
=== jtv changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: — || reviewing: [] || queue: [jtv] (pqm is release-critical)
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=== jtv is now known as jtv-eat
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noodles775henninge: I've just reviewed jtv's work on the specificationtarget-assignments.pt, can you take a look and see if you agree?09:56
noodles775He'll be needing the same menu/portlet that you're currently doing, so it might be easiest for you just to merge his branch and do the small update to the template to ensure it's consistent.09:57
noodles775Then you guys will only need one rc too.09:57
henningejtv: are you back?10:19
jtvhenninge: yes10:19
henningejtv: did you read noodles review?10:19
jtvhenninge: not yet, no10:19
henningejtv: I am working on the menus for hasspeci...10:20
jtvhenninge: then michael's suggestion makes sense10:20
henningejtv: he suggests I merge your branch10:20
henningenoodles775: still, I cannot get the global actions to work ...10:20
jtvhenninge: shall I just fix up the things he remarked on, and then ping you so you can merge?10:21
noodles775henninge: did you take a look at the mp I linked? If it's still not working push it and I'll take a look.10:21
henningejtv: yes, please10:21
henningenoodles775: I did.10:21
jtvhenninge: I ran mine through EC2, so should be okay.  Feel free to merge now.10:26
henningejtv: ok10:26
jtvnoodles775: thanks for a understanding and constructive review.  :)10:27
noodles775jtv: np!10:27
allenapgmb: Are you OCR today? Cause I've got a nice RC candidate for you :)10:30
gmballenap: Yep.10:32
allenapgmb: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/convert-blueprints-bug-434056/+merge/1221010:33
allenapgmb: Thanks.10:33
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: allenap || queue: [jtv] (pqm is release-critical)
gmbjtv: Do you have a branch in the queue or is that reference stale?10:34
=== noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: allenap || queue: [] (pqm is release-critical)
gmbThat answers that question then :)10:34
jtvgmb: I have another one, but the reference was for an older one.10:34
noodles775gmb: sorry, didn't see your question - just theh topic ;)10:34
jtvSorry, for another one10:34
gmballenap: Can you file a bug for the SpecificationGoalDecideView tests please? We should probably, like, write some.10:36
gmbjtv: Understood.10:36
allenapgmb: Heh, you professional you.10:37
gmbOh, is that what it is? Hmm.10:37
gmballenap: I hereby grant you Instant Hero status for getting rid of SpecificationFeedbackClearingView.process_form()10:38
allenapgmb: Cool. It's so old I didn't know how it worked.10:39
gmballenap: Everything looks fine. r=me. Nice job!10:39
allenapgmb: Thanks!10:40
allenapgmb: Fwiw, bug 434555 is the SFDV-tests-pls bug.10:40
mupBug #434555: SpecificationGoalDecideView is not tested <Launchpad Blueprints:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/434555>10:40
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=== noodles775 changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: allenap || queue: [noodles] (pqm is release-critical)
noodles775gmb: I've got a small MP which should hit your inbox any minute, for when you've time.11:17
gmbnoodles775: Sure, I'll look shortly.11:17
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: noodles775 || queue: [] (pqm is release-critical)
gmbnoodles775: Can you give me a link to the mp? It's not showing up in my inbox.11:31
noodles775gmb: https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/launchpad/missing-distro-ppas-heading/+merge/1221111:33
gmbnoodles775: Looks good. r=me11:37
noodles775gmb: great, thanks.11:37
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: - || queue: [] (pqm is release-critical)
bacnoodles775: rc=bac11:51
noodles775bac: great, thanks.11:51
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intellectronicagmb: i've got a branch for you. pretty simple stuff12:08
gmbintellectronica: Sure, diff me.12:08
intellectronicagmb: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~intellectronica/launchpad/webkit-ajax-disables/+merge/12215 http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/275790/12:09
gmbintellectronica: Looks good. r=me.12:12
intellectronicagmb: thanks for a speedy review!12:12
gmbintellectronica: I seem to be good at diffs today. I wonder if htat means I'll suck at Python...12:12
bacgmb: please leave RC candidate MPs in 'Needs Review' and remind the dev to add a 'release-critical' request so the MP workflow works.12:13
