
wgrantI see why it happens, though.00:00
wgrantlamalex: Do you have the log from the original run of rocketfuel-setup?00:00
lamalexwgrant: where would it be00:01
wgrantlamalex: In the terminal buffer.00:02
lamalexwgrant: no, dont have anymore00:02
wgrantlamalex: What does 'make' do?00:02
lamalexit's running some scripts, i'll let you know how it terminates00:04
lamalexwgrant: http://paste2.org/p/42929100:11
wgrantlamalex: OK, that's what I would expect.00:14
wgrantlamalex: Does rf-get work now?00:14
lamalexjust got the shipit error00:15
wgrantlamalex: Great. Apply the patch and rerun rf-get.00:15
wgrantI'll run rf-setup myself this morning and see exactly how it breaks.00:16
wgrantAt least we don't have a circular bootstrapping issue.00:16
lamalexwgrant: that shipit error was with your patch00:17
wgrantlamalex: But did the script continue to run?00:24
wgrantWithout the patch it should be fatal. With the patch it should continue.00:25
lamalexbut now make run fails :P00:36
lamalexand is there a simple way to make the instance public so I can access it? it's on my vps..00:36
lamalexah, i see00:37
wgrantmake schema?00:38
lamalexwgrant: yah just saw that last bit00:39
lamalexhmm rocketfuel-setup seems to have not pulled in twisted?00:42
wgrantrocketfuel-get should do that.00:43
wgrantDo you still have the output of its last run?00:43
lamalexrocketfuel-get's last run?00:43
wgrantI know.00:44
wgrantutilities/link-external-sourcecode ../../lp-sourcedeps00:44
wgrantThat wouldn't have worked when rf-setup ran it, because rf-get failed.00:44
wgrant(I'm currently running rf-setup locally to work out what's broken...)00:45
lamalexlots :P00:46
lamalexnow it needs bzr loom which it didnt pull00:46
wgrantrf-get should do that.00:46
wgrantand link-external-sourcecode should link it in so LP can see it.00:46
lamalexwgrant: think this is the issue? http://paste2.org/p/42931300:49
wgrantlamalex: Yes. Looks like you killed rf-get in the middle at some point?00:49
lamalexnot afaik but possibly00:49
wgrantlamalex: Just remove that subvertpy dir and rerun.00:49
lamalexwhere's the subvertpy dir? in ../../lp-sourcedeps/sourcecode/subvertpy00:50
wgrantAlright, rf-setup running. Let's see what breaks.00:52
wgrant(update-sourcecode - as used by rocketfuel-get - was rewritten earlier in the week, so its unsurprising that something is broken)00:53
wgrantIs it working better now?00:57
lamalexI /think/00:58
lamalexrerunning make schema00:58
* lamalex crosses his fingers01:00
lamalexthanks wgrant01:00
wgrantlamalex: That was quick.01:01
wgrantDoes make run work now?01:01
lamalexwgrant: yup! up and running01:18
wgrantlamalex: Excellent.01:19
wgrantFiling two bugs now.01:19
wgrantlamalex: Bug #43283001:20
mupBug #432830: rocketfuel-setup does not work <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/432830>01:20
lamalexwgrant: is it possible to set up registration emails for a different domain name?01:50
lamalexhm why is superspace in here01:51
lamalexmy terminal just hadn't refreshed01:51
wgrantlamalex: What do you mean? All email is redirected to root@localhost, as you'd want for a dev setup.;01:54
lamalexwgrant: ah, ok01:55
lamalexwgrant: any info on what i need in terms of a keyserver for soyuz?02:06
wgrantlamalex: I have full docs on setting up a local Soyuz setup. Let me check that they're up-to-date and upload them somewhere.02:07
lamalex:) merci02:07
wgrantlamalex: It used to be much harder, but I've patched bits and pieces so it's pretty easy now.02:09
wgrantHow much do you want to do?02:09
* lamalex isn't sure what the limits are.. I want to be able to push and build?02:10
wgrantlamalex: http://williamgrant.id.au/f/1/2009/running-soyuz.html has the basics of a pretty awful dev setup. There are a few things there that are only necessary if you're running Karmic.02:16
wgrantlamalex: When you get to the chroot building stage, it really is much easier to grab an Ubuntu one.02:34
wgrantlamalex: Oh yeah, you might also have to change the NTP host in /etc/launchpad-buildd/default02:36
rockstar\o/ Branch index redesign has landed.02:38
wgrantrockstar: This I must see.02:40
* wgrant updates02:40
wgrantsinzui: Do I want to file bugs on dodgy padding in the side portlets?03:58
sinzuiI think so.03:59
sinzuiwgrant: can you point me to a page to see an example?04:00
wgrantsinzui: There's 0.3em too much padding at the bottom of the context actions portlet.04:00
wgrantThere's too much at the top of side portlets that start with an h2.04:00
sinzuii see04:01
sinzuiThere is also too much at the bottom of the side abr04:01
wgrantSo there is.04:01
sinzuiI could not get a simple even boarder when I played with it 2 days ago04:01
wgrantI also think the dark grey of the side bar could also do with some decoration (eg. rounded corners?)04:01
sinzuiI'll set beuno on to that issue.04:03
wgrantIt would also be really nice to un-break the tabs/watermark for distroseries/distoarchseries/distributionsourcepackage/sourcepackage/productseries.04:03
wgrantBut I guess that's unlikely for 3.0 :(04:03
sinzuithat is a 4.0 goal04:03
wgrantSo it's just going to be utterly confusing until then?04:04
