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czajkowskizakame: morning10:10
zakameheya, just turning evening here :)10:12
amachuZachK18: Hi10:46
ZachK18amachu, hello...are you one of the board members for the Asia and Oceania regional approval board meeting?10:46
ZachK18well that's what i'm here for10:46
amachusome ten minutes to go10:50
ZachK18have you had a chance to "look me over?10:50
* persia peers about10:57
ZachK18hello persia10:57
elkyoh. i guess i wont start driving home just now.10:59
amachupersia: zakame: lifeless: elky: hi10:59
ZachK18i guess the other guy who wanted membership isn't gonna show up10:59
persiaWell, technically, there's a bit to go.11:00
elkyZachK18, there's still a few minutes to wait, don't be like that :)11:00
ZachK18ah..ok....i've got nothing but time11:00
* ZachK18 sits down, sips water......waits11:00
persiaPlus there only seems to be three of us yet.  Usually we like to have at least four.11:00
ZachK18three who? board members?11:01
ZachK18ah...got yo...11:01
ZachK18would any of you like to look over my wiki while we wait?11:01
persiaThere we go.  quorum is achieved.11:02
zakameits been a while11:02
amachulifeless: are you here?11:02
elkya zakame!11:02
amachuthemuso is missing today..11:03
ZachK18ah..i'm back11:04
amachuwell, we begin now11:04
amachuWelcome persia, elky, lifeless & zakame11:04
amachuindus is n't here it seems11:04
zakamehi amachu , everyone11:04
ZachK18Good morning board members11:05
ZachK18well, morning for me anyway....five am11:05
amachuso, ZachK18, go ahead, presenting yourself & your contributions to Ubuntu11:05
ZachK18shall i just give my links? it's a fairly big list...11:05
persiaWe'd like a two or three line intro.11:06
persiaWe'll read your wiki page for the links.11:06
ZachK18Roger that.11:06
ZachK18Well first I'm Zach....I started using Ubuntu 100% four months ago...and since that time I post on the forums, use Irc freenode...and I'm currently documenting Firebird with apache2 and php5 on Ubuntu jaunty11:07
elkyhad you been using linux/ubuntu long before you moved over completely?11:09
ZachK18Good question...no. My first encounter with Linux Ubuntu was when 8.04 very first came out. Tried it but because it was in beta or just released from beta stage...(didn't know that at the time) i quit using it. Then a year later here i am11:10
ZachK18Started using Ubuntu Jaunty slightly for curiousness and because I dislike MS to begin with the transition was Very Easy11:12
amachuZachK18: are there people to support you?11:13
ZachK18Well I won't say because I wish not to put people on the spot but my master on the Ubuntu BT Padawan team is Tim_Sharrit and most of my "friends" are actually on the #ubuntu-beginners channel as we speak11:14
ZachK18Silver_Fox for example or lukjad00711:15
zakamecan you invite them here so we can hear them out :)11:15
ZachK18Sure ;)11:15
elkyZachK18, we like to hear testimonials about prospective members.11:15
ZachK18lukjad007, thanks!11:15
lukjad007Sorry, what's going on exactly? I just saw the ping11:16
elkylukjad007, how well do you know ZachK18?11:16
amachulukjad007: and what would you say about his contributions11:17
lukjad007elky I've seen him around the #ubuntu-beginners and #ubuntu-doc channels for a couple of weeks at least.11:17
elkylukjad007, what about him do you think makes him a good member candidate?11:17
lukjad007Silver_Fox_ Probably knows more about his contributions, to be honest.11:18
ZachK18Silver_Fox_? you here?11:19
persiaZachK18, You seem to be active in several areas, proceeding through various processes (doc team contributor, beginner's team padawan).  How do you feel these processes work, and do you feel like you're reaching a "next stage" in any of them?11:19
Silver_Fox_yes zack18,  i am typing11:19
ZachK18Well I definitely feel as though I'm reaching a "next stage" in those areas.11:20
ZachK18How I feel they work would be to lengthy to explain but I will try my best.11:20
Silver_Fox_Though I have only known Zack18 for a short period,  he has amazed me with the amount of time he spends in #ubuntu-beginners-help .  He is friendly and welcomes new people who come across the beginners channel.11:21
ZachK18The documentation team exists for different purposes, mainly to document different areas of Ubuntu. Whether it's support, questions, or just editing the wiki11:21
ZachK18the doc team must be there for Ubuntu to succeed. without it, well, it just wouldn't be the same11:22
elkyWell, I think ZachK18 has made a good start, but i'm not yet satisfied with the level of significance. 0 from me.11:23
ZachK18The beginners team padawan is for the more experienced users of Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community to "take on" the younger users if you will, and show them the ropes perse...explain the proper ways to edit the wiki if they choose to go that route or proper use of the forums11:24
zakameZachK18: how's your experience with your previous OS, and does it help you in your current experience with ubuntu?11:24
amachuZachK18: You have a good start, but I would like to see more from you to give a +111:27
persiaI'm -1: not yet.  I think there's great progress, but would like to see testimonials that didn't reference "a short time", and completion of some of the team integration processes underway.11:27
ZachK18Well my experience with Windows if very large. Especially in using Open Office(in place of MS word!) so the writing and documentation part comes very easy as I like to write so that experience helps. Supporting others with errors and bugs is also very easy as I can search many areas of the Web in a short amount of time...(that experience is needed due to MS bugs)11:27
ZachK18shall i list my wiki link?11:28
zakamecool, that's good to hear, and the further experience you have helps11:28
elkyamachu, lifeless, questions for ZachK18?11:29
ZachK18If the esteemed board would wish, here is my wiki page for evaluation. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Zachk1811:30
amachuelky: I am awaiting lifeless & zakame's vote11:30
amachuzakame: are you there?11:31
amachu& lifeless?11:31
zakameI would want to see some ZachK18 give some more time, he seems to be doing great work and I want him to succeed there11:31
zakamenot to mention being a namesake :P11:32
amachuzakame: thanks. and i didn't see a reply from lifeless for the entire session.11:33
ZachK18is that a 0 zakame?11:33
elkyzakame, so that's 0 or -1?11:33
zakamea 011:34
elkylifeless: ping?11:34
amachuZack18: that would mean all of us feeling that you have a good beginning and would like to see more, for the membership11:34
amachuelky: didn't hear from since the beginning11:34
ZachK18i figured...i'm just an optimistic person by nature...11:34
amachuZachK18: So we wish you all the best in future11:35
ZachK18well, thanks anyway11:35
zakameits not bad at all11:35
amachukeep up the good work.11:35
ZachK18If you wish to contact me i'll be around...11:35
=== doko_ is now known as doko
persiaZachK18, Thanks for helping so far, and we'll look forward to seeing you back when you've a bit more documented.11:35
ZachK18any recommendations?11:35
amachupersia: elky: zakame: anything else to discuss here?11:36
elkyamachu, we are lacking our second applicant?11:36
ZachK18yes you are...he's not here...11:36
amachuelky: yes11:36
persiaZachK18, Just keep doing what you are doing, get some testimonials on your wiki page demonstrating that more of your work is significant, and come visit again.11:36
elkyexcellent, then i can drive home from work via food! :D11:36
zakameZachK18: any immediate plans for your team participations?11:36
ZachK18So, for an overall score, what'd i get from all of you...0 to 1011:37
persiaWe don't do it that way.11:37
persiaWe just do -1 to 1.11:37
persiaBut it averages about -0.25, if I read the votes correctly.11:37
ZachK18well immediate plans....did any of you look at my documentation for Firebird? it's something that nobody, and i stress strongly nobody knows how to do11:37
lifelesssorry elky got stuck in a GPL/LGPL/BSD licencing mail :(11:37
elkylifeless, EWW!11:38
amachulifeless: same old trap :-)11:38
zakamelifeless: lolwut11:38
lifelessso, I'm with persia11:38
amachulifeless: We has ZachK18 here today, all of us felt he need to improve upon.11:38
lifelessI concur11:39
elkylifeless: we had 4 votes, so it's up to you if you want to read scrollback and throw your opinion in11:39
persiaZachK18, It's a good start, but it's not yet complete :)11:39
lifelesselky: actually, I'm starting it. I wrote infrastructure code as GPL. This was a mistake, now I have to convince the contributors to relicence.11:39
amachulifeless: would you like to take some time, to give your feedback on ZachK1811:39
ZachK18the firebird doc is something that no one in the community that i've talked to knows how to get working..11:39
lifelessamachu: I don't have anything additional; you've all said exactly what I would have11:40
lifelessdoing good stuff is great.11:40
lifelesskeep doing it!11:40
elkylifeless, this sounds almost like something that may have been discussed in a pub roughly 3.5 weeks ago.11:40
lifelesselky: its been brewing for a bit11:40
lifelesselky: but its only accidentally connected to that post SLUG chat11:41
amachulifeless: fine. anything else for any one to discuss?11:41
elkylifeless, i look forward to hearing about this at the pub in .5 weeks then :)11:41
amachupersia: elky: zakame: ?11:41
ZachK18is that it then?11:41
elkyamachu, i think we're done amachu, thanks for chairing :)11:41
lifelesselky: you should't let your ubuntu membership expire btw ;)11:41
ZachK18if that's it then i'm gonna head on over to #ubuntu-beginners-help11:41
zakameZachK18: pretty good stuff, keep at it11:41
elkylifeless, yes, and i should stick to my first answer when my boss says "do you want to be the business manager"11:42
ZachK18Board, I appreciate the time, suggestions, and consideration. Until our next meeting.11:42
persiaamachu, I'm set.11:43
amachufine then. Thank you all for participating.11:43
amachuNext meeting will be on 13 Oct 09. Hope we get a new member to the Board in between that :-)11:44
* ZachK18 waves to get amachu's attention...lol11:44
ZachK18thanks gents11:44
ZachK18don't worry about my determinations wanning guys...i'll still be here even if i never get membership11:45
elkyZachK18, good to hear, and i hope to see you in several months time with a much bigger resume.11:46
ZachK18me too! hope i can do that11:46
ZachK18Thanks again11:46
lifelesselky: https://lists.launchpad.net/subunit-dev/msg00033.html12:01
lifelesssoren: ^12:01
=== imlad|away is now known as imlad
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loologra, NCommander, GrueMaster, plars, njpatel, ian_brasil, dyfet, StevenK: meeting in 313:58
loolor 2 rather13:58
ogramoo moo13:58
* plars is here13:58
=== imlad is now known as imlad|away
loolno bfiller, paulliu, bjf, davidm13:58
* ian_brasil opens a sleepy eye13:59
StevenKBut I'm on leave ... ?13:59
HobbseeYou apparently have to attend anyway14:00
MootBotMeeting started at 08:00. The chair is NCommander.14:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:00
StevenKSo it would seem14:00
* JamieBennett is observing again14:00
loolStevenK: You're welcome to join if you like  :-)14:01
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009092214:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2009/2009092214:01
loolJamieBennett: Ah right didn't think of pinging you14:01
NCommander[link] http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/karmic/report.html14:01
MootBotLINK received:  http://piware.de/workitems/mobile/karmic/report.html14:01
JamieBennettlool: np14:01
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap14:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Roadmap14:01
* NCommander waits for a few more people to pop up alive14:02
looldavidm and GrueMaster are at a conference so let's not wait for them14:03
* GrueMaster is not alive until he gets coffee.14:03
loolJust like bjf AFAIK14:03
looloh here he is14:03
loolgruemaster: will davidm join?14:03
GrueMasterI don't know.  I'm at home, he's in a luxury hotel.14:03
ograah, softer beds14:04
NCommander[topic] Action Item Review14:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review14:04
GrueMasterogra: much softer.14:05
loolNCommander: Dont topic each of them; let's just go over them14:05
loolNCommander: you're first14:05
NCommanderMy one action item was implemented my lool. Its pending upload.14:05
* NCommander is NOT awake yet14:05
loolNCommander: Actually you're right that more work is required14:06
loolNCommander: Such as libd-i and base-installer changes14:06
looldont think we need to do the ubiquity changes, especially for z014:06
NCommanderlool, flash-kernel will bee to be changed for the new platform14:06
ograbssss .... mind the bees :)14:07
NCommanderif we want uImage creation to happen automaitcally14:07
loolNCommander: Oh right; trivially though14:07
NCommanderlool, indeed14:07
loolNCommander: so let's keep an action on this?14:07
lool[action] complete dove z0 d-i support (NCommander)14:08
NCommander[action] complete dove z0 d-i support (NCommander)14:08
MootBotACTION received:  complete dove z0 d-i support (NCommander)14:08
looldyfet: Around?14:08
loolAFAICS the lubuntu stuff is still in lala land14:08
GrueMasterHe's also at the conference.14:08
loolseed in junk14:08
ograoh, soft beds as well14:08
loolubiquity was dropped from desktop14:09
ograalready a good move14:09
lool[action] move lubuntu seed to proper location and enable the meta on amd64 (dyfet)14:09
loolNCommander: ^14:09
NCommander[action] move lubuntu seed to proper location and enable the meta on amd64 (dyfet)14:09
MootBotACTION received:  move lubuntu seed to proper location and enable the meta on amd64 (dyfet)14:09
loolI wonder what mysql is doing in the lubuntu live seed though14:09
loolprobably I dont need to know14:10
ograserving SQL :)14:10
* NCommander pokes plars 14:10
loolNCommander: I'm next I think14:10
loolNCommander: Pleaes co lool to setup meeting with ubuntu-moblin and report back here14:10
lool[action] setup meeting with ubuntu-moblin and report back here (lool, c/o)14:10
