
fader_Hmm, looks like my mythbackend schema is too old to connect to with the live image's frontend :(00:02
fader_Is the 'persistent' part of the live test case applicable to mythbuntu?00:16
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
Davieyfader|away: that is known, but not a show stopper as you'll see it sanely handle it. :)06:36
davmor2Morning all08:26
=== asac_ is now known as asac
arahey davmor209:21
davmor2hi ara09:22
* ara is feeling tired... TGIF11:34
* davmor2 Awww hugs ara and hands her a huge cup of coffee11:37
* ara hugs davmor2 back :)11:38
davmor2ara: these 71 hour weeks do take a toll ;)11:42
aradavmor2, indeed :)11:43
=== fader|away is now known as fader_
fader_Howdy y'all13:54
Form0_ohh, managed to boot to kde13:59
davmor2fader_: morning dude14:54
davmor2cr3: how's things there14:54
fader_davmor2: Hey dude14:55
cr3davmor2: I got a bunch of test results from yesterday, working on a couple more machines this morning14:55
fader_davmor2: I have a question for you -- is the live CD test for mythbuntu accurate?  I could not get the 'persistent' test case to work14:55
davmor2fader_: no bad news to day it's friday ;)14:55
fader_davmor2: I don't trust you :P14:55
cr3davmor2: apart from a few known problems reported by apport, my only real problem is with the aspire one14:55
davmor2cr3: AAO what's up?14:56
cr3fader_: do you happen to be in lexington today?14:56
cr3davmor2: see bug #432497, I suspect it might be a problem with the hard drive14:56
davmor2fader_: did you know there is a bug about that ;)14:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 432497 in checkbox "Installing Karmic 20090917 on Acer Aspire One freezes on detecting filesystems" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43249714:56
fader_cr3: I do... trying to track down some hardware that pgraner says is here but nobody else has ever heard of :(14:56
fader_davmor2: No, I didn't... but I also didn't look for one as my brain was fried and I could barely read at that point ;)14:57
cr3fader_: if I take responsibility for tracking hardware, I'll ask to expense a whip14:57
fader_cr3: I'm going to borrow davmor2's axe14:57
davmor2fader_: iirc it's a kubuntu bug but it will be the same thing I think jtholmes filed it14:57
fader_davmor2: Okay, cool... I'll try to find that one and keep an eye on it.  I'm glad there's a bug filed though as I don't want to have to go reproduce it now to file one :)14:58
davmor2my axe, mine, i tell you muhahahahahahaha14:58
* fader_ imagines davmor2 as a bearded dwarf.14:58
davmor2Too tall for a dwarf think VIKING :)14:59
davmor2Right kernel buggin' music search15:01
cr3davmor2: techno viking even!15:02
davmor2cr3: don't they make memory?15:03
fader_I bet techno vikings terrorize the skies in their longjets.15:03
davmor2ogasawara: Okay 64 bit system on faulty nvidia box is up.  next installing the older kernel.  leann is there a magic way of doing this and getting it to show up in grub2?  goes off to google at the same time16:08
ogasawaradavmor2: hrm, it's not listed?16:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 430141 in grub2 "No second OS is shown up in grub2" [High,New]16:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 430940 in linux "On my nvidia box the system is running at double speed" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:11
davmor2ogasawara: is it just a case of going through and installing all the bits or can I sign into the ppa and grab it that way?16:13
ogasawaradavmor2: unfortuantely I think you'll have to install manually16:14
davmor2no probs16:14
davmor2ogasawara: meh linux-headers-2.6.31-8-generic_2.6.31-8.28_amd64.deb doesn't install depends on linux-headers-2.6.31-816:36
ogasawaradavmor2: hrmph, can you try http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.31-rc8/ instead?16:41
davmor2fader_, cr3: mine is an AA0 110 with the ssd drive I can test after but one issue at a time guys16:43
cr3davmor2: cool, I'm getting ata errors, so this might be different with your ssd drive16:44
fader_cr3: Have you decided whether it's a hardware issue or not?16:45
fader_Because the hdd and ssd should have the same interface... if it's a software problem I'd expect to see it on both16:46
cr3fader_: I'm still not sure16:47
fader_Gotcha... useful test then :)16:47
davmor2ogasawara: Meh not working.  I've burnt a jaunty cd and it's showing up on that to.  So for now leave the bug open I'm going the strip down the box and see if there is a HW fault.  Then I'll try again17:11
ogasawaradavmor2: odd, ok keep me posted.17:12
davmor2if it works then All is well and I'll close the bug17:12
davmor2fader_, cr3: I'm assuming that this is UNR your running ?17:26
davmor2fader_ cr3: right UNR installing (hopefully) I'll get back to you in a bit.17:32
cr3davmor2: I suspect it won't make much difference in this particular case17:38
davmor251% installed now so no looking back :)17:38
fader_davmor2: No!!!1!one  It's a trap!  If you use UNR, then existence is meaningless!17:46
fader_It's the heeeestory eraser button, you fool!17:46
davmor294% :P17:46
