[00:00] Rioting_Pacifist, command not found. and I checked in gparted and the lvm flag is not set for / [00:00] DD: install something over that [00:00] Rioting_Pacifist, the Vista partition is set with the boot flag though [00:01] LogicFan: ok well then you need to do all the partition editing from a liveCD, if you boot through grub it doesn't matter. [00:01] #LISP [00:01] Rioting_Pacifist, thanks, will i still need to edit the grub menu after formating and merging the partitions? [00:01] #lisp [00:03] LogicFan: you will need to remove vista so it doesn't show in the menu, but the system will still boot fine if you dont edit grub (aslong as the partition number doesn't change) [00:03] #ubuntu-es [00:03] I just installed rtorrent with Package Manager and it won't launch (Alt+F2 'rtorrent) -- any thoughts? [00:03] wilson: /join #channel [00:04] daevski: its a cli app launch it in the terminal not via alt+f2 [00:05] prince_jammys: gracias [00:05] wilson: de nada. [00:06] n8tuser: could you be specific about what module i need to load and how? [00:06] Rioting_Pacifist, Thank you. I thought rtorrent was gui app -- what can I use that is gui-based? [00:07] !torrent [00:07] Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P [00:07] ok, grub2 is awesome and I'm happy. [00:07] night [00:08] Hi, I can't refresh ppa, is the server down? [00:09] anyone familiar with the command 'dig'? [00:09] jeisma, I use it all the time on my venezuelan slave laborers [00:10] jeisma: kinda is it for dns lookups? [00:10] fbianconi: yes, i want to use the +trace query option [00:10] fbianconi: but when i do, the answer is very brief and not wha tit should be [00:11] fbianconi: instead of displaying the root, tld, etc. it just says "Received 17 bytes from in 2 ms" [00:11] fbianconi: after its standard initial message [00:11] fbianconi: http://outsourcedclue.com/2009/04/13/supporting-dig-trace-using-an-unbound-recursive-dns-server/ [00:12] should look like that [00:12] but instead its not [00:12] linuxguy could you open a chat with me [00:12] how do I close an app using the command line? (nicely closing, no forcing it) [00:13] jeisma: demonspork might know better than I [00:13] eyalw: kill pid [00:13] Hey all, what package do I install to get those fancy "themes" for screen? [00:13] Like trheres a dark profile, light profile [00:13] eyalw or killall programName [00:13] Does the ppa website woorks for you? [00:13] demonspork: could you help me with my dig problem? [00:13] kevin|demarest: but that's forcing it, not the same as the program Quit option [00:14] I can't update and [00:14] eyalw: you said via the command line. What is the difference between the quit option and using kill? [00:15] jeisma, I was making a joke, sorry, don't know anything about dig [00:15] !info dig [00:15] Package dig does not exist in jaunty [00:15] Hm [00:15] !dig [00:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about dig [00:15] kevin|demarest: kill forces the app to exit, quit lets the app do user interactive cleanup 1st [00:15] kevin|demarest: well, if I kill a text editor, it won't ask me to save [00:15] Alright, wellt thanks anyway. [00:15] Oo [00:16] any idea why my volume controls only work half way and up? its like if i turn the volume half way and down i dont get any sound its like there is so low sound levels === TwoD_ is now known as TwoD [00:16] Zykotic-K9: are you there? === Alex`` is now known as Alex_Finlay === fred_ is now known as Guest54337 [00:16] Rioting_Pacifist: like asking a user to save before closing? [00:16] so, is there a way to nicely ask an application to quit using the command line [00:16] Hello, I notice that gparted reports the wrong HDD capacity - it is reporting ~300GB but the drive is 350GB. Do you know what would cause this to occur? [00:17] eyalw: I only kill programs in a terminal if it has issues or I'm experimenting [00:17] eyalw: im not sure, there will be via dbus [00:17] eyalw: I should say, I only close a program in term if I can't close it within the program [00:18] System Monitor reports the same (incorrect) HDD size [00:18] !dbus [00:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about dbus [00:19] eyalw: well if you start the program within a terminal, you can press cntrl-c a lot of the time :) [00:19] eyalw: erm i said dbus i meant to say dbus or something, however there may be a signal that can be sent with the correct kill command but im not sure [00:19] eyalw: hmmm, I suppose that's the same as kill [00:20] I'm pretty sure I can send a signal to it like SIGQUIT, or SIGTERM [00:21] no manual entry for sigquit or sigterm [00:21] eyalw: that's what kill does [00:22] kill use SIGKILL [00:22] wrong. [00:22] kill uses SIGKILL when you tell it to. [00:22] so there is not way to nicely quit an application [00:22] *no [00:22] that's not in the man page for kill [00:22] kill -TERM pid, kill -QUIT pid [00:23] or you can use killall to kill by name [00:23] ah, that makes sense [00:23] you can also use pkill to kill by name [00:24] now I want to try what prince_jammys said :) [00:24] SIGTERM is sent by default [00:24] kill -TERM pid same as kill pid [00:25] its nice, but it force it to quit [00:25] eyalw: it's the program's job to react to signals. [00:25] all you can do from another shell is kill it [00:26] you can try kill -HUP pid [00:26] anyone knows how to configure grub2 using UUID's??? [00:26] if well, thanks anyway [00:27] the battery sensor on my msi wind u100 is completely screwed up. It has about 4 hours of battery, but it shuts off at ~"50%" battery according to sensors [00:27] How can I make karmic to use grub2 instead of grub1.5 (I updated from jaunty). [00:28] ??? [00:28] thiblHET: try at #ubuntu+1 , the channel for karmic. [00:28] has anyone had similar experiences? [00:28] is there some way to "reset this" so that the battery dies at "0%" not "50%"? [00:29] does anyone use Ubuntu 9.04? if yes please help me, go to firefox -> edit -> preference -> content and tell me the settings for default fonts. My one messed up after the routine hard drive check something. :( [00:29] prince_jammys, oops, I should have thought about that before! Sorry [00:29] thiblHET: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Grub2Testing - instructions for installing Grub2 [00:29] I'm about to fully re-install ubuntu on my main PC and wonder what the 'optimum' swap space I should allocate, I'm on a 32bit machine with 2gb ram(intel) [00:30] usually 2x your physical ram [00:30] kbp: serif size 16 [00:30] norstrom, thanks [00:31] i'll make it 4 then ta [00:31] legend2440: thank you, how about settings when you click advanced? [00:31] test_: np, but thats just the sort of rule of thumb, you may find more usefull depending on the apps you use [00:32] norstrom: Does it work for you, I get "unvailable page" as for all wiki pages. [00:32] ? [00:32] test_: how big is your harddrive [00:32] When I try to log in on my Ubuntu machine nothing happens. The wallpaper is there and I'm able to move the mouse around. But there's no gnome-panel etc. What do I do? [00:32] I'll reserve 8 then, so I can make it larger later (I will make it 4 for now) [00:32] thiblHET: yes that link works fine for me [00:33] sagaci it's 1tb, i will be slotting a windows drive back in when complete so might move swap to that anyway [00:33] I need some help with remote desktop [00:33] I'm thinking through every step of this install carefully [00:33] How do I allow someone outside my LAN to access my desktop? [00:34] norstrom: I don't understand what is wrong here. [00:34] Cerrdor: is the remote cpu linux or windows [00:34] kbp: starting from top to bottom Fonts for: Western Serif size 16 serif sans-serif monospace size 12 [00:34] thiblHET, try killall gnome-panel [00:34] Ubuntu 9.04 [00:34] sagaci: cpus are not linux or windows [00:34] thiblHET, tell if the panels start [00:34] thiblHET: yeah, not sure why you would not be able to view that page [00:34]
I need to unintall ubuntu so I can install windows as a dual boot. how do I wipe ubuntu [00:34] thiblHET, do that with alt+F2 [00:34] linxeh: "has the remote computer got linux or windows installed?" [00:34] I would like to encode an audio CD in MP3 format with Rhythmbox, but MP3 doesn't show up in the "Preferred format" dropdown under the "Music" tab in "Preferences." But it IS listed under the Edit... area. How can I pick MP3 so I can encode in that format in Rhythmbox? Thanks. [00:35] DD, no you dont have to althought it is easier to install windows first [00:35] legend2440: thank you very much for your time :) [00:35] DD: Why do you want to use Windows? [00:35] Would it be regarded as completely insane to have both QT3 and QT4 installed on a system? [00:35] kbp: your welcome [00:35] sagaci: totally different question. OK, I'm a pedant, but such artistic licence causes much confusion at times :P [00:35] DD, you would have to reinstall grub I believe to pick up the ubuntu/windows install [00:35] Josh__: not sure if you can just do that [00:36] Josh__: you can have KDE 3 installed as well as KDE 4 though === grumete|brb is now known as grumete [00:36] sagaci Ubuntu 9.04 [00:36] sebsebseb, Do you know if QT4 is backward compatible with QT3 apps? [00:36]
coz, I my ubuntu is a little messed up and I am new to linux, I dont want to go throught the steps to fix my ubuntu, then fix grub. I jsut want to wipe ubuntu, install windows and then install ubuntu again. [00:36] DD, go here and scroll down to "Installing windows after https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot [00:37]
coz I NEED to reinstall ubuntu anyway. going to do it no matter what. [00:37] ramvi: can you get to a terminal ctrl + alt + f2 [00:37] ctmjr: OK. what now? [00:38] DD: ok well depending on what Windows programs you want to run, you can use Wine :) also with enough RAM you can virtual machine most Windows programs rather nicely inside Ubuntu in a Windows virtual machine [00:38]
seb, will i have to load windows everytime I do a virtual machine? [00:38] DD: not if you leave your computer on [00:38] queso_: tried here and same thing, looking into it [00:39] DD: you switch between the host Ubuntu, and the guest Windows, and right ctrl by default to get back to Ubuntu, this is with Virtualbox [00:39]
seb, I have been here before. I must have windows, the ONLY solution is dual boot. [00:39]
how do I wipe ubuntu [00:39]
can I just format the partition? [00:39] DD, no need to wipe it [00:39] DD: depends on what Windows programs you want to run, and you never answered that [00:39] DD, did you get that link I gave you? [00:40] ramvi: run this then reboot see if it fixes it rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity what it does is remove the configure files for gnome but when you restart they will be replaced with the default configurations [00:40] DD, ok then just download Dban and wipe the drive [00:40]
I NEED TO REINSTALL MINT [00:40] Hey.... [00:40] !mint | dd [00:40] dd: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang) [00:40] ctmjr: cool thanks [00:40] DD, burn Dban to a cd boot into it and follow the instructions ...depending on the size of the hard drive it can take all night to wip[e [00:40] DD, I meant wipe [00:41] coz_: Dban isn't needed by the average computer user [00:41] sebsebseb, I disagree but however you use it :) [00:41] Pardon me my previous remark, I was inadvertentlyt being a bit too iberal with the CoC here [00:41]
thanks coz I did that before I setup this system. I think just a format will work. [00:41] Hello People. [00:41] DD, thats fine also [00:41] guys, what's a good plugin for flash in firefox? [00:41] coz_: if he was going to sell his computer to someone, well then it might be a good idea to use that program first [00:41] DD, I prefer wiping but since this is not problem install a format should do it [00:41] just got 9.04 up and running. is there a good reason to try to use the ATI-specific drivers for my Radeon-9800-based video board, or is it best to just stick with the stock drivers? [00:42] I installed gnash but FF is still not showing the flash applets? [00:42] DD: use the Ubuntu livecd, and save your hot data... Erase all partitions, reinstall, first Windows (it's easyer), then Ubuntu... cos' Ubuntu will know howto handle Windows, but Windows won't... [00:42] anyone know how I can allow my office PC to connect remotely to my home Linux via remote desktop? [00:42] sebsebseb, I build repair etc etc computers for residential and corporate clients I never allow a system out of the workshop without having been wiped and reinstalled first [00:42] jgarbers: if you want to do stuff like compiz/3d gaming then you'll need the ATI drivers otherwise stick with radeon as they are more stable [00:42]
I have a live cd, will that have a format option. so I can format the swap partition and the mint partition? [00:43] coz_: good, but he isn't giving his computer to someone else I think? [00:43] sebsebseb, I do it on all my own systems as well [00:43] Rioting_Pacifist: thanks. I like "stable". But from what little I've heard of compiz I'd like to try that too... [00:43] can someone help me with sound configuration for epsxe? [00:43] sebsebseb, OS's run much smoother after a wipe [00:43] I am trying to install Eternal SPU plugin 1.41 [00:44] anyone? [00:44]
Is there a way to format a single partition using a live cd? [00:44] coz_: a format is all that is needed usuaully unless... we have already done the unless [00:44] okay, dumb one... what's the easiest way to get and install the ATI drivers? Google's giving me a bunch of forum posts that are out of date... [00:44] sebsebseb, as I said I disagree :) [00:44] !ati | jgarbers [00:44] jgarbers: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [00:44]
When I say format I mean format not low level format [00:44] Hi I'm running arch here and I'm wanting something more stable and integrated for my research... and the suggestion of my teacher was Ubuntu. My question is, I remeber that adding ppas in Ubuntu would make the upgrade a lot harder/break is that still true? [00:45] jgarbers: not on ubuntu atm but there should be a program called hardware drivers just open that [00:45] DD: yeah its in the system tab on the Ubuntu desktop [00:45]
thanks cerrdor, will check it out. [00:45] okay, so I made a USB boot disk for 9.04 using USB creator disk. When I try and boot it, it crashes on VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block(104,1) [00:45] and it just stays there, forever. [00:45] Rioting_Pacifist: thanks - I found "Hardware Drivers" but it tells me there are none in use, and the "Enable" button is grayed... [00:46] !info DD [00:46] Package DD does not exist in jaunty [00:46] johny-b-goode: i'm using the adobe-flashplugin that i got from the adobe site [00:46] anyone know how I can allow my office PC to connect remotely to my home Linux via remote desktop? [00:46] !vnc > Cerrdor [00:46] Cerrdor, please see my private message [00:47] norstrom: I'm trying to install lame, see if that fixes it, as per this thread: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/rhythmbox-preferred-format-problem.-580494/ [00:47] DD: you install gparted, then go with that [00:47] queso_: yes I have lame already too [00:47] I have VNC installed [00:47] now how do I connect [00:47] jgarbers: ATI drivers may not be avalible yet or you need to run the program differently as im not using ubuntu i can't really help [00:48]
dasei, are you saying I should install gparted? [00:48] I cant put in :5000 in my browser at work its off the lan [00:48] ah. so the lack of an entry here doesn't mean there are no drivers *installed*, it means there aren't any *to* install? [00:48] DD: for partitoning on live, why not [00:48] so, can anyone help me out? the live USB disk is just not booting, gets stuck on 'Kernel Panic- not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(104,1) [00:49]
ok, dasei, If I need to partition I will do that, I'm looking for the software that will let me format a single partition. [00:49] I have a disk in there I'm trying to fix, which is why I'm booting the live USB on the first place [00:49] Can someone tell me what this means? [00:49] WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat, it will be ignored in a future release. [00:49] DD: gparted [00:49] DD: are you on the Live CD right now? [00:50] DD:gparted lets you do that in an easy manner, else have to look more carefull (fdisk, mkfs) === qerqe is now known as kalakouentin [00:50] norstrom: seems a bit silly to have it list an option it doesn't support, lol [00:51] queso_: ok install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse and it works now [00:51] queso_: make sure libmp3lame0 is installed to, I already had that [00:52] !numlock [00:52] To enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock [00:53] hm. it appears that ATI doesn't support the 9800 in its driver any more. lovely. [00:53] perhaps that's why it wasn't in the list. oh well. [00:53] Can someone tell me what this means? "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat, it will be ignored in a future release." [00:53] HELP! [00:53] RegressLess: that's just the new format for names in /etc/modprobe.d [00:54] norstrom: great, thx, I'll give that a try ;) [00:54] queso_: no problem [00:54] RegressLess: for some reason, certain packages haven't updated yet, you can remove the message by sudo mv /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat /etc/modprobe.d/oss-compat.conf [00:54] there's no man page for make? [00:54] trism: so if I'm trying to access modprobe, I should type modprobe.d instead of modprobe? [00:54] anyone know how I can allow my office PC to connect remotely to my home Linux via remote desktop? [00:54] Cerrdor: VNC? [00:54] RegressLess: no, that is just for the config files in modprobe.d [00:54] kejava: thanks. installing the adobe version.... [00:55] Can someone help me set up my gamepad? [00:55] What would cause gparted & System Monitor to both report the size of my HDD as being 50GB smaller than it really is? [00:55] hello every 1!! === monteith_afk is now known as monteith [00:55] mattgriv: I have VC on the remote Linux but I need to access it from my work PC how do I allow IPs outside my lan to access remotely to my laptop [00:55] help to install vmware on ubuntu ?? [00:55] trism: so why do I get this message every time I try to access something in modprobe? [00:56] !ask | seisei [00:56] seisei: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [00:56] RegressLess: because modprobe is reading the configuration files files from /etc/modprobe.d when it runs [00:56] some body help: help to install vmware on ubuntu ?? [00:56] how may I restore my kernel? [00:57] seisei: Please report error messages and any attempts you've already made to resolve the issue. Then someone may have enough information to help you. [00:57] trism: know of a good way to set up a gamepad? [00:57] JeoTheLeo: What does "restore" mean? [00:57] and how can I connect to the internet through the CLI [00:57] Cerrdor: You'll have to forward the ports, are you behind a firewall or just a router? [00:57] just a router [00:57] kejava: thanks. it worked. [00:58] !vmware | seisei [00:58] seisei: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware [00:58] johny-b-goode: cool :) [00:58] Cerrdor: Your work network would have to allow connections through the ports you are using for VNC too, they might be funny about client software for it though you could always set up a web server on your home PC (might not be feasible if your connection isn't too great) [00:58] trism: I'm trying to set up a gamepad and I can't figure out the instructions I've found. The modprobe is the most recent stumbling block. [00:58] well, I tried building a new kernel for the intel graphics, now I can only enter through my old kernel and only to the CLI [00:58] RegressLess: well the warning doesn't matter, it will still start the module you're trying to modprobe [00:58] JeoTheLeo: ping www.yahoo.com? [00:59] Cerrdor: As long as your ports are forwarded, and you have your IP you shouldn't have a problem connecting. You could always set up dyndns so you don't have to flaff around with your IP too [00:59] I'm on liveCD, but from the CLI I can't ping....not connected [00:59] hi [00:59] trism: there's no indication that it's doing anything [00:59] seisei: Virtualbox can also use VMDK files :) [00:59] :/ [00:59] !welcome | jini [00:59] jini: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [00:59] RegressLess: you could do an lsmod | grep module_name_here to see if it got loaded [00:59] hi girls [00:59] yeah [01:00] hey this is spikestar i hate it that u band me guys just un band me im sorry for what i said [01:00] RegressLess: last time I used a gamepad I used jscalibrator to set it up after that, it was a while ago though [01:00] ho want to sex white me [01:00] JeoTheLeo: I don't know all the component that are necessary for networking. I know ifconfig is a part of it. [01:00] !ops | jini [01:00] jini: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [01:00] I'm using a Radeon 9800, and I've downgraded my Xserver so that I can use the older video drivers. Everything outputs fine from my VGA port, but if I plug into my DVI, my screen messes up and becomes unreadable. This is undesirable because my VGA monitor is a decade old and heavy and dumb :P [01:00] RegressLess: I'm out now though, but I'm sure someone else here can help you if you're still stuck [01:00] trism: I have jscalibrator, but it's not working like it did on my netbook [01:00] Any suggestions? [01:00] trism: bye [01:01] well, more importantly, I want to get it all back restored, better than losing everything [01:01] !who | JeoTheLeo [01:01] JeoTheLeo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [01:01] is there a way to fix it using the liveCD perhaps? [01:01] RegressLess: Ubuntu sees my gamepad as soon as I plug it in, what is it your try'n to make it do? [01:01] asshole bitch fuck u all [01:01] claude: If you have been banned from one of the main Ubuntu channels join #ubuntu-ops to talk about it [01:01] :/ Nice guy [01:02] and really polite [01:02] lol [01:02] ignore the troll [01:02] by using a lot of ppas will make my upgrade harder/? breaked? [01:02] kevin|demarest: well, more importantly, I want to get it all back restored, better than losing everything [01:02] norstrom: work. I'm trying to make it work. [01:02] :P [01:02] kevin|demarest: is there a way to fix it using the liveCD perhaps? [01:02] JeoTheLeo: you didn't back up? [01:02] I have all my files and installations [01:02] JeoTheLeo: not sure. [01:03] Does anyone have experience with Radeon 9800 DVI troubles? [01:03] RegressLess: ok but work how? what app are you trying to use it with? [01:03] JeoTheLeo: the fastest thing would be to reinstall, in my opinion, but if you want to learn you can play around with it [01:03] yes, I want to learn and at the same time not lose so much time running around myself [01:04] JeoTheLeo: I can't help you not lose time. I'd have to search the web to find any answers to what you want to do [01:04] norstrom: eventually, I'd like to get it working with qjoypad so I can use it in place of my keyboard/mouse for gaming [01:04] kevin|demarest: should I search for how to rebuild gnome perhaps? [01:04] hi, please help! i want o reformat my usb stick. gparted doesn't want me to... [01:05] it is on sdb [01:05] JeoTheLeo: have you tried: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ? [01:05] JeoTheLeo: no [01:05] JeoTheLeo: are you serious? [01:05] RegressLess: when you plug it in and run dmesg do you see something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/275571/ [01:06] prince_jammys: I can't connect to the internet from the CLI [01:06] prince_jammys: do you know how to connect from there? [01:06] how stable is xfs on ubuntu these days? [01:07] agliodbs: it's not that used, and it will be ok with a seperate /boot in Ext3 [01:07] agliodbs: I never had any problems I couldn't fix... [01:07] JeoTheLeo: try a cli browser: www-browser http://google.com [01:07] agliodbs: Ext4 is optional in 9.04 :) and default in 9.10 [01:07] JeoTheLeo: why aren't you just booting into the old kernel from the grub menu...? [01:07] norstrom: much more than that, but yes, that is also there [01:07] hello, when i start dhcp3-server and check status it says it is running but after a while when i check the stats it says it is not running but PID exists.. anyone have any idea??? [01:07] agliodbs: might have an issue or two for some though, but most it's fine [01:08] prince_jammys: JeoTheLeo said earlier that he wasn't able to ping [01:08] jrib: that's what I'm booting into...the new one gives me a PCI error I suppose [01:08] sebsebseb: would you use ext4 for a boot device at this point? [01:08] RegressLess: yeah theres a bunch of stuff before that, but at least we know the system sees the pad [01:08] JeoTheLeo: ok, so X wasn't working before then? [01:08] agliodbs: Avoid it if you need to access your drive from Windows [01:09] norstrom: zsnes lets me set the controls, but only start works, none of the other buttons work [01:09] hello, when i start dhcp3-server and check status it says it is running but after a while when i check the stats it says it is not running but PID exists.. anyone have any idea??? [01:09] agliodbs: It isn't backwards compatible [01:09] mattgirv: windows can access ext3? [01:09] agliodbs: I have used 9.04 for / and /home in 9.04, and so on. Really nice fast boot up, disck checking after 23 or so boots, and shut down. Thing is if big files are deleted from it, there might be a kernel lock up issue, but other then that it's pretty much fine really in 9.04. [01:09] anyway, this is for a server [01:09] norstrom: I probably have something conflicting--I've tried several things thus far [01:09] agliodbs: Well it is, but not strictly in the driver sense. Yes it can (not natively) [01:09] agliodbs: for a proper server say a commerical one or something like that you should be using 8.04 [01:10] !8.04 | agliodbs [01:10] agliodbs: Ubuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details. [01:10] sebsebseb: nah, this is just a server for my own use [01:10] RegressLess: I'm not familliar with the nes emu's, my pad does work fine with mame though [01:10] jrib: it was...then I tried upgrading my kernel...here are the commands I was following:http://wiki.x.org/wiki/Development/git [01:10] agliodbs: well servers don't get booted up usaully, so Ext3 should be rather fine for one [01:11] agliodbs: [01:11] errk [01:11] So on the newer Ubuntus [Karmic Koala in this case], now that there's no xorg.conf, what's the preferred method of setting parameters. Specifically I need to set synclient TapButton2 = 2 somewhere so that my two-finger click works as a middle-click since that seems to have been changed in KK [01:11] hi [01:11] i have a question, this probably isnt the best place to ask it. but its as close as i can get [01:11] jrib: after that, the new versions didn't work...and when I tried my old one, it sent me to the CLI [01:11] JeoTheLeo: you're building more than a new kernel there... [01:11] agliodbs: http://www.fs-driver.org/ [01:11] anyone know anything about android? [01:11] mattgirv: uhmm that's not what he wants [01:11] jrib: I didn't go past the kernel part [01:11] I know I could set it as a script that runs at login ,but I'd prefer that it be the default and work for any users who log in [01:11] !9.10 | doubletwist [01:11] avielfox, what do you need to find out? [01:11] JeoTheLeo: then none of that would affect X at all [01:11] doubletwist: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [01:12] im planning on buying an archos 5 internet tablet [01:12] sebsebseb: No, he seemed surprised that Windows could access Ext2/3 filesystems though so I thought I'd send that to him for personal reference [01:12] kthx [01:12] RegressLess: have you checked the zsnes forums? theres a whole section on controllers there [01:12] just would like to know if it is stable [01:12] avielfox, yeah its very stable. [01:12] jrib, so where did I go wrong? [01:12] mattgirv: oh ok, and it's better really to keep Windows away from Linux partitions :) unless it's a data only partition, but even then hmm. yes I am thinking about for example nasty viruses that can delete everything on a Windows install [01:13] thankyou mattgyver [01:13] avielfox, its really only for mobile devices though, and.. thats about all its good for currently [01:13] mattgyver: and if Linux partitions are mounted in Windows, well they will do those as well probably [01:13] JeoTheLeo: no idea. But if all you did was compile that new kernel and now you have booted into the old kernel it is impossible for it to be the cause of your current woes [01:13] jrib: menuconfig perhaps? [01:13] sebsebseb: Sure, I wouldn't recommend continual usage, its handy for sharing/retrieving documents though [01:13] ok, thanks for advice [01:13] well it is a mobile devide [01:13] device [01:13] after installing kernel 2.6.29 with apt in jaunty, the kernel fails to boot. it tries to load devide by-uuid, and succeeds, but then tries to mount several stuff in a different uuid. i checked that uuid, it corresponds to swap device. what may I do to prevent this? [01:13] mattgirv: also Ubuntu and other distros, can read and write to NTFS no problem, as long as Windows shut it down properly [01:13] fwiw, ubuntu server install is much better than the last time I used it (2006) [01:14] sebsebseb: Yes, its handy to have it work both ways. I sadly get stuck in Windows from time to time [01:14] avielfox, i have an android g1 and i love it [01:14] mattgyver: Why? [01:14] I was able to somehow install and run bitchx last night, though i closed the terminal and. How do I get it back up and running? [01:14] JeoTheLeo: maybe you overwrote some modules, idk [01:14] sebsebseb, ? [01:14] nice [01:14] jrib: so how do I restore them? [01:14] ever heard of the archos 5? [01:14] JeoTheLeo: reinstall from the repository [01:14] or archos in general? [01:14] mattgyver: Wine or VM of Windows, depending on the apps? [01:14] mattgyver: and RAM if you don't have enough for a VM [01:15] jrib: liveCD then? [01:15] can someone please point me to a url about which ubuntu releases are the long-term ones, and whether the upcoming koala one will be? [01:15] norstrom: most refer to windows :P [01:15] JeoTheLeo: sure [01:15] !lts | snail [01:15] snail: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.04 [01:15] hello, when i start dhcp3-server and check status it says it is running but after a while when i check the stats it says it is not running but PID exists.. anyone have any idea??? [01:15] for some reason im not able to change my volume levels in ubuntu, only in programs and like youtube [01:15] jrib: how do I install from liveCD onto my partition though? [01:15] prince_jammys: thanks [01:15] avielfox, avoid teh archos, terrible customer service for a device like anyother pda [01:15] my volume can be muted in ubuntu and i still hear sounds [01:15] snail: welcome [01:16] JeoTheLeo: get the debs for what you want to install on your partition then use dpkg [01:16] sebsebseb, !=mattgirv [01:16] JeoTheLeo: why were you rebuilding your kernel for intel? [01:16] ok, can you please supply the commands? [01:16] norstrom: want to help me make sense of these instructions? http://ubuntu.bryanludvigsen.com/?p=41 === keldin is now known as keldin_away [01:16] kevin|demarest: I wanted to enable 3D graphics acceleration for games [01:17] avielfox: test_: yes - terrible devices. I still have the older gen and they charge more for plugins like ability to play aac sound more than the player itself. Also terrible battery life, no charger, terrible contacts everywhere, fragile screen, horrible, horrible french garbage === francisco is now known as Francis_Albert [01:17] mattgyver: oh I see I messaged you when meant to of messaged mattgirv [01:17] JeoTheLeo: I really doubt this is the case though. No I cannot supply the commands. You're compiling kernels, you need to be willing to read and learn [01:17] sebsebseb, its no problem i just want to make sure he sees your response :D [01:17] JeoTheLeo: what games? [01:17] mattgyver: ok :) [01:17] JeoTheLeo: if this is too difficult, just reinstall, come back here, and ask for help with your issue before compiling your own kernel [01:18] craparooni [01:18] yofrankie...ufo alien invasion....etc. [01:18] bad burn of the ubuntu disk [01:18] JeoTheLeo: are those FOSS? [01:18] jrib, I'll give it my best shot, I just don't want to mess things further [01:18] !md5sum | agliodbs [01:18] agliodbs: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [01:18] yeah, I did the on-boot check [01:18] failed [01:18] burning again [01:18] agliodbs: ok check your ISO as well [01:19] sebsebseb: Visual Studio doesn't run too great under Wine :p And a VM is alright now and then but sometimes its easier to just boot into Windows if I'm stuck with it all day :( [01:19] I do believe so kevin|demarest [01:19] JeoTheLeo: if you're data is backed up and you have a live cd...it shouldn't be that big a problem === comfnumb is now known as pencapchew [01:19] JeoTheLeo: interesting [01:19] * kevin|demarest rubs his chin [01:19] mattgirv: I see, why you doing that anyway? Python and stuff like that would be better to learn :) [01:19] kevin|demarest: want a nice linux-games link? [01:19] sebsebseb: Its not out of choice, well it is.. but I get paid alright :) [01:20] JeoTheLeo: did you try the intel graphics drivers ppa before you tried building a new kernel? [01:20] mattgirv: I see, and I guess the apps your making are closed source hmm [01:20] !freedom | mattgirv [01:20] mattgirv: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing [01:20] Aye :( [01:20] JeoTheLeo: I want you to have a system that is functioning [01:20] mattgirv: as in yes? [01:20] can someone help me with these instructions: http://ubuntu.bryanludvigsen.com/?p=41 or help me set up a dev with these source files: http://qjoypad.sourceforge.net/#download brb [01:20] kevin|demarest: ppa? [01:20] sebsebseb: Fortunately the programs I make that happen to be closed source aren't too interesting anyway [01:21] back [01:21] sebsebseb: Mostly database related apps for a prison I work at :p [01:21] mattgirv: ah ok [01:21] JeoTheLeo: personal packages archive [01:21] !ppa [01:21] With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart. [01:21] JeoTheLeo: are you a developer? [01:21] sebsebseb: Open Source all the way if it ain't going to get my ass sued by someone with lots of money :) [01:21] kevin|demarest: no [01:22] kevin|demarest: I'd like to be one in the not-so-far future though [01:22] Hello [01:22] JeoTheLeo: likewise [01:22] dos anyone know if you can run ispconfig with iredmail? [01:22] RegressLess: I tried to install/build zsnes but it does not seem to like my 64bit proc [01:22] mattgirv: yep probably not === MK-ubuntu is now known as MK-BB [01:23] JeoTheLeo: ifconfig doesn't show any network devices? [01:23] I could reboot from the HDD and try... [01:24] dos anyone know if you can run ispconfig with iredmail? [01:24] but I want to have more commands up my sleeve before rebooting again [01:24] i have ubuntu on 3 different machines with openssl server. how come on some the login responds instantly and some it pauses for about 15 seconds before asking for the password? [01:25] JeoTheLeo: ifconfig, startx [01:25] JeoTheLeo: lynx [01:25] CppIsWeird, yeah that happens to me too, not sure why [01:25] JeoTheLeo: sudo apt-get lynx [01:25] norstrom: did you try through add/remove? [01:26] I tried [01:26] koganei, heh, glad im not crazy then. :P [01:26] norstrom: haven't tried 64 bit in a loooong time, but I've got the pc for it [01:27] RegressLess: no actuall, I was try'n to do a build but I'll grab from repos [01:28] sudo apt-get lynx? or install lynx? [01:28] JeoTheLeo: sudo apt-get install lynx [01:28] ok [01:28] but that's when I connect [01:28] can someone that has 2.6.29 kernel do a: cat /boot/config-2.6.28-1-netbook|grep CONFIG_REISERFS_FS ? and tell me if it is supported there? [01:28] oops, wrong kernel.. just a second [01:28] RegressLess: BOOO! No 64bit support or option for zsnes [01:28] JeoTheLeo: yeah. ifconfig lists networking hardware. I don't remember the command for restarting networking [01:29] replace that config, with the appropriate for a 2.6.29 kernel that may be installed [01:29] Is there any way to continue an incomplete installation of Jaunty? I thought the laptop was plugged in and went to bed... apparently the battery died before grub got installed. No /boot/grub directory and I get an 'error 17' [01:29] for some reason, mine doesnt have reiserfs support [01:29] mnemonic76, why not just start over? it would be much easier [01:29] JeoTheLeo, kevin|demarest ; to restart network should be, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [01:29] kevin|demarest: net join? [01:30] JeoTheLeo: I was thinking /etc/init.d/networking restart [01:30]
Dasei, I see. OK, I can use the life cd, unmount all my drives and then format the specific partition. Thanks! [01:30] The laptop cant boot to cd, I have to set up a PXE server and let it download EVERYTHING! It would suck... [01:30] norstrom: lame! sorry, I'm in and out as it's time for the kids to go to bed [01:30] RegressLess: no worries [01:31] DD:np [01:31] aha, so the init.d directory isn't loading? [01:31] CppIsWeird: I guess that is what I will do if need be... I am booted into sysrescuecd right now (chatting) and have the hd for the laptop mounted... is there some way to fix? [01:32] JeoTheLeo: beats me === tyler is now known as barnburner [01:32] anyone have any experience modifying a LTSP installation to have the LTSP Clients connect to a random RDP_REMOTE IP Address [01:32] I'll install irssi if I was able to connect to the internet from there [01:32]
sorry about the delay... My five year old decided to paint the dog. Hard to get mad... its water based. Collies will put up with anything is a kid is doing it. LOL [01:32] JeoTheLeo, im trying to follow what your doing, mind explaining again? [01:32] ttyl and thanks [01:32] JeoTheLeo: vi /etc/init.d/networking [01:32] JeoTheLeo: good luck [01:33] mattgyver: I tried this http://wiki.x.org/wiki/Development/git [01:33] DD: you maybe missed me with some person whom cares with it [01:33] hey irc...i have a file in the trash and I try to restore it and it says that there is an error and that items in the trash cant be modifeid...is this a permissions issue? [01:33] JeoTheLeo, oh wow, thats nothing I have any idea about :( [01:33] us* [01:33] JeoTheLeo, Ill let you know when im as cool as you [01:33] mattgyver: after that I tried doing the sudo gnome-update.....there wasn't such command.....so I switched onto update-gnome [01:34] * JeoTheLeo rethinks [01:34] * JeoTheLeo reconsiders what he did [01:34] hi.. i have a problem... how fix my usuntu session if my login time is less 10 seconds__ [01:34]
abcdeft... if you are going to insult someone... learn to speak the language [01:34] JeoTheLeo, I didnt even know there was either gnome-update or update-gnome until you just said that [01:34] ubuntu: I don't understand your question [01:34] what do people use to mount iso files? [01:35]
