=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk [00:11] hi kiko [00:20] mwhudson: got a few minutes to talk about code imports? [00:24] jml: Is there any point catching exceptions in the sprout/pull, or should I just do it around the open where the problems are actually going to occur? [00:25] # cat /usr/share/pyshared/lazr.uri-1.0-nspkg.pth [00:25] import sys,new,os; p = os.path.join(sys._getframe(1).f_locals['sitedir'], *('lazr',)); ie = os.path.exists(os.path.join(p,'__init__.py')); m = not ie and sys.modules.setdefault('lazr',new.module('lazr')); mp = (m or []) and m.__dict__.setdefault('__path__',[]); (p not in mp) and mp.append(p) [00:25] gary_poster: ^ uhm, yikes :-/ [00:27] * maxb glares spiky death at pycentral and namespace packages in general [00:27] maxb: yeah, welcome to setuptools :-/ [00:28] I like namespace packages as an idea myself. implementation leaves a bit to be desired, but bringing core features to a language without a language's consent sometimes does that IME [00:28] "a bit" [00:28] :-) [00:29] maxb: so, that's not perl there, I take it? :) [00:30] heh [00:32] This is so screwed up. How on earth do you support namespace packages mixed between PYTHONPATH and the system dirs !? [00:32] Run. Away. [00:35] thumper: ok [00:35] Sadly that's not going to result in a running Launchpad [00:36] the problem with setuptools is that people use it [00:36] maxb@z61p:~$ python -c 'import sys; print sys.modules["lazr"]' [00:36] [00:36] * maxb boggles [00:36] unlike other pje-projects, which people have been insprired by [00:37] generally usefully [00:41] wgrant, sorry... [00:42] maxb: I'm not really around--I need to do some 3.0 stuff, but otherwise not be here. But our general goal has been to keep the system namespace packages at the very end of the pythonpath, so that we don't see them. [00:42] PYTHONPATH might not be sufficient for that, if it tacks things at the end of the path--and that's what we use for running some scripts. [00:42] Feel free to do more of course, but if you send me a note with what's calling the codehosting scripts--the mechanism, so I can duplicate it outside of the tests--I'll be happy to do the surgery. [00:42] wgrant, exceptions are going to occur in open & sprout/pull [00:42] "happy" ;-) [00:42] If our approach to bin/py (PYTHONPATH) is at fault, then we'll have to use a faux-interpreter, which will be fine, but will involve some Makefile surgery. [00:42] wgrant, so catch around both. [00:42] (done) [00:43] I will do some research, I guess [00:45] maxb: Minimally, if you give me dupe instructions (which maybe are as simple as "install lazr.enum and run the failing tests") then I'll get around to it eventually. [00:45] bin/py -c 'import lazr.uri; print lazr.enum' [00:45] ^ dupe instructions [00:45] oops [00:45] I mean bin/py -c 'import lazr.enum' [00:46] that's all :-) [00:48] maxb: yup. I think I had already set up my karmic to try to look like your installation in this regard. ok, that's good enough. thank you, I can go from there. [00:49] bin/py -S -c 'import lazr.enum' works [00:49] as does bin/py -S scripts/mirror-branch.py -h [00:50] unsurprising that the import would work. More surprising that the mirror-branch works, but I guess it doesn't need lxml and so on that we have in dist-packages [00:54] lp doesn't use lxml anyway :-) [00:55] screw it, early lunch, focus after hopefully... [01:02] maxb: no? I thought we did. and there are some other bits that I think we need. [01:15] jml: But exceptions that occur after the open are probably real, even if it's an optional sourcedep. [01:17] wgrant, ummm... let me think about that for a bit (on a call still) [01:17] jml: OK, sorry. [01:19] wgrant, no problem at all. [01:27] ok. [01:27] I'm back. [01:28] wgrant, that's a good point. sadly, I don't actually know what the semantics of the 'optional' field in the config file actually are. [01:28] jml: Its intent and use is clear, however. [01:29] wgrant, you think? [01:29] wgrant, if it's optional (e.g. shipit), and we can open it, but something happens to prevent us pulling it, what should happen? [01:30] and why :) [01:30] I think it should die. [01:30] They are optional to prevent things dieing if the user has insufficient privileges. [01:31] hmm. [01:31] ok. fair enough. [01:31] If the open succeeds, the user has permission. [01:31] So any subsequent failure is real. [01:36] wgrant, so, are you preparing a patch for this, or shall I? [01:36] jml: It's sufficiently trivial that it would probably be less work for you to do it. [01:37] wgrant, heh, ok. [01:37] mwhudson: proposal made for import branches [01:37] Just wrapping the Branch.open for new branches is sufficient, but the same should probably be done for the updating thing. [01:42] thumper, why are you disabling auto-upgrade? [01:46] jml: because going from packs -> 2a takes a long! time [01:47] jml: a more orderly upgrade would be good [01:47] jml: especially with 2.5k imports [01:47] thumper, *nod* [01:47] thumper, do you have any plans for how to upgrade the imports to 2a? [01:48] jml: nothing concrete yet [01:48] jml: we have some ideas for the git imports [01:48] jml: I'd like to get the upgrade job done properly [01:48] jml: and then probably use that [01:48] thumper, that makes sense. [01:48] jml: but no concrete plans [01:49] thumper, it'd be good to have some. [01:49] jml: yes, it would [01:49] jml: but my planning brain has been full with lp 3.0 [01:49] since as long as they are out of date, we're making Bazaar look slower than it actually is. [01:49] thumper, understood! :) [02:12] * jml