
=== h\h is now known as haraldh
mbieblKeybuk: hi09:51
mbieblnoticed two issues with the latest push for native upstart jobs in karmic:09:52
mbiebl1) initscripts 2.87dsf-4ubuntu3 reintroduced the legacy sysv initscripts, but the version check in postinst is le-nl "2.87dsf-4ubuntu2"09:54
mbieblso they were not removed again when upgrading to 2.87dsf-4ubuntu4 and marked as obsolete now09:55
mbiebl2) cryptsetup seems to install both sysv initscripts and an upstart job file09:58
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew
=== sadmac_ is now known as sadmac
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk

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