intellectronicabac: i just made such a request12:13
gmbbac: Okay, duly noted.12:13
bacintellectronica: cool12:13
bacthanks graham12:13
gmbnoodles775, allenap ^^ please do the above if you haven't already.12:13
intellectronicabac: i'm sure that as a safari user you'll be glad to approve it :)12:13
* bac looks!12:13
allenapgmb: Thanks, done.12:13
bacintellectronica: is it our ugly red error box?12:13
noodles775gmb: yep, done. Thanks.12:14
intellectronicabac: not quite. the ugly red error box is a fairly complicated bug to do with the interaction of webkit and lazr.restful, and i don't feel that i can cover it for r-c. for now i just made the controls usable in webkit by navigating to the boomerang form. i'll ask leonard for help fixing the real bug later on12:15
intellectronicabac: there's also a fix to make editing duplicates in webkit work in that branch12:15
bacintellectronica: got it12:15
* gmb -> lunch12:20
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=== bigjools changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: lunch || queue: [bigjools] (pqm is release-critical)
bacintellectronica: why did you disable the ajax assignee for webkit?  i never had a problem with that12:43
intellectronicabac: i thought it has the same problem as the product ajax control. if it doesn't then i can revert that. let me validate12:44
bacintellectronica: also, on your branch i went to https://bugs.launchpad.dev/firefox/+bug/5 and tried to make it a duplicate of bug 112:44
mupBug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share <ubuntu> <Clubdistro:Confirmed> <Computer Science Ubuntu:Confirmed for compscibuntu-bugs> <Ichthux:Confirmed for raphink> <JAK LINUX:Confirmed> <Linux Mint:Won't Fix> <OpenOffice:Confirmed for lh-maviya> <Launchpad Translations:Invalid> <Tabuntu:Confirmed for tinarussell> <Ubuntu:In Progress> <bum (Ubuntu):Invalid> <casper (Ubuntu):Invalid> <djplay (Ubuntu):Invalid> <firefox (Ubuntu):Invalid> <u12:44
baci got an error popup that had an embedded traceback.12:45
bacintellectronica: i'm sure that isn't due to your fix but can you try to replicate that?12:45
intellectronicabac: you're right about the assignee. i'll revert that change12:46
bacintellectronica: cool12:46
intellectronicabac: the error you're seeing is an error from the server that you can't mark the bug as a duplicate because it's a duplicate itself. that's a terrible way of showing that error, but fixing that is out of scope for an r-c12:48
bacintellectronica: i guess the traceback will either only be shown on lp.dev or only to lp developers on lp.net12:49
intellectronicabac: i've reverted the change to the assignee field. see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/275807/12:49
bacintellectronica: cool12:49
intellectronicabac: yes, the error itself is just the stuff you see at the top12:50
bacintellectronica: can you confirm for me that a normal user on lp.net doesn't get the embedded traceback?  i believe us but i'd like to see proof.12:50
bacintellectronica: marking your MP rc=bac12:50
intellectronicabac: thanks12:51
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=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: bigjools || queue: [] (pqm is release-critical)
gmbbigjools-lunch: You might want to check that you don't have some massive collisions with allenap's blueprint template conversions.13:39
allenapgmb: We've had words :)13:40
gmbAh, okay.13:40
gmbAs long as it not go boom on merge.13:40
intellectronicagmb: can you review another tiny branch?13:44
gmbintellectronica: Sure, stick it on the queue and I'll take a look when I've finished with bigjools-lunch's branch13:44
intellectronicalet me see if anyone else can do it earlier. it's only 36 lines with context13:46
intellectronicaallenap: maybe you can take a look? ^^^13:46
allenapintellectronica: Sure.13:46
allenapintellectronica: What does it do?13:46
intellectronicaallenap: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~intellectronica/launchpad/tags-cloud-improvement/+merge/1222013:46
intellectronicaallenap: it makes it so that the tags portlet only shows official tags and the ten most popular unofficial ones, like it used to be13:47
intellectronicaallenap: so, what do you think?13:53
gmbbigjools-lunch: Your branch looks good. Please file an rc request if this is an RC candidate. r=me.13:53
allenapintellectronica: I was just finishing off an email, looking now.13:54
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bigjoolsgmb: ta very much13:58
bigjoolsgmb: the only gotcha is that I know it will conflict with allenap's branch, but the changes are tiny, I don't think they need re-reviewing.13:59