afk [02:33] mwhudson, do I have to do anything wrt ec2-entrypoins? [02:33] jml: no [02:33] mwhudson, thanks. [02:33] jml: i am slaving away to get it ready for review [02:34] :) [02:34] jml: will you be able to review it this afternoon? [02:34] mwhudson, quite possibly [02:34] jml: excellent [02:38] away again [02:57] launchpad probably doesn't need five IRC channels. [02:59] jml: Are you counting an internal one, or am I missing one? [02:59] wgrant, an internal one, yes. [02:59] But aren't there lots of internal ones? [03:00] not that I know of. [03:01] mwhudson, can we import from svn that requires http auth? [03:02] jml: yes, you have to get a losa to faff around on the slaves though [03:03] If only svn was less braindead and allowed one to specify credentials in the URL like... everything else. [03:04] I wish every whiteboard were a wall [03:04] or something [03:13] jml: it's a strange repo too, it contains a zip file [03:13] hmm [03:19] thumper: cscvs branch landed [03:20] mwhudson: cool [03:35] thumper, can a product branch be linked to a product series for a different product? [03:35] jml: it shouldn't be able to [03:35] jml: I think we check when they try to link it [03:35] jml: but if it is linked, then moved, I don't think we check [03:35] thumper, ahh, that'll explain it [03:35] (also, is there a bug for that?) [03:36] don't think so [03:36] https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/schooltool/main [03:36] I can't delete that branch because I'm not a project driver for obsolete-junk [04:03] wgrant: around? [04:04] wgrant: bug 407643 [04:04] Bug #407643: CodeImportNewView confusing after form changes [04:22] mwhudson, buying you a beer (or some single malt) is now on my todo list. ec2test --headless is quick now. [04:22] thumper: Hi. [04:23] wgrant: hey, take a look at my image attached to the bug [04:23] wgrant: I'm getting that reviewed [04:23] * wgrant looks. [04:23] thumper: Much better. Thanks. [04:23] np [04:24] BjornT: you up yet? [04:24] * thumper thinks optimistically [04:28] rockstar: :) [04:30] jml: hi [04:30] mwhudson, hi [04:30] jml: testing anything in ec2test is going to be hard because of python 2.4/2.5 fun-ness [04:32] though, hah, testrunner doesn't import boto [04:32] mwhudson, it took me a while to parse that :) [04:33] jml: sorry :) [04:33] also bzr plugin path issues :( [04:35] mwhudson, so, what therefore shall we do? [04:35] jml: land this branch sans tests? [04:36] (i haven't actually written any yet) [04:36] mwhudson, I think that's fair enough. [04:36] * thumper afk for a few minutes [04:38] ... Person.t_shirt_size? ahaha. [04:44] Where did you find that? I thought I managed to kill off that idea. [04:46] In some branch that I happened to come across. [04:58] jml: you have mail [04:58] mwhudson, thanks. [04:59] mwhudson, I'm just going out to lunch. I'll review it when I get back. [04:59] I'll try to be quick [04:59] jml: ok, thanks [05:15] Argh. There's no way from the outside to tell whether two LFAs with the same content actually have the same LFC, is there? [05:38] wgrant, LFA? [05:39] librarianfilealias, i presume [05:41] Right. It will let me find all LFAs with a particular SHA1, but won't tell me which LFC they point to. [05:41] But I found the relevant code lurking deep in Soyuz, so no matter. [05:44] nascentupload is too big, confusing and scary. [05:56] yes. [05:56] I've made it smaller recently [05:56] and will probably make it smaller again soon. [05:56] Very good. [06:24] (if ever I get a moment to start working on my top priority tasks!) [06:40] yay, bzr 2.0rc2 landed [06:41] yay [06:43] Man, I'm currently in the mood to replace all the code page tests with unittests. [06:44] rockstar: possibly not on friday of week 3, but +1 in general [06:45] mwhudson, yes, this is a large reason why I'm not doing it. However, working with the pagetests fills me with vigor that will hopefully last until the weekend. [06:46] heh [06:46] Also, I will worship at the feet of anyone who will delete notfound-traversals.txt [06:46] Not just worship, but like, sacrifice people and everything. You know, REAL worship. [06:56] mwhudson, I'm so glad you've done this ec2 command refactoring [06:56] mwhudson, not just because it makes ec2 better, but also it will make my future command-line apps easier to write :) [06:57] jml: heh heh [06:58] jml: bzrlib needs to change a bit to make them truly easy, i think [06:58] mwhudson, agreed. [06:58] but i'm not sure i understand how the parts interact sufficiently yet to see precisely how [06:58] mwhudson, but at least I now have mental hooks into how to begin thinking about it :) [06:58] otoh, it's 6pm on a friday, i don't understand anything very precisely now [07:04] heh :) [07:11] gosh I hate CHR [07:12] it makes me want to fix about a dozen bugs [07:12] which is partly the point of doing it [07:12] * mwhudson EOWs [07:12] but I don't think I'll have any time between now & Christmas to do so :\ [07:13] jml: and then you realize how hard it is to make changes to launchpad [07:13] mwhudson, see you around [07:13] jml: good luck with the move [07:13] mwhudson, I might change code import branches to be owned by their actual owners rather than vcs-imports, just to surprise you :P [07:13] mwhudson, thanks! [07:13] jml: that would be awesome [07:14] mwhudson, although maybe deleting comments would make me more friends :) [07:35] jml: deleting comments would make you friends in more ... authorized ... places, for sure [08:00] connection blinking... I need coffee. [08:00] hi mwhudson, thanks for your help; I slept wonderfully [08:00] jtv: hooray [08:10] Does noone take things out of context anymore? [08:12] Sadly I read the earlier conversation, so could not help you. [08:20] A sad day for puerile office humor [08:20] Hi! [08:20] Does anybody know how to display a projects logo? [08:21] Or should we just get rid of them? [13:24] gmb: we should definitely have the report another bug (see discussion on the ml). the question is whether to just include it in the involvement portlet style or as something less prominent [13:24] intellectronica: I'll re-read that thread; must've missed that part of the discussion. (I wish that Google had invented "highlight the text relevant to my brain2) [13:24] i think the 'list all open bugs' link is not necessary, though [13:25] intellectronica: Agreed on both counts. I'll put the report a bug link in the portlet for now; we can always move it later. [13:25] gmb: i'd say an action link like for the 'report another bug'. the involvement portlet is too prominent [13:25] Hmm. [13:25] intellectronica: Maybe we should just leave it at the foot of the page then. [13:26] and it would be a bit weird because the context isn't the target, it's the bugtask [13:26] Yeah. [13:27] gmb: i really can't decide on that. ot1h putting it at the bottom kinda' makes sense because it communicates that you should read everything before filing another bug. otoh, part of the redesign is an attempt to move the actions back together so users don't have to search for them all over the page [13:27] Right. [13:28] maybe leaving both links at the bottom is the path of least resistance, though [13:28] gawd, i'm not really helping, am i :-/ [13:28] intellectronica: It's Friday week 3. PoLR is my favourite route today. [13:28] gmb: yeah, i agree [13:28] intellectronica: Design is hard. This is why we employ Argentinians. [13:29] (And mpt, but hey, that spoils the gag) [13:31] Hah. Failure in tests: Just about everything under lp.bugs.stories. What a surprise. [13:32] gmb, I could pretend to be Argentinian. I eat meat. [13:33] mpt: You might need to talk faster and gesticulate more, but hey, this is IRC... [13:34] \o_ [13:34] Hah. [13:35] mrevell-lunch, noodles775: Can you please look at bug 431244, my last comment? I need some input UI-wise (and a review eventually) and content-wise (new blog posts!). [13:35] Bug #431244: Launchpad homepage needs conversion to 3.0 design. [13:36] I will be relocating now but will be back soon. [13:36] k [13:36] thanks === mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell [13:53] Somebody might want to point henninge at bug #429247 when he returns. [13:53] Bug #429247: Locationless

s block login/out widgets [14:07] henninge: Bug #429247 [14:07] Bug #429247: Locationless

s block login/out widgets [14:09] wgrant: thanks! [14:09] wgrant: now I am wondering if it should really be "low" ... [14:10] henninge: Not if the homepage is locationless, no. [14:10] yup [14:10] wgrant: I don't see another way to do the home page, at least not if I stick to Martin's design... [14:11] mrevell, noodles775: I am back btw. [14:11] ;-) [14:12] henninge: Right. [14:17] sinzui, barry, bac, salgado, EdwinGrubbs: Registry conversion is complete, awesome job!!! [14:20] flacoste: rockstar: what is the status of the final 3 answers pages? [14:21] sinzui: only rockstar knows and it's a little early for him yet [14:21] sinzui, it's approved to land, but tests keep failing. I'm working on them now. [14:22] :( [14:22] sinzui, yea, tell me about it. [14:23] rockstar: how can you be on American East Coast Time and keep time with NZ? [14:23] sinzui, I sleep 40 minutes every few hours. [14:23] ...give or take. [14:24] (especially when I have a deadline) [14:29] henninge: yep, I'll be taking a look shortly (just had lunch-break) :) [14:29] noodles775: fine [14:50] sinzui, ping [14:50] hi rockstar [14:51] sinzui, so my tests were all passing, but I apparently had conflicts, so I merged in trunk, and now my templates are throwing TraversalError in the MenuAPI on context. Would you know what changed to do this? [14:53] yes [14:53] rockstar: There is python error in one of the links [14:53] rockstar: you can see the real error in a unittest, browser tests hide it [14:54] sinzui, okay, I'll take a gander. [14:55] rockstar: I had a bad experience a few months ago when I discovered I wrote a link the correct way (pass the name to canonical_url). and the link failed because the view was not registered for IProject. [14:55] sinzui, well, it was working before the merge. If I revert, everything is fine, but then I have conflicts. [14:55] rockstar: The link was canonical_url(something) + '/+view-name' [14:56] rockstar: I have a simple test tool [14:56] * sinzui looks for example [14:56] sinzui, usedfor = IBranch should make it work, right? [14:56] That is perfect [14:59] rockstar: You can check_menu to verify the links http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/273506/ [15:00] rockstar: it instantiates the link and verifies there is a view for it. It will die when the link logic is bad of the view is not registered [15:00] Alright, I'll give it a whack. [15:01] rockstar: ^ I added this because I discovered that there were two bad links that were very old in that menu [15:02] bac: I just assigned bug 422334 to you. I do think it is trivial, but it may be easy do since person-index does it [15:02] Bug #422334: "Contact this team" link should be in the action menu [15:02] ok [15:03] bac: Oh, person-index did it by not putting it in the action menu, we just put it in the side bar. that is much easier [15:05] barry: Re