
phixhey, I am still banned from #ubuntu-offtopic05:09
phixsleep time?06:07
phixI will come back later after your naps06:07
solovinogood day11:19
Myrtti hello11:19
Myrttihow can we help you?11:20
solovinoI think I own an old irc userid but not remember the passwd, would like to know whether it is possible to reset it or at least send it to an email address.11:21
Myrttiask in #freenode11:21
solovinok, thnx11:22
=== genii-around2 is now known as genii-around
PiciWhat are we mehing about today?18:42
Myrttihave the aftertaste :-(18:43
Myrttistupid staph18:44
* gord offers Myrtti some of his skittles18:54
gordthey taste like a rainbow, apprently18:55
* Myrtti picks the red ones, smiles18:55
* Tm_T is proud father today18:58
mneptokMyrtti: i have horrendous morning breath. want a kiss? you'll taste nothing but burning afterwards ...18:58
mneptokmaybe a hint of carrion18:59
Myrttimneptok: sorry, I've got enough problems with my own bacteria flora19:23
Myrttiespecially the ones on my operation wounds19:24
ubottuIn ubottu, bro said: !foo is bar19:26
DJonesHi, just a heads up, I think a user who may be banned could be in #ubuntu, I seem to remember reading that a user who's nick starts xcdf... could have been banned, if its the same user I'm thinking of, I'm sure they're permanently banned in #ubuntu-uk19:37
* Myrtti stares #ubuntu19:38
DJonesyour welcome19:38
Piciikonia: ping?19:41
ubottudragon called the ops in #ubuntu (fabian5003)19:43
mneptokxcd is, indeed, banned and evading19:46
* Pici sighs19:47
mneptokhe uses the exact same nick all the time. why is this still an issue?19:48
PiciConcidering forwarding him here...19:48
mneptokxcdfgkjhgcv: you are banned in #ubuntu, and have been for some time.19:50
mneptokxcdfgkjhgcv: and, apparently, you have a history of using proxies to evade those bans.19:50
mneptokxcdfgkjhgcv: an explanation would be most welcome.19:50
xcdfgkjhgcvmneptok: I was banned in #ubuntu?19:59
xcdfgkjhgcvOh yeah, (22:16:15) mode (+b *!*@host86-128-83-62.range86-128.btcentralplus.com ) by ikonia20:01
xcdfgkjhgcv(22:16:15) You have been kicked by ikonia: (you should know better)20:01
xcdfgkjhgcvI still don't know what that one was for, though.20:02
xcdfgkjhgcvAnd I haven't changed host since then.20:02
xcdfgkjhgcvI think ikonia's emotional involvement has clouded his judgement.20:02
xcdfgkjhgcvmneptok: He likes to call me names such as "paedophile" and "troll".20:03
xcdfgkjhgcvJust because I like to tell him about how I want to do my mate's 14 year old girlfriend.20:03
xcdfgkjhgcvmneptok: Here's a photograph of her: http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs187.snc1/6255_236693715690_906570690_8511554_6580736_n.jpg20:03
xcdfgkjhgcvmneptok: I met her earlier this year, when she was 14 years old and a few days, and thought she was about 16.20:04
xcdfgkjhgcvShe definitely looks older than she actually is.20:04
xcdfgkjhgcvI've been going out and buying her lots of alcohol recently.20:04
xcdfgkjhgcvWe're good friends now. :)20:04
xcdfgkjhgcvI slept with her boyfriend last Saturday, after everyone went home.20:04
xcdfgkjhgcvFFS my desktop PC has frozen and is thrashing the HDD; I don't know whether to force reboot or to wait.20:05
Mamarokmneptok: please...20:05
Myrttimneptok: I think this pretty much sums this whole situation to a nice neat package20:05
Myrttimneptok: would you, or do I?20:05
xcdfgkjhgcvI'm just your usual, 17 year old, assburgertard.20:06
xcdfgkjhgcvWith a badly hurt foot.20:07
xcdfgkjhgcvI damaged my foot whilst running away from the police last Friday. :(20:07
xcdfgkjhgcvIt still hurts now when I walk on it. :(20:07
xcdfgkjhgcvMaybe I should use that free health service we have in this country.20:07
Picixcdfgkjhgcv: Are you done?20:07
MyrttiI think he is20:07
xcdfgkjhgcvPici: I'm going to a party tomorrow. :)20:08
xcdfgkjhgcvLots of fit girls are going to be there.20:08
xcdfgkjhgcvI'm really looking forward to it.20:08
mneptokMyrtti: by all means ...20:08
Myrttiif he rejoins, ban20:08
* Myrtti locks and loads20:08
Tm_Tinteresting specimen20:09
mneptoki like when a user justifies our actions so neatly.20:11
Mamarokyep, that was enough material20:12
=== niko is now known as niko_
=== niko_ is now known as niko
ikoniaPici: you called20:22
ikoniaPici: just seen why - sorry20:23
ikonia20:09 <xcdfgkjhgcv> Did you like that little show I put off to justify your actions ?20:24
ikoniajust started getting pm's20:25
Myrttiexcuse me, but wth?20:25
ikoniaI don't know - he's a moron/trouble/whatever you want20:26
ikoniaI don't understand why freenode have not banned him and the proxies he uses20:26
ikoniaif people are giving him access to proxies then they need to suffer the consiquences20:26
ikonia(I know that sounds harsh)20:27
Tm_Tit doesn't20:37
Myrttiikonia: I was just wondering did mneptok get his "i like when a user justifies our actions so neatly" from something xcd said to mneptok, or xcd from what mneptok said20:43
mneptokMyrtti: from xcd's actions here. i got banned, came here, and immediately justified it.20:47
Myrttimneptok: did you say it to him in pm?20:48
mneptokno. i had no private discussions with him.20:50
mneptoki don't understand how this is confusing at all.20:52
mneptok1). he gets banned20:52
mneptok2). he gets forwarded here20:52
Myrttimneptok: yesyes20:53
mneptok3). he immediately gives excellent reasons for being banned20:53
Myrttibut what you said here - was later said by him in pm20:53
ubottuIn ubottu, grawity said: hacking is <reply> If you want to become a hacker, and have already read about the meaning of "hacker", read http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html20:53
mneptokbecause it's *so frickin' obvious*20:53
Myrttior rather, he said it first20:54
Myrttithen you20:54
gordits prolly just a coincidence20:59
Myrttiis it the full moon?21:17
Myrttior some archlinux-offtopic invasion?21:17
jpdsMyrtti: Both?21:17

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