
Duke`wow, I got a serious speed improvement after upgrading this morning06:24
Duke`I hope nothing is broken after those optimisations06:25
virtualdwhat package should kms bugs be reported against?10:46
tjaaltonthe kernel10:47
tjaalton= "linux"10:48
virtualdok but then do apport include Xorg logs?10:48
tjaaltonprobably not10:55
tjaaltonyou can file it against the driver too10:55
tjaaltonit'll get reassigned to the kernel if it turns out to be a kernel bug10:56
virtualdhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/388467 how do i use this?11:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 388467 in xorg "apport script to collect information about a gpu hang" [Wishlist,Triaged]11:01
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apwvirtuald, i think you can file it against the kernel and then add X stuff using apport-collect11:42
virtualdyes, thank you11:43
apwvirtuald, whats the kms bug you are seeing ...11:44
apwi am not sure i'd know a bug was kms related11:44
virtualdi haven't posted it11:45
virtualdon rv570 when x gdm starts the screens turn off11:46
virtualdthen they turn on and off with about a minute in between11:46
virtualdbut it's just black11:46
virtualdonce there were some garbled lines before they turned off11:46
tormodtjaalton: can you have a look at bug 429700?13:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429700 in xserver-xorg-video-savage "please merge xserver-xorg-video-savage 2.3.0-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42970013:23
tjaaltontormod: sure, my mistake13:25
virtualdOk so now I'm on my mobile and can login to my gpu hung computer from here13:33
virtualdBut I forgot to check on the Wiki what to en13:34
virtualdWhat to do13:35
tseliottjaalton: where did you upload the packages mentioned in bug #405800?13:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405800 in wacom-tools "Please update wacom to 0.8.4-1 version" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40580013:46
tjaaltontseliot: nowhere yet13:49
tseliottjaalton: ok, please let me know if you do it. I have a tablet for testing.13:54
tjaaltonjust uploaded it to my ppa13:54
tseliotok, thanks13:56
tseliottjaalton: my tablet works, xinput mentions it but "xsetwacom list" doesn't return anything15:08
loic-m_tseliot: I think that's expected with
tseliotloic-m_: is it a feature? :-P15:10
tseliotAFAIK it's not possible to make the tablet work decently with xinerama without xsetwacom15:12
loic-m_tseliot: not that I can think of... xsetwacom still work for sending commands, but the list doesn't show any thing anymore (can't find the thread) since one of the 0.8.3 versions at least15:12
loic-m_tseliot: you should try sending a command and see if it works, the "list" doesn't give much (not sure if it's due to new versions of the driver or new Xorg versions)15:13
tseliotI'm downloading the source code so as to see what the "list" option does15:14
tseliotListDev() must be failing for some reason15:24
loic-m_From my testing of the previous drivers in Karmic, xsetwacom list didn't show anything either, I had to use xinput list --short15:26
loic-m_I don't remember for Jaunty, might reboot into it tonight15:26
tseliotloic-m_: ok, it's important to know that this isn't caused by a regression in the driver15:30
tseliotin the new driver, I mean15:30
loic-m_tseliot: you should still test it yourself with 0.8.3 from the repositories, but at least for Intuos3 tablets I tested it didn't work, and some forums threads mentionned it didn't work since 0.8.3 (they're 30 pages long, so hard to remember where it was)15:32
loic-m_Ill reboot into Jaunty, bbl15:32
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loic-mtseliot: xsetwacom list doesn't work either in Jaunty, just checked, so it could be due to Xorg 1.615:57
tseliotloic-m: I'm getting a lot of segfaults from xsetwacom when I try to use the TVResolution0 and TVResolution1 options15:59
tseliotor the Twinview option15:59
tjaaltonmight be fun to try 0.9 how the input properties work16:00
loic-mI got segfaults with Twinview and in Karmic, never tried the TVResolution# options16:00
loic-mhowever, upstream changelog said it fixed a/some bug(s) with Twinview, it's a shame if it still doesn't work16:01
tseliottjaalton: can they work worse then the current xsetwacom? Will they format my hard disk? :-P16:02
tjaaltontseliot: care to find out?-)16:02
loic-mNope, I was wrong, it was about Nvidia non-TwinView setting :(16:03
tseliottjaalton: maybe wacom-tools should be updated?16:03
loic-mwhat's 0.9?16:03
tseliottjaalton: actually, I take back what I said16:04
tseliotloic-m: the next release. whot is working on it16:04
tjaaltonloic-m: the one whot and ping are working on16:04
tseliotunless I'm wrong16:04
tseliotok, I'm not ;)16:05
loic-mgreat. Ping say he's going to be busy the next 6 month, I didn't expect next release to be around soon16:05
tjaaltonI'll try this new version with my waltop after the reboot16:05
loic-mbtw, Timo, Upstream just released ;)  - I'm sure you wished you waited one more day...16:06
tjaaltonwhat changed?16:06
jcristau"September 16, 2009 - Fixed a mapping issue introduced by non-TwinView support. Label 0.8.4-2. "16:07
loic-mjust a bugfix of a feature that wasn't there pre- then16:08
tseliotok, this might be interesting16:08
tseliotit looks more like a regression introduced by the new feature16:09
* tseliot restarts X16:10
tjaaltonstill crashes the server when trying to use the crappy waltop16:24
tjaalton"127f is not supported by linuxwacom"16:25
tjaaltonwhat a way to tell that16:25
tjaaltonif (sID[1] == 0x056A) { ... } else { ErrorF("%x is not supported by linuxwacom.\n", sID[1]);16:32
tjaalton056A is the vendor id of wacom16:34
tjaaltonseems like the device was previously detected as a serial tablet16:37
tseliotso they dropped the support for your tablet?16:42
tjaaltonthe code path used to be different for some reason, now it actually knows it is a usb device, and fails because the vendor id doesn't match16:43
tseliotyou could try with if ((sID[1] == 0x056A) || (sID[1] == 0x127f)) {...} etc. just to see whether your tablet is supported or not16:47
tjaaltonyep, trying that now16:47
* tjaalton wants an intuos4 L..16:52
loic-mtjaalton: intuos3 should be cheap now secondhand, and the support should also be better...16:57
loic-mand for wacom tablets, second hand  = new16:57
loic-mand you can resell i afterwards (try that with a Waltop...)16:58
tjaaltonbut intuos4 looks good :)16:59
tjaaltonthis was meant to be a toy for the kids16:59
tjaaltonat least it doesn't crash now, but there's still the same error msg17:00
tseliottjaalton: maybe there's some other check you haven't noticed17:02
loic-mintuos4 sure would be nice, since they reduced the pressure need for registering contact with the tablet, one of my main gripe with Tablets17:04
tjaaltontseliot: nah, was looking at the wrong logfile..17:11
tseliotaaah, ok17:11
tjaaltonit sets up the device, but nothing happens when I try to use it17:12
tseliotso they did drop the support for your tablet17:12
tjaaltonwhen the driver detected it as a serial device, it worked17:15
tjaaltondoesn't look like the driver changed17:16
pwnguinim not sure why they ever added support for waltop21:04
tjaaltonwho they?21:06
tjaaltonI don't think wacom added anything, it just used to work21:07
tjaaltonout of sheer luck21:08
jcristauluck is good.21:08
tjaaltonif it's not bad21:08
tjaaltonwell, evdev works somewhat, but it's detected as a keyboard21:09
pwnguinright now my tabletPC is angry about a filesystem from the future21:10
tjaaltonshould be fixed by the latest kernel21:11

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