
CIA-33ubiquity: cjwatson * r3461 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.99.2100:56
=== evand1 is now known as evand
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r145 html/ (Makefile debian/changelog debian/control):08:43
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: The buildds do not install recommends by default, so add a build08:43
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: dependency on python-utidylib (LP: #430719).08:43
davmor2evand: I got an av/fw package called c.o.m.o.d.o everytime a .py file is created in %temp% it gets flaged by the av is this a bug or just an over protective av?09:45
evandsounds like a buggy virus scanner.09:45
evandwhat product?09:45
davmor2it might actually be the fw part of it thinking about the message, I'll grab you the link09:46
davmor2evand: http://www.comodo.com/home/download/download.php?prod=firewall  I went for the fw/av combo09:48
evanddavmor2: http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/84d58605e4881b4d6ff54579e3ccb03b7196bb82 and http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/6ebe1e5ad3f813f28f32d2d6763ebd3cc5a975b9a2c3e3158d1595a78656b5c1-125317747209:52
evandI'd say your virus scanner is broken.09:53
davmor2evand: I'm assuming that because the fw and av are linked that one is triggering the other.  eg .py wants access to system files so the fw flags it at the point the av say this maybe a threat09:57
evandno idea, but I am certain that wubi is virus free and that most antivirus programs do not flag it09:58
davmor2cool I'll just take it as being comodo then :)10:02
davmor2cjwatson_ evand: Wubi install now works again but on reboot system drops into grub cli.  Could not find bootloader configuration10:07
davmor2also cjwatson_ I don't think it is quiet supressing gdm startup on exit brilliantly desktop background flashed up 3-4 times before finally dying10:19
evanddavmor2: can you please try http://people.canonical.com/~evand/wubi/karmic/wubi-r153.exe and see if it gets you any further?10:31
davmor2evand: wilko10:32
davmor2I think this is the old grub 2 issue though as the system is installed but I'll have a quick look anyhow10:33
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davmor2evand: cross your fingers10:49
davmor2evand: it's still trying to start the desktop after the install.   Grub has come up after all I get in the menu list is the memory test listings11:00
evand1success!  I've finally, finally got javascript-based reflection working for the firefox slide11:22
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cjwatsondavmor2: right, so my lupin script didn't work - guess I'd better have a look11:37
cjwatsonevand1: can I use that wubi.exe with a CD, or will it download from the network?11:38
evand1cjwatson: you can use it with a CD11:38
cjwatsongood dgood11:38
cjwatsonmy ISP is going to be unhappy enough with me this month already11:38
davmor2cjwatson: I dropped it on the cd11:45
davmor2cjwatson:  no idea why that would be the case11:46
davmor2cjwatson: wubi-r153.exe is the one where I only get the memory test show up in grub11:47
davmor2cjwatson: for the wubi that is really on the cd https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/431285 is the bug I opened.11:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431285 in wubi "Grub dies on reboot after ubiquity install" [Undecided,New]11:48
davmor2cjwatson: also the screen flashes the desktop image 4-6 times before finally rebooting.  Flashes between the desktop and cli.11:54
cjwatsonyou will need a current wubi build, certainly; I don't know how old the one on the CD is but there have been recent relevant commits11:56
cjwatsonlupin ships the script that hooks into grub2 menu generation11:56
davmor2cjwatson: r153 had the same issue with the flashing screen on exit12:04
cjwatsonflashing screen> not my problem :)12:05
cjwatsonthat's either a desktop thing or some problem with upstart12:06
cjwatsonprobably the latter12:06
cjwatsonI doubt it's particularly related to wubi although of course it's possible that wubi happens to tickle something12:06
davmor2cjwatson: I'm going to have a look and see if install ubuntu from the menu does the same thing before I bug it, but it isn't pretty.12:08
cjwatsonoh, I'm sure - it's just not something I know about or that's really an installer thing12:09
cjwatsonat least not as far as I know12:09
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loolcjwatson: Just pushed http://paste.ubuntu.com/272740/ does this look sane to you?12:48
loolAlso is it ok to upload this now?  I dont care to get it in A6 or anything but would like to forget about it12:48
cjwatsonlool: seems ok, but please wait until after a612:49
cjwatsonif it's in bzr, it won't be forgotten12:49
loolIt is12:49
loolI closed the bug in a subsequent commit12:49
loolSorry, didn't setup CIA12:49
cjwatsonI've 'bzr up'ed, so it'll show up in my unreleased-packages script12:49
loolOh cool12:49
loolcjwatson: I wish you tell me about your setup/workflow for this unreleased-packages stuff next time we meet12:50
