
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
ne0futurhi all, I need to install sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`03:35
ne0futurand I dont understand why it needs to install a nvidia kernel03:35
ne0futurno way to have madwifi without the nvidia stuff ?03:35
spstarrWhere can I find nightly builds of the kernel?03:41
spstarrso you don't have a snapshot build like the fedora folks with git snapshots?03:48
ne0futurspstarr: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid.git;a=summary05:05
spstarrlooks 'old'05:07
spstarrin intrepid05:07
* spstarr looks for karmic kernel05:07
ne0futurubuntu is debian based05:08
spstarryeah i know05:08
ne0futurif you want cutting edge kernel and apps . . . I d recommend something like mandriva05:08
ne0futurbut its less stable most of the time05:08
spstarrwell once .32 comes out i wont need cutting kernel05:08
spstarrits only the r6xx stuff i want to use05:08
ne0futuryou can also build your own kernel its not _so_ hard05:08
spstarrsure, and have, taking ubuntu's .config05:09
spstarr.32 will be out sooner than later 05:09
cobradevilHello all06:07
cobradevilI'm testing ubuntu karmic and wanted to ttry fs-cache06:08
cobradevilthe read speedup for nfs is the thing i'm interested in because of a terminalserver configuration 06:08
cobradevili was looking at the kernel config and saw that the config option for CONFIG_NFS_FSCACHE is not set06:09
cobradevilis there a specific reason why it hasn't been enabled?06:10
hifilatest 2.6.31 has no fbcon06:17
hifioh, sorry, no, it's just not loaded automagically anymore06:18
hifiwhich kills video signal if used with radeon kms06:22
hifiuh, that wasn't so clear, if radeon module is loaded with kms and no fbcon is loaded you get no signal for virtual terminals06:23
ne0futurhi all, for madwifi  I need to install sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`06:26
ne0futurand I dont understand why it needs to install a nvidia kernel, no way to have madwifi without the nvidia stuff ?06:27
ne0futurfurtermore trying to install it fails :06:27
hifilinux-restricted-modules is a metapackage probably06:27
ne0futuri couldnt find another way to get madwifi06:29
ne0futuris itpossible to find a kernel with the ath_pci module on ubuntu07:19
ne0futurseems it ned a more recent kernel  than those in ubuntu07:20
amitk_ne0futur: have you tried the karmic kernel?07:46
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ne0futuramitk_: i need to upgrade all my distro to get the recent kernel ?08:43
maxbne0futur: You're looking in the wrong direction, ath_pci is old and removed08:45
amitk_ne0futur: no, not upgrade the distro. But you can get just the karmic kernel and see if that helps. It has the new ath5k drivers.08:46
maxbkarmic kernel won't give madwifi, though it will give an up-to-date ath5k which might be a suitable replacement08:50
maxbThough that seems to be an inadvisable course of action without first trying linux-backports-modules08:50
ne0futurhum ill try to see how i can try this kernel09:01
ne0futurapt-cache search karmic gives nothing09:01
amitk_ne0futur: what release are you running currently?09:03
amitk_maxb makes a good point. Try linux-backports-modules for that release and see if that solves your problem.09:03
amitk_ne0futur: If not, you can simply download the karmic kernel .deb from http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/linux-image-2.6.31-10-generic (depending on whether you run 32-bit or 64-bit) and try that.09:05
ne0futur/etc/debian_version says lenny/sid09:08
ne0futuri cant find a /etc/ubuntu-release09:08
ne0futurbut i instsalled a ubuntu ;)09:09
ne0futurI dont want to upgrade distro cause i dont want kde4, kde3 is perfect for me09:09
ne0futurah I found /etc/lsb-release 09:10
amitk_ne0futur: what does /proc/version_signature and /etc/lsb_release say?09:10
ne0futursays DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=8.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=hardy09:10
amitk_ne0futur: in that case best try the linux-backports-modules packages09:11
