
asacfta: hmm our gnome default is broken?00:05
asacsounds like a bug00:05
asackde doesnt have apturl in hardy - jaunty by default; in karmic they will provide it00:06
aleron6whats up guys00:06
asacfor me "xdg-open apt:flashplugin-installer" works00:06
asacaleron6: no sure ;)00:07
ftaasac, could you please add a comment?00:07
aleron6wawt version of ubuntu you running00:08
asacfta: does that work for you too?00:08
asaci can comment00:08
asacif i remember my login ;)00:09
asacfta: remind me tomorrow want to understand where the default is actually shipped00:10
asacdont see it right now00:11
asacat least not in apturl afaict00:11
asaccommented ... will check hardy tomorrow00:15
asacmozclient will take a few more days i would think00:15
asacnow that i think about it, i feel like i remember someting with hardy wrt escaping of url arguments00:31
asacat least "ubuntu-bug" and apport had issues in the past00:31
asacthat sound familiar00:31
ftaasac, ff3.7 is red, in case you missed it00:53
ftaok, enough for today00:53
BUGabundonight fta00:54
aleron6anybody active heah01:46
eagles0513875hey guys07:52
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== jtv1 is now known as jtv
eagles0513875hey guys13:34
eagles0513875asac: any word on alpha 6 or is todays release of it being postponed13:48
asaceagles0513875: didnt even know that until you said14:18
asacwouldnt be too bothered14:18
asacjust normal delay because something came too late ;)14:18
asacand caused more bugs than expected14:18
eagles0513875well im having problems out the rump with 5 im wondering if 6 has them fixed14:18
eagles0513875how are things looking on the extension front14:20
eagles0513875now that i finished up the wiki14:20
eagles0513875asac anything you would like me to help out with14:30
* gnomefreak not really here. only here for updates and email14:51
* eagles0513875 waves to gnomefreak and lets him go about his business14:52
gnomefreakeagles0513875: firegpg needs some work on rules file for clean before we can do anything. also we will not push it to Ubuntu we will push it to Debian since its not in Ubuntu. when i get back i will get with asac about it.14:53
eagles0513875if you want i can get asac to help me with it while u are gone14:54
asaceagles0513875: i will be back soon for you15:03
gnomefreakeagles0513875: he already has the diff to work on it. its not a trival fix15:03
eagles0513875ok asac15:03
eagles0513875gotcha gnomefreak15:03
eagles0513875i gotta start somewhere15:03
gnomefreakpaths changed and we need to update clean in rules for them. asac can we make it a general clean instead of only looking for FireGPGCall in each path?15:04
gnomefreakit doesnt build with clean enabled :)15:06
asacgnomefreak: we should fix upstream clean target and submit that to the author15:13
gnomefreakasac: ok sounds good but does he really care for Linux as much as windows?15:15
eagles0513875another valid question brought up by gnomefreak15:16
gnomefreaki would love a generel clean rule to find it and remove it instead of having to fix this every time he changes where FireGPGCall is moved15:16
gnomefreakwe have had him fix a few things (not much) but we can email him once we figure this out <before sending this to SId>15:17
gnomefreakmostly License issue(s)15:20
gnomefreakok first round of email done. one more round and updates15:46
gnomefreakbe back15:46
gnomefreakthey dropped the getmail>get all mail (or whatever it said) in tbird-315:50
gnomefreakoh and <insert build ID into text box> doesnt work. it is not seeing the reply text box as a text box in tbird-315:55
gnomefreakasac: do you know that n-m is showing disconnected when there is a connection? at least here it is16:18
asacgnomefreak: nm-tool output ... paste please16:29
gnomefreak** (process:5179): WARNING **: error: could not connect to NetworkManager16:30
gnomefreakthat was the only output worth showing you16:35
gnomefreakok updated review page to list all bug numbers.16:40
gnomefreakok im gone16:46
fta2asac, friendly reminder for the apturl bug17:08
asaci asked on -testing if someone has hardy17:17
asacor intrepid or jaunty ;)17:17
ftaasac, micahg: ff3.7 still red18:41
micahgfta: I don't know how to fix this one18:42
