
lukjad007Does anyone know if this page is for real? There is a comment that says: "## This page is a default template for documentation on the wiki. To create a new guide on the wiki, read the page WikiGuide."12:12
lukjad007And somehow I don't believe them12:12
jjessermm i'm on at least 6 channels15:15
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
lukjad007ZachK18 Hi21:24
ZachK18lukjad007, hey my man21:24
lukjad007ZachK18 Were you there for my proud announcement earlier?21:25
ZachK18lukjad007, which one?21:25
lukjad007I'm going to be installing Ubuntu on all the computers at school21:25
ZachK18lukjad007, oh cool! how old are you?21:25
lukjad007ZachK18 I don't tell anyone that. :)21:25
ZachK18lukjad007, ok....well that's sweet21:26
ZachK18lukjad007, can i make you my master on the bt padawan page?21:32
lukjad007ZachK18 You already have a master.21:32
lukjad007I though21:32
ZachK18lukjad007, yeah well he's never on and i've not talked to him AT ALL21:33
ZachK18lukjad007, he's not contacted me either21:33
lukjad007ZachK18 Well, I'll try and get in contact with him, and we'll see.21:33
* ZachK18 is away: I'm busy...back later23:53
* ZachK18 is back (gone 00:00:05)23:53

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