your 14 failures and 2 errors on Karmic - I attribute 13 failures and 2 errors to the lazr import mess mentioned on LaunchpadOnKarmic - I added a rather crude workaround to that page this morning [15:05] maxb: cool. i haven't looked into it in detail, but thanks for working on it [15:10] I am hugely jealous of having a machine that can get through bin/test in 2 hours :-) [15:12] maxb: i earned it though. the machine i had been using was painful, loud, hot, and unreliable. :) [15:13] I ran it on an Aspire One netbook once. Took 9ΒΌ hours :-) [15:15] ouch. before this box, i had nothing newer than circa 2006 and my main dev box was a 3ghz p4. otoh, i don't get as many naps now [15:40] * gmb -> out BBIAB. [15:47] sinzui: did I use the wrong milestone for bug 432516? [15:47] Bug #432516: Convert /rdf page to UI 3.0 [15:48] EdwinGrubbs: wrong project. the file is owned by launchpad-foundations [15:48] sinzui: oh, that probably changed the milestone automatically, and I didn't notice anything else in the email. [15:49] yes, it does. === EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-afk [16:39] sinzui, if the context of a page is an IQuestionSet, and I register a menu with usedfor IQuestionSet, the view should be able to get to the menu, right? [16:40] rockstar: yes in a manner is speaking [16:41] rockstar: views and context can both have a menu, since you have both objects, you have two menus. [16:41] rockstar: /@@+global-action [16:41] sinzui, so I have a menu that works for the view when the context is ISearchableByQuestionOwner, but not when the context is IQuestionSet. [16:41] sinzui, this is an application menu. [16:43] so context/menu:answers will work. since they are not associated with a view, you need to ensure the menu is registered for both. [16:44] rockstar: I have done a lot of subclassing that modifies one or two lines like label, page_title, usefor to update everything to 3.0 [16:47] sinzui, so, I seem to have fucked these menus up beyond recognition. I'm feeling pretty frustrated. Can we have a call? [16:47] yes [16:47] rockstar: I am ready === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch [16:54] jml: ping [16:54] rockstar: ping [16:54] EdwinGrubbs, on the phone. [16:55] deryck: ping [16:58] barry: did you land all of adeuring branches? [16:58] EdwinGrubbs, pong [16:58] flacoste: i could only get the first one landed [16:58] deryck: do you need help converting the hwdb pages on https://dev.launchpad.net/VersionThreeDotO/UI/TemplateToDoList since Abel is out? [16:58] flacoste: the others are still up for grabs [16:59] EdwinGrubbs: could you finish adeuring branches? [16:59] flacoste: sure [16:59] EdwinGrubbs, yes, please. === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch [17:13] sinzui, I'm not entirely sure the question-listing and faq-listing are going to get done today. The tests are making me realize they are bigger than I thought. [17:14] If PQM doesn't close until tomorrow, I may be able to get it done tonight. [17:17] flacoste, when is PQM closing? [17:18] rockstar: do what you can. I can help fix tests, change code, do reviews. I have a only a few tomorrow because I leave for a sprint [17:20] sinzui, I think I'm going to quit on this branch, and do a really minimal mechanical change, and then come back to this and do it proper. [17:21] rockstar: push the branch. I'll try to pick it up. I am going to assist salgado first [17:21] sinzui, the problem is that question-listings can by applied to LOTS of different Interfaces, and they all need different items in their menus. [17:22] henninge: not that i'm any authority on this, but i think the new homepage is great. there's lots of stuff that can be improved, but as it is it's already a great improvement and i would be proud to have it as our 3.0 homepage [17:23] intellectronica: thank you so much ! [17:43] rockstar: i'm thinking of closing it on Sunday when spm starts [17:44] flacoste, okay. That actually gives me a little breathing room. I was thinking it'd close in about 7 hours, and so that means I have to be off to ec2 in 3. === deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] [17:57] salgado-lunch: how can I help you [18:04] sinzui, so, I changed the menus in answers, and for some reason, the titles of the pages all broke. Would you happen to know why? [18:05] rockstar: I think titles broke when barry landed his branch on Saturday. Did you see the bug I reported about FAQs [18:07] rockstar: titles are the inverse of breadcrumbs, but I think there is something missing form the view (labels and or page_titles) because neither is being used. FAQs to not have a title or a heading [18:08] night all [18:09] sinzui, I did. [18:09] rockstar: I see. FAQ does not have a view. That is why is is screwed up. You may want to verify if everything you are working with has a view in configure.zcml [18:09] sinzui, the thing is, without my patch, the tests are fine, but with my patch, the tests aren't fine. [18:10] because all the page titles changed form sane to crack? [18:10] I see the FAQ is an easy fix [18:11] sinzui: is the ISprintSpecification/+decide page even used now? It seems to be superseded by the ISprint/+settopics page that lets you decide on multiple ISprintSpecifications at once? I can't even figure out how to load +decide since there are no tests. [18:11] sinzui, yeah, it shouldn't be hard. I'm talking about listings now though, not the bug you file (although I can probably fix that too) [18:12] EdwinGrubbs: I do not know the answer. [18:13] rockstar: I see that question-listing use LaunchpadView, not