plarsmy turn now?14:10
loolpaulliu isn't around14:11
NCommander [action] setup meeting with ubuntu-moblin and report back here (lool, c/o)14:11
NCommander[action] setup meeting with ubuntu-moblin and report back here (lool, c/o)14:11
MootBotACTION received:  setup meeting with ubuntu-moblin and report back here (lool, c/o)14:11
loolNCommander: co paulliu's14:11
plarsI haven't had a chance to talk to the QA team about it and see if they have any advice to offer, but I'd like to go ahead and let those on the team look at the proposed changes and see what you think.14:11
* NCommander should just chair lool if he's going to give me copy/paste lines14:11
lool[action] file question against soyuz on PPA size (paulliu, c/o)14:11
NCommander[action] c/o pauliu's specs14:11
MootBotACTION received:  c/o pauliu's specs14:11
lool(I'm trying to speed things up; I'm busy  :-)14:11
ograNCommander, that would be to easy ... we couldnt blame you14:11
plarsyou done now? :)14:11
loolplars: URL?14:12
plars[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/BugWorkflow14:12
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/BugWorkflow14:12
loolplars: High level remark: we should try avoiding organisation for the mobile team14:12
plarsA description of the proposed changes are in a grey box at the bottom of the page.  In essence, the goal is to try to help focus attention on important bugs, while trying to keep the bug spam volume low for those on the team14:12
plarslool: ?14:13
looleven if the canonical mobile team is driving this effort and we have some specific things assigned to this team, it's best if we can keep things related to UNR moblin and armel separate from the canonical-mobile concept if you see what I mean14:13
plarslool: ah, right14:13
plarslool: you mentioned that last time, and then said to leave it14:13
plarslool: it can be easily split14:13
loolpff I suck14:14
loolhuman-netbook-theme > we still use that??14:14
loolI dont think so it's in universe14:14
loolsame for netbook-config > not in ubuntu14:14
ograwrite a MIOR so it matches the wiki again :P14:14
loolplars: humanity-icon-theme14:14
plarsso I'm interested in feedback as to whether those (especially those on ~ubuntu-unr) believe this is a good change, or if they would just end up subscribing to the -qa team anyway so as to see everything14:14
StevenKhuman-netbook-theme already had an MIR, and already got approved, so it can just move back again14:15
plarslool: will correct, that's old14:15
ograStevenK, i wasnt serious you know :)14:15
plarslool: that's not in the changes :)14:15
loolplars: Should we integrate with the new bug reporting guidelines?14:15
loolhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs etc.14:15
loolor https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage14:15
plarslool: I can look at that, and those are good suggestions, but specifically I'm looking for feedback on the changes wrt our team at the bottom of the page14:16
ogralool, 90% of the bugs i file dont work with the new guidelines anyway14:16
loolplars: So what I mentionned about the ubuntu-unr tag is that it might make sense to stop keeping it to mean specific to unr14:16
ograi rarely file from the system i see the bug on14:17
loolplars: I mean, if we get too many bugs filed from UNR as is increasingly the case, it's not scaling up well14:17
* NCommander hates the new bug guidelines with a passion14:17
plarslool: yeah, maybe it could mean that it was just filed from a system that happened to be running unr?14:17
loolplars: So for ubuntu-unr/armel tags, we could have "this is specific to environment foo" tags which we add explicitely14:17
NCommanderogra, you could technically collect a bug report, SCP it over, and then ubuntu-bug it14:17
loolplars: e.g. unr-specific and armel-specific14:17
loolplars: Yeah14:17
loolplars: But we only need to change the meaning when we're flooded14:17
loolNot the case for armel for instance14:18
ograNCommander, sure, i can also grow grass on my knee if i try hard enough14:18
* plars directs lool to #3 on the section at the bottom of the page14:18
* plars points both hands to the section at the bottom of the page where the proposed changes are14:18
loolplars: Oh I thought you wanted us to review the full page not the bottom changes; apologies14:18
plarsogra: there's a way around that if you have a .crash file, even on a system where you can't get network access14:19
loolplars: The changes look fine14:19
ograplars, i know, but many of my reports neither use or need .crash files on armel14:19
plarsogra: but yeah, clearly some bugs *have* to be filed manually - we just want to encourage people to use apport if at all possible14:19
NCommanderplars, I note for the record the *vast* majority of stuff I file == no crash14:19
loolplars: We need to cover the priority setting/milestoning actions too14:19
plarslool: correct14:20
ograand tatoo them on NCommanders forehead :P14:20
plarsand that's a point I'm somewhat fuzzy on... especially since lp doesn't have a separate notion of priority vs. importance14:20
loolalong poiuytrewq?14:20
StevenKI'll help fund the tattoo14:20
plarsthe two are not always synonymous14:20
ogralool, indeed14:21
loolplars: moblin tag > yeah please file a bug on this14:21
loolNot sure where I'd add it but that's easy14:21
loolperhaps just moblin14:22
plarslool: seems sensible since that's where we have everything else for moblin14:22
plarsone other outstanding question I have - do we want to just do this for UNR, or for armel as well?14:22
loolSorry I mean the tag name would be "moblin" not ubuntu-moblin14:22
plarsin armel, the bug volume is currently much lower14:22
loolplars: The -qa?14:22
loolI think it only makes sense for unr14:23
plarslool: yes14:23
loolit might be needed for armel but dealing with multiple teams etc. is painful so if we can avoid it...14:23
plarsI'd like to defer it for armel unless someone has an objection to that14:23
plarsso, just do it for unr for now, see how it goes14:23
loolplars: I confirmed with design team that assigning ~canonical-ux is the right escalation path14:24
plarslool: cool, and they want assigned, not just subscribed?14:24
NCommanderplars, lool, what AR/Minutes do we take away from then?14:24
plarsI know some teams are picky about that14:24
loolassigned means they have to comment or fix so I think it's the right thing to do14:24
loolthey were fine with assignments14:24
loolNCommander: ?14:25
=== porthose is now known as porthose|afk
NCommanderlool, I'm trying to figure out how to summarize plars down into a one line summary for the minutes14:25
NCommanderer, *ahem*14:25
NCommanderplars's bug triage notes14:25
StevenKplars in one line.14:26
lool[agreed] Approve update from plars on bug triaging guidelines14:26
plarsNCommander: basically the bug workflow is just being tweaked14:26
loolYou can shorten plars to 5 chars14:26
NCommander[action] plars to update the bug workflow14:27
MootBotACTION received:  plars to update the bug workflow14:27
NCommander[topic] UMR Status14:27
MootBotNew Topic:  UMR Status14:27
loolbfiller: Hey14:27
bfillerlool: hello14:27
loolbfiller: Sorry didn't setup a meeting about moblin this week14:27
loolI think we should try to chat next weel14:28
loolBiggest update is TMC stuff14:28
loolWas blocking further progress to karmic14:28
loolpaulliu confirmed to me earlier that this was all working for him now14:28
loolbfiller: One big question is whether we could use 2.1 components or not?14:28
loolbfiller: The TMC updates will land in 2.1 but we could carry them on top of 2.014:28
bfillerlool: would be great to get 2.1 components in, but they are not available yet14:29
looloverall, moblin status is improving but images are still failing to build14:29
loolbfiller: So no objection to use them; that's fine14:29
loolI under paulliu will merge latest empathy bits and we should be able to build images again14:29
bfillerlool: it is a requirement we use 2.1 for next OEM image14:29
loolbfiller: Cool that's aligned then14:29
=== imlad|away is now known as imlad
loolThe other topic which made no progress is compliance work, at least on my side14:30
loolGrueMaster: anything your side?14:30
bfillerlool: there are 3 things I'd like to add14:30
GrueMasterWe had a teleconference with Intel last week.14:30
GrueMasterWaiting for them to finalize 1.0 spec.14:30
loolGrueMaster: Right but I think we want to start setting up daily runs and raise issues with the test tools14:31
GrueMasterI plan on discussing compliance with the LinuxFoundation today or tomorrow at the conference.14:31
NCommanderGrueMaster, what's the timefame on them finalizing 1.0?14:31
loolbfiller: Please dump them here any time14:31
GrueMasterNCommander: they don't know14:31
loolbfiller: I've seen you assigned some bugs; thanks14:31
bfillerlool: 1) there are many packages in Karmic PPA that are old or need version bumps, so these need to be assigned to people14:31
bfilleroem folks are doing some, pauliu will need to help as well14:31
GrueMasterlool: daily runs would be a lot of work, considering the test suite takes ~26 hours to run.14:32
loolbfiller: Yes, top priority was to move new packages to karmic; I'd like to use a tracker for the PPA -> karmic merges apart of that14:32
GrueMasterUnless I pare it down.14:32
GrueMasterAnd that doesn't include manual tests.14:32
loolGrueMaster: well continuous runs then; perhaps we should bring it up that 26 hours is too long?14:32
bfiller2) I have triaged some bugs and added some new ones, we really need to address https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-moblin-remix/+bug/434243 soon I think to have stability in the package versions14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434243 in ubuntu-moblin-remix "configure apt_preferences to use PPA for moblin build" [High,Triaged]14:32
bfillerlool: we had previously talked about this14:32
loolbfiller: Yes14:33
loolbfiller: I didnt have time to look into this14:33
bfillerlool: agreed about that tracker14:33
GrueMasterThe other issue with compliance is library versions.  We apparently have some newer clutter libs than moblin.org.14:33
loolbfiller: I can explain where the file needs to be created and where the format is documented but didn't have time to verify things work as intended14:33
bfillerlool: I assigned the apt bug to StevenK, not sure if he is the right person 0r not14:33
loolbfiller: he probably is except he's on leave for a week14:33
StevenKI didn't see that bug?14:34
StevenKOh, that bug14:34
loolGrueMaster: So did you report these upstream>14:34
StevenKYes, that's a livecd-rootfs issue. Patches welcome14:34
GrueMasterThis was brought up in the phone meeting.14:34
loolGrueMaster: I think we need to push more stuff in the intel bug tracker14:34
NCommanderlool, bfiller five minute warning14:35
GrueMasterIt already has been reported.  It is a spec compliance issue.14:35
GrueMasterHard to be compliant to a spec that isn't finalized.14:35
loolGrueMaster: From my perspective, you're owning the moblin compliance stuff and I'd love you to drive the issues you raised here or on the phone call upstream14:35
bfillerlool: can you assign someone else on your team to look at 434243 while steven is goine?14:35
loolbfiller: The only other person would be me; unless someone here would like to step up?14:35
loologra, dyfet, or anybody ^14:36
StevenKHm. It isn't hard to fix for the live system14:36
GrueMasterlool: I am already driving it, along with davidm.14:36
bfillerStevenK: do you have cycles to get it done before you leave?14:36
bfillerhow about NCommander :)?14:36
ogralool, my plate is full ... but if there is nop other one ...14:36
StevenKbfiller: I left two days ago :-P14:36
bfillerStevenK: rats14:36
NCommanderbfiller, what's a spare cycle?14:36
loolGrueMaster: Well we might have to tell them that we have version foo of the while spec says we need version foobar and that needs to be fixed in the spec14:36
StevenKbfiller: I'm not back until next Monday the 28th14:36
loolThe bug isn't that the spec isn't at 1.0 but rather that the current spec says we're incompatible14:37
ograbfiller, NCommander doesnt sleep, he should have extra cycles :P14:37
NCommanderthree minute warning14:37
GrueMasterlool: we know this.  they know this.14:37
bfillerNCommander: enought time to fix 434243 :)14:37
NCommanderogra, *sigh* thats more true than you realize14:37
loolGrueMaster: So you're saying it's reported?14:37
loolGrueMaster: OKAY14:37
bfillerNCommander: bang it out14:37
loolGrueMaster: What about the other bits?14:37
GrueMasterWhish is why davidm and I are taking it up with the linux foundation while at the conference.14:37
NCommanderbfiller, if you give me an /etc/apt/preferences file, I'll hit livecd-rootfs with a cluebat14:38
NCommandertwo minute warning14:39
GrueMaster[action] GrueMaster to continue driving moblin compliance issues with the LinuxFoundation.14:39
loolOk anything else for moblin?14:39
NCommander[action] GrueMaster to continue driving moblin compliance issues with the LinuxFoundati14:39
MootBotACTION received:  GrueMaster to continue driving moblin compliance issues with the LinuxFoundati14:39
NCommander[action] GrueMaster to continue driving moblin compliance issues with the LinuxFoundation14:39
MootBotACTION received:  GrueMaster to continue driving moblin compliance issues with the LinuxFoundation14:39
bfillerthat's it for me14:39
loolOk thanks14:39
NCommander[topic] UNR Status14:39
MootBotNew Topic:  UNR Status14:39
ograyou still have a minute14:39
loolnjpatel: You around?14:39
loolSo UNR status is pretty good14:40
loolISO size was an issue but went down with the desktop one making some progress14:40
loolStill needs to be trimmed further14:40
loolGrueMaster: Updates on this?14:40
loolI added a bunch of packages to the seed as a result of a full review of desktop versus netbook-remix I did over the WE14:40
GrueMasterNot since it was inadvertently bloated over the weekend.  I'm in a conference all week.14:40
loolOk so no progress last week14:41
* GrueMaster still has a real life. :P14:41
loolAnd you say no progress next week14:41
