
BiosElementdoctormo_, Is it safe to assume we've settled on docbook/asciidoc or did we want to look over that further?00:12
pleia2hey guys, can we use the test site?00:30
BiosElementpleia2, I've no idea. I don't see why not?00:31
BiosElementIf you need a test site to play around with and break, I've got one I setup to play around with.00:31
pleia2I don't know if it's fully functional00:31
BiosElementSpeaking of which pleia2 Did you hear about asciidoc yet?00:35
pleia2BiosElement: nope! do tell :)00:36
BiosElementBasically it gives us the advantages of docbook and the ease of use that sphinx had with restructured text. Lets us write the course in plain ascii txt files and then convert it to docbook/html/pdf/pot and just about anything else.00:37
pleia2cool :)00:38
pleia2I like00:39
BiosElementSure, just a sec00:41
pleia2BiosElement: I just added you on the Cc: of this discussion with some guys who are offering to help us with moodle :)00:42
pleia2they use it for real, at a school! they're the ones who will drop by monday evening00:42
* pleia2 points at /topic for "Moodle Training Session"00:42
BiosElementYep, I heard about that.00:42
pleia2please reply to all on the email if you have any thoughts about what to ask these guys while we have the opportunity to pick their brains :)00:43
pleia2I just made stuff up00:43
pleia2doctormo_: you toO!00:43
pleia2morning Vantrax :)00:43
BiosElementhaha, Aight. I've been playing around on a test bed install and it looks like it'll be workable enough once configured00:43
Vantraxyeah.... morning... ZZzzz00:44
VantraxIm discovering new depths of sleep deprivation lately...00:44
pleia2I did that earlier this month00:45
pleia2seemed like a good idea at the time00:45
* BiosElement is working on getting onto an everyman cycle...4 hours of sleep a day >.>00:46
pleia2but I suppose yours wasn't so self-inflicted :)00:46
Vantraxpleia2: you know anything about kerberos?00:53
pleia2Vantrax: nope, sorry00:53
Vantraxahh well worth a try:P00:53
Vantraxthe university is switching from novell to ad, so im having a hell of a time00:54
pleia2ugh, sorry to hear that :(00:54
Vantraxi have the auth working for one domain, but the student logins inherit logins from the staff domain too.. and that is causing problems00:55
Vantraxneed to cross authenticate00:55
Vantraxwith means capaths00:55
pleia2oh yuck00:55
Vantraxwhich means headaches00:56
Vantraxon the other hand i might be presenting all of this at linux.conf.au00:56
Vantraxwell presenting how we develop and manage large scale linux deployments00:57
pleia2we kinda booed the guy who presented on using ad to manage everything at the ukuug spring conference00:57
pleia2first talk at this unix lisa-like conference was about AD?!00:57
Vantraxwell when you hit network you really have to use novel/ldap or AD00:57
pleia2the openldap talks were received much better :)00:57
Vantraxand btw Kerberos, the core of AD is FOSS and AD Domains can be run via the MIT Kerberos server side app without windows00:58
pleia2doctormo_: if you could pipe up in this discussion with Steve about what you want to learn that'd be great :)00:58
doctormo_pleia2: Hey, digging people out of Active Directory and Share Point and all those other demons. That's why the sys admin course had LDAP and Karberos as two sections (not very well done, but a start)01:03
pleia2doctormo_: that's right! :)01:04
BiosElementdoctormo_, The HTML generated by asciidoc works outta the box even without any extra CSS added to moodle02:31
BiosElementdoctormo_, Around?03:07
doctormo_BiosElement: back03:13
BiosElementdoctormo_, HTML generated works perfectly besides for some CSS styling03:14
doctormo_BiosElement: I'd still like to have the pow-a to style it!03:14
doctormo_Yes, yes, I read it :-P03:14
doctormo_OK so we have out set of different formats with their positives and negatives. Now that we have some solid data about what features are there, we should put it to some kind of a vote.03:18
* doctormo_ thanks BiosElement very warmly for doing the research03:18
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