a subclass to define a page_title or label [18:14] rockstar: in 3.0 every page needs unique view. [18:14] sinzui, wait, what? [18:15] sinzui, maybe I should get on the phone with you again, if that's agreeable. [18:16] rockstar: For a page to be a full page (a page title) it must have a view to define that. I can see in my copy of RF that it does not: [18:16] for="lp.answers.interfaces.question.IQuestion" [18:16] class="canonical.launchpad.webapp.LaunchpadView" [18:16] permission="zope.Public"> [18:16] name="+listing-detailed" [18:16] template="../templates/question-listing-detailed.pt" /> [18:17] sinzui, question-listing-detailed isn't a full page though. [18:17] It's a fragment. [18:17] rockstar: ^ subclass LaunchpadView and give it a label (and maybe a page_title). barry says it needs a label, salgado-lunch says it needs a page_title. I decided the two can fight it out in a caged match next week [18:18] rockstar: okay, my misunderstanding [18:18] rockstar: when template and view is the issue [18:18] sinzui, this my diff that somehow breaks page titles : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/273626/ [18:18] * barry prefers silly string and water balloons, but is up for anything [18:18] two men enter, one man leaves === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado [18:22] rockstar: your diff does not show that you added SearchQuestionsView.page_title [18:23] sinzui, until we have some time for the caged match I've changed the code to be happy with either a label or a page_title [18:24] sinzui, and all the failing tests seem to be fixed, according to ec2 [18:24] rockstar: in fact, I see it was only added to ManageAnswerContactView. I think all views in the browser modules need a label or a page_title [18:24] sinzui, lable and page_title are and/or? [18:24] salgado: You more than rock! [18:26] rockstar: try a label first and see what happens. I expect you to get something since barry guarantees a title form the breadcrumbs [18:27] rockstar: if you're getting breadcrumbs already, that will be used as the default title, but currently label is required [18:28] It looks like I just needed to move pageheading to be page_title. We'll see what happens. [18:30] rockstar: Yes! that was what I was thinking when I created the page_title attribute. That is also why I wanted to do answers, I could cheat with a global find and replace [18:33] sinzui, :) I still need a label though, right? Can it be the same as the page_title? [18:33] bigjools: is sources-list.pt (from the launchad list of templates) soyuz? Or can we ignore it? [18:34] deryck[lunch]: I'm still thinking that bugs will be doing the hwdb stuff from https://dev.launchpad.net/VersionThreeDotO/UI/TemplateToDoList [18:34] is that right? [18:36] rockstar: given what salgado said about label/page_title I don't think it needs a label if the page is displaying the page_title in the heading and title. If they are not displayed, I would make lable = page_title [18:36] rockstar: I think in 3.1.10, we will remove the heading-slot and page_title. We will just use label. The mater is being discussed [18:36] salgado: I thought it was possible to override just the +foo part of the page_title? [18:37] EdwinGrubbs: do not think about that matter [18:38] EdwinGrubbs: we need to wait for salgado's branch to land before we can judge what needs to be changed. the +foo = view.label or view.page_title [18:38] sinzui, and failures like this are to be expected and changed? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/273636/ [18:39] rockstar: :( yes. that is the new page title rules that landed 6 days ago [18:39] sinzui, great, that's all I needed to know. At least now I know they are supposed to break and be fixed, and it's not something I did unintentionally. [18:41] EdwinGrubbs: keep this in mind as you make changes. An ugly page title is easy to fix in the future. but every 2.0 page will have broken navigation. we need the pages converted now. No blueprint or launchapd page is worth more than 1 hour of hacking time === deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck [18:46] gary_poster, I believe EdwinGrubbs was going to take care of the hwdb templates if he could. [18:47] oh ok [18:47] EdwinGrubbs: I'm working on low-priority templates--actually I will update the todo list--so I can do that instead if you are booked. [18:47] gary_poster: I was going to try, but right now I'm working on Abel's branches that were already review but needed a few changes, so if you want to take them, go for it. [18:48] EdwinGrubbs: ok. I'll finish my current bits and then check in with you. thanks [18:50] does anybody know what the hell ABE is and how to shut it off for all of launchpad.dev? [18:51] barry: do you mean those log messages? [18:51] starting with A and B and E and with dates and stuff? [18:51] gary_poster: it's a firefox thing and it stops me from hitting certain launchpad.dev urls, though it seems to be completely random about what it complains about [18:51] ABE = (apparently) application boundaries enforcer [18:51] barry: oh, sorry, then no. :-/ [18:52] gary_poster: ;) [18:52] ah. it's a noscript thing [18:55] noodles775 (redirected from asking bigjools): is sources-list.pt (from the launchad list of templates) soyuz? Or can we ignore it? [18:58] * sinzui takes specification-index [19:02] hi salgado [19:02] hi bac [19:03] salgado: when i run 'bin/test -vvm lp.registry' now i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/273651 . it was introduced by the branch you landed for jamal [19:04] bac, are you sure? the changes I