
puffthemolest: Hm, okay, I'll try a memtest.00:00
idget5how do i tell if the backend is running?00:04
scovelare you logged into the backend machine?00:07
puffI'm just a mythtv beginner, but try "ps -ef | fgrep -i back"00:07
scovelps aux | grep mythbackend00:08
scovelsudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend status00:09
scovelprobably a little nicer...00:09
puffthemolest: Harrum... some of the folks at ubuntuforums.org are seeing results that suggest it might be some problem with existing partitions... so, if memtest doesn't turn anything up, I'll boot into a liveCD and fdisk the drive first...00:09
idget5scovel, that worked, thx00:10
idget5cant figure it out... backend is running, but when i click watch tv, nothing...00:10
scovelcan you watch recording?00:11
idget5files cannot be found00:12
idget5they are listed, but not found00:13
scoveltail /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log should tell you if the backend is doing anything00:13
scovelhas this been working and it stopped?00:13
hipitihoporificium: sorry wnet to bed... the answer is no sounds throughout however I found the following link which I followed to the letter and it now works: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2009/08/31/upgrade-alsa-1-0-21-on-ubuntu-jaunty-9-04/00:13
idget5i switched tuners, got the new h 160000:13
idget5now i get nothing00:14
idget5but the channels are all found00:14
scovelthat shouldn't effect recordings.  You didn't happen to run the backend setup thingy and mess with the storage groups?00:14
idget5L: '2008_20090908220000.mpg' should be local, but it can not be found.00:15
idget52009-09-17 19:14:29.583 ProgramInfo, Error: GetPlaybackURL: '2008_20090908220000.mpg' should be local, but it can not be found.00:15
idget5same info over and over00:15
tgm4883scovel, thanks for the info, i'm looking into it00:15
idget5naw, didnt change the groups00:15
scovelok, do you know where you are storing your recording?00:15
idget5the default location00:16
gbutters!bl | idget500:16
ZinnSorry I don't know about bl00:16
gbutters!bl% | idget500:16
Zinnidget5: If you try to watch tv and are greeted with a blank screen and a return to the menu then please check the permissions on your recording directory.  It should be owned by mythtv:mythtv, have permissions of 775, and not be inside your home directory00:16
scovelLOL, I have no idea what that is...00:16
scovelcan you look in the default location and see if there are any mpg files there00:16
idget5k zinn also. ill look into it, thx both you00:17
tgm4883scovel, I see what happened. I can't fix that right now, but can when I get home00:19
scovelk, good luck.  I'll try to get the files later00:20
tgm4883scovel, which release are you trying to download?00:22
scoveldirect download is taking FOREVER00:23
scovelI tried the torrent link and get the MySql error.  Same error getting the MD5SUM00:24
tgm4883scovel, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/9.04/release/00:24
tgm4883you can grab the torrent from there as well00:24
tgm4883scovel, yea, what happened was the web server went down, so we switched to a backup. The backup apparently doesn't have the MD5SUM or torrents on there00:25
scovelok, thanks00:26
scovelmy frontend is running Gentoo.  DO NOT WANT.  Thought I'd give Mythbuntu a try since all my other machines are Kubuntu these days.00:27
idget5k, i set permissions, so atleast now they are mythtv. but still no joy00:27
scovelI'd run the backend setup and make sure recordings are going where you think they are.  While you are in there you can make sure your tuner is configured properly.00:32
hipitihopalthough I have managed to play a cd and a dvd using vlc from the normal ubuntu menus... mythtv won't play either. How do I  get mythtv to play an inserted dvd from myth menus00:33
idget5i am going to change the dir, just in case...00:33
scovelhipitihop, do you have a menu option "Optical Discs"00:37
hipitihopscovel: yes I have optical disks option00:54
idget51k, i noticed if the backend is not running, the frontend wont go to blank, then homepage. it will tell me it cant connect to backend, which means the backend is doing something wrong and pushed the "watch Tv" back  to homepage of mythtv01:21