cjwatsonmeh, it's just a hack :)12:50
loolI'm sure you're using plenty of nice scripts and ideas and would like to borrow  :-)12:50
loolI'd love to sit for a couple of hours watching you work12:51
cjwatsonwe could probably all do with more of that with each other ...12:51
cjwatsonI'm not that efficient, though, I flit around a lot12:51
loolcjwatson: what's your toplevel between src/debian and the source package name?12:52
loolIt's ~/src/<distro>/<something>/<source package>/debian/changelog12:52
cjwatsonactually it's ~/src/<distro>/<source package>/<some directory name, usually either source or source-upstream-version>/debian/changelog12:54
cjwatsonI have the extra level of nesting there because dpkg-buildpackage dumps stuff in .. so it keeps things reasonably tidy12:55
loolAck; I do the same with my scratch shell function which creates ~/scratch/$source/; cds to that and apt-get source $source12:55
lool(cwd is preserved since it's a shell function)12:56
cjwatsonmm, I've always been meaning to write that but can never be bothered, I just do it by hand12:56
loolI put that in ~/.zshfns and have fpath=(~/.zshfns $fpath) in .zshenv andautoload -U scratch in .zshrc12:57
cjwatsonthanks, will bashify and snarf12:57
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loolWhen I run the alternate installer over serial console, it shows up in black and white; is there a way to tell it about my TERM being screen in xterm?13:19
cjwatsonI doubt it has the right terminfo bits for that13:19
loolAh ok; it only has linux and the serial console one13:20
loolI see a minor issue in the black and white mode: first letter in choice lists are white on white; I guess they are supposed to be bold which maps to white13:20
loolIs this worth reporting?13:20
loolI guess nobody cares about b&w / vt10213:23
loolcjwatson: Actually on some boards one can connect to d-i over SSH; I guess that means it should support xterm if people are connecting from xterm to d-i over ssh?13:23
cjwatsonmaybe, I think we only ship ansi bterm dumb linux vt102 right now13:29
loolcjwatson: Mind adding debian-installer-utils to your list of packages to push?  We didn't properly match the new name of the mmc /sys ID_PATH13:29
cjwatsondi-utils-terminfo is responsible13:30
loolcjwatson: Can I change the TERM after d-i started?13:30
loolperhaps in preseed13:30
cjwatsonI doubt it13:30
cjwatsonwell, the one you connect to over ssh is a new instance13:30
cjwatsonso you could set it for that I suppose13:30
cjwatsonbut I don't know if there's a canned way; I don't expect so13:30
ogracjwatson, if i make changes to cdrom-detect.postinst on disk in d-i from the shell, they dont affect d-i at all it seems ... is that because the stuff is already loaded ?13:31
* ogra just tried lools fix in a running environment 13:32
loologra: Jan  1 00:16:15 kernel: FAT: codepage cp437 not found13:32
loolJan  1 00:16:15 anna[10729]: mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p2 on /media failed: In13:32
loolvalid argument13:32
loologra: It's a kernel issue13:32
loolprobably these should be in the fs udeb or something13:32
ograif we had a fs udeb :P13:32
ograi think we only have the het one which contains sunrpc and nothing more13:33
loolWe have much more in the alternate13:33
cjwatsonogra: they do affect d-i, although only if cdrom-detect.postinst is not already running13:33
cjwatsonogra: changes to templates files require more work13:33
loologra: ^13:33
ograwell, i only added the one line to .postinst, but lool has a valid point13:34
ogralool, weird, why arent these in netboot then ?13:34
loolbecause netboot doesn't need them13:35
loolit's supposed to retrieve udebs over the net13:35
ograwell, not the NIC drivers i would guess :)13:36
loolWe do have a nic-usb-modules-2.6.31-100-imx51-di_2.6.31-100.7_armel.udeb but it doesn't have asix13:37
looland it's not in the image13:37
ograi have an atmel and musb adapter here ... but only sunrpc in in the netboot image13:38
loologra: Ah the atmel one is in udeb13:39
ograbut the udeb isnt in netinst13:39
ograneeds to be added i suppose13:40
ograand if there is a separate one for firmware, that too13:40
ogra(i think i remember there is one ... from nslu2)13:40
loolwe only have udebs for dove not for dove-z013:46
loolOh wait wrong source package13:46
ograwe urgently need to file removal requests13:46
loolRight we have them13:46
ograthere is so much mess in the archive13:46
ograall these obsolete binaries from going back and forward with the kernel names13:47
loologra: Do we need nic in dove or is it builtin?14:05
loolI think it is but am not sure14:05
ograit is14:06
ograi never isntalled any modules and still use tftpboot14:06
ograworks with all kernels up to the recent one14:06
loolDoes it make sense to allow using USB network adapters if we have builtin support for the builting ethernet?  I think not14:06
loologra: So what's the driver for your chip?  You said atmel.ko?14:07
loologra: It's odd because it shows up in ./lib/modules/2.6.31-100-imx51/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/atmel.ko14:07
