
Zerooey, anybody can help me with x-server stuff ?:p ive tried some stuff,  but could turn it off00:00
nathan7h4mx0r: What are you on?00:00
nathan7Zeroo: Define 'some stuff'00:00
yadu`xmnt, http://pastebin.com/d207a7972  that would be my sources.list00:00
h4mx0rubuntu netbook remix on one those atom processor netbooks00:00
Blizzerandrandal : Let me see or make some research00:00
nathan7h4mx0r: Hmm.00:00
h4mx0rnathan7: any idea what trouble could be with touchpad?00:00
nix-idiotequenicotine+ doesn't seem to work at all, but used to...  I'm wondering if my latest update had changed whatever it is that runs nicotine (Ithink it's a python compiler)  Blizzerand, does it still work for you?00:00
xmntyadu`, you using aptonCD?00:01
nathan7h4mx0r: The EEE I'm typing on has broken mouse buttons00:01
Zeroowell, I tried like init 300:01
nix-idiotequeanyway of finding out why it's not responding00:01
randalBlizzerand: thanks00:01
nathan7nix-idioteque: You need more nicotine everytime00:01
void_pointerh4mx0r, try out crunchbang - an ubuntu derivative - on your netbook00:01
Zeroobut cant get it for some reason00:01
nathan7I ought to try that00:01
void_pointerh4mx0r, works out of the box00:01
ForestBearhey guys, I have a pixel on my monitor that shows up in a reddish color if the color it's supposed to be is brighter, but if the color it's supposed ot be is darker it acts correctly, is this a stuck pixel, a dead pixel, or what, and how can I fix it?00:01
* nathan7 dereferences void_pointer and segfaults00:01
yadu`xmnt, i do use it,... but right now all of it comes from the net00:01
nix-idiotequenathan7: pack a day, homie00:01
Zeroocould be im doing something wrong00:01
nathan7ForestBear: There's a program to fix it, I forgot the name00:02
Zeroobut i dont know what :p00:02
xmntyadu`, disable that if you're not using it00:02
Blizzerandnix-idioteque : Sorry I can't quite move to ubuntu ( I'm not on ubuntu) , what version are you using00:02
nathan7ForestBear: http://www.wikihow.com/Fix-a-Stuck-Pixel-on-an-LCD-Monitor00:02
h4mx0rvoid_pointer yes I liked that one very much but if I could set it up to use the features of netbook ubuntu it would be so much easier to use00:02
void_pointerruns well on this atom n270, and the touchpad still has gestures etc.00:02
nix-idiotequethe latest, 9.0400:02
chingusDoes Ubuntu have a built in PERL writer/interpreter?00:02
soundray!upstart | Zeroo00:02
ubottuZeroo: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:02
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h4mx0rvoid_pointer the full screen option and little sections for programs and documents are nice00:02
nix-idiotequechingus: I know I've seen one in synapse00:02
aleron6can anybody help me get my sound back i need help00:02
void_pointerh4mx0r, yeah. I gave up. I feel the ubuntu netbook remix is inferior00:02
nix-idiotequechingus: synaptic, sorry00:02
fantazamhello were can i download firefox 3.5.3 for ubuntu hardy-(but not shiretotko crap) i wana real stable firefox.. whit shiretoko none of my addons are working..00:02
chingusnix-idioteque, what is synapse?00:02
h4mx0rvoid_pointer did you have issues?00:03
chingusnix-idioteque, kk thanks00:03
h4mx0rvoid_pointer: with the mouse?00:03
jiohdiis it possible that a compaq deskpro is so old that its sound card will not be recognized by ubuntu?00:03
void_pointerh4mx0r, yes, and touchpad00:03
PiranahAnyone had issues with firefox since the last round of ubuntu updates ?00:03
randalBlizzerand: any luck so far i think it might be the x-server i dont know00:03
void_pointerh4mx0r, and function buttons like dim etc.00:03
yadu`xmnt, okay ... now is there somethin we can do abt the installation ?00:03
jiohdipiranah, all my book marks vanished and will not return00:03
Blizzerandrandal : Do you have menu bar and all that stuff00:03
jiohdiPiranah: its like some file is locked out00:03
nix-idiotequechingus: System > Pref > Synaptic...  I can't remember the name however00:03
h4mx0rvoid_pointer: I noticed those buttons didn't work from start thanks for info00:03
xmntyes, you need to completely purge mysql .. again .. and make sure everything is removed00:03
icarusKanye: hey sudo, im gonna let you have your time, but i just wanted to say that su is the best way to get root of all time, and only ubuntu fags use sudo, k00:04
PiranahMy cpu usage for fire fox keeps jumping to 100 percent. Dual core system and i see it jumping 100 percent from core 1 and then core 2 via htop00:04
xmntyadu`, yes, you need to completely purge mysql .. again .. and make sure everything is removed00:04
xmntyadu`, you also need to run an update00:04
jiohdiPiranah: I use xmarks and it will not restore my book marks00:04
nathan7ForestBear: http://www.jscreenfix.com/00:04
bazhangicarus, watch the language00:04
void_pointerh4mx0r, someone told me a fix for my mouse, but it didn't work. Maybe you'll have better luck00:04
randalBlizzerand: no i dont00:04
xmntyadu`, and also run apt-get autoremove00:04
blip-hey just a random thought,  instead of Jauny Jackalope,  should've been called Jumping Joe00:04
yadu`xmnt should i also need to remove the packages in /var/apt/cache ?00:04
Piranahjiohdi, thats terrible as well :(00:04
fantazamanybody where can i get new firefox for ubuntu?00:04
h4mx0rvoid_pointer: that's what I don't get I mean it was working perhaps I didn't reboot after update and it had broken00:05
jiohdiPiranah: it only did that on my laptop, the desktop is working fine00:05
xmntyadu`, that couldn't hurt00:05
aleron6can anybody help me install this alsa driver00:05
icarusyadu`: sudo rm -frv /var/apt/cache00:05
jals_is there a way to save my current desktop session so it resumes on reboot?00:05
chingusnix-idioteque, thanks I found the package. but it gived the error :broken packages and aborts.00:05
jrib!ff35 | fantazam00:05
ubottufantazam: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY00:05
Piranahjiohdi, kk. I have no idea why firefox is going cpu hungry though this is bugging me00:05
yadu`xmnt, last time i did an autoremove... half my system went down the drain00:05
panvhi all, i've seen somewhere a tutorial how to use alltray with dmesg to display the system messages and keep it updating on the desktop.. does anyone has an idea about this ?? i lost the link, and cannot do it again...00:05
void_pointerh4mx0r, yes, mine was working too, and I never found out what made it stop lol00:05
void_pointerh4mx0r,  you might be the dude to solve the mystery00:05
ForestBearnathan7: but i'm not sure it's the same problem because the pixel isn't "stuck" per se00:05
xmntyadu`, when you update it should tell you which packages can be removed, check the list and if needed pastebin it00:06
chingusnix-idioteque, got it thanks. nvm00:06
jiohdiPiranah: there is a version called seamonkey already installed and it seems to work better00:06
h4mx0rvoid_pointer: I dunno but I was getting some weird acpid calls from root perhaps its a power save feature gone wrong killing it00:06
Piranahjiohdi, ok thnx00:06
icarusyadu`: if you sudo rm -frv /var/cache/ and then sudo apt-get update, it will auto-correct itself00:06
icarusyadu`: that is the best way to do it00:06
chingusI was just wondering that ubuntu has a much faster internet speed on the same computer than windows xp once did. same hardware, modem ISP everything the same, but ubuntu is faster. Is there any particular reason for that?00:06
fantazamubottu: i have already installed but mozilla-mplayer is not workin whit this ver. when i try to install mozilla mplayer it want me to download firefox 3.1??00:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:07
nathan7chingus: Better network drivers00:07
yadu`icarus, thank you ... :P00:07
chingusnathan7, k thanks.00:07
void_pointerh4mx0r, yeah, I suspected the acpi - well I'm almost sure that's what it was. Reinstalling all the stuff I could find didn't help00:07
soundrayyadu`: don't do what icarus suggests unless you know precisely what it does00:07
panvno one knows how to do that ???00:07
randalBlizzerand: its rely werid its was working perfectly fine grphics enabled and everthing but then i restarted the computer for updates and i no longer had and bars on the top of windows or the bars on the desktop00:07
soundrayicarus: please don't recommend removing the entire cache directory. You don't know whether they have valuable stuff in there.00:08
yadu`xmnt, i think there is something u shud see.... when i do the install... the details say mysql server shutdown.. cos of not being able to connect to the sql server00:08
aleron6can anybody help me get alsa working00:08
Blizzerandrandal : Sorry but I don't quite use ubuntu remix but as you said it may be an x-server prob .00:08
xmntyadu`, yes it's not able to start because the install doesn't finish00:08
icarusaleron6: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart00:09
xmntyadu`, did you finish those steps yet?00:09
Blizzerandrandal : Look into the post by warreno . Are you having the same trouble as that guy  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-875887.html00:09
randalBlizzerand: ubuntu remix make no differnce i changed it to clasic mod so its exactly the same as ubuntu00:09
nathan7!u | yadu`00:10
ubottuyadu`: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.00:10
yadu`xmnt, yea... its because of some /var/run/mysqld/mysql ... somethin missing... the socket cannot connect or somethin like that00:10
void_pointernathan7, thank you.00:10
xmntyadu`, I only have a few more minutes until I'm outta here ... did you run through those steps?00:10
icarusyadu`: you can also sudo chown -R 667 /etc/, sometimes ubuntu has issues with its file permission, and it doesn't seamlessly upgrade00:10
DJCharlieafternoon folks.00:10
randalBlizzerand: yes that sound kinda like my problem but i got no bar to go to settings to fix that do i go into like safe mode how do i do that00:10
icarusyadu`: that might help you out as well00:10
Blizzerandrandal: Not sure  but try Alt-F2 and type in Gnome panel to get the panel back00:10
yadu`nathan7, ubottu  i'm so sorry , It's just that, it comes out that way when I type faster ... making amends00:11
randalBlizzerand: ya i just read that how do i get out of that terminal when i type that in00:11
formodeBlizzerand: randal, It's gnome-panel00:11
hipodilskihi guys, I'm having Windows Vista installed on my system and I'd like to install Ubuntu on the same machine. I've downloaded Ubuntu but I wonder if it's possible to use the Ubuntu install to resize my ntfs partition without loosing my Vista?00:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:11
randalformode: thanks00:12
* Blizzerand huggles formode00:12
formodehipodilski: Yes very easily. You should try just using wubi though.00:12
icarushipodilski: check out wubi00:12
chingushipodilski, yes, use wubi00:12
soundrayhipodilski: yes, no problem00:12
Blizzerandformode : Thanks dude00:12
DJCharliei'm having a fair amount of trouble with getting vgetty up and running properly. using a diamond supra express 56e pro modem (works great), but it won't answer. here's a paste of the log, from init, through a test call made by me: http://pastebin.com/m3c837d3900:12
formodeBlizzerand: Ack Ubuntu scum! *Sprays*00:12
DJCharlieany ideas on what it could be?00:12
randalBlizzerand: like i lcick alt f2 then put the code in then how do i get back to my normal screen00:12
chingus!wubi > chingus00:12
ubottuchingus, please see my private message00:12
h4mx0rvoid_pointer: I found this http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/columns/ubuntu_netbook_remix_detailed_explanation so gonna try doing an openbox similar to netbook distro of ubuntu00:12
formoderandal: Alt f100:12
randalformode:  thanks00:12
randalBlizzerand: ill try that brb00:12
xmnthipodilski, just burn to a cd or put on a usb drive ... run it by rebooting into the live distro ... no need to install via wubi00:13
PiranahOK killed firefox re-launched a clean instance and still in htop i see 6 sep process for firefox wth00:13
proweras unintentionally funny as this sounds, in jaunty using firefox 3.5 when closing out, i'm still left with a lot of "zombie" processes that even kill -9 doesn't seem to affect :P00:13
Blizzerandrandal : No you probably would get a panel thing lol00:13
chingus!wubi > hipodilski00:13
ubottuhipodilski, please see my private message00:13
Piranahpower i am seeing sim issues00:13
DigitalKiwibazhang: ahh, come on, that was funny00:13
buckyyadu`, this sounds like  you installed mysql from source and you have a stale /etc/mysql/my.cnf that's not point to where your socket really is (/tmp/mysql.sock)  ... it's one of the oldest bugs00:13
chingusUbottu is an interesting bot...00:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:13
formoderandal: What DE are you in? Alt F2 in gnome should just pop up a little box. Not bring youi to tty.00:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook00:13
xmntyadu`, gotta go ... here's the final install line:: sudo aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev00:14
xmntyadu`, good luck00:14
DigitalKiwii hadn't seen a lost the game in like months00:14
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.500:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chromium00:14
formodeOy shitty.00:14
yadu`xmnt , can i have ur mail id please ??00:14
ubottuFirefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY00:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpan00:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about perl00:14
formodeShiretoko is sexy <300:14
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:14
soundray!msgthebot > chingus00:14
bazhangchingus, /msg ubottu please00:14
ubottuchingus, please see my private message00:14
randalformode:  how do i run gnome-panel do i use the comand run or something00:15
formoderandal: What Desktop Enviroment are you in?00:15
bazhangformode, watch the language00:15
yadu`bucky, well ... my problem is that mysql does not connect properly as the socket is not properly configured...00:15
chingussoundray, bazhang sorry00:15
soundraychingus: perl is installed by default in Ubuntu00:15
randalformod ubuntu remix00:15
soundraychingus: :)00:15
geophysicswhat is shutdown or logout  command on terminal ??00:15
randalalt f2 did nothing00:15
formoderandal: So Gnome, alright, and the panel at the top is gone?00:15
chingussoundray, and good packages you can recommend? I am a student for PERL but haven't found anything simple.00:16
formodeicarus: <300:16
soundraygeophysics: sudo shutdown -h now00:16
soundraygeophysics: or sudo halt00:16
randali click ctrl alt f2 or something and broght me into a black screen wherne i login and how do i start gnome-panel00:16
xmntyadu`, did you see my PM ?00:16
chingusgeophysics, shutdown == sudo poweroff00:16
randalformode: yes it is gone00:16
fuzzman54If both pc's are Ubuntu is there a better way than Samba?00:16
formoderandal: Hur hur your in tty now. THat's not what you want. brb00:16
geophysicsi want to add a shutdown shotcut to my applicatiosn menu00:17
chingusfuzzman54, the best is Samba, but you can always customise the smb.conf file to make it better00:17
randalformode: :( how do i get out of it00:17
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chingusrandal, ctrl - D usually works00:17
soundraygeophysics: why there, of all places?00:17
jpdsfuzzman54: NFS.00:17
formoderandal Should be that same but just press f1 instead of f200:17
soundrayrandal: try Alt-F700:18
fuzzman54It takes like twenty minutes to move a file over my network using Samba.00:18
jophishInteresting question: If I have compiled a kernel module for one kernel 2.6.28-11 and can't remember how I got it to work. can I move it to 2.6.28-1500:18
hipitihopIf I want to bridge 2 wireless AP's do they need to be on seperate subnet ? I have tried on same subnet i.e. ap 1 is and ap 2 is but ping times seem very slow so almost as if there are collisions of some sort any tips ?00:18
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movelageophysics: just right click on the panel and add to panel.. and shutdown00:18
jophishalternatively, what are commands to tell me everything about a module00:18
hipodilskiwell I don't want to install ubuntu via windows00:18
geophysicssoundray:  to applictiosn menu or places (using edit menu)  a button or sth like that.  just like in windows00:18
randalformode:  give me 2 secs :)00:18
hipodilskiI'd like to install it on a separate partition, therefore I need to repartition my current windows drive00:19
Jordan_Ujophish: For many, man <module name>00:19
fbianconi!ubottu > fbianconi00:19
ubottufbianconi, please see my private message00:19
formoderandal: I'm in no hurry. PM me if you want. 1300 people on a channel is a bit much for my attention span.00:19
formodehipodilski: You cna do it on gparted in the livecd00:19
hipodilskiI was curious if ubuntu supports, repartitioning of my ntfs partitoin00:19
jophishthanks Jordan_U00:19
hipodilskiformode: thanks00:20
hipodilskiformode: you sure gparted supports ntfs?00:20
yadu`I changed mode of /etc/ to 777 now I get --> sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0777, should be 0440  , can someone tell me what mode I should give /etc/ ?00:20
jophishunfortunately, no module man entry00:20
Jordan_Ujophish: np00:20
formodehipodilski: Yeah I think ubuntu has ntfsutils on the livecd, should be able to resize it too.00:20
jpdsyadu`: That was a bad thing to do.00:20
jribyadu`: what command did you run exactly?00:20
randalformode: ok i F7 broght me out how do i bring up the thing you wanted me to do00:20
Blizzerandhipodilski : yes , it supports ntfs all the way00:20
yadu`jpds, jrib  sudo chmod 777 -R /etc/00:21
formoderandal: Alt F2 should bring up a box to run commands in00:21
buckyyadu`, well like i said it's one of the oldest errors in linux... and i told you how to fix it so google it cause it's because you got away from the pre packaged debs00:21
randalformode: that does nothing00:21
phil__hey guys00:21
chingusIs google chrome secure to run on UBuntu or does it have the same security issues it has on windows?00:21
formoderandal: Can you get gnome-terminal up?00:21
randali can get to terminal buy typing in crtl alt F2 :)00:22
hipodilskiBlizzerand: I just want to be sure that I'm not gonna loose my windows install I have some valueable stuff there00:22
soundraygeophysics: you can add it to the panel, as movela suggests00:22
urthmoverwhy does that matter chingus? are you afraid of a linux virus?00:22
formoderandal: That's not what we want.00:22
randalformode:  but i dont think thats what you want00:22
jribyadu`: reinstalling is probably the easiest way to resolve this and don't do it in the future...00:22
hipodilskiBlizzerand: you've tried the gparted way?00:22
formoderandal: No that's the tty not what you want.00:22
randalfor how can i get the terminal up00:22
randalformode:  whats tty00:22
Blizzerandhipodilski ; yeah , don't worry you won't loose your stuff00:22
DJCharliecan someone please look at this log from vgetty and tell me how to fix it? http://pastebin.com/m3c837d3900:22
yadu`jrgp, reinstalling ?00:22
chingusurthmover, no but google chrome is easily hackable through the buffer overflow bug...00:23
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formoderandal: Console mode.00:23
jribyadu`: you need to reinstate the old permissions somehow.  If you wish to do that some other way, that works too.00:23
jophishcan I get cp to skip files already there00:23
randalformode:  so what should i do next00:23
jribjophish: use rsync00:23
hipodilskiBlizzerand: ok thanks00:23
urthmoverchingus: test it then00:23
=== adam is now known as Guest43083
formoderandal: We need a "Run..." But I'm not sure how to do that on nbr.00:23
urthmoverchingus: thats what vmware is for00:23
jophishjrib, I'm using that at the moment00:23
jophishactually, nm00:23
soundrayDJCharlie: are you sure your modem supports voice?00:23
formoderandal: Is there like a "Run..." command in your little UI thing?00:23
chingusurthmover, Yeah it works...still unsecure...pity its so much lighter though.00:24
DJCharliesoundray: definitely. i bought it for this specific reason.00:24
Jordan_Uyadu`: You didn't just change the permissions of /etc, you changed the permissions of every subdirectory and file00:24
randalformode: nbr i dont think its differnt i switched into clasical mod so it looks identical to ubuntu00:24
DoubleDosethat buffer overflow bug was fixed in june lol?00:24
Jordan_Uyadu`: And they aren't all the same00:24
Guest43083Is this the official ubuntu support channel at irc.freenode.net?00:24
urthmoverchingus: agreed its definite a dev build00:24
randalformode:  the only thing i see is the desktop picture theres nothing on my screen00:24
formoderandal: Huh weird.00:24
randalformode: well i also see the mouse :)00:24
txt23 When I type ls -all -h -X in linux command line. It displays the date in a format like this: Mon DD YYYY. Is there a way to display that in YYYY-MM-DD format?00:25
formoderandal: Can you ust restart xorg?00:25
yadu`Jordan_U, yes... I see the blunder now... so there is no way to fix it ?00:25
randalformod how do i do that00:25
Jordan_Uyadu`: No easy way00:25
soundrayDJCharlie: looking more closely, the fault doesn't seem to be specifically voice-related00:25
randalformode:  can i do that in console00:25
formoderandal: I dunno how to on ubuntu, try like ctrl alt delete or something00:25
yadu`Jordan_U, hmm ... then i should get started00:25
DigitalKiwibruenig: you have experience with restoring /etc/ perhaps you can help this yadu` fellow00:25
DJCharliesoundray: i'm thinking it's initialization, but i can't figure out how to set that, or even what to set it to.00:25
Guest43083Flash is very laggy and black frames appear in video, anyone know how to fix this problem?00:25
navetzcan someone help me fix my sound00:26
randalformode: that brought up the shut down restart menu00:26
chingusAnyone recommend an active virus scanner for Ubuntu?00:26
navetzi can't listen to two programs at once00:26
formoderandal: Tell it to logout00:26
formoderandal: And just log back in00:26
randalformod ok00:26
navetzso i can listen to youtube, but not amarok, and vice versa .00:26
navetzi have to restart X to switch00:26
soundrayDJCharlie: ignoring those messages, is it working in principle?00:26
bruenigDigitalKiwi: its on the bbs00:26
soundray!virus | chingus00:26
ubottuchingus: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:26
randalthats werid there no log out button just hibernate susspend shutdown00:26
DigitalKiwibut that used pacman not apt commands, bruenig00:27
bruenigjust modify it00:27
bruenigit will work00:27
randalformode:  thats werid there no log out button just hibernate susspend shutdown00:27
formoderandal: Just reboot the compuiter then.00:27
formoderandal: :-P00:27
geophysicsmovela: and this is my problem :)) I dont want it on my panel, I want it on in my gnome menu00:27
randalformode ok00:27
DigitalKiwibruenig: he chmod -R /etc....you really think he is capable of modifying it himself? :P00:27
geophysicssoundray: and this is my problem :)) I dont want it on my panel, I want it on in my gnome menu00:27
chingussoundray, I know of that but doesn't WINE generate a problem in terms of viruses?00:27
Guest43083Anyone know how to fix flash when it is laggy and black frames appear every few seconds?00:28
grayoi just installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu Netbook Remix, to my dismay my sd card reader isn't working nor is the webcam or microphone00:28
bruenigwell /etc has some weird permissions00:28
shadowh511hey, does anyone know why launchpad is down?00:28
Jordan_Uchingus: Google chrome for linux does not use wine00:28
MrElendigshadowh511: the pirates boarded and raided it00:28
soundraychingus: probably, but if you're running wine, why not try a Windows antivirus program?00:28
bruenigin general you can do: sudo find /etc -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;00:28
chingussoundray, good idea00:28
bruenigand then: sudo find /etc -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;00:29
bruenigwhich will get you decent enough permissions00:29
bruenigbut then you will have to go through and fix sudoers and such00:29
randalformode where did you go00:29
Jordan_Ubruenig: But there are security issues that are non trivial like /etc/passwd vs /etc/shadow00:29
bruenigright yes that is what I mean when I say sudoers and such00:30
bruenigbut it should be doable to kind of fix the exceptions, better than a reinstall in any event00:30
DJCharliesoundray: any ideas on fixing it?00:30
Noturno99somebody help me about gtk library?00:31
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soundrayDJCharlie: what's the problem (aside from the error messages)?00:31
jribNoturno99: what about it exactly?00:31
Noturno99what can I include it in my C programs?00:32
SnakDocwhere do you report errors in help.ubuntu.com00:32
Noturno99i downloaded it and i don't do this yet00:32
aleron6can anybody vhelp me with alsa00:32
DJCharliesoundray: well, if you'll notice at the bottom of the paste, when a call came in, not only did it not answer, but during the second ring, it said the line stopped ringing (it rang 3 more times after that).00:32
MrElendigcould also poke in the .deb's to find the propper permission of the files00:32
jribNoturno99: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk-tutorial/stable/00:33
jribNoturno99: you should install the library itself using APT, not downloading it.  You need the -dev package for libgtk00:33
jrib!software > Noturno9900:33
ubottuNoturno99, please see my private message00:33
soundrayDJCharlie: where are you (country)?00:34
Noturno99ok, i do this, apt-get install gkt2.0-dev..00:34
jribNoturno99: no, that's not right00:34
Noturno99so, how I include it in my c, just #include<gtk.h> ??00:34
Noturno99many errors..00:35
jribNoturno99: read the link I gave you00:35
DJCharliesoundray: united states.00:35
jribNoturno99: compile the hello world example there00:35
Noturno99i'll see00:35
soundrayDJCharlie: not one of those where you typically have long delays between rings00:35
DJCharliesoundray: nope.00:36
Jordan_USnakDoc: ubuntu-docs ( in launchpad )00:36
randalhow do i go into failsafe mode in ubuntu00:36
SnakDocjordan_U ok thanks i look just found a n that should have been N00:37
mgv1how can i upload a torrent?00:37
Jordan_USnakDoc: np00:37
Noturno99it's allright now!00:38
Noturno99thanks guts00:38
MrElendigmgv1: take a look at opentracker00:38
ScottNYClets say I wanted to install linux and have it as the main OS, nothing else installed. If I needed access to proprietary software like adobe apps, and office, whats the best way to go about it? wine? virtual machine?00:38
randalhey how do i restart x org in terminal plz help00:38
mgv1<MrElendig>: thats a program?00:38
MrElendigmgv1: http://openbittorrent.com/00:38
mgv1<MrElendig>: will check that - thank you00:39
randalhey how do i restart x org in terminal plz help00:39
KageeScottNYC: often depends on the app00:39
MrElendigrandal: kill it00:39
jeeves_Mosshow can I find out why my laptop is flaking out?  it seems to be freezing (with lots of disk activity), and when I reboot, I'm getting X11 errors and the GUI fails to load00:39
BuckshotKoi hindustan se hai kya.00:39
Jordan_Urandal: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart00:39
MrElendigrandal: or change the runlevel00:39
soundrayDJCharlie: did your modem come with any bundled software?00:39
ScottNYCwhats the best VM software for linux? whats the name of the application?00:39
ScottNYCvirtual box?00:40
MrElendigScottNYC: qemu00:40
ScottNYCqemu, ok00:40
Buckshottry mylund00:40
Jordan_Ujeeves_Moss: Have you tried memtest?00:40
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jeeves_MossJordan_U, yes.  the extended test came back clean00:40
randalJordan_U: thanks i know have a black screen how long does it take to restart00:41
Jordan_Urandal: It shouldn't take more than a few seconds00:41
randalJordan_U: great its still black00:41
randalJordan_U: do you know how i can get into like failsafe mode or safe mode whatever you call it00:42
soundrayDJCharlie: if it came with its own software, you can possibly find out what initialization strings that software uses, and copy them into the mgetty configuration00:42
Jordan_Urandal: Does this happen every time you boot?00:42
DJCharliesoundray: unfortunately, it didn't.00:43
m0r0nCan I recover info from a formatted hard drive?00:43
Jordan_Um0r0n: How was it formatted?00:44
MrElendigm0r0n: depends on how you formated it, and what you did to it afterwards, and what the original filesystem was00:44
randalJordan_U: my problem is i have a netbook and installed ubuntu on it. It worked great but when i restarted it after installing updates first restart of the computer my window bars dont show up or desktop bars all i get is my desktop00:44
soundrayDJCharlie: any detailed documentation on its special AT commands?00:44
NachturnalIn most cases there are programs that will read and recover data from formatted drives, as long as it wasn't a low level format00:45
m0r0nJordan_U: Not sure, I put the windows cd in to install onto my other hard drive, I had to reformat and the instalation disk had an option and I used that. It had vista on it before, so I assume NTFS?00:45
randalJordan_U: so do you have anyideas00:45
Jordan_Urandal: Ok, do you auto login or do you see the login screen at boot?00:45
Jordan_Urandal: At the login screen look under the sessions menu00:46
randalJordan_U: i see the logon screen00:46
Jordan_Urandal: Try "Failsafe Gnome"00:46
FoxWhat python editor do you all recommend?00:47
kanyeW_IRQoh hey yo, everybody00:47
kanyeW_IRQI'm really happy y'all are having uch a good time and all00:47
kanyeW_IRQAnd I'ma let you guys finish00:47
randalJordan_U: ya failsafe did help any ideas of what i should do00:47
bazhangkanyeW_IRQ, did you have a support question00:48
Jordan_UkanyeW_IRQ: Please stop, this is a support channel00:48
kanyeW_IRQbut the #C++ channel has one of the best discussions of ALL TIME00:48
randalJordan_U: i meant didnt00:48
m0r0nAny ideas?00:48
FoxWhat python editor do you all recommend?00:48
soundrayFox: if in doubt, use emacs00:49
nathan7 Vim.00:49
soundraynathan7: no, emacs00:49
nathan7EMACS: Escape Meta Alt Control Shift00:49
icerootFox: the normal one, just type python00:50
Foxreally? I used that years ago, it was weird. Maybe improved00:50
icerootFox: a sorry, you asked for editor not for interprete00:50
soundrayEight Megabytes And Continually Swapping (from a time when 8MB was a lot :)00:50
Foxiceroot yea00:50
icerootFox: for editor, of course vi :)00:50
icerootFox: the editor for real men00:51
lstarnesFox: vim and emacs are both good editors00:51
DJCharliesoundray: no ideas?00:51
soundrayDJCharlie: you haven't answered my question00:51
FoxThanks yall00:51
DJCharliesoundray: sorry, i missed it. too many open windows, plus i'm on the air right now. could you repeat it please?00:52
randalJordan_U: i i typed in metacity --replace and then gnome panels and i got it all up and running i think my start up script isnt working00:52
soundrayDJCharlie: any detailed documentation on the modem's special AT commands?00:52
Jordan_Urandal: Is compiz set as the default window manager?00:53
frozenfire`...darn thing.00:53
DJCharliesoundray: just what i can find in VOCP's website (http://vocpsystem.com/vgetty_modems.php?mode=component) and it's fairly generic.00:53
randalJordan_U: if thats defalt yes how do i get compiz to start whats the comand00:53
soreauJordan_U: If you have a graphics card capable of running compiz and your drivers are working then yes00:53
soreaurandal: Try setting Sys>Prefs>Appearance>Visual Effects tab to Extra00:54
randalJordan_U: so whats the command to get the compiz thing to restart00:54
cafuegorandal: System > Preferences > Display settings > Effects00:54
Jordan_Urandal: Compiz might be what is causing the problem, try disabling "desktop effects" in System > Preferences > Appearance00:54
soundrayDJCharlie: okay, last suggestion before I give up: the init string may be doing something unintended. Replace it with a generic reset command (ATZ or ATZ0).00:54
soundrayDJCharlie: or maybe AT&F00:55
randalJordan_U: it was disabled it was working fine when i had it inabled how do i start up window manage compiz00:55
DJCharliesoundray: okay, and where would i put that?00:55
ScottNYCdan, ubuntu is pretty sick00:55
Jordan_Urandal: If you want to start compiz, run "compiz --replace"00:55
soundrayDJCharlie: in the vgetty config file. Don't know where that goes in Ubuntu, but I would look in /etc/mgetty00:56
soundrayDJCharlie: save the original so you can go back easily.00:56
randalJordan_U: i cheing for video drviers now and then im gona check me boot up script00:56
DJCharliesoundray: been through that file, and there's nothing about init strings, unfortunately.00:56
randalJordan_U: checking00:56
soundrayDJCharlie: there must be some place that defines all those commands it sends, like "AT+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0"00:57
randalJordan_U: i get wobbly windows so i think its working good but why doesent this start up on boot00:57
soreaurandal: Set Sys>Prefs>Appearance>Visual Effects tab to Extra for it to start when you login00:57
DJCharliesoundray: ok, thanks, i'll go back to digging.00:58
Jordan_Urandal: Some part gnome-session is failing00:58
soundrayDJCharlie: if all else fails, do a 'find /etc -type f -print 0 | xargs -0 grep -l "AT+FDCC"' (could take a while)00:58
SilentJonathanhow do i check what kind of wireless card I have on my laptop00:58
SilentJonathani can not find any hardware configuration program or anything00:59
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soundraySilentJonathan: look through the output from lspci and lsusb00:59
randalJordan_U: so what should i do01:00
SilentJonathanthank you01:00
DJCharliesoundray: find: paths must precede expression: 001:00
soundrayDJCharlie: sorry, I put a space where there shouldn't be any01:01
Noturno99 hey,people, how can i see a movie in avi and open a legend in srt?01:01
soundrayDJCharlie: if all else fails, do a 'find /etc -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l "AT+FDCC"' (could take a while)01:01
Jordan_Urandal: Try logging out and logging back in with "xterm" session, then in xterm run gnome-session and look at the errors it prints out01:01
randalJordan_U: whats xtern01:02
Jordan_Urandal: It doesn't start anything but a terminal01:02
randalJordan_U: when i open torminal i get this error (error creating child process for this terminal)01:02
randalJordan_U: ok i added gnome-pannel to start up and compiz it now works but i have nbr and when i log in i dont get the cool nbr thing01:05
burntresistorhey im trying to add medibuntu to my repositories and im following this guide and it doesnt say where i can get the key  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu01:05
Rods_Tigerhow do I make ubuntu appear on the network so that I can copy files to it?01:05
Jordan_Urandal: Since this happened after an upgrade check if there are any unconfigured packages by running "sudo dpkg --configure -a"01:06
soundrayburntresistor: yeah, it does01:06
soundrayburntresistor: look under "Then, add the GPG Key:"01:06
sy1Hi Good Morning from Malaysia01:06
randalJordan_U: ya that might be it but i reinstalled the comter 3 times and everythime i get this01:06
DJCharliesoundray: it came back with 0 matches.01:06
tenachGood morning to you sy101:06
sy1I wonder if the message that ubuntu says that it check the harddisk01:06
rleehey, anyone know how to block my internal IP address from being placed in the message header?~~~01:07
soundrayDJCharlie: I can't seem to help you at all, sorry01:07
foul_owlHey I got a quick and easy question. How do I determine the IP address/log in the wrt54g from the workstation in this network topology? http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/7457/topology.png . I have tried pinging the range 192.168.0.(0-255) but the WRT54g apparently does not respond to pings from the wan port?01:07
sy1is this normal01:07
Jordan_Urandal: You probably  shouldn't add gnome-panel and compiz again since they should be starting automatically ( and hopefully will again when we solve the root problem )01:07
randalJordan_U: but i think i figured something out i went to swtich to nbr mode and it switched i also got an error give me a second to write it out01:07
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revygttamHow can i recursively delete all *.jpg files within an images folder with many folders and other extensions within?01:07
sy1foul i think you are suppose to ping to the lan normal port not the wan port01:07
burntresistoryeah but im still getting this error : GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278301:08
randalJordan_U: An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for netbook-launcher. some of your configuration settings may not work properly01:08
DJCharliesoundray: ok, thanks anyway.01:08
sy1medi needs to get the gpg key then only it will work01:08
ZoeyMariecan someone help me figure out why a program (audacity, if you know it) is trying to freeze when I do anything?01:08
soundrayrevygttam: find /path/to/folder -name '*.jpg' -print0 | xargs -0 rm01:08
burntresistorwhen i entered the key under then add gpg key i got this enter01:09
randalJordan_U: when i switched to nbr gnome panel never started up01:09
sy1Zoey check your memory01:09
ZoeyMarieI have 2g of memory.01:09
sy1zoey are you using windows?01:09
ZoeyMarieunless there is another check I should do.01:09
sy1yes there is01:09
Jordan_Urandal: Is this a fresh install?01:09
ZoeyMarienope. Ubuntu/Ubuntu studio (I am dual booting though)01:09
sy1it is called a stress01:09
randalJordan_U: yes01:09
randalJordan_U:  i got the error agian01:10
ZoeyMariestress, huh? how do I test it?01:10
sy1ok do you know how to use google01:10
foul_owlI can't change any of the network topology though. I dont have access to it01:10
mdalekhelllo can anyone help, we are trying to recover files from a failed hard drive on a ubuntu livecd01:10
sy1zoey you have to find a software for memory testing01:10
mdalekthe filesystem is intact01:10
Jordan_UZoeyMarie: Reboot and choose "memtest86" from the menu that comes up at boot, let it run for a few hours to be certain01:10
mdalekbut its a silly error, its saying we have no permissions to access the files on the mounted volume01:11
soundraymdalek: try with sudo01:11
mdalekis there a way of squashing the permissions on mount01:11
ZoeyMarieI don't think it's memory... I think it's something to do with the audio stuff (since it's an audio program, and I've been having problems with audio) most programs (even heavy duty ones) are completely fine.01:11
mdalekwe tried sudo cp01:11
sy1mdalek unless you use a non password situation01:11
nomicanyone know please i'm on ubuntu live cd and i cannot see /dev/hda01:11
randalJordan_U: so i did the commad you told me to do it did nothing01:11
sy1what sound card are you using ?01:12
sy1zoey ?01:12
soundraymdalek: and?01:12
Jordan_Urandal: Then that's not the problem01:12
mdaleksy1, can you please elaborate01:12
ZoeyMarieI have no idea, honestly... how do I check?01:12
Lyeraeraaargh Ubuntu is killing me01:12
sy1zoey you can also try using oca.microsoft.com/en/windiag.asp01:12
mdaleksoundray, it still says no permissions01:12
ZoeyMariewhat's that?01:12
randalJordan_U: what should i do next01:12
LyeraeCan anyone tell me why it won't let me turn on the extra graphics settings on a new install, where on the old install it let me?01:13
Rods_TigerI've enabled 'shares-admin' and it's installed samba but so far I can't see it on the network01:13
mdaleksoundray, we tried chown too :(01:13
randalJordan_U: did you want me to run xclient script01:13
sy1mdalek you should not have a problem with ubuntu access the harddisk unless the harddisk have a problem with the files01:13
aleron6can anybody help me01:13
soundraymdalek: have you done a 'sudo ls -l'?01:13
sy1mdalek please get a windows to do a harddisk check first01:13
sy1is that hdd on ntfs ?01:13
mdaleksy1, its ext301:13
Jordan_Urandal: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"01:13
sy1ok meaning you have to check the harddisk for problem first01:14
mdaleksoundray, no i havent had access to the drive, im going on site tomorrow01:14
Rods_Tigerif I share the user directory, where is the configuration file that tells it that that's what to do?01:14
mdaleksy1, a fsck was run01:14
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Jordan_Umdalek: What are you trying to copy to? Is it mounted rw?01:14
nomicok figured it ty back can only examine/dev/hda as root01:14
mdalekJordan_U, yes i believe so01:15
randalJordan_U: when i typed that code in it did nothing just went down a line01:15
mdalekI'm going on site tomorrow to fix this and its very important files :(01:15
mdalekjust trying to think of alternate solutions01:15
Rods_Tigerthere's no /etc/conf.d in ubuntu's /etc - is everything just scattered about willy-nilly?01:16
Jordan_Urandal: If you mean dpkg --configure -a, that's what it does when there is no problem01:16
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LyeraeCan anyone please help? I just had to reinstall ubuntu, and nothing is working, when it used to...01:16
randalJordan_U: i know have nbr working but the gnome pannel is acting werid it like invisible inless you clock on it01:16
randalJordan_U: click01:17
Jordan_Umdalek: Can you pastebin the exact cp command you are running and its output?01:17
aleron6can anybody help me01:17
randaljordan now its acting rely weierd01:17
randalJordan_U: wow my graphics jsut went funky with the wobbly windows01:18
mdalekJordan_U, i dont have access at the moment, its a secure site :(01:18
Jordan_Urandal: Is nbr flashing ?01:18
scottclinWireless help?01:18
mdalekJordan_U, is there a way of mounting ext3 and squashing all the perms :S01:19
randaljordan i had grphic problems liek werid colars parts of windows disapearing inless you move your mouse over it blue random coulors01:19
Jordan_Umdalek: Have you checked if the files can be read?01:19
LyraHello, can anyone help me with a little issue I'm having? I just formatted a new partition and I'm trying to add it to fstab so that it will be mounted automatically, but its not really happening, then when I try to mount it from computer:/// it says that I am not privileged to mount it there.01:19
Jordan_Umdalek: I01:20
randalJordan_U: i did flash my bios befor i install ubuntu would that couse anything01:20
mdalekJordan_U, the operator say he cant access the dir and all the subfiles01:20
Jordan_Umdalek: ... I am guessing the real problem is the permissions of the file system you are copying TO01:20
mdalekJordan_U, yes possibly01:21
scottclinLyra: your line in fstab?01:21
prof87hi at alla01:21
mdalekJordan_U, maybe he didnt have write access on the usb drive01:21
sammyI have an external drive mounted on an ubuntu machine and I want to access it from an ubuntu server installation (no gui) whats the easiest way?01:21
prof87hi at all01:21
prof87can something help me please?01:21
LyeraeI think we're all here for help... If not, we're helping...01:22
Jordan_U!ask | prof8701:22
ubottuprof87: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:22
scottclinSammy: Mount01:22
randalJordan_U: i restarted my compter and my grahpics were set to none i put them on extra and it works but theres werid graphic errors01:22
bkayWhen I miss-type a command I get a weird error. Say I type "asdlka", the response from the shell is "bash: asdlka: command not found /usr/bin/python: /opt/matlab/bin/glnxa64/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by /usr/bin/python)"01:22
sammyscottclin: mount can mount drives that are somewhere else on the network?01:22
LyraUUID=7c8cba42-6bec-4617-bd0d-8ecce317efd0 /media/Storageext3defaults,errors=continue 0 101:22
prof87I HAVE SONY VGN FZ18M01:22
Jordan_Urandal: Compiz and nbr don't work well together with intel cards ( this problem will be fixed in the next version of ubuntu ).01:23
sammyit's already mounted on a linux box, I want to mount it from a separate sever over the network01:23
bazhangprof87, please dont use caps01:23
foul_owlcan anyone help me determine the ip of the wrt54g in this diagram? http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/7457/topology.png01:23
Jordan_Urandal: But that doesn't explain the other problems01:23
LyeraeCan anyone please tell me why the desktop effects won't turn on?01:23
scottclinsammy yes it can if that dive is allowed to be01:23
Lyrascottclin: sorry forgot to include your name. UUID=7c8cba42-6bec-4617-bd0d-8ecce317efd0 /media/Storageext3defaults,errors=continue 0 101:23
Jordan_Urandal: Only the wierd graphics01:23
randalbut it was worling crystal clear for the first start up of ubuntu01:24
Biovorefoul_owl: default IP is
Rods_Tigerhow on earth do I get my ubuntu installation to share the home folder on my network? I've done 'shares-admin' and set it all up, but it's not appearing01:24
madman1i installed ubuntu desktop 9.04 on a toshiba NB205, and updated the kernel, but i cannot enable wifi.01:24
nix-idiotequeI'm glad my laptop was painless to update...  Just the graphics card driver and voila, Ubuntu 100 % alright!01:25
burntresistorwhere can i get libavcodec1d its not in repositories i need it for fuppes01:25
scottclinLyra: Everything there seems to be right you should as normal user be able to mount that01:25
Rods_TigerI have no idea where the config files for anything are in ubuntu - where's the settings I gave it in the gui to set up my home folder for sharing?01:25
lstarnes!medibuntu | burntresistor01:25
ubottuburntresistor: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:25
randalJordan_U: i keep geting that error01:25
burntresistori just installed medibuntu its not there01:26
randalJordan_U: well this is not working im going to reinstall it and ty a few difernt thing im going to liek restart my computer may time without update to see if that was the problem01:26
abcdefg!medibuntu | abcdefg01:26
ubottuabcdefg, please see my private message01:26
randalJordan_U: wow i cant type01:27
lstarnesburntresistor: try libavcodec-unstripped-5301:27
Lyrascottclin: its not showing up when I reboot though, and when I try to mount it myself through computer:/// it says that I'm not privileged to mount there. However if I take out the entry and reboot I can mount it through computer:/// again.01:27
blah123123hi i'm having problems running apt-get update and i'm getting connection refused from the ubuntu mirror servers, are they having problems or is it me?01:27
randalJordan_U: im going to reinstall and try a few things if i cant figure it out i guess ill come back here i know maky people with the same laptop as me have gone this working without any problems01:27
randalJordan_U: many01:27
nix-idiotequeblah123123: just you01:28
blah123123kk thought so, thx01:28
aleron6can anybody help me i got no sound01:28
madman1i installed ubuntu desktop 9.04 on a toshiba NB205, and updated the kernel, but i cannot enable wifi.01:28
nix-idiotequeI have no money, help me first01:28
randalJordan_U: so thanks for your help :)01:28
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:29
blah123123what protocol does apt use to sync and donwload packages?01:29
lstarnesblah123123: it can use http and ftp01:29
lstarnesand maybe some others01:29
nix-idiotequealeron6: ^^01:29
scottclinLyra: try adding user with the other options01:29
Lyrascottclin: how do I write that option?01:30
randalJordan_U: i think i figured out what happand01:30
madman1i installed ubuntu desktop 9.04 on a toshiba NB205, and updated the kernel, but i cannot enable wifi, does anybody know how to fix this?01:31
scottclinLyra :so you will have default,user,errors=continue or something to that effect01:31
randalJordan_U: im redaign forms and it set recent updates cause netbooks with nbr to turn of some start up file when you switch modes werid01:31
Lyrascottclin: kk I'll try it01:31
abcdefgCan I use Ubuntu inside an windows virtul machine?01:31
abcdefgI don't want security risks.01:31
BingOHIi room !!01:31
lstarnesabcdefg: yes01:32
BingOwant to test one thing any one will hpe me..01:32
BingOwww.red5chat.com... open it and download its zip file01:32
ring0does gnome-terminal log the scrollback in a file somewhere by default?01:32
BingOi need to install it..01:32
lstarnesring0: I don't think so01:32
abcdefgBecause ubuntu don't so any ensurance about his software, as does windows.01:32
abcdefgSo if somethings goes wrong I couldn't complain.01:33
abcdefgAnd inside a VM is safer.\01:33
BingOred5chat.com.. any one will go there ??? i am installing it on ubuntu01:33
abcdefgisn't it?\01:33
BingOit is saying strange in install.txt file..01:33
ring0lstarnes, thanks01:33
SuperMiguelif i have a dual boot system... Linux+Windows and im using an external drive to share files between the 2 is my best option to format that drive to use NTFS?01:33
lstarnesBingO: did you extract it?01:34
SuperMiguelor FAT32?01:34
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hassanakevazirhello, I'm trying to install miro, but it wants to remove my nvidia 190 beta drivers before installation. Is there anyway I can force it not to?01:35
lstarnesBingO: the instructions in the install.txt should work01:35
burntresistori still cant find libavcodec  i tired libavcodec-unstripped-53 didnt seem to solve the problem01:36
burntresistorits not in medibuntu01:36
jasonwhat is the best firewall?01:37
lstarnesburntresistor: did you also try libavcodec5201:37
lstarnesburntresistor: it should be 52, not 5301:37
=== jason is now known as Guest16280
lstarnesburntresistor: if you're using jaunty01:37
jason_what is the best firewall01:38
scottclinUnplugging your lan cable?01:39
lstarnesjason_: ubuntu comes with iptables and ufw by default01:39
jason_what about firestarter01:39
lstarnesjason_: there are various graphical configuration frontends for them like gufw and firestarter01:39
lstarnesjason_: firestarter is a graphical frontend to iptables01:40
jason_is it a good one01:40
atealthaI have the open source radeon driver installed but I am not getting 1600x1200 resolution as an option. Before I reinstalled, this was available. am I forgetting something?01:40
jason_easily managed01:40
lstarnesjason_: I usually use iptables directly and I haven't tried firestarter01:40
jason_i am a 6 month old noob01:40
pauljwjason_: i like firestarter01:41
jason_not ready to go  non gui01:41
michael1I have a hard drive that isn't recognized by any computer. What do I do?01:41
NoReflexHello everyone! What do you think about the lack of a filesystem with transparent compression on Linux? NTFS has transparent compression since it's been introduced about 15 years ago. Reiser4 and btrfs will include transparent compression but aren't finished. ZFS has some licensing incompatibilities. I thought ext4 would support transparent compression.01:41
burntresistorthe fuppes deb i have is still saying its missing the depentency libavcodec1d  after installing  libavcodec5201:41
jason_ty all01:41
=== greyz` is now known as greyz|away
server7Hi everyone, My ISP has blocked port 80,I tried to  make apache listen to different port, but Mythweb and Rapache stopped working. What is the best way to solve this problem .Thank you.01:41
lstarnesburntresistor: that package might not be compatible with what ubuntu has01:42
lstarnesserver7: reconfigure mythweb and rapache to use the new port01:42
michael1My external hard drive isn't being seen on any computer. What can I do01:47
jcapincI have an LG voyager, LG LX10000, and I install bitpim so I could try to sync calendars, but when I go to do it it says directory access is restricted, is there a fix for this/way around it?01:48
server7Lstarnes, I couldn't find the right folder for Rapche to adjust the port, I looked in "/usr/bin/rapache" ,"/usr/lib/rapache" and "/usr/share/rapache" with no luck, where can I find it????01:48
danbhfivemichael1: is it a usb drive?01:48
=== ubuntu is now known as CaRSi
lstarnesserver7: check its documentation01:48
lstarnesserver7: I honestly do not know anything about configuring rapache or mythweb01:49
abcdefgJediMaster: I don't like you.01:51
IdleOne!ot | abcdefg01:51
ubottuabcdefg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:51
JediMasterhow do you delete a file named "-vf" from the command line? I've tried rm "-vf", rm '-vf', rm \-vf, rm "\-vf" and none of those work lol01:51
lstarnesJediMaster: rm -- -vf01:51
* JediMaster slaps abcdefg around with some alphabet spaghetti01:51
JediMasterwhat does the -- do?01:52
server7Lstarnes, I even used " whereis Rapche".. I noticed a lots changes in my Directory since I upgrade my Kernel to  "" Could that be the problem?? Does the Kernel move Folders and Directories around??01:52
IdleOneJediMaster probably escapes the -01:52
lstarnesJediMaster: it makes anything starting with a - after it not be read as a flag01:52
EkusheyHappy Software Freedom Day everyone!01:52
lstarnesserver7: the kernel doesn't usually move things on its own01:52
icerootserver7: no, the kernel is not the reason for that01:53
JediMasterlstarnes: thanks, that works, been using linux for 10+ years and never figured that one out ;-)01:53
lstarnesserver7: what about locate -i rapache?01:53
JediMasterlstarnes: is that a bash syntax as apposed to rm?01:54
Jordan_UJediMaster: That works with pretty much any command as well, -- means there are no more flags01:54
lstarnesJediMaster: no, that's rm using the getopt library01:54
lstarnesJediMaster: most GNU userland utilities understand it01:55
JediMasterJordan_U: I presume commands that use the getopt library then?01:55
JediMasterthanks guys01:55
lstarnessome programs might not understand it01:55
Jordan_UJediMaster: Yes01:55
server7That what I taught, but after my upgrade I noticed that my "httpd" is completely empty and everything was moved to "apache2.conf"!!!! my system wasn't affected at all!!01:55
papashoudoes apt-get have a pacman -Ss equivalent ?01:58
server7LStarnes, thank you..I see new location for Rapache, let me check them out. I will get back to you. Thank you again..01:58
lstarnespapashou: what does that do?01:58
papashousearch package name in archlinux01:58
lstarnespapashou: aptitude search packagename01:59
zhoujingruihow do i though GFW under firefox?01:59
IdleOneor apt-cache search package-name01:59
lstarnespapashou: or apt-cache search packagename01:59
papashouwhat is the difference between aptitude and apt-get ?01:59
lstarnespapashou: aptitude has more features and also has an interactive ncurses interface01:59
coolcatcoolcat, looking for a kitty02:00
Shadowwoelfhey guys I have a question about setting up wireless Internet on my sisters laptop with ubuntu.  I can easily find the wireless card in hardware drivers but when I go to activate it it doesn't seem to do anything.02:00
papashoulstarnes, yep that's what i was looking for02:00
=== papashou is now known as McLinux
Jordan_UShadowwoelf: What card?02:03
ShadowwoelfBroadcom B4302:03
Jordan_UShadowwoelf: Does the directory /lib/firmware/b43 exist?02:04
mostafa_can anyone help me I get this error when i want to transfer a file via bluetooth02:04
mostafa_Couldn't execute command: nautilus --no-default-window "obex://[00:1F:00:BA:0E:8F]"02:04
=== FlashGordon2000 is now known as trovanon
Chankcan someone help me figure out why my system stops my xsession whenever i press a number pad key02:06
Jordan_Umostafa_: What happens if you try running that command in a terminal?02:06
cwill747Trying to use dmraid, but dmraid -l says it only supports intel raids that are 01. Trying to do 10. Anyone?02:06
Shadowwoelfno I can't find it02:06
cwill747intel software raid, to clarify02:07
Pici!crosspost | master02:07
ubottumaster: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.02:07
McLinuxpurrty fonts02:07
Jordan_UShadowwoelf: Ok, is that computer connected to the internet?02:07
Picimaster: sorry,meant for mostafa_02:07
Shadowwoelfnot at this moment im trying to connect it wirelessly02:07
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.02:07
Jordan_UShadowwoelf: Try connecting wired, then us hardware drivers ( it needs to download firmware from the internet )02:08
McLinuxso far the netbook i have (originally winxp) is running very nicely on ubuntu02:08
ScottNYChow do I install parallels tool in ubuntu 9.04, it says mount the CD drive with "noexec" flag disabled, go to dvdrom root directory, run sh install02:08
McLinuxi had to replace firefox with chromium (development)02:08
Shadowwoelfalright ill try that02:08
ScottNYChow do i do that lol02:08
m0r0nCan someone help me recover memory from a formatted hard drive?02:09
=== greyz|away is now known as greyz
Jordan_UScottNYC: Find the CD, find the file "install" and right click it and choose "run in terminal"02:09
ScottNYC"open with other application"?02:10
ScottNYCthen choose termial?02:10
craighi wondering if anyone can help02:10
kfizzAnyone know the command for increasing/decreasing volume. I want to add a custom volume up/down command to the keyboard shortcuts, but I don't know the command.02:10
Chankkfizz: open the keyboard shortcuts perferences02:11
kfizzChank: There02:11
McLinuxit's easier,  if you open a terminal, Scott02:11
McLinuxlets see how irc looks on inconsolata02:12
cwill747!help | craig02:12
ubottucraig: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:12
Jordan_UScottNYC: No, I guess I don't remember the GUI way properly02:12
craighi anyone know how to stop programmes bein shown twice on the menu bar when only one open02:12
McLinuxso pretty02:12
Jordan_UScottNYC: Instead go to Applications > Accesories > Terminal02:12
masteri love x ubunti02:13
Jordan_Ucraig: Right click the window list, choose properties02:13
ScottNYCwhats the terminal command for root?02:13
ScottNYCto get to root status02:13
McLinuxsudo -i02:13
craigk dne that wat now (noob lol)02:13
movelaScottG: su or sudo02:13
kfizzFor more info, I don't want to override the default ones, because when I'm at my desk at home, I have a wireless keyboard I use that has decent hardware kbd volume controls, however, my laptop's kbd volume controls are really shotty, so I'd like to be able to use Ctl+up/down and the default hardware ones.02:13
Jordan_UScottNYC: to run the script as root run "sudo sh install"02:13
Shadowwoelfoh alright guys thanks that did it all I had to do was connect it manuall02:13
andy____If in gnome can right-click on 'applications' which is next to 'places' and 'system'. This should give you the option of editing the menus.02:14
s0|how do I determine from the command line what model raid card is in this system (I know it's a 3ware card just don't remmeber the model and I can't find the CLI command to tell me)  I am logged into it via ssh02:14
mostafa_Jordan_U: what command ?02:14
ScottGmostafa_: ?02:14
Jordan_Umostafa_: Was that meant for me?02:15
Jordan_Us0|: lspci or lshw02:15
atealthathe open source radeon drivers dont give me full resolution, and the restricted flgrx makes X freak out and unusable. What other options do I have here?02:15
McLinuxatealtha, what is "full" resolution?02:15
andy____Hello. Is it possible to change the background colour of Evince when viewing pdfs? Shld I use a hex editor?02:15
mostafa_Jordan_U: this is what you just tell me "mostafa_: What happens if you try running that command in a terminal?"02:16
ScottNYCok almost there, I got options to choose now in termial, when i choose -i for install i get "command not found02:16
craiga got it now lol02:17
McLinuxScottNYC, when you type "sudo sh install" at the correct location, it gives you what ?02:17
ScottNYCafter that part I get options02:17
Jordan_Umostafa_: That was a while ago, I'm sorry I don't remember the context02:17
ScottNYCunistall or install02:17
McLinuxi'm assuming02:17
ScottNYCinstall = -i02:17
ScottNYCso i type -i at next prompt02:17
McLinuxso .. do "sudo sh install -i"02:17
Chankandy____: try using KPDF02:18
atealthaMcLinux: 1600x1200. I get 1024x76802:18
ring0is using make with option -j(number of cpus) appreciably faster, considering one has more than one cpu of course?02:18
McLinuxatealtha, did you check your xorg.conf02:18
Jordan_Uring0: Usually yes02:18
raeldenkhi all02:18
craiganother queation what drivers shud i use for my radeon x800 pci-e card on mint 7 x64 so i can use tv output as well as monitor02:18
Chankwhat would cause my xsession to stop when i press a numberpad key?02:18
atealthaMcLinux: no but I never had this issue before. I need to add resolution settings?02:18
ScottNYCok didnt work, i tired sudo sh -i and got a # on next line02:19
najeviubuntu 9.04 is installed on a Dell D400 notebook. I'm trying to debug a wireless networking "ipw2100 fail to connect to WPA/TPIK" situation but don't know how to check the state of the wireless hardware switch (Fn+F2) - please advise if you know.02:19
ring0Jordan_U, do you know any statistics to it?02:19
ScottNYCwhat is that02:19
GLGerror while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory= i got this while trying to play a rom on snes9x. what shared object file does it want?02:19
McLinuxi am not sure.. it depends on whether you're using autodetection or a static xorg.conf02:19
Jordan_Uring0: No02:19
maxstirner1can't find anything on this, i got a 2tb WD mybook and it only gets mounted as 1tb on ubuntu.. any ideas?02:19
atealthaMcLinux: I'd like everything to be automatically done. It was before, the only change is hard drives02:19
ring0Jordan_U, ok, thanks anyways02:19
andy____Chank, thanks for the tip. I already have adobe acrobat so it's not strictly a problem. But I love to tinker which is why I am asking how to change Evince's background..02:19
McLinuxHave you tried moving the ati drivers (both oss and proprietary) completely?02:20
McLinuxit should fallback on vesa or some default display02:20
ScottNYCya i have a # in terminal and i guess im supposed to type some thing here lo02:20
atealthano. should I just add it in the blacklist?02:20
Chankandy____: i dont believe you can02:20
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
mostafa_Jordan_U: I ask this "can anyone help me I get this error when i want to transfer a file via bluetooth?"02:20
mostafa_this is the error "Couldn't execute command: nautilus --no-default-window "obex://[00:1F:00:BA:0E:8F]""02:20
Jordan_UScottNYC: type exit02:21
Jordan_UScottNYC: then run "sudo -- sh install -i"02:21
atealthaMcLinux: my xorg has only the screen info, nothing else... ??02:21
andy____Thanks for the feedback. Changing the background of Evince is something to play around with MUCH later! Best just get back to the commandline mastery. Cheers!02:22
GLGjoin #ubuntu-offtopic02:22
McLinuxtry "sudo dpkg-recofingure -phigh xserver-xorg"02:22
Chankandy____: have a nice night02:22
McLinux"sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"?02:22
atealthaone sec02:22
drknezzHi!, Why i have Shiretoko instead of Firefox?02:22
ScottNYCi think im typing it wring or something command not found02:23
McLinuxcuz mozilla sucks.02:23
maxstirner1can't find anything on this, i got a 2tb WD mybook and it only gets mounted as 1tb on ubuntu.. seems the RAID is not getting recognised?02:23
KoraxI was wondering if someone could help me with preseed partitioning. I put a message up on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126933402:23
ScottNYCsudo--sh install -i02:23
drknezzMcLinux, positive feedback only, please02:23
Jordan_Udrknezz: Firefox 3.5 is unbranded in Jaunty, firefox 3.0 is still called Firefox02:23
andy____Thanks Chank. I should go to bed now. I'm in England and it's early in the morning! Good night everybody..02:23
McLinuxyeah i was giong to apologize, drknezz02:23
Biovoremaxstirner1: software raid.. requires 3rd parity propritary driver..  I don't think they make a driver for linux for that thing..02:23
drknezzJordan_U, So, technically, you can only have FF 3.5 with Ubuntuzilla?02:23
drknezzMcLinux, Ok, thanks02:23
McLinuxbecause there is not an official firefox release 3.5 for linux02:23
atealthait says -e and -r conflict02:24
McLinuxshiretoko is the nightly build or something02:24
atealthaMcLinux: ^02:24
atealthashiretoko is the new gecko engine I think02:24
drknezzMcLinux, Shiretoko, AFAIK, is like MineField for Linux02:24
Jordan_UMcLinux: Yes there is, they are always released concurrently02:24
maxstirner1Biovore: thanks.. i actually just pciked up its RAID1 by deafult have to switch to RAID0 without duplication using windows software..02:24
Jordan_Ushiretoko is a park in Japan, it's just a name that's not trademarked02:25
maxstirner1Biovore: http://www.brighthub.com/computing/hardware/reviews/28746.aspx just in case it pops up02:25
craigc u later guys thanks02:25
atealthaMcLinux: -reconfigure complained about conflicting flags, you sure that is the command?02:26
ScottNYCgot it02:26
drknezzJordan_U, Ok, thanks for help, i may compile the Qt version of FF in these days02:26
ScottNYCcd /media/cdrom02:26
ScottNYCsudo sh ./install02:26
vockHello: I tried to install a GTK theme, it said it was missing a gtk2 engine, and wouldn't work properly, so I deleted the theme and installed the missing engine, but now when I try and reinstall the theme I get Installation failed, Can't move directory over directory.02:27
Jordan_Uatealtha: the command is dpkg-reconfigure, -reconfigureis not a flag for dpkg02:27
atealthaJordan_U: thanks02:27
Jordan_Uatealtha: np02:27
papachungo13Hi all02:27
atealthaheh, my xorg seems to have less info than before02:28
randalhelp plz i just got my new netbook and i installed ubuntu nbr everything went good but as soon as i restarted the computer gnome-panel or compiz never startedforsome reson it was like it was not in the bott script plz help02:28
najeviHow do you query the on/off state of a wireless NIC when there is no hardware LED and the switch is a Fn+F2 keyboard shortcut (i.e. soft-switch) rather than a two position physical switch?02:28
aj_444randal: Please type your question out and use proper grammar. It helps people to understand what you're asking.02:28
Imaginativeoneanyone good with algorithms?02:29
soreaurandal: What happens if you set System>Preferences>Appearance>Visual Effects tab to Extra?02:29
vocknm, thanks all found it02:29
Jordan_Unajevi: There may be a better way but often there is an entry in /proc02:29
randalsoreau: It enables graphics and works perfect02:29
soreaurandal: And when you restart is it still set on extra?02:30
papachungo13When my system is starting (before GUI) I see a status line "Starting Firestarter Firewall" and the result is a FAIL, but in GUI mode it appears that firestarter is active..anyway I can find out why it fails in the text mode portion of the startup?02:30
randalsoreau:no well i dont think so.02:30
gwallaceHello all.02:31
gwallaceBeen trying to figure out why I can't get Network Manager running.  The Icon was missing from my panel when I turned my laptop on this morning.02:31
gwallaceWhen I try to start it through terminal, I get two error messages.02:31
callum__hi does anyone here know how to get those theme/s "exotic and tropical" and wheat etc02:32
randalsoreau: i dont understand why these dont start on boot if i go into startup applications and add these two programs they boot up fine02:32
callum__They were like really nice themes for ubuntu02:32
chingusCallum_, themes for what?02:32
Jordan_Ugwallace: What happens when you run "nm-applet" in a terminal?02:32
chinguscallum__, themes for what?02:32
callum__themes for ubuntu - 9.0402:32
trojan_condomIs there really, going to be a speed difference in 64 bit to 32 bit?02:32
callum__they are special ones though,02:32
chingustrojan_condom, absolutely02:32
soreaurandal: Have you been running as root or run any programs with sudo?02:32
callum__They come with login windows etc02:32
gwallaceI get two errors. error 1, could not acquire sesion service and second is can't initialize d-bus02:32
papachungo13When my system is starting (before GUI) I see a status line "Starting Firestarter Firewall" and the result is a FAIL, but in GUI mode it appears that firestarter is active..can I find out why it fails in the text mode portion of the startup?02:32
trojan_condomchingus, OK. like how much?02:32
callum__they are named "exotic, tropical, wheat or something like that - - -02:33
randalsoreau: sorry i dont understand your question02:33
callum__You do commands like sudo apt-get install theme tropical-- or something02:33
gwallaceJordan_U:I get two errors. error 1, could not acquire sesion service and second is can't initialize d-bus02:33
najeviJordan_U - thanks. I just grep'd /proc looking for "wireless" - several hits but none that also mention switch - I did find /pproc/kallsyms has ipw2100_switch_mode02:33
chingustrojan_condom, if you are hacking it will help you get the job done faster in terms of reverse tracking / forensics...I don't think there is not much practical difference but to be really finicky yes there is a difference.02:33
_pipso. hello again! i have some problem with my new ubuntu installation. it's pretty weird, and no idea what can be the problem: network configuration was fully automatic, and works fine... however, browser is timeout when i want to use some google service (google.com timeouts too). ping is OK, but traceroute gives several 'no reply' rows. Any idea where to serch for the solution? Thanks!02:34
Callum_<chingus> Callum_, themes for what? <--- What?02:34
soreaurandal: Does 'ps ax|grep gnome|grep daemon' show any output?02:34
ScottNYCthats wierd, after installing parallels tools, it reboots, and coherence still isnt available and the screen view is still tiny and not adjusting with the window02:34
Jordan_Unajevi: Look for "rfkill"02:34
Callum_._. oh god not again02:34
chingusCallum_, got you confused with callum__02:34
najeviroger wilco02:34
callum__omg... hi02:34
Callum_its my evil twin =P02:34
callum__no i thought i was the gay one02:35
trojan_condom /kick Callum_02:35
randalsoreau:  do i type that in terminal and i am doing another fresh install its 96% done02:35
soreaurandal: If you're doing a clean install, why are you worried about your old problem?02:35
blafardi have an  hfsplus drive that mounts read-only.  I understand that this may be because it has journaling enabled.  How can i determine whether or not the drive has journaling enabled?02:36
soreaurandal: My best guess is something in $HOME got messed up, either permissions or otherwise02:36
randalsoreau: the first time i start a fresh install everything works fine its when i restart it it doesent boot properly02:36
nix-idiotequeCallum_ hey there mister, freedom of speech doesn't fly around here02:36
Callum_oh really?02:36
randalsoreau: how would something get messed up when its a fresh install absolutely nothing done to it02:36
papachungo13When my system is starting (before GUI) I see a status line "Starting Firestarter Firewall" and the result is a FAIL, but in GUI mode it appears that firestarter is active..can I find out why it fails in the text mode portion of the startup? Should I be concerned?02:37
soreaurandal: I have no idea. If it is in fact a clean install, no telling what's going on. File a bug report02:37
* callum__ cries02:37
* callum__ needs hugs02:37
DJCharlieevening all. i have found my vgetty problem, but i have no idea how to fix it.02:37
=== Kyoti_ is now known as Kyoti
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:38
callum__Ok thanks x02:38
gwallaceJordan_U, sorry, got disconnected.  I'm back02:38
DJCharliebasically, i need to set "AT+FCLASS=8". easy enough, but then something else is overriding that with oter at commands, as seen here: http://pastebin.com/d1983832702:38
DJCharlieany ideas on how to stop that?02:38
randalsoreau:  but the werid thing is many ple with the same laptop as me works fine for them02:38
=== trojan_condom is now known as MontelEdwards
Jordan_Ugwallace: What happens when you run "nm-applet" in a terminal?02:39
randalsoreau:  could it be a download error with the iso that i put onto my usb02:39
hugohi 2 all02:39
gwallaceJordan_U:I get two errors. error 1, could not acquire sesion service and second is can't initialize d-bus02:39
soreaurandal: It could be anything really. bad memory, hard disc faulty. no telling what would cause such a strange issue for you02:39
randalsoreau: ya its realy angervateing windows xp works fine tho so i dont think its a hardware problem02:40
PerryArmstronghey can anyone tell me how to install kde02:41
papachungo13am I in the wrong forum for my question?02:41
callum__HERE Noobs I found these themes http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/05/9-great-gnome-themes-with-ubuntu.html02:41
randalsoreau:  where do i go to see the startup script02:41
callum__I suggest you all get them ^02:41
gwallacePerryArmstrong: Run Synaptic, search for KDE and it will list all the programs needed to install the desktop02:41
KoraxI was wondering if someone could help me with preseed partitioning. I put a message up on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126933402:41
islingtonPerryArmstrong: just kde or kubuntu as well?02:41
losherpapachungo13: tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54275602:42
fuzzy_I got a noob question/problem02:42
papachungo13thanks losher02:42
callum__Oh I can Help with Noob questions02:42
PerryArmstrongislington; i just saw a magazine at college saying about kde 4.2 features and i want to install it.. Also i want to use my gnome desktop at times when i need it02:42
callum__fuzzy_ what is it02:42
thomas__i'm having trouble getting my wifi to work on my acer aspire one...i followed the documentation but i'm stuck at the make part02:43
fuzzy_running ubuntu and tring to change runlevel02:43
thomas__i'm getting error: Makefile.inc:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.02:43
gwallacePerryArmstrong:  If you install KDE from synaptic, it will allow you to install it and choose at launch which desktop you want to use02:43
callum__thomas_ there is your problem it's a acer "aspire one" netbook/gimmick.02:43
callum__thomas_ you may need to buy a netbook.02:43
randalsoreau: ok i just figured something out i think with the fresh install i can restart it fine and it works properly but when i change to clasic mode(not nbr) it messes things up02:43
islingtonPerryArmstrong: I would install kdebase02:43
soreaurandal: I really don't know exactly how ubuntu has gnome configured to start everything. AFAIK, they launch a daemon that's supposed to take care of everything on startup02:43
PerryArmstronggwallace; okk...02:43
PerryArmstrongislington; whats kdebase02:44
soreaurandal: What is nbr?02:44
soreau! nbr02:44
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu02:44
islingtonPerryArmstrong: just the core componenets of kde02:44
callum__! nbr is a pile of crap02:44
randalsoreau: netbook remix02:44
callum__GLitches in full desktop mode do not use it.02:44
thomas__Callum_, so no help there lol?02:44
fuzzy_ive changed telinit in the script to 3 then reboot but it goof on reboot02:44
vockHello again: I just copied a theme folder (from gnome looks) to the .emerald/themes/ directory, but it's not showing up in the Emerald Theme Manager, is there another way to import a theme?02:44
soreaurandal: That's probably your whole problem. You said it was a completely clean default install which it isn't with nbr02:44
=== Cpudan80 is now known as Guest3944
fuzzy_what am i doing wrong02:44
PerryArmstrongislington; will that give me all that's there in kde02:44
thomas__its true i know.....but i have it....02:44
thomas__should i not use ubuntu on it?02:45
nix-idiotequevock: simply go to customize02:45
randalsoreau: its a clean nbr install02:45
_pipaaa... what can cause, that some addresses works fine with traceroute, some wont? (eg. bing.com: OK, google.com: many 'no reply' rows?02:45
islingtonPerryArmstrong: just the desktop right? not any of the applications?02:45
nix-idiotequevock: then you find emerald - whatever for your windows, borders, etc02:45
randalsoreau: nbr comes built in02:45
soreaurandal: That's not what you said at first. Anyway, that's most likely your problem02:45
callum__thomas_ Ubuntu is a well umm I won't comment x02:45
=== Cpudan80_ is now known as Cpudan80
PerryArmstrongislington; whats the difference with the applications??02:45
randalsoreau: sorry but im confused why this is not a clean install02:46
Callum_<thomas__> Callum_, so no help there lol? <--- not for me =P02:46
nix-idiotequevock: also, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53586902:46
islingtonPerryArmstrong: okay well in a nutshell, all the apps you use currently terminal, nautilus... are all written in gtk02:46
soreaurandal: I don't know anything about nbr, but it is your most likely culprit02:46
nix-idiotequevock: just in case02:46
PerryArmstrongislington; yes02:46
browhat command should i use to find out what version of ati driver ubuntu installed via "hardware drivers" ? fglrxinfo | grep 'version' returns "OpenGL version 2.1.8575" on Jaunty, which is odd because the last drivers released by ati are 9.*02:47
islingtonPerryArmstrong: together with gnome you have your basic desktop environment02:47
islingtonPerryArmstrong: installing kde you have a couple of options02:47
randalsoreau: well thanks for your help ill try a couple things and if i cant get it to work i will install ubuntu without nbr02:47
McLinuxatealtha, did that get resolved ?02:47
islingtonPerryArmstrong:  just kde (no file mangager/ no other apps02:47
vocknix-idioteque, thanks a bunch02:47
islingtonPerryArmstrong: kde with qt apps02:48
atealthaMcLinux: nope it left me with a barer xorg.conf02:48
islingtonPerryArmstrong: or the whole kubuntu Desktop02:48
PerryArmstrongislington; qt apps?02:48
atealthaI'm so frustrated I'm about to install debian lenny to see if this works02:48
nix-idiotequevock: you rock that desktop, homie.02:48
McLinuxwell that is frustrating02:48
McLinuxit worked before ?02:48
Koraxrandal: there is an menu item in preferences (near the bottom, forget what its called) to toggle between nbr desktop and normal. does that help?02:48
atealthaMcLinux: I've been running ubuntu 9.04 fine since it came out02:49
nix-idiotequeatealtha: Windows 98 is far more superior02:49
atealthathe only thing that changed is the hard drive02:49
McLinuxand then you changed harddrive ?02:49
islingtonPerryArmstrong: apps that are similar in function but writting in qt. (konsole=terminal, dolphin=nautilus) the will fit more seemlessly in kde02:49
McLinuxdid you restore it from an image, etc ?02:49
atealthaMcLinux: no02:49
atealthabut I didn't think I had to02:49
atealthaI've been using the restricted drivers fine02:49
DJCharliecan someone help me figute out where these extra init strings are coming from in my vgetty installation please? log output is here: http://pastebin.com/d1983832702:49
McLinuxstraight hdd copy?02:49
atealthaMcLinux: new HDD install with software RAID (like before but smaller capacity)02:50
atealthaall my files are backed up somewhere else02:50
islingtonPerryArmstrong: gtk apps will look rather out of place because they follow gnome theme instructions, qt apps follow kde themeing instructions02:50
islingtonPerryArmstrong: a really simplified way of looking at it02:50
randalKorax: sorr but no02:52
McLinuxif they're all backed up, i'd say re-install.. short of removing your drivers completely and reinstalling, i am not sure.. unless someone else here has something better to suggest.  i would almost imagine that it'd work "out of the box"02:52
randalsoreau: so i think i might of found another thing as soon as i enable the graphics card this start to act up02:52
atealthaMcLinux: that's what I've been doing the past two days02:53
fuzzy_Who knows about rc-default script?02:53
quentusrexAnyone know how to use wget to specify a destination folder?02:53
atealthait's like I'm using a competely different distro02:53
firestormHowdy. I want to keep my system at karmic but upgrade my mythtv packages to be karmic. How can I do that?02:53
physici have some probloum about apache can be fix here?02:53
Pavlzhello ninux.org registered a new ML for the italian ninuxday  ninuxday@ml.ninux.org02:53
McLinuxatealtha, not to bag on ubuntu at all, but at times like these, i prefer archlinux.. it is much more straightforward02:53
McLinuxand easier to debug02:53
soreaurandal: Are you absolutely sure compiz isn't starting? If you try to click where the panel is supposed to be, does it show up?02:54
atealthawell I'm giving lenny a shot02:54
firestormAlternatively, on my karmic system, how can I downgrade my mythtv packages so that they are jaunty?02:54
atealthaI'll keep that in mind though02:54
McLinuxonly if you love lenny02:54
randalsoreau:  yes it is untill i restart the computer then compiz doesent start at all02:54
McLinuxdebian is a great platform tho02:54
McLinuxa little bloated for my tastes but still good02:54
atealthaI've been using debian for a long time02:54
islingtonfirestorm: mythtv is installed through repos?02:54