ne0futur( downloading the .deb from http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/linux-image-2.6.31-10-generic is not ok with this ubuntu release ?)09:11
amitk_ne0futur: that release is very old. I don't think anybody has tested such a new kernel with Hardy.09:12
ne0futur(another question is there a best kernel for a thinkpad laptop than the -generic kernel ? )09:12
ne0futurhum ok09:13
ne0futurif I upgrade my ubuntu will I be forced to migrate to kde4 or is it possible to stay on kde3 ?09:13
amitk_ne0futur: that is a question for #ubuntu. I think the default might be KDE4 but it might be possible to get KDE3 back.09:14
ne0futurok thanks09:14
ne0futuri ll try the .deb first and then think on upgrading or using backports09:15
amitk_ne0futur: I'd try backports first, the .deb next and then think of upgrading :)09:15
ne0futurmy other problem is that I nmeed an old xorg to have my intel graphics card working well with flash/3d09:15
ne0futurI switched fron mandriva to ubuntu for this reason :09:16
amitk_apw: I've got a new branch,  fsl-imx51-next, in my local tree. Should I overwrite the fsl-imx51 in the karmic git tree or just create a new temp branch for you to review?09:16
ubot3qa.mandriva.com bug 53468 in Hardware "very slow flash and graphics when using intel 945GM video card" [Major,New] 09:16
amitk_ne0futur: you can try out new Ubuntu releases using the livecds/liveusb. So you can check it out without reinstalling your OS.09:17
ne0futuryup i ll try this 09:17
amitk_apw: I want to get this uploaded today if possible09:17
apwamitk_, hiya09:21
apwlet me just check the current branch09:21
apwamitk_, we seem to have one commit since the last tag, so assuming you have that, then you can push to the main branch09:23
* amitk_ checks09:23
amitk_apw: yes, I got the one from Tim removing ABI/version from vmlinuz name09:26
apwthen i can't see any issue pushing it it, is it a rebase?09:28
apwi assume so, as the old one is -6.25 based09:28
amitk_apw: rebased onto 878e32db158b972b443c5cd8370b2d52068bcaaf (master). Though I see 22 commits since then.09:29
apwprobabally rebase pretty simply onto the latest tag i'd assume as there aren't any rebases since then09:30
apwbut if you've tested that one, that seems like a major improvement09:30
apwover -rc609:30
amitk_apw: I don't see the -10 tags09:30
apwsometimes i find you need to git fetch --tags origin to get them all09:31
apwi don't know why sometimes it doesn't get them09:31
amitk_git fetch -t still doesn't get me a Ubuntu-2.6.31-10*09:32
amitk_nevermind, I am blind09:32
apwyet they really are there, gitkweb shows them09:32
amitk_I'll rebase onto -10.3409:32
apwthese arm kernels really are a lot of work09:35
amitk_apw: you should see the tree I'm about to push :)09:36
apwam i going to barf?09:36
apwheheh ...09:39
apwamitk_, hopefully the rebase will be unremarkable to that tag09:41
amitk_yeah, unremarkable. No config changes too. I'll just push the changelog, skip abi and module checks and push the branch09:44
amitk_apw: I'm a bit confused. Should debian/abi be touched or debian.fsl-imx51/abi ?09:46
apwabis are in the per branch space, so .fsl-imx5109:47
apwgetabis is still broken09:47
amitk_apw: then why are debian/changelog debian/control, etc. created?09:49
apwthose have to be in those places as they are used by build system09:49
apwbuilt stuff is mostly still in debian as a result09:50
amitk_apw: test building once before pushing09:58
ograamitk, do you know if the imx51 package uses the very same postinst -generic uses ? 10:42
ograi dont get any link in / which makes alternate and netboot installs fail miserably since flash-kernel urgently needs these links10:42
ograapw, ^^^ ?10:43
ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/273349/ ...10:44
apwogra, as far as i know its a direct copy10:44
ogra~ # grep symlink target/etc/kernel-img.conf 10:44
ogrado_symlinks = yes10:44
ograbut according to the log (and my inspections) the symlink isnt created10:45
apwogra, do they get made on on the dove images?10:45
ograno idea10:45
ograNCommander, did you try out alternate installs on dove yet ? 10:46
apwogra, isn't the install of the kernel failing anyhow10:46