reviewed didn't have anything related to that [19:04] * salgado checks the diff from the revision email [19:05] salgado: i don't know what is happening. the error does mention lp.registry.browser.test.test_person_view, which that branch introduced [19:05] salgado: i have isolated it to that revision - 9521 [19:05] LP looks a bit plain now the colour-coded applications aren't any more [19:06] maxb: your meeting the team leads in London at the end of the month aren't you? [19:07] bac, that's weird; I submitted the branch through ec2, but it's possible it conflicts with something that landed while it was in ec2. let me check [19:07] Yes [19:07] maxb: I'll introduce you to beuno. You can talk colour with him [19:07] salgado: wait, i may have the wrong revision [19:07] barry, I still seem to be getting +faqs in my title, even though I have label and page_title defined. [19:08] bac, looks like 9517 touched stuff related to ArchiveAdminView [19:08] rockstar: that is correct. the page titles are the inverse of breadcrumbs [19:08] gary_poster: do you know what would cause http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/273658/ ? [19:08] sinzui, so it saying +faqs is okay? [19:08] rockstar: salgado's recent work will use the page_title/label to replace the +faq [19:09] salgado: yeah, but if i revert to -r 9520 the failure happens. -r 9519 does not have it [19:09] sinzui, okay, I'll leave that to him then. [19:09] rockstar: If he lands first, you need to update the test. [19:09] salgado: can you reproduce the problem? [19:09] sinzui, rockstar, my branch is on PQM [19:09] sinzui, yes, it's a race. === ursula_ is now known as Ursinha [19:10] salgado, dammit! :) [19:10] bac, let me try something slightly different [19:11] flacoste: there could be a variety of reasons. If you are not using our custom buildout, try using a clean, non-system Python. That's the only way it is likely to work. [19:11] salgado, what's the url of your branch? I'd like to merge it. [19:12] salgado: with the latest devel, if i 'rm lib/lp/registry/browser/tests/test_person_view.py' the warning goes away [19:12] gary_poster: what do you mean? that package is not installed in site-packages [19:12] rockstar, bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~salgado/launchpad/breadcrumbs-for-leafs [19:12] salgado, ah yes, I reviewed that yesterday... [19:13] gary_poster: i think it's because their archive is screwed-up [19:13] flacoste: I'd try a clean Python myself. The other thing to do is look at the package you downloaded. If the setup.py doesn't deliver what the egg promises, you'll get problems. [19:13] gary_poster: the tar file is gviz_api_py, untarring it leaves only a google-visualization-python directory [19:13] huh [19:13] gary_poster: and the setup.py in that file has name="gviz_api.py" [19:14] do these google folks actually knows what they are doing? [19:14] yeah, sounds broken [19:14] :-) [19:15] bac, do you have an ArchiveAdminView class in your lp/soyuz/browser/archive.py? [19:15] salgado: yes [19:15] salgado: can you reproduce it? [19:16] gary_poster: redoing a python sdist and using the resulting archive worked [19:16] lol [19:16] bac, './bin/test -vvt test_person_view' just passed here [19:16] bac, should I do something else to reproduce it or is that how you're doing it? [19:17] salgado: bin/test -vvm lp.registry [19:18] salgado: i don't think test_person_view is the culprit, but it causes the problem to show up [19:18] salgado: but i'm anxious to see if it happens in your environment [19:18] bac, reproduced [19:18] salgado: weird, no [19:19] it makes absolutely no sense [19:20] the name is defined in the module and the error is only triggered when we do -vvm lp.registry [19:21] yep [19:21] sinzui: you have any ideas? ^^^ [19:23] bac: No ideas [19:23] sinzui: drats. [19:24] bac: well I have ideas, but they are ideas from previous single test nonsense where a test does not cleanup or worse, a test expects the predessor to not cleanup, so when the test order changes, the test fails [19:25] sinzui: yeah, but this isn't a data issue. it's an import failure [19:25] salgado: can you try something else, unrelated? see if you can 'make iharness' [19:25] bac: oh does my branch that I pulled from review fix the issue? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sinzui/launchpad/import-person/+merge/12060 [19:26] bac ^ I was triaging the bug and fixed it at the same time [19:26] bac, I can't, but that's because of some windmill crap [19:26] salgado: yeah, i think bjornt's branch (r 9499) introduced it [19:28] sinzui: your branch does not help [19:38] salgado, sinzui: ArchiveAdminView is a red herring. if i comment out the first line of c/l/browser/__init__.py it complains about lp.soyuz.browser.build.BuildContextMenu [19:38] by 'it', i mean bin/test -vvm lp.registry [19:40] bac: We is this really stopping you from working on templates. Can you run the test another way? [19:40] sinzui: no, the next change is ready to review. i'll let it go... [19:42] bac, if you move the import of PersonView into the method where it's used, the warning/error goes away [19:42] salgado: this problem smells of a lurking circular dependency or something similar [19:42] gary_poster: did you figure it out yet? looking inside the file makes it obvious :) [19:43] bigjools: no, I was moving on, plenty of other stuff to do ;-) should I look? [19:43] bac, agreed, and we'll probably see it often if we're correct [19:43] gary_poster: heh, no, I can tell you it's Code [19:43] bigjools: oh ok thank you :-) [19:46] gary_poster: sourcepackagerelease-body-summary