firestormislington: yes it is02:55
randalsoreau: if i click where the panel is oposed to be it comes up but after i restart compiz doesent even start02:55
geophysicshi. how can i connect to my brothers computer?  he is using ubuntu too02:55
islingtonfirestorm: fire up synaptic02:55
browhat command should i use to find out what version of ati driver ubuntu installed via "hardware drivers" ? fglrxinfo | grep 'version' returns "OpenGL version 2.1.8575" on Jaunty, which is odd because the last drivers released by ati are 9.802:55
islingtonfirestorm: lets try something02:55
=== |Draglor| is now known as Draglor
Koraxgeophysics: To share files?02:56
islingtonfirestorm: search for the mythtv packages02:56
firestormislington: firstly, should I be downgrading on my frontend on karmic to be jaunty .... or should I be trying to upgrade my backend on jaunty to be karmic?02:56
geophysicsKorax: yes02:56
randalsoreau: what i am thinking is nbr mode does not like graphics enable but when i am in clasic mode graphics works flawlessly02:56
McLinuxmandrake->redhat->debian->gentoo-> ( ubuntu<->archlinux )02:56
soreaurandal: I think you're probably not realizing it but compiz is starting and causing your panel to disappear at first02:56
McLinuxthat's my genealogy02:56
Koraxgeophysics: cifs shares are the easiest to setup. Just right click a folder and click Sharing Options02:56
soreaurandal: What makes you think compiz isn't starting?02:56
islingtonFIrestorm: possibly to you try one, and it it doesnt work , try the other?02:56
firestormislington: ok ... which should I try first u think?02:57
McLinuxi tried like 5 distros when i started02:57
PerryArmstrongislington; ther?02:57
islingtonPerryArmstrong: yes02:57
fuzzy_How can I change default runlevel to start without GUI?02:57
McLinuxmandrake was the only one that could autoconfigure my ethernet connection02:57
PerryArmstrongislington; sorry i had to restart my system02:57
islingtonfirestorm: downgrade02:57
randalwhen i restart the computer the only thing i see is the desktop piture and no window boraders but when i go into terminal and type compiz --replace it starts up02:57
islingtonPerryArmstrong: np02:57
PerryArmstrongislington; so can you continue02:57
firestormislington: ok ... got synaptic myth packages shown on my karmic system02:58
islingtonPerryArmstrong: gtk apps will look rather out of place because they follow gnome theme instructions, qt apps follow kde themeing instructions02:58
islingtonPerryArmstrong: a really simplified way of looking at it02:58
geophysicsKorax: ok im downloading a package, thank you02:58
vockI just installed a package called gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks, and it's asking me to uninstall ubuntu-desktop, will I lose my desktop GUI environment and get stuck with a console on reboot?02:58
islingtonalright firestorm, select the package you want to downgrade02:58
soreaurandal: Try this: Instead of typing compiz --replace, instead do 'ps ax|grep compiz' and pastebin the output to pastebin.com02:58
najeviWhat tools/methods do I use to query/monitor state changes related to rfkill ?02:59
islingtonfirestorm: package>>force version02:59
PerryArmstrongislington; so you mean kde apps are better when compared to gnome apps02:59
Koraxgeophysics: np. If you are just on a local network, enabling Guest access is the easiest02:59
physicplease any one can help meeeee02:59
chinguswhere does wget usually save files to?02:59
chingusphysic, whats the problem?03:00
randalsoreau: ok im still havent restarted since i did the fresh install it will take me a second i just put ubuntu tweak on the computer to see the start up and i dont see gnome-panel or compiz in it03:00
Deinchingus: home folder03:00
firestormislington: force version is greyed out03:00
physicwith installing apache03:00
chingusDein, thanks03:00
ScottNYCman this is killing me03:00
islingtonPerryArmstrong: subjective, historically gnome apps tend to have less options through gui, but have sane defaults. Kde apps have the philosophy that every options should be changable through gui03:00
physici installed apache2 and phpmyadmin and perl03:00
islingtonfirestorm: are the packages selected?03:00
PerryArmstrongislington; ohh03:00
physicbut phpmyadmin not working in browser03:00
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firestormislington: yes03:01
islingtonfirestorm: click on the name03:01
ScottNYCany ideas on installing parallels tools in 9.0403:01
islingtonfirestorm: still grayed out?03:01
firestormislington: yup03:01
chingusphysic, update your browser OR get mozilla firefox rather than ubufox OR get a completely different browser. If non of those work reinstall phpmyadmin03:01
randalsoreau: im just restarting03:02
heogenhello, anyone can help me what program can I take a picture with my web cam?03:02
soreaurandal: gnome-panel is started by a daemon and compiz is started by gnome-appearance-properties which probably also has the gnome daemon start it for you so you're not going to see it in sessions03:02
physici have ff i update phpmyadmin than 5 time03:02
Koraxheogen: "cheese" is not bad03:02
soreau! cheese | heogen03:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cheese03:02
PerryArmstrongislington; kk so i am just wondering to install kde along with its apps...but i used kde once and i felt that the menus are redundant and disordered03:02
DJCharliecan someone help me figure out where these extra init strings are coming from in my vgetty installation please? log output is here: http://pastebin.com/d1983832703:02
soreau! webcam | heogen03:02
ubottuheogen: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:02
randalsoreau:  im not in season im in auto start03:02
heogenkorax thank you guys03:02
chingus!offtopic > chingus03:02
ubottuchingus, please see my private message03:02
soreaurandal: session, auto start, startup programs whatever. they're all the same thing03:03
heogensoreau thank you03:03
islingtonPerryArmstrong: this is unfortunately quite true. you will have to clean up the menus by hand03:03
soreauheogen: no problem :)03:03
firestormislington: can it be done from the command line with apt or dpkg?03:03
chingusphysic, you probably have ubufox i.e. the firefox that came with ubuntu, get the latest mozilla one.03:03
islingtonfirestorm: I am looking it up03:04
physici have latest03:04
SnakDoci found mistake in this https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-dc.html was told to report on launchpad but i have no idea where on launchpad to report03:04
PerryArmstrongislington; once i install kde and its apps can i switch between gnome and kde??03:05
Koraxphysic: what comes up when you go /phpmyadmin  ?03:05
islingtonfirestorm: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-June/116572.html03:05
IdleOneSnakDoc against the samba package?03:05
chingusphysic, if you got it from mozilla website directly then you probably do. In that case try a browser other than firefox?03:05
fuzzy_anyway to rid myself of the gui at boot?03:05
physicwait wait its working03:05
chingusphysic, funny i had a similar problem but after I installed the firefox version on mozilla that solved it.03:05
randalsoreau: this is werid its not messing up give me a second03:05
islingtonPerryArmstrong: yes. essentially your logins are either handled by gdm (gnome version) or kdm (kde version) ,each has options to pick the de wuite easily03:06
SnakDocIdleOne the issue is this add machine script = sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -n -g machines -c Machine -d /var/lib/samba -s /bin/false %u03:06
SnakDoc the lower case n should be N03:06
physic but its asking ABOUT user name and password?03:06
physicwhich user i type i don know03:06
PerryArmstrongislington; so tell me the commands that i need ...in the sense the packages that i need to install to get both the kde and its apps03:07
randalsoreau: this is the strangest thing its working now03:08
SeaPhor|gamei havent used my box in a few weeks and i come back and i have no audio, Ubuntu 8.04, how do i find the problem?03:08
soreaurandal: Good. leave it alone now03:08
islingtonPerryArmstrong: just the basic apps or the whole canoli?03:08
randalsoreau: ive installed ubuntu 4 times in a row and this is the first time it worked03:08
soreaurandal: Where did you get that ubuntu tweak?03:08
Koraxfuzzy_: https://answers.launchpad.net/upstart/+question/609303:08
PerryArmstrongislington; canoli means?03:08
Koraxsoreau: getdeb03:09
pakitoonline boxing game http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html03:09
soreaurandal: My motto is if it's not in the standard ubuntu repos, don't use it. If it was a good program, it would be in the repos03:09
randalsoreau: it looks rely good  its made from ubuntu  i think http://www.getdeb.net/release/477503:09
islingtonPerryArmstrong: er.. sorry colloquial expression. Canoli means  stuff like kmail, and konqueror, not neccesary but part of the kubuntu package03:10
soreaurandal: It could be screwing you up03:10
randalsoreau: this is the first install i used it03:10
soreaurandal: Oh well, hopefully you don't break it again03:10
randalsoreau: but i havent installed update yet or the wifi fix with this netbook03:10
PerryArmstrongislington; doesn't matter...03:10
islingtonPerryArmstrong: to try the whole thing : search for the package kubuntu-desktop in synaptic03:10
islingtoninstall it03:11
randalsoreau: ya i hope. thanks for your time03:11
fjhi all03:11
fji got a quick question regarding Cisco VPN Client03:11
fjanyone can help?03:11
MK-BBfj, try #ubuntu-server03:11
randalsoreau: well ill install updates now and hopefully they wont break my computer03:12
fjokie, so what command do I type in XChat to join that ?03:12
islingtonPerryArmstrong: in case you decide to get rid of it follow these instructions : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome03:12
MK-BBfj /join #ubuntu-server03:12
SeaPhor|gamefj, to get to vpn client, right-click on the network manager applet by the clock, other than that go where MK-BB said03:13
chingusphysic, sorry what heppened?03:13
physicevery thing is good03:13
GrowlitheCan someone help me, Ubuntu won't detect my Ethernet port03:14
physicbut i have one probloum03:14
chingusphysic, ok cool :)03:14
PerryArmstrongislington; thaks i'll follow that03:14
islingtonPerryArmstrong: have fun :)03:14
chingusphysic, ??03:14
firestormislington: ok will try it now03:14
islingtonfirestorm: cool03:14
physicwhen i install script its asking to change chmod03:14
physicmust be not ask because its localhost03:15
lowlycodercapslock does not work for me in ubuntu; hwo do i begin to debug this?03:15
chingusphysic, try installing the script as root using the sudo command03:15
chinguslowlycoder, change your keyboard format...03:15
physicy i dont it by browser?03:15
SnakDocIdleOne the issue is this add machine script = sudo /usr/sbin/useradd -n -g machines -c Machine -d /var/lib/samba -s /bin/false %u the lower case n should be N03:16
Growlithephysic: use the sudo command03:16
chingusphysic, sudo firefox & will open firefox as root03:16
GrowlitheAnyway, Can someone help me real quick?03:17
leftStanding hi, i'm using ubuntu 9.04 64 desktop and am trying to install on a mac pro, it seems like i don't need to use refit, but when X starts 24 LED display goes blank03:17
physicits asking again03:18
chingusleftStanding, xrandr -s (your resolution) -r (your refresh rate) in terminal...03:18
chingusphysic, so even as root it asks you to change permissions?03:18
chingusphysic, can you just try changing the permission to the user you are using?03:19
physichow ? idont know03:19
firestormislington: works a treat :-)   many thanks for your efforts03:20
chingusphysic, read this: http://ss64.com/bash/ it will be very useful while using linux...03:20
islingtonfirestorm: np :)03:20
=== MK-ubuntu is now known as MK-BB
lenovoubuntuhi, can we run wlan for local network, and wireless modem (for internet connection) at the same time?03:22
PerryArmstrongislington; if i run sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will that suffice??03:22
islingtonPerryArmstrong: ofcourse03:22
chingusphysic, the ones you are particularly interested in are chmod and chown03:22
PerryArmstrongislington; thank you03:23
islingtonPerryArmstrong: np :)03:23
leftStandingchingus: i've tried switching over to a console but no luck03:23
ScottNYCwhat do i type in termial to get to the cdrom03:23
ScottNYCtrying to install parallels tools03:23
leftStandingalso restarting X doesn't do anything03:23
chingusleftStanding, sorry what was this for again?03:23
islingtonScottNYC: I dont understand03:24
leftStandingi'm trying to install ubuntu on a mac pro, it appears to work but no screen (completel black/blank)03:24
ScottNYCim trying to get a file to run03:24
ScottNYCi guess03:24
ScottNYCi can see the file on my desktop03:24
ScottNYCbut hw to i run the install file in ternial03:24
physicchingus, i need change permission on it var/www/mybb/upload/inc/config.php03:24
physichow type it in terminal?03:24
GrowlitheI've asked this question 7 times over the past month and I haven't gotten anywhere. Google is no help and I haven't had any luck....03:25
SeaPhor|gamei havent used my box in a few weeks and i come back and i have no audio, Ubuntu 8.04, how do i find the problem?03:25
chingusphysic, open terminal and type in the following without the quotes "chmod 0777 var/www/mybb/upload/inc/config.php". We are on shaky ground now so make sure you can recover...03:25
ScottNYCim here03:25
islingtonScottNYC: so in a terminal cd to whereever the cd drive is mounted03:26
chingusphysic make sure you are in the root directory before you do the above...03:26
islingtonScottNYC: I am still not sure what the problem is.. sorry I am stupid03:26
chingusphysic, make sure you are in the root directory before you do the above...03:26
ScottNYCok I have a menu being displayed in terminal right now that reads -i,--install = install or upgrade tools03:26
ScottNYCthats what i wanna do03:27
ScottNYCso what should i type03:27
ScottNYCin termail03:27
chingusScottNYC, please don't punctuate with enter.03:27
Brando753do ati cards work well in ubuntu?03:28
chingusBrando753, a few flickering problems at times but they can be fixed. Other than that they work brilliantly with the right drivers03:28
islingtonScottNYC:  type in the <name of command> <-i>03:28
islingtonScottNYC: what are you installing?03:29
SnakDocjust wondering when there is a error in 9.04 help why not correct it in 9.04 why wait till 9.10 help files ?03:29
ScottNYCparallels tools03:29
scottI have a question about LTS?03:30
ScottNYCfor ubuntu 9.0403:30
=== SeaPhor|game is now known as BettyBlue
ScottNYCbelive it or not i tried this a year ago and didnt get it, so i gave up, now im trying it again and still cant get it lmao03:30
scottWhat are the benefits of using Ubuntu LTS?03:31
ScottNYCeverything on internet is for installing in ubuntu 803:31
islingtonScottNYC: looks like 9.04 is not supported mate :http://download.parallels.com/desktop/v4/docs/en/Parallels_Desktop_Users_Guide/23583.htm03:31
chingusscott, LTS stands for long term support, so basically thats it...03:31
chingusphysic, any luck?03:31
scottDo they focus more on bugs in the OS?03:32
nix-idiotequeSo I take it irc.ubuntu.net is just irc.freenode.net03:32
physicit say this file not found03:32
scottin a LTS, that is?03:32
ScottNYCif u go to the end of the posts in the parallels forum , page 5, its states its released03:32
ScottNYCsupport was released as of the last parallels update03:32
islingtonscott: LTS means long term support, sometimes newere packages bring newer bugs03:32
chingusphysic, can you say what the file was again?03:32
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0403:32
physicwhat u mean?03:33
scottThanks, chingus.03:33
foundry87My mic was working for one second with Skype and the next I was getting just static. I tested it with Sound Recorder and I am getting static there too, can someone help me fix this?03:33
=== BettyBlue is now known as SeaPhor|game
Brando753does the  intel gmx 950 work well in ubuntu03:33
chingusphysic, I mean what was the file that we need to change the permissions for?03:34
chingusBrando753, from my experience no, my comp couldn't find the right drivers automatically03:34
islingtonScottNYC: hold on03:34
teadictWhy do Recording configurations (Capture is the one I need) go back to disabled when I come back to check them after I enabled them?03:34
Y-Townfirefox is crashing constantly when playing flash vieo from youtube.  any known problems with that latest updates?03:34
Brando753so would this be a bad motherboard for ubuntu? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681312134203:35
ElbertFjoin #crunchbang03:36
Y-Townfirefox is crashing constantly when playing flash video from youtube.  any known problems with that latest updates?03:36
islingtonscottnyc when you reply make sure my name is in the reposnse, so the irc beeps me03:36
chingusphysic, go into terminal and type "sudo chmod 0777 /var/www/mybb/upload/inc/config.php" enter your password and see what happens...03:37
islingtonScottNYC: what have you done so far?03:37
ScottNYCislington ok03:37
bullgardPower Manager's 2.24.2 tooltip shows on a newly bought computer : "Battery runtime is estimated." After how many learning cycles of Power manager will this message vanish?03:37
jordyd1Anyone know where I can get Ubuntu VMware images? I can't find any on the Ubuntu site.03:37
chingusphysic, also when you are addressing me or replying to one of my quesitons please put my name in front i only read the red lines..03:38
islingtonScottNYC: in the virtual machine menu03:38
ScottNYCislington i selected install tools from menu, it mounted the disk on my desktop, now I have to install it03:38
=== alberto is now known as Guest23648
Guest23648hey guys. somebody know how to add/remove time zones in the kubuntu clock?03:38
physicno such file directory03:38
physicit say that03:38
islingtonScottNYC: cd /media/cdrom03:38
islingtonScottNYC: type that into a terminal03:38
settntrenzjordyd1: you can get an iso from ubuntu's site. If you are looking for a pre-configured install use vmware appliance marketplace03:38
ScottNYCislington ok03:39
chingusphysic, okay type this "cd /var"03:39
ScottNYCislington got it03:39
Brando753so would this be a bad motherboard for ubuntu? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681312134203:39
islingtonScottNYC: after that try ./install ?03:39
jordyd1settntrenz: Will an iso work with VMware?03:39
islingtonScottNYC: cool :)03:39
settntrenzesx? server? player?03:39
ScottNYCislington do not have permission03:39
J_R_WHello, I am having trouble getting my wireless card to work. How can I tell what the hardware is so I can find the right driver03:39
ScottNYChow do i do that in root03:40
physicchingus, when i put it or replace with which?03:40
islingtonScottNYC:  sudo ./install03:40
ScottNYCislington how do i do that in root03:40
ScottNYCislington k 1 sec03:40
settntrenzjordyd1: server and esx support installs, player can only use appliances03:40
bullgardHow can I make appear my nick in Chatzilla in a color different from white?03:40
chingusphysic, I don't unnderstand what you mean, simply go open terminal and type in "cd /var"03:41
amageehey, can anyone recommend a webcam that they know will work with ubuntu 9.04?03:41
chingusamagee, all of them should03:41
ScottNYCislington ok i got a gui installer ur the man03:41
amageehehe "should"?03:41
islingtonScottNYC: have fun!03:41
ctmjrJ_R_W: lspci will tell give your card info unless it is a usb card thentry lsusb03:41
physicchingus, like this "cd var/www/mybb/UPload/inc/config.php"03:42
leaf-sheepbullgard: Text Events under Setting --> Advanced03:42
J_R_WOK, I have 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)03:42
J_R_WHow can I find a driver to support this wireless card?03:42
SeaPhor|gamei havent used my box in a few weeks and i come back and i have no audio, Ubuntu 8.04, how do i find the problem?03:42
chingusphysic, no no we'll take it one step at a time... only type in "cd /var" and nothing else03:42
=== PX-Rejuvinating is now known as PX-Recovering
Spencer_This is a new kind with a different time they are the future03:42
settntrenzamagee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:42
jordyd1settntrenz: I've found vmware images here: http://www.vmware.com/appliances/directory/va/220303/download03:43
chingusphysic, and don't forget the "/" in front of the "var" that is crucial03:43
physicchingus, no such file03:43
settntrenzjordyd1: welcome03:43
amageesettntrenz: ah thanks for that, i tried to find something like that a while ago but failed03:43
foundry87My mic was working for one second with Skype and the next I was getting just static. I tested it with Sound Recorder and I am getting static there too, can someone help me fix this?03:43
chingusphysic, are you using ubuntu?03:43
physicchingus, yes03:44
chingusphysic, then there is definitely such a folder03:44
chingusphysic, just copy paste what I say next into terminal03:44
chinguscd /var03:44
physicchingus, ok03:44
ScottNYCislington I think we did it wrong but maybe not, cause cohernce still isnt available and the screen still wont adjust with the parallels viewer window03:44
settntrenzfoundry87: before using skype was the mic working well with other apps, such as sound recorder?03:44
wes__Is it possible to install nvidia drivers version 185+?03:45
ScottNYCislington but i get this message mount dvd with noexec flag disabled, go to rott directory, run sh install with root privledges03:45
IdleOneDoes the pidgin-facebookchat package from repos work properly?03:45
webbb82has anyone ever used this http://www.cnr.com/home03:45
webbb82check it out03:45
physicchigus, its work03:45
ScottNYCislington, did we do that?03:45
physiccauz i used "03:45
chingusphysic, now copy paste what I say next03:45
ScottNYCcause maybe its just another problem03:45
foundry87settntrenz: I'm not sure, this is the first time I'm using it03:45
ScottNYCand not the tools03:45
chinguscd www/mybb/UPload03:45
physici cant copy03:45
settntrenzfoundry87: what version of ubuntu? and are u using pulseaudio?03:46
physicchingus, ok03:46
foundry87settntrenz: 9.04 and I'm not sure03:46
settntrenzfoundry87: open terminal, ps aux | grep pulse03:47
foundry87settntrenz: http://pastebin.com/m6372929e03:48
physicchingus, then?03:48
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, if foundry87 is on 0.04 and default then yes03:48
chingusphysic, working so far?03:48
chingusphysic, now copy paste the next thing:03:48
chinguscd inc/03:48
physicchingus, ok03:49
chingusphysic, last part now copy paste:03:49
chingussudo chmod 0777 config.php03:49
chingusphysic, it will ask for your password enter it...you will not see it appear but it will be being entered03:50
physicchingus, i did03:50
chingusphysic, okay now you have changed the permissions as it asked.03:50
settntrenzfoundry87: based on pastebin you are. Before I recommend restarting pulse, Have you ensured that your mic is enabled and the volume levels are adjusted accordingly? run alsamixer from a terminal and verify the mic is on.03:50
foundry87settntrenz: Yes, the mic is on03:51
physicchingus, was useful03:51
chingusphysic, sweet :)03:51
settntrenzfoundry87: from within alsamix the tab key will go to the capture page03:51
SeaPhor|gameGrats chingus !03:51
fuzzy_is there a trick to installing the nividia drivers? im not having any luck03:51
physicbut how i can do to not asking permission its possiblle?03:51
sagacihow do i go about editing a .pdf (deleting pages, etc)03:52
willcafuzzy_ | tried using envyng?03:52
chingusphysic, now that you have changed the permission it has changed it permanently it shouldn't ask you again03:52
foundry87settntrenz: I adjusted the capture setting, it was on R and L wasn't up, when I put L up it worked03:52
settntrenzfoundry87: cool beans.03:53
foundry87Thanks for your help03:53
settntrenzfoundry87: anytime03:53
bullgardleaf-sheep: Chatzill does not show a menu item "Setting". What do you mean?03:53
SeaPhor|gamecan someone help me with lost audio?03:54
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: I can try03:55
physicpeople iam on :/var/www/mybb/Upload/inc$03:55
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, ty,,, its worked for years so thats why i dont know my setup better03:55
leaf-sheepbullgard: Oh Chatzilla.  Urm... Wrong client (XChat).  Sorry.03:56
bullgardleaf-sheep: Right.03:56
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: so, the sound just stopped working?03:56
physichow i can back to var/?03:56
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, how do i start to diagnose? it worked fine 2 weeks ago, i been away, now nada03:56
bullgardPower Manager's 2.24.2 tooltip shows on a newly bought computer : "Battery runtime is estimated." After how many learning cycles of Power manager will this message vanish?03:57
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: I guess we start at the bottom. Does lspci list a sound device?03:57
=== adam is now known as Guest22476
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: asoundconf list     will also tell you if any sound hardware is available03:58
glicksexcuse me, what do i do if i have a window that cant be resized but its longer than the screen?  How can i move it so i can click on the 'OK' button at the bottom of the window?03:59
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, http://pastebin.com/f490bd81903:59
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, and i use OSS03:59
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: line 3 looks to be your sound card03:59
settntrenzthats good.03:59
GodfatherofEireIs there any Speech to text frontend for Ubuntu?04:00
mowsettntrenz > lspci |grep -i audio04:00
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, whats good? the lspci or the OSS?04:00
ari_stresshi guys, what's hot04:00
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: lspci04:00
glicksdos anyone know how i can move the window up in gnome04:00
settntrenzmow: thanks04:00
glicksbeyond the upper panel?04:00
giikeranybody here stil uses pine, and anyone uses it with gmail and cron?04:01
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: have you messed with alsamixer?04:01
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, or lshw -C sound04:01
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, no, no need, i use OSS so its ossxmix04:01
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: hmm, never messed with OSS04:02
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: what is the reason for using that instead of alsa?04:02
webbb82i am loooking for a better download manager any ideas?04:02
dantonicHi, Just installed ubuntu on an older P4 box, what's the best way to troubleshoot the sound system?  Currently I have No sound at all.04:03
dantonicI installed 9.0404:04
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, the 7.1 works great, the settings are great, hated alsa on this box,,, http://imagebin.ca/view/wGS88q-V.html04:04
ftz#ugn - irc.freenode.net04:04
IdleOne!sound | dantonic04:04
ubottudantonic: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:04
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: gotcha, thought it might have been a hardware requirement (your card didn't work with alsa)04:04
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, nah, just works better with OSS04:05
norberto2611I'm new with linux04:05
wes__What do you want to know norb?04:05
rohnHi, just dual-boot installed ubuntu on my laptop, but when I restart ubuntu, it won't remember my settings (i.e. have to re-setup Evolution each time, change desktop theme)04:05
rohnWhat is going wrong?04:06
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: Any software updates between when it was working and now?04:06
norberto2611I just got my new MSI netbook and installed the new ubuntu 9.04 remix but my built-in webcam in not working04:06
wes__Do you know that your Netbook model is supported?04:06
SeaPhor|gameyes, lol, tonight as a matter of fact04:06
norberto2611yes it is04:07
wes__If you go to Ubuntu's website, it will tell you, and I'll get the link real quick.04:07
SeaPhor|gameyes, lol, tonight as a matter of fact settntrenz04:07
physic people iam on :/var/www/mybb/Upload/inc$04:07
physic<physic> how i can back to var/?04:07
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, plz dont tell me windoz updates killed my box,,, again LOL04:07
GodfatherofEireIs there any Speech to text frontend for Ubuntu?04:07
McLinux|molsonthis netbook of mine is wholly supported.. i have not yet tried the "wired" connection04:07
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: if it was windows updates that broke it then we have a whole other problem ;)04:08
Geoffrey2I had installed the 64 bit version of Ubuntu on sda6, and GRUB was installed there, I'd like to move it back to sda2, which is where the 32 bit version of ubuntu is....04:08
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, just making the reference...04:08
Geoffrey2that is, I'd like GRUB to reside on sda204:08
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, LOL04:08
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: i knew u were joking. So I guess now we have to determine which update broke it04:09
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, funny,,, i have xchat set to beep when calles by nick,,,its beeping....04:09
IdleOne!pm | norberto261104:09
ubottunorberto2611: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:09
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: beep is prolly your mobo speaker04:10
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: lsmod | grep snd04:10
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, none on MB04:10
norberto2611my built in webcam in not working04:10
norberto2611in ubuntu remix for netbook04:10
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: Ok, that could mean something. See if you can try a few different apps to see if you can get sound from some and not others.04:10
McLinux|molsonnorberto2611, what is your netbook04:11
norberto2611MSI wind U123 series04:11
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, snd_page_alloc         11400  004:12
rohnUbuntu starts fresh every time I  restart What is going wrong? it won't remember any of my settings!04:12
Steilmsiwind is good04:12
Steilbut use moblin04:12
amageerohn: you're not still booting from the cd are you?04:13
rohnno cd04:13
=== mike is now known as Mata
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, i have tried  COH (which is how i discovered No Audio), youtube, and will try an mp3 with VLC now04:13
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: i don't run oss, but I have a ton of stuff coming back from lsmod | grep snd, some even mentioning oss04:13
rohni have 9.04 dual installed04:13
rohnalong with (ugh!) vista04:13
brax_I am sooo excited!04:13
amageerohn: hmm well you've exhausted my ideas on this topic then :(04:13
brax_I'm making a live cd of ubuntu and I can't wait to run it!04:13
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, wbc@wbc-desktop:~/Desktop$ lsmod | grep snd04:14
SeaPhor|gamesnd_page_alloc         11400  004:14
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, thats it04:14
MataI'm currently experiencing an issue with my 1TB ext3 formatted HD. I'm getting read/write errors. I've tried to FSCK -y the drive through a USB BlackX device but it's getting too many errors. Now I've tried to add the SATA drive to my system and when booting I receive tons of errors when booting04:14
MataAny help would be greatly appreciated :/04:15
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: what did u find?04:15
norberto2611MSI wind U123 series. Built-in webcam in not been recognized when I open it with the apps cheese04:15
BookmanAny ideas on how to get a broadcom wireless connection working on my laptop with 9.04?04:15
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, thats it04:15
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: oh you meant that was the only return04:15
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, yes04:15
rohnwhere does ubuntu save settings?04:15
rohn(like for the desktop theme, etc.)04:16
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: given the lack of sound modules present, I'm wondering if reinstalling OSS might do the trick04:16
SeaPhor|gamerohn, in you /home/<user> directory04:16
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=== {{{ is now known as [[[
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: do you have the ossinfo command available? If so see if that returns anything relevant04:17
norberto2611can anyone help me with my problem04:17
rohnSeaPhor|game: found that directory what sub-directory?,04:18
norberto2611webcam in not been recognize04:18
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, http://pastebin.com/f4e02e49804:18
BookmanAnyone with a broadcom wireless solution?04:18
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: its looks like its seeing the devices04:19
SeaPhor|gamerohn, it will be a hidden dir,,, do CTRL+H to see them04:19
=== BeardedAdmin is now known as BeardedAdmin_Awa
=== BeardedAdmin_Awa is now known as BeardedAdmin
pete_Hello, I have an HP notebook and the only thing that does not work are my laptop volume buttons?04:20
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papashoui'll have to set weechat up a bit.. but yea it rocks04:20
hittingpilotdoes anyone know how to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu with ubuntu installed first?04:20
papashouis there a "line" plugin for weechat.. like xxchat has. where it shows you the last place you left off ?04:20
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, yeah,,, just something is ... off04:20
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: i'm doing some googling. I'm not sure where to go from here.04:20
BookmanOk, so do broadcom cards not work then in Linux?04:21
pete_Bookman, mine works.04:21
BookmanOr chipsets?04:21
pete_Bookman, and yes it does.04:21
papashouwho in here likes gnome-do ?04:21
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, no worries, not being familiar with OSS i cant expect you to know, you've already showed me more than i knew starting out so MANY THANKS!!!04:22
GodfatherofEirepapashou, I used to, but then I just found alt-F204:22
leaf-sheepALT-F2 rocks!04:22
Trent_When using ffmpeg, I used to be able to specify "-vcodec libx264", when I was using gentoo linux.  I have installed the libx264 library, but I get an error that says "Unknown encoder 'libx264'"  What should I do?04:22
GodfatherofEireBut I will admit, gnome-do is a tad more multifunctional04:22
Bookmanpete_: got you, mine must be unique then.  No problem.04:22
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: are you on 9.04? and if so which kernel?04:22
pete_Bookman, you need the restricted driver04:23
=== _ is now known as Guest58225
pete_!restricted drivers04:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:23
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, no, this is my gamming box,,, 8.04 LTS,04:23
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:23
hittingpilotdoes anyone know how to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu with ubuntu installed first?04:23
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz,  2.6.24-24-generic04:23
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: I'm wondering if something similar to this might have happened http://nuclear-imaging.info/site_content/2009/02/25/broken-audio-and-a-workaround-in-ubuntu-904/?04:24
GodfatherofEire!GRUB | hittingpilot04:24
ubottuhittingpilot: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:24
Bookmanpete_: not much help04:24
Trent_hittingpilot: What's your partition layout?04:24
pete_Bookman, hold.04:24
swoody!ask | norberto261104:24
ubottunorberto2611: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:24
hittingpilotGodfatherorEire: Windows won't boot after restoring it to grub04:24
rohnSeaPhor|game: I found the evolution settings including the accounts settings, but why won't evolution load them?04:25
hittingpilotTrent_:what do you mean?04:25
Bookmanpete_: according to synaptic, all restriced drivers are installed04:25
Trent_hittingpilot: What is your partitioning scheme?  Or are you an end user that doesn't understand linux much?04:25
pete_Bookman, what card do you have?04:25
Bookmanand I tell by?04:25
Trent_hittingpilot: Basically, in order to install ubuntu, or any linux distro, and have it work with Windows, you must either have a grub boot partition, or you must install grub on your ubuntu partition, and copy the boot partition into a file on the windows drive.04:26
hittingpilotTrent_: right now I only have 1 hard drive formatted, and it has Ubuntu on an ext4 partition, I am planning to install windows 7 on another drive, and have 1 more drive for backup04:26
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, tried it... gave me "The user `wbc' is already a member of `audio'."04:26
hittingpilotTrent_:whenever I add windows 7 to the grub list, it won't boot anymore04:27
Trent_hittingpilot: Oh, well that shouldn't be a problem then.  Which disk is your primary disk?04:27
pete_broad lspci |grep control04:27
pete_Bookman, lspci |grep control04:27
Trent_hittingpilot: What won't boot anymore?04:27
pete_Bookman, and mine is.... 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)04:28
hittingpilotTrent_:you mean the boot order in the bios? and 7 won't boot from the grub list04:28
hittingpilotTrent_:this is my 3rd attempt to make this work04:28
Bookmanpete_: 431804:28
Trent_hittingpilot: Yeah, the boot order in the bios.  Does grub come with a menu then?04:28
Bookmanpete_: fresh install of 9.04 does not seem friendly with this chipset04:29
ScottNYChow difficult is it to install windows and ubuntu on a MBP, being able to boot into any of them at startup?04:29
pete_Bookman, odd, I am looking for info04:29
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: Last thing I can offer would be going through this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound and seeing what is in place and matches up to your system.04:29
papashoudualboot just sucks04:29
rohnI tried to restore evolution's settings but I'm not sure what extension they should have. Any help? (and now evolution won't start!)04:29
hittingpilotTrent_: the Ubuntu drive is first, naturally, and my first 2 attempts have been with windows first, they failed miserably04:29
kerihas anyone used or has ScratchHosting?04:29
Trent_hittingpilot: I have a grub config like http://pastebin.com/d2a6d3fec04:29
ScottNYCi mean triple boot04:29
SeaPhor|gameok settntrenz and THanks for your time04:29
Bookmanpete_: No worries, I still have  the original XP discs here.  They work.04:29
ScottNYCi was reading something about reefit04:30
pete_Bookman, yea i believe it, is it an airforce card04:30
settntrenzSeaPhor|game: no problem, I suppose if I had more experience with OSS I could have been more help04:30
pete_BcM4318 airforce wifi?04:30
ScottNYCits a login screen for all the OSs04:30
rohnSeaPhor|game: thanks for your help, but it's still not running right04:30
Bookmanpete_: I have no idea04:30
rohnevolution that is04:30
SeaPhor|gamesettntrenz, you might like it,,, try it! ;-)04:30
Trent_hittingpilot: Does your grub config for Windows look anything like that?  And, did grub come up with the menu when you boot?04:30
pete_Bookman, but it is BCM4318 yes?04:30
Bookmanpete_: yes, airforce04:31
aaronHi, does anyone know how to setup a postfix server with mysql?04:31
hittingpilotTrent_: oh! of course, I used the default setting from the ubuntu installation04:31
pete_Bookman, sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist04:31
pete_anything in there?04:31
SeaPhor|gamerohn, try #evolution or try to install thunderbird from the repos04:31
aaronI followed this tutoria: http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual_postfix_mysql_quota_courier_ubuntu_edgy_p204:31
Trent_hittingpilot: Oh, my grub config wasn't made by ubuntu, I made it, so I don't know what ubuntu would do during install.  So, it's important that I know it's actually the same.04:32
aaronI  am not able to get mail to or send mail out from the server.04:32
Bookmanpete_: nope04:32
rohnSeaPhor|game: sorry, I don't know what #evolution is04:32
pete_Bookman, ok. you got that XP disc right04:32
hittingpilotTrent_: stupid me didn't look at what the install generated04:32
aaronyet outside users can connect and  send the mail to the server but gets rejected due to lookup failures04:32
Trent_hittingpilot: Do you get some errors?  Is it just hanging on you?  What do you see on the screen if it's hanging?04:32
Bookmanpete_: yup...no problem, I will install. Thanks.04:32
pete_Bookman, no04:32
papashouwho uses lostiRC here04:32
hittingpilotTrent_: is what hanging?04:33
pete_Bookman, thats not what I meant at all04:33
aaronany ideas?04:33
papashouthoughts, comments, vs Xchat?04:33
Trent_hittingpilot: hang as in not respond, like a dead man hanging from a noose.04:33
SeaPhor|gamerohn, try type this->     /join #evolution04:33
hittingpilotTrent_: I know what hang is, I was referring to what you asked was hanging?04:33
pete_Bookman, can you pop the xp cd in the ubuntu box?04:33
Trent_hittingpilot: oh, is the boot sequence hanging somewhere?04:34
rohnSeaPhor|game: in where?04:34
SeaPhor|gameright where you are typing04:34
Trent_hittingpilot: and where, and what is displayed, etc.04:34
Bookmanpete_: sorry, I don't like hacks.  I'm installing XP again.04:34
hittingpilotTrent_:Right now the boot sequence is fine, I haven't yet installed 704:34
SeaPhor|gameright where you are typing rohn04:34
pete_Bookman, ok, have fun!04:34
liminggangwhat's this04:34
Trent_hittingpilot: I thought you said you were having some problems with it booting?04:34
rohnoh, ok04:35
Bookmanpete_: thanks though, much appreciated.04:35
pete_Bookman, no problem, I could have fixed your problem though04:35
Trent_hittingpilot: You mentioned it not booting anymore if you add Windows 7 to the list.  So I assumed you meant you had attempted a Windows 7 installation before.04:35
hossamhello I have set up a directory for samba share with these parameters   browseable = yes  read only = no  guest ok = yes chmod 775 but i cannot write to the directory from a windows machine whats wrong?04:35
hittingpilotTrent_:This is the third iteration of this system, the first 2 involved windows installed first04:35
Bookmanpete_: No, it should work as is.  Not an issue for you .  Just the developers.04:36
pete_Bookman, its hard to make software for companies who don't release any information or code though04:36
pete_you know, as a third party.04:36
rohnSeaPhor|game: #evolution says can't talk there04:36
hittingpilotTrent_:after i installed Ubuntu on top of the Windows installation, a default menu item was added for Windows, this would never boot correctky04:37
pete_Bookman, anyway. XP is a fine OS as far as im concerned04:37
Bookmanpete_: I understand.....I just have too many machines to bandaid to make this solution work.04:37
rohnSeaPhor|game: it says "cannot send to channel04:37
pete_Bookman, yea, and XP is obviously the best windows usually.04:37
Trent_hittingpilot: Okay, I'm a bit confused then.  What is not booting, when you add Windows 7 to the list?  Is grub not starting up?  Is ubuntu not starting up?04:37
Bookmanpete_: yup, I agree.  I'll try again another time with Linux.04:38
pete_take care bookman,04:38
aaronneed help setting up postfix with mysql.04:38
pete_ok, so the only thing that does not work for me is my laptop volume buttons does anyone have any ideas?04:38
hittingpilot1Trent_: windows 7 would not boot04:39
Trent_hittingpilot1: Your problems with the previous windows 7 install are now gone, because it doesn't exist, correct?04:39
aaronhere is my problem:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7972307#post797230704:39
hittingpilot1Trent_: the only thing on my system right now is Ubuntu 9.0404:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution04:39
rohnthat's okay, I don't either04:40
viyyerhi I am trying to compile a source package04:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution04:40
viyyerI am getting this error04:40
administrator_is there a software on ubuntu to develop web site04:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about creationism04:40
pete_ok, so the only thing that does not work for me is my laptop volume buttons does anyone have any ideas?04:40
Muelliadministrator_: yes.04:40
viyyer/usr/bin/fakeroot: line 176: debian/rules: Permission denied04:40
viyyerdpkg-buildpackage: failure: fakeroot debian/rules clean gave error exit status 12604:40
rohnhaha on that Muelli04:41
SuperMiguelwhich version of ghost is the one that you can boot from the cd to clone a drive?04:41
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.04:41
administrator_muelli : what is it04:41
viyyerviyyer@vasishtha:~/kmfl/scim-kmfl-imengine-0.9.8$ sudo dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot  -D04:41
viyyer this is my compile ocmmand04:41
himurakenSuperMiguel, Im not sure about that question, I would give clonezilla a try though.04:41
Muelliadministrator_: well. You have to specify whether yuo want to edit HTML or PHP code, or run a webserver, or use a webframework, ...04:41
Trent_hittingpilot1: okay.  That's fine.  Then go ahead and install it, print out my config that I gave you, and use that.  hd0 is the first drive, and the number gets incremented for every drive after that.  The ',1' is the second partition'04:42
jumbalumbatesting testing04:42
Muelli!enter | viyyer04:42
ubottuviyyer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:42
pete_ok, so the only thing that does not work for me is my laptop volume buttons does anyone have any ideas?04:42
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod04:42
Trent_hittingpilot1: and again, each subsequent partition increments the number.04:42
administrator_i wanna create a new web site04:42
Trent_So, craft that to whatever it should be for your system, and it should work for you.04:42
Trent_hittingpilot1: oops, see previous line. ^^^^^04:42
Koganeihey, any way I can install XP from Ubuntu using only a USB disk?04:43
Muelliadministrator_: echo Hello World > /tmp/mynewwebsite.html && epiphany /tmp/mynewwebsite.html .. e voila!04:43
hittingpilot1Trent_:I know about partition tables, and I found this thread too http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1035999&page=204:43
MuelliKoganei: you can't install Windows from an Ubuntu, of course.04:43
pete_any ideas on how to get my laptop buttons to work04:43
administrator_should i browse using this link04:44
Muellipete_: try xev and see whether they show up at all04:44
KoganeiMuelli: no way to put the iso image to a USB and boot the XP install from there?04:44
aaronDoes anyone know anything about Postfix??04:44
hittingpilot1Trent_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1035999 <page 104:44
viyyerMuelli, thanks a lot.04:44
Trent_hittingpilot1: checking it out.04:44
losheraaron: that's a bit advanced for this channel. try #postfix04:44
tmktjust bought my first blue ray disk today (Disneynature - Earth)04:44
tmktwhat is the trick to getting it going?04:44
MuelliKoganei: *shrug* please ask somewhere else. I think windows is not capable of doing this. There are a lot of issues with USB Drivers not being loaded quickly enough etc.04:45
jumbalumbaKoganei, please get away from Mr. Bill'$ clutches.04:45
pete_Muelli, they do, what now?04:45
Koganeijumbalumba: wish I could, but my school requires XP to connect to the wireless, so I have no choice04:45
tmktam i out of luck?04:45
losherKoganei: maybe virtualbox or vmware is a solution for you?04:46
Muellipete_: good. try  gnome-keybinding-properties and set the volume-up and down buttons04:46
administrator_is there any software to develop web sits like dream viewer on windows04:46
KoganeiMuelli: I thought it'd be irrelevant of the iso image being Windows or not, you can find lots of tutorials to do it through Windows04:46
pete_Muelli, excellent.04:46
pete_Muelli, but im on xfce04:46
MuelliKoganei: it's not.04:46
Muellipete_: *shrug* then this might not work..04:46
pete_k. let me try04:46
Koganeilosher: lots of trouble for a netbook =/04:47
Muelliadministrator_: maybe emacs. Or vi.. People believe in either of them.04:47
pete_Muelli, that command does not work at all.04:47
Trent_hittingpilot1: I'm not sure what you are asking then.  You want to install Windows 7, after an ubuntu install, but you haven't attempted it that way yet, right?  So do you want directions on how to do it, before you attempt it?  Is that what you are after?04:48
Muellipete_: I'm sorry. I have no idea how to catch the keys in xfce. What window manager are they using actually? Isn't it metacity by chance?04:48
pete_Muelli, i need xbindkeys04:48
pete_installing it now04:48
xanguahittingpilot1: is always better install windows first and then anything else04:48
pete_Muelli, window manager, its xorg04:49
hittingpilot1Trent_: Just gathering information essentially yes, I am actually going try the install tomorrow04:49
pete_xangua, yea obviously windows doesn't play nice04:49
Muellioh, good to know pete_. And then you'll bing X86VolumeUp to pamixer --inc or something?04:49
pete_um not sure yet?04:49
hittingpilot1xangua: tried that, failed miserbly04:49
hittingpilot1xangua: twice04:49
xanguais much better don't use windows :-D04:49
Muellipete_: Nope, XOrg is the XServer. On top of that runs a window manager :-) F.e. GNOME ships Metacity04:49
pete_Muelli, unsure then04:50
MataAnyone know how to recover from "sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] [descriptor]" ?04:50
hittingpilot1xangua: Microsoft giving me license to beta test04:50
Trent_hittingpilot1: I agree with what xangua is saying.  normally best to do Windows first, if possible, then Linux after.  Okay, given that you have already installed ubuntu, I recommend printing out the config I gave you just in case, and attempting the Windows install.04:50
MuelliMata: "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" SCNR04:51
aaronAnyone know how to config postfix to talk with mysql and send and get e-mail?04:51
Trent_hittingpilot1: Then, start ubuntu, and edit your grub.conf, and add the config I mentioned04:51
Muelliaaron: yes.04:51
hittingpilot1Trent_: copied the config to a .txt file in my flashdrive04:51
Trent_hittingpilot1: But, I would recommend unplugging the ubuntu drive, just so windows won't overwrite it's MBR.04:51
webbb82can someone please help me out ,. i was trying to disable pango in firefox and now firefox wont start  take a look at this page to see what i did http://clipmarks.com/clipmark/977A1DE5-A921-49D9-96B1-1A726D7EE71F/04:51
midnightleutenanAre there any free usenets out there?04:51
Trent_hittingpilot1: That way you're sure ubuntu will at least boot, so you can fiddle with grub.04:52
MataMuelli correct, I've tried from a USB Enclosure + Directly to a Sata cable same issue04:52
Muelliwebbb82: I don't think you can disable Pango. How else would you render fonts then?04:52
hittingpilot1Trent_:usually I just use my live USB04:52
jumbalumbaWindow$ likes to overwrite MBR's, heh heh04:52
Trent_hittingpilot1: That really should "just work" then, if you get the "(hdX,Y)" setting correct.04:52
webbb82can you check out the link and see if anything i did would make it not start04:52
MuelliMata: Dunno the error but maybe your disk is broken :-|04:52
loshermidnightleutenan: for text only, I believe so. Google them...04:52
Muellimidnightleutenan: there's a list in DMOZ IIRC.04:52
Trent_hittingpilot1: live USB for booting?04:52
Anak^Kampung /server kernel.dal.net04:53
midnightleutenanMuelli, Thanks04:53
Trent_hittingpilot1: and for boot configs?04:53
MataMuelli that's what I'm figuring as when mounting after bootup on a USB enclosures I'm getting read/write errors when trying to copy or remove content from the drive04:53
hittingpilot1Trent_:live usb for boot config changes04:53
Trent_hittingpilot1: Oh, just for backup, just in case then?04:53
MuelliMata: :( Could it be too less power?04:54
hittingpilot1Trent_:yeah I am paranoid lol04:54
Trent_hittingpilot1: That works.  But yeah, it should go smoothly, if you get that hdX,Y setup correctly.04:54
Matanah it wouldn't be the power04:54
Matathanks again Muelli04:54
ZoeyMariecan anyone help me figure out why a sound recording program us freezing on me?04:54
midnightleutenanMuelli, How do I get to that?04:54
Marcham89Hello. I am trying to figure out if I need a swap partition and how big it should be?04:54
hittingpilot1Trent_:thanks man, like I said I'm going to actually install tomorrow, I am too wiped out today04:54
Trent_Mata I check the cable.04:55
Muellimidnightleutenan: I'd google "dmoz usenet" or "dmoz nntp"...04:55
GodfatherofEireAre there any speech recognition programs available for ubuntu?04:55
losherMuelli: next step is to download the manufacturer's diagnostic disk & boot & run it...04:55
midnightleutenanMuelli, Thanks.  I'll check out alltheweb04:55
MuelliMarcham89: well.. Back in time people tend to have 2 times RAM.04:55
aaronwhats the server room?04:55
aaronthe server channel?04:55
Marcham89Muelli: That seems extremly large. Do I even need a swap partition?04:55
=== murilo is now known as eng_metal
jumbalumbaZoey, you have 2 programs running simultaneously that are conflicting with each other, probly04:55
losherMarcham89: how much RAM do you have?04:55
Trent_hittingpilot1: have fun with that.  I hope you get it going. :D04:56
MuelliMarcham89: maybe not :-) Depends on what you want.04:56
Marcham89losher: 6GB04:56
losherMarcham89: and do you need to suspend/resume?04:56
ZoeyMarieJumbalumba, that could be it... how would I tell what it is?04:56
MuelliMarcham89: Swap is essentially RAM on a harddrive. You want to have that for hibernating.04:56
hittingpilot1Trent_: yeah I hope to get 4 os's on this old machine04:56
Marcham89losher: well yes I will.04:56
Trent_hittingpilot1: Oh, what other things you installing?04:56
jumbalumbaAll I know is isolate programs and only run one at a time04:56
MuelliMarcham89: or for running memory hungry applications. like anything Javaish, Firefox, OOo, ...04:57
hittingpilot1Trent_: XP and openSUSE04:57
krishna_is there any alternate to http://www.rejetto.com/hfs/  http file server ??? I dont want to follow any large steps.. i just want a simple tool like this... help!04:57
hossamhello I have set up a directory for samba share with these parameters   browseable = yes  read only = no  guest ok = yes chmod 775 but i cannot write to the directory from a windows machine whats wrong?04:57
losherMarcham89: to suspend/resume, my understanding is you need at least as much swap as you have RAM, on its own swap partition...04:57
Marcham89losher: okay so I guess I need 12GB swap then... hmm okay not bad. My hdd can take it.04:57
midnightleutenanMuelli, Mind if I pm you?04:57
Marcham89so thank you losher and Muelli04:57
ZoeyMarie12g swap?!04:57
Muellikrishna_: haven't clicked that link, but maybe SSHFS or WebDAV does the trick for your?04:57
ZoeyMarieI have, like, 2, and it never ever gets used.04:57
Marcham89ZoeyMarie they said 2x ram04:57
pete_Muelli, got it working from a guide on xfce04:58
Trent_hittingpilot1: Yeah, just take it one step at a time.  Win XP should be the same grub config as Windows 7.  That config basically tells grub that the partition in question has it's own boot loader, go use that one, and skip grub.04:58
=== montel is now known as MontelEdwards
Muellimidnightleutenan: well, no problem for me, but the information might be good for other people as well :-)04:58
pete_Muelli, needed xbindkeys and some text04:58
Marcham89ok thanks guys04:58
krishna_Muelli, plz see that link once.. is sshfs in synaptic ?04:58
ZoeyMarieshrugs. whatever floats your boat.04:58
Marcham89bye :D04:58
pete_Muelli, what was that fiurst program you told me.,04:58
Muellipete_: If it's not too much, feel free to paste it here :)04:58
losherMarcham89: I think you should start with 6GB of RAM and monitor swap usage. You may never need more...04:58
pete_muelli hold ill msg you.04:58
Trent_hittingpilot1: And, if I'm not mistaken, Windows usually installed boot loaders on the MBR and the partition you install on.04:58
Muellipete_: It's a GNOMEy tool to configure keybindings for the desktop :) Really handy04:58
linuxnewbie1000could someone help me with a graphics problem?04:59
Muellikrishna_: to find out, do a apt-cache search04:59
hittingpilot1Trent_: yeah I noticed that, it's quite annoying04:59
Trent_hittingpilot1: Gotta run, good luck.04:59
dsnydersHi all.   Why is this not changing the line?  cat web2|sed 's/^*audioUrl=/wget /'04:59
Muelli!ask | linuxnewbie100004:59
hittingpilot1Trent_: thanks again04:59
krishna_Muelli, with that Hfs in that link... just adding folder.. and then entering my ip in my friend's browser works.. is sshfs the same as this ??04:59
ubottulinuxnewbie1000: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:59
linuxnewbie1000ubottu: ok thanks04:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok thanks04:59
Trent_hittingpilot1: Yeah, it is annoying, you should be able to choose.  But, alas, it's Windows.04:59
GodfatherofEireOh come on, SOMEBODY in here must know of a program04:59
xmntlinuxnewbie1000, ubottu is a midget robot04:59
dsnyderslinuxnewbie1000, ubottu is a chatbot program04:59
linuxnewbie1000oh LOL05:00
hittingpilot1Trent_: I need to find a copy of LinuxXP >.>05:00
xmntdsnyders, I win05:00
hittingpilot1Trent_: j/k05:00
linuxnewbie1000ubuntu has no support for my graphics chipset05:00
dsnydersxmnt, I bow to your faster fingers05:00
losherdsnyders: change the ^* to ^.*05:00
linuxnewbie1000with opensuse it works fine, but not ubuntu05:00
xmntdsnyders, years of training05:00
ScottNYCcommand+shift+period toggles viewing invisible files in finder in SL to whoever was asking before05:00
BlueyI have Nero 3.5 -- anyone know the difference in version 4?  I can't find anything on their site.05:00
papashouif there is no -support- then you're s.o.ol05:00
krishna_Muelli, i installed sshfs from synaptic.. but its not in my applications list ?05:01
linuxnewbie1000I cannot enable desktop effects in ubuntu, they work fine in openSUSE but not ubuntu05:01
Muellikrishna_: Well. It's a FUSE module. So you might either call it from the terminal or open "ssh://yourhost" in natulius05:01
linuxnewbie1000can anyone help? plz05:02
Zermelo-FraenkelHey Ubuntuers,  Does any of you have a laptop MSI ( Microstar International ) VR630 series computer  with Ubuntu installed on it?05:02
losherlinuxnewbie1000: go back to suse, seriously. It has everything ubuntu has...05:02
Muellilinuxnewbie1000: which graphics adapter? lspci -vnvn and then somewhere near VGA05:02
krishna_Muelli, i am sorry. i cannot understand05:02
elanteignehow does one install rsyncd05:03
linuxnewbie1000I came to ubuntu because it had more documentation05:03
elanteigneis it the same as rsync?05:03
Muellielanteigne: apt-get install rsyncd?05:03
aleeusaAppearance Preferences>Visual Effects>05:03
YogiWinsand a better community.05:03
Zermelo-FraenkelGood lord, I can't get nvidia drivers to work on MSI VR 63005:03
linuxnewbie1000and ubuntu looks better than suse05:03
losherelanteigne: rsync act as both client & server I think...05:03
YogiWinslinuxnewbie1000: what is your graphics chip?05:03
linuxnewbie1000don't laugh plz05:04
linuxnewbie1000intel 845g05:04
linuxnewbie1000"onboard laptop"05:04
Muellilinuxnewbie1000: it's broken on jaunty05:04
elanteigneMuelli: i don't see rsyncd, just rsync05:04
Zermelo-FraenkelWhat is anybody talking to me?05:04
krishna_Muelli, is there any as simple as that HFS rosette ?05:04
linuxnewbie1000is jaunty 9.04?05:04
elanteignelosher, so installing rsync also installs the daemon?05:04
Muellilinuxnewbie1000: try to search the web for easy workarounds05:04
lonnatrying to use a piece of dj equipment (ion icue).  connected via usb, has no linux support.  have program it is suppose to control running perfect in wine.  how can I get a driver for this/use a windows driver? ideas?05:04
linuxnewbie1000would 8.04 work?05:04
Muellielanteigne: I don't know. You might want to ask http://packages.ubuntu.com for a package containing rsyncd05:05
losherelanteigne: I believe so. Are you using it for file copying?05:05
YogiWinslinuxnewbie1000: are you able to get into gnome at all? are you just unable to turn on effects?05:05
Muellilinuxnewbie1000: yes. And 8.10 FWIW. And 9.10 :-)05:05
linuxnewbie1000yes gnome works fine05:05
linuxnewbie1000(on gnome now)05:05
linuxnewbie1000yes no effects05:05
linuxnewbie1000it searches for drivers and then says it cannot enable effects05:05
kapilelanteigne: read the man page for "rsyncd.conf"05:05
linuxnewbie1000so back to 8.10 should work?05:06
elanteigneMuelli,losher:  i'm configuring BackupPC05:06
YogiWinslinuxnewbie1000:maybe try a rollback, it works sometimes.05:06
Zermelo-FraenkelHey can someone help me on this, I really need to get my ubuntu working on this crap machine05:06
elanteignei successfully configured it for SMB for my windows boxes, now i'm learning linux clients.  it says rsyncd is the preferred method.05:06
linuxnewbie1000rollback? as in drivers?05:06
Muelli!ask | Zermelo-Fraenkel05:06
ubottuZermelo-Fraenkel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:06
YogiWinslinuxnewbie1000: no back to 8.1005:06
xmntlinuxnewbie1000, this may have already been asked but have you installed the correct drivers?05:06
linuxnewbie1000it says they are already installed05:07
losherelanteigne: kapil: note the man page for rsyncd.conf says it is for 'rsync when run as an rsync daemon' i.e. it is as I said, both client & server05:07
Muellilinuxnewbie1000, xmnt: Intel Graphics is broken on 8.10.05:07
pete_can anyone tell me a really easy way to get the information for my volume keys??05:07
linuxnewbie1000so whats the latest version with working intel graphics?05:07
Muellino acceleration.05:07
Zermelo-FraenkelHey I need help with MSI VR630 anyone05:07
zebrafusionwhat's the command ot logout05:07
Muellilinuxnewbie1000: as I told you, 8.10 or 9.1005:07
Muellizebrafusion: logout05:08
zebrafusionMuelli: no05:08
linuxnewbie1000oh I thought you just said they are broken on 8.1005:08
zebrafusionthat tries to logout the shell05:08
Muellizebrafusion: sure it is :P05:08
zebrafusionI need to logout ubuntu05:08
Muellizebrafusion: you want to end your GNOME Session?05:08
mido_guyz  .. i'v just downloaded slackware's ISOs ,, i dunno how to burn them in one dvd????05:08
zebrafusionMuelli: right05:08
Muellizebrafusion: gnome-session-save -kill IIRC05:09
BookmanCan anyone else tell me how to get my Broadcome 4318 chipset working without XP disks?05:09
elanteignei think my brain is done for the night.  rsync education tomorrow!05:09
zebrafusionMuelli: thx mate05:09
Muellizebrafusion: --logout05:09
linuxnewbie1000Muelli: so I should downgrade to 8.10? I don't understand :D05:09
Muellilinuxnewbie1000: either that or upgrade to latest alpha05:09
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: Can you help me with this driver problem on my MSI VR630 laptop05:10
mido_guyz  .. i'v just downloaded slackware's ISOs ,, i dunno how to burn them in one dvd????05:10
linuxnewbie1000would alpha be at ubuntu.com05:10
Muellilinuxnewbie1000: or you just search the web for "ubuntu intel graphics" and do a workaround05:10
loshermido_: you can't burn multiple isos to a single dvd. Not even slackware ones...05:10
FloodBot2linuxnewbie1000: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:10
MuelliZermelo-Fraenkel: not unless you tell me your problem!05:10
linuxnewbie1000what does flood bot mean?05:10
Muelli!enter | linuxnewbie100005:10
ubottulinuxnewbie1000: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:10
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: Here is the problem,05:10
Muelli!enter | Zermelo-Fraenkel05:10
ubottuZermelo-Fraenkel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:10
mido_losher: so ,,, how to install slackware on my device?05:11
losherlinuxnewbie1000: you'll be better off with 8.0405:11
linuxnewbie1000are there any big features which are in 9 but absent from 8?05:11
xanguaor wait untin ubuntu KK (29 october) linuxnewbie100005:11
Muellilinuxnewbie1000: yeah, gazillions :-)05:11
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: I have an MSI VR630 laptop I installed ubuntu Jaunty Jackelope05:11
Zermelo-FraenkelIt doesn't boot with nvidia05:11
Zermelo-Fraenkelwhen spash screen appears it stucks there05:12
ZoeyMarieYeah. So Audacity still won't work... no other programs open and it still freezes05:12
MuelliZermelo-Fraenkel: what does 'doesn't boot' mean?05:12
MuelliZermelo-Fraenkel: and remeber not to press the enter key so often.05:12
loshermido_: sigh. if you don't know how to burn isos, I don't think you are ready for slackware...05:12
Zermelo-Fraenkelthe drivers do not load05:12
MuelliZoeyMarie: pkill -SEGV it and file a bug!05:12
linuxnewbie1000lol @ losher05:12
MuelliZoeyMarie: or attach strace to it and see where it's stuck.05:12
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: I didn't press enter or anything05:12
SeaPhor|gameZermelo-Fraenkel, are you on the live cd?05:12
linuxnewbie1000he means when05:12
linuxnewbie1000you talk like05:12
ZoeyMariehaha... I have no idea what either of those things mean... o.O05:12
linuxnewbie1000this zermelo05:13
MuelliZermelo-Fraenkel: can you boot in rescue mode with a VESA driver?05:13
Zermelo-FraenkelSeaPhor: No05:13
mido_losher: i now how to burn iso.. but I'm wondering how to gather slackware's ISOs ,,go here ftp://mirror.pacific.net.au/linux/slackware/slackware-13.0-iso/05:13
linuxnewbie1000thanks for the help05:13
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: No05:13
loshermido_: perhaps you should be asking on a slackware support channel...?05:13
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: I tried opensolaris, all kinds of linux, solaris nothing works05:13
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: However, ubuntu installed05:13
MuelliZoeyMarie:  *g* no problem. Just open up a terminal, like Alt+F2 and "gnome-terminal", then pkill -SEGV audacity and just report that bug :)05:14
bazhangmido_, slackware?05:14
linuxnewbie1000so what happened when you started ubuntu zermelo?05:14
mido_bazhang: yes05:14
losherbazhang: yeah, he's asking about slackware...05:14
graphichey how do I set nowrap everytime vim starts?05:14
bazhangmido_, this is ubuntu support, try #slackware05:14
Zermelo-Fraenkellinuxnuewnbie: The problem is with the loading drivers05:14
MuelliZermelo-Fraenkel: do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select VESA driver.05:14
bazhanglinuxnewbie1000, intel regression is on Jaunty not INtrepid05:15
linuxnewbie1000Zermelo-Fraenkel yeah try that05:15
bazhang!intel | linuxnewbie100005:15
ubottulinuxnewbie1000: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.05:15
mido_thnx for helping guyz05:15
linuxnewbie1000ok thanks bazhang05:15
protowoxwhat the fuck is going on there?05:15
bazhangprotowox, watch the language05:15
mneptok!language | protowox05:15
ubottuprotowox: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:15
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: I have an AMD sempron05:16
protowoxpussies around here05:16
ZoeyMarieMuelli: Is there a special audacity place to file it?05:16
mdgrechwhat up guys any Michigan folk in here?05:16
glicksexcuse me does anyone know why my xCHM cant display negative numbers?  instead it just shows a box with 0090 in it05:16
linuxnewbie1000is there a kick option?05:16
MuelliZoeyMarie: nope, there should Apport pop up, collect informatino and stuff :-)05:16
MrSenator*hiss* Ohioan here. :P05:16
bazhangprotowox, stop. last warning05:16
mdgrechmmm I use xchm, didn't know abou that05:16
MuelliZermelo-Fraenkel: nobody cares. Your card might just be broken...05:17
ZoeyMarie... ? gosh... I must really be a newb... Apport?05:17
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: No05:17
linuxnewbie1000thanks mneptok05:17
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: Stupid windows works just fine05:17
glicksits really annoying especialy if your reading a math heavy book05:17
nix-idiotequeprotowox, free speech is not allowed!05:17
MuelliZoeyMarie: I'm sorry ;-) Didn't anything pop up after you did that pkill thing? :)05:17
bazhangmdgrech, check the michigan loco05:17
bazhang!loco | mdgrech05:17
ubottumdgrech: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams05:17
linuxnewbie1000no we linux users just encourage "colourful" users to get a bigger vocabulary05:17
mdgrechcool cool.05:18
Zermelo-Fraenkelglicks: Is it because I have chosen zermelo-fraenkel05:18
MuelliZermelo-Fraenkel: yeah it might, but that's not our primary mission :-) Just don't use the proprietary nvidia  driver :P05:18
losherZoeyMarie: don't feel bad. I don't know what apport is either...05:18
cellofellowwhat's it mean when one of my CPU cores is stuck at 100% usage and no particular process or kernel thread is using more than 1% CPU?05:18
glicksim sorry Zermelo-Fraenkel ?05:18
Zermelo-Fraenkelglicks: never mind05:18
Muellicellofellow: how do you know?05:18
losherglicks: google it05:18
cellofellowI mean, it's just stuck at 100%. Not even flickering up and down.05:18
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: what is not the primary mission05:18
cellofellowMuelli: htop05:18
glickslosher, i dont get it05:19
willcacellofellow | maybe try to see if there is any actual process eating it.... sudo ps -eo ppid,pid,pcpu,pmem,stime,comm > list05:19
Muellicellofellow: hm. maybe CPU frequency changing doesn't work, but it's rather unlikely. Maybe you miss a process in htop/05:19
willcacellofellow | then just look at that list05:19
losherglicks: never mind. It's math. It's hard...05:19
MuelliZermelo-Fraenkel: to make it just work. The mission is to create a free Operating System. Free as in Speech, not in Beer.05:19
LoafersWhen backports is enabled, is the system supposed to automatically install new packages?  Or do I do that on my own?05:20
glicksanyone know why my xchm might not be able to display my math book correctly05:20
glicksmainly the negative signs05:20
Zermelo-FraenkelMuelli: I don't have any probelem with free or paidm I just need get the damn thing to work05:20
RegressLesscan someone help me get a gamepad working on Ubuntu 9.04?05:20
MuelliLoafers: should install on their own, unless you have fiddled around with /etc/apt/preferences. To check, you can do a apt-cache policy on a backports package :)05:20
cellofellowwillca: Muelli: not missing any processes. Nothing is hogging CPU, that core is just pegged at 100%.05:20
Loafersglicks, there's a chm reader addon for firefox.05:21
cellofellowMy cpufrequence scalling is on "ondemand" and it's running at full speed (1.8Ghz).05:21
Muellicellofellow: weird. check your dmesg. Maybe something in the Kernel is messed up.05:21
willcacellofellow | what does sudo cat /proc/cpuinfo say about the speed05:21
losherglicks: none of those proprietary format readers work 100% in my experience...05:21
MuelliZermelo-Fraenkel: Yeah, you apparently don't get it. It's not about paying. It's about freedom.05:21
glickshmm ill check it out Loafers thanks05:21
cellofellowthat won't say anything about the usage, will it, willca?05:22
ZoeyMarieMuelli: I tried to do strace thingie, and it crashed my computer. haha... I might not have done it right, though...  how do I do this apport thing... I've never done it before. :/05:22
bazhangglicks, there is gnochm and chmsee in the repos05:22
cellofellowhad a hard shutdown earlier. all that looks amiss in dmesg is some ecryptfs errors but I get those often enough.05:22
losherglicks: also kchmviewer05:23
MrSenatorHow well is Wine working nowadays? I want to use Ubuntu 100%, but I am also a major windows gamer (Lots of games on Steam) that would make me sad if I gave them up.05:23
RegressLessOK, easier question: Can someone tell me how to install from source files?05:23
MuelliZoeyMarie: oh, I'm sorry for your computer being crashed :-\  Actually, you don't do the apport thing yourself :) Ubuntu Magic makes it possible to retrieve information after a crash automatically. So you shuold just have to make your program crash, i.e. by doing a pkill -SEGV on the process.05:23
bazhangMrSenator, depends, you should check the appdb for your preferred apps05:23
losherZermelo-Fraenkel: maybe you're approaching it from the wrong end. Google your hardware and see what people say runs well on it...05:24
glicksthat can display negative signs properly05:24
MuelliRegressLess: apt-get source $package05:24
glicksbut its more difficult to jump around05:24
ZoeyMarieAH! that works.... so I run audacity until it freezes (it doesn't really crash, just freezes up) and then, in terminal, run pkil -SEGV and it'll do it for me?05:24
MuelliZoeyMarie: yes :)05:24
ZoeyMariecool. thanks.05:25
MuelliZoeyMarie: at least it should :D05:25
RegressLessMuelli: No, I have the files. I just don't know what to do next05:25
MuelliRegressLess: dpkg-buildpackage I guess.05:25
LoafersMuelli: I have backports checked in Software Sources and it just reloads the list and does nothing.  I ran apt-cache policy and I got http://paste.ubuntu.com/273921/  What do I do?05:25
MindSparkhi, would anyone know where eclipse would save it's configuration ?05:26
SeaPhor|gamebazhang, my audio has worked fine on 8.04 since forever, i did an update today and now  NO audio, any ideas?05:26
RegressLessMuelli: OK, say you have a folder named "qjoypad-4.0.0" on your desktop with all the files in it. What do you do?05:26
LoafersMindSpark: I'm guessing it'll be a hidden folder in your Home Folder05:26
bazhangSeaPhor|game, what version of ubuntu; you are using wine also? could you give some more info05:27
MuelliLoafers: everything is fine :) You see that every repository has a priority of 500, thus backport packages get respected just as your normal repos :)05:27
MindSparkLoafers, that's where it should normally be, yes. But I can't find anything there05:27
MuelliRegressLess: What *I* do? :D I do a ./configure --prefix=/opt/%USER/ && make && make install ;-)05:27
LoafersMuelli: But why isn't it updating anything?  My firefox is still the same version05:27
SeaPhor|gamebazhang, 8.04,,,,,,05:27
glicksok xchm sucks05:27
MuelliLoafers: what did you expect? To check where a package comes from, do a apt-cache policy $package05:27
=== ime_imuet is now known as blackarents
newserare there any known configuration issues with GeForce GTX 275 video cards?05:28
pete_can someone please help me with xbindkeys ?05:28
glickshey has anyone tried Empathy?05:29
RegressLessI'm f*cking lost05:29
LoafersMuelli: I'm confused, I was under the assumption that if I had backports enabled it woudl automatically install new verions of apps like the way it does for security fixes05:29
Loafersglicks: yeah05:29
glickssince they are replacing gimp with it next ubuntu release05:29
glicksLoafers, how is it, better than gimp?05:29
glicksi mean pidgin05:29
Loafersglicks: they're almost the same thing05:29
bazhangRegressLess, please watch the language05:29
MuelliLoafers: nope. That means a little. Depends on who backports what. You might try prevu to backport yourself05:29
glickswhats the diff?05:29
RegressLessI thought I did05:30
glicksnew stuff scares me05:30
glicksive been using the gimp since as long as i can remimber05:30
glicksi mean pidgin05:30
glicksi keep saying gimp when i mean pidgin05:30
Loafersglicks: i used pidgin 4ever also, and I didnt like empathy that much b/c it was lacking plugins05:30
Zermelo-FraenkelHey anybody has experienced this problem http://start.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100941705:30
RegressLessAnyway, I don't know what I'm doing and I could really appreciate some help in laymenspeak regarding setting up qjoypad on my netbook05:31
Loafersglicks: but ubuntu dev team wouldn't make it official chat client for ubuntu unless it was stable, funcitonal, and >= pidgin05:31
glicksdoes it have aplugin architecture05:31
glickscan you write plugins for it05:31
glicksyeah i heard it supports video and voice chat nicely05:31
LoafersMuelli: so what does clicking on the backptos checkbox do?  Nothing?05:31
MuelliLoafers: google for backports to understand the concept of a backport05:32
LoafersMuelli: ok05:32
Muellior better, the idea05:32
bazhang!backports | Muelli Loafers05:32
ubottuMuelli Loafers: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging05:32
SeaPhor|gamebazhang, 8.04, i have wine 1.1.7 installed, none of the wine repos, audio has been fine since i installed 8.04 as new when it was issued, ... what more do you need?05:32
dragonhi, how do I prevent the nautilus window from showing up each time I insert a USB drive?05:33
bazhangSeaPhor|game, it was after the latest install that it stopped? was this concurrent with some other event?05:33
bazhangerr update05:33
Zermelo-FraenkelHey my mouse stopped working after following these intructions http://start.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100941705:34
dragonbazhang: how's it going?05:34
Zermelo-Fraenkelfor the same problem, can anyone help05:34
zaccourhow do i update gnome desktop to the latest version?05:34
MrSenatorAnyone know of an eventvwr.exe equivalent in Ubuntu? Coming from Windows here.05:34
leaf-sheepMrSenator: eventvwr.exe is what?05:35
zaccourMrSenator, have you tried using Wine to emulate05:35
mido_guyz ... i got this "signing key not in keyring" when i opend slackware-13.0-install-d3.iso.asc05:35
mido_wat should i do ?05:35
SeaPhor|gamebazhang, no,,,, its worked fine for years, worked 2 weeks ago, i went away, and came back, today- there were updates to install- installed, rebooted and no audio05:35
MrSenatorWell, it wouldn't work. Event Viewer is essentially the logging system for windows. it shows you system and application errors in a fairly nice format05:35
bazhangmido_, this is not the slackware support channel. please desist05:35
MrSenatorMaking it a bit easier to track down errors, etc.05:35
MrSenatorIs there an equivalent of that in Ubuntu?05:35
zaccourmido_, slackware sucks lol05:36
bazhangmido_, /join #slackware05:36
mido_bazhang:but  now Im on ubuntu05:36
LoafersMuelli: Thanks.05:36
RegressLessI have a archive called "qjoypad-4.0.0.tar.gz" on my desktop, but I don't know how to install it. The instructions don't make sense to me as I am a noob. Please help.05:36
bazhangRegressLess, you have a link?05:37
lyhuncompress first05:37
zaccourhow do i update gnome desktop to the latest version?05:38
RegressLesslyh: ok, then what?05:38
Zermelo-FraenkelCan anyone help with problem for getting mouse to work, http://start.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100941705:38
linuxnewbie1000zaccour: it should auto update05:38
linuxnewbie1000if you have auto uppdates enabled05:38
ubottudebconf is a configuration management system. All packages that support debconf are configured when they are being installed. If you want to change a configuration option later, you can do so using dpkg-reconfigure05:39
RDoveMy friend at work said that my other friend at work was unprofessional because he used caps in an email.  He said "PLEASE DO NOT RUN THESCRIPT.SH" in blue letters and then explained why the script is broken currently.  Do you think my friend is right? I thought it was an alright email05:39
linuxnewbie1000I am restarting into new kernel soon, hope intel drivers work now :D05:39
BookmanHi there, I need to go away tomorrow and I need to have my laptop be able to play dvds. I just installled 9.0405:39
bazhangRegressLess, did you check the readme? it seems fairly clear05:39
dsnydersHi all.  I figured out my sed problem.   I needed to use .* not just *05:39
linuxnewbie1000RDove: I don't think he is unproffesional as if running that script would break something, then in caps or bigger font is very proffesioanl05:40
DasEiBookman: install vlc05:40
RegressLessbazhang: I'll say it again: Noob. And when I say noob I mean complete frickin noob05:40
linuxnewbie1000cya all05:40
LoafersMuelli: So I just installed firefox-3.5 it won't remove old version and use the new one as default?05:40
linuxnewbie1000!language | RegressLess05:41
ubottuRegressLess: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:41
ZoeyMarieHey Hey... I have another question... When I boot up, there are, like, 6 version of the linux kernals to boot from (recovery modes included)... are these necessary for anything, and, if not, how do I delete them? Gparted?05:41
bazhangRegressLess, the section entitled chapter 2 is what you need to focus on05:41
linuxnewbie1000ZoeyMarie: no they are not all nesecary but do not delete them05:41
bazhangZoeyMarie, always a good idea to keep an extra one around05:41