gbutters!bl% | idget5101:25
Zinnidget51: If you try to watch tv and are greeted with a blank screen and a return to the menu then please check the permissions on your recording directory.  It should be owned by mythtv:mythtv, have permissions of 775, and not be inside your home directory01:25
tgm4883website downloads for torrents and MD5SUMS are fixed02:47
orificium_I'm running latest trunk,  vdpau is on (otherwise audio stutters), nvidia 750a mobo with 8300/8400 chipset, recently recorded Fringe from HD stream over QAM on local Cable lines,  but the frame jitter makes it unwatchable.  Anythin I can do to improve it?04:00
orificium_Have similar issues in VLC and mplayer unfortunately.04:03
superm1start out by turning down the deinterlacer with vdpau04:04
superm1from 2x to 1x or so04:04
orificium_it's off04:04
superm1oh and fox is progressive scan anyway04:04
orificium_Ok, so deinterlace only applies to 1080i?04:05
superm1so next thing to do is go into nvidia-settings04:06
superm1and turn off vsync04:06
orificium_learning ssmoethign new everyday :)04:06
superm1i'm not sure if that does anything for vdpau though04:06
orificium_yeah I turned off the Enable OpeGL vertical sync for timing04:06
superm1there is one for xv too04:07
orificium_Yeah, that's on04:07
superm1but i dont think it does anything for vdpau04:07
superm1try turning it off04:07
orificium_woud Ineed to restart?04:07
superm1it takes effect immediately04:08
orificium_Hm, still looks about the same.  Anything I could try?04:09
orificium_I'm using a brisbane 4600  45W04:10
superm1those are the big ones.  check the forntend and backend logs to see if they're complaining about a dirty recording at all04:10
superm1if that's the cause of it, then you're gonna have a hard time getting the box to keep up04:10
superm1they wont go out and say dirty recording, but they would talk about missing frames and such04:11
superm1if you have a more powerful box, try to scp the recordings over to that and make sure it can handle them04:11
orificium_Unfortunately I don't have anything else at the moment.  I thought about transcoding it.04:12
orificium_ARe the logs in /var/log?04:14
orificium_indeed they are04:14
orificium_I see prebuffering pause and and buffer underrun04:16
orificium_http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Troubleshooting:Prebuffering_pause might be my friend04:19
orificium_hm, once its stopped transcoding, where does that version reside?04:35
superm1it replaces the file05:17
oobeanyone have probs with mythvideo and jump points05:59
oobein trunk05:59
oobealso video listings doesnt remember last position06:00
hondoIs there a place to turn on Bob deinterlacing in Jaunty06:39
dserban_wow I remember why I hate lirc07:34
oobehondo of course there is08:50
jcm100Has anyone been using 9.10 alpha 6 yet?15:38
jcm100anyone here?19:19
_bensuperm1: Yo, we were discussing the weekly builds - any idea when an updated one might appear in karmic?19:23
tgm4883_ben, in karmic officially? or just packages built for karmic?19:57
_benofficially i guess, the buildy thingy broke didn't it? and stopped pushing to the karmic repo19:58
tgm4883_ben, I don't think so, let me check20:01
tgm4883_ben, looks fine to me https://edge.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/trunk-0.2220:02
superm1_ben, in karmic itself?  or automatic builds?20:04
superm1automatic should be happening automagically still20:05
superm1we were in the middle of a freezish for a6 so nothing has been pushed to the archive for karmic for a few days20:05
superm1so hopefully during or after the weekend an updated snapshot to karmic is in ordedr20:05
_benah, ok - cheers =)20:06
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
puffthemolest: Heya... ran memtest, found no problems.23:48
puffthemolest: I thought I remembered burning the CD at a lower speed, but not at speed 1.  Turns out that it was the lowest speed possible in CD/DVD creator, 4.7.  Brasero also doesn't go lower than 4.23:49

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