
aenrickhmm hello anyone i have some trouble(very very.. beginner totally Oo)00:59
aenrickanyone able to help?00:59
knome!ask | aenrick00:59
ubottuaenrick: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:59
aenrickok then, I modified my resolution screen and then I cannot see anything(glitches, weird screen display, cant even see a word) That's my main problem, i'm trying to fix it and found some information on modyfign the xorg.conf but the file is empty. Another thing i tried is using the sudo reconfigure xserver xorg, it just ask me some info about my keyboard or stuff, forum said it is suposed to ask me for resolution settings 01:02
n2diyanybody compared gnucash with homebank?01:16
chase1hello, im having some issues. im trying to uninstall xubuntu from my machine. i tried deleting the partition but there is no partition at all.  i tried to install ubuntu over that but it did not work.  i uninstalled ubuntu from windows, but xubuntu still shows up on the dual boot screen. when i select it it just goes to a ubuntu installer that always fails. i have no clue how on earth it got this messed up, lol. does anybody hav01:19
homebrewciderCan't delete files. "can't open trash for writing" can someone help please01:44
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jiohdiis there a way to get num lock on boot up?02:45
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snxdpany prefered site, for "pimpin" the desktop, icon, everything.17:00
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:03
ubottuThemes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/  To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites17:03
knomesnxdp, there you go17:03
knomesnxdp, also, many things on gnome-look.org are appliable into xfce.17:03
snxdpyes.. thanks alot. :)17:04
snxdphopefully xubuntu, comes more easy to me then ubuntu did, had a lot of trouble the 10-15 times i've installed and removed, the OS. lol..17:07
knomeat least you can ask for support here and we try to help you17:07
snxdpso far so good, thanks again.. are a bit unsecure about my safety, probobly a windows syndrome...17:09
knomewell you are definitely more safe now17:10
knomeas long as you think of what you are doing every time you insert your password, everything is fine17:11
snxdpthats good to know.. have a nice weekend. :)17:11
knomeyou too17:12
snxdpare there any other media player, then adobe, recommended?18:29
snxdpthats for streaming..18:29
ericccHi all21:06
ericccI'm running Xubuntu Karmic alpha-5, and im having problems mounting my 1TB external NTFS hard disk21:07
ericccit tells me "Cannot get volume.fstype.alternative"21:07
ericccwhen i mount it manually it works fine however. I noticed there was a bug logged for this problem at the end of june but it has been closed. I've run chkdsk on the disk, dirty bit is not set, so its a bit of a mystery :s21:08
nox404ok so, i need to add a few commands to be exicuted when X is loaded. How would i go about doing that?21:25
nox404ok so, i need to add a few commands to be exicuted when X is loaded. How would i go about doing that?21:36
nox404ok so, i need to add a few commands to be exicuted when X is loaded. How would i go about doing that?22:00
* jarnos wonders what Xorg is doing as it takes so much CPU22:01
Sysifailing mauybe22:06
Sysiit still is quite heavy when it works as it should22:06
Esefor some reason my usb doesn't work on my laptop23:13
Eseit works in "the other OS"23:13
Sysiwhat filesystem?23:14
Sysihmm, sorry but i'll need to go to bed, way too late here23:16
TechieEse- whats your problem?23:17
Esemy usb mouse is not working on my laptop23:18
Eseit did worked on other OS's23:18
Eseit works on windows and opensuse23:18
Techiewhat type of USB mouse?23:18
Techieis it generic or is it a brandname?23:19
Eseit seems very generic to me23:19
Techiethis may help, run lsusb in terminal and post the output to pastebin23:19
Techiethe mouse must be plugged in during this time, if it wasnt blatantly obvious already23:20
EseI'm not that n00b23:21
Techiedidnt think you were, but ive seen people that are23:21
Techieokay, i think this is the line we are interested in23:22
TechieBus 001 Device 003: ID 04f2:b159 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd23:22
Esethat's it23:22
Techiehrmm, this laptop happent ot be a HP laptop23:26
Eseyes, a probook 4410s23:27
Techiei found a couple of bug reports for this issue, but no answers as of yet23:27
Techieill keep looking23:27
EseI found someone making the suggestion of trying sudo update-usbids23:28
Techierun this please, mseg|grep usb23:28
Eseand magically seemed to work out the issue, but not for me23:28
Eseit says that is not a command23:29
Techiehave you tried any of the other USB ports?23:30
Eseall 423:30
Techiethat cancels out that idea23:30
Eseit seems to be a kernel related problem23:33
Techieman, untill i saw some of these reports, i never thought there was such a thing as too much information23:33
Techiehttp://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg1582640.html <---- TOO MUCH INFO23:33
Ese"I was wearing an awesome "vote for pedro" t-shirt and a pair of white chucks when all of the sudden the mouse stop working"23:34
Esethese kind of silly issues is why linux is not for everyone23:36
Techieyeah, and its also why we have large support groups like this23:36
Techiehello SiDi23:37
Techiehonestly, i cant seem to find anything remotely useful23:39
Eseit's frustrating23:42
Esesuch a small issue23:42
Techiei know how you feel23:42
EseI've tried every usb device on my house23:42
Eseand they all work23:42
Eseeven my wlan connection worked out of the box23:42
Techiemay i suggest an alternative23:42
Esebluetooth, everything23:42
Techiebuy a different mouse23:43
Eseyeah, I was thinking about23:43
Esethis one is not particulary small for a laptop23:43
Techieive learnt from experience that sometimes you jsut have to give up, thats why im running a windows server now instead of ubuntu23:43
SiDiwhats going on ?23:44
Techieusb mouse issues23:44
SiDicome on23:44
Esewell I must say that opensuse completely did for me, what a great distro that is23:44
Techiehttp://pastebin.com/m57248d14 <----- output from lsusb23:44
SiDiif it doesnt work right after plug its most likely the kernel not recognising your motherboard correctly23:44
Techiehehe, SiDi's always on the ball23:45
SiDiSiDi is mostly on the way to his warm bed :D23:48
SiDiEse: if i were you i would google "usb mouse doesnt work + your laptop's model"23:48
SiDiyou can also perform a search in bugzilla.kernel.org about similar issues23:49

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