
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
norkaknHello good people, is there a way that I can get atl1c on 9.04 with 2.6.30?10:39
norkaknYeah, I have an acer timeline 3810t, and 2.6.30 fixes a lot of problems with it.  I installed it from the deb on kernel.ubuntu.com10:49
apwnorkakn, is that supported in the karmic kernel?  might be worth trying the karmic kernel on there10:50
apwmy expectation is that the karmic kernel would work ok on jaunty, no guarentees of course10:50
norkaknI think it is, how do I procure the karmic kernel?10:50
smbMy best experience was somehow apw's ppa10:51
smbapw, reminds me, if you got time, you could upload the latest and greatest up to now. ;-)10:54
apwsmb, thats a good idea, its a bumper so it needs testing10:54
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norkaknawe, well, it does the same thing that 2.6.31 from the mainline repo does, which is give me a big blank, black screen of nothingness11:05
apwnorkakn, oh yeah you need to tell it not to use KMS11:16
apwi915.modeset=0 on the boot command line11:16
norkaknapw: thanks, trying now11:18
apwnorkakn, yay11:24
norkaknI'd tried the 31s before, but I didn't know about the KMS magic, thank you very much11:24
apwnorkakn, np, its not at all obvious11:25
norkaknapw, I love this little machine, but nothing about it ever seems obvious.  If my computers begin to be able to sleep, my life will be complete11:27
apwsuspedn not working then?11:27
apwworth trying with karmic, works pretty damn well today for me11:27
norkaknNo, it is a known bug with the 3810T, no one seems sure if it is a BIOS bug or a Linux bug.11:28
norkaknI'll try it out on my desktop though11:28
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
Notch-1forgive me guys but i have this problem and i need to ask you: i have 2.6.28-15-generic on jaunty, now i need to recompile to change one small option, and i get this way i can't use the backports and restricted modules so how can i recompile those packege too OR change the kernel version to exactly match the official one?11:39
Notch-1there are a lot of tutorials, but i can't found a sigle one that solve this problem...11:41
apwNotch-1, if you are getting 2.6.28-10-generic you are using the wrong version of the source for the kernel11:45
mjg59apw: 2.6.28*.*1011:49
Notch-1i did apt-get install linux-source-2.6.28 ...11:49
mjg59apw: It's just a wrong EXTRAERSION11:49
Notch-1mjg59: yes, but i can't change it, look at man make-kpkg11:49
Notch-1i can only change revision and --append-to-version ...11:50
apwmjg59, oh yeah a . ... hrm11:50
Notch-1and the local version inside menuconfig, but i don't know this one11:50
apwNotch-1, that implies you used the wrong tools to build it11:50
mjg59apw: .10 will be the upstream stable point release EXTRAVERSION11:50
apwif you use debuild it ought to get it right for you11:50
Notch-1somebody told me that -15-generic it's ubuntu notation while .10 is standard notation...11:51
apwmjg59, yeah just didn't see it, saw what i thought it said not what it actually says11:51
apwNotch-1, yep thats true11:51
* apw idly wonder what option you need to change and why11:51
Notch-1apw: what's debuild?11:52
apwits the tool for turning a source tree into a real binary .deb for installation11:52
apwand basically is how packages get made in ubuntu11:52
Notch-1ah fine11:52
Notch-1i can use it to change this extraversion?11:53
Notch-1anyway it seems that the package linux.source and the kernel i'm running are very different, how can i compile a kernel like the original one? what options/files are missing?11:54
Notch-1so i can install backports and restricted....11:54
apwthe problem is if you change an option and that changes the ABI then you can't install backports and restricted safely even if it lets you do it11:55
apwhense my question as to the option you are changing11:55
Notch-1ah nice :D11:55
Notch-1it's the loop module11:55
apwthose other packages are built agianst that specific kernel11:55
apwwhat you doing to it11:55
Notch-1recently it became included in the kernel, but for some reason me and other people need it at least as module...11:56
apwthat would probabally just about be safe ABI wise11:56
Notch-1the are a lot of posts on the net, everybody bothered recompiling the kernel to get the system back to work... but i don't think it's a complete solution, without the ability lo use backports and restricted modules....11:57
apwi would get the source either from 'apt-get source linux' or from our git tree, checking out the tag for the version you need11:57
apwand then i'd change the config, and personally upload it to a PPA for building11:57
