
slangasekTheMuso: no, only mounting LVs if you're using non-canonical names for them in /etc/fstab00:00
TheMusooh ok00:00
LaserJockhmm, so software-store is going to replace gai for Karmic?00:01
* Laney stabs launchpad00:01
Laneywhat's the query string? no-redirect or so00:01
Laneygot it00:02
keesslangasek: but where are these coming from?  that's not our kernel: ubuntu
slangasekkees: oh, huh00:04
cjwatsonthe most recent bug says easypeasy00:04
cjwatsonwhich is an eee variant of ubuntu00:04
slangasekkees: is that consistent with the others also?00:04
cjwatsonI don't know whether that's the case for all of them00:04
* kees goes to find the others00:04
slangasekkees: I've probably closed them as invalid00:05
slangasekkees: that's one, yes00:07
keesI'm baffled how debconf could be running and apt didn't scream about locks first.00:08
Laneyslangasek: 43106400:10
cjwatsonkees: sudo debconf-communicate?00:12
cjwatson(or similar)00:12
keescjwatson: yeah, that would certainly do it...00:13
cjwatsonkees: I dunno, maybe some bonkers wrapper or a package management frontend that starts debconf outside apt but doesn't pass through the fds etc. or ...00:15
keescjwatson: yeah.  though 426914 doesn't show any signs of weird-3rd-party-ness00:16
slangasekkees: well, pam-auth-update can be run standalone00:23
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keespitti: is the retracer still doing source traces?  seems missing from 427714, for example.01:11
* lamont notes that his daughter is DJ for the next 2 hours at www.klikradio.org. </blatant plug>01:14
TheMusoWhat sort of music/01:14
lamonthigh school radio01:15
lamontwebcast only01:15
lamontshe's 11th grade01:16
* lamont afk for a while,sadly01:18
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e-jatcan this bug 398214 assign to some one?02:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398214 in ubuntu "Karmic Koala stopps dead after /scripts/init-bottom" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39821402:28
Hobbseee-jat: that's probably a part of the boot stuff changing (ie, /topic), and should already be known.  That may well be a dupe02:34
Hobbseeer, or not, looking at the report date02:34
slangasekmathiaz: ubuntu-server candidates published (finally)02:35
mathiazslangasek: awesome - my dinner will have to wait *for* *ever* now02:36
slangasekmathiaz: dinner first, testing after? :)02:36
mathiazslangasek: well - 1. sync, 2. start automated installs then eat, drink, party 42. do testing02:37
slangasekkees: bug #431042> oh awesome, he's running update-manager and ubiquity at the same time02:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431042 in pam "dpkg error code 1" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43104202:37
slangasekmathiaz: if that's what works for you :)02:37
* ccheney should have a fast i7 860 system by later next week, to build OOo on :-)02:48
Hobbseeccheney: ah yes.  is OO.o supposed to work on karmic?02:49
Hobbseehm, writer works now.02:49
ScottKHas KDE4 integration too.02:50
Hobbseeoh, it's just presentatoin that seems to be broken with opening files02:50
ScottKI'll try that when I get my netbook back from middle daughter later tonight (she's doing homework)02:51
Hobbsee90+% cpu when opening a pptx, or a ppt file, it appears02:52
ccheneyHobbsee: under kubuntu?02:52
Hobbseeccheney: unr02:53
ccheneyoh no idea about unr :-\02:53
Hobbseeccheney: i haven't run kubuntu in ages02:53
Hobbseeccheney: well, it shouldn't be much different?02:53
ccheneykubuntu has some issues with new kde4 integration but roman is planning on having that fixed by end of week02:53
Hobbseei don't have a standard ubuntu karmic machine to test on, atm02:53
ccheneyhmm it might just be a function of the netbook being really slow02:53
ccheneyi noticed that even starting OOo takes ~ 4x as long on a netbook02:54
Hobbseei'd wondered that02:54
Hobbseebut i don't see the same problem with opening a word doc, for eg02:54
ccheneyhmm if you want to you can file a bug report and attach the slow files02:54
Hobbseemmm, i might do that02:57
LaserJockslangasek: what does Edubuntu need to do to get an Alpha 6, if possible?03:06
slangasekLaserJock: I'll schedule a rebuild of the edubuntu DVD this evening; will someone be available to test that it works?03:07
LaserJockslangasek: I believe so, I've got 2-3 people who've been testing recently03:07
slangasekthere's a backlog of image builds, so it'll be at least 2-3 h before there's anything to test03:07
LaserJockslangasek: we got over-sized because I added all the edu apps to the livefs03:07
LaserJockslangasek: I'm committing a seed update now that should get us back down03:08
slangasekok, great03:08
keesslangasek: hah, cool03:42
ccheneyhmm i hope p55 works with karmic, heh forgot to even check03:46
ScottKccheney: Is it known that OOo 3.1 doesn't know something is a .doc file unless it actually ends in .doc?03:50
LaserJockslangasek: was there a specific decision/reason why software-store replaced g-a-i so soon (i.e. for karmic)?03:57
nixternaloi oi, kdm init -> upstart v1 complete and working \o/04:01
nixternalnow to clean it up, make it pretty, and add some of the Keybuk love that he snuck into GDM for some extra splash lovin!04:01
ccheneyScottK: wouldn't be surprised04:01
* ScottK 's daughter about had a heart attack tonight when she reopened her homework and OOo showed an empty file.04:02
nixternalI love when that happens!04:02
nixternalScottK: quit being lazy and teach her LaTeX already04:02
ScottKShe needs .doc for interoperability with school.04:03
ccheneyScottK: there is a bug wrt kde4 integration not appending extensions properly (if that is what she saw)04:03
ScottKccheney: OK, but when I manually added the extension, writer opened it fine.04:03
nixternalScottK: .txt files then :p04:03
ccheneyScottK: yea04:03
ScottKI thought depending on file extensions was the Windows way ...04:04
ccheneyi seriously doubt OOo tries to do anything fancy to detect what kind of file you are trying to have it open04:04
nixternalahh, ya I noticed that same problem...glad you said 'added the extension' :)  now I can open up my buddies resume04:04
ccheneyScottK: its Sun we are talking about... not a regular floss application ;-)04:05
ScottKWell, I suppose.04:05
ccheneybut even gnome claims a 0 byte .doc file is a msword file04:06
ccheneyso i doubt that shared-mime-info does much better04:06
ccheneyfiles have to sufficient magic to not get confused for other things04:08
* ccheney isn't sure if doc files have it, but many file types don't04:08
TheMusoWe need resource forks in the Fs. :)04:09
ionResource forks or not, we need to get everything to ignore the filename when determining the file type. :-) The filename only exists for humans. For all the computer cares about, files could be looked up by their inode or equivalent ID just fine.04:13
TheMusoslangasek: according to the report for the latest studio candidate, ubuntustudio-desktop is uninstallable, which during the install, shows up as tango-icon-theme being uninstallable.04:22
ccheneyion: yea that works in theory... until you get a file whose type can't be _easily_ determined from the contents04:22
* TheMuso digs to see what the problem is.04:22
TheMusoOh and the previous candidate was prefectly ok.04:23
ionccheney: Then call is aplication/octet-stream and blame the format. ;-)04:24
ionAlternatively, determine it the hard way and cache the result. :-)04:25
ccheneyif you end up trying to be too smart you end up not printing on tuesdays :)04:32
astronutso the 9.04 NBR installer somehow ate both my windows and recovery partitions04:41
astronutneither will boot correctly04:41
TheMusoOk cannot reproduce uninstallability with chroot using archive.ubuntu.com, looks like it was transient.04:41
rgreeningever since last update, my usb thumb drives are not autodetected anymore. Any ideas?05:17
ScottKrgreening: Autodetected here on a fresh install.05:17
rgreeninghmm... strange indeed.05:18
slangasekTheMuso: should I respin and see if the installability problem is fixed?05:18
slangasekScottK: kubuntu alternate also posted, finally05:18
slangasekI believe we're just waiting now for DVDs and ARMs05:18
ScottKslangasek: OK. It's getting late here.  I'll be able to get through several KNE tests, but that's it for tonight.05:19
* slangasek nods05:19
ScottKHopefully Riddell will be awake soon and start cranking through stuff.05:19
* spstarr_desk gasps at topic.. now someone tells me05:21
spstarr_deskI cant boot my fsckin laptop now :)05:21
* spstarr_desk thinks something broke bad05:21
ScottKActually I think things are mostly back to good.05:21
TheMusoslangasek: please05:21
spstarr_deskThe dreaded "Waiting for root file system" problem05:22
ScottKspstarr_desk: If you look in today's backscroll, you'll find discussion on how to work through it.05:22
spstarr_deski dont have it..05:22
spstarr_deskis this logged05:22
ScottKspstarr_desk: irclogs.ubuntu.com05:22
spstarr_desklooking now05:22
slangasekTheMuso: spinning05:22
spstarr_deskScottK: this channel's log?05:23
ScottKIt's in htere.05:23
spstarr_deskoh udev crap05:23
spstarr_desk <maxb> Something weird is happening with karmic for me - supposedly clean shutdowns don't seem to be unmounting my root partition cleanly, and ext3 journal recovery happens on boot <-- yep05:23
* spstarr_desk begins from here05:24
spstarr_deskoh its the blkid i need now in fstab?05:26
spstarr_deskwhy was this changed *now* ??05:27
spstarr_deskthis is a horrible time to break thnigs05:27
spstarr_deskugh i have to go wired to fix this wifi + single user == death05:28
ScottKIt was supposed to land a couple of days ago.  I think better now than after Alpha 6 and before the Beta.05:31
spstarr_deskthe workaround isn't working for me05:31
spstarr_deskit drops me to a busybox shell05:31
spstarr_desknot bash05:32
spstarr_deskidea #2, boot rescue CD mount /boot inside / inside a /fakeroot05:32
spstarr_deskchroot; get network and dist-upgrade...05:32
spstarr_deskand mount /proc05:33
slangasekTheMuso: uninstallables fixed05:33
TheMusoslangasek: So I see, thanks.05:36
spstarr_desknow let's apt dist-upgrade05:38
spstarr_deskis it mountall thats just broken?05:39
ScottKDepends on exactly when you upgraded.05:40
ScottKThat was the last bit to get sorted.05:40
spstarr_deskthat's the last thing i see.. i upgraded a few hours ago05:40
ScottKProbably that's it then.05:41
* spstarr_desk laughs, bad timing indeed!05:41
* spstarr_desk is glad the *buntu cds respect 'single' mode 05:42
spstarr_deskdrops me to a root prompt05:42
spstarr_deskthanks :)05:45
* spstarr_desk goes back to wifi 05:45
spstarrScottK: is there a PPA for kernel? or nightly builds?06:04
spstarri want to test the radeon 3D support on karmic but the kernel is too old06:04
ScottKThere is, but I don't know where.06:04
* ScottK is off to bed.06:04
mathiazslangasek: allright - -server amd64/i386 tests completed and successful06:09
slangasekmathiaz: yay!06:09
mathiazslangasek: 15/17 for amd64 and 14/17 for i38606:10
* slangasek nods06:10
spstarrhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/daily/ ?06:14
mneptokdholbach: fail.06:19
mneptokdholbach: was that paste meant to be meaningful?06:20
* mneptok is confuzzled.06:20
dholbachwhich paste?06:21
dholbachgood morning06:22
dholbachlalala :)06:22
mneptokmoin :)06:22
Treenaksdholbach, good morning :)06:22
dholbachouch ouch ouch06:22
dholbacherrr.... more coffee!06:22
mneptokdon't worry, i make mistakes, too.06:22
dholbachmneptok: probably less than I do ;-)06:22
mneptok /m sabdfl yes, i think Daniel is sexy, too. but i never asked if he likes you. ask him to dinner and a movie at UDS.06:22
* Treenaks is still wondering about the blinking-while-typing Scroll Lock led06:23
slangasek /lickban mneptok06:23
mneptokslangasek: give me a few hours in New Mexico heat and i make my own gravy.06:23
jussi01o.O strange things int this channel (mind, mneptok is here...)06:49
