
BrianTMjust about01:14
rebewlabscan i ask a question in here?03:00
rebewlabswell another question..03:00
obiwan_rewenas, tios como puedo quitarle permisos a root? necesito que no me toque ni cristo el xorg.conf, porque me mete cosas raras03:11
obiwan_sry wrong forum :S03:15
obiwan_sry channel haha03:15
zerothisI have a weird thing to do. boot without my internal HD plugged in, them mount it. possible?04:15
newmini9the mini 9 comes with some local installed apps I want to repackage as I plan on upgrading the mini 9 to ubuntu 8.10 or 9.04. Does anyone know what the util will be called?04:44
lobohey, has anyone installed compiz for xubuntu successfully?06:29
Sysii had it06:30
Sysiwith emerald it worked06:30
lobowhy dont you anymore?06:30
Sysii didn't like it06:31
Sysior emerald neither06:31
lobowas there any issues?06:31
Sysi~/cache/sessions/ need to be empty06:32
Sysiand no tap in "save session"06:33
Sysii didn't manage to get it work with xfwm, but one guy say he did06:33
loboare you using another compositing wm?06:34
Sysinow xfwm with transparency06:34
loboalright hey thanks sysi06:39
takeouthey what do i edit to launch applications at startup?07:33
TheSheeptakeout: see settings->autostarted applications07:34
takeoutdont see that07:35
takeoutah, its in 'Session and Startup'07:36
takeoutTheSheep: ty.07:37
takeoutdo you by chance know what file this is stored in?07:38
TheSheeptakeout: in .config/autostart/07:38
takeoutTheSheep: <307:39
takeouthey, any of you guys know about installing windows 7/vista after a multiboot system is already setup?07:41
TheSheepyou will have to boot from livecd and fix grub07:41
takeouti'm not using grub07:42
TheSheepbecause windows overwrites it07:42
TheSheepthen no idea, try on #windows07:42
takeouti mean i am, but its installed to a separate boot07:42
us3r51hi , i have installed fluxbox in xubuntu problem is fonts are too large , i googled for this problem but i fnd the solution is to change font in gtkrc 2.0 file but there is no gtk2.0 file available in user dir , any solution ??? ??? ??? ???08:11
andrey__hey people ! i cant install webcam in Lenovo 3000 n100,  , i have ubuntu 9.0412:24
homebrewciderTrying to install a program, did ./configure already got this message when "make" <make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.> can someone please tell me what I did wrong? I followed the install instuctions14:32
Sysiyou couldn't find program from repositories?14:33
homebrewciderthinks that is an older package14:33
homebrewcidertrying to do that bnow14:33
homebrewciderbut should /lib/var/dpkg locked is another program using it? error14:34
Sysisome other program also uses dpkg?14:35
ideamonk_anyone runs xubuntu over old P3 256mb rams ?16:28
ldez1I run it on a laptop that has a P4 and 256mb ram16:31
Sysii had celeron 2.4ghz and 256mb, and eeepc with 900mhz and 512mb16:37
ldez1ideamonk_: Why, what's up?16:38
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ideamonk_ldez1, am confused over what to put in an old p3 box16:38
ideamonk_ubuntu 7.10 works pretty slow16:39
ideamonk_how good is xubuntu compared to ubuntu, much faster or just slight improvements ?16:39
Sysiworks lot better with 256mb16:39
ldez1Yeah, xubuntu is definitely a solid choice.. You can start out by trying 9.04, but that might run a bit slow for ya.. If it isn't running great, then you could downgrade to 8.10 or 7.1016:39
ldez1It's quite a bit more light weight16:39
ideamonk_and can I put xubuntu over previous ubuntu install and remove gnome from it ?16:40
Sysi512mb is minimum for gnome, i think xubuntu would do 128mb16:40
ideamonk_Woah then I guess I'm really being cruel to that old box by running gnome... thanks16:41
Sysiwell, it propably runs but propably not comfortably16:42
ldez1Hehe, I did the same thing on my dad's old laptop I was restoring for him.. Put Ubuntu 9.04 on there and it was not a pretty situation.16:42
ldez1Switched him over to Xubuntu and it's running just a ton better now.16:42
Sysifrom XP to ubuntu was huge change even with 512mb16:43
ideamonk_guys what does one mean by saying something like, Ubuntu xyz would be supported till Apr 201016:43