loolinstead of ./lib/modules/2.6.31-100-imx51/kernel/drivers/net/usb/14:07
* ogra tries to find his rarely used usb wlan key14:07
loolI can see the contention between putting stuff in /wireless or /usb14:08
loolIt makes it hard to decide which udebs to include14:08
ograwell, wireless derfinately needs firmware14:09
ograsome normal usb NICs too14:09
ograbut not all of them14:09
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ograsorry, i cant find my atmel atm14:09
ograi have another zdrwXXX too somewhere14:10
loologra: What's the question mark after nic-firmware in d-i?14:10
loolbuild/pkg-lists/netboot/armel/ixp4xx.cfg:nic-firmware ?14:10
cjwatsonit means that it's optional14:11
cjwatsonI think this is documented in build/README, or else in the kernel-wedge documentation14:11
loolcjwatson: Thanks build/README has it14:13
loolI guess we want to keep the firmware optional to leave the ability to build free images easily14:14
ograwell, we used it by default in ixp4xx14:14
ograsimply because its useless without14:14
cjwatsonit doesn't matter though, if the package is present it makes no difference14:14
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r204 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/misc.py):14:19
CIA-33usb-creator: Move logging back to the home directory, now that usb-creator is run as a14:19
CIA-33usb-creator: regular user (LP: #431266).14:19
loolDoes someone know which modules are required for USB keyboard support?14:22
lool(Assuming USB host controller driver is already there)14:22
loolI'll give that a go14:23
ograbut there is more i think14:24
ogralool, hmm, checking my babbage, usbhid should actually be enough14:25
TommyTI am here to provide more data for bug #430333 (but I am a newb on irc).14:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430333 in grub2 "beta installer left ASUS EeePC 900 unbootable" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43033314:30
loolhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/272839/ is what I have for now for imx5114:33
cjwatsonTommyT: will be with you in a minute (also, don't tell people you're a newbie and they probably won't notice, that's my advice)14:33
ogralool, sweet14:34
cjwatsonlool: haven't checked in detail but fine by me14:34
cjwatsonTommyT: are you sitting at the rescue:grub> prompt right now?14:37
TommyToops sorry I missed your post. I will switch irc clients and be right bac14:44
TommyTI'm in front of the rescue:grub> prompt now14:45
cjwatsonTommyT: ok, can you type: ls (hd0,1)14:46
cjwatsonTommyT: then: ls (hd0,1)/14:46
cjwatson(note trailing slash)14:47
cjwatsonand let me know the output14:47
TommyTyes ... it has lost+found/ var/ etc/ ....14:47
TommyTincluding vmlinuz & initrd.img14:48
cjwatsonok, now: ls (hd0,1)/boot/14:49
TommyTgrub/ System.map-2.6.31-10-generic abi-2.6.31-10-generic ... config ... memtest ... vmcore... etc.14:50
cjwatsonif possible, give me everything14:50
cjwatsontry not to abbreviate14:50
TommyTok add to that config-2.6.31-10-generic memetest86+.bin vmcoreinfo-2.6.31-10-generic vmlinuz-2.6.31-10-generic initrd.img-2.6.31-10-generic14:51
cjwatsonhmm, ok14:52
cjwatsonlet me shortcut a bit14:52
cjwatsonTommyT: insmod normal14:52
cjwatsonwhat does that do?14:53
TommyTback to the prompt14:53
cjwatson(as in, type 'normal')14:53
TommyTunknown command 'normal'14:53
cjwatsonecho ${root}14:53
cjwatsonTommyT: ls (hd0,1)/boot/grub/normal.mod14:54
cjwatsonwhat the heck is wrong here14:54
TommyTI haven't typed your command yet but if it's like before the damage will be sporadic14:54
TommyTwhen I typed the command it came back14:55
cjwatsonright, the thing is, the 'normal' module is the thing that handles the normal menu path14:55
cjwatsonand it seems like loading that module isn't actually providing the 'normal' command14:55
cjwatsonwhich is, to put it mildly, thoroughly weir14:56
TommyTIf it'14:56
cjwatsonespecially when there's no error reported14:56
TommyTif it is like before, the nodes etc are trashed.14:56
cjwatsonyeah, but no error ...14:56
cjwatsonso what I want to find out is exactly *how* they're trashed14:56
cjwatsonbear with me a bit14:56
cjwatsonTommyT: BTW, the manual partitioning problems you had were almost certainly bug 430724, fixed in today's images14:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430724 in dh-di "manual partitioning is not shown" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43072414:58
cjwatsonbut I don't think that's *directly* relevant to this grub problem14:59
TommyTcool, thanks.14:59
cjwatsonso, I think what I probably want to do, if possible, is to have you boot into a karmic live CD and then run a few iterations of a grub filesystem testing utility14:59
cjwatsonhow comfortable are you with running a program I supply over the Internet?15:00
cjwatsonor, well, if possible, the easiest thing would actually be for me to have SSH access to the machine - but I'd entirely understand if you didn't want to give that to some stranger15:00