* mneptok bursts into flame06:50
slangasekkirkland, ttx: does bug #430820 need to be documented in the errata for a6?07:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430820 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus node install results in broken /etc/network/interfaces" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43082007:12
kirklandslangasek: i think it should07:12
kirklandslangasek: network will be broken on -nc install first boots07:12
slangasekkirkland: is there a straightforward workaround?  (If the bridge isn't configured right, how do you access the node to reconfigure it, via a virtual console?)07:13
slangasekor is the node the physical cluster node?07:13
kirklandslangasek: yes; login to tty1, edit /etc/network/interfaces07:13
kirklandslangasek: the specific line of sed is in that bug07:14
* slangasek nods07:14
ttxslangasek: I would also mention bug 430758. I'll do some more testing this morning to confirm problem/workaround07:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430758 in eucalyptus "Cloud installer / Cluster install hangs at reboot after install" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43075807:14
kirklandttx: welcome back07:15
ttxI'll doublecheck that logging in by ssh/tty2 and rebooting somehow works around it.07:15
kirklandttx: i didn't get that problem07:15
kirklandttx: note that there have been another set of iso's since you went to sleep07:16
ttxthat's why I meant by doublechecking :)07:16
* ttx rsyncs07:16
ttxnurmi: ping07:19
teknicosuperm1, hi, we've been exchanging emails right now07:31
pittiGood morning07:34
pittipochu: oh, nice; yes, will do07:34
slytherinCan someone please give back empathy on powerpc?07:38
sorenslytherin: Done.07:41
pittipochu: bug updated, uploading now07:47
pittikees: no, currently disabled because of xulrunner wreaking havoc07:48
pochupitti: \o/ thanks!07:52
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pittipochu: do you need this in sid, or is experimental ok for now?07:55
pochupitti: exp is ok until libgudev is in sid07:57
pochupitti: I can poke you when that happens07:57
pochuor if it can go to unstable directly, why not upload there?07:58
pittipochu: well, just in case the new rb doesn't make it into squeeze, I rather not have it in a stable release07:58
pittipochu: but once it's through NEW, I can upload it to sid with a snap of a finger, so just poke me07:59
pochuok, that's fine then :)07:59
pittipochu: also, feel free to add yourself to Uploaders: and just do it07:59
pittipochu: meh, Debian's udev missing .pc file08:00
ttxkirkland: confirming bug 430758 is avoided by one recent fix from Colin in the initscript.08:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430758 in eucalyptus "Cloud installer / Cluster install hangs at reboot after install" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43075808:00
pochupitti: does it? it has /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libudev.pc, isn't that enough?08:03
pittipochu: that's for the library08:03
pittipochu: we need /usr/share/pkgconfig/udev.pc08:04
pittipochu: I'll hack around it08:04
slytherinare there going to be mass give back for ia64? There are many FTBFS because of chroot problems.08:05
pochupitti: oh08:06
sorenttx: Oh, cool.08:11
ttxsoren: it is still not displaying the eucalyptus initscripts messages, but that's more cosmetic08:13
ttxI'll file a separate bug for that.08:13
DyllanHi all. I have a script that uses zenith to provide the user with an easy to use interface other than the command line. But now I would like to transform it into a fully functional program for ubuntu/gnome, what devel tools are default/recommended for ubuntu, eg. glade etc?08:23
evand1the buildds install recommends by default, so a hard dependency on something recommended by a dependency is not required, right?08:30
=== evand1 is now known as evand
dholbachevand: afaik they don't install recommends08:35
slytherinevand: buildd don't install recommends.08:36
slytherinDyllan: AFAIK, glade is deprecated.08:37
Dyllanslytherin, what would you recommend then?08:38
evanddholbach: slytherin: ah, thanks!  I was completely unaware of that.08:38
slytherinDyllan: I haven't done much UI programming from scratch in gnome. the replacement for glade is something called gtkbuilder. But I never used it.08:38
Dyllanslytherin, hmm ok. So can i write the program in any language then use gtkbuilder to design the front-end, is that the idea?08:41
spstarrthe topic can be changed  to karmic boots again ;-)09:04
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bdrung_do i need a FFe for bug #430658?09:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430658 in lintian "Please merge lintian 2.2.15 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43065809:20
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
pittievand: hm, I think usb-creator now works without root privs, but its .desktop file still seems to run it through gksu?10:00
evandpitti: whoops10:00
evandfixing now10:00
pittievand: while you are at it, could you please fix this: /tmp/usb-creator.log10:01
pittievand: static file name in world-writable directory -> security vuln10:01
pittiI can also report it as a bug, if you prefer10:01
evandindeed, I'll move it to a more sane location10:01
evandplease do10:01
pittievand: need a bug about dropping gksu as well, or are just just doing it in bzr?10:04
evandhrm, actually the desktop file in trunk just launches usb-creator-gtk.  Is this launching through gksu bug via bzr trunk or the package in the archive?10:04
pittievand: bug 43126610:08
ubottuBug 431266 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/431266 is private10:08
pittievand: hm, that's right, weird; I started it from the menu and it asked me for password (gksu)10:08
evandare you sure it was gksu and not the pk authentication agent (though I'm not sure why that would come up either)10:10
pittievand: yes10:10
evandvery odd then10:10
pittihm, who knows10:11
pittiignore this for now, please10:11
sebnerpitti: yeah it seems I can continue working on the main bug report! Bus 001 Device 007: ID 152d:2329 JMicron Technology Corp. / JMicron USA Technology Corp.10:18
sebner  I'll do the necessary debugging now :)10:18
dholbachsistpoty|work, slangasek, geser: thanks guys! announced your session!10:24
sistpoty|workdholbach: thanks (but slangasek won't be around for this session though)10:25
dholbachsistpoty|work: oh ok10:25
sistpoty|workgeser: would you like to help out again this Friday?10:25
geserdholbach: good to let me know that I volunteered for that session too :)10:25
gesersistpoty|work: yes10:25
dholbachI misread that email10:25
sistpoty|workthanks a lot geser :)10:25
dholbachgeser: sometimes you need to help people to find their luck :)10:26
geserdholbach: no problem, I planned to be round for the session anyway10:26
dholbachsistpoty|work: updated :)10:29
sistpoty|workdholbach: excellent, thanks!10:29
* sebner is sooo happy. This is going to be an awesome session :D10:29
tkamppeterpitti, CUPS does not start automatically on boot any more. Does it need to get converted to Upstart?10:34
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al-maisanHmm .. upon reporting bugs against pulseaudio one is prompted to try the packages from the ubuntu-audio-dev PPA .. once installed though ubuntu-bug declines to co-operate: ".. This is not a genuine Ubuntu package .."11:18
loolThat's a good trick; I'll do that for more packages11:19
loolal-maisan: You want to ping davidchen and/or TheMuso about it I guess11:19
al-maisanlool :)11:20
pittisebner: right, seems that will cover your case as well then11:21
pittitkamppeter: no, it should still work11:22
pittiugh, that was hard to recover from; with the latest cryptsetup and today's updates, my machine is completely busted11:22
sebnerpitti: did you see my comment (with the debug information?), anyways. would you mind leading a helping hand in blacklisting that stuff?11:22
pittiit hangs forever on "starting sad crypto disks..."11:22
pitti(I don't have any)11:22
pittiand purging cryptsetup causes it not to boot at all any more11:22
pittikirkland: hey11:23
pittikirkland: seb128 just pointed out a change which will fix the ecryptfs/gdm problem: gnome bug 56515111:23
ubottuGnome bug 565151 in general "Thrashing autofs home directory mounts" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56515111:23
pittievand1: hm, trying to boot an usb-creator usb stick with current karmic on my machine fails; it just gives me tons of "init line 1: /dev/sr0 not found" lines and then throws me into the initramfs prompt11:25
pittiit works on my wife's machine11:25
sebnerpitti: I also wouldn't mind if you upload the blacklist-version the next days (what you'll do, as stated in the bug report)11:25
pittican it be that it needs a longer timeout or something? did you hear this before?11:26
evand1pitti: does /casper.log have anything of note?11:26
pittisebner: the bug report has the instructions how to blacklist; you need the ATTRS line with the GOTO, and the LABEL="...."11:26
pittievand1: is that accessible from the initramfs prompt?11:26
evand1cat /casper.log11:26
pittiI need to reinstall this machine anyway, booting is completely busted11:27
sebnerpitti: ah, just saw it. thx11:27
pittiI'm writing a CD now, but before I run that, I'll try the usb stick again11:27
tkamppeterpitti, thanks, then it seems that it is an upstart bug that all non-converted services (cups, mysql, sshd) did not start for me on boot.11:36
pittitkamppeter: right, seems so; init.d scripts need to work, for at least the next decade11:37
ogradecade ? OMG !11:37
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pittiogra: well, there's tons of third-party and proprietary software out there11:38
pittiand even converting our own entire universe will last a while11:38
ograpfft, just ignore them ...11:38
* ogra hides from the wrath of MOTU11:39
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: karmic is getting happier, but is still feeling a bit hung-over, so be gentle | Archive: frozen for alpha-6, FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
ogramore Alka-Seltzer for karmic !!11:41
ior3khave you guys considered creating something like debian unstable for people who like to keep living on the (very bleeding) edge?11:43
joaopintoior3k, that's called karmic right now :)11:45
ograior3k, we call it karmic11:45
ior3kright, that's not what I mean11:45
ior3kI mean a permanent name11:45
ior3kso we don't have to change sources.list11:45
ograis it really that hard to adjust your sources.list twice a year ?11:45
ior3kno, it isn't hard at all, I'm just asking11:46
ior3kif there is some kind of rationale behind it11:47
ograyes, our unstable is a snapshot of debians11:47
ior3kah, so you keep an unmodified unstable branch that is exactly like debian's, then 'fork' it over to form the next distro's branch?11:48
ograwhich goes hand in hand for about half a release cycle and then gets into stabilization ... due to that stabilization phase our "unstable" diverges frome debians and requires a new snapshot at the beginning of the next release cacle11:49
Laneywe fork the stable branch at release and then merge debian into that11:49
ior3kgot it, thanks11:50
=== dyfet` is now known as dyfet
cjwatsonior3k: we don't have developer bandwidth to maintain a separate unstable as *well* as karmic; we did think about it early on, but decided against it11:57
cjwatson(indeed I was a proponent of a separate unstable, but was convinced otherwise)11:57
ior3kcjwatson: makes sense, I guess everyone is mostly busy working on the *current* future stable version11:59
ior3kcjwatson: thanks for the clarification11:59
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amitkgah! dist-upgrade seems to have broken compiz. No window manager for me :-/12:20
ograthere is that ancient metacity thingie ;)12:21
amitkright click doesn't work on the desktop and there is not gnome-panel12:21