Dasei, later and thanks again. [01:35] peeps_: mount program [01:35] mattgyver: I play a lot without reading instructions properly...:S [01:35] peeps_, sudo mount -o loop /path/to/isofile.iso i think [01:35] peeps_: you can loop mount them.. mount -o file.so /path [01:35] JeoTheLeo, mattgyver: gnome-update or update-gnome isn't in http://wiki.x.org/wiki/Development/git [01:35] peeps_: I mean mount command [01:35] i thought there used to be a nautilus right click option, but i don't see it anymore [01:35] (mount -o loop file.so /path) [01:35] woah [01:35] one sec [01:35] i can use archive mounter, but that doesn't seem to be the same [01:36] ubuntu: sometimes that error springs up with bad .ICEauthority file permissions. Did you change the permissions of files inside your home directory? [01:36] yeah sorry, update-grub [01:36] :S === cat_ is now known as Guest70213 [01:36] peeps, make a directory and mount to that directory, mkdir /media/isodir && mount -o loop ~/path/to/iso /media/isodir [01:36] peeps_, is my cats name ';) [01:36] sorry, my head's thinking gnome's busted [01:37] mattgyver, :-D [01:37] JeoTheLeo, The purpose of the gnome-update your talking about, is it just to update gnome ?? [01:37] how to make voice call in ubuntu [01:37] mattgyver: it's update grub [01:37] grub-update and update-grub...not gnome...sorry [01:37] kevin|demarest, aha! [01:37] how can the total bytes be so much higher than the accumulation of the bytes in the table? can some one please explain this iptables issue? http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=29060 === azarion is now known as anahel [01:38] JeoTheLeo: why did you think following http://wiki.x.org/wiki/Development/git would work? [01:38] mycomputer, if voip, there are a few skype apps, but look at ekiga its already included in ubuntu, if not skyp look into asterix [01:38] kevin|demarest: I actually followed intellinuxgraphics.org and they lead me there [01:38] hey irc...i have a file in the trash and I try to restore it and it says that there is an error and that items in the trash cant be modifeid...is this a permissions issue? [01:39] barnburner, probably not it could be corrupt, but you could try to do a ls -l, i dont have a clue what the trash directory is though ;l [01:39] JeoTheLeo: I'll check it out [01:39] how to execute c program in ubuntu [01:39] mycomputer: try compiling it.. [01:40] Are there any compatibility issues with the Dell Mini 10? [01:40] mycomputer, you have to compile the program with make, but you need to make sure you have gcc and build essentials.. probably easier to goggle it. [01:40] How do I enable people to ssh in my box..? i think by default it is closed or not active? [01:40] Biovore:how i cant understand? [01:40] Are there any compatibility issues with the Dell Mini 10? [01:40] mycomputer: use gcc or g++ [01:40] /etc/init.d/ssh start [01:40] if that doesn't work [01:40] install openssh [01:40] thans [01:40] apt-get install openssh [01:40] feh, bad download [01:41] re-downloading [01:41] epaphus, you have to install openSSH and then ensure that port 22 is forwarded to the machine you want to set as a gateway. Also make sure they have logins... [01:41] thanks [01:41] mycomputer: also codeblocks and netbeans work nicely [01:41] mycomputer: you can get them from the repositories [01:42] JeoTheLeo: repositories means? [01:42] hey, anyone know if you can access a smb share over the internet?? [01:42] !repo [01:42] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories [01:42] !gcc [01:42] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [01:43] mattgirv, if its openssh, when i do apt-get install openssh it says couldnt find any packages [01:43] epaphus, Hmm... lemme look real quick, it should be openssh, or maybe openssh-server [01:43] epaphus, sudo apt-get install openssh-server [01:44] ';) [01:44] Is there a program like Virtual Trace Route for linux ? [01:44] mycomputer: the ADD/Remove program uses the repositories....so you can just type netbeans or codeblocks [01:44] mattgyver, thanks server. === anon_ is now known as roe === dabossbv1 is now known as dabossbv [01:44] *visual trace route [01:44] dam typo's === c is now known as charitwo [01:44] epaphus, just a suggestion, i would disable root from being able to ssh in, that can be set in the /etc/ssh/sshd.conf i think. === adante_ is now known as adante [01:44] if you need root you can still use sudo, or do a sudo -i [01:45] Help Please. I am trying to do a usbcore kernel fix for virtual box using this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=970628 BUT the thread is for 2.6.27 and I have 2.6.28-15 and its not working. help please?? [01:45] Piranah: errrm, you can use the network tools... [01:45] JeoTheLeo: how do you check what version of the intel driver is installed? [01:45] mattgyver, thanks === Prodego_ is now known as Prodego [01:46] kevin|demarest: BIOS? [01:46] i found that if someone is going to ssh your system using brute force, then denying ssh root login is kinda useless since they can just log in as a normal user and then sudo -i [01:46] hello.. one simple question..what is the alternate to babylon? [01:46] epaphus, np, let me know if you need anything else related to that ill be glad to help [01:46] JeoTheLeo: in Ubuntu [01:46] I just enabled the magnify option on my screen... how do I take it off?... :/ [01:46] JeoTheLeo: I know lshw -C display [01:46] JeoTheLeo: but it doesn't show anything about versions or file names [01:46] hey all [01:46] hmmm [01:47] kevin|demarest: the BIOS is OS independant... [01:47] Is there anything avail for linux like Visual Trace Route ? [01:47] kevin|demarest: the BIOS is OS independent... [01:47] anyone now how to write a script for nvclock [01:47] not network tools [01:47] lol [01:47] Help Please. I am trying to do a usbcore kernel fix for virtual box using this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=970628 BUT the thread is for 2.6.27 and I have 2.6.28-15 and its not working. help please?? [01:47] I want to see the lines on a map [01:47] JeoTheLeo: yes it is. I don't have the password for my bios. I set it and forget it :/. I meant what driver (module?) linux is using [01:47] !babylon [01:47] Sorry, I don't know anything about babylon [01:48] anybody..? === _Siegfried is now known as Siegfried === [1]Olivius67 is now known as Olivius67 [01:48] JeoTheLeo: @ http://intellinuxgraphics.org 2.8.1 is the newest driver [01:49] looking for pointers on getting gyachi to connect to yahoo [01:49] Help Please. I am trying to do a usbcore kernel fix for virtual box using this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=970628 BUT the thread is for 2.6.27 and I have 2.6.28-15 and its not working. help please?? [01:49] anybody know how to return the screen to normal after I hit some hotkey to enlarge it..? [01:49] kevin|demarest: you mean graphics driver [01:50] epaphus, you tried rebootin or restartin your xserver? [01:50] LATER [01:50] kevin|demarest: btw, you can flash your BIOS...or are you using a laptop? [01:50] epaphus, was the hot key ctrl + 1 or something?? [01:50] interesting [01:50] mezquitale, no.. but its a hotkey that provokes that... [01:50] i dont remember ive seen other ubuntu users recreate it hmm [01:50] epaphus, are you using compiz? [01:50] Out_Cold, i think it was [01:51] mattgyver, this is brand new instakk [01:51] help [01:51] oh.. [01:51] epaphus, try another number with your hot keys.. [01:51] JeoTheLeo: I'm using a laptop. I haven't flash a bios using gnu/linux [01:51] Hi, Whats up?, como andan? [01:51] ctrl + 2 or something [01:51] *flashed [01:52] Out_Cold, no luck :/ [01:52] can you get back into compizconfig settings manager? [01:52] !foo [01:52] bar [01:52] how can I find out what version of snd_hda_intel is installed? [01:52] Out_Cold, where is that? [01:53] should be in system>admin>compiz [01:53] kevin|demarest: http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-028686.htm [01:53] epaphus, not sure if this will work but from terminal you could try this... xrandr -s ?? [01:53] how to setup my own website [01:53] can a BIOS be seen as a miniature operating system? [01:53] how to setup my own website using ubuntu server? [01:53] Help Please. I am trying to do a usbcore kernel fix for virtual box using this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=970628 BUT the thread is for 2.6.27 and I have 2.6.28-15 and its not working. help please?? [01:54] mattgyver, the resolution is already set to 1024x768... [01:54] epaphus, doh [01:55] buenas [01:55] N30n: how can I help? === Hadi is now known as Hadi|AWAY [01:55] JeoTheLeo: reading [01:55] ive seen other users magnify their screen.. its a hot key but i dont know which one it is [01:55] Could anyone help me figure out why this brand new high-ish end graphics card I bought isnt displaying very well? [01:56] zoom desktop [01:56] JeoTheLeo: that link doesn't have information for GNU/Linux [01:56] deamonunix, its gonna require that you setup apache, after that you pretty much put the files in /var/www and make sure you chgrp www-data /var/www/sitefolder [01:56] CTRL + scroll = magnify [01:56] :( [01:56] devnull_, yes,,, how do i manipulate that? [01:56] i have mine at META + scroll [01:57] epaphus, compiz ? [01:57] yes, depends on keyboard layout [01:57] yes it does [01:57] hey how do i change the label of a hard drive...like it says music right now...i want to change it to something different [01:57] hey guys, I've got some issues with the xserver-xorg-video-intel driver that look like they are fixed in Karmic. I don't want to go to Karmic yet, so is there a way I can get that package built for Jaunty without too much hassle? [01:57] kevin|demarest: http://www.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-010512.htm [01:57] i hate having a windows key on my linux machine ... meta is much more politicaly correct :) [01:57] but im using dynamic IP [01:57] hi! whats the ubuntu website where people can vote on new features/vote them up or down? [01:57] how to fixed that? [01:58] so have a stable connection? [01:58] Meta or Super ? [01:58] ahh nvm [01:58] brainstorm === Hadi|AWAY is now known as H[a]di [01:58] deamonunix, setup a DDNS service and install the IP updater from a provider like Dyndns, or no-ip.com [01:58] juancarlos, yea ... much more os independant [01:58] #amistad [01:58] buenas [01:58] conecction floood spam [01:59] hola [01:59] barnburner, the drives volume name is normally that of the folder it is mounted in [01:59] wow ... net split ? [01:59] alguien sabe como instalar el pluging java para firefox? [01:59] JeoTheLeo: back at http://intellinuxdrivers.org [01:59] barnburner, you might have to do a umount on the folder, rename the directory and then remount the drive. [01:59] si [01:59] me lo podrias explicar? [01:59] o man, it just netshit [01:59] !es [01:59] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [01:59] !netsplit [01:59] netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit [01:59] gracias [02:00] #ubuntu-es [02:00] Veder: you're welcome [02:00] Veder: /j #ubuntu-es [02:00] Veder: pone en la barra de direciones de firefox: apt:flashplugin-nonfree [02:01] it is okey to setup using my existing ubuntu 9.04 desktop? [02:01] so i just installed an app in synaptic and the name of the app in terminal does nothing and there are no decernable start menu changes how do i find out where it went and how to start it? [02:01] UniversalIndentGui is the app [02:01] /j #ubuntu-es [02:01] deamonunix, its okay to set it up that way but you really need to make sure your system is pretty tight from a security standpoint [02:01] deamonunix, i would look into setting up fail2ban before you even think about going live with it [02:02] cans someone help me create a deb from source files? [02:02] RegressLess, why not just install from source? [02:02] i have ubuntu on 3 different machines with openssl server. how come on some the login responds instantly and some it pauses for about 15 seconds before asking for the password? [02:02] ok [02:02] mattgyver: you wanna walk me through it? [02:02] mattgyver, why not run mac? [02:02] so ineed to setup ubuntu server ed? [02:02] innomen, i dont follow. [02:03] hiya [02:03] mattgyver, pet peeve, ignore me, cant stand the "want something else" type answers [02:03] deamonunix: You can use your current system [02:03] oh oh, ok, i wont ignore you though :) [02:03] my ubuntu 9.04 desktop? [02:04] mattgyver, running from source is a halfway, like a tutorial, its not a solution [02:04] deamonunix: Correct [02:04] innomen, thats why im helping him in pm :D [02:04] deb are better, repo is best [02:04] mattgyver, thats because you're awesome :) [02:04] what is the additional config to run my web? [02:04] does ubuntu have an onscreen keyboard or something...shift and cap locks dont seem to work over vnc.... [02:05] innomen, oh please! ill probably screw the hole thing up and he will be asking agin in 10 minutes [02:05] eai galera [02:05] mattgyver, thought that counts, and either way someone will learn something, mission accomplished [02:06] anyone have a clue how i find out where ubuntu hid this application? [02:06] CppIsWeird: It's because it's trying to do reverse DNS during that time, and won't ask for your password until it gets one (or doesn't) [02:06] innomen: how did you try to start it UniversalIndentGui [02:06] synaptic should tell you upon ciompletetion of install "to start this app" like it does in add remove [02:06] innomen: dpkg -L PACKAGE | grep bin [02:07] ctmjr, i looked for a menu entry, and then i tried typeing UniversalIndentGui in the terminal [02:07] jrib, will do [02:07] Flannel, why does one server respond immidately while the other two do not? Why would they not all be affected by this? [02:07] innomen: am not sure but believe it is UniversalIndentGUI the gui in caps [02:07] jrib, is that the install location? [02:07] CppIsWeird: Because some servers find your reverseDNS quickly, and the others dont. [02:08] whats the sudo type command to run that brings up the gui sudo box? [02:08] ctmjr, bash: UniversalIndentGUI: command not found [02:08] Is there a "printer" that will generate a .pdf and send it to an email recipient in one step? I'm trying to make sending invoices from GNUCash more efficient. [02:08] norstrom: gksu [02:09] Flannel: thanks! I was try'n everything... [02:09] ctmjr, jrib, it was UniversalIndentGUi all lower case [02:10] new error: universalindentgui: error while loading shared libraries: libqscintilla2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [02:11] innomen: sounds like you need some QT stuff [02:12] Biovore, suggestion? [02:12] whats QT, for starters [02:12] !QT [02:12] Qt is the Qt (pronounced "cute") toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt 3 applications or libqt4-dev for Qt 4 applications. Qt 4.4 is available from hardy-backports === isilion is now known as felix__ [02:13] somethings wrong with my sound, If im watching a movie. Kopetes notification sounds do not play at all [02:14] anyone here also having issue with ipw2200 on ubuntu 9.04 ? [02:14] my whole laptop stops responding when load ipw2200 modules [02:15] it was giving tons of parity errors. [02:15] Help please. Ubuntu 9.04. Installed virtualbox and it broke my wifi driver (atheros), how do I reinstall the wifi driver? [02:15] only way to make laptop functioning is unloaidng ipw2200 [02:15] Is there a list of recommended reading for linux commands? The main stuff is easy to google as you need it for tasks like ls, cp, mv, rm), but as I go I find lil gems like cat, grep, dd, dmesg. Is there a list of the 'main set' of commands? [02:15] looks like other people also having similar issue [02:16] http://forum.aircrack-ng.org/index.php?PHPSESSID=677fd561077b0eb6da53e2d1cd59ae4f&topic=5910.0 [02:16] anyone /j #freenode [02:16] What is a very light weight window manager that has a system tray option (for Pidgin, wicd etc) [02:16] whops [02:16] how can I find out what video driver I have installed? [02:16] what version? [02:16] somethings wrong with my sound, If im watching a movie. Kopetes notification sounds do not play at all [02:16] kevin|demarest: I tried startx and networking restart === a1g_ is now known as a1g [02:17] hola [02:17] JeoTheLeo: any luck? [02:18] nope [02:18] !es | DarhHost [02:18] DarhHost: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [02:18] !es [02:18] ? [02:18] kevin|demarest, not the best suggestion but try a lsmod and then try to see if you can determine anything from that. Sometimes you get lucky. [02:18] DarhHost: /join #ubuntu-es [02:18] thanks [02:18] failed to initialise for startx....and networking restart didn't connect though it didn't give an error either [02:18] legen....wait for it....----> [02:18] JeoTheLeo: I'm still trying to figure out what video driver version I have installed [02:19] DARY [02:19] mattgyver: suggested lsmod [02:19] oh n/m [02:19] kevin|demarest: I think linux installs i915 by default [02:19] somethings wrong with my sound, If im watching a movie. Kopetes notification sounds do not play at all [02:19] kevin|demarest: or dpkg -l > pakets.txt, then look up in this file === _SpacePigeon_ is now known as SpacePigeon [02:20] JeoTheLeo: I have headers in /usr/src/ that are named "intel" [02:20] DasEi: bash: pakets.txt: No such file or directory [02:21] Can Jackalope be upgraded directly to Koala? [02:21] Help please. Ubuntu 9.04. Installed virtualbox and it broke my wifi driver (atheros), how do I reinstall the wifi driver? [02:21] Help please. Ubuntu 9.04. Installed virtualbox and it broke my wifi driver (atheros), how do I reinstall the wifi driver? I want the ath5k driver. [02:21] or whichever is defualt in 9.04 [02:21] N30n, you want it on the virtualbox? [02:21] DasEi: nevermind [02:22] Biovore, i have qt 4 installed... i dont know what to do from here, i just want a gui for tidy heheh [02:22] JeoTheLeo, i need help reinstalling the driver. when I installed virtualbox it broke my original driver (something I remember from past expirience) how do I reinsatll the ath5k? [02:23] noob question: trying to clean up some software i accidentally deleted the log out thing (the thing on the upper right that lets you logout/shut down) does anyone know where i can go to reinstall it? [02:23] mattgyver: i change the folders that the hds are mounted in and also changed the fstab but the label of the hds on the desktop didnt change [02:23] kevin|demarest: dpkg -l > pakets.txt , then look up in this file [02:23] DasEi: I needed to be in a folder I had permissions in. I was in /usr/src [02:23] kevin|demarest: see or use sudo [02:24] DasEi: I changed directories [02:24] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1065880 [02:24] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=987955 === ae is now known as ae0000 [02:24] N30n/\ [02:24] ok [02:24] barnburner, see PM [02:24] tnx u smch [02:25] g2g [02:25] kevin|demarest: I'm not sure if the used driver is found there, but detailed info about x you get from /var/log/Xorg.0.log [02:25] noob question: trying to clean up some software i accidentally deleted the log out thing (the thing on the upper right that lets you logout/shut down) does anyone know where i can go to reinstall it? [02:25] JeoTheLeo: lsmod lists i915 [02:25] yeah [02:25] how do i get my sound device configured correctly to play sounds from multiple applications [02:25] somethings wrong with my sound, If im watching a movie. Kopetes notification sounds do not play at all [02:26] accol: right click upper panel > add > ... [02:26] anyone kere, knows stuff about crytpology? [02:26] ah "module version = 2.8.99" compiled for 1.6.3 [02:26] borek_: details ? [02:26] where from? [02:26] JeoTheLeo: did you look at your Xorg.0.log file then decide to recompile your kernel? [02:27] nope [02:27] it says "compiled for 1.6.3" [02:27] a very general, drunken questtion. Can I PM you? === Akuma0n3 is now known as Akuma [02:27] borek_: go ahead [02:27] JeoTheLeo: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//intel_drv.so [02:28] JeoTheLeo: want me to paste my Xorg.0.log to pastebin? [02:28] Is there a list of netbooks that ubuntu works on perfectly? [02:28] if you'd like [02:28] I would [02:29] accol: right click the panel add to panel see if it's in there [02:29] I mean if it's ok with you [02:29] It totally is [02:29] !who JeoTheLeo [02:29] Sorry, I don't know anything about who JeoTheLeo [02:29] crud [02:30] What does !who do? [02:30] rashed2020: JeoTheLeo was talking to me [02:30] Yeah I know. I was kidding. [02:30] rashed2020: oh. [02:30] rashed2020: are you serious about !who? [02:30] Yeah. [02:30] !who rashed2020 [02:30] Sorry, I don't know anything about who rashed2020 [02:30] you have to put a | between !who and rashed2020 [02:30] !cookies [02:30] Cookies are delicious delicacies. [02:31] !who | kevin|demarest [02:31] kevin|demarest: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [02:31] !bitches [02:31] * kevin|demarest eats !cookies like a cookie monster [02:31] Ohh [02:31] yerp [02:31] ubottu: I already do this [02:31] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [02:31] dont play with the bot [02:31] !play [02:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about play [02:31] :-( [02:31] !bacon [02:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about bacon [02:31] !ubuntu [02:31] Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com [02:31] i need help installing qstardict on ubuntu 9.04.i installed it..but i dont see it running..ubuntu says it is RUNNIN?? [02:32] !msgthebot [02:32] Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [02:32] * kevin|demarest sighs [02:32] * ewp likes bacon [02:33] Boooooo ubuntu+2 is invite only [02:34] JeoTheLeo, im still having trouble. Heres the deal, isntalling Virtualbox changes the kernel which effectivly breaks the ath5k driver, I need to recompile and install ath5k, I cant figure out how to do that. [02:34] cual es el canal de ubuntu en español [02:34] this bot is messed up lo;l [02:34] JeoTheLeo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/275598/ [02:35] !gender [02:35] yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :) [02:35] woot i knew it [02:36] !status [02:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about status [02:38] I'm using Evolution with google as the data store for my contacts and calendar. is there anyway to tell it to manually sync? [02:38] cual es el canal de ubuntu en español [02:39] kevin|demarest: compiled for 1.6.0, module version = 0.1.0 [02:40] oh wait [02:40] compiled for 1.6.0, module version = 2.6.3 [02:41] yeah [02:42] !es | cristian_ [02:42] cristian_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [02:42] I have a partition with another O.S. in an external HD. Is it possible to somehow set it to not be automounted? [02:42] livecd is a joke with an external drive [02:42] :( [02:42] should I just re-install ubuntu? :S [02:42] can someone help.. [02:42] JeoTheLeo: how much time do you have? I think I'd like to try recompiling, but I need to set up pxe for when it almost certainly doesn't work :\ [02:42] mercutio22, you can remove it from your /etc/fstab file [02:43] cant find the menu tabs for logs or restart.. [02:43] mercutio22: you can disable polling on the usb, but other usb won't automount then, too [02:43] kevin|demarest: I have all the time in the world....but I'm not making progress... [02:43] JeoTheLeo: are you running on a laptop? [02:44] nope, I hate laptops....since frying my own :D [02:44] histo, is the keyserver operating? [02:44] histo, is the keyserver operating? === Wolter is now known as SpacePigeon [02:44] couldn't flash the BIOS...had an unallocated space... [02:44] JeoTheLeo: how did you get the system to boot? [02:44] DasEi, mattgyver: my windows partition is never automounted. I just want to do the same: to be able to mount it by will, not automatically. Should I proceed editing the /etc/fstab file? [02:44] JeoTheLeo: I read you don't need to flash the bios on one of the links you sent me [02:45] JeoTheLeo: did you get any errors when you compiled? [02:45] mercutio22, yes edit fstab and you want to make sure your removing the line which locates that HDD that its installed on [02:45] kevin|demarest: oh, no that's something else....was telling you what I did to destroy my laptop....now I'm booting from liveCD [02:45] mercutio22, if you need help pastebin your fstab file === adante_ is now known as adante [02:46] kevin|demarest: multiple missing libraries....but I apt-get them all then it worked [02:46] JeoTheLeo: oh, flashing from a boot disk or from ubuntu? [02:46] JeoTheLeo: did you try a different kernel from the grub menu? [02:46] kevin|demarest: currently, no flashing at all....just booting from an ubuntu liveCD [02:47] JeoTheLeo: what about grub menu? did you try that? [02:47] kevin|demarest: tried the new ones I made....they had a PCI error and a couldn't find root file in 0,0 error [02:47] mercutio22: sudo fdisk -l << name of the usb device ? [02:47] JeoTheLeo: there was no backup kernel? [02:47] kevin|demarest: the backup kernel now boots to a command-line interface [02:48] hello, i've just used mdadm to create a RAID 1 pair of two drives. i now have /dev/md0, consisting of sdb and sdd. I already had an LVM on sda and sdc. How can I move my LVM to md0? [02:48] mattgyver, ok. Note that I want the other partition to keep being automounted... http://paste.ubuntu.com/275602/ [02:48] I had a problem kind of like this...when I upgraded to Ibex from Heron [02:49] I ended up just reinstalling, I tried grub menu to select different kernel but it wouldn't boot up [02:49] What is the command to restart X [02:49] shawn_: startx [02:49] shawn_: oh, sorry, cntrl-alt-backspace [02:49] shawn_: i think it's sudo /etc/init.d/xserver-xorg restart [02:49] I had a similar thing when I updated to Jaunty from Intrepid [02:49] hehe [02:49] DasEi: /dev/sdb5 [02:49] 9.04 doesn't have ctrl alt bcksp [02:49] Escriba el texto aqufffd....hola [02:50] anyone know when ubuntu 9.10 is out? [02:50] if i have added a ppa repos from launchpad, is it possible to remove that and go back to the package versions you had before updating? [02:50] alguien habla español? [02:50] mercutio22: sudo hal-disable polling /dev/sdb5 [02:50] shawn_: in 9.04 it is SysRq+k [02:50] !es | DJBilly [02:50] DJBilly: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [02:50] !karmic | JohnRobert [02:50] JohnRobert: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [02:50] thank you [02:50] danbhfive: I didn't know that. I think I reenabled cntrl-alt-backspace [02:50] will break? === mattgirv is now known as mattgirv|zzz [02:51] hey [02:51] DasEi: hal-disable command not found [02:51] JohnRobert : betas have bugs [02:51] * JeoTheLeo considers giving up and re-installing [02:51] JeoTheLeo: whats the problem? [02:52] JeoTheLeo: can you find anyone else that tried what you did? [02:52] mercutio22: sudo hal-disable-polling /dev/sdb5 typo "-" [02:53] JeoTheLeo: what error messages do you get? did you check your system log? [02:54] Full screen flash works poorly on my 6 year old hp desktop running ubuntu 9.04, anyone know how to fix it (I already tried turning off hardware acceleration which did not fix the problem) [02:54] Tulaneadam21, ati or nvidia [02:54] danbhfive...I tried: http://wiki.x.org/wiki/Development/git until the reboot part....but didn't actually change the grub on the update-grub command...kept it to default...then after rebooting I did make install again and then update-grub....on rebooting the new kernels didn't work and the old one now boots to a CLI [02:54] I'm not sure [02:54] Tulaneadam21: hardwarespecs ? [02:54] That command to restart X didnt work [02:55] 6 year old hp a465w desktop [02:55] shawn_: which one? [02:55] any startdict users??? [02:55] Is there any way to check if I have ati or nvidia, because it just says "standard vga" when I looked in my system properties [02:56] search the web for the specs on your computer [02:56] Kevin|demarest All of the commands people said dint work [02:56] that is what i would do [02:56] ANY STARDICT USERS..I NEED HELP...mine is translatign into one language [02:56] JeoTheLeo: yeah, I think you should just reinstall. It's the easiest for serious errors IHO [02:56] Tulaneadam21: lspci |grep vga [02:57] Tulaneadam21: run this i a terminal lspci | grep -i vga [02:57] ok, what's the best way to reinstall and lose as little files and configurations as possible [02:57] shawn_: did you type /etc/init.d/xserver-xorg restart in a terminal with sudo priviledges? [02:57] DasEi: it seems I must insert UDI instead of /dev/sdb5, how do I find it? [02:57] Tulaneadam21: few factors can cause this, weak hardware, slow connection, bad dispalydriver; to much refresh of ff in background, wrong codecs [02:58] It says command not found [02:58] mercutio22: udi ? uuid : sudo blkid [02:58] shawn_: dunno [02:58] will do [02:58] will do [02:58] Tulaneadam21: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [02:58] WOuld logging in and out be the equivelant of restarting X? [02:59] Tulaneadam21: when done .. [02:59] will do [02:59] shawn_: you have to use sudo too do that [02:59] DasEi: Yeah... thats what I meant to say =] thanks [02:59] shawn_: yes. if you want, you can search for "cntrl-alt-backspace ubuntu enable" to find a guide to reenable this shortcut. [02:59] sudo pseudo [02:59] via [03:00] sudo quasi [03:00] !dontzap | shawn_ [03:00] shawn_: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect. [03:01] quasi is better :P [03:01] modo? [03:02] Tulaneadam21: just call back when ready, ff can also be modified [03:02] ok, what's the best way to reinstall and lose as little files and configurations as possible [03:02] can someone help me get alsa working on ubuntu jaunty? i have a nvidia mobo with onboard sound (enabled) and i cant for the life of me get it working; http://pastie.org/624253 ; also i verified sound works *great* when i boot from ubuntu live cd; so it sounds to me my alsa config is messed up [03:02] running lspci I grep -i vga in terminal did not do anything [03:02] WHY IS UBUNTU BETTER THAN DEBIAN? [03:03] abcdefg: you're hurting my ears [03:03] DasEi: usage recommends: hal-disable-polling [--udi | --device ] what is the device-file thing? [03:03] !caps | abcdefg [03:03] abcdefg: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [03:03] Anyone know how to recompile the ath5k driver? [03:03] !ot | abcdefg [03:03] abcdefg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [03:04] arooni, im new but fif ya check that yer onboard was set in side gnome ? by default mine was set to NVidia HDMI off my vid card in place of the onboard nvidia sound [03:04] Tulaneadam21: it is not an I it is | the key above the enter key on qwerty keyboard [03:04] What is the PPA address for the new evolution 2.28? [03:04] Tulaneadam21, i would be looking on the web for the specs for your computer [03:04] WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THAT UPPERCASE IS SHOUTING, I DONT THINK SO. [03:04] ok, what's the best way to reinstall and lose as little files and configurations as possible [03:04] !troll | abcdefg [03:04] abcdefg: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel [03:04] abcdefg, basic email / im etiquette RTFM [03:04] Piranah, where do u set that [03:05] arooni: sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel && sudo apt-get install alsamixergui [03:05] francais [03:05] !fr | candie_ [03:05] candie_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [03:05] arooni, system prefeneces sound [03:06] OMG THIS ISN'T A CONCERN IN THE WEB THAT UPPERCASE IS SHOUTING [03:06] !ot abcdefg!ot | abcdefg [03:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about ot abcdefg!ot [03:06] ignore abcdefg [03:06] abcdefg, quit the all CAPS, right now [03:06] running "lspci | grep -i vga" in terminal returns "error, no file in directory" [03:06] abcdefg, omfg you must be 12 [03:06] DasEi, i see: "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: no such device" [03:06] abcdefg, yea your hitting your limit on trying to be humorous [03:07] Let us be civil. [03:07] mercutio22: sudo hal-disable-polling --udi "uuid" --device /dev/sdb5 no quotes for uuid [03:07] Tulaneadam21, find your specs on the internet [03:07] !feedthetroll [03:07] The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal. [03:07] serious, this shouting thing is non-sense [03:07] arooni: so still wrong driver [03:07] ctmjr: no he is still here [03:07] but if hurt you people I stop [03:07] !ot | abcdefg [03:07] abcdefg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [03:08] DasEi, yes appears so; how can i fix? [03:08] DasEi, in sound control panel i can still hear sound when i "Test" it [03:08] what is better in ubuntu rather than debian [03:08] sebsebseb: yea wrong factoid my mistake [03:08] !best | abcdefg [03:08] abcdefg: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [03:09] ctmjr: np [03:09] evolution 2.28 Is my only option to compile/build it myself? [03:09] How do I get two monitors going with seperate X servers... I have it set that way and it says I have to restart X but save the configuration to my X file first so I hit the save button and it says it couldnt remove old backup or something [03:09] What should I do? [03:09] arooni: http://paste.ubuntu.com/275612/ [03:10] The computer specs don't specify ati or nvidia online, but the computer comes with an ati multimedia cd, so ATI I guess but I'm not sure [03:10] DasEi: weird.. invalid udi: f5fe24bf-3bf2-4c65-b6e7-f7f2006c0376 Should I omit the dashes? [03:10] nope... [03:10] there is any difference regarding hardware compability between linux distros? [03:10] shawn_: are you using the nvidia gui tool to set it? [03:10] hmmm [03:10] ctmjr Yes [03:11] urthmover, if 2.28 is the current stable, and it was released before 9.10 feature freeze, it'll be in next month's Ubuntu release [03:11] so I have a machine on my desk that doessn't function properly [03:11] X is very very very sluggish, the WM isn't drawing titlebars properly, and when i move the mouse around, i see blocks around it that don't draw right.... [03:11] how can i pipe all the file and folder names of a given directory to a file? [03:11] Tulaneadam21: sudo apt-get install hwinfo && sudo hwinfo << for detailed hw-info [03:11] in windows it was dir *.* /s > list.txt [03:11] Tulaneadam21: Have you looked in BIOS at boot? [03:12] innomen: ls * -R > list.txt [03:12] innomen: ls > list.txt [03:12] capital R, not lowercase [03:12] mercutio22: no quotes, or try without udi-option [03:12] MrFSL: he's looking for recursive (/s switch) [03:12] rogerrabbitdidit, thanky [03:12] find works too [03:12] find ./ [03:13] shawn_: you need to run it as root sudo nvidia-settings then it will save it to xorg [03:13] having to run nvidia-settings from a sudo is so lame....there should be a save as root button or something [03:14] mercutio22: just tried myself (diff. devicename) hal-disable-polling --device /dev/sdd [03:14] sudo * [03:14] or nvidia-settings could ask if you want to run in superuser mode when it starts [03:14] urthmover: if they had such a button, it would be called the VFV (vector-for-virus) button :) [03:14] http://pastebin.com/d42aab18 [03:14] mercutio22: sudo hal-disable-polling --device /dev/sdb for your case [03:15] rogerrabbitdidit: thats true...but having it ask to run in superuser mode on startup might work [03:15] easy question... how do i make my screen resolution bigger? [03:15] thanks [03:15] rogerrabbitdidit: then prompt for user/pass [03:15] !resolution | migg137 [03:15] migg137: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [03:16] DasEi.. i dont want to restart... just make it different [03:16] Tulaneadam21: through so far ? [03:16] is there away to open terminal using a keystroke [03:16] migg137: you have a nvidia? intel? what? [03:16] dasei, sudo hwinfo does a scan but does not display the results [03:16] matthew... yes there is [03:17] matthew1: Yes [03:17] MrFSL, i have intel chipset family [03:17] i can now hear audio output through rhytembox; but i cant hear any audio out on flash videos on youtube via firefox . runnning jaunty and have the latest flash player (from adobe) installed. [03:17] then system > preferences > display [03:17] migg137, vigo, lol sorry for not being more specific, allow me to continue; ...if so, how? Thank you :-) === administrator is now known as Guest93254 [03:17] DasEi: weird: The given drive don't use removable media so it's not polled anyway. [03:17] matthew1... sysptems preferences keyboard shortcuts [03:18] matthew1: Depends on the system, usually in Preferences;Keyboard Shortcuts. [03:18] Ubuntu did not prompt me to install either an ati or nvidia driver upon installation, which leads me to believe the computer might have some standard vga graphics card, and not be ati or nvidia based, but i know knothing about computer hardware [03:18] =1 [03:18] vigo, migg137, ha ha, that was too easy I guess I should have looked harder. thank you! [03:19] np [03:19] Tulaneadam21: lspci | grep -i vga [03:19] mercutio22: so you had the wrong device, carefully (size) look up sudo fdisk -l again [03:19] Tulaneadam21: sudo hwinfo > hwi.txt for a comfortable file, sudo hwinfo | grep vga [03:19] matthew1.. no prob i mad emine be ctrl shift t [03:19] its easy to remeber because t for terminal [03:20] or K [03:20] lspci | grep -i vga does nothing in terminal [03:20] lspci | grep -i vid [03:21] lspci | grep -i vid does not display any output in terminal either unless I'm mistyping it [03:21] what are the software we can use to develop web pages on ubuntu [03:22] sudo hwinfo --gfxcard [03:22] Guest93254, use nvu, i think its called komposer now [03:22] Guest93254, theres also bluefish [03:22] Guest93254, then you can make pages for the internets [03:23] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQekFkgpFJs funny news [03:23] Tulaneadam21: one of these three should display your graphics info [03:24] I have somehow lost copy/paste into a gnome-terminal it used to be Ctrl+Shift+V how do I troubleshoot this? [03:24] O__o, i remember that [03:24] O__o, paid for by m$ [03:24] really? [03:24] no [03:25] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qj8p-PEwbI this was the first news [03:25] O__o, he said it looks alot like windows [03:25] ha [03:25] urthmover: Crtl+Shift+V still works here. [03:25] those idiots cant even pronounce the word ubuntu right [03:25] yeah it works sporadically for me....very very odd [03:25] Tulaneadam21:unbelieveable .. sudo apt-get install pastebinit [03:25] thanks for the feedback AfC === deacon is now known as forgotten [03:26] Tulaneadam21: sudo hwinfo | pastebinit << give url from terminal here [03:26] via unichrome graphics card [03:26] hi, guys. can i ask about trouble installing epiphany-webkit here? [03:27] Tulaneadam21: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log [03:27] ? [03:27] dude, you got a dell [03:27] haha [03:28] Tulaneadam21: that is an old one yes? [03:28] I would love some guidance on upgrading my evolution to 2.28 it seems that I must compile/build my own...yet when I do apt-get build-dep there are about 10 dependencies that are still needed.....Does anyone know of a PPA with the latest evolution 2.28 on it? [03:28] O__o, thats almost as exciting news as apple dropping the mac guy from the commercials cuz a poll shows people like the pc character [03:28] they still have those commercial on tv [03:28] ? [03:29] yeah, apparently they are old, there filming new ones [03:29] How do I remove my Nvidia driver? [03:29] I've seen new mac guy commercials about every month [03:29] shawn_, i think you can remove it from restricted drivers [03:29] MrFSL, yes, it is a 6 year old hp desktop [03:29] !offtopic [03:29] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [03:30] i'm trying to install epiphany-webkit using aptitude. i keep getting this error message: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/icons/HighContrastLargePrint/48x48/apps/gnome-web-browser.png'. i've removed that file and i stil can't get it to install. i keep getting the same error message. [03:30] Hi, I have a question about wireless cards. I can connect on my network as the admin but not under my user name. Is there a something I need to do? [03:30] mattgyver hwhat do you mean from restricted drivers? In Synaptic? [03:30] binMonkey: another package has that installed, and is causing a conflict [03:31] shawn_, Administration > Hardware Drivers [03:31] Can someone name the application to get the bar of information on the left side of this picture? http://failreactor.com/images/desktop_09_september2.png [03:31] mattgyver I didnt install it through there I installed it with a .run [03:31] Ben64: i've tried to remove the package that has that and aptitude wants to remove a bunch of dbg files for other programs. is that ok to do? [03:31] Tulaneadam21: sudo hwinfo | pastebinit << give url from terminal here [03:31] Tulaneadam21: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log [03:31] demonspork, its conky [03:32] Tulaneadam21: so what is wrong... no graphics? [03:32] binMonkey: what package has it? [03:32] mattgyver, thank you very much [03:32] Dasei, do I run that cmd in terminal? [03:32] demonspork, np, you will have to look around cuz there are 'themes' and things that you setup.. it doesnt come looking like that [03:32] shawn_, im not too sure :( [03:32] Tulaneadam21: yes please :-D [03:32] Ben64: epiphany-webroser-data. removing that leads to removing others including gnome-dbg. [03:32] when i log out so i change change sessions insted of taking me to the login screen it logs me out into command line so i have to type start x to get back inn why would i take me there insted of the login screen gui [03:33] mattgyver, can you name the one in that picture? or am I just going to have to look for it? [03:33] How do I set up dual screens on Ubuntu without Nvidia Driver but with an ATI [03:33] mattgyver, because at the moment I just keep a few terminal windows stuck in the background with devilspie, and that would be a lot cleaner looking [03:34] demonspork, your gonna have to look around unfortunatly, and its probably custom. You edit a .conkyrc file and put in the commands the way you want it laid out, there are certain plugins like weather you have to setup too [03:34] any easy way to get irssi installed on 8.10? [03:34] is grub ubuntus version of dos [03:34] adante: sudo apt-get install irssi ?! [03:34] adante: isn't it in the repos? [03:34] demonspork, conky can be from very easy to setup, all the way to very complicated depending on what you want on there. [03:34] DasEi: oop, irssi 0.8.14 on ubuntu 8.10 i mean [03:34] hello [03:35] !info irssi [03:35] irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-6ubuntu1.1 (jaunty), package size 1057 kB, installed size 2908 kB [03:35] i want to change my public ip adress [03:35] adress [03:35] how can i do it? [03:35] jazzzz: talk to your ISP.. [03:35] pastebinit/var/log/Xorg.0.log "no such file or directoryZ" [03:35] if i reboot my freebox i keep always the same ip adress [03:36] jazzzz: nothing really.. maybe unplug your cable modem for a bit.. and hope your ISP assigns you a new IP.. [03:36] anyone know why when i log out it drops me into "dos" insted of the gui logi n screen [03:36] demonspork, http://imagebin.org/64767 if you want you can see the code to mine to get an idea [03:36] Tulaneadam21: 0=zero, case sensitive [03:36] no it don't in france with a freebox [03:36] brasero doesn't seems to burn VCD or DVD movies.. why? [03:36] always keeping the same [03:36] so i guess that's a no :] [03:37] demonspork, sorry, that one was cut off, check this http://imagebin.org/64768 [03:37] c0l2e: hard to stay, start it from terminal to see error