ograupdate-initrmafs is failing because it calls readlink10:47
ogralooking for /vmlinz and /initrd.img10:47
amitk_apw: ogra: I see a slight diff10:47
apwis that the three new postrm's ?10:47
ograamitk, thats only error messages if i reasd it right10:49
amitk_yeah, seems to be just messages10:49
ograSep 17 17:59:47 in-target: Setting up linux-image-2.6.31-100-imx51 (2.6.31-100.7) ...10:50
ograafter that the symlinks should exist10:50
apwSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: Failed to create initrd image.10:50
apwSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.31-100-imx51 (--configure):10:50
apwSep 17 17:59:48 in-target:  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 210:50
apwSep 17 17:59:49 in-target:   Package linux-image-2.6.31-100-imx51 is not configured yet.10:51
ograapw, yup, thats the fallout of the missing links10:51
apwit seems to have failed in such a way that its not configured10:51
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: readlink: missing operand10:51
ograthats the actual error10:51
ograupdate-initramfs looks for /vmlinuz 10:51
ograwhich the postinst of linux-image-2.6.31-100-imx51 should have created before running update-initramfs10:52
amitk_ogra: and it works in the desktop install images?10:55
ograbut desktop doesnt need flash-kernel ... even if it would have gone through update-initramfs, it would have failed in flash-kernel, the links in / are essential on armel10:56
apwogra, are tehy on the desktop images?10:57
apwthat log there, how was it generated, is there a command line to do that or something?10:58
ograthats the output of d-i 10:59
ograthe desktop images dont use d-i 10:59
apwbut does the kernel installed there have it11:00
apwalso when you install kernels manually do they normally maintain the links11:00
apwobviously they do in the main kernel, and the script is identicle11:01
ograyes, the desktop images have /vmlinuz and /initrd.img11:01
ograelse they wouldnt be installable :)11:01
apwso generally the install is making them then11:02
ogra(flash-kernel, as i said above )11:02
ograthe linux-image postinst reads /etc/kernel-img.conf and creates them11:02
ograin d-i installs /etc/kernel-img.conf is created by base-installer right before linux-image* is installed11:03
ograin live setups /etc/kernel-img.conf is created by livecd-rootfs right before the linux-image-* package gets installed in the chroot 11:03
ograsame procedure two different environments and outcomes11:03
apwhave you looked at an x86 alternate installer image?11:04
apwperhaps they are all broken11:04
ograsomeone would have noticed that ... the log is from A6 testing :)11:05
ograi produced it yesterday with the A6 candidate image 11:05
apwnot necessarily perhaps its not important on the alternate if you don't have flash-kernel11:05
ogragiven that i386 all passed i doubt they have that issue11:06
ograflash-kernel is run a lot later11:06
ograthough i'm not sure why the readlink error shows up11:06
ogra        if [ -L /initrd.img -a -e /initrd.img ]; then11:06
ogra                linktarget="$(basename "$(readlink /initrd.img)")"11:06
ogra        fi11:06
ogra        if [ -L /boot/initrd.img -a -e /boot/initrd.img ]; then11:06
ogra                linktarget="$(basename "$(readlink /boot/initrd.img)")"11:06
ogra        fi11:06
ograneither of the files exist yet, so the if statement isnt fulfilled11:07
ogra(thats from update-initramfs)11:07
ograso it shouldnt call readlink at all11:07
apwso i'd say it can't be that readlink which failed11:08
ograthere is no other readlink involved i think11:08
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-100-imx5111:09
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: readlink: missing operand11:09
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: Try `readlink --help' for more information.11:09
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: mkinitramfs: missing  root  /sys entry11:09
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: mkinitramfs: workaround is MODULES=most11:09
ograogra@osiris:~/Devel/packages/base-installer-1.101ubuntu4$ grep readlink /usr/sbin/update-initramfs 11:09
