[01:30] bac or anyone else around for an r or rs to disable the spurious test failure? [01:31] flacoste, jml, mwhudson ^^^ ? [01:33] jfdi-ing it... [01:34] gary_poster, I can do a post-hoc review [01:34] jml thank you. [01:35] jml: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/274444/ and https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/433323 [01:35] Bug #433323: test_proponent_is_stored causes a spurious test failure [01:37] gary_poster, changing the test name to disabled_test_foo is more common, I think. [01:37] but no big deal [01:38] jml: oh, ok. I can change it--you caught me just as I was signing my gpg key :-) [01:38] gary_poster, that'd be good, thanks. [01:38] makes for easier greppage [01:38] gary_poster, also, thanks for demonstrating that it is spurious (rather than actually broken code) on the bug report. [01:39] cool. (bah, I don't have privs to see https://launchpad.canonical.com/PolicyandProcess/XXXPolicy which is the current link from https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/PolicyandProcess) [01:40] also, man, that test does way too much [01:40] and shouldn't be doing cleanup after assertions that way [01:40] but not relevant to this patch. [01:40] gary_poster, there's a public XXX policy on the real wiki :) [01:41] gary_poster, https://dev.launchpad.net/XXXPolicy [01:41] gary_poster, See also https://dev.launchpad.net/SpuriousFailures [01:44] jml: a thing of beauty, thanks. I tend to go to https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/PolicyandProcess still. I updated with those. Would be nice if there were an dev.launchpad.net equivalent--or is there? /me looks [01:44] nope [01:45] amusingly, https://dev.launchpad.net/PolicyAndProcess/ReleaseManagerRotation , but not the parent [01:45] gary_poster, there's https://dev.launchpad.net/StyleGuides [01:46] hm, but spurious test failure policy does not fit easily under the title of "style guide"... [01:48] jml: new diff (entire, not incremental) is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/274445/ . r=you? [01:51] putting an rs=barry [01:53] thank you jml! talk to you later [01:54] gary_poster, np. [01:54] gary_poster, thanks for patching it. [02:16] gary_poster: thanks [11:25] Anybody have time to review a tiny tiny fix? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-433385/+merge/12134 [11:50] wgrant: I'll take a look in a few minutes. [11:50] gmb: Thanks muchly. [12:01] wgrant: Urgh... removeSecurityProxy(). I'm not happy about that, but the alternative is to write an "inEmailAddress(str)" method for IEmailAddress and that seems like an awful lot of work for this little change. [12:02] wgrant: r=me, though... it's pointless going round the houses on this one. [12:02] wgrant: Want me to ec2 and land that for you? Should make it in before PQM closes for 3.0 unless a test breaks. [12:03] gmb: rSP is already used in that view for a similar purpose, so I thought it should be OK. [12:03] gmb: Thanks. Please do. [12:03] wgrant: Ah, right. Fair enough then. I didn't look too hard at the rest of the view :) [12:03] wgrant: I'll fire it off now. [12:15] wgrant: Running. I'll let you know if it breaks. [12:15] gmb: Thanks.