output or try k3b [03:37] say* [03:37] yeah, it still says no such file or directory [03:38] Tulaneadam21: sudo hwinfo | pastebinit << give url from terminal here [03:38] mattgyver, I that would be amazing, but I am surprised you set that up but didn't find an icon set you like better than the default [03:38] :D i know im such a bum [03:38] How do I get the keycode (Gnome) for a certain key? My old xmodmap script doesn't work under Carmic becausse Apple keyboard's "Command" key has a different code now... [03:38] http://pastebin.com/f959fcb1 [03:38] ekontsevoy: use xev [03:38] How do I load my backup xorg config [03:38] Mattgyver, I have a matrix iconset that I am building [03:38] cool [03:39] mattgyver, the one that I could get online wasn't complete enough [03:39] so nobody know how to change a public ip adress? [03:39] Pici: awesome! Thanks! It's #133 now :) [03:39] jazzzz, that can only be changed by talking to your ISP [03:39] hi, I was just wondering...I've got a vista partition [03:39] and I'm about to reinstall my ubuntu partition [03:39] I've got a sound problem on mythbuntu 9.04, I have no sound after an upgrade (I think this is the culprit) [03:39] adante: i think you'll have to compile it. [03:39] http://pastebin.com/f959fcb1 [03:39] no they never change it [03:39] I've got plenty of HDD space [03:39] How do I load my backup xorg config === |sparr| is now known as sparr [03:39] jazzzz, if you have a DSL, you can just reset your modem, just turn it off for a minute and then turn it back on [03:40] demonspork, http://pastebin.com/m20be962a theres the code, save to /etc/conky/.conkyrc [03:40] no they don't change it here in france [03:40] I remember back in the day it was recomended to format shared data drives as FAT32 because both ubuntu and XP could read/write [03:40] it's always the same [03:40] that filesystem [03:40] i can pass by a proxy? [03:40] Im wondering if that recommendation has changed for ubuntu/vista [03:40] binMonkey: heh was afraid of that [03:40] demonspork, setup conky in your startup applications with the following command to apply the file, conky -c /etc/conky/.conkyrc [03:40] hi [03:40] I'm trying to get scribblenauts running on desmume but the touch screen is just all blue or green depending on the screen. Any ideas? [03:41] hello [03:41] mattgyver, thank you very much [03:41] adante: it should be pretty simple. [03:41] yes [03:41] Steve132: I think it is till the same [03:41] demonspork, another thing thats kinda neat is the screenlets package, its more graphical but i dont use it much.. conky is faster [03:41] no [03:41] np [03:41] !who [03:41] As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [03:41] binMonkey: well i got up to the point where it said /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lperl :] [03:41] fuck [03:41] fuck you [03:41] shane2peru: so vista still supports fAT32 [03:41] Alright, thanks anyway guys [03:41] !language | nguyen [03:41] nguyen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. [03:42] cai dis [03:42] and its still the best windows-compatible filesystem ubuntu supports? [03:42] Steve132: ohh, that I'm not sure of, sorry [03:42] Pici: do you know how to reset xmodmap to original map? [03:42] Steve123: Windows drivers for ext2 and ext3 are available for free [03:42] Steve132: I know that Ubuntu can access and write to ntfs, but I don't know how much it has improved, I haven't used it for a while [03:42] ekontsevoy: Sorry, I don't know :/ [03:42] hello [03:43] scortt [03:43] scott [03:43] mattgyver, you could just put the .conkyrc in your home directory.... [03:43] so nobody can help me with public ip adress and proxy? [03:43] cp4mx [03:43] Steve132: ntfs support has only improved in later versions of Ubuntu [03:43] cp4mx? [03:43] MrFSL: Steve132 have the ext3 drivers improved for Windows? it was kind of hokey about two years ago. [03:43] shane2peru: they are unusable [03:43] adante: try installing libperl. [03:43] jazzzz: public ip's are provided by your ISP. you personally can't change it [03:44] MrFSL: so you would recommend using ntfs? [03:44] shane2peru: I have used windows ext2/3 drivers in Windows in professional environments for at least the last two years without issue [03:44] Steve132: don't work with vista? [03:44] Steve132: ext3 works perfectly in windows [03:44] Steve132: depends on your application [03:44] ext3 on windows works better than ntfs on linux [03:44] MrFSL: yes, they work ok, but for me it was a pain, and had to always re-set it up every time I wanted to use it, sorry looking interface too. [03:45] Steve132: are you just interested in sharing between Linux and Windows? [03:45] Tulaneadam21: ok, apart from that little stiffy graphics specs are alright, 3one athlon, 1.5 ram see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome [03:45] gnome-do runs very slow with my intel mobile 943 grafix card and the way to fix it is to add this command in the xorg.config file but karmic doesnt have a xorg.config file what can i do [03:45] on windows, you just install the ext3 driver, and forget about it [03:45] ext3 drives come up native afterwards [03:45] !karmic | webbb82 [03:45] webbb82: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [03:45] binMonkey: should have thought of that - thanks. [03:45] Tulaneadam21:before you loos more hair, a quick setting for ff now : [03:46] shane2peru: if you are choosing aesthetics over function... you might be in the wrong channel ;) [03:46] can't i use a proxy? [03:46] adante: did it work? [03:46] can someone check and see if ftp.rsasecurity.com is working for them.... I am getting no response [03:46] ya but no one ever help in there [03:46] binMonkey: yep! [03:46] MrFSL: Yes, I'm interested in having my music/movies partition as a shared partition between both [03:46] where are you ? [03:46] shane2peru, ext3 actually works great in all versions of windows with ext2ifs drivers. every once and a while you will have fsck complain while you are booting Linux after being in windows, but I have never had any problems with data or partitions while using the windows drivers [03:46] MrFSL: well, I was a windows user then. :) [03:46] Ben64: I haven't been able to get ex2ifs to work ever. I've tried it 4 times on 3 different computers each [03:46] Steve132: I have used NTFS for this without issue. I don't recommend FAT32 due to file size limitations [03:47] well you're doing it wrong [03:47] demonspork: I'm not into windows now days, all my computers are filled with Linux. :) and virus free, I was just curious to the discussion [03:47] i've never had it not work [03:47] trying to get to the pkcs headers and can't [03:47] Tulaneadam21:open ff-browser [03:47] Ben64: ok, then how should I do it? It seemed pretty straightforward [03:47] it is straightforward : / [03:48] Tulaneadam21: choose new tab, put in adressbar : about:config [03:48] xc [03:48] 1. download and run http://www.fs-driver.org/download/Ext2IFS_1_11a.exe; 2. done [03:48] demonspork: I thought they were ugly and difficult to get to work they r/w-ed fine, just not a very good interface - that was then this is now. :) === adam is now known as Guest79349 [03:48] yeah, I did the instructions, installed the installer, etc. Never works. We can go back and forth about how awesome it is in your reality, but unless there is like some sort of commonly made error I made, it doesn't work for me [03:48] Ben64: hold up one second. Accessing ntfs is already built in to both O/Ss. can you give a reason why to use the ext2/3 drivers for this applicaiton? [03:48] hi folks. i can hear audio via flash in firefox and via rythembox; but i cant hear audio via xmms2 or aplay. error here: http://pastie.org/625458 ... ideas? (jaunty with nvidia mobo with intel-hda sound) [03:49] MrFSL: because linux doesn't support ntfs as well as the ifs driver supports ext3 [03:49] MrFSL: In the past, NTFS support was a bit flaky with creating new files [03:49] Tulaneadam21: in field filter, search for : browser.sessionstore.interval [03:49] hi [03:49] plus, ext3 is a better filesystem format [03:49] MrFSL: but a google search reveals that there is a new ntfs-3g driver that was made in 2006 [03:49] !hello | henryhenryhenry [03:49] henryhenryhenry: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [03:49] how can I run lighthttpd on my xubuntu? please help [03:49] !lucid [03:49] Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 [03:49] i installed bluefish but its not listed in preferences or [03:50] has that been integrated into jaunty or karmic? [03:50] Steve132: it is this ntfs-3g / fuse driver that is installed by default in Ubuntu [03:50] MrFSL: ntfs has some VERY serious performance issues when you need to do a fair amount of IO. [03:50] how can I run lighthttpd on my xubuntu? please help [03:50] jazzzz: yes. [03:50] !repeat | henryhenryhenry [03:50] henryhenryhenry: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [03:50] Steve132: I'm pretty sure that vista supports fat32, because most usb sticks are fat32 [03:50] Tulaneadam21: did you find it ?? [03:50] how can I run lighthttpd on my xubuntu? please help [03:50] how can I run lighthttpd on my xubuntu? please help [03:50] how can I run lighthttpd on my xubuntu? please help [03:50] henryhenryhenry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:50] fat32 sucks, ext3 is better [03:50] IO or no... in practical application of music/video share on same system I have never had issue with ntfs via linux [03:50] but rapidshare refuse the download when i use a free proxy. how can i do? [03:51] a [03:51] hello [03:51] jazzzz: rapidshare is not ubuntu related problem. [03:51] henryhenryhenry, http://tinyurl.com/lz3drd [03:51] I do suggest ext2/ext3 drivers via windows (which was my original suggestion) but if the user has had issues with installing...? [03:51] thanks stormx [03:51] can we talk in private? [03:52] jazzzz: i don't know anything about proxy's. [03:52] hello. good evening. does anybody know a channel where I can ask questions about mIRC? [03:52] helo in bin/sh value=`ls -1 $dump/*` gives me files names with path, how i could only get filename ? [03:52] jijl. === orb is now known as Guest52105 [03:53] jazzzz: you could try #ubuntu-offtopic ..sometimes constructive things are discussed there. [03:53] I'm a newbie here in linux can somebody help me? How to install tar.gz [03:53] ok thank you [03:53] henryhenryhenry, a .tar.gz of what, exactly? [03:53] henryhenryhenry: dude. open synaptic. search for lighttpd, install, done [03:53] synaptic is your friend. if you want to install a program.. use synaptic [03:53] henryhenryhenry: what are you try to install, maybe theres a deb that can make it easier for you [03:53] Ben64: New users ... remember? [03:54] henryhenryhenry: If it's lighttpd you're after, just follow the link I gave you. [03:54] I mean tar.gz is compiled ? [03:54] Stormx2: no [03:54] !tar | henryhenryhenry [03:54] henryhenryhenry: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression [03:54] henryhenryhenry: open synaptic [03:54] ignore Stormx2 [03:54] !compile | henryhenryhenry [03:54] henryhenryhenry: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [03:54] Correct me if Im wrong .. but 32bit Linux systems are also limited to under 4gb of ram right? To increase limit one has to either upgrade to a 64bit version or update the kernel with a PAE aware kernel. Would you all agree? [03:54] No, ignore Ben64! [03:54] ignore everyone except for me [03:54] synaptic has lighttpd, install it there for great justice [03:54] hey all [03:55] hi jimbeam12 [03:55] so I musty get a tar.gz after that? what is the next thing to do? [03:55] hye need help pls [03:55] its not letting me format my usb stick with gnome partition, what am i doing wrong? [03:55] Ben64: Aye. That's what the link I gave him tells him to do, and plus it helps with PHP and MySQL installation. Why are you so opposed to it? [03:55] holy damn, henry, henry, henry, henry. [03:55] whats the command to tell if im using i386 or x64 version please [03:55] how do i swtich from kde desktop to gnome [03:55] henryhenryhenry: No .tar.gz is required [03:55] uname -a [03:55] does anybody knw how to save a conversation in mIrc? kinda hard to select all the text in a pvt [03:55] henryhenryhenry: synaptic [03:55] !apt | henryhenryhenry [03:55] henryhenryhenry: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE) [03:55] !compile | henryhenryhenry [03:55] henryhenryhenry: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) [03:55] Stormx2: because apparently your link told him to get tar.gz [03:55] ammadeusy: try #mirc [03:55] is there a swtich command "switchdesk" [03:56] tks [03:56] Ben64: Quoth my link: "Lighttpd is available as a Ubuntu package, therefore we can install it like this: sudo apt-get install lighttpd" [03:56] so what is the command to compile? tar.gz? [03:56] i install bluefish but its not in under system or application tabs [03:56] i'm so confused [03:56] henryhenryhenry: the next thing to do is read the links that were sent to you by ubottu but to install software the easiest way would be to use the Synaptic package Manger that can be found under System > Administration [03:56] henryhenryhenry: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!synaptic!!!!!!!!!!!! [03:56] hwo do i get rights to delete partiions on my usb stick? [03:56] henryhenryhenry, stop right there. You don't need to do anything with the .tar.gz [03:56] henryhenryhenry, you don't NEED a .tar.gz [03:56] you don't WANT a .tar.gz [03:56] The .tar.gz doesn't want you. [03:56] innomen: by gparteds pw-authenification [03:57] :P [03:57] There is no .tar.gz [03:57] he [03:57] The .tar.gz is a lie. [03:57] anyone know how to switch from kde to gnome desktop [03:57] jimbeam12: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [03:57] DasEi, i had to give it my password on startup [03:57] jimbeam12, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. Log out, select "GNOME" as your session, log in. [03:57] jimbeam12: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [03:57] jimbeam12: if you have them both installed you'll need to log out and choose one or the other at the login menu [03:57] jimbeam12: i know of gnome to xfce [03:57] Stormx2: please stick to the topic no need to add more unneeded information that will confuse him more [03:57] but not kde to gnome [03:58] :\ [03:58] innomen: so you can, but think of unmounting before altering partis [03:58] !puregnome | jimbeam12 [03:58] jimbeam12: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal [03:58] IdleOne, it's frustrating when people ask for help but don't actually pay attention to your answers :( [03:58] how do I replace the gnome DE in ubuntu with openbox and tint2? [03:58] i want to use both desktops.. [03:59] DasEi, wont let me unmount says the enclosing drive for the volume is locked [03:59] jimbeam12, then follow the original advice that myself, shane2peru and DasEi [03:59] Stormx2: We have to remember IRC is frustrating unto itself adding the fact that he wants to install a program and does not know how and trying to follow 4 people giving advice :) [03:59] Stormx2: yep, or leave 2 mins before eta === forgotten is now known as deacon [03:59] hi... nobody answers on #mirc :( [03:59] stormx [03:59] jimbeam12: in that case just: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [03:59] sorry missed that what advice?? [03:59] Yep? [03:59] ammadeusy: what did you need? [03:59] help me on compiling [03:59] DasEi, i got it [03:59] save a pvt conversation. hard to select all the text in one time. [03:59] DasEi, thank you :) [03:59] Stormx2: yes [03:59] i have sudo deskotp already installed [03:59] innomen: np [03:59] henryhenryhenry, no. You don't need to compile anything to install lighttpd. [03:59] !compile > henryhenryhenry [03:59] henryhenryhenry, please see my private message [04:00] ammadeusy: what client are you using ? [04:00] IdleOne: dude quit it [04:00] IdleOne, man, what were you just telling me? xD [04:00] mirc 6.35 retail. [04:00] its telling me gnome display manager is not running.. [04:00] hello, does anyone know any gui frontends for the ExactImage scan to search/selectable pdf library? [04:00] Oh, right click on the Tab and select "Log / On" [04:00] "Logging / On" [04:00] konbon: does that works always, or everytime i run mirc i will need to do that? [04:01] Stormx2: he wants help on compiling, I understand we gave him the help to install with apt/synaptic now he also has the info for compiling, if henryhenryhenry wants to go the hard route then it is his choice [04:01] if you wish to use this feature then your system will need to be configured to use gdm instead [04:01] ammadeusy: once you do it, it stays. As long as you properly shut down mirc [04:01] IdleOne: he doesn't want the hard route, he's being confused by stuff that's telling him to compile [04:01] konbon: where the log is put? [04:01] IdleOne: he had various advices, compiling included but just kept on asking [04:02] Ben64: I nominate you to help henryhenryhenry . Please follow henryhenryhenry directions and you will get the result you want :) [04:02] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\mIRC\logs [04:02] ok [04:02] Tools / Log Files [04:02] thanks [04:02] no prob [04:02] sorry my confusion. [04:02] its ok [04:02] good night [04:02] Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [04:03] Oof, i should have mentioned that the previous info would not be logged because she JUST now set the logs on. [04:03] hehe [04:03] so i feel foolish, but i am locked out of my main machine and need to reset the password, i do not know the root password or my account password and i do not have a live cd handy. any ideas? [04:04] i need to del a file from terminal i need to del xorg.conf how do i do this from the terminal [04:04] jimbeam12: YOu want to use both Gnome and KDE? [04:04] cmdbbq: you can enter runlevel 1 from grub [04:04] runlevel1? === glicks is now known as glick [04:05] yeah, single user mode = gives you root without password [04:05] i have attempted recovery mode from grub but it prompts for root password [04:05] http://fedoranews.org/ghenry/grub/ [04:05] is this different? [04:05] ( . Y . ) [04:05] jimbeam12: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop [04:05] basically, edit the grub section for ubuntu, add 1 to the end of the kernel line [04:05] Brian___: sudo rm -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf === adam is now known as Guest96476 [04:06] some jack audio driver or application cant start some server any way i cant record my guitar please help [04:06] Brian___: deleting xorg.conf will likely leave you without any graphics [04:06] Ben64: no, it will be regenerated. it will reset the defualt options. [04:07] im in karmic i guese it does it differant [04:07] Ok so nobody knows any gui for ExactImage hocr2pdf [04:07] Brian___: please join #ubuntu+1 for karmic issues. [04:07] some jack audio driver or application cant start some server any way i cant record my guitar please help [04:07] Brian__: Try #ubuntu+1 for Karmic yet? [04:07] hello, Is there a quick way to see all the updates I just installed? [04:07] does anyone know any simple gui pdf scanners that are like Archivista that aren't 930mb? Doesn't have to be web based. [04:07] like a log file [04:07] or something [04:08] Ben64, funny you say that becuase my xorg.conf has nothing but pretty much a blank configuration and i have compiz enabled with 3d (using radeon) ever since a fresh install [04:08] Hansard: not sure of your application but gscan2pdf has some nice pdf/OCR capabilities [04:08] some jack audio driver or application cant start some server any way i cant record my guitar please help [04:08] did ubuntu kill xorg.conf in a recent release or something? where i come from, deleting that means console-only [04:09] Ben64, yes latest versions of Xorg don't require the same xorg.conf [04:09] MrFSL: yes, I've tried it.. it embeds the OCR text with the pdf but it adds it like a note (the image of the text is still not selectable). [04:09] Ben64: in 9.04 xorg.conf is not needed but can be used if written by the user. [04:09] then how does it work [04:09] SlickMcRunFast: /var/lib/apt [04:09] hi, my name is Tykanire, and i just switched from windows to Linux, i have questions, like how to install a sound driver? can any one help me? [04:09] it being X [04:09] Guest96476, maybe try #ubuntustudio [04:09] Cyrano_De, thanks [04:10] Noone is answering me in the Kubuntu channel! How do I set up a wireless connection with Kubuntu? It is not detecting the wireless network...someone help me please? That channel is dead. [04:10] Ben64: thats ageneral fact with newer distros, that they do more in kernel then per modules, slightly faster, harder to configure sometimes [04:10] SlickMcRunFast, here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Audio [04:10] Ben64, I've finally got henry to understand apt. Here's his response: WOW! [04:10] Hansard, sorry... that's all I got ;) [04:10] MrFSL: I'm actually looking for an easy way to implement http://www.exactcode.de/site/open_source/exactimage/hocr2pdf/ [04:10] My sound stopped working with aplay but totem is working [04:10] !wireless | steven_ (and I'm not good at that, too) [04:10] steven_ (and I'm not good at that, too): Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [04:11] Guest96476, (08:10:10 PM) vigo: SlickMcRunFast, here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Audio [04:11] Stormx2: good work [04:11] Does anyone know a place to get ATI drivers for Linux? [04:12] shawn_: ati.com [04:12] !ATI [04:12] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [04:12] well, older ones are packaged and in the repos, newer ones from ati [04:12] Hansard: looks like a cool ap. Perhaps you can build a good script fontend in bash or perl... but I don't know of GUIs [04:12] does anyone know where i can get help with a sound driver? i've never used Linux before [04:12] shawn_: ati has probs with xorg > 7.3 , the propitarys won't work no more with new xorg [04:12] Ben64, check out my xorg.conf (http://pastebin.com/d442395c) i have compiz working great, glxinfo|grep direct show's a yes and lsmod shows that i have radeon loaded ... i'm confused [04:13] ubuntuzilla create issues when doing system upgrade in other words make issues with ubuntu 9.10 [04:13] DasEi Since when? [04:13] weird [04:13] shawn_: hardy [04:13] yea haha [04:13] ubuntu is weird [04:13] DasEi I had my ATI Graphics card working the other day [04:14] i'd rather have fglrx running but i'm afraid i'll break it :-P [04:14] shawn_: with an open driver, but not with the firmware under ibex or jaunty, nor ? [04:14] hello, i was using firefox on ubuntu 9.04, however, whenever i go into hotmail and try and download an attachment, it doesn't let me? [04:14] ewp: words to live by, Make a Backup. [04:14] !backup [04:14] There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [04:15] MrFSL: I haven't programmed in about 6 years. I've sent a message to gscan2pdf, see if they want to add the exactimage library to their project. If not then I suppose I'm going to have to stop wasting time on wow and refresh my programming skills. [04:15] vigo, yea i may just backup my xorg.conf and blacklist radeon for the time being just in case [04:15] ewp: hey whats up man [04:15] ewp: That is making sense. [04:15] shawn_: ati can still be used, but you won't get their real power without suitable drivers [04:15] i like fglrx cus it shows ATI rather than Mesa crap [04:15] hey Xodiac13 [04:16] plus it's faster [04:16] DasEi is there a driver that I can use just to get it to work? [04:16] Xodiac13 knows [04:16] :-) [04:16] Hansard, lol... best of luck [04:16] ewp: whats that [04:16] Xodiac13, that fglrx is fuggin awesome [04:16] shawn_: which ati ? just reconfigure : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [04:16] ewp: hell yeah lol i messed up my ubuntu by trying to install something and now i had to go to the hardware devices again :( [04:17] i have a firefox question...never been here b4..my master password for web sites seems to have been ganked...since i updated... i cant get to the normal ubuntu forums...i didnt write them down...yeah i know my bad... has any one else found this problem.? [04:17] ewp: i had to do another clean install [04:17] Xodiac13, http://pastebin.com/d442395c that's my xorg.conf and yet i have compiz/3d enabled using the open source mesa libs with radeon module [04:17] does anyone know any good portable software build systems? anyone try SCONS or MPC? [04:17] LinuxRox_: nope, get a new one [04:17] My ATI card is ATI Radeon X1950 Pro [04:17] Xodiac13, lol need help again? [04:18] shawn_: same here [04:18] how do i reset i tried to enter old.. and then a new.. it didnt like it [04:18] ewp: heck yeah so compiz works for you and other programs that work with 3d right hell yeah i want to do it again lol [04:18] DasEi how did you get yours working [04:18] i run a ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X1400 [04:18] ewp: lol please help me [04:18] ubuntuzilla create issues when doing system upgrade in other words make issues with ubuntu 9.10 [04:18] Hello everyone. I have an odd question to ask. Is it possible to make a ext3 partition from a ntfs hdd? I have like 100GB's free on a 500GB hdd and want to install ubuntu in it with out having to whipe the whole drive. Is this even possible? [04:18] it's a pos imho [04:18] Does anyone know why this is? [04:19] shawn_: http://pastebin.com/f40ceba21 [04:19] i dont think u can resize ntfs drives [04:19] konbon: sure [04:19] What do I do with that DasEi [04:19] i thought gparted can now resize ntfs [04:19] unless there special software out there [04:19] konbon: you running vista or xp? [04:20] xp 32 w/ sp3 [04:20] vista resizes ntfs partitions natively now [04:20] LinuxRox_: You can resize ntfs drives. gparted works quite well [04:20] gparted does resize ntfs partiitons [04:20] shawn_: looking up working drivers [04:20] is there a default password...on firefox master password? [04:20] I have resized on Win2003 and XP without issue [04:20] DasEi what is the thing in pastebin you gave me [04:20] MrFSL: would i be able to do this with an Ubuntu live cd? [04:20] LinuxRox_: I used it go increase the size of my WinXP virtual machine just last week. [04:21] konbon:yes [04:21] or is gparted a windows app? [04:21] good to know [04:21] konbon: from the live CD system > administratrion > partition editor [04:21] shawn_: a pastebin of the logfile of a 1950 running x fine [04:21] backup first as always [04:21] konbon: gparted is a linux app. apt-cache search gparted [04:21] DasEi how can I get mine set up like yours? [04:21] Oh ok [04:21] thats the thing, i dont have another hdd to back up on [04:21] is there any way to change the ubuntu menu font colors? [04:22] so, its either make it or break it [04:22] konbon: gparted is pretty easy to use - graphical with sliders [04:22] Oh nice [04:22] Does Ubuntu come with unixODBC? [04:22] konbon: burn to DVD? [04:22] so, it will just resize the ntfs and then uppon install, it will show and empty partition that i can make into a ext3? [04:22] i have ubuntu 32 on a cd [04:23] konbon: always run a filesystem check before and after any resizing operations. [04:23] MrFSL: Oh, i see what you mean. [04:23] if you try to install ubuntu, it should offer to resize during install process [04:23] jDownloader [04:23] but yeah, what Cyrano_De said, run chkdsk before resizing [04:23] what should i be looking for? [04:23] any type of error ? [04:24] maybe even a defrag if you really want to be super sure [04:24] That goes for ANY filesystem resizing. Ext3, ntfs, xfs.... [04:24] i did the defrag yesterday [04:24] Cyrano_De: good idea [04:24] i'll do that now [04:24] konbon: No you just want to make sure you start with a good clean filesystem. [04:24] and defrag again [04:24] hmmm since i updated fire fox to 3.0.14 it killed my master password to my master password proteced sites....none of them like my main " master password any more... most of them i have wrote down but some i didnt have wrote down... how do i get them back? did it reset the password to a generic password? [04:24] konbon: GIGO(Garbage in Garbage out) [04:24] Cyrano_De: sounds good [04:25] george [04:25] Thanks for the help fellas, really appreciated. [04:25] shawn_: err, off [04:26] Donated $100 last month to several open source apps like gimp, ardour and cinelerra. This help just motivated me to donate another $100 :) [04:26] hello [04:26] i wish i could give more, but times are rough right now. :) [04:26] Cyrano_De: I noticed with Jaunty that windows check disk is automatically called after resize operation [04:27] I want to install Ubuntu for general use on a church computer [04:27] what y'all think? [04:27] its a brand new computer [04:27] an HP [04:27] hey all, anyone happen to know how to make open office or abiword save as xhtml? [04:27] abunader: go for it [04:27] konbon: well that's awesome, tell your friends about Linux too :D [04:27] abunader: Sounds like a great idea [04:27] comes with windows vista with free upgrade to windows 7 [04:27] but they don't have anyone tech savvy except me [04:27] so i want to set it up as a no hassle thing [04:27] j dk [04:27] abunader: install what the users are used to and can get support on [04:27] abunader: they might be able to get a refund for the windows license [04:27] hello room [04:28] install Ubuntu if you plan on supporting it [04:28] save some money, put ubuntu on it, save time [04:28] and with windows that isnt possible [04:28] innomen: OOwriter File/export [04:28] ask the church lady... [04:28] mrfsl what do you mean? [04:28] !hi | stephenL89 [04:28] stephenL89: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [04:28] the thing with windows is, there are these constant upgrades and fixes [04:28] abunader: I mean if the Church users are used to Windows ... give them users. If they aren't used to Ubuntu they will need support [04:28] not that ubuntu doesnt have them [04:28] well there's lots of updates on ubuntu [04:28] Im looking to find the love of my life in this room [04:29] Cyrano_De, xhtml is not among the options [04:29] lets get cracking [04:29] exorcise windows [04:29] abunader: There should be constant upgrades on Linux as well. [04:29] i'll give them support but won't be here all the time [04:29] abunader: take a poll [04:29] windows has spyware/malware issues [04:29] we need to constantly be updating definitions [04:29] for viruses [04:29] etc.. [04:29] stephenL89> you fix my fire fox master password problem... we can talk [04:29] innomen: Which version of OO? On 3.0.1 it is the first export option. [04:29] you know what I mean? [04:29] abunader: if anyone cared about spyware or viruses no one would run Windows [04:29] lol [04:29] alright talk to me.describe your issue [04:29] good one MrFSL [04:30] MrFSL: they just don't know any better [04:30] hmmm since i updated fire fox to 3.0.14 it killed my master password to my master password proteced sites....none of them like my main " master password any more... most of them i have wrote down but some i didnt have wrote down... how do i get them back? did it reset the password to a generic password? [04:30] Cyrano_De, for me pdf is the first option... same version... this is odd [04:30] The last computer they had [04:30] when I came in [04:30] abunader: Linux has vulnerabilities as well. They may not be as easy to expliot, but they should be patched just as much as Windows. [04:30] it was in terrible shape [04:30] Ben64, your right but if you want to teach them then you have to support them as well [04:30] they could hardly use it because of all the junk on it [04:30] just giving advise [04:30] I want to make it real simple [04:30] they'll use it only for documents/spreadsheets and internet [04:30] abunader: sounds like you already have your answer [04:30] Cyrano_De, i think i have it [04:31] so really can't go wrong can we? [04:31] one moment [04:31] innomen: File/export not File/export as pdf [04:31] Some people were expressing reservations [04:31] stephenL89, first off irc doesn't have 'rooms' thats an aol thing.. irc has channels, and sorry no love of your life here lol [04:31] yes.when you update Firefox all the internal components and settings get reset as well.which taking into hindsight really sucks but can be fixed:] [04:31] just wanted to know what you thought [04:31] in terms of at least problems that would later crop up [04:31] abunader: I think that you can't force Linux on folks. WHy not demonstrate from the live cd [04:31] abunader: You might want to look into kiosk mode [04:31] not the users, but ubuntu itself [04:32] is there a good pdf reader that can export a single page out as a jpeg? [04:32] abunader: what is the computer for? [04:32] just an office computer [04:32] abunader: for that, stability, user management, crap-free internet ubu sure is fine [04:32] beans43, pdfsam [04:32] the church has an executive board [04:32] abunader: like what programs though? [04:32] abunader> free computer support hasa cost.. time and effort..if u feel the time and effort are being fixed..in other ways.. then help out... but i can tell u my sad story... i do free pc work at my job..and they dont care...its become part of my job... sucks some times ..they dont want to hear why its bad...cuz im not the pc guy [04:32] and they get elected every other year [04:32] so the people are constantly changing [04:32] the comptuer gets in for some abuse [04:33] to get back to where you were the simplest solution for you would be to downgrade back to your original version or else ask the friendly folks working on the tech staff to help you.Trust me their great [04:33] ben64, they use ms office and firefox now [04:33] mostly [04:33] MrFSL, ok. i apt get it now... [04:33] its not in the repos [04:33] Cyrano_De, it wont export from an htm, just fyi. [04:33] its a free java download [04:33] google pdfsam [04:33] I've installed a bunch of other program just to have windows working right [04:33] MrFSL, pdfsam will make a pdf into a jpeg? [04:33] Is there a Ubuntu 9.04 Live CD KDE or only the desktop for download at this time? [04:33] adaware, avg, pen ninja, etc. [04:34] to make into jpeg there are command tools [04:34] innomen: Interesting. Maybe save as odf first then export? [04:34] gscan2pdf might work for jpeg [04:34] F3d0rA: kubuntu [04:34] MrFSL, unable to apt-get, broken package , dependencies [04:35] thanks so much. Can the desktop CD be as live? [04:35] Cyrano_De, copy pasted to a new file, now i'm having problems with the export function itself, first jre whining now cant save to file, i'm tinkiering [04:35] beans43, not in the repos google pdfsam [04:35] F3d0rA: Yes, most of the desktop CDs are live CDs as well. [04:35] thanks again!! [04:36] beans43: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfsam/files/pdfsam/1.2.0/pdfsam-1.2.0-out.zip/download [04:36] i hate opemn office [04:36] sorry [04:36] Cyrano_De, "file could not be written" [04:36] innomen: I have not used the xhtml export myself. [04:36] I meant: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pdfsam/files/pdfsam/2.0.0/pdfsam-2.0.0-out.zip/download [04:36] open office never works for me under any circumstances [04:36] it always looks like its going to work, and then dosent [04:36] MrFSL, thx [04:36] i think microsoft has spys in there [04:37] hi, for some reason when I try to connect to my wireless network via static IP, I can ping the router but nothing else. Every field is as it should be...what gives? [04:37] Mr_Giraffe: default route? [04:37] Mr_Giraffe: can you ping your dns? [04:38] well, I can't try at the moment, unless you want to deal with frequent disconnects from me [04:38] innomen, the problem isn't OO, it's that you don't understand anything about unix/linux permissions [04:38] innomen: Sorry to hear that. OO 3.X has been working very well for me for some time now. [04:38] Ben64, what do you mean by default route? [04:38] Mr_Giraffe: how did you set up the static ip? [04:38] Ben64, did it in GNOME Network Manager [04:39] added an IP entry with the proper mask and gateway, and the DNS server IPs in the "DNS Servers" field [04:39] which seemed to be the logical course of action... [04:39] bucky, unix linux permission forced OO to make the standard.dic file in a format literally no other application can read when it coulda ben plain text? permission made OO look the same for the last 3 years? i guess i DONT understand permissions [04:39] Mr_Giraffe: gateway is what i'm talking about, if that's not set correctly, you will have that problem you're describing [04:40] since no one has any instant help for firefox killing my master password...can anyone point me to someplace to look? [04:40] bucky: No, I just tried to export a doc using the xhtml exporter and got the same error. [04:40] Ben64, that's what I figured, but how exactly would I set it correctly? [04:40] networks are not exactly my strong point (well, among other things) [04:40] normally it would be the ip of your router [04:40] I'd like to take the .iso for Jaunty and produce a new .iso that's basically the same but with all the packages updated. Where do I start? [04:40] Mr_Giraffe: route -n [04:40] bucky, the problem is OO being a clunky piece of crap thats why the latest version fo wine runs office 2007 out of the box (so to speak) [04:40] bucky: I am saving to the same directory I just saved the .txt version to. Not a permissions problems. [04:40] before you change settings check your existing [04:41] Cyrano_De, thank you for your help :) I think abiword is going to be able to do it [04:41] Ben64, the IP as in the local IP or the external one? [04:41] MrFSL, what exactly am I doing here? [04:41] gateway should be the local ip of the router [04:41] Mr_Giraffe: checking your routing table [04:41] k [04:41] to see if you have an issue [04:41] LinuxRox_: upgrading firefox has *never* trashed my master password, or any other passwords for that matter. I dunno what you did, but I think you must've done *something* odd. Got a backup of your .mozilla directories? [04:41] by eth0 (what I'm connected with now, wired), there's a destination of going through a gateway of (the router) [04:42] not really sure how that can be a good thing [04:42] Then you don't have a default route issue [04:42] MrFSL, I'm trying to connect with wireless [04:42] Mr_Giraffe: sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf [04:42] wireless != this [04:42] ...OHHHH! [04:42] LinuxRox_: Have you tried #firefox per chance? [04:42] my bad [04:42] Mr_Giraffe: then you need to make sure wireless is set the same [04:42] MrSchmo, it's fine :P [04:42] Ben64, so I need to set wireless as going to through [04:43] that seems a little counterintuitive... [04:43] *sigh* abiword will not open *.htm lol [04:43] what does this mean? [04:43] --cpu= - Set number of cpu core [04:43] well since it got broken with the last ubuntu ipdates i was asking here first [04:43] Reconnect to wireless via clicking on the network applet [04:43] gateway should be, ip 192.168.0.