StevenKIt wasn't bloated, it was brought into line with desktop14:41
StevenKThat isn't bloat14:41
loolGrueMaster: Right I just fixed some missing packages rather than added random crap14:41
loolGrueMaster: I think the discussionon trimming it down started before that anyway14:42
GrueMasterWell, I mentioned it yesterday to davidm, and he suggested pulling some lang-packs.  Starting with French.14:42
plarsin any case, it's down to 691M now, win14:42
GrueMasterplars: cool.14:42
njpatelStevenK: it's all bloat. we only need vim-full and links ;-)14:42
loolGrueMaster: langpacks are precisely what we want to add, not remove14:42
StevenKGrueMaster: French and German were killed weeks ago14:42
loolWhich is why we're trying to get the size down14:43
StevenKAnd I told davidm when I did14:43
NCommanderplars, lool stupid question, if I need to flie a bug which is chiefly a seed issue, where does it go?14:43
GrueMasterJOKES, PEOPLE!14:43
loolFixing the size by removing langpacks is the wrong way of looking at the size problems; it's only an emergency solution14:43
loolNCommander: meta usually14:43
StevenKnjpatel: When are you going to create vbuntu? :-P14:43
* NCommander discovered that Dove images can only be installed with the internet.14:43
plarsNCommander: on unr?14:43
NCommanderplars, no, dove14:43
loolNCommander: if it's only in the live image, you can file it in the ubuntu-cdimages project but usually just ping someone14:43
ograwrong topic ?14:43
StevenKGrueMaster: It seems making jokes about the image size to lool and me doesn't work.14:44
StevenKubuntu-cdimage, by the by14:44
* GrueMaster changes internal lang-pack to en-Pirate.14:44
NCommander[action] lool to add uboot-mkimage to the desktop ship seed to make dove images non-dependent on internet access14:44
MootBotACTION received:  lool to add uboot-mkimage to the desktop ship seed to make dove images non-dependent on internet access14:44
loolNCommander: Probably the alternate one too14:45
loolOk so apart of that UNR is doing ok14:45
ogradoesnt the linux-image package dep on it like imx51 does on redboot-tools ?14:45
NCommanderlool, probably14:45
loolI added a bunch of apport hooks since last week14:45
StevenKHm, I don't think en-Pirate is valid14:45
loolthanks DBO & plars for bringing it up14:45
NCommanderlool, it probably needs to be in the platform ship seed actually14:45
loolUNR bugs are probably worth looking at14:45
* NCommander notes that it should NOT be in the live image, as its dead space on everything else.14:46
plarslool: I knew about the launcher one, did you do others as well?14:46
loolGrueMaster: SO you had a focus on triaging bugs for UNR last week; did you find anything which needs to be raised to our attention?14:46
NCommanderBTW, four minute warning14:46
loolplars: I did some this morning14:46
loolplars: maximus, desktop-switcher14:46
looland gnone-panel is committed14:46
loolbut needs an apport fix first14:46
loolwhich is committed too14:46
GrueMasterI have a hard time reproducing bugs when my own netbook is down.  davidm is trying to get permission for me to expense a new one this week.14:47
loolNCommander: Well we can make it armel specific14:47
loolSo no progress on UNR bug triage either14:47
ograif a dep from linux-image exists its even subarch specific14:47
NCommanderlool, well, I just want it in the CD pool vs. in the live image so imx51 doesn't end up with random junk; the installation of uboot-mkimage is done by f-k-i14:47
loolnjpatel: Anything you'd like to raise?14:47
loolStevenK: What about you?14:47
loolNCommander: Yes, so we're talking of ship-live and ship seeds14:48
njpatelerm, not really, bugs milestoned for beta release will be fixed and released for thursday14:48
NCommanderlool, right. sorry. I am not awake yet :-/14:48
NCommanderlool, do you want me to file a bug, or is an action item enough?14:48
lool[link] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-unr14:48
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-unr14:48
StevenKlool: ENOCONTEXT?14:48
loolHumanity bugs are mostly fix committed upstream14:48
* NCommander found this very very late last night after banging my head on why my images won't install14:48
loolStevenK: 15:47 < lool> njpatel: Anything you'd like to raise?14:48
loolStevenK: We're discussing UNR status14:48
loolNCommander: The action item you assigned me to is enough14:49
NCommander1 minute warning on UNR status14:49
StevenKlool: Oh. Only concerned with humanity -> human status14:49
loolnjpatel: So I'm not reverting back to Human and am blocked on design team for a couple of things14:49
loolnjpatel: and you too for software-store14:49
njpatellool: right, forgot about that14:49
=== imlad is now known as imlad|away
loolStevenK: it turns out design team really cares about humanity and in fact would like that to become GNOME's theme as well14:50
njpatel(i mean, I was going to deal with it, just forgot to mention it here :) )14:50
loolBut they wanted to experiment in UNR first14:50
looldesktop-switcher needs a lot of love14:50
loolThat's about it14:50
loolOk anything else for UNR anybody?14:50
loolNCommander: please moveon14:51
NCommander[topc] Specification Overview14:51
loolGrueMaster: LSB testing for A6?14:51
loolI POSTPONED or DONE-ed a bunch of items in paulliu's resolution spec14:51
GrueMasterDone, need to post results.  Will try to do while at conference, if network stays reliable.14:51
loolwe dropped the testing items in ogra's spec to match marvell's14:52
loollubuntu was covered14:52
loolNCommander: usplash on dove?14:52
* NCommander guesses that's why the burndown chart looks so much happier14:52
=== imlad|away is now known as imlad
NCommanderlool, no progress. Was beating my head in for a few hours yesterday on why my images didn't install14:52
loolNCommander: is there a bug for it?14:53
NCommanderlool, usplash or the not installing part?14:53
loolNCommander: usplash14:53
loolNCommander: and installing too actually14:53
loolNCommander: I thought A6 was working fine??14:53
NCommanderhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/423346 - usplash is here14:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423346 in usplash "[armel+dove] usplash does not currently work on Marvell Dove Y0 boards" [High,New]14:53
NCommanderlool, it works fine if you have an internet conneciton14:54
loolplars: mobile-qa-karmic-* updates?14:54
NCommanderlool, my dove board was disconnected from the net when I tried to install -_-;14:54
plarslool: I did some more checkbox tests yesterday, and LTP is now integrated into the daily testing14:54
NCommanderNeedless to say, that one threw me through a loop until I figured out why f-k-i abends14:54
loolplars: The number of TODOs is still high on them; do we need to POSTPONE some stuff?14:54
loolNCommander: So it's not really an issue?14:55
plarslool: no, I probably need to review those, I can probably close some of them14:55
loolNCommander: it's just uboot-mkimage?14:55
loolpitti: is there another meeting in 5?14:55
NCommanderlool, yeah, I'll add a cavet to documentation that you currently need internet access to install the dove images14:55
pittilool: yes, TB14:55
loolplars: Ok, please do; thanks a lot14:55
ograpfft, TB14:55
ograwe're owning the channel !14:55
loolAny other updates on specs?14:56
ogranone here14:56
loolian_brasil: Sorry, we're running late and I have another meeting afterwards14:56
NCommanderWhat's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?14:56
NCommander[topic] ABO14:56
MootBotNew Topic:  ABO14:56
loolWell we didn't review armel bugs14:56
ograthere are none :P14:57
ian_brasillool, np14:57
GrueMasterExcept usb-nic on babbage.  Being addressed today in kernel sprint.14:57
loolOk nothing new on the list and they are all more or less assigned14:57
ograoo.o is our main PITA still14:58
looloo.o/mx51 remain the top issues14:58
ograoo.o/mx51 ?14:58
loolSo NCommander can you please carry on ian's item?14:58
loologra: the imx51 kernel issues and the oo.o issue14:58
NCommanderlool, MID status?14:58
ogradoes it work on dove ?14:58
ograi thought you meant oo.o on imx5114:59
NCommanderlool, np14:59
loolian_brasil: If you like I can comment on your plans directly outside of a meeting14:59
ian_brasillool, that would be great14:59
loolian_brasil: I have meetings the whole of today but could you ping me for instance tomorrow and I'd try to review your plan/comment?14:59
ian_brasillool, ok will do14:59
ograclose ...14:59
MootBotMeeting finished at 08:59.14:59
ograbefore the TB larts us14:59
NCommanderlool, any other business14:59
GrueMasterlarts us?15:00
loolNCommander: I know what it is15:00
loolNCommander: I was asking for it15:00
keespitti, Keybuk: I saw you guys join.  mdz, cjwatson: are you non-afk?15:00
keesthat's 4 of 6, should we start or wait a bit?15:02
Keybuk5 of 6?15:02
cjwatsonare mdz and sabdfl both at LinuxCon?15:02
Keybukoh, you're counting sabdfl ;)15:02
Keybuksabdfl is not here yet15:02
keesas are I and Keybuk15:02
cjwatsonI understood that we weren't expecting mdz, from the fact that randa asked me if we were going to reschedule15:03
Keybukcjwatson: LinuxCon is in kees's home town15:03
cjwatsonKeybuk: yeah, I know15:03
Keybukit seems a bit rude to ask kees to turn up to the TB meeting at this time if we're not willing to get out of bed a little earlier when we're in his timezone15:03
cjwatsonand I applaud your politeness in turning up :)15:03
cjwatsonnevertheless, we probably shouldn't wait for mdz or sabdfl15:03
MootBotMeeting started at 09:04. The chair is kees.15:04
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:04
kees[TOPIC] review actions from last meeting15:04
MootBotNew Topic:  review actions from last meeting15:04
keescjwatson: you had an item for contacting Bdale?15:04
cjwatsonI was a veritable action-storm this morning15:05
cjwatsonhe's subscribed to the list now, and invited to the meeting (although it was short notice), and I made another sort of prod at restarting the conversation15:05
Keybukbdale is at LinuxCon too <g>15:06
cjwatsondo grab him at some point then :)15:06
KeybukI was going to15:06
kees(does that count as an action...?)15:06
keespitti: saw your edits to SRU wiki15:06
pittikees: yep, that's done15:06
Keybukkees: I think if bdale is on the list and has a meeting invite, cjwatson is done on this item15:07
keesI talked to doko about sun-java6, and then got more feedback, but we'll get to that.15:07
keesKeybuk: right, I meant your snagging Bdale.  :)15:07
cjwatsonI so misread that15:07
Keybukcjwatson: I really don't like beards15:07
Keybukkees: sure, note it down so it's in the minutes15:08
kees[ACTION] Keybuk to find Bdale at LinuxCon15:08
MootBotACTION received:  Keybuk to find Bdale at LinuxCon15:08
keescjwatson: what's happened with the DMB?15:08
cjwatsondholbach beat me to most of the web editing15:08
cjwatsonI was going to do the last bit (announcements), but then ran across the controversy about the DMB process in my mailbox15:09
cjwatsonso I replied to that and would prefer to hold off on announcements until we have basic agreement there15:09
keesthe doc updates were actually jono's item, so perhaps he delegated?15:09
cjwatsonI think we maybe both got them or something15:09
cjwatsonbut anywya15:09
cjwatsondholbach evidently feels very strongly about preserving something similar to the current MC process15:10
kees[ACTION] TB to further discuss DMB and come to resolution on next steps for Agenda15:10
MootBotACTION received:  TB to further discuss DMB and come to resolution on next steps for Agenda15:10
cjwatsonthe only thing I feel strongly about is providing the opportunity for private feedback where it's needed15:10
cjwatsonso I suspect there is room for compromise here15:10
* kees nods15:10
cjwatsonassuming that I'm not way out of line with the rest of the board15:10
Keybukindeed, there doesn't seem to be anything terminal about the discussions15:10
dholbachcjwatson: as I said: I really don't mind if the DMB or other Boards/Councils adapt the process a bit to their own needs, but to me it's not clear which problems we're trying to fix and what we sacrifice along the way15:11
cjwatsonshall we discuss that today after we've got through the rest of the agenda?15:11
cjwatsontry to, anyway15:11
keesand the last actions to review were archive reorg items from the last meeting for cjwatson (you really were an action-storm)  :)15:12
cjwatsonI didn't get through all the teams, but I kicked things off with a couple of them15:12
cjwatsonwe have agenda items later, and there's an open mail thread about Kubuntu15:12
keesok, we'll re-cover ArchReorg in a bit..15:12
keesany actions from last time I missed?15:13
kees[TOPIC] Removal of sun-java615:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Removal of sun-java615:13
keesso, based on feedback, I'd like to drop this suggestion.15:13
pittithis currently still seems to be in ongoing discussion15:13
cjwatsonkees: agreed based on mails - it seems too early, unfortunately15:14
pittiit wasn't clear to me how much the partner archve team depends on that..15:14
keesagreed, though I was easily able to disprove a number of claims.15:14
pittibut could we perhpas move it to the partner archive then?15:14
dokopitti: well, then lets move it to partner to make this clear15:14
cjwatsonit might be a good idea to make a public announcement of some kind (if there hasn't been one already?) to the effect that we intend to drop Sun Java, and that people should move forthwith15:14
cjwatsonI'm not clear on how well it would be maintained in partner15:14
keesI think Canonical needs to declare it either partner or restricted.  As restricted is for drivers only, I would push for partner.15:15
pittikees: well, I'm not so worried about it being in multiverse15:15
pittirather that we never officially supported it and don't provide timely security updates, etc.15:15
dokocjwatson: that's up to partner15:15
keespitti: but the concerns of supportability are quite real15:15
pittiand yet it seems to be a crucial dependencies of Canonical's commercial offerings15:15
cjwatsondoko: sure, but nevertheless I feel some responsibility to the organisation as a whole15:15