linuxnewbie1000they are important if the default one fails05:41
RegressLessI didn't know f r i c k i n was a cuss word05:41
ZoeyMariebut, an extra 5?05:41
LoafersZoeyMarie: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and comment the ones you don't want out05:42
ZoeyMarieI don't even know how they got there! haha. I just wanted to dual boot between ubuntu/studio (I don't even know what my flavor is) and windows! haha.05:42
ZoeyMarieLoafers how do I comment them out?05:42
ZoeyMarieand how do I know which ones I don't want? What is the difference between the kernals, and how'd I get them?05:43
RegressLessbazhang: where do I type ./config?05:43
RaviResckHi! I have two computers that connects to the internet by my ubuntu machine. In the network of these two windows pc's i can see the ubuntu machine, but on ubuntu i see the machines, but cant access the files. I use a hub to share the connection and the "samba". My smb.conf = http://pastebin.com/d2b6c5b07 Thanks!05:44
LoafersZoeyMarie: ##05:44
ZoeyMariewhat about knowing what the diff. is?05:44
lyhin terminal05:44
bazhangRegressLess, in the same folder as the stuff you wish to install (via the terminal)05:44
dsnydersZoeyMarie, in /boot/grub/menu.lst there is a line which says howmany= which tells grub how many previous entries to keep.05:44
BeWopHello, I need to know what video card I have, and find the drivers for it. Any help or commands would be great.05:44
pshrBeWop, lshw05:45
RegressLessbazhang: see, that's what I don't understand. I can open a terminal, but how do I open a terminal in a folder?05:45
DasEiBookman: do you get by with that short info ?05:45
burntresistori have to delete a file with permissions whats the del command in terminal05:45
bazhangRegressLess, the package is on your desktop?05:45
ZoeyMariedsnyders: where is it getting the previous entries from? and is the top one the one I want? (why do I have 3 different kernels though?)05:45
pshrburntresistor, rm -rf <filename>05:45
RegressLessbazhang: yes05:45
DasEiBeWop: hwinfo tells you (amongst others)05:46
bazhangRegressLess, when you type ls in the terminal do you see Desktop ?05:46
dsnydersZoeyMarie, It gets them from automatic updates.05:46
newseris it possible to make a network connection and use my laptop wireless card to use internet on a desktop?05:46
ZoeyMarieOH! re-heaally? ok. lemme check for that one.05:46
dsnydersZoeyMarie, The top one is the one you want.05:46
bazhang!ics | newser05:47
ubottunewser: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php05:47
cellofellowIs the realtime kernel really this buggy? It's crashed on me three or for times in the last hour.05:47
bazhangcellofellow, it is05:47
RegressLessbazhang: yes05:47
bazhangRegressLess, cd Desktop05:47
cellofellowisn't the realtime kernel used for systems like stock exchanges that need months or even years of runtime?05:48
adokguys... im trying to make gftp work with implicit ssl.. so far i recompile gftp with --enable-ssl but i still cant connect to my ftp sites, anything else i should do or should i google for another ftp client?05:48
bazhangcellofellow, thought it was mostly for audio recording and such05:48
dsnydersZoeyMarie, if you change the line to howmany=2 and run update-grub then grub will only list the latest two kernels.05:49
ZoeyMarierun "update-grup" in terminal?05:49
RaviResckHi! I have two computers that connects to the internet by my ubuntu machine. In the network of these two windows pc's i can see the ubuntu machine, but on ubuntu i see the machines, but cant access the files. I use a hub to share the connection and the "samba". My smb.conf = http://pastebin.com/d2b6c5b07 Thanks!05:49
cellofellowZoeyMarie: with sudo, yes05:49
cellofellowand with a b05:49
bazhangZoeyMarie, grub not grup05:49
Loafers!repeat RaviResck05:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:49
pshrOnce again how can ubuntu machine be optimized for performance ?05:49
Loafers!repeat | RaviResck05:49
ubottuRaviResck: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.05:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about performance05:49
ZoeyMarieargh! it always tells me that I can't alter these documents! how do I get around that without changing the permissions? (or is that what I have to do?)05:49
pshrOnce again how can ubuntu machine be optimized for performance ?05:50
ZoeyMarieand, yeah, grub... oops. haha05:50
RaviResckWasnt my intetion.05:50
bazhangpshr, please /msg ubottu05:50
LoafersRaviResck: Try asking on forums maybe someone can help you there05:50
DasEipshr: by disabling any not needed daemons or services05:50
RaviResckI already did that.05:51
RaviResckBut thanks!05:51
* cellofellow goes out on a limb and attempts to get Cinelerra to work without the RT kernel.05:51
bazhangpshr, you could start with the minimal installer (9mb) and build from there05:52
ZoeyMariecan anyone tell me how to save this document? since I don't have the permissions?05:52
DasEipshr: there are many ways to fasten a sys, easy upstart is installing bum, drop unneeded services and also check top,htop for whats eating up cpu and mem ;05:52
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:52
pshrThanks DasEi05:52
bazhangpshr, also consider a less resource intensive de such as lxde05:53
pshrlxde ?05:53
glickshey does gnome sound recorder work for anyone?05:53
glicksim trying to use it using the mic in my webcam as the capture device05:53
bazhangpshr, its a metapackage; sudo apt-get install lxde05:54
blendmaster1024which of these pci wifi cards: http://tinyurl.com/mckpo8 would you guys recommend05:54
dsnydersRaviResck, It looks like you have samba set to authenticate against an active directory domain controller.05:54
ZoeyMarieglicks: I was having the same problem. What's the webcam?05:54
glicksZoeyMarie, its a highend logitek05:55
dsnydersZoeyMarie, are you editing the files via sudo?05:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:55
RaviResckdsnyders could you show me the line?05:55
ZoeyMariedsnyders: I don't know. I just did it through nautilus (that's the gui file browser thingie, iright?)05:55
blendmaster1024sorry i did the ! thing to find the bot05:55
ZoeyMarieglicks: you have to disable autospawn in the pulseaudio client.conf... I think it's in the /etc folder.05:56
glicksZoeyMarie, autospawn? whats that do?05:56
dsnydersRaviResck, line 109 in the pastebin: domain logons = yes05:56
ZoeyMariehaha I have no idea.05:56
RaviResckdsnyders thanks.05:56
glicksZoeyMarie, where did you find that out?05:56
ZoeyMarieon ubuntu forums.05:56
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported blendmaster102405:56
nic1my microphone is not working05:57
glicksand did it work for you then ZoeyMarie ?05:57
ZoeyMariedsnyders: I don't know. I just did it through nautilus (that's the gui file browser thingie, iright?)05:57
glicksZoeyMarie, do you have a link to the forum topic?05:57
nic1capture is the problem, hw can i correct it?05:57
blendmaster1024bazhang, i dont want to know supported i want to know good - i'm asking on all the channels i know about since i need an answer asap05:57
ZoeyMariepretty much. I needed to mess around with the pulseaudo device controls. Yeah. I'll find it. I had to do some searching though, because my file was in /etc.05:57
dsnydersZoeyMarie, if you are just starting the program off of the menu, then it is done under your login, not as root.  What editor are you using?05:57
bazhangblendmaster1024, this is not the correct channel to Poll05:57
cellofellowis there some way to find bad ecryptfs files? dmesg several times reports bad files but doesn't say which ones they are.05:58
blendmaster1024bazhang, then what is? [angry face]05:58
ZoeyMarieglicks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=126702605:59
ZoeyMariedsnyders: gedit05:59
bazhangZoeyMarie, gksudo gedit file05:59
dsnydersZoeyMarie, go to a terminal, type in sudo gedit.  You will be prompted for your password, then you will temporarily be promoted to root, allowing you to edit grub05:59
losherblendmaster1024: one thing I find that helps is to search newegg reviews for hardware which users report have worked well with ubuntu. You might try that...06:00
Apollo2366Hey, using Ubuntu Jaunty with most recent updates. I recently started using Wireshark, and I've noticed that most of my HTTP and TCP packets turn up black and red because of incorrect checksums. Some info: http://pastebin.com/d695026eb06:00
glicksthankas ZoeyMarie06:01
ZoeyMarieglicks: no prob06:01
ZoeyMarieI helped someone!! :D06:01
losherZoeyMarie: warning: it's addictive...06:01
RegressLess1lyh: pm06:01
evilbugZoeyMarie: your first time?06:01
ZoeyMarielosher: I know... I can feel it. haha06:02
Apollo2366The problem is also documented here, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/326406 but I don't think there was any solution. Bear with me, I've never used Launchpad.06:02
ZoeyMarieoh yeah... I'm just figuring this stuff out myself.06:02
gemilanghello all06:03
Apollo2366!hello | gemilang06:03
ubottugemilang: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!06:03
ZoeyMarieokay. I'm gonna go screw around with Ardour some more now. :) have a good night all!06:03
losherApollo2366: well the good news is it's presumably not your hardware. Eventually I suppose it will get fixed. Or not...06:04
gemilanganybody know how to format harddisk in ubuntu 9.04?06:04
linuxguy2009If I need to run a sudo command on the command line at bootup where do I type the command in?06:04
SeaPhor|gamebazhang, no,,,, its worked fine for years, worked 2 weeks ago, i went away, and came back, today- there were updates to install- installed, rebooted and no audio06:04
randalhelp plz. I changed a seating in ccsm and my graphics card couldnt handle it so my screen went werid. i cant open ccsm because the graphics are messing up is there away to put these setting to defalt or turn graphics too none06:04
dsnydersgemilang, check out mkfs06:04
xmntgemilang, tis need to use gparted06:04
losherlinuxguy2009: they usually go in /etc/rc.local. May I ask what command you need to run?06:04
Apollo2366losher: that's what that means then? It's just one of the Great Mysteries of Ubuntu?06:04
gemilangwhat command to use mkfs?06:05
echosystmwhat changed in the boot process of 9.04? i cant find out anywhere06:05
echosystmdid they change the init ssystem or what?06:05
gemilangi was using Gparted but dont know why this not success06:05
dsnydersgemilang, mkfs is the linux format command.06:05
pete_how do I run a program that is not in /usr/bin at startup ???06:05
pete_and one that is.. btw06:06
randalhelp plz. I changed a seating in ccsm and my graphics card couldnt handle it so my screen went werid. i cant open ccsm because the graphics are messing up is there away to put these setting to defalt or turn graphics too none06:06
linuxguy2009losher: Just guessing does "rc.local" stand for root command local? If it does gthewn that would make it simple to remember this in the future.06:06
midnightleutenanHi again everyone06:06
gemilangsudo mkfs? in terminal editor06:06
randalsoreau: hey btw everyhting is working now but i messed something up can you help me06:06
xmntmidnightleutenan, arrr matey06:06
BeWopHello, I'm having issues installing the ATI Proprietary Linux Driver-8.28.8. I get the following message: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m694ec0e606:06
dsnydersgemilang, yes, followed by the partition that you wish to format.06:06
uRoRRoRRRrandal: People won't help you just because you repeat yourself.06:06
adantehow can i update whatever it is i need to in order to show up to date blkid info?06:06
midnightleutenanxmnt, Arrr06:07
Korlisdont worry, it wont hurt much06:07
Apollo2366randal: Try metacity --replace& in terminal.06:07
soreaurandal: Just ask the channel and maybe someone can help you06:07
Korlishow is everyone this fine night06:07
RegressLess1bazhang: I tried what you said and it didn't work--probably my fault. Now I've lost the conversation because I unplugged my netbook with the battery out (oops)06:07
Korlishi randal06:07
xmntKorlis, tis plenty nice06:07
BeWopHello, I'm having issues installing the ATI Proprietary Linux Driver-8.28.8. I get the following message: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m694ec0e606:08
losherApollo2366: I'm not sure what it means. It's been there since february, it's status is 'new' and its importance is 'undecided'. Apparently it doesn't prevent networking (which would be a showstopper), presumably it just degrades performance. I don't see you have any choice except to live with it or change os/version and hope it improves...06:08
Korlisxmnt = xenophobic mutant ninja teen?06:08
xmntKorlis, gentleman pirate06:09
Apollo2366losher: Well I wouldn't be complaining about it, but I think it might have something to do with the "Connection Reset" errors I'm getting in FF. Mainly facebook's /home.php06:09
RegressLess1bazhang: this is where I'm at --->   mike@ninjubuntu:~/Desktop$06:09
pete_whats the best way to run programs on startup !?06:09
willcaBeWop | did you run this while inside an X session?06:10
losherApollo2366: I notice it's logged against 8.10. Is that what you're running?06:10
dsnyderspete_, you need to add an entry to /etc/rc.local06:10
Apollo2366pete_: Have you tried System>Preferences>Startup Applications?06:10
BeWopwillca | The page says that there's some kind of setup06:10
pete_thanks both, ill use snyders approach06:10
BeWopwillca | http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_8.24.8.html#17698006:10
Apollo2366losher: nope, Jaunty. The symptoms match perfectly though.06:10
gemilang@dsnyders, gemilang@gemilang-desktop:~$ sudo mkfs [sudo] password for gemilang: Usage: mkfs [-V] [-t fstype] [fs-options] device [size]gemilang@gemilang-desktop:~$06:11
Korlispete_:  under administration there is an option called services, from there you can choose what starts up06:11
XgatesUbuntu didn't just make a basic x86_64 iso? All I see is an AMD64 iso, so what about Intel 64?06:11
willcaBeWop | ok this binary...you need to do this while in an X session06:11
gemilangand what to do?06:11
zenlunaticXgates: same difference06:11
Korlispete_:  nvm i guess, i type slow06:11
randalhey does anyone know how i can open ccsm in terminal06:11
willcaBeWop | i had an ati radeon mobilexpress before and thats how i used to do it, within my fluxbox session06:11
BeWopwillca | so go to the recovery thingy, and then type the command in?06:11
Apollo2366randal: "ccsm" then press enter06:12
willcaBeWop | no just boot normally and go to your desktop or windowmanager whichever you use06:12
BeWopwillca: I'll come back if that doesn't work =P06:12
Xgateszenlunatic: unless sorce code has changed over the last few years it's not the same, there are AMD flags and Intel flags that can be compiled into source SPECFIC to that Arch...06:12
willcathen run it again in a terminal06:12
BeWopwillca: wait, so06:12
Korlisxmnt: gentleman pirate?06:12
randalApollo2366: if i do that in failsafe terminal will that effect my normall season06:12
BeWopwillca: the X Server is just the display, right?06:12
BeWopwillca: I'm in a gui06:12
Korlisxmnt: is that like a pirate stripper?06:12
willcaBeWop | yes and no. Good you are in a gui06:12
losherApollo2366: scary. Try an 8.04 live cd and downgrade if the problem goes away? Dunno what else to suggest...06:12
willcaBeWop | just run it now as root inside a terminal06:13
BeWopwillca: that was in a root terminal06:13
pitputhow can I make my icons more organized? sometimes they overlap each other...06:13
willcaBeWop | use sudo06:13
pete_dsnyders, would something like /home/pete/xboxdrv work in rc.local06:13
willcaBeWop | root does not run X for itself thats why that pops up normally, as far as my recollection of it goes06:13
Apollo2366losher: I'll probably just wait it out, facebook was working fine until today. Maybe it's server-side. If it continues though, I might do that.06:13
BeWopwillca: Alright, hold on06:13
losherApollo2366: sounds reasonable. Good luck...06:14
RegressLess1can anyone help me figure out how to install this app?06:14
KorlisApollo2366: my wife uses face book and always has problems06:14
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Apollo2366losher: Think I should repost in #networking? See if they can figure it out? Korlis: Other than the normal glitches?06:14
SilentJonathanis it possible to put something in .bashrc so that when i type 'stuff' it replaces it with the text 'hello world 23'?06:14
randalsoreau: hey i have a question how can i log into my account with the graphics turned off06:14
dsnyderspete_, I think so.  You may have to do a bit of googling to get the exact syntax06:15
BeWopwillca: I did that, didn't work. Here's the entirety of what I did06:15
Cyrano_DeSilentJonathan: alias stuff='hello world 23'06:15
echosystmif i want to install a command-line only sysetm, do i use alternate cd or the normal cd?06:15
losherApollo2366: nothing to lose. The worst that can happen is you'll be ignored...06:15
KorlisApollo2366: yeah, sometimes her restaurant city wont load, or FF can't contact the server, or it will just remain on a white page when she navigates to it06:15
BeWopwillca: http://bradyn.pastebin.ca/157154406:15
pete_dsnyders, will do06:15
harpalI just installed ubuntu latest version.06:15
harpalI would like to install sun java 506:16
mezquitalerandal, try a console typing "alt-f1", or do you want to completely turn off graphics mode?06:16
echosystmthis is well documented harpal, go on google and dont be lazy06:16
harpalI cant find any sun-java5 in apt-get to install06:16
t0smy sound isnt as high as it should be, i checked in volume control everything is all the way up, but its like my sound only works half way and on up like there isnt really "low" volume settings06:16
Xgatesboy someone needs to get with Ubuntu development and clue them in, to be technically correct you don't call something in linux AMD64 UNLESS it''s ONLY for AMD, otherwise it's suppose to be x86_6406:16
Cyrano_Deechosystm: I could be wrong but I think you will need to install ubuntu server in order to install a command-line only system.06:16
willcaBeWop | that is just weird...do this...what desktop you running? gnome / kubuntu / xubuntu or something else?06:16
Apollo2366Korlis: I get those sometimes. I think that's just Facebook being written mainly for windows/IE.06:16
KorlisApollo2366: i assume its a facebook problem06:16
echosystmno, you can install cli only from a normal one06:16
KorlisApollo2366: yeah06:16
echosystmit used to be the alt cd, but from memory it may have changed06:17
BeWopwillca: The standard ubuntu desktop, so gnome. I don't have effects turned on or anything, but I don't think that'd make much of a difference06:17
willcaechosystm | if you have the minimal install iso you can enter "cli" upon initial boot and then setup the CLI system that way06:17
randalmezquitale: i changed a setting in ccsm that Messed up my graphics i need to turn graphics off so i can fix this setting i changed06:17
RegressLess1I want this program, but I don't know how to install it:  http://qjoypad.sourceforge.net/#download06:17
mezquitaleechosystm, why would you want to install a command line only mode distribution?? most distributions can actually work only on command mode but you must have a reason why you only want command line only06:17
pete_dsnyders, it appears, something like /home/pete/xboxdrv/xboxdrv -- silent will work?06:17
willcaBeWop | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart and then try it again06:17
echosystmwhat is the minimal install iso willca ?06:17
xmntarr, facebook not be written soley for ye IE, i works with some of the developers ... tis be due to ajax and server scalability issues06:17
pete_--silent that is.06:17
BeWopwillca: alright, brb06:17
willcaechosystm | its just a small ISO without any desktop or something like that....its basically what you want to use if you dont want the prepared regular ISOs for ubuntu with all the bells and whistles06:18
njsXgates: "amd64" is the generic name for the 64-bit extensions to x86, since AMD invented them and then Intel started making amd64 clones. people have moved towards x86-64 as the generic since then, but amd64 is still used in some places and perfectly correct.06:18
KorlisApollo2366: and the majority of facebook users make it apparent who the service is aimed at imho06:18
SilentJonathanCyrano_De, when i type it, it only gets the first part because it thinks its a command06:18
mucousI'm trying to figure out these instructions: http://www.steve-oh.com/blog/index.php/2009/03/12/ubuntu-vista-dual-boot-full-encryption-with-truecrypt/ could anyone help me with them?06:18
KorlisApollo2366: i had a hard enough time signing up for myspace, youd never get me near facebook06:18
randalmezquitale: any ideas how i can turn of thegraphics06:18
pete_dsnyders, can I use sudo before that?06:18
njsanyway, I just upgraded to karmic, and now oem-config is running at *every boot wtf*. anyone know how to make it stop that?06:19
SilentJonathanwhat i am trying to do is specifiy some list of options instead of manually typing them in? or would a bash script be more suitable06:19
dsnyderspete_, I'm not sure.  All I know is that's where you'd put it.06:19
xmntKorlis, Apollo2366 see me above messages ... tis be the result of other issues06:19
pete_dsnyders, oh rc.local runs as root..06:19
beatbreakwhat's the md5sum of Ubuntu 9.04 ?06:19
mezquitalerandal, yes, i havent done it in a long while, you have to switch modes, im just trying to figure out why ccsm would mess up your drivers, if your drivers are working fine I suggest you work on ccsm first, but to answer your question, you need to change modes first06:20
randaldoes anyone know how to turn graphics off before you log in to fix a problem06:20
pete_dsnyders, is there a way to now run rc.local to see if it works?06:20
Cyrano_DeSilentJonathan: sorry dropped the echo alias stuff='echo hello world 23'06:20
beatbreaki got 3afa8bca40ba8be72ace97e1cdb5256c06:20
randalmezquitale: ok06:20
dsnyderspete_, I think you can do ./etc/rc.local06:20
mucouscan anyone please help me figure out these instructions?06:20
pitputhow can I make my icons more organized? sometimes they overlap each other...06:21
RegressLess1Can someone help the village idiot? I've got the qjoypad package on my desktop and don't know how to install it.06:21
Cyrano_DeSilentJonathan: I like to export ENV variables and refrenece them.06:21
BeWop1willca: That did not work either, same error06:21
randalwhat happand i enable a effect on accadent and my graphics couldnt handle that one and it stoped working i need to change these setting back to defalt or turn graphics off any ideas how i can do this thanks.06:21
dsnyderspete_, You may need to sudo it if the command needs to be root.06:21
Korlisxmnt: oh well, i dont really care, i hate facebook, i hope their servers get overloaded and it creates a domino effect like when gmail went down06:21
pete_dsnyders, rc.local runs as root06:21
randalmezquitale: what happand i enable a effect on accadent and my graphics couldnt handle that one and it stoped working i need to change these setting back to defalt or turn graphics off any ideas how i can do this thanks06:21
RegressLess1It takes a village to help an idiot06:21
dsnyderspete_, At startup it runs as root.  If you're launching it manually, it runs at whatever user level you are.06:22
Apollo2366xmnt: are you talking about my HTTP/TCP checksum problems, specifically, or just the normal facebook glitches?06:22
pete_dsnyders, so use sudo before the cmds.06:22
KorlisRegressLess1: what format is the qjoypad package in06:22
xmntKorlis, they be experiencing issues at the moment .. the sight be slow as a ship in the windless caribbean06:22
BeWop1willca: any other ideas?06:22
Cyrano_DeSilentJonathan: For working with the vSphere sdk I do "export VMEAST=https://virtualcenterserver/sdk/vimService"  Then every script I run I give it that variable as the option.  Ex. dsBrowse.pl --url $VMEAST06:22
randalmezquitale: so how do i switch modes06:22
mucouscan anyone please help me figure out these instructions?06:23
willcaBeWop | k forget that binary...try using envyng | so sudo apt-get install envyng i think06:23
Korlisxmnt: huzzah! let us all board her ports and help her along!06:23
RegressLess1Korlis: format? it was in a tar.gz and I extracted it06:23
Beastmodeguyscan someone please help me with themes for gnome? or point me to a tutorial. thx i want to know how to install them06:23
Cyrano_DeSilentJonathan: That might be a better option than an alias.06:23
dsnyderspete_, It should be sudo /etc/rc.local to run it manually06:23
mezquitalerandal, try reconfiguring your video drivers, press CTRL-ALT-F1, login, and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:23
willcaBeWop | basically once you got envyng in there, just execute it and uninstall ATI first and then reinstall06:24
BeWop1willca: That's the wrong program name06:24
randalmezquitale: tanks give me 2 sec06:24
KorlisRegressLess1: you probably just need to cd to it in a terminal and compile it just open up a terminal cd to the directory of the package and type make then sudo make install06:24
BeWop1willca: And I can't uninstall ATI because there isn't any ati on there now, It's just running on ubuntu's default06:24
Apollo2366xmnt : Well that's good to know. No clue about the incorrect packet checksums though?06:24
pete_dsnyders, ok, that worked. but it booted in to my first program on the list and did not run the second?06:24
willcaBeWop | i was assuming you have some sort of one in there06:25
xmntApollo2366, i red up on ye problems above and see ye full conversations of the issues06:25
willcaBeWop | here is a read up on it http://www.brendansheehy.com/blog/?tag=envyng06:25
BeWop1willca: Nope, fresh install06:25
BeWop1willca: mmk06:25
SilentJonathanok thanks Cyrano_De worked a treat06:25
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:25
BeWop1willca: With updates, but you know =P06:25
Korlisi believe i will be going ot bed now, im bored, im going to eat and read06:25
Korlissee you all later06:25
maheshjr2000hello, I am using xmonad+gnome and playing urban terror. Every now and them(im pretty sure its due to a keystroke) urban terror will just go into a tile and I will lose mouse control. Sometimes it will go back sometimes it wont06:25
Beastmodethx ubottu06:25
Apollo2366Korlis :  G'night/06:25
willcaBeWop1 | k i cant try and search it with apt-get because I am on slackware now....so do a sudo apt-cache search envyng06:26
xanguaBeastmode: the best theme is colors - http://code.google.com/p/gnome-colors/06:26
willcaBeWop1 | i think its sudo apt-get install envyng-core06:26
xmntApollo2366, nighty night ye we pirate06:26
BeWop1willca: there we go06:26
xanguaaye aye captain¿¿ xmmt06:26
Apollo2366xmnt : I'm not going to bed, Korlis is. I was saying good night to him.06:26
mezquitalemaheshjr2000, are you using compiz in gnome?06:26
maheshjr2000not sure06:27
maheshjr2000how do I check?06:27
maheshjr2000im not using any of the advance06:27
FloodBot2maheshjr2000: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
BeWop1willca: And just a funny thing "ATI Driver Support In Ubuntu:  The Most Annoying Thing Since Broadcom Wireless" I have both. Figures06:27
Beastmodexangua thx for link looking at it now06:27
mezquitalemaheshjr2000, so youre not using any visual effects?06:27
xmntApollo2366, aye the sails not be set yet for you06:27
BeWop1willca: So, what do I do with envyng now?06:27
maheshjr2000let me double check06:27
glicksdoes anyone know how to get a webcam mic working on ubuntu?06:27
maheshjr2000yep visual effects is set to none06:28
maheshjr2000am I going to have to go back to metacity :(06:28
glicksthe webcam works fine just no mic06:28
glickswhen i use gnome recorder, i just get static06:28
mucouswhat does this mean:06:28
mucous2) Installed Ubuntu second using encrypted physical volume with LVM inside it and 2 partions / and swap inside the LVM(at this point, grub was in the MBR)06:28
t0smy sound isnt as high as it should be, i checked in volume control everything is all the way up, but its like my sound only works half way and on up like there isnt really "low" volume settings06:28
glicksand when i change the capture device to my webcame ALSA the microphone is always muted, even if i unmute it, if i open it again, its muted again06:28
randalwhat is this opposed to do06:28
pete_dsnyders, ?06:28
swoodywhat is the package for "Hardware Drivers" named??06:28
randalmezquitale: what is this opposed to do06:29
mucousthe "and 2 partions / and swap inside the LVM" part06:29
mezquitalemaheshjr2000, that is the only issue I have encountered with UrT with ubuntu, with extra visual effects weird things would happen while playing the game so I turned it off06:29
maheshjr2000im 99 percent sure this is due to xmonad06:29
maheshjr2000but I dont want to stop using it so I was wondering if there is a workaround XD06:29
bahodirguys, how can i upgrade linux kernel to 2.6.31 on ubuntu 9.04?06:29
mezquitalerandal, it's supposed to reconfigure your video drivers and resolution and shouldnt use compiz or extra visual effects06:30
xanguabahodir: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.31/06:30
mucouscan anyone help!06:30
bahodirxangua: thank you06:30
mezquitalemaheshjr2000, only one way to figure it out, try disabling it and see what happens, didnt like that either but that's how I fixed UrT, I disabled what UrT didnt like06:30
randalmezquitale: its doing nothing06:31
rjbhi i am using ubuntu 9.04 i have a problem with usb transfer it is really slow 700 KB/sec06:31
randalmezquitale:  how do i do this i did everyhing now it brought me back to typeing codes what do i do now\06:31
bahodirshould i just install it? won't i have any problems?06:31
mezquitalerandal, went into a virtual console and reconfigured your xserver?06:31
randalyes i think it reconfigured it idk06:32
rjbwhat can i do?06:32
randalmezquitale: yes i think it reconfigured it06:32
mezquitalerandal, ok so you typed "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and now youre stuck in text mode??06:32
rjbi have ubuntu 9.04 usb transfer getting really slow06:32
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ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes06:33
randalafter i went throught some consoul thing\06:33
glicksanyone know?06:33
glicksi have a logiteck pro 900006:33
mezquitaleanyone know how what?06:33
mezquitale!ask| glicks06:33
ubottuglicks: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:33
glicksand when i change the capture device to my webcame ALSA the microphone is always muted, even if i unmute it, if i open it again, its muted again06:33
glickswhen i use gnome recorder, i just get static06:33
randalnow what do i do06:34
pete_can someone help me with an rc.local question ??06:34
randalmezquitale: now what do i do06:34
mezquitaleglicks, try going into a command line and use "alsamixer" to raise the volume in your mic06:34
Dr_Willispete_:  ask the actual question to the channel and see...06:34
mezquitalerandal, so youre basically telling me that youre stuck in text mode?  I do not know what you are seeing, I need to know what you are seeing, reboot your machine first though06:34
pete_Dr_Willis, let me get pastebin06:35
RegressLess1Korlis: I can't make it go to that directory06:35
Beastmodehow can i tell if i need gnome theme or kubunut or xubuntu? sorry i dont even know the difference in the 3, thanks06:35
Guest63842is it possible to get your monitor to a higher resolution than it says it can handle...06:35
glicksmezquitale, it seems that the programs are having trouble opening the device06:35
rjbanyone knows how to solve slow usb transfers with ubuntu jaunty?06:35
glicksi bought this webcam because i read that it worked well with linux06:36
randalmezquitale: im trying this agian i see the cousoul its asking me if i want to use kernal framebuffer device interface06:36
pete_Dr_Willis, http://pastebin.org/1881706:36
pete_its not loading xbindkeys. but the first one runs06:36
mezquitaleBeastmode, what you "need" depends on personal taste or on the speed of your machine. If you want you rmachine to be fast, try xubuntu, if you have a fast machine and want eye candy try kubuntu, if you want somewhere in between try gnome06:36
randalmezquitale: do i click yes or no06:36
Dr_Willispete_:  You normally dont run 'X' commands from Rc.local -  its for system type commands. Not user/X commands.06:37
pete_Dr_Willis, ok, where do i start those from then on boot.06:37
Dr_Willisfrom the users auto start stuff - is one way.06:37
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot06:37
pete_im using xfce06:37
mezquitalerandal, most of the answers should be safe to just click yes06:37
pete_is there a text file i prefer command line.06:37
Beastmodemezquitale, so they all will be compatible with my machine though right? just one might be more eye candy but will slow down the machine?06:38
Dr_Willispete_: then i suggest reading the xfce docs and see how they do auto-starting of such things.06:38
rjbhi is it normal an usb2 transfer at 700KB/s?06:38
randalmez now it asks me a ton of questions about my keyboard?06:38
pete_Dr_Willis, alright thanks, im going to leave the one that works in there though06:38
Dr_Willisrjb:  to a flash drive ? or external USb HD? or what.06:38
randalmezquitale: now it asks me a ton of questions about my keyboard?06:38
rjbDr_Willis: flash drive06:38
mezquitaleBeastmode, you can choose whichever you want to use when you first login, just beware that whatever you install last that is the theme you will see when booting up but not exactly what youll be using by default06:38
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Dr_Willisrjb:  seems a tad slow. but some flash drives (the cheap ones) can be a lot slower then others.06:38
t0si get this when i run apt-get update http://paste.ubuntu.com/273937/06:39
mezquitalerandal, DONT let me detect your monitor, everything just click enter06:39
Dr_Willisrjb:  i was thinking i see about 4MB/sec here on mine.. vs the 16+MB/sec on a extarnal usb hard drive.06:39
LordVorp_so, I keep seeing hints online that my 915M chipset can be made to perform acceptably, but can't seem to find any consistent recommendations on HOW... suggestions?06:39
rjbDr_Willis: it is a Kingston Datatraveler06:39
Dr_Willisrjb:  try other drives and see If it affects them all.06:39
mezquitalerandal, meant to say DONT pick the choice to detect your keyboard06:40
xmntarr t0s you need be install your keys06:40
rjbDr_Willis: ok do you know any reported bug?06:40
tjzhey guys!!06:40
Beastmodemezquitale, so lets say i grab a bunch of themes, and want to switch between them, you reccomend reinstalling the one i would want to see when i boot up?06:40
t0sxmnt, i thought i did so im guessing one didnt install right and i dont know how to tell which one, what can i do?06:40
^mNotIntelligenthello everyone!06:40
xmntt0s, ye need to use yer number on the end there06:41
Dr_Willisrjb:  never noticed any. Not heard of many in here asking about it either.06:41
randalmezquitale: thats what i did now its asking what type of keyboard im just doing that06:41
mezquitaleBeastmode, unless you have a pressing need for space you can just leave the themes installed, you dont need to necessarily uninstall anything06:41
xmntt0s, 6AF0E1940624A22006:41
^mNotIntelligenthow to pass through laptop_integratged_webcam to virtualbox XP, I'm on jaunty and using closed source virtualbox 3.0.606:41
glicksdoes anyone have the quickcam pro 900006:41
glicksand is able to record sounds with it?06:42
poi77Hi! I need to set up a remote root login using a public key someone sent me. How is this possible?06:42
xmntglicks, ye be a logitech?06:42
glicksxmnt, yes its logitech06:42
Beastmodemequitale, so how would i make sure i see the one i want and not the one i installed last?06:42
mezquitalerandal, i asked you not to let it detect your keyboard, youre on your own, I've serious issues with the software detecting my keyboard, just click on enter and select US configures my keyboard just fine06:42
randalmezquitale: im out of the consoul it asked me no questions about video card?06:42
Junkbothih all im new06:42
^mNotIntelligent!hi | Junkbot06:42
ubottuJunkbot: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!06:42
mezquitalepoi77, are you using ssh?06:42
poi77mezquitale: yes06:43
Junkbotpoi77, did u go to IOI?06:43
xmntglicks, yes I be usin' 't, th' cam works fine in 9.10 x6406:43
mezquitaleBeastmode, one question at a time, first try the themes and once you know what you want they try it, you wont learn if you dont try it06:43
Junkbotcan anybody help me answer a few questions?06:43
^mNotIntelligent!ask | Junkbot06:43
ubottuJunkbot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:43
glicksxmnt, when i try to open record with it in gnome sound recorder or with audacity, i get that it cant be opened06:43
=== Biovore is now known as SleepyVore
xmntJunkbot, why nay answer them yersef06:44
Junkbotubottu, sure06:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sure06:44
mezquitalepoi77, do you have physical access to the server?  Can you go to the server and put your public key in it???06:44
glicksxmnt, in gnome-recorder when i select QuickCam Pro 9000(Alsa mixer) the microphone is muted and i cant un-mute it06:44
poi77mezquitale: I have sudo access remotely06:44
poi77mezquitale: Is this not sufficient?06:44
randalmez i went throgh the consoul all it asked me was keyboard stuff and then thats all i can leave consoul do you want me to06:45
mezquitalerandal, if it didnt ask you any questions about your video card, no worries, once you are done with the configuration tool type "startx"06:45
Junkboti have a netbook, a dell mini 10 and want to know if i can put ubuntu on it, it comes with XP and I want to partition without killing the XP (just in case) and install ubuntu06:45
zenwrylyCan anyone tell me what "/etc/passwd-" is?  I'm wondering if I need to back it up?06:45
mezquitalepoi77, that is fine, so you want to setup your ssh key so you dont have to provide a password??06:45
Beastmodeok mezquitale, time to go read somelinks provided to me. thanks for all your help guys06:45
xmntsounds like ye need t' play around w/ volume control - thar be tons o' settings in thar that need t' be toggled unfortunately06:45
JunkbotUqbar, are you a bot?06:45
Junkbotubottu, are you a bot?06:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about are you a bot?06:45
mezquitaleBeastmode, no problem06:45
xmntglicks, what worked fer me many nay work fer you06:46
poi77mezquitale: The challenge (for me) is that this needs to be for root access06:46
glicksxmnt, nah its more then that, because audacity says it cant open the device06:46
randalmez i got an error server is already active for display 006:46
Junkbothelp from anybody?06:46
randalmezquitale: i got an error server is already active06:46
mezquitalerandal, type "CTRL-ALT-F7" and let me know what you see06:47
Junkbotubottu, will anybody help me?06:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:47
xmntglicks, are ye sure th' device be read properly, try -> lspci  t' be seein' if 't comes up06:47
giacintociao a tutti06:47
mezquitalepoi77, if you want to login with the user "root" i highly discourage you from doing so but I can show you how to configure the SSH key06:47
randali see a blank screen with a mouse because my graphic card is messed up from that setting06:47
randalmezquitale: i see a blank screen with a mouse because my graphic card is messed up from that setting06:48
^mNotIntelligentJunkbot, ask your question06:48
poi77mezquitale: Thanks, actually the sys-admin (above me) requested this. Do you have alternative suggestions?06:48
Reactor!ask | junkbot06:48
ubottujunkbot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:48
mezquitalerandal, reboot your machine into recovery mode06:49
Junkbotits such a pain when ppl ignore you06:49
=== casper__ is now known as hummesse
randalmezquitale:  recovery mode?06:49
xmntJunkbot, ubottu be a midget swashbuckler robot, nay sense can be learned from it06:49
randalmezquitale:  i think i know what it is nvm06:49
mezquitalerandal, when you boot up in grub you should see a "recovery mode" option, after that you will go all the way down and choose "xfix  Try to auto repair graphic problems"06:49
MoI'm Kubuntu... my RESOLUTION keeps resetting at login, how can I fix this?06:50
randalmezquitale: ok06:50
MoI've seen nearly every proposed solution out there... but am confused now06:50
mezquitale!ask! | Junkbot We are not ignoring you, you are ignoring us06:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask!06:50
mezquitale!ask | Junkbot We are not ignoring you, you are ignoring us06:50
ubottuJunkbot We are not ignoring you, you are ignoring us: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:50
randalmezquitale: then i boot up after fix right06:50
Beastmodemequitale, I installed a theme, it said "theme succesfully installed", however i do not see it in my themes when i go to system--preferences--appearance06:51
poi77mezquitale: The instructions I got was to put the public key in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys06:51
Beastmodei installed it by dragging it into themes tab06:51
mezquitalerandal, when you boot up in grub you should see a "recovery mode" option, after that you will go all the way down and choose "xfix  Try to auto repair graphic problems".  If you have more questions please ask06:51
^mNotIntelligentJunkbot, notbody is ignoring you...you are just repeating the same thing "can someone help me" rather that asking the question right away...so just ask and if someone has answer to it he'll respond...so just go ahead06:51
randalmezquitale: i see my desktop like normal then a couple seconds later the graphics does werid things like black boxes start to apear06:51
Silver_Swordshi all. whats the difference between debian and ubuntu?06:52
glicksin the master volume control i cant unmute my camera devices microphoen, as soon as i unmute it and close it, when i open it up again, its muted again06:52
glickswhat the heck is going on06:52
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!06:52
randalmezquitale: ya that recover fix didnt help i think i might have to reinstall ubuntu for the 5th time today lol06:52
guest8458712I have a Belkin N+ router. I am trying to access the usb storage, I am using 9.04 Jaunty. Any pointers plz?06:52
pitputhow can I make my icons more organized? sometimes they overlap each other...06:53
Silver_SwordsNoCode: thnx.  =)06:53
xmntSilver_Swords, the difference between debian an' ubuntu be like th' difference between lil wayne an' michael jackson06:53
mezquitalepoi77, and you cant login???06:53
MoKubuntu -> My Resolution resets every time I login (I'm being picky, but the Loaded Res is too small06:53
poi77mezquitale: No06:53
t0scan you get different wallpapers on different workspaces?06:53
Silver_Swordsthnx all.06:53
poi77mezquitale: Actually, the sys-admin cannot either06:53
mezquitalerandal, you dont have to reinstall ubuntu, its a graphics problem issue06:53
kamleshhello council,,,06:53
kamleshi am kamlesh06:53
mezquitalepoi77, what error are you getting???  try ssh -v username@server06:53
randalmezquitale:  my computer was working fine befor i messed it up do you have any other ideas of how to fix it06:54
xmntkamlesh, hello kamlesh welcome t' th' internet06:54
rjbwell just formated flash drive and now the transfer is around 4 MB/sec, it is better than 700KB/s06:54
mezquitalerandal, my apologies if I was not able to help you, someone like Dr_Willis  should be able to help you though06:54
randalmezquitale:  whos that06:54
willcaBeWop1 | sorry had to go for a while06:54
xmntrandal, would you like a refund?06:55
willcaBeWop1|just run envyng-qt or envyng-core06:55
mezquitaleDr_Willis, how would you reconfigure your xserver??06:55
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution06:55
kamleshi want to install and configure the domain under ubuntu 9.04 desktop edition,,, somebody help me06:55
randalxmnt: ?06:55
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:55
wersis there a way for conky to be like the gnome panel, a space where windows cannot go over? That would be nice so I can see my conky all the time06:55
Junkboti have a netbook, a dell mini 10 and want to know if i can put ubuntu on it, it comes with XP and I want to partition without killing the XP (just in case) and install ubuntu06:55
randalmezquitale: well thanks for helping me ill just reinstall my netbook :)06:55
poi77mezquitale: To be clear---I am trying to log in as root with my password, which is not working (I think this is expected). The sys-admin is trying with the public key, but cannot for some reason. Do you know how to generate such a key? I don't know what error he is getting06:55
guest8458712Does anyone know how to access a windows share in Ubuntu?06:56
mezquitalerandal, the problem is you are going to be having the same problem yet again06:56
randalmezquitale: why would i. I just wont turn that seting i turned on06:56
mezquitalerandal, I did not know you had a netbook you have to be specific with your questions, sorry I didnt ask what type of device you had06:56
NoCode!samba | guest845871206:56
ubottuguest8458712: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:56
randalmezquitale: srry i didnt think it would matter06:57
mezquitalepoi77, i would need to know what errors you get when you attempt to log in06:57
randalmezquitale: im just a little confused why do you think i would have this problem agian06:58
guest8458712thank you both06:58
poi77mezquitale: sure, do you know by any chance how I can generate a public-private key pair such that one will go in authorized_keys  ? Usually, my public keys are binaries06:58
mezquitalerandal, it matters a lot and with a netbook I can tell you for surely you will have problems because it's a new technology, forums might help and this chat will help a lot as well, you just have to be specific and if youre lucky someone that knows the answer to your question will hopefuly log in at the same time06:58
BeWopHello, I'm having a problem installing my ATI Radeon IGP 9200 driver, here's the things I've done. It's not working. Any help would be nice. http://bradyn.pastebin.ca/157156606:58
phixBeWop: ye should purchase NVIDIA, yaarrhh06:59
mezquitalerandal, because you told me you will reinstall ubuntu on your netbook today yet again06:59
mneptokrandal: which netbook?06:59
BeWopphix: I'm on a laptop, and I'm way too poor =P06:59
randalmezquitale: asus eeepc 1008ha06:59
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randalmezquitale: i know why it crashed like this and i reinstalle dit for other reasons this is the first time for this problem06:59
phixBeWop: NVIDIA all the way, remember that for your next puchase :)07:00
phixATI still has buggy drivers07:00
Steili use windows 707:00
mneptokphix: nVidia's are hardly bug-free07:00
Steildrivers  are great07:00
BeWopphix: I know. This laptop was a gift. Either way, I would like to know how to get the drivers working.07:00
phixmneptok: compared to ATI it is :)07:00
mneptokBeWop: did you look in the Hardware Drivers app?07:00
mezquitalerandal, we already tried what I usually try and it usually works, what you want to do is to search in google for asus eepc 1008ha and to configure "xorg.conf", that file should be in "/etc/X11/"07:00
randalmezquitale: it crashed like this because i enabled motion blur and the netbook didnt like it07:00
mneptokrandal: do not use Compiz on a netbook07:01
BeWopmneptok: Yeah, all that was there were broadcom drivers (Which did help, but that's besides the point)07:01
phixBeWop: sudo apt-get install the ATI drivers, if that doesn't work then look at your xorg log files07:01
randalmezquitale: ya ill do that thanks for the help :007:01
phixBeWop: See what the error is07:01
randalmezquitale: ")07:01
mneptokBeWop: and which ATI chipset?07:01
randalmezquitale: LMAO i cant type sorry07:01
BeWopphix: what command is the ati drivers?07:01
BeWopmneptok: ATI Radeon IGP 920007:02
mezquitaleDr_Willis, would you happen to know how to reconfigure your xserver after it hosed your distro by turning on compiz features?07:02
mezquitalerandal, no problem07:02
mneptok!info fglrx07:02
ubottuPackage fglrx does not exist in jaunty07:02
phixBeWop: use synaptic package manager and have a look :) search for it07:02
mezquitalepoi77, what type of encryption are you using?  are you using rsa???07:02
BeWopphix: K, hold on07:03
phixBeWop: I think it is called catilyst or somethingl ike that07:03
BeWopphix: Yeah, it is07:03
Dayofswordsi got to say..... when its oct 2010    ubuntu 10.10 will sound funny07:03
BeWopphix: It's not in synaptic.07:03
poi77mezquitale: dss/dsa07:03
BeWopphix: it's a closed source driver, and even using envyNG didn't work07:03
Dr_Willismezquitale:  i tend to use the fusion-icon tool to enable/disble compiz. Not sure how ya trn it off from the command line.    ask in #compiz perhaps07:03
Dayofswordsthen if it gets to the 10th version of its kernal.... 10.10 -1007:04
Dr_Willismezquitale:  the X server dosent turn on compiz your windowmanager/desktop does.07:04
mneptokBeWop: there is no binary driver for the 920007:04
glicksexcuse me, has anyone else had any problems getting their logitech quickcam pro 9000 microphone working? i can see it under sound mixer but i cant unmute the microphone07:04
mneptokBeWop: you need to use the drivers that install by default with Ubuntu07:04
mezquitaleDr_Willis, what is your opinion, rsa or dsa encryption???07:04
BeWopmneptok: I am currently, and glxgears runs at 570.07:04
Trent_mezquitale: dsa is more secure, is it not?07:05
Dr_Willismezquitale:  i tend to use the defaults. :) since it dosent matter much to me.07:05
mneptokBeWop: you'll have to live with it. ATI does not supply 3D-capable binary drivers for the 9200 under Linux.07:05
mezquitalepoi77,  you have it right, you know how to configure the keys, the question is why youre unable to login??  You can tell what is goign on by attempting to log in using verbose mode07:05
BeWopmneptok: http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_8.8.25.html07:06
BeWopmneptok: yes they do07:06
mezquitaleTrent_, i believe rsa is more secure, from what I have read, I personally use rsa without  a password, i didnt configure a passphrase07:06
TheMoebiushey guys, for some reason mysql is taking up 100% of one of my cores but isn't using anything from the others. This is 64bit mysql 5.1 any ideas why this would happen?07:06
sykis there a way to change the sizes of the icons in the gnome menu?07:06
glickswhat will happen if i uninstall pulseaudio?07:06
Mook 7 hours on this now... does Ubuntu have an easier resolution setting than Kubuntu???07:07
mneptokBeWop: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/linux64-radeon-prer200.aspx07:07
BeWopMo: What res are you trying to hit?07:07
mneptokBeWop: look at the date for those.07:07
mneptokBeWop: 3 years old.07:07
mneptokBeWop: those drivers no longer have packages.07:08
BeWopmneptok: Oh piss.07:08
kamleshcan somebody help me07:08
Mothe default loading one is too small, I can't see the screen07:08
mneptokBeWop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI07:08
Dr_WillisMo:  you mean the 'res is so high - the fonts are reall tiny' ?07:08
dbuell!help | kamlesh07:09
ubottukamlesh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:09
Dr_WillisMo:  or the res is to 'LOW' so the fonts are all blocky/too big.07:09
Mono the default is to low, so I can only see a portion of the screen07:09
MoI only see the upper left quadrant07:09
kamleshi want setup a domain under ubuntu 9.04 desktop edition07:09
BeWopmneptok: Well, dangit. "The 'fglrx' driver does not support cards earlier than the 9500. "07:09
rjbhow can i know if my flash drive is mounted as usb2 or usb1.1?07:09
mneptokBeWop: as i said ... :)07:09
Mowhen I change it to 1024x768, I can see the rest of the desktop and its fine07:09
Mothe issue is that is resets upon login07:09
BeWopmneptok: well, I'll just have to switch to windows for games then...07:10
Moi.e. I can't make this res permanent07:10
dbuelldo you want to log on to a domain or do you want to have your ubuntu server be a domain server or...?07:10
mneptokBeWop: i'd suggest you switch to a console for games :)07:10
Dr_WillisMo:  So specifically - the Login screen has the incorrect resolution. You can  Set it on a per user basis? or does it rember  the users settings also?07:10
* mneptok hugs his PS307:10
Reactorguys who can tell me Crunchbang's system requirements?07:10
BeWopmneptok: I'm a poor dude =P07:10
maxagazhow to write "scp myfile user@host:/home/me/" with ftp protocol ?07:10
mneptokReactor: maybe #crunchbang?07:10
kamleshi can not able to configure a domain controller under ubuntu07:10
Dr_WillisReactor:  aboyut the same as ubuntu, only proberly a little less...07:10
MoI only have 1 user, so that's a non-issue (for me) it's just every time I login I have to change the Res to the useable one07:11
mneptokBeWop: PS2?07:11
Reactormneptok: thx07:11
BeWopmneptok: Emulated GBA and PSX. Oh, and a wii =P07:11
Moit doesn't 'remember' the Resolution07:11
Dr_WillisMo:  you have to change the Users res.. once the user logs in - you mean?07:11
BeWopmneptok: The emulators were failing miserably though, that's the main thing I was trying to fix07:11
AJC_Z0Mo: Do you have a nVidia or other card?07:11
mezquitalemaxagaz, why would you want to use ftp???  scp is more secure than ftp, why would you want to go back to ftp?07:11
Moyes once I login, the resolution is "wrong," so I change it, which is fine.. when I logout and come back, it's "Wrong a agin07:11
BeWopmneptok: I wanna get my freaking mario tennis on, dangit =P07:12
mneptokBeWop: sudo apt-get install wesnoth-all07:12
kamleshwhich files should i edit for domain setup07:12
Moit's a useless netbook - it has integrated video I believe07:12
BeWopmneptok: Tremulous is better XD07:12
maxagazmezquitale, i need to use a ftp server which is not mine07:12
mneptokBeWop: only 2D needed for Wesnoth07:12
dbuellkamlesh: I'm sorry... I just want to understand. Are you trying to have you Ubuntu Desktop be the domain controller or are you trying to add you desktop to a domain controller?07:12
mezquitalemaxagaz, i see, sorry but I only use scp LoL07:12
AJC_Z0Mo: Do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?07:13
Dr_WillisMo:  if its a netbook with intel video. You might have to update your Intel drivers.07:13
BeWopmneptok: I can play tremulous no problem, along with neverball, which is what confuses me. I can't emulate a freaking GBA or PSX without it running at 70%, but I can play tremulous.07:13
mezquitaleMo, the easiest solution would be to edit your xorg.conf file, as AJC_Z0 mentioned07:13
Dr_Willis!intel | Mo07:13
ubottuMo: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.07:13
mneptokBeWop: Tennix?07:13
Moyes I believe I've been to that file before/// Dr. Willis - ok that's interesting07:13
kamleshno,,, i want to make my ubuntu 9.04 desktop as a domain controller which i can assign to my client computers07:13
BeWopmneptok: Never played it07:13
MoI mean, I'm just suspicious it's not that serious since I can change it and its fine07:13
Moit's just that it won't remember the setting07:14
MoI could just never logoff (close the clamshell for hibernate) and it'd be ok I suppose07:14
mneptokBeWop: it's in the package system07:14
poi77mezquitale: Many thanks for your help. This gave me direction on how to resolve the problem.07:14
kamleshcan  u give me the script for creating a domain under ubuntu07:14
Dr_WillisMo:  or just use the proper xrandr command to set teh proper res at login.....07:14
dbuellkamlesh: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-dc.html07:14
mneptokBeWop: or freetennis07:14
BeWopmneptok: Mmk. Well, I guess I'll switch to windows and get my SOTN on =P07:15
Dr_Willis!info xrandr07:15
ubottuPackage xrandr does not exist in jaunty07:15
mezquitalepoi77, in between you might want to use rsa encryption, I use rsa encryption but I'm too lazy to use a passphrase though07:15
AJC_Z0I would suggest removing (or renaming while testing) xorg.conf and see if X automagically gets it right07:15
Moxrandr was giving me issues07:15
dbuellkamlesh: There are several other methods as well. https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/index.html should help you out. Though you are not using the server version all of the packages are available for the desktop, but may not include GUI's07:15
Dr_WillisMo:  then that may be the whole issue...07:15
Dr_WillisMo:  might be a good idea to upgrade the intel drivers.. or do whatver you want. :)07:16
kamleshcan you send me the original config file for domain setup07:16
Mook... to be fair I'm rather confused by now... I've been doing this for hours... I can't tell the difference anynmomore07:16
Dr_WillisMo:  and you really need to figure out WhAT the exact video chipset is.07:17
Mooh ok I got xrandr to respond07:17
Dr_WillisMo:  some of your other 'fix's may of goofed up things.07:17
Modo you know the command to change Resolution?07:17
glickshow can i make it so pulseaudio does not start when i boot?07:17
dbuellkamlesh: for samba? If you follow the tutorial that I included you will be able to run your Desktop as a domain controller07:18
Dr_WillisMo:  xrandr -s <size>/<width>x<height> or --size <size>/<width>x<height>07:18
Dr_WillisMo:  from the 'xrandr' docs/manpages/help :)07:18
sykhow do i reset gnome panel to the original way07:18
Dr_WillisMo:  xrandr -s 1024x76807:18
mezquitaleMo, like Dr_Willis suggested, you can upgrade the drivers, the quickfix would be to edit your xorg file which I did on my laptop with an old intel video card07:19
Dr_Willisi put an icon on my desktop to run that xrandr command to reset my laptops monitor. after wine games goof it up :)07:20
dbuellumm that was alot of joins/leaves at once..07:23
mezquitalesyk, what ubuntu version youre using?07:23
glickugh! this is so FRUSTRATING!07:26
mezquitale!ask| glick07:26
ubottuglick: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:26
glickstill cant get my QuickCam pro 9000 mic to work, it still shows up as mute.  cant use it in sound recorder or audacity07:27
glickaudacity says it cant open the device07:28
glicki disabled pulse audio07:28
glickstill no go07:28
innomenHi all, installing a pidgin plugin and it gives me a dpendency issue "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libjson-glib-1.0-0 (>= 0.7.6)" Suggestions?07:29
VarthIs there a way to re-brand Shiretoko as Firefox 3.5?07:29
rashed2020I can't seem to get SSH tunneling to work.07:29
mezquitaleglick, what ubuntu version youre using???07:30
glickmezquitale, jaunty07:30
rashed2020Firefox says "waiting for domain.com" for a second then just clears out.07:30
mezquitaleglick, have you tried changing the device in  "Audio Conferencing" under "Sound Preferences"???07:31
mezquitalerashed2020, what exactly are you trying to do?07:31
aaron11so hi people07:32
causasuican anyone help me work with iptables?07:32
glickyes mezquitale07:32
chinguscausasui, ask the quesiton07:32
glicknothing seems to be working07:32
glickas soon as i close the mixer, its muted again07:32
causasuichingus: My question is, is anyone willing to work 1 on 1 with me on iptables.07:32
chinguschingus, yes I am.07:33
ravinduubuntu  linux for human beings??07:33
ravinduthen Fedora ans Suse07:33
chingusravindu, yes I think it is.07:33
rashed2020And narwhals.07:34
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest212
innomenand badgers07:34
mezquitaleglick, my suspicion is it has something to do with pulse audio and alsa, why dont you try the #alsa channel and hopefully someone will be able to help you, you just have to be lucky to catch a guru when he's there07:34
rashed2020They stopped supporting badgers in Jaunty.07:34
ravinduis fedora and OpenSuse for human beings??07:34
innomenfedora isnt07:34
rashed2020OpenSuse is exclusively for reptiles.07:35
glickthanks anyway mezquitale07:35
mezquitaleravindu, my suspicion is ubuntu is the one for human beings, anything else youre on your own07:35
Dayofswordsits for borgs and house cats07:35
mezquitaleglick, the other option would be to try the settings under "alsamixer" but most likely you tried that as well07:35
Dayofswordsyou all know your cat owns the house... not you07:35
chingus!iptable > chingus07:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iptable07:35
rashed2020Someone's going to download anime.07:36
Dayofswordsisnt it iptables07:36
tehbautdoes ubuntu have any feature similar to readyboost, or is that just a poor excuse for vista/win7 to eat all 8GB of my ram, and is otherwise not necessary in ubuntu? :P07:36
cemchi. I moved ubuntu to another hdd, with tar|nc through the network now networking is not working correctly. any hints on where I should look? ipv6 is getting set up, but no DHCP, I don't get any ipv4 ip address and nm-applet won't start either07:36
rashed2020!iptables > chingus07:36
ubottuchingus, please see my private message07:36
Dayofswordsidk... still new to linux in general...07:36
rashed2020There we go.07:36
ravinduNovel and RedHat using Linux for thier wealth?07:36
rashed2020Novel and RedHat are nothing but gold diggers. Those sluts.07:37
Dayofswordsnovell= evil to me, been running my school's computers since i first used on at schoool07:37
aaron11is there a place where i can find the karmic's count down07:37
Dayofswords*used one at school07:37
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:37
rashed2020will break what?07:37
mezquitalereadyboot is for noobs who want to slow down evolution07:38
ravinduIn my university also bond wirh microsoft and novel07:38
DayofswordsKarmic will splitter and give you boo-boos07:38
rashed2020And has anyone here used SSH tunneling in jaunty? It seems broken...07:39
ravinduWhy should community use and enhance Fedora and OpenSuse to make available to RedHat and Novell07:39
aaron11rashed2020: nope but sounds complicated07:39
tritiumravindu: please stay on topic07:40
rashed2020Worked right away on 8.04. Haven't updated since that. Now I'm on 9.04 and it's borked =(07:40
rashed2020Is ravindu human for humans?07:40
ravinduNo Ubuntu for for humans07:41
ravinduI faced problem on convincing Ubuntu to my community they go after Fedora.07:42
aaron11helo is there any diffrence in supperOS07:42
VarthIs there a way to re-brand Shiretoko as Firefox 3.5?07:43
ravinduKarmic amazing even with alpha 6.07:43
phixVarth: Shiretoko? what is that? yaerh07:43
navetzcan anyone here help me fix my sound07:43
Varthphix: It's what firefox 3.5 is branded as in the Jaunty repos.07:43
Reactornavetz: ?07:43
VarthIt just keeps throwing me off to see the different name.07:44
Reactornavetz: tell me07:44
* leaf-sheep <3 Shiretoko07:44
navetzReactor , ravindu: I can only use one sound application at once and it has to be the first one I use until I restart X again07:44
Dayofswordsits shiretoko in juanty? no wonder i couldnt find... why isnt there a normal 3.5?07:44
navetzso I can use flash, but then no music07:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about SupperOS07:45
navetzor I can use music player, but no flash07:45
Reactornavetz: weird problem07:45
pshrwhere is firefox installed by default'07:45
navetzit seems to only be a juanty issue07:45
leaf-sheepVarth: You're using Firefox 3.5 -- but it's all cosmetics which is considered unnecessary.07:45
ravindunavetz: are using usb sound?07:45
leaf-sheepVarth: And Karmic will be released next month. You'll have your Firefox there. :o07:45
DayofswordsSupperOS - previous release... LunchOS07:45
Reactornavetz: one sound app at one X session u mean?07:45
mezquitaleyou know what, im not waiting until october, im going to download the alpha version and see if karmic plays well in ubuntustudio version with my machine07:45
phixVarth: arrghhH!! ok :)07:45
navetzravindu:  no onboard soundcard07:45
navetzReactor: I think so.07:46
Varthleaf-sheep: Are you aware of any way to re-brand it before Karmic is released?07:46
Reactornavetz: -_-07:46
navetzMy system sounds seem to always work though07:46
ravindunavetz:Are you using ALSA?07:46
navetzravindu: yes07:46
Reactornavetz: try another07:46
navetzravindu: actually I don't know.07:46
ravinduTry to use OSS instead.07:46
leaf-sheepVarth: I think you can (at least) change the icon to Firefox. And few similar stuffs like that, but that's silly IMO.07:46
Varthleaf-sheep: True...07:47
navetzI am using HAD Intel according to my system settings07:47
Varthleaf-sheep: I guess a month isn't so bad...07:47
=== openess_ is now known as openess
Reactornavetz: nono - system>preferences>Sound07:48
Reactornavetz: there select different from alsa07:48
ravindunavetz: go to sounds in preference and set OSS their and try and test07:48
Reactornavetz: 'n' try07:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about falsh07:48
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:48
Reactornavetz: and*07:48
leaf-sheepVarth: It's not a life-or-death matter but I like having two browsers -- especially when both of them have 30 opened tabs. >_>07:48
navetzravindu: Reactor  oh sorry I installed kde so my setup might be a little bit different07:48
navetzI'll try to find it07:48
Reactornavetz: ok ok I'll wait07:49
sykmezquitale, ubuntu 9.04 sorry fot the late response07:49
Reactornavetz: brb in 3 min-s07:49
aaron11im getting the live image of ubuntu jaunty jackolope07:49
mezquitalesyk, and what is your issue with jaunty?07:49
phixwy is firefox being rebranded for?07:50
mezquitaleaaron11, sorry to burst your bubble but the new ISO is due to be released in about 4 weeks07:50
sykmezquitale, how do i reset the gnome panel to default07:50
ravindusoftpedia.com always Ubuntu friendly, check out on new Karmic alpha 6 relaese.07:50
Reactornavetz: back07:50
navetzReactor ravindu: I think i found it but it does not show OSS or ALSA. It shows HDA Intel, Pulseaudio, and esound07:51
Reactornavetz: o_O07:51
mezquitalesyk, you can try this guide however I suggest you backup your files first: http://www.celsius1414.com/node/87807:51
aaron11mezquitale: ? what no i meant i went to get ubuntu and chose my location and then clicked download and now its at work07:51
Reactornavetz: try to select different things there07:51
Reactornavetz: maybe it will help07:52
Reactoraaron11: ;)07:52
mezquitaleaaron11, yes i understand.  I mean youre downloading jaunty when the next ubuntu version(newer than jaunty) is going to be released in about 4 weeks07:52
navetzReactor: I'm going to try all of them07:52
aaron11mezquitale: haha! i cant wait <:(07:52
Reactornavetz: ok I'll wait07:53
aleron6can anybody help me i used this guide http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2009/08/31/upgrade-alsa-1-0-21-on-ubuntu-jaunty-9-04/ to upgrade my alsa and now i get no sound07:53
mezquitaleaaron11, problem is the next version(Karmic Koala) wont be supported in this channel, it will be supported in another channel07:53
navetzReactor: okay same porblem with pulseaudio07:54
ravinduALSA always gives me problem with my USB spekers.07:54
Dr_Willisaleron6:  alternative way to upgrade alsa -> http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/08/alsa-upgrade-script-for-debian-ubuntu.html07:54
aaron11mezquitale: huh O_O why not?07:54
Reactornavetz: and next?07:54
Madpilotmezquitale, upgrading from one release to the next is usually straightforward, so people should keep downloading 9.04 (Jaunty) until Karmic final is out07:54
ravinduDo not use karmic until final release rather testing.07:55
Madpilotaaron11, Karmic is still in alpha releases - early test releases - and all of that support is over in #ubuntu+107:55
navetzReactor: hum i was wrong, when i set pulseaudio and esound I get a message at the bottom of the screen saying Failed falling back on HDA Intel (ALC 861 Analog)07:55
mezquitaleaaron11, I do not know why  karmic koala wont be supported here, it struck me as a surprise as well07:55
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:56
Reactornavetz: ? o_O07:56
Madpilotmezquitale, when Karmic has it's final release, it'll be supported here. Until then, #ubuntu+107:56
Reactornavetz: strange things07:56
navetzReactor: yes this is a very annoying problem :(07:56
Shantanuhow can I install ubuntu on a western digital 1TB external usb harddisk through windows as my laptop's cd burner is screwed and can't bburn/read..... ???07:56
leaf-sheepmezquitale, aaron11: When Karmic is released next month, #ubuntu will be a haven for people with their problems.  Whereabout Ubuntu 9.10 Lynching Leper will be in #ubuntu+107:56
mezquitaleMadpilot, thank you very much for clearing everything07:56
Reactornavetz: idk what todo07:56
Dr_WillisShantanu:  if you got a flash drive. You can use unetbootin to make a bootable flash drive you can install from.07:56
navetzReactor: thanks for trying07:57
Reactornavetz: np ;)07:57
Reactornavetz: try to change smthg - it will help I think07:57
mezquitaleleaf-sheep, thank  you for clearing the confusion that I had, I did not know that07:57
Madpilotleaf-sheep, Lycanthropic Llama, isn't it? :)07:57
Callum_...lol with building GCC 4.0.307:57
Callum_configure: error: Building in the source directory is not supported in this release. See http://gcc.gnu.org/install/configure.html for more details.07:57
Callum_what in the world does that mean07:57
navetzReactor: I've been trying I just dont nkow what lol07:58
glickdoes audacity only work with alsa?07:58
ShantanuDr_Willis: How do i do tht .... srry but a total newbie07:58
leaf-sheepMadpilot: What? Not Lumping Locust? :<07:58
Callum_glick: It works with any sound server07:58
Reactornavetz: maybe someone there knows how to help u with yr problem07:59
glickCallum_, when i choose a recording device, i only see ALSA options07:59
Reactornavetz: or try to look in internet07:59
mezquitaleglick, audacity works just fine in my laptop running jaunty which uses pulseaudio07:59
navetzReactor: I will continue looking07:59
Reactornavetz: ok07:59
Callum_glick: Thats may be because PulseAudio hasn't registered any recording devices?08:00
Reactornavetz: or ask me if u need help08:00
Callum_glick: PulseAudio devices come up as as standard sound devices, just like ALSA08:00
alesanhi what is a faster alternative to the spreadsheet in openoffice? it must be blazing fast to load, then I do not need any advanced feature08:00
glickCallum_, how can i make it register devices08:00
Steilyou can't08:00
Steilalesan: gnumeric08:00
glicki set autospawn to no08:00
glickshould i change that back to yes08:00
ravindunacetz:try to google I got solved such problem of my friend's computer adding some code to /etc/sound file nut not remember now.08:00
Dr_WillisShantanu:  download 'unetbootin' run it.. tell it the location of the.iso file.. let it do its job.. reboot  from flash...08:00
alesanSteil, good. do you also know something KDE or Qt based?08:01
Callum_glick: You may want to the people at PulseAudio related channels, forums or mailing lists08:01
glickCallum_, should i set autospawn back to yes?08:01
Steilalesan koffice maybe?08:01
leaf-sheepalesan: Maybe gnumeric?  Run "sudo apt-cache search spreadsheet"08:01
mezquitaleglick, youre right, I haven't been able to record in my lapto running jaunty, let me take a look into it and see what I can figure out08:01
Callum_glick: no idea08:01
navetzravindu: okay I'll look around08:01
Dr_Willisi recall the old 'console based' 'sc' spread sheet from years ago. :)08:01
glickwhew im releaved that im not going crazy mezquitale :)08:01
alesandamn gnumeric requires an additional 43MB of disk space? is it crazy?08:02
Callum_glick: What shows up in the recording devices in Audacity and in the sound config in Ubuntu?08:02
Shantanuso will it install from usb or it will just boot from usb stick??08:02
ravindunacetz: try this..http://www.ubuntugeek.com/simple-guide-to-sound-solutions-for-hardyintrepid-and-jaunty-jackalope-users.html08:02
Dr_Willisalesan:  Oh the Humanity! 43mb! :) thats like 10 mp3 songs. :)08:02
ravindunavetz: sorry.08:02
Dr_WillisShantanu:  yes and yes... :) boot it.. run the installer08:02
ShantanuDr_Willis: so will it install from flash or it will just boot from flash??08:02
Dr_WillisShantanu:  then you have a nice bootable flash disk for a 'rescue' tool.08:03
titan_arkhey need some advice to remove ubuntu partition and retain vista.08:03
titan_arki am doing this cos i want to shift to the wubi installer08:03
Shantanuwill buy a 1gb one only for this purpose..... in case...08:04
alesanDr_Willis, now I am using a textfile with a text editor. installing 43MB of stuff just to be a little more organized is not justified08:04
glickCallum_, http://img19.imageshack.us/i/screenshotaudacityprefe.png/08:04
Jeruvytitan_ark: just delete the virtual disk08:04
Dr_Willisalesan:  check out 'tiddlywiki' its a notetaking 'web  tool' that runs totally in a browser :)08:04
titan_arkJeruvy I presently have Ubuntu on a partition of my laptop hdd08:04
Dr_Willisalesan:  theres other organizing/note/whatever tools out there as well.08:04
alesanwell I need it offline also...08:04
Dr_Willisalesan:  yes.. tiddlywiki runs wever you have a browser.08:05
Callum_glick: what does "ALSA: pulse" do? Sounds like a PulseAudio device to me08:05
titan_arki want to remove ubuntu and retain vista08:05
Dr_Willisits not online08:05
Jeruvytitan_ark: did you do a non-wubi install?  Then just format the partition.08:05
glickCallum_, i selected it, it doesnt do anything08:05
alesanit's getting too complicated, I think I will stay with a text file :)08:05
alesanthank you anyway08:05
ravinduI found boycott Novell and what for RedHat?08:05
Dr_Willisalesan:  go back to MS-DOS 1.0 while you are at it? :)08:05
titan_arkJeruvy, yes its a non wubi install that I am using now. But then wat abt the grub? i would like to get my old mbr back too08:06
Callum_glick: what about the GNOME sound properties?08:06
glickCallum_, the gnome sound properties?08:06
Callum_System -> Preferences -> Sound?08:06
glickwhat about them?08:06
titan_arki dont have a vista installation disc cos it came oem installed08:06
Jeruvytitan_ark: ah. from a windows CD, run fixmbr08:06
Callum_Screenshot that please08:06
titan_arkJeruvy :( i dont have the disc. I have a recovery drive created by HP, but the damn thing doesnt give me a cli to run fixmbr!08:07
Jeruvytitan_ark: that will work too :)08:07
phalseoneusing moonos i get this message any hlp or how do we do this error message org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.permissiondeniedbypolicy08:08
Jeruvytitan_ark: oh, so you don't have a installed recovery console?  then your pooched08:08
glickCallum_, http://img197.imageshack.us/i/screenshotsoundpreferen.png/08:08
ShantanuDr_Willis: after installing ubuntu to the external hdd.... where will it install grub, on external or internal.... coz i want it to be portable so tht i can go anywhere and start using my system08:08
titan_arkJeruvy: but it doesnt throw up the cli. i get a gui that asks me if I want to restore to factory settings or restore to an old date08:08
linuxguy2009Would it be possible to have Ubuntu use "/dev/shm" as a replacement for the /tmp folder. The /dev/shm is a ramdisk and since this netbook has 2GB now it would cut down on disk access when browsing and also speed some things up. Anyone know if this is possible?08:09
Jeruvytitan_ark: I can't help with windows issues08:09
Dr_WillisShantanu:  no idea. I dont normally installto a exteranl usb hard drive. Ive heard in some cases you have to edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst on the usb drive to make it boot properly from the usb drive. So i would Guess it installs the MBR to the usb drive08:09
trijntjelinuxguy2009, http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-fs3.html08:09
titan_arkJeruvy :( sI apologize for asking here08:09
Callum_glick: I'm not sure, ask the Audacity guys08:10
Dr_Willislinuxguy2009:  ive seen some  netbook tweak threads on the forums that mention similer things i recall08:10
Callum_not sure what the channel is for it...08:10
glicki guess its broke08:10
glicksound record that is08:10
Jeruvytitan_ark: you may want to backup any data, and reinstall08:10
linuxguy2009Great thanks guys!!08:10
Callum_sound recording works fine for me on my ALSA-based setup in Audacity08:10
titan_arkJeruvy: ah :O last resort08:11
nix_chix0rhas any one played half life 2 on ubuntu with wine?08:11
dirk_a long long time ago08:11
Dr_Willisnix_chix0r:  according to the wine app database.. a lot of people do.08:11
ShantanuDr_Willis: and if i want to boot to internal hdd w/o removing external or changing the boot order08:11
dirk_nix_chix0r: give playonlinux a try08:12
Dr_WillisShantanu:  tell the pc what drive to boot I guess.08:12
nix_chix0ri have a fairly decent media pc that i installed wine on. anyway half life 2 is very laggy even though i turned off the fancy graphics on my computer08:12
Dr_WillisShantanu:  you got to pick one by default.. so you could just boot the usb one normally.. then select the windows os - I guess.08:12
dirk_nix_chix0r: it will easy the install and set all settings correctly..08:12
nix_chix0rtrying to figure out if i need to update my video card driver, or mess with the wine congif to make the FPS faster08:12
dirk_nix_chix0r: which 3d card do you have?08:12
ShantanuDr_Willis: ya tht has to be done manualy in the usb08:13
nix_chix0rmy video card is asus nvidia geforce 620008:13
nix_chix0ramd athlon 64 x2 6000 with 4gb ram couple TB it should run fairly fast08:14
liz_what gui package manager lets me sort packages by popularity?08:14
wektWhere do you search for and enter bug reports for Koala?08:14
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:15
dirk_nix_chix0r: i ran HL2 on a 2Ghz Athlan64 with 1GB and an Nvidia 5800 back then... it was very playable..08:15
dirk_nix_chix0r: not saying i got 60 frames or so, some bits were slow, but mostly it was fine on that HW08:15
musikgoat!karmic | wekt You might also find suggestions or identification of known issues here08:15
ubottuwekt You might also find suggestions or identification of known issues here: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:15
nix_chix0rdirk_, yeah there should be no reason for the lag which is why i thought i would ask in here instead of wine08:15
dirk_nix_chix0r: make sure 3d accell is enabled08:16
liz_it's not synaptic, but it's usually something installed08:16
liz_I can't find it now though08:16
nix_chix0rdirk_, how do i do that08:16
dirk_nix_chix0r: have you tried installing with playonlinux? http://www.playonlinux.com/en/08:16
* andyL thinks he will convert his gaming pc into a linux workstation08:16
* leaf-sheep thinks he will convert his linux workstation into an alarm clock08:17
dirk_nix_chix0r: dirk@dirk-laptop:~$ glxinfo | egrep -i rendering08:17
dirk_nix_chix0r: should say - yes08:17
nix_chix0roh yeah it's enabled08:17
nix_chix0ri was doing that earlier08:17
nix_chix0ri think i'll give that play on linux a try08:19
nix_chix0rmaybe the fps will be faster08:19
AraneidaeTrying to select xfontsel package and synaptic says: "Package xfontsel has no available version, but exists in the database."08:20
dirk_nix_chix0r: did you follow the recommendations on http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=289008:20
AraneidaeCan anyone either suggest an alternative to xfontsel or a fix?08:20
dirk_nix_chix0r: basically those are the things playonlinux will do for you08:20
liz_how can I sort packages by popularity?08:21
hipitihopcan someone recommend a good networking channel ? I'm tring to setup a third router at home (this time bridged wireless) and need a hand as even though it works, both routers quickly bog down and hardly give clients a look in so need a hand08:24
Wildbatis there a command to check the size of a dir in terminal?08:24
wershow do i mass convert files? like 10 mov files to mp408:24
Dr_Williswers:  mencoder/ffmpeg are command line tools you can use for that.08:25
cocoblendhipitihop: try #ddwrt08:25
Dr_Williswers:  there are front ends like winff  that can do it also08:25
StapleAttackwas wondering how i get my mic woking on ubuntu, it's a mic built into my logitech cam, none of the settings i try to adjust seem to work at all08:25
wersDr_Willis, niiice :) thanks :)08:25
Dr_Williswers:  or avidemux has scripting features08:25
wersDr_Willis, i would have to make custom scripts for that?08:26
Dr_Williswers:  or avidemux  has examples of 'convert all in a dir' scripts ive found on forums08:26
Dr_Williswers:  or use winff. it can do it quickly.. OR learn the command line and write your own little script08:27
Dr_Willis!info winff08:27
ubottuwinff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.45.1-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1417 kB, installed size 4008 kB08:27
Dr_Willis!info avidemux08:27
ubottuavidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - gtk version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.4.4-0.0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 3157 kB, installed size 8228 kB08:27
wersDr_Willis, just installed winff. it looks exactly what i need :D08:28
StapleAttacki wonder if there is even a solution to this issue, everything i do seems useless08:28
wersDr_Willis, the presets are nice too. i just hope they had one for the iPhone/iPod touch. oh well. next time. this is fine for now :D08:28
JeruvyStapleAttack: have you checked launchpad, ubuntuforums?08:28
aaron11wers: does ubuntu support iphone08:29
StapleAttackJeruvy: lolwut08:29
Dr_Williswers:  they proberly do08:29
Jeruvyaaron11: apple only supports osx and windows.08:29
glickdoes anyone have a logitech quickcam pro 9000?08:29
wersDr_Willis, it just has for iPods but not for the touch or iphone. probably, it's not yet upgraded when those device came out08:30
StapleAttacki have an old logitech cam, dunno what model it is tho08:30
wersaaron11, nope. if ever, i'll transfer using windows08:31
JeruvyStapleAttack: so thats a no I guess lulz08:31
StapleAttackJeruvy: i'd seriously oral anyone with a solution08:31
Dr_Williswers:  i dont even knwot hat that the video is different for those others.. the presets may work for all.. check the forums for winff08:32
KeifferHi. what's the variable you put in a filename to insert the current date? let's say backup-19092009.tar08:32
JeruvyStapleAttack:  I wouldn't even bother if you haven't looked08:32
Dr_WillisKeiffer:  you could use $(date)08:32
liz_I think it was always there, could someone check their launch menu to see which package managers are listed there?  I might have removed it on accident somehow08:32
liz_I loved sorting by popularity08:32
wersDr_Willis, the ipods and iphone are very specific about video formats. not all mp4s work because of resolution and other factors. i'll just check the forums :) thanks a lot! :)08:32
KeifferDr_Willis, thanks.08:33
glicki guess alsa is kaputt in jaunty08:33
WizardsHello on my panel I added this feature for the processor that controls the cpu, I set it to performance and got 2.10ghz but everytime I reboot it's keeps setting back to ondemand, is there a way that I can set it to performance mode permanently?08:33
StapleAttackJeruvy: obviously i use google, obviously i've looked through the forums.  as for this launchpad nonsense, if i was there i dont remember.  thanks pal08:33
StapleAttacki've been through so much crap trying to get this to work08:34
JeruvyStapleAttack: so you have details? Or just vagueness?08:34
StapleAttackJeruvy: at this point i have a logitech cam that ubuntu seems to know is there, as one of the volume control options is "cam" but none of the programs i use, like that recording program has cam available as a recording option08:35
StapleAttackthats the issue in a nutshell08:35
Jeruvy!Launchpad > StapleAttack08:35
ubottuStapleAttack, please see my private message08:35
=== Guest32017 is now known as fahadsadah
Jeruvy!cheese > StapleAttack08:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cheese08:35
* Jeruvy curses08:36
Jeruvy!info cheese08:36
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2742 kB, installed size 5084 kB08:36
cgrozahello i am playing quake3 windows version and i cant turn around 360 cuz my cursor is showing up on the edge of the screen! help08:36
StapleAttackthis launchpad business is fantastic, but what program am i supposed to be looking at?08:38
StapleAttackis it like a single program, with these suggested features?08:38
cgrozahello i am playing quake3 windows version and i cant turn around 360 cuz my cursor is showing up on the edge of the screen! help08:39
Dr_Williscgroza:  you mean to say you are running it in WINE ?08:40
hipitihopI've tried various channels including #networking and #linux-wireless but no responses. Anyone here a wireless networking guru08:40
MadpilotStapleAttack, launchpad is for bug reporting, group management, all sorts of things. Mostly it's the bug reporting stuff people interact with most from here08:40
spOis ubuntu able to have multiple move or copy processes for different drives at one time or does it do only one at a time or something similar? Why is copying and moving so dreadfully slow?08:40
JeruvyspO: define slow08:40
Dr_WillisI dont find it slow here.08:40
StapleAttackwell i'm assuming the microphone business is a common issue since the forums are plagued with questions like this08:40
Dr_WillisStapleAttack:  'usb mics' are often a big pain.08:41
JeruvyStapleAttack: usually it's 'unmuting' that solves it too :)08:41
StapleAttacki already did that08:41
JeruvyStapleAttack: noted08:41
spO4 hours to copy 40 gb08:41
JeruvySp0: you're disks suck...I can do 40gb in less than 1 hour.08:42
StapleAttacki'm about to open a vm just so i can use my mic08:42
Dr_Williscgroza:  there are proberly native linux versions of that game that just use the windows data files.. that would run better08:42
StapleAttackhow counter-productive08:42
* Dr_Willis hands StapleAttack a $5 old fashioned line in mic.08:43
badfish69wrong chan08:43
StapleAttackyeah, but i'd also like to be able to use my cam08:44
cgrozaDr_Willis : cant  fix this in wine setting or something08:44
StapleAttackso i can show my goodies to unsuspecting foreigners08:44
Dr_WillisStapleAttack:  webcams either seem to totally work.. or are totally unsupported.. :()08:44
glickdoes anyone have a logitech quickcam pro 9000?08:44
JeruvyStapleAttack: mine works fine, can you elaborate, or just bitch?08:44
Dr_Williscgroza:  no idea.   Check the wine app database.. run the app fullscreen.. see if it has a LOCK MOUSE feature.. perhaps08:44
StapleAttackJeruvy: obviously you're unable to help me, so ima just open a vm08:45
StapleAttackxp it up baby08:45
zebastianall of a sudden my laptop isn't detecting my portable mouse08:45
zebastianhow can i fix this08:45
JeruvyStapleAttack: I can't help those who don't explain the issue.  You are correct.08:45
spOjeruvy, what if you have multiple  copy or move processes , does your copying or moving go more slowly?08:46
StapleAttackJeruvy: you've never been able to help someone get a usb mic working, have you?08:46
redDEADresolveStapleAttack, xp it up? oh no a baby penguin is dying.08:46
StapleAttackaha, no comment08:46
Jeruvysp0: yes, each process will bleed the I/O from the controller(s) so best to do one at a time08:46
StapleAttackJeruvy you're a funny little man.08:47
JeruvyStapleAttack: and your ignorance is becoming :)08:48
StapleAttackbut answer my question08:48
StapleAttackhow many people have you helped get their usb mic working?08:48
cgrozaDr_Willis:i found something similar thanks.08:48
=== happyaron is now known as happyaron|afk
spOhow do i give a process greater priority?08:49
trijntjeredDEADresolve, haha, made me laugh08:49
StapleAttackand again, i get no answer.  because you couldnt help me no matter how much information i gave you08:49
StapleAttackyou've made that point blatantly obvious08:49
redDEADresolvetrijntje, i try.08:49
JeruvyStapleAttack: try typing my nick, I'm quite bust atm08:49
spOi use nice to change priority of a process, right?08:51
icerootspO: with nice or htop08:51
samidi am having issues pasting stuff into vim08:52
samidif i highlight something from another window, and paste it to vim...it doesnt seem to work08:53
icerootsamid: go to insert mode and press shift + insert08:53
samidany help would be appriciated08:53
samidiceroot: that worked :)08:53
icerootsamid: on the terminal/shell its not ctrl + v but shift + insert :)08:54
samidiceroot: how come the mouse middle click doesnt (that paste stuff in terminal)08:54
icerootsamid: dont know, never using that method08:54
samidiceroot: ok..cheers08:54
zebastiananyone can help me here? i'm on hardy i have a traveler's klip xtreme mini optical wired mouse, it was working fine and all of a sudden is not working, i'm on a laptop so i'm havng to use the pad08:55
rxdwhat's the default password for root in ubuntu 9.1008:56
icerootrxd: there is no default password or root-account08:56
iceroot!root | rxd08:56
ubotturxd: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:56
KeifferHow do you make crontab to use a command like "sudo tar .... backup.tar" every day? can crontab use sudo?08:56
samidiceroot: hmm..if i select text  using mouse in vim and then shift+insert to another vim it doesnt work08:56
Dantonichow do I determine my printers network address on my 9.04 box so I can share it with my windows laptop?08:56
DigitalKiwisamid: middle mouse click08:57
icerootsamid: use sudo crontab -e   that is cron for root08:57
samidDigitalKiwi: middle click only paste something from different clibboard08:57
JeruvyDantonic: you should add it to CUPS, then its accessible.08:58
Dantonicjeruvy do I need to install cups separately?08:58
Allahim having trouble with my ubunty08:58
rxdthank you so it should be sudo passwd08:58
JeruvyDantonic: Usually you do08:58
iceroot!details | Allah08:58
ubottuAllah: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:58
samidany help with vim to vim copy/paste using mouse?08:59
bn43hi is there a way to send a command via command line to enable caps lock?08:59
Allahim using ubuntu 3 and it wont download files to the drive anymore08:59
icerootrxd: but it is not recommend to use a real  root-account or better, its not nessecary08:59
icerootAllah: there is no ubuntu 308:59
Allahyeah there is08:59
Allahim using it08:59
DantonicJeruvy, I guess I have installed... according to synaptic package manger...  how do I use it?08:59
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows08:59
icerootAllah: lsb_release -a  tells what?08:59
chingusWait ubuntu 3?? that exists?08:59
rxdiceroot: i want to tweak initrd.gz for aufs09:00
JeruvyDantonic: in a browser (firefox) go to localhost:631, log in and add the printer09:00
icerootAllah: lsb_release -a  tells what?09:00
Allahircd@root:/etc/ircd-ratbox$ lsb_release -a09:00
AllahNo LSB modules are available.09:00
AllahDistributor ID: Debian09:00
AllahDescription:    Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.1 (lenny)09:00
AllahRelease:        5.0.109:00
AllahCodename:       lenny09:00
FloodBot2Allah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:00
DantonicJeruvy, on my ubuntu box?09:00
JeruvyDantonic: any box will do, but sure :)09:01
icerootAllah: ... you are using debian, not ubuntu09:01
Allahubuntu 309:01
icerootAllah: so please go to #debian09:01
Allahno im pretty sure im using ubuntu 309:01
Allahi cant join there09:01
Allahbecause my ubuntu wotn let me09:01
DantonicJeruvy, I mean on the box where the printer is attached to? :P09:01
Allahis there w a way to make ubuntu 3 cut cores in half on the cpu09:02
JeruvyDantonic: it should not matter, cups support is a basic...see !cups factoid.09:02
chingusAllah, Ubuntu 3 is a playstation based operating system, are you using it on a computer by any chance as that could create problems09:02
Allahi do not own a ps309:02
icerootAllah: there is no ubuntu 3, you are using debian lenny 5, this channel is for ubuntu-support, not for debian-support09:02
Allahim using09:02
Allahubuntu 309:03
FloodBot2Allah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:03
Allahcant you read09:03
icerootAllah: please stop trolling09:03
Allahim not flooding im talking09:03
Allahim not trolling im flooding09:03
chingus!enter | Allah09:03
ubottuAllah: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:03
akatsukihi everyone09:03
bn43samid, normally ur middle mouse button, click on scroll wheel pastes09:03
Jeruvy!hi | akatsuki09:03
ubottuakatsuki: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!09:03
spOthe process state codes for 2+ and 9+ move and copy processes are at a state of S, D, and only sometimes R  .... why can't it stay in a state of Running instead of sleep (D or S)09:03
Allahwhere do i download this debian patch for ubuntu 3 then?09:03
spO2+ and 9+ hours09:04
MadpilotAllah, what the heck is "ubuntu 3"?09:04
trijntjeAllah, where did you get ubuntu 3?09:04
icerootMadpilot: trijntje he is using lenny but think that is ubuntu 309:04
DantonicJeruvy, Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:631.09:04
Allaha guy in a chinese resturaunt sold it to me, it was separated into 567 1.44 MB floppy disks09:04
Jeruvy!cups | Dantonic09:04
ubottuDantonic: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows09:04
iceroot!troll | Allah09:04
ubottuAllah: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel09:04
=== bluebottle is now known as Guest64203
MadpilotAllah, go troll #debian09:04
akatsukihow do I change the icons of my applications? like this xchat app...09:05
Allahim not trolling...09:05
samidbn43: if i paste its using middle button it paste somethign else..not what i just highlighted09:05
spOi change the nice using renice to -20 -15 and -10 , but the mv and cp processes that have been running for at least 5+ hours still have D and S process state instead of R process state,  i don't understand why ubuntu cannot copy or move correctly09:05
chingus!troll | ubottu09:05
ubottuchingus: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel09:05
bn43samid, u still have to copy what you highligted - how did u do thant?09:05
Allahircd@root:/etc/ircd-ratbox$ sudo apt-get install debian-patch.ubuntu-309:05
Allah[sudo] password for ircd:09:05
AllahReading package lists... Done09:05
AllahBuilding dependency tree09:05
AllahReading state information... Done09:05
FloodBot2Allah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:05
AllahE: Couldn't find package debian-patch.ubuntu-309:06
Allahdidnt work09:06
iceroot!ops | Allah09:06
ubottuAllah: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:06
StapleAttacki'm using windows vista and Bill Gates told me to come here and say, dont use ubuntu, no one in the world can help you get your usb mic working09:06
samidbn43: i thought its automatic? once u highlight it copys to clipboard straight?09:06
MadpilotAllah, your lsb_release paste earlier shows you're running Debian Lenny. Please go to #debian for help with it.09:06
MadpilotStapleAttack, don't start09:06
Allahthe floppies said09:06
Allahubuntu 309:06
Allahand when i start my game boy09:07
icerootAllah: you are a bad troll, not funny in any way, so you can stop it09:07
=== samid is now known as inetd50
Allahit loads up09:07
Allahubuntu 309:07
bn43samid, nope - highlighting is just selecting, u still have to give a separate command to copy09:07
Allahthis is what my ubuntu 3 does when i try to downlaod a file09:07
mucouswhere can you find the md5 sums for the ubuntu downloads?09:07
spOanyone have any idea of my problem? one process to move 58gb has been running for 2.5+ hours ,  and i just set the renice to -20  , and the process state remains at D or S and only sometimes R....09:08
GaryAllah: please, this is a main support channel09:08
icerootmucous: at ubuntu.com09:08
MadpilotAllah, last chance. There has never been an "Ubuntu 3". lsb_release says you're running Debian Lenny. Now go to #debian and stop being an idiot09:08
icerootmucous: at download section09:08
Allahircd@root:/etc/ircd-ratbox$ ubuntu.3.special.wget http://google.com/naked.mrc09:08
Allah-bash: ubuntu.3.special.wget: command not found09:08
Madpilotmucous, same page you find the isos to download09:08
StapleAttackMadpilot: i bought my usb mic from a guy selling crack, he said he sells usb mics on the side to help feed his 200 elves on christmas09:08
Allahsee i cant download09:08
akatsukihow do I change the icons of my applications? like this xchat app...09:08
spOthe process with -20 nice and that is mv or copy should always be R, i don't undrestand why it is mostly just D or S09:08
trijntjeakatsuki, right click, properties, icon09:09
mucousI cant find them here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate09:09
=== hatton is now known as rickyhatton
rickyhattonthis channel is wonderful09:10
akatsukitrijntje: there is no "icon" tab after properties..09:10
icerootmucous: http://ubuntu.intergenia.de/releases/jaunty/09:10
trijntjeakatsuki, are we talking in the main menu or on your desktop/panel?09:10
trijntjeakatsuki, at properties you can see the icon, you can click it to select a new one09:11
MadpilotStapleAttack, tell us all about the crack-dealing mic seller in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here, OK?09:11
StapleAttackMadpilot: can i mount your asian man?09:11
glickanyone know why audacity doesnt detect pulse audio devices?09:11
rickyhattoni wish there could be an ubuntu studio too just like the susestudio09:12
Rungehey i are having am problem with ubuntue09:13
Madpilotubottu, ubuntustudio | rickyhatton09:13
ubotturickyhatton: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org09:13
trijntje!ask | Runge09:13
ubottuRunge: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:13
Freakazoquick question; Will the command 'bootcfg /rebuild' mess with grub?09:13
Rungeok qwll i just installed ubuntu 309:13
Rungeand my keyboard isnt working09:14
FreakazoIt's run from the windows recovery console in yhr cd09:14
trijntjeRunge, dude..09:14
MadpilotRunge, didn't we just kick you out? Go away.09:14
Rungethe windows recovery part of ubuntu 3?09:14
Rungewhere is it on the C:\ drive?09:15
Rungei have explorer.exe running in wine09:15
Rungenow what09:15
StapleAttacki can help you09:15
Rungewhat to do?09:15
trijntjeRunge, you fail the turing test09:15
StapleAttackgoogle clownsex, there is a guide there showing you how to open notepad with a live nude woman demonstrating for you with a clown09:16
Rungeshit wrong window09:16
FloodBot2Runge: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:16
rickyhattonsorry im referring to a type of service like suse studio http://susestudio.com/ not the the audio/video editing software09:16
mmcjilooking for help troubleshooting system lockup when starting an application.  I am looking at the application logs, dmesg and /var/log/messages.  Is there any other place I should be looking?  I am running Ubuntu Server 9.04bit with "--no-install-recommends ubuntu-desktop", firefox, xchat, and vnc4server09:16
bn43hi is there a way to send a command via command line to enable caps lock?09:16
rickyhattonmaybe theres an ubuntu alternative for that09:17
spOubuntu: takes 5+ hours to mv 50gb from one drive to another  --- great os09:17
akatsukitrijntje: Ah nvm it's okay now, just needs refreshing. Thanks anyhow :)09:17
mmcjiI am trying to get vmware-server 1.09 running.  I have it installed and it launches, but when I try to create a vm, the entire system locks hard.  I am not asking how to troubleshoot vmware, but what ubuntu system logs I should be looking at.09:18
mmcjithanks in advance09:18
=== StapleAttack is now known as israelVSAllah
DantonicJeruvy, thanks got it to work!09:21
akatsukiwhat do you call these stuff on the right? http://gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=100614&file1=100614-1.png&file2=100614-2.jpg&file3=&name=Polar+Icons+209:22
akatsukiand how to enable it?09:22
trijntjeakatsuki, you're welcom09:22
=== anthony is now known as g-man
g-manhey guys09:23
g-mani just installed on separate partition09:23
g-mani have xp on first09:23
g-manand i was just wondering09:23
g-manwhich one is supposed to be bigger09:23
g-manor OS09:23
Myrttig-man: hold the enter key09:23
Maelos`How can I go about installing newer versions of a given package?  Jaunty comes with ejabberd 2.0.3, but I'd like the 2.0.5 package.  Is it possible to install that set of packages?09:23
g-manI just installed and i was wondering which is supposed to be bigger, ubuntu or the /dev09:24
g-manubuntu right09:24
g-mani made my /dev 20 gigs09:24
g-mandid i do that properly09:24
trijntjeg-man, I think you have some things mixed up, there's no /dev of any size09:25
g-manwell when i installed09:25
bizkitg-man? the g-man? is it really the g-man!09:25
g-manthere was an orange one, and a blue one09:25
g-mani made the orange one slightly bigger09:26
g-manand the blue one, which is this OS09:26
g-mantakes the majority09:26
g-manis that okay?09:26
bizkitnot really09:26
bizkitleave gordon alone asshole09:26
Myrttihe made no sense09:26
Myrttibizkit: we don't need namecalling here09:26
bizkitwrong room09:27
bizkitsorry thought i was in club09:27
bizkitvery sorry09:27
akatsukiwhat do you call these stuff on the right? http://gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=100614&file1=100614-1.png&file2=100614-2.jpg&file3=&name=Polar+Icons+209:27
mucousis it better to use ext2 or ext3 when partitioning?09:27
bizkitehh i really should take this room off auto join09:27
g-manis that correct?09:28
Myrttimucous: ext3 is enhanced and better version of ext209:28
alistair23EXt4 is a better version agin09:28
yocrapyo ssup craps09:28
akatsukiit shows the cpu,network,and other statistics of your pc/laptop...09:28
Myrttiyocrap: behave, or begone09:28
yocrapo cha bloody dudes doin in here09:28
=== BarnabasDK is now known as Barnabas
Madpilotubottu, ohmy | yocrap09:28
ubottuyocrap: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:28
bazhangthis is ubuntu support09:28
mucousMyrtti: I thought ext was faster09:29
yocrapok ok cool09:29
Myrttimucous: which ext?09:29
Dr_WillisI use ext4 now a days :)09:29
yocrapext4 aint good09:29
yocrapi hate that09:29
yocrapi like ntfs09:29
Myrttiyocrap: did you have anything to contribute or...=09:30
alistair23I would use EXT4 if you are re-installing09:30
mucousI heard there were many errors with 409:31
akatsukiwhat do you call these stuff on the right? http://gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=100614&file1=100614-1.png&file2=100614-2.jpg&file3=&name=Polar+Icons+209:31
Dr_WillisIve not heard of any problems with  it mucous09:31
=== anthony is now known as g-man
mucouswhen jaunty first came out there were09:31
alistair23there were some errors in the old kernel09:31
mmcjii have found ext4 faster myself09:31
alistair23all the new one have all bugs fixed09:32
alistair23that means Ubuntu 9.1009:32
g-manis there anyway to resize ur partitoins once u've installed?09:32
mmcjiboot is still on ext309:32
g-manif i didmake a mistake09:32
Dr_Willisg-man:  gparted09:32
glickshey is anyone else having trouble recording in audacity?09:32
Myrttiakatsuki: looks like conky or something09:32
comicinkerakatsuki: definitely conky09:32
bazhangakatsuki, there is a great beginners guide at ubuntuforums, let me find you a link09:33
akatsukiwow nice guys :) so is there a general term for this?09:33
g-manwhen i try to enable my second monitor in nvidia x server, and i attept to save to x configuration file, i get this error Unable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'.09:33
comicinkerg-man: a small overview of your partitions are within system->administration->system monitor -> file systems09:33
Dr_Willisakatsuki:  conky is a commonly used and flexiable system monitor. check out its Homepage.09:34
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5436679 akatsuki09:34
alistair23g-man: I have had heaps of trouble with X-Org in 9.0409:34
klarbardoes anyone know how to get moc working?09:34
Dr_Willisakatsuki:  my conky configs.. -> http://drop.io/dr_willis09:34
g-manim on 8.1009:34
akatsukiokay thank you guys so much! :)09:35
g-manjust wondering what was the trick09:35
g-manto get it to save to x config file09:35
Myrttiyocrap: have you considered changing your nickname yet?09:35
Guest31284hi i need help i tink somebody is runing this proces http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/273998/ how can kill all in 1 command09:35
bazhangg-man, gparted livecd09:35
comicinkerklarbar: did you mean mocp?09:35
bazhangg-man, to resize partitions09:35
klarbarthe music player09:35
g-mankk, in file systems its showing /dev/sda6 / ext3 93.4GiB 91.4GiB 86.6GiB used 2.0 GiB09:36
g-manim good right ?09:36
comicinkerklarbar: can you provide a more specific error messege?09:36
g-manhow do i turn on my second monitor09:36
g-mani know i have to save to x configuration file09:36
klarbarcomicinker i think i got it09:37
klarbarsorry for the bother09:37
bazhang!xrandr | g-man09:37
ubottug-man: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1209:37
klarbari must be too sleepy09:37
bazhangg-man, you dont need that much for /09:37
g-manah how much should i use for /09:38
g-manthats the 20 gib one09:38
g-mani had09:38
FloodBot2g-man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:38
Myrtti!enter | g-man09:38
ubottug-man: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:38
bazhangg-man, no need for so much enter key please09:38
comicinkerbazhang: he probably has no seperate home partition09:38
g-manhow much should i use for / ?09:38
glickscan anyone record in audacity?09:39
DigitalKiwii love how more lines were said repremanding him than he actually said09:39
comicinkerg-man: do you have a seperate home partition?09:39
bazhangg-man, considering the entire repository is around 40GB, 93 is too much09:39
bulLyocrap is now buLl09:39
g-manwell ill fix that later on09:39
bulLtheres supposed to beanother word after bull09:39
g-manjust trying to get the other monitor working properly09:39
=== boshhead_ is now known as boshhead
g-manbout to watch a movie and crash09:39
g-manits late09:39
bazhangg-man, check the xrandr link09:40
g-mani have an nvidia09:40
bulLno udont09:41
bazhangbulL, please stop09:41
KeifferPoll: how much RAM do you need / use ?09:42
Guest31284i need hlp:s09:42
Keifferin ubuntu, of course09:42
MadpilotKeiffer, more is always better, but Linux is better at managing RAM than Windows09:42
icerootKeiffer: depending on what you doing of course09:42
Keifferwell, what could you do with more than 4gb?09:43
icerootKeiffer: normal ubuntu runs ok with 512mb ram09:43
icerootKeiffer: vms09:43
Keifferi now use 512 mb and not complaining09:43
Keifferyes, that's the one thing i can't do.09:44
FreakazoOne quick question, will running bootcfg /rebuild in the windows recovery console mess up grub?09:44
=== Heliade is now known as heliade{LS}
=== heliade{LS} is now known as heliade
icerooti am running jaunty with 8gb for some vms and jaunty 1 gb for a eepc with desktop-usage, 2gb hardy for working09:44
g-manwell... just for tomorrow, when i set up partitions correctly.... how will i go about it, I have windows xp, on first 10gb, then 90 gb for programs with windows, then i have this one09:45
g-man250gb hard drive all together09:45
g-manI mean, i understand the concept of partitioning, with windows, not so familiar with linux09:46
Madpilotg-man, 10GB or so for /, the rest for /home09:46
Dr_Willisg-man:  its basically the sane. :) but  knowing what sort of layout you want.. is the issue.09:46
icerootg-man: just let ubuntu handle the partitions09:47
g-mani mean for somebody who is learning09:47
Dr_Willisleave part of the hard drive 'unallocated' and let the installer partiton the unallocated space.09:47
Dr_Willisis a easy way09:47
g-mani have a gparted cd, tomorrow i will resize my ubuntu partitions09:47
bazhangg-man, separate home is always a good idea09:47
glickshey does flash work with ubuntu 64?09:48
g-mani mean, i assume that ubuntu will run snappy, wether its partitioned or not, but u know me, im always going for optimizations09:48
mmcjia dedicated slice for /var is always a good idea as well09:48
icerootglicks: yes, works fine here on jaunty 64bit09:48
glicksis there any reason why i shouldnt run ubuntu 6409:48
glicksi have a 64 bit machine09:48
=== VSIIISU_gay_tpg is now known as psycho_oreos
icerootglicks: use a live-cd and see if the hardware will be detect09:48
mmcjithat way if you are doing allot of logging, that can be handled seperate from the rest of the file system09:48
icerootglicks: if it will be detect without problems, there is no reasn not to use 64bit09:49
mmcjiwe have log files that grow to 60gig's every day09:49
glicksis ubuntu64 faster?09:49
adalalglicks: no reason to avoid really09:49
adalalglicks: just have to be careful to use only debs labelled as amd6409:49
icerootglicks: no09:49
KeifferDo you know if it's possible to run a torrent client before users log in? like a deamon or so..?09:50
g-mansay there is a game i play on windows... is there any way my ping would decrease... running it on linux09:50
icerootglicks: its just using more then 4gb ram for one process09:50
mmcjiglicks: it can be much faster, but it really depends on what you are doing and if your applications can utilize it.09:50
g-mani guess what im asking is will i be able to dedicate more bandwith to a game on linux than windows xp09:50
g-manor is it just the same?09:50
glicksi dont know if i should install it then09:51
trijntjeg-man, your bandwith is not dependant on your Operating System09:51
g-manokay so basically09:51
trijntjeg-man, yes, no difference. IF the game wil run on linux at all that is09:52
Dr_Willismost games dont need high bandwith - they need good 'ping times'09:52
adalalg-man: only difference is that windows tends to use bandwidth in the background, which might cut into your game's bandwidth09:52
g-mani was told that if u could get a game to run under linux it would utilize more ram, in that case wouldnt it be faster09:52
adalalg-man: lies lol... it really depends on the game, and how you run it09:53
g-mangetting the game to work is a whole other can of worms. but one of the guys that plays the same server, runs thru wine, im gonna get him to walk me thru it09:53
Dr_Willisg-man:  thers to many othe varibles.09:53
Madpilotg-man, ping is a bandwidth issue, not a RAM/system issue...09:53
Dr_Willisg-man:  what game is this?09:53
g-manyeah... i understand that, but i mean09:54
=== ktulu_ is now known as Guest77302
g-manif i can optimize all my ram 2gb, with linux09:54
g-manim thinking the game will run better09:54
g-manits not a hard game to run Ultima Online09:54
adalal32bit windows can dedicate 2 gb to a process09:54
Dr_Willisg-man:   so the game uses more ram.. so what..    Check the wine app database...09:54
Dr_Willisg-man:  with your logic if you had 100gb of ram.. the game would run even better. :) and i doubt if it needs that much ram09:54
adalalusing more ram doesn't mean it'll run better at all09:54
mmcjiactually memory is expensive, the more you have, the more memory has to be addressed.09:57
=== anthony is now known as Guest92351
icerootmmcji: memory is cheap atm, 4gb 50€09:57
FreakazoBTW, the game g-man wants to run works with wine, but the game doesn't look like it would use more than 500mb of ram, so I think he's installing ubuntu for the wrong reasons...09:58
mmcjii am not talking about the financial cost of memory09:58
Dr_WillisFreakazo:  but faster is better! :)09:58
Dr_WillisFreakazo:  i also seem to recall there being work on a Linux NAtive Ultima Online Client.09:59
icerootmmcji: its not slowing down the performance if you have to adress 500mb or 2gb09:59
icerootmmcji: its a normal 32bit register09:59
icerootmmcji: always the same lenght, no matter if 500mb or 2gb09:59
=== happyaron|afk is now known as happyaron
Guest92351that would be legit10:00
=== Guest92351 is now known as g-man
g-manthat would be awesome, i can almost assure u that a linux native UO client would be faster10:00
icerootg-man: its always faster to use nativ software instead of wine10:00
mucousis ubuntu system encryption particularly vulnerable to brute force attacks, or will it always force you to reboot after 3 tries (thus serving as a protection mechanism)?10:01
icerootg-man: almost always... (firfox with wine is faster then native firefox, but because of a different engine)10:01
g-manthe one here seems faster than when on windows10:01
g-manbrowsing the web, seems alot smoother in linux10:01
rskimucous: depends on your password.10:01
g-manmaybe its just me..10:01
=== MadMax is now known as Guest90165
icerootg-man: but its getting off-topic, so #ubuntu-offtopic is a good place10:02
g-mank guys10:02
jlwfirefox loads painfully slow in ubuntu compared to any version of windows I've used10:02
g-manc u tomorrow goondight10:02
mucoushow complicated does the password have to be?10:02
shaowhat is this10:02
rskimucous: as complicated as you want it to be safe10:03
shaoi don,t not10:03
rskishao: channel for ubuntu10:03
shaoonly english can be used?10:03
FreakazoIs the boot.ini still being used even if the bootloader is grub?10:03
bazhangshao, #ubuntu-cn for Chinese10:03
rskishao: yes10:03
icerootmucous: a 8 har password with upper-lower-case, numbers and special chars like $%&/ is a safe one10:03
icerootmucous: 8 char password10:04
jlwFreakazo, yes, if you're dual booting10:04
shaocan you speak chinese?10:04
jlwwindows still requires boot.ini to load10:04
iceroot!cn | shao10:04
ubottushao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:04
bazhangshao, not in here; /join #ubuntu-cn10:04
mucousI guess what I'm asking is, is there a way for someone to get around the 3-tries-and-you-have-to-reboot-defense ?10:04
shaomy English is so so10:04
FreakazoThe command bootcfg /rebuild is ment to repair the boot.ini, will that command mess up grub or is it safe to use?10:04
Freakazo(windows command btw)10:05
icerootmucous: just use a safe password/passphrase10:05
jlwif it doesn't mess with MBR, it should be fine, I've never used it, though10:05
FreakazoOk thanks, I will do some more reading then...10:05
shaocan any one help me?10:05
iceroot!ask | shao10:06
ubottushao: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:06
Dr_Williswas there an actual question asked?10:06
bazhangshao, we need a question10:06
mucousiceroot: if you've never set up system encryption before, then you may not know how easy it is to mess up a long password.10:06
Dr_Willislooks like moo-goo-gai-pan to me.10:06
bazhangshao, yes, understood---> /join #ubuntu-cn10:06
icerootmucous: how easy?10:06
rski!cn | shao10:07
ubottushao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:07
bazhangshao, you need to speak English only here10:07
icerootmucous: do some math-lecture about the possibily cracking a 8char password with all possible chars10:07
shaois there any Chinese?10:07
bazhangshao, we have told you Three times10:07
bazhang  /join #ubuntu-cn10:07
shaothank you10:07
glicksi guess alsa is broken in ubuntu jaunty10:08
icerootmucous: and if that is not ok, use a 16 char password10:08
shaobut i want to know what,s here doing??10:08
mucousim not talking about how easy it is to crack it. I said do you know how easy it is to *forget* it.10:08
bazhangubuntu support shao10:08
mucousot mess up10:08
shaothank you10:08
icerootmucous: no This is a beautifull Day and it is 5 pm will be "TiabDaii5p"10:10
jezhmm.  we need a gender-neutral pronoun.10:10
jezi propose "ree"10:10
icerootmucous: this is a common method for creating password10:10
jezCan I have ree's phone number?  what gender is ree?10:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:10
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
jlwwhat other topics is that channel meant for?10:11
jlwlife in general?10:11
bazhanggo and find out10:11
icerootjlw: off-topic10:11
jlwwell, anything is off topic by that definition10:11
mucousiceroot: are you sure you know what you're talking about? The Ubuntu installer recommends at least 20 characters.10:11
mucousand other sites recommend more10:12
icerootjlw: your life, great football-teams like werder-bremen, normal linux-discussion" so all the off-topic stuff10:12
icerootmucous: then use a passphrase10:12
jlwheh, werder-what?10:12
jlwhere in america, football isn't played with feet, don't ask me why10:12
jlwthis is off topic, though10:13
icerootjlw: see, now you know what off-topic is10:13
mucousiceroot: you have no idea what you're talking about10:13
rskijlw: i tought they renamed it to hand-egg ball10:13
jlwlive in general10:13
jlwer, life10:13
icerootmucous: i dont think so but ok10:14
jlwit's not quite egg shaped10:14
bazhangplease take chat to the appropriate channel10:14
DhuskiCan anyone suggest any good opensource games (free) for Ubuntu?10:14
rskiDhuski: wesnoth, openarena10:15
bazhangDhuski, there are a ton; search terms top 25 games for linux will yeild the best10:15
icerootmucous: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passphrase10:15
=== Guest90165 is now known as MaxSid
martadinatai need help plz10:15
rski!ask | martadinata10:15
ubottumartadinata: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:15
bazhangmartadinata, ask a question then10:15
martadinata3 hours ago my alptop was overheat and die itself???10:16
martadinatai use ubuntu jaunty10:16
icerootmartadinata: and the question?10:16
Dhuski_is anyone online?10:17
martadinatahow i prevent the overheat?10:17
Dr_WillisDhuski_:  1318 people here.10:17
rskimartadinata: fix the cooling10:17
Dhuski_-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/.10:18
Dhuski_-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome10:18
Dhuski_to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the c10:18
rskiDhuski_: dont do that10:18
Dhuski_hannel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spe10:18
Dhuski_nding some time on the FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/10:18
martadinatafix the cooling?10:18
Dhuski_No block off10:18
Dhuski_whats happening?10:18
rskimartadinata: yes? else it will overheat10:18
bazhangDhuski_, stop that10:18
rskiDhuski_: um?10:18
martadinatai think this cause the fan10:18
Dr_Willisive seen laptops get lint/fur/hair in the fans also...10:19
martadinatanow i edited little on /etc/modules10:19
szymekhello, i have a little question10:23
szymekwell, maybe not little :P10:23
szymeki installed ubuntu and i just don't have internet10:23
szymeki mean 'normal internet', wifi works well10:24
=== ben is now known as Guest74624
rskiszymek: what is normal internet, and how does it compare to "internet" ?10:26
szymeki mean, wire-internet, not wifi10:26
szymekit's DSL10:26
rskiok and your problem is?10:26
blackest_knighttop says 3 active users how do i identify which 3 users?10:26
szymeki don't have it on new-installed ubuntu10:27
szymeki have wi-fi, but i don't have wire-internet10:27
rskiblackest_knight: look in USERS tab and beneath it10:27
rskiszymek: ok so what is the question/problem ?10:28
rskicgroza: hi10:28
cgrozamy logitech quick cam chat doesnt work10:28
cgrozado i need a driver?10:28
blackest_knightrski:  there is no tab10:28
szymekhow to solve it, because wi-fi is just to have connection for a while10:28
szymekit's not mine10:28
rskiblackest_knight: top has one for me in ubuntu jaunty10:28
rskiszymek: well you need to get a wired connection, what are your options?10:29
blackest_knightnot in my terminal there isnt10:29
szymekbut i have wired connection, but it doesn't work on ubuntu10:29
rskium sec blackest_knight10:29
cgrozamy logitech quick cam chat doesnt work10:30
cgrozado i need a driver?10:30
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:30
jlwdid you disable the wireless to see if it was interfering?10:30
szymekyes, and then I don't have internet10:31
rskiszymek: talked to your ISP?10:31
szymeki don't know if ubuntu sees my web-card10:32
rskiszymek: is it listed in network manager?10:32
Edward123hey i was going to have a fiddle with my xorg.conf (don't have widescreen resolutions available and i'm looking to rectify that) but all it has under Section "Device" is Identifier "Configured Video Device"10:32
rskiblackest_knight: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/9706/topgj.png you don't have the same?10:32
Edward123is it actually getting the configuration settings from somewhere else? or do i need to run some util to get ubuntu to properly generate settings for my ati rage 128?10:32
szymekrski: where I can check it if it's listed ?10:33
rskiszymek: it should just be there if it's detected10:33
Dr_WillisEdward123:  Identifier 'whatever' is just a generic name. It dosent mean much.10:33
rskijust click it10:33
Dr_WillisEdward123:  check the line tht says    Driver 'SOMTHING'10:33
Edward123hrm Dr_Willis that line isn't present in my xorg.conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:34
Dr_WillisEdward123:   many of the ati cards are no longer using the 'fglrx' driver. they use 'ati' or 'radeon' as their driver.10:34
Dr_WillisEdward123:  X auto congfigures for the most part.   and i dont have an ati card any more.. so thats about all i know on trouble shooting ATI.10:34
Rods_Tigerdoes e-zip-update just run by itself? it doesn't seem to be10:35
oxtailanyone else have issues with ssh sessions hanging from a gnome desktop? gnome-term stays open, ssh hangs...10:35
Edward123ok, thanks Dr_Willis10:35
Edward123i do have an nvidia card around here somewhere, i think it might be geforce which i guess is super-compatible10:35
Edward123i shall try and stick it in - the case is a dell optimax, it's got all this odd green plastic inside so i'm not entirely sure how to even mount a card properly yet heh10:36
blackest_knightrski:  yes  but that only shows me aND ROOt but top says 3 users are active10:36
szymekonly network i have on network manager is my wi-fi10:37
Nenoooohi , i want to install network manegar from cd , i have kubuntu 9.04 , how can i do it ? because i remove network manegar :S10:37
rskiblackest_knight: so you lied ok um10:37
Rods_Tigerhow do I check the status of things running or not in /etc/init.d ?10:37
blackest_knightrski:  there is a column not a tab10:38
Rods_Tigerin gentoo I'd do "/etc/init.d/thing status"10:38
Rods_Tigerbut in ubuntu this doesn't seem to work10:38
luiX_hi, having trouble adding an rc script, has it necessary to be LBSized?10:38
rskiRods_Tiger: ubuntu is not gentoo10:38
Rods_Tigerwhy did you say that?10:39
rskibecause i wanted too10:39
luiX_sorry, LSBized :P10:39
Rods_Tigerwas there a real requirement to say that? did you really think I didn't know that?10:39
maxagazhi, how to redirect "echo foo" to my network printer ?10:39
Nenoooohi , i want to install network manegar from cd , i have kubuntu 9.04 , how can i do it ? because i remove network manegar :S10:39
rskiyou seem to think they are the same system10:39
Rods_Tigerin your comprehension, did you understand that I thought that they were the same thing?10:39
Rods_Tigerin what way did what you say have any use at all?10:39
Rods_Tigerwhere was the utility to be found in what you said?10:40
JonJ_Rods_Tiger: What does it not work for? I just tested it with apache here and /etc/init.d/apache2 status tells me that it's running and its pid10:40
Callum_Nenoooo: You can set up your CD as a Debian repository with Ubuntu's Software Sources app10:40
=== JonJ_ is now known as JonJ
NenooooCallum_ how come ?10:40
rskisounds like someone got the rage-itis10:40
rascal999I'm using http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/50771 but the player now doesn't show navigation opitons, how do i change the default player in ff/configure the player to show nav buttons?10:40
Rods_TigerIt's not working for ezipupdate or however you spell it hang on10:40
Rods_Tigersudo /etc/init.d/ez-ipupdate status10:40
mucousi forgot to add swapspace during installation. is there a way to do it after the fact?10:41
Rods_Tigeraha - it works with apache2 for me too - so not everything works with 'status'10:42
jlwmucous, you can use gparted to edit your partitions10:42
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:42
JonJRods_Tiger: I haven't looked at that particular init script, but it would depend on the script, I believe10:42
mucousjlw: can you do it on an encrypted system?10:42
cgrozai cant log in to my yahoo in pindgin10:43
cgrozawhat can i do?10:43
jlwyour filesystem is encrypted?10:43
ravenhi - does anyone know the problem to play avc-videos with vlc 1.0.0?10:43
mucousjlw: I have encrypted ubuntu10:44
cgrozai need a pager server ?10:44
jophishHow can I set up a bridge between wlan0 and eth0 without destroying the connection on either10:44
jlwI'd install and load gparted10:44
blackest_knightcgroza:  it suggests logging in to yahoo via the web interface , let me know if it works10:44
KazuneHello, can anyone help me with grub2? error 15?10:45
jlwI doubt partition size has any effect on your encryption10:46
cgrozablackest_knight :how i do it i made it work once i changed te pager server...10:46
JonJRods_Tiger: The init script for ez-ipupdate contains no logic for "status", so it's no wonder it didn't work10:46
Edward123so, my xorg.conf just shows 'Configured Device' - no details that indicate where to change the driver to 'ati'.... any tips?10:47
jlwto change the driver in xorg, add the Driver "driver name" line10:48
jlwunder Device10:48
Edward123ok i'll stick it in, cheers10:49
=== hunt_ is now known as huntxu
=== jackson is now known as jackson_
BerserkHyenadoes anyone know how to install amsynth in ubuntu?10:51
cgrozasomebody knows a pindgin pager server for yahoo10:52
BerserkHyenaor if there's any other frequency generator for ubuntu10:52
cgrozai am trying to conect to my yahoo id but it doesnt work10:52
dns53BerserkHyena it is avalable in the repositories10:53
BerserkHyenathe one in the repository doensn't work10:53
cgrozai am having problems connecting to my yahoo id with pindgin10:54
dns53have you tried using ubuntu studio?10:54
cgrozait says connecting...10:54
cgrozaand hags for ever10:54
BerserkHyenadoes it need the realtime kernel?10:54
=== bbalajirao is now known as hey_boy
hey_boyHey guys, is snort available in Ubuntu repositories10:55
hey_boyI mean one ported to Ubuntu?10:55
=== happyaron is now known as happyaron|afk
bazhang!info snort10:56
ubottusnort (source: snort): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.0-22ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 453 kB, installed size 1040 kB10:56
bazhanghey_boy, ^^10:56
rskihey_boy: yes.10:56
glicksdoes anyone here have a quickcam pro 9000?10:56
BerserkHyenai wonder if there's a realtime voice changer for linux, I know of a few for windows but I don't want to use windows10:56
hey_boyI tried searching but got no matches10:56
hey_boyin my package manager10:56
ravenhi - does anyone know the problem to play avc-videos with vlc 1.0.0?10:57
spOi renice my mv process, that is moving one directory from one device to another device, but it still takes over an hour to move 10gb when moving 10gb ought to take only 10 minutes. Why is Ubuntu so lame in this regard?10:58
rskispO: the device is slow?10:58
ShapeShifter499is there a way of streaming my desktop as a video?10:58
rskiShapeShifter499: sure many ways10:59
ShapeShifter499so I can view my screen on my netbook on my wii10:59
OerHeksedward123 check this '128r' xorg.conf, maybe you can add your resolution10:59
ShapeShifter499rski: how?10:59
rskiShapeShifter499: one way is vnc10:59
rickyhattonShapeShifter499: you can use VLC10:59
rskirickyhatton: um how does VLC do that11:00
UBestBspO: I've noticed those slow transfer rates and am still trying to figure out how to speed them up, USB and SATA seem to be affected11:00
Rods_TigerJonJ: I see - I wasn't aware they'd be differently implemented like that11:00
=== beer_ is now known as wearetherock
stealth-my desktop crashed, all the icons are gone cause gnomes (poorly designed) file manager crashed, yet again. Anyone know how to get my desktop icons back without logging out?11:00
spOrski, if i hooked these hard drives in windows it would give me 10gb per 10 minutes instead of the hour ubuntu gives me, trust me11:01
cedek mau ora biso11:01
UBestBif you add noatime and nodiratime to fstab for the partition, it speeds it up a bit more11:01
cgrozahello i cant login to my yahoo account in pidgin it says Availible-Conecting  FOREVER help!11:01
ShapeShifter499what I want to do is, stream netbook screen -----> wii or other tv hooked-up device------> display on tv11:01
Myrtti!id | ce11:01
ubottuce: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:01
BodsdaHi guys - I have a laptop runnng windows xp, and a desktop running ubuntu jaunty. How can I transfer files between the two without using removable media?11:02
rskiUBestB: got any good howto url for that?11:02
stealth-Bodsda: look into samba11:02
ShapeShifter499*note wii is hacked and can run things like mplayer and other media players that also play streams*11:02
rskiBodsda: sftp/ftp many ways11:02
Bodsda!samba > Bodsda11:02
ubottuBodsda, please see my private message11:02
UBestBhowto for what?  adding those two lines to your fstab?11:02
Bodsdacheers stealth-11:02
stealth-Bodsda: a file sharing protocal supported by both OS's11:02
cgrozahello i cant login to my yahoo account in pidgin it says Availible-Conecting  FOREVER help!11:02
ShapeShifter499so what can I do?11:02
stealth-!repeat | cgroza11:02
ubottucgroza: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.11:02
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete11:03
erUSULcgroza: what version of pidgin ?11:03
stealth-cgroza: I've had a few problems like that, but 99% of the ones i've had get solved by googling around first :P11:03
piershi i have a toshiba portege 4005 with built in wireless but i cant get it to work11:03
erUSULcgroza: get a newer version on a ppa or in getdeb. yahoo recently changed the protocol11:03
erUSUL!yahoo | cgroza11:03
ubottucgroza: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.11:03
piersany1 know how to get it working11:04
cgrozathanks a lot11:04
Rods_Tigerwhat's that IM thing that karmic is using instead of pidgin?11:04
piersI use amsn11:04
erUSULRods_Tiger: empathy11:04
ShapeShifter499rickyhatton: do you know how?11:05
erUSULpiers: does it appear in iwconfig utput ?11:05
piersi have to use a pcmcia card11:05
erUSULpiers: lspci | grep -i net11:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!11:06
stealth-my desktop crashed, all the icons are gone cause gnomes (poorly designed) file manager crashed, yet again. Anyone know how to get my desktop icons back without logging out?11:06
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piers00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82557/8/9/0/1 Ethernet Pro 100 (rev 08)11:07
piers02:00.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01 that is all i get11:07
erUSULpiers: you have a ralinkRT2500 the same as mine (althought i have it pci version)11:07
erUSULpiers: it has drivers and should just work11:07
jammyboyi just installed ubuntu with the live cd. i dragged my XP with the resize and it made 20 gig for ubuntu. i then chose give largest free space for ubuntu. i did not choose if it should be a secondary or primary whatever it is called. will this cause me issues11:08
erUSULpiers: try « sudo modprobe rt2500pci »11:08
erUSULjammyboy: no11:08
jammyboyerUSUL: thanks :D . do you know what sort of partition it would be then? it boots fine and everything11:08
ShapeShifter499can I use VNC to stream my desktop to a flash, java, or a online enabled media player on another comp?11:09
piersthe internal wireless does not work on xp either11:09
erUSULjammyboy: iirc ubuntu automatically sets a extended parition with logical ones within11:09
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stealth-piers: then perhaps the hardware is damaged?11:09
pierscould be11:09
jammyboyok cool , so it doesn't matter if you leave it blank11:10
erUSULpiers: if it does not work in xp something else is going on... maybe is disabled in bios/hard ?11:10
piersbut i cannot get into BIOS from the startup menu11:10
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OerHekspiers, do you see the hardware button combination op your keyboard, FN + wireless ? ( probably blue )11:10
jammyboymy only problem is that XP does not see my ubuntu partition. its in disk manager, but i cant assign it a drive letter or anything, its all greyed out. it says healthy though11:11
KeifferHi. Do you know how I could run a torrent client as a deamon? so it download/uploads w/o any user being logged in?11:11
BarnabasKeiffer, use something like ctorrent and run in background11:11
piersOerHeks: yas11:11
stealth-jammyboy: I dont believe windows allows you to mount linux partitions without installing 3rd party software11:11
cgrozawhere can i get webcam drivers for ubuntu?11:12
KeifferBarnabas, thanks11:12
erUSULKeiffer: rtorrent + screen; deluge in recent versions has daemon + gui11:12
BarnabasKeiffer, nohup is already installed or you can add screen if it is to be more advanced11:12
erUSUL!webcam | cgroza11:12
ubottucgroza: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:12
OerHekspiers does that button help ?11:12
Barnabasnohup ctorrent <foo.torrent> &11:12
jammyboystealth-: so if i installed some third party software, then maybe a drive would appear?11:12
erUSULKeiffer: also mlnet has support for bittorrent11:12
piersno sadly11:12
Edward123hey OK so i plugged in some sort of geforce card and i'm now getting no output11:13
Edward123oddly as soon as i plugged the machine in it powered up, and i can't seem to make it power down. dvd drive is opening and closing so it's obviously on. i didn't get any bios beeps11:13
stealth-jammyboy: Im not sure exactly how it works, but it allows you to mount ext3 filesystems (which are what ubuntu uses by default). Windows uses fat32, and therefore doesnt get along well with ext3 unless you install some software. I dont know for sure, but im assuming the software would make the ubuntu drive look just like a USB stick11:14
Edward123any tips?11:14
stealth-Edward123: you plugged your moniter into the new card, Im assuming?11:14
Edward123i actually replaced the card as i only have 1 agp slot11:15
Edward123and no on-board11:15
stealth-ah, I see. Well, there goes my idea :/11:15
Edward123heh yeah, good call though11:15
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OerHeksedward123 you might like to check this '128r' xorg.conf, maybe you can add your resolution11:16
s10anWhat is the best way to copy dvd's?11:16
stealth-cant you just pull the power cord to shut it down, then try restarting? Because if it wont shut down softly and holding the button isnt working, you dont really have much other of a choice. Unless the keyboard still works, then you can ctrl+alt+F1, type you login blindly, and sudo to shutdown the machine.11:17
stealth-maybe it just needed a restart, I've found that happen to me a few times11:17
StupidWeaselHey folks. I'm installing Jaunty on a desktop I eventually plan to use with Windows also. I've got two discs in a fakeraid raid1 - and I sucessfully get the "One or more drives containing Serial ATA RAID configurations have been found." activation prompt. However the partition editor does not display any options, can anyone make a suggestion as to what might be wrong?11:17
jammyboystealth-: thanks. i will try it when i wake up!! i thik i found a site that might help, i'll leave me name in over night11:17
StupidWeasels10an: Not sure about the *best* way, but one way is K3b.11:17
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stealth-jammyboy: okay, good luck :)11:18
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TimothyAremoving the psu is also an possibility11:18
cehello all11:18
jammyboystealth, thanks, i will leave a message in here how i will get on! back later!!11:18
s10anStupidWeasel: It won't burn encrypted11:18
Edward123the fan on the gpu isn't spinning up11:19
piersI have ubuntu another machine and when I turn the machine on it comes up with a load of text and takes forever to load and then then the wireless is really flakely11:19
cesarap kabeh11:19
StupidWeaselAhh, sorry not sure what to suggest then :)11:19
Edward123OerHeks: thanks for the tip, i did try that and restarted gdm but no higher resolutions than 800x600 were available11:19
ceketek kabeh11:19
Myrtti!id > ce11:19
ubottuce, please see my private message11:19
ceora ndolor11:19
Myrtti!english | ce11:20
ubottuce: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:20
Edward123i'm gonna guess maybe this nvidia card is bust - presumably the fan on the gpu should always spin up?11:20
ceraimu kabeh koyo asu11:20
SquarcWhen I boot I get lots and lots of disk IO.. the disk LED's are on continiously and I can hear the disk make read/write noise.... this slows down the PC a lot (first 5-10 min's after loggin in with KDE)11:20
SquarcAny Ideas?11:21
OerHeksedward123, does the videocard needs it's own power ??11:22
StupidWeaselpiers, what wireless drivers are you using? If you have a choice - you may wish to try any alternative listen in jockey11:22
piersi use thr RT2500 mini-pci11:22
MissDjaxhey guys, is there a possibility to fix a kernel panic? or do I have to install ubuntu again?...11:22
BarnabasEdward123, try replacing the fan11:23
Barnabasits only a few $11:23
cgroza_hello i managed to make my webcam work in skype but the image is very dark what can i do?11:23
cheater99uh oh11:24
cheater99hey guys, i have somehow turned off ubuntu's cool alt-tab switcher and only have the less cool one now - how do i turn it back on? :o11:24
Mike225Hi all11:24
Rupp1hello Mike22511:25
Edward123yeah just switched out to another 3d card (not as good, some ati card - don't know what it is yet)11:25
hari_HOLY CRAP. Is this a right place to come and say just how awesome Ubuntu is? The last time I used Ubuntu was 6.04. Boy have the improvements been awesome. Practically everything works !!!11:25
BarnabasMissDjax, a kernel panic coud easily be due to faulty hw11:25
Edward123found some mouse excrement on the geforce which doesn't bode terribly well, does it?11:26
Barnabasso a reinstall might not help at all11:26
Barnabasdo you have more info11:26
Rupp1congrats hari_11:26
cheater99hari, my thoughts exactly11:26
Rupp1i don't use ubuntu and have no clue why I am here11:26
MissDjaxBarnabas: no the hw is definitely not faulty, I have 2 other OS running on that machine and no problem. Actually I installed a wlan usb driver and then I got the KP11:27
Rupp1hello darkone411:27
Edward123hari_: yeah i like it, i think it really encourages desktop users to get into the open source community11:27
pshr_yeah could any one check this out for me and respond if the site is up or not its my local server11:27
^mNotIntelligenthi all11:27
BarnabasMissDjax, try removing that drv11:27
Barnabasa faulty driver could also tilt the kernel11:27
^mNotIntelligentpshr_, its up11:27
MissDjaxBarnabas: how? I can't start ubuntu anymore, neither in recovery mode, nor with an older kernel listed in grub11:28
nemesis1911yo sup ppl11:28
BarnabasMissDjax, you may need to boot of the cd11:28
hari_Granted, I am using a 32 bit system, but still, Java and Flash work smoothly on Firefox, mp3s and videos actually play, external monitors etc works, suspend to ram / disk / hibernation all work, boot times are fast, wifi works. And just wow, after a fresh install I got everything I needed all from the command line.11:28
^mNotIntelligentpshr_, oh no....opendns responded.....that means its down...11:28
pshr_thanks ^mNotIntelligent what are you able to see in that page ?11:28
nemesis1911I gotta prob here still trying to install my webcam11:28
hari_Edward123, Rupp1, cheater99 yeah seriously. This is great11:28
Rupp1what does everyone use to chat with in here11:28
^mNotIntelligentpshr_, its down buddy11:28
^mNotIntelligentRupp1, what do you mean by that?11:28
pshr_Rupp1, xchat, mibbit etc etc11:29
pshr_!irc | Rupp111:29
ubottuRupp1: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines11:29
MissDjaxBarnabas: loading from live Cd and then ? can I fix it from there ? and how do I know what exactly is the trouble maker11:29
hari_Rupp1 if you are talking about the client, I use irssi :)11:29
^mNotIntelligentRupp1, ookey...xhat+111:29
nemesis1911nemesis1911@Phenom1911:~/stuff/spca5xx-v4l1goodbye$ sudo make11:29
nemesis1911   Building SPCA5XX driver for 2.5/2.6 kernel.11:29
nemesis1911   Remember: you must have read/write access to your kernel source tree.11:29
nemesis1911make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build SUBDIRS=/home/nemesis1911/stuff/spca5xx-v4l1goodbye CC=cc modules11:29
nemesis1911make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-15-generic'11:29
FloodBot2nemesis1911: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:29
nemesis1911scripts/Makefile.build:46: *** CFLAGS was changed in "/home/nemesis1911/stuff/spca5xx-v4l1goodbye/Makefile". Fix it to use EXTRA_CFLAGS.  Stop.11:29
Rupp1hari_: whatever gets more people to use linux11:29
Rupp1i am using weechat11:29
^mNotIntelligent!pb | nemesis191111:29
ubottunemesis1911: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic11:29
pshr_!paste | nemesis191111:29
ubottunemesis1911: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!11:29
Rupp1I just didn't know what everyone was using11:29
Dhuski!flood > nemesis191111:29
ubottunemesis1911, please see my private message11:29
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Dhuski!personal > chingus11:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about personal11:30
nemesis1911,, sorry11:30
nemesis1911can anyone help me with my cam?11:30
something132yo teh playa is in da house! to my point, i have a usb and i formatted it so i can put kubuntu oniit but i dont know what label to put on11:30
Dhuski!ask > nemesis191111:30
ubottunemesis1911, please see my private message11:30
^mNotIntelligentofftopic: any andriod developer out here?11:31
BarnabasMissDjax, /etc/modules contains the list of modules to load11:31
Barnabasyou can access your hard drive when booting of the cd11:31
Dhuski!ask > ^mNotIntelligent11:31
ubottu^mNotIntelligent, please see my private message11:31
Barnabasbut you need to find out the name of the module you added11:31
nemesis1911I need help with setting up spca5xx for my Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0c45:628f Microdia PC Camera with Microphone (SN9C202 + OV9650)11:32
^mNotIntelligentDhuski, you should stop spamming and rather try helping people out11:32
cheater99is there a way to have more control over what visual effects i turn on in the 'appearance' preferences panel?11:32
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cheater99except for 'on' and 'off'...11:33
Dhuski^mNotIntelligent, haha I was bored...but not spamming I was using ubotu legitimately...what do you need help with??11:33
cheater99and 'extra'..11:33
nemesis1911I need help with setting up spca5xx for my Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0c45:628f Microdia PC Camera with Microphone (SN9C202 + OV9650)11:33
something132so anyone with advice? what usb disk label should i put11:33
piersdoes anyone know the email adress for toshiba support11:33
something132dhuski, i think you could tell me :]11:34
Dhuskisomething132, whats the problem?11:34
aaron11___does anyone know how to compile a zte ac8300 modem11:34
^mNotIntelligentDhuski, that was legitimate misuse...anyways...lets get back to support11:34
^mNotIntelligentaaron11___, why do you need to compile that..whats the issue11:34
something132like i said i want to put kubuntu on usb and i formatted it so i want to know what disk label to put on it11:35
Dhuski^mNotIntelligent, sorry...11:35
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
nemesis1911can anyone help with setting up spca5xx for my Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0c45:628f Microdia PC Camera with Microphone (SN9C202 + OV9650)11:35
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^mNotIntelligentsomething132, how does putting a lebel make a difference11:35
something132i dunno11:35
something132but i was told it does....11:35
G-manso 10GiB fir / & rest for /home right?11:35
nemesis1911Dhusk: I need help with setting up spca5xx for my Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0c45:628f Microdia PC Camera with Microphone (SN9C202 + OV9650)11:35
something132yesterday over here11:35
Dhuskisomething132, that shouldn't really matter I think as long as the image is properly written the disk label shouldn't matter11:35
something132should i just leave it as msdos?11:35
nemesis1911Dhuski: I need help with setting up spca5xx for my Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0c45:628f Microdia PC Camera with Microphone (SN9C202 + OV9650)11:36
nemesis1911can u help11:36
^mNotIntelligentsomething132, i agree with what Dhuski said...just put any lebel you like ...there should not be any issue11:36
cgrozahello i managed to get my web cam working but the image is very dark ca i change some setting to make it brighter?11:36
something132fat 16 or fat 32?11:36
Dhuskisomething132, make sure cmos boots of the Kubuntu disk in question ...11:37
FloodBot2piers: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:37
^mNotIntelligentcgroza, i guess you can do that in the settings, can't you?11:37
something132but fat 16 or fat32?11:37
cgroza^mNotIntelligent:from where?11:37
Dhuskinemesis1911, I think I can just go to private chat...because you might need step by step help11:37
glicksdoes anyone here have a quickcam pro 9000?11:37
Dhuskisomething132, I recommend FAT#@11:37
Myrttipiers: can't you look it up from their website? or ask the retailer you bought your toshiba from?11:37
Dhuskisomething132, I recommend FAT3211:37
something132ok thank11:37
^mNotIntelligentcgroza, how exactly you're accessing the cam? use that app to do these setting modificatons11:38
piersi bought the toshiba of my friend and the website is useless11:38
something132piers whats the problem?11:38
^mNotIntelligent!hi | amcsi11:38
ubottuamcsi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:38
cgroza^mNotIntelligent:skype and i want to install camorama11:38
rickyhattoni used kubuntu 9 too11:38
amcsiwhat's a simple way for doing the windows ipconfig -renew command for ubuntu?11:38
Edward123mmmrmm OK i ran dexconf, rebooted, and now i can't get into X at all heh11:39
cgroza^mNotIntelligent:i was thinking at something from terminal11:39
Squarcamcsi: what does -renew do in windows?11:39
amcsirequests for a new ip at the dhcp server11:39
^mNotIntelligentcgroza, you need the tool to config webcam settings...lemme check it for your requirements11:40
aaron11___helo is there a faster way to download ubuntu's iso file because mine is running at 15kbps and on firefox it says 8h 14m i need ubuntu live cd because i need more space in my partition but in the wubi partition its no good11:40
Edward123amcsi go for /etc/init.d/network restart like suggested --- or might be networking11:40
SquarcEhm, I think for that you should execute "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"11:40
aaron11___now its 5h 58m11:40
amcsisuch a long command, but okay, thanks11:40
^mNotIntelligentaaron11___, why dont you use torrents....that allows you restarts...11:40
^mNotIntelligentaaron11___, you can get that from the ubuntu home page itself11:41
aaron11___^mNotIntelligent: because torents contaiv virusis11:41
Squarcaaron11___: viruses ? on Linux ?11:41
^mNotIntelligentaaron11___, i told you to use the genuine torrent files from the _OFFICIAL_ ubuntu site sans viruses11:41
Dhuskiaaron11___, if you are using linux get clamav and scan everything if you are worried of viruses, they are little threat to linux anyway11:42
Chousukeclamav only finds windows viruses :/11:42
^mNotIntelligentChousuke, right11:42
Chousuke(because there are no linux viruses to look for :))11:42
^mNotIntelligentChousuke, agree to that...11:42
^mNotIntelligentanthony, whats the issue?11:42
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StupidWeaselAre there any disadvantages to using LVM?11:42
aaron11___Squarc: ^mNotIntelligent  Dhuski  im on windows right now getting the iso11:43
=== Guest16482 is now known as anthon-y
piersif the download is going slowly are u using wireless or ehternet11:43
Squarcaaron11___: like he said,, use the official torrent provided by ubuntu/cannonical and nothing can go wrong11:43
aaron11___im using a usb modem11:43
Snicks|TWwhi everybody, i got a GRUB error 18, fresh installed machine with windows xp + ubuntu 9.04; already asked in #GRUB but it seems i gotta be here because it's an old GRUB-version. anybody knows what it exactly mean && howto fix it?11:43
^mNotIntelligentaaron11___, that does not make any difference as long as you get the torrent from the official site....but its your choice finally...11:43
pierson xp or ubuntu11:43
Mike225I want to compile Epiphany on ubuntu 8.0411:44
^mNotIntelligentaaron11___, and if you're sick of all this order one free ubuntu cd at shipit.ubuntu.com11:44
SquarcSnicks|TWw: whats the error?11:44
StupidWeaselHave you reinstalled grub after installing XP Snicks|TWw?11:44
anthon-ySqarc: I have an Nvidia video card, as well as dual monitors, my monitor on the right won't show up.... but when i try to configure it using x- server... it wont let me save the new configuration, thus the secondary monitor stays off, how should i go about this?11:44
Mike225When i compile the src I get many erros such as lackng libraries11:44
Snicks|TWwSquarc, 'error 18; StupidWeasel installed ubuntu 9.04 after XP11:44
piersdo an update and then try11:44
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^mNotIntelligentMike225, did you google to get a hang of it?11:44
aaron11___piers: if ur trying to talk to my write aaron11 and press tab11:44
Mike225where to get the soruce code of the exact version of epiphany delivered with it11:45
aaron11___like that11:45
legend2440anthon-y: in terminal type  gksudo nvidia-settings  then you can save changes11:45
Squarcanthon-y: did you start nvidia-settings with kdesudo ?11:45
anthon-ynice man11:45
^mNotIntelligentaaron11___, yes11:45
aaron11___Squarc: how come torents are faster11:45
anthon-yhow do u guys remember commands like that, lol11:45
piersaaron11___, becuse it is p2p11:46
Mike225how to get ubuntu source packages ?11:46
Squarcaaron11___: because there's a lot of people that are sharing (uploading), instead of just 1 server located somewhere on the world..11:46
^mNotIntelligent!ot | aaron11___11:46
ubottuaaron11___: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:46
nemesis1911hey I remember someone saying something about making your cam brighter this websites has some good info http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html11:46
piersbye guys11:46
^mNotIntelligentpiers, bye11:46
anthon-yso by default11:46
anthon-yyou can't just go in and changes settings, without gksudo?11:47
Snicks|TWwhi everybody, i got a GRUB error 18, fresh installed machine with windows xp + ubuntu 9.04(first installed XP, there-after ubuntu); already asked in #GRUB but it seems i gotta be here because it's an old GRUB-version. anybody knows what it exactly mean && howto fix it?11:47
Edward123hrm damn OK, so this video card is a Radeon 9200 pro which isn't covered by the binary drivers11:48
DhuskiSnicks|TWw, sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade...11:48
^mNotIntelligentSnicks|TWw, whats the problem, btw? I might have missed your earlier Qs, if you 've asked any11:48
Squarcanthon-y: well.. I dont know.. but to write the config you MUST run nvidia-settings with kdesudo or gksudo11:48
legend2440anthon-y: you can but to be able to save changes to the xorg.conf file you need  root permission. thats what gksudo does11:48
DhuskiEdward123, huh? mine is the same card and mine auto installed....11:48
anthon-yis there a GUI for gksudo?11:49
Squarcanthon-y: you know how to setup the twin-view ?11:49
Edward123Dhuski: when i switch to alt+f7 i guess perhaps it's sending at a res/refresh rate my monitor can't see?11:49
Edward123is there some way to start it up in compatibility mode?11:49
anthon-yyeah, i think i need to restart for it to take affect11:49
Squarcanthon-y: gksudo is sudo gui..... juse execute on command line: "gksudo nvidia-settings"11:49
Snicks|TWwDhuski, won't really help if the only possible way of starting up is with live-cd ; ^mNotIntelligent GRUB error 18 at starting up of the computer ;)11:49
Edward123i'm annoyed my geforce card is bust, it looks all sexy, chunky and heavy with that big gpu and fan11:49
Dhuskipossible in that case a simple "xrandr -s <size>x<size> -r <refresh rate>" in a commandline should fix it.11:50
Squarcthen you'll get the gksudo dialog.. enter youre password there and nvidia-settings will start with root permissions... now it can write you're config and change X settings11:50
Edward123and it sounds like nvidia has the best support too11:50
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anselmSnicks|TWw: Do you have more than one hard drive11:50
DhuskiSnicks|TWw, ah  I see...sorry11:50
Linda52Hi all11:50
VtecHello I have added some graphs to my panel such as the processor/disk/network/memory and my memory one says 38% use by programs and 55% used by cache, I only have 3 programs running wherei s the cache one coming from and how can I cancel them they are making my computer slow?11:50
Squarc"mike is now known as Linda52" lol11:50
DhuskiEdward123, possible in that case a simple "xrandr -s <size>x<size> -r <refresh rate>" in a commandline should fix it.11:50
Linda52I Squarc11:50
Snicks|TWwanselm, only one HDD; 3 partions; windows xp ; ubuntu 9.04 ; swap(for ubuntu)11:51
anselmSnicks|TWw: Sorry can't help11:51
anthonygot it guys11:51
VtecSnicks, is yout windows partition set as logical or primary?11:51
DhuskiVtec, get the details of the cache programs then "ps -A |grep" to find them then "kill -9" to kill them off one by one11:51
Squarcanthony: great :D11:51
SquarcVtec: cache shouldnt hurt you're performance11:51
anthonyquick question11:51
Edward123hrm Dhuski if i try that i get 'can't open display' in the console... and i can't get to X to type anything into it11:52
=== anthony is now known as Guest8616
Guest8616when im loggin in after reboot, i have a generic kernel 14, and 7 , what are the differences between the two?11:52
DhuskiEdward123, make sure the details after xrandr are 100% accurate11:52
=== Guest8616 is now known as anthon-y
Edward123Dhuski i ran xrandr -s 800x600 -r 6011:52
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VtecOkay how about setting my processor to boot at 2.1Ghz everytime I boot? because when I boot it stays on a mdoe called "ondemand" and is only 1.0Ghz and I have to switch it manually to 2.1Ghz?11:53
Snicks|TWwVtec, i don't know, i assume it will be set primary (not my own computer ;) )11:53
DhuskiIS that your screen size, details, and compatible with your card etc??11:53
Squarc_anthony: the one is newer than the other... for exact changes read the linux kernel changelog11:53
_anthonyah... but why is there two?11:53
DhuskiEdward123, IS that your screen size, details, and compatible with your card etc??11:53
Vtecahh I have my partition of windows set as logical any idea how to set to primary? I hve alot of space left so I was thinking use gparted to copy it onto a new partition?11:53
_anthonythat's odd11:53
Edward123Dhuski: surely there isn't a card out there that doesn't support 800x600? and the display was running in 800x600 at 60hz11:53
Edward123before i switched out the cards11:53
DhuskiEdward123, I am more worried about your monitor being able to handle it...11:54
echosystmwith the ubuntu installer, if you have flagged your / partition as bootable, does it install grub to MBR or / ?11:54
Edward123infact, at once stage the WM did open up and say "there was a problem, would you like to configure settings for your card?" which i did11:54
Edward123restarted, and now the WM doesn't open at all heh11:54
Edward123i know it can handle 800x600 at 60hz11:54
echosystmi dont want it to touch the mbr11:54
_anthonyah nice...11:54
DhuskiEdward123, drop into a commandline interface and I will give you a commandline that might work11:55
Edward123Dhuski: there's where i'm at, hacking away like i'm in the matrix...11:55
_anthonyokay now for gparted... i was going to get my partitions setup right befor i go back to pure gnome, i was told previously this evening before my nap that i want to go 10 GiB / , and the rest /home , is this correct?11:55
DhuskiEdward123, Try the following without quotes "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg"11:55
something132why does my pc always crash? hmm.....11:56
something132i have upgraded ram to 2 gig when it was 512mb and i have changed my monitor11:56
something132to a larger monitor11:56
something132thats only changes11:56
VtecIf I have my windows partition set to logical (some how happened when I used livecd to partition ubuntu), how would I get it to start as primary so I can actually BOOT my windows? Someone told me to Copy + PAste it onto a new partition on GPartED will that work?11:56
Edward123Dhuski: ran that, but xorg.conf looks the same as it did before. shall i sudo /etc/gdm restart ?11:56
Dhuskisomething132, ram isn't the only thing nor is the monitor...processor and graphics card are equally important11:57
something132and it keeps randomly shutting down11:57
David-Tsomething132: could be the ram, run memtest86+ overnight11:57
DhuskiEdward123, try it...11:57
* Edward123 tries it11:57
Edward123nup, still 'no signal' from the monitor11:57
_anthonyokay now for gparted... i was going to get my partitions setup right befor i go back to pure gnome, i was told previously this evening before my nap that i want to go 10 GiB / , and the rest /home , is this correct?11:57
cgrozahello when i run camorama it says unable to capturrre image!!11:57
Edward123and it's kind of twitching weirdly so i guess it's still sending at a res the monitor can't support11:57
Edward123can i manually set a resolutoin in xorg.conf?11:58
_anthonyI'm new, is that a reommended setup for a linux n00b11:58
legend2440Edward123: did you activate driver in  system>admin>hardware drivers?11:58
MarkGiHi, I am trying to setup postfix so I can send mail from my local lan to my ISP's SMTP server, but I don't know what all the options mean.  What is a smarthost?11:58
Edward123legend2440: i can't get into X to do that11:58
MarkGiI look at all the options presented and end up scratching my head...11:58
DhuskiEdward123, have a look at :https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver try and emulate the xorg.conf file there11:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jasper11:59
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:59
cgrozahello what is jasper conversion prgram and how do i intall it?11:59
legend2440Edward123: nvidia card?11:59
chris|_anthony, 10GB / and rest home is pretty much good for starters11:59
chris|_anthony, don't forget a swap space though12:00
Edward123legend2440: raedon, one not supported by the fglrx driver unfortunately, just slightly too old12:00
_anthonynice, now in gparted.. how would i set that up, i have just one hard drive... and the first 10g are designated to XP, next 80/90 are for XP Programs, and the other half of the hard drive i will be using for linux... i would kinda like to know, how it should look and where the swap file goes, beggining end etc.12:01
piers_is anyones wireless working at only 1mb/s12:01
piers_is anyones wireless working at 1mb/s12:02
kjellehi. if i were to use a AUDIO player which adjusts volume by DECIBEL, which would I use? I need to know how "high" 42 db is.12:02
psycho_oreoswhy would you use that rate? piers_12:02
piers_psycho_oreos, it is just that mine was working at that and i had to browse for ages12:03
duffydackpiers_, ive seen it do that on mine, but i can use cable so its not a problem.12:03
duffydackpiers_, my netbook tho its 100% all the time and constantly 54mb12:03
VtecCan anyone here help me with my hard drive and operating systems?12:03
chris|_anthony, doesn't really matter where your swap goes, end is as good as anywhere12:04
duffydackpiers_, its down to the driver12:04
_anthonyok, and the swap file is approx, 2gigs12:04
chris|don't ask me about gparted though, I never ever used it12:04
Vtechttp://img41.imageshack.us/img41/7763/screenshot1pd.png <--- are those done properly?12:04
jattkjelle: -14dB is equivalent to a 56% volume, at least the sound applet on my laptop says so12:04
piers_duffydack, i know but there is a bug with the rt2500 mini pci driver12:04
chris|swap should be the same size as your memory is12:05
DJCMayhi everybody12:05
Vtecthey told me swap was incase i ran out of RAM12:05
kayetanadminHELP, BASICALLY I put kubuntu on a usb and i cant boot off it12:05
DJCMaymaybe someone can help me.12:05
jetscreameryou can run w/o swap12:05
chris|Vtec, that's about what it does12:05
_anthonyis there an easier program12:05
piers_DJCMay, with what12:06
SquarcDJCMay: dont ask to ask ;) just ask :)12:06
_anthonyto resize partitions with?12:06
_anthonygparted doesnt really just say / and /home12:06
_anthonyit says like dev/ext 3 somethin like that12:06
DJCMayi installed ubuntu on usb, was able to boot, but after update the kernel, the message is "missing operating system"12:06
chris|_anthony, I consider command line a pretty easy way, but I guess that's because I'm used to it ;)12:06
piers_does anyone know how to boot off a usb stick?12:07
o_portista17does anyone know how to change the network adapter, from eth1 to eth0 ?12:07
Vtecchris| do you know how I can get the NTFS (windows) to boot? someone told me I need to set it from logical TO primary12:07
something132i cant boot from usb12:07
piers_any1 know how to boot off a usb stick12:07
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:07
_anthonyoh gees.... lol in xp i can do it via command line12:07
_anthonynot here12:07
something132yeah same problem piers12:08
