
slangasekany folks around yet to do a liveCD test for me?01:24
fader_slangasek: Yo01:25
slangasekfader_: hi01:25
fader_slangasek: I'm volunteering for a liveCD test :)01:25
slangasekfader_: there'll be an ubuntu desktop ISO up for smoke testing in around 15 minutes01:25
slangasekfader_: care to give it a spin?01:25
fader_slangasek: Sweet.  I'd be happy to.01:25
fader_Anything in particular to look out for, other than things like dbus not starting? ;)01:26
slangasek(it's not the final one for a6, I'm going to turn around and clobber it with another one that pulls in a ubiquity update right after - but it should fix the general "livefs no worky" bug)01:26
slangasekfader_: daily-live 2009091701:43
fader_slangasek: Roger.  I realized I had deleted my local ubuntu-live iso to save space, so once the previous one finishes downloading I'll rsync up to that and kick it off.01:44
fader_slangasek: Good news and bad news.  The good news is that the live environment is working :)02:07
fader_The bad news is that I always get ubiquity first02:07
fader_"try ubuntu" -> ubiquity -> quit -> xsplash -> livecd02:07
slangasekfader_: yes, that's the bug being fixed in the next spin :)02:07
fader_Ah, gotcha :)02:07
fader_slangasek: Should I go ahead and perform an install as well?02:08
slangasekfader_: only if you're keen to - I'm not expecting any surprises there, at this point, so the energy would be better spent on the should-be-final images currently in the pipe02:08
fader_slangasek: Gotcha.  I'll play with it a bit but not push hard.02:10
* fader_ starts testing ubuntu-alternate amd6402:36
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
* ara takes i386 desktop full disk07:23
davmor2Morning all08:09
sbeattieheya davmor208:13
davmor2sbeattie: things are working then :)08:14
sbeattieyeah, for the most part. I still am unable to get a 32bit kubuntu guest to accept input from a 64bit karmic vbox host... doesn't matter if it's an install or livecd08:16
aramorning sbeattie, davmor208:29
* ara takes i368 ubuntu desktop auto-resize08:31
* sbeattie is putzing with a xubuntu live session and trying to reproduce an oddity around alt+cryptolvm08:32
* davmor2 has to take wife off first and then will blitz everything cause they'll all of finished syncing then :)08:33
* ara steps out to grab a coffee while auto-resize is working08:45
arahello guys, anybody testing ubuntu?09:08
ara(live cd)09:08
araI need to reproduce an issue09:08
=== asac_ is now known as asac
sbeattieara: what issue?09:19
araafter installation, system starts correctly, but if you click on Reboot, at GDM screen, it has a problem with fsck09:19
ara<ara> Hey I got a strange issue on the ubuntu live cd (installation, full disk)09:20
ara It is only in a vbox instance, so I cannot know if it is reproducible in real hw09:20
ara but the issue is pretty bad09:20
ara installation finishes correctly, and I can log without problems09:20
ara but if I click on restart in the GDM screen, it does not restart properly09:20
ara http://imagebin.org/6419709:20
sbeattieara: hunh, I wouldn't have thought you would see that; virtualbox is exporting localtime to the guest, not UTC, but fully booted the  hardware clock gets set correctly... until you reboot in vbox.09:23
arasbeattie, I don't think I followed you09:24
sbeattiethere used to be an ubuntu specific patch that caused fsck to ignore superblock times in the future, but that got discarded in the jaunty timeframe.09:24
sbeattieerr, s/jaunty/karmic/09:24
arasbeattie, why it got discarded?09:26
sbeattieara: I think, if you set UTC=no in /etc/default/rcS, you will no longer see that issue; it was happening to me on every shutdown/poweron cycle with virtualbox guests.09:26
arasbeattie, so, it is a virtualbox only issue, isn't it?09:27
arasbeattie, if I had hardware, I would test on hardware ;-)09:27
sbeattieara: yes, at least if it's the same issue I've seen with virtualbox.09:27
davmor2ara: superblock at a time in the future09:27