cjwatsondumping it on partner if they don't in practice have the skill to maintain it is not actually going to be an improvement15:16
dokoagreed, but we don't dedicate the resource from the distribution team for it15:16
keesis the location of sun-java6 out of scope for TB?15:16
pittiparner isn't bound by our strict SRU rules, so it creates less paperwork to update the version there; that doesn't drop the need to be able to run the TCK on it, of course15:16
cjwatsonkees: I think it's in scope, although it may be a bikeshed :)15:16
* kees nods15:16
dokopitti: we never did run the TCK on sun-java615:17
pittiwell, if we as Canonical determine to spend platform team time on it, then it can equally be maintained in partner15:17
pitticonversely, just keeping it in multiverse isn't going to help the parner archive if nobody actually maintains it15:17
cjwatsonpitti: it can, but what does it buy us - we could just as well basically waive all the SRU rules15:17
pitticjwatson: *nod*15:18
cjwatsonthe only real difference is a kind of abrogation of responsibility, but as I said I'm not convinced that that will actually turn out to be a net win15:18
pittithe main question here is indeed who's going to maintian it; the compoent/archive is just secondary15:18
keeswe did waive most of the SRU rules for it already for Hardy15:18
cjwatsonwe might just find that we get into an enormous spat with corp services that would chew up more time than just keeping it updated :)15:18
pittiOTOH for hardy we already lose; we can't remove sun-java5 from the hardy archive15:19
pittiI'm not sure whether we could if it was in parner (but it woudln't make too much sense to do so, granted)15:19
cjwatsonwe could, in principle15:19
cjwatsonbut only if nothing were using it ...15:19
keeslet's move this to email?15:20
keesdoes anyone want to volunteer to drive the discuss there?15:20
pittiwe already have a thread for it, and need in put from corp services anyway, so yes15:20
kees[ACTION] kees to drive sun-java6 email thread and get resolution on responsibility15:21
MootBotACTION received:  kees to drive sun-java6 email thread and get resolution on responsibility15:21
kees[TOPIC] Developer application board15:21
MootBotNew Topic:  Developer application board15:21
keesKeybuk: anything left on this?15:21
Keybukagreeing on the process15:21
Keybukand using the board15:21
keesoh wait, this is DMB15:21
* kees got tricked by the name change15:21
keesso, what should we do here?  there's an active email thread?15:22
dholbachif you want, we can discuss this via email and do the units policy first - I think the DMB process would benefit from the input from all TB members15:23
dholbachand I'd appreciate all your thoughts15:23
Keybukfor me, the two points I'd like to retain on the policy are15:23
Keybuk- ability to give private feedback to applicants15:23
cjwatsonmy proposal (which I think I intended as a compromise proposal) on the list was to use the MC process but with a facility for private comments, and making it clear that people can elect to have their app processed purely by mail if they aren't comfortable otherwise15:23
cjwatsonbut to default to the most transparent format15:23
Keybuk- I don't like applicants having to turn up at a fixed slot IRC meeting and compete for time with each other15:23
cjwatsonre meeting times15:24
cjwatsonI'd say that since the DMB is doing nothing else but process applications, its meetings should be scheduled for convenience to applicants where it's possible (obv. still within sane times for the board)15:24
cjwatsonrather than being fixed-time-every-two-weeks15:24
keescjwatson: your proposal seems about where I was headed, yes.  Keybuk: noted, though perhaps restating it in email would help?15:24
Keybukcjwatson: I'm worried that approach is doomed to failure to the difficulty of scheduling a meeting with so many different people15:25
keesI'd like to get an action for the DMB topic... who would be willing to drive the thread to conclusion?15:25
dholbachI think it'd help if we there was some explanation what needs changing from the current UbuntuDevelopers processes and why15:26
pittijust to make sure, this meeting is a public one, so it's totally orthogonal to the "private feedback" issue, right?15:26
dholbachto me it feels like that's the best basis to drive this forward quickly15:26
cjwatsondholbach: surely we have gone over that at great length in previous threads15:26
* cody-somerville wonders when the TB is going to invite him to a meeting to proceed with his application.15:26
cjwatsonKeybuk: maybe not quite as far as I suggested, but perhaps have several available meeting slots that people could choose between15:27
cjwatsonwhich wouldn't necessarily get you the whole board, but at least a quorum15:27
keescjwatson: would you be willing to drive the email thread, since you've proposed the most recent compromise?15:27
cjwatsonkees: yes, I guess so15:28
kees[ACTION] cjwatson to drive DMB email thread to conclusion15:28
MootBotACTION received:  cjwatson to drive DMB email thread to conclusion15:28
Keybukif we reduced the DMB quorum it might work15:28
cjwatsoncody-somerville: I'm sorry we suck, and it's because we're trying to sort out this process transition - the first thing to do after we're agreed on this is to deal with the backlog15:28
kees[TOPIC] Discuss UnitsPolicy15:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Discuss UnitsPolicy15:28
pittiI like the proposal a lot15:29
Keybukis benjamin here?15:29
keesso, feedback on this showed (as before) disagreements about disk space representation?15:29
pittihowever, we shouldn't immediatley turn it into RC bugs, but use it as a reference when filing bugs and forwarding to upstream, etc.15:29
pittibut bringing some consistency to at least desktop apps is in order indeed15:30
Keybukkees: I think the current consensus is that the policy as bdrung_ is largely correct, except that we would rather that the default unit for file sizes be base 1015:30
Keybukpitti: definitely agree15:30
pittii. e. nautilus gets it completely wrong15:30
pitti"687,3 MB" for a CD-ROM image, and so on15:30
keesKeybuk: ok, but that base2 vs base10 for file sizes seems to be the core issue (even from long ago discussions of this)15:30
bdrung_Keybuk: the default is base-10, where de you read something else?15:30
cjwatsonI'm willing to abstain on the file size question. I can't say I'm entirely comfortable with it because I do predict some confusion15:30
keesthe focus for the proposal is desktop UI only?15:31
pittiI actually have a pretty strong opinion about it15:31
bdrung_kees: no15:31
KeybukI think there's confusion either way with this15:31
pittifile sizes and disk sizes should have the same base15:31
pittiI don't want to explain someone why 1000 1 MB files don't fit on a 1 GB stick15:31
cjwatsonKeybuk: I agree, that's why I'm inclined to abstain rather than -115:31
Keybukbdrung_: well, other than the fact that the traditional unix tools can't be modified without breaking apps that parse their output15:32
cjwatsonunfortunately file sizes interact with memory too, which is why it gets confusing15:32
keesKeybuk: that is my concern as well.15:32
cjwatsonbut there really isn't much we can do, we lose either way15:32
bdrung_Keybuk: look at the exception15:32
cjwatsonmy main concern is that if desktop UI is *inconsistent* about describing file sizes (I don't mean inconsistent about file vs. disk) then it will be awful15:32
cjwatsonso I wouldn't want us to be swimming against the tide here15:32
pittiit is already15:33
pittie. g. gnome-disk-utility uses (proper) GB and GiB for sizes15:33
Keybukright, there's already massive inconsistency here15:33
pittiwhereas nautilus uses base-2 GB15:33
Keybukand I don't think that inventing a solution that creates a new unit is helping either15:33
cjwatsonnew unit> *shudder*15:33
Keybuknobody, except the clipboard-carrying, adenoid-affected, pedantic crazies know what a kibibyte is15:34
Keybukor why one matters15:34
Keybukit sounds like we've reached a consensus on this15:35
pittiso for the policy, there are currently only two options for file sizes15:35
pitti(show both, or provide option)15:35
KeybukI'll take an action to fix up bdrung_'s draft and mail to the TB for approval15:35
cjwatsonbdale: welcome15:35
pittibut I think there are cases where we can/should display only one15:35
kees[ACTION] Keybuk to finalize unit policy and email to TB15:36
MootBotACTION received:  Keybuk to finalize unit policy and email to TB15:36
pittiand I think for those cases we should display only base-1015:36
bdrung_pitti: i agree15:36
bdalecjwatson: thanks.  in Portland at LinuxCon, just woke up and saw your email.  thought I'd at least lurk until dragged off to breakfast, will put mtg on my calendar starting next week15:36
cjwatsongood stuff. it's every two weeks FWIW15:36
bdaleeven better.  thanks.15:37
cjwatsonI gather the TB members who are in Portland intend to drag you off for beer or something at some point :)15:37
keesbdrung_: how does this all sound to you?15:37
* bdale shrugs ... I'd be unlikely to resist. ;-)15:37
bdrung_kees: sounds good15:37
kees[TOPIC] community bugs15:38
MootBotNew Topic:  community bugs15:38
keesnone waiting...15:38
kees[TOPIC] select a chair for next meeting15:38
MootBotNew Topic:  select a chair for next meeting15:38
* pitti volunteers15:39
cjwatsondid we skip the archivereorg bits?15:39
pittigot to learn it, after all15:39
pitticjwatson: was just going to ask after the chair thing15:39
keescjwatson: oh, er, we did, sorry.15:39
kees[TOPIC] archive reorg15:39
MootBotNew Topic:  archive reorg15:39
cjwatsonso I put two subtopics on, but dholbach raised a concern first that applies to both15:39
cjwatsonbasically, do we want to enforce that teams to which we delegate the right to grant upload authority use something like the standard developer process15:40
keeshow could we enforce that?15:40
cjwatsonwell, by not delegating unless they promise to do so :)15:40
cjwatsonI think dholbach is concerned that membership processes should be consistent across the project15:41
keesheh, well, that's not enforcement, but it is a requirement/agreement.15:41
dholbachI think we should have similar expectations of Councils and Boards that approve developers15:41
cjwatsonpersonally I think it's more important for developer teams to be able to operate efficiently, as long as we're confident that they're checking the basics15:41
keesI think having a minimal process is good.  some teams may have additional requirements above & beyond.15:41
cjwatsonin other words, I think the standard elements should be what is required of the applicants, not the process15:41
Keybukon the other hand, a relatively standard process reducing the overwhelming confusion of applying15:42
cjwatsonsince most people go through the process at most a handful of times15:42
cjwatsonit's not as if they'll get used to it :)15:42
pittiright, e. g. until now, we granted ubuntu-desktop membership without a formal process; it was so far an act of mutual agreement, and considering someone "trusted and ready"15:42
Keybukif you don't know whether you need to write a wiki page, write an e-mail, talk to someone on IRC, or master a secret handshake and go to a LUG meeting...15:42
cjwatsonpitti: and actually, I sort of think that's healthy and much more like how other projects work15:42
pittibut so far, people didn't "apply"; we invited them once they had done good work for a while15:42
keesI don't think it should be invite-only; that can be rather off-putting.15:43
pittithat's for example why I never write something into the "needs improvement" section of an advocacy15:43
Keybukpitti: I don't think that's a problem15:43
cjwatsonI'm not out to burn all process here; but I wonder, take mythbuntu for example15:43
pittiI don't advocate if I had something serious to write in it15:43
Keybukbut people should be able to apply to join ubuntu-desktop, and if they do, it should be a relatively standard process15:43
dholbachI think there's a lot of middle ground for transparency, minimal process, consistency, regularity, clarity, efficiency and "being ready"15:43
cjwatsonlast week, we seemed to have some kind of agreement to delegate to mythbuntu-dev, owned by superm115:44
cjwatsondo we expect Mario to hold meetings by himself? :)15:44
pittikees: invite-only> I don't say that we should, just saying that this has been existing practice for -desktop so far15:44
Keybukbut I don't think we need to say that boards have to follow that process for all members15:44
Keybukboards should have the freedom to elect their own membership directly15:44
cjwatsonright, I definitely think the application process should be standard15:44
pittibut there should certainly be some minimal requirements15:44
pittilike, being an ubuntu member at least15:44
keespitti: certainly; yes.  I would say invite-style tends to result in the strongest results.15:45
cjwatsonpitti: (historically, being granted developer access is in itself automatic membership)15:45
Keybukpitti: quite the opposite, being approved into ubuntu-dev *confers* membership15:45
pittiwell, I meant15:45
Davieycjwatson: superm1 is confident that he can entrust a number of people in mythbuntu-dev soon.15:45
pittihaving signed the CoC, at least15:45
keespitti: yes, CoC seems an absolute minimum.15:46
cjwatsonDaviey: yes, that doesn't mean we'd be entrusting all those people with administration of that team though15:46
cjwatsonwhich is what I'm talking about here15:46
Keybukadministration is orthogonal to membership isn't it?15:46
cjwatsonadministration of an upload team is the ability to grant upload access15:46
Davieycjwatson: Surely the honcho can be delegated responsibility with adding and removing people, or should that always be via the TB?15:46
cjwatsonDaviey: we're talking at cross-purposes15:47
Keybukcjwatson: yes, but that's a TB decision no?15:47
dholbachplus you want to know that they know what they're doing technically (obvious), know how to work with the team and how Ubuntu processes in general work (important overtime) - I know that that list of requirements is hand-wavy, but it's the things the MC were after up until now15:47