* apw wonders if this is this aes loop thing that the maintainer won't simply change the name of to aesloop so that it can coexist with the normal loop module11:59
apwnor will they work with upstream to get it into the kernel12:00
Notch-1apw: i don't think it's just a name problem...12:00
apwas i recall its a philosphy issue, making life hard for everyone else problem12:01
Notch-1yes, but seems that noone need it upstrem so...12:01
Notch-1anyway, what if i just do make and replace the executable by hand?12:01
Notch-1no noone notice the new kernel... and i can install whatever i need... what do you think about that solution?12:02
apwas in the module?12:03
apwyou should be able to build the module externally and just replace the loop one in the lib/modules12:03
apwbah ignroe that12:03
Notch-1i mean the kernel12:03
apwi am losing my mind12:03
apwyou could do that, but it wouldn't be very pretty12:04
apwi would build your own version of the whole thing, with that module replaced12:04
Notch-1sure? :D12:04
Notch-1but i will still have the backport issue...12:04
Notch-1now i'm doing apt-get source linux-image-2.6.28-15-generic to see if this source are more similar to the original kernel... but i'm afraid :D12:05
apwas we know the abi change (and there will be one) is benign mostly, you should be able to make a like 2.6.28-15.NNaesloop1 kernel in a PPA which can then be installed and the backports etc still work with it12:07
Notch-1excuse me, what's a ppa? :P12:08
apwppa is a personal package archive, which is like having your own ubuntu archive on the net12:13
Notch-1ah right, launchpad :D12:15
Notch-1have this features, now i remember thanks12:15
apwyeah launchpaddy thing12:17
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apwKeybuk, are we expecting usplash to be absent with karmic tip?15:12
rtgapw, did 'quiet' disappear from the grub line?15:16
apwrtg nope they are still there15:16
apwKeybuk, i assume there is a plan for the mess i the gap?15:17
Keybukin fact, not having usplash is partially so we can see the mess we need to clean up15:17
=== bjf-afk is now known as bjf
rtgKeybuk, I've a server that won't mount a /dev/md0p1 partition at boot time. in fact, it borks the boot altogether if /home is mounted on this partition. what title should I use for the bug report that will catch your eye?16:36
Keybukyou're not the first person to say that16:36
Keybukit breaks inside the initramfs, or breaks during normal boot?16:37
rtgKeybuk, can't tell. its got a bunch of udev messages16:37
rtgI think it must be during normal boot16:38
Keybukok great16:39
Keybukyou have it in front of you now?16:39
rtgKeybuk, that noisy hoover? of course not. its inconveniently off in another room16:40
Keybukif you could boot it and try a few things, I'd appreciate it16:40
Keybukboot with init=/bin/bash16:40
Keybukand get the output of "blkid"16:40
Keybuk(just on its own)16:40
rtgKeybuk, can do. what would you like16:40
rtgKeybuk, ok, back in a sec16:41
rtgKeybuk, ok, blkid shows /dev/md0p1 with a UUID and file system type of ext4 (but its not mounted even though its in /etc/fstab)16:44
Keybukbut, does it also show the same UUID for the underlying filesystem?16:44
rtgKeybuk, I'm not sure what you mean. it only shows 1 UUID16:46
Keybukblkid only outputs one thing?16:46
rtgfor that partition, yes16:46
KeybukI don't understand16:47
Keybukblkid should output lots of lines16:47
rtgand it does16:47
Keybukok, can you take a picture of them or something?16:47
rtgKeybuk, yep, gimme a bit16:48
Keybukalso mdadm -D /dev/md0 would be helpful16:48
rtgKeybuk, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~rtg/md016:53
Keybukrtg: great, and what's in /etc/fstab and /proc/self/mountinfo ?17:01
rtgon sec17:02
rtgKeybuk, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~rtg/md0/imgp0763.jpg17:05
Keybukthat's very useful17:06
Keybukso, I know what's happening but not how to fix it yet17:06
Keybukfor some reason, it's showing the UUID and filesystem type, etc. for sdb1 as it is for md0p117:07
rtgis it because mdadm isn't getting run?17:07
Keybukand sdb1 is winning17:07
Keybukso it tries to mount that, but fails17:07
Keybukmdadm must be being run, your array is visible, up and enabled17:07
rtgI guess for now I can just mount it later in the process.17:08
KeybukI need to debug this a bit more really17:08
KeybukI've not seen these md0p1 things before17:08
KeybukI didn't even know you *could* partition raid arrays17:09
Keybukusually I see /dev/md0 ;)17:09
KeybukI think this is a udev bug17:09
Keybukbut it may also be a blkid bug, since blkid shouldn't be reporting raid members as filesystems17:09
rtgKeybuk, its been awhile since i set this up, but I beleive partitioning was part of the setup documentation17:10