davmor2song: it's the end of the world as we know just dropped into my head :)17:47
fader_Darn, it doesn't look like YouTube has a clip of the Ren & Stimpy with the history eraser button :(17:47
fader_(The shiny, candy-like button!)17:48
davmor2fader_, cr3: looks like it's a HDD only issue guys. booted up everything seem fine here17:55
davmor2fader_, cr3: any logs worth looking at to double check?17:56
cr3fader_: whatever you do, don't touch that button17:57
cr3davmor2: nah, I think I'll wait for some kernel folks to confirm whether it's a hardware problem or compatibility problem17:58
fader_The beautiful, shiny button?  The jolly, candy-like button?17:58
fader_Can he resist?17:58
cr3Will he hold out?17:58
cr3Can he hold out?17:59
* cr3 steps out for lunch before fader erradicates history at the mere push of a button17:59
davmor2damn pressed the fscking thing18:00
davmor2who are you guys and what are you doing on my whatsit18:05
jtholmesdavmor2, do the daylies created on sat and sun have as much input and changes as those spun on mon thru fri19:22
jtholmesor are they just copies of fri night and just respun19:22
sbeattiejtholmes: they're built based on the current state of the archive, but the archive probably does change less over the weekend.19:25
jtholmessbeattie, that is what i thought since few folks would desire to work  7 days a week thx for the info19:25
jtholmessbeattie, while we are on the subject do you kno why kubuntu desktop was not spun for today 9/18   16.2 and 17 are there but 9/1819:30
sbeattieI suspect the automated build cronjobs were disabled for alpha 6, and will be renabled soon.19:31
sbeattie(but that's purely a guess)19:31
jtholmesok thx sounds right19:31
davmor2sbeattie: normally restarted for monday.  But might be a bit earlier this time to get some more of the fixes in place19:32
sbeattieyeah, there's a cryptsetup fix that would be handy to get into isos real soon now.19:33
davmor2and a wubi, grub2, nfs and .......19:33
* sbeattie grins19:34
jtholmesdavmor2, the initrd on the livecd is initrd.lz  can you tell me what compressor function is used to produce a suffix of  .lz19:34
jtholmessbeattie, ok that was my guess thx19:35
sbeattieOh, hawt: "Estimated build start:in 9 hours"19:38
davmor2sbeattie: What?19:39
sbeattiedavmor2: oh, just trying to build a zsync backport in my ppa, and checking out how long before it'll get built.19:40
davmor2cd builds must be on to day then ;)19:40
sbeattiedavmor2: BTW, do you see zsync segfaults when downloading the dvds on hardy - jaunty?19:40
davmor2sbeattie: just mailed you my cronjob read out19:42
sbeattiedavmor2: kewl, thanks.19:42
davmor2sbeattie: no probs19:43
davmor2sbeattie: I have noticed a number of rcksums appearing19:44
davmor2in iso19:44
sbeattiehrm, yeah.19:44
davmor2I've got 9 now19:44
sbeattieyou can kill them.19:44
sbeattiethey're tmp files created by zsync.19:44
davmor2I just delete them off every now and then19:44
sbeattieand, yep, it's segv'ing for you.19:44
davmor2sbeattie: that would be bad if I gave a damn about testing the dvd's but they take far too long ;)19:46
sbeattiebah, I need to trap for errors when that happens, and move zsync's partial download over so that rsync can make use of it.19:46
sbeattiedavmor2: my bandwidth is so limited that I can't keep the dvd isos up-to-date.19:47
davmor2sbeattie: is all of hardy now zsyncing then I thought it was all rsynced any way?19:47
davmor2sbeattie: wounder how come?19:48
davmor2sbeattie: oh don't worry I forgot your in America land of the free and slowband ;)19:49
sbeattiedavmor2: hardy is not zsync'ing, correct, though I need to verify some behaviors around that situation as well.19:50
davmor2sbeattie: what do you need dude?19:50
sbeattiedavmor2: well, I *could* have faster bandwidth, but then I wouldn't be allowed to host servers and whatnot.19:50
davmor2ec2 it's all about the cloud ;)19:51
jtholmes davmor2 you also forgot that we are no longer the land of the free, the govt want to take over the running or our lives :(19:56
fader_sbeattie: What are you hosting that you couldn't host on a faster connection?19:58
davmor2jtholmes: been like that here for years you get used to it honest,  shhh they told me to say that it suck run, get out while you can ;)19:59
jtholmeswe are going down fighting but the folks we elected in Washington have their own agenda and call us a bunch or radicals that want to bring the govt down20:00
sbeattiefader_: I host my own email/web blah on a static ip dsl line; switching to faster here means jumping to cabal^H^Hle, which gets mail blocked for sure, and likely web as well.20:00
fader_sbeattie: Ah, yeah... I thought everybody gave up hosting their own mail once all the big ISPs started blacklisting anything coming from a consumer ISP20:01
fader_though for the web port 8080 is open everywhere ;)20:01
fader_sbeattie: Or you could get a host in a DC somewhere and upgrade at home and have the best of both worlds ;)20:02
davmor2ogasawara: Okay that's weird I got an onboard nvidia gfx card on the box that is playing up.  So I removed the nvidia gfx card and the speed up problem has gone away.20:02