[2-254], mask [04:43] cpu core? [04:43] Ben64, right, and that's what I have set in the addresses field [04:43] n-iCe: yeah, you have a single core or dual core? 0 for single 1 for dual [04:44] n-iCe: what's it from? [04:44] hmm [04:44] you made sure wireless is set to for gateway? [04:44] Mr_Giraffe, lets see the whole routing table === prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys [04:44] Ben64, at least I *thought* it was... [04:44] hold up :P [04:44] innomen, write a new office suite [04:44] LinuxRox_: I suspect that is not a common failure as everyone I know that has upgraded firefox has not run into that. [04:44] bucky, oh shut up, i'm sorry i insulted your girlfriend [04:44] innomen, i refuse to pay the Bill Gate Gay Tax [04:44] MrFSL, if you insist [04:45] seems that way [04:45] Mr_Giraffe: I don't insist [04:45] Cyrano_De, did you happen to solve the save error? *hope hope hope* [04:45] losher: cosky [04:45] MrFSL, http://pastebin.com/d6f6c7158 [04:45] bastid_raZor: but it is my core 2 duo? [04:45] Mr_Giraffe: Just trying to help... I think I understand your issue, you are wired to a router that you are trying to access wirelessly [04:45] not to be stupid but can someone post the firefox url? ... its not in the about... ive looked [04:45] bastid_raZor: should I use 2 ? [04:46] hi === Wolter is now known as SpacePigeon [04:46] innomen, know what kentucky foreplay sounds like? "Hey little sister.. you awake?" [04:46] pm me pls [04:46] MrFSL, I'm wired to it because I can access it wirelessly, but not the internet wirelessly [04:46] innomen: I am looking at a fedora bug report that might have some clues. [04:46] MrFSL, I'm doing that because DHCP isn't working on the router [04:46] n-iCe: conky? [04:46] innomen: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=480121 [04:46] it is posible to run my ubunu desktop over win 2003 [04:46] ?? [04:46] losher: yes [04:46] bucky, is that supposed to bother me? [04:46] Cyrano_De, reading... [04:47] n-iCe: yes, cpu cores. Use "2" [04:47] MrFSL, any idea what the issue is? [04:47] I mean, I'm sure it's some error on my part, but what? [04:47] Cyrano_De, oh goodie so it's not my fault heheh [04:47] innomen, you brought up my gf [04:47] few days ago i tried a distro that bypassed the windows/linux login screens any idea whats the name of it?? [04:48] Mr_Giraffe, I understand - one issue is that your wired network but you wireless network is [04:48] bucky, wow, does metaphor slip past you that easily all the time? [04:48] looks like you entered the wrong subnet mask on the wireless side [04:48] oh, actually no [04:48] n-iCe: losher 0 would indicate core1 and 1 would indicate core2. cpu's start being counted at 0. if you're monitoring the cpu in conky use cpu0 cpu1 [04:48] help pls? [04:48] innomen, i'm not the one that can't save a file in OO [04:48] MrFSL, that's what's on the router page as the subnet mask [04:49] top32 [04:49] bastid_raZor: I'll try 1 [04:49] hold on [04:49] bucky, heh, obviously you havn't tried to do what i'm doing. [04:49] I Use code 2 duo, then 1 correct? [04:49] SuperMiguel, maybe PClinuxOS because mandrivel used to do that [04:49] Mr_Giraffe, can I PM you? [04:49] bucky, fire up oo, type something and try to export it as an xhtml [04:49] SuperMiguel: There are several live CDs that do not require a login. DSL, and knoppix being two prominate ones. [04:49] MrFSL, by all means go ahead [04:50] bucky, Cyrano_De what i meant was to by pass like a windows password.. [04:50] innomen, i use kompozer for that [04:50] bucky, i rest my case === gadis is now known as top32 [04:50] bastid_raZor: indeed it is 2, 1 didn't work [04:50] Are there still a lot of problems with PPTP in 9.04? Just keep dropping the connection myself. [04:51] innomen, and any other web authoring client duties i might require... not an office suite [04:51] n-iCe: is that two actual processors or a single processor with 2 cores? [04:51] bucky, thats nice, your point? [04:52] bucky, because my point was that my issue is oo's problem, not mine. which kind of makes all your little stabs about my ignorance, well, little. [04:52] bucky: innomen you two should take your disagreement to #ubuntu-offtopic [04:53] n-iCe: care to pastebin your conkyrc file you're using? [04:53] ctmjr, dont worry as soon as i find a way to make this conversion i'll deprive him of a target :) === top32 is now known as tegal === Mr_Giraffe_ is now known as Mr_Giraffe [04:55] innomen, if you want a new feature.. submit a patch.. i'm sure OO will be glad to integrate it [04:55] anyone know if just PPTP has an issue in 9.04 or is it all VPN services? [04:56] hey can i get a copy of a working xorg.conf for jaunty in here please? [04:56] pastebin.com it? [04:56] bucky, i'd be happy with them making the features they claim to already have, actually work. [04:56] I was trying to get rid of the "Move Window" shortcut, as it was interfering with an app I use. I clicked it, and hit "delete", thinking that would delete it. It instead assigned Delete to it. Then I clicked it, and hit backspace, which disabled it, but my Delete key still starts the moving of the window, even though it is listed as disabled. [04:57] Can someone remind me what the specific command for finding out a graphics card is? [04:57] lspci [04:57] sebsebseb: lspci | grep VGA [04:57] sebsebseb: lspci [04:57] or sudo hwinfo --gfxcard [04:57] bastid_raZor: bingo :) [04:57] bastid_raZor: thanks [04:58] drat, too slow. :) [04:58] sebsebseb: no problem. [04:58] Oh, the problem is now gone. I went in, assigned delete to it again, and then disabled again, and it is not doing it anymore. [04:58] bucky, kompozer apprently thinks html and xhtml are the same thing. [04:58] hey can i get a copy of a working xorg.conf for jaunty on pastebin.com, please? [04:58] ewp: what card what driver? [04:59] hi - im having an issue installing a new flash player for firefox on ubuntu. it keeps telling me to install the new version and i install it succesfully but firefox still thinks i have the old one [04:59] i just need to reconfig my xorg.conf (and Xodiac13 ) since we both have the same problem cus on a fresh ubuntu install it's blank [04:59] ewp: http://pastebin.com/f5b0e5513 [04:59] oddly enough, my compiz works but i'm going to install fglrx anywya [04:59] ewp: but not very helpful [04:59] thank you MrFSL === comfnumb is now known as pencapchew [05:00] i've created a RAID 1 pair with mdadm. on boot i get dumped to an initramfs prompt. a sharp guy from #linux says i should make a new initrd with mkinitrd, but doesn't how know with ubuntu. how do i do this? [05:00] yes, i know. i just need a template of a working xorg.conf [05:00] innomen, actually they are almost [05:00] (/dev/sdb and /dev/sdd are my raid 1 mirror) [05:00] innomen, html5 and xhtml overlap [05:00] How do i get sound to stop coming out of my speakers when my headphones are plugged in? (running on a Dell Mini 10 w/ Audacious) [05:00] My nautilus has misbehaved. How do I restart it without crashing gdm? [05:00] can anyone help me install flashplayer on [05:00] firefox? [05:01] !flashplayer [05:01] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [05:01] bucky, kompozer bunches them all togather, when what i want is a conversion [05:01] MrFSL, you're xorg.conf is the same as mine pretty much [05:01] lol crap [05:01] juanty's weird [05:01] !flashplayer | SunmanXII [05:01] !flashplayer [05:01] SunmanXII: please see above [05:01] universalindentgui: error while loading shared libraries: libqscintilla2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [05:01] SunmanXII: enable canonical repos and install using apt or synaptic [05:01] innomen, ah ha! [05:01] pencapchew: in volume control, you should be able to turn down the "front" channel [05:01] someone told me this was a qt error === swoody_ is now known as swoody === adam is now known as Guest66708 [05:02] !flashplayer [05:02] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [05:02] SunmanXII: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin [05:02] innomen, tidy -asxhtml -numeric < index.html > index.xml [05:02] since kompozer, oo, word 2007, and abiword all are incapable of converting an html to xhtml apprently i am stuck with tidy [05:02] when i turn front down, it kills both headphones and speakers [05:03] (built in speakers) [05:03] ubottu: nautilus [05:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about nautilus === devnull is now known as devnull_ [05:03] yaaay [05:03] good disk image [05:04] I really don't want to crash my GDM. pidgin would die with it. :( [05:04] ewp, what you trying to do with Xorg? [05:04] pencapchew: is there a separate channel (or one that can be enabled) for the headphones? [05:04] bucky, i want to see what i'm doing [05:04] bucky, the goal here is making dslibris reading xhtml files from htm files [05:05] MrFSL, install fglrx, but aticonfig --initial won't recognize a Screen section so we were going to rewrite a new xorg.conf [05:05] bucky tidy -asxhtml -utf8 -numeric -o book.xhtml book.html [05:05] pencapchew: check under volum control -> switches and see if headphones are there [05:05] hi, my flashplugin-nonfree is in the newest version but firefox still says i dont have the latest flash [05:05] but i want a gui for this [05:05] I think that is the detect headphones [05:05] wonderful. now firefox won't launch either. :( [05:05] MrFSL, assuming aticonfig works by branching off reading from ServerLayout, which does not exist in Jaunty's xorg.conf on fresh install [05:05] SunmanXII: flashplugin-nonfree is an older but somewhat more stable version of flasg [05:05] i previously created an array with /dev/sdb and /dev/sdd. i rebooted and /dev/md0 isn't there and i'm dumped to busybox. how can i mount the array again? [05:06] ewp, aaahhh ATI issues.... best of luck I can't help. I have worked with ATI on linux quite a bit a choose to not deal with it anymore ;) [05:06] apprently tidy has a gui, universalindentgui its in the repos, but it wont run [05:06] does anybody know how to run sslstrip script correctly? [05:06] SunmanXII: FF sucks when it comes to flash personally. I would go to Adobe and download the one from there [05:06] MrFSL, haha yeaaaaa [05:06] SurmanXII: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/?promoid=BUIGP [05:06] hey every1 [05:06] if my NIC won [05:06] is it 64-bit? becase the 64 alpha of flash 10 crashes a lot === adam is now known as Guest93573 [05:07] innomen, nice [05:07] coaxmt: ive got master, PCM, front, and front mic for options, no headphone specific option for sliders. There IS a headphone checkbox under the switches tab, though that kills headphones and not speakers. Im trying for the opposite [05:07] mouseclone: that was my original problem: i go to adobe and download the .deb install it and it still doesnt work. it claims i have the old version [05:07] if my NIC won't work will dhcp3-server stop running on that NIC? [05:07] coaxmt: i run 64bit, but 32bit flash [05:07] coaxmt: I think the 64-bit builds of ubuntu use a 32-bit flash plugin loaded with nspluginwrapper [05:07] oh boy! apprently this one is a bug too *facepalm* [05:07] i am gifted [05:07] yea, they do and that works, its the 64bit version from adobe that some places reccomend that is broken [05:07] anyway to backup all the restricted plugins and downloaded stuff ...? wanna do a new installation [05:08] when an application installs onto ubuntu, it puts its "program files" in /usr/lib? and its executable/command in /usr/bin? [05:08] CppIsWeird: somewhat, but linux/unix doesn't exactly work like that [05:08] CppIsWeird: there is also /usr/share for data files [05:09] pencapchew: ah, mine has a switch to enable a headphone channel. I am not sure what to do in your case then. Try checking the forums/google, unless somebody else here comes up with something [05:09] I have permission problems.. can't access a folder.. but unsure how to resolve the permission issue.. suggestions? [05:09] CppIsWeird: and for things not managed by the package manager, there is /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/bin, and /usr/local/share [05:09] any ideas as to whgy this is happening? === gadis is now known as tegal [05:10] SunmanXII: are you using the 64-bit version of ubuntu? [05:10] CppIsWeird: some programs put user specific files in your home directory === root is now known as Guest62157 [05:10] i... think so. [05:10] k, well thanks anyways [05:10] sanchiro: you can chmod/chown it, if you can sudo on the machine in question. chmod 777 gives everybody rwe permissions, if you need a quick fix [05:10] are libraries in /usr/lib? [05:10] SunmanXII: what response do you get from uname -m? [05:11] chmod -R to tracerse a directory recursively [05:11] traverse [05:11] CppIsWeird: usually there or in /usr/local/lib [05:11] sanchiro: what is your issue [05:11] ? [05:11] !filesystem | CppIsWeird [05:11] CppIsWeird: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview [05:11] coaxmt, thanks.. I'll try it, the error I get is > You don't have permission to access /pipermail/mailman/ on this server. [05:11] thx [05:11] lstarnes: i686 [05:11] sanchiro: yea, if it is your own machine (or one you have sudo permissions on) you shuold be able to do it [05:11] MrFSL, coaxmt and yet I don't even have any folder named pipermail/mailman.. non existant on my server [05:11] SunmanXII: then you have the 32-bit version [05:12] sanchiro, well that explains why you can't access it [05:12] lstarnes: sorry then. so i cant get the new flash? [05:12] sanchiro: oh... it sounds like something is trying to connect to something... and can't [05:12] SunmanXII: did you remove the old flash before you installed the new one from Adobe's site? and are you running FF3.5? [05:12] SunmanXII: you could try downloading the .tar.gz, extracting it, then moving the libflashplayer.so into the mozilla/firefox plugins directory [05:12] coaxmt, I assume that mailman never correctly setup those folders then [05:13] SunmanXII: the 32-bit version of flash is less buggy that the 64-bit build and is still kept up-to-date [05:13] lstarnes: im going to try extracting the file and putting it into the firefox plugins directory. see if that works [05:13] sanchiro, thats what it seems like. I [05:13] does evince comes with a bloated version? with more functions? [05:13] i'm not familiar with the program, so I can't help with much more [05:14] * mouseclone has almost given up on FF in Ubuntu for now. Opera seems to run better [05:14] opera is qt though...=( [05:14] Hello room. Is there a command line utility by which I can enable or disable services in Ubuntu [05:15] hey_boy: yes. update-rc.d [05:15] let me try [05:15] try the manual :) [05:16] it's a utility for managing init scripts. === adam is now known as Guest58154 [05:17] bah that's it.. I'm done with pptp.. [05:17] i will just setup another vpn protocol tomorrow [05:18] Which is faster? Gnome or Kubuntu? [05:18] Gnome [05:18] Brains, must eat brains. [05:18] steven_: kubuntu uses kde [05:18] Xubuntu is even faster [05:19] Why is Xubuntu faster? [05:19] not faster, just less recource intensive. so faster on slower machines [05:19] steven_: xfce is lighter than kde and gnome [05:19] hi a;; [05:19] all [05:19] wow [05:19] ok, Ubuntu is my new default linux [05:19] can i write using XNA libraries on reactOS? [05:19] "PostgreSQL Server" is a standard server profile [05:19] Kde is slightly faster than gnome for me, but not much [05:20] hey_boy: try service - looks like you should be able to restart and disable them [05:20] so a program's libraries go in /usr/lib, /usr/local/lib. a program's baggage (similar to what you might find in program files/someprogram) goes in /usr/share, or /usr/local/share. program configurations go in either home or /etc/. The commands for a program go in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin. Am i missing anything? [05:20] how did you accomplish that? :) [05:20] bucky, "-asxhtml -utf8 -numeric -o" what do these options mean? for instance is asxhtml a single option or are a s and x switches? [05:20] let me [05:20] my sound card is starting to make me mad [05:20] i get utf8 means unicode 8, yes? [05:20] or maybe not [05:20] Do I want lighter? [05:20] innomen: utf-8 is unicode === gadis is now known as tegal [05:21] steven_: it depends on what your needs are [05:21] innomen: check ''man tidy'' for the options. [05:21] Just want to see how fast I can go [05:21] Core 2 Duo setup [05:21] steven_: regular ubuntu and kubuntu work well enough for most people [05:21] does 10.4 currently use gnome 3? [05:21] johnwhaley: intel sd? [05:21] steven_: you could always remove unwanted packages or install new ones [05:21] yes [05:21] not much help in the man page for services [05:22] steven_: install DSL (damn small Linux) or puppy. those are really fast [05:22] innomen, -asxhtml outputs xhtml documents instead of html is this a test? [05:22] kameron: it's not yet in development afaik [05:22] steven_: or don't install just run live [05:22] lstarnes, thanks [05:22] prince_jammys, thank you, i forgot about that lo i'm reading [05:22] johnwhaley: what does asoundconf list give you [05:22] asoundconf list [05:22] innomen, -numeric uses character entities instead of html entities. For example, î is replaced with î [05:22] bucky, no, i'm just trying to duplicate those options in universalindent gui so i can save a config file and make this super easy in the future [05:23] kameron: and the release of gnome 3 might not make it to 10.04. Maybe 10.10 or a later release [05:23] where is best place to rid of old hardware [05:23] neighbour's yard [05:23] bucky, that leavs -o [05:23] lstarnes, ah really hey. just read the announcement tonight and was excited to try it out. [05:23] i'm new to Linux Mouseclone [05:23] mostly sdram pc 100 [05:24] pc 133 [05:24] erikk71: ebay? [05:24] or you can do what I do, and put it in the closet with all the other old hardware that I will never use [05:24] i think sdram still goes for a decent amount [05:24] johnwhaley: ok open a terminal and type 'asoundconf list' with out the ' and let me know output [05:24] rarely fool with ebay [05:24] k [05:24] is that like [05:24] craigslist? [05:24] almost a shoe box full [05:24] pc133 [05:24] ? [05:24] you can't sell that really [05:25] you could make art [05:25] prince_jammys, i cant find -o in the man, i'm probably scrolling right past it heheh [05:25] yeah, i vote for art [05:25] out of sdram [05:25] innomen: look for --outputfile or such. [05:25] innomen, -o is the same as --output output file [05:25] lstarnes: i moved libflashplayer.so into /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins but when i look through the list of firefox plugins it still has flash 9.0 [05:25] johnwhaley: if it is an on board intel sound chip, it may or may not be worth the trouble. I had won that wouldn't work after 9.04 upgrade and after 6 hours I went out and bought a new one. [05:25] yeah, sdram makes awesome3 art [05:25] Names of available sound cards: [05:25] U0x46d0x8cc [05:25] bucky, prince_jammys ahh, thank you [05:26] SunmanXII: you may need to remove the old plugins [05:26] innomen, hey i'm sorry i gave you some digs [05:26] if you had like a couple 5 gallon pales of sdram you could try to sell it to someone who refine the gold out of it [05:26] innomen: you can search for things in less (the pager used by man) by typing a slash (/) and then what you're searching for. [05:26] maybe garbage can i best [05:26] lstarnes: straight from the directory or do i just disable it in firefox and then reboot firefox [05:27] epw: wow my refresh rate is even better than before [05:27] except for 256mb [05:27] SunmanXII: you will need to restart firefox [05:27] prince_jammys, well thats uber helpful, thanks lol [05:27] anyone ever used reactOS? [05:27] you can slap some stamps on a stick and mail it into wired magazine for the return to sender contest [05:27] innomen: you can type 'h' for help on keys. [05:27] lstarnes: wais so do i disable the flash 9.0 plugin and then restart? [05:27] prince_jammys, equally handy, thanks again :) [05:27] notworth the headache [05:28] SunmanXII: yes [05:28] amvets has thrift store [05:28] they take donations in the day [05:28] mouseclone it is a sound card [05:28] let them deal it [05:29] johnwhaley: have you ran alsamixer and unmuted everything? [05:29] no [05:29] i'm new [05:29] that an several nic cards [05:29] i keep 3com ethernet cards [05:30] how do i run alsamixer [05:30] lstarnes: not working: i still ahve flashplayer 9.0 disabled and no new flash player. did i move it to the right directory even? [05:30] johnwhaley: same as other command. From the terminal [05:30] linux likes 3com cards [05:31] SunmanXII: are you using adobe's flash 10? [05:31] johnwhaley: is this a usb sound card? [05:31] SunmanXII: flash 9 may still be in other directories [05:31] lstarnes: i downloaded and isntalled it but firefox doesnt use it. how do i totally remove flash 9 and put flash 10 in its place? [05:32] mouseclone: i have a soundblaster card [05:32] SunmanXII: look for the other instances of libflashplayer.so. Try using locate libflashplayer.so [05:32] i typed alsamixer in teriminal, is said lsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory [05:33] SunmanXII: before 'locate ' use sudo updatedb [05:33] I have a tree of directories that I need to replace the string /scripts with the string /.scripts I am having trouble writing it, I can replace scripts with .scripts, but there are other instances of scripts that I don't want to replace [05:35] johnwhaley: what version of ubuntu? [05:35] mouseclone: i found a soundblaster driver on website, how would install it, ubuntu ver 9.04 [05:36] !gnome3.0 [05:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about gnome3.0 [05:36] johnwhaley: on creative's website? for linux? [05:36] !gnome3 [05:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about gnome3 [05:36] hmm [05:36] yes , mouseclone [05:37] bucky, so xhmlt and html5 are the same you said, does that mean i could im theory create an html5 file and simply change the extension and applications would not know the diffrence? [05:37] xhtml* [05:37] innomen: xhtml and html5 are not the same [05:37] oh [05:37] innomen: but they are very similar [05:38] lstarnes: mouseclone: i replaced every instance of libflashplayer.so and it worked! thanks! [05:38] this is killing me i wish oo would just export to xhtml like it said it would [05:38] innomen: xhtml follows a somewhat strict XML schema, while HTML5 is largely SGML, which often can validate as XML [05:38] * mouseclone bows to SunmanXII [05:38] johnwhaley: what model is your sd? [05:39] i tried this tidy thing and the result is garbled beyond repair, the cli way works but i just feel veyr strongly there is a better way [05:39] are there any tidy spesific front ends? [05:39] mouseclone: extremegamer [05:39] or extrememusic [05:39] hi guys [05:40] innomen: look at kompozer/bluefish/quanta. they might use tidy. [05:40] with 9.10 will Gnome 3.0 be available? [05:40] mattwj2002: no [05:40] Help! I have a process that has over 900 open files, and its limit is 1024. I can't figure out how to up the limit so that my process does crash. [05:40] bummer [05:40] :( [05:40] /proc/4233/fd/ says 923 [05:40] i have both kmpozer and bluefish installed, kompozer dosent want to save as just xhtml, it treats html htm xhtml as all the same [05:40] hello [05:40] mattwj2002: is gnome 3 even ready for testing? [05:40] and it's rising [05:40] anyone can help me? [05:40] johnwhaley: checking [05:40] when it hits 1024, it's going to crash [05:41] does anyone have any idea how to change the limit? === ruud is now known as Guest69505 [05:41] johnwhaley: I don't see why it would hurt. more than likely it will be a script driver like a vcard driver from ati/nvidia [05:42] mattwj2002: I think karmic has gnome 2.22 [05:42] bluefish apears ot have no export function and save as has only html and xml, is xml the same as xhtml? [05:42] innomen: no. XML is just a plain markup format [05:43] * innomen nods [05:43] !abiword timClicks [05:43] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [05:43] innomen: XHTML is a markup language that uses XML as its base [05:43] !abiword [05:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about abiword [05:43] mattwj2002 / lstarnes: GNOME 2.30 (3.0) is not scheduled for release until march of 2010. [05:43] innomen: you would just save the file ext to xml or html. they are just text files with markup [05:43] gedit > abiword :) [05:43] does anyone know where the abiword devs hang out? they don't have a room in FreeNode [05:44] mneptok: so it will most likely wait until after 10.04? [05:44] How do I adjust the ulimit for a running process? [05:44] mouseclone: could you talk me thro it? [05:44] just finished a reinstall from ubuntu 9.04 to 8.04 and everything is working great now except for bluetooth, I went to synaptics package manager and installed all the bluetooth options I could and ran updates, my bluetooth sees my logitec mouse but gives error coecting [05:44] johnwhaley: sure, need to dl it first.. it is a tar.gz so might take compiling [05:44] mouseclone, but the app (dslibirs) is looking for an xhtml file, i'm trying to duplicate what tidy does [05:44] lstarnes: defintiely, as Lucid is due to be an LTS release, and a month-old desktop environment is not going to be considered stable. [05:45] mouseclone: i not even sure what compiling means, lol [05:45] hi folks. i can hear audio via flash in firefox and via rythembox; but i cant hear audio via xmms2 or aplay. error here: http://pastie.org/625458 ... ideas? (jaunty with nvidia mobo with intel-hda sound). already ran sudo alsaconf. [05:45] Hi, im trying to install smokeping on my ubuntu server(8.04).. when i run apt-get install command, i get a PAM authentication error [05:45] johnwhaley: it's basically the process of converting human-readable text source code into machine-readable executable code [05:45] what do I need to do to enable ssh access for a new ubuntu server? [05:46] agliodbs: install openssh-server [05:46] here's the error:Your account has expired; please contact your system administrator [05:46] chfn: PAM authentication failed [05:46] brunner: ulimit -S -n 2048 [05:46] (or whatever) [05:46] i'm logged in as admin on the server [05:46] lstarnes: ah, thanks. thought it was installed by default [05:46] Hello, any solution yet to the slow USB transfer rate on ubuntu 9.04 ? [05:46] just the ssh client is in installed by default [05:46] shos: LP bug number? [05:46] lstarnes, so if xhtml and html are not the same why does kompozer when i goto save as lump xhtml html htm and shtml togather? does this mean the file that results form this save i can simply rename the extension? [05:46] agliodbs: I think ubuntu server may have it by default [05:47] probably [05:47] agliodbs: check ps aux | grep sshd [05:47] lstarnes: no, you're right, it's not installed by default [05:47] innomen: the formats are similar enough that carefully written XHTML can be parsed like HTML [05:47] johnwhaley: have you downloaded the file yet? [05:47] innomen: SHTML is just HTML with server-side includes [05:47] mneptok: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1150108 [05:47] shos: that's not a Launchpad bug. [05:48] couldn't display "obex:// is the error when I try to conect bluetooth mouse [05:48] lstarnes, lets say you wanted to convert an htm to xhtml, and tidy was out of the question unless it had a gui, what would you do? :) [05:48] mneptok: what [05:48] Hello, any solution yet to the slow USB transfer rate on ubuntu 9.04 ? [05:48] any idea about this PAM authentication failure? [05:48] smokepping didnt install on my machine [05:48] Mouseclone: yes i got it , i saved it [05:48] innomen: put it into a browser as html, find what doesn't work, then edit the broken parts [05:49] Ubuntu 9.04 -- System / Admin / Services, when I try and press the Unlock button get error message "Could not authenticate. An unexpected error has occured", the underlying error from a terminal says "CRITICAL: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)". If I try to run "gksudo services-admin" the unlock button is greyed out but changes still can't be made. Any ideas? [05:49] brasero don't burn vcd or dvd movies.. how to fix? [05:49] johnwhaley: ok right click and extract here. I'm assuming it is one your desktop [05:49] Hello, any solution yet to the slow USB transfer rate on ubuntu 9.04 ? (if i can't solve this today i'll have to move back yo windows) [05:49] what is the package that installs all the development tools (gcc gdb make, etc) [05:49] ? [05:49] i didn't know there was a usb transfer rate problem. It works fine for me [05:50] epimeth: build-essential installs many development tools [05:50] lstarnes: thanks! [05:50] Hello, any solution yet to the slow USB transfer rate on ubuntu 9.04 ? [05:50] mouseclone: done [05:50] epimeth: and apt-get build-dep will install specific build dependencies for a package [05:50] hi [05:50] Hello, any solution yet to the slow USB transfer rate on ubuntu 9.04 ? (i've been asking this for weeks) [05:50] johnwhaley: is it on your desktop? [05:50] yes [05:51] anyone know how to set gnome as the default desktop instead of kde? [05:51] shos: is there a bug on launchpad? I am not sure what issue you are talking about, since it seems to work fine for me [05:51] coaxmt: heh... cool... thanks [05:51] shos: maybe you should try another forum than this IRC channel [05:51] like a mailing list or something [05:51] coaxmt: how do i know if 'there's a bug in launchpad???? [05:51] johnwhaley: in a terminal do - cd ~/Desktop/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00 [05:51] shos: file a bug report, or search launchpad.net for the issue. [05:52] agliodbs: if you have any idea for a forum that will help... [05:52] mouseclone: done [05:52] johnwhaley: according to the readme file all you have to do is make and make install - you can combine the commands like so - make && make install [05:52] search or post on ubuntuforums.org [05:52] shos: nope, I'm a newbie. sorry [05:52] coaxmt: how do i file a bug report? [05:52] WTF? [05:52] make install needs to be run as root though [05:52] ususally [05:53] woohoo everyone, update manager just popped up! get your latest updates!!!! [05:53] I just set this system up 20 minutes ago, and already I'm getting spam [05:53] Hello, any solution yet to the slow USB transfer rate on ubuntu 9.04 ? (please no newbies) [05:53] mouseclone: type make && make install ?? [05:53] yes [05:53] libneon27, libneon27-gnutls [05:53] anyone know how to set gnome as the default desktop instead of kde? [05:53] johnwhaley: you may need to run ./configure before that [05:53] that's amazing [05:53] * mouseclone is so proud of SB for putting out linux drivers [05:53] shos: yuo can do that on launchpad. forgot how to do it from the system [05:54] agliodbs, ubuntu can't help with the bs in your email account [05:54] mouseclone, SB? [05:54] here's the launpad bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/334914 [05:54] mouseclone: it typed alot of stuff, here is the last line: mkdir: cannot create directory `/lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/kernel/drivers/ssound': Permission denied [05:54] make: *** [install] Error 1 [05:54] !sb [05:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about sb [05:54] ewp: soundblaster [05:54] anyone help with bluetooth? ubuntu 8.04 fresh install all updates and getting ' couldn't display "obex:// ' when I try to connect logitech bluetooth mouse [05:54] johnwhaley: make install may need to be run with sudo [05:54] mouseclone, ah do they have x-fi drivers now? or w/e its called [05:54] ewp: sure it can. apt-get install spamassassin [05:54] jimbeam12: when you're at the login screen you can select to use gnome and save the choice [05:55] johnwhaley: sorry about that.. type make && sudo make install [05:55] Hello, any solution yet to the slow USB transfer rate on ubuntu 9.04 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/334914)??? [05:55] woodyjlw, obex is a file tranfer system - and i don't think you can send files to your mouse. [05:55] ewp: I was just more impressed with the speed at which the spammers noticed that the system was up and had a mail dns [05:55] agliodbs, never used it. i like my handy gmail account [05:55] ewp: X-fi [05:55] lstarnes, the file kompozer output (which i just renamed xhtml since it thinks html and xhtml are the same) looks fine in firefox but wont load in dslibris [05:55] ewp: what i'm working with Johnwhaley on [05:55] ok what am I doing wrong then lol [05:55] is char *s the same thing as char s[] ? [05:56] shos: based on that bug report, looks liek there isn't a solution yet. There might be some useful info on the commends on it [05:56] i guess i see why oo fails to export to xhtml, apprently there sint an app on the planet capable of it other than tidy by cli [05:56] ok thanks..but when i log out...it goes to the kde desktopt them [05:56] * mouseclone needs a smoke === thiras_ is now known as Thiras [05:56] mouseclone, so there's linux drivers for x-fi now? haha i have a gamer friend that refused linux in past cus there weren't drivers for his sound, x-fi [05:56] why can't i view var/log/syslog? [05:56] how can there not be a solution [05:56] ok, bedtime [05:56] not use if it worked MOUSECLONE, but i need a smoke as well [05:56] shos, i ask myself that all the time heheh [05:57] jrivera: do you get any error messages? [05:57] brb [05:57] jrivera: typo? /var/log/syslog ? [05:57] srsly this isn't some small bug, this bug is a very good reason to leave ubuntu [05:57] ewp: X-Fi XtremeGamer Fatal1ty Pro Series [05:57] no, i've been doing pico /var/log/syslog and screen goes blank and the file won't open [05:57] shos, i know, believe me [05:57] no error messages [05:57] I am trying to follow an example i found and it has a char s[] that is taken to an argument of strtok [05:57] jrivera: try cat /var/log/syslog [05:58] shos, ususally some patent crap is to blame [05:58] and this bug is on the 64 bit version, which is supposed to be the next default version?! [05:58] however, from my understanding char s[] must be declared at compile time [05:58] johnwhaley: after install .. if you didn't get any errors,, reboot. it is more than likely does a modprobe to install the driver in the kernel [05:58] I am using char *s so i can malloc and not know the size before hand [05:58] lstarnes: that did it but why can;t i use pico instead [05:58] shos, whats your issue exactly? [05:58] how can there not be any workwround [05:58] can anyone help me to see if there is a dif between char s[] and char *s? thank you very much in advance [05:58] innomen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/334914 [05:59] jrivera: nano is usually used instead of pico [05:59] Hey all, a quick question. I just set up a hardware raid, and windows sees the raid, but linux is seeing the individual drives. What's going on? [05:59] it would probably be worth learning vi or vim, if you need to edit stuff from a terminal [05:59] jrivera: you don't have permissions.. syslog is root:adm rw-r [06:00] shos, are you using the alpha? [06:00] i logged in as root [06:00] innomen: uname -a [06:00] Linux 645-laptop 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux [06:00] if you just need to view a file, you can just cat or more [06:00] are char * and char [] exactly the same? [06:01] is it possible that syslog file is large that it takes a while before everything to load? [06:01] * mouseclone is back [06:01] any suggestions on this raid issue? [06:01] shos, so no [06:01] my logitech mouse conects to bluetooth just fine in ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 but always have trouble with 8.04 anyone els have same issue or know a fix? [06:01] calmbola: char* is a character pointer. char[] is an array of chars [06:01] innomen: so no what? [06:01] lstarnes, can i use them interchangeably? [06:01] calmbola: I'm not sure if they are different [06:01] shos, have you brunt the latest karmic as a live cd and seen if the problem persists in that version? [06:01] jrivera: what happens when you do 'cat /var/log/syslog' ? that should work === mike is now known as Guest50989 [06:02] calmbola: try asking in a channel specifically for C, like ##c (which might require registration) [06:02] shos, your issue might be fixed in karmic, it comes out in like 3 weeks or something [06:02] coaxmt: cat does the trick but nano or pico doesn't [06:02] innomen: i wish i had time for testing these stuff, i need a os i can use... [06:02] lstarnes, ugh tired [06:02] is karmic the next jaunty? [06:02] i'm in the wrong room [06:02] how much bandwidth would it take to update from a fresh install of 8.10 to 9.04? [06:02] should stop coding right now ;) [06:03] shos, well see you burn the live cd, boot to it test, if the problem is there, well thats a diffrent issue if its not then you can just boot back into your normal one and upgrade [06:03] shos: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic support, thanks [06:03] ANYONE HERE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT GETTING AN HP DV7-1135NR INTEGRATED WEBCAM WORKING PROPERLY? [06:03] Flannel, he's not using karmic [06:03] !caps > Guest50989 [06:03] Guest50989, please see my private message [06:03] jrivera: that is probably because it is read only. You can try 'more' instaead of cat to make it more readable. If you are root, try using gedit or vi or vim [06:03] Techie: as much as you'll give it [06:03] Techie: no much take about 30 min on 10mb [06:03] innomen: Questions regarding karmic are directed there as well. [06:03] Flannel, he's not asking about karmic! [06:03] my logitech mouse conects to bluetooth just fine in ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 but always have trouble with 8.04 anyone els have same issue or know a fix? [06:03] innomen: i'm not the only one experiencing this. this is obviously an ubuntu problem [06:04] mouseclone: what would be the best way to test, to see if it worked [06:04] innomen: He asked if karmic was the next jaunty... whatever that means, it's certainly about karmic. [06:04] Techie: provided you have a good location to dl from [06:04] shos, thats like saying its a people problem there are other issues in play :) [06:04] johnwhaley: reboot [06:04] anyone know how to sent a link to multiple folders from the CL [06:04] karmic is the next ubuntu release, jaunty is the current release [06:04] K [06:04] innomen: what??? [06:04] brb [06:04] johnhaley: you have to load the driver, and if it is kernel based then reboot is only way [06:04] what is the current support for older ATI graphics cards like in 9.04 (ATI Radeon 9600XT) [06:04] shos, want me to type it louder? :P [06:04] no, type harder [06:04] shos, your issue may fixed next version, is that clear enough? [06:04] innomen: i got no clue what you're talking about. [06:05] it was clear the first time thank you. [06:05] jaunty broke too much stuff for me I had to revert to 8.04 [06:05] Techie: not much, dl the old driver and give it a shot. I always get driver for vcard from amd [06:05] "next version" is pretty clear. and the next versoin is coming out next month [06:05] version* [06:05] shos, so live cd the next version and check, if its a kernel issue we can update it and fix your problem [06:05] coaxmt: thanks! [06:05] mouseclone: thanks [06:06] last question though: will i have to make a clean install of karmic or will the jaunty could just upgrade to it? [06:06] :-[ WRITE@LBA=150h failed with SK=3h/ASC=73h/ACQ=04h]: Input/output error [06:06] shos: you should be able to upgrade through the package manager [06:06] shos: don't upgrade until its released, try karmic in Virtualbox [06:06] Techie: just remember that companies can't support old cards forever.. you should always get the basics out of any vcard though [06:06] shos, i believe it can be made ot update off the cd if thats the route you wanna go, or you can just copy off your home directory clean install and copy it back [06:06] shos: or on a different partition or disk [06:06] musikgoat, that wont help him [06:07] i'll try the live cd, although this bug appears on hdd installs [06:07] Techie: just might not have all the OpenGL stuff you would like [06:07] shos, it really shouldent matter [06:07] leave #ubuntu [06:07] shos: the bug does not seem to be universal -- that is, not for all usb storage devices, since I have never experienced it [06:07] shos: how much space do you have? [06:07] shos: on your hd? [06:08] coaxmt read the threads [06:08] shos: seems odd, i run jaunty 64 bit, and I don't have slow usb speed [06:08] shos: I am not saying it doesn't exist, I am just saying its not universal [06:08] i know people read the threads [06:08] i don't know if this is the right channel to ask this, but how do i convert .wmv to .flv format? [06:08] try winff [06:09] if it can read wmv [06:09] coaxmt, i'm betteing its a kernel thing [06:09] wait, flv? I don't knwo [06:09] igoogg: install avidmux [06:09] coaxmt: already have. [06:09] igoogg: upload it to youtube, download from youtube [06:09] Anyone? How do you make a link to a directory to multiple other directories from the command line? [06:09] mouseclone: k. i'll try that. thanks. [06:09] igoog: about the only way i know [06:09] Ben64: a good idea. thanks. ^^ [06:09] :3 [06:10] gohmifune: you mean like libraries in win 7? [06:10] gohmifune: need more info.. a symlink would work i think [06:10] my logitech mouse conects to bluetooth just fine in ubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 but always have trouble with 8.04 anyone els have same issue or know a fix? [06:10] mouseclone: that would mean, no compiz right? [06:10] otherwise, yea, it sounds like a symlink thing [06:10] ok so seriously strtok was a really crappy choice [06:10] Techie: if the card doesn't have drivers that will support it. [06:11] coaxmt: I don't know, I haven't tried it. I have a directory, and I want to create a sym link to it inside several other folders [06:11] Techie: i installed old drivers and they seem to have worked fine on an older PC running 9.04 [06:11] Techie: i can't say what 9.10 will hold for that though [06:11] gohmifune: you mean you want several folders to point to the same directory? [06:12] gohmifune: or do you want a parent folder with several symlinks that point to other folders? [06:12] gohmifune: you can do with with symlinks: 'ln -s name_of_real_file name_of_link' [06:12] and just make as many of those as necessary === whistleboy is now known as Whistleboy [06:12] I want a link to folder A inside folders 1, 2, 3 [06:13] hi [06:13] coaxmt: but I want to do it in batch [06:13] a link in several folders [06:13] I can't find the command [06:13] batch? as in, DOS? [06:13] where is folder A? [06:14] ln -s /home/user/A /home/user/[1-3]/A-folder [06:14] what are the advantages/disadvantages to installing ubuntu inside windows? [06:14] simple regex [06:14] Boffo: you still have Windows? [06:14] yes [06:14] Boffo: j/k [06:15] haha [06:15] Boffo: I have never used Wubi [06:15] my hd wont partition, so i have to settle with this for while until i buy a new one [06:15] Boffo: have an old PC with a small HD? [06:15] Boffo: at least 10gb? [06:16] 250 gig [06:16] i think it may be damaged from hard rebooting, i used to do that alot [06:16] id just unplug my pc [06:16] Boffo: and you can't partition it? what are you using to partition? [06:17] uhh the one that comes with ubuntu [06:17] ill post a screenshot of my error on imageshack and send the link [06:17] Boffo: how much freespace do you have? [06:17] 90 gig [06:17] s [06:17] Boffo: have you don't a defrag of the windows OS before trying to partition? [06:18] nope, would that be a good idea? [06:18] Boffo: in the BIOS, is MBR protection enabled ? [06:18] trying amaya now [06:18] Boffo: Yes! if you have data at the end of your drive it might