ogradoesnt actually sound like a windowmanager issue12:22
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lamontError: Descriptions do not match: <-- where in debbuild's world to those errors come from, I wonder?12:58
evand1are we expected to stick things (specifically, log files) in .cache these days?13:03
evand1or is it okay to hate the XDG base directory specification13:04
slytherinevand1: You shouldn't use .cache name hard coded13:07
evand1slytherin: indeed, I was just doing that for brevity13:07
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MacSlowseb128, what valgrind command-line did you use to obtain the log you attached here https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/43072213:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430722 in notify-osd "current version has invalid read errors under valgrind" [Undecided,New]13:21
seb128MacSlow, G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly  valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --num-callers=38 /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd13:23
seb128MacSlow, why?13:24
MacSlowseb128, just wondering13:25
seb128MacSlow, you don't get the issue?13:25
MacSlowseb128, I added a possible fix and now try to reproduce it13:25
seb128MacSlow, want me to try the fix?13:26
MacSlowseb128, would be cool... one sec13:26
MacSlowseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/27278413:29
MacSlowseb128, if that fixes it, it would mean the purging of old bubbles is messed up13:29
MacSlowwhich would need further investigation13:30
pitti_reinstevand1: hm, now that you told me about /casper.log, the usb stick booted; I love race conditions :)13:34
evand1haha, hooray13:34
pitti_reinstI tried it three times before..13:35
evand1I thought upstart was going to fix all boot race conditions, and give us ponies ;)13:35
evand1if you do manage to reproduce it at some point, a bug report with the casper log attached would be greatly appreciated13:36
ograponie races probably :)13:36
pitti_reinstevand1: yes, should be easy to reproduce, I'll just try it a couple of more times13:36
pitti_reinstevand1: how does the USB stick booting work, is it "faked" to become /dev/sr0?13:37
pitti_reinstevand1: since it seems to loop over getting /dev/sr013:37
* lamont finds his answer: mergechanges13:40
ScottKlamont: I listened to your daughter on the radio last night.  Would you please fix the IA64 chroots?13:44
lamontScottK: the debian ones?13:46
ScottKNo, our buildds13:46
lamontso totally frustrated at those damn things13:46
lamontoh ours?  what's b0rked?13:46
ScottK(or did you do that already today)13:46
lamont(build log somewhere?  or just any and all?)13:46
lamontah, ok13:46
cjwatsonScottK: the necessary fix is to port dbus to ia6413:47
lamonttaking kids to school in about 2 seconds, will look at that once I'm back online13:47
cjwatsonit's not something that can be fixed on the buildd side before that13:47
cjwatsonlook a couple of revisions back in dbus and you'll see the failure - missing clock_getres and clock_gettime IIRC13:47
ScottKOK, that'll probably have to wait until after lamont takes his kids to school.13:48
lamontoh. that.  nowI remember13:48
lamontwhere are those funcs defined on other architectures13:50
evand1pitti: lp:casper in scripts/casper, see find_livefs13:50
Keybukok, that's five minutes ... and nobody's pounced on me14:05
* ogra pounces on Keybuk 14:05
ograjust for fun14:05
* Keybuk rolls around on the floor with ogra14:06
ogracuddly :)14:06
cjwatsonKeybuk: now, the question is, is that because there are no problems or is it the onset of despair? ;-)14:09
Keybukcjwatson: that was exactly what I was thinking14:09
Keybukbut then I figured that either is a win14:09
=== evand1 is now known as evand
Keybuknow, onto the critical bugs14:10
Keybuk*why* has compiz lost all my key bindings *again* :-(14:10
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
pittiyay, finally; a working machine again14:18
pittiKeybuk: would you mind if I re-add the check for "text" to /etc/init/gdm.conf? It's quite useful for broken drivers and debugging14:26
ograpitti, oh, please do !14:27
* ogra didnt know that was gone14:27
pittihow could I not, now? :-)14:27
rgreeningany ideas on how I can debug why usb autodetection is broken? It worked in alpha5 but updating yesterday broke it.14:28
ograi often make use of it14:28
Keybukpitti: check for text?14:28
pittiKeybuk: yes, in /proc/cmdline, like the old init script14:28
ograKeybuk, gdm didnt start with text on cmdline14:28
pittirgreening: usb drives?14:29
ograits very helpful if you want to debug stuff14:29
Keybukoh, I missed that14:29
Keybukyou might want to add single in too ;)14:29
Keybukand all the -s and S synonyms of that14:29
pittirgreening: ubuntu-bug, and select "storage devices"14:29
rgreeningpitti: yeah. dmesg shows them.. but they do not autodetect for me to automount14:29
rgreeningpitti: ok.14:29
pittiyay, apport symtoms :)14:29
pittiKeybuk: "-s and S synonyms"?14:35
ionpitti: See /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf, everything that leads to DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL=S14:36
Keybukion: I still need to find out whether there's a better way of doing that14:38
KeybukI have a vague memory that the kernel actually passes all kernel command-lines to init14:38
Keybuk(it must do, because adding --debug works :p)14:38
Keybukso it must pass the -b, -s, etc. to init too14:38
Keybukthen I wonder whether it passes things that don't begin with -14:38
Keybukso maybe init gets "single" in argv[1]14:39
Keybukeven "quiet", "splash", etc.14:39
Keybukso I could put those into the startup event in some meaningful way14:39
Keybukstart on startup SINGLE=no14:39
Keybukor something14:39
darkhamplease, tell me more about UserInterfaceFreeze14:39
darkhamof 10-0914:39
pittidarkham: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserInterfaceFreeze14:40
Keybukdarkham: it's the point in our release cycle that, after which, changes to the user interface need to be approved14:40
darkhamyes, but nothing more about features?14:40
Keybukdarkham: Feature Freeze happens before UI Freeze (a couple of weeks ago)14:41
darkhamwhat's was decided?14:42
cjwatsonKeybuk: init/main.c:unknown_bootoption14:42
Keybukdarkham: what do you mean?14:42
Keybukcjwatson: hmm?14:42
darkhamfeatures inside the featurefreeze14:43
Keybukdarkham: is there a specific question you want an answer for?14:43
darkhamyes, i would have an answer about14:43
Keybukcjwatson: where are you looking?14:44
cjwatsonKeybuk: in the kernel14:45
Keybukcjwatson: ah, right; yes that's what I mean14:45
cjwatsonas I read it, it passes unknown foo=bar in init's environment, and unknown foo in init's argv14:45
Keybukthat was my understanding too14:46
rgreeningpitti: ubuntu-bug is taking an awfully long time to collect info... been running since you told me to try it... I suspect its not working14:46
pittirgreening: did it ask you questions?14:46
rgreeningpitti: first time I tried it, I selected the storage option, and it complained about missing package or PID.14:47
pittirgreening: I never actually tried it on Kubuntu14:48
rgreeningpitti: second time I passed "storage devices" as text on cmdline.. and now its collecting forewver.14:48
pittiit assumes devicekit-disks and everything14:48
pittinot hal14:48
rgreeningpitti:  have that14:48
pittirgreening: ubuntu or kubuntu?14:48
rgreeningkubuntu with devicekitdisks14:48
Keybukcjwatson: nice to have that confirmed from kernel code though, saves me looking14:48
Keybukis a matter of figuring out how to pass them to jobs as well14:49
Keybuke.g. how does "-b" gets passed14:49
pittirgreening: does top say whether there's a busy process?14:50
cjwatsonyeah, seems like it makes sense to define more spellable names14:50
rgreeningpitti: 5% cpu... doesn't appear hung14:50
rgreeningloadavg if fine14:51
ionkeybuk: http://heh.fi/tmp/init-args (i diverted /sbin/init and created a /sbin/init that prints $* and /proc/cmdline and execs the diverted init)14:51
Keybukcjwatson: the idea for upstart 1.0 is that words there get converted to jobs14:52
Keybukso if you had "single" on the command-line, you'd have a "single" job/state active14:52
Keybukthen you could do:14:52
Keybuk  while single14:52
Keybuk  while not single14:52
ionkeybuk: Some parameters seem to get passed as init args, some don’t. Dunno what determines that.14:52
rgreeningpitti: I suspect nixternal has a bug in the code wrt text on cmdline enclosed in quotes :)14:52
slytherinDoes anyone know where can I find Daniel Chen?14:52
Keybukion: ones the kernel knows don't14:52
* rgreening tries again anothe rway14:52
Keybukion: "ro" and "quiet" are for the kernel, likewise root14:53
Keybukion: can you dump "env" as well and try a few things like foo=bar14:53
ionkeybuk: Indeed, those do get added to the environment.14:55
Keybukbut not the root= and stuff?14:56
rgreeningnixternal: apport-kde does not allow you to enter bug details without specifying a packge.14:56
rgreeningnixternal: apport-gtk does...14:56
rgreeningpitti: ^ so trying again with gtk version installed :)14:57
ionkeybuk: http://heh.fi/tmp/init-args14:59
ionkeybuk: The ROOT env variable might come from initramfs.14:59
Keybukyes, I think that gets a bit leaked15:01
Keybukthe initramfs tends to export its environment randomly15:01
Keybukand break= ;)15:02
Keybukit's arguable that the initramfs shouldn't use "export" at all15:03
Keybuksince it sources everything15:03
pittiKeybuk: can/should upstart scripts use log_warning_msg and similar LSB functions?15:12
pittior just echo? or nothign at all?15:12
Keybukthey shouldn't15:12
Keybukimo upstart scripts should freely output warnings, errors, etc.15:12
Keybukand not use things like 2>/dev/null15:13
Keybukso in karmic+1, those logs will be available and contain useful information15:13
pittiso just echo "Not starting GNOME Display Manager (gdm); found 'text' in kernel commandline." is okay?15:13
pittito stdout15:13
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew
Keybukpitti: tbh, i tend to just make it fail :)15:13
Keybukthe text won't go anywhere15:13
Keybukso it's not worth making it descriptive just yet15:13
Keybukbut sure, that's fine15:13
pittiyou don't see it on the VT?15:13
Keybukthat's a TODO15:14
Keybukwhat I actually want is for things to be a bit more like, well, cron actually15:14
Keybukif you do "# start gdm" yourself15:14
Keybukyou should see the output on your VT15:14
Keybukbut if gdm starts, you shouldn't get random dumpings across your VT15:14
Keybukjust if it fails, you see the output as part of the "gdm failed" notification15:14
Keybukbut if gdm is automatically started15:14
Keybukthe failure log should go somewhere useful15:14
Keybukmaybe /var/log15:14
Keybukmaybe sent via e-mail15:15
rgreeningpitti: bug 43187815:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431878 in kde4libs "USB Drive Fails to be Autodetected for Mounting in KDE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43187815:15
rgreeningpitti: I suspect udev rules clutter.. just do not know 1) for certain and 2) how to debug15:16
pittiKeybuk: so I think "if egrep -wqs 'text|single|s|S|-s'; then exit 0; fi" should do15:16
Keybukpitti: oh, I'd just do15:17
pittithose are the combinations I found in /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf15:17
Keybuk  egrep -wqs 'text|single|s|S|-s' /proc/cmdline15:17
Keybukthough iirc, you'll get slapped with a "root=something-s always enters single user mode" bug ;)15:17
cjwatsonmm, you need for x in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do ...; done really15:18
cjwatson(or </proc/cmdline if that actually works)15:18
pittiKeybuk: no, -w only matches whole words ast it seems15:18
Keybukpitti: it doesn't15:18
cjwatsonpitti: - is a word boundary though15:18
pitti$ echo "root-something" | grep -wqs -- '-s'15:18
pitti-> code 115:18