intellectronicaallenap: any luck with my patch? it's tiny14:05
allenapintellectronica: I know, but I have some questions about it. I'm writing a very quick review.14:06
intellectronicawhy don't you just ask me the questions?14:06
intellectronicawow, half hour for a review of one little display method14:15
intellectronicaallenap: i'm going to get something to eat. hopefully when i'm back you can let me know whether my patch is ok and if not what questions you have about it?14:16
bacallenap: 1 rc, 1 not rc.  thanks for the work on both.14:17
allenapbac: Thanks, cool14:18
gmbbigjools: Righto; if it's just for conflict resolution purposes I'm not that concerned.14:21
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bacbigjools: rc approved with one minor fix14:45
bacbigjools: and one optional fix14:46
bigjoolsbac: ok - you are thorough :)14:46
bigjoolsallenap: do you have a special commit message you want me to use when I land your branch?14:50
bigjoolsyou got it rc-ed right?14:50
allenapbigjools: Yes. "I am allenap's bitch".14:50
allenapbigjools: That's a no :)14:51
* bigjools goes prone14:51
allenapbigjools: Thanks!14:51
cprovgmb: I have an RC candidate, can you review it ?14:51
intellectronicaallenap: thanks for the review. i'll change the name of the array of dicts to indicate what it contains. i'm not concerned about performance in this case and there's no point using a generator expression instead of a list if you're going to iterate over it immediately14:52
=== cprov changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: || queue: [cprov] (pqm is release-critical)
allenapintellectronica: Okay, cool.14:52
gmbcprov: Sure14:54
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: cprov || queue: [] (pqm is release-critical)
gmbcprov: Is there an MP?14:54
cprovgmb: thx, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~cprov/launchpad/soyuz-missing-heading/+merge/1222614:55
* gmb looks14:55
cprovgmb: I have to go afk for a bit, please add your comments to the MP I will address then when I'm back14:57
gmbcprov: Ok.14:57
cprovgmb: the branch is already playing on ec2,  just in case it breaks other tests.14:57
baccprov: please add your r-c request to the MP before you go14:58
cprovbac: ehe, already done ;)14:58
intellectronicabac: hi, i've asked for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~intellectronica/launchpad/tags-cloud-improvement/+merge/12220 to be considered for release-critical. it's not really a blocker but it's a very simple fix and we'd really like to have it as part of 3.014:58
cprovbac: it's a little big for a RC, but let me know what you think14:58
=== cprov is now known as cprov-afk
bacintellectronica: ok, i'll look15:02
bacderyck: in your new milestone portlet the counts are not right-aligned.   looking at https://bugs.launchpad.dev/debian/+bugs the counts for the three different portlets are all over the place, though internally consistent.  ideas?15:05
deryckbac, on phone, just a moment15:05
deryckbac, sorry15:05
bacintellectronica: rc=bac, with mods15:26
intellectronicabac: thanks15:26
bacintellectronica: that's some action-packed code in a few lines!15:26
intellectronicaheh, yes, it's easy to do long expressions with list comprehensions15:27
gmbcprov-afk: Your branch looks good to land. r=me.15:30
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: - || queue: [] (pqm is release-critical)
bachenninge: i am going to disapprove the r-c for jtv's MP since you will be doing a combined landing.  i like his change but an RC is not appropriate.15:31
henningebac: ok15:31
henningebac: I am currently struggling with some stray changes in my branch.15:31
henningedunno were they came from. they are in answers.15:32
bacnoodles775: will you mark your review of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/mechanical-specificationtarget-assignments/+merge/12203 as approved per jtv's changes, if you agree.15:32
noodles775bac: Done.15:33
bacnoodles775: thanks15:34
bacthanks cprov-afk15:36
deryckbac, concerning the alignment issue, the problem is because the portlets use table cells, and the filters have long word to push the number cell far to the right.15:39
deryckbac, the fix requires either making the number cell a fixed width, which I don't particularly like, or converting to not use tables and float the number, which is a lot of templates to touch.15:40
deryckbac, but this is a problem regardless of my fix to add a milestone links portlet.15:40
bacderyck: thanks for the explanation.  we can fix them together later15:51