sinzuiThere is a bug that we did not get to fix since the breadcrumb code landed late. I want to show karmic in the crumbs, not 9.1004:04
wgrantThat doesn't really help the crazy behaviour of the tabs on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg04:05
wgrantHowever, the 3.0 UI is a really really great improvement.04:06
wgrantParticularly as the migration will actually be finished.04:06
sinzuiWell the UI will be consistent enough that the problems will be more obvious.04:07
sinzuiI there some non-sense in sidebars and heading that I don't think will be resolved until 3.1004:07
wgrantI think it's a bad idea for 3.1.10 to be 6 weeks, but I guess you've no choice what with Karmic in the middle.04:08
wgrantIMO a normal-length cycle to fix 3.0 quickly could be better.04:08
sinzuiYes. We should have have an extra week in July/August but we had dates we had committed too at that time04:10
sinzui6 weeks is tool long for a release. this UI was too long...04:11
wgrantbetter than not getting it finished like 1.0 and 2.0.04:11
sinzuibut that is what happens when you do a mediocre job the previous year04:11
wgrantlamalex: Did you run into any issues/04:12
lamalexwgrant: haven't tried yet. Went out for a bit. Will probably mess around more with it tomorrow, wondering now how to do a vcs import06:26
wgrantlamalex: That's one thing I've not done, but I hear it's fairly easy.06:29
wgrantlamalex: What are you wanting to do with it?06:30
lamaleximport a git repo06:31
lamalexhm.. can't figure out what script to run to ge the import to actually happen06:56
wgrantlamalex: cronscripts/code-import-dispatcher.py06:58
lamalexthanks :)07:02
wgrantIs it working?07:03
wgrantI haven't locally used vcs-imports at all, and codehosting only minimally.07:03
lamalexnot sure, it looks like it ran, but it's not showing any revisions07:04
wgrantCheck the directory manually.07:04
lamalexwhere's that07:04
wgrantIt won't show revisions in the web UI until you scan the branch.07:04
wgrantNo idea.07:04
wgrantWell, it should be somewhere under /var/tmp07:05
lamalexah, so need to run another script to scan the branch?07:05
wgrantThere's a make target for it..07:05
* wgrant hunts.07:05
wgrantmake sync_branches07:06
lamalexhmm.. failed07:07
lamalexsupermirror-pull.py: error: Unhandled arguments ['upload']07:07
wgrantTry just 'make scan_branches'?07:08
wgrantMight not have to pull it.07:08
lamalexhmm the vcs I added gives an error07:10
lamalex2009-09-19 06:08:22 INFO    OOPS-1358BS1: Transport error: Server refuses to fulfill the request (403 Forbidden) for http://bazaar-internal.launchpad.dev/00/00/00/4d/.bzr/branch-format  (~vcs-imports/jolicloud-netbook-config/trunk)07:10
wgrantNo idea.07:10
lamalexgot it, apache config failure07:24
wgrantDamn, build failre.07:37
* wgrant thwacks lifeless.07:41
wgrantThe breadcrumbs and title on https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/gnome-terminal/+addquestion make me sad.08:52
wgrantThe most specific title segment is buggy, and also contains all of the information in the rest of them.08:53
lifelessI'm not a fan of breadcrumbs as a concept08:57
wgrantI think they're a great idea, but not quite in the current implementation.08:58
elmorestarted poppy on germanium09:06
wgrantelmo: Thanks.09:07
wgrantHow easy is it for somebody to look up an OOPS that occurred at a particular URL?09:21
wgrant(in particular I'm interested in the traceback for the OOPS caused by a POST to https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20090909 around 0740 UTC today.09:27
wgrantCan I express conjunction in TALES without having to resort to python: ?09:58
bachenninge: thanks for doing the testfix11:45
henningebac: np12:36
bachenninge: it was nice to wake up seeing all of that red but finding you'd already got a fix in.12:38
henningebac: see, there *is* an advantage of us all living in differnt time zones ... ;-)12:38
bachenninge: i feel bad for the dudes down under.  it seems they spend a lot of time cleaning up after us...12:39
henningebac: but from what I hear, they also have it nice and quiet. Just a few of them, always reviewing each other's branches, no long queues ... ;)12:41
wgrantHm, this is interesting.12:54
wgrantI have a case where the root context of an object is incorrect.12:54
wgrantIt's a distribution archive. The object directly above it is a distribution.12:54
wgrantYet the root context is an IPerson.12:54
wgrantI think this is because there's an adapter from IArchive to IPerson, which descends from IRootContext.12:55
wgrantIt seems pretty fragile.12:57
=== henninge is now known as henninge-afk
bacmwhudson: ping14:01
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
mwhudsonbac: 1 am on a sunday, not likely20:47
bacmwhudson: yeah, my tz math was off!22:33
wgrantI don't see breadcrumb guidelines on the 3.0 conversion page23:51
wgrantSome of them are pretty bad at the moment, eg:23:51
wgrant   1.    Ubuntu23:51
wgrant   2. “conky” package23:51
wgrant   3. Questions for “conky” package in Ubuntu23:51
wgrant   4. Ask a question about conky in ubuntu23:51
wgrantI'd be happy to go around and fix them, if there were guidelines or a known-good example.23:51

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