not move it [06:18] stupid xhtml crap *mumble* [06:19] when i try to partition it, it says the maximum is 8 mbits (or megs) i forgot [06:19] innomen: have you tried scream? [06:19] mouseclone, no [06:19] mouseclone, is this an app or what [06:19] Boffo: you are trying to partiton the 8 mb of free space on the drive [06:19] can someone help me set up this software raid? [06:19] Boffo: windows uses that for dynamic disk [06:19] Boffo: you have to shrink your windows partition first [06:20] musikgoat: how do i do that? [06:20] innomen: it is used for html editing and web dev stuff. [06:20] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=290781 [06:20] innomen: don't know if that is what you are looking for [06:20] when i try to partition it on ubuntu liveCD, it gives me an error saying my hd is damaged [06:20] mouseclone, i'm just trying to convert an htm file to xhtml with something that will show me what its doing [06:20] Boffo: which version of windows? [06:21] Boffo: in windows run a Scandisk, and then a defrag [06:21] innomen: not sure if scream will do that.. [06:21] i'm gunna try amaya and if that dosent work i'll just do it with tidy [06:21] innomen: never hurts to do a quick install of it though [06:22] mouseclone, its not in add remove [06:22] Boffo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1700751&postcount=6 [06:22] i did a chkdsk earlier, because xp wasnt booting at all, just a black screen, so i did it in recovery console, xp works again, but i still cant partition [06:22] that is the best set of steps, basically what mouseclone said :P [06:22] "ln -s /home/user/A /home/user/[1-3]/A-folder" is only making a /home/user/A/home/user/3/A-folder [06:22] anyone? [06:23] innomen: screem is the name not scream [06:23] how long should a defrag take (roughly) on my 250 gig hd with 90 gig's free? [06:23] Boffo: depends, probly a few hours [06:23] mouseclone, oh, duhr sorry [06:24] heh [06:24] gohminfune: that is if the folders were named 1,2,3 [06:24] innomen: no worries I spelled it wrong [06:24] Boffo: the higher percentage frag the longer, but since you have alot of space it will be quicker [06:24] Boffo: memory helps as well [06:25] okay, thank you. i'd better start it now. one more question, i want to change my resolution to 1680x1050, and i have an ATI radeon x1600 [06:25] !ati [06:25] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [06:25] hey all [06:25] okay, thanks again for the help everyone [06:25] (Log Out, Shutdown, Restart, Hibernate) missing from panel .. [06:26] how do i restore them back [06:26] Hi all. I am trying to # sudo echo foo >> /etc/hosts file but i always get permission denied. What is strange is that I can use sed to change information but as soon as i try echo something i get permission denied, is this a security feature by ubuntu? [06:26] jimbeam12: click on your username [06:26] Boffo: or go to AMDs site and see if they have drivers for your card [06:26] iam in gnome desktop right now [06:27] jimbeam12: on the right, is your username near the time [06:27] ? [06:27] no its gone.. [06:27] list [06:27] Dyllan: echo foo | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts [06:27] !panels | jimbeam12 [06:27] jimbeam12: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » [06:28] Dyllan: when do you do sudo echo foo >>, only the part before the >> is in sudo [06:28] Dyllan: my understanding is that the sudo only applies to the echo. By the time you do the append, the sudo is finished so you don't have permission... [06:28] mouseclone: I know. I have in home, I folder A, and folders with 1995-2003, I'm trying to make a link to folder a in each of those folders 1995-2003, but what you gave me just makes the link in 2003 [06:28] do sudo sh -s 'echo "foo" >> place' [06:28] hello every one [06:28] OK guys that makes perfect sense thank you ! [06:29] i mean, sudo sh -c 'echo..." [06:29] ubotu ur da the man..thx [06:29] jimbeam12: ubotu is not a man [06:29] :P [06:30] i know its a bot... [06:30] but the bot helped.. [06:30] gohmifune: one sec [06:30] hola [06:30] !gender | jimbeam12 [06:30] jimbeam12: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :) [06:31] thx anyways.. [06:31] mouseclone, screem is neat and had a tidy option but it wouldent save as xhtml [06:31] alright, i'll stop, bed time :) [06:31] jimbeam12, ignore the haters, the machines appreciate being thanked [06:31] :) [06:32] ohh good...thats a relief.. [06:32] when windows apps used ot tell me "thank you" and give me an ok box i often wanted a second button that said you're welcome [06:32] I'm having a problem getting video on mpeg movies, i've tried installing vlc, mplayer, and installing codecs but no video, only sound... every other format works (flv, ogg, etc)... i'm not sure what to do here [06:32] anyone in here using kde.. [06:33] i recently installed skype 2.1, i can watch my webcam using cheese but not using skype [06:33] ffmpeg -i movie.mpg shows it as a mpeg1video... i've tried several videos to be sure it wasn't the file [06:34] anyone think they can help? [06:34] latiger: can you paste the output of mplayer when you try and play the file? [06:34] hi how can I pm here.. [06:34] jerald type /msg [06:34] jerald: /msg user message [06:34] jerald: or /query user [06:35] jerald: however, we ask that you keep things in the channel [06:35] i've only tried to play through the mplayer using gui, brb i will run it via command line [06:35] nice.. I'ts my first time to chat using xchat [06:35] mouseclone: i rebooted, now all i get is the command prompt [06:35] i'm on windows === ben is now known as Guest32930 === Guest32930 is now known as f2knight [06:36] hey back [06:36] jerald, ah, then you can right click on their nick and choose "Open dialogue Window" as well. On xchat [06:36] tell anyone using kde desktop.. [06:36] can i post url's here. The output is huge and would work better on a pastebin site [06:36] ? [06:36] and if so are they having problem rotating the desktop.. [06:36] hi [06:36] latiger: you should use pastebins here [06:36] latiger: yes, in fact, pastebin is required here for large texts === netsurf3_ is now known as netsurf3 [06:37] latiger: if you have a pastebin post that is relevant to your questions, please do give us the url [06:37] http://pastebin.com/m745ea395 [06:37] that is the output from mplayer [06:37] If you buy an iphone over the phone from apple, what area code number would you usually get? do they ask you? [06:38] johnwhaley: what? you only get CLI? any errors? [06:38] hey all, having two problems with ubuntu's cron - im cronning a script that kills and restarts a process every minute... why is it sending me an email every time it runs? [06:38] mouseclone: i did not see any errors [06:38] the second is theres a script in /etc/cron.daily that isn't running [06:39] heyy. [06:39] I have a acer aspire one and I been using ubuntu for a bit now, lovin it, but after I received my acer back from the repair center the web cam had not worked after a fresh install of ubuntu jaunty, I can not seem to get it to run can some1 here help? [06:39] latiger: all those 'Cannot sync MAD frame' messages usually mean the mpg is corrupt. Is it just this particular mpg file? [06:39] whenever i install my ati driver, the next reboot x is messed up and everything is black. [06:40] i've tried other mpegs (it's hard to find an mpeg to test with oddly)... let me try another [06:41] latiger: as a workaround, use ffmpeg to convert it to an avi? [06:41] gohmifune: I can't seem to get it to work from the cli either.. hmmm [06:41] gavin__, which ati card and which version of the drivers [06:41] Im new to packaging and as a test tried modifying alien it worked till this point.. the build came through successfully but get a gpg error at the end.. http://pastie.org/625551 [06:41] hello guys [06:41] how do i resolve it.. Im a total newbie...can anyone please help [06:41] mouseclone: you think it just can't be done? [06:41] celthunder: the latest version from amd website [06:41] anyone tried crunchbang or lubuntu. i'm doing a new install and can't decide between the two, not sure what the pros/cons/differences are [06:41] gavin__, card? [06:41] my card id ati radeon 3100 [06:42] peeps: lubuntu is easier [06:42] ahh, I would really like to not use a work around... what's odd is the thumbnail for the mpeg shows up on the file when it's listed [06:42] gohminfune: nope. [06:42] like the first frame shows as the icon in thumbnail view [06:42] gohmifune: it can be done [06:42] gohmifune, you have tried both? what is easier about it? [06:42] peeps: crunchbang more or less doesn't have the standard desktop metaphor, but it is good [06:43] peeps: lubuntu is very similar to kde, gnome, xfce, and windows as far as interfaces go [06:43] latiger: mpeg 1/2 is old technology, most people who compress stuff for tranmission use xvid/divx or mp4 which gives much smaller files for the same quality. VOB files on dvds are mpeg 1/2 ... [06:43] ok [06:43] peeps: crunchbang, it has been a while, but it was keyboard centric, you could use a mouse, but it wasn't designed for it. === Vantrax is now known as matthewlye [06:44] well anyone know? [06:44] latiger, from cli try "mplayer -vo gl filename" and/or try "mplayer -vo x11 filename" === matthewlye is now known as mattlye [06:44] peeps: programs were a non factor, and crunchbang was clean looking [06:44] wow [06:44] you're a genius [06:44] lol [06:45] Can anyone point me to good resources to using UBuntu for graphic design? (IE, a vector program, and fonts?.. and other stuff?) [06:45] hey all, having two problems with ubuntu's cron - im cronning a script that kills and restarts a process every minute... why is it sending me an email every time it runs? the other problem is a file in cron.daily isnt working [06:45] now the question is how do i default mplayer to pass those arguments === mattlye is now known as matthewlye [06:45] gohmifune, what do you mean programs a non factor? === matthewlye is now known as Vantrax [06:46] which is something i can figure out on my own, guess i need to read the man pages for mplayer [06:46] peeps: well, a terminal is a terminal, a text editor is a text editor. You are going to use your favorite programs no matter what desktop enviroment or WM you use [06:46] latiger, right click on an MPEG / Open With - click Add button and put the correct -vo into the command [06:46] i recently installed skype 2.1, i can watch my webcam using cheese but not using skype [06:46] felixsulla: install ubuntustudio-desktop, it will give u all needed things for graphics in ubuntu [06:46] hi guys, does anyone know how I can disable/reanble my touch mouse? [06:47] Zykotic you' [06:47] 're the man [06:47] gohmifune: funny that ls [1-3] does an ls in those dirs === sterlin_ is now known as sterlin [06:48] anyone know how to use this command?? [06:48] dmesg | grep -i "uvc" [06:48] mouseclone, i have good news, my card is now working really well with the proprietary drivers, which never worked properly in the past [06:48] are regex parsed when evaluating a symlink? [06:48] techie: gratz [06:48] latiger, alternatively there must be a way to add it to ~/.mplayer/config [06:49] coaxmt: if I understand your question, the answer is no [06:49] according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne that command is suppost to tell me if my computer sees my webcam [06:49] anyone know how to write a script for nvclock for nvidia [06:49] yeah, I think I can get it from here... thanks a ton, I've been trying to figure it out for days and I try to use irc as a last resort... [06:50] losher: thats my though, I was actually asking it rhetorically regarding what mouseclone had said [06:50] mouseclone: this is weird. I'm heading out, but thanks for the help. I'm sure there is a solution [06:51] How can I disable the system beep? [06:51] am I being ignored here? [06:51] ShapeShifter499: normally you have to wait a while to get an answer [06:52] ShapeShifter499: be patient [06:52] ok ok [06:52] or ask on serverfault [06:52] Fragsworth: you can actually turn the beep down or mute it. that is the only way i know of but others may know how to actyally disable it [06:53] bastid_raZor: how do turn it down? that would be fine [06:53] Fragsworth, System->Preferences->Sound, Sounds tab, set "Alert" to Disabled [06:53] anyone know how to control fan speed in nvclock [06:53] Fragsworth: you can disable specific things that use it, and you can also blacklist the 'pcspkr' module [06:53] need to write a script....on startup [06:54] jimbeam, you can add it to your rc.local and it will run on startup [06:54] Fragsworth, FYI steps to disable http://moojix.wordpress.com/2008/10/31/disable-system-beep-under-ubuntu-completely/ [06:55] jimbeam12, that's /etc/rc.local [06:56] been looking for something simple... [06:58] you can set it as executable and add it to the 'startup programs' via the menu [06:58] hey i need help [06:58] Hey is there a ftp-like sever software that can run over https? basically a file browser with upload/download? [06:59] can anyone help me with wine [06:59] maybe... I bet wine has its own channel too [06:59] oh really [06:59] ask away [06:59] http://webfilebrowser.sourceforge.net/ <--- something like this but less ghay? === [1]Sergeant_Pony is now known as Sergeant_Pony [07:00] i did something earlier today, and it wont let me downgrade wine === H[a]di is now known as MethylphenidateP [07:01] it keeps reinstalling the same version nomatter what is in the synaptic [07:02] dg1: apt installs whatever the current version is. the only way to "downgrade" is if you were using a PPA or other build. [07:02] not quite, you can force a version [07:02] i tried force [07:02] coaxmt: if it's still in the archive. [07:02] in synaptic, select the package, and under the package menu choose 'force version' [07:03] yea [07:03] hi!! who can teach me how to transfer the fonts from below the icon to right side of the icon. I am referring to ubuntu desktop [07:03] it keeps installing 1.1.29 when i want 1.0.1 [07:03] you can download a deb of the one you want and install it with dpkg [07:03] and hope it doesn't break any dependencies [07:04] hi!! who can teach me how to transfer the fonts from below the icon to right side of the icon. I am referring to ubuntu desktop pls. pm me how to do it. [07:04] heres what i did earlier to get itunes working [07:04] http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14793 [07:04] jerald: admin>system>appearances then Interface tab [07:05] itunes? what are you using itunes for anyway? there are a lot of great native apps that are similiar/better [07:05] i know, i know. [07:05] its too slow [07:06] whats a git [07:06] jerald: system, preferences, appearance, interface tab [07:08] 1. open up a console and build the necessary wine dependencies [07:08] sudo apt-get install build-essential [07:08] sudo apt-get build-dep wine [07:08] 2.   Install git [07:08] sudo apt-get install git-core gitk [07:08] [07:08] 3. clone the wine git repository [07:08] git clone git://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git wine [07:08] cd wine [07:08] thats what i did earlier [07:09] bastid_raZor I just want it in my desktop not the whole theme.. just the icon at my desktop. [07:10] hi. what sources are needed to install java? [07:11] hi === FrankQC_ is now known as HelloThere [07:11] !info sun-java6-jdk [07:12] sun-java6-jdk (source: sun-java6): Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.04 (jaunty), package size 18087 kB, installed size 56628 kB [07:12] b0red: ^ multiverse [07:12] i want to encrypt a directory thats on a windows partion on my computer and i'm planning to use ecryptfs.Will the encryption apply even to anyone who uses windows on my computer or will i just be a normal directory over ther? [07:14] nmvictor: Haven't really read up on encryptfs, but I believe the data is stored in a file which is loop mounted on a directory, so on windows you'd probably see an empty directory. [07:15] is there any benefit to joining an ubuntu machine to windows active directory? [07:15] idk [07:17] if 'uname -r' gives me a version that I can't find in /lib/modules, something is not right, right? [07:18] geirha: what if some fucked up dude hate seeing empty directories and decides its best placed in the recycle bin?is their a way to set permissions on the directory to prevent any one in windows from tampering with it, or maybe will ecryptfs create a new directory incase it find that it doesnt exist? [07:18] !language > nmvictor [07:18] nmvictor, please see my private message [07:18] hey guys anyone know an auto script to run nvclock on startup... [07:18] hello, quick SSH question... I've tunneled ssh through my NAT to my ubuntu server, how can I make SSH rely not jsut on a password but also on a separate keyfile that must be on teh client machine? I didn't turn up anythign on google... pointers welcome. [07:19] mneptok: cool [07:19] CQ: /etc/ssh/sshd_config [07:20] nmvictor: linux cannot set permissions on files on NTFS, so you'd have to set those permissions on the windows machine. Don't know if encryptfs will create directory automatically. [07:20] mneptok: the AuthorizedKeys file, or which part? [07:21] CQ: PasswordAuthentication no [07:21] CQ: then you *must* have a key in wherever authorized_keys is set [07:21] mneptok: ah gotcha... that only allows access with keys [07:21] yes, thanks [07:21] mouseclone: you there?? [07:23] CQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys [07:24] i need a DEBIAN expert [07:24] moyoyo, #debian? [07:25] no [07:25] who knows the 6 run levels on ubuntu ? [07:25] 6 is reboot [07:25] 5 is full mutliuser [07:25] don't know exactly what the rest art [07:26] how i modify the 2nd level ? [07:26] like what do you mean? [07:26] do you want some applications to load on the second runlevel? [07:26] no no [07:26] i need to changee S30gdm to K30gdm [07:26] and i get this msg [07:27] i have created a directory ENCRYPTED in /media// and i wish to encrpt it with ecryptfs, is it enough to just create a symbolic link between ~/Private and /media//ENCRYPTED? [07:27] xxxx@xxxx-laptop:/etc/rc2.d$ sudo rename S30gdm K30gdm [07:27] [sudo] password for xxxx: [07:27] Bareword "S30gdm" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at (eval 1) line 1. [07:27] xxxx@xxxx-laptop:/etc/rc2.d$ [07:27] moyoyo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [07:27] How do I view what kind of file system format each of my partitions are using? [07:27] Is there a GUI interface for that? [07:28] why does it need to be K30 [07:28] moyoyo: You use mv to rename files [07:28] amerinese, gparted [07:29] lol geirha, we know that, he is just having a problem with something else afte rthat [07:29] it needs to be K30gdm cuz its the only way to boot in TEXT MODE [07:30] hi all, im looking for an easy tool with which my users can email large files - the tool should have a web form which asks for a large file upload, a password and an email address... when the file is uploaded, it sends an email with the password and a URL to the provided email address... [07:30] amerinese: keep ti simple, use fdisk -l === CQ_ is now known as cq [07:31] tool should be ajax or php [07:31] I have a acer aspire one and I been using ubuntu for a bit now, lovin it, but after I received my acer back from the repair center the web cam had not worked after a fresh install of ubuntu jaunty, I can not seem to get it to run can some1 here help? [07:31] ANyone have any SUGGESTIONS? [07:31] demonspork, CQ: thanks [07:32] what is the command if I want to make a bugreport on an app and want the system to auto collect debug info [07:33] fdisk doesn't work for me, but gparted was fine [07:33] quick install [07:34] Anyone having performance problems with sqlite3 under ext4? [07:34] how do i rename directoryss [07:34] ? [07:35] !bug | rohdef ..possibly? [07:35] rohdef ..possibly?: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots [07:36] # ciao [07:36] anyone?? [07:37] #list [07:37] ciao [07:37] #ubuntu-hu [07:37] lista [07:38] !list [07:38] This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [07:38] it appears fglrx no longer support radeon x1400 :( [07:40] I'm looking for help with basic Java programming. Would someone here be able to help me? Or maybe just point me to the right Channel? [07:40] Tw1x, i may be of assistance [07:40] HELP [07:40] \help [07:40] exit [07:41] It's actually a simple question. I've written a class that extends JComponent and I was wondering how I could find out the size of the JFrame that uses it. [07:42] I g2g [07:42] bye [07:43] Tw1x: This is Ubuntu, AKA GNU/Linux Operating System -- Not Java. :) [07:45] Tw1x, you should be able to find in the documentation api here http://java.sun.com/javase/7/docs/api/ [07:46] I need help [07:46] My Linux Shows only 233GB out of 250 gb [07:50] test [07:50] Hi [07:50] test works [07:50] !hi [07:50] hmm, actually it didn't :) [07:50] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [07:52] how do i change cc environemnt variable form gcc-4.3 to gcc-4.1? [07:52] hello, how do i prevent monitor sandby? i already tried : system>preferences>power management>both options to 'never', and also xset dpms 0 0 30000000, xset s off off, xset s noblank, xset -dpms...still the screen goes in standby... [07:54] hi! does anybody knows how to hack an msn contact ip? [07:54] ocelot: use GetIp script [07:54] works for me.. [07:54] where i can find it? what is that? [07:55] sorry, IpGet .. [07:55] is it a tool? [07:55] ocelot: not sure if its for download now, but i have it .. [07:55] tim167, did you check the Screensaver? [07:55] for..? [07:55] ocelot: its a script for windows live messenger .. [07:55] ewp: you mean in those options ? [07:56] !off-topic | wteff [07:56] wteff: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [07:56] tim167, system > prefs > screensaver [07:56] ok thank you very much, I hope it works :D have a goog night [07:56] ewp: ah i'll check... [07:56] c you around [07:56] indus: hey, sorry :p [07:56] tim167, i assume you wish to uncheck "activate screensaver when computer is idle" [07:57] ewp: ok, i did that now, thanks ! i'll see if it worked ... [07:57] okie doke === zaggynl_ is now known as zaggynl [07:57] Hey i installed ubuntu and i can see 233 GB on it only [07:57] out of 250 GB [07:58] ewp, although, i wonder, shouldn't that be done by my "xset s off off" or "xset s noblank" commands? === LostMyNic is now known as DarkHack [07:59] ewp, anyway, i'll leave the computer alone for a few minutes now, and see what happens :) [07:59] tim167, i've never used xset but wm's like gnome usually override x settings, i would assume === jeremy is now known as Guest29349 [08:00] Hadi, 233 is the correct size -- for an explanation see http://www.pcmech.com/forum/showthread.php?t=118330 [08:02] Hadi, guess it's 232.83 GB really [08:02] ZykoticK9 when i had windows it was 250 [08:02] Hadi, perhaps that's what [08:02] apt-sastisfydepends --> command not found [08:03] how is it? [08:03] Windows was telling you - but it was lying [08:03] ZykoticK9 oh k [08:03] devscripts have been installed [08:03] ZykoticK9 BIOS telling me its 250 [08:04] hay, I can't download key from keyserver.ubuntu.com, show me "server timeout", but I can ping to keyserver.ubuntu.com [08:04] Hadi, that link i gave or a google search for "hard disk size wrong" can explain it better then I ever could [08:04] what happen with keyserver.ubuntu.com? [08:05] reading :) thank u ZykoticK9 [08:05] could any one guess why i can get on a wireless network with ubuntu laptop but i cant with my windows pc [08:05] both computers are equal distance from the router [08:06] vistakiller, people where having problems with the keyserver earlier today as well, someone had a working mirror - sorry i didn't copy it down. [08:06] I just installed firefox, in which folder can I find it ? [08:06] ruby_on_tails, "whereis firefox" [08:06] ruby_on_tails: how did you install it? [08:06] synaptic [08:07] "whereis firefox" ? [08:07] ZykoticK9: thanks [08:07] ruby_on_tails: why are you looking for the folder? === Guest29349 is now known as Zombie_ [08:07] nvm [08:07] ruby_on_tails, that's a terminal command that will tell you where the binary is [08:08] because I had updated it, so 2 firefoxes are now on my system, and the icon I click to lainch FF opens the old one [08:08] whereis -b firefox [08:08] ruby_on_tails: did you install shiretoko? [08:08] nope, don't know what's that [08:08] ruby_on_tails: isnt it under internet>web browser === prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys [08:09] Yo. What's the gnome device viewer? Or don't I have one? [08:09] indus: long time ago I had dragged that icon to desktop to creat a shortcut there but it moved there instead of copying, so there is no FF icon now [08:09] in the internet>web brwoser [08:09] ruby_on_tails: yeah ok [08:10] ruby_on_tails: if you incstalled both firefoxes from synaptic then its not a problem [08:10] yea I did that [08:10] ruby_on_tails: right click on main menu>edit menus and check under internet [08:10] ruby_on_tails: if its disabled etc in menu [08:11] how do mount a samba share to make it write changes immediately? with no local caching, that is [08:11] ruby_on_tails: firefox 3.5 is called shiretoko in jaunty [08:11] !shiretoko [08:11] FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation [08:11] shiretoko?? [08:11] yeah [08:11] whats that [08:11] firefox 3.5 [08:11] but why [08:12] in usr/bin I see a folder named firefox-3.5b4pre is that it ? [08:12] Hi [08:12] My firefox flash plackback is very slow and choppy at full screen mode [08:12] has anyone come across like this? [08:12] how do I get my nameservers into etc/resolv.conf permanently? I have resolverconf installed, and the nameservers are listed correctly in /etc/network/interfaces as dns-nameservers IP1 IP2 [08:12] ruby_on_tails: are you using ubuntu 9.04? [08:12] cq: are you getting a dynamic IP from dhcp? it will overwrite resolv.conf [08:13] cq, install wicd , [08:13] Boohbah: no, fixed IP, these are virtual machines I have set up ... [08:13] ruby_on_tails: have you updated your system? this is alpha 4 [08:13] Is there any window manager that supports a "system tray"? I don't want to use Gnome, but I want the system tray icons, such as those of wicd, Pidgin, Dropbox, [08:13] ewp: seems to have worked, thanks :d [08:13] Boohbah: I want to use one as a webserver, so I need a fixed IP for it. [08:13] cq, and put the nameserver in the configuration of wicd [08:13] haris: xfce [08:13] tim167, cool any time dude [08:13] haris: I xfce has also a systray [08:14] ruby_on_tails:from a terminal you can type shiretoko to run it i think [08:14] Wazzzaaa, Boohbah, I am talking about window manager though, not an entire desktop environment. Something like icewm, fluxbox or something .. I don't want an entire DE [08:14] ruby_on_tails: if you're tyring to add it back to the menu use firefox-3.5 as the command to launch it [08:14] indus, just simply type firefox [08:14] dvinchi____: really? ok then [08:14] haris: can't help you with that... [08:15] iam using newer ubuntu so [08:15] indus, works??? [08:15] just installing ff 3.5 on this system which is 9.04 [08:15] :) [08:15] with stupid update manager poping up automatically [08:15] does ubuntu support rpm command? [08:15] beterraba: no [08:16] beterraba, why?? [08:16] use alien [08:16] beterraba: but you can convert rpms to debs [08:16] beterraba, install aliend [08:16] alien [08:16] !alien [08:16] RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) [08:16] !parted [08:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about parted [08:16] i'm trying to install netbeans, but they do not disponibilize the install file as any other format [08:17] !gparted [08:17] gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [08:17] !gparted [08:17] argh [08:17] !debians [08:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about debians [08:17] !debian [08:17] Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! [08:18] beterraba, http://www.netbeans.org/downloads/ [08:18] anyone here with sufficient info on ecryptfs?I got some issues i would like confirmed [08:19] encryptfs ¡¡ i want learn that [08:19] !sh [08:19] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [08:20] can anyone help me? im a newbie? [08:20] !echo /dev/audio [08:20] Sorry, I don't know anything about echo /dev/audio === Zombie is now known as _Zombie_ [08:20] Hello, there I am currently connected to a friends PC via SSH... I want to setup Remote Desktop connection I am using TightVNC because I'm trying to connect from Windows to a Linux box so I did gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true from command line but I can't connect any ideas on what to do? [08:21] Hello , can someone recommend me on good tool for editing PDF documents ? [08:22] Viki27, Latext [08:22] Viki27, Latex === root is now known as Argos [08:23] Viki27, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1159181 [08:23] hey all [08:23] can someon advise me here [08:23] cannot access `x/etc/init.d/fanscript': No such file or directory [08:23] sup ppl [08:23] i am using lenovo y500, while running ubuntu 9.04 my keypad/touchpad freezes.. please help [08:23] Viki27, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8427 [08:24] i was using live cd of ubuntu 9.04 [08:24] CD4 : I have the same problem with a Logitech mouse and keyboard [08:24] je voudrais la derniere version 9.10 [08:25] my touchpad and keypad worked first time..after i shut down that.. it dint work [08:25] i was using live cd [08:25] dimitri, do you know english? [08:25] a little yes [08:26] dimitri, just ask [08:26] can anyone help??? [08:26] I'm trying to install ubuntu desktop version but evrytime, the installation process freezes ... [08:26] CD4, install Debian Lenny [08:26] what may be the reason for this issue? [08:26] debian lenny??? [08:26] yeah if someone can help me too my wireless mouse and keyboard frezzes after a while in Ubuntu 9.04 [08:27] i want to use ubuntu 9.04, y should i resort for lenny??? [08:27] firstly i thought it may be a problem with the cd, but same problem happened with a new one ... [08:27] I'd lke to have ubuntu v. 9.10 but my version is to hold what can I do to get it without CD ? [08:29] whats the difference between a symbolic link and a hardlink? [08:29] nmvictor: if you delete a hardlink, both locations will die [08:30] nmvictor: a symlink is kinda like a shortcut in windows [08:30] nmvictor, symlink just create references [08:30] nmvictor, hardlink just clone the inode [08:32] thank you ! [08:32] i'm having a problem with networking on my ubuntu box. when i boot into windows, i can see the net just fine, but when i'm in linux, it refuses to work. I can ping my room mate by ip but not by hostname. /etc/resolv.conf says that my namehost is the router we're both behind [08:32] guten morgen [08:34] Anyone wanna let me know how to make my sound work? [08:34] hey is there a program that I cam map my remote control so it'll work with my TV tuner??? [08:34] Crystufer, just ask [08:35] i'm having a problem with networking on my ubuntu box. when i boot into windows, i can see the net just fine, but when i'm in linux, it refuses to work. I can ping my room mate by ip but not by hostname. /etc/resolv.conf says that my nameserver is the router we're both behind === comfnumb is now known as fadeout [08:37] Crystufer, type: lspci | grep audio [08:37] Well, I'm looking at the volume control, and it wants me to pick one of 9 mixers and I only have 2. [08:37] Crystufer, type: lspci | grep audio [08:37] lspci | grep audio [08:37] to terminal, yes? [08:37] Crystufer, yes [08:37] in terminal [08:37] Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04) [08:37] dvinchi____: kdewhirst so i have contents in ./dirA that are known and used by an application.Because of storage, i want to move the to /media/TOSHIBA SYSTEM VOLUME/ and make them available to the application as if they were in dirA, so i understand i have to create a link, im confused, which is appropriate?a hard link or a symlink? [08:38] hey gang [08:38] So then my audigy is my default. [08:38] nmvictor: i would use a symlink [08:38] nmvictor: you have to if they're on seperate file systems [08:39] SMK Manufacturing, Inc. eHome Infrared Receiver.. <--- how do I make this work??? [08:39] nemesis1911: is it mentioned on the lirc home page? [08:39] nemesis1911: which application are you using it with [08:39] trying to add windows to mbr. mbr is on /dev/sda1 doz is on /dev/sdb1 [08:39] i can't get the syntax right for grub [08:39] nemesis1911: did you check on the terminal if the remote does something [08:40] nemesis1911: type irw on terminal and see what happens [08:40] indus I'm using Zapping tv viewer [08:40] !lirc [08:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about lirc [08:40] !info lirc [08:40] lirc (source: lirc): infra-red remote control support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.4a-0ubuntu5 (jaunty), package size 477 kB, installed size 2140 kB [08:40] Crystufer, check http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/87386-creative-labs-sb-audigy-drivers.html [08:40] indus the remote dont' do nothing.. but itd listed in the lsusv [08:40] lsusb [08:41] nemesis1911: usb remote hmm [08:41] nephlim: you need a walkthrough on grub? [08:41] nemesis1911: check the lirc homepage for tips [08:41] Crystufer, check http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/creative-labs-sb-audigy-ls-alsa-no-sound-361619/ [08:41] indus: yup I'm trying to mapp it with zapping tv [08:41] good morning [08:41] nemesis1911: i could never map my remote with tvtime ; [08:42] kdewhirst, wait, if doz is /dev/sdb1, then in grub it'd be (hd3,0) right? [08:42] !lirc did nothing [08:42] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [08:42] moin [08:42] under ubuntu when I run this script: http://git.schottelius.org/?p=nsbin;a=blob;f=hole_mails;hb=HEAD I cannot interrupt it with ctrl-c [08:42] nephlim: it depends on what you've got it mapped to. I'm sorry to be evasive. on my system, it's hd1, and sda1 [08:42] I'm using rxvt-unicode and zsh, ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 have the same behaviour [08:42] nephlim: sdb1, i'm sorry [08:43] under debian ctrl-c works as expected (aborts offlineimap, fetchmail or sleep, whichever runs) [08:43] anyone want to help me with my networking problems? [08:43] any clue on what's different in ubuntu compared to debian lenny / squeeze? [08:43] nephlim: just remember, numberring starts from zero , so hd0,0 is first device first partition [08:43] kdewhirst, whats your problem [08:43] ? [08:44] this is IDE 2, slave [08:44] windows is IDE 2, slave [08:44] dvinchi____: i'm not able to connect to the internet. Last time i was using it, i might have been using open dns, but i don't remember. I also don't remember how I set it up [08:44] mbr is ide 1, master, first partiton (root) [08:45] dvinchi____: when i'm in windows, it works, so i don't think it's a hardware problem. i just moved out here, so it's a whole new network [08:45] nephlim: are ytou trying to restore grub? [08:45] or is there any "advanced ubuntu users" channel for questions like that? [08:45] indus, grub works, i just want to add windows to it [08:45] nephlim: so you need to edit the menu.lst file [08:45] anyone use google desktop and privoxy? [08:45] nephlim: i can give you my windows chunk of menu.lst [08:45] nephlim: but iam guessing you are already in it [08:46] indus, right, i've been tweeking i for a while now [08:46] saluton [08:46] mostly error 11 and the occasional error 8 [08:46] i can't seem to use google desktop through privoxy [08:46] nephlim, : [08:46] # This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS [08:46] # on /dev/hda1 [08:46] title Microsoft Windows XP Professional [08:46] root (hd0,0) [08:46] savedefault [08:46] dvinchi____: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:46] telmich: ubuntu releases every 6 ,months [08:46] dvinchi____: i hate it when that happens [08:47] kdewhirst, type in a console [08:47] dhclient [08:47] nephlim: so whats the issue [08:47] after savedefault comes: [08:47] makeactive [08:47] map (hd0)(hd1) [08:47] map (hd1)(hd0) [08:47] chainloader +1 [08:47] kdewhirst: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [08:47] indus: yes, but that's not nearly what I asked :-) [08:47] dvinchi____: okay [08:48] anyone know how to get google desktop working with privoxy enabled? [08:48] and then modify /etc/resolv.conf and put nameserver nameserver [08:48] indus, i can't find the right (hd_foo) config to get grub to see the doz drive [08:48] doz is on /dev/dsb1 [08:48] nephlim: doz? [08:49] induz, sorry windows, and it's on /dev/sdb1 [08:49] dvinchi____: why those nameservers? [08:49] nephlim: windows? its on second device that is, then it should be hd1,0 [08:49] kdewhirst, they're the opendns nameservers [08:49] kdewhirst, that are opendns [08:49] hd1,0 = /dev/sdb1, right? [08:49] yeah [08:49] hmmm [08:49] dvinchi____: tanath: i don't want to use opendns [08:50] kdewhirst, why not? i'd recommend it.. [08:50] telmich: my first guess would be that it's a dash vs bash issue [08:50] nephlim:try it [08:50] crdlb, bash rulez [08:50] tanath: i was using it before to get around a broken nameserver at my school [08:50] so title windows, rootnoverify (hd1,0) makeactive, chainloader +1 [08:50] telmich: try changing the #! to /bin/bash [08:50] tanath: now i'm on a home network and want to be able to find my friend's computer on it [08:50] (assume i formatted that properly :) [08:50] nephlim: yeah sounds good ,need to chainload it [08:51] okies, im on the macbook, so let [08:51] kdewhirst, so why don't you want to use opendns? [08:51] s reboot nix and see whap happens :) [08:51] indus: yooo I found something that I think might help ya out.. http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MCE_Remote#Ubuntu_8.10 [08:51] kdewhirst, use opendns [08:51] tanath: last time i used it, it would complain about anything on the local network not being in opendns's list [08:51] nemesis1911: I USE tvtime :) [08:52] funny, i've been windows free for two years [08:52] crdlb: I'm using dash/bash for some years, it's not that :-( [08:52] i just got a craving to play some games [08:52] dammit! error 12 [08:52] indus: can ya help me configure my tvtime? [08:52] nephlim: try hitting it? [08:52] nemesis1911: i thought you were using mythtv [08:53] why isn't Seamonkey 1.1.18 in the repos? [08:53] nemesis1911: tvtime is so easy to configure , [08:53] installed docker from synaptic package manager...how does it work? [08:53] Hello, there I am currently connected to a friends PC via SSH... I want to setup Remote Desktop connection I am using TightVNC because I'm trying to connect from Windows to a Linux box so I did gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true from command line but I can't connect any ideas on what to do? [08:53] indus I'm using Zapping TV.. to change the channels.. and mplayer to play /dev/video1 [08:53] ooh wait, is it possible that device.map isn't seeing the windows drive? [08:53] nephlim: maybe. what's in it? [08:53] nemesis1911: hmm mplayer plays tv? [08:54] hey all [08:54] nemesis1911: whats zapping tv [08:54] wsup [08:54] kdewhirst, you can manage behaviour on the dashboard [08:54] tanath, whats docker? [08:54] anyone running NVCLOCK on their system [08:54] indus if you go to terminal .. and type in .. mplayer /dev/video1 or vlc /dev/video1 [08:54] hi [08:54] tanath: okay. i was hoping to get it to Just Work. i'll give it a shot and see if i can get to the internet [08:54] chucky, o.O [08:54] i have a problem 18 with grub [08:55] can anybody help me? [08:55] tanath, didnt get u. [08:55] kdewhirst, only thing in device.map is (hd0) /dev/hda [08:55] should I add /dev/sdb1 ? [08:55] nephlim: okay, add it in [08:55] chucky, dunno what you're talking about [08:55] nemesis1911: whats zapping tv [08:55] nephlim: yeah, add sdb (no number) [08:55] nemesis1911: try tvtime its really super [08:56] nemesis1911: just right click and configure all stuff [08:56] any idea how the docker applicationn works?i've installed it from synaptic package manager [08:56] kdewhirst, ok. rebooting [08:56] indus: I have a hauppauge pvr 150.. [08:56] nephlim: okay, good luck [08:56] and thank you, indus, kdewhirst [08:57] mother fark! [08:57] nephlim: no problem. beats doing nothing while i work on this [08:57] another error 12 [08:57] nephlim: i forget. what does 12 mean? [08:57] one sec [08:57] im on xubuntu XFCE4 9.04 [08:57] invalid device requested [08:58] docker application anybody? [08:58] indus my tvtime says 'ivtv: Invalid argument cannot open capure device /dev/video1 [08:58] or any good dock application for xubuntu 9.04...old ibm thinkpad [08:59] nephlim: check that your menu.lst and device.map have the same numbers? [08:59] i would like use my own server to store .deb files as a repository for my own debs. i havent been able to find any answers how to do that in google. not sure if im searching for the right thing. how can i set my server up as a repository for my debs? [09:00] bigmack83, you want doed a mirror from debs [09:00] I want to write a bash script that opens a load of gnome-terminal and runs pings to selected ips for a monitoring purpose. How can this be done? [09:00] can you open a terminal with a jaunty live cf without booting? [09:00] doed? [09:00] this is taking forever to reboot just to edit grub [09:00] bigmack83, search