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DKcrosshello people01:41
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serendipityhello room... i have couple ques reg ubuntu ultimate edition11:58
serendipitycan someone ping me11:58
serendipitywhos willing to give info11:58
joaopintoserendipity, this channel is not for support, and that is not an official ubuntu version11:59
serendipityi just installed sometime back12:00
serendipityi do not know that12:00
serendipitycan you suggest me where is the support room12:00
serendipityok thank u12:01
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czajkowskihow do folks end up in here for support.....14:11
Davieyczajkowski: Sorry, can't answer that question as it's a support question, which is offtopic for here. :)14:13
* ogra grins14:13
czajkowskiDaviey: I'll deal with you smart ass for that tomorrow!!14:14
dholbachczajkowski: I'll never answer any of Daviey's questions again14:14
dholbach. o O { smartass! }14:14
czajkowskidholbach: I have to be a little nice to him, he's coming to Ireland tomorrow!14:15
* dholbach hugs Daviey ;-)14:15
Davieydholbach: I thought you stopped answering my questions already. :P14:15
dholbachczajkowski: I know... I'm not going... I understand :)14:15
dholbachDaviey: you just stopped asking questiong for whatever reason! :)14:15
Davieydholbach: I assumed i was on /ignore :)14:15
dholbachDaviey: you're too good to miss14:16
Davieyheh, ty.14:16
czajkowskiogra: aloha there!14:17
ograhey hey14:17
czajkowskipopey: shhh we're not to talk in here!15:10
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fccfGlobal Jam Meeting?19:03
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Garfeildhi all19:27
iantoGarfeild: Hello there19:27
ulysses__hi Garfeild19:27
mcisternashi, where is the meeting of ubuntu global jam?19:39
czajkowskitomorrow evening i think19:39
iantoAccording to Jorge it was today but I never saw it :-/19:39
iantoI had an email from him19:40
iantoJono said in 10 mins at about 17:50 on Twitter ^19:40
czajkowskinhaines: tmorrow19:40
czajkowskiin -classroom19:40
czajkowskiAlso, a reminder that I will be conducting the last "How to Run a Jam"19:40
czajkowskisession tomorrow, 18 September on #ubuntu-classroom at 1500UTC. Look19:40
czajkowskiforward to seeing you there!19:40
iantokelemengabor: How long have you been in this channel?19:41
iantoI can in here about 7 or so minutes after the supposed start time :-/19:42
kelemengaborianto: about an hour, and nothing happened19:42
iantoThen Jorge sent an email to the loco-contacts list at 19:1719:42
iantoDue to the overwhelming amount of participation in today's Global Jam19:43
iantomeeting we will be holding one next week, 24 September at 1800UTC on19:43
iantoI haven't seen a single thing!19:43
iantoAnyone having any idea about what happened? :-/19:47
mcisternashmm... anyone know what happens?19:48
iantoWell there was an "overwhelming amount of participation", so it must've been done somewhere! :S19:51
iantoThe tweet and identi.ca post both say here #ubuntu-meeting19:52
mhall119|workI've been in here all day19:53
mhall119|worksaw nothing at 1800 UTC19:53
nhainesczajkowski: hmm?  :)19:57
czajkowskinhaines: sup19:57
mcisternasHmm.. I think it must be a mistake. I imagine that the meeting should be tomorrow, according to Jorge Castro's mail19:59
mhall119|workI thought Jono posted that it was today20:00
iantomcisternas: Jorge said that there was a meeting today in his email20:00
ianto"Due to the overwhelming amount of participation in today's Global Jam"20:00
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nhainesczajkowski: you pinged me about -classroom  :)20:18
czajkowskinhaines: must have been a mis tab20:20
czajkowskijono tweeted also20:20
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=== Bacon is now known as MrBacon
MrBaconand now we wait20:29
nhainesczajkowski: no worries.  :)  (sorry for the slow reply: at work)21:31
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