Davieyoh, apologise.15:47
cjwatsonok, wait15:47
Keybukthe topic is the process that the teams should follow for approving developers15:47
Keybuknot administrators15:47
cjwatsonlet me explain please15:47
cjwatsonlast week, we were talking about mythbuntu. *at the moment* superm1 is the only person likely to be an administrator of its dev team15:48
cjwatsonand there was a little exchange between myself and Keybuk where we seemed to agree that we ought to delegate upload access to that dev team15:48
cjwatsonnow, *right now*, that would mean that superm1 would have the ability to grant upload access for mythbuntu packages15:48
cjwatsonand I'm saying that it's more than a little bizarre to require him to hold little IRC meetings in order to do so15:48
cjwatsonor at least it feels thus to me15:49
Keybukright, I'm entirely agreeing15:49
cjwatsonindeed it is a TB decision whether to delegate15:49
Keybukbut I do think it's ok that if somebody wants to apply to superm1 for upload access, they should follow a standard pattern15:49
Davieyhmm.. wouldn't that meeting be well held between a contrib team and the core/dev team?15:49
Keybuk(write a wiki page, e-mail an address)15:49
Davieyso in this case, ~mythbuntu and ~mythbuntu-dev ?15:49
Keybukbut what superm1 does after that should be flexible15:49
cjwatsonDaviey: all of motu don't normally turn up when people are applying to be core-devs :)15:50
KeybukI also think that if superm1 wants to, as a team admin, invite people himself - the application process doesn't apply15:50
cjwatsonit's usually the board responsible for approving, plus the applicant15:50
cjwatsonKeybuk: I think we're entirely in agreement15:50
DavieyThe TB is entrusting superm1's judgment.. which is good IMO.15:50
keesso which things are we trying to decide here?  that we can delegate admins, that devs should follow a minimal process, or both?15:51
Keybukfor example, one team might just do things by e-mail15:51
Keybukanother team might use IRC meetings15:51
Keybukand another team might actually say you have to turn up to the team's usual weekly meeting and be interviewed by the entire team15:51
Keybukthese are all quite valid to me as approval processes15:51
Keybukbut the approval process should be up to the team15:51
Keybukwhereas the application process should be standardish15:52
Keybukor, at least, there should be a standard application process that all teams should honour15:52
Keybukat the very least, it makes the documentation easier ;)15:52
cjwatsonkees: Daniel expressed to me a concern that team admins should follow a standard transparent process when dealing with applications (I hope I'm not misrepresenting him here), and I wanted to bring that up here15:52
DavieyIn the case of ~mythbuntu, it is quite a small/close team that talk daily via IRC.. I would find it *odd* if someone wanted to apply to ~mythbuntu-dev, if they weren't already known by ~mythbuntu15:53
cjwatson*personally*, I agree with Keybuk that it's more important for the start of the process (how you apply) to be standard15:53
keescjwatson: ok.  sounds like we agree about this, should we vote specifically on that?15:53
pittiIMHO at least the confirmation from an admin should be in email on a public list, to have a permanent record of who was added where (and avoid errors in LP team management)15:53
keesoh wait, "dealing" is the issue?15:53
keesKeybuk: you'd like to split it into "application" (standard) and approval (up to the admin)15:54
cjwatsonbecause once you're in the application process, it's normal for you to be guided through it somehow, told what to do next or whatever15:54
pittiDaviey: for your team, invitation-style will probably work best15:54
Keybukkees: yes15:54
cjwatsonpitti: agreed15:54
Keybukkees: different teams will find different approval methods work best for them15:54
cjwatsonand preferably a link in some form to where it was discussed, if available15:54
Davieypitti: yeah.. but what i'm saying is a standarish application process wouldn't work that well, in that example, in my opinion.15:54
pittiDaviey: true15:55
Keybukforcing a method intended for a Very Large Team like ubuntu-core-dev/motu onto the smallest teams does not seem to be appropriate to me15:55
pittiso what about15:55
kees(5 minutes remaining)15:55
pittiteam pages like https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop should point out the application/approval process15:55
pittiand that ^ gets approved by teh TB/DMB?15:55
keespitti: each process gets approved?15:56
Keybukthat doesn't allow flexible process15:56
pittikees: well, it's only two handful?15:56
DavieyFor small teams, the designated honcho could trigger all the invitations, if people don't feel that person is doing a good job, could raise the issue to the TB?15:56
Keybukand I think that's too much paperwork15:56
pittiKeybuk: why not?15:56
cjwatsonI'd like to hear dholbach's opinion on the above discussion before we go to a vote15:56
KeybukI think it's better that we simply say that if anyone's unhappy with their application to a team, they can always go to the TB15:56
Keybukand we can investigate15:56
keesgiven we have 4 minutes, should we move this to email?  Keybuk to drive it?15:56
pittiKeybuk: if e. g. superm1 says "by invitation or you mail to mythbuntu@ for applying", that could be blessed by DMB15:57
Keybukpitti: TB not DMB :)15:57
cjwatsonif we can vote by mail on the two teams I put on the agenda for today, I'm fine with moving to mail15:57
pittiright, sorry15:57
pittianyway, I'm fine with trusting the team admins as well for the app process15:57
KeybukI'm happy to vote now15:57
cjwatsondholbach: ^?15:57
Keybukbut we haven't heard from dholbach yet15:57
pittibut that seemed to make dholbach unhappy15:57
pittimy personal main concern is to have a permanent documentation about approvals15:58
pittinot so much about the app process, since I believe that will sort out itself15:58
dholbachsorry, I was busy chasing up two other things in the meantime, reading up15:58
keescjwatson: so, what is the vote, then?  that ubuntu-desktop gets upload rights?15:58
pittisomeone who wants to apply to -desktop or mythbunty, but never speaks to the existing members won't have a big chance of getting approved anyway15:58
james_wI would appreciate at least an announcement when people are added to the various teams, notifying TB/DMB/ubuntu-devel or something16:00
cjwatsonyeah, the entire point of those teams is that they work together, which is a criterion that (these days) just doesn't apply to the big teams in general16:00
cjwatsonjames_w: agreed16:00
cjwatsonor at least doesn't apply nearly as consistency16:00
Keybukjames_w: agreed16:00
=== rockstar` is now known as rockstar
Keybuk(and the same should apply to the DMB as a delegated team :p)16:00
kees[ACTION] cjwatson to drive vote on Archive Reorg rights for ubuntu-desktop and mythbuntu in email16:00
MootBotACTION received:  cjwatson to drive vote on Archive Reorg rights for ubuntu-desktop and mythbuntu in email16:00
keeswe're out of time...16:00
cjwatsonok, so it goes16:00
keessorry to rush it, but we've got a team for this slot16:01
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:01.16:01
dholbachsorry :(16:01
* ttx didn't say anything :)16:01
james_wdholbach: should we still be pushing for the DMB to use the process that the MC drafted, given that the MC had to change their process in order to approve the last set of applicants?16:01
ttxOK, Server team meeting, now16:01
james_woops, sorry, let's go -> #-devel16:02
dholbachjames_w: yeah, in a sec16:02
ttxwho is here for the server team meeting ?16:02
tarvid1o/ whatever that means16:02
ttxok, let's start and try to fit the hour16:03
MootBotMeeting started at 10:03. The chair is ttx.16:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:03
ttxAgenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:03
ttx[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting16:03
ttxACTION: soren to add manifest files to UEC images build system for alpha616:03
ttxACTION: Daviey to update Asterisk 1.6 to RC116:04
DavieyIn bzr and PPA, need sponsorhsip16:04
Davieythat is RC2 now :)16:04
ttxbug # ?16:04
Davieyttx: sponsorship via prodding16:04
ttxDaviey: ok.16:05
ttx[ACTION] Daviey to get his Asterisk 1.6RC2 update sponsored16:05
MootBotACTION received:  Daviey to get his Asterisk 1.6RC2 update sponsored16:05
Daviey(it's also NOW free sofware FWIW) :)16:05
ttxACTION: soren to publish ec2-version-query in a more appropriate place16:05
sorenUh.. I'm not completely sure, actually.16:06
sorensmoser: Do you know anything about this?16:06
smoseri'm not aware of it being published in a different place, nor the status that.16:07
* soren makes a note to prod someone about it.16:07
ttx[ACTION] soren to clear out status for ec2-version-query publication16:08
MootBotACTION received:  soren to clear out status for ec2-version-query publication16:08
sorenOh, that's a new action :)16:08
ttxI suppose "ACTION: soren to automate updating of ec2-version-query" is in the same status ?16:08
sorenI thought that was another action item from last meeting :)16:08
sorenThey're very, very closely related, yes.16:08
ttxACTION: zul to ensure rabbitmq-server gets reviewed and promoted16:08
ttxACTION: soren to sponsor the patch for bug 420581 and update his vmbuilder on nectarine16:09
ubottuBug 420581 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/420581 is private16:09
sorensmoser: Please correct me if I'm wrong.16:10
ttxkirkland: around ?16:10
ttxI suppose not, I'll postpone hs actionsreview until next meeting16:11
smoser420581 is fix released and verified in alpha616:11
sorensmoser: Thanks.16:11
ttx[ACTION] kirkland to open discussion on how to best solve the remaining configuration options on Moodle appliance16:11
MootBotACTION received:  kirkland to open discussion on how to best solve the remaining configuration options on Moodle appliance16:11
ttx[ACTION] kirkland to get help from soren and smoser on proper UEC-compatible image generation16:11
MootBotACTION received:  kirkland to get help from soren and smoser on proper UEC-compatible image generation16:11
ttx[ACTION] kirkland to discuss with niemeyer and nurmi about ImageStore integration testing16:11
MootBotACTION received:  kirkland to discuss with niemeyer and nurmi about ImageStore integration testing16:11
ttxACTION: ivoks to file FFe for the redhat-cluster update16:11
ttxbug 42983416:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429834 in redhat-cluster "FFE: Please sync redhat-cluster 3.0.2-2ubuntu1 (main) from PPA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42983416:12
ttxHm, is syncing from PPA a common practice ? i.e. should ivoks subscribe ubuntu-archive to that bug ?16:13
* soren wonders why pitti approved it, but didn't sync it.16:13
* soren asks pitti16:14
mdzttx, FYI I'm here, but not caught up enough to know what's going on, so mostly lurking :-)16:14
ttxmdz: ok :)16:14
ttxok, let's continue in the meantime16:14
ttx[TOPIC] Alpha6 postmortem analysis16:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Alpha6 postmortem analysis16:14
* mathiaz waves16:15
ttxSo last week was Alpha6 release, as you may already know16:15
ttxThis went globally better than alpha5 but there are still things to cover for the beta release16:15
ttx* Define seeds for vmbuilder to use (soren)16:16
ttxsoren: any status update on that ?16:16
sorenI believe that's in cjwatson's court at the moment.16:16
mdzsoren, you've provided the package list?16:17
sorenmdz: No, I can make the seed myself. I've just asked cjwatson's advice as to where to put it. It's not completely transparent to me with the way it's split up now.16:17
ttx* MIR all non-main packages used in images (smoser)16:18
smoserworking on it.16:18
smoser     ec2-init         434693 : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionEc2-Init16:18
smoser     euca2ools        434697 : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionEuca2ools16:18
smoser     python-boto      434701 : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionPython-Boto16:18
smoser     python-cheetah   xxxxxx : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionCheetah16:18
smoser     python-configobj xxxxxx : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionConfigobj16:18
smoser     python-m2crypto  xxxxxx : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionM2crypto16:18
sorenmdz: kubuntu, for instance, is a separate branch. Is EC2 enough of a different product to also warrant a separate branch?16:18
sorenmdz: That sort of thing.16:18
ttxsmoser: is euca2ools part of it ?16:18
ttxAbout euca2ools, a question for nurmi_ :16:19
sorenIÍ„'m reasonably sure we can get rid of configobj.16:19
nurmi_ttx: shoot16:19
ttxnurmi_: you advised us to package the latest. Does it fix the 403 Forbidden TZ-related issue ?16:19
ttxbug 43184716:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431847 in eucalyptus "Registering images gives 403 Forbidden" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43184716:19
nurmi_ttx: it certainly solves the 403 authentication failue with 'run-instances' and 'authorize/revoke'.  The timezone issue, I'll have to investigate further (having trouble reproducing it)16:20
cjwatsonsoren: hmm, OK, I think I sort of missed that that was in my court; I'll deal with that16:21
cjwatsonor tell you how to anyway16:21
ttxnurmi_: so it solves bug 430093 ?16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430093 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus "403 Forbidden" when trying to run instance" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43009316:21
nurmi_ttx: correct16:21
ttxok, so we need to package that, at least16:21
sorencjwatson: Cool, thanks.16:22
ttxsoren: do you agree on that ?16:22
sorenttx: Do you? :) You tested it, and said it didn't work. Or has it been fixed since then?16:22
ttxsoren: it fixes a separate issue.16:22
sorenOk, then.16:23
sorenWell, then yes.16:23
sorenLet's get the latest crack :)16:23