TommyTI will do whichever (though I'm not sure how easily I can open a path to the machine through my firewall)... but remember this is a netbook and will take awhile. Should I get a newer iso to boot from or will this old one do?15:01
cjwatsonI think the old one will be OK - I'm actually going to need to build custom grub-fstest programs with extra debugging15:02
cjwatsonthough we can start out with the stock upstream one15:03
cjwatsonwhile I can't really tell from the rescue shell, it sounds as if it thinks normal.mod is a zero-sized file or something15:03
cjwatsonhmm, though actually that should generate a warning15:03
TommyTI'm booting from the image I have (from Monday). It will take it about 5 mins15:04
TommyTActually, should I have booted into a shell?15:06
TommyTOnce the GUI comes up I will switch to a VT if necessary.15:06
cjwatsondoesn't matter15:07
cjwatsona terminal will be fine15:07
TommyTOK it came up faster this time. I'm at Terminal15:08
cjwatsonideally, have networking configured as well15:08
cjwatsonat least outgoing, so that you can dump output places15:08
TommyTyes it found my lan15:08
cjwatsonfirst off, grab http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-paste - you can use that program to send stuff to paste.ubuntu.com easily15:08
cjwatsonyou'll need to chmod +x it of course15:09
TommyTok. done15:11
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cjwatsonTommyT: ok, now download http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/tmp/tommyt/grub-fstest15:14
cjwatsonTommyT: once you've done that, first, a quick sanity check:  sudo ./grub-fstest /dev/sda1 ls /15:14
TommyTfile not found... checking spelling...15:15
TommyTOH i missed tommyt15:15
TommyTis capitalization right? still not found15:15
TommyToh I got it now.15:16
cjwatsondefinitely exists15:16
TommyTsorry I keep reaching for the wrong keyboard15:17
TommyTok I ran your "sanity check" and there was no output15:18
TommyTdo I need to mount /dev/sda115:19
cjwatsonno, you don't15:19
cjwatsondoes /dev/sda1 actually exist?15:19
TommyTit shows when I ls /dev/sd*15:19
cjwatsonok:  sudo ./grub-fstest /dev/sda1 ls -l / 2>&1 | ./ubuntu-paste15:20
cjwatsonthat should print a URL15:20
cjwatsonhmm, so that's fine15:25
cjwatsonsudo ./grub-fstest /dev/sda1 ls -l /boot/grub/normal.mod 2>&115:25
TommyT34656  normal.mod15:27
cjwatsonhuh, that's fine, I wasn't really expecting that15:27
cjwatsonsudo ./grub-fstest /dev/sda5 cmp /boot/grub/normal.mod /boot/grub/normal.mod15:28
cjwatsonerr, replace /dev/sda5 with /dev/sda1 there15:28
TommyTerror: open error15:29
TommyTis there a grub on the iso?15:29
TommyTthere is no grub on the iso15:30
cjwatsonuh, what do you mean?15:30
cjwatsonok, let's just confirm your open error15:30
TommyTthe USB device I boot from has a grub directory but nothing in it15:30
cjwatsonsudo ./grub-fstest -d all /dev/sda1 cmp /boot/grub/normal.mod /boot/grub/normal.mod 2>&1 | ./ubuntu-paste15:30
cjwatsonyeah, that's expected15:30
cjwatsonCDs use isolinux to boot, at present15:31
ogracjwatson, lool, http://paste.ubuntu.com/272882/ do you think thats ok to create an SD card netinstall image for imx51 ? (i added the needed functionallity to redboot-install)15:34
cjwatsonTommyT: this output is actually very odd. Could you run the same command again, just so that I can confirm it's consistent?15:36
cjwatsonTommyT: then also run: sudo ./grub-fstest /dev/sda1 ls -l /boot/grub/normal.mod 2>&1 | ./ubuntu-paste15:37
cjwatsonalso double-check typing15:37
TommyThttp://paste.ubuntu.com/272886/ verified typing15:38
loologra: You probably want to add dependencies in your target15:39
loologra: I dont get the purpose of create_blank_image15:39
ogralool, i just stole from ixp4xx ... i cam make it of=$@ indeed15:40
ograand move it down15:40
loologra: No I mean the target15:40
loolthe temp file is ok15:40
TommyTsecond command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/272888/15:40
ogralool, i dont get it ... it has to be called before $(SOME_DEST)/$(EXTRANAME)di-imx51.bin so its in the traget list before it15:41
cjwatsonoh, drat15:41
cjwatsonTommyT: sorry, I forgot a bit:  sudo ./grub-fstest -d all /dev/sda1 ls -l /boot/grub/normal.mod 2>&1 | ./ubuntu-paste15:41
cjwatsonneed the debug information there15:41
loologra: Why dont you just drop create_blank_image and create the zero file before calling redboot-install?15:41
ogralool, thats what i just offered a min ago :)15:42
loologra: You said of=$@ and I said not to15:42
ograah, you want me to keep the temfile15:42
ogralike that ?15:43
loolOtherwise if one kills the build at an inappropriate time, a blank image might be generated on second run15:43
TommyTcjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/272889/15:43
loologra: You dropped the deps...15:43
loologra: You need a bdep on redboot-tools too15:44
ograwhoops http://paste.ubuntu.com/272891/15:44
ograi didnt want to have the dep change in the paste atm15:44
ograthe deps line is insanely long :)15:44
loolThat looks ok15:45
loolDunno about the name15:45
ograi'll add the dep and commit if nobody objects15:45
ograwhich name ? the filename or the description ?15:46
loologra: You might miss a mkdir though15:46