aradavmor2, do you get the issue in real hw?09:28
davmor2ara: I did last night on oem install09:28
aradavmor2, ouch!09:29
davmor2I'll look at it on hw in a second now I'm back09:29
aradavmor2, ok, thanks09:29
aradavmor2, https://launchpad.net/bugs/42782209:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 427822 in linux "fsck says last write time in future" [Critical,Fix released]09:29
aradavmor2, the issue is supposed to be fixed, but if it is not...09:29
sbeattieara: what's odd is that your localtime is ahead of UTC, so the superblock timestamp should be in the past.09:29
* davmor2 So LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!09:29
sbeattieara: do you see it if you shutdown the vbox guest cleanly and then restart it (not just reboot)?09:30
arasbeattie, no, only rebooting09:30
sbeattieso if you reboot again, you see it again?09:31
arasbeattie, yes, every time I reboot09:32
davmor2Music meastro09:32
arasbeattie, time is 9:46UTC, which it is false, it was 8:46 at that time09:33
ara9:46UTC is 11:48CEST, and now it is 10:30CEST09:33
sbeattieara: does date on your host return the correct CEST time?09:35
sbeattie(host, not the guest)09:36
arasbeattie, yes09:36
arasbeattie, both guest and host return the correct one09:36
* davmor2 wubi on Ubuntu 64bit this will test it09:37
davmor2ara: other thing to try is is reboot say 5 times normally and see if you get the fsck bug then09:38
aradavmor2, yes, I get the bug every tiime I reboot09:39
davmor2ara: you using vm09:39
aradavmor2, yes, vbox09:40
sbeattiewacky. you'd expect the superblock to be two hours off, not one.09:41
davmor2that could be why09:41
* davmor2 says a small prayer to the Ubuntu iso god let it work please09:42
davmor2damn it so close so far10:07
davmor2wubi fails yet again10:07
davmor2but at least it installed this time :)10:08
davmor2ara: are you working on a live cd install at all?10:42
aradavmor2, yes, why?10:43
davmor2ara: have you done the install from ubuntu test yet?10:43
davmor2install ubuntu even10:43
arafull disk10:52
aradavmor2, I am trying to do now the auto-resize10:52
aradavmor2, but I am getting an error, can you try something for me?10:53
aradavmor2, it won't take long :)10:53
davmor2ara: does it say it can't partition it due to an fsck error by any chance :)10:53
davmor2ara go on10:54
aradavmor2, yes, it does. but only auto-resizing from ext310:54
araso I have hardy on ext3, then I try to auto-resize10:54
araand it fails10:54
aradavmor2, what about you?10:54
davmor2not tried that but I got it on a resize I did last night10:55
aradavmor2, grrr, I get the same thing10:55
davmor2but that was on ext4 karmic10:55
aradavmor2, did you file anything?10:55
aradavmor2, a bug, I mean10:55
davmor2ara: No I was looking into it when one of the other installs died :(10:56
aradavmor2, OK, can you quickly check that?10:56
aradavmor2, if you get that as well, we should be filling a bug and telling slangasek10:56
davmor2will do after I see if wubi-r153.exe fixes wubi10:56
davmor2tell him and cjwatson anyway I think then we can look into after10:57
davmor2I told them about 23:30 last night and everyone had pretty much lost the will to live by then10:58
aradavmor2, if I ctrl+alt+f1 during an ubiquity installation, what's login/password to have a shell?10:59
aradavmor2, I just remembered10:59
aradavmor2, ubuntu/blank10:59
aradavmor2, nevermind10:59
aradavmor2, OK, it is the same thing, last check of the system happened in the future, which is not true!!!11:02
davmor2yes that's what I had I rebooted into the normal system ran fsck manually and then tried again and it worked if I recall11:04
* ara still thinks that's not the way it should be ;-)11:05
* ara reboots, brb11:06
* ara believes this is not going to be a good idea, but, anyway...11:07
araschwuk, what are you testing now?11:17
schwuki386 auto-resize11:17
araschwuk, same as me, how does it go so far?11:17
araschwuk, did you get an error resizing?11:17