ttxfixes bug 430093, not bug 43184716:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430093 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus "403 Forbidden" when trying to run instance" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43009316:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431847 in eucalyptus "Registering images gives 403 Forbidden" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43184716:23
ttx[ACTION] soren to update to latest euca2ools16:23
MootBotACTION received:  soren to update to latest euca2ools16:23
ttx* Publish ec2-version-query in a appropriate place -- we already talked about that one16:23
ttx* Automate image publishing (smoser)16:24
mdzttx, speaking of euca2ools, I'm a bit concerned that I've heard the command line syntax is not compatible with the EC2 tools16:24
ttxsmoser: How does beta release come up wrt this goal ?16:24
smosernot there yet.  I actually haven't heard anything back on the ticket.16:24
ttxsmoser: ping them harder16:25
smoseri think that there are several things on my plate higher than this (mainly fixing bugs for that beta release).16:25
smoserthe publishing is painful, but doable manually16:25
nurmi_mdz: in the newest package, this has also been addressed16:25
mdznurmi_, oh, excellent16:25
nurmi_mdz: there may be a few remaining inconsistencies, but the major ones were taken care of (i'll look into it and report)16:26
sorennurmi_: Oh.16:26
sorennurmi_: So it changed its own cli interface?16:26
ttx* Add build toolchain version numbers to manifests (soren)16:26
mdznurmi_, is it worth exploring providing ec2-* pathnames so that users can use the familiar commands (and copy/paste examples)?16:26
sorenttx: Err... Toolchain versions... in the manifest? That would be wrong, wouldn't it?16:26
ttxsoren: manifests were also supposed to contain version numbers for the tools used to generate the images. Last time I looked, there were only package version numbers from inside the image16:27
sorenI mean... The manifest should list what's in the image, not what was used to build it.16:27
ttxsoren: that was mdz's original request for the manifest16:27
mdzsoren, both are useful16:27
nurmi_soren: the goal was to be commandline compatible, we consider inconsistencies to be incorrect behavior (had some conflicts with python getopt, originally)16:27
sorenI'm slightly surprised by this. We do have that information inside the image, though.16:27
mdzI realize we don't do this for the CD images at present16:27
sorenmdz: Ahah. Ok, that's what I thought.16:28
mdzbut there seems to be a much closer relationship in the case of the UEC images16:28
mdzor at least they're changing more frequently16:28
sorenmdz: You'd put it in the same manifest?16:28
nurmi_mdz: perhaps, although the output of the two tools can sometimes be different (errors in particular, since the tools are written in different languages)16:28
mdzsoren, if bugs in the images are often resolved by changing the build tools, we should include those IMO16:28
mdzsoren, whether it's the same file, or a separate file, or whatever, doesn't matter to me16:29
mdzso long as it's possible to figure out what was used16:29
sorenmdz: Ok. So the entire dependency chain of VMBuilder? Everything from VMbuilder itself down to libc?16:29
sorenOr just the VMBuilder revno?16:29
mdzsoren, no, just vmbuilder16:29
ttx[ACTION] soren to add image-generation-toolchain version numbers to manifests16:30
MootBotACTION received:  soren to add image-generation-toolchain version numbers to manifests16:30
mdzsoren, this is based on my understanding that vmbuilder does more than just aggregate packages16:30
smosersoren, probably automated-ec2-builds also16:30
mdzsoren, the vmbuilder command line seems relevant as well16:30
sorenmdz: Right.16:30
smosermdz, cmdline is included in the 'automated-ec2-builds' that i mentioned above.16:30
* soren will come up with something.16:31
ttxAny other comment on Alpha6 ?16:31
sorenAre people expecting the manifest to be machine parsable?16:31
mdzhow did the kernel turn out?16:31
smoserkernel is so far very good. the only issue that I have heard anything about is the lack of modules.16:31
mdzsmoser, why are we missing modules?16:31
smoserbug 428692 .16:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428692 in ubuntu "ec2 kernel needs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y and other config changes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42869216:32
ttx[TOPIC] Roadmap review: UEC/EC2 images bugs16:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Roadmap review: UEC/EC2 images bugs16:32
ttxsince we are on them :)16:32
mdzsmoser, oh, you mean missing config options (not that the modules are missing from the images)?16:32
smoserand bug 429169.16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429169 in vm-builder "ec2: Include kernel modules in AMIs" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42916916:33
smoserthe missing modules from the image is the second one there.  and i just tagged that as target beta. requires vmbuilder changes to get the image inside.16:33
nurmi_is there going to be a condoned kernel for use with the UEC image on UEC?16:34
smosernurmi_, bug 42910616:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 429106 in vm-builder "kernel and initramfs should be available for uec" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42910616:34
ttxsmoser: how is this one going ?16:34
ttxIt would sure help the process of using those images.16:35
mdzforgive my ignorance, but is it necessary to provide the kernel and initramfs separately when we're using KVM?16:35
nurmi_mdz: in eucalyptus, yes, since part of the EC2 semantic allows users to select a kernel/ramdisk at instance run time16:36
mdzsmoser, why does it require vmbuilder changes? it seems like it should just be a matter of installing the appropriate kernel package inside the image16:36
mdznurmi_, and that's implemented even for kvm instances?16:36
smoseri've not started looking at it.  it is in general fairly trivial .some changes to vmbuilder to install the latest linux-image inside and then to copy it out and re-build the initrd after modifying /etc/initramdisk/modules (initrd should have acpiphp in it)16:36
nurmi_mdz: nod, we specify the kernel/ramdisk external to the image (which KVM allows)16:36
smosermdz, well, given the seeds discussion, the way vmbuilder getsa list of things to include in the image requires code change to change.16:37
sorenIt really doesn't have to. We should move the package list out of VMBuilder.16:37
soren...and pass it on the command line.16:37
mdzsmoser, ah, I see. hopefully that will be fixed soon16:37
ttxsmoser: ok, anything blocking you on those bugs ? or anything targeted for beta that will not be doable ?16:37
smoserthe thing blocking them is the MIRs that i posted above (just me working on them). I presumed that MIR were absolute highest priority. anyone refute that ?16:38
smoseri do not expect that there is anything targeted for beta that shouldn't make it. i'll go through the list today.16:39
mdzsmoser, the MIRs are absolutely essential, but functional bugs may be higher priority16:39
mdzcan someone else help with the MIRs to free smoser to work on functional bugs?16:39
zuli can do it16:39
smosermdz, they're almost done. at least almost all "mostly filled out and bugs submitted"16:39
ttx[ACTION] zul to follow up on the UEC/EC2 packages MIR status16:40
MootBotACTION received:  zul to follow up on the UEC/EC2 packages MIR status16:40
smoseri've got 2 more bugs to file then we'll have the set. and I would absolutely appreciate zul improving the MIR16:40
ttxsmoser: the MIR team might ask some things to be fixed before accepting them16:40
smoseri expect that.16:40
ttxsmoser: so it's good if someone else can keep an eye on them.16:40
ttxok, anything else on the EC2/UEC image front ?16:41
ttx[TOPIC] Roadmap review: Packaging and integration of Eucalyptus 1.616:41
erichammondIt sounded like euca2ools had been settled on instead of Amazon's ec2-ami-tools.  Is this still planned?16:41
MootBotNew Topic:  Roadmap review: Packaging and integration of Eucalyptus 1.616:41
ttxerichammond: yes. It's necessary so that we only ship main packages in the images16:41
smosererichammond, given the interest in all packages being in main, ew dont have an option.16:41
DavieyIsn't euca2ools incompatiable with pre 1.6?  If so, someone on karmic can't use it with jaunty Eucalyptus?16:42
ttxDaviey: that doesn't prevent you from using ec2-ami-tools16:42
ttxits just not installed by default16:42
Davieyok, cool.16:42
nurmi_Daviey: euca2ools is compatible with eucalyptus >= 1.5.216:42
ttxinside images.16:42
smoserand ec2-ami-tools and ec2-api-tools will remain in multiverse. a simple apt-get away.16:42
ttxso I did some usability testing on the Cluster install side16:43
ttxapart from already filed bugs, autoregister of services is in pretty bad shape16:43
mdzerichammond, any concerns with that? it's important that our image is "pure" Ubuntu16:44
ttxWe used to register things from initscripts with "localhost" but that's now impossible16:44
ttxbug 43459316:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434593 in eucalyptus "Autoregister runs euca_conf with "localhost" but that is refused in 1.6~bzr808" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43459316:44
erichammondmdz: I was just wondering if there is a bug entered for this task.  I didn't see one.16:44
ttxnurmi_: we supposed it's because we should never have done that i nthe first place ?16:44
ttxThe issue is, we don't really know the external address we should use for registering.16:45
mdzsmoser, is there a bug open for the fact that the images include unsupported packages?16:45
nurmi_ttx: that is true - the reason we cannot use 'localhost' to register is that the ip you supply at registration time becomes the URL of the service16:45
nurmi_ttx: i.e. S3_URL in your 'eucarc' is constructed using that value16:45
ttxnurmi_: I understand16:46
smosermdz, no. i will open one.  is a single bug acceptable or do i need to do one per package?16:46
ttxnurmi_: but I fail to see how we can provide autoregistering for the "clc+cc+walrus+sc" setup then16:46
mdzsmoser, one is sufficient, but please include a list of the problematic packages, and refer to the MIR bugs for each16:46
ttxI see no foolproof way to guess that address correctly.16:47
smosermdz, yep. thanks.16:47
mdzsmoser, or specify if some other action is to be taken (e.g. exchanging ec2-api-tools for euca2ools)16:47
ttx[ACTION] smoser to file one bug for the fact that the images include unsupported packages16:47
MootBotACTION received:  smoser to file one bug for the fact that the images include unsupported packages16:47
nurmi_ttx: i agree, in the local case.  if thes services are all installed locally, I wonder if it wouldn't be better to ask the question at install time16:48
nurmi_ttx: perhaps in the same place during install where the installer asks 'what is your cluster name?'16:48
nurmi_ttx: adding 'what is your cluster's user and node facing IP?' here would I believe be sufficient16:48
ttxnurmi_: "What will be your cluster external IP ?"16:48
nurmi_both :)16:49
sorenFor this?16:49
ttxcjwatson: comments ?16:49
ttxnurmi_: I also filed bug 434651, since we'll want to do local copy with something that doesn't resolve to localhost16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434651 in eucalyptus "euca_conf should support a --local flag to enforce local key copy" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43465116:50
nurmi_soren: the IP you give to '--register-walrus' will appear in eucarc as 'S3_URL', and will be sent to nodes when they need to fetch an image16:50
mdzsmoser, should we update the starter's guide to use euca2ools rather than ec2-api-tools?16:50
ttxnurmi_: but I can fix that on our side, so no hurry16:50
mdz(or in addition to)16:50
sorennurmi_: Ah, right.16:50
nurmi_ttx: great, that is a nice addition, thanks16:51
ttxAnother subject, BetaFreeze is Thursday16:51
erichammondmdz: Once euca2ools is installed in the image by default, so should the package which creates the ec2- symlinks.  Does that package exist yet?  Is there a bug?16:51
smosermdz, maybe provide alternate/duplicate info ?  if someone just wants to use an ubuntu server, it is possible that they do not have euca2ools.16:51
ttxso we won't blindly sync euclyptus upstream bugfix revisions16:52
smoseri nthat case, the ec2-api-tools serve a larger audience.16:52
cjwatsonttx: something like that seems OK, although in some cases the machine's IP may be dynamic16:52
cjwatsonttx: can we just ask for the hostname instead, as a slight insulation from that?16:52
ttxcjwatson: hostname tends to resove to, no ?16:53
smoserwait, i've missed something "the package that installs the symlinks" . I'm not aware of such a package.16:53
cjwatsonttx: that rather depends on the environment16:53
smoserand the euca2ools are not 100% compatible with ec2-{api,ami}-tools.  providing symlinks is somewhat suggesting they are.16:53
mdzsmoser, I suggested earlier that we explore providing alternate pathnames (e.g. symlinks or alternatives) for the euca2ools, so they can be called using the ec2-* names16:53
ttxcjwatson: I tried to use hostname, but then autoregister would also fail with bug 43459316:54
cjwatsonand isn't it better for a name to be part of the public service URL rather than an IP address?16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434593 in eucalyptus "Autoregister runs euca_conf with "localhost" but that is refused in 1.6~bzr808" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43459316:54
mdzsmoser, nurmi_ indicated they were compatible, or at least intended to be with only minor and temporary deviations16:54
sorenmdz:  I believe we decided not to, because of syntax differences.16:54
sorenmdz: ...but since that's changed..16:54
cjwatsonttx: well, I think it's going to be ugly, but if you feel it's necessary, go for it16:54
mdzerichammond, it sounds like we don't have consensus yet that that is a good idea16:54
ttxcjwatson: alternative is to drop the idea of autoregistering components. Not sure how acceptable that would be16:55
erichammondmdz: Ok, we can discuss outside of the meeting.16:55
cjwatsonwe have to autoregister components, I think16:55