_anthonyim gonna give this a shot, then when i get back going to pure gnome, afk a bit12:08
kjellejatt: u know any players which would show it?12:08
piers_i think it has somthing to do with your bios12:08
chris|Vtec, can you paste me the output of sudo fdisk -l please?12:09
OerHeksboot from usb, select usb in bios as 1st boot device12:09
DJCMaypiers_, u can boot from the isb device, when u use the alternate installer12:09
duffydackhow are you making the usb stick........12:09
mariaI have a problem with grub. Is this a good place to ask for some help?12:09
piers_using usb startup disk creator on gnome12:09
Vtecchris| may I privatem essage it to you or pastebin it? iti s about 8 lines12:10
duffydackpiers_, what format is the partition on the stick12:10
something132im using usb creator12:10
piers_what should it be12:10
something132same as piers12:10
DJCMaysomething132, i used the alternate-cd and it works12:10
something132alternate cd?12:10
DJCMaybut, after updating, booting won't work12:10
something132im using usb12:11
chris|Vtec, pastebin12:11
DJCMayi don't know y12:11
piers_does the usb startup have somin to do with your bios12:11
DJCMaysomething132, i installed from the alternate-cd on the usb stick12:11
duffydackerm... usb only works with the live/desktop versions.12:11
duffydackor so I thought12:11
something132alternate cd? what do you mean?12:12
MissDjaxBarnabas ?12:12
Vtecthe following is my sudo fdisk -l and my menu.lst12:12
DJCMayduffydack, no it worked fine by using the alternate cd to install ubuntu on usb12:12
BarnabasMissDjax, yes?12:12
piers_does your system have to support usb booting12:12
duffydackDJCMay, oh, well we are talkin about using the usb stick to install it.. not install onto it12:12
DJCMayduffydack, oh, ok. sry. :)12:12
MissDjaxBarnabas: I am actually under the live CD and edited the /etc/modules, the module that prolly makes troubles is listed after #chip drivers, should I just delete it an reboot normally ?12:13
something132still i don't know what to do12:13
chris|Vtec, they were right, you need a primary partition for your windows12:13
duffydacksomething132, check your bios supports usb booting12:14
Vtechow would I make it primary? any idea?12:14
VtecI heard that I can just create a new partition on gparted and paste the windows one onto it?12:14
duffydacksomething132, you might also have to hit a key during boot to bring up a boot list...to choose what device to boot from12:14
Edward123ok cool i made a syntax error, at least i know X is reading my xorg.conf......12:14
something132when i do that12:14
something132it gives no option for usb12:14
something132before it didi12:14
BarnabasMissDjax, or try to remark it at first12:14
DJCMaydoes anybody know about my problem?12:15
MissDjaxBarnabas: what do you mean with remark ?12:15
MissDjaxcomment it out ?12:15
duffydacksomething132,  have you ever booted from usb before?12:15
duffydacksomething132, how old is this pc you are using?12:15
BarnabasMissDjax, start the line of the driver in question with a #12:16
something132 its not that old12:16
MissDjaxok that was what I meant >(12:16
Barnabaslike the remark lines in the top of the file12:16
something132i tried b4 but it said something is missing12:16
MissDjaxoops damn keyboard layout lol12:16
something132then i put on kubuntu properly and there is no option for usb12:16
VtecI heard that I can just create a new partition on gparted and paste the windows one onto it? would that work chris|?12:17
duffydacksomething132, which ubuntu are you wanting to put onto the stick.  ubuntu or kubuntu12:17
Dr_WillisVtec:  i dont think its that simple. Converting from logical/extended to primary - is what you are trying to do right?12:18
Vtecyes correct, i was told i needed to do that to be able to dual boot with windows12:19
nemesis1911yo how do I resize my HD in GParted??12:21
jribnemesis1911: click on the picturet that looks like:  -> |12:22
mohan1hi no sound is coming in my system, how to fix it?12:22
nemesis1911yeah jri: it grayed out12:22
Dr_Willisrun gparted from a live cd (the parittions have to be unmounted,  use the menus in gparted/sliders to change things around, hit apply.. wait......12:22
echosystmwhen i apt-get upgrade it tells me it is holding back linux-generic, linux-image-generic and restricted modules12:22
Dr_Willisgparted requires some extra tools for some filesystem types also.12:22
echosystmshould i force it to upgrade these or just leave it?12:23
jribechosystm: dist-upgrade12:23
jribechosystm: you should use dist-upgrade12:23
echosystmweird, i downloaded the latest ISO12:23
echosystmi figured it would have these in it already12:23
nemesis1911jirib: its grayed out12:23
chris|Vtec, as I already said, I have no idea what gparded is capable of ;)12:23
jribechosystm: "latest iso"?  Which one exactly?12:23
jribnemesis1911: see what Dr_Willis said12:23
mikeyfbiheyo, does someone wanna help figure out why my cd burner wont work12:23
mikeyfbiand debug my error log12:24
echosystmi dont know, just the one thats on the mirror12:24
mikeyfbii am completely at a loss :(12:24
echosystmi downloaded it an hour ago12:24
jribechosystm: there are dozens...12:24
jrib!version | echosystm12:24
ubottuechosystm: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »12:24
nemesis1911so Dr_Willis: how do I resize my ext3?12:24
something132why isnt any1 helping?12:24
jrib!helpme | something13212:25
ubottusomething132: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience12:25
something132i said my usb is not bootable now12:25
jribechosystm: then you're fine.  The isos don't get updates12:25
echosystmif i run dist-upgrade, what am i upgrading to?12:25
Dr_Willisnemesis1911:  boot live cd that has gparted.. and use gparted to resize it.. is what i normally do.  the filesystem MUST not be in use - to resize it.12:25
mikeyfbii think the errors start at line 147 here http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d2c68299b12:25
Sagacinemesis1911: you could perhaps use gparted12:25
something132i said why isnt any1 helping cos i told u a little while ago the problem and no one is listnin12:25
Dr_Willissomething132:  or no one knows...12:25
something132ok sure whatever12:25
jribechosystm: read the description of dist-upgrade and upgrade in « man apt ». It doesn't upgrade releases, just packages12:25
nemesis1911kew kewl thx Dr_WIllis ;-)12:25
something132my usb isnt bootable12:26
something132basically it was before but now it isnt12:26
muscasomething132: i did it with unetbootin12:26
something132unetbootin doesnt work for me12:26
something132so i used usb creator12:26
mikeyfbidoes anyone know much about ubuntu base cd/dvd burner that would like to help me?12:26
muscaso im out12:26
something132and it extracted the iso onto the usb12:26
jrib!anyone | mikeyfbi12:26
ubottumikeyfbi: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:26
something132but i cant boot it now12:26
jrib!enter | something13212:26
ubottusomething132: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:26
Dr_Willissomething132:  i use unetbootin to make bootable flash drives..  and even then SOME combos of flash drives and some of my machines dont work right. Ive had luck setting the LBA flag on the flash drive parittions to get some to boot.. but some cases  the pcs are quirky and wont boot from Some of my drives.12:27
something132ok well done for abusing ubottu now help?12:27
DJCMayi installed ubuntu on usb-device, started it and updated it. after reboot i get the message "missing operation system". is the problem the kernel update and how can i resolve this problem?12:27
Dr_Willissomething132:  try booting it on other machines - see if it fails for them as well.12:27
jribsomething132: it's not that I don't want to help you, but I *can't* help you because I don't know how12:27
something132it does12:27
something132it fails on other machines12:27
something132and jrib, dr_willis is helping12:27
mikeyfbimy dvd burner wont burn anymore, here is my error log if someone has the time to check it out12:28
Dr_Willissomething132:   and fails in what way? no menu? error messages?12:28
something132when i go to boot option its not there12:28
mikeyfbierror starts at line 148 i believe12:28
Dr_Willissomething132:  'go to boot option' where exactly?12:28
something132when i turn on pc, f8 and it tells me where to boot from12:29
something132cd hdd and it used to be usb12:29
duffydacksomething132, some usb sticks dont work with booting.  what make is it12:29
jribmikeyfbi: you should search bugs.ubuntu.com for that error and try other tools to burn12:29
tmkthey hey..any easy tricks to watching my first blu-ray disk on ubuntu?12:29
something132it worked b4, just when i extracted it it doenst12:29
duffydacksomething132, well format the usb with fat32, and use usb-creator again12:30
Dr_Willissomething132:  Try setting the LBA flag on the flash drive parititons via  gparted.  ive also had to on occasion reformat flash drives to fat16 and let unetbootin  try a 2nd time..12:30
MissDjaxBarnabas: same problem (12:30
jribtmkt: I believe there is a bluray page on help.ubuntu.com/community12:30
Dr_Willissomething132:  'just when i extracted it' ? means what exactly?12:30
nemesis1911yo can I put gparted-live.iso on a usb and boot from it12:30
something132nemesis1911 yes12:30
Dr_Willisnemesis1911:  you cant just copy a iso to a flash drive - you still have to have some sort of  bootloader/kernel/initrd setup.12:31
something132usb creator12:31
OerHekstmtk: blue ray should not be any problem 4 VLC12:31
Dr_Willisnemesis1911:  unetbootin handles that task and the usb-disk-creator does the same task.12:31
nemesis1911something132 thx.. do I just put the ISO on or do I extract it12:31
something132anyway now it says fat 32 800 mb used12:31
NeoCicakhello.... can anyone tell me how  i can edit my current run level (i.e. i want to stop some program to starts up by default...)12:32
MarkGiHaving a problem with the official Ubuntu postfix documentation here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix12:32
something132and there are no flags when i choose manage flags12:32
jribNeoCicak: sysv-rc-conf12:32
jribNeoCicak: default runlevel is 212:32
MarkGi"Next edit /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf and add the following lines:"12:32
mikeyfbiwhere can i find more info about all of the versions of ubuntu that show at grub12:32
something132nemesis1911: extract it with something like unetbootin or usb creator12:32
nemesis1911Dr_willis: unetbootin?12:32
MarkGithe file doesn't exist!12:32
Dr_Willisnemesis1911:  yes.. thats the name of the tool i use to make bootable flash media12:32
mikeyfbii started with 1 but now have about 7 (im guessing kernel updates)12:32
mikeyfbii just want to learn!  but dont know where to look12:33
jribmikeyfbi: there should be two for every kernel you have installed: normal and recovery.  You can remove old kernel images, but you should keep at least 2 around (and old one and a current one :))12:33
nemesis1911Dr_Willis thx where do I find it12:33
Dr_Willisnemesis1911:  google is our friend. :) its also in the repositories for linux (and downloadable for windows)12:33
Dr_Willis!info unetbootin12:33
mikeyfbijrib cool ... so what exactly is the difference between each of them?12:33
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 304-1 (jaunty), package size 187 kB, installed size 564 kB12:33
nemesis1911got it12:34
kisukecan i get some help setting up a network bridge? got bridge-utils thought i got a bridge configured and it will not work can any sprint me through this?12:34
something132dr_willis, any advice?12:34
jribmikeyfbi: like you said, they are kernel updates.  Usually some security issue, but you can read the changelogs and see exactly12:34
Craig`hey; can someone quickly tell me the command for how I can get the newest wine version? (i've got wine atm)12:34
NeoCicakjrib: thx a lot!12:34
mikeyfbijrib, and do my changes get saved across all of them?  (ie screensaver, or appearance, or desktop icons etc)12:34
jribmikeyfbi: yep, those are independent of the kernel12:34
Dr_Willissomething132:  use gparted and totally repartiion/format the thing and rerun unetbootin on it..   try fat16, lba mode. if you can12:35
Dr_Willissomething132:  try other flash drives if you can also.12:35
kisukecraig try winehq.org i think that is the site might be .com12:35
mikeyfbijrib, so the benefit of keeping them would be like a backup in case the new kernel has issues, right?12:35
DJCMayok, one last time. :)12:35
DJCMayi installed ubuntu on usb-device, started it and updated it. after reboot i get the message "missing operation system". is the problem the kernel update and how can i resolve this problem?12:35
jribmikeyfbi: right, but it doesn't make much sense to keep more than one old one around12:35
mintuxhow can I put comment on pdf ? what software in linux can does that ?12:36
mikeyfbijrib, cool thanks, and could you point me in the direction to find out how to remove them from the grub12:36
mintuxhow can I put comment on pdf ? what software in linux can does that ?12:36
MarkGiIs there a place I can get specific Ubuntu Postfix help?12:36
Dr_WillisDJCMay:  when installed to a usb drive. some times the menu.lst (grub config) gets wrong and used hd1,0  when it should be using hd0,0..  You may want to heck the menu.lst   BUT it sounds like the pc isent even trying to boot from your hard drive...12:36
jribmikeyfbi: if you remove the corresponding linux-image* package, the entry should be removed from grub.  I believe there was some "cruft remover" program that may help doing this as well but have no experience with it12:36
jribMarkGi: this one...12:36
MissDjaxBarnabas: the rt73 module was what caused kernel panic, I commented it out but still have KP ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/274089/ )12:37
mikeyfbijrib, oh so 'uninstal' the whole thing. k gotcha.   i have one more thing to toss your way12:37
mikeyfbijrib, the newest kernel doesn't allow me to burn dvds, but i just loaded an older one to test it, and it works fine12:37
jribmikeyfbi: you should file a bug/ look for an existing one12:38
mikeyfbijrib, gotcha, thanks.  they should allow for a website or 'sig' file on xchat ... you have helped me before and you should get recognition!! lol12:39
DJCMayDr_Willis, thx12:39
kisukecan some one help me set up a networking bridge? thought i had it set up but i cannot connect through it.12:39
DJCMayi'll check that. :)12:39
nemesis1911hey guys which is my usb drive? is it /dev/shm ??12:39
jribnemesis1911: no, probably not12:40
grawitynemesis1911: no, it should be /dev/sdsomething.12:40
Snicks|TWwhi everybody, i got a GRUB error 18, fresh installed machine with windows xp + ubuntu 9.04(first installed XP, there-after ubuntu); already asked in #GRUB but it seems i gotta be here because it's an old GRUB-version. anybody knows what it exactly mean && howto fix it?12:40
grawitynemesis1911: sudo fdisk -l, it should show all drives12:40
something132what does flag fba do?12:40
something132fla i dunno12:40
kisukenemesis1911 probably something like /dev/hdb12:40
Dr_Willissomething132:  'lba'12:41
Dr_Willissomething132:  'long block addressing'12:41
ksiezniczka#j poland12:41
Dr_WillisSome of my flash drives wont boot in some machines unless the partition is flagged 'lba'12:41
nemesis1911/dev/sdb1  I think12:41
mikeyfbijrib, one last question.  what would you say the potential risk is of being connected to the internet using an older kernel?  worth worrying about?12:41
something132so how will it affect it12:42
something132shouldnt i check the boot thing as well?12:42
Dr_Willissomething132:  very little affect.. just made the thing boot better.. yes flag it bootable also.12:42
Edward123adding a SubSectin "Display" to xorg.conf seems to cause a syntax error?12:43
Edward123i'm looking to specify Modes directly12:43
jribmikeyfbi: depends really... If you don't have random people connecting to your machine, you should be fine.  You have to read the changelogs to see exactly what was fixed12:43
something132brb testing12:43
Snicks|TWwhi everybody, i got a GRUB error 18, fresh installed machine with windows xp + ubuntu 9.04(first installed XP, there-after ubuntu); already asked in #GRUB but it seems i gotta be here because it's an old GRUB-version. anybody knows what it exactly mean && howto fix it?12:43
legend2440!paste > me12:44
ubottulegend2440, please see my private message12:44
mikeyfbijrib, thx again12:44
legend2440Edward123: here is an example   http://paste.ubuntu.com/274095/12:45
hipodilskihi guys, I have one ubuntu install currently having installed a number of packages, I would like somehow to install the same packages to another ubuntu system, how can I do that?12:45
nemesis1911thx a lot guys .. I"m outa here PEACE OUT12:46
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:46
grawityhipodilski: See above12:46
Edward123hrm legend2440 that's teh example i was working from by the looks of it - from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver12:46
Edward123also something very strange has just happened to my display, certain stuff just is not showing up heh12:46
Edward123i do ls -alh and a load of files turn up but not their filenames12:46
legend2440Edward123: yes thats the one i used12:46
mikeyfbi!paste > me12:47
ubottumikeyfbi, please see my private message12:47
kisukeSnicks|TWw: as i recall that error is caused by grub being out side of the HDD area that the BIOS can access this problem was on http://www.ubuntufoums.org this morning12:47
Dr_WillisEdward123:  Hmm..  what filenames do they show?12:47
Edward123seemaybe i typoed12:47
Edward123Dr_Willis i think it's some sort of formatting issue12:47
Edward123if i run ls -alh all i can see is 'tmp' and some symlinks12:47
Dr_Willishmm -al and -alh look about the same here...12:48
Dr_Willisone has more spaces btween some items :)12:48
Sagacihipodilski: or you can use synaptic to copy the same list12:48
Edward123yeah it was fine until a minute ago... wtf12:48
Thehello ppls12:49
TweyCan I upgrade Ubuntu $veryoldversion to the latest remotely?12:49
=== The is now known as Guest90265
toniiTwey: not without lots of trouble12:49
TweyI'm not sure quite which version it is, but it has kernel 2.6.15-26-68612:49
TweyHm :-\12:49
Guest90265sorry how do i change my nick?12:49
TweyGuest90265: /nick <newnick>12:49
legend2440!version | Twey12:50
ubottuTwey: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »12:50
Snicks|TWwkisuke, do you know which topic i can find it in?12:50
=== Guest90265 is now known as The
Tweylegend2440: Dapper12:50
=== The is now known as The_One
The_Oneim back12:50
gizeroIn /etc/modules I can list the modules I want loaded at startup, but what's the official way to supply arguments to such a module?12:51
legend2440Twey: you might be better off doing a fresh install12:51
Tweylegend2440: I don't think that's an option.12:51
The_Onethanks Twey!12:51
The_Onethanks Twey12:51
TweyI'll just have to get in contact with the hosting service, I guess.12:51
TweyThe_One: You're welcome.  ☺12:51
kisukecan i get some help setting up a bridge connection beteween my ethernet and wifi connections? i installed bridge-utills created a bridge, added eth0 and wlan0 to the bridge, then started it and it still did not work12:51
The_Onehello eucalre12:52
The_Onehows it going?12:52
eucalreyou tell me ;)12:52
The_Onesettle down...12:52
The_Oneso this is the ubuntu IRC het...12:53
wensong_HITjust a test12:53
The_Oneyou guys instlled skype?12:53
natschil!enter   |The_One12:53
ubottuThe_One: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:53
The_Onesure thing 'ubotto'12:54
The_Onehang on12:54
natschilThe_One: to install skype, just download the ubuntu packages from the skype website, it works fine for me12:54
bazhang!skype > The_One12:54
The_Oneu use pulseaudio?12:54
ubottuThe_One, please see my private message12:54
natschilThe_One: I've come across some skype errors though, where you have to run kill -9 pulseaudio (Alt+F2 and then type "kill -9 pulseaudio" ) to get skype sound to work.12:55
The_Onei installed pulseaudio12:55
The_Oneand then removed12:55
The_Oneit works fine with ALSA12:56
The_Onewhat does esound do?12:56
natschil!info esound | The_One12:56
ubottuThe_One: esound (source: esound): Enlightened Sound Daemon - Support binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.40-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 27 kB, installed size 100 kB12:56
jophishwhat should I put in my etc/exports folder to share /data with 192.168.0.* with full access12:56
The_Oneholly hell...that bot thing is cool12:56
kisukesnicks|tww: not off the top of my head running off of live CD atm so cant check history sorry search "grub error 18" without quotes sorry i cant help you any more good luck12:57
jophishhi diogo_7912:57
zhoujingruihi guys i want to know can i got a free ubuntu CD in china?12:57
MarkGiHi, I am trying to setup postfix on Ubuntu using this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto  And I fail at the "Test your default setup" step.   Here is my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m5bb5a3c712:57
Snicks|TWwkisuke, i'll try :)12:58
Dr_Williszhoujingrui:  go to the shipit web site and try.12:58
ubottushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send Jaunty (9.04) CDs12:58
diogo_79is possible with ubuntu 64 bits run some web sites that required windows media player ?12:58
Dr_Willisdiogo_79:  got a site to test? in many cases the mplayer plugins for firefox can play them.12:58
zhoujingruii tired but i didnot received12:58
=== Hirnblaehung is now known as [x_O]
kisukecan i get some help setting up a bridge connection beteween my ethernet and wifi connections? i installed bridge-utills created a bridge, added eth0 and wlan0 to the bridge, then started it and it still did not work, does anyone have any idea what i am doing wrong12:59
kisukezhoujingrui: can you burn/know someone who can burn CDs?13:00
nemesis1911hey is there any other boot parition programs other then gparted cuz gparted makes my LCD monitor go out of range ;(..13:00
mslootwegkisuke: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge13:00
kisukemslootweg: thanks will try now13:01
^mNotIntelligenthi all13:01
Dr_Willisdiogo_79:  well it pops up a player..  asks if i want to use silverlight, or wmp.. i selected wmp././  It seem to be playing but i dont hear anythng.13:01
diogo_79you have ubuntu 64 bits13:01
mslootwegnemesis: how does gparted make your monitor go out of range?13:02
=== The is now known as The_One
Dr_WillisI am on 64bits  but this box is my karmic test box.13:02
The_Oneanyone from Australia13:02
bazhang!au > The_One13:02
ubottuThe_One, please see my private message13:02
diogo_79is there a good software for listen radio13:03
The_Onei dont know13:03
rskidiogo_79: try mplayer url13:03
The_Onewhats the code for vlc player13:03
The_Onesudo apt-get install vlc?13:03
nemesis1911mslootweg .. gparted boots cuz I put it on usb flash drive and then when I'm about to getinto the program my screen says that its out of range 75.4hzz.. 60.. .. something like that13:03
bazhangThe_One, yes13:03
The_OneThe_One, yes?13:04
The_Oneis someone talking about me?13:04
Dr_Willisdiogo_79:  theres dozens of ways to 'listen to radio' i  tend to use streamtuner, and audacious13:04
mslootwegnemesis: After your monitor is out of range type Ctrl+Alt+Backspace to drop to a command promt. Run "Forcevideo" and select vesa as your video driver13:04
bazhang<The_One> sudo apt-get install vlc?   <----- yes13:04
legend2440Snicks|TWw: are you still here?13:04
The_Onewhy is your name yellow..u OP?13:05
ActionParsnipThe_One: when someone starts a line with your name, it lets you know they are addressing you and also highlights the text ni your chosen irc client13:05
Dr_WillisThe_One:  whos yellow?13:05
bazhangThe_One, did you have any other support questions?13:05
joey__i am!13:05
The_Onebazhang hiu13:05
The_Onedid it work13:05
ActionParsnipDr_Willis: homer simpson13:05
joey__sorry im new to this13:05
The_Onejoey__ hello13:05
mslootwegnemesis: You might need to run "startx" to get the gui to start again.13:05
ursusHello. My wife has a notebook and Ubuntu 9.04 on it. She uses a headphone or a speaker, but the sound comes from the notebook as well. We tried on other OS, but there wasn't problem, so I guess there is a settings on Ubuntu. How can I fix it?13:05
The_Onejoey__ hows it going?13:06
joey__the_one      you guys here talk about ubuntu?13:06
joey__pretty good13:06
bazhangjoey__, yes13:06
The_Onejoey__ im new13:06
joey__just installed ubuntu and i am very impressed13:06
jetscreamerno... no talking about ubuntu in #ubuntu13:06
The_Onebazhang is the yellow thing working for me?13:06
ActionParsnipursus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=798945   looks like you need some extra options in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base13:07
The_Onebazhang ?13:07
jetscreamerdang, i ran him off13:07
bazhangThe_One, did you have any support questions? chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic13:07
ActionParsnipursus: you will need to find the one specific to your model13:07
ursusActionParsnip, thank you, I'll check it!13:07
The_Onesupport questions...i can answer support questions...provide support13:07
The_Onebazhang ?13:08
IledenHi! I'm trying to create a LVM partition, but something isn't working - I get an error message "Device /dev/mmcblk0p1 not found (or ignored by filtering)."  /dev/mmcblk0p1 is an unformatted partition I've created with fdisk. How can I debug this issue?13:08
The_Onebazhang have u heard of scissa.org.au13:08
MyrttiThe_One: great, welcome!13:08
The_OneMyrtti hello13:08
Iledenoops, forgot the command...13:08
Simtooni need help13:08
The_OneMyrtti do i know u?13:08
bazhangSimtoon, then ask a question13:09
IledenHi! I'm trying to create a LVM partition, but something isn't working - when I run "sudo pvcreate /dev/mmcblk0p1" I get an error message "Device /dev/mmcblk0p1 not found (or ignored by filtering)."  /dev/mmcblk0p1 is an unformatted partition I've created with fdisk. How can I debug this issue?13:09
ActionParsnip!lvm | Ileden13:09
ubottuIleden: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:09
Hilariousityhey guize! I am compiling firefox and would like to know what graphics toolkit ubuntu uses. I know its either gtk2 or cairo-gtk2 but am not sure which one13:09
MyrttiThe_One: as said before, this is mainly for support issues, so if you want to discuss on more relaxed and a bit more free topics, then join #ubuntu-offtopic for that13:09
SimtoonI have a D-Link DWL-G520M wireless card and it wont work13:09
Simtoonin ubuntu13:09
The_OneMyrtti oh cheers13:09
bazhangSimtoon, what chipset; usb or builtin13:10
Simtoonbazhang, pci13:10
mohan1hi, how to verify my sound drivers?13:10
bazhangSimtoon, lspci will tell the chipset (in terminal)13:10
Black_PhantomHello when I run "compiz --replace" I get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/274106/13:10
Simtoonbazhang, http://www.dlink.com.au/Products.aspx?Sec=1&Sub1=18&Sub2=46&PID=11113:10
ActionParsnipHilariousity: http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.builds/browse_thread/thread/e006531c1f95932a says cairo-gtk is now default for official builds13:10
Black_PhantomHow do I fix this ?13:10
mslootwegMohan1: cat /proc/sound/cards (or a file like that)13:10
IledenActionParsnip: the help file isn't unfortuately helping me :)13:11
Simtoonbazhang, 04:01.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5513 802.11abg Wireless NIC (rev 01)13:11
Hilariousitythank you much ActionParsnip13:11
bazhangSimtoon, you should see something in hardware drivers for that13:11
Snicks|TWwlegend2440, i'm still there; what's up?13:11
allan_hello there13:11
mohan1mslootweg: command says no such file or directory13:11
jophishwould somebody be able to take a look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127015213:11
ActionParsnipSimtoon: seems to be supported by madwifi13:11
Simtoonbazhang, only my graphics13:11
legend2440Snicks|TWw: did you fix grub 18 error?13:11
ActionParsnipSimtoon: http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1242513:12
Black_Phantomanybody http://paste.ubuntu.com/274106/ ? compiz --replace13:12
ShapeShifter499anyone know how to use freecast13:12
ShapeShifter499I can't get it working13:12
mohan1mslootweg: how to check whether sound drivers are installed?13:12
mslootwegmohan: Sorry it's /proc/asound/cards. If there are entries there you should have an functioning sound driver13:12
Zermelo-FraenkelHey Guys , After having the same problem as described here: http://start.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1009417, I have an MSI VR 630 too13:12
ActionParsnipBlack_Phantom: I'd use that output in #compiz13:12
Black_Phantomoh ok13:13
Snicks|TWwlegend2440, not yet, i'm trying so at the moment so stand by ;) will be away for couple of minutes to fix it (chat will remain; is on another computer13:13
Zermelo-FraenkelMy synatics mouse touch pad doesn't work after following the instructions there13:13
Argoshey all13:13
mohan1mslootweg: this command also giving same resutl13:13
Zermelo-Fraenkeldoes anyone know the solution13:13
Argosanyone use Gdesklets13:13
Zermelo-FraenkelTo get the mouse working13:13
Zermelo-Fraenkelor manually load the mouse driver13:13
mohan1mslootweg: how to check whether sound drivers are installed?13:13
rskimohan1: type alsamixer in a terminal13:14
Zermelo-FraenkelDoes anyone know how to manually load individual drivers13:14
SimtoonActionParsnip, The requested URL /wiki/Chipsets was not found on this server.13:14
mohan1rski: its giving "No mixer elems found"13:14
SimtoonActionParsnip, the links on the madwifi doesnt work13:14
=== montel is now known as MontelEdwards
cruzciao a tutti13:15
IdleOneZermelo-Fraenkel did you enable SHMConfig?13:15
ActionParsnipSimtoon: then you need to download it from a repo or download source from the madwifi project to compile13:15
Argosanyone know how to use gdeslets13:15
IdleOne!it | cruz13:15
ubottucruz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:15
Zermelo-FraenkelIdealOne: What is that?13:15
w00kHi guys,does anyone know how to make X-chat gnome dive back into the system tray, when i close it13:15
mslootwegmohan: seems like you drivers aren't loaded then. Any idea what your soundcard is?13:15
IdleOneZermelo-Fraenkel https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad#shmconfig13:15
mohan1mslootweg: i am not sure about it.. how should i check it.?13:16
mohan1mslootweg: it should be intel HDA13:16
mslootwegmohan: lspci | grep audio13:16
mohan1mslootweg: its giving nothing13:16
mslootwegAnd lspci | grep hda ?13:17
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages13:17
mohan1mslootweg: this one also same..13:17
Zermelo-FraenkelIdeaOne: No I didn't do that, let me try that once, also did you get what's my problem?, it is this: http://start.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1009417  I have the same machine and same problem13:17
mslootwegmohen: What's the output of aplay -l ?13:17
mohan1mslootweg: "aplay: device_list:215: no soundcards found..."13:18
mslootwegMmkays: this wiki page is awesome: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting13:18
mslootwegMaybe that'll help :)13:18
mohan1mslootweg: ok thanks..13:19
ActionParsnipZermelo-Fraenkel: apparently the touchpad has a kill switch to turn it off and on. Is the device enabled?13:19
mslootwegmohen: Start with sound modules, I think that's the problem13:19
=== afreeapple is now known as s
mohan1mslootweg: ok13:20
Zermelo-FraenkelIdealOne: Yeah the device must be on, I'm not sure ?13:20
Zermelo-FraenkelActionParsnip: The device must be on13:20
ravenwho know something about using INSTANTGRID - please pn me... tnx13:20
=== s is now known as Guest34765
=== Guest34765 is now known as freeapple
Zermelo-FraenkelActionParsnip: I followed the solution given here: http://start.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100941713:20
IdleOneZermelo-Fraenkel someone has the 64bit ubuntu running on that model13:20
Zermelo-FraenkelIdealOne: Yes I have an AMD Sempron x86_64 too13:21
ursusHow can I find the model name of my sound device?13:21
ActionParsnipZermelo-Fraenkel: thats just a whole lot about installing the video drivers13:22
Zermelo-FraenkelIdeaOne: I can go the last step instructed http://start.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1009417 but that's exactly where I'm stuck now13:22
legend2440mohan1: if lspci is not detecting soundcard perhaps it isn't seated properly. is the soundcard on the motherboard or a seperate card?13:22
ActionParsnipursus: lspci | grep -i audio13:22
mohan1mslootweg: http://nopaste.com/p/a7vBUIUtD13:22
Zermelo-FraenkelActionParsnip: What the thread I sent you?13:22
ursusActionParsnip, thank you13:22
mohan1legend2440: sound card is on motherboard.. i am using Intel 945 model13:22
SimtoonActionParsnip, i use ubuntu isnt it already installed?13:23
mohan1legend2440: http://nopaste.com/p/a7vBUIUtD13:23
ActionParsnipZermelo-Fraenkel: yes, I'd try a reboot, then press alt+f2, type gnome-terminal, press enter and then run: dmesg | less13:23
MarkGiBit more info on my postfix problems: Bit more info: http://pastebin.com/m587400a113:23
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:23
ActionParsnipSimtoon: no as many wifi devices do not use it13:23
ActionParsnipZermelo-Fraenkel: that output will hopefully show the device coming online13:24
Zermelo-FraenkelActionParsnip: What the thread I sent you?)13:24
ActionParsnipZermelo-Fraenkel: as well as any issues, you may want to try some bootoptions to disable kernel functionality to hopefully get the device up13:24
Zermelo-FraenkelActionParsnip: Ok how do I do that13:24
ActionParsnipZermelo-Fraenkel: all I could see in thee forum you pasted was about installing the nvidia drivers13:25
ActionParsnipbootoptions | Zermelo-Fraenkel13:25
mslootwegmohan: You're missing some sound modules, run: "sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic" and "sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic"13:25
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | Zermelo-Fraenkel13:25
ubottuZermelo-Fraenkel: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions13:25
Zermelo-FraenkelActionParsnip: yeah that's the only problem I have13:25
ActionParsnipZermelo-Fraenkel: i'd read dmesg first, see whats going on13:25
Zermelo-FraenkelActionParsnip: I know what is boot options, my questions was what to be disabled in kernel13:26
Zermelo-FraenkelActionParsnip: thanks, I' ll try that13:26
mohan1mslootweg: ok i will try those commands..13:26
rojanuWhat is the channel for karmic?13:28
geirharojanu: #ubuntu+113:28
rojanugeirha: thanks13:29
Seren__I got a stupid problem, under the debconf interface that is launched when you installed a packet13:29
Seren__I don't know how to select an item in a list13:29
Seren__tab is used to switch to one item to the other13:29
IdleOne!pm | Zermelo-Fraenkel13:29
ubottuZermelo-Fraenkel: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:29
Seren__but I can't remember how do you select an item13:29
Zermelo-FraenkelIdealOne: It's hard to talk here everything gets confusing13:30
Zermelo-FraenkelIdealOne: Nobody can see what I'm saying so much confusion13:30
Zermelo-FraenkelIdealOne: Anyway I roll with it, if thats what everyone wants13:31
IdleOneZermelo-Fraenkel I understand but I think you will get better advice from the channel.13:31
Zermelo-FraenkelIdealOne: Okay, great. I'll stick here13:31
gladiatorhi .. can someone point me to a tutorial on how to set up ssl on my local machine13:32
mslootweggladiator: ssl is encryption, what do you want to encrypt?13:32
Zermelo-FraenkelHey everyone I have to logout and come back login on a different machine13:32
alexlabanHello can someone help me with a problem? I got rtorrent running on its own account named rt and when I download stuff with rtorrent it's owner and group is automatically set to rt now this is fine the problem is that the rt group only got permission to access the files and not delete files and such so how would I do so on new files the rt group automatically got full permission to the files so I don't have to edit the permissions all the time?13:32
gladiatori have some code of a website which requires ssl support https basically13:32
gladiatormslootweg ssl for apache13:32
Zermelo-FraenkelIdealOne: I will come back on a different machine since I have to try fixing ubuntu on this machine13:33
toniigladiator: apache+SSL in google13:33
ActionParsnipalexlaban: add your username to the rt group13:33
toniilots and lots of good guided13:33
mslootweggladiator: ah righto. lemme check13:33
bazhangZermelo-Fraenkel, try to tab complete---> idl<tab>13:33
Zermelo-Fraenkelbazhang: what is idl <tab>13:33
alexlabanActionParsnip: This is what I've done13:34
bazhangZermelo-Fraenkel, try typing those letters and hitting tab13:34
MarkGiCan someone tell me what procmail does?   I am trying to setup postfix and see this error in the log:  Command died with status 127: "procmail -a "$EXTENSION"". Command output: sh: procmail: not found )   Is procmail also required?13:34
gladiatortonii: i did .. but theres so much out dated stuff .. most of the packages dont exist anymore :S13:34
alexlabanProblem is that the rt group doesn't have full permission to the files13:34
alexlabanand folders13:34
mslootweggladiator: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html13:34
Zermelo-Fraenkelbazhang: oh okay13:34
ActionParsnipalexlaban: then give the group rw access to the data13:34
Zermelo-Fraenkelbazhang: accidentally hit tab13:34
toniigladiator: ah. fun ;D13:34
IdleOnebazhang Good morning13:35
mslootweggladiator: scrap that link if you have 9.04 it's been changed, for jaunty: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html13:35
bazhangIdleOne, good evening :)13:35
alexlabanActionParsnip: Well everytime I download something new the rt group only got access to the files but can't change or delete them this is what my problem is13:36
harishfirefox is not working but opera working fine in 9.0413:36
gladiatormstoolweg: ive tried this link .. it doesnt work .. and yes im on 90413:36
ActionParsnipalexlaban: maybe theres an option in rtorrent to change the chmod values of created files13:36
bazhangharish, not working? wont load at all? what version of FF13:36
alexlabanActionParsnip: That's what I want but I can't find it that's why I'm asking here13:37
ShapeShifter499DOES anyone know how to use freecast?????13:37
alexlabancd ../13:37
bazhangShapeShifter499, what is that13:37
creative1412guys I got a friend having a performance issue with "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device"  any ideas?13:38
ActionParsnipalexlaban: i'd read ~/.rtorrent.rc13:38
ShapeShifter499link--------> freecast.org13:38
ActionParsnipalexlaban: theres a sample one in /usr/share/doc/rtorrent/examples/rtorrent.rc13:38
bazhangharish, please clarify on not working13:39
Dr_Willis!intel | creative141213:39
ubottucreative1412: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.13:39
ubu4hi everyone13:39
alexlabanActionParsnip: I've read through the files but I find nothing about it there only were it should save the files that's the closest thing.13:40
ubu4i wanna edit and change an application13:40
ubu4can anyone help me13:40
ubu4my problem is :13:41
ubu4i m trying to make work a old tablet13:41
alexlabanActionParsnip: So do you know if it's possible to solve my problem?13:41
ubu4i maneged it with inputattach13:41
harishIts showing "browser is in offline mode and it is not connecting" I also checked proxy13:42
creative1412Dr_Willis: Thanks :]13:42
IdleOneShapeShifter499 Freecast has an irc channel on irc.tryphon.org13:43
legend2440harish: in firefox open  File   is Work offline  marked?13:43
ShapeShifter499didn't know that13:43
ShapeShifter499tnx IdleOne13:43
ShapeShifter499crud no one is there13:45
bl34ryguys i run ubuntu,and i need a workable driver for my pc camera "0c45:627b Microdia PC Camera (SN9C201)" any idea wherecan i download?i tried some before but they didnt work13:45
IdleOneShapeShifter499 they also have a forum and wiki . links on the main site13:46
alexlabanSo anyone know how to change the chmod values of rtorrent so it sets group to full permissions?13:46
coz_bl34ry,  I didint read through this but check here   http://www.64bitjungle.com/tech/microdia-webcam-0c54-experimental-drivers-installation-and-testing-part-1/13:46
ShapeShifter499IdleOne: there is no fourm on the site13:47
bl34rycoz_ thank you13:47
IdleOneShapeShifter499 click on support up top of the page13:47
coz_bl34ry,  no problem you can also use this google search string      ubuntu 9.04 0c45:627b Microdia PC Camera13:48
ShapeShifter499I did13:48
ShapeShifter499IdleOne: I did13:48
IdleOneShapeShifter499 what problem are you having? I don't know the program but if you explain what is going on maybe someone can help13:49
zilleplusLdleOne you know savage???13:49
IdleOnezilleplus sorry no13:49
erUSULalexlaban: if you are running rtorrent it will use your umask value.. change that13:50
dattacan anyone help me configure media setup in ubuntu?13:50
BookmanI have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and followed the directions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs and still no luck playing dvds.13:50
legend2440IdleOne: everybody is mangling your name today13:50
The_Onewhich media player?13:50
dattai want to listen to bbc but the embedded player does not work13:50
zilleplushey sec why don't you use utorrent ore is there no version for ubuntu??13:50
IdleOnelegend2440 yeah I noticed. :)13:50
dattai want to use vlc or realplayer for the audio13:50
The_Onevlc hey13:51
zilleplusVLC is the best13:51
The_Oneyup thats good13:51
zilleplus+ there is good ubuntu version13:51
dattai know it's the best but how do u make it run in ubuntu? for firefox?13:51
alexlabanerUSUL> How would I do that?13:51
The_Oneeven in windows it's the best!13:51
zilleplussec i give you link13:51
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.13:51
coz_datta,  bbc   do you have link for    that I want to try it with mplayer13:51
zilleplusdata 3 sec13:51
mslootweg0bookman: Did you get the packages from http://www.medibuntu.org/ ?13:52
Bookmanmslootweg0: No13:52
zilleplusdata: http://en.kioskea.net/forum/affich-21675-vlc-for-ubuntu-8-0413:52
The_Onei got skype working if anyones interested!!!!!13:53
zilleplusgive respons if it worked data13:53
mslootweg0bookman: Did you install libdvdcss?13:53
erUSULalexlaban: set a new umask in ~/.profile13:53
dattacoz_: here u go http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/bengali/meta/tx/beng_provati?size=au&bgc=003399&lang=bn&nbram=1&nbwm=113:53
harishfirefox is not working???13:53
zilleplusyea also use skype13:53
zillepluszilleplus is my name13:53
Bookmanmslootweg0: yes, as per https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs13:53
The_Onefun to set up hey!! lot of trouble!13:53
legend2440harish: in firefox open  File   is Work offline  checked?13:53
dattaand i was using the mplayer which was giving me trouble so i uninstalled it13:53
The_Onezilleplus hello13:53
dattanow it says: We are sorry but you don't appear to have any compatible media plugins.13:54
The_Onezilleplus The_One is my name13:54
coz_datta,  is this streaming radio?13:54
harishya  it is working offline. I also checked the proxy for the same13:55
mslootweg0bookman: I'm not sure. Try VLC, it usually gives quite clear error messages13:55
Pirate_Hunterhi need help more like wanting someone to guide me by telling me which folders are imprtant to backup or to have an extra backup off?13:55
The_Onezilleplus how did you get skype working?13:55
alexlabanerUSUL: Theres a commented line "umask 022" What should I set it to if I want full permission on group rt and user rt?13:55
zilleplussec let me think13:55
zilleplussudo apt-get install skype i think13:55
ursusActionParsnip, thank you for your help with my jack and sound settings. I don't say, that I understood what I did, but it works. :P13:55
Bookmanmslootweg0: Playback failure:13:55
BookmanDVDRead could not read block 0.13:55
erUSULalexlaban: 002 ?13:55
jribPirate_Hunter: /home and anything else *you* modify (maybe /etc)13:56
dattacoz_: yes13:56
The_Onezilleplus did it work13:56
zilleplusactionparsnip oow yes didn't know hes still on chat13:56
zillepluswell i have ubuntu 8.10 and i worked13:56
The_Onezilleplus u use pulseaudio?13:56
ActionParsnipursus: if it works then its cool, you could run: history    to review13:56
coz_datta,   let me see if streamtuner picks this up13:56
dattabut now it's not even only bbc that's not working every media in the whole computer is uncompitible13:56
zilleplusi tought else i give link sec13:56
ActionParsnipzilleplus: ?13:56
dattacoz_: ok13:56
alexlabanerUSUL: In which base/typr are permissions in the umask written?13:57
The_Onezilleplus pulseaudio?13:57
zilleplusyou helped me with i server i tought actionparsnip13:57
gladiatorcan someone help me with this error: ocalhost:443 uses an invalid security certificate.13:57
gladiatorThe certificate is not trusted because it is self signed.13:57
gladiatorThe certificate is only valid for <a id="cert_domain_link" title="ubuntu">(null)</a>13:57
gladiator(Error code: sec_error_untrusted_issuer)13:57
gladiator im trying to setup ssl with apache13:57
FloodBot2gladiator: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:57
dattaplease just help me set up a way to see media/ hear on ubuntu13:57
ActionParsnipzilleplus: possibly13:57
dattacause now i have uninstalled everything and nothing seems working13:57
tmkt4 hrs...and not any closer to getting blue ray going what a pita13:57
The_Onezilleplus u use pulseaudio?13:57
zilleplusdon't know pulseaudio there is a special skype version for linux13:57
erUSULalexlaban: is a negative mask on chmod octal values. if you want 777 umask is 000 if you want 755 umask is 022 etc..13:57
o_portista17does anyone know how to change the network adapter, from eth1 to eth0 ? it was eth0, but since an update, its eth1, and it's causing some problems with some programs..13:57
erUSULo_portista17: edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules13:58
ActionParsnipo_portista17: dont ask in both channels, you look silly13:58
alexlabanerUSUL: Ahh thanks13:58
ActionParsnipo_portista17: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100728513:58
The_Onezilleplus YES but it said to insatll pulseaudio13:58
mslootweg0bookman: I suggest you remove libdvdread and install libdvdcss from medibuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu13:58
o_portista17ActionParsnip, sorry, and tks13:58
The_Onezilleplus so i did13:58
o_portista17erUSUL, tks13:58
Pirate_Hunterjrib: yeah it setup to backup / while excluding /media/*, hmm might just create an extra backup for /etc/ not sure about home its for a webserver I think /var/www/ is more important maybe im just getting carried away with backups13:58
The_Onezilleplus and it screwed up everything13:58
dattaonly moonlight and flash is working fine13:59
zillepluswath is the problem13:59
The_Onezilleplus i uninstalled it13:59
zilleplusyes and then13:59
erUSULo_portista17: no problem13:59
The_Onezilliplus in ubunut forums it said to install pulseaudio13:59
Bookmanmslootweg0: so the instructions on that ubuntu webpage are faulty?  Should this be a bug?13:59
zilleplusno you haven't to13:59
=== ghost is now known as Guest30894
coz_datta,   try this link in your browser   http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/meta/tx/nb/live_news_au_nb.ram  or in rhythmbox player14:00
IdleOne!who | zilleplus14:00
ubottuzilleplus: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:00
The_Onezilliplus yeah hey, i wish i had asked you first14:00
harishany help please "firefox not working"14:00
coz_datta,  not sure if that is what you want14:00
mslootweg0Bookman: I don't think so, Medibuntu also has libdvdcss2, which is required to play encrypted dvd's. libdvdread just can't play those.14:00
legend2440harish: sorry didnt understand your last response   but if there is a check mark next to Work Offline under  File  then uncheck it14:00
The_Onezilliplus sorry how?14:00
The_Onei thought i was14:00
mslootweg0Bookman: If you're trying to play a commercial dvd it's probably encrypted. mebibbuntu should solve your problems then :)14:00
ActionParsnipharish: can you expand please14:00
dattacoz_ it's just a byte sized file14:00
The_Onezilliplus tab?14:00
dattanot helping please14:00
zilleplusThe_One: sec14:01
coz_datta,  do you have mozilla-mplayer  installed?14:01
o_portista17erUSUL, sorry about the dumb question, but i have to change all fields with "eth1" back to "eth0" ?14:01
The_Onezilliplus im new to IRC been linux offline for ages14:01
coz_datta,  that is working here in firefox  with the mozilla-mplayer plugin installed which is in the repositories14:01
Bookmanmslootweg0: yes, but that webpage says that that is exactly what the driver is for.  Playing encrypted dvds.14:01
zilleplusThe_One: can you wait sec need to look link up14:02
Callum_Bookman: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" to install everything you might or might not need, including non-free codecs and fonts14:02
erUSULo_portista17: probably. check the MAC of your wifi and see what of the rules apply to it. change that to eth0 then edit the others so two cards do not get the same iface name14:02
dattadon't think so coz_: not not working even with mplayer14:02
The_Onezilliplus oh14:02
o_portista17ok, tks14:02
coz_datta,  do you have rhythmbox?14:02
BookmanCallum_: I tried that.  Still no luck.  No ATI, wireless or dvd playing14:02
dattacoz_: no because i thought maybe having vlc will get everything running14:03
Callum_Bookman: non-free video drivers are installed differently, as are wireless drivers14:03
fuzzy_resolved!! SLi working on ubuntu Jaunty!!14:03
Callum_fuzzy_: lucky =(14:03
mslootweg0bookman: hmm, true. the libdvdcss packages is having copyright issues. I suggest you try getting medbibuntu to work first. It does not have those issues14:03
coz_datta, well what I did just now is open rhythmbox  go to Music  New internet radio station    paste that link  and it is playing14:04
zilleplusthe one: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype14:04
dattacoz_: but isn't there anyway to use mediaplayerconnectivy the firefox plugin for this14:04
dattai have that installed but not working14:04
coz_datta,   well  as I said...i am using mozilla-mplayer plugin with firefox  and with that link it does play via firefox14:05
coz_datta,  also rhythmbox with that link I gave you also plays that station    I am not sure about vlc  or mplayer applications though14:05
Callum_Bookman: "sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/`lsb_release -cs`.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list && sudo apt-get -q update && sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get -q update" doesn't work to install Medibuntu?14:06
tim167_hello, i have a wacom bluetooth tablet...i followed the tutorial to install it, but i get 'failed pairing device' when trying to connect it , can anyone help ?14:06
dos|equisGuys, need help!14:06
dos|equisI cant access my home folder anymore14:06
wizzhow to restart a browser. i use firefox14:07
The_Onewizz hello14:07
BookmanCallum_: Now do I have to uninstall everything that I've already tried?14:07
zilleplusdos equiq: hmm is it ext3??14:07
wizzyes The_One14:07
Callum_Bookman: Nope, all that just installs the Medibuntu repository14:07
dos|equiszilleplus : yes14:07
tim167_wizz: type in a terminal: killall firefox14:07
coz_tim167_,  mmm   I dont have a bluetooth wacom.... actually I didnt know they made them... I have a usb intuos3 here so I dont think I can help although if no one here can solve this you could try  ##linux  channel  for broader knowledge base14:07
Callum_Bookman: After using that you can install libdvdcss2 with "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2"14:08
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
tim167_coz_: thanks14:08
wizzthanks bro, tim167_14:08
ravenhow to save mails (evolution) as  several txt/eml files?14:08
zilleplusdos equis: hmm sudo shutdown now    and chos the mem check14:08
mohan1mslootweg0: hi i am back, i installed sound related modules as u suggested.. though it took bit more time. its success. but my sound volume low..14:09
The_OneHOW do you find out who is on an IRC channel?14:09
dos|equiszilleplus : I've some files a while ago in synaptic manager14:09
geirhaThe_One: /names #channel14:09
p2rn4Hello, I plugged my 17 inch acer LCD to laptop via vga port with ubuntu and how to do I direct picture to acer LCD14:09
BookmanCallum_: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate14:09
legend2440dos|equis:  in terminal type   nautilus ~/    any errors?14:09
wizzhow to put a program in startup manager?14:09
Callum_Bookman: what?14:10
The_Onegeirha even if u in that channel?14:10
Anthraxhow do i check which version of ubuntu  i have?14:10
dos|equiszilleplus : I've deleted some files a while ago in synaptic manager. I restarted my system several times.14:10
BookmanCallum_: that is what I get when I try to install libdvdcss214:10
IdleOneAnthrax lsb_release -a14:10
zilleplusdos equis: enter iin terminal "sudo shutdown now"    and chos the mem check14:10
BookmanCallum_: with medibuntu repos turned on14:10
herlimenezesHello, good morning (Im at GMT -3).14:10
websurfer1If anyone can tell me why I keep getting "gio-2.0.vapi:593.10-593.21: error: The type name `GLib.Variant' could not be found" no matter what i try while compiling abraca i will give you a great big hug :D14:10
zilleplusdos equis :the he will repaire14:10
Callum_herlimenezes: UTC+12 here, 1:11am14:11
mslootweg0Mohan: Heya, glad to know you got some sound. did you turn up the volume all the way using the speaker icon in the upper right corner of the screen14:11
dos|equiszilleplus : What do you mean?14:11
legend2440dos|equis:  in terminal type   nautilus ~/    any errors?14:11
Deinherlimenezes: +1 here14:11
^mNotIntelligentherlimenezes, hi GM14:11
mohan1mslootweg0: speaker icon is not coming on right corner now.. my stupid mistake . i only removed it few days back14:11
herlimenezesI got a trouble here. What can I do in order to get my 3G modem ZTE MF100?14:12
mslootweg0Bookman: try uninstalling libdvdread14:12
BookmanCallum_: I tried what you asked and that is what I get14:12
herlimenezesIm running Ubuntu 9.04. Any guess?14:12
mohan1mslootweg0: how to get it back?14:12
mslootweg0mohan: ah okies. you can use gnome-volume-control then, launch it with alt+F214:12
mslootweg0mohan: not sure, depends on how you removed it14:12
dos|equiszilleplus : Ahahahaha. I think I've deleted my nautilus14:12
dos|equisdos|equis : Silly me.14:13
mohan1mslootweg0: yes i opened..14:13
Callum_<Bookman> Callum_: I tried what you asked and that is what I get <--- this might be my stupid tired eyes playing around, but did you even post it...?14:13
dos|equiszilleplus : Thanks a lot...14:13
legend2440mohan1: right click top panel choose add to panel  choose volume control14:13
zilleplusdid it worked??14:13
dos|equisstill downloading14:13
p2rn4Hello, I plugged my 17 inch acer LCD to laptop via vga port and how to display picture in LCD14:13
mohan1legend2440: ok14:13
BookmanCallum_: Callum_: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate14:14
dos|equiszilleplus : It worked14:14
Callum_Bookman: Maybe you want to install the libdvdcss2 package from VideoLAN's website instead14:14
mohan1legend2440: thanks its back on top right now. :)14:14
websurfer1If anyone can tell me why I keep getting "gio-2.0.vapi:593.10-593.21: error: The type name `GLib.Variant' could not be found" no matter what i try while compiling abraca i will give you a great big hug :D14:15
BookmanCallum_: wow, such a fight.  I still have the ATI, wireless and flash to fight through yet.  It is going to be a long day14:15
Callum_"wget http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/1.2.9/deb/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-1_i386.deb" should do it for libdvdcss214:15
echosystmis it just me or are fonts massive in ubuntu?14:15
echosystmfirefox locks its dpi at 96, but the fonts are noticeably larger than in windows :/14:16
The_Onejust you14:16
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
Callum_echosystm: lol its usually the other way around14:16
echosystmi mean, to the point that some html layouts on websites are messed up because the fonts are too big14:16
Callum_Firefox's fonts are normally so much smaller than everything else14:16
LjLechosystm: uh, firefox locks the font size?14:16
mslootweg0Bookman: I don't think you added medibuntu correctly. did you run "apt-get update"?14:16
echosystmLjL, regardless of what DPI your desktop is using, firefox still uses 9614:17
Callum_mslootweg0: the scripts from the Ubuntu wiki automatically run apt-get update14:17
LjLechosystm: i didn't know. i could possibly tell you how to force some DPI if they're not being detected right for your monitor, but if firefox locks that and it still isn't right, i don't know.14:17
echosystmthere is a way to change firefox's default DPI14:17
zillepluscallum he needs to do sudo apt-get upgrade to i think14:17
echosystmi was just wondering why this happens at all14:18
echosystmall text is much bigger here14:18
echosystmon my laptop and my desktop14:18
The_Oneu reckon?14:18
mohan1mslootweg0: i am using skype.. others are not able to here my voice!! how to check that?14:18
The_Onemohan1 call skype test call14:18
zilleplusmohan1: did you updated your drivers??14:18
Callum_Bookman: just in case, run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2" before downloading libdvdcss2 from VideoLAN website14:18
mohan1zilleplus: yes.. i did..14:18
mohan1The_One: i am trying test call.. its saying user not found!14:19
zilleplusmohan1: well go to options and sellect the right microphone14:19
The_Onemohan1 go to the new window thing i opened14:19
zilleplususe testcal to try14:19
LjLechosystm, in general, it *may* be expected for fonts to be bigger: while windows locks the fonts at whatever DPI, ubuntu just tries to detect the correct DPI for your monitor14:19
The_Onezilleplus im learning14:19
LetsGo67Opera 10 stops responding a lot, how do I fix that?14:20
LjLechosystm: that's enough to make it different from windows... and then, if your monitor happens to be silly and cause them to be detected *wrong*, it's even more noticeable ;)14:20
BookmanCallum_: Ok, got it working.  Thanks.14:20
echosystmlet me put it this wya14:20
echosystmif irun windows in a vm14:20
mslootweg0Mohan: You need the package alsa-oss to support skype14:20
BookmanI did something wrong updating14:20
echosystmunder linux14:20
zilleplusThe_one: wath do you mean??14:20
echosystmthe fonts are still bigger14:20
LjLechosystm: that's just not possible, unless you're using a different *resolution* than the one you're using in windows!14:21
legend2440echosystm: http://www.mozilla.org/unix/dpi.html14:21
zilleplusThe_One, is your skype working??14:21
mslootweg0Mohan: Ubuntu uses the alsa sound system, but skype requires OSS. the alsa-oss package adds oss support to a;sa14:21
Callum_Windows 7 VM crashed, damn it! >_>14:21
Callum_all is not lost hopefully14:22
zilleplusCallum_, use sun virtual box14:22
zilleplusCallum_, sun virtual box is better14:22
dab_could someone please tell me which file i add usbhid mousepoll=2 to ?14:22
Callum_zilleplus: I just got told the same thing in another channel =P14:22
mslootweg0Zilleplus: Nothing beats VMware Workstation, too bad it's not free :P14:23
JonathanEllisWhat is a good wysiwyg html editor that would allow me to easily create navigation menus and would easily maintain them when the page structure changes? Previously I built navigation menus by hand and copied them to every page but that became a nightmare when I wanted to change anything as I would have to change the menu entries on every single page? Is there a web development irc channel? Thanks for your consideration14:23
Callum_running Sun VirtualBox 3.0.6 here, I'm sure its just Windows, business as usual14:23
zilleplusCallum_, WM ware is old sun virtual box is better14:23
zilleplusmslootweg0, yes sun virtual box does14:23
andyzammyHi everyone, i'm having trouble with VirtualBox. i installed the usb supported version but the usb devices are still grayed out. could someone help me fix this problem?14:24
echosystmJonathanEllis, there are no good wysiwyg editors on linux because no one uses them14:24
StupidWeaselHumm can Ext2Fsd on windows 7 64bit read a Ext3 Softraid array safely?14:24
mslootweg0And however awesome VMware is, it won't run properly on ubuntu14:24
StupidWeaselNot bothered about writing too much.14:24
zilleplusCallum_, you still got problem with windows 7 in sunvirtual box14:24
herlimenezesSorry for insisting! Any guess about configuring modem zte mf100 under ubuntu 9.04?14:24
zilleplusmslootweg0, for example sun virtual box can have an dynamic mem14:24
chriswandyzammy: You need to enable the USB controller on your VM, then set up a USB filter for your devices.14:24
legend2440!kompozer | JonathanEllis14:24
ubottuJonathanEllis: kompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.14:24
echosystmJonathanEllis, i suggest learning how to use find and replace in batches14:25
andyzammychrisw: how do the filters work? atm i would like to let windows see my bt 3g dongle14:25
Callum_zilleplus: to be fair the VM has been compiling for hours on end and the Ubuntu system its running on hasn't been rebooted in almost 2 days with TONS of stuff been changed about it and stuff running in the background, so yeah I'm kinda not surprised...14:25
zilleplusubottu, use notepad++14:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about use notepad++14:25
ubottukompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.14:25
echosystmmost good text editors will let you do this, or you could write a bash script14:25
Myrtti!bot | zilleplus14:26
ubottuzilleplus: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:26
Rods_TigerJonathanEllis: not sure if screem will do that.14:26
nathan7sed -i 's/blah/blee/g'14:26
chriswandyzammy: You can set up a blank filter so all USB devices that are plugged in while the VM is active.14:26
nathan7adda filename after14:26
chriswandyzammy: or just set up one for each USB device at a time.14:26
zillepluswtf who is so stupid to set a bot one this channel14:27
nathan7It is the official #ubuntu bot.14:27
Rods_Tiger!seen ubottu14:27
ubottuI have no seen command14:27
nathan7And *very* useful.14:27
Callum_!bot | Callum_14:27
ubottuCallum_, please see my private message14:27
IdleOnezilleplus the bot is extremely helpful in this channel14:28
StupidWeaselHumm can Ext2Fsd on windows 7 64bit read a Ext3 (or even ext4) Softraid array safely? I'm not too bothered about writing - although that would be neat.14:28
nathan7!bot > /dev/null14:28
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".14:28
andyzammychrisw: i'm not sure if my filter is working. a while ago i made one for my webcam, but in the devices tab it is still grayed out and i can't select it.14:28
JonathanEllisechosystm: Oh really? Why is that? Maybe I am asking the wrong question. Perhaps I just need to learn how to generate navigation menus. I already have Quanta Plus but I dont know if it will generate nav menus. Rods_Tiger: What is screem? Is there a web development irc channel where I could ask my questions as I fear questions about html in here are off-topic?14:28
nathan7StupidWeasel: Reading won't break anything.14:28
zilleplusIdleOne, a bot can't know a unique problem only regular problems14:28
Myrttizilleplus: and this channel is full of regular ones.14:28
LjLzilleplus: and there's certainly a lot of those here. your point?14:28
nathan7!you D=14:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you D=14:28
* nathan7 hides14:28
chriswandyzammy: Greyed out in the guest OS?14:29
Myrttinathan7: stop fooling around with the bot14:29
IdleOnezilleplus there are many unique problems the bot knows about14:29
* nathan7 stopped.14:29
Rods_TigerJonathanEllis: there's one just called 'web' which is very good14:29
echosystmJonathanEllis, perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic is better14:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about orderpizza14:29
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".14:29
andyzammychrisw: yes14:29
Callum_okay there I stop now14:29
Rods_TigerJonathanEllis: channel, that is14:29
nathan7Callum_: There's a pizza ordering program.14:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:29
nathan7Callum_: COmmand-line pizza, http://www.beigerecords.com/cory/Things_I_Made/PizzaParty14:29
StupidWeaselnathan7: Ok thanks, just wanted to make sure before I poked things with a stick. My gaming addiction still requires me to have a copy of windows laying around.14:29
JonathanEllisRods_tiger and echosystm: Thanks very much14:29
Callum_I've written a comprehensive orderpizza shell script =P14:29
zilleplusLjL, people who have regular problems can look it up at google so they don't need bot14:29
StupidWeaselI say addiction... I barely play anything more then a flash game these days =P14:29
LjLzilleplus: i beg to differ, anyway if you disagree with having a bot in this channel, join #ubuntu-ops and tell.14:30
Callum_Its a shame it can't actually order your pizza though14:30
LjLCallum_: #ubuntu-offtopic14:30
StupidWeaselHeh heh heh14:30
JonathanEllisRods_Tiger: Is #web on freenode?14:30
StupidWeaselIf it cant order you pizza, in ubuntu, is that back on topic? =P14:30
zilleplusLjL, i think they just got to make a channel special for the bot14:30
spOmy htop shows that out of 10gb of swap memory, my system is using 0 of it, is that normal?14:30
MyrttiStupidWeasel: move on.14:30
StupidWeaselSorry sorry =P14:30
Myrttizilleplus: welcome to discuss it to #ubuntu-ops14:30
StupidWeaselCould not resist <314:31
IdleOnezilleplus ubottu has been helping for 4+ years in this channel any many others.14:31
LjLzilleplus: again, this is not reallythe place t discuss it.14:31
Myrttimoving on14:31
chriswandyzammy: If it's showing on the guest OS then the filter is functioning. The problem will be with the guest OS itself. In this case you're talking about Windows so it's greyed out on the device manager. You'll either need to enable it from there or check why it's not starting (no driver for example).14:31
chazcoAnyone here using dvdrip on Ubuntu and know how to fix a sound sync issue?14:31
nathan7zilleplus: #ubuntu-bots.14:31
nathan7zilleplus: It exists.14:31
zilleplusi know the bot shoud be there14:31
zilleplusend discussion here14:31
andyzammychrisw: how do i add a "blank" filter. i can only figure out how to add one for each individual usb device14:31
IdleOnefrom now on we will just tell people to ask zilleplus :)14:32
StupidWeaselHumm, I've never thought to ask - but is it possible to add additional locations to the clock panel? For more localized weather and such?14:32
chriswandyzammy: On the USB section of the Guest VM settings, click on the picture of a USB plug with a blue circle on it. This creates the blank filter. Then anything you plug in (USB drives, webcams, whatever) will be picked up in the guest OS if it's powered on.14:33
SirmimerHey. I need some help installing aMSN on ubuntu, can anyone help?14:34
LjLSirmimer: open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install amsn"14:35
echosystmsudo apt-get install amsn14:35
Sirmimerooh lol thats easy :D14:35
andyzammychrisw: i think you misunderstood when i said it was the guest OS, i meant the window in which the guest OS resides. it said device unavailable. i have just tried it with the blank filter and they're the same. do i need to do some more configuration other than setting the filters?#14:35
Sirmimerhaha thanks alot14:36
SirmimerThat was feaking easy =)14:36
LjLSirmimer: remember that works for about 20000 pieces of software14:36
MyrttiSirmimer: welcome to Ubuntu14:36
LjLSirmimer: and alternatively, the graphical Synaptic program is equivalent to it14:36
LjL!software > Sirmimer    (Sirmimer, see the private message from ubottu)14:36
DB22i'm engaging into web development in ubuntu and i'm asking what the options are for adding mp3s (using a self coded mp3 player or something) to a website.. *ubuntu only, no wine14:36
chriswandyzammy: Is the device plugged in before the guest OS hast been started, or after? You need the guest OS up and running with the Guest additions installed and running (tray icon loaded) before plugging in your USB device. If you do it before then, then host OS gets it instead.14:37
SirmimerThanks =), yeah i have tryed synaptic a bit, but im not totally sure how to use it yet14:37
echosystmwhat do you mean DB22? and also this is offtopic14:37
echosystmthe normal way would be client side flash + php/cgi14:37
mslootweg0DBB22: you can allways use a flash player :)14:38
DB22oh.. sorry echosystm.. well, what possibilities are there to add mp3s to a website and play them back14:38
echosystmwhat do you mean add mp3s to a website?14:38
echosystmdo you want to embed them on a page or just upload them somewhere14:38
corpteddyHey all, i just installd ubuntu the first linux inn my lafe and i think its realy cool, but im missing to play empire earth 2. i downloaded it in 2 rare files. Is it possible to install it, and if noth how can i downloade it for linux? sory my spelling im from norway14:38
Pirate_Hunteranyone here tried backintime app from http://backintime.le-web.org/, just made a backup even if it show it backed the system the folders are empty, is this a bug or ma i doing soemthing wrong?14:38
andyzammywell the camera is integrated into the laptop so it is always plugged in, but last time i used VB i never had a problem with it. this is the first time i've used VB-3.0 and it's just not working. i'm sure i'm doing something wrong.14:38
DB22using a player14:39
SirmimerCan you use microfon and webcams, for web chatten, teamspeak and such, in linux?14:39
echosystmok well DB22, you will need a php or perl script and a flash player14:39
chriswandyzammy: Have you installed the latest VBox Additions?14:39
DB22which i coded myself.. what options are there when using ubuntu to code such a player and embed it14:39
echosystmalternatively, you could just hardcore urls into a flash player14:39
spOis it normal to have swap memory at 0 usage  if all your physical memory is not in use?14:39
andyzammychrisw: yes, it's the first thing i did. i have a shared folder up and running.14:40
DB22but flash is not an ubuntu based program, and i don't like wine14:40
mslootweg0Corpteddy, Empire Earth is a windows game. You'll need to emulate it, which is a buggy and time consuming problem. but I can work: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine14:40
echosystmwell then dont use linux14:40
chriswandyzammy: Odd.14:40
echosystmbecause youre not going to get flash on linux without wine or a virtualmachine14:40
chriswandyzammy: Are all USB devices affected?14:41
DB22there is no other way yet to code an mp3 player?14:41
DB22too bad14:41
echosystmflash is the only way to embed it in a page14:41
mslootweg0DB22: Flash is native for linux. You don't need wine to run it.14:41
echosystmmslootweg0, he means creating the flash file...14:41
DB22flash (the program!)14:41
mslootweg0Ah righto xD14:42
DB22okay.. but no javascript players or whatsoever?14:42
spOanyone know?14:42
StupidWeaselJava could technically be used, but urgh.14:42
spOis it normal to have swap memory at 0 usage  if all your physical memory is not in use?14:42
echosystmDB22, you should be able to find a premade flash player on the internet14:42
nathan7THere is a <video> tag.14:42
mslootweg0DB22: nope javascript doesn't load mp3. Java can yes... but yeh....14:42
StupidWeaselOgg would work would it not?14:42
echosystmlike StupidWeasel says, you could use a java applet but that would suck14:42
chriswsp0: generally speaking swap isn't used till it's needed.14:43
hassanakevazirhi, my sound is stuck in my headphones on my laptop, sound card is Intel: 82801H (ICH8 Family) , used to work fine, then all of a sudden its like this. any ideas?14:43
DB22ok ok14:43
chriswsp0: Unused memory is wasted memory after all...14:43
DB22i found some pre made flash players.. but they don't go with the design of my web page.. that is a bit of a shame14:43
websurfer1anyone know why i might see this while compiling abraca? "gio-2.0.vapi:599.38-599.49: error: The type name `GLib.Variant' could not be found" resulting in terminated building14:45
mslootweg0DB22: Well, You'll have to use a coding language. as neither html or javascript plays mp3. You can embed wav, but that's insane. If your site is public you should use either flash, java or silverlight. Most people have those :)14:45
DB22okay.. i understand14:45
echosystmpeople have silverlight?14:45
DB22too bad i can't do the thing in ubuntu only14:46
destiDB22 you can also use html5 video witha blan video to play ogg sounds14:46
echosystmi'd say 95% of people have flash, 60-70% have java and 10% have silverlight14:46
mslootweg0Echo: true, but it'll go up. ^^ It's getting delivered by auto-update now. You can't buy a new windows machine without silverlight anymore14:47
andyzammychrisw: yes, all usb devices are unavailable and i can't select any.14:47
AijseTrying to set up an Apache server, wanted my index and all other content for the webpage to be on my data disk, so I added this line to apache2.conf:  DocumentRoot /data/web/   But it cannot find the index.html file I stored in the /data/web directory. Should I make more changes to mkae this work?14:47
mslootweg0Aijise: You need to make some changes in the [Directory] statement14:47
mslootweg0I think that's in /etc/apache/sites-enabled/14:48
DB22i'll look that html 5 thing up14:48
chriswandyzammy: OK, well go through the VM settings, ensure thev USB controller is enabled, remove any filters and set up a blank one again. If still no luck then uninstall and re-install the guest additions. If that still doesn't work then raise your problem in the VirtualBox forums.14:48
Aijsemslootwe0 ok thnks, let me have a look at that14:48
PYHola, Ubuntu-ers14:49
andyzammychrisw: ok, do i uninstall the guest additions inside the guest OS like i would any other program (though program files)?14:50
PYI'm trying to set up my sister's PC with xubuntu (224mb of ram), and hitting the initramfs prompt without fail14:50
chriswandyzammy: Yes, it'll be in add/remove programs like usual.14:50
PYI recall getting past it before (it's my old PC), but can't recall how14:50
PYI'm really not too hot with it, so that's about all the debugging I'm capable of :P14:51
mslootweg0Aijise: I'm off now. In that dir you should find a file that defines the rules for the default website. It contains the original default www-path, just change that to the new one and everything should work14:51
blueyedWhat's a good alternative to amarok, that comes with a list of internet streams, e.g. shoutcast?14:51
andyzammychrisw: ok, thanks for your help. in fact i think this might work because i think i actually accidentally installed the repository version first and then installed the guest additions before reinstalling the sun usb version14:51
chriswandyzammy: Ah, that could well be it :)14:52
The_Onedesti HELLO14:52
KerberosHadeschenming: not a chinese language channel, sorry14:52
The_Onedesti HELLO14:52
chriswandyzammy: Hope you get it sorted!14:52
RegressLess1Can someone help me configure qjoypad. The instructions say run ./config, then make, then make install, but it doesn't work.14:52
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WhackaRunning the latest mainline kernel (2.6.31), I know they're not supported but I'm experiencing some minor problems which I want help fixing. In every version of the mainline kernel which I've used pressing CTRL-ALT-F2 locks up the OS and I can't boot into Single User mode, all these both work in the normal kernel however.14:53
Aijsemslootweg0, Thanks that did the job14:53
mslootweg0Nice nice, I'm off now then. ciao!14:53
LjL!cn | chenming14:53
ubottuchenming: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:53
andyzammychrisw: yes me too, thanks again chrisw :)14:53
chriswandyzammy: No problem :)14:53
rogerrabbitdidithello, i'm trying to set up rsyncd.  i'm following: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync    i'm noticing I've got /etc/init.d but not /etc/xinit.d.  is that ok?14:54
BlackFaterogerrabbitdidit, yes,14:54
Callum_rogerrabitdidit: It meant /etc/init.d most likely14:54
PYRight, so I've tried the alt. install CD, and that did pretty much the same thing :\14:55
trijntje!hi | uvmedraco14:55
ubottuuvmedraco: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:55
Callum_uvmedraco: hi14:55
RegressLess1Can someone help me configure qjoypad? The instructions say run ./config, then make, then make install, but it doesn't work. I figured out last night how to get to the right directory, but I think the problem is that my gamepad is not in the default directory.14:55
rogerrabbitdiditBlackFate:  it references xinit.d repeatedly.... so i think it's intentional14:56
BlackFaterogerrabbitdidit, did you install xinitd?14:56
rogerrabbitdiditi didn't14:56
BlackFaterogerrabbitdidit, its just a replacement of the default init.d14:56
BlackFaterogerrabbitdidit, the guide you gave says to install it14:57
Callum_rogerrabitdidit: its xinetd not xinitd14:57
rogerrabbitdiditBlackFate: bah!  my brain mixed the two14:57
BlackFaterogerrabbitdidit,  :)14:57
BlackFaterogerrabbitdidit, no14:57
es-webIs it normal that ubuntu 8.10 install take a loooong time to get passed 6% in the last part of the installation14:58
PYrunning it in verbose mode tells me "grow_buffers: requesting out of range block" and that "bread failed" repeatedly before falling to initramfs14:58
zillepluses-web ubuntu 8.10 has some bugs on network use ubuntu 8.0414:58
zillepluses-web, ubuntu 8.10 has some bugs on network use ubuntu 8.0414:59
BlackFaterogerrabbitdidit, i ment np*14:59
BlessJahhi 4ll14:59
BlessJahare there known issues with ath5k and madwifi drivers for atheros wlan cards?15:00
BlessJahespecially with changing mac?15:00
xerox1hi, i have got a question on .bashrc; i would like to combine two things: changing directory and executing a command; how to concat them?15:00
es-webzilleplus I tryed 8.04 last night an it also took a long time at 6% but, when i started x it locked up and died15:00
BlessJahxerox1: at the same time?15:01
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
trijntjexerox1, like changing to a directory and showing the content?15:01
BookmanIf I want to copy all of my evolution accounts and mail over to another computer, can I just copy and paste the .evolution folder?15:02
xerox1BlackFate, trijntje: like: cd /home/... ? doSomething15:02
trijntjeBookman, you can export you evolution settings and mail from within evoution15:02
andyzammycrisw: reinstalling guest addons didn't work. can you double check for me that this is the link to the page that i get the VB usb supported program please? http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads15:02
xerox1sry; _BlessJah _15:03
BlessJahxerox1: feel fre to hilight me15:03
Bookmantrijntje: Is that Backup settings/Restore settings?15:04
trijntjeBookman, yes15:04
xerox1do i need a script for this short one?15:04
Bookmantrijntje: thank you kindly15:04
trijntjexerox1, i think you do, you cant use alias for that as far as i know15:04
nadarillaho can i correctly partition my system here in order?15:04
trijntje!details nadarilla15:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:05
trijntje!details | nadarilla15:05
ubottunadarilla: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:05
nadarillaits ok15:05
BlessJahxerox1: what are theese commands?15:05
xerox1BlessJah, changing the directory to a java program and executing it15:06
=== nick is now known as Guest36210
nadarillai have many operating systems here so i want to remove it15:06
PYI'm sure you guys know how to solve my problem really :P15:06
RegressLessCan someone help me figure out how to configure this gampad program? I think it can't find my gamepad.15:06
BlessJahxerox1: at bash start?15:06
xerox1no, on entering an alias15:06
BlessJahxerox1: cd directory && ./javascript for eg15:06
nadarillapls help me15:07
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib
xerox1BlessJah, that would be fine; trying...15:07
RegressLessCan someone help me figure out how to configure this gampad program? I think it can't find my gamepad.15:07
mohan1how to install alsa-oss package?15:07
xerox1BlessJah, works great; thx15:07
andyzammycan anybody help me get usb support to work for VB 3.0 please? all devices remain unavailable15:08
diogo_79i have install moc15:08
diogo_79it rocks15:08
diogo_79internet music LOL15:08
nadarillahow can i partition my ubuntu in order because the disc is not in order?15:08