can be removed though [19:48] * gary_poster tries to figure out what bigjools means. it's not on conversions.html; not in sources-list.pt ... [19:48] gary_poster: sorry, sourcepackagerelease-body-summary.pt [19:51] bigjools: oh ok. yeah, not registered in any zcml...and not in pagetitles.pt. So do you want me to just remove that template in one of my branches? Happy to do it [19:52] gary_poster: removing dead files always gets rs=me :) [19:52] I meant pagetitles.py [19:52] ;-) ok cool [19:54] Hi [19:54] launchpad can install on a Debian Lenny ? [19:55] I suggested to use multiverse [19:55] Please enable the 'universe' component in /etc/apt/source.list' [20:05] flacoste or EdwinGrubbs: I've gone through the "change or remove" files on https://dev.launchpad.net/VersionThreeDotO/UI/TemplateToDoList that are in my section of the page. notification-test.pt was a pretty standard change, no problem. [20:05] launchpad-addform and launchpad-editform are registered in widgets.zcml but are only used as macros. The rest of them are not registered at all. [20:05] Can I rm all the files that are not registered in zcml (the ones I don't mention specifically here)? [20:08] If I don't rm them, I'll just make the simplest mechanical change to the html tag and move on I guess. I'm doing that now. [20:15] salgado, when I merge your branch, my titles end up something like "FAQs for $displayname : Questions for Mozilla Firefox : Mozilla Firefox" Is that right? [20:15] rockstar or abentley: l/c/l/templates/sources-list.pt is something from code (./lib/lp/code/browser/configure.zcml). Could I ask one of you to look at it and do the conversion (and maybe move it to lp/code/templates if that makes sense)? [20:16] rockstar, probably not [20:16] gary_poster, I'm pretty swamped right now, but abentley might be able to do it. [20:16] ok thanks rockstar [20:16] salgado, do you have any suggestions for what I should do about it? [20:18] rockstar, not really, but I'll come up with something [20:19] salgado, looking at it through the browser has the same issue. [20:19] salgado: I asked something of flacoste and EdwinGrubbs above. Do you think I could rm the files I talk about? (template-form.pt, message-add.pt, teamplate-page.pt, template-addform.pt, template-editform.pt, default-ediform.pt, all in l/c/l/templates) [20:19] as I said above, they are not registered in zcml [20:20] salgado, when you say "I'll come up with something" does that mean "land what you have, and I'll make a fix"? [20:20] gary_poster: sorry, I don't know. [20:20] EdwinGrubbs: np, thank you for looking [20:22] rockstar, if your branch is ready, yes. otherwise you can wait for the fix [20:22] gary_poster, looking [20:22] salgado: thank you very much [20:22] salgado, actually, I think this might be my problem. Hold on. [20:23] rockstar, it's not. the problem is that the code that generates titles doesn't know how to deal with zope.i18nmessageid.message.Message [20:23] salgado, ah, it's a replacement problem. [20:23] salgado, ah, okay. I'll get my stuff reviewed and you can land your fix when you need. [20:25] rockstar, do the breadcrumbs have the same problem on those pages? [20:25] deryck: hwdb-fingerprint-submissions.pt is not registered in zcml anywhere. Does that mean I can rm it? Or would you prefer I just do the mechanical changes and move on, because of time? [20:26] salgado, nope, doesn't look like it. [20:26] gary_poster, yeah, I don't think it can be removed. It [20:26] gary_poster, It's used in a view class somewhere, if memory of greping holds. [20:26] gary_poster, this is why I was leaving it to abel because I couldn't really work out how to verify the changes looked ok. [20:27] gary_poster, so change the macro so it qualifies, commit, and move on, I guess. :) [20:27] gary_poster, yes, please kill them all! [20:27] deryck: ah, gotcha. FWIW, "find . -name '*.py' -exec grep -Hn 'person-hwdb-submissions.pt' {} \;" gives no results. But I'll make the mechanical changes. Thank you! [20:28] salgado: woohoo! thank you! [20:28] gary_poster, no, thank you! [20:28] :-) [20:28] gary_poster, ok, I could be recalling incorrectly then. I guess we could kill it and see if ec2test complains. [20:31] deryck: ah, deryck, I was grepping for the wrong string. It is actually used here: ./lib/canonical/launchpad/browser/hwdb.py:260 . I'll make the mechanical change as you suggested and move on. Thanks again. [20:31] gary_poster, np [20:31] gary_poster, thank you for doing those templates! [20:31] :-) np [20:35] kees, I'm taking a look at your branch now. [20:47] sinzui: the link to +mugshots has been removed from the team index page. was that intentional? [20:47] no [20:47] I believe it should be in the same portlet that has the members link. Is it conditional by accident? [20:48] * bac looking [20:50] sinzui: would that be TeamOverviewMenu? [20:51] It is missing from the menu? [20:51] sinzui: it is in TeamOverviewMenu with launchpad.View condiotional [20:52] bac: it is provides by TeamMenuMixin [20:53] bac: I bet that guard is on the link so that we do not get timeouts from bots [20:53] sinzui: same guard as the +members link [20:54] sinzui: the 'Show all members' is rendered in person-portlet-memberships.pt. no mention of +mugshots there [20:55] or is it? [20:58] bac: team-portlet-membership is 1) missing +mugshots and 2) "Show all members" => "All members" [20:58] bac: do you have time to work on this? [20:58] sinzui: i do [20:59] sinzui: i don't understand your => comment [20:59] the link in he