deryckbac, ok.  so rc on this branch is ok?  Or wait for it to land?15:52
bacderyck: rc=bac15:52
deryckbac, awesome,thanks!15:52
mrevellgmb: Fancy a review? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~matthew.revell/launchpad/3.0-tour-images/+merge/1217415:59
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gmbmrevell: Sure, I'll take a look in five minutes or so.16:02
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: mrevell || queue: [] (pqm is release-critical)
gmbmrevell: Looks fine to me... I see that bac has already r-c'd this, so go ahead and land it :)16:07
mrevellthanks gmb16:08
cprov-afkgmb, bac:  thanks for your review16:40
baccprov-afk: np, thanks for the branch16:40
allenapgmb: Are you accepting new reviews? Specifically, reviews for external bug tracker fixes? Like https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/external-bugzilla-3.4-api-bug-434580/+merge/1223016:42
gmballenap: I think I might :016:43
gmb:) even.16:43
* gmb waits for the diff to generate.16:43
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=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: allenap || queue: [henninge] (pqm is release-critical)
henningegmb: I appended my branch, too, but maybe I can get noodles775 to do it.16:44
henningenoodles775: do you have time to review my branch, seeing that you were involved earlier?16:45
henningebac: my branch is up for review now. Sorry, that took much longer.16:45
henningebac: I had to clean up some mess in the branch. I will eventually submit through ec2 because now I am not sure *what* I was testing there ... :(16:46
bachenninge: ok.  i'll look now16:46
intellectronicahey henninge, want to review a tiny fix i want to r-c while you wait?16:47
henningeintellectronica: like a snack? sure!16:47
bachenninge: you need to get a code review first16:47
gmballenap: that looks perfic. r=me. Thanks!16:47
bachenninge: ah, i see you're in the queue16:47
henningebac: I know, sorry to have been unclear ...16:47
allenapgmb: Splendid, thanks!16:47
gmballenap: Please to be doing the rc dance :)16:48
henningegmb: that was quick ;) looks like noodles775 is gone ...16:48
intellectronicahenninge: lovely. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/275928/ fixes https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/434115 i'll create an mp for you now16:48
mupBug #434115: ubuntu/series/+source/package/+filebug?no-redirect redirects any way <Launchpad Bugs:In Progress by intellectronica> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/434115>16:48
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb || reviewing: henninge || queue: [] (pqm is release-critical)
gmbhenninge: Looking at yours now.16:48
henningegmb: thanks a lot!16:48
gmbhenninge: Or I would... can you give me the URL of the MP please? (Yes, that's lazy of me)16:49
henningegmb: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~henninge/launchpad/bug-434055-combined/+merge/1222916:49
gmbhenninge: Don't the methods of HasSpecificationsMenuMixin need to be properties? (That's usually the case for no-arg methods called by templates).16:52
gmbhenninge: Also, how much effort would it be to PEP8ify their names, e.g.: list_all, list_accepted, etc?16:52
intellectronicahenninge: and here's the mp: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~intellectronica/launchpad/distroseries-source-package-filebug-no-redirect/+merge/1223216:57
intellectronicahenninge: is the patch ok?16:57
gmbhenninge: Otherwise the branch looks good. I'm not terribly worried about the PEP8 thing but I think that those methods should be properties.16:58
henningegmb: let me look for those properties ...17:01
henningegmb: no, not properties, they are methods (at least on translation NavigationMenus)17:02
henningegmb: changing the names now might break more tests. I have seen it when I changed 'addspec' to 'new' ... So I'd rather not.17:04
gmbhenninge: Okay.17:05
henningeintellectronica: r=me17:06
henningegmb: thanks17:06
gmbhenninge: They are properties on other NavigationMenus17:06
gmbI think for consistency they should be here, too.17:06
gmb(Since anything that the template uses should be a property or an attribute, not a no-arg method)17:06
intellectronicahenninge: thanks a bunch17:06
gmbhenninge: So please add the @properties. Leave the renaming though.17:07
gmbhenninge: r=me with that change.17:08
intellectronicabac: i've requested your consideration of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~intellectronica/launchpad/distroseries-source-package-filebug-no-redirect/+merge/12232 for release-critical. it's a blocker for us17:08