RegressLessout of 1385 people, someone ought to be able to help.15:08
trijntjenadarilla, so you want to remove a partition?15:09
EagleScreenRegressLess: take a loook at jscalibrator15:09
=== _ is now known as Guest4672
BlessJahafter installing madwifi driver, system freezes while "Loading hardware drivers"15:09
BlessJahhow can i ban madwifi driver for boot?15:10
trijntjenadarilla, use gparted15:10
nadarillayah i used it15:10
EagleScreenBlessJah: adding it to /etc/blacklist15:10
BlessJahEagleScreen: name of madwifi driver module is...?15:10
trijntjenadarilla, then what is the problem?15:11
nadarillacan i use the partition editor?15:11
BlessJahEagleScreen: madwifi or madwifi*?15:11
zilleplusits verry good15:11
andyzammycan anybody help me get usb support to work for VB 3.0 please? all devices remain unavailable15:11
akaWolfPlease, help! Who established bfilter?15:12
RegressLessEagleScreen: OK, jscalibrator sees my gamepad and says it's in /dev/input/jso, but qjoypad is still having trouble. Can anyone help?15:12
nadarillatrijntje i want to dual boot it with win xp15:12
trijntjenadarilla, did you remove windows xp?15:12
=== nick is now known as Guest6780
EagleScreenBlessJah: search it15:13
BlessJahEagleScreen: what if i dont have /etc/blacklist? create?15:13
nadarillayah i removed it already an then when my ubuntu start up, there so many operating system exist such as dev/ etc..15:13
EagleScreenlook for similars BlessJah, blacklist.conf etc..15:14
trijntjenadarilla, I dont realy understand what you are trying to do. What country are you from, maybe you should ask in your local channel15:14
andyzammycan anybody help me get usb support to work for VB 3.0 please? all devices remain unavailable15:15
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nadarillahow can i coonect to my local channel?15:15
trijntjeandyzammy, virtualbox?15:15
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trijntjenadarilla, tell me what country you are from, then i can tell you how :P15:16
nadarillaim from manila philippines15:16
Siddharthtechi m not able to update my intltool15:16
RegressLessCan someone hold my hand through the setup process of this program? It's qjoypad, a program that lets you control mouse and keyboard through a gamepad. It would be great to use it, but I can't get the install instructions to work.15:17
andyzammytrijntje: yes15:17
trijntjeandyzammy, thats not supported in ubuntu, you should try in #vbox15:17
SiddharthtechI wantted to install gnome audio recorder but it says my intl tool is outdated in ubuntu 9.04... i updated it but it still says so15:18
trijntjenadarilla, type /join #ubuntu-ph15:18
Siddharthtechcan anyone help15:18
andyzammytrijntje: oh, thanks for the info, will pop over there now! :)15:18
trijntjeandyzammy, youre welcome15:18
PYSo, no help? :'(!15:19
dingenshi, how can i find out with ubuntu onboard measures why my hd driver doesnt offer DMA to me? the controller supports dma, the hd supports dma. can it be related to a bad cable? it gives me pio4 the max15:19
nadarillatnks is ur os ubuntu?15:20
trijntjePY: what is youre problem? I didnt see it come by15:20
erUSULdingens: dmesg should have info on that15:20
RegressLessCan someone hold my hand through the setup process of this program(qjoypad)? I can't get the install instructions to work.15:21
thiebaudePY, what is your question?15:21
PYtrijntje: Trying to set up my sister's PC with xubuntu, coming up against an initramfs prompt regardless of what I do :\15:21
pyrusI just install haiku on my ubuntu machine with VBox15:21
pyrusits pretty cool15:21
trijntjenadarilla, yes, and please say my name if you respond to me, that way i will notice it better15:21
erUSULPY: tried with a some boot options ?15:21
thiebaudePY, are you dual booting?15:22
erUSUL!boot | PY15:22
ubottuPY: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto15:22
PYthiebaude: no, booting from livecd15:22
void-pointerwhat is the interval between freenode's PING/PONG protocol?15:22
thiebaudePY, ok15:22
maxik42Hello All15:22
=== r_ is now known as Guest94405
PYerUSUL: I can't actually get to the graphical install screen most of the time15:22
nadarillaok trijntje, what is ur profession?15:23
SirmimerI need some help with aMSN and webcam, can anyone help?15:23
lorenzosuHi I installed Firefox 3.5 aka Shiretoko, everything is fine apart the fact that liks in other applications don't work anymore and in some cases I get a "firefox not found error" Ansy suggestion?15:23
DjZemichHi everyone in here who is running dual boot with vista and ubuntu?15:23
iceroot!anyone » DjZemich15:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:23
trijntjeDjZemich, me15:23
PYDjZemich: I am, on this box15:23
linfenix1someboddy know about any plugin for xmms to play m4a format audio?15:23
legend2440RegressLess: http://ubuntu.bryanludvigsen.com/?p=4115:23
iceroot!anyone | DjZemich15:23
ubottuDjZemich: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:23
DjZemichheh he sorry ;)15:23
icerootvoid-pointer: #freenode or #help is imo a good place15:24
erUSULPY: you add boot options in the first screen (pressing f6) iirc15:24
nadarillatrijntje, i think u can also help me a little, about my problem in my systen15:24
thiebaudeDjZemich, what is your question?15:24
bazhanglinfenix1, where did you install xmms from15:24
nadarillatrijntje, i think u can also help me a little, about my problem in my system15:24
maxik42there is some russian channel15:24
void-pointericeroot, yeah, it's not that important. Just waiting for my orphaned clone to leave15:24
bazhangmaxik42, #ubuntu-ru15:24
trijntjenadarilla, did you fail to join the philipene channel?15:24
DjZemichI'm asking because I am running dual boot with vista and Win7 atm, but I want Ubuntu also, is it possible to have all 3 of them?15:24
linfenix1someboddy know about any plugin for xmms to play m4a format audio?15:24
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:24
bazhanglinfenix1, where did you install xmms from15:24
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes15:24
bazhang!xmms | linfenix115:25
ubottulinfenix1: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.15:25
PYerUSUL: yeah, I can't actually get there. At the moment, the furthest I've got is booting into windows' safe mode and installing wubi, which at least gets me a text-based prompt (similar to the one when you've actually installed it), but I'm getting nowhere15:25
linfenix1bazhang: i was downloaded15:25
maxik42how to get there in #ubuntu-ru15:25
ratapoilthere used to be a small box at the bottom of pidgin to quickly change the status message, now it's gone and I can't seem to find it in the prefs. anyone has an idea about this?15:25
BlackFatemaxik42, /join #ubuntu-ru15:25
bazhangmaxik42, /join #ubuntu-ru15:25
linfenix1i download the package in deb15:25
akaWolfPlease, help! Who established bfilter?15:25
bazhangakaWolf, what do you mean15:26
Anirban1987how to remove a folder in Ubuntu with folders and files inside it ?15:26
linfenix1there is any plugin to play this format?15:26
nadarillaim in ubuntu also and when it starts, there is many options exist like ubuntu 9.04, ubuntu 9.04 (generic mode) and at the bottom, many os are exist too..15:26
=== heliade{[LH]} is now known as heliade[LH]
DjZemichIs it possible for the Ubuntu boot manager to handle 2x windows and ubuntu?15:26
nathan7DjZemich: Yup.15:27
^mNotIntelligentAnirban1987, rm -rf <foldername>15:27
nathan7DjZemich: Install oldest windows first.15:27
RegressLesslegend2440: this looks helpful, but how do I get the other files it mentions? Sorry, I'm a noob15:27
bazhangakaWolf, keep it in channel please (ie no PM)15:27
nathan7DjZemich: Then newer.15:27
DjZemichnathan7, okay thanks15:27
nathan7DjZemich: Then Ubuntu.15:27
nadarillayes i already connected but there is no reply15:27
lorenzosuOk solved: changed the entry in Preferences > preferred applications15:27
akaWolfbazhang: ok15:27
nathan7DjZemich: You will get an option for the new windows15:27
DjZemichnathan7, I have vista and win 7 on it allready15:27
linfenix1bazhang: did you know how can i play m4a format audio?15:27
nathan7DjZemich: Choose that15:27
nathan7DjZemich: And you get to choose which windows15:27
trijntjenadarilla, yes, those are older linux-kernel versions15:27
akaWolfbazhang: Why at me banners are not cut?15:28
DjZemichnathan7, oh okay, I will do that, thanks :)15:28
nathan7trijntje, heh, that sounds so Dutch15:28
thiebaudeDjZemich, but you also want ubuntu on it?15:28
DjZemichthiebaude, yeah15:28
nathan7oh, you *are Dutch, nvm.15:28
legend2440RegressLess: can i pm?15:28
diogo_79how can i see wich process are runing in ubuntu like i do in task manager of windows?15:28
trijntjenathan7, my name or something i said?15:28
=== void-pointer is now known as void_pointer
nathan7trijntje: Your name.15:29
^mNotIntelligentdiogo_79, ps -eaf15:29
bazhangakaWolf, not sure what you mean by that15:29
thiebaudediogo_79, system monitor15:29
* nathan7 dereferences void_pointer and segfaults15:29
trijntjediogo_79 system->administration->system monitor15:29
akaWolfbazhang: How to check up, whether rules work?15:29
bazhangakaWolf, rules for what15:29
ovodПривет Ребята!15:29
void_pointernathan7, heh you did that at the exact same time as someone in #debian ...15:30
akaWolfbazhang: urls15:30
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:30
bazhangovod, #ubuntu-ru please15:30
nathan7void_pointer: lolwut15:30
ratapoildiogo_79, or System / Administration / System Monitor / Processes15:30
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trijntjediogo_79, or you can look into conky if you want it permanent15:30
nathan7I have conky running C=15:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about top15:30
ratapoiltrijntje, what's conky?15:30
* nathan7 <3 Crunchbang15:30
nathan7ratapoil: Look for a screenshot of crunchbang linux15:30
nathan7ratapoil: THe thing in the upper right is conky.15:30
akaWolfbazhang: /etc/bfilter/urls15:31
zacki have asked this before but how do i tell if i am running 64 bit?15:31
nathan7ratapoil: (with the stats)15:31
void_pointernathan7, I concur. OT, but I still concur15:31
akaWolfbazhang: /etc/bfilter/urls.local15:31
ari_stresszack: uname -a15:31
nathan7zack: uname -a15:31
trijntjenadarilla, please tell me what you are trying to do, what is your end goal?15:31
SirmimerHi i need help with webcam and aMSN, can anyone help?15:31
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, go ahead15:31
thiebaude!webcam | Sirmimer15:32
ubottuSirmimer: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:32
thiebaudethats the first part15:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bfilter15:32
ratapoilnathan7, are you using crunchbang? what's so fantastic about it?15:32
Sirmimer^mNotIntelligent: Im just testing this aMSN (just downloaded it), and im testing the webcam feature. At the wizzard guide the webcam works, but when its used in a conversation, it comes up with a white screen15:33
hugohi all15:33
akaWolfbazhang: please help15:33
trijntje!hi | hugo15:33
ubottuhugo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:33
bazhanghttp://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/adblock-with-bfilter/ akaWolf15:33
diogo_79i have 8 gb of ram but ubunt only sees 6.7 why this is happening15:33
thiebaudediogo_79, that is normal15:34
Sirmimer^mNotIntelligent: Do you know why?15:34
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, no idea on that...trying to google out...15:35
hugoubottu: i use ubuntu for a while but don't resist to try other versions. i apreciate a lot PCLINUXOS but always prefer ubuntu15:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:35
nadarillaahm i want to install ym here and what download manager am i going to install?15:35
Wizardshey is there a command like in windows u press ctrl+alt+del when ur pc freezes?15:35
Wizardsfor when my ubunt ufreezes15:35
Sirmimer^mNotIntelligent: I did, and it says something about installing SVN?15:35
sphenxeswhen i log to my isp using ssh, the website ask for my password, is there a way to enter the password in the ssh command (I would like to do rsync under cron). rsync -arputv --size-only --ignore-existing --stats --progress  -e ssh 'user@isp.com': /path/10092009/15:35
trijntjediogo_79, this is because manufactorers think 8*10^9 is 8gb, but linux thinks 8*2^30 is 8gGib15:35
Gneasyslog-ng isn't working anymore, I don't know why, I don't know where to start... I've tried restarting it, but nothing will log!  I tried the logger command, and nothing, at all.  There was some error about running out of drive space, but that problem was fixed... so it thinks there's still no drive space? there's over 8G free!15:35
roanI hope I am conducting myself is the correct fashion here15:36
BlackFateWizards, keep alt + printscreen pressed while typing the word "reisud"15:36
akaWolfbazhang: You did it?15:36
Wizardsi heardo f like alt ctrl f1 but that led me to a black and white screen and i couldnt get back yo my desktop15:36
roanbut i am at the end of the line here15:36
Gnearoan: worrying about it could be a drawback...15:36
Wizardsblackfate what doesi t do?15:36
bazhangakaWolf, did you read the link?15:36
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, I guess you're not talking aobut versioning system SVN...whats taht?15:36
BlackFateWizards, to go back to desktop from alt control f1 press alt control f7 or f915:36
akaWolfbazhang: yes, i do this15:36
trijntjenadarilla, mention my name if you respond to me plz. what is ym??15:36
bazhangakaWolf, that explains it very clearly15:37
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, thats irrelevant ...what did google say?15:37
hugoanyone from *Portugal?15:37
BlackFateWizards, the reisud thing i told tou is the way to reboot pc if you get stuck15:37
Gnea!pt | hugo15:37
ubottuhugo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:37
Wizardsoh i have to rebooti t?15:37
BlackFateWizards, reisub*15:37
Sirmimer^mNotIntelligent: Some guy on a post told a user to install SVN - http://amsn-project.net/wiki/SVN - but he was a mac user so dunno if i should to?15:37
nadarillayahoo messenger15:37
BlackFateWizards, IF tou ever need to reboot it15:37
Wizardstherei s no way it can just like similar to task manager in windows lol?15:37
akaWolfbazhang: How to check up, whether the antibanner works?15:37
nadarillatrijntje, yahoo messenger15:37
hugohi Gnea15:37
BlackFateWizards, if tou need just a task manager15:37
roani used a LCD projector on my LG R400 notebook, it is running 9.04, everything worked perfect until i tried to switch the lcd projector off in the display settings15:37
trijntjenadarilla, i dont think that program excists for linux, why not use pidgin?15:38
segs_dudehow do i fix the dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run15:38
segs_dude'dpkg - configure - a' to correct the problem. error? Plz help I cant  install anything!!15:38
Gnearoan: yeah, turning the display off tends to prevent pixels from being displayed15:38
roannow my notebook lcd can only do 800 x 600 resolution and i am ready to re-install ubuntu to get this back again15:38
BlackFateWizards, open gnome-system-monitor15:38
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, SVN is just a versioning system...right? it has nothing to do with your case unless you're trying to get the source of that or do somehting like that...lemme check that link..wait a min15:38
Wizardshow do i do that while the pc is frozen tho?15:38
Sirmimer^mNotIntelligent: I dont know, it just said that in a topic on aMSN15:39
bazhangakaWolf, click on a site with a lot of ads?15:39
BlackFateWizards, if the pc is frozen its a general problem, not an application, if only one program is frozen it wont freeze the rest of the pc, so you can user gnome-system-monitor15:39
akaWolfbazhang: please give that site15:39
Gnearoan: that's because it saw the projector and thought..oO(800x600) and when it saw the original display, it didn't know how to turn it back. can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log?15:39
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, checking the link...15:39
segs_dudedpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg - configure - a' to correct the problem. How do I fix this?15:39
bazhangsegs_dude, run the command with sudo15:40
thiebaudesegs_dude, did you run it?15:40
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, got it....as i mentioned earlier it said install SVN and using taht check-out the current/bleeding edge source code and build it there in...15:40
SirmimerSo should i install SVN?15:41
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, so if you want it build it from source code ,you have to have SVN and then get the source code and buidl it15:41
Sirmimer^mNotIntelligent: I just want to fix the white screen :S15:41
newserhow can I configure my pc to share the internet connection?15:41
bazhang!ics | newser15:42
ubottunewser: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php15:42
roanok you guys are obviously too busy, i will re-install ubuntu... damn !15:42
SirmimerDo you think its a problem with drivers, or is it an aMSN problem (the webcam works in the wizzard), it also works if i open two cleints and try15:42
segs_dudei can't install updates an any software15:42
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, if you know how to build things from source code, then I must say go get the current src using SVN, but if you have no prior exposure or running short of time, dont do that15:42
SirmimerI have no clue how to do that15:43
aaron11helo my application menu is not working for some reason places system does the 3 menus are there b ut when i click applications nothing comes i tried oppening acralate but is showwed an error i was going to get the real install of ubuntu and was very slow NOTE: this only happens in my account15:43
^mNotIntelligentsegs_dude, whats the issue? whats the error15:43
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, if you've plenty of time...try it out...would be a nice learning exp and help you out in future...15:43
trijntjeaaron11, right click on the menu, menu-editor15:43
SirmimerI dont got time :p15:43
nadarillatrijnjte, ahm ok so what other program shu i use to making chat using yahoo?15:44
aaron11trijntje: its the same15:44
trijntjenadarilla, pidgin15:44
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete15:44
akaWolfbazhang: please, give me site with a lot of ads15:44
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, in that case try to get it done using some other wya....but if you can't make it work..thats the last option...to build things from source...15:44
aaron11trijntje: acarlate i  sAme as menu-editor15:45
trijntjeaaron11, have you tried removing it and adding it again?15:45
SirmimerIt's just a white screen. Is it really that hard to fix?15:45
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, thta apart, there must be some way to fix that without doing all this....without compiling the source15:45
aaron11trijntje: yes15:45
nadarillatrijnjte, ah i alreay used that but how can i connct to my contacts?15:45
rgxdoes anyone use full disk encryption with the alternate cd install?15:45
aaron11trijntje: its no good15:45
thiebaudeakaWolf, msn15:45
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, not at alll, once you've the clue :-)15:45
Sirmimerhehe okay15:46
akaWolfthiebaude: what?15:46
trijntjeaaron11, in that case i dont know, sorry15:46
aaron11 helo my application menu is not working for some reason places system does the 3 menus are there b ut when i click applications nothing comes i tried oppening acralate but is showwed an error i was going to get the real install of ubuntu and was very slow NOTE: this only happens in my account15:47
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, but I must say when you've time learn installing things from source code...b'coz if you want to use *nix quite often you'll have to learn it anywya....theres no way to escape....so i suggest learn it sometime...15:47
SirmimerUse *nix? I just want the program to work :S15:48
chazcoAnyone know how to fix a/v sync issues when using DVD::rip on Ubuntu 9.04?15:48
^mNotIntelligentSirmimer, unix/linux ...yeh i know...15:48
akaWolfbazhang: page_cleanup=maximum15:49
^mNotIntelligentchazco, there's a way to delay the audio/video to make then in sync...but i dont rememeber the tool name...was part of ubuntustudio apps15:49
aaron11 helo my application menu is not working for some reason places system does the 3 menus are there b ut when i click applications nothing comes i tried oppening acralate but is showwed an error i was going to get the real install of ubuntu and was very slow NOTE: this only happens in my account if anyone is willing to help let me know15:49
bazhang!repeat | aaron1115:49
ubottuaaron11: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:49
^mNotIntelligentchazco, someone out here can help you out on that....15:50
chazco^mNotIntelligent - I read about something that might allow me to do that... i'd rather find out what causes it though :) Thanks :)15:50
akaWolfbazhang: ad_border=67676715:50
bazhangakaWolf, okay15:50
aaron11bazhang: i didnt repeat the EXACT same info15:50
^mNotIntelligentchazco, thats coool... :-)15:50
akaWolfbazhang: and nothing...15:50
bazhangaaron11, keep about 15 minutes between postings15:50
akaWolfbazhang: why?15:50
aaron11bazhang: ok15:51
=== Funky1 is now known as NickDeNeger
gps315Anyone free to help with setting up wlan0 on a lamp server at boot please?15:51
^mNotIntelligentakaWolf, bazhang : can we get back to support....15:51
chazcoAnother question... I have one laptop which is unable to use apt-get/dpkg - gives package corruption issues, but not always on the same packages. The problem survives a full, clean reinstall of Ubuntu. Repository doesnt make a difference, neither does the network. Any ideas?15:52
furenkuDoes anybody know of a way of having Ubuntu set the volume alsamixer set automatically on boot?15:52
akaWolfbazhang: It is possible in pm?15:53
nadarillatrijnjte, how can i connect to my contacts in yahoo using pidgin?15:53
bazhangakaWolf, apart from that link I have no idea about bfilter15:53
aaron11nadarilla: u cant15:53
zilleplusanny one dutch here15:53
bazhangzilleplus, in #ubuntu-nl15:54
aaron11nadarilla: u can15:54
gps315wlan0 anyone?  need it to start on boot, help please?15:54
zilleplusi know15:54
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aaron11nadarilla: go to add account then  choose your protocol example yahoo! then type your screen  name then passwd and then on local alias type the name which is simpler to you15:55
Sirmimer^mNotIntelligent: Would it be possible to run windows live messanger instead of aMSN, using whine?15:55
doingdoingHi. Big problem. I installed some ATI drivers for my videocard, and now, after boot text-mode (when ubuntu logo appears) i get very distorted graphics. Now I am on liveCd. Please help..15:56
doingdoingTried to restore X15:56
doingdoingNothing works15:56
nadarillaaaron11, yah i already do that, im from philippines, how cud i connect to my local?15:57
riceswgps315-> have an entry in your /etc/network/interfaces file for your wlan0   man interfaces for more details15:58
resnois there a major difference between the desktop and server editions?15:58
aaron11does anyone know how to run rythmbox in a terminal15:58
doingdoingWhat can I do?15:59
gps315hi ricesw, yes have some stuff in for wlan0, trying for static address15:59
jribresno: different kernel, no X15:59
doingdoingPlease help, I donw't want to reinstall it again15:59
SirmimerI need help running Windows msn using wine on linux16:00
bazhangSirmimer, check the appdb16:00
aaron11doingdoing: do  recovery then u should see somthing blue after some time then go down using ur arrow keys then choose restore graphic problems16:00
KerberosHadesdoingdoing: I you got distorted graphics, use a console (shift+alt+f1)16:00
resnojrib: what is x server? is it like the instance you are in?16:00
Sirmimerbazhang, appdb? I am a really newb on linux16:00
zilleplusSirmimer, use pidgin its verry good else use wine to install MSN16:01
bazhang!appdb | Sirmimer16:01
ubottuSirmimer: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help16:01
KerberosHadesdoingdoing: uninstall ati driver and reinstall default driver16:01
jribresno: X is the gui basically16:01
doingdoingaaron11, tryed that. no success16:01
resnojrib: ah, is the server install more secure then using the desktop?16:01
SirmimerYes but pidgin does not support webcam16:01
Sirmimeror microfon16:01
jribresno: I don't see why16:01
aaron11doing i know how u feel16:02
doingdoingKerberosHades I dont know what driver i installed. I installed 2 days ago and didn't reboot since now16:02
zilleplusSirmimer, have you installed wine??16:02
Sirmimerzilleplus: Yea16:02
zilleplusSirmimer, and wath problem do you got with installing MSN on it16:03
SirmimerZilleplus: I got wine, but i'm not sure how to install stuff with it etc.16:03
KerberosHadesdoingdoing: "apt-cache search ati" will do16:03
SirmimerZilleplus: is this what i should install? (http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=11389)16:03
segs_dudeim back. sry my internet went down. running dpkg configure a dosnt work. It just brings up a >16:03
KerberosHadesdoingdoing: after that, try to figure out which one of the list is your driver16:04
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zilleplusSirmimer, right click on install file the use with wine16:04
es-webhmm i can move my mice but the screen seams dead (I can see the coursor move but not click any thing) and my keyboard is dead? Ubuntu 8.1016:04
SirmimerZilleplus: I havnt installed msn yet, cause of: "What was not tested Webcam, voice chat stuff, MSN Plus!, and lots of other stuff. " Will it support webcam?16:05
Callum_http://repos.srb2.org/Screenshot-2.png - Heh, I still laugh at this16:06
erUSULsegs_dude: is « sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a »16:06
deejaydblockHi. Is there anyway that I can keep Ubuntu from unmounting my drive after a reboot?16:06
segs_dudeill try it16:06
archmanok, so the usb is not automounting, what do i do to mount it? lsusb says that it's in.16:06
thiebaudeCallum_, haha16:07
Callum_how the hell did that happen anyway16:08
segs_dudeerUSUL: i typed the command. what do I do now16:08
segs_dudeerUSUL: i typed the command. what do I do now/16:08
Callum_http://repos.srb2.org/Screenshot.png http://repos.srb2.org/Screenshot-1.png - meh, other screenshots of my desktop for people who want to see them16:08
erUSULsegs_dude: what is your problem?16:09
bazhangCallum_, please share those in the non-support channel16:10
segs_dudei get the dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem error when I try to install any software16:10
SirmimerI need help to install windows messenger using wine16:10
deejaydblockHi. Is there anyway that I can keep Ubuntu from unmounting my drive after a reboot?16:10
resnoSirmimer: was this install working before?16:11
erUSULsegs_dude: but you already runned 'dpkg --configure -a' does the problem persist ?16:11
nadarillahey guys, someone help me16:11
riceswdeejaydblock-> does it have an entry in /etc/fstab?16:11
newserhow do I need to configure /etc/network/interfaces, so that the computer connects to an internet shared connection?16:11
erUSULsegs_dude: pastebin the complete error you get16:11
bazhangSirmimer, download the msn.exe app, right click open with wine after you have configured wine; help in #winehq16:11
Sirmimerresno: I dont know how to install it the right way, i read on a few sites, and it says i need to install all kinds of stuff before installing windows live16:11
erUSUL!paste | seq16:11
ubottuseq: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!16:11
mrTr0uthow can i change the audio device used? i have usb headphones that are detected but i can't get ubuntu to use it16:11
erUSUL!paste | segs_dude16:11
ubottusegs_dude: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!16:11
resnoSirmimer: go to wine.com and look for those things there.16:11
ricesw!ICS | newuser16:12
ubottunewuser: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php16:12
johannes_i'm new to the concept of dual booting, and.. it seemed rather simple.. so.. using the XP CD, I removed all partitions, created a 30 GB partition, installed XP there, and then I inserted the Ubuntu CD, selected the dual boot option during installation, and now, in Ubuntu, the update manager says I have no disk space. what to do?16:12
resno!ask | nadarilla16:12
ubottunadarilla: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:12
Sirmimerresno: I found what i need to install, but i dont understand anything of it :S16:12
resnoSirmimer: did you read the instructions? they are quite clear.16:12
segs_dudedpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem16:12
deejaydblockricesw: no, it I am mounting my F: drive16:12
erUSULjohannes_: do « df -h » and « sudo fdisk -l» paste the output to a pastebin...16:12
mrTr0uthow can i change the audio device used? i have usb headphones that are detected but i can't get ubuntu to use it16:12
newserricesw, I already checked those sites, but I am not getting what I expect : (16:12
Callum_bazhang: to be honest I would like support on how that happened, that honestly wasn't me who made gnome-screensaver do that (and that is my computer that happened on)16:13
Sirmimerresno: i read this: http://www.wine-reviews.net/wine-reviews/microsoft/msn-messenger-2008-and-2009-on-linux-with-wine.html16:13
KNYI just updated my server; how can I tell if a reboot is required?16:13
erUSUL!paste | johannes_16:13
ubottujohannes_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!16:13
riceswdeejaydblock-> then put an entry in,  man mount16:13
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riceswnewser-> what are you expecting?16:13
nadarillahow can i partition my system o dual boot with win xp?16:13
archmanerUSUL, how to mount a usb drive which won't mount automatically? it's there in lsusb.16:13
segs_dudeI ran sudo dpkg --configure -a' and it brought up something about adduser16:13
deejaydblockricesw: simplify please, i'm a new ubuntu user16:13
blip-hi all, I recently installed xubuntu 9.04 and have seen some annoying quirks...     1) I can't ctrl-alt- backspace  :/   2) The session thing is wierd, it's saving stuff and I end up with multiple programs opening when I log in    3) The login screen (gdm I think) asks me to type username... I want to select from a list and simple insert passwd      ... any tips on resolving these ?   thanks16:14
erUSULarchman: gnome-mount /dev/sdxx16:14
resnoSirmimer: as i just said, go to wine.com and look at how to install those packages there.16:14
erUSULsegs_dude: we have to see the actual error... " it brought up something about adduser " is not helpfull16:14
Sirmimerwhich packages? corefonts, flash and so on?16:14
segs_dudeits dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem16:14
Callum_blip-: 1) that was disabled in new X server, 2) that can be disabled, 3) that depends on the GDM theme used16:14
resnoSirmimer: install winetricks. as the page you sent me says.16:15
legend2440!dontzap | blip16:15
ubottublip: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.16:15
bazhangsegs_dude, please paste.ubuntu.com with the command and the exact errors16:15
=== segs_dude is now known as sega_dude
Sirmimerresno: i got winetricks but i dont remember how to use it16:15
erUSULsegs_dude: yes and what does 'dpkg --configure -a' says when you run it ?16:15
erUSUL!who | sega_dude16:15
ubottusega_dude: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:15
lifesenginecan someone please help me figure out my sound capture device?16:15
resnoSirmimer: then, go to wine.com and read how to.16:15
lifesenginefor some reason it will not test in "sounds"16:15
riceswdeejaydblock-> you are a new user but yet you want an advance topic of networking?  did you try to google for tutorials on networking or that ICS link?16:15
lifesenginei'm trying to use audacity16:16
blip-legend2440: ah that's interesting... I looked in xorg.conf for the dontZap flag but it wasn't there... I guess the dontzap program does thing differently16:16
Sirmimerwine.com are you sure?16:16
sega_dudeerUSUL: thats gonna be a problem...cuz the internet insnt working in ubuntu right now...16:16
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org  Sirmimer16:16
nadarillahow can i size my partitions in gparted?16:16
erUSULsega_dude: is that arge the error ?16:16
Sirmimerresno: wine.com looks like an site for wine lovers.. and i mean not the internet wine16:16
JohannesSM64erUSUL, http://pastebin.ca/157186316:16
blip-legend2440: is there any benefit to be had from disabling ctrl-alt-backspace ?16:17
resnoSirmimer: i was wrong LOL16:17
resnoSirmimer: it is winehq.org16:17
blip-legend2440: I'm thinking in case some milacious user comes by and presses it16:17
alexlabanI'm trying to set my umask to "0002", I've changed it in .profile and restarted the computer still if I run umask it returns 0022 anyone know why?16:17
sega_dudeerUSUL: it happens whenever i try to install software16:17
bazhangSirmimer, I gave you the correct site; help as I said before in #winehq16:17
resnoSirmimer: http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks?highlight=(winetricks)16:17
SirmimerI just understand shit of all those codes :S16:17
bazhangSirmimer, please watch the language16:18
gps315thanks for the help, sorted it.....16:18
legend2440blip-: no the developers thought it was a problem with people accidently hitting those keys. i dont see how you can do that by accident though16:18
Sirmimerbazhang: srry, didnt know shit was a bad word in english :p16:18
resnoSirmimer: sh winetricks then the packages you want to install16:19
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deejaydblockricesw: yes.16:19
erUSULJohannesSM64: so the installer mad a 2.4 GiB parition for root that's weird...16:19
scyxhi, where would be that best place to put this command sequence to spoof the MAC address on boot: http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12951#c2 ?16:19
Sirmimerresno: would that be all the listed ones flash, corefronts etc.16:19
Anirban1987When I am running any php script on my server it is taking a huge amount of RAM on my server ... How to restrict the amount of RAM used by php script ?16:19
resnoAnirban1987: if the script is taking all the ram, its a bad script. you may be able to limit it in php.ini16:20
riceswdeejaydblock->  what have you tried to do? where is the stumbling block?16:20
sega_dudei just wanna install software.16:20
newserI have a network printer, a network hdd attached to a computer where I setup firestarter. I want to share the internet connection with another pc. I configured the network but cannot access internet on the added pc, what can I: do?16:20
JohannesSM64i wonder why it doesn't just install ubuntu on a completely new partition, ignoring the windows partition16:20
erUSULJohannesSM64: where did the rest of the space go 250 giB - 231 (windos) = 19 GiB16:21
JohannesSM64apparently i don't know much about drives16:21
Sirmimerresno: okay i am installing those programs now ;) thanks!16:21
JohannesSM64using the XP CD, I removed all partitions, created a 30 GB partition, installed XP there, and then I inserted the Ubuntu CD, selected the dual boot option during installation16:21
JohannesSM64that's all i know16:21
walen_nick walen16:22
SirmimerResno: I am installing the programs, and now it wants me to install microsoft office powerpoint???16:22
riceswnewser its best if you have a layout drawing of your network, if you have it, paste in pastebin16:22
erUSULJohannesSM64: the windows parition is 231 GiB in size16:22
resnoSirmimer: im not sure what you are doing then16:22
erUSULJohannesSM64: /dev/sda1             231G  2.7G  228G   2% /media/disk16:22
Sirmimeri did that sh winetricks in terminal16:22
Anirban1987resno: Can u say me the location of php.ini in Ubuntu 9.04 and what to edit to restrict the RAM ?16:23
JohannesSM64erUSUL, after installing XP, i booted into it, and C: was indeed 30 GB16:23
JohannesSM64then, after installing ubuntu, it was suddenly much larger16:23
Sirmimerpicked corefonts flash gecko gdiplus msls31 msxml3 riched20 riched30 tahoma16:23
erUSULJohannesSM64: o.0!!16:23
newserricesw just two pcs, the printer and the hdd connected to a switch16:23
erUSULJohannesSM64: maybe somewhat you resized it suring install ?16:23
newserricesw, I can access the printer and hdd on both pcs, but cannot share the internet16:23
riceswnewser-> please provide a drawing, a picture is worth a thousand words16:23
legend2440does ubuntu put joysticks in   /dev  or    /dev/input?   would it say  js0 or something?16:23
SirmimerResno: Can i pm you real quick?16:24
resnoSirmimer: sure, i suppose16:24
JohannesSM64erUSUL, the option i selected during installation was "install side by side, choosing at each startup", and it didn't give me any options regarding resizing16:24
resnoAnirban1987: Not a clue where the php.ini file is.16:24
JohannesSM64did i do anything wrong?16:24
JohannesSM64what I actually want is to install XP on a 30 GB partition, and Ubuntu on a 220 GB partition, completely separate16:25
erUSULJohannesSM64: dunno really maybe there is a bug in the installer... to be honest i allways do may own paritionning of disk before installing16:25
riceswlegend2440-> try the command  udevinfo -q all   to see the list?16:26
JohannesSM64okay, is there anything i can do?16:26
mrfeltonanyone here understand vmstat?!16:26
legend2440ricesw: ok thanks16:26
mrfeltonI'm trying to work out if I have a bottleneck at the system level. vmstat shows me http://pastebin.com/m105286dc - but I just can't work out how to read into it properly16:27
mrfeltoncan someone take a quick look? or, point me to a (good) article that explains it16:27
riceswlegend2440-> or maybe its udevinfo -e16:27
legend2440ricesw: that command says   bash: udevinfo: command not found  and i dont see udevinfo in Synaptic16:27
riceswlegend2440-> if not in your system yet, try  sudo apt-get install udev16:28
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erUSULJohannesSM64: reinstall doing a manual paritioning (before or during install) ?16:29
newserricesw, http://imagebin.ca/view/u2xLJc.html16:29
dsnydersmrfelton, what sort of bottleneck are you experiencing?  Perhaps vmstat isn't the right tool to diagnose it.16:29
KNYI just updated my server; how can I tell if a reboot is required?16:30
JohannesSM64erUSUL, how? delete everything, then install XP, then install ubuntu with manual partitioning not touching the XP partition?16:30
legend2440ricesw: sudo apt-get udev  says     udev is already the newest version.16:30
riceswnewser-> okay good, now is your router connected to a dsl modem or cable or how is it connected to you ISP?16:30
resnoKNY: usually i ssh into it and it says restart required16:30
riceswlegend2440-> try now..    udevinfo -e16:31
KNYresno, ahh, I can force the motd to update.16:31
mrfeltondsnyders: I'm experiencing very slow MySQL queries when running queries on my database from my web server. The two are connected via 100mbs ethernet16:31
erUSULJohannesSM64: no the windows install can be kept just resize its parition to make the room for ubuntu. then crete the partitions for ubuntu ( i recommend / /home and swap )16:31
newserricesw, i am using the wireless card on the laptop to share the internet, and the router does not have an internet connection. I only have wireless internet16:31
bambam_I have lost audio in my ubuntu 8.10 intrepid, I have checked audio controls, which seems to be fine16:31
legend2440ricesw: tom@tom-desktop:~/Desktop$ udevinfo -e16:31
legend2440bashohII: udevinfo: command not found16:31
mrfeltondsnyders: if you really want to know... see http://groups.drupal.org/node/27166#comment-92806 !16:32
Anirban1987I have set memory_limit = 16M in php.ini file , but sometimes when I run a php script it goes beyond that limit !16:32
erUSULJohannesSM64: swap == ram ; 15 GiB root (/) the rest for /home16:32
riceswnewser-> thats why i asked you to draw a network layout, you are keeping info from me,  draw it so we can discuss16:32
dsnydersmrfelton, the MYSQL database is on a different machine than the web server?16:32
mrfeltonI think i've bee pretty detaild in my explanation, but I just can't figure it out :(16:32
mrfeltondsnyders: yes, thats right16:32
deejaydblockricesw: i don'16:32
SirmimerI need help installing windows messenger using wine16:32
deejaydblockricesw: i don't even know where to begin16:32
riceswlegend2440-> confirm that udev in installed,  sudo dpkg -L udev16:32
mrfeltondsnyders: and as far as I can tell, the queries run much faster when run directly on the database server16:33
bambam_Can anyone suggest a way to troubleshoot audio problems ?16:33
JohannesSM64Sirmimer, ask at the wine channel, or use emesene16:33
mrfeltondsnyders: which shouts network issue to me... but I can't find it!16:33
SirmimerjohannesSm64, what is the wine channel?16:33
riceswdeejaydblock-> its been a while, you wanted to learn networking?  what is your goal or you want to accomplis again?16:33
JohannesSM64freenode #winehq16:33
resnobambam_: audio problems on a laptop?16:33
resnobambam_: do you have headphones? plug them in and your have sound.16:34
blip-bambam_: booya16:34
bambam_why I need to use headphones16:34
bambam_blip-: ?16:34
resnobambam_: its a recurring problem. i have the same problem on my laptop, tried fixing it, never worked16:34
bambam_resno: why not it can work with normal speakers16:34
blip-bambam_: np16:35
deejaydblockricesw: i just want to keep my NTFS drive mounted even after reboots...16:35
linuxguy2009My new Dell Mini has a touchpad and it seems like it operates in absolute mode. Like when you touch it, the curser jumps to that relative spot on the screen. Is this changeable in software land to have it work like some other touchpads where when you pick up and put back down you can move the curser more but from starting at the same location its already sitting? Know what i mean?16:35
Anirban1987I have set memory_limit = 16M in php.ini file , but sometimes when I run a php script it goes beyond that limit !16:35
riceswdeejaydblock-> okay, now did you try a tutorial on mounting file systems? look into the mount command and fstab16:35
legend2440ricesw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/274213/16:35
matt\What software is ubuntu.com using for its BitTorent tracker?16:35
bambam_resno:Yes it is recurring issue, and last time I was able to fix it out16:35
bambam_but it is not working16:36
resnoAnirban1987: is this a script you made?16:36
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wernickei really like ubuntu so far but i have a problem16:36
riceswlegend2440-> yeah you have it installed, now locate the command  udevinfo16:36
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deejaydblockricesw: i can mount the drive it just doesn't stay mounted16:36
bambam_resno: It even doesnt work in headphones16:36
resnobambam_: tried all the guides and everything everyone here says and nothing has worked16:36
fezhi wernicke16:36
Anirban1987resno: Nope , its happening for all type of scripts16:36
wernickeit doesnt support my touchpad as good as vista does16:36
wernickeim using a dell 152516:36
resnobambam_: ah, then you have driver issue.16:36
wernickeits either very unresponsive or so fast its unuseable16:37
riceswdeejaydblock-> you have to put an entry in the /etc/fstab   and use ntsf-3g  for the type16:37
wernickein vista its smooth and easy to use16:37
resnoAnirban1987: are you sure its the php script that does it?16:37
bambam_not again........... last time it took whole day for me to fix it, searching and googling the issues, trolling the forums16:37
dsnydersmrfelton, It's screaming network issue to me too.  Perhaps a timeout issue.  Especially since the queries work when run directly.  Perhaps wireshark might be a better diagnostic tool.16:37
Anirban1987resno : 90% ... becoz only when I run the php scripts the RAM spikes up !16:38
legend2440ricesw: i did   sudo updatedb  then  locate udevinfo   and it just goes back to prompt with nothing  returned as found16:38
resnobambam_: system ->admin -> sound try changing those settings and see if any work16:38
bambam_resno: tried that16:38
riceswdeejaydblock-> try this tutorial http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows.16:38
bambam_it doesnt !16:38
dsnydersmrfelton, (That was my subtle way of saying I don't know anything about vmstat)16:39
mrfeltondsnyders: wireshack. Neverheard of it! /me goes looking16:39
legend2440ricesw: in synaptic there is package called      udev-extras    could that be it? its not installed16:39
dsnydersmrfelton, sorry  typo.  wireshark16:39
riceswlegend2440-> okay, do it manually, look in  /class/input/   and subdirs16:39
mrfeltondsnyders: ok, not heard of that one either!16:39
Draughthi !16:40
riceswlegend2440-> yeah you may have to use that udev-extras for the utility tools16:40
legend2440ricesw: ok16:40
Anirban1987resno: Help!16:40
Draughtguys, help please, - forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=6823616:40
riceswlegend2440-> okay, do it manually, look in  /sys/class/input/   and subdirs <-- corrected16:40
dsnydersmrfelton, it monitors traffic on the network.  It used to be called etherape, I think.16:40
riceswdeejaydblock-> here is one more http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindowsfstab16:41
cgrozahello there is a similar program to daemon tools in Ubuntu?16:41
riceswcgroza-> which tool are you looking for?16:42
blip-hi, I run xubuntu 9.04... it doesn't work with my laptop volume keys but I manged to use the xfce kb shortcuts tool to bind them....  question is what should XF86AudioRaiseVolume be bound to?16:42
rskicgroza: it's called "mount"16:42
cgrozaricesw:something to mount iso files16:42
blip-I mean what is the command that would raise/decrease my system volume... woould i be using alsamixer or the xfce4-mixer tool ?16:42
rskicgroza: gmount is probably what you want  a GUI to mount iso images16:42
rski!info gmount16:42
ubottuPackage gmount does not exist in jaunty16:42
riceswcgroza-> mount is the command to mount iso files, you choose the filesystem type  iso16:42
Draughthelp me... ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=68236.016:42
rski!info gmount-iso16:43
ubottuPackage gmount-iso does not exist in jaunty16:43
aruntomari've created a software raid with 5 sata drives as raid 5 on ubuntu 8.04 using mdadm , but the raid becomes inactive after sometime, has anyone else faced this type of issue16:43
cgrozaricesw:i prefer gui not terminal16:43
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nadarillahow can i unistall ubuntu?16:43
riceswcgroza-> you need to learn some command line, now is the best time to learn it.. you must, it is essential to become a power user16:43
jophish_If I have two folders systems A and B, and I want to take everything out from B that is not in A. how can I do this16:43
devDI am trying "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5" but it install something and the firefox remains the older version. I have tried "sudo apt-get remove firefox" too but its not removing firefox16:43
rskidevD: it installed 3.5 alongside 3.016:44
DarK3nterminal is faster then gui.16:44
jophish_for example A has folder 1,2,3 and B has folders 1,2,3,4. How can I remove just 416:44
rskidevD: to run 3.5 run firefox3-5 or what it is16:44
mrfeltondevD: When I did that, it installed firefox-3.5, but called Shiretoke16:44
devDrski, but I want to delete 3.016:44
Anirban1987 I have set memory_limit = 16M in php.ini file , but sometimes when I run a php script it goes beyond that limit !16:44
cgrozaricesw :i am trying16:44
DarK3nis Shiretoke a beta?16:45
jophish_namoroka is a beta16:45
DarK3nthen why doesn't it autpo update with the "firefox" package?16:45
legend2440devD: uninstalling  ff 3.0 is not recommended  keep both16:45
riceswcgroza-> then be accepting of using command line, wean yourself from gui stuff :P16:45
devDmrfelton, yes I can see shiretoko16:45
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b1shopwhat is the boot screen on the livecd called?  casper?16:45
icerootAnirban1987: that setting only affect php himself, not the html-part(apache) also think about php-scripts that use 16mb16:45
devDlegend2440, ok16:45
riceswb1shop->  casper is the filesystem in livecd16:46
DarK3nkarmic is going to have ff 3.5 as the standard browser right?16:46
icerootDarK3n: yes16:46
Draught :~-(16:47
legend2440devD: open system>preferences>preferred apps and under Web Browser  choose Custom and enter  firefox-3.5 %s  in the box if you want 3.5 as default16:47
Anirban1987iceroot: its not 16mb , its gulping 100-150 mb on my VPS !16:47
DarK3nok sick, i have only booted off the alpha cd, im not installing to release bc of security and stability concerns.16:47
DarK3ntill relase*16:47
icerootAnirban1987: for a php-apache-thread?16:47
devDwhy its name is Shiretoke ? its not same in fedora16:47
Anirban1987iceroot: yes16:47
GneadevD: this is not fedora.16:47
devDlegend2440, ok16:48
devDGnea, i know but how it changed name of firefox16:48
icerootAnirban1987: and where do you read that info?16:48
ian2hi, i still cant get wierless working i'v tried the internet but cant find the driver (Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter)16:48
icerootAnirban1987: top?16:48
Gnea!shiretoko | devD16:48
ubottudevD: FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation16:48
legend2440devD: they explain the name here   http://is.gd/1reB316:48
scyxhi, where should i put commands that are supposed to be executed on boot before the networkmanager is loaded?16:49
Anirban1987iceroot: free command in shell to see the available Ram16:49
icerootAnirban1987: very bad idea16:49
icerootAnirban1987: and also, as i told you, php is taking 16mb, the rest is apache and not affected by php.ini16:49
devDlegend2440, Gnea ublender ok , actually its my second day on ubuntu, i was using fedora16:49
deejaydblockricesw: I do not have such a directory as /etc/fstab16:49
newserricesw, http://imagebin.ca/view/ZZV0Ihp.html16:50
icerootAnirban1987: free is the badest idea to see what memeory a task is using. try top or ps aux16:50
riceswdeejaydblock-> you are kidding me right?  look carefully16:50
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icerootAnirban1987: so trust me, php is not using more then 16mb, its apache and other stuff16:50
deejaydblockricesw: see it. i was looking for a folder16:51
riceswnewser-> now where in that drawing you get to connect to your ISP?  complete layout please so we can discuss16:51
ian2hi, i still cant get wierless working i'v tried the internet but cant find the driver (Atheros AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter)16:51
DarK3nfstab isn't a dir, its a text file16:51
DarK3nif your using cd /etc/fstab then it will say "Dir not found"16:51
riceswdeejaydblock-> also try to learn the command line, use a terminal okay?16:51
Pistache`anyone can tell me why is netbeans ugly when i install it with sudo ? i tried with gksudo, the installer window is better but not netbeans16:52
m3onh0x84222,  how to know debian package different ubuntu package16:52
Anirban1987iceroot: then how to restrict that ? I also want to restrict apache memory usage ?16:52
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:52
deejaydblockricesw: gotcha16:52
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. Putty is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:52
duffydackhow can I make the userdir mod for apache not need the ~ before usernames16:53
DarK3nif you want to hand edit it use " sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak && sudo nano /etc/fstab" but be careful,abotu what you edit.16:53
aaron__is it possible to make your own protocal?16:53
m3onh0x84how to know debian package in synaptic ?16:54
riceswaaron__-> whose going to stop you?16:54
riceswian2  look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=740993916:55
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aaron__ricesq: I am just saying is it possible for a person to make their own protocal?16:55
aaron__I thought the fcc regulates protocals16:55
aaron__and frequencies?16:55
StupidWeaselHey folks. I'm setting up a softraid Raid1 array, with regards to my swap - should it be in a separate (possibly raid0?) array?16:55
riceswaaron__ there are many kind of protocols, which one are you after?16:56
StupidWeaselI mean there is no need to mirror the swap is there?16:56
Keifferhow do you prevent a user from running various apps?16:56
ricesw!kiosk | Keiffer16:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kiosk16:56
newserricesw, http://imagebin.ca/view/ZZV0Ihp.html16:56
aaron11yep                                                                                                                                         thats  true16:57
riceswnewser-> same drawing as earlier16:57
scyxwhere should i put commands that are supposed to be executed on boot before the networkmanager is loaded?16:57
ian2ricesw: iv done it (sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty) allready installed16:57
Anirban1987how to restrict RAM usage by an apache script on Ubuntu ?16:57
riceswscyx-> you can try in one of those  /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/16:58
riceswian2-> read that article?16:58
physguyJust to be sure, if I were to download/install software and files using a Ubuntu Live CD while having a Windows XP installation on my hard drive, nothing on my hard drive would be erased because the stuff would just be stored on my RAM?16:58
newserricesw, what are you expecting? I don't understand16:58
aaron__No, I mean like  is it possible for someone to make their own protocal for an web app?16:59
riceswphysguy-> depends where you are storing it, on a mounted drive or not?16:59
aaron__for instance  like IM16:59
riceswnewser you are using your laptop as the router?16:59
StupidWeaselphysguy: That is correct, the LiveCD wont touch your harrdiscs unless you mount them yourself with the livecd :)16:59
StupidWeaselIt's all running off the CD & in the RAM.16:59
riceswaaron__-> yes, its possible16:59
physguyok, thanks17:00
newserricesw, yes, and the actual router as a switch. I use the wireless card as the only internet source17:00
trap2physguy, you have to create an empty partition on hardisk, try choosing manual and installing in that17:00
riceswnewser-> then make your laptop as a router, to forward packets from your linksys17:00
StupidWeaseltrap2: He's talking about running the live CD, not installing a permanent copy.17:00
physguyoh, I'm just running the Live CD to do some stuff17:00
physguyStupidWeasel: yeah17:00
riceswnewser-> btw, is the wireless AP yours ? the one you used to connect with your laptop?17:01
trap2StupidWeasel, physguy, ok I just joined, misinterpret17:01
physguyah, ok17:01
StupidWeaselIf you want a little bit more flexibility, then a copy of the LiveCD on a usb stick (or other flash media) can be awesome as well.17:01
StupidWeaselEither way, have fun physguy :)17:01
Anirban1987how to restrict RAM usage by an apache script on Ubuntu ?17:01
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trap2physguy, but you can even install windows and ubuntu side by side, without effecting each other17:02
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m3a1xxHi every ubuntu user17:02
newserricesw, i just need to know how to redirect the internet connection to the desktop, that's it.17:03
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riceswnewser please answer my question.. is it your AP?17:03
JohannesSM64i'm new to the concept of dual-booting. is it even possible to, say, take a 250 GB disk, install XP on a 30 GB partition, install ubuntu on a 220 GB partition, and have the partitions entirely separate? Ubuntu only sees the Ubuntu part, XP only sees the XP part, if XP gets corrupted beyond repair, it does not affect Ubuntu at all, etc17:03
newserricesw, I already answer a few mins ago, yes, it is. and the router acts as a switch17:04
riceswnewser->  no, im asking the laptop connects to an AP, is that AP yours?17:04
resnoJohannesSM64: yes. but if the drive is damaged it takes both out17:04
resnoJohannesSM64: although linux can see into windows, windows cant see linux17:05
stefgJohannesSM64: and ubuntu will be able to see your windows partition (and use or destrpy data on it) but not vice versa17:05
newserricesw, I'm sharing it with my neighbor, but I can ask him to reconfigure his router. We only setup the network with a password. Everything else is open17:05
Alivesim running aptitude purge... what does this '{u}' mean? php5-mysql{u}17:06
riceswnewser okay, thats more better, i dont want to give you advise for illegal activities17:06
riceswnewser then the next step is for you to configure your laptop as a router / packet forwarder17:07
newserricesw, ok17:07
riceswnewser and if your laptop runs ubuntu, i gave you the link to configure it as ICS17:07
ricesw!ICS | newser17:07
ubottunewser: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:07
monostoneI'm setting up a LAMP environment on my development box. Should I setup a local DNS server as well, to resolve my local name based virtual hosts (e.g. site1.my-server.local, site2.my-server.local) or should I just stick in the server names in my /etc/hosts/ file and forget about BIND, djbdns, or any other DNS?17:07
newserricesw, yes, both of the pcs use ubuntu17:07
Fordubottu, :)17:08
StupidWeaselPersonally I just go with /etc/hosts/ ;317:08
riceswmonostone-> yes its easier with /etc/hosts file instead of gradeus bind server17:08
stefgmonostone: there's #ubuntu-server. and IMHO there is no definitive answer to that, it depends on your needs.17:09
newserricesw, I already tried that, but it's not working. I configured everything using firestarter17:09
riceswmonostone-> thats the way its been done in the old days. :P17:09
riceswnewser-> you have to figure out how your route is working, the dns server your clients uses and such17:10
riceswnewser your route table i meant17:10
stefgmonostone: if it's a developmend box you're probably better off using a 'real world scenario', that means running your own DNS17:11
newserricesw, ok, that makes more sense, but where is the route table? in the router/switch/laptop?17:11
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist17:11
monostonericesw, yeah, you're right, I was trying to compare mentally the trouble of setting up a local DNS just to resolve domain names for local use compared to adding a new entry to the hosts file everytime I add a new project. Trying to keep my dev box as similar to the production one as possible17:12
trap2I miss JCreator intellisense feature more than anything on Linux :(17:12
riceswnewser-> each device on your network has a route table, it has to know how to get to the destination17:12
monostonestefg, yes that was my initial doubt, so i suppose the correct thing to do would be to take the extra time to install and configure a DNS17:12
riceswmonostone-> to make it similar to production then you need those robust system,17:13
WizardsHello for some reason my speakers stop functioning a little after I boot my computer does anyone know why it might be happening?17:13
nathan7Wizards: You're a wizard, do some magic!17:14
=== oduque is now known as ODDG
StupidWeaselAhh, I use virtual machines for most of my boring little projects - and clone the VM for testing.17:14
newseris it possible to map which network devices are attached on which port?17:14
alexlabanI'm having a problem, I can't delete files from my samba share from my other computers but I can delete it using nautilus with the same account and I have premissions to do it but the error I get on the other computers says "You require permission from Unix User\rt to make changes to this file" smb.conf: http://pastebin.com/d3e3134e617:15
WizardsHello for some reason my speakers stop functioning a little after I boot my computer does anyone know why it might be happening?17:15
roger_can I resize ubuntu's partition without any problems17:15
nathan7!repeat | Wizards17:15
ubottuWizards: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:15
nathan7roger_: Yup.17:15
Wizards!repeat |nathan717:15
ubottunathan7: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:15
roger_kk, i'll try this, ty nathan717:16
alexlabanHowever I can delete files I've added/created to the server via samba just fine17:16
nathan7Wizards: Die in a fire.17:16
WizardsNathan7: Fall from the top floor17:16
nathan7Wizards: I was going to help you.17:16
WizardsNathan7: Fall from the top floor17:16
stefgnewser: look at /etc/udev/rules.d/**-persistent-net.rules17:16
* nathan7 actually found some possible causes and solutions17:16
stefg!udev rules17:16
ubottuEver wanted to make your USB-stick /dev/usbstick? Go to http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html to learn more about this feature.17:16
Wizardswell you're not going to share so why bring it up17:17
shane2peruavant vs cairo vs gnome-do?  What would you recommend?17:17
Wizardsi like my awn dock17:17
Wizardsyou mean docks?17:17
shane2peruWizards: yep17:17
echosystmdocks are for sissies17:17
LordLandonlaunchy is good17:17
Wizardsthen it's a personal preference shane it depends which youlike17:18
Wizardskiba-dock looks nice too17:18
EkusheyUbuntu 10.04 has been code named Lucid Lynx?17:18
shane2peruWizards; I tried cairo, but it was buggy17:18
Wizardsyeah I hate cairo lol17:18
echosystmsissies that fap over their desktop and never actually use their computer for anything other than making it look good :P17:18
Juanjo5119221hello sombody knows how to install a integrated SIS driver?? on ubuntu17:18
shane2peruWizards: I wasn't really impressed with it17:18
LordLandonshane2peru: According to prophecy, i've given up on docs, they're either lame, or buggy \=17:18
LordLandonshane2peru: According to prophecy, use a shell, or a single program launcher or hot keyt17:18
WizardsLordLandon: my AWN is fine lol17:18
shane2peruLordLandon: really, I thought I would check them out, I like the look, but if it isn't usuable, forget it.17:19
Juanjo5119221please help mee!!!17:19
LordLandoni've used cairo and kiba for a while17:19
shane2peruWizards: is awn the same as avant?17:19
Wizardsshane2peru: don't listen to them they think they are too good of computer pros to have a dock17:19
Wizardsshane2peru: yeah17:19
nathan7!patience | Juanjo511922117:19
ubottuJuanjo5119221: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:19
WizardsHello for some reason my speakers stop functioning a little after I boot my computer does anyone know why it might be happening?17:20
Catalyst_TechHi all17:20
shane2peruWizards: I'm confident enough in my computer usage to not pay any attention to them17:20
* Mez waves 17:20
Wizardsthen why do you want a dock lol17:20
shane2peruWizards: they look neat17:20
Juanjo5119221ubottu: thanks17:21
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:21
shane2peruWizards: I think there was a bug I saw somewhere that alsa crashed with some cards17:21
LordLandonshane2peru: According to prophecy, if yuo can get cairo to work without a lot of breakage, use that17:21
LordLandonkiba is too ... spastic17:21
shane2peruLordLandon: If it doesn't work out of the box, I'm not terrible interested in messing around with it, cairo did look neat, and I'm sure it will be nice in the future17:21
Catalyst_TechI'm an intermediate user setting up a public linux lab, I have a few questions:17:22
Catalyst_Techmost importantly, how can i set up home folders so people can access them from different computers on the network17:22
=== Wizards is now known as Z
shane2peruLordLandon: kiba is more for kde right?17:22
Zu oh17:22
=== Z is now known as Vtec
Catalyst_Techi want to log in from any computer and find my home folder17:22
=== Vtec is now known as Wizards
Juanjo5119221please sombody who knows how to install a video driver with chipset SIS 661/741/76017:22
LordLandonshane2peru: According to prophecy, not that i know of17:22
LordLandonshane2peru: According to prophecy, your best bet is to just try them, to be honest17:23
LordLandonif it works, and you like it, keep it.17:23
LordLandoni liked cairo until it started crashing a lot. then i gave up17:23
shane2peruLordLandon: yeah, that is what I will do, I just like to get a little feedback too17:23
Juanjo5119221ubottu:yes I know that17:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yes I know that17:23
Juanjo5119221please sombody who knows how to install a video driver with chipset SIS 661/741/76017:24
Juanjo5119221please sombody who knows how to install a video driver with chipset SIS 661/741/76017:24
shane2peruJuanjo5119221: if someone knows they will answer17:24
shane2peru!es | Juanjo511922117:24
ubottuJuanjo5119221: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:24
NomiSunriderhi there17:24
NomiSunriderI need help17:25
NomiSunriderI'm writing a website and need co-workers17:25
Anirban1987how to restrict the RAM used by an user ?17:25
Catalyst_TechNomiSunrider: whats it about17:25
NomiSunriderits a personal site about a singer17:26
jribCatalyst_Tech: you probably want to look into using NIS and NFS to share the home directories on some server.  I have no experience with this however17:26
NomiSunriderI would just email my data to testers17:26
NomiSunriderI'm doing this already but I've only one helper meanwhile17:26
erUSULJuanjo5119221: the video driver is already installed and probably already in use.17:26
shane2peruawn depends on compiz?  arggh.17:27
erUSULshane2peru: use cairo-dock or gnome-do docked17:27
soreaushane2peru: You should be able to run awn without a compositing wm17:27
edbianCatalyst_Tech: Please pm me :)17:27
shane2peruerUSUL: I tried cairo doc, buggy17:27
shane2peruerUSUL: I will give gnome-do a try. :)17:28
NomiSunriderI need people to browse my website(s) offline and check the design and the links17:28
redwolfhi guys, I have the video flu.  When I play back any .avi or .wmv file I crash back to the login screen.  Running Intel graphics.17:29
erUSUL!intel | redwolf17:29
ubotturedwolf: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.17:29
redwolferUSUL: thanks! I'll try that...17:30
BlessJahi have problems with changing MAC on my atheros wifi card17:30
BlessJahafter ifconfig wlan0 down; hw ether NEWMAC; up17:31
WizardsHello for some reason my speakers stop functioning a little after I boot my computer does anyone know why it might be happening?17:31
BlessJahi cant connect to AP17:31
crankharderI've gto one 37G SCSI drive and two 300G SATA drives -- ubuntu installs fine to the SCSI drive, but then when it reboots I get GRUB ERror 2 -- I think the settings in grub don't recognize the SCSI drive as the boot drive, how do I fix that?17:32
shane2perugnome-do is lame, awn doesn't work without compositing, and cairo is buggy, docks are for sissies.  lol. :)17:33
=== tien is now known as jove
OerHeksthnx shane2peru17:33
Juanjo5119221erUSUL: i can see that, but i can't activate compiz fusion17:34
shane2peruderheks no prob. :)17:34
erUSULJuanjo5119221: sis cards in linux do not have 3d support (or is not easy to enable) you are out of luck17:34
P3X-018Why can't QtiPlot read formats such "1.234E-05" ? Is there a way make it udnerstand the format?17:34
soreauJuanjo5119221: Can you pastebin the output of 'compiz --replace &' from your terminal?17:34
Juanjo5119221erUSUL: i can't activate desktop effects17:35
erUSULJuanjo5119221: no 3d support == no effects17:35
StupidWeaselI'm setting up a softraid array. Two discs, raid1 - and I'm leaving a little free space for a future possible windows install. My question - should I lump everything into the array, or have a separate 16gb raid0 array for my swap?17:35
jovehello everyone, I have an external USB Western Digital harddrive already format NTFS, how can I mount it on Ubuntu ?17:35
Juanjo5119221erUSUL: noooo :'(17:35
joveI've tried: :~# mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1/media/My Book -o force17:35
joventfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/sdc1/media/My': Not a directory17:35
erUSULjove: it should just automount when plugged17:35
Juanjo5119221soreau: ok17:35
Mrokiihello. I have an iMac here and an Ubuntu-PC, both connected via ethernet (a second card placed into the PC). Yesterday I was able to do an ftp-connection from the PC to the Mac, but not anymore today...17:36
joveerUSUL, not automount17:36
soreauJuanjo5119221: erUSUL Is correct. The only cards capable of running compiz are intel, ati, nvidia and some via cards. sis doesn't have the hw caps or drivers needed to run compiz17:36
erUSULjove: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1/media/My\ Book -o force17:36
NomiSunrideranyone to help me?17:36
joveit's been format as NTFS17:36
erUSULjove: you have to scape the space in the filename17:36
MrokiiI haven't changed anything on the Macs side (which is sharing the folder). Does anybody know what could cause Ubuntu to not being able to find the connection anymore?17:36
joveerusul, what do U meant ?17:37
Juanjo5119221soreau: mmmm ...17:37
Myrttijove: you need a space between /dev/sdc1 and /media/My\ Book17:37
erUSULjove: or you "scape" the space or you use double quotes17:37
Juanjo5119221soreau: thanks17:37
Juanjo5119221erUSUL: thanks17:37
chazcoHi... anyone here know how to fix AV sync issues when using dvd::rip on 9.04?17:37
erUSULjove: and what Myrtti says is also true17:38
monostoneare you allowed to use wildcards in the hosts file? (e.g. *.my-server.local) or is it necessary to always include the complete domain? (e.g. site1.my-server.local site2.my-server.local)17:38
jovemyrtti: it does not work: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1/media/My\Book -o force   any idea ?17:38
WizardsHello for some reason my speakers stop functioning a little after I boot my computer does anyone know why it might be happening?17:38
joveerusul: I don't get "scape", can U explain17:39
erUSULjove: special characters need scaping on the command line17:40
Myrttijove: you don't have the space17:40
Myrttijove: between /dev/sdc1 and /media/My\ Book17:40
void_pointerjove, he means "escaping"17:40
erUSULjove: for example scape. the shell needs a way to tell the difference between two arguments and just one argument with a space in its name17:40
void_pointerjove,  but that isn't the problem. Myrtti has told you17:40
void_pointererUSUL, it's "escaping"17:41
jovemyrtti: i had space here, but not working yet: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1/media/My\ Book -o force17:41
Myrttijove: mount -f ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/My\ Book -o force17:41
Myrttijove: but you need to have the directory /media/My\ Book there before you try to mount17:41
erUSULjove: i.e. «rm 1 2» deletes file named 1 and file named 2 ;; rm 1\ 2 deltes file nemed 1 217:41
oPlesswhat's the "magic" that autodetects things in ubuntu desktop (like usb wifi cards) that isn't in ubuntu server ?17:41
erUSULvoid_pointer: spanish betrayed me17:42
erUSULoPless: NetworManager17:42
void_pointererUSUL, I'd thought as much :)17:42
void_pointererUSUL, _I_ knew what you meant ;)17:42
erUSULvoid_pointer: ;)17:42
h2g2bobhello, I need some help with limits.conf and upstart. If I add some ulimits to /etc/security/limits.conf, then restart a process with upstart, will the limits be enforced. The upstart script starts a process with "exec /bin/su - username -c command". The man page for limits.conf says limits are enforced "at login", but does that include changing use with su?17:42
jovemyrtti/erusul: I did it, but very close: can U help: # mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc1 /media/My\ Book -o force17:43
jove$LogFile indicates unclean shutdown (0, 0)17:43
joveWARNING: Forced mount, reset $LogFile.17:43
jovefuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/My Book: No such file or directory17:43
oPlesserUSUL, really? I thought that was a gui component ?17:43
FloodBot2jove: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:43
Rioting_Pacifistwhats the easiest way to find out what services run on a default a dekstop install? do i have to get a liveCD or is there a cvs somewhere i can browse?17:43
wernickehow do i make everything bigger17:43
wernickecos i have bad eyes17:43
wernickelike fonts and sizes of menus and stuff17:43
erUSULjove: as Myrtti already told you /media/My Book has to be created before you mount it17:43
Mrokiiwernicke:  Menu system/preferences/Appearance?17:44
h2g2bobwernicke: system, preferences, appearance. You can also do Ctrl+Plus (Ctrl+Shift+Equals) on many applications17:44
shane2peruWizards: you can restart your sound with this:  sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart17:44
calmbolai upgraded 7.04 to 8.04 today.  I'm having problem with the sources.list file - i want to remove everything that belongs to gutsy, but i'm afraid to touch anything17:45
calmbolaDoes anyone know where I can get the sources.list for hardy?17:45
OerHeksservices > open terminal and type : ps aux17:45
shane2peruWizards: perhaps it will give you an error that you can start troubleshooting with17:45
shane2peruWizards: do you know what your sound card is?17:45
olivewho to confirm the 10.04 codename is lucid lynx ?17:45
wernickecool story17:45
calmbolaThank you for your help... whoever...17:46
OerHeksor just ps -A17:46
erUSULcalmbola: why ot use Sytem>Admin>software sources ?17:46
calmbolaerUSUL when i do sudo apt-get update, i get a ton of broken links17:47
calmbolaall trying to get gutsy links, which is no longer supported17:47
calmbolaor a ton are ignored17:47
erUSULcalmbola: then the upgrade to hardy went wrong...17:47
calmbolaerUSUL, not so17:47
erUSULcalmbola: to clarify you did 7.04 --> 7.10 --> 8.04 ??17:48
h2g2bobAnyone got any knowledge on my ulimits question?17:48
erUSULcalmbola: if so how you managed to do so without the gutsy repos ?17:48
Wizardsshane2peru i did the command and i got shutting down ALSA then starting up alsa17:48
Wizardsno errors17:48
calmbolaerUSUL i have both gutsy and hardy17:48
calmbolain the repos, if that's your q17:48
=== kb is now known as Guest60500
erUSULcalmbola: remove all the lines with gutsy from the sources.list then17:49
calmbolaerUSUL... that's safe, right17:49
calmbolai've ben installing ubuntu for ... ahem... four days now17:49
calmboladon't ask... but i don't want to screw it up again17:50
erUSULcalmbola: should be safe. you can add hardy repos if some is missing at any time17:50
calmbolaerUSUL, i read somewhere that instead of removing those lines i should replace gutsy with hardy in every instance... which is it?17:50
erUSULcalmbola: well that's if you are upgrading by hand... but you say the upgrade wen well and that you have hardy lines as well17:51
calmbolayes ok17:51
calmbolathank you17:51
^mNotIntelligentcalmbola, that essentially boils down to adding hardy repos manually17:51
calmbola^mNotIntelligent, and erUSUL do your knowledge are these all the hardy repositories?: http://codepad.org/PvjB1VTF17:54
Ultraspanki have a game server, and i want it to be running all the time with out me having to keep putty on, is there a way to add it as a service, or run it on boot17:54
calmbolais that really all i need in my sources.list?17:54
^mNotIntelligentoops, silent mode!17:54
calmbolaoops i would take out the last line17:54
^mNotIntelligentcalmbola, have to have a look...lemme check17:54
erUSULcalmbola: the last one is not17:55
Myrtti!caps | almostAg33k17:55
ubottualmostAg33k: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.17:55
erUSULcalmbola: remove line 717:55
^mNotIntelligentUltraspank, make that run with "nohup" so that even if you quit putty, it keeps running in the backgourd17:55
erUSULcalmbola: deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-security multiverse17:55
calmbolayes erUSUL thanks very much17:55
calmbolagotta reboot now17:55
StupidWeaselI'm setting up a softraid array. Two discs, raid1 - and I'm leaving a little free space for a future possible windows install. My question - should I lump everything into the array, or have a separate 16gb raid0 array for my swap?17:55
Ultraspankok i will try that out, thanks17:55
calmbolathanks again erUSUL17:55
StupidWeaselOr even just whack the swap on a single disc?17:56
OerHeksstupidweasel, aly left over space on raid is unavailable after format17:56
jmcandhigh all why is  "save as"  so slow?17:56
^mNotIntelligentUltraspank, that should do the job ...coool17:56
erUSULStupidWeasel: no need to make an raid0 array for swap. if two swaps have the same prio in fstab the kernel with stripp automatically between the two17:57
sageb1ODG, how much unavailable space could that be?17:57
h2g2bobjmcand: depends what you're saving17:57
^mNotIntelligent!details | jmcand17:57
ubottujmcand: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:57
sageb1this is why i stopped using a swap file under linux, which i created because i forgot to create a swap partition17:58
StupidWeaselMmm, but I need to use the entire disk even with softraid?17:58
erUSULStupidWeasel: no you can raid two paritions17:58
microwho speak spanish?17:58
sageb1and created a swap partition on a ramdisk does not make that swap partition any faster than HDD17:58
erUSUL!es | micro17:58
ubottumicro: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:58
tarvidWhen I clicked stop recording in Cheese, the window went dark. I takes good pictures.17:58
jmcandusing Jaunty save as function triggers high cpu usage and take a long time , file or images17:58
sageb1micro do u use Google Translate?17:59
nadarillahow to connect my local. om from philippines17:59
^mNotIntelligent!es | micro17:59
StupidWeaselAhh good, i thought so. OerHeks threw me off =P17:59
nadarillaim from philippines17:59
jojoszguys one of my processes got stuck and it freezed my screen, im on another machine trying to figure out how to kill it from tt1, how was it? ps -e | grep to find the name of the process? everything is freezed but i dont want to reboot i had some docs opened that i didnt save, help! thanks17:59
microyes... yes---17:59
sageb1micro, you could translate from Espana to English and paste the output here17:59
resnojojosz: can you issue commands from the other machine?18:00
StupidWeaselI'll have a nice little fat32 16gb partition on the drive that does not have swap18:00
sageb1micro, you can then mark and copy any sentence you don't understand here and translate espana to ingles18:00
sageb1sorry, ingles to espana.18:00
^mNotIntelligentjojosz, i guees ps -eaf|grep -i <naem> should do the job, then kill tha process18:00
jojoszresno: what u mean? i need to find the name of the process that got stuck, its scummvm that emulator, but its name wont work to kill it, so its gotta be another one18:01
sageb1stupidweasel, u could either create a  swap file on the partition or use a ramdisk partition if u asked linux nicely18:02
microI want to see a conversation in English although it does not understand anything18:02
jojosz^mNotIntelligent: will that find the process that caused everything?18:02
resnojojosz: use top to find whats taking all the cpu. then kill that process18:02
erUSULmicro: /join #ubuntu-es18:02
sageb1micro, you seem to understand ingles18:02
StupidWeaselThe swap should rarely get used18:02
StupidWeaselshould not be too much of an issue :)18:03
sageb1mmm stupidweasel, you must have lots of RAM18:03
StupidWeasel8gb, but it should do for what I intend :)18:03
jojoszresno: if i only give a "ps -e" i got all the process listed but the list its too long and i cant see the first ones so im not able to read how its called, isnt there something like "ps /p" premuch like "dir /p" in windows? in order to have the list shown in many pages?18:03
microsou sou18:04
StupidWeaselWell thanks for the help guys. :18:04
sageb1yes, yw stupidweasel18:04
microI am using a translator18:04
=== chrisi1512_ is now known as chrisi1512
sageb1micro, excellent18:04
^mNotIntelligentjojosz, the best bet would be to use top and find the one consuming highest cpu, and then kill that....18:05
microwhere you from sageb1?18:05
dimitrihello world ;)18:05
StupidWeasel"ps -e |more" will work jojosz.18:05
^mNotIntelligent!hi | dimitri18:06
ubottudimitri: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:06
sageb1if i was ũberhacker, i'd add that as a jscript for this web GW18:06
StupidWeaselBut yea, I also recommend using top. You can kill the offending process directly then :)18:06
sageb1the google translator18:06
uMishHow come https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile mentions package  linux-kernel-devl but there is nosuch package in ubuntu ?18:06
jojosz^mNotIntelligent: what i was talking about was "ps aux | less" but still i couldnt find it18:06
sageb1i never knew u could use top for that. i thought that was pkill and kill?18:06
StupidWeaselpress "k" and you can enter the pid.18:07
ortsvorsteher!u | sageb118:07