Keybukgrep's "whole word" is done on a boundary15:18
cjwatsonpitti: now try root-s15:18
pitti$ echo "root-s" | grep -wqs -- '-s' || echo no15:18
cjwatsonoh, hmm15:19
cjwatson$ echo "root-s" | grep -wqs -- 's'; echo $?15:19
Keybukright just "s" not "-s"15:19
pittiso I really want a WORD not a word (in Perlspeak)15:19
Keybukpitti: just copy the logic from rc-sysinit.conf15:20
ioncase " $(cat /proc/cmdline) " in *' -s '*|*' single '*|...) :-P (Or just for arg in $(cat /proc/cmdline)...)15:20
pittiKeybuk: *nod*15:20
pittiKeybuk: while I'm at it, I kill the gdm-cdd.conf stuff; it doesn't work any more15:22
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
Keybukpitti: I'm tending strongly towards killing off untested options and configs15:26
Keybuk(as part of the sysvinit -> upstart migration)15:26
Keybukon the basis that if we let someone change something, we should continually test both settings15:26
Keybukand that upstart jobs are supposed to be a billion percent more readable than init scripts15:27
Keybukplus some config options are silly15:27
pittiKeybuk: I take that as an "ok" for removing gdm-cdd.conf? :-)15:27
Keybukpitti: yup!15:27
KeybukTMPFS_SIZE ?!  ... which tmpfs? and why not just put it in /etc/fstab where it's supposed to go15:27
pittiogra: it's back in bzr, will upload after alpha freeze15:33
Keybukpitti: bug #431176 btw (for changelog)15:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431176 in gdm "karmic: gdm should not start in single user (recovery) mode" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43117615:34
pittiah, nice15:34
hyperairwhat's the difference between /etc/init and /etc/event.d?15:38
ograhyperair, one upstream release of upstart15:38
pittihyperair: the former exists :)15:38
ograwell, depends where you look :)15:39
pittievent.d is the deprecated name of older upstarts15:39
hyperairogra: meaning /etc/event.d can be effectively purged now?15:39
ograthe latter exists too :)15:39
ograjust not in recent versions15:39
ograhyperair, yes15:39
hyperairi see15:39
Madkisshi all15:42
pittiKeybuk: btw, "sad" crypto drives and "weak" partitions? :-)15:42
* pitti can imagine the mood under which Scott produced all that15:42
Madkisswith todays updates, my system hangs after "starting sad crypto disks"15:42
Madkisswhat's wrong with it?15:42
pittihappened to me as well15:42
Keybukyeah cryptsetup is fucked15:42
pittibug 43049615:42
Keybukit probably needs rewriting using udev properly15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430496 in mountall "cryptsetup devices not mounted on boot" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43049615:42
Laneyal-maisan: I think you mistakenly credited me with the php-suhosin sync somehow15:43
pittiwell, it might not exactly be that particular bug15:43
pittibut it's a placeholder for "fix it"15:43
hyperairhmm can upstart handle pm-utils hooks?15:44
hyperairlike start on resume or something15:44
kirklandKeybuk: hey, i'm looking at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit/+bug/42727715:44
Keybukhyperair: eventually15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427277 in sysvinit ""service start" complains about using the init script and recommends using "service"" [Low,Triaged]15:44
kirklandKeybuk: happy to fix that15:44
hyperairKeybuk: that's nice15:44
* hyperair needs to get round to switching my phc init script to an upstart job15:45
Keybukkirkland: I guess the right way would be that if /etc/init/$ARG.conf exists, use "start", "stop", etc. rather than invoke-rc.d15:45
kirklandKeybuk: how would service tell if its being called in an upstart job15:45
pittiunfortunately I can't reproduce the hang on "sad crypto drives" in a VM15:45
kirklandKeybuk: ah, cool15:45
kirklandKeybuk: so the "fix" is really *not* to use invoke-rc.d15:45
Keybukkirkland: you still need to use invoke-rc.d if it's an init script ;)15:45
kirklandKeybuk: of course.  i meant "conditions permitting"15:46
al-maisanLaney: you ack'ed it15:46
yuriypitti: hi. what should i do to get the patch for bug 405378 into karmic as fast as possible? debdiff or commit to bzr? if the latter, what branch?  this bug is kind of critical now that +filebug doesn't work anymore, so i'd like to get this fix in and can work on a more complete fix later15:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405378 in apport "[karmic] in KDE apport does not open the browser to report a bug" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40537815:46
Laneyal-maisan: bug 429531 ?15:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429531 in php-suhosin "Please sync php-suhoshin from debian unstable." [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42953115:47
kirklandKeybuk: what is the total set of actions you provide?  (start, stop, status) ?15:47
al-maisanLaney: there was another bug, let me dig out the number..15:47
Laneyal-maisan: anyway if I only acked it then the requester should have had it15:48
al-maisanLaney: bug #42478915:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 424789 in php5 "PHP random segfaults on session_start();" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42478915:48
Laneyif I actually requested the sync then ...15:48
al-maisanLaney: hmm .. "Replace LPUID with the Launchpad username of the sync requester, or the acknowledger if the requester is not an active developer"15:48
pittiyuriy: I don't particularly mind, what's easiest for you; I'll commit it to bzr right away and upload right after the freeze15:49
LaneyI don't see myself on that bug15:49
pittiyuriy: I don't think it's ubuntu specific, so I'll commit it to trunk (lp:apport) and cherrypick to the ubuntu branch15:49
james_wLaney: I think you set it confirmed15:49
pittiyuriy: thanks a lot for figuring this out; what was it?15:49
yuriypitti: ok, thanks!15:49
al-maisanLaney: yep (Iain Lane  on 2009-09-14)15:50
LaneyOh that was just status fiddling15:50
simon-o_al-maisan: Did you sync awesome, bug 42776715:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427767 in awesome "Sync awesome 3.3.2-1 (universe) from Debian squeeze (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42776715:50
Laneynot a big deal really anyway15:51
al-maisanLaney: great, thanks!15:51
al-maisansimon-o: yes.15:51
yuriypitti: a couple different things. simple bug where it's just canceling when the complete/reduced report radios aren't visible (the patch fixes this). hanging is a problem with how the app is excecuted/exited to work around bug 403361. need to figure out that one and come up with a more complete fix.15:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403361 in python-qt4 "apport-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QWidgetPrivate::deleteExtra()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40336115:51
simon-o_al-maisan: You synced 3.3.4-1 and not 3.3.2-1. Was this on purpose?15:52
al-maisansimon-o_: no .. let me have a look.15:52
simon-oal-maisan: 3.3.4-1 is missing libxcb-event1-dev (>= 0.3.6)15:53
Laneytoo late now, you need to either fix 3.3.4 or do a sourceful upload of 3.3.215:53
al-maisansimon-o: I see. Sorry, I did not pay attention there.15:53
pittior a newer version of xcb-util15:54
pittiif that just fixes bugs, it's okay15:54
Laneyyeah that's covered by "fix" :)15:54
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
simon-o_Laney, pitti, al-maisan: It fixes some bugs: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xcb/2009-August/004994.html15:56
simon-oI'll request a sync15:56
pittilooks fine15:57
al-maisansimon-o: thanks!15:57
Laneycool beans15:57
pittijust note the freeze for main packages (so perhaps don't sync it right now)15:57
pittial-maisan: ^15:58
al-maisanpitti: because of the pending A6?15:58
pittiright; just in case it breaks stuff15:58
al-maisanpitti: noted.15:58
al-maisanhmm .. there seems no way to sync a specific version .. or is there?15:59
cjwatsonit's possible if you can get hold of the package, but ask yourself whether it's a good idea16:00
cjwatsonyou have to mess around by hand with dpkg-scansources to do it16:00
al-maisancjwatson: I see.16:00
LaneyThere's no -t testing or so?16:01
james_wyes, you can sync from testing16:01
james_wbut a version that isn't in unstable or testing or ... is harder16:01
Laneyah, well in this case it was a squeeze sync16:02
Madkisssince today's updates, my ubuntu netboot client with karmic won't boot anymore16:03
Madkissthis is a total regressino compared to yesterday :(16:03
hyperairhow does upstart stop tasks? kill them?16:03
simon-oI requested the sync in bug 43191416:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431914 in xcb-util "Sync xcb-util 0.3.6-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43191416:04
al-maisansimon-o: thanks again.16:04
simon-oal-maisan: your welcome, thanks for syncing :)16:05
al-maisansimon-o: :)16:05
Madkissthe last thing i see is "b43-phy: UNSUPPORTED PHY FOUND" or some such16:06
Madkissand after that16:07
Madkissit will just not do anything.16:07
Madkisscould that have something to do with the upstart-update that apparently happened last night?16:07
Laneymore than likely16:07
slytherinMadkiss: Does it really not do anything? How long did you wait?16:08
keesgoood morning16:11
keespitti: ah, okay, dang.  can xulrunner be perhaps blacklisted or something?  I find the source traces very helpful.16:12
pittikees: yes, certainly; I just quickly disabled it back then, and then forgot about it, since nobody complained16:12
keespitti: heh, okay.16:12
Madkissslytherin: ten minutes. after downgradingh upstart, it gets faster, but it does not mount /dev/pts and some such16:18
slytherinMadkiss: hmm, then surely it is some problem with upgrades. Are you sure the mirror you are using has all the upgrades available?16:19
Madkissslytherin: yes16:21
ttxnurmi: mail sent, happy testing16:27
Madkissit tells me that mountpoints /dev/pts and /dev/shm do not exist16:27
Madkissinvoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/udev not found.16:29
cjwatsonit's an upstart job now16:30
kirklandKeybuk: pitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/272918/16:30
cjwatson'start udev'16:30
kirklandKeybuk: i think that should do it; working here on my end16:30
kirklandKeybuk: pitti: would you guys apply that patch to your /usr/sbin/service and make sure it works as expected?16:31
Madkisscjwatson: this  whole upstart-thing is utterly broken.16:32
pittikirkland: exec env -i LANG="$LANG" PATH="$PATH" TERM="$TERM"16:33
Madkisscjwatson: it left my system behind in a completely unusable state; i am not sure if this is supposed to happen round about one month before final release.16:33
cjwatsonMadkiss: we're two days into a transition to a new init system. I'm sure all your code works first time. ;-)16:33
pittikirkland: out of interest, what does that do? looks like a no-op to me?16:33
Madkisscjwatson: err. where was that announced?16:33
cjwatsonMadkiss: do please file bugs about breakage16:33
sebnerMadkiss: still alpha status though :P16:33
KeybukMadkiss: we're actually six weeks before release, which is quite a bit longer than "one month"16:34
Madkisscjwatson: "Hangs at boot. Does not do anything. Produces no output. Lets me not boot with init=/bin/sh"16:34
Keybuksix weeks is a *quarter* of our release cycle16:34
pittiMadkiss: are you on intel?16:34
kirklandpitti: which part?  the exec?  or the env sanitizing?16:34
pittiMadkiss: I mean graphics16:34
Madkissno. nvidia.16:34
pittikirkland: env with TERM="$TERM" etc.16:34
KeybukMadkiss: you're saying that if you put init=/bin/bash on your kernel command-line, your system doesn't even boot to a shell?16:34
MadkissKeybuk: so you've had three quarters of time for breaking everything whatsoever.16:35
MadkissKeybuk: yes.16:35
KeybukMadkiss: then you don't have an Upstart problem16:35
pittikirkland: "sanitizing"? by setting variables to themselves?16:35
Madkisswell, after downgrading upstart, i at least get to *somewhere*16:35