schwukara: only just booted the virtual machine :)11:18
araschwuk, ok11:18
schwukara: then I'm going to do some of the amd64 ones11:18
araschwuk, can you please, stay with the i386 just until the autopart checks the exisiting file system?11:18
araschwuk, to see if you get the error too?11:19
* ara prepares a usb stick to test on her current machine, just to see if it is reproducible in real hw11:26
* ara reboots and test on her machine11:32
davmor2ara: I'm with you11:55
davmor2I don't think it should do that11:55
natureshadowhi there12:00
natureshadowIs there anybody else who, as of yesterday, cannot update their package lists because the checksums of the main karmic repo are wrong?12:01
davmor2no but then I've been installing a fresh by the minute12:03
natureshadowIn any case, how do I get this problem solved? I already flushed the local package list store with no effect12:14
schwukara: no obvious errors when re-sizing :)12:16
araschwuk, nice, lucky you ;-)12:17
natureshadowI wonder whether Canonical considers it a fun thing breaking my USB hard drive :/ .....12:18
* ara takes i386 desktop free software only12:25
davmor2schwuk: what you re-sizing against?12:28
araschwuk, do you get the different grub2 entries when done?12:29
davmor2ara: I did for linux and xp but not vista has this changed for the worst as well?12:30
arawell, I tried  for linux, and I only got the first entry, I wanted to retest, but then the resizing issue started to happen...12:31
schwukdavmor2: another Karmic install - I'm building a Windows 7 VM to test against12:32
davmor2schwuk: did you set utc=no on the karmic install?12:32
schwukdavmor2: no12:33
davmor2meh so I get on hw ara gets it on vm and you, you jammie git don't get it at all..  Life isn't fair ;)12:33
* ara -> lunch12:38
* davmor2 takes kubuntu 12:40
davmor2morning fader|away I thought I'd get this over and done with things am still broke :(13:07
* davmor2 lunch13:08
=== fader|away is now known as fader_
fader_davmor2: :(13:55
fader_I'm in the Lexington office today so I'll have access to some real hardware for testing, especially netbooks13:56
aradavmor2, are you aware that ogasawara replied to your "double speed" bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/43094014:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 430940 in linux "On my nvidia box the system is running at double speed" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:06
davmor2ara: yes but I need to get the testing out of the way before I can spend all day playing with kernel images, it's bad enough spending most of it reporting bugs :(14:07
aradavmor2, indeed14:07
davmor2ara: already arranged to look at it with ogasawara tomorrow as long as the testing doesn't spill over14:08
aradavmor2, cool14:08
schwukara, davmor2: resize isn't working here after all - on a Windows 7 VM, after install there's no windows entry in GRUB14:20
araschwuk, ok, so you got the grub issue as well. schwuk, can you file that as a separate bug, please?14:21
davmor2schwuk: same as vista.  Need to get that fixed work on xp but I spend 20 minutes getting up14:21
schwukara: will do14:21
schwukara: report against grub or ubiquity?14:22
araschwuk, good question ;-). I would report against ubiquity and let cjwatson reassign if necessary14:22
davmor2schwuk: cjwatson will want a new bug for it but if you put in it that it could be similar to bug 43014114:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 430141 in grub2 "Vista is not showing up in grub2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43014114:22
davmor2schwuk: grub214:23
aradavmor2, have you tried kubuntu?15:37
davmor2yes running it now15:37
aradavmor2, do your shutdown or reboot buttons work?15:37
aradavmor2, mine don't :D15:38
davmor2I figured from the question15:38
aradavmor2, clever guy :D15:38
davmor2I've been called clever before but it was never followed by guy :D15:39
aradavmor2, do you know if they are going to respin?16:34
davmor2ara: I'm assuming not why?16:35