Keybukif you fancy an experiment17:10
Keybuktry downgrading udev back to 14617:10
rtgcan do.17:11
Keybukbut don't just replace the package17:11
Keybukbecause that won't work so well17:11
Keybukinstead grab the deb, and get the udevd and udevadm binaries out of it17:11
Keybukand put those in place17:11
Keybuk(back up the 147 ones)17:11
Keybukand see if that makes a difference17:11
rtgk, first I have go unwire this thing to get it to boot normally. how does one stop grub2 these days?17:11
Keybukhold down shift17:12
rtgwasn't it the shift key?17:12
rtghmm, no joy there17:12
Keybukyou couldn't get grub2?17:13
Keybukor udev didn't help?17:13
rtgKeybuk, I can't get grub2 to stop during the boot process so that I could modify the kernel command line, so I edited /boot/grub/grub.cfg and rebooted. now I'm kind of stuck 'cause / is mounted readonly.17:19
Keybukmount -o rw,remount /17:19
rtgKeybuk, yeah, I just came back in here to read the man page :)17:20
Keybuk(just be sure to mount -o ro,remount / or SysRq-U before rebooting :p)17:20
rtgKeybuk, udev 146 has already been obsoleted from the archive. do you have an amd64 copy lying around?17:24
Keybuk#  The default value of the child_runs_first scheduler sysctl knob has been changed to "false." This causes the parent process to continue running after a fork() rather than yielding immediately to the child process. See this article for more information on 2.6.32 scheduler changes.17:41
Keybukhappy days17:41
Keybuknow we see all the race conditions that people think they fixed, suddenly break again17:41
Keybukadmittedly, their fault for not actually fixing it, but hey :p17:41
rtgKeybuk, is that the root of the udev issue?17:42
Keybukhuh, no17:43
Keybuksorry, was just musing on the 2.6.32 merge window17:43
Keybukrtg: you can get udev 146 from LP still17:43
Keybukthere should be a "karmic amd64" link there17:44
rtgKeybuk, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/30822986/udev_146-1_amd64.deb17:46
Keybukthere you go :)17:46
rtgKeybuk, replace both udevadm and udevd ?17:47
Keybukis in akpm's big list of patches17:49
rtgKeybuk, no difference in nehavior. /home.md0p1 is still not auto-mounted from the fstab. uit works if I put 'mount -a' in /etc/rc.local17:53
rtgwith -146 (that is)17:53
Keybukthat's good to know17:53
Keybukrtg: can you check something for me18:03
Keybukls /sys/block/sdb18:03
Keybukdo you have sdb1 in there?18:04
Keybukif so18:04
Keybukfdisk -l /dev/sdb18:04
rtgroot@tyler-b:~# ls /sys/block/sdb18:04
rtgalignment_offset  capability  device     holders  queue  removable  sdb1  slaves  subsystem  uevent18:04
rtgbdi               dev         ext_range  power    range  ro         size  stat    trace18:04
rtgroot@tyler-b:~# fdisk -l /dev/sdb18:05
rtgDisk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes18:05
rtg2 heads, 4 sectors/track, 122096646 cylinders18:05
rtgUnits = cylinders of 8 * 512 = 4096 bytes18:05
rtgDisk identifier: 0xe3da5fd418:05
rtg   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System18:05
rtg/dev/sdb1               1   488386496  1953545982   83  Linux18:05
Keybuk*but* your mdadm says that "/dev/sdb" is the RAID member18:05
Keybuknot /dev/sdb118:05
Keybukwhat does blkid -p /dev/sdb say?18:05
rtgroot@tyler-b:~# blkid -p /dev/sdb18:05
rtg/dev/sdb: VERSION="0.90.0" UUID="8d408524-0506-f40d-4659-8b40d611b84e" TYPE="linux_raid_member" USAGE="raid"18:05
rtgdoesn't mdadm put some crap in fron of the partition table?18:06
Keybukapparently not18:06
Keybukmaybe mdadm is putting its metadata in the MBR?18:08
Keybuk(is bcmwl a bit busted in α6 btw?)18:08
rtgdunno about bcmwl. it should be under jockey control18:09
rtgis there room in the MBR? it doesn't sound like a reasonable place for it18:09
Keybukno, no idea18:11
Keybukudevinfo -q all -n sdb18:11
Keybukudevinfo -q all -n sdb118:11
Keybukudevinfo -q all -n md018:11
Keybukudevinfo -q all -n md0p118:11
Keybukwould be handy18:11
rtgKeybuk, is that from a dev package?18:11
Keybukudevadm info18:11
Keybukfingers still haven't learned ;)18:11
rtghmm, spewage. I'll collect this in a file18:12
Keybukthis is a RAID 0 isn't it18:14
rtgKeybuk, yes, 4 spindles18:15
KeybukI have a hypothesis18:15
rtgKeybuk, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~rtg/md0/udev-info.txt18:15
Keybukwell there's a couple of interesting bits there18:17
Keybukwhere did you read this documentation about partitioning your RAID like that?18:17
rtgKeybuk, hmm, probably wikipedia. lemme look18:17
Keybukthat's all I need for now18:18
rtgKeybuk, k, I'm travelling to PDX starting in a couple hours18:18
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