bacintellectronica: no test?17:10
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intellectronicabac: i guess i can try and add a test, but i'm not really sure how. i don't think it will work with the test browser, so i have to find out how to test it17:12
henningegmb: I am sorry, but I have been doing some greping here and I cannot verify that statement. There are *some* methods marked as property but the bulk of them is not. or so it seems.17:13
henningegmb: so are they all wrong? Just say it, I'll believe you .. ;-)17:13
gmbhenninge: Hmm. Actually, you're right. I've mistaken a @property for a link in a NavigationMenu.17:14
bacintellectronica: can you puzzle over it for a timeboxed period and let me know?17:14
gmbhenninge: So leave them as they are.. we can take this to the reviewers list. It's not relevant for RC>17:14
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
intellectronicabac: sure17:14
henningegmb: ok, thanks. Sorry for being so stubborn ... ;)17:14
gmbhenninge: Stubborn is good. It's how we make everyone else learn :).17:15
* gmb goes off-call17:17
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: - || reviewing: || queue: [] (pqm is release-critical)
henningebac: code-review is done ;-)17:18
henningebac: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~henninge/launchpad/bug-434055-combined/+merge/1222917:18
mrevellAnyone care to review a help update? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~matthew.revell/launchpad/home-page-staging-popup-help/+merge/1223317:21
henningemrevell: me! me! me!17:24
* henninge waits for diff to see how much it is ...17:24
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
intellectronicabac: turns out there's no problem whatsoever doing the test you requested with the test browser. see http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/275955/17:32
mrevellhenninge: the diff's there. Want to do it? :)17:34
bacintellectronica: excellent17:35
intellectronicabac: are you happy for this branch to land for r-c with the addition of the patch?17:37
intellectronicaof the test, that is17:37
henningemrevell: sorry, distracted. looking now.17:38
henningemrevell: is href="+help..." ok? or shouldn't it be href="/+help..." ?17:39
mrevellhenninge: Yes, probably. I'll fix that.17:40
henningemrevell: you are saying "What is staging?" but never mention the term before that.17:41
henningeMaybe it should be  "... in our staging environment. (What is staging?)" ?17:42
mrevellhenninge: Hmm, yes. I misread "sandbox" for staging. Will fix that too.17:42
allenapbeuno: Can you review a download icon fix? You've done some work on this previously so you've got context. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/remove-too-many-download-icons-bug-423105/+merge/1223717:42
henningemrevell: don't we do tests for help pop-ups?17:43
mrevellhenninge: Not AFAIK17:43
henningemrevell: ok ... ;)17:43
henningemrevell: r=me with the discussed changes  ;-)17:43
bacintellectronica: yes.  i'll update the MP17:43
mrevellhenninge: Does that mean you'd like to see a test? :)17:43
beunoallenap, yes17:43
henningemrevell: having a test is always better but if we don't have examples of how to test that, I think it's too much work atm.17:44
mrevellhenninge: Okay, thanks.17:44
henningemrevell: maybe file a bug like "Help pop-ups should have tests." ?17:45
mrevellhenninge: Okay, will do17:45
beunoallenap, approved. I know I can't *really* approve code, but, well, you know.17:45
allenapbeuno: Oh, go on :) Thanks!17:45
jmlallenap, I've done a code review.17:46
allenapThanks jml!17:46
mrevellbac: I've requested your review but it wouldn't let me add "release-critical" ... am gonna see if it's a bug. It's for the "sandbox" help change on the front page. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~matthew.revell/launchpad/home-page-staging-popup-help/+merge/1223317:46
bacmrevell: thanks17:47
salgadosinzui, do you have time to review ^ or should I try to find somebody else?  it's rather trivial17:54
* sinzui looks17:54
sinzuisalgado: r=me, no changes17:56
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-dinner
salgadothanks sinzui 17:57
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
bachenninge: rc=bac18:01
henningebac: cheers18:02
henningejust in time for me ... ;-)18:02
bachenninge: thanks for hanging around18:02
henningebac: np, you have your hands full, I can see that. ;)18:02
bachi mrevell-dinner18:05
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bacmrevell-dinner: rc=bac18:11