nurmi_mdz: there are a few things to consider, aside from commandline arguments16:55
cjwatsonttx: we could ask for a hostname but check that it resolves to something outside
mdzttx, is there a followup action recorded with regard to discussing providing ec2-* command names which call euca2ools?16:55
smoseri think if there is intent/support for making them 100% compatible, that would be wonderful.  It does put added development effort on either eucalyptus or ubuntu for maintaining that.16:55
ttxmdz: I don't think so.16:56
nurmi_mdz,erichammod: failure/fault format, and staying up-to-date with the latest EC2 functionality16:56
ttxmdz: should be filed as a bug against euca2ools and tagged uec/ec2-images16:57
ttxcjwatson: I'll think again about it and bother you again for guidance :)16:58
ttx[ACTION] ttx to file bug about providing ec2-* command names which call euca2ools16:58
MootBotACTION received:  ttx to file bug about providing ec2-* command names which call euca2ools16:58
ttxAnything else on the Eucalyptus bugs ?16:58
ttxAre all the bugs on the list reasonably assigned and targeted ?16:59
nurmi_there is an issue with dynamic block attach/detach that I think might be unassigned16:59
ttxnurmi_: I assigned it to kirkland16:59
mdznurmi_, good reasons to consider it, though, such as having example commands and documentation work16:59
ttxnurmi_: sounds like a kvm-qemu regression16:59
ttxI'll assume no more comments from the crowd, then17:00
ttx[TOPIC] Roadmap review: Virtual appliance17:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Roadmap review: Virtual appliance17:00
nurmi_mdz: absolutely, I just want to mention those issues as things to consider before an evaluation is done17:00
ttxniemeyer and kirkland aren't around afaict17:00
mdznurmi_, agreed17:01
mdznurmi_, or rather, *while* the evaluation is done :-)17:01
ttxmdz: I'm slightly concerned about the state of this, as I haven't seen much progress since last week17:01
mdzttx, kirkland is here at linuxcon, is there something I should check with him?17:01
ttxmdz: definitely. See my status email from end of last week and his activity report17:01
nijabaniemeyer is in vacation for the week17:01
mdzttx, ok, I'll take an action17:02
ttx[ACTION] mdz to sync with kirkland on Virtual appliance status17:02
MootBotACTION received:  mdz to sync with kirkland on Virtual appliance status17:02
ttxI think the server-side is under control, with mathiaz pushing fixes from niemeyer17:02
nurmi_ttx,soren: one more euca issue, happy to discuss later time permitting17:02
ttxnurmi_: on #ubuntu-server just after the meeting ?17:03
nurmi_ttx,soren: regarding MANAGED mode instead of SYSTEM mode, is the transition on the table for beta?17:03
nurmi_ttx: sounds good :)17:03
kirklandmdz: ttx: i'm here now17:03
sorennurmi_: !??!? that was done weeks ago?17:03
ttxkirkland: yo :)17:03
sorennurmi_: Surely?17:03
nurmi_soren: really?17:03
* nurmi_ eyes himself warily17:03
ttxkirkland: anything to add ? I think its more a question of objectives and priorities, right now, so discussing it with mdz should help ?17:04
kirklandttx: right, sure, my appliance creation slowed last week, as I was helping test the ISOs and fix eucalyptus bugs17:04
kirklandttx: i hit a few speed bumps creating the images, related to vmbuilder, and debconf17:05
sorennurmi_: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/eucalyptus/ubuntu/revision/54217:05
kirklandttx: i have been pinged by several people in the community, saying that they have vm appliances and appliance builders that they would like us to consider17:05
mdzkirkland, what is your ETA for having a working appliance image we can test?17:06
nurmi_soren: the CC and NC eucalyptus.conf files on my alpha6 default install are both set to SYSTEM17:06
sorenI'm not convinced using a completely different, unknown tool to create appliances is a stellar idea two days before betafreeze.17:06
sorennurmi_: What's in installer-cc.conf?17:07
kirklandmdz: if i fall back to "rebundling", perhaps this week; i don't really like that though, as its not very reproducible17:07
mdzkirkland, we need something this week17:07
cjwatsonwhat's the problem with debconf?17:07
kirklandmdz: if we're trying to produce a "reference appliance", i'd think the process of creating the image is as important as the image itself17:07
nurmi_soren: ah, cool! I did not know about this17:08
kirklandcjwatson: couple of things, i'll poke you in -devel17:08
ttxcjwatson: the Moodle appliance kirkland was working on is asking a debconf "what is your FQDN" question that we have trouble to find a sane default for17:08
sorennurmi_: Good point about the NC, though.17:08
cjwatsonoh, so not actually a debconf bug, a use-of-debconf problem17:09
kirklandttx: it goes deeper than that17:09
kirklandcjwatson: right, use-of-debconf + preseeding (sort of) issue17:09
ttxok, we should move on17:10
nijabakirkland: can't this be set to some dummy value at build time, and then configured using a firstlogin script?17:10
kirklandnijaba: yes, that's what the first rev of my image did; requires the user login via ssh once17:10
kirklandnijaba: mdz asked me to try and avoid that17:10
ttxkirkland: mdz should sync with you to discuss what, when and priorities17:11
ttx[TOPIC] Roadmap review: Other specs from the Roadmap17:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Roadmap review: Other specs from the Roadmap17:11
mdzkirkland, the purpose of the reference appliance is to exercise UEC and the image store, more than the build tools17:11
mdzkirkland, we need to get to a fully reproducible build, but we don't need to start there, and it's blocking other work17:12
ttxanyone has anything to mention about the state of other specs from the Roadmap ?17:12
* ttx tries to fit into 90 minutes17:13
ttxok then17:13
ttx[TOPIC] Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs17:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs17:13
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html17:14
cjwatsonat this point I'm considering myself almost entirely done with the eucalyptus stuff that was assigned to me, with the exception of one or two more bugs17:14
cjwatsonif this assumption breaks anyone, please let me know17:14
ttxNo bugs assigned to the team...17:14
nurmi_cjwatson: we may need a few more bits in the init script to take into account /etc/eucalyptus/installer-cc.conf17:14
mdzwe should probably omit wishlist bugs from that list unless they're targeted17:15
ttxMost of the bugs were covered in the previous lists...17:15
ttxmdz: who can change that ?17:15
mdzttx, the QA team17:16
cjwatsonnurmi_: I noticed somebody had changed eucalyptus.conf to source installer-cc.conf itself, so wouldn't that cover that?17:16
ttx[ACTION] ttx to poke QA team about omitting untargeted wishlist bugs from the buglist17:16
MootBotACTION received:  ttx to poke QA team about omitting untargeted wishlist bugs from the buglist17:16
nurmi_cjwatson: no, that file is read directly from the CC17:16
nurmi_cjwatson: at least, the networking parts are17:17
ttxanything in that list anyone feels uncomfortable with ?17:17
mdzttx, so long as you're prodding the QA team, please ask them to add something to those pages which tell you who to contact about them :-)17:18
mdzsmoser, you have one bug assigned to you which is New; please update the status17:18
ttxmdz: heh17:18
ttxMoving on to...17:19
cjwatsonnurmi_: I think I must be missing something; but I was hoping that one of the server team could clear up loose ends there, since I'm not all that well-placed for detailed testing17:19
ttx[TOPIC] Weekly SRU review17:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly SRU review17:19
mdzttx, soren's bug list is long, and you don't seem to have any. could you take some of his perhaps?17:19
ttxThe list at http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html contains recently fixed bugs, if there is anything worth nominating in there, please shout now17:19
nurmi_cjwatson: sure, I was thinking that this was an init script issue17:20
zulttx: not from me alot of those bugs pertain to karmic only17:20
ttxmdz: I will assign myself the autoregister I just filed17:20
ttxand see what I can pick to reduce soren's burden17:20
ttxzul: yes.17:21
ttxNo nominations this week17:21
cjwatsonnurmi_: happy to look at a bug if it's filed, I was just sounding a general reduced-availability warning17:22
ttxAccepted bugs with an assignee: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html17:23
ttxIs this is no longer current, please shout17:24
zulmost of those are waiting to be accepted into *-porposed17:24
ttxzul: ok, good17:24
mathiazzul: could we start to use bzr branches?17:24
zulmathiaz: yep17:24
mathiazttx: I was also think about involving sbeattie in the process17:24
mathiazttx: to do the bzr review (last step)17:25
ttxmathiaz: sure, good idea. You'll talk to him ?17:25
mathiazttx: yes.17:25
ttx[ACTION] mathiaz to involve sbeattie in the Weekly SRU review process17:25
MootBotACTION received:  mathiaz to involve sbeattie in the Weekly SRU review process17:25
ttxmdz: want to talk about Server Team Bug Workflow today ?17:25
ttxor is it too late already ?17:26
mdzttx, I am available17:26
mdzdo you mean the things we've discussed by email or something new+17:26
ttxmdz: no, there is an agenda item about that17:27
ttx"please delay this discussion until the next meeting attended by MattZimmerman"17:27
mdzttx, let's follow up on that by email17:27
ttx[TOPIC] Open Discussion17:27
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion17:27
erichammondmdz: I still don't have the ability to update importance on any ec2-images bugs.  For the time being, is there a person I can send recommended changes to?17:28
zulim probably going to ask a FFE for dovecot and samba any objections?17:28
sorenDid you not become a member of bugcontrol?17:28
erichammondsoren: I don't know how launchpad works, just that the Importance is not clickable for me.17:29
mdzerichammond, smoser for now17:29
mdzerichammond, who was helping you with joining bugcontrol? bdmurray?17:29
erichammondmdz: I'd have to look that up.  I got passed around a few times.17:29
ttxEric isn't in bugcontrol yet.17:30
mdzttx, I asked Marjo to help him get set up17:30
ttxzul:  samba requires FFE ?17:30
zul3.4.1 is in debian testing17:31
ttxI thought its a bugfix release17:31
zulyer right it doesnt according to the changelog17:31
ttx[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time17:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Agree on next meeting date and time17:32
ttxsame time, next week, same batchannel ?17:32
ttxI'll update the page to reflect the fact that our meeting now last 90 minutes17:32
ttxlasts, even17:32
sorenI'm going to start a discussion about the meeting time real soon.17:33
sorenthis time is absolutely horrible for me.17:33
soren...and I have a hunch that other people in CET with families are in the same boat.17:34
sorenSo, look out for an e-mail on ubuntu-server@l.u.c.17:34
ttxsoren: I don't see who you're talking about17:34
sorenttx: Sure you don't :)17:34
sorenCan we go now, please?17:35
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:35.17:35
Davieysoren: meeting starting at 5:00pm your local time?17:35
sorenDaviey: It does.17:35
sorenDaviey: And family dinner is 5:30 to 6:30-ish.17:36
Davieyok :)17:36
nurmi_thanks all17:40
alexmthanks all, see you next week17:44
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* nhaines waves to jono.20:00
keffie_jayxhey all20:00
nhainesHi, keffie_jayx.  :)20:00
jonohey nhaines20:01
* fccf waves to jono, nhaines, and CaliforniaTeam20:01
JanChey all  ?20:01
DarkwingDuckHey fccf20:01
popeyWelcome to the LoCo Council meeting.. Agenda -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncilAgenda20:01
dragonHey all20:01
fccfDarkwingDuck: nice new name DW20:01
DarkwingDuck<G> Thanks fccf20:02
popeyAre the .ca.us people about?20:02
Flannelpopey: Yep20:02
DarkwingDuckpopey: Yup20:02
JanCand (again) sorry for last week to everybody involved20:02
nhainespopey: yes.20:02
fccfPresent and accounted for20:02
Grantbow_JanC: we're glad you're all here now :-)20:03
popeyI believe the LoCo council have looked over your approval application already..20:03
JanCwell, at least 3 of us are here (which is enough for quorum)20:03
popeyam I right keffie_jayx  / JanC ?20:03
JanCpopey: me & keffie_jayx did20:03
popeyhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-california/+mugshots scary20:04
popey(in a good way)20:04
popeyCan someone describe the structure of the team?20:04
popeyWhats the team dynamic ?20:04
Flannelpopey: What do you mean?  How we all get along? or...20:05
popeyelevator pitch, what does the team do?20:05
popeyassume I'd not read the wiki or launchpad :)20:05
* popey wonders if he frightened everyone off20:06
FlannelWe're dedicated to promoting Ubuntu in California.  We do a lot of community outreach and support.  We've been active for about two years now and have put on a variety of events.20:06
popeywhat kinds of community outreach things?20:06
popeyhanding out CDs, presentations?20:07
FlannelEvents for a range of audiences, we participate and exhibit at exhibitions, we've done installfests, talked at local meetings of groups.20:07
keffie_jayxFlannel: have there been any transitioning in LoCo team Contacts or the founders are still around?20:07
Flannelkeffie_jayx: I'm still around20:07
popeynice Flannel20:07
popeyWhat kinds of venues do you use for install fests?20:07
Flannelkeffie_jayx: along with a number of people who have been with us from the beginning20:08
Flannelpopey: Usually schools.  With the college system here, they're all over and we've had good luck getting rooms.20:08
FlannelFor other events besides installfests too, bug jams, etc.20:09
fccfThe california team is a little interesting because (as you may or may not know) california is the #1 populated state in the US.. and we are spread out, so our actions are sometimes seen by one group and not another, so I may hand out 50 cd's in Fullerton and the people in L.A. didn't get any, or vise versa... .. Personally doing installfests (minifest) at my local starbucks ...20:09