is not the correct language [21:00] sinzui: should it not get it as defined in the link? [21:00] bac: "show" is not to appear in those links. they are verbless [21:00] sinzui: right. so shouldn't it be fixed in the menu and then used here? [21:00] no [21:01] the menu is correct because the link is used in many plackes. the portlet hack is is an exception that will probably be removed in 4.0 [21:05] sinzui: http://people.canonical.com/~bac/team-index.png [21:06] sinzui: i suspect we want those stacked? [21:06] no [21:07] sinzui: then you like it as shown? [21:07] bac we do not encourage the heading link crack. Use the real link. [21:07] (i) Show member photos [21:07] ^ We commonly show menu in
    [21:09] bac I would put the link above the Recently approved because I think the lists in this portlet are optional [21:09] sinzui: for both or just mugshots? [21:10] just mugshots. bac: this should look like portlets used on pillars. There is nothing special about this portlet [21:10] The portlet is missing a

    now that I look again at the picture. We can guess it is about members [21:11] This wacked [21:13] bac: look at https://edge.launchpad.net/~bac portlets need a

    with a .see-all hack in it. There is some information, then links to relataed pages or actions you can take [21:14] bac: this has some good examples too: https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry [21:14] ^ I think VIew fill history is wrong because the link text makes sense in the case [21:25] sinzui, there is supposed to be a slot to the right of the title for creation date, etc. Does that exist? [21:26] [21:26] rockstar: I just used it for the first time a moment ago [21:26] It works [21:28] sinzui, great, thanks. [21:34] sinzui: how's this? http://people.canonical.com/~bac/team-index.png [21:34] sinzui: i used the icon as defined in the link, not the (i) [21:34] r=me [21:35] bac: you are correct [21:35] sinzui: i'll land it with my contact team branch [21:35] fab [21:37] EdwinGrubbs: did you ever find the decline a blueprint part of sprint [21:38] sinzui: I could not find the url for ISprintSpecification/+decide [21:39] EdwinGrubbs: I add a few specs to a sprint, and now I cannot remove them. I am glad this feature is well hidden [21:40] gary_poster: I was going to start to work on sources-list.pt unless there is something else that is more important. [21:41] EdwinGrubbs: thank that would be great. I'm working on a MP now, which I will send your way, if you are willing. [21:42] gary_poster: sure, I can review it [21:42] thank you [21:46] EdwinGrubbs: Add / to the end of the spec url (I assume after you have add one or more sprints) eg [21:46] https://blueprints.launchpad.dev/firefox/+spec/canvas/futurista [21:46] sinzui: ok, thanks [21:47] I wonder if I should add a link to it from the index [21:51] danilo-afk: you're landing patches as danilon {AT} babaroga, and it's screwing up our community-contributions.py script :-) [21:51] * kfogel adjusts the script [21:54] deryck: cool; let me know if I can help at all [22:05] kees, this isn't going to be able to land this cycle, sorry man. There's some zcml weirdness with the permissions, and actually there will be a number of lines failing in the test now. [22:06] kees, and I just don't have time to chase it all down today. sorry. [22:08] deryck: ok, cool. thanks for taking a look === salgado is now known as salgado-afk [22:11] kees, no problem. I can probably get it next week some time and land it soon as pqm opens the week after. [22:12] gotta run. later on, all. [22:19] Hi guys, the "getting the code" part of getting lp is broken [22:20] the file you bzr cat doesn't seem to exist [22:21] or the link format changed [22:31] lamalex: which step are you having an issue with? [22:32] nvm it is an issue [22:32] :) i mean i figured it out [22:32] ahh [22:33] but i figured you guys would like to know about it [22:33] yeah they probably do === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk === abentley1 is now known as abentley [23:09] sinzui, around? [23:09] I am [23:10] sinzui, so, I'm moving all the page_titles around, and there's one case that I can't see how it ever worked. [23:10] sinzui, if you go to answers.launchpad.dev and search there, it's trying to take the title from IQuestionSet.displayname which doesn't exist. [23:10] right [23:10] The logic hasn't changed, I just renamed from pageheading to page_title and removed the fallback from pagetitles.py [23:11] sinzui, since I can't see how this ever worked, I don't have many ideas on how to fix it. [23:11] It worked because the template was god. now it is not [23:12] rockstar: does the url have a special view? [23:12] sinzui, no, it's one that's reused for all search. [23:13] hmm [23:14] sinzui, I think I have a fix. [23:15] sinzui, how do I check that a class is of a certain interface? [23:16] IMYInterface.providedBy(self.context) [23:24] lamalex: Is rocketfuel-setup working for you? There's a bug at the moment where unless you're a Canonical employee it will probably not download all the stuff you need. [23:24] lamalex: If you run into that, I have a patch. [23:24] Which I must get merged soon! [23:52] wgrant: i think it's not working [23:52] the script finished running make schemas fails [23:52] lamalex: Run 'rocketfuel-get', and see what it says. [23:52] ... running but .. [23:52] Something about shipit? [23:54] If rocketfuel-get does give you a traceback, try applying http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/273832/. [23:57] wgrant: is this the trace you're expecting? http://paste2.org/p/429284 [23:59] lamalex: Urgh. No. [23:59] That's much worse.