* Madkiss feels snipered16:35
kirklandpitti: we inherited that from the original Red Hat service script16:35
kirklandpitti: let me investigate16:36
* ogra wonders what could break that init=/bin/bash doesnt work anymore16:36
pittikirkland: it looks like a weird NOP to me16:36
KeybukMadkiss: what happens when you do use init=/bin/bash16:36
kirklandpitti: oh, it's the -i16:36
kirklandpitti: env -i, --ignore-environment16:36
ionmadkiss: You installed karmic. As long as it’s in development, you can feel lucky if it ever boots. :-P16:36
MadkissKeybuk: Right nothing after the br0-phy-message I posted earlier.16:36
pittikirkland: gotcha16:36
kirklandpitti: so it clears all env variables, except those16:36
Madkission: it did so for almost two weeks.16:36
cjwatsoncertainly, if you use init=/bin/bash, upstart is *not called*16:37
cjwatsonthat's the point of init=16:37
kirklandpitti: perhaps that not desired in upstart .... Keybuk ?16:37
Madkission: I would expect breakage to *reduce* the closer we get to point of release, instead, it's increasing.16:37
Keybukkirkland: doesn't make much difference, I don't think16:37
Keybukkirkland: "start" itself doesn't do anything, Upstart will run the service itself in an already safe environment16:37
Keybuk(this is one of the big decision choices)16:37
ionmadkiss: It’s still a development release.16:37
kirklandKeybuk: okay, then i'll drop that bit from the upstart call16:37
pittikirkland: tried with "sudo service cups" (init.d) and "sudo service hal" (upstart), both work fine16:38
Madkission: I can not remember a point in time where Debian unstable was broken like this.16:38
KeybukMadkiss: I can remember lots of times16:38
pittikirkland: and /etc/init.d/hal stop rightfully complains16:38
pittikirkland: works for me16:38
* Keybuk thinks back to the libc5->libc6 transition16:38
Keybukand the shadow transition16:38
Madkissyeah, that was like 400 years ago.16:38
Keybukand the apt transition16:38
kirkland+         exec ${ACTION} ${SERVICE} ${OPTIONS}16:38
kirklandpitti: i changed the upstart call to that16:39
kirklandpitti: i left the sysvinit one as is16:39
Madkissthing is, this need fixage.16:39
pittikirkland: oh, I wasn't saying that you should throw it out16:39
Keybukwhenever you change any major component, you'd expect breakage16:39
Keybukat least for some people16:39
pittikirkland: I was just curious what it's supposed to do, since it looked like a noop to me; I missed the -i16:39
ionmadkiss: Sure. It will probably be fixed within the next six weeks. :-P16:39
kirklandpitti: heh, well i don't think it's necessary if we're calling upstart; in the traditional case, i'll leave it16:39
pittikirkland: *nod*16:40
Madkission: given the attitude i'm confronted with, i am kinda left with a doubt about it :)16:40
kirklandpitti: Keybuk: okay, i'll upload this as soon as the archive unfreezes16:40
pittikirkland: so, thumbs-up for me16:40
kirklandspeaking of ... has it unfroze?16:40
pittithank you16:40
kirklandpitti: no problem, thanks for reporting16:40
Madkissdo i need any special boot parameters for upstart?16:40
pittikirkland: realistically I don't think we'll re-roll, but not officially yet16:40
kirklandpitti: right-o16:40
KeybukMadkiss: the only attitude is coming from you16:41
ionmadkiss: It’s kind of funny you talk to us about attitude. :-)16:41
kirklandpitti: i'll wait, i have a stack of uploads building now ;-)16:41
seb128would be nice to lift the freeze soon16:41
seb128I would like to sponsor os and dx changes before going for dinner16:41
MadkissKeybuk, ion: Listen, lads. Is anyone of you two into helping me debugging this thing?16:42
KeybukMadkiss: after everything you've said about my work, do you want me to help you?16:43
MadkissKeybuk: yes.16:43
Keybukreally, you think I'm competent enough to help you?16:43
Keybukbecause what you were saying above really doesn't make me feel like you do16:44
MadkissIf you claim that the situation I am in now was created by some bugs introduced by your changes, I have no reason to believe that there is anyone else who might rather be able to help me than you, eh?16:44
Madkissand furthermore, i am tempted to assume you want bugs in your stuff to be fixed, so here's one willing debian developer who might be able to help.16:45
Keybukwell, you've just been ranting on how I should never have introduced my changes, and how other developers would have never broken things16:45
Madkissjust tell me what to do. How do I make the boot process more verbose? Do I need some special switch?16:45
Keybukso how's that supposed to be make me feel like helping you?16:45
sorenkees: At some point you were interested in stuff that worked with sun-java-6, but not with openjdk. Are you still interested?16:45
KeybukI've already asked you a question, and suggested something to try16:45
Keybukthat would be a good start16:45
MadkissI oversaw that, can you repeat the corresponding lines please?16:46
Keybuk<Keybuk> Madkiss: what happens when you do use init=/bin/bash16:46
MadkissKeybuk: the last thing I see is "the last thing i see is "b43-phy: UNSUPPORTED PHY FOUND"16:47
MadkissKeybuk: and then nothing else happens.16:47
ionTry with debug=yes init=/bin/bash16:47
Keybukok, try taking "quiet" and "splash" off the kernel command line as well16:47
ionLet’s see what the initramfs is doing.16:47
keessoren: only if there's either a bug report for it, or direct code examples.  :)16:47
sorenkees: It's my homebanking thingie. I can file a bug, I gues.16:48
sorenguess, even.16:48
keessoren: check your .xsession-errors for tracebacks, too.16:48
=== edson is now known as ecanto
sorenkees: dead silent. I'll file a bug.16:51
Madkisswell, erm.16:52
pittijdong, cody-somerville: in the light of the archive permissions reorg, are you fine with obsoleting ~motu-sru and getting added to ~ubuntu-sru ?16:55
pittijdong, cody-somerville: I'll care about the membership shuffling and updating the process page, but wanted to give you a heads-up16:56
jdongpitti: sounds like a logical migration path; I'm good with that16:57
Madkissbooting the box after having been on the grub shell leads to a lockup.16:57
Keybukit sounds a lot like you have a kernel problem16:59
slytherinkees: There are many bugs open in launchpad about the stuff that doesn't work with openjdk, or simply crases openjdk.17:01
Madkissokay. last debug message I see is17:02
keesslytherin: yup.  I'm trying to improve the quality of said reports.  instead of "it doesn't work", I'm trying to get "this code below, fails this way or that way..."17:02
Madkiss"exec run-init /mnt/sbin/init"17:02
Madkissthen a whole lot of "according to mtab blabla foobar is already mountred" messaged17:03
KeybukMadkiss: that's not trying with "/bin/bash" now, is it?17:03
Madkisswait a second.17:03
slytherinkees: In any case at this point of time I don't think we should remove sun java6 from archives. We could target that for karmic +1 but I am not sure how good openjdk will be by that time.17:03
keesslytherin: yup, I would tend to agree now17:04
slytherinBut sure openjdk is in far better shape now than it was in jaunty. It doesn't eat CPU when running javadoc on powerpc. :-)17:04
ograKeybuk, is sreadahead running nice'd ? it produces quite some load on the first few boots on armel17:05
Madkissthe kernel reproducibly just hangs after having been on the grub shell17:05
slytherinogra: it does on i386 also. :-)17:05
Keybukogra: it runs in more interesting priorities than nice is capable of17:06
ograslytherin, i'm lacking experience ... my world is full of arms in karmic :)17:06
Madkisshooray for this, i guess.17:07
MadkissKeybuk, ion, i am going to report back for duty tomorrow. I actually might slam a screwdriver into this computers display, I am tired as hell.17:07
KeybukMadkiss: np.17:08
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
Madkissoh, well17:10
Madkissnow I am on a bash at least.17:10
MadkissKeybuk: ^^17:10
Keybukwhat did you change to get there?17:10
Madkissi edited grub.cfg17:11
Madkissmount point /dev/pts does not exist.17:12
Keybukwhat says that?17:12
Madkiss"mount -a"17:13
Madkissand indeed there is no /dev/pts17:13
Madkissand the reason for why it might hang during the normal boot process17:14
Madkissis that starting nfs-common just fails17:14
Madkissor rather17:14
Madkissdoes never come to an ende17:14
Madkisswell. ttyl.17:14
sebnerhihu dee :D17:16
deehi sebner. good you're here. :)17:16
deedo you know what packages in brackets <...> mean if I do "apt-cache depends xutils-dev"?17:17
deeAnd how are you btw.17:17
sebnerdee: I'm fine and you? Depends, Conflicts ,..?17:19
deeJust test the command and you will see what I mean.17:20
deeAnd yes. I'm fine too. Are you on Ubucon this year?17:20
sebnerdee: naaah, starting with university. You see the package it Conflicts/Replaces17:22
sebnerhuhu jonbo17:22
dpmlool: lool: all UNR karmic translations have been imported into rosetta, and future import won't require manual interaction -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2009-September/002750.html (sorry for the delay in coming back to you, I've just noticed i didn't CC you on that e-mail)17:22
sebnerjono: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!17:22
sebnerdee:   Replaces: <imake> means it replaces the package image17:22
jonothanks sebner :)17:23
looldpm: cool thanks17:23
deesebner: I know the Meaning of replaces, but not for the brackets.17:23
ograKeybuk, mind to comment on bug 431963 (i suspect calling sreadahead from cmdline is a bit different than what actually happens during boot profiling)17:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431963 in linux "io/fs errors when launching gdm on imx51 with sata" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43196317:23
sebnerdee: ah, wondering now too. Maybe a special feature for Conflicts and Replaces. :P17:24
deejono: it's your birthday? so good luck for the future, nice evening (every day of course), have fun and rock on. :)17:24
deesebner: no, there are packages with Depends that have brackets.17:25
jonothanks dee!17:25
Keybukogra: not sure what you want me to comment on?17:25
Keybukogra: his disk is clearly dying17:25
Keybuk(or his SATA controller)17:26
ogradifference between running sreadahead and the actual boot17:26
ograKeybuk, neither is, thats the prob17:26
ograits very likely the kernerl driver we got from freescale17:26
KeybukI disagree, he's getting I/O errors from particular sectors17:26
ograits reproducable by others with proven good HDs17:26
Keybukit could be the SATA driver, yes17:26
sebnerdee: then it may be a bug O_o17:27
Keybuksreadahead will cause more I/O in a shorter space of time than a normal boot17:27
Keybukis that what you mean?17:27
ograKeybuk, fun is, there is no SATA driver :)17:27
deesebner: no, ixel has the resolution. this are virtual packages.17:27
Keybukogra: sure there is17:27
sebnerdee: ah good to know17:27
ograKeybuk, well, compared to me running sreadahead on a tty i guess there is a difference to what the bootprocess does17:27
Keybukogra: no, not really17:27
ograKeybuk, nope, its a hardware bridge17:28
Keybukogra: cat /etc/init/sreadahead.conf17:28
ograits SATA->USB17:28
Keybukogra: you'll still have a driver for it17:28
ograand the kernel drives it with the special freescale ehci driver17:28
Keybukit's still a driver ;)17:29
ograsure i do, but its exposed as USB disk to the whole system17:29
ograby the HW17:29
ografun is that its even exposed as /dev/sdb if no disk is attached17:29
nixternalso what is the trick for today in order to get my encrypted /home working again? seems to have changed since yesterday17:30
nixternalfreezes at * Starting sad crypto disks...17:30
=== TheCompany is now known as Company
jpdsnixternal: bug #43049617:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430496 in mountall "cryptsetup devices not mounted on boot" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43049617:33