ideamonk_does it mean that I won't be able to apt-get after Apr 2010 ?16:44
ldez1I think that refers to security updates and such16:44
Sysiafter that repositories are closed16:44
ldez1Ah, repositories as well? Good to know.16:44
DizzyDWow do I feel behind :S17:19
DizzyDCould I possibly be the only one still running feisty fawn?17:19
mthornWhat's the best way to install the gnome global menu applet in xubuntu without installing gnome?17:22
mthornI'm running 8.1017:24
DizzyDmthorn, do you know how to upgrade from feisty to 8.10?17:25
mthornDizzyD: erm, can't you just do a dist-upgrade?17:26
mthornwell, several of them anyway17:26
mthornfeisty all the way to intrepid, I'd probably just do a clean install.17:26
DizzyDwell every time I try to upgrade to 7.10 via update manager I get "Could not find the release notes"17:28
mthornhm. I'd strongly recommend a clean install. It'd take forever to download17:29
Sysisometimes clean install is easiest solution17:31
DizzyDYikes. I just didn't want to lose everything17:31
Sysitake backup17:31
Sysior make separated /home partition17:31
mthornI'm not sure what you think you're going to lose17:33
mthornas Sysi said, backup your stuff, nothing is lost.17:34
Sysiif you just "use entire drive" of course all data is erased17:35
Sysiif you only have one partition17:35
max82frHI people18:37
max82frI am trying to install a pc cd rom on my ubuntu18:37
max82frI have tried with WINE18:37
max82frthe installation starts but then crashes at the end  when dll files are involved18:38
max82frCan anyone help please???18:38
ldez1max82fr, what is it you are trying to install?18:40
max82fra driving test pc cd rom18:40
ldez1A lot of software can be pretty fussy with running through wine.. Have you tried googling and seeing if other people have tried installing that exact program with wine?18:41
max82frno but it says it needs Microsoft.net framework to run18:42
max82frcan u help please18:44
ldez1Check this out.. http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page18:44
ldez1I guess it's available through synaptic also, but I'm not sure if that will solve your problem.. but it's worth a try I suppose..18:46
mthornDoes anyone have a suggestion on the best way to install the gnome global menu on xubuntu 8.10?19:04
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takeouti'm trying to use javascript with php but i'm running into trouble passing data between the two.19:59
takeouti dont know much about developing, so is this a good idea and are there reliable safe ways to do this?20:00
takeouti understand they both run on different sides of the server20:00
S0210How are the file names generated in the .thumbnails/normal directory?20:39
mthornI'm running 8.10 and am trying to get the gnome global menu applet to work nicely with xfce4-panel20:48
mthornI've got the gnome applet running, but it doesn't seem to expand properly, so all the menu options end up in a drop down rather than expanding the panel applet's area.20:48
mthornDoes anyone have a suggestion on how to fix the width of the applet so it always has enough room?20:49
valadareshey guys20:59
valadaresI am experience some problem with openwrt.org20:59
valadarescan't finish my downloads because I can't connect with it to get the firmware21:00
valadaresdoes anyone know how to solve this, to give me a hand here?21:00
churrono sorry21:09
deadlyallance758whats a good channle to find help with programing22:24
deadlyallance758join /debian22:25
durt what language? there are channels for just about every one.22:30
dgpjfor example: if I wanted to change the name of any shortcut under applications>settings how do I do that?23:01
dgpjfor example: if I wanted to change the name of any shortcut under applications>settings how do I do that?23:11
ubuntuso, i downloaded and am running xubuntu live. i need to mount my other cd drive as it wont auto detect/mount the dvd-r i just put into it. so i can burn a backup copy of other files.  anyone can help out?23:40

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