loologra: have a look at orion5x/netboot.cfg target mv2120:15:47
loolit creates a netboot.img15:47
ograa mkdir ?15:47
loologra: you definitely want a babbage subdir there, perhaps even babage-215:47
ogra$(TEMP) surely exists15:47
loologra: /imx51 is for the subarh independent images (like the imx51 kernel applying to e.g. lange boards)15:47
* ogra looks at orion15:48
lool/imx51/babbage would be appropriate for a babbage specific file15:48
loologra: if you're brave create one subdir + netboot.img per redboot.bin15:48
ograthat needs a) further redboot-install changes and b) verification that the kernel even works on B115:49
loologra: sounds like an afternoon of fun!15:49
ograwow, the orion stuff looks a lot saner that ixp4xx15:50
* ogra rewrites i'll keep the B1 stuff for that extra afternoon of fun when i need it :P15:50
ograespecially since it looks like the karmic kernel will drop B1 support15:51
cjwatsonTommyT: this is really, really confusing me. I can keep going if you like with progressively bigger hammers, but would ssh access be at all possible?15:53
TommyTI will try. I presume I have to install it so I'm looking at that now, then I will see if I can open the firewall15:54
cjwatsonyou don't have to install15:55
cjwatsonactually, it's better if you don't15:55
cjwatsonwell, you have to install the openssh-server package - you don't have to install the operating system, which is how I first read your comment :)15:55
TommyTthat's what I meant yes openssh15:55
ogralool, so how about http://paste.ubuntu.com/272897/ ?15:55
TommyTwhat username/pass works on the live iso?15:57
davmor2TommyT: ubuntu/blank15:57
davmor2as in no pass just ubuntu15:57
TommyTOK sorry I should have said what user/pass works to ssh into a live iso that sshd has been installed on, or do I need to create an account?15:58
cjwatsonyes, though to make that work with ssh you have to either (a) edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and add 'PermitEmptyPasswords yes', then 'sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart' or (b) 'passwd ubuntu' and make it something else15:58
TommyTright that answers it15:58
cjwatsonTommyT: same answer as davmor2 gave, but with my modifications :)15:58
cjwatsonI suggest not quoting the login IP address in a public channel though, nor the password if you set it ...15:59
loologra: Do you mind if I'm picky?   I would name the target babbage (single target for all babbage boards) the temp dir should be $(TEMP)/babbage/ and the public publish dir babbage-TO216:02
loolor babbage-2.x16:02
ograi'll add the dash16:02
ograbut $TEMP is from d-i i think16:02
loologra: You dont want to use a generic name like you do16:03
ograwhy should i add an extra babbage there16:03
loologra: e.g. kurobox uses $(TEMP)/kuroboxpro/kernel.uboot16:03
loologra: an extra babbage?16:03
ograwell, i use what d-i generates16:03
ograso the only place using $(TEMP)/babbage/ would make sense is for teh temp_image.img16:04
loologra: Err yes that's entirely the point16:04
ograoh, ok16:04
loolOr instead of temp_image.img use a better name16:04
loole.g. babbage-TO2-sd.img or something16:04
ogrababbage-2.img :)16:04
loologra: Do we need all the console=?16:05
loolI think the default of console=tty0 should just work16:05
lool20 MB seems really large16:06
ograi'D like to keep a serial one for debug, but i can drop it16:06
loolIs that what we use?16:06
ograits the default and would need serious redboot-install hacking16:06
ograwhich i'd like to avoid16:06
loolFIS_SIZE="$((16 * 1024 * 1024))"16:06
loolThat's what I used in debian-cd16:07
loolBah are you saying that redboot-install just has some extra padding to avoid computing the actual size?16:07
ograFIS_SIZE="$((16 * $MIB))"16:07
ograsame in redboot-install16:07
ograhmm, why did it complain when i used less than 2016:08
loolI think you forget the partition table16:08
looland vfat16:08
loolActually strike the comment on the partition table16:08
loologra: Anyway exactly 16 MB should be exactly what you want  :-)16:08
ograError: The location 16777216B is outside of the device /var/build/images/netboot/netboot.img16:09
loologra: That's because you need the fix in debian-cd16:10
ogra17 works16:10
ograoh, and i just see i need to port it to blkid16:11
ograstill uses vol_id16:11
ogralool, are you fine with 17 for now ?16:11
loolgood lord no16:12
ograi really didnt plan to invest that much time into it16:12
TommyTcjwatson: sorry I haven't ever tried going into the firewall and this old version of DD-WRT may not support secure forwarding16:12
ograi'll turn it to 16 once i merged your debian-cd fixes16:13
ograand in karmic+1 we can add a special mode to it that only creates a fis partition for the exact size if its run in that special setup where we want a netinst16:14
* ogra wonders if lool fell over 16:15
loolI'm still here16:16
loolAnd I really don't see why you prefer hiding bugs with large padding16:16
ograbugs ?16:16
loolWell yes16:16
loolWhy wouldn't it work at 16 MB otherwise?16:17
ograits not the purpose of redboot-install to generate netboot images16:17