ubottusageb1: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.18:07
sageb1i ddidn't know linux-kernel_devl was a package18:07
DjZemichHi, I just tried to install ubuntu, I've allready installed vista and win7. But when I try to install ubuntu it says something like, "there are no operating system currently installed". How can that be?18:07
resnoDjZemich: its the bootloader i think. or in linux the grub.18:08
^mNotIntelligentjojosz, okey...but how come you're not able to find the process ...the process is consuming too much of cpu, right?18:08
sageb1obottu, what if i were typing on a smartphone with a tiny screen and it didn't have a qwerty keyboard?18:08
J11Is it possible to burn the jaunty cd while running the intrepid (live) cd?18:08
erUSULJ11: if you have two optical drives i do not see why not18:09
^mNotIntelligentJ11, i guess the cdrom gets locked on livecd scenario18:09
StupidWeasel"top -u username" will help clean up the list a bit if you know which user is running the process18:09
sageb1J11, intrepid has a burning software on it, you need an appropriate burner on your machine.18:09
sageb1but you will need a second drive that burns to burn jaunty to a cd/dvd18:10
sageb1it will be very.slow tho18:10
^mNotIntelligentsageb1, rightly said18:10
Pavel_can anyone correct this command line for me?  "sudo apt-get --no install-recommends install firefox 3.5"18:10
J11that would mean I need to install an extra optical disk. So it's not that jaunty gets loaded into ramdisk?18:11
h2g2bobfirefox 3.5 -> firefox3.5 probably18:11
^mNotIntelligentJ11, yep you're right....its loaded on alacarte basis18:11
Pavel_konsol is telling me it doesn't recognize the 'no'18:11
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sageb1J11, that is if the hardware had enough ram for the ramdisk partition18:12
h2g2bobsudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install firefox-3.518:12
h2g2bobdash between (no and installs) and (firefox and 3.5)18:12
sageb1J11 intrepid live cannot create a jaunty USB bootdisk. jaunty live can.18:12
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sageb1from what i have experienced, intrepid live can only create intrepid USB bootdisks.18:13
jojosz^mNotIntelligent: my screen's resolution's super big now and i can only see a part of it what do i do? restart the windows manager? what do i do?18:13
Pavel_solid thanks.18:13
h2g2bobPavel_: np18:13
sageb1so the cd/dvd burning is the safest way of getting that jaunty on a cd/dvd18:14
sageb1jojosz, sorry to butt in. ctrl-alt-backspace is your friend18:14
Steve____hello world.. got one probblem.. the current installs of k/ubuntu auto boot the kernel in the grub menu...18:15
MrSenatorSo I was thinking about installing Ubuntu and running windows virtually. Is this recommended? Is performance decent? I'm a gamer, so...yeah.18:15
sageb1usually that will reset X but might log you out of the gui18:15
Pavel_h2g2bob, is there any general lesson I should take from this about the terminal?18:15
Steve____how do i pause in the menu?18:15
Steve____in the grub menu befor it auto boots18:15
J11Well, I have just 1GB on this machine. So, I'm off installing an extra cd-rom station.18:16
aaron11helo my gnome applications menu has no submenu18:16
^mNotIntelligentjojosz, did you try alt clt backspace?18:16
BoondoklifeSteve____: are you talking about the time out? if so check /boot/grub/menu.lst18:16
sageb1pavel, what 'this' do you refer to? is the terminal like Xterm or console or even the Gnome terminal / console?18:16
^mNotIntelligentJ11, yep...liveCD = ~2.4GB uncompressed data18:16
DjZemichHi, I just tried to install ubuntu, I've allready installed vista and win7. But when I try to install ubuntu it says something like, "there are no operating system currently installed". How can that be?18:16
sageb1DjZemich, ubuntu may not install ntfs.so at bootup18:17
^mNotIntelligentDjZemich, ubuntu is not able to detect of previous OSs? how come18:17
sageb1it depends on the version18:17
sageb1ubuntu may need ntfs.so installed before reading ntfs partitions at bootup18:18
MrSenatorDoes anyone know what performance is like running windows in a program like virtual box? Is it game-worthy or is dual booting (which is what I'm trying to avoid, I'm OCD when it comes to having 1 base OS installed) my only realistic option? Wine doesn't support all games so I was looking for something a bit more solid.18:18
DjZemichsageb1 Oh okay, how do I do that?18:18
sageb1ubuntu sees an NTFS partition as no previous OS present18:18
=== Mud|tv is now known as Mud
Pavel_sagebl, just Konsole.  h2g2bob answered a question earlier about the command 'sudo apt-get --no install recommends install firefox 3.5' and why it needed to be '--no-install-recommends install firefox-3.5"18:18
sageb1DjZemich which Ubuntu version are you trying to install at the moment?18:19
luiteI have a ubuntu 9.04 server with no keyboard/mouse connected, which I usually 'admin' using vnc, but now vnc suddenly does not work anymore. how can I regain access to the local gnome session, ssh still works.18:19
^mNotIntelligentMrSenator, go for dualbooting...best option18:19
DjZemichsageb1: Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop18:19
sageb1Pavel, yes two dashes made it right18:19
^mNotIntelligentsageb1, i dont think having win on ntfs means no os for ubuntu18:19
sageb1DjZemich, ok18:19
jojosz^mNotIntelligent: what does alt+ctrl+bckspc do? plus i tried "top" and the second process is "Xorg" what if i kill Xorg? dunno what to do man... im stuck!18:20
sageb1mNotIntelligent, ok then18:20
Pavel_sagebl, is there any kind of grammatic rule involving dashes and complex commands?18:20
Steve____is their a magic key in GRUB to stop it from auto booting the kernel?  the new default seems to be dont wait at all....??????18:20
sageb1jojosz, alt+ctrl+bkspc causes Linux to bail from X and restart it18:21
sageb1it's like a soft reset18:21
Myrttisageb1: doesn't do that anymore18:21
^mNotIntelligentjojosz, that should have fixed your problem...18:21
sageb1alt+ctrl-bkspc no longer resets X?18:21
Myrttisageb1: it's been disabled some versions of Ubuntu ago18:21
Myrttisageb1: people were hitting it by accidentr18:22
Myrttisageb1: magic sysrq k is used now, or you can check what the bot has to say about !dontzap18:22
sageb1bot, what does dontzap do?18:22
Myrtti!dontzap > sageb118:22
ubottusageb1, please see my private message18:23
Laurens`I am a noob: How do I install a program from a 'source tarball' ?18:23
sageb1laurens, untar is involves with flags18:23
MyrttiLaurens`: what are you installing from source tarball to begin with?18:23
David-TPavel_: short (single character) options follow a single dash and can usually be grouped together.  long (multi-character) options come after a double dash.  multi-word options are joined with dashes.  values are usually separated from options with an equals or space (sometimes either), '--' on its own stops option processing so you can (eg) delete a file called '-file' so something like cmd -a -b -cde --long --really-long-option --with-value=value --o18:23
toniiLaurens`: you read the README and follow the instructions18:23
Laurens`Music Applet 2.5.118:23
nadarillahow can i connect to my local, im from manila philippines18:23
^mNotIntelligentLaurens`, first untar that18:23
oPlesscheers erUSUL - I'm half way there now :)18:23
heoaWhat is wrong with the Ruby one-liner:  ruby -e "if ''.empty? puts('hello') end" ?18:23
resnonadarilla: why are you trying to connect to local?18:24
^mNotIntelligentnadarilla, what do you mean by local?18:24
sageb1i forgot the flags to wave after untar now18:24
David-Theoa: nothing?18:24
David-Theoa: oops, my paste broke it on to two lines - you need ; after "''.empty?'18:24
Laurens`I untarred the file.18:24
nadarillaresno, because im from philippines, thats my local18:25
aj_444I just ran an update using the terminal, did the restart, and when it rebooted it got stuck on the screen with the progress bar and ubuntu logo. I've manually turned it off and retried it several times but I get nothing. Does anybody know whot to fix this?18:25
heoaDavid-T: -e:1: syntax error, unexpected kEND, expecting kTHEN or ':' or '\n' or ';'18:25
aj_444how not whot*18:25
David-Theoa: ruby -e "if ''.empty?; puts('hello') end" ?18:25
^mNotIntelligentLaurens`, then redd the README file and follow the instructions else ask here18:25
jtwhiteI want to change from Vista to Ubuntu but I have over 5gb of music/video... How should I got about that?18:25
resnonadarilla: that doesnt make sense. what are you trying to access?18:25
Laurens`okay thanks ^mNotIntelligent :)18:25
sageb1aj_444, you upgraded to 8.10 or higher? from below that?18:25
David-Theoa: or you could use "if ''.empty? then puts('hello') end"18:25
ortsvorsteherjtwhite: first burn or save your data to an external disk18:25
^mNotIntelligentLaurens`, no probs UW :-)18:25
^mNotIntelligentjtwhite, can't you dualboot18:25
sageb1aj, how good is the video card on that system?*18:26
nadarillaresno, to connect near me18:26
aj_444sageb1: its the intel gma 950.18:26
^mNotIntelligentjtwhite, and access the win data with ease...any issues with this18:26
Laurens`^mNotIntelligent: that is just some info about the program.. no installation instructions18:26
jtwhite^mNotIntelligent: I guess I could. Will the Ubuntu installer fix the partitions?18:26
sageb1aj_444, ubuntu runs that graphic stuff on top of X, compiz or somewhat18:26
heoaDavid-T: Thank you.18:26
sageb1you have to disable it, but my memory is gone so ask18:27
sageb1someone else can help you18:27
^mNotIntelligentLaurens`, there has to be some help file fro installing from source....look for such file..do you have make file?18:27
aj_444sageb1: When I was updating, I accidentally closed my laptop, and the internet stopped.18:27
^mNotIntelligentjtwhite, you;re not clear...what you mean by fix partitions?18:27
apadoxi searched internets but i cant find how to install wireless card manually and offline, i have driver in zip18:27
sageb1aj_444, ok so reinstall again18:27
jtwhite^mNotIntelligent: Will I be able to specify the amount of space each partition will receive?18:27
aj_444sageb1: I need to totally reinstall ubuntu?18:28
^mNotIntelligentapadox, unzip and install from src...whats the prob you're facing?18:28
sageb1aj_444 absolutely not18:28
^mNotIntelligentjtwhite, yes18:28
Wizardshey does anyone know why when i press print screen the outcome is like really late lol? (like 5 mins)18:28
sageb1aj-444 were you updating ubuntu or doing the version upgrade18:28
jtwhite^mNotIntelligent: There used to be an issue with an Intel video driver... Do you know where I can find information on thatr?18:28
^mNotIntelligentWizards, never heard of something like this18:29
sageb1if the latter, then it's cos compiz chokes on intel graphics chipset18:29
aj_444sageb1: I was just doing a partial update. I wasn't switching versions.18:29
Wizardswell like18:29
Wizardsmy print screen isnt coming up anymore18:29
sageb1aj_444, ok, do u use compiz religiously?18:29
Wizardsits not screenshotting18:29
^mNotIntelligentjtwhite, if you knwo the details about your video card,,,google it or ask here in the channle...someone will definitely help you out18:29
Myrttipartial updates are always a bad idea18:29
aj_444sageb1: I don't really know what compiz is. So.. I doubt it.18:29
albackerhow do i build .deb from source?18:29
thiebaudeMyrtti, very true18:30
sageb1wizard, did you reinstall the Take Screenshot app?18:30
aj_444Myrtti: I think the reason it got all messed up was because the internet cut out during the update.18:30
^mNotIntelligentalbacker, why do you want to do that?18:30
Steve____while booting the kernel is their any keboard shortcuts to get it to drop to console er terminal... or the next runlevel...?18:30
Myrttiaj_444: sudo apt-get -f install?18:30
sageb1aj_444, since you didn't know Ubuntu probably is but didn't tell you18:30
* thiebaude always get your updates when available18:30
aj_444Myrtti: I can't even get to the desktop. I'm stuck on the boot screen.18:31
^mNotIntelligent! hi | neko18:31
ubottuneko: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:31
nekohow can i try the last beta ?18:31
sageb1aj_444, hm i forgot how to turn off compiz without using the gui18:31
^mNotIntelligentneko, beta of what?18:31
nekoof ubuntu18:31
* SleepyVore pets the cat18:31
nekoi don't remember the command to force dist upgrade18:31
sageb1but i got the gui back once by uninstalling compiz18:31
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Steve____neko: download and burn then install...18:31
aj_444sageb1: the problem is, I can't boot up my system.18:32
Steve____neko: a nm18:32
^mNotIntelligentneko, get karmic daily builds...the bleeding edge or alpha/beta from ubuntu official webpage18:32
jtwhiteHey guys, is there any update on the Intel 8086:2a02 problem with compiz?18:32
sageb1compiz can cause intel  8xxx and up graphics controllers a lot of grief when it gets upgraded18:32
Steve____neko, wants to update... so mabey check the PPA eagers18:32
sageb1aj-444, ok it is a boot problem18:32
sageb1aj_444 can you boot into single user mode from start up? or does it get that far after POST?18:33
Steve____neko, er the update -d option18:33
soreaujtwhite: http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/Hardware/Blacklist/18:33
jtwhitesoreau: Will it ever be fixed?18:33
Steve____neko, er the updatemanager -d perhaps18:33
aj_444sageb1: I can get to the GRUB Screen, then I can select the usual four options, but after that, nothing boots.18:33
calmbolacan anyone tell me what sources.list.save is used for?  i accidentally overwrote this file18:33
calmbolado i need it?18:33
apadox^mNotIntelligent: so you dont have to load it anywhere, you just run it?18:33
soreaujtwhite: Probably by latest intel drivers18:33
sageb1aj444, ouch18:34
jtwhitesoreau: Any ETA?18:34
soreaujtwhite: karmic I would presume18:34
^mNotIntelligentapadox, what? missed the context...can be elaborate18:34
sageb1aj444, you need the livecd and use its single user mode18:34
jtwhitesoreau: I believe there's an Alpha of that out?18:34
soreaujtwhite: yea Im sure18:34
jtwhitesoreau: Do you know how to make Wubi install alphas?18:35
sageb1i forget which entry in menu.list to change to fix that18:35
aj_444sageb1:Eh, its no big deal. I'll just reinstall it.18:35
soreaujtwhite: nope18:35
carreraGreetings! :)18:35
Ultraspankhaving problems installing some packages, keep getting waiting for headers18:35
sageb1but a normal install and accidental shut down usually does not fuxor the kernel18:35
albackerwhat is needed for GL.h ?18:35
sageb1so it has to be a menu.list error18:36
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sageb1you may have a GRUB problem, aj44418:36
restrexhi! is there a way to disable hfs+ journaling from ubuntu? thanks!18:36
sageb1tho i still suspect Compiz bombed18:36
calmbolai'm missing my third party softwrae links in my sources.list file - does anyone know what i need to do to get these back in?18:36
sageb1but i could be mistaken. the intel graphic chipset is distracting me18:37
carreraI installed Ubuntu 9.04 alternate amd64 on a box with P4 CPU on a Gigabyte MB. Does that mean I have a 64-bit architecture?18:37
aj_444sageb1: Mmk. A clean install will probably fix the problem. I appreciate the help though. :)18:37
thiebaudecalmbola, enable them again18:37
sageb1restrex: not after you made the hfs+journaling partition if you have data on it18:37
albackerwhat should i apt-get to have GL.h since it was needed while compiling an application ? THANKS !!!18:37
^mNotIntelligentalbacker, apt-get is not going to fix that18:38
calmbolathiebaude, option not there - but i found a sources.list online18:38
sageb1aj444 as long as you dont have data you need on it18:38
albacker^mNotIntelligent, i need the name of the package.18:38
albackerprobably some library or smth : ^mNotIntelligent18:38
thiebaudecalmbola, ok18:38
^mNotIntelligentalbacker, then you have to manually check which package contains that18:38
^mNotIntelligentalbacker, must be some library18:39
albacker^mNotIntelligent, that's why i asked here.18:39
VtecHello can anyone help me with this small problem? Most of the time when I enter desktop cube on Ubuntu 9.04 and I try to screenshot the picture my pc freezes and I am forced to hold the power button and reboot, does anyone know why?18:39
carreradoes amd64 install on 32-bit architectures?18:39
sageb1GL.h is needed then?18:39
^mNotIntelligentcarrera, nopes18:39
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^mNotIntelligentalbacker, okey...wait for someoen to respond...18:40
sageb1GL.h should be in the libopengl library18:40
carrera^mNotIntelligent, thanks18:40
^mNotIntelligentcarrera, no probs :-)18:40
albackersageb1, thanks18:40
carreraI'm trying to convert our company employees from Windowz to Ubuntu18:41
sageb1or the source for the open gl package for your card18:41
carreraI've this box with no specs or manuals18:41
arrrghhhso i'm using alsa for my audio output locally currently, and i setup pulse to do remote audio output.  there's a slight lag, and i'd like to switch everything over to pulse, local and remote audio.  how difficult is this?18:41
^mNotIntelligentcarrera, thats sounds great, good luck18:41
tavihow i can put more bass to sound?18:41
carrera^mNotIntelligent, thanks18:41
sageb1allbacker, are you using a nvidia card?18:41
taviin ubuntu18:41
carrerais there a way to detect the hardware in Linux?18:42
albackersageb1, no, ati18:42
^mNotIntelligent!enter | tavi18:42
ubottutavi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:42
sageb1albacker, ok18:42
^mNotIntelligentcarrera, yes: lshw, lspic18:42
arrrghhhcarrera, i mean there's lshw, dmesg, etc... what are you looking for?18:42
^mNotIntelligentcarrera, *lspci18:42
albackersageb1, libopengl is not in the repos, libopengl-perl is, but it doesn't fix my problem18:43
pulimtarde galera!18:43
BloodstarI just recently found out my processor was 64-bit, so I figured I'd install the 64-bit version of Ubuntu18:43
LjL!pt | pulim18:43
ubottupulim: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:43
sageb1it might be in the xorg-driver-fglrx source, allbacker18:43
albacker!libopengl | albacker18:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libopengl18:43
pulimalguem pode me dizer oq é isso "index.html -> wiki"18:43
BloodstarRunning installation, however, it reports when I've selected "Install them side by side, choosing between them each startup"18:43
carrerawell, I've already installed Ubuntu 9.04 alternate amd64 on this box, but I don't think it's a 64-bit machine, since we've had it for at least 2 years18:43
Bloodstarthat my computer has no operating systems on it18:43
Bloodstarwhich is really making me nervous18:43
^mNotIntelligentpulim, can you put that in english plz?18:43
BloodstarI really don't want to ruin my XP install18:43
sageb1!xorg-driver-fglrx | sageb118:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:43
deviant-routeHello guys am trying to connect to my moms computer. She is running windows xp and i am running linux #! how can i connect to her computer remotely to solve her problem18:44
sageb1! xorg-driver-fglrx | sageb118:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:44
VtecHello can anyone help me with this small problem? Most of the time when I enter desktop cube on Ubuntu 9.04 and I try to screenshot the picture my pc freezes and I am forced to hold the power button and reboot, does anyone know why?18:44
LjL!info xorg-drver-fglrx | sageb118:44
ubottusageb1: Package xorg-drver-fglrx does not exist in jaunty18:44
pulim^mNotIntelligent: my bad18:44
LjL!info xorg-driver-fglrx | sageb118:44
ubottusageb1: xorg-driver-fglrx (source: fglrx-installer): Video driver for the ATI graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is optional. Version 2:8.600-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 15088 kB, installed size 47388 kB (Only available for amd64 i386)18:44
^mNotIntelligentcarrera, 64 bit OS can't be forced to install on 32-architecture...not possible18:44
sageb1vtec, what's your graphics chipset?18:44
ldleworkI just installed Ubuntu on my girlfriend's machine. With the live CD everything worked perfectly. Now that it is actually an install the network card is not recognized. Can anyone help me get online?18:44
^mNotIntelligent!details | ldlework18:45
ubottuldlework: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:45
Jordan_UBloodstar: Bloodstar You could do the partitioning manually. Does it see the drive at all?18:45
Vtecsageb1: how would I find that out lol, also when I printscreen alot of the time it just doesn't show up I see it in the processes list but it does not show up18:45
BloodstarIt's only showing me sdb, not sda18:45
sageb1Idlework, make and model of lan card?18:45
Bloodstarin the installer18:45
pulim^mNotIntelligent: I typed ls -la on my server and that "index.html -> wiki" showed up , I think thats must be a link, but I never saw this befor18:45
ldleworkI've installed latest ubuntu using the live CD. The Live CD recognized the network just fine but now that I've booted into the actual install it says no network device found. I don't know how to query the system for additional information regarding the networking setup.18:46
pulimHow can I point it to other location18:46
BloodstarWhoa, now it decided to work.18:46
^mNotIntelligentpulim, thtas a soft link, i guess18:46
carrera^mNotIntelligent, arrrghhh: then I need to find out exactly what hardware I have. I already have ubuntu running on it18:46
BloodstarShows "Windows Vista (loader)" on /dev/sda1, Ubuntu 9.04 (the 32bit install I'm looking to replace) on sda2, and swap on sda518:46
deviant-routei neeed assistants in connecting to a remote windows xp machine accross the internet from a linux machine.any advice?18:46
^mNotIntelligentcarrera, yep..that would be nice18:46
nix-idioteque!32-bit libraries18:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:46
BloodstarI think I might be alright, actually.18:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 32-bit18:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 32bit18:47
Jordan_Uldlework: Can you pastebin the output from "lspci" ?18:47
nix-idiotequeubottu: what good are you, anyways?18:47
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:47
BloodstarJust gotta grab a couple things off my previous install before replacing it.18:47
^mNotIntelligentnix-idioteque, ubottu is just a bot18:47
ldleworkJordan_U: No, the machine has no networking interface yet. :)18:47
nix-idiotequeubottu: that's what I thought18:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:47
carrera^mNotIntelligent, what would be nice/18:47
sageb1Vtec: # dmesg | grep agpgart18:47
ldleworkBut what am I looking for?18:47
BloodstarI screwed something up back in 2007, and I really haven't been able to use Ubuntu until just now since I finally got a decent connection18:47
nix-idioteque^mNotIntelligent: I know18:47
^mNotIntelligentcarrera, h/w details18:48
heoaDavid-T: the same code, but in a function and with an error http://pastebin.com/m62ac993e18:48
Vtecsageb1: do i type that in terminal just like that?18:48
deviant-routei neeed assistants in connecting to a remote windows xp machine accross the internet from a linux machine.any advice?18:48
sageb1Idlework, can you put a network card in and reboot that machine then?18:48
sageb1yes, without the #18:48
carrera^mNotIntelligent, how do I find the h/w details then?18:48
Jordan_Udeviant-route: Ubuntu comes with a remote desktop client18:48
ldleworksageb1: it has an actual device - I mean as far as ubuntu is concerned...18:49
^mNotIntelligentdeviant-route, rdesktop should let you do that18:49
heoaDavid-T: why?18:49
sageb1the # is there to tell the person he has to use a terminal on his console18:49
Jordan_Ucarrera: lshw -c network18:49
mneptokldlework: lspci | grep etwork18:49
ldleworkJordan_U sageb1  : lspci doesn't list anything that sounds like an NIC18:49
deviant-routeok so it should be rdesktop hostname/IP adress ?18:49
sageb1idlework, jordan_u knows his stuff18:49
ldleworkJordan_U lscpi | grep returns no lines.18:49
sageb1wow, the card may be unseated18:49
deenaif i run flash movie in firefox, the movie seems very slow18:50
JeruvyIdlework, try sudo lshw -C network18:50
deenacan anyone assist for this18:50
sageb1otherwise if it is hardwired in that machine, it's broke18:50
thiebaudedeena, like slow-motion?18:50
deenayou are right18:50
mneptokldlework: is this wireless or wired?18:50
^mNotIntelligentldlework, use lshw| grep -i network18:50
ldleworkmneptok: wired18:50
thiebaudedeena, im not sure how to fix that problem18:50
ldlework^mNotIntelligent: k18:50
^mNotIntelligentldlework, better lshw -c network18:50
deenamine is because of vga18:51
=== vgn is now known as Hetii
deenamin is via S3 unichrome18:51
Jordan_Uldlework: Have you checked that the card still works if you boot the liveCD?18:51
thiebaudedeena, laptop?18:52
deenano it is system...18:52
sageb1name the lan card, idlework?18:52
mneptokldlework: if lspci does not show a network interface of any kind, then the Linux kernel will not load a module as a driver. is the a function in the BIOS or by keyboard shortcut to enable/disable the wired interface? if so, make sure it's on.18:52
ldleworkJordan_U: ^mNotIntelligent  sageb1 : http://ldlework.pastebin.com/m313658d918:52
deenawhich means desktop18:52
^mNotIntelligentldlework, lemme check18:52
mneptok!enter > deena18:52
ubottudeena, please see my private message18:52
arrrghhhcarrera, lshw then.18:53
sageb1idlework, what does # dmesg | grep -v network  show18:54
^mNotIntelligentldlework, your network h/w18:54
sageb1i.e. # command up to network18:54
sageb1i.e # dmesg | grep -i network18:54
Jordan_Usageb1: That will match lines *not* containing "network"18:54
^mNotIntelligentldlework, oops...your network h/w's firmware is not loaded...not able to get detected18:54
sageb1Jordan_U corrected18:55
arrrghhhhow do i switch from using alsa for local sound output to pulse?18:55
sageb1arrrghhh, is pulse installed?18:55
Myrtti!bot > deena18:55
ubottudeena, please see my private message18:55
arrrghhhsageb1, i would assume, i can use it for remote audio.18:55
ldlework[ 11.682222] type=1505 audit(1253364023.761): operation="profile_load" name="/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-dhcp-client.action" name2=default" pid=216918:56
sageb1pulse isn't my forté. i'll shut up now18:56
hznHELP: Trying to install NVIDIA Graphic accelerator version 180 but i get a error sign (-) at the end and option to close the window.18:56
arrrghhhso alsa for local sound output and pulse for network sound output... but they're slightly out of sync and if the lappy isn't pulling the pulse stream alsa skips for some strange reason.18:56
sageb1hzn, which nvidia card do u have?18:57
sageb1arrrghhh, that is not strange, that's lag18:57
hznHELP: thank you sageb1 i just tried it again and it seemed to work18:57
* ldlework 's girlfriend is going to chew him up for saying "If it works on the live CD it will work the same once it's installed"18:57
^mNotIntelligentguys gotta go.... sageb1, Jordan_U : plz help ldlework fix his problem....bye guys18:58
sageb1hzn, you typed it too fast, imho18:58
hzngoing to restat ubuntu to see if slow rendering of my display us fast.18:58
rskildlework: gf chewing you up sounds like win/win :p18:58
sageb1Jordan8U is faster on the draw with Idlework18:58
=== seidos is now known as kevin|demarest
Jordan_Uldlework: Have you checked that it still works from the liveCD?18:58
arrrghhhsageb1, well i'd like to just use pulse for everything.  and how do you explain the skipping alsa audio when pulse is enabled but not streaming?18:58
ldleworkJordan_U: I will do that now.18:58
calmbolacan anyone tell me which files manages sudo apt-get upgrade?18:59
calmbolai'm getting a ton of returns when i type that command and want to remove them18:59
ch_Hi all. Anyone else got problem whit ecryptfs after last updates? Can't access my home folder. "keyctl_search: Required key not available" [Karmic]18:59
calmbolaas in newlines18:59
VtecIn my panel I added these graphs that monitor network/hd/load/memory right? my memory reads  38% in use by programs and 44% in use as caches, is there a way that I can stop the cache's? They are making my pc kind of slow, someone help please. thanks18:59
Jordan_Ucalmbola: There are many, what are you trying to do?18:59
sageb1arrrghhh, pulse asks linux to use sound controller. linux sees alsa hogging resources and waits, telling pulse to wait. pulse then plays stream while waiting for resource alsa hogs18:59
herlan007Hello everyone18:59
Pici!karmic | ch_18:59
ubottuch_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:59
sageb1or vice versa18:59
arrrghhhsageb1, so how do i disable alsa and force the use of pulse?19:00
sageb1pulse and alsa don't know how to play nicely with sound controller19:00
rskiarrrghhh: you need alsa for sound dont disable it19:00
rskipulse works ontop of alsa19:00
herlan007creo que me meti en problemas19:00
sageb1arrrghhh, uninstall alsa? and blacklist it? but if you have alsa to play sound, maybe pulse is being naughty again19:00
arrrghhhdamnit.  when they're both running it's fine, but if pulse is enabled and my lappy isn't taking on a stream it skips.19:01
calmbolaJordan_U, when i run sudo apt-get upgrade i get: http://codepad.org/nvSYSvDX19:01
sageb1if pulse is used for remote sound then it is emulating esound19:01
herlan007I think I got in trouble19:01
Pupuseffhow compile tgz to pet on puppy19:01
sageb1in fact, pulseaudio replaces esound19:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about puppy19:01
VtecIn my panel I added these graphs that monitor network/hd/load/memory right? my memory reads  38% in use by programs and 44% in use as caches, is there a way that I can stop the cache's? They are making my pc kind of slow, someone help please. thanks19:01
sageb1pupeseff, do you have the full development on that puppy?19:02
arrrghhhis that the swappiness setting?19:02
Jordan_Ucalmbola: Sure you don't have a stuck return key?19:02
ldleworkHeh Jordan_U now its not working in the LiveCD =X19:02
calmbolai'm certain, Jordan_U19:02
herlan007install compiz on ubuntu 9.04 and was adopting some of the animations you have, when suddenly the desktop disappeared and all around dark, clear that the restart, but the desktop is equal qdo. Try a little of everything, from uninstalling and installing the compiz until autoconfigured of ubuntu 9.0419:02
sageb1i.e. gcc and the sources libs19:02
ldleworkJordan_U: perhaps I should power-cycle my router or something...19:02
calmbolathat was also happening at sudo apt-get update until i took all the extra lines out of sources.list, Jordan_U19:02
Bloodstarugh, farther in the install it said there were no suitable OSes to import documents from19:02
Jordan_Uldlework: Doubt that would help19:02
herlan007someone can help me?19:02
sageb1including headers for that version of linux19:02
calmbolaanyone have any ideas why sudo apt-get upgrade produces this: http://codepad.org/nvSYSvDX19:02
Jordan_Uldlework: Is windows still installed on it?19:02
ldleworkJordan_U: why  would it break after installing and rebooting?19:03
ldleworkJordan_U: no.19:03
ldleworkI am running Windows here on my laptop atm19:03
sageb1idlework, i thought you said your computer cannot detect the lan card in it19:03
sageb1the solution is to remove lancard and replace it19:03
ldleworksageb1: what?19:03
sageb1the machine cannot see the lan card19:03
ldleworksageb1: replace it?19:03
Roastedis it impossible to change permissions on a USB flash drive to 777 + owned by me:me, or am I just retarded?19:03
ldleworksageb1: it was working just a second ago19:03
macrobadVtec: "caches" do not make your pc slow, it's the other way round. If you want to get rid of them though, you'd have to increase the size of RAM19:03
=== Mud|lunch is now known as Mud
arrrghhhrski, so if i can't replace alsa... can i use pulse for local audio output instead of alsa?19:04
sageb1idle. reboot the computer with livecd and see if the livecd detects it19:04
ldleworksageb1: or rather about 20 minutes ago19:04
Jordan_Uldlework: If the card needs firmware it may have been loaded by windows, and you *rebooted* from windows rather than shutting down and starting up19:04
ldleworksageb1: I just did - it did not19:04
Vtecmacroband, so basically buy more ram sticks lol?19:04
sageb1arrrghhh, it's working now...19:04
ldleworkJordan_U: I'm confused - what do I need to do?19:04
Jordan_Uldlework: Or it could be a hardware problem19:04
ctmjr!audio | arrrghhh19:04
ubottuarrrghhh: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:04
sageb1idlework, do u have a working XP partition to detect that lancard?19:05
sageb1a booting XP partition19:05
hznHELP: Every time ubuntu wants to connect wireless network, it asks for keyring password. I set it not knowing it was going to ask for it every time. Anyway to remove the password?19:05
calmbolaJordan_U, this is a known bug... but how do i find the fix?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/20357319:05
Jordan_Uhzn: Set it to be the same as your login password19:05
ldleworksageb1: no this was supposed to be the big move to Ubuntu19:05
hzni have19:05
hznbut i want it gone19:06
Jordan_Uhzn: Then the keyring will be unlocked when you login19:06
calmbolabrb gonna reboot and see if that fixes it19:06
Naxzulguys im having trouble trying to download via synaptic, it just went to 8000 bs19:06
sageb1idlework, so 20 minutes ago under windows xp, the lancard worked?19:06
Naxzulcan anyone help me fix that?19:06
sageb1and right now, Linux cannot find the lancard?19:06
VtecWhat would be the problem for my PC freezing when I use desktop cube and screenshot to show a friend the desktop cube?19:06
arrrghhh ctmjr not sure how that helps me.19:06
hznbecause sometimes my family wants to use my computer. and i have put auto login?19:06
tavihow i can add more bass to my ubuntu?19:07
Jordan_UNaxzul: Try changing mirrors in System > Administration > Software Sources19:07
ldleworkJordan_U: how the hell does the firmware get "uninstalled" from rebooting?19:07
ldleworkJordan_U: I installed Ubuntu from the live CD19:07
LjLhzn: i don't think it's possible to have it gone if you have auto-login19:07
sageb1hzn, yes then the keyring password should be a four letter word19:07
Naxzulok Jordan_U ill try that19:07
ldleworkJordan_U: meaning the LAN was working in Ubuntu while Ubuntu was installing19:07
ldleworkMeaning it worked in Ubuntu after I left windows for the last time19:08
Jordan_Uhzn: System > Preferences > Networking, set the connection to "available to all users"19:08
hznmy keyring is not a four letter19:08
sageb1hzn, i can think of two inoffensive four letter words for that password19:08
ch_ldlework, what card is it?19:08
Jordan_Uldlework: Firmware is often stored in non-volitle memory19:08
sageb1"work" is one of them. "home" is another19:08
ldleworkch_ I have no idea: it is an integrated card19:08
sageb1idlework, put in a card on the motherboard19:09
sageb1use it instead19:09
Jordan_Uldlework: And when you reboot you don't always fully power down all hardware, so the non-volitile memory persists19:09
ch_ldlework,  you can't see anything whit lspci?19:09
ldleworkJordan_U: so I should power down all the way?19:09
arcturus_my atheros wireless card is making ubuntu crash almost every time i attempt to connect to the internet or after awhile of being on the internet. I didn't do anything specific to configure wired internet, but for some reason it isn't working19:09
VtecWhat would be the problem for my PC freezing when I use desktop cube and screenshot to show a friend the desktop cube?19:09
sageb1if lspci does not show a lancard, then linux does not recognize it19:09
ldleworkNo lspci doesn't show a networking interface19:10
invisimeI have some permissions problems with what alsa's allowed to access.19:10
sageb1vtec, what was your grahpics card again?19:10
Vtecnvidia 610019:10
Jordan_Uldlework: No, if my theory is right you would need to boot into windows to have it load the firmware, then reboot into linux. Or just figure out how to get the firmware installed in linux19:10
arcturus_sageb1: lspci shows my ethernet controller19:10
invisimeif I run alsamixer, I get an error, but if I run sudo alsamixer, it works.19:10
Jordan_Uldlework: What model laptop?19:10
sageb1vtec, is the nvidia 6100 fully RAM'd to the max?19:10
Jordan_Uinvisime: Can you pastebin the error?19:11
ctmjrarrrghhh: System > Preferences >sound change everything to pulse see if that helps19:11
sageb1invisime, that's correct19:11
ldleworkJordan_U: My computer that Ubuntu is being installed on is a Mut, I'm not sure what the motherboard is - its old.19:11
sageb1alsamixer cannot access sound thru alsa as user19:11
ldleworkI believe it may something like19:11
arrrghhhctmjr, any way to do that from cli?  i only have ssh access.19:11
ldleworkVIA Ethernet19:11
ldleworkVIA mother board19:11
Vtecsageb1: how would I check if it is and if it isn't how could I change it?19:11
sageb1idlework, now what's the CPU? P3? or better?19:12
Naxzulwooo thanks a lot Jordan_U, works like a charm now:)19:12
ldleworksageb1: p4 I think19:12
arrrghhhldlework, i remember having a lot of issues with an old via board.  freakin pos.  i had to do the alternate install.19:12
ldleworkarrrghhh: this is dumb because it was working in the LiveCD19:12
sageb1Vtec, you open the computer up and look at the card, and use your google to show you a pic of a nvidia 6100 with lots of ram on it19:12
ch_ldlework, can you get any more information from 'lspci -vv |grep Ethernet' ?19:12
arrrghhhldlework, oh mine wouldn't boot into the livecd i think.19:13
ldleworkch_ booting now, I'll let you know19:13
arrrghhhit's been a while, we trashed that pc a while ago.  gf got a new lappy ahah.19:13
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:13
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:13
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:13
FloodBot2SpamBot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:13
Jordan_Uldlework: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg" ?19:13
ldleworkJordan_U: again - no- because the machine has no networking..19:13
invisimesageb1: if that's the intended behavior, it has nothing to do with the fact that I've got no sound?19:13
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:14
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:14
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:14
FloodBot2SpamBot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:14
sageb1vtec, your nvidia 6100 is max'd. it's onboard video, right?19:14
Jordan_Uldlework: Can you save it to a file and transfer it?19:14
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:14
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:14
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:14
Vtecsageb1: I have no idea how would I find that out too? I am new to this19:14
sageb1invisime, if sudo alsamixer makes it have sound, it is19:14
arrrghhhctmjr, is there any way to run that from cli?  i can forward X session stuff if needed, but i only have ssh access.19:14
creative1412ubottu: spam!?19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spam!?19:14
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:14
ldleworkOmg now the networking is working this reboot!19:15
sageb1if sudo alsamixer does nothing then that's not the problem19:15
SpamBotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:15
invisimesudo alsamixer loads up alsamixer.19:15
ubcaarrrghhh-> you can ssh with -Y opton19:15
ldleworkJordan_U: I just rebooted after shutting down all the way and the networking is up in the LiveCD19:15
creative1412Calm down Myrtti :D19:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer19:15
NoobotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:15
Moon_Doggythats what you get spambot19:15
invisimewhich tells me there something somewhere that has the wrong permissions.19:15
NoobotI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:15
sageb1spambot is rogue? who would've known?19:15
arrrghhhubca, i know how to forward stuff, but he's asking me to go to a system menu and open the sound config.19:15
LjL!feeding the troll19:15
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.19:15
foooobso i have a custom built computer running jaunty.  after ~12 hours, i can't hear sound anymore; going to alsamixer yields => alsa_ctr cannot find sound device... i've tried using my sound blaster live card and built in mobo sound but it happens with either card.  rebooting restores sound.  ideas?19:16
sageb1how do we kill a spambot without locking out the channelbot?19:16
nathan7I am not a spambot. Please kick me.19:16
ubcaIdleOne-> look whats in your /lib/firmware/`uname -r`19:16
sageb1nathan7 too eh?19:16
* nathan7 hides19:16
sageb1nathan7 you're live19:16
creative1412:s the room is full of boots19:16
Jordan_Uldlework: Ok, can you pastebin the output from "lshw -c network" ?19:16
ldleworkubca: I just shutdown to see if it works on the actual install19:16
Myrtti-sucksI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:16
ubcaarrrghhh-> once you have an X forwarded, is that not available?19:16
Myrtti-sucksI am a spam-bot. Please do not kick me.19:17
nathan7Personal attacks are really lame.19:17
sageb1myrtti, is it a friend or an enemy?19:17
arrrghhhubca, a system menu?  there's no X server on this machine.19:17
user___what is all this going on?19:17
sageb1and it's someone using a swiss account.19:17
sageb1dont mean he's swiss but he is giving the country a black eye now19:17
LjL!feeding the troll19:18
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.19:18
invisimesageb1: so alsamixer. I'm supposed to be able to run it as user, right? not just as root?19:18
ldleworkWell networking seems to be working due to a full shutdown guys.19:18
ubcaarrrghhh-> then use gconftool-2 perhaps?19:18
thiebaude!caps | hzn19:18
ubottuhzn: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:18
turbooooooi'd like to install ubuntu from ubuntu minimal and build light lxde desktop. does the ubuntu minimal image have ath5k wifi drivers, and how do i connect to my wpa wifi on the console?19:18
sageb1invisi, it depends on how alsa was set up19:18
Vtecyou would use ndiswrapper most likely19:18
Vtecturbooooooo: you would use ndiswrapper most likely19:18
sageb1usually alsamixer is installed on the desktop19:18
Moon_Doggyhzn wat you need19:19
sageb1if it was installed by root, then that explains why you have to preface with sudo19:19
Halitechturboooooo, probably not but might be easier if you hook up with a wired connection and get things going19:19
turbooooooVtec: ndiswrapper, so i need to put drivers on a usb stick?19:19
ZykoticK9hzn, this "might" help http://maketecheasier.com/auto-unlock-keyring-manager-in-ubuntu-intrepid/2009/03/1419:19
sageb1installed by root means in a root terminal19:19
Vtecumm what are you using19:19
Vtecwireless adapter?19:19
Jordan_Uturboooooo: The alternate cd does contain ath5k drivers19:19
dhillon-v10hi all I need some help with nautilus19:19
invisimeah. so uninstall and reinstall with sudo, perhaps?19:19
spikestarit depends what u r useing19:19
ch_is there anyone really good whit ecryptfs? Can't access my homefolder19:20
sageb1on the desktop means installed by Applications: Add - Remove19:20
Jordan_Uturboooooo: ( minimal too )19:20
turbooooooJordan_U: ah great, so how do i connect to my wpa2 wifi?19:20
Jordan_Uch_: Did you change your login password?19:20
sageb1invisi, have you used applications:add-remove to install alsamixer on the desktop?19:20
sageb1not on the desktop proper but on the main menu19:20
spikestaru should have it in the main folder19:20
dhillon-v10can anyone help me out please19:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:21
ch_Jordan_U, no. Just updated the system. It whines about keyctl_search: Required key not available19:21
sageb1ch_, u need a new ecryptfs?19:21
spikestarok how is everyone today19:21
dhillon-v10<Paddy_NI> I need some help with nautilus, it keeps on crashing19:21
arrrghhhubca, gconftool-2 doesn't seem to want to run under cli alone... i'll see if there's any switches to forward the X session.19:21
invisimesageb1: I did on my original xubuntu install. I have since uninstalled xfce and installed fluxbox.19:21
Vtecwhy is my memory being used up by 66% cache does anyone know why?19:21
invisimesound seems to be one of the last remaining bugs from that transition.19:21
Paddy_NIdhillon-v10, Could you provide a little more information please19:21
user___vtec because your running so many grpahs19:21
ubcaarrrghhh-> or gconftool  i think is command line19:21
dhillon-v10<Paddy_NI> I have enabled apport but the output on stacktrace is ()??? like that19:22
danbhfiveVtec: I think it is because linux will cache everything unless the mem is needed for something else19:22
sageb1invisi, it's beyond me to show how to install alsamixer on fluxbox19:22
Jordan_Uturboooooo: I don't know much about wireless, sorry19:22
ch_sageb1, well... I can't access my homefolder after an update. I Just want the info I got here...19:22
arrrghhhubca, same error.19:22
Paddy_NIdhillon-v10, sorry mate that question is beyond me :)19:22
invisimesageb1: it's more complciated than just using apt-get? T_T19:22
Myrttihzn: please lose the caps19:22
spikestarflood bot 2 is a garud!!!!!!!!19:22
creative1412hzn: my ears!19:22
spikestarWATCH IT19:22
dhillon-v10<Paddy_NI> can anyone else here help me19:22
invisimehzn: no it doesn't. it encourages me to /ignore you.19:23
creative1412hzn: don't shout for gods sake :@19:23
Vtecdanbhfive: my computer is going pretty slow because of it i think i only have 3 programs open and my memory is 27% pgrograms 66% cache19:23
wildc4rd_evening all19:23
BloodstarHey there we go19:23
Vtecand my pc is slow ):19:23
BloodstarInstallation worked fine19:23
ubcaarrrghhh-> nope, those are command line tools booth gconftool-2 and gconftool19:23
dhillon-v10<spikestar> can you help me out in a nautilus crashing problem19:23
Vtecgood evening wildc4rd_19:23
sageb1invisime, mmm usually people use #sudo apt-get install rather than install alsamixer from the root and use apt-get install by itself19:23
HalitechVtec, open a terminal and run htop (sudo apt-get install htop if its not already installed) and see whats using your memory19:23
spikestarIM HAVING SEX19:23
IrishmanlukeI can't get my printer connected, when I try to run hp-setup it says no devices found19:23
arrrghhhubca, maybe there's some switches i have to pass?  what am i doing with it here?19:23
Myrttispikestar: you're getting kicked19:23
danbhfiveVtec: well, I doubt that it is going slow,  IF it is in ram, that part is fine.  Are you sure something isn't using the cpu?19:23
djp`if i type export EDITOR="editorofchoice"19:24
sageb1spikestar, is that a new protocol?19:24
djp`what file does that change?19:24
Paddy_NIdhillon-v10, Well the routine is this, ask your question with as much detail as possible then wait for an answer.. this can take time and you may need to ask again later but dont constantly repeat the question as it can be annoying for others19:24
ubcaarrrghhh-> yes there are switches required, like -t str --set /path/to/be/set19:24
spikestarI LOVE SEX19:24
hznwhat is the age group of people like "spikestar"?19:24
Vtecdanbhfive how do i find out19:24
Jordan_Udjp`: It doesn't change any file19:24
LjLspikestar: not here19:24
Paddy_NIdhillon-v10, Sorry I can not be of more help19:24
Vtecunder processes what would i be looking for?19:24
sageb1! SEX | sageb119:24
ubottusageb1, please see my private message19:24
Vtecdanbhfive: under processes what would i be looking for?19:24
Myrttispikestar: are you done soon?19:24
Jordan_Udjp`: It sets what is called an environment variable in memory19:24
djp`Jordan_U, thanks. what does it actually do?19:24
dhillon-v10<Paddy_NI>  I apologize for being a but annoying19:24
spikestarIM DONE BUT MY GF IS OVER19:24
sageb1ok that does not work. ubottu scolded me19:24
HalitechVtec, the ones using the most memory19:24
danbhfiveVtec: well, you can use the command top, hit ctrl+alt+del, or install htop as someone else suggested19:24
Paddy_NIdhillon-v10, Hey no worries mate :)19:24
sageb1spikestar, you're obviously too young to be here19:25
djp`Jordan_U: you're ahead ofme! thank you :)19:25
Jordan_Udjp`: np :)19:25
sageb1i bet he isn't and does not have sex or a GF19:25
hznOnce again. thank you. My first visit was welcoming.19:25
Halitechthank you Myrtti19:25
LjLsageb1, don't feed the trol please.19:25
Vtecshould i post a screenshot of the one with most memory and you guys can check it out?19:25
Jordan_Udjp`: You can change your default editor permantently though19:25
spikestarOK GUYS IM SORRT19:25
sageb1it was a troll?19:25
Myrttispikestar: stop it.19:25
danbhfiveVtec: if you like19:25
Halitech!pastebin | Vtec19:25
ubottuVtec: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:25
djp`Jordan_U, so on reboot that will be forgotten right?19:25
spikestarIM SORRY19:25
Myrttispikestar: you're working your way not only to be removed, but banned19:26
macrobadVtec: how much memory do you have? The applet shows for me 27% taken by programs, and 22% is taken by cache. However, all other utilities report only 500 MB / 2000 MB is occupied, that is cache takes nothing19:26
LjL!caps | spikestar19:26
ubottuspikestar: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:26
Myrttispikestar: would you please lose the caps19:26
VtecI have 850MB ram19:26
Jordan_Udjp`: Yes, in fact it will only affect programs you start from that shell19:26
sageb1hm how do i private someone?  i rarely do irc19:26
spikestarmy mic is on19:26
sageb1spikestar, this is not MSN Messenger.19:27
LjLsageb1: /query nickname19:27
Vteci installed htop how would I use it now?19:27
macrobadVtec: just run it in terminal19:27
HalitechVtec, open a terminal and run htop19:27
linuxguy2009Hello everyone I am wanting to buy a wireless mouse for my new Dell Inspiron Mini 10v, and I was wondering are there some that work and some that dont with Linux or are they pretty standard. I would really love to have the Logotech V450 with the nano reciever how can i find out if it will work? I tried calling Logitech but they don't answer the phone.19:27
Vtecokay i did19:27
ubcaVtec perhaps you can google for a tutorial on that?19:27
djp`Jordan_U: yes... i've since used the command, sudo update-alternatives --config editor19:27
spikestargo to my room19:28
spikestarfun and games and no rules19:28
Myrtti!offtopic | spikestar19:28
ubottuspikestar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:28
LjLspikestar: begone already19:28
spikestarmake me19:28
dhillon-v10spikestar: get out or we will ban you19:28
sageb1can you filter out the teenager?19:28
sageb1thank you19:28
dhillon-v10<Myrtti> thanks19:28
Vtecthat is my process list19:29
danbhfiveVtec: hah!  you sorted showing those that have the least memory.  I'm sure those aren't the problem  :p19:30
Vtecoh lmao19:30
Vtecsorry i will show you the other side haha19:31
dhillon-v10<Myrtti> alright, my nautilus keeps crashing for no reason and the stack trace shows ()??? something like that19:31
Myrttidhillon-v10: I'm not familiar with nautilus as I use thunar (as a part of Xubuntu) myself19:31
dhillon-v10<Myrtti> my apologies for sending a private message19:31
Vtecthere you go danbhfive19:32
Myrttidhillon-v10: np19:32
dhillon-v10<Myrtti> is there anyone else I can talk to right now who can help me out19:32
HalitechVtec, stop using compiz would be my first suggestion19:32
navetzhow do you install oss sound, wat packages do you need19:33
HalitechVtec, maybe try a ligther browser as well19:33
VtecI play a java-based game what would you reccomend Halitech?19:33
danbhfiveVtec: well, maybe it is compiz?  I dunno, I don't see anything using allot of memory.  Your load averages are a little high?  I would check the cpu column19:33
HalitechVtec, try Opera19:33
Vtecdanbhfive, gnome system monitor has the highest CPU%19:34
HalitechVtec, unless they've fixed it, FF had a memory leak19:34
Vtecreaching up to the 60%19:34
Vteccompiz is idling at 2-3 CPU%19:35
ctmjrnavetz: google oss4 and download the deb from their website oss is not in the repo's19:35
navetzctmjr: oh okay, thank you19:36
ctmjrnavetz: your welcome19:37
danbhfiveVtec: sudo echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches19:37
michal__hello all19:37
michal__any ideas with 3d acceleration on ubuntu 9.04 ?19:38
Halitechmichal__, in regards to what?19:39
Vtecdanbhfive: my return on it said "3"19:39
danbhfiveVtec: look at your cache19:39
* muscardinus not here19:39
michal__problem with VIA video card19:39
VivaLaLolastimmt es das von einem offenen pc strahlen kommen und die darum ein metall gehäuse haben?19:39
Halitechmichal__, buy an Nvidia card19:39
Vtecdanbhfive: my cache did drop19:39
michal__laptop :/19:40
Jordan_U!de | VivaLaLola19:40
ubottuVivaLaLola: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:40
Vtecbut for some reason my loadavg is at 1.43 now is that badl ol?19:40
danbhfiveVtec: yeah, kinda.  That means on average, 1.4 processes are trying to get at your cpu19:40
VivaLaLolastimmt es das von einem offenen pc strahlen kommen und die darum ein metall gehäuse haben?19:40
jabagaweetrouble mounting jfs volumes on the livecd19:40
jabagaweewhat could be the problem?19:40
Jordan_Umichal__: What graphics card?19:40
Halitechmichal__, that sucks ... did you install the openchrome driver? ( I think thats what its called)19:41
michal__VIA Technologies, Inc. CN400/PM800/PM880/PN800/PN880 [S3 UniChrome Pro]19:41
Jordan_Ujabagawee: How are you trying to mount them?19:41
Vtecmy processor is 0% in use with 4 programs open and loadavg is  1.019:41
invisimeif anyone was wondering what the solution was, btw.19:41
invisimeto alsamixer not opening as normal user but opening as root.19:41
invisimethe command is chmod -R a+rwX /dev/snd/.19:42
michal__openchrome does completly nothing19:42
T_N_Twould anyone in here be willing to help me with aircrack?19:42
macrobadVtec: I don't remember the source, but I read that the cache you're speaking about is dropped automatically if there is not enough space for programs. However, if you there is plenty of space, and you unload a program it physically remains in memory, but moves to the cache category so that the next time it could load faster.19:42
invisimeincidentally, this has also fixed my sound issues. yay!19:42
macrobadVtec: my bet is poor video-card performance or lack of RAM. 850 MB is a lot, but not so much if you want a rotating cube. ;-)19:43
T_N_TI need help with Aircrack-NG if anyone could assist19:44
Bloodstar...Do 64-bit drivers exist for a NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS?19:44
macrobadVtec: so, yeah, try running without compiz for some time. If it helps, video was the problem.19:44
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Vtecokay so someone reccomended I stop using compiz and switch to KDE4.3, is this better for cpu?19:44
BloodstarI can't find any on their site, ugh19:44
arrrghhhVtec, he's got a point.  you need to tune the system to your specs.19:44
michal__i found some info in google, but... ehh hard to tell some people tells that 3d works on this card, other tells that it's impossible at this time19:44
Halitech!nvidia | Bloodstar19:44
ubottuBloodstar: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:44
Bloodstaraha, thanks19:44
arrrghhhVtec, try kde, try xfce.  there's others too, but need more configuration to get right.19:44
Vtecoh I see19:45
BorisDmitriBlodstar, yes, i'm running 64 with 8400gs19:45
HalitechVtec, KDE is heavier then gnome, try XFCE or LXDE and see how they run19:45
Vtecarrghhh: how would I "tune my system to my specs"?19:45
BloodstarLet's see if I can get this to work19:45
arrrghhhVtec, to install kde - use 'sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop' - xfce is 'xubuntu-desktop'19:45
Vtecummm I use Ubuntu not Kubuntu19:45
arrrghhhVtec, well if you have only 850mb of ram, you probably shouldn't be using compiz - just an example.19:45
Halitecharrrghhh, Vtec I would go sudo aptitude xfce instead19:45
macrobadVtec: KDE 4.3. is pretty new. Generally older software runs faster than more modern. So, it might not be the best option. Besides, KDE is not a lightweight DE.19:45
Vtecahh I see19:46
arrrghhhHalitech, what's wrong with installing all the pieces?19:46
Vtecokay so19:46
Halitecharrrghhh, why install what he doesn't need?19:46
Vtecyou guys just reccomend I stop using Compiz?19:46
deadleafcould someone help me with that http://pastebin.com/d3450229719:46
arrrghhhit's part of the whole lightweight desktop...19:46
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HalitechVtec, to start with yes ... what CPU do you have?19:46
soreauVtec: Yes, turn off desktop effects and see if it makes a difference for you19:47
macrobadVtec: Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu are using the same base system with different desktop environments. So, you can install another one, and reboot into a new one.19:47
Halitecharrrghhh, and Xubuntu isn't that lightweight anymore19:47
Vtecumm processor?19:47
Vtecamd 64 athlon19:47
arrrghhhHalitech, opinion noted.19:47
HalitechVtec, what speed? and are you using onboard video?19:47
VtecHalitech, how would I find out this information I am new at this please take the time and explain it to me :/19:48
Halitecharrrghhh, alot of people on the forums are coming to the same opinion on Xubuntu now19:48
trijntje!hi | stefano__19:49
ubottustefano__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:49
arrrghhhHalitech, it doesn't have desktop effects on by default, there's other things like i feel the programs run a little smoother (nautilus vs thunar) so... your opinion is noted.  let him try what  he wants to try.19:49
Vtecalright i disabled the 3d desktop desktop cube and some more stuff but my loadavg is still 0.88%19:49
Vteclet me get rid of my dock19:50
excalibashello I have ubuntu live usb but my mouse pointer is a big square, I cant find any help on the internet19:50
macrobaddeadleaf, probably, someone could, but the first and the last time I had a similar error I had to clean up the stuff manually, which took a couple of hours.19:50
Vtechow do i comepletely get rid of Avant Window Navigator?19:50
Vtecsudo apt-get uninstall awn?19:50
Jordan_Uexcalibas: Can you post a screenshot?19:50
HalitechVtec, open a terminal and run cat /etc/proc/cpu and look for a line that says cpu mhz19:51
ctmjrVtec:  sudo apt-get --purge remove awn19:51
kermitsomehow i have no default desktop manager, i have to run gdm as root.. where do i fix that?19:51
deadleafmacrobad, how can i do that?19:51
Jordan_U!boot | kermit19:51
ubottukermit: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:52
VtecHalitech: cat /etc/proc/cpu No such file or directory19:52
macrobadVtec: he meant /proc/cpuinfo19:52
Vtecwhat exactly do i type19:52
HalitechVtec, sorry, copied the wrong line, it should have been cat /proc/cpuinfo19:52
macrobadcat /proc/cpuinfo19:52
excalibasJordan_U: I tahe a skreenshot and the mouse looks ok but I see a half transparent square with s few color pixels19:53
calmboladoes anyone know what this mysterious Bliss.bmp file is that showed up in my home directory?19:53
Halitechmacrobad, had it in my mind it was in /etc for some reason so I was trying it and copied the wrong command :(19:53
calmbolaI want to delete it but i idon't know what it is and gimp won't open it19:53
Jordan_Uexcalibas: Try disabling desktop effects in System > Preferences > Appearance19:54
VtecHalitech: I see cpu MHz : 2100.00019:54
Ademanhow can I get evolution to poll my mail and leave messages in my indicator applet without constantly having evolution running? or is that possible?19:54
RDovedoes evolution read from your mail file ?19:54
ian1how do i save a file if it says no permisions19:55
HalitechVtec, ok, so you would be on par with my old system, P4 1.8 with 896 meg of ram ... I'd try a lighter DE without running all the fancy stuff or just turn off compiz and awn and see19:55
excalibasJordan_U: They are disabled19:55
Halitechian1, saving to where?19:55
Jordan_Uexcalibas: What graphics card?19:55
Halitechian1, and what file are you trying to save?19:56
ian1im saving into /ect/modprobe.d/alsa-base19:56
BloodstarThere we go, graphics drivers working.19:56
trismian1: you would need to sudo19:56
innomenHey guys, I recently dug up an old journal i kept from about 10 years ago that is in a pgp zip, natrually i've forgotten the password but i know it was short, does there exist an open source brute/dictionary tool that will run on ubuntu that can hammer away at it for the next few thousand years? :)19:56
Halitechian1, a text file that you have open?19:56
Vtecokay how exactly do I remove my AWN again?19:57
ian1yeah i edited it and i want to save19:57
Halitechian1, what program did you use to open it?19:57
formodeian1: So save it?19:57
excalibasJordan_U: VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M890CE/K8N890CE [Chrome 9] (rev 11)19:57
excalibasJordan_U: cheap onboard card19:58
T_N_TOn Aircrack-ng I am getting a message that is saying something about the AP being on a different channel, what am I doing wrong?19:58
trismian1: you're going to want to restart the editor with sudo or gksudo if it is graphical19:58
ian1its says (you have no premissions it save)19:58
macrobaddeadleaf: Basically, I just found the scripts that were responsible for installation and removal (/var/cache/apt/archives/*), found the error place, and did their work manually. After that, I just opened the package database (it's plain text file) of apt-get, and fixed the state to removed.19:58
Halitechian1, use sudo nano or gksudo gedit to open it19:58
ian1how do i do that19:58
rand0ms0me0neT_N_T: just change the channel?19:58
formodeian1: Use sudo?19:58
trismsudo! | ian119:59
formode!sudo | ian119:59
ubottuian1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:59
trismI totally messed that up19:59
T_N_Trand0ms0me0one, how do I go about doing that? >>i am a noob19:59
formodetrism: :(19:59
deadleafmacrobad, so it is a little bit complicated for me haa : ( i think i have to get used to use it like that19:59
KakuradyHow do I disable PulseAudio temporarily?19:59
Vtechow do I remove a dock I have on my computer named AWM?20:00
Vtechow do I remove a dock I have on my computer named AWN?*20:00
rand0ms0me0neT_N_T: dunno, haven't bothered playing with aircrack in some number of months... i would guess, off the top of my head, that it might be something like -c or -C20:00
formodeVtec: sudo apt-get remove _______20:00
rand0ms0me0neT_N_T: aircrack-ng --help20:00
Ademan_Kakurady: depending on what you want pasuspender would do what you want20:00
HalitechVtec, if you add the --purge option it will remove the prefernce file as well20:00
Vtecsudo apt-get --purge remove awn?20:01
KakuradyAdeman_: Thanks!20:01
macrobaddeadleaf: Keep asking! ;) Maybe, someone else can help...20:01
Jordan_Uexcalibas: Try adding this line to the device section of your xorg.conf: Option "SwCursor" "on"20:01
Ademan_no problem Kakurady20:01
=== mikebeecham1 is now known as mikeb
Jordan_Uexcalibas: Sorry, should have capital "W", so : Option "SWCursor" "on"20:02
VtecHalitech can I private message you 2 lines of an error from doing sudo apt-get --purge remove awn?20:03
HalitechVtec, sure20:03
excalibasJordan_U:  Thanks, will restart now20:03
ZykoticK9Vtec, if you want to remove awn then i think it's "sudo apt-get remove avant-window-navigator"20:03
=== Eaton_ is now known as eaton12
Vtecahh yes20:04
Vtecthere we go AWN is being removed now20:04
VtecWhen I remove AWN via sudo how do I get the actual dock to stop running?20:04
BiovoreVtec: I think if you right click on it.. there is an option to quit.20:06
VtecBiovore, you proved a great point that was obvious but ofcourse I didn't know that, so thankyou very much20:06
macrobaddeadleaf: as an alternative, modify view lib/dpkg/info/libecj-java-gcj.postrm, fix your apt-get and reinstall all java packages. It IS RISKY, however, and I would rather try to fix it by hand.20:07
macrobaddeadleaf: * modify ... so that it returns 0 always20:07
=== hartem is now known as harutik
rgxhi, i'm trying to install windows xp sp3 but it tells that it cant detect the drive - do you know about this? (ubuntu is installed there)20:10
rskirgx: ask in #windows20:11
Catalyst_Techanyone know an easy way to sync users between systems?20:11
=== harutik is now known as hartem
saji_rgx you are trying to install Win in an ubuntu partition?20:11
cchenrgx: you probably have sata instead of standard ide drives.  xp doesn't support sata unless you provide the driver during the installation20:11
shane2peruCatalyst_Tech: rsync20:11
Biovorergx: sata hardisk?  (The Windows install might need a 3rd parity disk)20:11
shane2peruCatalyst_Tech: with nfs20:11
monostonedoes anyone have experience using Upstart instead of the init daemon? Pros/Cons?20:11
macrobadrski: wow! I never thought there is #windows on freenode20:11
cchenrgx: sata drives.  the newer controller.20:12
carr_can anybody tell me how to access my blackberry through ubuntu20:12
rgxBiovore: like what, another cd? its ibm computer (portable)20:12
Biovorergx: when you install windows it has a prompt about driver disks.  You should have got a floppy or something probably.20:12
saji_See my private msg.20:13
Catalyst_Techshane2peru: i mean sync the user/password lists20:13
cchenrgx: for example, if your sata controller is based on intel chipset, then you can download the driver disk from Intel.  When install in xp, press f6 and then supply the driver20:13
newmemberI am trying to install ia32-libs on 9.04.  I have Multiuniverse in my source list, and I cant even find the package when I search for it, any ideas how to get ia32-libs?20:13
deadleafmacrobad, how do i do that in shortly ?20:13
Catalyst_Techwill nfs let me have roaming home folders for my users?20:14
VtecAlright thankyou all very much I have uninstalled AWN and some desktop features on compiz I will see if it made my pc a little faster, rebooting!20:14
deadleafmacrobad, how do i modify it so it always return to 0?20:14
rgxBiovore-cchen: thank you - i will try switching it off from the bios and go back to sata afterwards20:15
cchenrgx: np20:15
saji_rgx. please see my private msg.20:15
ZykoticK9newmember, ia32-libs does exist on 9.04???  "apt-cache search ia32-libs" should show it as present.20:16
newmemberZykoticK9: nothing found20:16
macrobaddeadleaf: Ok, so you chose the risky way. Be aware, that it may render your java unusable. Modification is simple though, comment out everything! =) To comment, put a hash sign (#) in the beginning of line.20:17
newmemberZykoticK9: I am reading that it should be there on this page, I just dont know why I cant use apt-get.  http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/jaunty/ia32-libs20:17
ZykoticK9newmember, as a test does "apt-cache search gstreamer" show anything?20:17
newmemberZykoticK9: lots of stuff20:18
deadleafmacrobad, i dont care if it is risky. i could reinstall java. but which file that i have to edit. because the one that u said is an empty file20:19
ZykoticK9newmember, does "uname -a" show "x86_64"?20:19
macrobaddeadleaf: open terminal, cd /var/20:19
newmemberZykoticK9:  no, I think I am on i38620:19
newmemberZykoticK9: Linux alfresco 2.6.28-11-server #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 17 02:48:10 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux20:20
deadleafmacrobad, ok20:20
chuckyhi . i am a newbie. installing ubuntu 9.04 on an early 2008 white macbook. Everything went fine until the actual installation . The installation hung at 22%. I restarted the whole process but the live cd does not go beyond the initial start window. Any help would be appreciated20:20
ZykoticK9newmember, then you won't have 32-bit compatibility for 64-bit!!!  What are you trying to do?  ia32-libs is only for 64bit systems!20:20
macrobaddeadleaf: run #find . -iname '*libecj-java-gcj*' 2>/dev/null# (between and without hashes)20:20
newmemberZykoticK9: http://tychocity.blogspot.com/2009/08/instalar-alfresco-community-32-ubuntu.html20:21
WizardsHow do I clear the cache on Ubuntu?20:21
deadleafmacrobad ok20:21
deadleafmacrobad, do you want output?20:22
WizardsHow do I clear the cache on Ubuntu?20:22
ZykoticK9newmember, just skip remove ia32-libs from the instructions20:22
coolcourthello i installed kde on my 9.04 that comes with gnome, how do i sudo a program in gnome to use my wireless in kde?20:22
newmemberZykoticK9: I thought I would try 9.04, i didnt read that I had to use 64-bit.  I guess I will try 9.04 with 64bit20:22
macrobaddeadleaf: nope, just find a *.postrm file -- this is the one you want to edit20:22
newmemberZykoticK9: thanks for the idea.20:23
=== ben is now known as Guest1689
newmemberZykoticK9: what does ia32 do?20:23
chuckyhi . i am a newbie. installing ubuntu 9.04 on an early 2008 white macbook. Everything went fine until the actual installation . The installation hung at 22%. I restarted the whole process but the live cd does not go beyond the initial start window. Any help would be appreciated20:23
ZykoticK9newmember, you don't need 64bit!  Unless you have more then 4Gigs or RAM I'd recommend you stay with 32bit - it's a lot easier.  ia32lib if for 64bit systems to run 32bit binaries.20:23
deadleafmacrobad, ok i have it20:23
deadleafso i have to just remove # sing ?20:24
JohannesSM64chucky, run the disk integrity check20:24
witeif someone could help me with this question: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7974558#post7974558 . No one is answering on the forums20:24
macrobaddeadleaf: hmm.. could you pastebin its contents?20:24
newmemberZykoticK9: oh, thanks.  When I move this to amazon web services I will look at 64bit.  Until then I will do some testing on i38620:24
WizardsHow do I clear the cache on Ubuntu?20:24
kevdogDoes anyone know how to check the current wpa_supplicant parameters that are currently being used when using wireless?  For example -- I am connected with cipher TKIP or AES?20:24
deadleafmacrobad, http://pastebin.com/m5bae5fcc20:25
oPlesskevdog, hang on I'll tell you - just worked wifi manually out myself20:25
oPlesskevdog, "wpa_cli status"20:25
crankharderokay, wtf -- three drives now, added a partition with fdisk, then formatted with ext3 or ext4 -- if they're connected then ubuntu won't start, and by won't start I mean, no splash screen, nothing -- wtf gives?20:25
chuckyhow do i run a disk integrity check?20:26
ryan-cI just updated my 8.04 box and now firefox isn't working even in safe mode.  A firefox window opwns with nothing in it when i try to start it.20:26
kevdogoPless: Ahhh - very nice!!20:26
WizardsWhat is a Lightweight Browser that I can play java-based games on good?20:26
oPlesskevdog, just got ubuntu server working with wifi :) ... no fancypants cli here you know!20:27
coolcourti have a localhost set up, but when i go to the directory, the images and css wont load? how do i correct that20:27
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trismWizards: you could use opera, it is pretty lightweight20:27
kevdogoPless: confused about some of the info being presented:  pairwise cipher = CCMP group_cipher=TKIP, key_mgmt=WPA2-PSK20:27
Wizardsis it easier on cpu than firefox?20:27
shane2peruryan-c: you probably need to move your old .mozilla file to a new location, firefox updated to 3.020:27
bmeynellhow can I turn a cd into an .iso?20:27
kevdogoPless: confused about some of the info being presented:  I thought WPA2, CCMP implied AES but I get TKIP?20:27
shane2peruryan-c: did you backup your bookmarks?20:27
ryan-cshane2peru: it was already 3.0 and it doesn't work in safe mode20:27
chuckyhow do i run a disk integrity check?20:28
Halitechbmeynell, what do you mean turn a cd into an iso?20:28
newmemberbmeynell: I use MagicISO on windows20:28
trismWizards: definitely, it loads very quickly on this really old laptop, and it takes several minutes for firefox to load here (and it is unusable once it does)20:28
oPlesskevdog: key_mgmt= WPA2-PSK is what's being used, with TKIP being the cypher20:28
Halitechchucky, fsck20:28
macrobaddeadleaf: you can comment out the /usr/bin/rebuild-gcj-db command, since libecj-java-gcj.postrm is already deleted by the time *.postrm is run. So, you'll get your apt-get back. =) However, it means that gcj-db won't get updated, and won't work anymore, requiring reinstallation.20:28
jfb_h2ohow can I set a directory to automount at the root level?  I.e.  /remotedir20:28
bmeynellnewmember: I'm on Unbuntu...20:28
kermitgdm is in my boot-up manager and listed in services, both checked, but i have to run it manually at boot20:28
ryan-cbmeynell: you can use dd from the command line20:28
bmeynellnewmember: ubuntu :)20:28
shane2peruryan-c: in a terminal try this:  mv ~/.mozilla ~/.oldmozilla20:28
kevdogoPless:  How do I force AES for example?20:28
kermit..it started after i installed kde, switched to kdm, then disabled kdm20:28
shane2peruryan-c: then try starting firefox20:28
Halitechbmeynell, use K3b to copy it and check the box where it says to only make an iso20:29
ryan-cshane2peru: I already tried that20:29
oPlesskevdog: in wpa_supplicant.conf :)20:29
bmeynellHalitech: checking..20:29
shane2peruryan-c: and it didn't work?20:29
* oPless points kevdog to the manpage (man wpa_supplicant.conf)20:29
ryan-cshane2peru: nope20:29
macrobaddeadleaf: you can use sun java though20:29
Wizardsso trism: you reccomend opera?20:29
shane2peruryan-c: what did you upgrade to?  Jaunty?  try running firefox in a terminal, and post the errors in a pastebin20:29
* oPless wanders off to fiddle with other things20:29
deadleafmacrobad, ok thats fine20:29
Halitechbmeynell, its only creat image20:29
ryan-cshane2peru: I'm still running 8.04.  I didn't do a dist-upgrade20:30
trismWizards: I would start with that, and see if that works for you, they have other lightweight browsers in the repo but I don't know if they support java and several of them crashed constantly on me20:30
kevdogoPless:  Yea I got that part but it won't work!!!20:30
bmeynellHalitech: yeah, I have a cd and need to make an .iso from the original cd20:30
shane2peruryan-c: so you didn't upgrade, but it just quit working?  I'm confused, can you explain to me what you did.20:30
chuckydidnt work im booted onto OS-x20:30
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WizardsI understand, thanks alot trism20:30
Halitechbmeynell, should work with the copy cd option and check only make image then20:30
ryan-cshane2peru: aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade20:31
demashi, all. i am just wandering if is there any possibilty to skip boot loader installation during ubuntu installation ?20:31
WizardsDoes anyone here know how to crack wpa/wep keys on Ubuntu?20:31
witei'm trying to get 3 monitors working, on two nvidia cards, but i can only get one working correctly. my xorg.conf is pasted here: http://pastebin.com/m7117684d can someone help me figure out how to edit this to get it working?20:31
ryan-cWizards: Use backtrack if you have to ask.20:31
Halitechchucky, you didn't mention that ... no idea what tools OS X has20:31
shane2peruryan-c:  ahh, ok, you just upgraded the packages in the repo, that should be  a normal usual practice, are you running 32bit?20:31
abraWizards, use aircrack-ng20:31
ryan-cshane2peru: yeah, 32 bit20:32
Wizardstyvm because my OWN router is showing way less reception than the ones in my area20:32
ubcademas look into this http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/apbs01.html20:32
shane2peruryan-c: did you do that in cli I assume?20:32
ryan-cshane2peru: yeah20:32
shane2peruryan-c: you don't have any odd repos, or something like that to pull firefox from do you?20:33
demasubca thanks20:33
Petengyhi to all20:33
Petengycould someone tell my why when I stop and restart compiz the refresh rate fall down ? (ie cube rotation get slower then before ...??)20:33
Petengyand how to solve it ?20:33
shane2peru!hi | testingirc20:33
ubottutestingirc: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:33
testingircthanks all20:33
testingirci'm afraid i've never used compiz20:34
ryan-cshane2peru: I don't think so.  Mediabuntu, but the firefox package is from official20:34
gonergPlease what's good or the best program to programs in windows20:34
excalibasJordan_U: It didnt work but because i thought I had pressistence but I dont... :( when I restart xorg.conf goes away...20:34
Petengytestingirc: don't worry :)20:34
shane2peruryan-c: ok, we are going to clean out your downloaded files and re-download and re-install and see if that will fix it20:34
witei'm trying to get 3 monitors working, on two nvidia cards, but i can only get one working correctly. my xorg.conf is pasted here: http://pastebin.com/m7117684d can someone help me figure out how to edit this to get it working? full question at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7974558#post797455820:34
chuckyHalitech,how do i do that without being able to boot into ubuntu?.??20:34
macrobad deadleaf: You can install sun-java6-bin and run "sudo update-alternatives --config java" to change the default java version when you get to that. Unfortunately, I have to go, and cannot follow you here. So, have a good luck!20:34
shane2peruryan-c: in terminal run this:  sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox20:35
testingircit's great to see so much activity here20:35
Halitechchucky, do you have a live cd? its best to run fsck on a drive thats not mounted anyway20:35
ryan-cshane2peru: already reinstalled it20:35
shane2peruryan-c: but if the download is corrupt for some odd reason, you need to clear the cache and re-download it.20:35
kevdogwite: You can get to a tty?20:36
saji_Ya... good to have lot of activity here....:)\20:36
witekevdog: whats a tty?20:36
shane2peruryan-c: do you get any errors running it from the terminal?20:36
kevdogwite: Terminal screen?20:36
witekevdog: yes20:36
testingircanybody got an eta on the next ubuntu release?20:36
kevdogwite: You know how to use vi, vim or nano?20:36
ryan-cshane2peru: no20:36
witekevdog: i know how to use nano20:36
Halitech!9.10 | testingirc20:36
ubottutestingirc: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:36
BloodstarWhoa the window effects20:36
shane2peruryan-c: there really should be no other reason for such a problem on the lts20:36
trismwite: you should try to get them all working using nvidia settings before writing the xorg.conf, although I don't know how well that works with 3, but I can get my two working that way20:36
deadleafmacrobad, i have already sun java i could use it but i could not remove the package still20:37
witetrism: i tried that, and i can't get them to work with just the nvidia settings20:37
deadleafmacrobad, but thanks for your help20:37
kevdogwite: so edit the xorg.conf file as root using nano20:37
witekevdog: but what do i do with it?20:38
DJAshnarI have a linksys befw11s4 wireless adapter.  How can I get it to work under Ubutnu 9.04?20:38
saji_!nvidia | wite20:38
ubottuwite: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:38
kevdogwite: Oh -- I have no idea -- using ati and intel chipsets here20:38
PSPi need windows movie maker for ubuntu!!???20:38
kevdogPSP: wine?20:39
chuckyhalitech, ran fsck in the shell option at boot on the rEFIt window. is  that what you meant ? ... it does not recognise the command20:39
HalitechPSP, look into either using it with WINE or look at cinelerra20:39
kermitPSP: virtualbox20:39
witei have the drivers, one monitor works fine. but i can't get the other two to work right20:39
Halitechchucky, no, boot an Ubuntu live cd and run it20:39
kermitPSP: but there are plenty of open source programs that do the same thing20:39
PSPi will try ubuntu community guys20:39
PSPkermit:nothing is easy20:39
lexitguys, i need some help formatting a windows partition. My hdd has 2 partitions, one running right now and a second one i use as backup. How can i format the second one while im on ubuntu?20:39
andyLdo you guys know of any software that will allow ubuntu to connect to a windows VPN20:39
saji_!multiple monitor20:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:40
VarthCan anyone think of a fun use for an old Mac LC?20:40
bruenigVarth: sledgehammer20:40
Halitechlexit, partition editor but make sure the drive isn't mounted before using it20:40
lexitwell i tried on gparted, and i cant seem to be able to unmount it20:40
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ryan-cshane2peru: sill doesn't work20:40
kermitVarth: a clock20:41
ryan-cshane2peru: :(20:41
Halitechskysong, do you have it mounting in fstab?20:41
saji_lexit, do you use a root user?20:41
shane2peruryan-c: please post the output of this: firefox20:41
ryan-cshane2peru: No output20:41
saji_skysong, do you use root account?20:41
ryan-cshane2peru: ran it form a command line when it started having problems20:42