for mirror local [09:01] nephlim: no, i don't think so [09:01] ah ok, thanks [09:01] bummer [09:01] boots in about 1.5 to 2 min, but it's agonizing [09:01] hi all, i have a weird issue whereby apport seems to be crashing after I enter the root password [09:02] hey, what prog can i use to make ntfs partitions? [09:02] axle: ms windows? [09:02] axle, ntfsprogs [09:02] axle, sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs [09:02] yeah, i wanna install it but the windows installer is fail [09:02] even partition magic failed, think its a old version though [09:02] i just got a new hd [09:02] axle: I'm pretty sure gparted can create an ntfs partition [09:03] DJones: i think you're right [09:03] ntfs is 'blacked' out [09:03] axle, Gparted i s good [09:03] anyone know how to get compiz running on an ATI Radeon 9600 card using the proprietary drivers? [09:03] device map: "(hd0) /dev/hda <--nix, mbr (hd1) /dev/sdb [09:03] i was just trying with gparted [09:03] * ewp backs DJones [09:03] hey guys, can anyone explain a weird occurence someone on launchpad has noted [09:03] i like cookies :) [09:03] ActionParsnip: maybe [09:03] try: cd ~; mkdir "test ~" [09:04] menulist: nix root (hd0,5) win (hd1,0) [09:04] kdewhirst: then run ls, Its not there, nor does it show in nautilus, but it shows with ls -a [09:04] kdewhirst: expected behavior? [09:04] ActionParsnip: yes. the ~ at the end means 'backup' and it's hidden to hide clutter [09:04] i see [09:04] i'lllet him/her know [09:04] thanks [09:05] ActionParsnip: no problem [09:05] yeah, gparted doesn't let me select ntfs from the drop down window, and partition magic was giving me an error when i tried to write changes [09:05] dont forget to bring a towel! [09:05] how can I tell to grub (installed on sdb1) that win is on sda1? [09:05] * AfC tries to figure out what on earth has happened to hal/NetworkManager/nm-applet vs 3G mobile broadband devices. [09:05] axle: do you have ntfs3g installed? [09:05] its a brand new drive, 750 barracuda [09:05] no [09:05] is that a program or package? [09:05] axle: oh. i'm pretty sure you need that [09:05] any desktop dock application for xubuntu 9.04 running on an old ibm thinkpad r40 [09:05] i just read a little article, what are the implications of DeviceKit replacing HAL? The only responsibility HAL had that I was aware of was hotplugging usb devices and making those events available over dbus... obviously they're more, the scope of "hardware abstraction layer" is far greater than that... but yeah... [09:06] whats the command of creating a hardlink? [09:06] aomegax, i believe that (hd0,1) [09:06] axle: package. apt-cache search ntfs [09:06] axle ntfsprogs [09:06] hallo? [09:06] dont read [09:06] ??? [09:06] XD [09:06] dvinchi____: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [09:06] Ademan: other than pain for packagers? Should be no difference; it's the same author upstream [09:06] hello [09:07] poor dvinchi____. FloodBotbot's out to get him [09:07] !ln [09:07] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [09:07] axle: It might be worth downloading the gparted livecd and booting up with that to try and format the drive [09:07] i changed my dns to level three and i'm still getting the same problems when i was using the local router [09:07] anyone know how to get compiz running on an ATI Radeon 9600 card using the proprietary drivers? [09:07] FloodBot1 is my friend :-D [09:07] its a secondary [09:07] techie: do you have the drivers installed already? [09:08] kdewhirst, yes [09:08] techie: do you have compiz installed? [09:08] kdewhirst, not the open source ones though [09:08] techie: that's okay [09:08] kdewhirst, compiz appears to be installed [09:08] Im having boot problems [09:09] AfC: interesting, so it's more or less a rewrite/reimplementation of HAL? [09:09] on a new laptop [09:09] techie: try hitting alt-f2 and running compiz --replace [09:09] Ewald, then type your laces [09:09] ^_^ [09:09] hi all [09:09] tie* woops [09:09] techie: at least, i'm pretty sure that was the commannd [09:09] what about regenerating a grub device.map bad idea? [09:09] Ewald, does grub load? [09:09] ewp I would type my laces if I knew what that was [09:09] nephlim: i've done it with no problems before, but i don't have a heavily modified grub whatsit. do you? [09:10] "grub --device-map=/boot/grub/device.map [09:10] no, very basic [09:10] :s I don't find in /etc grub...where is menu.lst? [09:10] Ewald, was a joke but i had a typo [09:10] nephlim: give it a shot, i guess [09:10] Ewald, what's the specific problem tho? [09:10] i can now select ntfs in gparted, thank you [09:10] would "grub --device-map=/boot/grub/device.map" do the trick [09:10] ok asume Im a complete idiot [09:10] techie: are you alive? [09:10] aomegax, /boot/grub/menu.lst [09:11] right now Im truing to run live from a CD [09:11] kdewhirst: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/83497 ;) [09:11] hi, how to start a program A in a terminal and let this program A continue to run, even when i quit the terminal? "$> program &" doesnt work [09:11] I boot to the CD but none of the options work [09:11] thanks :) [09:11] Klatuferatanektu: I don't think you can, try Alt+F2 then entering your programme [09:12] kdewhirst, im back [09:12] ActionParsnip: awesome. i don't think it's a bug, but i can understand his confusion [09:12] Ewald, so does the Ubuntu logo appear with "try ubuntu", "install ubuntu", etc? [09:12] Ademan: that's the impression I get; could be wrong. I know hughsie is driving part of it. [09:12] good question klat!, you could start it in tty, ie ctrl + alt, then using & after your commands [09:12] techie: yay. did it work, or did i crash your computer? [09:12] i have os with xp, Ubuntu. by default win XP booted by giving time to change os. But i want to set Ubuntu as a default booting. tell me the way to change. [09:12] hi [09:12] ActionParsnip: i think it would be a mistake for ubuntu to break with the 'unix way' just to appease a couple windows people [09:13] timClicks: good idea! :) this works^^ [09:13] hi, running jauty on lenovo y710 and having problems with automount and auto detection of DVD drive and media. I see many have the same problem and seen some suggestions from some time back, just wanted to know if there is a more recent officially supported resolution. anyone? [09:13] Ewald, try burning the ISO livecd at the lowest speed and verify the disc [09:13] kdewhirst: never thought that ~ was hidden. I usually use terminal with ls -a as default :( [09:13] thanks AfC [09:13] dos anyone know how to tether the iphone to ubuntu 9.04? [09:13] kdewhirst, wel it sort of flickered everything while it did something, then i ran compiz-manager which didnt open up any form of gui and when i stopped compiz-manager i lost all window managers [09:13] ok I have installed win on sda1 and /boot on sdb1, while root (/) on sb2...now in menu.lst I have win to (hd0,0)....I think that this is true...but I have error 18 -.- [09:13] ewp I cant even verify the disc [09:13] kdewhirst: awesome catch tho, grats [09:14] techie: i'm sorry. i'm not sure what the problem is [09:14] i did grab some output [09:14] how can I change ubuntu to be my primary default boot rather than xp.. [09:14] i just clicked apply changes to gparted and it died without warning and didnt do anything [09:14] ActionParsnip: happy to help. it makes me feel like my time in front of the computer isn't wasted [09:14] it has to be in the options [09:14] Ewald, what image burning software do you use? [09:14] anyone who can tell me why my nvidia cards runs so slow [09:14] in bios I have ubuntu hdd as first bootable hdd [09:14] is there evince command line? want to print a single page of pdf, page 23 [09:14] kdewhirst, Comparing resolution (2560x1024) to maximum 3D texture size (2048): Failed. [09:14] ewp whatever the Ubuntu site recomened [09:14] its a dual boot [09:14] techie: how old is your card? [09:14] old, 9600XT [09:15] techie: it may be complainging about it not being enough [09:15] 8400 [09:15] aomegax, /dev/sda1 is (hd0,1), i believe [09:15] mmm [09:15] in grub? [09:15] are you sure? [09:15] techie: i've never had problems with compiz, but i've only ever used it with nvidia stuff, and then with fairly recent. so i'm a little out of the loop with your problem [09:15] Ewald, do you know the name of software? [09:15] hang on ewp [09:15] kdewhirst: good feeling isnt it :D [09:16] ewp: not 0, 0? [09:16] I think 0,0 [09:16] ActionParsnip: yeah. i wish my linux machine were working. i'd feel a lot better. s'why i'm here [09:16] hmm [09:16] anyon using nvclock,,,,,,, [09:16] my computer just always stop, [09:17] kdewhirst aomegax maybe you both are right :p [09:17] while windows runs smoothyly [09:17] let me check my menu.lst [09:17] I used infra recorder [09:17] I know that the real number of hdd in grub is real-1 [09:17] ah yes, (hd0,0) === default is now known as acad [09:18] so what is the problem! === acad is now known as mrpenguin [09:18] kdewhirst: sup? [09:18] hey [09:18] ActionParsnip: can't get to the internet from linux, but i can when it's in windows [09:18] kdewhirst: got a valid IP for your subnet? [09:19] kdewhirst: can you ping your router? [09:19] Ewald, ah you're right there is no verify option [09:19] so what do I do? [09:19] hey, i got a question [09:19] !ask | axle [09:19] ActionParsnip: how do i check the subnet? [09:19] axle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [09:20] kdewhirst: ifconfig [09:20] kdewhirst: what type of connection do you have? [09:20] action, don't all new partitions have to be formatted? [09:20] histo: cox cable [09:20] kdewhirst: if dhcp has succeeded you will have an IP address for your interface [09:20] Ewald, well i would suggest burning the livecd iso again but on the lowest speed possible. i also suggest using ImgBurn instead. should have no issues with that. [09:20] boh I don't kwow how must I solve error 18 problem === user_ is now known as MTempest_ [09:20] aomegax: grub error 18? [09:20] sì [09:20] yes [09:20] action, i just made 3 totalling over 700 GB pretty much instantly [09:20] aomegax: you'll prolly have to boot to the install cd and reinstall grub [09:21] axle: tab complete names dude [09:21] !grub | aomegax [09:21] aomegax: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [09:21] axle: yes partitions must be formatted before use [09:21] aomegax: the restore grub one is the one you want === default is now known as mrpenguin1 [09:21] Can someone help me please ?? [09:21] axle: just like they do in windows [09:21] Triumph, problem? [09:21] ActionParsnip: so what did gparted do then? its listing them as being ntfs partitions [09:21] !ask | Triumph [09:21] Triumph: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [09:22] ActionParsnip: is there an equivalent to ipconfig /renew ? [09:22] kdewhirst: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [09:22] ActionParsnip: thanks [09:22] Hello, there I am currently connected to a friends PC via SSH... I want to setup Remote Desktop connection I am using TightVNC because I'm trying to connect from Windows to a Linux box so I did gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true from command line but I can't connect any ideas on what to do? [09:22] axle: gparted is only a partitioning tool, you can mark that it is intended to be ntfs, it will need formatting ntfs [09:22] "every now and then" (perhaps once a week), when I boot up I have no net connection (no internet or LAN, and the light on the ethernet plug is turned off). doing "/etc/init.d/networking restart" has no effect on the problem, and rebooting rarely has an effect, though I have found that if I repeatedly unplug/replug the ethernet cable, eventually the light comes back on and /etc/init.d/networking restart works as expected. I am sometimes (but very very [09:22] rarely) disconnected after already having a connection, and if I don't have the problem "on boot" or "near boot" I don't have any problems for the rest of the day. If I boot into Windows, it always works just fine, though booting back into ubuntu the problem sometimes remains. Any suggestions? [09:23] help me pls??? [09:23] ActionParsnip: i don't see an address for myself under ifconfig [09:23] shruggar: i'd say the heads on the cables are loose, look at them to check the copper grips have bitten into the wire properly [09:23] how to setup webserver using my existing ubuntu 9.04 desktop edition? [09:23] ActionParsnip: ic, thanx [09:24] kdewhirst: ok, is it wired or wireless [09:24] ActionParsnip: wired; from my machine, to the router, to the modem, to the wall. all in the same room, all working fine for my room mate [09:24] i'm talking to you via wifi from the same router [09:25] ActionParsnip: can i just use fdisk from ubuntu terminal? [09:25] kdewhirst: does it work if you use static IP? Are the activity lights flashing on the device and on the router? [09:25] axle: to format, no [09:25] ActionParsnip, I have tried multiple cables, both of which seem fine, and this machine (when booted into ubuntu) is the only one which has shown these symptoms, despite other people using the cables [09:25] axle: you need to install ntfsprogs [09:25] anybody know about audio issues with Ubuntu and Dell Mini 10? [09:25] ActionParsnip: yeah, its only part too ic, i installed those [09:25] axle: should give you the power to format ntfs [09:26] !anybody | fadeout [09:26] fadeout: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [09:26] sudo vim /etc/iptables [09:26] passwordshit112 [09:26] ActionParsnip: checking the lights [09:27] ActionParsnip: the light is on, but steady, not blinking like the other ones [09:27] ActionParsnip: room mate says he can see me on the router [09:27] kdewhirst: ok light on means link, no flashing means no traffic, tried a different port? [09:28] How do i resolve audio issues with Ubuntu and my Dell Mini 10? Im using Audacious and that is buggy, and audio just quits randomly. [09:28] yes but it is difficult for me :s [09:28] Audio meaning mp3's playing on Audacious [09:28] ActionParsnip: i'll give it a shot, but this setup worked in xp [09:28] kdewhirst: ok then leave it as is [09:28] ActionParsnip: i'm pretty sure it's a setting on my box [09:28] ActionParsnip: okay [09:28] kdewhirst: tried static IP? [09:28] ActionParsnip: no, i haven't [09:29] ActionParsnip: what would that change? [09:29] kdewhirst: worth a try, just to test [09:29] kdewhirst: you are failing dhcp, if you just tell it the address it may work [09:30] ActionParsnip: room mate is telling me that i'm getting an ip from the router [09:30] - [09:30] my problem is win...ubunto starts... [09:31] ActionParsnip: I did sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdb1 , its looks like its gonna take awhile [09:32] ActionParsnip: thanx === d is now known as Guest32889 [09:32] How do i change directories in terminal? [09:32] axle: depends on the speed of your drives, but usually yes [09:32] Guest32889, "cd" [09:32] kdewhirst: if you were itd work [09:32] tanks shruggar [09:32] kdewhirst: its to test [09:32] Thanks [09:33] Guest32889, for example: "cd some-other-directory", or "cd .." to go up one level [09:33] How do i list the contents of a directory? [09:33] kdewhirst: you are failing dhcp for some reason, if you tell it a suitable IP address it may start working [09:34] kdewhirst: do you know if you have configured your drivers for the wired connection [09:34] kdewhirst, i got compiz working... sort of === Guest32889 is now known as IWantToLearnLinu [09:35] how do i list the content of a directory in terminal? [09:35] dir [09:35] kdewhirst, might you know how to add a custom dual monitor res to CCC as it doesnt have 2048x768 listed [09:35] IWantToLearnLinu: ls [09:36] IWantToLearnLinu, this page may interest you: http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/unix_for_dos_users.html [09:36] Hi [09:37] IWantToLearnLinu: For more specific Ubuntu related instructions on how to use the command line, have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [09:37] great Shruggar! thanks I really appreciate will check it out. [09:37] IWantToLearnLinu, this as well: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-6.2-Manual/getting-started-guide/ch-doslinux.html [09:39] in order for a cron job to run, do i need to enter a return at the end of the specific command in my crontab? [09:39] techie: you can add the res in /etc/x11/xorg.conf [09:39] djp: i believe so [09:39] !cron | djp [09:39] djp: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto - There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm [09:40] thanks ActionParsnip [09:40] Wow, thanks that is good information. [09:41] IWantToLearnLinu: you can make an alias of ls to be dir, but i'd stick to whats default for now til you get comfortable with the OS [09:41] are there simple tututorial for networking windows systems? I would like to create a network with my windows box. I am now just running them both on the same router. [09:42] Actionparsnip, that is kinda cool, but I want to learn the unix/linux commands. I hope to use linux as a primary OS [09:42] !samba | IWantToLearnLinu [09:42] IWantToLearnLinu: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [09:42] ActionParsnip, im not sure that ccc works off the xorg.conf entries [09:42] IWantToLearnLinu: can you expand on "create a network" if you have more than 1 system connected to an interconnection device you already have a network [09:43] techie: xorg.conf will supercede any settings anywhere [09:44] ActionParsnip: I want to get both systems on the network so that I can mount the drives from either system. [09:44] IWantToLearnLinu: ok so you want to file share, thats slightly more than a "network" ;) [09:44] !samba | IWantToLearnLinu [09:44] IWantToLearnLinu: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [09:45] Okay. Got my sound working except my stupid mic. [09:46] It's being routed from my mic to my speakers and not to skype. [09:46] Which is bad. [09:47] hey all [09:47] hey is mikej about ? [09:49] YES!!!!!!!!!!! [09:49] nephlim: ? [09:49] DUAL BOOT IN THE HOUSE!!!!! [09:49] nephlim: beeee-rap [09:49] it only took me 2 bloody hours to get grub to see the freeking drive [09:49] ActionParsnip: Great! thanks. Now for a the big one. I need to connect two linux networks through a linksys router. I was looking at openswan. any ideas on that. open swan looks very complex to set up with a router. [09:49] * nephlim does that hardcore victory dance [09:50] Hi, I want to reconfigure a pc from scratch, having Ubuntu and windows XP as operating systems. What should I install first, to have an easy working dual boot solution ? [09:50] Djoef, xp [09:50] ok [09:50] djoef, XP, [09:50] then just run ubuntu cd, and it will be clear ? [09:50] Djoef: Its normally easier to install XP first, then ubuntu so that when Ubuntu installs grub it'll pick up the XP installation and add it to the boot loader [09:51] ok [09:51] I made the mistake of the other way around. you can do it... but as a newbe, without exp. I would rather have a root canal. [09:51] just be sure to leave plenty of unpartitioned space on the disk, Djoef [09:51] !dualboot | Djoef [09:51] Djoef: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot === rot is now known as rot|sleep [09:51] IWantToLearnLinu: are the 2 netowrks on a different address range? === simahawk_ is now known as simahawk [09:51] anybody had success using ipod shuffle voice with ubuntu? [09:51] really tired of booting to windows just to sync my shuffle [09:52] I have two hard disks and the grub image is on the wrong one. [09:52] indus, kdewhirst, got it working guys. thanks for being my sounding board [09:52] How I fix? [09:52] !ipod | temporarytao [09:52] temporarytao: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod [09:52] * nephlim goes to get a scotch [09:52] !grub [09:52] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [09:52] dwatkins, thanks ! Is it best to create only one small primary partition for XP ? (hd = 160GB, so 50GB for each os, and rest as data will be enough i believe) [09:52] ActionParsnip, i'm looking for how to sync the ipod shuffle, specifically [09:52] ActionParsnip: they are at two diff locations. if that is what you mean. we going over the net so I wanted a vpn. there will be at least one windows system on my network. and I will have the server. [09:52] thanks all for your response :) [09:53] IWantToLearnLinu: you could have 2 seperate subnets of your network, alternatively you could use a dumbswitch and just use one big address range [09:53] gtkpod has upcoming support only. no current support yet [09:53] IWantToLearnLinu: ive never implemented a vpn server in linux, only as client [09:54] we were looking at ssh or ssl, but I thought open swan would be easier. [09:54] IWantToLearnLinu: have a dig around, see what else you can find === MadMax is now known as Guest76348 [09:55] Trying to get my wired connection to work with my onboard ethernet but there is no "eth0" device, can anyone lend a hand? [09:56] ActionParsnip: I looked at openvpn. That looks really good, but it uses a proprietary connection. So you have to have the openvpn client. and my business partner does not want to use that. but it is supposed to be very good and very easyl === Guest76348 is now known as MaxSid [09:57] Is it possible to mute sound on the main speakers, but keep sound playing through the headphone jack? [09:57] Peddy, doesn't that automatically happen for you when you have a headphone jacked in? [09:59] !clip [09:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about clip [09:59] !clipboard [09:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about clipboard [09:59] Well, forget you, ubottu. [10:00] Peddy, I don't know for sure, but I'd say yes. [10:00] how much harddisk space does ubuntu need to run smoothly ? (just basic software, no data space) [10:00] Peddy I'd try putting two volume controls on your panel and route them to different outputs. [10:00] as in, how big should i make the partition ? (30,40,50 GB ?) [10:00] temporarytao, it plays through both the speakers and headphones [10:01] Peddy, what're you using? a proper tip/ring jack or a usb? [10:01] Peddy, Yes you can definitely selectively mute outputs. [10:01] Djoef: for just the OS, about 5Gb + 1Gb swap and you will be comfortable [10:01] thanks [10:02] crystufer, if I choose 'analog headphones' under pavucontrol, it just mutes audio completely. [10:02] Ill take 15 to be sure, so I can install some extra softw etc [10:02] Djoef: depends on needs really, more apps = more space [10:02] hallo zusammen. ich habe hier eine menge neuer externer festplatten. was würdet ihr für ein dateisystem empfehlen? (ich brauch die nur unter linux). ext3 ist ja wegen den rechten nicht sehr gut für externe? [10:02] !de | eni23 [10:02] eni23: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [10:02] sorry was the worong one [10:02] temporarytao, speakers are connected to the i/o ports at the back, headphones to the front of the case (motherboard headers) [10:02] Sorry. All I know is that I can do it. [10:03] Djoef: those URLs should have details about partition sizes required [10:03] Peddy, wait, so you have two jacks on your machine? [10:04] temporarytao, just ports at the front and the back (but the ports at the front aren't from something fancy like xfi or something) [10:04] anyoe in here use nvclock to adjust fan speed [10:04] dwatkins, indeed says "at least 10GB" just wanted to ask for a common installation what at least 10GB is ;) [10:04] Djoef: my / is 3Gb occupied [10:05] I'd suggest at least 20 GB per OS, Djoef [10:05] hi [10:05] ActionParsnip: another question for you, I know i can xwindow to another linux box and run apps remotely, but is there a way to run windows aps on a windows system from a remote linux box? [10:05] where can i find the information about whats the current app for a specific file format? [10:05] IWantToLearnLinu: you can use rdesktop [10:05] ok thanks :) [10:05] eg that pdf will be opened with xpdf [10:05] !info rdesktop | IWantToLearnLinu [10:05] IWantToLearnLinu: rdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 134 kB, installed size 480 kB [10:05] I need to link a line of output/input from terminal. What's the site for that junk again? [10:05] Peddy, check out pulseaudio device chooser [10:05] !flood [10:05] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [10:05] nvm. [10:05] found it. [10:05] IWantToLearnLinu: windows dos not allow remote running of apps as it is very rigid and frankly stagnant [10:06] IWantToLearnLinu: you can RDP over to the server using rdesktop [10:06] Peddy, you can use that to select which devices get the sound stream (or something like that) [10:06] !help [10:06] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [10:06] IWantToLearnLinu: make sure your account has a strong password and your firewall only allows RDP from your IP address [10:06] hey wsup all [10:07] ActionParsnip: sorry to drop off like that on you [10:07] Hello guys, I was wondering if some1 has a nice site with a tutorial to set up an APACHE serv step-by-step. Thx in advance. [10:07] ok, thanks ActionParsnip [10:07] temporarytao, right, under 'output devices' there's 'analog output' and 'analog headphones'. When I select 'output', it plays through both headphones and speakers. When I select 'headphones', it doesn't play at all. [10:07] kdewhirst: np bro [10:07] ActionParsnip: i'm gonna give up for the night [10:07] kdewhirst: 10am here ;) UK style [10:07] ActionParsnip: i'm gonna just put a clean install on there, i think. thank you for all your help [10:07] kdewhirst: any i thank you too :D [10:07] *and [10:07] ActionParsnip: i'm in arizona, it's 0210 here [10:08] ActionParsnip: no problem [10:08] hello [10:08] !hi | sfantu [10:08] sfantu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [10:09] noone knows where the config files are placed? [10:09] Can someone help me with this little item right here? http://pastebin.com/d1191c5ae [10:09] how come all of a sudden, my dictionary doesnt work? [10:09] i have a problem with the ppa authentication [10:09] Trying to get 9.04 to recognize my onboard ethernet, neither networkmanager nor wicd show it listed as "eth0" any help? [10:10] i can`t add the keys :( [10:10] Hi ma xsane cant detect my HPphotosmart [10:10] crystufer, what do you want to know? [10:10] Peddy, maybe they're both in the same channel? [10:10] captnchaos: config for what? [10:10] !gpgerr | sfantu [10:10] sfantu: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys && gpg --export --armor | sudo apt-key add - » [10:10] ActionParsnip, where the information about what applications opens what filetype are stored [10:10] captnachaos I need that last bit checked. It's what I intend to put into terminal. [10:11] How do I choose to install a package for another language than swedish? [10:11] Or even better, how do I setup the encoding for console applications? [10:11] captnchaos, The last bit is what I intend to put into terminal to fix my grub. I need to know I'm not fucking it up worse. [10:11] captnchaos: probably in ~/.gconf or ~/.gnome one of the ~/.g* folder [10:11] sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 77558DD0 [10:11] Executing: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 77558DD0 [10:11] gpg: requesting key 77558DD0 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com [10:11] sfantu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [10:11] crystufer, please watch the language [10:11] and then it gives an error [10:11] anyone in here ..know hwot to write bash script [10:12] crystufer, what last bit? [10:12] what should i do if xsane couldnt detect my device ? [10:12] Sorry. I just noticed that right after I said it. [10:12] http://pastebin.com/d1191c5ae [10:12] anli_: packages can not be installed "for another language" you installl language packs if you want support for other LANG [10:12] captnchaos, Last few lines of this. http://pastebin.com/d1191c5ae [10:12] temporarytao, perhaps. I don't know much about ALSA/pulse, but alsamixer is pretty low-level, right? Alsamixer doesn't recognize the headphones as a separate output. [10:12] jimbeam12: sure, have an executable text file with: #!/bin/bash as the top line [10:12] jimbeam12: thats not ubuntu question [10:12] jimbeam12: you can then write a list of instructions to carry out in the lines underneath [10:12] hey action [10:13] jimbeam12: tab complete my name ;) [10:13] i tried it...to run nvclock on start up didnt work [10:13] anli_: to launch an app in another languageuse « LANG=iso_ISO.UTF-8 program_name » [10:13] crystufer, aaah now i get it... you want to know if thats right? [10:13] captnchaos, Righto. [10:13] anli_: after installing the languagepacks you may have to generate apropiate locales [10:13] !locales [10:13] !xsane [10:13] To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf [10:13] #!/bin/bash [10:13] Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR [10:14] gpg: keyserver timed out [10:14] gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error [10:14] nvclock -f 1 -F 70 [10:14] sfantu: try again, the keyserver is slow [10:14] ok thanks [10:14] crystufer, but i think you want to setup the grub-code into mbr right? [10:14] jimbeam12: did you save the text file then run: chmod +x [10:14] yes [10:14] and also another problem with firefox [10:14] it seems i lost the drag and drop function [10:15] captnchaos, Yeah, I'm trying to restore my grub. [10:15] temporarytao, it looks like a lot of people on forums have the same problem. Thanks for your help, I'll do some hunting :) [10:15] crystufer, than its correct. [10:15] Thank you much. [10:15] I'm trying to install lamp, and php aint working on the server, im using a ubuntu tut to instal it now, and it still fails. [10:15] !startup | jimbeam12 add it to your startup [10:15] jimbeam12 add it to your startup: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot [10:15] :/ [10:15] i can`t add bookmarks to the bookmarks bar by dragging [10:15] how do i make remote desktop faster? [10:15] it's slow as shit between 2 ubuntu machines on a local network [10:15] crystufer, in general grub-install /dev/sdb should do the magic, too [10:15] and also can`t move the tabs [10:16] i got no sessions, just startup applications [10:16] jimbeam12: ya same thing [10:16] !vnc [10:16] VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX [10:16] ok cooll [10:16] where is the setting for LANG stored? [10:16] !freenx [10:16] FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX === kaikai is now known as Ulrika === Ulrika is now known as Ulrika` [10:17] the bot needs to be updated [10:17] I have to sudo grub, don't I? [10:17] its startup applications now , not sessions [10:17] anli_: on shell init scripts ~/.bashrc ~/.profile [10:17] Ashy: could use x forwarding [10:17] Ashy: via ssh [10:17] ok question action..how do i find where the file is.. [10:17] urgh, i spose... [10:17] nvclock.. [10:17] indus: /msg ubottu factoid is Type type type.... [10:18] hi i have problem with HP Photosmart 4100 series....printing is working but not scanning x( [10:18] it'd be nice to be able to login from a windows machine aswell easily though [10:18] erUSUL: ill leave that to you :) [10:18] erUSUL: I dont set LANG there [10:18] Ashy: you can with xming and putty [10:18] hello [10:18] indus: i have not luck te last times i tried... seems like ops have much important things to do :/ [10:19] Hello guys, I was wondering if some1 can help me set up an apache webserver. Thx in advance. [10:19] erUSUL: actually, i didnt quite understand that syntax [10:20] anli_: for all users is set up in /etc/environment but if you want only your user to have that conf use the fies i mentioned [10:20] do you know how to have gnome sourcing my .Xdefaults, to have emacs not running in its ugly default mode ? [10:20] xT|Fish: sudo apt-get install apache2 [10:20] msg hello hello [10:20] erUSUL: no, I want to set it up for all users, so thanks [10:20] ActionParsnip, I came so far :P [10:20] anli_: then use System>Administration>language support [10:20] but now it keeps saying: apache2: bad user name [10:20] anli_: that will take care of everything for you [10:20] erUSUL: console [10:21] sky_1: do you have the latest from: http://hplipopensource.com/ [10:21] xT|Fish: i'd ask in #apache more specific advice [10:21] okay. [10:21] setting LANG="en" in /etc/environment had no effect, only if I was setting it in /etc/profile [10:22] Thanks. [10:22] Captain nacho! [10:22] ActionParsnip: no i only tried xsane and CUPS [10:22] It worked! [10:22] I just rebooted. [10:22] Thanks! [10:22] ActionParsnip: that program is called HPLIP ? [10:22] sky_1: just checked the linuxprinting.org site and it states: To get all functionality of this printer working under Linux, especially also the non-printing features, like scanning, printer status, maintenance, and photo download from memory cards, use the HPLIP driver package from HP. [10:22] sky_1: yes its part of a default install but may be old, get the latest from the site [10:23] ActionParsnip: hplip is installed by default [10:23] aah [10:23] how do I copy my home directory (I'm running the live CD) to an external drive to back it up [10:23] indus: might be old though [10:23] he has a new printer? [10:23] !backup | Jeeves_Moss [10:23] Jeeves_Moss: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [10:24] sky_1: what is the output of: dpkg -l | grep hplip [10:24] whats the apt-get install commmand for getting the language LANG=sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 [10:24] sky_1: use pastebin please, dont paste here [10:24] Jeeves_Moss: I used to use an application called Unison which worked well, although I've not tried it recently [10:24] DJones: thanks [10:24] !paste | sky_1 [10:24] sky_1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [10:24] I'm wondering why nobody added ccollect to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem#Backup%20From%20the%20Command%20Line [10:24] sky_1, you need to install hplip from synaptic. the QT libraries are not installed by default, i think [10:24] sky_1, so you won't be able to run the gui [10:25] hi i need help. stardict doesnt translate anything [10:25] O__o: reinstall it [10:25] Hey. Is there anyone here familiar with Chinese input methods using SCIM? I know the basic usage of it and have the panel/complex characters set up, but I still need a bit of help [10:25] sky_1: xsane should be able to scan it fine [10:25] it was working few days ago ActionParsnip [10:25] indus: cant detect device :X [10:25] ActionParsnip, why it doesnt work? [10:25] I'm trying to input Traditional characters using Pinyin [10:26] O__o: is there a user config for it anyplace in ~ [10:26] sky_1: ya hmm [10:26] ActionParsnip, no idea [10:26] sky_1: had this issue once, just reboot with printer disconnected, then reconnect on startup ,maybe helps [10:26] O__o: cd /home; find -name "star*"; find -name ".star*" [10:26] whats smallest Ubuntu iso ? [10:26] sky_1: which version of ubuntu is this [10:27] sky_1: u-lite [10:27] indus: no ubuntu :X [10:27] sky_1: what version of hplip do you have? [10:27] sec [10:27] sky_1: you are not using ubuntu? [10:27] compiling latest [10:28] sky_1: good, that makes it work according to the openpriniting guys, it should work 100% === clem is now known as Mani === Mani is now known as Manifold [10:28] sky_1, compiling? in ubuntu? [10:28] sky_1: if at 80% speed but who cares [10:28] seems that I can only choose UTF-8 when setting LANG, which is more than some programs can cope with [10:28] indus: not really...its powerfull ubuntu+gentoo mix [10:28] Can someone tell me why I can't write to an ext3 partition I made? It's mounted as rw.. [10:28] sky_1: this is ubuntu support channel only :) [10:29] Hi. I have an Atom based machine with a realtek Gb ethernet card, and I use the r8169 driver. The problem is that the network connection stall when transferring large files. I read that downgrading to the r8168 driver should fix it. How can I do this? [10:29] ActionParsnip, i checked the dictionary list, it is empty [10:29] kernel is from Karmic Koala [10:29] sky_1: karmic isnt supported here [10:29] sky_1: and? os is from? [10:29] ActionParsnip, do i need to remove stardict and then reinstall? [10:29] !minimal | sky_1 [10:29] sky_1: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [10:29] sky_1: this channel is for ubuntu support only [10:29] indus: national distro [10:30] maybe someone else can advice on this [10:30] ActionParsnip: wake up some ops will ya :) [10:30] sky_1, gentoo-ubuntu mix? what? you installed portage on an ubuntu? [10:30] captnchaos: yes [10:30] -.- [10:30] sounds interesting though [10:30] whats portage [10:30] indus, portage is a ports managment system [10:30] captnchaos: btw you can use apt-build to compile apps in ubuntu :D [10:31] hm. ic [10:31] anyone could lend me a hand installing lamp? the php is not being configured, my browser keeps trying to download the php files. [10:31] indus: jussio01 is in the house [10:31] Can i get more verbose information on a client computer when im trying to login via LDAP ? [10:31] nvm [10:31] indus, simialar to apt just that you dont install binary packages, you download sourcecode and compile it [10:31] The client fails to login [10:32] captnchaos: thats just for latest SW if is needed [10:32] captnchaos: ok thanks but whats the use of that? [10:32] it can contact the ldap server but the authorization fails and gives me no error message with useful information [10:32] hmm [10:32] indus: potage == apt-build [10:32] !off-topic [10:32] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [10:32] :) [10:32] indus, the use of have portage and apt installed on the system? there is no use... [10:32] Ahhh, nevermind my last comment, disabled php mod, then reenabled, and it worked. [10:33] hi does anyone know any panel application ? [10:33] sky_1, the latest SW? [10:33] such as displaying disk space ? [10:33] ubuntunewbie, screenlets [10:33] ubuntunewbie: you mean the ones you see when you right click>add to panel [10:33] ubuntunewbie: many [10:33] indus : yes :) [10:33] ubuntunewbie: i like the eyeballs and fish app [10:34] indus : I found netspeed applet but not disk space [10:34] totally useless but totally nice [10:34] indus : but I can't find the diskspace , I just wanted it to display disk space , my hard disk space [10:34] ubuntunewbie: df [10:34] ubuntunewbie: df -h [10:35] histo: ?? [10:35] thats command line [10:35] way [10:35] histo: I mean add to panel [10:35] ubuntunewbie: Panel->Add to panel->Applet->Monitors->Disk Usage [10:35] ubuntunewbie: you can add a custom icon i think [10:35] ubuntunewbie, in terminal [10:36] yeah that one maybe [10:36] ActionParsnip: can't find disk usage [10:36] ActionParsnip: where is applet? [10:36] ubuntunewbie, install screenlets. [10:36] ActionParsnip: i dont see any such thing [10:36] Does anyone here use LDAP authentication? [10:37] captnchaos: i have screenlets [10:37] indus: just found that on a forum, i cant see my desktop from here [10:37] sky_1, wherefor is the the portage on your ubuntu? i dont understand the sense... [10:37] indus: and the forums are down [10:37] Hello [10:37] ubuntunewbie, theres an applet for diskusage [10:37] can somebody help me get my microphone to work? [10:38] hey guys when I go to add remove .. I get "The list of available application is out of date" and then my computer crashes how can I fix this? [10:38] captnchaos: i have it at screenlet but i wanted to add into the panel [10:38] ubuntunewbie: go to add to panel> add an app from applications menu> select accessories>disk usage [10:38] znh, install alsa und unmute the mic channel [10:38] captnchaos: I have 9.04, does that mean I have alsa? [10:38] nemesis1911: hi [10:38] znh, yes [10:38] nemesis1911: sudo apt-get update [10:39] indus; sup [10:39] znh, if you can play sound, you have alsa [10:39] captnchaos: I opened volume control and switched to the capture section.. doesn't seem to be muted. can't mute it either [10:39] captnchaos: and if you cant play sound what do you have :) [10:39] indus, a problem :D [10:39] znh: try capture 1 [10:40] znh: which application are you using to play or capture [10:40] heljag [10:40] indus: gnome's sound recorder. after that Twinkle :) [10:40] back [10:40] techie, wb [10:40] znh: sound recorder hmm that should work [10:41] indus: I raised the sliders. I hear my voice now, but very distorted [10:41] znh: yeah its a problem with sound capture [10:41] indus:I found only disk usage analyzer [10:41] znh, enter in console "alsamixer" [10:41] for some reason, if I change LANG from sv_SE.UTF-8 to sv_SE, nano doesnt produce menues in swedish, is that a bug? [10:41] ubuntunewbie: ya tis same thing [10:41] indus: seems the 'Record as' was at a encoding that was too heavy [10:41] hey actionparsnip..thx worked [10:42] jimbeam12: sweet [10:42] znh, and search there for mic [10:42] and unmute it [10:42] znh: try the lossy mp3 formats or some others [10:42] now fans speed is done at whatecer i select it [10:42] indus:I oh , but I need to click , I mean something like displaying the hard disk size update [10:42] with "m" [10:42] indus: WAS. It's solved now :) [10:42] ubuntunewbie: hard disk size? [10:42] to busy looking at scripts..all done in startup ..wow [10:42] znh: cool [10:42] indus:hard disk usage such as screenlets disk usage [10:43] ubuntunewbie: hmm try gkrellm [10:43] !info gkrellm [10:43] gkrellm (source: gkrellm): GNU Krell Monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.2-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 738 kB, installed size 2100 kB [10:43] ubuntunewbie, add "system monitor" [10:43] captnchaos: ya best idea [10:43] ubuntunewbie, there go to settings and select "harddisk" [10:43] indus: yeah. My SIP provider is this good that it echos through my mobile instantly, giving huge distortion :D [10:43] ubuntunewbie: ok i think i didnt quite get what you need [10:44] znh: sip, i dont like it, its unencrypted [10:44] znh: no sip, only skype :D [10:44] znh: you using it to make calls to phones i suppose [10:45] captnchaos , indus: um.. something like Netspeed , realtime display of hard disk mount usage [10:45] indus: yes, that's right [10:45] ubuntunewbie: so when you keep mouse pointer there, it shows stuff [10:45] ubuntunewbie, as i said, add "system monitor" and in the settings, choose "harddisk" [10:45] at the panel (sdv1 [17GB/20GB]) [10:45] when I do sudo apt-get update .. at the end I get errors [10:45] nemesis1911: please provide a pastebin of the output [10:46] ubuntunewbie, nope theres nothing like that. [10:46] !paste | nemesis1911 [10:46] nemesis1911: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [10:46] nemesis1911: thats cos you are using non standard repos :) [10:46] !paste W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7D2C7A23BF810CD5 [10:46] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [10:46] if I do fdisk -l I have 2 partition as bootable (there is * at boot flag) [10:46] why? [10:46] ubuntunewbie: i think captchaotic is correct, i dont know of any such app [10:46] nemesis1911: you should use pastebin as i said [10:47] indus: ActionParsnip: problem was in old hplip i think....its now working....thanks for suggestions....that dont care its ubuntu or anything......linux is stronger when we works together :) [10:47] sorry [10:47] nemesis1911: you need to import the GPG key for that repo [10:47] sky_1: indeed [10:47] ubuntunewbie, http://www.fifi.org/doc/gnome-users-guide/html/gnome-users-guide/C/monitor-applets.html [10:47] captnchaos , indus : It only display hard disk write [10:47] ActionParnsnip.. how do I do that [10:47] sky_1: try telling the ops that :) [10:48] * indus things a cup of tea is good for the mind [10:48] ciao raga [10:48] ubuntunewbie, http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=443 [10:49] sky_1: so you complied new hplip? [10:49] ubuntunewbie, you have to compile but is what youre searching [10:49] how delete an user from shell and disconnect? [10:49] captnchaos : there is no Applet on my add to panel [10:49] ubuntunewbie: sorry, i cant help or advice any further on this [10:49] How do I remove programs I don't need from startup so that I can have a faster boot time? [10:49] ubuntunewbie, you have to download the binaries/sources and install/build them [10:50] how delete an user from shell and disconnect? i make deluser nameofuser but notighing... the user is logged in shell [10:50] steven_: go to system>preferences>startup apps [10:50] indus: yes [10:50] sky_1: hmm [10:50] Do I need to remove them or to just uncheck them? [10:50] import gpg key.. help ? [10:50] steven_: uncheck [10:50] captnchaos , indus : will try :) thank you very much for the help and fast reply :D [10:51] Do I need the Daemons? [10:51] nemesis1911: for now, try remove the ppa and update [10:51] nemesis1911: have you authenticated this ppa [10:51] !Seahorse [10:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about Seahorse [10:51] grrr [10:51] !info seahorse [10:51] seahorse (source: seahorse): A Gnome front end for GnuPG. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1068 kB, installed size 7884 kB [10:51] thanks [10:51] Something is using my /dev/dsp, how can I check? [10:52] znh: its sound device i believe [10:52] Going to disable seahorse I think [10:52] indus: I know it's a sound device [10:52] steven_: why [10:52] Hey, do the changes I make in the mount tab of a drives properties under gnome go into fstab? [10:52] steven_: ya its not used ,try disable tomboy etc [10:52] captnchaos : really weird , there's totally nothing displaying http://www.fifi.org/doc/gnome-users-guide/html/gnome-users-guide/C/monitor-applets.html Disk Usage Applet [10:53] Tomboy is not on the list... [10:53] where can I disable Tomboy? [10:53] steven_: anyway it doesnt make much diff removing from there, its not like windows [10:54] Most of the processes are not in the list... [10:54] How can I speed up my boot time? grrr [10:54] ubuntunewbie, yeah sry is a description of the gnome 1.4 applets [10:54] steven_: what other stuff do u see there [10:54] ubuntunewbie, try the second link [10:55] ssh-agent, su-to-root, trashapplet [10:55] hi [10:55] steven_: ssh maybe>? [10:55] <_patton> is anyone else using eclipse IDE 3.5 on ubuntu 9.04? just typing in text, just typing in a comment, and the cpu usage goes way up...?! [10:55] Yes, but it is not in that place, but is listed under Processes tab in the System Monitor dialog box [10:55] Okay. So I know have a fully working Ubuntu I think. Now how do I make it mount all my disks on launch? [10:56] crystufer: add entry to fstab [10:56] !bum | steven_ [10:56] steven_: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [10:56] crystufer: is it not being mounted already [10:56] ada orang indonesia gak nie.. [10:56] steven_: reduce booted services [10:56] Indus I was afraid you'd say that. Yeah, it's just not mounting my windows documents folder. [10:57] ActionParsnip: cool advice steven_ [10:57] crystufer: windows drive? ' [10:57] crystufer: paste your /etc/fstab [10:58] kk. brb. I'll also paste my fdisk -l [10:58] steven_: If you have a dual core CPU you can edit sudo nano /etc/init.d/rc and find the line CONCURRENCY=none and change it to: CONCURRENCY=shell [10:58] steven_: automounting encrypted drives done with dm-crypt/luks will not work with concurrency. [10:59] ActionParsnip: i dont think that level of advice is recommended [10:59] indus: steven_: ok here is the guide. Go crazy: http://tuxtraining.com/2008/09/28/how-to-make-ubuntu-extremely-fast/ [10:59] yeah [11:00] my system takes ten seconds to get to X [11:00] i should kill gdm i think :) [11:00] indus: mine takes as fast as my monitor turns off as I never shutdown ;) [11:00] Action [11:00] ActionParsnip: i dont use nm-applet either [11:00] indus http://pastebin.com/d277609d [11:00] nemesis1911: sup? [11:00] ActionParsnip: i always thought that icon is a waste [11:01] indus: i use interfaces file, so much faster [11:01] Action: When I go to add remove it sill says it out of date and it craps out [11:01] captnchaos : Thank you very much , it works !! :D [11:01] ubuntunewbie, :) yw [11:01] indus trying to automount all of /dev/sda [11:01] nemesis1911: use tab to complete nicks [11:01] nemesis1911: can you please use pastebin and provide the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade [11:01] crystufer: fstab pste [11:01] indus http://pastebin.com/d277609d [11:01] !paste | nemesis1911 [11:01] nemesis1911: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [11:01] captnchaos : This is the thing I wanted on the panel :) [11:02] Silly question, but how do I boot from command line? lol [11:02] indus : captnchaos found it , it's call hardware monitor at synaptic [11:02] crystufer: aah no /dev/sda1 [11:02] steven_: startx [11:02] captnchaos : Thank you very much ^_^ [11:02] ubuntunewbie: hmm [11:02] crystufer: is it ntfs or fat 32 [11:03] indus I have one of each. [11:03] steven_: if the system is booting to CLI only you have an issue. Or have installed the server ISO by accident [11:03] crystufer: so two partitions i see yeah [11:03] !fat [11:03] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [11:03] Nah, I got the de [11:03] indus : just to inform , you too give a lot of help :) [11:03] Was just curious :) [11:04] steven_: ok thats cool [11:04] ho all [11:04] crystufer: /dev/sda1 /media/windows vfat user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 [11:04] add that to fstab for fat [11:05] Hi there, using wicd and ndiswrapper, can't seem to resolve an IP address, any help? [11:05] guys I would give you a screen capture but my computer crashes when I got to try add/remove... [11:05] crystufer: first you need to create the dir with sudo mkdir /media/windows [11:05] kk. [11:06] indus Okay. and the ntfs partition? [11:06] WonderfunkJones: have you got dns servers in your network config? [11:06] ActionParsnip: No it's all DHCP [11:07] se faccio [11:07] I've tried WEP, WPA/2 encryption [11:07] WonderfunkJones: can you ping your routers internal IP? [11:07] crystufer: /dev/sda2 /media/windows1 ntfs-3g user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 [11:07] crystufer: create directories /media/windows and /media/windows1 [11:08] crystufer: please try and let me know if that works [11:08] indus Well, I'm gonna alter the names of the media folders, but other than that, I'm pasting to fstab now. [11:08] crystufer: of course [11:09] crystufer: those are dummy names but i personally use /media/windows [11:09] indus, ntfs-3g doesnt work with user flag === sean is now known as Guest64799 [11:09] captnchaos: doesnt [11:09] captnchaos: ya too many crappy guides out there [11:09] captnchaos: could use -o uid=1000 [11:09] crystufer: wait i give you another [11:10] I prefer to use the windows name of the drive. [11:10] indus, you have to compile it at your own with internal fuse support [11:10] indus, and than setuid root on the binaries [11:10] captnchaos: there is no need for that [11:10] i had to [11:10] if i wanted to mount it as user [11:11] ok [11:11] nope [11:12] The volume properties say /dev/hdb /media/MyDocuments fuseblk rw nosuid nodev user_id=0 groupid=0 allow_other blksize=4096 [11:13] indus captnchaos will that do? [11:13] crystufer: sorry no idea, try it [11:13] crystufer, for root it will [11:14] crystufer, i think your uid and gid are 1000 [11:14] crystufer, do you need write support? [11:14] please help I'm going crazy over here.. every time I got into add/remove it says "The list of available applicatons is out of date to reload the list you need a working internet connection" and then my computer crashes and I have to restart [11:14] If there are any lotus notes/domino xp and ubuntu gurus with some knowledge of virtualbox please join me on #ubuntu-offtopic [11:14] captnchaos, I need to be able to write to it, yeah. [11:14] nemesis1911, apt-get update [11:14] captnchaos, At least to the fat32 [11:14] I don't ask for much! :) [11:15] captnchaos: i did that [11:15] crystufer, the fat is no problem but the ntfs [11:15] captnchaos: and then I go to try to add something and it crapps out [11:15] captnchaos, Not particularly. [11:16] crystufer, download the ntfs-3g sources, build it with internal fuse support, then set the right permissions to the binaries. (there should be a readme with the sources) [11:16] crystufer, else you wont be able to mount the disk as user [11:16] anyone know how to resolve this problem??? with me not being able to go into add remove cuz its says that some apps are out of date [11:17] nemesis1911, please paste the full error [11:17] nemesis1911, paste everything apt spits out [11:17] nemesis1911: you havent given me the output yet [11:17] captnchaos, you just made my head explode. [11:17] Action: what do yo uneed. [11:17] Action I'm lost [11:17] crystufer, sry.. [11:18] nemesis1911: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade > ~/output4343.txt; gedit ~/output4343.txt; rm ~/output4343.txt [11:18] nemesis1911, type "sudo apt-get install a-package" [11:18] captnchaos, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009 look like what you mean? [11:18] nemesis1911: when the file opens, create a pastebin of the file [11:18] and nopaste the output [11:18] crystufer, no [11:19] anyone overclock their nvidia card here [11:19] ActionParsnip: when i did sudo apt-get install a-package I got " E: Couldn't find package a-package" [11:20] nemesis1911: pastebin the output from the command I gave. Its the exact command [11:20] captnchaos, Well I'm screwed then cuz I don't know crap about building source. [11:20] crystufer, np i will help you [11:20] http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=hdeACFj06Fw#t=12 [11:21] first download the code [11:21] captnchaos, http://www.howtoforge.com/ntfs_3g_ubuntu_feisty [11:21] nemesis1911: put the text in the file in http://pastebin.com [11:21] crystufer, nope still not [11:22] nemesis1911: when you click paste, give the new address in your browser [11:22] **** in a basket [11:22] crystufer, sudo apt-get source ntfs-3g [11:22] Hey xXNikkiXx [11:23] crystufer, cd ntfs-3g-2009.2.1 [11:23] hold on. [11:23] I have to enable dev packages. [11:23] ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m1ee51d2d [11:24] nemesis1911: perfect, ok run: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [11:24] nemesis1911: if you get any errors, use the same method [11:24] crystufer, and than just read "INSTALL" [11:25] ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m7c88e734 [11:25] just apt get, cd, nano install [11:26] ActionParsnip: but now I'm gonna go to add remove cuz I wanna add a app.. and we'll see if I crash.. [11:26] crystufer, yes. and than follow the instructions [11:26] ActionParsnip: do you ever sleep? or are you always just here all night? [11:26] axle: I'm in the UK, not everybody lives in america [11:26] crystufer, i will be back in 30 minutes [11:26] bbl [11:27] ActionParsnip: Heresey! Still you put in a lot of hours here [11:28] DAMN it same thing still [11:28] I jsut had to restart [11:28] Hello! My Ubuntu archive mirror site is http://ph.ubuntu.com. When I issue sudo apt-get install blender, I don't get the latest version. What should I add to my /etc/sources.list so I could install blender with apt-get? [11:28] axle: just spreading the love :D [11:29] axle: just paying for my OS the only way I can === administrator is now known as Guest32977 [11:29] i think maybe there is something wrong with my /etc/sources.list [11:30] :-( [11:30] :-) [11:30] wut to do [11:31] nemesis1911: can you pastebin your sources file [11:32] nemesis1911: its /etc/apt/sources.list [11:33] ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m4624e357 [11:36] sup DaZ [11:36] nemesis1911: looks fine [11:36] nemesis1911, you might be better off downloading the source for the latest and building it on your system [11:37] how to find out tutorial for bluefish web editor [11:39] Guest32977, try this one --> http://bluefish.openoffice.nl [11:41] *help* [11:41] ok i need drink anyone else...? [11:41] jimbeam12: jim on the rocks please [11:42] heh ok.. [11:42] i need one badddddddd. [11:44] man this channel rocks.. action [11:44] hey is unr installed into ur laptop/netbook like the desktop edition is? [11:45] i fixed it GOD DAMN it.. [11:46] anyone know? [11:46] is unr installed into ur laptop/netbook like the desktop edition is, or is it portable? === m4v_ is now known as m4v [11:47] hello everyone [11:47] bernardlychan: its a custom ubuntu for netbooks [11:47] bernardlychan: you need to download it === matthew is now known as Guest97659 [11:47] !unr [11:47] Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu [11:47] hi indus! ok indus... wat do u mean but custom? as in i can choose between portale and install? [11:48] bernardlychan: what do you mean portable [11:48] bernardlychan: if you have a netbook , you can use unr [11:48] like i thought u put in usb and it run [11:48] bernardlychan: no [11:48] bernardlychan: you could do it though that way === digen__ is now known as digen [11:48] Hi, I Cant see my Close (X) and Minimize (-) Buttons on each windows. using 9.04, Help me please. [11:48] o so u still install it? so u install it, and net time u don't need the flashdrive to run it? [11:48] sarthor: are you using compiz? [11:48] Hi guys, I have the .img file for UNR, can someone help me write it to my usb drive? [11:48] bernardlychan: no === azarion is now known as anahel [11:49] bernardlychan: once installed, its done [11:49] sarthor: what if you disable desktop effects. Those are called window decorators [11:49] ActionParsnip, Desktop effect already disabled. [11:49] sarthor: do a ALT-Sysrq-K [11:49] ok ty indus. and a laptop is the same as netbook rite? coz my laptop has no grpahics card, only an intel chipset. and it keeps freezing when i run desktop version. [11:50] sarthor: will restart X(display) [11:50] Guest97659: use dd: sudo dd if=file.img of=/dev/ e.g. /dev/sda [11:50] indus, Hi, I restart the pc to, but no eccect. [11:50] bernardlychan: kind of, but a netbook only has flash memory instead of HDD i think [11:50] Guest97659: use: sudo fdisk -l to determine the disk to use [11:50] !netbook [11:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about netbook [11:50] !eepc [11:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about eepc [11:50] sarthor: are you using an nvidia gfx card? [11:50] ok action parsnip let me try [11:50] lol [11:50] sarthor: change the theme and checl [11:50] ActionParsnip, Matrox [11:51] hi [11:51] !ot [11:51] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [11:51] indus, servral thems changed, but no result [11:51] ok ty indus. can i use hdd instead of flash memory? [11:51] sarthor: i'd do what indus says, head into system -> prefs -> appearence and change the theme [11:51] bernardlychan:maybe [11:51] I have a problem here, just setup a new account on Ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu3 Server. While logged in as root I could use Tab Completion, now when I login using newly created details Tab Completion has stopped working, anyone any ideas whats happened? [11:51] lol k ty indus. [11:51] good to c u again indus, btw... [11:51] cya [11:52] ActionParsnip, Several thems changed, and then restarted , but no + result [11:52] sarthor: i hope you didnt do any alterations to theme folders [11:52] sarthor: what if you log on as another user? [11:52] indus, No i didnt [11:53] indus Well, I did something wrong. [11:53] indus, tsk tsk, vanity ;) [11:53] sarthor: matrox hmm really old card [11:53] ActionParsnip, have another user, let me creat and login via tha. [11:53] indus, Yes, Matrox. [11:53] Will be back. [11:53] indus: still works though :) [11:53] indus: i have old pci sis cards in my servers [11:53] matrox millenium g 200 :) [11:53] mechdave: hello ! [11:54] I'm connecting my cellphone to my computer. How can I check what device name it gets? [11:54] hi, please 1 questiion: what's the 'usual' vpn program in linux? (at least in ubuntu, in jaunty)? I don't want to use networkmanager. [11:54] milligan_: when you connect it run: dmesg | tail [11:54] how can i check my dns? [11:54] milligan, open up a terminal and then do a dmesg [11:54] jrivera, cat /etc/resov.conf [11:54] jrivera: define "check" [11:55] jrivera, cat /etc/resolv.conf [11:55] soz [11:55] mechdave: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanity [11:55] ActionParsnip, nada. empty. [11:55] please, what's the usual vpn terminal command? [11:55] milligan_: detatch it, wait 10 seconds, reattatch it, wait 10 seconds, rerun command [11:55] how to determine what my dns is. i have two NIC's one to local network and the other to the internet [11:55] !vpn | obiwan_ [11:55] obiwan_: From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [11:56] i want to know the dns connected to the internet [11:56] re [11:56] thanks ActionParsnip ! [11:56] jrivera, i told you.. [11:56] if the resolv shows the router ip then check your router config for the dns servers [11:56] jrivera: BlackFate's command will tell you your current dns server [11:57] ubottu has almost anything, maybe !girl will work? haha xd [11:57] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [11:57] !coffee | obiwan_ [11:57] obiwan_: coffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering hot water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java [11:57] aaahahahah :P [11:57] obiwan__: if you run: /msg ubottu hi [11:57] obiwan__: you can freely pick her brain [11:58] haha ok i'll try :lol: [11:58] From the shell, how can I find out how much free space I have on a drive? I'm transfering files from a remote machine over sftp and i want to know if there's enough space. [11:58] Dougal: df -h [11:58] df -h [11:58] Dougal: df -h [11:58] df -h [11:58] HI i am back ActionParsnip indus still the same, tail -f /var/log/messages says this http://pastebin.com/m4ae71663 [11:58] oops sry nemesis i closed by error :S [11:58] heh! thankyou. I've never had such unanimous response! [11:59] !girl [11:59] Girls exist on the internet. See http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27 | http://www.xkcd.com/322/ | For more interesting reading: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ [11:59] wow, I ruin my 3 day idle time for "df -h" [11:59] Dougal: you can use df but its ini bits, -h makes it humanly readable [11:59] i just copy pasted what they said Dougal :D [11:59] haha! [11:59] Girls exist on the internet. [11:59] Good stuff. [11:59] !sex [11:59] Some topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !Freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct [11:59] lol [11:59] its lies [11:59] Dougal: same goes for du too [11:59] crystufer: did u solve the problem [11:59] indus, nah. [11:59] please dont abuse the bot [12:00] indus, I just took the line back out of fstab and mounted it by clicking on it [12:00] crystufer: the fat auto mounted? [12:00] crystufer: it should === Athanasia is now known as caillean [12:00] indus, Yeah that was no prob. [12:01] sarthor: log looks ok [12:01] sarthor: when did this start happening [12:01] b4 5 min. [12:01] hey but that link was about making an vpn server, i just want a client :=P [12:01] Aww hell. I tried to copy paste my wow folder and hell broke loose. [12:01] indus, b4 5 min. [12:01] sarthor: so what did you do before 5 min [12:02] !wow [12:02] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php [12:02] nautilus ftl. [12:02] indus, i installed some sysc application, and bluetooth, but i dont remember how much i checked in synaptic manager [12:02] and also gnokii [12:02] !japanese [12:02] 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい [12:02] i see that cisco vpn is usual, but is that the most common? i want a 'typical' program, like man for manuals, cat for reading, that is, the 'usual and typical' program everybody uses for vpn [12:02] hahaha [12:02] crystufer, /msg ubottu [12:02] sarthor:try enable desktop effects then disabling it [12:03] indus, thats not enabling from the start, [12:03] bazhang, Thanks. I was trying to remember the command /msg for an hour now. [12:03] indus, that never worked befor, nor now [12:03] sarthor: output of glxinfo | grep render [12:03] obiwan__: why are you concerned about what is usualy [12:03] sarthor: even though this is not related to window [12:03] sarthor: nvm [12:03] obiwan__: the "usual" anything will change as the users do in the channel [12:03] because i like usual programs, they are more supported [12:03] sarthor: eid mubarak [12:03] indus, direct rendering: Yes [12:03] OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI G400 20071017 AGP 1x x86/MMX/SSE2 [12:04] indus, Thank you, [12:04] obiwan__: if they are in the repo they are all equally support [12:04] sarthor:not sure what your problem is , this generally happens with desktop effects [12:04] yeah, but you ask, what program to see processes? everybody answers, ps, which for process tree? pstree, that's common, so what for vpn client? [12:04] sarthor: try reinstallingmetacity [12:04] sudo apt-get install --reinstall metacity [12:04] indus, yea i faced such problem b4, with desktop effect on other pc, [12:05] ActionParsnip: is that correct syntax? [12:05] obiwan__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient === _MinusSeven is now known as MinusSeven [12:05] crystufer, did you compile? [12:05] obiwan__: if you asked in 2 days, you might get a different answer so "most used" is moot and doesnt exist [12:05] i mean supported in manuals, there's plenty of manuals on the web for common programs, but if you take rare ones , and you get stuck, it may be hard to find help [12:05] indus: looks good :D [12:05] obiwan__: each app has a man pae made by the devs [12:06] sarthor: try this then restart X [12:06] obiwan__: there will be guides for any app you can use [12:06] sarthor: alt-sysrq-K [12:06] indus, ok. [12:06] yeah, those cryptic mans everybody loves :) [12:06] Cabrones [12:06] why does dhcp3 stop running when a client tries to request an IP [12:06] os reviento al boka [12:06] obiwan__: man cp is clear as day [12:06] fuck u [12:06] :) [12:06] piter, stop that [12:06] ook ok [12:06] captnchaos, yes, but all I did was sudo su, ./configure, make, make install [12:06] vete a comer huevos cabrones [12:07] piter english only here; #ubuntu-es for spanish [12:07] ubuntu is even more popular that xxx chat i suppose [12:07] crystufer, yeah that was right.. just the configure misste one thing: sudo ./configure --disable-library [12:07] taste my eggs [12:07] than sudo make and sudo make install [12:07] captnchaos, What library? [12:07] captnchaos: dont think sudo is needed for make [12:07] captnchaos: users can make if the source is in the users home [12:07] indus, please keep it family friendly [12:07] yeah, but it took me hours to understand why ls 2>&1 >file isn't the 'common sense' way to copy error and output to the same file [12:07] indus, yes it is [12:08] indus, if you configure as su you have to make as su [12:08] actually i had to request for hel [12:08] help [12:08] bazhang: ya hmm ok , x is not so obvious i thought, but ok [12:08] crystufer, just type that [12:08] indus, i reinstalled metacity, and restated the x-server but still the same [12:08] sarthor: bah ok, let me google a little [12:08] captnchaos: if the source is in home you can configure and make as user, install copies files where the user has no write access so sudo is needed [12:08] indus, OK i am also doing that . [12:09] ActionParsnip, yes.. i know. but for now its easier if he does everything as su [12:09] indus, and each window is opening maximized [12:09] sarthor: good, cos iam tired :), so you cant see the X and the minimise buttons< can i see a screenshot [12:09] captnchaos, please dont recommend that here [12:09] captnchaos, sudo -i if he must [12:09] captnchaos: i wouldnt use su either, sudo -i is advised [12:10] indus, screenshot, where to paste? [12:10] great, openvpn seems like openssh which is the one i use to ssh [12:10] sarthor: imagebin.org [12:10] i'll take that [12:10] Hi! I been reeding about danger of Mono, due to its licence. Where is the problem (with Microsoft)? (I am using MonoDevelop quite a time, so I know about .NET and Mono) [12:10] What's wrong with sudo su? [12:10] !imagebin | sarthor [12:10] sarthor: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it. [12:10] noooooo no tinyurl its blocked here [12:10] crystufer, its not how ubuntu does it [12:10] wtf? [12:11] crystufer: nothing wrong , [12:11] who said he should go into su environment?! [12:11] sudo executes a command as su [12:11] I usually just sudo su if I'm gonna su alot. [12:11] why is my dhcp not working properly, dhcpd3 is not running but PIC exists [12:11] If it's wrong I'll knock it off. [12:11] why is my dhcp not working properly, dhcpd3 is not running but PID exists [12:11] crystufer: me too, but sudo -i works too i think [12:11] you mean because it can cause damage? [12:11] crystufer, bad idea with ubuntu [12:11] crystufer, it isnt wrong [12:12] crystufer: NOPASSWD in sudoers is fun too [12:12] bazhang, If you say so. I'll just sudo everything if it's not safe. [12:12] so sudo su and sudo - i not same? [12:12] crystufer, go ahaed with compiling and installing [12:12] indus, screenshot here http://imagebin.org/64796 [12:12] captnchaos, ./configure --disable-library make sudo make install done [12:12] good [12:12] now: [12:12] that it? [12:12] sarthor: can you click on very top of that window [12:12] sudo mkdir /media/ntfstest [12:13] ntfs-3g /dev/sdxx /media/ntfstest [12:13] sarthor: no wait [12:13] indus, No, if i click or right click nothing happens. [12:13] sarthor, are you using emerald as a window decorator [12:14] captnchaos, permission denied [12:14] bazhang, how to check, coz i dont know this emerald [12:14] the permission for what? [12:14] indus: su makes you root and home is /root sudo -i makes you root and home is /home/$USER [12:14] ActionParsnip: [12:14] sarthor, try alt f2 metacity --replace [12:14] indus: so all apps use your settings rather than roots which will most likely be stock [12:15] captnchaos, failed to open drive. check drive and binary permissions. [12:15] interesting [12:15] did you type sdxx? [12:15] or sth like sda1? :P [12:15] hi [12:15] no. I put in /dev/sda2 [12:15] ok [12:15] is anybody thr [12:15] Hi! I been reeding about danger of Mono, due to its licence. Where is the problem (with Microsoft)? (I am using MonoDevelop quite a time, so I know about .NET and Mono) [12:15] intel, yes [12:15] chown root $(which ntfs-3g) and t han chmod 4755 $(which ntfs-3g) [12:15] bazhang, i did that, some screen blinks and no result [12:16] both with sudo [12:16] what u do [12:16] hi my boys [12:16] gsedej: please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic [12:16] sarthor, do you still have the problem after closing and re-opening nautilus window [12:16] u need sex with me? [12:16] cabrones [12:16] indus: thx [12:16] bazhang, yes [12:17] gsedej: kk [12:17] bazhang: seems like a mess due to some previous install of compiz [12:17] crystufer, what happens now? [12:17] sarthor: did you reinstall metacity? [12:17] captnchaos, Didn't like sudo t han [12:17] indus, i removed compiz too [12:17] :D [12:17] captnchaos, wait...I see what I did there. [12:17] sudo chown root $(which ntfs-3g) [12:18] sudo chmod 4755 $(which ntfs-3g) === MK is now known as Guest61318 [12:18] indus, yes i reinstalled metacity [12:18] sudo -i $HOME /root : is a directory === floopsie is now known as Floops [12:18] Unicode: interesting [12:18] !sudo [12:18] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) [12:18] whats diff between sudo su and sudo -i ?? [12:19] captnchaos, Got those commands in again and upped to the mount command. No good. [12:19] what does it say? === Jay|Lost_ is now known as Jay|Lost [12:19] Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': Permission denied [12:20] Please check '/dev/sda2' and the ntfs-3g binary permissions, [12:20] and the mounting user ID [12:20] how can i install package from karmic on jaunty [12:20] Unicode: apparently nothing: http://pastebin.com/d64c08009 [12:20] HardPhuck: you dont [12:20] really? [12:20] i thought you can [12:20] HardPhuck: karmic debs are for karmic only [12:20] allright [12:20] ah [12:20] you removed the line from fstab right? [12:21] Yessir, well commented it out. [12:21] HardPhuck: why do you think they arelabelled for karmic? If they were interchagable then the nameswould mean nothing [12:21] so jaunty installer freezes within 5 seconds of coming up ... I can get through Language > Install Ubuntu > FREEZE before Localization Q ... [12:21] if the bootloading process stops just after the kernel is loaded no console comes up what could be the problem [12:21] ActionParsnip: thanx [12:21] wtf... [12:21] HardPhuck: find a repo for jaunty for the app you require [12:21] /dev/sda2 /mnt/windows ntfs-3g defaults,user 0 0 [12:21] crystufer, and in /etc/fuse.conf uncomment "user_alow_other" [12:23] captnchaos, That it? [12:23] got a question action....iam missing the overclocking feature in nvidia setting... [12:23] captnchaos, I just reboot, or should I retry that mount command?\ [12:24] can i configure ipip or gre tunnels in /etc/network/interfaces? or using iproute2 directly only? [12:24] hi all [12:24] crystufer, just try the command === Guest61318 is now known as MK [12:24] captnchaos, Same error. === MK is now known as Guest38662 === Guest38662 is now known as MK27 [12:26] captnchaos, Well, thanks for the help. And the rest of you all too, but I have to give up for now. [12:26] Goodnight. [12:26] dual boot ftw [12:26] jimbeam12: overclock is not avaiable default [12:26] crystufer, i will take a look what differs from my settings [12:26] crystufer, i will tell you later/tomorrow [12:26] captnchaos, kk. [12:26] so what do i do..... [12:27] the tab is missing..i had it before... [12:27] jimbeam12: try install nvclock [12:27] jimbeam12: had it before? no way [12:28] but nvclock is already installed [12:28] jimbeam12: tab complete my name [12:28] can i configure ipip or gre tunnels in /etc/network/interfaces? or using iproute2 directly only? [12:28] jimbeam12: then use it [12:28] jimbeam12: i didnt answer earlier so I still have no idea [12:28] np actions [12:28] man interfaces say nothing [12:28] jimbeam12: you can try nvidia;s own overclock utility [12:28] which is? [12:29] hi, is there any basic linux command that lists the installed distribution? [12:29] i remember it had the slider controll.. [12:29] !version | amnesiauk [12:29] amnesiauk: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy » [12:29] Hey does anyone know if Lubuntu will make it for the 9.10 release? [12:29] jimbeam12: add the line Option "Coolbits" "1" [12:29] to device section in xorg.conf [12:29] jimbeam12: http://linuxgamingtoday.wordpress.com/2008/01/30/how-to-overclock-nvidia-video-cards-in-linux/ [12:29] jimbeam12: the tab will appear [12:30] ok cool.. [12:30] <_ruben> Unicode: i use iproute2 commands in pre-up/down stanzas in my interfaces(5) file [12:31] jimbeam12: or use nvclock whichever you prefer, but coolbits is nvidia official tool [12:31] they never admit it though :) [12:31] hi all [12:32] jimbeam12: but you will lose it on reboot [12:32] jimbeam12: i suggest nvclock [12:32] what do i have to type if i want to update my sh after an usermod -a -G? [12:35] how do I determine what patches are applied to mutt-patched? [12:36] hm [12:37] i think i will write a correct ntfs-3g howto [12:37] when I go to log out of Gnome, I get a list of users from the passwd file in addition to the logoff/shutdown options. How do I stop that list of users appearing? [12:37] hi how do I install the vim-latexsuit ? [12:37] brb [12:37] indus, the problem fixed, there was one application , Cellwriter, i removed that and now its oK. [12:38] indus, so i know 2 reasons, 1- Desktop Effects, 2-CellWriter [12:39] Can some 1 tell me to synchronize my E90 via bluetooth with my ubuntu 9.04 [12:41] anyone knows how to extend my desktop to another computer? [12:41] vnc? [12:42] Unicode: that displace the other desktop on mine. I want to extend it. like with 2 monitors === lge is now known as llutz [12:42] Can some 1 tell me to synchronize my E90 via bluetooth with my ubuntu 9.04 [12:43] esperegu: give tghe channel details of exactly what/how you wish it to work.. It might not be doable. [12:44] Dr_Willis: the same as with 2 monitors. but now the other monitor is on another pc. I want to use that pc (via lan) to extend my desktop [12:44] How do I install the vim-latexsuit ? [12:44] is there a way to upgrade ubuntu and keep ppa's ? [12:44] Dr_Willis: that way I could place another pc and then use more monitors on my laptop. [12:45] KruyKaze: upgrade, re-enable ppa [12:45] esperegu: the 'syngery' app lets you controll the 2nd pc/monitor from the first one (via a shared keyboard/mouse) but you dont just drag programs over to the 2nd pc. [12:45] jrib1: oh they're just disabled? [12:45] Dr_Willis: I know. but I have one program with multiple windows that I want to split over the screens. [12:45] esperegu: ive seen nothing that lets it work the 'same as with 2 monitors' where you can just have one large extended desktop [12:46] esperegu: unless you do some fancy exporting of DISPLAy when running stuff and just have it appear on the 2nd pc/monitor and use syngery [12:46] jrib1: and just change intrepid to karmic? [12:47] KruyKaze: yeah [12:47] thx [12:47] whats a good program to copy images to cd? (.iso) [12:47] luist: you mean burn? [12:47] luist: wodim [12:47] !burning | luist [12:47] luist: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto [12:47] luist: brasero [12:47] luist: ub comes with brasero [12:47] hm... many options :) [12:48] luist: those are for kde and gnome ,some cli based, use defaults included with ubuntu ,they are fine [12:49] ok... and what program to manage ipod nano 4g? === swoody_ is now known as swoody [12:51] i want monitor my LAN pls tell me perfect tool [12:51] hi indus [12:51] netwrkspider: totally depends on what you wish to 'monitor exactly' give the channel details of what info you want to track [12:51] !info ntop | netwrkspider [12:51] netwrkspider: ntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-11ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2599 kB, installed size 10812 kB [12:52] is there an app to manage file associations? [12:52] any suggestions for mail clients? (other than evolution & icedove) [12:52] Hello, it's me again, about the slow USB transfer rate in the 9.04 version of amd64. I've installed all updates available from the latest karmic 9.10 version and though transfer rate has improved it's still low. as in went up to 4.5MB/ps from 1.5MB/ps (which is still slow. another thing is that the bug now only appears on writing on flash drive.. i tried copying to a maxtor ntfs ext hdd and it was fast enough, but writing to flash drive is still slow... [12:52] Dr_Willis i just want to monitor our employee over LAN [12:52] netwrkspider: Nagios is good too, but its alot of information for just a home network. [12:52] How do I install the vim-latexsuit and configure it with gvim? [12:52] where i can add a command as default action for any extension [12:52] clearscreen: mutt (cli) [12:53] Hi folks .. I am running under kernel "2.6.24-24-generic", why exactly is this headers version=> "linux-headers-2.6.24-23-generic_2.6.24-23.52_amd64.deb" needed to dkms build a module ? [12:53] we are using 20 laptop 1 router adsl2 nd all are connected thrg router [12:53] i.e. why isn't it "2.6.24-24" [12:53] is 64 mb video card good enough for ubuntu??? [12:54] JohannesSM64: nautilus has a scripting feature/menu - but its not commonly used. and i forget where i saw it documented at.. [12:54] dios_mio: yes [12:54] just i want 2 monitor thrg mu laptop, pls suggest me tool [12:54] JohannesSM64, using youtube and such, do I need better card? [12:54] why not try it yourself? [12:54] hello, I wanted to use either wpa_gui or networkmanager instead of my old configuration in /etc/network/interfaces but both network managers don't see the card, even thou iwconfig shows it [12:55] JohannesSM64: check out http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/ [12:55] what am I supposed to do other than commenting all wlan0 lines in /etc/network/interfaces and restarting network? [12:55] dios_mio: Its certainly good enough for normal use, I've got a 64mb card in my laptop and it works fine, I just don't get much functionality out if compiz etc [12:55] My mouse cursor becomes invisible when hovering over some graphically rich applications: most often Firefox when trying to drag maps in googlemaps.com. It also happens in XSane when I hover over the preview window to select a scan area. I am googling this problem at the moment but just wonder if anyone else has experienced this and/or fixed it. Thanks for your consideration. [12:55] hi everyone [12:56] DJones , hmm I see.. so you need more video card memory for compiz effects [12:56] Dr_Willis: seems nice [12:56] JonathanEllis, what OS version are you running? hardware/drivers? [12:56] is it suggested to upgrade to 9.04 already? i am currently using 8.04. [12:56] Hey, going to reinstall soon, just wondering, is awn still considered the best dock? [12:56] dios_mio: It can work, but it can be slow [12:56] akatsuki, try a livecd and see if it works for you [12:57] has anybody used ZFS-fuse on Ubuntu for a NAS ? any idea how stable is it ? [12:57] whats a good program to manage ipod 4g? === mattgirv|zzz is now known as mattgirv [12:58] b3rz3rk3r: hmm I don't have a livecd.... [12:58] b3rz3rk3r: Hardy Heron. Dell Dimension 2400. Oh and thanks for prompting my memory, I have a Matrox MGA G200 twin output graphics card (PCI version) [12:58] how about 8.10? [12:58] good morning all [12:58] can someone help me with my wifi? [12:58] SandGorgon, if you are keen on running a dedicated box as NAS, then id check out FreeNAS if i were you. Iv found it to work flawlessly for my needs [12:59] !hello | crackheadjunky [12:59] crackheadjunky: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [12:59] I don't quite understand what has happened [12:59] http://amobos.org/ntfs-3g.html [12:59] Oh so 9.04 is not stable yet it seems. [12:59] !ask | crackheadjunky [12:59] crackheadjunky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [12:59] I try to do an update with the admin password and it doesn't accept it. [12:59] please give some feedback. test it ;) [12:59] only english people here ??? [12:59] hey... i applied an icon theme but some icons in avant window navigator didnt change to the new ones, while the same icons in the menu changed! how can i fix that [12:59] lspci says unknown device but knows its an atheros [12:59] artox, ger [12:59] artox: only english language here [12:59] jop [13:00] yes i am german [13:00] jo [13:00] artox: all kinds of people [13:00] :D [13:00] b3rz3rk3r, we run