ograit *should* work with fis_size+kernel_size+inird_size ... but it doesnt16:17
loolUh no16:17
loolthe kernel and the initrd are in the FIS16:17
loologra: So if it doesn't, aint it a bug?16:18
ograerr, redboot_size i mean16:18
ograits a whishlist item, really16:18
loolredboot is in the FIS too16:18
ograredboot-install is for creating upgradeable SD images, remember ?16:18
ograthats why we picked a big enough hardcoded fis size16:18
loolI'm sure you'd like it if GRUB wrote only one extra byte of it's MBR16:18
ograi'll just leave it alone then until redboot-install grew multiple heads and just write the wikipage to get kernel and initrd via http ...16:22
loolMultiple heads... for bogus arithmetics...16:22
ografor multiple purposes which it wasnt intended to16:22
ograits great if it can do that at some point but it doesnt yet and i dont want to invest a day to rewrite it16:23
cjwatsonTommyT: OK, I'm beginning to get stuck here - I'm going to have to add more debugging to the code and try again16:24
cjwatsonTommyT: one last thing with the existing code, can you try:  sudo ./grub-fstest -d all /dev/sda1 crc /boot/grub/normal.mod16:25
cjwatsonsudo ./grub-fstest -d all /dev/sda1 crc /boot/grub/normal.mod 2>&1 | ./ubuntu-paste16:25
TommyTcjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/272922/16:35
loologra: surprize, I just applied my one liner and 16 MB passes...16:36
* ogra bzr pulls16:37
loologra: Now that actually let me to see some things which need to be fixed in redboot-install: set -e, vol_id (I just workedaround it not computing UUID); and there's a warning in a fis usage at the end16:37
ogravol_id is bogus16:38
ograi just ripped it out16:38
ograwe dont have the second partition at all in redboot-install16:38
loologra: What was it used for?16:39
cjwatsonTommyT: ah, that's slightly more informative. How big is this disk again?16:39
TommyTit's 32gig16:39
loologra: Keep in mind that we want to use it in debian-cd...16:39
ogralool, originally it came from writing the whole image16:39
ograyes, you can call blkid outside of redboot-tools16:39
ograits only to pass UUID= on the cmdline16:40
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r205 trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs):16:40
CIA-33usb-creator: Use GIO instead of gnomevfs. Only lookup GNOME device names and16:40
CIA-33usb-creator: icons as needed.16:40
ografor the default cmdline16:40
loologra: I personally wish redboot-install wouldn't hardcode the pathnames to the .bins as we want to be able to run it against multiple boards16:40
cjwatsonTommyT: ok, so it's trying to read something from an offset 68GB in, which isn't going to work16:40
ogralool, yes, thats a bug16:41
cjwatsonTommyT: sudo stat /boot/grub/normal.mod | ./ubuntu-paste16:41
loologra: so the one liner and off by one is the following:16:41
cjwatsonsorry, that won't work16:41
lool-parted -s "$DEV" mkpart primary fat32 "512B" "${FIS_SIZE}B"16:41
lool+parted -s "$DEV" mkpart primary fat32 "512B" "$(($FIS_SIZE - 1))B"16:41
loologra: but please dont merge it16:41
ogralool, but moot until we have multiple bins we can actually use :)16:41
loolmerge the dbeian-cd changes instead16:41
cjwatsonTommyT: right, I'll prepare a new grub-fstest16:41
ograthats what i told you i will do on the weekend16:41
TommyTcjwatson: ok16:41
loologra: I know but you expected me to push it and I wont because I prefer the debian-cd to go in, not this one liner16:43
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r206 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/backends/devicekit/backend.py):16:45
CIA-33usb-creator: Remove the device in the DeviceKit-disks backend when it's removed16:45
CIA-33usb-creator: from the system.16:45
cjwatsonTommyT: ok, I've uploaded a new grub-fstest to the same location, http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/tmp/tommyt/grub-fstest17:00
cjwatsonTommyT: with that, could you please try this again: sudo ./grub-fstest -d all /dev/sda1 crc /boot/grub/normal.mod 2>&1 | ./ubuntu-paste17:00
cjwatsonTommyT: (I've just been called to dinner, but will see responses when I get back)17:01
TommyTcjwatson: lunch soon here too...17:01
TommyTcjwatson: unexpected response: [('date', 'Thu, 17 Sep 2009 16:04:29 GMT'), ('transfer-encoding', 'chunked'), ('connection', 'close'), ('content-type', 'text/html; charset-utf-8'), ('server', 'Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) mod_python/3/3/1 Python/2.5.2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_perl/2.0.3 Perl/v5.8.8')]17:08
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
TommyTcjwatson: I'm also getting warnings about a full disk. df shows /dev/loop0 mounted at /rofs is at 100%17:09
TommyTcjwatson: nevermind... it's complaining about something else. I think.17:10
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r146 html/ (221 files in 12 dirs): Updated translations from Launchpad.17:11
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r147 html/debian/changelog: Add Dylan's changes to debian/changelog17:16