shane2peruryan-c: killall firefox and retry it20:42
skysongHalitech, when i installed ubuntu, i already had the second partition (90GB on ntfs)20:42
Halitechskysong, what is the partition? ie /dev/sdXX?20:42
chuckyok will try20:42
skysongand its mounted on /media/sasori20:43
Halitechskysong, open a terminal and try this ... sudo umount /dev/sda220:43
skysongumount: /media/Sasori: device is busy.20:43
skysong        (In some cases useful info about processes that use20:43
skysong         the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))20:43
lakuwhat program do you guys suggest to convert .flv to .avi ?20:43
ryan-cshane2peru: killing it worked, thanks20:43
Halitechskysong, is there anything writting to the drive currently? ie bittorrent?20:44
ian1i did this to fix my intel hda audio by adding, options snd-hda-intel model=hp, to gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf20:44
ian1but it didnt work20:44
shane2peruryan-c: must have got hung up in a process somewhere, odd though20:44
skysongno.. the only thing running is a download manager, but its saving on my current ubuntu installation partition20:45
saji_laku, i think mencoder will do for you...20:45
chuckyshall i try "check disc for defects" at the live cd boot menu ?20:45
Halitechchucky, that is to test the actual cd, you want to try without changes20:46
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ryan-cshane2peru: somehow my prefs got nuked :(20:46
Halitechskysong, you could edit your fstab to remove the partition from mounting and reboot and then format it20:46
trismwite: a couple posts down in this thread http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=97777 a guy lists his 3 monitor xorg.conf using nvidia and ubuntu, might want to check it out20:47
ryan-cshane2peru: I have automated backups running though20:47
vedevedeI need help... I can't access any computers on my local network. I am able to ping them normally, but I can't figure out how to reach their, for example, shared documents (they're windows machines). I've been told to go to Places -> Network but that isn't there.20:47
skysongHalitech, there's no such entry in my /etc/fstab20:48
Halitechvedevede, are you using Ubuntu or Xubuntu?20:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about BiOS20:48
vedevedeUbuntu, plus xfce DE.20:48
Halitechskysong, how did you mount it then?20:48
ian1i did this to fix my intel hda audio by adding, options snd-hda-intel model=hp, to gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf .....but it didint work20:48
wizzBilling Open Source20:48
saji_sksong check /etc/mtab too....20:48
skysongthe good thing, for me, about ubuntu is that it mounted everything:s20:48
saji_skysong, check /etc/mtab too..20:49
wizz!Billing Open Source20:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:49
Halitechvedevede, if you are in XFCE then it doesnt have the builtin ability to browse network shares20:49
saji_wizz.. What's your problem?20:49
skysongok thanks saji_ found it in mtab20:49
ryan-cshane2peru: it decided to create a new differently named default proflie, wtf?20:49
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saji_skysong..You're welcome... :)20:49
chuckyhalitech, nothing happens . its stuck on that screen20:49
vedevedeHow can I make it browse network shares then?20:50
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Halitechchucky, stuck on what screen?20:50
chuckylive cd boot up menu after trying the "without changes opytion"20:50
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Halitechvedevede, check out this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30413120:51
ian1i did this to fix my intel hda audio by adding, options snd-hda-intel model=hp, to gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf but it didnt work20:52
Halitechchucky, not sure, no experience with mac20:53
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PSPi need windows movie maker for ubuntu!!???20:53
chuckythanks anyway20:53
shruggarI need something to debug my audio input. is there a program which will just display a visualization of audio coming in trough the microphone? just an oscilloscope-like view or something20:54
bonez46here's a dumb question.. how do I set an environment variable at the prompt?20:55
LjLbonez46: variablename=value20:55
shruggarexport FOO=bar20:55
LjLbonez46: export variablename=value  is often more appropriate20:55
vovkshruggar, audacity will show you a bar when it detects mic input...20:55
HalitechPSP, cinelerra, dvdauthor, dvdstyler, kino, movixmaker2, openmovieeditor, take your pick20:55
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shruggaractually, FOO=bar programname is usually most appropriate (sets the environment variable for just that one run of programname, and executes programname)20:56
HalitechPSP, if you *NEED* windows movie maker, use windows20:56
shruggarvovk: looking for something lightweight, single-purpose20:56
saji_shruggar, the default sound recorder also has a level meter... :)20:56
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vovkshruggar, if you play with alsamixer, you can get the mic to output thru a speaker...20:57
vovkshruggar, if it's not working, you'll just hear static20:57
shruggarsaji_, default sound recorder?20:57
PSPhalitech: i tried most of those none of them match the awsomeness of windows movie maker20:58
skysongok i managed to delete and create a new ext4 partition, now i can't create any folders in there. What should i do?:(20:58
beans43anyone happen to have a sandisk sansa fuze? does it play divx?20:58
saji_one in the Applications> sound and video menu.... shruggar20:58
saji_skysong. How did you mount it now?20:59
skysonghow? well it already appeared on the desktop when i finished the formatting...21:00
skysongits still on /media/sasori though21:00
saji_skysong... Try creating a folder as superuser.21:01
ian1this DID not work to fix my intel hda audio by adding, options snd-hda-intel model=hp, to gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf any ideas21:02
coolcourtis there a tutorial on setting up a lamp with ubuntu 9.04 not server edition21:02
skysongit works21:02
Biovorecoolcourt: there the same thing..21:02
saji_!intel audio >ian121:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel audio21:02
navetzguys i have been trying to follow tutorials to fix my sound. before I coudl get sound on one application at a time. Now I cannot get any sound21:02
skysongsaji_, sudo mkdir worked21:02
chuckyhow do i delete the ubuntu partition and reclaim the memory from OS-X?21:02
coolcourtwell i was looking for a tutorial that would get me up and running21:03
eshatI think I habe no beep on my notebook, is there a way to test it ? printf "\a" or pressing tab has no effect. I also unmutet beep in alsa-mixer.21:03
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:03
navetzhow can I use dpkg to reconfigure my sound as if I had just install my operating system again?21:03
Biovore^ that works on ubuntu (anything)21:03
saji_skysong, well that's interesing... So you just have to have permissions for the user you are now logged in as...21:03
skysongsudo chown -R indecent:indecent /media/sasori?21:04
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions21:04
skysongworks fine thanks21:05
chuckyhow do i delete the ubuntu partition and reclaim the memory from OS-X?21:05
saji_skysong That's fine.. Great.... :)21:05
Casper1anyone know how to settup wireless with ubuntu?21:05
BiovoreCasper1: what wireless card?21:06
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Casper1um hold on ill check21:06
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kermitgdm is checked in my bootup manager, but at boot i have to run it manually, why?21:06
saji_!remove ubuntu21:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remove ubuntu21:07
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Biovore!pastebin | Casper121:07
ubottuCasper1: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:07
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navetzhow can I use dpkg to reconfigure my sound as if I had just install my operating system again?21:08
coolcourthow do i get my webcam to work on my acer aspire one21:08
saji_!dpkg >navetz21:09
ubottunavetz, please see my private message21:09
Casper1 http://imagebin.org/64490 bivore21:09
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saji_skysong you still there?21:10
trijntje!webcam | coolcourt21:10
ubottucoolcourt: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:10
BiovoreCasper1: don;t know much about intell 5100 wireless cards.. But it looks like its been asigned the iwlagn kernel module21:10
chuckyhow do i delete the ubuntu partition and reclaim the memory from OS-X?anyone?21:10
Casper1what do i need to do?21:11
BiovoreCasper1: what does ifconfig -a show?21:11
Casper1what do i need to look for in there21:11
sjokkisanyone know where the folder icons used for the Documents, Music, Pictures and Videos folders are located?21:11
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.21:11
BiovoreCasper1: dose it show your wireless card interface on that list..  probably a wlan0 or eth1 interface.21:12
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Casper1Biovore: yeah21:12
DJCharlieafternoon all. I've made someheadway with vgetty. But now i'm getting this error: 09/19 16:09:24 yS0  mdm_read_byte: read returned -1: Interrupted system call any idea what could be causing it?21:12
vedevedeThat how-to didn't work. I downloaded fusesmb, got myself into the fuse group, made a /media/network directory, but there's not actually anything there.21:13
BiovoreCasper1: right now, your connected via wired?21:13
Casper1yeah ethernet21:13
BiovoreCasper1: click on the icon next to volume thing on the top bar.   Dose it show any wireless networks?21:13
Casper1yes it shows the network, i can connect to it with full connection, but nothing will load on the internet if i do connect21:14
criticalsectionis there a disassembler i can run on ubuntu to view elf executables?21:15
Biovorecriticalsection: gdb21:15
navetzi have concluded that my system no longer finds any soundcards21:15
navetzbut it use too21:15
navetzhow can i reset my sound to how it was when i first installed jaunty21:16
DJCharliecan someone PLEASE help me?21:16
LogicFanhi, i'm trying to mount a windows share on my ubuntu 9.04 machine and everytime I try to mount I get a "mount error(112): Host is down" error.  yet the machine is pingable and is up21:16
criticalsectionBiovore, gonna try it :)21:16
LogicFani've read though most of the samba docs on the wiki and forums, but nothing is turning up21:16
Callum_LogicFan: what command are you using to mount it?21:16
Halitechnavetz, does the card still show up in lspci?21:17
BiovoreCasper1: maybe default route issue or something?21:17
Casper1Biovore: How would i go about fixing that?21:17
BiovoreCasper1: depends on what the acutal problem is..21:17
navetzHalitech: yup: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)21:18
Assurbanipalhi guys, i have high cpu usage in process ksoftirqd/1 on my laptop which is on kubuntu 9,04. can someone plz help me!?!??21:18
Halitechnavetz, what about aplay -l ?21:18
Bilzhello. trying to install ubuntu on an acer aspire 5738z, and im having problems simply running from the live cd. after the ubuntu loading screen the monitor just goes blank and i cant do anything21:18
BiovoreCasper1: can you ping your default gw?    (you can see what your default gw is by typeing 'route -n' into a terminal.   Look for the line.21:18
vedevedesude fusesmb /media/network returns permission denies. Do I have to get permission from the universe or something?21:18
LogicFanCallum_, sudo mount -t cifs21:18
navetzHalitech: it says no soundcards found ...21:19
LogicFanbut actually, i've already added the whole string to /etc/fstab21:19
Casper1yeah hold on21:19
Bilzany ideas/experiences?21:19
LogicFanbut whether i use fstab or not doesn't seem to matter.  i get the same error21:19
Casper1which one is the gw?21:19
Casper1oh gateway?21:19
Callum_LogicFan: Are you connecting to the IP address of the machine or the machine's name on the network?21:20
saji_Assurbanipal>, which is your kernel version?21:20
Callum_I find that the IP address works better than connecting to the hostname21:20
arthusI am having lots of trouble getting php5+apache running... it refuses to install correctly21:20
LogicFanCallum_, i've tried both.  i have set the hosts file to resolve the name to the proper ip too to no avail21:20
arthusWhy doesn't stuff freaking PURGE when I ask it to?21:20
vovkhave you tried restarting wind... err, ubuntu?21:20
AssurbanipalLinux nikolas-laptop 2.6.28-15-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9 10:49:34 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux21:21
Callum_"sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/Callum" is an example of what I use21:21
Assurbanipalsaji_: Linux nikolas-laptop 2.6.28-15-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9 10:49:34 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux21:21
LogicFanCallum_, right, i have similar21:21
LogicFanbut whether i issue the command manually or use fstab, resolve the hostname or use the ip, i get the same error21:21
saji_ok... Well For old kernel this process had such problems, but your kernel version is fine...21:22
Callum_and in /etc/fstab "// /mnt/Callum cifs credentials=/mnt/.cred 0 0" and in /mnt/.cred is "username=username<newline>password=password"21:22
Casper1Biovore: Is that the Gateway?21:22
LogicFanCallum_, yes, i have that set21:23
Callum_LogicFan: You don't need to put a line in /etc/fstab for it to mount...21:23
BiovoreCasper1: gw = gateway..  (should be the ip of your internet router thing)21:23
Assurbanipalsaji_: so what should i do??i am trying to solve this for long with no sucess21:23
Callum_LogicFan: Its probably your Windows machine causing problems then21:23
LogicFanCallum_, i realize, but to automount you do.  i've tried both.21:23
Halitechvedevede, did you read farther down? there are a few thiungs others had to do to get it working21:24
LogicFanCallum_, any suggestions?21:24
Casper1ok found it21:24
Casper1what do i do now?21:24
Callum_not sure, Windows is entirely unpredictable, especially when it comes to networking and shares21:24
Callum_like now, my Windows 7 VM just crashed _again_ >_>21:25
kevin01123 /join #xfce21:25
lakuHello guys i'm converting a flv file to mpeg but I dont get any sound21:25
saji_<Assurbanipal>, I'm afraid i Have no other ideas.21:25
JohannesSM64Virtualization isn't too fair for judging.21:25
arthusWhy is Ubuntu a fail at actually doing what I ask it to do?21:26
BiovoreCasper1: if your onw wireless, can you ping it?21:26
toniiarthus: guess you tell it in windows talk21:26
Callum_JohannesSM64: But my Fedora 11 and Windows Vista VMs all work fine =P21:26
Callum_This is 7 RTM as well21:26
LucidGuyIs there an app or shortcut that can auto size all windows to fit screen?21:26
arthustonii: why would I do that? I haven't used windows since I was 8 years old.21:26
Casper1idk hold on i might be disconected21:27
Mike_LaMarGuys is is different the end line for windows and for linux?21:27
McFlooderlaku are yo can play this flv with sound in linux?21:27
cppnewbiewhat is the command to get back to an already running x?21:27
LjLcppnewbie: ctrl+alt+Fx where x is often 721:27
cppnewbieLjL: correct phew thanks for saving me21:27
cppnewbiei owe you one21:27
Casper1yeah it worked21:27
Assurbanipalsaji_: thanx anyway21:27
toniiarthus: was just a guess at your inability to get it to do what you want it to do.21:28
ian_____my installation of ubuntu stops at 5% creating new partition and sometimes freezes or does nothing :S21:28
arthusIf I tell ubuntu to "apt-get remove --purge apache2" why does it keep /etc/apache2?21:28
saji_<Assurbanipal> , np... Sorry I couldn't help you... :)21:28
arthusgenerally, I'd expect --purge to actually;... well... purge.21:28
lstarnesarthus: that's part of apache2-common21:28
BiovoreCasper1: your ethernet cable still plugged in?21:28
Casper1it is now21:28
Casper1i unplugged it and conected to the wireless21:29
arthuslstarnes: which is apparently not installed, at least according to apt21:29
ian_____any idea?21:29
lakuMcFlooder: yes m821:30
LucidGuyLooking for an app/command/shortcut that will auto resize all open windows within gnome to fit screen so they are all visible.  Any suggestions?21:31
Bilzim gettin a black screen when trying to load ubuntu live cd (8.04) on my acer aspire 5738z, any ideas how to get past this?21:31
BiovoreLucidGuy: you mean title all the windows on the display?21:31
LucidGuyBiolunar, Umm .. that might be what its called.  Not tile.  I want to see the contents of each window simultaneously21:32
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BiovoreLucidGuy: I think there is something in compiz that will do that.21:33
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:33
Guest81653jak se daří lidi21:33
Casper1Biovore: what do i do next?21:33
BiovoreCasper1: you said it was working..  ??21:33
dios_mioi have a 64 mb video card.. do I need a better one for better compiz effects?21:33
Casper1the ping did21:33
ctmjrBilz: from the main menu press f4 then choose safe graphics mode see if that helps21:34
Casper1but i still cant connect21:34
Casper1to the internet21:34
BiovoreCasper1: so.. might mean your dns isn't any good..  when connected to wireless can you ping
Bilzthanks ctmjr, will give it a try21:36
Casper1no 3 different things pop up all wlan21:36
Casper12 of them show the distination and not the gateway and the other shows no destination but a gateway21:36
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:37
VeroiTunes stopped21:37
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Casper1in the ping list when i put the command in the terminal21:37
arthusWhen I try to load php on ubuntu, it prompts for me to download the file?21:37
diogo_79where are locate the source lists21:37
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diogo_79on unbuntu21:37
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BiovoreCasper1: in the terminal just type "ping"21:38
ctmjrdiogo_79: /etc/apt/sources.list21:38
Casper1ok its poping up a bunch of lines that say 64 bits from blah blah blah21:39
aethelrickhi trinux21:39
Casper1bytes sorry21:40
Xodiac13can someone help me please help me im am losing hope on putting linux on my laptop all i want is a working distro with 3d inabled ive tried a lot and doesnt seem to work i have a radeon x120021:41
Xodiac13and with ubuntu21:41
Xodiac13ive looked at forums and all i just need to be put in the right direction to get this problem solved period21:41
toniiXodiac13: that's probably an issue with Xorg and ATI drivers, and not with linux distributions21:42
Xodiac13tonii: ive looked at what xorg version i need ive seen people with sucess with this video card and nothing seems to work its like they were full of you know21:42
danbhfiveXodiac13: what version of ubuntu have you tried?  And have you tried the drivers manager?21:43
Xodiac13danbhfive: ive tried 7.10,8.04,8.10, and 9.0421:43
Xodiac13danbhfive: and i tried the hardware devices and enabling it when i try to play games or run the os i get lines in my screen that flicker21:44
guntbert!shout | daylon21:44
ubottudaylon: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:44
Casper1Biovore: ?21:45
Xodiac13danbhfive: its almost impossible on getting it to work21:45
daylonim sorry im just desperate21:45
Xodiac13danbhfive: everything in my laptop works except 3d with my radeon x1200 i hate ati and next time i am going to get a latop with nvidia21:45
jyoshui just got a gnome error from 9.10.  it said i should tell the distributor.21:46
chazcoHi... does anyone know how to fix A/V sync issues when using dvd::rip on Ubuntu 9.04?21:46
Casper1Biovore: You still there?21:46
guntbertdaylon: in reality its the other way round - I can read lowercase much better than uppercase, and remember !patience please21:47
nelsonhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/russnelson/3934561705/   <---- The Ubuntu logo ... in hand-knit socks.21:47
b1shopwhere are the setting for gnome menu stored?  i.e. i want to add something to the menu from a terminal21:47
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seyfarthIs there a good dreamweaver alternative for ubuntu, or should I keep a second computer around with windows on it?21:47
danbhfiveXodiac13: you want to start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI21:48
chazcoseyfarth - Depends what you want from Dreamweaver21:48
vovkseyfarth, Kompozer is pretty nice21:49
chazcoseyfarth - If you mean wysiwyg style editing then Linux doesnt have anything up to scratch... if you mean IDE style then there are loads of options21:49
vovkNo integrated java or flash buttons or anything tho21:49
aethelrickseyfarth: there are a couple of WYSIWYG HTML editors for linux... try Kompozer, Bluefish or Quanta Plus21:49
seyfarthchazco: just to make a basic CSS/html website to hold my resume and such. no flash or anything. I'm trying to uninstall windows to keep myself from playing games and focusing on junior year of college/career21:49
Xodiac13danbhfive: and this is for my video card right i can use ubuntu 9.10 and make my video card work with the newest xor21:50
Xodiac13danbhfive: and this is for my video card right i can use ubuntu 9.10 and make my video card work with the newest xorg*21:50
citrus212hello there. I need help restoring windows xp back onto my GRUB bootloader21:50
aethelrickseyfarth: though... they're not as WYSIWYG as Dreamweaver... still... I personally find it easier to write web sites in a text editor21:50
ctmjrdaylon: what happens when you unplug it and plug it back in?21:50
danbhfiveXodiac13: is that a question?  I don't know21:50
citrus212hello there. I need help restoring windows xp back onto my GRUB bootloader21:50
citrus212i'm currently on ubuntu 9.0621:51
Xodiac13danbhfive: i will try ubuntu 8.10 then thank you21:51
citrus212and need your help21:51
arthusPlease help me. Ubuntu hates me. phpmyadmin says "Cannot load mysqli extension. Please check your PHP configuration. - Documentation"21:51
Casper1i can connect to wireless but nothing will come-up on the internet. some1 help please21:51
Xodiac13danbhfive: is it for 32 bit or 64 bit or does it matter21:51
Jordan_UXodiac13: Are the lines only where the 3D app is ( when not full screen ) ?21:52
citrus212GRUB bootloader problem with xp21:52
nemesis1911hey guys ..21:52
danbhfiveXodiac13: I would start with 32 bit, since that tends to have better support21:52
guntbert!repeat | citrus21221:52
ubottucitrus212: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:52
nemesis1911I need help with Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0c45:628f Microdia PC Camera with Microphone (SN9C202 + OV9650) it just don't work.. :-(21:52
NomiSunriderwho wants to be a tester of my website?21:52
guntbert!ot | NomiSunrider21:52
ubottuNomiSunrider: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:52
Xodiac13danbhfive: like it flickers and when i run compiz the window decorator has blah on it its garbage and its not smooth21:53
nemesis1911.. can anyone help me with the webcam ??21:53
mgv1hi, i just deleted the upper panel, how can i restore it?21:53
Casper1some1 please help with my wireless21:53
Xodiac13danbhfive: i found a new good program called playonlinux really good program to play windows games on it and when i tried that it was definatly unreadable21:53
aethelrickcitrus212: the grub website has really good documentation on how to launch XP from grub... you just need a chainloader line in your config21:54
Jordan_UXodiac13: Does everything work if you disable compiz?21:54
ctmjr!panels | mgv121:54
ubottumgv1: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:54
nemesis1911mgv1: right click on the bottom panel and click New Panel21:54
Xodiac13Jordan_U: ive tried a lot even without compiz when i run glxgears the screen will flicker too21:54
mgv1ctmjr: how to open the terminal?21:54
Jordan_UXodiac13: Have you tried the radeonhd driver?21:55
ctmjrmgv1: alt+f2 then type gnome-terminal then enter21:56
Xodiac13Jordon_U: i dont even think it will work i have a radeon x1200 and my video card went unsupported21:56
nemesis1911i'm looking for a spca5xx deb file for Ubuntu 9.0421:56
Xodiac13Jordon_U: ive been trying forever to get it to work it seems that some people have sucess but when i tried what they did step by step the outcome is horrible21:57
louigihey guys!21:57
dioz_miowhere do I get those neat cpu-usage icons?21:57
Jordan_UXodiac13: The radeonhd driver is not fglrx, IIRC it's only fglrx that stopped supporting old cards21:57
mgv1<ctmjr>: thanks21:57
louigii have realtek alc663 soundcard. it plays but does not record. anything I can do?21:58
guntbertXodiac13: I know those cards are usually quite different, but my x1300 runs fine under 9.04 with the open source driver21:58
Jordan_UXodiac13: File a bug report21:58
mgv1can anyone tell me how to easily install nvidia graphic card so i can change resulution?21:58
lakulouigi: ubuntu version?21:58
Jordan_Umgv1: system > administration > hardware drivers21:58
Xodiac13Jordan_U: okay i havent tried that but someone helped me with a website that i might try but ive tried installing the driver from the ati website that those are crap21:58
lakumgv1:hardware drivers21:58
dioz_miohow do we install flash for youtube?21:59
lakumgv1: activate21:59
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash21:59
lakudioz_mio: go to adobe site and download flash.deb21:59
louigilaku: yes, ubuntu 9.0421:59
mgv1<laku>: it looks already activated21:59
lakulouigi: but you cant record with Sound Recorder?22:00
Xodiac13Jordan_U: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI this is the website that someone pointed me too i am downloading ubuntu 8.10 instead of 9.04 what do you think i should do22:00
Jordan_UXodiac13: Try radeonhd ( sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-radeonhd and modify your xorg.conf )22:00
nemesis1911i'm having problems installing spca5xx drivers for my cam is there a DEB out there cuz the driver wont compile.. damn it22:00
lakulouigi: check your mic settings that it aint muted22:00
Xodiac13Jordan_U: uh how should i modify it im kind of new but i do know some stuff22:01
Xodiac13Jordan_U should i go with ubuntu 9.0422:01
louigilaku: I am a musician, so I checked all of that basic stuff. I am trying to record live stream - wave out.22:01
AxzGuys whats simple way or removing pulseaudio?22:02
louigilaku: I can record voice with Sound Recorder, though the quality is awful and there is much noise22:02
Axzand replace it woth Alsa?22:02
Jordan_UXodiac13: Just use the bare config and add this line to the section "Device": Driver "radeonhd"22:02
jyoshuisn't it better to try to record with a realtime kernel?22:02
lakulouigi: okey22:02
jyoshuif you're going to do sound anyway.22:02
jyoshuthat's what i've heard.22:03
Xodiac13Jordan_U: im going to need step by step man lol22:03
lakulouigi: do you have audacity?22:03
Jordan_UXodiac13: Have you installed xserver-xorg-driver-radeonhd ?22:03
Xodiac13Jordan_U: so i dont mess anything up22:03
Xodiac13Jordan_U: no ive never tried that with my video cad22:03
louigiyes, sure. there in the mixer panel there is NO downdrop list of devices at all22:03
Xodiac13Jordan_U: which distro should i go with the 8.10 or 9.0422:04
louigilaku: yes, sure. there in the mixer panel there is NO downdrop list of devices at all22:04
louigilaku: tried alsamixer too but nothing conclusive22:04
lakulouigi: ok just give me some secs22:05
Jordan_UXodiac13: radeonhd is more likely to work in 9.04 but fglrx will only work in 8.10, so it depends22:05
Jordan_UXodiac13: What do you have now?22:05
Xodiac13Jordan_U: i didnt install it yet but i have like 50 cds of ubuntu 9.04 and 8.10 lol which one should i use for a better and easy set up22:06
Xodiac13Jordan_U: ive been trying for so long to get it working but nothing22:07
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Xodiac13Jordan_U: should i go with 32 bit or 64 bit 32 bit right?22:07
dioz_miowhy cant I edit the /etc/hosts?22:08
Xodiac13Jordan_U: i have a amd64 but i heard that the 32 bit version is better supported22:08
Jordan_UXodiac13: Yes, 32 bit22:08
guntbertdioz_mio: how did you try?22:08
Xodiac13Jordan_U: okay and which distro 9.04 or 8.1022:08
dioz_mioguntbert, cat hosts.txt >> /etc/hosts22:08
chazcoAnyone here know how to correct A/V sync issues when using dvd::rip?22:09
dioz_mioguntbert, it is a list of ad sites all pointed to, it is a method of blocking ads22:09
mgv1how can i remove google to be search enginge in firefox?22:09
lakumgv1: remove google?22:09
dioz_miomgv1, #firefox22:09
guntbertdioz_mio: you'll need sudo for that22:09
Xodiac13Jordan_U: will you help me with the steps too plz22:09
dioz_miogunni__ , even that wouldnt let me22:10
lakumgv1: you meen replace it with something else?22:10
guntbert!tab | dioz_mio22:10
ubottudioz_mio: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:10
Jordan_UXodiac13: Lets see if radeonhd works from the 9.04 liveCD, if it doesn't then install 8.1022:10
dioz_mioguntbert , even that wouldnt let me22:10
mgv1<laku>: when something typed to the address bar it goes to google - and i don't want it22:10
root__hi all does anyone now any good avi to dvd converters22:10
Jordan_UXodiac13: Lets see if radeonhd works from the 9.04 liveCD, if it doesn't then install 8.1022:10
Xodiac13Jordan_U: uh i didnt know you could do it from the live cd22:10
guntbertdioz_mio: paste the output of ls -l /etc/hosts please22:10
bastid_raZorroot__: devede does well22:11
=== montel is now known as annoyance
dioz_mioguntbert , -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 259 2009-09-19 22:51 /etc/hosts22:11
Jordan_UXodiac13: You can, it's just a little more work22:11
root__thanks bastid il try22:11
Xodiac13Jordan_U: okay22:11
Xodiac13Jordan_U: i am getting my livecd real quick22:11
guntbertdioz_mio: then sudo cat .... should work22:11
dioz_mioguntbert, i get: bash: /etc/hosts: Permission denied22:12
Jordan_UXodiac13: I might have to leave soon22:12
Xodiac13Jordan_U: no lol22:12
Xodiac13Jordan_U: please dont22:13
guntbertdioz_mio: with sudo???? strange...22:13
dioz_mioguntbert , i know22:13
Xodiac13Jordan_U: k i found the live cd22:13
dioz_mioguntbert , could it be because I just had to change some system settings in the GUI, and it asked me for the password and gave me the option to save the password for future such edits as well and I said yes..?22:13
Xodiac13Jordan_U: its the i386 one right22:14
guntbertdioz_mio: what gives ls -ld /etc22:14
dioz_mioguntbert , drwxr-xr-x 128 root root 12288 2009-09-19 23:50 /etc22:14
CaT_MaNZzhow can I move 'side pane' of the gedit on the right side22:14
OzoneCo0-59 * * * * in crontab means what?22:14
OzoneCoand what i would i use for every 5 min in crontab? thnx22:15
guntbertdioz_mio: please try sudo touch /etc/testfile, does that work?22:15
VtecDoes anyone know how I can restart ALSA? sometimes my speakers stop working after I login Ubuntu22:15
dioz_mioguntbert , worked22:15
sharplinuxVtec: sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload22:16
sharplinuxI have the same problem22:16
Vtecsharplinux do you know why it happens?22:16
Xodiac13Jordan_U: crap i have the alternate one im finding the livecd real quick22:16
guntbertdioz_mio: and now sudo cat hosts.txt >> /etc/testfile22:16
sharplinuxnot yet :-)22:16
dajhornOzoNe: Use the "*/5" shortcut in the minutes field.22:16
sharplinuxVtec: for me it's just flash22:17
dioz_mioguntbert , "permission denied"22:17
sharplinuxother apps with sound work22:17
lstarnesdioz_mio: cat hosts.txt | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts22:17
OzoneCodajhorn, thnx...is the 0-59 a random number?22:18
dioz_miolstarnes , cool works..22:18
dajhornOzoNe:  No, that means run-every-minute.22:18
lstarnesgerath: the > operator is part of the shell. sudo cannot be used with it22:18
guntbertdioz_mio: (I'm trying wild things...) try cat /etc/hosts > /etc/testfile22:18
lstarnesgerath: so the output of the file must be piped through sudo tee -a filena,e22:18
dajhornOzoNe:  Rather, that means run sixty times per hour.22:18
Xodiac13Jordan_U: you still there22:19
OzoneCodajhorn, kewl..thx again22:19
dioz_mioguntbert , "permission denied"22:19
arthusHow can I install PDO?22:20
guntbertdioz_mio: should have been      sudo try cat /etc/hosts > /etc/testfile22:20
=== ph33r__ is now known as ph33r
guntbertdioz_mio: should have been      sudo cat /etc/hosts > /etc/testfile22:20
lstarnesgerath: that won't work22:21
dioz_mioguntbert , yes, the same22:21
Xodiac13Jordan_U: i cant find the live cd im just going to install it because i have the alternate disc22:21
lstarnesgerath: in that case, the file is copied to standard output as root, but the > operator is run by the user's shell, not sudo, so it does the write operation on that file as that user22:21
Jordan_UXodiac13: OK22:22
guntbertdioz_mio: what gives now ls -l /etc/testfile22:22
lstarnesgerath: however, cat /etc/hosts | sudo tee /etc/testfile should work22:22
dioz_miolstarnes , ahh makes sense22:22
dioz_mioguntbert , rw for root22:22
Xodiac13Jordan_U: when its done is it better to do the updates or are we going to get the video card working22:22
dioz_mioguntbert , lstarnes says >> is executed by the shell, not by the su22:22
lstarnesdioz_mio: sudo and su are different utilities22:23
guntbertlstarnes: dioz_mio - silly me, sorry, today is my thick day it seems :-)22:23
dioz_miolstarnes , i meant sudo22:23
dioz_mioguntbert , no problems :)22:23
Jordan_UXodiac13: Wait untill it's working, then update. Once it's installed run "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-radeonhd" and then run "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and make the file look like this: http://pastebin.com/f322f95d022:24
Jordan_UXodiac13: Then either reboot, or just log out and log back in to see if it worked22:25
Xodiac13Jordan_U: okay and it should work right22:25
louigilaku: any luck?22:25
Jordan_UXodiac13: I don't know, it's just something worth trying22:25
guntbertlstarnes: btw when you talked to gerath did you mean me ?22:26
Xodiac13Jordan_U: okay what do i change though, just make it look exactly like that22:26
don-iHey guys, is it possible to set up an ssh server where multiple computers can access it without the use of a password. Ive set it where only one machine can access it without a password, but want to know if i can do 2 or more ?22:26
lstarnesguntbert: perhaps.  My client's tab completion often fails to get the correct user22:26
JohnCDIim trying to get wireless working on my laptop was having issues with the onboard nic only getting 1Mb/s so i switched a pmcia card i had here i switched the onboard nic off in bios but when i go to connect it shows the pmcia card as in the name it also shows double of all networks and when i connect it shows the mac of the interface connected to be the same as the onboard22:27
Jordan_UXodiac13: Just add the line: Driver "radeonhd", or copy and paste the whole thing from the pastebin22:27
Xodiac13Jordan_U: nice22:27
guntbertlstarnes: :-) I must have seemed hard of hearing to you ...22:27
Xodiac13Jordan_U: i will do so22:27
Xodiac13Jordan_U: do you have to go22:27
bastid_raZorJordan_U: 9.04 does not create an xorg.conf by default22:27
Jordan_Ubastid_raZor: Ok, then I'll just have him copy and paste22:28
dioz_mioso what is a good fancy system monitor?22:28
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bastid_raZorJordan_U: yup, it'll still obey any thing in xorg.conf but one is blank until created by the user.22:29
Jordan_UXodiac13: If gedit comes up with an empty file, and you are sure you typed the path correctly, then just copy and paste from the pastebin link and save22:29
Jordan_Ubastid_raZor: Thanks for the heads up22:29
Xodiac13Jordan_U: okay i will do that22:29
Guest1984on xchat how can i make it so it displays all the users in the chan on a right sidebar22:30
Xodiac13Jordan_U: im so close to switching my desktop to ubuntu 9.0422:30
guntbertGuest1984: ctrl+f722:30
Xodiac13Jordan_U: but im a gamer and far cry 2 wont work in wine 9.04 its been only tested in 8.04 or 8.1022:30
Guest1984guntbert when i do that nothing happends22:31
Guest1984somebody else told me that too22:31
molsonHello all; I'm looking for someone with expertise in how the home directory encryption algorithm works (and breaks).  I'm having problems where my home directory spontaneously (to me) unmounts the sparse image, leaving me with an empty unmodifiable home directory, and then won't remount.  Does anyone have any idea why that might be happening?  My entire /var/log/messages since restart is available at: http://pastebin.com/d20f8361f22:31
molson- I keep having to restart, and nothing gets resolved.22:31
guntbertGuest1984: then you are probably on xchat-gnome - I'd install xchat22:31
Xodiac13Jordan_U: so i will know if its working on my laptop when i do what you told me to do when compiz fuzion is running smoothly with no line screen flickering right?22:31
molsonThe real kicker is that if I "ssh localhost", I can still see, modify, and read my home directory, but nothing in gnome can touch it22:32
bastid_raZorGuest1984: do you have xchat or xchat-gnome installed?22:32
bastid_raZorguntbert: i over looked your post.. :| guess we're both on the same track though.22:33
Jordan_UXodiac13: I don't think that compiz fusion will work without flickering when running 3D applications, but if it worked then with normal windows compiz fusion should work fine22:33
guntbertbastid_raZor: :-)22:33
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages22:34
Xodiac13Jordan_U: and what is the command in the terminal i forgot i know glxgears but what about for fgl is it like fglgears or fgl_Gears22:34
Xodiac13Jordan_U: so i can test to see and make sure my 3d works22:34
Jordan_UXodiac13: Yes, just log out and log back in. If you still have flickering there is one more thing to try22:36
cc4hi all22:36
Xodiac13Jordan_U: okay its almost done installing22:36
Maelos`How can I go about installing newer versions of a given package?  Jaunty comes with ejabberd 2.0.3, but I'd like the 2.0.5 package.  Is it possible to install that set of packages?22:36
Maelos`That is, without upgrading the entire distro?22:36
dajhorn Maelos` : look at the prevu package.22:36
bastid_raZorMaelos`: either find a ppa for ejabberd or a deb package.22:37
cc4my nvidia utility used to dipslay my lcd monitor automatically and all its resolutions. now nothing.same cable. what has happened? I reinstalled ubuntu 0.9.4 and the same.22:37
Maelos`bastid_raZor: What's ppa short for?22:37
bastid_raZorcc4: you installed the driver for it?22:37
bastid_raZor!ppa | Maelos`22:37
ubottuMaelos`: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.22:37
cc4bastid_raZor: yeah. latest recomended22:37
Maelos`Very cool, thank you guys.22:37
jshultzhey guys, i've got a problem. i'm running kubuntu 64bit jaunty. i downloaded aptana studio 1.5.1 stand alone 64bit version. i followed the steps, but i'm getting a permission denied error when it's trying to run AptanaStudio22:37
jshultzany suggestions? i've checked the obvious like chown and AptanaStudio does belong to my username22:38
cc4bastid_raZor: from hardware drivers menu22:38
Maelos`I've been in the process of converitng all my cent5 VMs over to Ubuntu. :)22:38
bastid_raZorcc4: then i have no clue as to why it won't show.. you ran nvidia-settings with gksudo?22:38
adokguys, for a Pentium M Processor, should i compile the SMP Kernel?22:39
cc4bastid_raZor: isn't it the same than from within the menu?22:39
arthusWhy does the PHP5 package NOT INCLUDE PDO?22:39
Xodiac13Jordan_U: installation is complete22:39
arthusPDO is supposed to be part of the fucking default installation,22:39
guntbert!ohmy | arthus22:39
ubottuarthus: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:39
Jordan_UXodiac13: Do you want me to repeat the steps for trying radeonhd?22:40
Xodiac13yes please sorry22:40
bastid_raZorcc4: yes but the menu isn't run with root permissions. running with root permissions just allows you to write to xorg.conf when done editing your settings. it will not add more options22:40
rogerrabbitdiditi just popped two 1TB drives in my box (ubuntu server).  i eventually want to mount them as /data, but i want them to be a mirrored set and utilize LVM.  where do i start?22:40
cc4I will try now wait22:40
Catalyst_Techmy monitor display is shaky after install, changing to the different refresh rates and resolutions only made it worse, how can i diagnose and fix this22:41
dajhornadok: No, probably not.22:41
arthusIs there a package for PDO?22:41
rogerrabbitdidit(my current two drives are set  up as LVM)22:41
dajhornadok: But you're not going to get much more performance by using a custom kernel.22:41
adokhmm i was reading at justlinux.com that somebody got better performance without SMP suport22:41
bastid_raZor!language | arthus22:41
ubottuarthus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:41
billy_how do i update my graphics drivers on ubuntu 8.04? can't increase my resolution more than 800 x 60022:42
arthusbastid_raZor: no need to repeat22:42
Jordan_UXodiac13: run "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver-radeonhd" and then run "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and make the file look like this: http://pastebin.com/f322f95d022:42
bastid_raZorarthus: what is PDO?22:42
billy_as far as i know its an integrated intel graphics card22:42
dajhornadok: You'll get a slightly different codepath if you put "nosmp" on the command line for the generic kernel.22:42
arthusbastid_raZor: php data objects: http://us.php.net/pdo22:42
adokdajhorn, the thing is, i need to compile a new kernel, to patch some drivers22:42
bobbycan someone help me get through an install?22:42
dajhornadok: Which drivers?22:43
adokdaj sry... i put where "nosmp"? during apt-get install?22:43
dajhornadok: Kernel options go in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file.  Look for the kopt= lines.22:43
bobbyI used to dual boot, with a tiny partiton at the end of the drive, now I want to install to the main partition but I have no cd/usb drive22:43
adokdajhorn, i want to patch the broadcom wifi driver, so it allows injection with aircrack-ng22:43
kikokoshi, could anybody help me with samba?22:43
bastid_raZorarthus: yeah i missed guntbert again.. :| i'm having a bad awareness day.22:44
Xodiac13Jordan_U: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-driver doesnt work22:44
zenwrylyI need to shrink a root partition on a VM.  Is there a way I can get resize2fs to work in the initramfs?22:44
kikokosI've received mount error 6 = No such device or address one machine is ubuntu one is debian22:44
Xodiac13Jordan_U: it said it cant find the package22:44
Jordan_Uadok: The driver that comes with Ubuntu allows injection22:44
arthusbastid_raZor: Heh.. no problem. :) Do you know anything about PHP?22:44
kikokoswhat to do with this? something special type in terminal?22:44
bobbyubuntu isn't helping22:44
Jordan_UXodiac13: xserver-xorg-driver-radeonhd, not just xserver-xorg-driver22:44
adokJordan_U, are you sure? im using ubuntu latest release, kernel is 2.6.2822:45
dajhornadok: Search for a tutorial at ubuntuforums.org to do this with "DKMS".22:45
ZoeyMarieHey all. My partner has a hard drive that needs to be formatted because it's bugging out. We don't need any of the data on it. It's recognized by the computer, but it won't open... how do I format it?22:45
Xodiac13Jordan_U: i just did the one you told me and it couldnt find the package22:45
dajhornadok: You can get the desired driver change without recompiling a custom kernel.  (I think.)22:45
adokdajhorn, well, thats the main reason, but also, i was rly curious about the performance i would get without smp suport22:46
Jordan_Uadok: Pretty sure, I think I've done it with my card with jaunty's kernel but I try upstream kernels a lot22:46
IdleOne!gparted | ZoeyMarie22:46
ubottuZoeyMarie: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:46
bastid_raZorarthus: use at your own caution... :: http://www.buggy.id.au/2007/02/19/installing-pdo-on-ubuntu/comment-page-1/22:46
adokJordan_U, well.. i gues i need to dig more in the reading about my wifi card and aircrack-ng, i hope your right22:46
bastid_raZorarthus: read that entire page before you decide on what to do.22:46
alexbobpis genkernel available for ubuntu?22:46
ZoeyMarieIdleOne: I have a gparted live CD, and ran that, it won't even find the drive. My ubuntu 9,04 will. Should I apt-get that one and use it on this OS, then?22:47
IceWewehow do I pair a bluetooth keyboard when hidd doesn't exist anymore and the GUI doesn't work?!22:47
Jordan_UXodiac13: Sorry, my mistake: xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd22:47
arthusbastid_raZor: Thanks. Is there a good reason the default php package *doesn't* include PDO? It's supposed to be a default in php 5.22:47
IdleOneZoeyMarie the gparted live cd does not see the drive?22:47
alexbobpZoeyMarie: try the ubuntu 9.04 livecd22:47
alexbobpZoeyMarie: you won't be able to partition the drive while booted into it22:47
cc4bastid_raZor: did it. same. shows CRT-0 instead of the lcd's brand22:47
Xodiac13Jordan_U: okay22:48
ZoeyMariealexbobp: I can't format the external drive while in Ubuntu?22:48
bastid_raZorarthus: that i don't know. possibly file a bug or request on launchpad.net22:48
IdleOneZoeyMarie like alexbobp said, try the Ubuntu live cd22:48
bastid_raZorcc4: can you change that?22:48
ZoeyMarieSounds good. I'll try that and then come back if anything happens. Thanks.22:48
IdleOneZoeyMarie yes you can but you will have to unmount it.22:48
cc4bastid_raZor: no22:48
alexbobpZoeyMarie: oh, if it's external, then yeah22:49
louigilaku: any luck? =)22:49
alexbobpyou can do that while booted22:49
alexbobpas long as you're not booted to the external drive, and don't have it mounted.22:49
alexbobpis genkernel available for ubuntu?22:49
bastid_raZorcc4: i don't know. nvidia, for me, has always worked without issue.22:49
ZoeyMariealexbobp: and IdleOne: Gparted doesn't recognize it, and it's impossible to mount (although the computer sees it and it's listed in lsusb)22:50
cc4my lcd shows as CRT-0, it used to work with the specific model name. what has changed?22:50
Jordan_Ualexbobp: genkernel is pretty much just a Gentoo thing IIRC22:50
ZoeyMarieIdleOne: should I still try the Ubuntu LiveCD, or will that not make any difference?22:50
cc4my lcd shows as CRT-0, it used to work with the specific model name. what has changed?22:50
IdleOneZoeyMarie then yes you can apt-get gparted and format it from ubuntu22:50
Jordan_U!kernel | alexbobp22:50
ubottualexbobp: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages22:50
ZoeyMarieIdleOne: Gparted fun from ubuntu doesn't recognize it.22:50
* duffydack formats externals all the time without using livecd22:50
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alexbobpJordan_U: yay!  Thanks22:50
IceWeweSince hidd is no longer included with bluez-utils, how am I supposed to pair with a bluetooth device from the command line?22:51
ZoeyMarieGparted won't find it but it's in lsusb22:51
Jordan_Ualexbobp: np22:51
IdleOneZoeyMarie then I have no clue :(22:51
duffydackZoeyMarie, do it from shell then22:51
Xodiac13Jordan_U: what is the command to see if my 3d is working22:51
ZoeyMarieand what would the commands be?22:51
RegressLessCan someone tell me how to make an app launch in full screen?22:51
GneaRegressLess: well, the app has to support full screen22:51
duffydackZoeyMarie, what format you wanna use22:52
ZoeyMariesomething that will work on Mac, Windows, and Linux22:52
bastid_raZorcc4: possibly try the earlier driver? i know on my old box with a 6200 card the newer drivers are sketchy22:52
RegressLessGnea: is there a way to make a windowed app that doesn't have a maximize option bigger?22:52
adokdajhorn, can i make a new grub option just to test the nosmp option?22:52
surhello, I cannot print from eog in jaunty. What may be the problem? Other apps do print such as evince, firefox22:52
duffydackZoeyMarie, fat32 then I suppose?22:52
ZoeyMarieProbably fat.22:52
Jordan_UXodiac13: glxinfo | grep direct22:52
GneaRegressLess: lower screen resolution22:52
duffydackZoeyMarie, you know the /dev of it?22:52
ZoeyMariefat32 it is... though, isn't there something weird about windows and fat32?22:53
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dajhornadok: To try it, reboot, and push <esc> at the grub prompt.  Then use the 'e'ditor to add it to the kernel line.22:53
duffydackZoeyMarie, sudo fdisk -l22:53
Xodiac13Jordan_U: i just did what you had me to and it didnt work it said when i clicked on compiz fusiona and put it to extra desktop effects could not be enabled22:53
Jordan_UXodiac13: if "direct rendering: Yes" then you have accelerated 3D22:53
dajhornadok: Don't actually change menu.lst until you're done testing different options.22:53
adokdajhorn, kk, ty sir22:53
RegressLessGnea: can I cause auto screen resize when starting an app?22:53
dajhornadok: Np.  Read-up on grub if you do kernel tuning.22:54
Xodiac13Jordan_U: it says yes but somehow i need to test it with compiz and it wont enable22:54
ZoeyMarieduffydack: it's not on that list, though it's on lsusb. :(22:54
duffydackZoeyMarie, is it mounted still?22:54
jshultzif i can't get the permissions issue figured out with aptana studio what would be a good code editor i can use?22:54
duffydackZoeyMarie, "mount"22:54
GneaRegressLess: depends on the app.22:55
ZoeyMarieduffydack: it shouldn't be. we can't get it to mount.22:55
ZoeyMarieI don't know the location of it, anyways.22:55
duffydackZoeyMarie, pastebin the lsusb22:55
gigasoftis there any good video editor for Linux, and professional?22:55
kikokoshallo, what to do with samba mount error 6? anyone has a minute22:55
GneaRegressLess: usually if it's full-screen capable, it will conform to whatever the current resolution is22:55
Jordan_UXodiac13: Is compiz support important to you? It's possible for 3D to work fine even if compiz is not supported22:55
DreamgliderI have a 8Gb sandisk cruzer titanium that shows up as 4gb, i tried to format it and make a new ext3 partition but it's still only 4Gb, anyone had the same problem ?22:55
IdleOneJordan_U my Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) says direct rendering Yes but I don't have 3d, due to UXA problem in 9.0422:55
RegressLessGnea: it's zsnes and it's not full screen compatible that I know of22:56
duffydackDreamglider, bought from ebay?22:56
Xodiac13Jordan_U: well uh it would be nice and the good thing is that i dont see the video flickering22:56
proxiedlifeDoes anyone know a guru?22:56
ZoeyMarieduffydack: http://pastebin.com/m3cd0d6e922:56
Dreamgliderduffydack, No22:56
brueniggurus don't exist22:57
Xodiac13Jordan_U: i have to do one test lol everytime i try to run a dvd it would have flickering i am going to see it still flcikers22:57
kermitmy /dev/video0 doesnt work.. it used to.. what might have broken it?  do i need to load some module?22:57
Jordan_U!anyone | proxiedlife22:57
ubottuproxiedlife: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:57
duffydackZoeyMarie, ls /dev and pastebin it22:57
GneaRegressLess: in that case, I recommend snes9x. it's fullscreen capable if you're root, but if you stretch the window, it will conform automatically22:57
OzoneCo@daily /usr/bin/mysql -ugld_user -pgld_password -e 'USE gld_db; DELETE FROM greylist WHERE n > 0;' &> /dev/null ...does that need a space after the -u and -p to be used in crontab?22:58
Xodiac13Jordan_U: i will have no problem playing 3d games right22:58
Dreamgliderduffydack, It was 8Gb before i formated it the first time some time ago22:58
bruenigOzoneCo: not if it works without it outside of crontab22:58
ZoeyMarieduffydack: http://pastebin.com/m1d0aa34 (in case you didn't see it)22:58
Jordan_UXodiac13: I don't know,  try something like extreme tux racer quickly and find out22:58
Xodiac13Jordan_U: okay22:59
ZoeyMarieargh. everytime the hard drive gets plugged in, it just beeps incessantly.! haha.22:59
RegressLessGnea: turns out I'm an idiot22:59
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
GneaRegressLess: it happens to everyone22:59
race321je suis français22:59
duffydackZoeyMarie, could it be sdb22:59
Xodiac13Jordan_U: is there anyway i can get catalyst control center working22:59
IdleOne!fr | race32123:00
ubotturace321: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:00
RegressLessGnea: zsnes does have fullscreen option23:00
ormandjwhat virtualization solution should we use for servers in 9.10 (karmic)?23:00
GneaRegressLess: oh, cool23:00
ZoeyMarieduffy dack: I have zero idea... potentially. it's the only external I have plugged in right now...23:00
duffydackZoeyMarie, you sure gparted doesnt recognise it?  You try the device selector (sda/sdb etc)23:00
bmwerkshi all, i have a dell 1525 inspiron and i cant get most of the fn keys to function properly23:00
RegressLessGnea: so, back to what I was asking before, how do I make it start in full screen23:00
ZoeyMarieduffydack: the only device that gparted saw was my internal23:00
r3l1cormandj:  why are you using karmic?23:01
RegressLessI should be able to edit the launch command, right?23:01
IceWeweone last time, is there any way to pair with a bluetooth device through a terminal?23:01
RegressLessGnea: I should be able to edit the launch command, right?23:01
ormandjr3|1c: testing for future deployments, obviously not in production atm23:01
cachedif i wanted the 6.06 startup.wav, do i need to download the entire livecd, or is there some online place i can find it? a google search didn't give me anything23:01
GneaRegressLess: how are you trying to use zsnes? from the gui or terminal?23:01
RegressLessGnea: gui23:02
r3l1cormandj:  what virtualization products is your company experienced in if any?23:02
MRH2hi 9.04 / adobe full screen flash jerky / Is this a problem overall or 'just' with intel graphics?23:02
duffydackZoeyMarie, unplug it and ls /dev see if sdb is there23:02
race321je suis23:02
GneaRegressLess: open a terminal and type 'zsnes' by itself to see what options are available - should be able to edit the properties of the gui to give it the options you want23:02
shane2peru!fr | race32123:02
ubotturace321: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:02
MqueueMRH2> adobe plugin always have an issue with linux23:02
ormandjr3|1c: all of them, xen, vmware, openvz, kvm, virtualbox, etc. i just remember reading somewhere that ubuntu was rolling it's own virtualization management system, so i was curious what that was/what technology it took advantage of, so i could look into it23:02
ZoeyMarieduffydack: that's it! no sdb when I unplug it.23:03
adokdajhorn, well, it boots!! i added the nosmp option in the grub menu, but now... i would like to make somekind of benchmark to see any diference, any idea what can i do to compare the performance with and without smp?23:03
MRH2ok is there a suggested alternate plugin for flash?23:03
IceWeweone last time, is there any way to pair with a bluetooth device through a terminal?23:03
duffydackZoeyMarie, sudo fdisk /dev/sdb  and create partition table23:03
ormandjmrh2: gnash is what i've heard, but none of them work reliably on video content/etc23:03
bmwerksi have a dell 1525 inspiron and i cant get most of the fn keys to function properly23:03
ZoeyMarieduffydack: I've never done that before, is it hard?23:04
duffydackZoeyMarie, just press m for help23:04
dajhornadok: Use your favorite package tool to search for "benchmark".   eg:   apt-cache search benchmark23:04
ormandjZoeyMarie: no, you just fdisk /dev/sdb, delete what is there, use 'n' to create new partitions, and select types (82 and 83 for linux/swap)23:04
ormandjof course specifying size23:04
ZoeyMarieduffydack: "unable to open /dev/sdb"23:04
ormandjzoeymarie: type fdisk -l23:05
ormandjdo you even see a /dev/sdb?23:05
ZoeyMarienothing happens when I do fdisk -l23:05
duffydackormandj, we been thru this :)  its sdb but its not recognised in gparted at all..  and there are no partitions setup already23:05
ormandjZoeyMarie: you shold see all drives attached23:05
Jordan_UXodiac13: Does the flickering look like this http://www.emmes-world.de/hacking/flicker-rs690.avi , if it does then the bug you are encountering may be https://bugs.launchpad.net/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/331522 and you can see when it's been fixed ( or maybe help testing new drivers ) by following that bug report23:05
ZoeyMarieI'm going with duffydack on this one. ;)23:05
ormandjduffydack: if fdisk -l doesn't show any drives, the system doesn't see any of them23:06
duffydackormandj, lsusb sees it, and ls /dev shows /dev/sdb23:06
ZoeyMariethe system sees it under ls /dev/sdb23:06
bmwerksi have a dell 1525 inspiron and i cant get most of the fn keys to function properly --- anybody plz23:06
RegressLessGnea: typed zsnes in terminal and it gave me a bunch of stuff, but I don't know what I'm doing. PM?23:06
duffydackZoeyMarie, dont just go with me, I`m no expert... take everyones advice :)23:06
ormandjduffydack: controller issue, then? partition table or not, it should be seen :)23:06
ZoeyMariehaha I will. :)23:07
GneaRegressLess: no.23:07
duffydackormandj, yeah, I thought fdisk would be able to create a new partition table or something at least23:07
ormandjyou can 0 out all sectors on a drive and see it as a partition-less disk in fdisk23:07
Xodiac13Jordan_U: no its the screen breaking up it wasnt the monitor23:07
GneaRegressLess: most of those are arguments - so like this:  zsnes -argument game.nes23:07
ZoeyMarieis that what I should do?23:07
ormandjduffydack: it sounds like a drive controller issue of some sort. did the drive perhaps spin down/go into power saving mode?23:07
ormandjZoeyMarie: have you tried power cycling the drive?23:08
ZoeyMarieormandj: I don't even know what that means... :/23:08
duffydackZoeyMarie, is it old?23:08
hittingpilotTrent_: you ther?23:08
ZoeyMarieduffydack: nope <1year23:08
duffydackZoeyMarie, try a livecd then, for the sake of it.. maybe even a windows install too23:09
ZoeyMarieduffydack: so just leave it plugged in and try to do it through the ubuntu livecd?23:10
hittingpilotduffydack: blasphemy23:10
duffydackZoeyMarie, you did sudo fdisk /dev/sdb?23:10
ZoeyMarieduffydack: it said "unable to open /dev/sdb"23:10
duffydackZoeyMarie, that sounds bad...23:10
ormandjZoeyMarie: unplug the drive from the wall and plug it back in23:10
ZoeyMarieI know, right? haha23:10
ormandj(same from usb port)23:11
ZoeyMarieormandj: it runs off of USB power, and I've done that a few times.23:11
duffydackI keep forgetting usb drives have power supplies, mines usb powered lol23:11
ormandjZoeyMarie: is it possible your usb port isn't supplying enough power? some laptops have issues on some ports23:11
duffydacklsusb shows it, /dev/sdb is there...I`m guessing its something else.  can try another port (or 2 if you have a dual cable like me)23:12
ZoeyMarieormandj: it's worked before without a plugin. it has an input for an adapter, but I don't think we've ever used it.23:12
Jordan_UXodiac13: Have you tried a 3D game yet?23:13
ormandjduffydack: being shown in lsusb just means the controller is juiced, not necessarily the drive spun up23:13
citrus212duffydack: I'm facing problems with ubuntu's GRUB bootloader23:13
citrus212i was wondering if you could help me23:13
Xodiac13Jordan_U: im in one about to start it23:13
duffydackZoeyMarie,  when did it last work?23:14
duffydackZoeyMarie, and what filesystem23:14
BarnabasZoeyMarie, you have the lappie plugged in not running on battery?23:14
ZoeyMarieBarnabas: yeah, laptop is plugged in. It doesn't work on my partner's computer either.23:14
ZoeyMarieduffydack: it last worked before we moved. :/23:14
duffydackwhich is what?  windows?23:14
citrus212duffydack: xp, it won't show up.23:14
Xodiac13Jordan_U: lol it works but i have to see the system req for the game because it was running slow and there was no screen flcikering or anything23:15
BarnabasZoeyMarie, try to disable legacy usb support in the bios if you have that option23:15
ZoeyMarieBarnabas: I have no clue what that means23:15
duffydackno work in a mac either.. thats double doh23:15
BarnabasIts a setting for the usb in bios23:15
Jordan_UXodiac13: Good luck23:15
Xodiac13Jordan_U: thank you for helping me your a life saver now i got ubuntu with 3d working woot woot you have a good one23:16
ZoeyMarieBarnabas: I have only the vaguest understanding of what a bios even is, much less a knowledge of how to disable something. :D23:16
Barnabasok - you should probably not mess around with it then, but get someone to look at it23:17
* duffydack strokes his 2.5" + enclosure usb powered.23:17
Barnabasit is the firmware that manages basic settings about your hardware23:17
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Barnabasthere is some settings about the version and backward compability of usb devices in there somewhere23:17
ZoeyMarieBarnabas: yeah, I kinda understand that much. But I don't know how to access it, or modify anything.23:18
BarnabasZoeyMarie, well that depends completely on the type of bios you have23:19
duffydackwell..  it worked... then it didnt23:19
ZoeyMarieit's a dell.23:20
duffydackmaybe its just took a bad knock23:20
ZoeyMarieduffydack: yeah. that's what I'm dreading. :(  if it comes down to it, we think it's still under warranty, but I'd love to get it figured out without having to try messing with that.23:20
Barnabasduffy you would have to really throw it across the room for the device not to be shown at all23:21
StupidWeaselHumm, with regards to setting up softraid - is it best to do so on the initial install - or at a later point in time? I'm struggling to get things working after setting it up with the installer partition manager.23:21
duffydackZoeyMarie, did you throw across the romo23:22
Barnabasmy guess would be static electricity fried the circuits23:22
ZoeyMariewe didn't throw it anywhere. ;)23:22
ZoeyMarieand it shows up, just not in the way we want. haha23:22
tnuichi, how do i change totem default keybindings?23:23
duffydackwell, it dont show up on a mac or linux... 2 out of 3 aint bad23:24
BadHorsieHi, I don't have /dev/pts nor /dev/shm mounted, mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts returns mount point /dev/pts does not exists, using Karmic23:24
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:24
ZoeyMarieduffydack: I mean, it shows up under /dev/sdb instead of not showing up at all23:24
BadHorsieThanks thiebaude23:24
ZoeyMariemkfs didn't work either.23:24
duffydackZoeyMarie, you are saying it had partition(s) and data on it previous?23:24
thiebaudeBadHorsie, np23:24
duffydackZoeyMarie, primarily used with a mac?23:25
spartan01If I want to develop for linux I should learn C, C#, C++ ??23:26
duffydackZoeyMarie, well even if it couldnt read the filesystem , it should still see it as sdb123:26
ZoeyMariesdb1 instead of sdb?23:27
Biovorespartan01: C/C++23:27
kermitspartan01: no, learn python23:27
Biovorepython is good starter language..23:27
duffydackZoeyMarie,  no, you only had sdb23:27
kermitBiovore: starter? is there anything it doest do?23:27
spartan01would it be better to learn python then C/C++ or the other way around?23:27
andrerobotspartan01: python with gtk if you want to make graphic user interfaces23:27
lstarnesspartan01: it doesn't really matter which order23:27
Biovorekermit: low level stuff isn't python.23:27
Chousukespartan01: Python is good for starters, and learn C afterwards23:27
ZoeyMarieyeah, I know... but it wasn't there when it wasn't plugged in, so that means something, right?23:27
duffydackZoeyMarie, Id say so.23:28
lstarnesspartan01: c is used more than c++ for lower-level applications23:28
Biovorekermit: must remember python is a c/c++ program its self :-P23:28
duffydackZoeyMarie, but sdb1 is a partition, which you dont have, as far as ubuntu is concerned23:28
lstarnesspartan01: unix-like systems also use a lot of shell scripting and perl scripts23:28
Chousukespartan01: but really, if you're going to become a programmer, you should be able to learn pretty much *any* language in about two weeks.23:28
ZoeyMarieohhh, and sdb is something else?23:28
surhello, I cannot print from eog in jaunty. What may be the problem? Other apps do print such as evince, firefox23:28
Chousukespartan01: the hard part is learning the *concepts* that apply across languages.23:28
lstarnesspartan01: drivers and things like that often use C and ASM23:29
duffydackZoeyMarie, or your mac..  without nailing the coffin shut with a windows try out... I dunno23:29
BiovoreChousuke: Agreed..  There all simular.23:29
myxoHi guys, hows it going today? =)23:29
ZoeyMarieI guess... I'll go try it on xp. Thank y'all for the help though. :)23:29
spartan01Chousuke, is there any good resources you have found online?23:29
ChousukeBiovore: though functional programming is fundamentally different from imperative (the C/Python style)23:29
myxoI am curious, I am looking for some software to practice speaking in Spanish or French, would Skype be my best option to find some free channels with many people I can listen to?23:29
MontelEdwardsDoes anyone know boo?23:29
Chousukespartan01: Dive into Python is a good python book. it's available online as well.23:29
d3wdwhen using ububtu, and you want to install some new software, what is involved? Is it point and click like windows?23:30
spartan01any good podcasts for linux powerusers?23:30
lstarnesd3wd: it's usually done through a package manager23:30
thiebaude!synaptic | d3wd23:30
ubottud3wd: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto23:30
Chousukespartan01: there are many concepts you need to learn eventually, but you can get started with python without having to care about the low-level stuff that much23:31
lstarnesd3wd: some, like synatpic and add/remove, are largely point/click23:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!23:31
andrerobotd3wd most software can be found using the "add/remove" program23:31
MontelEdwardsDoes anyone know boo?23:31
thiebauded3wd, but thats not the only way to install software23:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tooth23:31
lstarnesd3wd: there are also package managers like apt that use a command line23:31
Brando753guys how can i get Flash to detect and use my webcam?23:31
thiebauded3wd, add-remove, on-line23:31
Chousukespartan01: for example, with python you have automatic memory management, but that doesn't make you exempt from having to eventually learn to do memory management manually as well, if you're serious about programming :)23:31
spartan01cool I'll start with that book23:31
spartan01ok, that makes sense23:32
heoahow can I get nice-priorities for Vim-processes?23:32
skylarseconding the question of "are there any good podcasts out there for linux powerusers?"23:32
d3wdwell thanks. I had some linux experience years ago. the redhat rpm dealie was easy enough. I just don't want to mess around with command lines much if I can help it23:32
popeyskylar: http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ ;)23:32
thiebaudepopey, yep thats good23:33
myxoWhere can I find a Ubuntu chat En Espanyol?23:33
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:33
mrwesquick draw thiebaude23:33
myxogracias ubottu =)23:33
Chousukespartan01: and once you're comfortable with python, try and learn a language that's *completely different* from python23:33
thiebaudemrwes, haha23:33
andrerobotspartan01: whatever you do, don't learn programming with C++... there's lots of bad material online don't teach you good practices.23:33
Chousukespartan01: but there's no hurry, really.23:33
mrwesthiebaude, I had the ! up and then b00m you beat me23:34
popeythiebaude: of course it is, I'm in it ;)23:34
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:34
thiebaudepopey, and category5.tv23:34
popeyoh yeah :)23:34
mrweswhat are the bots these days? Pumped up eggdrops?23:34
* thiebaude had to get that in23:34
MRH2tried gnash has worse performance than adobe23:34
lstarnesmrwes: it varies greatly23:34
andrerobotubuntu-es ... cool23:34
thiebaudemrwes, lol23:34
mrwesheh...that's the last time I ran a bot -- eggdrop23:35
mrwesdoes that show my age?23:35
lstarnesmrwes: there are other bot programs available, and there are also libraries for making new ones23:35
Maelos`mrwes: Not really I think it's still widely used?23:35
andrerobotaren't most bots made with eggdrop?23:35
mrwesahh...yah I thought so23:35
Maelos`I was looking at gozerbot recently.23:35
lstarnesandrerobot: it used to be like that.  I'm not sure if it still is23:36
Maelos`More for xmpp than anything else.23:36
zebrafusionI've used ubuntu for a few years now23:36
andrerobotwell, it was in 9923:36
zebrafusionand I still don't know how to watch a .gif23:36
ubottuIf you -must- install oracle .... here's a good place to start: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html23:36
zebrafusionwho's got me on this one23:36
* mrwes is happy he finally got mkv2vob to run in Wine! wh00p23:36
andrerobotwatch a gif?23:36
andrerobotuse firefox23:36
zebrafusionI don't want to use something with a high memory footprint23:37
zebrafusionsomething else23:37
* andrerobot rollseyes23:37
andrerobotmaybe dillo can handle animated gifs23:37
* zebrafusion shrugs23:37
andrerobotit's a lightweight browser23:37
ormandjspartan01: learn scheme/clisp23:38
whateversam_I'm trying to get a vsftpd install working.  I have it setup to the point that users can login to the server from it's console.  I have this server running in virtualbox.  Virtualbox won't let you map ports less than 1024 on the outside.  I have a port opened from 1025 to 22 for the SSH connection.  Clearly the routing is working.  The FTP is being routed from 1026 to 20. ( what vsftpd listens on)  So, when I attempt to c23:38
whateversam_onnect to the FTP server using port 1026 from outside I get a 421 error.  I don't get this error when logging in from the console, only remotely.  I am wondering if anyone knows if this error has to do with the port config I'm using or if it's something I've over looked in Ubunut server/vsftpd settings.  Any takers?  Sorry for the long one...I don't leaving out details.23:38
spartan01I havent even heard of those lang.23:38
lstarnesormandj: lisp dialects aren't used very frequently23:38
ormandjzebrafusion: check out uzbl23:38
* thiebaude took a few minutes to reat that23:38
ormandjlstarnes: if you want to learn programming, it's a good way ;) i didn't say it's necessarily practical23:39
andrerobotlstarnes: but he's right, scheme is like the best language for learners23:39
hari_I have asked this before, but is it possible to install Ubuntu and then "not" use Gnome? I don't want a "desktop environment", just a window manager and some basic tools .. is that possible? Are there instructions anywhere?23:39
vovkhari_, of course it is23:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wm23:39
mrweshari_, you could use Xbuntu or Crunchbang maybe23:39
vovkhari_, use apt to get rid of all of gnome23:39
thiebaudemrwes, help,lol23:39
andrerobotscheme teaches you how to make algorithms, how to get work done in a clean way23:39
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.23:40
hari_mrwes, that's exactly what I don't want to do. I don't want to use some random LowMemoryBuntu23:40
thiebaude!info wm23:40
ubottuPackage wm does not exist in jaunty23:40
Brando753guys how can i get Flash to detect and use my webcam?23:40
vovkhari_, xfce is a nice window manager, if you want something lighter weight, fluxbox, openbox, icewm, awesome, and several others are open23:40
thiebaude!window manager23:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about window manager23:40
ormandjvovk: don't forget stumpwm ;)23:40
hari_vovk,  I don't want to "remove" Gnome either, just not start it up because there are lots of other services that start up, and applications23:40
vovkhari_, a tip though. keep the gnome libraries and gdm ;) they'll make your life easier23:40
mrweshari_, shrug23:40
lstarnesvovk: xfce is a full desktop environment.  It's not a window manager, but it uses xfwm for that23:40
ian1how can i update alsa in tefrminal23:40
hari_vovk, Exactly. gnome libraries, I will keep23:41
vovkhari_, then install another window manager and set it as default in gdm :)23:41
mrweshari_, you could use jwm23:41
vovkhari_, gdm is your "login page" i suppose, but it does much more than that23:41
hari_vovk actually i didn't want gdm either, i wanted to boot up to a terminal and do a startx23:41
mrwesjwm is light and very configuerable23:41
thiebaudevovk, amiwm23:41
vovkhari_, aah. ok then23:41
StupidWeaselHey folks. Can anyone see any issues with this softraid setup (created during initial installation, on clean drives). ~ http://paste.ubuntu.com/274409/23:41
vovkhari_, then just put the window manager start command in ~/.xinitrc23:41
hari_vovk old school style, kind of. But you get my point23:41
hari_xinitrc that's what i need to edit then23:41
WonderfunkJonesFor anyone:  No sound, running 9.04 JJ with an X-FI sound card.  What can I use for sound drivers?23:42
vovkhari_, yeah, i can help you with that if you like :D ~/.xinitrc is run every time you startx23:42
vovkhari_, no need to get rid of ubuntu, but you will have to research how to stop gdm from starting23:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm23:42
hari_vovk, i believe gdm is a service in /etc/init.d and I can remove that using sysv-rc-conf or BUM or something23:42
hari_basically like booting to runlevel 3 instead of 5, if I am not mistaken23:43
nimrodhow do i configure grub? whats the name of the file?23:43
vovkhari_, not in my ubuntu box right now so i can't tell... it might be gdm is actually in your /etc/rc3.d23:43
ian1how do i update alsa in terminal23:43
lstarnesnimrod: /boot/grub/menu.lst23:43
kevdogWhen using screen, the ability to recall or restore the session is lost if the server (or the remote computer) is rebooted.  Is there a way around this perhaps?23:43
hari_vovk all right, i will look up this ~/.xinitrc config file and learn how to go about it. Thanks :)23:43
vovkian1, sudo apt-get upgrade alsa-oss (and the rest of the alsa packages)?23:43
Blizzerandian1 : sudo apt-get update23:43
nimrodlstarnes, ok, thanks23:43
lstarneskevdog: there isn't23:43
vovkhari_, .xinitrc is easy to understand23:43
vovkhari_, i just dunno how to turn off gdm23:43
andrerobotsudo could rm /etc/rc*/*gdm work?23:44
hari_andrerobot, rm is not something i would like23:44
kevdoglstarnes:  Well that just kind of stinks23:44
lstarnesvovk: maybe sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove23:44
hari_andrerobot, i would rather mv it to some other file so i can restore if needed23:44
vovkhari_, for instance, if i wanted fluxbox to start when i ran startx, in my xinitrc i would write "startfluxbox" (the command to start fluxbox)23:44
andrerobotooh that23:44
andrerobotforgot the command23:44
vovklstarnes, heh. that might work23:44
lstarneskevdog: screen relies on a running process being attached to the terminal23:44
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GENTwhen setting up sun virtual box I was prompted to register for a sun online account is this absolutely necessary?23:44
lstarneskevdog: it uses sockets and ram instead of real files23:44
hari_vovk, ok so basically each window manager has its own command to "start" it .. which I guess I would know by reading or familiarizing myself with the window manager documentation?23:44
StupidWeaselHey folks. Can anyone see any issues with this softraid setup (created during initial installation, on clean drives). ~ http://paste.ubuntu.com/274409/23:44
andrerobothari, the files in /etc/rc* are just symlinks to the real ones in /etc/init.d23:45
WonderfunkJonesCan't seem to get sound working on 9.04 JJ with an X-Fi sound card, any help?  New to Linux23:45
whateversam_Does anyone know what would cause a "421 service not available, remote server has closed connection" error when remotely connecting to a vsftpd server?  I do not get this error if I login at the server's console.  I have found that most people (on forums) are saying that this is a permissions error with the annon user.  I've changed the permissions to match what these people say, but same error.  I have also disabled the23:45
whateversam_annon user based off of the help files and various other sources.23:45
vovkhari_, yeah, "man WM_NAME" would tell you23:45
Blizzerand!sound > WonderfunkJones23:45
ubottuWonderfunkJones, please see my private message23:45
vovkwhere WM_NAME is whatever wm you chose23:45
hari_vovk alright cool will try :)23:45
kevdoglstarnes: I wish there were a way to dump the state to a file or at least a history list (which the last could probably be done -- however not automatically I dont think)23:46
andrerobotwow ubottu kicks ass23:46
d3wdis there a way to run windows games with ubuntu?23:46
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php23:46
ormandjd3wd: maybe WINE?23:46
Giankiciao a tutti23:46
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:46
mrwesGianki, chi vidamo23:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dance23:47
StupidWeaselHey folks. Can anyone see any issues with this softraid setup (created during initial installation, on clean drives). ~ http://paste.ubuntu.com/274409/23:47
=== Blizzerand is now known as Wikidude
StupidWeaselLast request I promise. I'll take it to the forums ;323:48
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »23:49
andrerobot /msg ubottu !bot23:49
WikidudeHey fellas . I tried to install Ubuntu via unetbootin . But when I reach the installation part , it asks me to unmount all the partitions but how do i do that23:49
andreroboti'm really dumb23:49
=== LjL is now known as LarrrJerrrLarrrr
Wikidudeandrerobot : You probably are dear23:50
StupidWeaselHeh, saying that - the space *is* there ;323:50
WikidudeAnybody home23:51
chuckywindow manager and window manager tweaks not workin after tryin to use compiz!!!   help!!23:54
StupidWeaselHumm, Ben Karaal?23:54
heoahow can I kill Screen's tab from command line?23:54
SirDidiheoa, ctrl + d23:55
vovkheoa, ps ax | grep -i *chunk of the program name*23:55
vovkwhen you find the pid, "kill pid"23:55
chuckywindow manager and window manager tweaks not workin after tryin to use compiz!!!   help!!23:55
collectekI posted this in the zimbra IRC channel as well, but you guys are very helpful and it is running on ubuntu....i need a little help with my email server.... I am attempting to setup a zimbra email server for outside access. I have a dynamic IP address and use dyndns -- I also have a hosted server which has the mx record forwarding to dyndns. The emails are sent by zimbra and received by...23:55
collectek...external email accounts successfully. My problem is getting emails sent back to the zimbra email server. Although there is an MX record setup on the hosted server, the free dyndns account seems to stop email at dyndns's 208. ip address instead of my 76. ip address (Zimbra email server is in a DMZ and ports can be resolved per mxtoolbox ....as I am unfamiliar with troubleshooting this I...23:55
collectek...need some help if anyone can --thank you to all ! :)23:56
FloodBot2collectek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:56
StupidWeaseltop can also be used, simply press k from within top and you can specify a pid to kill ;323:56
=== Vtec is now known as Vtec|sleeo
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Wikidudechucky :Disable compiz23:56
chuckydone that23:56
chuckystill aint workin23:56
heoaSirDidi: not working.23:57
=== dbdii407 is now known as DaveDixonII
SirDidiheoa, are you in a scree session?23:57
ctmjrchucky: how did you stop compiz?23:57
chuckyremove application.23:57
ironfroggy_I have no idea what I'm looking at here, but one machine on my network takes a much longer time to open TCP connections than other machines23:57
* cj_ prods cj23:58
=== qwerty is now known as Guest76578
ctmjrchucky: you removed compiz?23:58
ironfroggy_throughput usually seems OK, but connections often timeout and a machine right beside it (both on wifi) works fine23:58
chuckyused add/remove...still aint workin..23:58
ironfroggy_i dont even know where to start looking23:58
cj_cj: that's my trademark you're wearing ;)23:58
heoaSirDidi: yes, but some forks seem to create some havoc to the traditional key bindings. Hence, I need a CLI option.23:59
Wikidudechucky : Did you install xubuntu directly or install it as an add-on application after installing ubuntu/kubuntu23:59
chuckyctmjr, any idea how to  get window manager to start workin as well as tweaks?23:59
chuckyWikidude, xubuntu installed directly23:59
=== cj_ is now known as cj
SirDidiheoa, sorrx i don't know23:59

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