
MDC1mac_v, good comment ;-)10:52
mac_vMacSlow: hi... is there a bug about notify-osd not displaying album art when the image is bigger than a particular size? or is this a known issue?11:22
MacSlowmac_v, any image (displayable/loadable by gdk-pixbuf) should show up11:23
mac_vMacSlow: atm , its not displaying images of big album art, there seems to be some problem with scaling ... several have also complained about this... i'll have to look into this and see at which size the images are not getting displayed... 11:27
* MacSlow -> lunch13:21
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== rockstar` is now known as rockstar
* MacSlow -> capoeira-break17:30
* MacSlow -> capoeira-break17:30
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|capoeira
SiDiMacSlow|capoeira: hiya... did you have a look at my patch yet ? :P17:44
djsiegelDanRabbit: hello18:47
=== mccann_ is now known as mccann
MDC1bratsche, just in case you missed it; cosimoc has done some work on the toolbar editor here http://github.com/cosimoc/nautilus/tree/toolbareditor20:34
MDC1bratsche, he still have problems with the drag and drop *hint*20:35
DanRabbitdjsiegel: ping21:38
djsiegelDanRabbit: did you get my text?21:38
DanRabbitdjsiegel: No, I don't receive texts21:38
djsiegelI got Humanity back in UNR21:38
DanRabbitty :D21:38
djsiegelwell, I pushed and Ivanka pushed21:39
djsiegeland on the desktop...21:39
DanRabbithehe ;)21:39
djsiegelby default21:39
DanRabbitwait what?21:39
djsiegelyou heard me21:39
DanRabbitreal Ubuntu?21:39
=== MacSlow|capoeira is now known as MacSlow

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