CIA-33ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r148 html/debian/changelog: releasing version 617:22
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r207 trunk/ (debian/changelog usbcreator/frontends/gtk/frontend.py):17:41
CIA-33usb-creator: Only set the non-size columns to expand to fill available space in the GTK+17:41
CIA-33usb-creator: frontend. Set a minimum width of 75px for all columns.17:41
cjwatsonTommyT: that should be a transient error - try again?18:28
cjwatsonTommyT: if it still doesn't work, you may need to reboot the live CD, download ubuntu-paste and grub-fstest again, and run that command again - there shouldn't be more setup required than that18:38
cjwatsonTommyT: BTW, I really appreciate your help with this - you've no idea how rare it is for people to be willing to help out as remote-hands on this kind of slow debugging process18:40
CIA-33ubiquity: mterry * r3462 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-timezone.py):18:59
CIA-33ubiquity: gtk: Don't assume there will be a country shortlist for the selected18:59
CIA-33ubiquity: language. Fixes the lack of a default zone for Polish. LP: #42501118:59
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r208 trunk/usbcreator/ (backends/windows/backend.py install.py misc.py): ifdef out some Linux-specific code.19:06
CIA-33ubiquity: mterry * r3463 trunk/ (debian/changelog gui/qt/app.ui):19:29
CIA-33ubiquity: kde: Let back/forward/quit buttons activate when highlighted and the19:29
CIA-33ubiquity: user presses Enter. Part of bug #4660019:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 46600 in ubiquity "cannot select `continue' with keyboard in kde" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4660019:29
TommyTcjwatson: rebooted & the two files are still in my home directory (I have persistence turned on with the iso ?) so I tried yet again, and that particular command barfs in exactly the same way. (I went back through the history and some still work.)19:50
TommyTcjwatson: I will try download again19:51
cjwatsonmaybe you can try uploading it somewhere else some other way19:51
TommyTyes I can do that.19:51
cjwatsonsudo ./grub-fstest -d all /dev/sda1 crc /boot/grub/normal.mod >grub-fstest.out 2>&119:51
cjwatsonand stuff grub-fstest.out somewhere19:51
TommyTcjwatson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/273026/19:56
TLFhello, may I ask20:31
TommyTcjwatson: just to let you know I will be away again sometime in next 20mins.20:31
TLFthe migration assistant just looks on "real" partitiomns (e.g. /dev/sda1) or it looks in mounted partitions, too?20:32
TLFFor example, I have a working and mountable image of an OS, will migration assistant look there if I mount it?20:32
TLFThanks (this question is assuming the new and separate from installer migration assistant is not going to be released in alpha6)20:33
cjwatsonTommyT: ok, I'm looking20:39
cjwatsonTommyT: one more thing for today, I'd like the output of: sudo debugfs -R 'stat /boot/grub/normal.mod' /dev/sda5 | cat20:51
cjwatsonTommyT: except make that /dev/sda1 not /dev/sda520:52
cjwatsonTommyT: (the weird "| cat" at the end is to stop it sending the output to a pager)20:52
cjwatsonI want to compare that inode's flags according to debugfs with the ones grub is seeing20:53
cjwatsonbecause the latter look a bit suspicious to me20:53
TommyTI'm just going to type it20:57
cjwatsonok, please be absolutely accurate20:57
TommyTdebugfs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)20:57
TommyTstat: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while reading inode 681720:57
cjwatsonwuh, even debugfs doesn't like it?!20:58
cjwatsonmaybe it is screwed then, but how come it's reproducible ...20:58
TommyTI should go soon.... BTW my USB stick is flashing constantly with r/w activity. Normal?20:58
cjwatsonthat's the same inode that grub-fstest is reading20:59
cjwatsonnot sure what the USB stick activity is, would rather not distract myself with that :)20:59
TommyTjust in case I didn't close the port I just turned off the LAN connection.21:01
TommyTsorry but I will have to run for awhile. I will leave irc up so let me know if you want to try anything else21:01
cjwatsonok, I don't think I'll do any more tonight21:02
cjwatsonmy assessment is that the filesystem is indeed busted, but I would love to find out why it's being *created* that way21:02
cjwatsonit looks almost as if bits of text have been written over the inode21:02
cjwatsonthough nothing very coherent, but lots of bytes are suspiciously ASCII lower-case letters when there's really no reason to expect them to be21:05
CIA-33usb-creator: evand * r209 trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Add the missing retry dialog to the GTK+ frontend.21:22
evandcjwatson: regarding bug 431993 and the current state of clear_partitions, do you recall why we whitelist /usr/local as a mounted partition, but not as a directory under the root filesystem?  I imagine this is just a glaring error on my part, but I want to be sure I'm not missing part of the puzzle.21:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431993 in ubiquity "heavy handed installer file deletion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43199321:35