davmor2no body has mentioned it16:35
aradavmor2, ok, just wondering16:35
aradavmor2, because of the clock issues16:35
davmor2it will probably all be errata at this point16:35
davmor2ara the clock issue has gone for me now I'm not using the nvidia box16:36
davmor2so I'm assuming it was due to the clock going at double time under linux16:36
* davmor2 moves onto kubuntu alternate16:56
davmor2oem is borked16:56
jcastroHi everyone: Feedback on this appreciated: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EC217:03
davmor2jcastro: not tested it.  It might be worth running it past the server team17:04
davmor2hello asac17:16
asacanyone has hardy or intrepid or jaunty and can check what happens if you run "xdg-open apt:firefox" ;)17:17
asachi davmor217:17
davmor2hahahahahahahahahahahahahah not a prayer today dude17:17
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
fraser_mIs it possible to dualboot Karmic and Jaunty?19:34
jtholmesseems like we are going in circles bug in present on the 15th, gone on the 16, back on the 17th yikes!! :(21:23
davmor2jtholmes: fixing one thing is breaking another.  Really this stuff could of done with going in last week so it could of been tested safely21:27
jtholmesyeah wild times this release i know it is putting a strain on the developers and paid testers :(21:28
jtholmesand cjwatson is probably not real happy, either ;(21:30
davmor2no one is to be honest21:34
jtholmesgiven the odds this has to happen every now and then, and this is now21:36
davmor2it's bad that it is this fubar this close to beta.  But then on a plus side it's not beta yet so there is time to tweak stuff.  Not a lot of time but time :)21:37
fader_Much better now than, say, RC :)21:38
davmor2marjo: what's that bug number that mdz wanted checking I've got clear system now so I can check it21:38
marjodavmor2: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/4370621:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 43706 in casper "Excessive memory usage on live CD" [Low,Fix released]21:39
jtholmesfader_, yes better now21:40
davmor2fader_: there still a week then day of release surely is what you meant to say ;)21:41
fader_davmor2: Let me borrow that axe ;)21:42
jtholmesdavmor2, fader_ you two keep me laughing over your antics21:42
davmor2fader_: No only room for one insane axe wielding maniac and I got the ticket21:42
fader_Oh, I'm not a maniac.  I'm quite sane.21:43
* fader_ twitches.21:43
* davmor2 no I'm not killing fader_ he's my friend, shut up, get out of my head, NO! I'm not listening21:45
fader_davmor2: Oh man, you hear those voices too?  They must be extra loud today.21:47
davmor2who said that you apologise now, go on say sorry21:49
davmor2hey fader_ how the mad world for machine testing?21:51
fader_davmor2: It's looking pretty decent overall.  A couple of netbooks don't seem to want to record from their internal mics, but other than that life is good21:51
fader_Well, at least for the hardware I can find.  Tracking down what needs tested is a full-time job itself :/21:51
* fader_ is going to superglue all the hardware to heavy blocks so it can't move far or fast.21:52
davmor2fader_: don't do it you know the voices will make you drop them out the window for the butter up/down test21:53
fader_Ubuntu Karmic Koala: Now 70% more likely to land butter-side up!21:53
fader_My ride's leaving the office... afk for a while.  davmor2, do you guys need me to help hit up the mythbuntu tests when I get home?22:06
davmor2can do more the merrier22:07
fader_Roger... I'll watch some TV^W^W^Wdo some tests soon then.22:08
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
davmor2night night all23:26
* fader|away is back on the air.23:43
=== fader|away is now known as fader_
fader_Grabbing amd64 mythbuntu image to start testing23:44
Davieyfader_: great, thanks23:44
fader_Daviey: How did the i386 images look?  Anything I should look out for?23:47

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