nixternaljpds: ya, yesterday I was able to /etc/init.d/cryptdisks start17:33
nixternaland all was good17:33
nixternaltoday, I can do it, but as soon as I start KDM no keyboard/mouse17:34
nixternalit doesn't kick off everything like it did yesterday17:34
nixternalsure there is something else that needs to be started first17:34
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pitti@all: freeze is lifted, go ahead and upload; a6 isn't released yet officially, but we won't re-roll17:35
=== pitti changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: karmic is getting happier, but is still feeling a bit hung-over, so be gentle | Archive: FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
slangasekttx: does the errata entry for 430758 look accurate?17:40
slangasekkirkland: please check the errata text for bug #43082017:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430820 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus node install results in broken /etc/network/interfaces" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43082017:44
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nixternalKeybuk: anything I can do on the debug front to help out with anything? I have 2 busted machines waiting for some loving :)17:44
Keybuknixternal: I basically think I have to rewrite cryptsetup ;)17:45
nixternaloooh now that sounds fun :)17:45
kirklandslangasek: sure ...17:45
kirklandslangasek: where is this errata text?17:46
nixternalKeybuk: if i reformat/reinstall with latest release, and don't encrypt, I should be fine right?17:50
nixternalI might r/r my lappy and leave my desktop broken for debugging purposes17:50
nixternali need something other than this netbook up and running right now, otherwise no work gets done :)17:51
Keybuknixternal: yeah17:51
siretartnixternal: FYI, I've just updated my karmic vbox that uses root on crypted lvm and that VM still boots without any problems..17:51
Keybukthe problems at the moment are cryptsetup and NFS17:51
Keybukcryptsetup because it really needs to decrypt devices when udev knows about them, not at an arbitrary point in the boot process17:51
nixternalya, I have /, /home, and swap encrypted...can't figure out how to work around it today17:52
Keybuk(that'd give you big plus points anyway - plug in a USB stick a week after, and it can be still decrypted and mounted from fstab)17:52
KeybukNFS because I'm a dolt and didn't upload the portmap/rpc.*d upstart jobs17:52
Keybukon the cryptsetup front, if you do fancy finding out why my kludge doesn't work. I'd appreciate it17:52
jdstrandslangasek: does bug #431804 require an FFe? it is fixing a bug by introducing a feature (upstart script)17:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431804 in ufw "ufw starts after some network daemons due to move to upstart in Ubuntu" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43180417:53
jdstrandslangasek: hi btw17:53
KeybukI can't see why the /etc/init/cryptdisks-enable.conf thing doesn't work17:53
nixternalKeybuk: I am looking at it now...the only thing i can see is "sad" as that is mentioned when the machine freezes17:53
siretartKeybuk: I see some udev warnings (or errors, not sure) about udev rules during bootup. are you aware of them or are you interested in reports about them? the VM still boots fine, though.17:54
Keybuksiretart: they are already reported17:54
Keybukand I'm aware of them ;P17:54
Keybuknixternal: silly question, what happens if you add "console owner" to the top of that job file somewhere17:54
nixternallet me try17:55
pittisiretart, Keybuk: btw, I checked udev trunk, it has the warnings fixed17:55
pittiwe just need to fix the NAME="%k" in the kvm rules17:55
nixternalrebooting to try the new change...will let you know17:56
Keybukpitti: I know, I talked with kay about it yesterday17:56
Keybukthe SYMLINK{unique} thing is an actual bug in udev ;)17:56
nixternalKeybuk: whoa, that did it dude17:56
Keybukbut that's fixed in git too17:56
Keybuknixternal: ...17:56
Keybuknixternal: !!!17:56
nixternalconsole owner17:56
Keybuknixternal: maybe I should just not be allowed to use computers17:56
nixternaldamnit, i owe you a big hug!17:57
* nixternal logs into KDE17:57
hyperairKeybuk: what's wrong with cryptsetup?17:57
Keybukhyperair: broken by design17:58
hyperairKeybuk: meaning?17:58
Keybukeverything else has changed so that the way it's designed is no longer the way other things work17:58
Keybukhyperair: it acts on block devices, and creates new block devices17:58
hyperairand what's wrong with that?17:59
hyperairLVM does the same too17:59
Keybukit *should* be designed such that individual block devices are decrypted as a result of uevents17:59
Keybukie. a udev rule calls out to cryptsetup to do its thing17:59
Keybukand cryptsetup creates new block devices17:59
Keybukwhich udev then picks up through the kernel again17:59
hyperairthen cryptsetup's initscript is screwed, isn't it?17:59
Keybukinstead, it expects there to be a single point in the entire boot where "all block devices are visible, and should all be decrypted in one pass"17:59
hyperairwell then patch it =p18:00
Keybukyeah that's what I said18:00
KeybukI'm convinced that I already did this a couple of years ago18:00
nixternalKeybuk: what exactly does 'console owner' provide? I have an idea, just want to know if I am close18:00
Keybukat the same time that we moved lvm and mdadm to be called from udev18:00
Keybuknixternal: something more useful than /dev/null as stdin18:00
hyperairwell this kind of thing is not going to hit me in any case... my /dev/sda2 *needs* to exist before cryptsetup can decrypt it, and my root's sitting on it so it's done in initrd18:00
nixternalKeybuk: oh, then I wasn't even close :)18:00
Keybuknixternal: what was your idea?18:01
Keybukhyperair: right18:01
rgreeningshould hal return my unmounted usb drive with this command? hal-find-by-capability --capability storage18:01
hyperairhal's deprecated isn't it?18:01
nixternaloh jeesh, put me on the spot, now I will sound/look even more stupid than I already am...I figured it was something like superuser status...the whole owner thing is what got me18:01
hyperairwe're not supposed to not have hal and have to find some other way to dig devices out18:01
Keybukconsole output => connect stdin/out to /dev/console instead of /dev/null18:02
rgreeninghyperair: hmm... what's the correct command for karmic then? hyperair18:02
hyperairwhich either doesn't exist or is all over the place so you can't find it anyway18:02
Keybukconsole owner => as output, but invoke secret magic rituals to make ^C work18:02
hyperairrgreening: look at what i just said18:02
* nixternal jots that down to remember it18:02
rgreeninguseless commentary18:02
hyperairbut it's true!18:02
hyperairwell almost completely true anyway18:03
rgreeningcan someone who has something useful to say? :) pitti :)18:03
* hyperair predicts that some years down the road, udev will be deprecated for the same reason hal was. and then we have to populate our /dev manually18:03
siretarthyperair: that would be a step back18:04
rgreeningwell, devkit-disks --enumerate doesn't show my /dev/sdc or /dev/sdc118:04
kirklandslangasek: yo?18:05
rgreeningso, what's below hal and devkit-disks (i.e. common)18:05
slangasekkirkland: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/TechnicalOverview18:05
hyperairsiretart: and hal disappearing without some new way of listing all types of hardware isn't a step back?18:05
slangasek(usual place)18:05
hyperairi mean come on, i'm still figuring out information from my hard disk using hal-device.18:06
slangasekjdstrand: I think that's covered by the existing FFe for boot work; you might want to just drop a comment in that bug (and/or open a task)18:06
jdstrandslangasek: cool, thanks18:06
hyperairwhere in udev do i get my hard disk's serial number?18:06
siretarthyperair: sysfs does still exist, no? writing some graphical voodoo should that hard...18:07
kirklandslangasek: made two minor modifications to the command to be run; added 'sudo' and the networking service restart18:07
zygamvo: ping18:07
hyperairsiretart: yeah, so i'm going to have to spend some time figuring out exactly what all the cryptic names in sysfs mean18:07
hyperairsiretart: it's still a step back. sysfs isn't much better from when hal started imo.18:08
siretarthyperair: try systool18:08
rgreeninghyperair: udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/sda18:08
rgreeningswitch /dev/sda for your drive18:09
rgreeninghyperair: ID_SERIAL is there18:09
slangasekmr_pouit, NCommander: cody doesn't appear to be around today; either of you in a position to round up some more xubuntu testing for alpha 6?  we only have tests on 1 of 4 images, which is precisely enough to permit publishing 1 of 4 images with the milestone18:09
slangaseksuperm1: mythbuntu doesn't show any test results since the OMGkittens respin; prospects of getting tests in some time today?18:10
hyperairrgreening: point taken18:10
rgreeningnow, if only I could get some help with debugging why my usb drives do not show up in hal nor devkit-disks, but the udev link is there.18:11
NCommanderslangasek, I can probably do testing in a little bit, I need to try and force some food down18:12
Davieyslangasek: yes, i think we can get some done today.18:12
nixternalnote to self: make sure you remove shell.conf after adding 'console owner' to cryptdisks-enable.conf :)18:13
NCommanderslangasek, and w.r.t. to last night, your right, I'm not sure why i was posting a kernel panic that bug; it was a separate issue.18:13
nixternalNCommander: careful forcing that food down, you might choke :p18:14
nixternalinteresting...I have 3 intel machines, with damn near the same hardware....my netbook is perfect, my lappy I have to do the encrypted work around as with my desktop...my netbook and lappy have compisiting enabled and rocking, my desktop will not do compositing unless I add 'nomodeset' to grub18:15
Laneythis is *weird*18:24
Laneylooks like my fstab is being wiped out on boot18:24
sivangnice :)18:26
sivangleaving the system unusable ?18:26
Laneyso I get kicked to this bash prompt, remount the drive rw and my changes in /etc don't stick18:27
Laneybut I can save stuff in /root which is on the same partition18:28
jonoI am trying to upgrade my karmic machine by booting from my USB stick, chrooting my local disk and doing the upgrade, but apt-get doesnt see the repos - any idea why?18:29
MsMacojono: can the chroot reach the net?18:30
jonoMsMaco, it seems not18:30
jonoany idea how I make it do that?18:31
MsMacojono: maybe make an aptoncd iso and loop mount it over a spot below your chroot'd ?18:31
MsMacochroot'd /?18:31
MsMaco(too much that key)18:31
jonois there a way to get the chroot to the see the net?18:33
zygajono: mount proc?18:33
Davieyjono: you need to bind proc ?18:33
jonohow do I do that?18:33
zygajono: and remember /etc/passwd18:33
Laneymount -o bind /proc proc18:33
jonostill no net18:34
jonoroot@ubuntu:/# ifconfig18:34
jonoWarning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output.18:34
zygajono: sdhh.. /etc/resolv18:34
zygajono you need to use mount -o bind from _outside_18:34
zyganot from the chroot itself18:34
LaneyI don't need to do that to be able to aptitude update from a chroot, fwiw18:34
Davieyjono: where is the disk mounted?18:34
jonobuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -o bind /proc proc18:35
jonomount: mount point proc does not exist18:35
chrisccoulsoni normally do "mount -t proc proc /mnt/chroot/proc" rather than bind mount18:35
jonoDaviey, /media/disk18:35
Davieysudo mount -t proc none /media/disk/proc18:35
zygajono: mount -o bind /proc /path/to/chroot/proc18:35
Laneyall works ;)18:35
jonook now ifconfig gives me output18:35
jonobut still no net in the chroot18:35
Davieyjono: ping
jonoDaviey, pings fine18:36
Davieyjono: you need to sort out your resolv.conf18:36
Davieyjono: cp contents of /etc/resolv.conf to inside chroot.18:37