BiosElementYep. Oh, and I'm looking into Qt+Python for a cross-platform bzr system03:18
doctormoBiosElement: Bah, don't find something before I've put my work to good use, I've done a lot of exciting things today and I wouldn't like them made pointless by something already written.03:20
BiosElementhaha, Aight :P03:21
pleia2ah, ignorance is bliss :)03:21
doctormopleia2: It's talk like a pirate day tomorrow, don't you just wish you didn't know that :-p03:24
pleia2doctormo: not tomorrow, saturday :)03:26
doctormopleia2: Tomorrow from tomorrow... or tomorrow UTC03:27
pleia2fair enough :)03:27
pleia2and yes, same day as software freedom day!03:27
pleia2but dressing as pirates during software freedom day probably sends the wrong message03:28
pleia2"here, have free software, from pirates, hmm..."03:29
BiosElement*cough* That's a bad combo :P03:29
doctormopleia2: Yah! you can take me life, but ye canna take me FREEDOM!03:29
doctormoDoesn't really go down with the do it yourself, killing anyone who gets in the way attatude of traditional pirates.03:30
BiosElementSo doctormo When do you want to hold that vote?03:38
pleia2right now, go03:39
doctormopleia2: You sure you don't want to present some findings to Vantrax, cprofit and bodi too?03:41
pleia2doctormo: I wasn't actually being serious03:41
pleia2maybe at our next meeting?03:41
pleia2I will still be out, but I can leave my vote with someone03:42
doctormoBiosElement: If you could just conclude your research on the mailing list with each format (including odf, docbook, sphinx and asciidoc) examples and the main positives and negatives of each one. Then we can have a proper vote at the next (or next next) meeting.03:49
doctormoI ask because I don't want a vote on vauge feelings and nostalgia.03:49
BiosElementdoctormo, Will do03:49
* doctormo goes to bed03:50
pleia2night doctormo03:50
BiosElementNight doctormo03:50
doctormoThanks a _lot_ BiosElement, your a champion.03:50
BiosElementDarn you pleia2 Beat me by one second >.>03:50
Gen1us2khi all05:03
=== starcraftman is now known as starcraft-ntbk
doctormodinda: Your Thoughts: http://doctormo.blip.tv/file/2618440/15:46
geekbuntu all: good morning - i have a new install of ubuntu 9,04 64bit - system/preference/remote desktop is setup when i log into it remotely i do not have control over the input devices - can anyone make any suggestions?16:16
doctormogeekbuntu: The best place to go is #ubuntu-signpost or #ubuntu, this channel is for educational materials creation.16:35
geekbuntuok - tyvm16:37
pleia2doctormo: neat!17:08
doctormopleia2: Would this be something you would find useful?17:13
pleia2doctormo: authentication is what I found most difficult17:15
pleia2so this + additional portion for push w/ easy LP auth would be perfect17:15
doctormopleia2: I figured that would be the next step18:30
pleia2doctormo: yeah :)18:30
doctormopleia2: The test is to have a blank ubuntu install and move from there18:34
pleia2yeah, I use virtualbox for testing18:35
doctormoAs you know from the PXE boot stuff, me too18:37
* pleia2 nods18:44
BiosElementWow, Finally another good ubuntu theme >.< Hanso got shipped in the karmic community-themes package. Actually pretty good.20:09
johnyOhmm not much learning going on here20:37
pleia2johnyO: we do course development :)20:38
doctormojohnyO: depends, I'm learning a lot20:38
pleia2and there is plenty of that happening!20:38
johnyONext course is at 8 on monday?20:39
doctormoFor the moodle stuff yes20:39
BiosElementdoctormo, I think this may be useful to point course writers too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worse_is_better21:02
doctormoBiosElement: Interesting article21:13
BiosElementYeah, that's what I figured21:16
BiosElementI just found out that WeeChat also uses asciidoc >.>21:58
pleia2why is that ">.>"?22:07
pleia2I thought that's good!22:07
BiosElementBecause I'd been reading these docs just last week and never noticed until just today it was asciidoc22:07
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=== swoody_ is now known as swoody

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