bacallenap: thanks for waiting around.  rc=bac * 218:16
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* bac grabbing some lunch. RCs to flacoste for the next bit18:26
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gary_posterbac, I have a branch that does not fix blueprints but fixes the other bits AFAIK: answers, bugs, code.  tests matching the pattern '[bB]read[cC]rumb' pass :-) .  ec2 is running tests now.  Can you review, or should you/I try to rustle up someone else?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/breadcrumbs/+merge/1224619:57
bacgary_poster: i'll do it19:57
gary_posterbac, thank you.  the diff is a bit longer than it needs to be because my editor decided to do some whitespace cleanup in the zcml19:58
bacgary_poster: good for your editor19:58
bacgary_poster: it's a very pretty diff20:00
gary_posterbac: a bit early for christmas, but red and green stripes are nicely complementary20:01
bacgary_poster: i understand why they had HasBranchesBreadcrumb.  you think standardizing on the rootsite name is better?20:02
gary_posterbac: I didn't understand and thought it was simply irregular.  Having regular names certainly helps with mass changes like this.  Why did they have the old name?  And/or, if you simply want me to change it back, just say so. 20:03
bacgary_poster: no, the fix is more standard.  they could argue it is for IHasBranches so the old name is better20:04
bacgary_poster: approved as is.  if you're going through ec2 you'd best target it to db-devel20:04
gary_posterbac: thank you.  oh, good point.  /me CTRL-C's the current run...20:05
bacgary_poster: check to see that instance is killed!  ctl-c left me some zombies last week that were eating money20:05
rockstarCan I get a review from someone?20:05
gary_posterbac ack, thanks20:05
bacrockstar: yes20:06
rockstarbac, on its way.20:06
bacrockstar: rc candidate?20:06
rockstarbac, yea, it's the one you and thumper talked about last night.20:07
gary_posterbac: are you a ui reviewer too ([ui=bac]) or should I do a [ui=rs] or do something else?20:08
bacgary_poster: i am not a ui.  i'd do ui=rs20:09
gary_posterok thanks20:09
=== henninge-afk is now known as henninge
barrygary_poster: rockstar flacoste abentley salgado anybody available a review of changes for bug 434761?  this is a redesign of the home page requested by beuno21:39
mupBug #434761: Make the home page pretty <story-ui-3> <Launchpad Registry:In Progress by barry> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/434761>21:39
rockstarbarry, sure.21:39
barryrockstar: cool, thanks.  i'll push up an mp for ya straight away21:40
rockstarbarry, great.21:40
barryrockstar: i have a couple of test failures i need to investigate first...21:43
=== salgado is now known as salgado-brb
bacbarry: do let me have a look after the code review.21:49
barrybac: oh, definitely21:49
bacbarry: i was a bit ambigous earlier21:49
barrybac: do you want me to just request a release-critical review of the branch from you?21:50
=== salgado-brb is now known as salgado
barryrockstar: mp sent22:04
rockstarbarry, ack22:04
barryrockstar: gah!  i think i spelled the reviewer request incorrectly22:12
rockstarbarry, yeah, was just about to say I hadn't seen it.22:13
barryrockstar: i'm requesting them old skool22:13
barrybac: beuno just gave me ui approval22:17
bacbarry: great.  you know he's been drinking, though.22:17
* rockstar can also UI review22:17
barryrockstar: have you been drinking?22:18
bacgrape nehi22:18
rockstarbarry, only water, although I'm wondering if booze would give me my voice back.  :)22:18
bacrockstar: it's too bad you don't drink beer.  i like that Fat Tire you've got up there22:18
rockstarbac, everyone does.  :)  You need a sprint here if you really like beer.  #2 in the nation for microbrews next to Portland.22:19
barryrockstar: unfortunately i only request ui reviews from intoxicateds22:19
bacnew belgium has *taken over*.  in a year they ramped up massive distribution22:20
rockstarReally?  I guess I never noticed since they are so big here.22:20
rockstarbarry, r=me22:20
barryrockstar: thanks.  bac it's up to you now22:21
bacbarry: land it, dano22:22
bacbarry: i'd be remiss if i didn't remind you to point ec2 to db-devel22:23
barrybac: yes, i will land it through ec2.  do you remember the magic incantation to send it through db-devel?22:23
bacbarry: check my email to lp-dev22:24
barrybac: +1 (been under an email blizzard)22:24
barrybac: got it22:25
bacbarry: props to gary for the magic22:25
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk

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