popeyseems like you have clusters of members in San Fran and lots on Santa Ana, do they work separately under one banner or is everything organised centrally?20:09
popeywow fccf, starbucks are open to that kind of thing are they?20:10
fccfpopey: so long as I buy coffee, and not be too demanding on their network20:10
Grantbow_An example installfest we have worked with in San Jose is Evergreen College.  http://www.svlug.org/installfest/20:10
Flannelpopey: We're all organized under one banner.  We had our first activities in the south (where our members were) and have been able to expand.  By sharing the experience and knowledge, it's allowed us to get other regions up to speed quickly20:10
JanCI think the "'Buntu Stand" CD-burning application sounds interesting, what exactly can it do?  might be useful for other locoteams...  ?20:10
popeyooo, I've been to svlug once, at Cisco20:11
popeyFlannel: what's the main method of communication? mailing list, forums? irc?20:11
FlannelJanC: Yeah, once we finish it.  We've always designed it so that it can be used by everyone at conferences.20:11
popeyFlannel: is that kinda freedom-toaster on a smaller scale?20:12
nhainesJanC: The idea is that you say you want x of a certain CD, and the software burns it on the machines that actually have that ISO.20:12
Flannelpopey: Mailing list an IRC20:12
nhainespopey: Yes, very much like that, but more for facilitating mass burning.20:12
Flannelpopey: freedom toaster on regular hardware.  It automates the CD burning process for use during ...well, anywhere you want to give them out20:12
popeyright, sounds very neat, would love to see/hear more about that another time.20:12
popeyWhat does the team do in terms of support of new users?20:13
popeyor do you point people to the usual places, forums, answers, #ubuntu etc?20:13
FlannelFor online support, if we can't help them in the channel we'll point them to #ubuntu20:13
FlannelBut at a number of our installfests (and our talks) we've done support as well20:13
popeydo you get many passers-by in your channel?20:13
Grantbow_popey: last night at www.sf-lug.org I fixed a LUG member's scanner by getting a firmware file installed.20:14
popeyheh, excellent20:14
* popey shakes a fist at scanners20:14
Flannelpopey: Occassionally.  Most of the people who are transient actually come from elsewhere inthe world, oddly enough.20:14
popeyyeah, we get that a lot in -uk20:14
popeysomething about English speaking channels with lots of people in I guess :)20:14
popeynice when they come back20:14
popeyWell, I think I've heard enough20:15
popeyany more questions keffie_jayx / JanC ?20:15
fccfI know that Flannel, nhaines, Grantbow, and myself (and others) spend countless hours supporting people in #ubuntu .. I personally try to convince people to switch over ( in the real world )20:15
keffie_jayxI am ready to vote20:15
* popey pokes JanC with the voting stick20:15
JanCpopey: yes (about 'buntu stand), but not about their approval application  ;)20:15
popeyahh, ok :)20:16
JanCso +1 from me20:16
FlannelJanC: We'd be happy to talk afterwards20:16
popeyFlannel: that would rock20:16
popeyblog it :)20:16
keffie_jayx+1 from me and looking forward to more great work from this team a hope other follow20:16
popeyOk, given an excellent set of pages on the wiki, and what comes across as the right attitude for a LoCo team, it's +1 from me20:16
popeyCongratulations, you're official :)20:16
popeyIt's just unfortunate you have to put up with jono in your state ;)20:17
Grantbow_\o/ thanks!20:17
FlannelThanks popey, keffie_jayx, JanC.20:17
czajkowskiFlannel: congrats!20:17
dragonpopey. keffie_jayx, JanC: thanks! :)20:17
fccfTY LoCo Approval Team20:17
popeykeep up the great work!20:17
nhainesThank you very much for your endorsement.  :)20:17
keffie_jayxjono will treat beers20:18
* keffie_jayx runs20:18
popeyok, next item..20:18
popeyhmm, kind of out of sequence20:18
popeyWe need more members since boredandblogging left the team20:18
keffie_jayxno problem popey california was waiting20:19
dantalizingcongrats Flannel20:19
popeyIt's something we need to resolve promptly.. suggestions for a way forward keffie_jayx / JanC ? (and anyone else who has an opinion)20:19
keffie_jayxI suggest that each member of  the LoCO Council make a suggestion and that we reach out to ubuntu members for nominations "from the floor"20:20
JanCI think first of all we should ask locoteams to propose candidates  ?20:20
keffie_jayxthat way we can get our opinion and the opinion of the ubuntu members20:20
keffie_jayxJanC: that is also sensible...20:21
dantalizingcan we nominate boredandblogging ? ;)20:21
popeywell we already have at least 4 names on the mailing list suggested20:21
popeymore would of course be welcomed20:21
keffie_jayxJanC:  your suggestion fits better since we are dealing with loco teams here20:21
czajkowskiis it just one position that needs filling?20:22
popeySo should we mail the loco mailing list and ask for volunteers20:22
JanCczajkowski: yes20:22
keffie_jayxpopey: ok with the 4 names from the council it would do then?20:23
Joeb454damn, seems I missed the meeting :(20:23
popeywell, we have enough names to have a sensible vote20:23
keffie_jayxshould we propose these to the Community Council for their approval20:23
keffie_jayxor our word is enough?20:23
popeybut I dont want us to exclude possible others as they may be as good or better than the suggestions we have made20:23
keffie_jayxpopey: that's why JanC idea is great. it gives us extra input20:24
popeyI think we should ask the loco mailing list for volunteers, and then craft a shortlist which we pass to the cc for approval20:24
keffie_jayxpopey: the list but the way is a bit too public imo20:24
popeywe could ask people to mail the private list with their suggestions20:24
popeynot the public one20:25
* Joeb454 reads up on the subject20:25
Joeb454popey: isn't your private list subject to moderation though?20:25
popeybut thats not a problem20:25
JanCI don't care about public/private list20:25
keffie_jayxohhh ok20:25
keffie_jayxthe LoCo Council list20:25
Grantbow_what are those email list addresses?20:25
popeythats the public loco contacts list20:26
keffie_jayxI agree that we should encourage the contast to email us20:26
popeythats the private loco council list20:26
JanCbut AFAIK there is also no formal process defined about how to decide on new members?20:26
popey(our list)20:26
keffie_jayxpopey: I understand now20:26
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil/Delegation describes the process JanC20:26
popey"the Team Council sends the full list of nominees with comments and annotations to the CommunityCouncil (in the case of the MOTU Council also to the TB) "20:27
Joeb454so from what I've read, boredandblogging isn't on the loco council thus you're looking for a new person(s)?20:27
popeyso that page describes the process.. which in a nutshell.. we ask for volunters, or people to nominate others, those nominations are sent to loco-council, we ask those people to update their wiki pages, we send the list to the cc, they sort the vote out. Job done.20:29
keffie_jayxthe action20:29
JanCwell, I guess people can propose candidates on both lists, then we'll have to contact them if they are available & check their credentials, and then send a report to the CC ?20:29
popeyI'm happy to draft the mail to the loco contacts list20:29
keffie_jayxpopey: when do we send the email, who sends it?20:29
keffie_jayxpopey: great :D20:30
JanCpopey: okay20:30
keffie_jayxmost happy20:30
* keffie_jayx can write the minute for this meeting then20:30
popeynot over yet :)20:30
popeywe have some mailing list approve request tracker tickets to do20:30
keffie_jayxwith regards the email20:31
keffie_jayxwhen should we spect this to be sent and what is the deadline for submissions20:31
popeyi can send a draft to loco-council tonight, then if you guys like it, send it to loco-contacts as soon as you say okay20:31
popeyI'd say no more than 2 weeks for nominations20:31
popeythen pass to the cc20:31
czajkowskigive time for the CC to be elected20:32
czajkowskiseeing as those elections are going on at present.20:32
popeythat vote finishes on 6th oct iirc20:32
Joeb454which is 2 weeks today20:32
popeythe cc will take a while to whittle the list down anyway20:33
keffie_jayxpopey: ok20:33
popeyJanC: happy?20:33
Grantbow_quite a few CC nominations in the vote, should be interesting.20:33
popeyyeah.. *ahem*20:33
keffie_jayxalright alright20:34
popeyok, so I'll mail the council tonight, once you review the mail JanC / keffie_jayx, we send to loco-contacts, and promote it20:34
keffie_jayxthe approvals for rt?20:34
popeyOk, Ubuntu-BH20:36
JanCanybody from Bahrain here?20:36
popeyI see no team on launchpad for ubuntu-bh20:36
popeythe guy who made the ticket doesnt have an lp id either20:37
JanCthey were only added to the agenda yesterday by jpds, maybe they didn't get a chance to prepare anything yet...20:37
JanCpopey: or under another name  ;)20:38
keffie_jayxwe should contact them via email to get the story20:38
popeythe request was made some time ago20:38
popey #   Thu Jul 23 06:54:38 200920:38
popeyI would just reply to the ticket, asking if the list is still required, and what form the team is currently in20:38
JanCpopey: yes, but, he was only refered to the loco council yesterday?20:38
popeyJanC: doesn't matter really, if he made the request for a list 3 months ago, you'd expect _some_ presence on lp ?20:39
keffie_jayxJanC: well jpds was working on this recently20:39
keffie_jayxpopey:  we should email them20:39
keffie_jayxI can do that20:39
popeyhang on20:40
popeylook at ticket 739720:40
JanCpopey: not all teams before they start formally20:40
popeyjorge already approved it20:40
JanC"use LP" somewhere in between there  ;)20:40
popeyTue Sep 01 15:50:02 2009   jorge - Correspondence added20:40
popeyso we just need to set ticket 7079 to approved20:41
keffie_jayxno need to talk about it then20:41
JanCpfff :P20:41
JanCis this a locoteam ?20:42
popeynot so much a loco list as a translators list20:42
jpdsDudes, you just say you approve the creation of the mailing list on the ticket.20:42
popeyjpds: thats what I said20:43
popeyjpds: but jorge already did for -bh20:43
* jpds hugs popey.20:43
* popey hugs jpds back20:43
popeynot sure what we do about non-loco loco lists20:44
keffie_jayxjpds: is the left-to20:44
* popey pokes jcastro 20:44
JanCI'm not sure if RTL is about translators or about technical things?20:44
jpdsJanC: They are not locoteams, but they want lists so that they can start one.20:44
keffie_jayxright a loco team ?20:44
popeyme neither20:44
popeyi see no reason _not_ to approve it20:44
keffie_jayxjpds:  the left-to-right readers seems a language team20:44
keffie_jayxneihter do I20:44
jpdskeffie_jayx: Yeah, I should of given that one to jcastro.20:45
JanCRTL sounds technical to me  ;)20:45
keffie_jayxbut they belong to the translators coordinator20:45
popeysounds french to me20:45
keffie_jayxjpds: to david20:45
popeyyeah, to david or jorge20:45
popeyjpds: do you want to update that one?20:45
jcastrohi! what am I supposed to do?20:46
* jpds assigns to Jorge.20:46
popeyjcastro: https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=663220:46
popeyits a "not really a loco list"20:46
JanCI think asking first about what they want to do might be useful  ?20:47
popeyits a list to do with Right-To-Left language/locale support in Ubuntu20:47
popeyJanC: sounds fair.. jcastro ?20:47
jcastrosounds fine to me20:48
popey"fine" as in "Approved!"20:48
jcastroI'll update the ticket20:48
popeythanks jcastro, you can go back to your lair now.20:49
jcastroanything else piled up you guys want me to take care of just poke me20:49
keffie_jayxjcastro: caught any ghosts yet?20:49
keffie_jayxpopey: the last tickets seems fine20:50
popeyglad you get that keffie_jayx, it's in foreign to me :)20:50
keffie_jayxit is for ivory coast20:51
keffie_jayxI did some background check and there is no team set up yet20:51
keffie_jayxwell there is20:51
keffie_jayxbut they don't have a mailing list20:51
* keffie_jayx needs the directory :S20:51
keffie_jayx<hint> <hint>20:52
popeyseems okay to me20:52
jpdsYeah, that's owned by the guy in the ticket20:52
JanCthe requester seems to be involved with SFD in his country too, so looks fine  ?20:52
keffie_jayxjpds: how do we approve20:52
* keffie_jayx is longed in in rt as ubuntu20:52
jpdsAnd judging by his second post, Jorge rejected his lists.l.n list.20:52
jpdskeffie_jayx: Hmm, you should have your own account...20:53
JanCkeffie_jayx: add a comment that it's approved and assign to anyone  ;)20:53
keffie_jayxjpds: I don't :S20:53
popeyi have an rt account20:53
popeybut my password is in a gpg signed file on another computer :S20:53
popeyi can do it after the meeting20:54
JanCkeffie_jayx: you have an account20:54
keffie_jayxJanC do I ?20:54
popeykeffie_jayx: ping elmo to send you the password20:54
JanCyou're in the list  ;)20:54
JanCI can approve20:54
popeykeffie_jayx: I had this issue, I didnt know I had an account20:54
JanC-ci ?20:54
popey\o/ thanks JanC20:54
keffie_jayxgreat then20:54
keffie_jayxpopey: meeting adjouned then?20:54
popeylooks good20:55
popeyanything else JanC / keffie_jayx ?20:55
keffie_jayxnext meeting is the 3rd tuesday20:55
keffie_jayxof october20:55
keffie_jayxpast the GLobal Jam20:55
keffie_jayxexpectmy email later tonight20:55
popeytyping it now :)20:56
keffie_jayxgreat then20:56
keffie_jayxsee you guys20:56
keffie_jayxthanks to all attendants20:56
keffie_jayxjpds you rock dude20:56
nhainesThanks again for your time today.20:56
jpdsNot really, I just do what I love.20:57
keffie_jayxjpds: are you a hall of famer?20:57
keffie_jayxgotta run20:57
jpdskeffie_jayx: Nah, I operate behind the scenes. ;)20:58
popeythanks keffie_jayx / JanC20:58
JanCand thanks everyone else attending the meeting  ;)20:59
Grantbow_thanks for having us :)20:59
dantalizingty all20:59
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lifelesselky: https://lists.launchpad.net/subunit-dev/msg00033.html23:41
elkylifeless, good responses so far at least23:44

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