ogralinktarget="$(basename "$(readlink /initrd.img)")"11:09
ogralinktarget="$(basename "$(readlink /boot/initrd.img)")"11:09
apwogra, but thats not all of it11:11
ograall of what ?11:11
apwSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: readlink: missing operand11:11
apwSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: Try `readlink --help' for more information.11:11
apwSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: mkinitramfs: missing  root  /sys entry11:11
apwSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: mkinitramfs: workaround is MODULES=most11:11
apwSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: mkinitramfs: Error please report the bug11:11
ograSep 17 17:59:48 in-target: readlink: missing operand11:11
ograthats the error11:11
apwthat comes from hook-functions in initramfs11:11
apwyes but there are more readlinnks in that file11:12
apwwhich is run by innitramfs11:12
ograoutfile="$(readlink -f "$outfile")"11:12
ograoh you are right11:12
apwthats like /sys is broke11:13
ograi see the error msg, buit i dont get why sys would be involved at all11:14
apwthere are errors about things in sys not being there11:14
apwwhich are surly not right11:14
apwand led to it exiting 111:14
apwwhich led to the kernel install failing11:15
apw        if [ -z "${block}" ] || [ ! -e /sys/block/${block} ]; then11:15
apw                echo "mkinitramfs: missing ${block} root ${root} /sys entry"11:15
apw                echo "mkinitramfs: workaround is MODULES=most"11:15
apw                echo "mkinitramfs: Error please report the bug"11:15
apw                exit 111:15
apwthat was what it didn't cope with, not syaing the readlink is irrelevant, but its not what triggered the failure of kernel install directly11:15
ograapw, yeah, just found that too 11:16
apwso i think that means the kernel links likely would have gotten made 'shortly' but initramfs blew chunks so it stopped11:16
ograso its an installer issue, sorry for bothering you guys ... i'll try to find out why base-installer didnt mount /sys11:18
apwogra, not sure if it was mounted or not hard to tell from the error11:18
apwthere may yet be an issue that /sys/block was missing for some kerenl reason, but see if you can find out if it was mounted11:18
ograwell, i see that it isnt mounted atm,11:19
ogra~ # mount11:20
ograrootfs on / type rootfs (rw)11:20
ogranone on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)11:20
ogranone on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)11:20
ogratmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime)11:20
ogradevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000)11:20
ogra/dev/sda1 on /target type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,barrier=1,data=ordered)11:20
ogra/dev/sda1 on /dev/.static/dev type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,barrier=1,data=ordered)11:21
ogratmpfs on /target/dev type tmpfs (rw,relatime)11:21
ograneither /proc nor /sys are mounted under /target atm11:21
apwif thats 'mid install' then that seems broke11:21
apwamitk_, is this an abi-bumper, i assume it is with this huge pile of patches11:22
amitk_apw: yes, and adds a module or two. So you could ignore abi and module checks11:22
apwi'll do that11:23
* amitk_ steps out for a while11:23
=== csurbhi is now known as csurbhi-outFor40
ograamitk, how are the chances of seein the imx51 upload today ? (/me si assembling the release team report and would love to strike the rtc issue from the buglist)13:20
apwogra, i have the tree and it should be uploading imminently13:45
* ogra hugs apw 13:46
apwi've build tested it, and i assume amitk has boot tested the basic tree13:46
apwits an abi bumper so it'll be a while churning through the works13:47
apwogra, do you have the agenda for todays meeting yet?13:47
ograyep, lool forwarded it to me, i think robbie doesnt know about the replacement people 13:49
loolapw: bounced13:50
apwlool, thanks13:50
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LaibschWhy do the mainline kernel builds have only source and header packages lately?21:20

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