Davieyhost to chroot.18:37
chrisccoulsonthis is why i use schroot - you can make it dynamically copy files like that in to the chroot automatically18:37
jonoDaviey, so copy my host resolv.conf to the /etc/resolv.conf in the chroot?18:38
chrisccoulsonand also automatically mount all the important filesystems18:38
chrisccoulsonjono - yes18:38
Davieyjono: yeah.18:38
Laneythis is so weird18:39
chrisccoulsonLaney - ?18:39
LaneyI made /etc/fstab and /etc/fstab.bak from a live cd18:39
jonothanks folks18:39
Laneythen rebooted, and now they are both empty18:39
Laneybut the files are there18:39
jonolets see if this fixes karmic now18:39
chrisccoulsonLaney - did you unmount the filesystem properly?18:39
chrisccoulsonthat is wierd18:39
jonoroot@ubuntu:/etc# apt-get update18:39
jonoGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic Release.gpg [189B]18:39
jonoIgn http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic/main Translation-en_US18:39
jonoIgn http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release.gpg18:39
jono89% [Working]FATAL -> Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor18:39
jonoE: Method http has died unexpectedly!18:39
Laneythis happens when I do it from the rescue shell too18:39
Laneyi'll try again to be sure18:40
jonoany idea what that is?18:40
jonoDaviey, have you seen that before?18:41
chrisccoulsonjono - not sure. but did you mount /dev and /sys in your chroot too?18:42
chrisccoulson(i'm not sure if that would cause your issue though)18:42
jonoreading http://michael-prokop.at/blog/2007/10/27/could-not-set-non-blocking-flag/ now18:42
Davieyjono: no :)18:44
Davieysudo mount -o bind /dev /media/disk/dev18:45
jonoI think I have it fixed18:45
jonoI did a: sudo mount -o remount,dev /dev/sda118:45
jonomanaged to update the package list18:45
jononow downloading updates18:46
jonohopefully this won't bugger anything up18:46
Laneyspammed sync18:47
Laneylets try again18:47
jonohmmm it says Can not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?)18:48
Davieyjono: see the line above, you need to bind /dev to /media/disk/dev18:48
jonojust done that18:49
cjwatsonopenpty message is harmless18:49
cjwatsonit just means dpkg's terminal output won't be logged properly18:49
jonook here we go :)18:50
LaneyWell fstab exists now but still get kicked to this dodgy shell18:50
cjwatsonI don't think bind-mounting /dev automatically binds mounts on subdirs too18:50
cjwatsonyou need --rbind for that18:50
* hyperair takes note of rbind18:51
Laneyhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/31955810/17092009299.jpg if anyone wants to poke18:52
Davieycjwatson: "all possible submounts", does that mean locations mounted are also bound?18:53
cjwatsonwell, /dev/pts is a separate mount on a subdirectory of /dev, you see18:55
chrisccoulsonLaney - does your machine just boot to that without you doing anything?18:57
LaneyI thought it was because of the empty fstab, but apparently not18:58
nixternalLaney: you added '/etc/init/shell.conf' I take it?18:58
chrisccoulsonhmmm, this might sound like a really silly question, but you're not booting with "init=/bin/bash" by any chance are you? it just looks like its starting a bash shell without trying to do anything else18:58
Laneychrisccoulson: ... well I tried that once18:59
Laneyif grub saves it, then maybe18:59
nixternalinit=/bin/bash wouldn't give you @hostname and would give you @(none)18:59
Laneyand I'll feel like an idiot18:59
Laneynixternal: I don't know what that is18:59
Laneychrisccoulson: nah, no doing18:59
Laneyslangasek had me add "bash" to the mountall config last night19:00
nixternalwell there you go (I think) :)19:00
Laneylets try19:00
skatteolaMy boot dies (possibly unrelated for all I know) after I get a bunch of "mountall: <afewcharsofgarbage>: Read-only file system", "mountall: <afewcharsofpuregarbage>/sndstat: No such file or directory".. Where is it getting the broken paths?19:02
Daviey"no job control in this shell", i normally see when someone has screwed their permissions/ownership of ~19:02
Laneynope, the bash thing was it19:03
Laneynixternal, chrisccoulson: Thanks for the inspiration :)19:03
skatteola(actually it gets a bit further than that, mounting some fs's and then dies.)19:03
chrisccoulsonLaney - you're welcome19:04
nixternalaww, I am inspiring \o/19:04
chrisccoulsondid it boot ok now?19:04
nixternalgroovy :)19:04
chrisccoulsonLaney - you just need some more updates to break it again now;)19:04
Laneythis is only a bandaid system anyway - hit on a udev/util-linux bug yesterday which meant I couldn't have / on an mdadm array :)19:05
Laneythe fun of testing19:05
jonoback up and running19:05
jonothanks folks :)19:05
jonoseb128, still have the issue with no window manager and panels19:05
chrisccoulsonhey jono - are they not running, or just running but frozen?19:05
nixternaljono: kde is working fine...ahh the good ol' days, remember them birthday boy?19:05
jonochrisccoulson, panels are running, but not showing - when I killall them they show19:06
jonoI have to run metacity --replace to get a window manager19:06
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i've not seen that issue before19:07
jonointerestingly, I clicked the button in the startup apps window to save current opened apps, one of which is tomboy which keeps loading but I don't see it in the list of startup apps anymore19:07
robbiewjono: i had this after my first reboot (no panels)...but it was magically fixed in subsequent reboots19:07
Laneywhat will happen to the UUID if I resize a partition?19:11
robbiewhas anyone with boothchart installed, noticed an 'sreadahead -t0' process running after the machine is up? on every reboot?19:12
cjwatsonLaney: ought to be preserved19:12
Laneyseems windows 7 still wants to be the first partition :(19:12
chrisccoulsonheh, i don't have the hassle of dual-boot any more:)19:13
LaneyI only dual for l4d and tf219:14
* Laney donates to wine19:14
chrisccoulsonLaney - you're in to gaming are you?19:14
Laneychrisccoulson: only casually - I'm really not very good :)19:15
chrisccoulsoni thought i would try gaming when i purchased my graphics card, but then i never bothered with it;)19:15
chrisccoulsonso its a bit wasted now19:16
hyperairfrets on fire!19:21
hyperairthat runs on my intel =D19:21
pittipochu_: wow, that was fast: http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/media-player-info.html19:22
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
hyperairhuh what happened to debhelper?19:26
hyperairit isn't supposed to add a debian/tmp to debian/<blah> paths is it?19:27
hyperairdh_install, that is19:27
pittihyperair: it only does that in compat level 6 and above, I think19:29
hyperairi've never had this with compat level 719:29
pittisorry, from 7 on19:29
hyperairfor starters, i've been using this debian directory for several weeks now, and a cronjob preparing builds19:29
hyperairor rather, alarm-clock-applet19:29
cjwatsonhyperair: man debhelper, look at the "Debhelper compatibility levels" section19:30
hyperaircjwatson: i'm familiar with those.19:30
cjwatson"dh_install, will fall back to looking for files in debian/tmp if it doesn't find them in the current directory (or wherever you tell it look using --sourcedir). This allows dh_install to interoperate with dh_auto_install, which installs to debian/tmp, without needing any special parameters."19:30
hyperaircjwatson: but it's not supposed to prepend debian/tmp unless it can't find them in the current directory.19:30
cjwatsonis it possible that in this case perhaps it can't?19:30
hyperairwhy wouldn't it be able to?19:30
cjwatsonmaybe something failed to compile, but the build system didn't notice?19:31
hyperairhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/31974709/banshee_1.5.1%2Bgit20090915.r1.ba07145-0ubuntu1_1.5.1%2Bgit20090916.r2.2d2d42f-0ubuntu1.diff.gz <-- behold the existence of debian/Banshee.GStreamer.dll.config19:32
cjwatsonis that file really meant to be in debian/ ?19:32
hyperairno wait19:32
cjwatsonerr, no19:32
hyperairlemme stare at it again19:32
cjwatsonI DON'T behold its existence19:32
cjwatsonI behold a patch that explicitly and specifically *removes* it19:33
cjwatson@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@19:33
* hyperair groans19:33
* hyperair bangs head on wall19:33
hyperairwhat went wrong with my script?19:35
hyperairhmph. it's still in the git repository..19:36
jcolewe have hundreds of network printers.. and with ubuntu jaunty, i could go to add printer to see all the network printers and easily select the one i want... but with karmic, it *only* shows the model now and no longer the ip, so i have no idea which printer im selecting since the same model is all throughout the network... how do i show the ip like jaunty used to do so i can select the right printer?19:36
hyperair...aha. damn you, you stupid .gitignore19:37
jcoleive browsed every option in the printer configuration gui and cant seem to find it out how to re-enable the ip... do i have to dtrop to a prompt and edit cups config files? or is there something hidden in gconf?19:39
tkamppeterjcole, I did not change anything, seems to be a problem of the new CUPS 1.4.19:44
jcoletkamppeter: ok, thanks for the update... i got it working by walking over to the printer, writing down its info, and manually adding it to the gui19:47
jcoletkamppeter: if this doesnt get fixed, there is really no use of having a dropdown of scanned network printers if you are on a large network (since you cant determine which printer you are selecting)19:47
tkamppeterjcole, I do not see any difference between Jaunty and Karmic, for me the printers in the list show without IP in both versions. If it is a non_HP printer, you should see the IP on the right when you click on the printer.\19:47
jcoletkamppeter: i work for hp and they are *all* hp printers, lol19:48
jcoletkamppeter: perhaps i need to install an hplip lib?19:48
tkamppeterIf it is an HP printer you have to click on "Connection", then choose AppSocket you see also the IP, but this is awkward.19:49
jcoletkamppeter: jaunty used to show the ip19:49
tkamppeterjcole, I have also only HP printers, as I get them from HP for testing.19:49
jcoletkamppeter: i just look on my laptop which is jaunty, it shows the ip... want a screenshot?19:50
tkamppeterjcole, does the web interface (localhost:631) or hp-setup show the IPs?19:50
jcoletkamppeter: on which? my karmic or jaunty install?19:51
tkamppeterOn Karmic19:51
tkamppeterjcole, by the way, are you working together with David Suffield or Shiyun Yie?19:52
jcoletkamppeter: im not sure where i go here to scan for network printers...19:52
=== MacSlow|capoeira is now known as MacSlow
rent0nI've got one question: how do i understand wich verion of a specific package will be present in karmic?19:53
rent0n*which version19:54
jcoletkamppeter: heh, yes, david and shiyun both work for hp in vancouver, wa .. ive seen them in our internal linux irc rooms19:54
tkamppeterjcole, the web interface also scans the network, you must go to "Administration", then click "Find new printers".19:55
jcolerent0n: packages.ubuntu.com/packagename19:55
rent0nI mean in jaunty the tint2 package is 0.6, so i expected to find 0.7 in karmic but if i look for tint2 on packages.ubuntu.com it says tint2 will be 0.6 in karmic19:55
tkamppeterjcole, where are you located?19:55
rent0nso i just wanted to know if this is a defintive choice19:56
jcoletkamppeter: hp corporate in palo alto, ca19:56
jcoletkamppeter: it says no printers found19:56
blueyedKeybuk: I'm experiencing bug 432052 - how can I help debug this? are you working on (another) cryptsetup fix?19:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432052 in cryptsetup "Encrypted root not found (requires luksOpen / vgchange -a y in busybox)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43205219:56
rent0nor maybe it is possible that you will put the 0.7 version before releasing karmic19:56
