:24
* Amaranth needs to get this script running as soon as possible in his boot21:24
Amaranthsee how if affects boot time21:24
Amaranthprobably messes it up21:25
hyperairAmaranth: don't bother adding asa script. put it in /etc/sysctl.conf21:25
Amaranthyeah, I guess21:25
hyperairrather /etc/sysctl.d/21:25
AmaranthI also have no_sched_hacks to put it back, I was using the scripts to toggle back and forth21:25
Amaranthhyperair: I have no idea what the option names should be in sysctl.conf :P21:27
hyperairkernel.sched_min_granularity_ns = 10000021:28
hyperairkernel.sched_wakeup_granularity_ns = 10000021:28
Amaranthand I don't think the NO_NEW_SLEEPERS one can be done this way21:28
Amaranthand that's the most important one21:28
diverse_izzuequestion concerning network-manager: is integration with bluetooth supposed to be working? when i pair my phone (nokia e51) with my laptop, i'm not offered to configure it for web access21:28
hyperairyeah that's elsewhere21:28
hyperairjust stick it in /etc/rc.conf21:28
hyperairor something21:28
Amaranthhyperair: might as well do them all elsewhere21:28
hyperairhaha true21:28
hyperairyou could stick it in upstart21:28
Amaranththose other two are just the cherry on top, NO_NEW_FAIR_SLEEPERS is a tremendous gain21:29
mac_vAmaranth: the design team stuck with you ;p and pulled a its too late for karmic21:29
mac_vthe logout plugin21:29
Amaranthall kernels from 2.6.23 on have had a 10% drop in throughput, NO_NEW_FAIR_SLEEPERS drops that to 3%21:29
Amaranthwell, on this one benchmark21:30
Amaranthhey, it might actually help boot21:30
hyperairhmm i wonder.21:31
hyperairit might help me log in faster!21:31
* Amaranth reboots, hopes it actually makes it21:34
hyperairAmaranth: http://pastebin.com/f1775f5321:34
hyperairAmaranth: drop that in /etc/init/something.conf21:34
Amaranthhaha, I have a similar thing21:35
Amaranthsame start line but I just make it exec my script21:35
hyperairi see21:35
Amaranthand my description is "echo its a fscking desktop > kernel"21:35
hyperairnice =p21:36
Amaranthit's a desktop that can't load agpgart and doesn't get any hardware acceleration...21:36
* hyperair is re git-cloning the kernel (amazing how many things 4G of zeroes can destroy)21:36
hyperairwhat's the fourth tweak?21:37
AmaranthI'm amazed you would do such a thing21:37
Amaranthhyperair: it removes the code from the scheduler to give kthreads an automatic nice 5 boost21:37
hyperairAmaranth: bad sectors.21:37
AmaranthI know but on a system you don't have backed up?21:38
hyperairhttp://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/badblockhowto.html <-- this is good if you don't get smart and run dd on your own forgetting count=121:38
hyperairit's backed up21:38
hyperairthe most important parts are backed up nicely21:38
hyperairdropbox ftw21:38
hyperairafter screwing it over, dropbox nicely downloaded all the files i bombed back21:39
hyperairwell not all, but the most important ones21:39
hyperairi thrashed a few git repositories21:39
hyperairand my local kernel tree couldn't build because Makefile was filled with zeroes21:39
* hyperair sighs21:39
Amaranth/me gets lots of udev errors and boot along with the agpgart thing21:39
hyperairudev errors i'm also getting21:40
AmaranthCannot initialize the agpgart module21:40
hyperairokay, that i'm not getting21:41
cdE|WoozyAmaranth, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/43069421:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430694 in linux "agpgart-intel not loaded before drm sometimes, causes KMS to fail" [Medium,Triaged]21:41
Amaranthright, I need to turn KMS off anyway21:41
chrisccoulsonurgh, that was wierd. nautilus wouldn't show any contents of my home folder!21:44
Amaranththat sched_hack cut 5 seconds off my boot time but now X starts even later21:54
AmaranthI wish sreadahead actually worked :/21:54
hyperairhmm it doesn't?21:54
hyperairi thought it was because i was compiling mainline kernels21:54
hyperairi took the patch from sreadahead and hacked it into working21:54
Amaranthit does no IO21:55
Amaranthexcept when I wipe out the pack file then it does IO while it profiles21:55
hyperairwhat a strange thing it is21:55
hyperairwhat's the point of reading data in sequential order?21:56
hyperairi thought it was decided that sreadahead wouldn't be used as default because rotary hard disks fail with it21:56
hyperairwhereas solid state disks benefited21:56
AmaranthI thought the whole point of sreadahead was to read the data in sequential order instead of the order it is used because that is better on HDD21:57
hyperairno, that's readahead.21:57
hyperairnot sreadahead21:57
hyperaircheck the manpage21:58
hyperairsreadahead  is a daemon that reads data sequential by use from disk21:58
hyperairwhy was readahead removed from archives?21:58
hyperairhmm preload looks like an interesting one21:59
chrisccoulsonhyperair - i ran preload for ages in Jaunty - and it never did anything at all for me21:59
chrisccoulsonwhen i removed it, it made absolutely no difference to my machine22:00
hyperairchrisccoulson: hmm that sucks.22:02
hyperairchrisccoulson: the description makes it sound very promising22:02
chrisccoulsonhyperair - give it a go if you like, but my experience with it was overwhelmingly neutral ;)22:03
Amaranthhrm, still getting a broken sreadahead22:15
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Amaranthhyperair: btw, disabling quiet wouldn't help you anyway, upstart scripts don't output anything22:36
Amaranthheh, I've got readahead working but since it was using sysvinit scripts it profiled my gdm/desktop startup instead of boot and once I got it switched to upstart it won't profile anymore23:21
Amaranthso it just slows my boot down my preloading my desktop :P23:22
Amarantherr, bad sed :P23:22
Amaranthhyperair: btw, readahead reads files in the order they are used, sreadahead sorts them by where they are on the disk23:39
Amaranthhuh, readahead doesn't help my boot time at all23:43
Amaranthwhat a waste of time23:43
Amaranthstill massive amounts of IO wait23:43
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