sbeattiefader_: there's also the fact that I'm a cheapskate. :-)20:02
fader_Hehe touche.20:02
davmor2sbeattie: Why would you lose the ability to host a server if you take the other route?20:04
davmor2ogasawara: I should say I removed the removable pci express gfx card and the problem went away.20:05
davmor2I'm going to assume there fore that it is an issue with the pci express bus for now and have a hunt online see if there is a bios upgrade20:06
fader_davmor2: Not sure how it is in the UK, but in the US most ISPs are divided up something like $50/month for a 'home' plan with port 80 and 25 blocked, or $200/month for a 'small business' plan at half the speed but with a static IP and no ports blocked20:09
jtholmesfader_, i pay about $40 mo. for static AT&T and no ports blocked  about 3mb sec20:11
jtholmesin the US20:11
fader_jtholmes: Huh, I thought AT&T blocked port 8020:11
davmor2fader_: hmmm I pay £35 a month for 20 meg no ports blocked20:11
jtholmesfader_, no when you have static ip as far as i know20:12
fader_Meh, I'm happy enough with my 25M FiOS line, despite it being like $60/mo20:12
* jpds is thankful that his landlord pays his Internet bill.20:12
davmor2fader_: That what I'm paying for mine now.  However I could upgrade to 50meg20:13
jtholmesi cant get at&t uverse which is higher speed but not avail in my area yet20:13
fader_Last time I was unemployed I realized that I'd prefer to not have hot water over not having interwebs... it was a bit of a creepy realization :)20:14
davmor2by the way you could redirect to dnydns and port switch there to lose the 80 25 restriction but shhh I didn't say that ;)20:14
davmor2then just use you firewall to port switch back or config your server to a different port.  Come on guys think outside the box ;)20:16
fader_davmor2: Meh, port 22 isn't blocked for me, which is all I really need.  I'd rather have my webserver on 8080 anyway, as I get a lot less spam in my httpd logs from script kiddies trying to knock over IIS20:17
fader_(as if that were difficult)20:17
jtholmesthanks for the port info, i have a hoster for my domain so that is why i dont get involved with that but i have tucked it away for future ref thx20:17
davmor2fader_: IIS, did you actually have the nerve to say IIS on an open logged channel, that you use the inferior IIS over Ubuntu server ;)20:19
jpdsdavmor2: He didn't say he was using IIS?20:19
fader_davmor2: Whoa, no -- I said that I get a lot of logspam of people blindly looking for IIS servers to zombie20:19
fader_Generally anything I hang out on the net is on Linux on PPC, just to make sure that if anybody cracks it, they at least know what they're doing20:20
davmor2fader_: I know that but the thought of the look of panic on your face muhahahahaha20:20
fader_s/panic/horror and incredulity/20:21
davmor2fader_: You might want to use a great little tool called denyhosts if you don't already :)20:22
fader_Nah, it's more fun to read the latest reports on SANS and then count the number of attempts on my box :)20:23
davmor2fader_: denyhosts emails you to say this twonk failed20:27
davmor2and then blocks their ip20:27
davmor2which of course would be bad for you being as you would need to get you username and pass right :P20:28
jtholmeshow could anyone forget their first and last name :)20:29
davmor2quick everyone hack John holmes box20:30
jtholmesyeah lets get john holmes he is my cousin i am  jt holmes :)20:31
jtholmesr u hearing those voices again today!20:31
jtholmesi'll bet u sharpened your axe last eve20:32
jtholmesfader_, where is this SANS report i would like to c if folks are trying my box20:33
fader_jtholmes: SANS is an organization that promotes security and keeps tabs on the net: http://sans.org/20:34
jtholmesdavmor2, is there a test tracking url for the alpha or just for the dailies20:34
jtholmesfader_, thx20:34
fader_They're a great resource for security stuff and provide certifications and training classes20:35
davmor2tracker is only for releases20:35
davmor2jtholmes: if you want somewhere to log daily reports goto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/DailySmoke20:38
jtholmesok saw that kicked around and wondered what it was used for thx20:38
davmor2jtholmes: just don't keep the page open I need it :)20:40
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
davmor2sbeattie: do you have a raw karmic box available?21:30
sbeattieultimate raw extreme?21:31
sbeattiedavmor2: if by raw, you mean on raw hardware, yes, I do.21:32
davmor2sbeattie: No just a fresh install21:32
sbeattieyeah, I do.21:32
davmor2sbeattie: can you try the totem youtube plugin.  It pulls in the H.264 codec it needs then say it can't access. If you restart totem and select a clip from youtube then it plays but I get no sound21:33
davmor2sbeattie: also try playing the clip from examples and see if totem just greys out after playing it please21:37
sbeattiedavmor2: which clip from examples?21:39
davmor2spirit of ubuntu in the free culture showcase21:40
davmor2sbeattie: anything?21:48

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