Keybukbusybox?  that's in the initramfs then?19:56
Keybuknothing to do with me, then :p19:56
jcoletkamppeter: localhost:631 looks different in jaunty... looks like the old school cups web in jaunty19:57
blueyedKeybuk: ? cryptsetup fails to mount the root device?!19:57
Keybukblueyed: yes, but it's before init gets started19:57
Keybukso nothing I touched could break that19:57
tkamppeterjcole: I get the same in Karmic, in Jaunty it works, and even shows IPs. but it does not automatically use the HPLIP backend.19:57
Keybukunless it was already broken in some way19:57
tkamppeterSeems that in CUPS 1.4 they broke the web interface completely.19:58
jcoletkamppeter: yep, same here, jaunty finds the printers in the web interface with the ips19:58
blueyedKeybuk: uh.. it asked for a passphrase until yesterday.. I'd say until your cryptsetup upload. But good to know that init isn't started yet there. OTOH: you might have broken the initramfs then.. :P19:59
rent0nsomeone can tell me how the thing works?19:59
Keybukblueyed: don't see how19:59
blueyedKeybuk: it does not ask for a passphrase anymore.19:59
hyperairhow do you not have init started?19:59
debfxblueyed: maybe it's fixed by https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/2:1.0.6+20090405.svn49-1ubuntu419:59
blueyedKeybuk: lemme check.19:59
Keybukhyperair: he's still in the initramfs19:59
hyperairKeybuk: isn't init started there?20:00
Keybukhyperair: no20:00
hyperairKeybuk: i mean, isn't udev started there even?20:00
tkamppeterjcole, hp-setup in Karmic does not show IPs, as it uses DNS-SD for identifyinmg and distinguishing network printers.20:00
blueyeddebfx: maybe.. I do not have ubuntu4 here yet. Thanks!20:00
tkamppeterjcole, in Jaunty is shows IPs.20:01
jcoletkamppeter: yes, same here20:02
pochu_pitti: it seems the new ftp assistants are doing their job ;)20:02
jcoletkamppeter: im installing the hplip-gui to see if that has network scanning20:03
tkamppeterjcole, you should report a bug on system-config-printer about displaying IPs.20:03
blueyedwill try that. b"r"b.20:03
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
smoserslangasek, are you around ?20:08
rent0nok thank you in any case20:08
rent0nmaybe it's a too difficukt question20:09
jcolerent0n: if you really need it, download it from packages.debian.org/tint2 and take your chances20:11
rent0njcole: i just wanted to know if there is a chance of getting an upgrade in tint2 package before karmic release of it's confirmed that the version will be 0.620:12
rent0njust to know20:12
blueyedKeybuk: ubuntu4 fixed the keyphrase input. Unfortunately, it still fails. I'll upload screenshots. (Thanks, debfx)20:16
jcolekarmic got angry and was running slow... hopefully this reboot will make it happy20:24
=== pochu_ is now known as pochu
stgraberKeybuk: attached mountall --debug output20:33
stgraberKeybuk: bug 43120420:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431204 in mountall "stuck waiting for mount points on LTSP setups" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43120420:34
blueyedBug 432070 is my current state.. still not booting. I'll look into manually fscking in the chroot, but would like to have some feedback before trying the does-not-boot-back-to-LiveCD mambo.20:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432070 in mountall "UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY: fails to boot ("last mount time is in the future")" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43207020:41
slangaseksmoser: hi20:42
LaserJockslangasek: how long do we have to confirm testing for Alpha6?20:46
slangasekLaserJock: < 1.5h if it's going to be included in the announcement mail20:46
LaserJockok then20:47
LaserJockslangasek: I've got a good review for i386 but haven't confirmed amd64 yet20:47
slangasek< 1h13, actually20:47
jcoletkamppeter: i downgraded cups to what is in jaunty-updates and it works perfectly :)20:50
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
jcoletkamppeter: not sure if this is useful, but this is the cups.conf diff -> http://pastebin.ca/157003720:52
Keybukstupid question of the week20:56
Keybukbut how the hell do you file a bug?20:56
seb128Keybuk, ubuntu-bug component20:56
cjwatson+filebug?no-redirect if you don't want to use ubuntu-bug20:56
cjwatsonit's an "experiment"20:56
Keybukcan't they just check whether you're a bug contact and let you file bugs on your own damned packages?20:57
cjwatsonyou'd think20:57
LaneyOne of the proposals is to let bug-control members file bugs directly but redirect for others20:57
* Keybuk files a bug on malone20:57
KeybukLaney: if I'm a bug contact, I should be able to file bugs on my own packages for my own reasons20:57
Laneyof course, launchpad shouldn't get in the way20:58
robmurHi everyone21:02
robmurWhen is alpha 6 due to be released?21:02
robbiewabout an hour21:04
* davmor2 giggles about an hour pff21:05
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
robmurGreat, thanks.21:06
slangasekdavmor2: things not done in an hour may not get included, our website support goes home for the day then21:06
jcoletkamppeter: what is interesting is line 29 and lines 87-11621:06
davmor2slangasek: mostly done now last 2 tests on xub21:08
jcolerobmur: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule21:08
davmor2slangasek: beside in an hour I want to be in bed :)21:10
slangasekdavmor2: then it's perfect timing! :)21:10
LaserJockif anybody feels like some last minute testing the Edubuntu DVD needs testing on amd6421:11
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
tkamppeterjcole: I have found the origing of the problem, it is not your config, simply run21:14
tkamppeteron Jaunty and on Karmic and compare the output.21:15
tkamppeterTry the same with21:15
* Keybuk chuckles with delight21:15
Keybukthat's made my day21:15
KeybukThe 'status' command expects any of the following arguments:21:15
Keybuknew, incomplete, invalid, wontfix, confirmed, triaged, inprogress, fixcommitted, fixreleased21:15
KeybukFailing command:21:15
Keybuk    status udev21:15
cjwatsonI'm pretty sure I remember warning that the "prefix commands with spaces" approach to e-mail commands would go wrong21:16
cjwatsonin about 200421:16
cjwatsonor maybe 200521:16
tkamppeterjcole: Both backends have put the IP into the human-readable output string (second string in quotes) in CUPS 1.3 (Jaunty) and not any more in CUPS 1.4 (Karmic). -> Regression.21:17
jcoletkamppeter: ah, does this apply to all the backends?21:19
jcoletkamppeter: s/does this/does this bug/21:19
jcole$ ls /usr/lib/cups/backend/21:20
jcolebeh bluetooth cups-pdf dnssd hp hpfax http ipp lpd parallel scsi serial smb snmp socket usb21:20
jcole$ apt-file search /usr/lib/cups/backend21:23
jcolebluez-cups cups cups-dbg cups-pdf foomatic-filters hal-cups-utils hplip hplip-dbg hpoj mtink smbclient21:23
jcoletkamppeter: thank you for looking into this for me21:35
jcoletkamppeter: should i still submit the bug? or are you going to create a more detailed bug report21:40
superm1slangasek, sure can ask the guys to try to get some in today.  we've been holding up with all the archive churn21:54
slangaseksuperm1: sorry for the churn; we settled that all out yesterday evening, though, and the good candidates have been posted and waiting for testing21:54
slangasekeverything is ready to publish except mythbuntu, actually21:55
superm1slangasek, i assume everyone else just went out without a usplash then?21:58
slangaseksuperm1: yes21:59
pittisebner: still here?21:59
sebnerpitti: yep, but not for long21:59
slangasek(and usplash seems kinda generally broken right now in my own testing, so I don't think you should sweat that)21:59
pittisebner: building a new libatasmart with the blacklisting now21:59
pittisebner: do you have amd64 or i386?21:59
sebnerpitti: i38621:59
pittisebner: uploaded a fix to karmic now22:00
pittisebner: I'd be grateful for testing feedback22:00
pittisebner: ok, then we need to wait for the buildds :)22:00
sebnerpitti: I happily test the fix but tomorrow if you don't mind22:02
sebnerpitti: it's also late in germany AFAIK :P22:02
pittisebner: oh, you aren't in .de?22:02
sebnerpitti: hmm, I know that you have loads of stuff to do and get to know many people but I told you pretty often that I'm from .at :P22:03
pittioh, you did? sorry22:03
pittiwell, timezone wise that doesn't matter22:03
sebnerpitti: np. yeah I know ;-P22:04
pittisebner: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libatasmart/0.14-1ubuntu1/+build/1247755 -> building now22:04
pittiin a few minutes you can grab the .deb from there22:04
pittisebner: but nevermind, if you are about to go to bed, you can just as well dist-upgrade tomorrow morning :)22:04
sebnerpitti: heh, yeah. I'm really sorry. The first thing I'll do is a dist-upgrade (after getting up in the morning), what kind of feedback do you need then?22:05
pittisebner: just whether it works normally, with all local hacks removed22:06
pittiyou shouldn't get USB resets any more22:06
sebnerpitti: no difference between blacklisting and moving rule 95 aside :P22:06
pittisebner: right, but it's supposed to work in a default install without messing with the rules :)22:07
sebnerpitti: We'll see. gn8 for now!22:07
pittisebner: gute Nacht!22:08
slangasekmneptok: no, g'nhuit22:09
cjwatsonhey, that nearly works in French22:09
cjwatsondo French people say bn8?22:09
slangasekthey say n822:09
superm1cjwatson, has the upstart ubiquity job actually been checked?  at least for mythbuntu, it's looking like at the end of ubiquity when pressing restart there is an endless loop of what looks like the gdm and ubiquity jobs fighting to spawn,stop and restart themselves over and over22:10
cjwatsonI checked that it worked on startup; I didn't get far enough to check it on restart, because it was obscenely late22:10
mneptokslangasek: in sebner's case, i imagine "gute n'acht"22:10
cjwatsonthe ubiquity job could check whether it's already run once, but that feels like a massive hack. I'm sure upstart has a better way to do that22:12
cjwatsonmaybe it needs 'normal exit 1' or something?22:14
cjwatsonor 'normal exit 0 1', not quite sure from the docs22:14
cjwatsonKeybuk: ^- any thoughts?22:14
superm1cjwatson, http://imagebin.org/64289 trying to pause virtualbox inbetween runs it looks like its not just ubiquity constantly respawning, but gdm too22:15
cjwatsonsuperm1: gdm respawning would kick off ubiquity22:16
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cjwatsonand we know gdm is set to respawn22:16
cjwatsonthough switching to runlevel 0/6 should stop it22:17
tkamppeterjcole, simply report the bug, I will add what is missing.22:20
jcoletkamppeter: cool beans22:20
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=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Karmic Alpha-6 released, please help find boot bugs | Archive: FeatureFreeze, UIFreeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-jaunty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
c_kornis karmic in a happy state again ?23:04
robbiew-afkhappy as it will be for this release ;)23:05
c_kornhave those upstart bugs been fixed? I was not able to boot the last time. then I purged the virtual machine completely23:06
* mneptok takes the plunge and runs update && upgrade && dist-upgrade for the first time in a week23:14
Luremneptok: coward ;-)23:14
* Laney hopes it gets at least two bugs happier...23:16
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Amaranthas long as you don't have file systems on a network it should work great23:51
Amaranthif you do I think the answer is "maybe"23:51
Amaranthsame with encrypted disks, from what I hear23:51
Laneyand booting from mdadm23:51
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Amaranthyeah, basically you better only have things ubiquity lets you setup during install23:52

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