evandTLF: it defers to os-prober to point it at operating systems.  If os-prober detects this OS, then migration-assistant should as well.21:36
evandcjwatson: other than it not being as easy as rm -rf /usr :)21:37
cjwatsonevand: I think that's just a mistake - likewise /var/local21:40
evandand /usr/src as the bug points out21:40
cjwatsonand I tendyeah21:40
cjwatsonmaybe it would be worth going through the Contents file and looking for directories in which we actually ship files, and nuking those21:40
* evand dusts off the FHS21:40
cjwatsonthough the cross-compiler directories would be inconvenient21:41
evandContents file?21:42
cjwatsonit's in /ubuntu/dists/karmic/ etc. on mirrors21:43
cjwatsonmap from file names to packages21:43
cjwatsonapt-file and auto-apt use it21:43
evandI'm afraid of doing explicit deletion as if we ever ship a new directory and forget to upload clear_partitions, bad things happen21:44
evanderr, well, can happen21:44
cjwatsonbad things either way though21:56
cjwatsondunno - FHS directories except src are probably safe, at least21:57
evandyeah, it's a tough situation.  Hrm.21:58
davmor2cjwatson: any idea what tool mdz used on bug 4370621:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 43706 in casper "Excessive memory usage on live CD" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4370621:58
evandI'll take a look at the Contents file and see what I can come up with21:58
cjwatsondavmor2: to look at the /cow filesystem, you mean?22:00
davmor2to see how much memory is being used I think is what I need to check22:01
cjwatsondavmor2: it at least used to be the case that if you booted with showmounts as a kernel parameter you could then look through /cow22:01
cjwatsonwhich represents everything on the filesystem that's been changed with respect to the read-only squashfs22:01
cjwatsonmemory in general, well, all sorts of things, you could start with 'free' :-)22:02
davmor2would top be a good measure too22:02
cjwatsonthere are a variety of tools like that, but you have to be careful about interpretation22:03
cjwatsonnot all the numbers mean what you might intuitively expect22:03
davmor2cjwatson: sounds about right which is why I was asking before leaping in22:04
cjwatsonin particular (a) Linux aggressively *tries* to use as much memory as it can to cache things, because memory is faster than disk; of course it'll evict the cache if it actually needs more memory22:04
cjwatsonand (b) numbers for individual processes in top need to be interpreted carefully because they often include memory that's actually shared with other processes as well as memory-mapped regions (X especially tends to confuse people)22:05
cjwatsonX maps your video memory and that's accounted to it in top22:05
davmor2so stick with free then :)22:05
cjwatsonoh and a quirk of the X protocol means that other processes get to leak memory into X's process space22:06
cjwatsonwell, it depends what you want to measure and in how much detail22:06
cjwatsonif it's just "would the computer perform reasonably if it only had 256M of memory", then the best way to do *that* is to boot with mem=256M as a kernel parameter22:08
cjwatsonthen, as far as Linux is concerned, your machine will only *have* 256M of memory22:08
davmor2cjwatson: cool I'll try that one first22:17
* evand already knows the answer to that :)22:17
davmor2is it no22:17
evandI'd wager22:17
cjwatsonI often use 256M for virtual machines; it's not great but it's not *too* bad22:18
davmor2does live say it needs 378M or something like that22:18
davmor2384 I was close22:19
evandI keep them at 768M, unless I'm on the desktop, then I rarely bother in the first place22:21
cjwatsonyeah, my laptop only has 1GB22:21
* evand shakes his fist at Intel and the 3.3GB22:21
davmor2cjwatson: the machine I'm running the test on only has a 1 gig22:21
evandah, that would do it22:22
cjwatsondavmor2: yeah, but you don't run the tests in a vm, do you?22:22
davmor2machine as in hw22:22
davmor2I do use vm but not that often22:23
davmor2ouch Firefox is heavy22:26
davmor2you don't notice it on a 64bit machine with 4 gig of ram22:26
evandI've been happy with chromium22:27
superm1davmor2, for http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/3044/282 did you choose the live env or only-ubiquity mode?22:28
davmor2live in order to test live cd worked22:29
superm1have you done any tests today that would have produced the same results as bug 432140 then today by chance?22:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432140 in ubiquity "Pressing restart in only-ubiquity mode throws an endless loop of respawning gdm/ubiquity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43214022:30
davmor2no every thing has been mostly stable in the loosest possible mean of the word22:32
davmor2ouch I take it back FF is light weight in comparison to OO.o22:41
davmor2still waiting for it to open22:41
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