micahgasac: I think it had to do with that patch I showed you about removing gnomevfs and gio18:42
[reed]fta: mozilla bug 51267121:53
ubottuMozilla bug 512671 in Build Config "libnkgnomevfs is built with Firefox in libxul-sdk builds" [Minor,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=51267121:53
fta[reed], i know, the idea was that i let someone else fix it ;) ok, i fixed it this time22:01
[reed]posted a patch somewhere?22:02
[reed]it's an ubuntu-specific thing22:03
fta[reed], is the electrolysis branch somewhat usable?22:03
ftai mean, buildable22:04
[reed]fta: I do not know.22:04
ftalol http://hg.mozilla.org/projects/electrolysis/rev/6fd4bb500d4222:05
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundoasac: I sincerily hope this was just a big typo22:08
BUGabundoremoving NM on updates????22:08
BUGabundoare you joking ?22:08
[reed]fta: yeah, I know we're partnering with the chromium team on the ipc stuff22:09
[reed]to develop something that we can both work22:09
ftamakes sense, for once ;)22:10
mac_vasac: whats with NM applet failing on updates! :( is it a known issue?22:14
mac_von recent updates , after an update... it just switches off networking22:15
BUGabundomac_v: start NM again22:50
BUGabundoit dies on update22:50
BUGabundovery *very* bad22:50
BUGabundoeven for devel cycle22:50
BUGabundomac_v: $ sudo NetworkManager22:51
asacBUGabundo: thats fixed23:17
asacif you look in launchpad ... i didnt do the updates ;)23:17
BUGabundoso you did??23:18
asacyou can see it in launchpad23:18
* BUGabundo dribbles changes logs23:18
asaci didnt know that this was going to happen until it already happened ;)23:19
BUGabundo -- Scott James Remnant <scott@ubuntu.com>  Wed, 16 Sep 2009 20:50:31 +010023:19
BUGabundodebian/rules: We never previously started or restarted network manager on install or upgrade, and instead flagged a reboot23:19
BUGabundowell aint that a briliant idea!23:20
BUGabundoto leave a system WITHOUT network23:20
asacits not a big deal23:20
crimsunright, it's an alpha, we can all deal :)23:20
asaci would have preferred if he had talked to me, but if you have to touch like so many packages you cannot wait ;)23:20
asacand i understand that23:21
asacand he fixed his regressions ;) ... which is definitly good23:21
BUGabundoasac: I know how to fix it23:21
BUGabundoI wonder *how* many users got stuck23:21
asacall uploads happened in 24h or something23:22
asacso its not a big time frame ;)23:22
asacand thats how you learn how to recover from it ;)23:22
asacby stepping into these bugs23:22
ftawant a respin?23:22
asachmm. the dailies are still in semi state. right23:23
asacwhy not ;)23:23
asacjust network-manager package23:23
asacand jaunty is broken now ;)23:24
asaccollateral damage ;)23:24
ftatoo late, I did the whole thing23:24
asacfta: you fixed 3.7=23:26
ftayep, broken for 2+ days23:26
ftai pasted the log 3 times, reed answered with the same bmo bug twice, so i did it23:27
ftaScott is doing nm packaging now?23:28
asache did the upstart transition uploads for everything that uses /etc/init.d23:28
ftalol 0.8~a~git.20090911t130220.4c77fa0-0ubuntu623:29
ftaa snapshot with 0ubuntu623:29
asacyes he was so kind to publish a bzr branch23:29
asacprobably have to clean that up in some way23:31
asacmost likely by upstreaming something sensible that auto detects whether to install upstart or old-init style things23:32
asacso it can build on jaunty again ;)23:32
asacbut i am currently in the middle of pushing hard for the applet UI changes we are doing this cycle as we already are past UI freeze23:32
asaconce thats out i hope i can only do bug fixing.23:33
asacand normal work ;)23:33
micahgasac: I looked at the 3.7 failure yesterday, but didn't know how to fix it23:38
micahgit turns out it was that bug I mentioned23:39
ftaasac, you now have a network-manager.prerm script calling "stop network-manager || :", will that even work in jaunty?23:40
ftamicahg, yep, that + a patch to rebase23:41
ftamicahg, but dailies are full of surprises, you'll have your share of fixes to do ;)23:42
micahgfta: yep, I've been fixing what I can23:43
ftachromium is green, a last, too much red those past 2 weeks23:43

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