openfiler - I am already managing a Windows + Linux shop .. it would be preferable if I can avoid another OS. ZFS is another story however [13:00] i am new at linux [13:00] http://amobos.org/ntfs-3g.html [13:00] artox: who isnt [13:00] idont know I^ [13:00] artox, for german query me [13:00] artox: so what is the question [13:01] please help me with my wifi lspci says device unknown but its an atheros chip [13:01] it knows its an atheros chip [13:01] i want to see flash movies in internet and i cant why ??? [13:01] hi!!! [13:01] artox: install ubuntu-restricted extras package yet? that will install the flash player. [13:01] SandGorgon, i understand your feelings on that, but i also know that ZFS is a pain on Ubuntu, or at least it was, not too sure now. UFS/ZFS are fine on BSD. Just a thought to consider [13:01] sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin [13:01] artox: have you installed ubuntu restricted extras [13:01] crackheadjunky: under main menu>system>administration>hardware drivers do you see something [13:01] i need the hole introduction pls [13:01] artox, sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin [13:01] indus: only my ati firegl drivers [13:01] artox: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [13:02] Dr_Willis, its flashplugin-installer [13:02] b3rz3rk3r, hmm.. alright... might then go to nexenta and live with that [13:02] this sentence in terminal [13:02] ??? [13:02] yes [13:02] crackheadjunky: I also have a problem with an atheros wifi card but I havent fixed it yet. There seems to be a lot of info online about problems with this card on ubuntu - I just havent waded through all of it yet. [13:02] !de | artox [13:02] artox: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [13:02] artox: yeah [13:02] !artox | ubuntu-restricted-extras [13:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about artox [13:02] hello [13:02] indus: i have heard if i enable the jaunty backports, but i dont know how to add the repos [13:03] crackheadjunky: hmm are you using 8.04? [13:03] !ubuntu-restricted-extras | artox [13:03] artox: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [13:03] !ubuntu-restricted-extras | artox [13:03] how much times system restarts on ubuntu version upgrade? [13:03] no, i am using the latest [13:03] stable [13:03] how many [13:03] indus [13:03] Hey, going to reinstall soon, just wondering, is awn still considered the best dock? [13:03] stop flooding with the bots [13:03] cant read a thing [13:03] hey all. is there a way to redirect output of ttys0 to ttys1 automatically? [13:03] crackheadjunky: ok [13:03] crackheadjunky: 1 min [13:03] how many mbs does it download? [13:04] ok terminal says that all is installed but i cant open flash videos [13:04] v1srobi1: i find most docks very annoying. and have had big issues with awn. About the only one i can stand is 'gnome-do' and its 'docky' theme [13:04] crackheadjunky, just a bit of off-topic advice: buy a BCM4312 for 10$ from ebay - works well with all OSes that I have tried! [13:04] artox: close/restart the browser [13:04] artox:are you using firefox to view them [13:04] have it [13:04] SandGorgon: sorry, this is a netbook, not gonna happen [13:04] Dr_Willis: super advice :) [13:04] !best | v1srobi1 [13:04] v1srobi1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [13:04] i have ubu8ntu jaunty newest version [13:04] Dr_Willis:we always miss the simple stuff [13:05] can someone tell me how to add the jaunty backports repo? [13:05] crackheadjunky, i was talking about a netbook - it's a minipci card right .. or am I mistaken and u have integrated wifi on ur motherboard ? [13:05] SandGorgon: its internal [13:05] indus: yep.. people hafe this dock fetish it seems. :) gnome-do does its dock in a rather straight forwared and working fashion. [13:06] anyone can tell me how to find my admin password? Just got back from vacation [13:06] indus: then again. I perfer the old windowmaker 'warf' [13:06] I liked awn when trying before [13:06] I have Ubuntu 8.10 [13:06] Dr_Willis: no doc, i was talking about close/reopen browser [13:06] :) [13:06] sburwood: you dont recover it.. you can reset it to something else via a livecd/recovery mode.. [13:06] did have a performance overhead on the GMA 950 though [13:06] indus: :) that to. hehe [13:06] indus: just reboot... [13:06] crackheadjunky, u can't find your admin password, u have to remember it! [13:07] ya reboot/logout at least works for sound issues [13:07] i can install divx web player with wine or isnt so ??? [13:07] alokito: i dont need that... thats sburwood [13:07] artox: i think yes [13:07] artox: ubuntu will play divx without installing any thing [13:07] i want to see xvideos on firefox [13:07] Dr Willis, will that mess up my installation? [13:07] o :-/ [13:07] need assistance adding the jaunty backports module repo... [13:07] artox: you can play divx video with mplayer/vlc/other players.. [13:07] artox: just double click on any file format and it will install the codec to play the file [13:08] artox: can you play youtube? [13:08] sburwood: it will reset the password to one you know. [13:08] my login is the adminstrator. I use the same password for me and for the admin [13:08] crackheadjunky: 1 min please [13:08] indus: thanks [13:08] mhh i try alot of thinks but nothing no window for the movie [13:08] my login is the admin [13:08] crackheadjunky, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#How%20to%20use [13:08] sburwood, and? [13:08] sburwood: then you are confusing somthing..... [13:08] sburwood: your 'sudo' password is the same as your adminusers password. [13:08] so, if I can login with my password, but that the system refuses my update request ... [13:09] crackheadjunky: paste output of lspci [13:09] unless you change it some how.. or are not logging in as teh admin user. [13:09] I'll come back as soon as possible [13:09] to explain better [13:09] thanks anyway [13:09] bye [13:10] !paste [13:10] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts! [13:10] im opening my ipod 4g with amarok... it reads the music but when i tell it to PLAY the music, it just loads the progress bar very fast and does nothing! how can i fix this??? [13:10] !wgetpaste [13:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about wgetpaste [13:10] -.- [13:10] no i cant play youtube [13:10] artox: what happens when you play? [13:11] captnchaos: Do you mean pastebinit? [13:11] Pici, no i mean wgetpaste [13:11] nothing no window he says i must install newest flash player [13:11] artox: yes then did you install it? [13:11] luist, is it a shuffle or something else? [13:11] My mouse cursor becomes invisible when hovering over some graphically rich applications: most often Firefox when trying to drag maps in googlemaps.com. It also happens in XSane when I hover over the preview window to select a scan area. I am running Hardy Heron on a Dell Dimension 2400 with 1GB of RAM and an Intel Celeron 2.40GHz CPU. I have a MAtrox MGA G200 PCI twin output graphics card. I am googling this problem at the moment but just wonder i [13:11] i go to adobe.com load the ubuntu file [13:11] alokito: no... nano 4g [13:11] artox: did you download? [13:12] he says it is not the correct file [13:12] luist, hmm i also have a nano [13:12] try rhythmbox [13:12] artox:ok in a terminal type uname -a [13:12] is there a way to redirect or duplicate output of ttys0 to ttys1 automatically? [13:12] hi [13:12] ok wait [13:12] indus: http://pastebin.com/m6f33e375 [13:12] command not found [13:13] artox, what did you install? [13:13] #Serial_Us@irc.otaku-irc.fr [13:13] artox, what package? [13:13] raté ^^ [13:13] there is anyway for do a init 3 with upstart without changing the file /etc/event.d/rc-default ? [13:13] indus: its still not clear to me how to add that to the repo... it wont let me enter it into the list using package manager [13:13] indus: do you know how to cmd line enter it? [13:13] crackheadjunky: thanks , add what to the repo [13:13] Linux artox-desktop 2.6.28-15-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 18 19:25:34 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux [13:13] shawe: why do you want to do init 3? [13:13] indus: need to add the backports to my repo list [13:13] that he says when i type the command [13:14] artox, what command? [13:14] crackheadjunky: go to system>admin>software sources and enable it [13:14] Dr_Willis: for do a specific task with this runlevel [13:14] uname a- [13:14] artox: thanks you re using 64 bit [13:14] -a [13:14] how many times system restarts on ubuntu version upgrade? [13:14] how many mbs does it download? [13:14] yes [13:14] crackheadjunky: are you trying to add a source to the respo? [13:14] qdb: 1 gb approx [13:14] I do a patch that work for me, but is interesting that this file support this from default, and I think that it don't do it [13:14] what can i do indus [13:14] brez: i am trying to add jaunty backports repo [13:14] indus, does system continue working in upgrading time? [13:14] artox: i will say [13:14] artox, guck mal in deine query, ich hab dich angeschrieben. [13:15] qdb: no [13:15] why? [13:15] qdb: during download yes, not during upgrade [13:15] how long is upgrade? [13:15] ok indus [13:15] qdb: depends on connection speed [13:15] Dr_Willis: this script uses /etc/inittab and this file don't exists until Ubuntu uses upstart [13:15] qdb: it will give tyou time when you select upgrade [13:16] hm why connection if things are downloaded before upgrade? [13:16] crackheadjunky: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [13:16] ? [13:16] or how it is? [13:16] brez: i got it [13:16] artox: download this [13:16] i wait for your introduktions indus [13:16] how it will give me time? [13:16] artox: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer- [13:16] ok, so if i enabled the backports, and i do update, will it update my hardware driver for me? or do i have to tell it to update it for atheros? [13:17] qdb: it downloads from the internet [13:17] !inittab [13:17] Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ [13:17] ok wait moment [13:17] ubottu: I know this [13:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about I know this [13:17] ok i have it indus [13:17] you said that it continues to work durinf download. does it download all needed files first? [13:17] shawe: all runlevels are the same basically (except 1 and 6) - so i guess figure out how to launch it from rc.local or some other rc.XXX script depending on what its doing. [13:17] crackheadjunky: did you try using nm-applet to set wifi? [13:17] ubottu: but I'm trying to add support for run another runlevel, only single is supported by default with upstart [13:17] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [13:17] hm there should 1 gb free space? [13:17] is there a command line app to show a little alert dialog box with a custom message? [13:18] indus: no, i havent installed an nmapplet [13:18] near [13:18] shawe: ubottu is not a person, shes our channel bot. [13:18] indus: what is that? [13:18] crackheadjunky: its there default [13:18] Pici: thanks xDD [13:18] indus: ? [13:18] indus: help with that [13:18] crackheadjunky: the network icon which lets you configure network [13:18] indus: i dont have an option for wireless [13:18] WinterWeaver: kdialog (kde) i think the gnome-one was called notify [13:18] indus: only wired [13:18] crackheadjunky: ok [13:18] thx iceroot [13:18] what is the best instant messenger in ubuntu? [13:18] crackheadjunky: ok try the backports then [13:19] indus: what do i do with the backports, thats the question now [13:19] Dr_Willis: all runlevel can be the same or not, if you modify any runlevel for do a specific think [13:19] akatsuki, i think pidgin [13:19] !best | akatsuki [13:19] akatsuki, I like pidgin, because of all the plugins... but others really like empathy for it's simplicity [13:19] akatsuki: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [13:19] akatsuki: but it is irssi + screen + bitlbee of course :) [13:19] crackheadjunky: did you enable it? [13:20] okay 8.04 comes with pidgin 2.4 which is an old version. how can I get the newest version which is 2.6? [13:20] indus: i put it in the repo list [13:20] Anyone tried gnome 3 on Koala? Is it easy/possibe? [13:20] crackheadjunky: so now i guess even iam not sure [13:20] indus: maybe run an update? [13:21] crackheadjunky: yeah [13:21] crackheadjunky: will get a lot of new stuff [13:21] crackheadjunky: try it === jiohdi3 is now known as jiohdi [13:21] indus: i just ran an update [13:21] crackheadjunky: i dont know which package updates networking stuff === Xano_ is now known as Xano_gonerrr [13:22] crackheadjunky: remember, 9.04 is the best for wireless issues [13:22] there seems to be a seperate directory for trash for root and for user, where do I find the user trash directory? [13:22] !trash [13:22] The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [13:22] indus: i know... but the only one that has the atheros that i have is the older modules [13:23] crackheadjunky: just upgrade and see what happens [13:23] thanks Doc [13:24] indus: thanks [13:24] indus: You say 9.04 works better for wifi? I cant get 9.04 to install on my laptop :-( [13:25] JonathanEllis: ya its super, and its getting better with upcoming 9.10 [13:25] how can i start xorg without VGA cable connected ? [13:25] indus: That might solve my wifi problem if only it would install [13:25] JonathanEllis: it was really easy with the broadcom laptiops in my work, they all work great now [13:25] JonathanEllis: why whats the install error? [13:26] indus: Off hand, I cant remember. It was a couple of weeks ago but I tried several times to install it and couldnt complete the install. Thats why I went back to Hardy Heron [13:26] JonathanEllis: please try the alternate cd then [13:26] JonathanEllis: it wont give you a live environment ,but it s just as easy and really fast === adante_ is now known as adante [13:27] indus: Thats an idea. I will try that. Thanks. [13:27] Dr_Willis: I find in Trash a file called files, it seems empty, but when I try to rmdir, it tells me it can't because its not empty [13:27] how do I see what is in it? [13:27] iceroot: nice thanks, i'll try to look into that one now :) [13:28] No-one tried Gnome 3? [13:28] jiohdi: rm -r if it's containing files. [13:28] do not delete the trash folder, delete contents inside it i say [13:29] dont make the harddisk dirty , all trash might be dumped here and there [13:29] indus, I am trying to delete files in the trash that empty trash says I cannot remove === nexx is now known as nexx| [13:29] brez, rm -r says missing operand [13:32] jiohdi: cd /home/yourusername/.Trash [13:32] jiohdi: ls [13:32] jiohdi: rm -r file.name [13:32] !trash [13:32] The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash [13:33] brez, is there a rmdir command that removes non-empty directories? [13:33] rmdir -r [13:33] brez: you can use $USER instead of yourusername [13:33] brez, no such command [13:33] Hi, On windows I dowload things fast but on ubuntu it's like 10 times slower. Can anyone help me fix this? [13:33] jiohdi: rm -r [13:33] Agion: wired or wireless? [13:33] wired [13:33] jiohdi: rm -r directory also have a look at the manpage (man rm) [13:34] thanks iceroot that did the trick :) === janne is now known as Skiessi [13:34] jiohdi rm -r, rm -fr [13:34] they both work ;p [13:34] Agion: ok if you run: sudo lshw -C network you will see the chip your wired connection uses, you can then websearch how to install it [13:34] iceroot: i just installed bitlbee in hardy through sudo apt-get install, tried running it on the terminal and shows an error.... === jrib1 is now known as jrib [13:34] akatsuki: sorry, that is a bad description [13:34] akatsuki: you should probably pastebin the error === jrib is now known as Guest27195 [13:35] * Guest27195 mumbles something === Guest27195 is now known as jrib [13:36] ~pastebin === mre is now known as Guest60482 [13:36] Hi all!!! [13:37] which optimal size range would be when it's built a filesystem with -T largefile and for largefile4? [13:37] Hi I have some rar archives and when i want to open them i only get the first part [13:37] silly question -> the older the ubuntu version is the faster it is ? eg 7.10 is faster than 9.10? [13:37] jrib: lol [13:37] iceroot: jrib: http://pastebin.com/m50205479 [13:37] Hi I have some rar archives and when i want to open them i only get the first part anyone an idea? [13:37] What's the release name of ubuntu 9.10 [13:37] mrkiko, jaunty [13:38] no... [13:38] karmic koala [13:38] someone know how the Nvidia Ion works with Atom330? [13:38] oh sorry got confused =/ [13:38] hi, yesterday i installed apache in my system. I need to configure http.conf but i haven't been able to find it. Tried with locate but i only got ruby on rails files [13:38] akatsuki: that's not how you start bitlbee. Use /etc/init.d/bitlbee start, but it should automatically be started already [13:38] JohannesSM64: thank you! [13:39] Can someone give to me some doc regarding the following problem? I need to make my windows key act as an enter key, in the Linux Console! [13:39] PPKuma: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf [13:39] jrib: thanks :) [13:40] My mouse cursor becomes invisible when hovering over some graphically rich applications: most often Firefox when trying to drag maps in googlemaps.com. It also happens in XSane when I hover over the preview window to select a scan area. I am running Hardy Heron on a Dell Dimension 2400 with 1GB of RAM and an Intel Celeron 2.40GHz CPU. I have a Matrox MGA G200 PCI twin output graphics card. I am googling this problem at the moment but have not foun [13:40] mrkiko: edit your keymap I guess? [13:40] Mhm.. ok! With what command? [13:40] jrib: Okay, I will now install Irssi and will configure it to work with bitlbee... [13:44] Why does Firefox have it's little crashes? (most annoying) [13:45] Firefox has become the deffinition of bloat and instability. [13:45] can it be fixed? [13:46] BS, it's never crashed on me [13:46] bcdln90: get rid of extensions and plugins, see if it still crashes [13:46] system crashed during apt-get upgrade. How do I fix some broken debs? Firefox does not start and my timezone is off [13:46] JhoannesSM64: Some people say that about Vista too. [13:46] EDinNY: dpkg --configure -a then resume upgrade [13:47] did that. says it found an error. now says nothing [13:47] * jrib tries to telepathically sense error [13:47] jrib: i don't any extensions [13:47] EDinNY: can't mind read right now, could you pastebin the error? [13:48] bcdln90: or plugins? [13:48] checking: [13:48] bcdln90: like flash... [13:48] don't have an error on screen. ran dpkg in recovery mode. now when I run it it does not find anything [13:48] EDinNY: resume the upgrade then [13:49] did that [13:49] firefox still is broke [13:49] EDinNY: broke how...? [13:49] does not start [13:49] !who | EDinNY [13:49] EDinNY: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [13:49] EDinNY: run it in a terminal [13:49] jrib, does not start [13:49] !patience | jrib [13:49] jrib: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [13:49] EDinNY: do you get output? [13:50] need some help again with the atheros, i installed backports, can someone help me from start with the wireless? [13:50] !wifi > crackheadjunky [13:50] jrib: tried to run it in a terminal before you suggested it. no error [13:50] crackheadjunky, please see my private message [13:50] 3 [13:50] EDinNY: do you get any output? Do you get a new prompt or does firefox hold the terminal? [13:50] jrib: ps shows that it is NOT running. so it tries to start, then stops [13:51] hello [13:51] jrib immediately get a new prompt [13:51] EDinNY: does "firefox -safe-mode" work? [13:51] jrib, do you remember me? [13:52] JeoTheLeo: yes [13:52] phone [13:52] ok, now the CLI goes online...I'm on it right now [13:52] jrib: the flash seems to be the problem, accuweather and howtoforge were definate crashes and everything is fine thanks === flatline is now known as Guest82992 === Guest82992 is now known as kliklik [13:52] back [13:53] jrib, is there a way to refresh the firefox deb? [13:53] jrib, re-install it? [13:53] jrib /usr/bin/firefox does not do it either [13:54] this is my 1st time on ubuntu, tried a clean install, failed, but it runs off the cd? would rarther clean w98 off the hard drive and just keep this......help. [13:54] EDinNY: aptitude reinstall package_name [13:55] yeah can I use aptitude reinstall to upgrade my grub perhaps? [13:56] working from the CLI is definitely interesting but honestly, most things need more than just CLI to work [13:56] how do ireinstal it, always says the drive doesn't detect it, yet the drive works to run it off of the cd? [13:56] JeoTheLeo: most things that you are used to using. I spend most of my day in cli [13:57] balsaque: the live cd - runs totally from the cd. You dont even need a hard drive in the system [13:57] YeTr2, you honestly surf the net using CLI? [13:57] JeoTheLeo: My entire day is spent at the cli with only periodic detores into a window. [13:57] JeoTheLeo: lynx, links2 [13:57] Hello, I want to stop apt-cache from accessing the internet in 8.10, can anyone tell me how? [13:58] JeoTheLeo: I would love to have a job where I just surf all day. [13:58] theres that links -g also. :) [13:58] i feel like the windows 98 is a cancer still inside my computer, thought ubuntu would wipe it clean and leave ubuntu on the hard drive alone [13:58] I know, but most websites require java/flash [13:58] balsaque: you can tell the installer to 'use the whole drive' and it will erase everything and do just that [13:58] JeoTheLeo: for your happy fun-time stuff, yes. for my searching for information, no. [13:58] hmmmm [13:58] balsaque: or use the live cd, install gparted, and delete all the partitions on the hd.. then restart the installer. [13:58] i am the installer? how do i use the whole drive? [13:58] JeoTheLeo: you would be supprised at how many websites have a non-flash/java alternative [13:59] yeah [13:59] I've gotten a lot of good use of terminiator over the last month or two. [13:59] balsaque: the ubuntu installer asks how to do it.. "use whole drive" "resize" "use free space" or somthing like that. [13:59] Cyrano_De: i use Terminator all the time now also. :) [13:59] If only terminator had the disconnect/reconnect of screen, it would be the ultimate app. [13:59] well I'll try getting used to the CLI for a while since I'm forced to onto it both ways [13:59] dodn't see that, offered to instal with window, or install, or inform me === canthus14 is now known as canthus13 [14:00] anyone knows how to switch between the terminal and irssi from the CLI? [14:00] YeTr2: ran sudo aptitude reinstall firefox. says it did it, but firefox is still broken [14:00] JeoTheLeo: you are not using screen? [14:00] JeoTheLeo: Ren irssi in screen [14:00] this runs the internet WAY better than w98 [14:00] YeTr2: how do you remove firefox? [14:00] hmmmm, no screens on cli, remember :D [14:00] EDinNY: 'firefox' is a metapackage. I believe you are looking for firefox-3.0 [14:01] that is the actual name of the package. [14:01] ?? [14:01] hmmm [14:01] JeoTheLeo: Screen is a terminal app that lets you have multiple "virtual" terminals or screens. [14:01] I knew that was a metapackage. how do you remove a metapackage, then I will install it [14:01] EDinNY: Try deleting the .firefox directory (in .mozzila?) in your home folder [14:01] i suppose i can go to windows and just delete eveything myself [14:01] !screen [14:01] Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen [14:01] ohh, thought you meant something else, sorry, my bad :S [14:01] Pizik: I considered that as a last resort [14:01] I'll install it now [14:01] brb [14:01] JeoTheLeo: theres screen, 'twin' and some other tool that can do mor ethen 1 'shell' per console window. [14:02] EDinNY: back it up first, or rename it and it will at least tell you if it is the issue [14:02] JeoTheLeo: 'screen' is a virtual terminal application that lets you spawn as many terminals as you need, and lets you disconnect from and reconnect to at any given time. [14:02] he left [14:02] the print on my screen is very smal when i am in ubuntu, can i make it larger? [14:03] Pizik: good idea. I have lots of experience with linux...just not in troubleshooting debian derivitives [14:03] eh.. I wouldn't know.. I disabled join/part messages.. got too many of them [14:03] system > prefs > appearance. [14:03] and there's a font sectino on the top i think [14:03] !info tmux [14:03] Package tmux does not exist in jaunty [14:03] is there any way to convert html to pdf... [14:03] EDinNY: `aptitude purge` to remove a package and all of it's configurations [14:04] kannan01: html2pdf, browser with pdf-printer [14:04] EDinNY: I have very little experience of Linux, but a lot of experience with troubleshooting (having used windows all my life ;op ) [14:04] kannan01: You could "print to file" [14:04] Pizik: I know how to fix some windows, but most of my experience is with RH type Linux [14:05] fixed that myself got the print size on the screnn bigger [14:05] kk [14:05] iceroot: Cyrano_De:tnx [14:05] never had firefox before [14:05] I want to stop apt-cache from accessing the internet in 8.10, can anyone tell me how please? [14:05] back :D [14:05] Pizik: apt-cache shouldnt be accessing the internet at all. [14:06] I thought apt only accessed the web during the update & upgrade processes. [14:06] this is unreal...computer wouln't run on th internet anymore with w98....now it flies with the ubuntu disc [14:06] EDinNY: did you try with the safe-mode switch? [14:06] balsaque....W98? why do you even have it [14:06] Pici: It is only my suspicion that it is apt-cache, my internet connection starts transfering data, and at the same time apt-cache is the only CPU consuming process running. [14:06] jrib, yes [14:07] balsaque: if you want to see even faster nets, you should try installing chromium :D [14:07] EDinNY: and? [14:07] does not start [14:07] EDinNY: does -ProfileManager start? [14:07] i am trying to wipe it off, thought this ubuntu would wipe it clean but it forced me to run th disc [14:07] one sec [14:07] brb [14:07] from console immediately get prompt [14:07] Pizik: Have you looked at the output of netstat -pant ? [14:07] EDinNY: open up a terminal, run firefox. is there any output? [14:07] ill look for that chromium d [14:07] Pici: nope, will that tell me the process that is using the network? [14:07] YeTr2: did that. none [14:08] Pizik: you may need sudo to see all the process names. Yes, thats for looking at processes using network resources. [14:08] EDinNY: dang.. that sucks [14:08] is there a way to find if your cd request has been accepted [14:08] YeTr2: with profilemanager and with safe-mode [14:08] ok, used screen properly this time [14:08] how else can i get rid of my old OP and end up with ubuntu all by itself? [14:08] EDinNY: wanna do some slightly more advanced stuff? [14:09] anyone have any idea why flash would randomly stop working in fire fox? [14:09] I want to do advanced stuff!...mememe [14:09] scrub: 64 bits ? [14:09] I recently added the line `export TERM="xterm-256color"` to my .bashrc file to enable more colors for vim. But now every time I reattach a screen session, my terminal window 'physically' resizes. Anyone have any idea why? [14:09] YeTr2: thats why I am here! I know the easy stuff. just purged. now gonna re-install [14:09] no 32 [14:09] EDinNY: `strace firefox 2>&1 > output.txt` [14:09] erusul: no its 32 bit [14:09] is there a way to find if your cd request has been accepted [14:10] well i am further along for today than i ever would have believed [14:10] scrub: did you restart firefox right after flashplayer install? [14:10] scrub: yes i rwad; then my theory does not apply :( [14:10] cant wait to be free of windows someday and master this [14:10] YeTr2: just re-installed firefox [14:10] EDinNY: did the problem resolve itself? [14:10] jauntycat: yes i installed flash yestereday and it was working fine now nothing. no errors like you have install flash or anything either just not displaying [14:11] YeTr2: no. how do I pastebin? [14:11] <|_SpY_|> hi... i have a pc with 4gb ram... anybody knows if i need install any special version of ubuntu for use 4gb ram? any x64 version ... or wont nedd? [14:11] is there a way to find if your cd request has been accepted [14:11] EDinNY: good question. [14:11] how do I pastebin? [14:11] scrub: did you install the .deb package from the official adobe website? [14:11] is urs amd [14:11] !info pastebinit [14:11] pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB [14:11] when i tried to di a clean install of ubuntu it took the uninstall part and the icon but not the actual ubuntu program itself...almost like windows blocked it [14:11] jauntycat: yes i did [14:12] how do I show multi line error here? [14:12] EDinNY: there is a cli utility called `pastebinit`, install it with aptitude [14:12] |_SpY_|: is urs amd [14:12] !pastebin | EDinNY [14:12] EDinNY: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [14:12] can i install a 2+ tb raid, not nescessarily bootable, from the default jaunty server install cd? [14:12] aaron11_: I've not seen shipit decline a request unless somone asked for a large number of CDs. And even then, they suggested that they request them through their Loco team. [14:12] |_SpY_|: Standard 32bit is fine for anything 4gb and under. [14:12] anyone know , in 64 bit after removing flashplugin nonfree and moving libflashplayer.so to .mozilla plugins, why firefox keeps asking for flash? [14:12] scrub: did you try a reinstall of the package? if that doesn't work, try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras package, that worked out for me ;) [14:12] EDinNY: visit http://pastebin.com put the text in the box and hit paste, when the page changes, copy the new web address in the address bar and paste it here [14:12] indus: because libflashplayer.so is not 64bit? [14:12] <|_SpY_|> aaron11_: yeah AMD [14:13] Pici: how do i know when it will reach here [14:13] jrib: it is [14:13] Pici: Thanks, may have led me to the right candidate, ml-donkey was connected, killed it and shall see if it happens again [14:13] Androidfan545: sure [14:13] hey action [14:13] EDinNY: then `cat output.txt | pastebinit` [14:13] |_SpY_|: then gwt x64 [14:13] wsup man [14:13] jauntycat: yeah thats my next step is reinstalling just wondering if there was something stupid i was over looking thank you [14:13] indus: well that's the only reason I know of :) [14:13] <|_SpY_|> aaron11_ Cyrano_De: thank you guys [14:13] aaron11_: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/shipit-faq [14:13] http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/275856/ [14:13] Pizik: Great [14:13] anybody knows? 2+ tb raids on jaunty? [14:13] get* [14:13] jimbeam12: you need to complete the nick with tab to highlight the user you want to address , like ActionParsnip jimbeam12 jrib etc etc [14:14] scrub: unless you've been messing up with packages and stuff, or accidently unistalled or deactivated something, i don't see a evident reason for it not to work. [14:14] cool...ok nivida overclocked thx guys [14:14] EDinNY: is there anything in output.txt ? [14:14] YeTr2: no. everything went to standard error [14:14] EDinNY: what? [14:15] Androidfan545: as long as the controller has drivers and the controller can use the drive, ubuntu will be able to use it [14:15] how to window matchin current focus window? [14:15] YeTr2: all was error, so no output to STD OUT, just ERROR which I pasted http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/275856/ [14:15] action [14:15] hmm [14:15] how do I switch screens on screen [14:15] cordor: what? [14:15] EDinNY: you are running a 32bit or 64bit system? [14:15] JeoTheLeo: ctrl-a ? [14:15] YeTr2: 32 [14:15] JeoTheLeo: screen is the kind of tool that you DO want to read some tutorials on it. :) [14:15] jrib: under compiz [14:15] JeoTheLeo: Ctrl-A, N = next. Ctrl-A, P = previous. Ctrl-A, A = last one used. [14:15] JeoTheLeo: The default binding is to use ctrl-a and the screen number. See ctrl-a and then ? for a list of the bindings. [14:16] thanks. [14:16] Hey guys, I am having an issue with VNCviewer, I can connect to the client machine, and the image comes up, but on the computer i want to view the screen, I can move the mouse, click buttons, but the image never updates [14:16] JeoTheLeo: To create a new screen "ctrl-a c" To switch between two screens "ctrl-a 1" and ctrl-a 0 [14:16] is there a channel for cigarettes [14:16] EDinNY: out of sillyness, what happens when you try to run firefox as a different user? [14:16] cordor: try #compiz [14:16] I <3 screen [14:16] IM trying to rember the name of a program similer to screen for the console.. Only it actually put the windows 'seperate' in its own window/area seperated by lines (dashes and _'s) [14:16] thanks [14:16] YeTr2: genious. guess I will make a new user [14:16] indus, #ubuntu-offtopic [14:16] nice [14:16] theres screen, twin, and some other app i found in synaptic one day [14:16] thanks [14:16] mirc on wine on ubuntu 9.04 crashes if i try do a file open.. i pean .. i do not even see the file.. i just click on the menu option "file" to go to "open" and mirc crashes why? [14:16] EDinNY: just su to root [14:16] indus: hehe [14:16] Dr_Willis: It's 'screen', I think. It has split function. [14:17] an0nmat1r: check the wine app database for help on it perhaps [14:17] brb [14:17] an0nmat1r: do you have wine fro the wine repo? why dont you use one of the MANY native irc clients? [14:17] it runs greate on fedora 11 [14:17] grawity: this was not screen.. this could split in other ways also. [14:17] Dr_Willis: You can split screen with "ctrl-a S" [14:17] grawity: i wish the packge manager had a tags function. [14:17] Dr_Willis: Doesn't it? [14:17] Cyrano_De: Yes.. i know.. but this was NOT screen. :) [14:17] Dr_Willis: I only know tmux out of similar ones. [14:17] ActionParsnip: i am happy with irssi but i used mirc as a kid and just was trying to remember a few things.. [14:17] grawity: im searching via apt-cache search.. let me checy synaptic some more.. [14:18] Dr_Willis: viper? [14:18] Sorry to repeat but in a huge rush, got an exam and i really need to vnc to this computer [14:18] Hey guys, I am having an issue with VNCviewer, I can connect to the client machine, and the image comes up, but on the computer i want to view the screen, I can move the mouse, click buttons, but the image never updates [14:18] !info viper [14:18] Package viper does not exist in jaunty [14:18] Dr_Willis: terminator perhaps (although thats not console only) [14:18] Pici: nope. not terminator. :) [14:18] Dr_Willis: vwm probably [14:18] Dr_Willis: viper is vi mode for emacs, IIRC. [14:18] Pici: it worked similer to terminatlr [14:18] an0nmat1r: make sure you have added the wine repo to install wine [14:18] !info vwm [14:18] Package vwm does not exist in jaunty [14:18] ActionParsnip: i got the wine distribution from ubuntu's default packages found on the menu add/remove programs.. [14:18] Dr_Willis: http://vwm.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html [14:19] so how is everyone today.. [14:19] an0nmat1r: its old, gtet the one from winehq: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb [14:19] jrib: this one was in the ubuntu repos. I found it one day in there. [14:19] jimbeam12 terrible, [14:19] i have installed a snooker and other things on wine is running fine [14:19] why ?? [14:19] an0nmat1r: the one maintained by the wine team may yield better results [14:19] cant get VNC to work properly, no one seems to know the solution either [14:19] Hey guys just wondering if anyone has encountered this. I'm trying to follow the binary driver howto (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI) and I get stumped after the first step. When I go to System > Hardware Drivers, I see nothing to enable, and see the msg "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system". My lspci says: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 [Radeon X1200 Series] [14:19] just out of curiosity...are there games on CLI? [14:19] or how to i make it decorate the focus window only? [14:19] hmm never tried that one.. [14:20] JeoTheLeo: tons of them [14:20] bbl, need to get something to eat. [14:20] awesome [14:20] i used to use vnc on windows [14:20] jimbeam12: The bsd-games package has a few. Also: moon-buggy [14:20] sheepsy: cos you are using the open source drivers mostly [14:20] I'll use lynx's google to search for some :D === aaron11_ is now known as aaron11 [14:20] sheepsy: did you install the fglrx driver? [14:20] indus: I realize that. I'm trying to switch. Is there another howto on switching? [14:20] JeoTheLeo: http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~brain/0verkill/ [14:20] jrib: that looks neat. :) the one i saw just used simple ---+--- drawing. and i dont think it supopiorted the mouse. that one looks like the old 'twin' i used befor [14:20] !info twin [14:20] Package twin does not exist in jaunty [14:21] is there a way to du only certain files in the directory? there's an exclude file pattern but not a "count only these files" [14:21] ActionParsnip: true.. the one maintained ther .. i tried on fedora .. was better.. but the internet connection of applications running on wine got disconnected if i tried to edit a file from bash.. so i was trying ubuntu [14:21] jimbeam12: i use x forwarding, much neater [14:21] sheepsy: try using envyng-gtk [14:21] sheepsy: The x1200 is no longer supported by fglrx, the open source driver that it uses by default should be able to do 3d acceleration fine. [14:21] I didn't install it, I thought that the howto steps would have a place for doing it automatically. [14:21] Pici: Not supported in 2.6.29 right? It's still supported in 2.6.28? [14:21] its all fixed Action..got the cards clocked..thx for taht [14:21] jimbeam12: nice [14:22] Pici: hmm , i thought it was for upto x 300 only [14:22] yeah and the jim beam is looking nice too....lol === bmullan_ is now known as bmullan [14:22] anyone know how to count the size of files in a directory that match a certain pattern? [14:22] indus, Pici: it also says that in the binary howto that it's up to x300... [14:22] indus, sheepsy: I have an x1400 and I don't think fglrx was working for me in Jaunty. I'm running Karmic now using the open drivers. [14:23] Pici: i believe as of now, x 300 , later they support above x 600 [14:23] Pici: so it should have wroked for you [14:23] ok, google is messed up in CLI [14:23] Pici: x1200 is pretty *new* [14:23] :) === serpp is now known as serp [14:23] anyone know how to count the size of files in a directory that match a certain pattern? [14:23] indus: no. the xNNNN line is different from the xNNN line. The 4 digit numbers are for laptop cards. [14:24] bluebaron: find -exec du -h {} \; [14:24] Pici: also integrated igp in mobos i have x 1250 [14:24] Pici: Are you saying that x1200 is actually x120? [14:24] ok, google is messed up in CLI...what search engine do you recommend === XLV- is now known as XLV [14:24] ActionParsnip, thank you [14:24] bluebaron: e.g.: find . -name "*.mp3" -exec du -h {} \; [14:24] anybody here that knows about a m68000 simulator that runs on ubuntu? [14:24] bluebaron: find -exec is a VERY powerful tool [14:25] hello [14:25] indus: envyng-gtk over xorg-driver-fglrx? [14:25] ActionParsnip, yeah i know .. can't believe i didn't think about that [14:25] sheepsy: no, sorry. [14:25] sheepsy: hmm no [14:25] how to open port in ubuntu? thanks [14:25] bluebaron: np :) [14:25] bluebaron, echo "$(find . (something) -printf '%s +')" 0 | bc [14:25] odiamar: nothing is closed by default, just run your service on it [14:25] odiamar: Ubuntu comes with its firewall disabled. All ports are already open in it. [14:25] sheepsy: first try xorg-flglrx if that wont work, try envy [14:25] indus: K. Let me try that. Thanks. [14:26] odiamar: they are all open unless you have added iptables rules using some firewall software [14:26] sheepsy are you having issues withthe open source drivers? [14:26] Somehow this was easier on gentoo. [14:26] but I just tried an online port checker. It says that port 80 is not open [14:26] indus: Yeah the effects are screwed up when I turn them on. Also I noticed performance problems with the open source ones. [14:27] sheepsy: aah effects, cant advice on that [14:27] sheepsy# [14:27] sheepsy: unfortunately AMD has stopped supporting that card. same thing happened with my Radeon 9600. you are stuck using the open source drivers here is a list of cards Amd moved to "legacy" status http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product= [14:27] odiamar: did you install a service that runs on port 80? [14:27] @sheepsy [14:27] nope I want to run a webserver here [14:27] odiamar: so install one... [14:27] odiamar: are you behind a router? [14:28] !lamp > odiamar [14:28] odiamar, please see my private message [14:28] @jrib yep [14:28] yep I'm behind a router [14:28] legend2440: bah [14:28] odiamar: then you need to port forward port 80 on the external facing part of your router to the internal IP of the web serving system [14:28] legend2440: That sucks :( This is my work computer. [14:28] so what am I gonne do? [14:28] so what am I gonna do? [14:28] legend2440: those are for the drivers from amd site,not the ones packaged with ubuntu [14:28] sheepsy: yes i know. i switched to nvidia [14:29] legend2440: Need to ask my boss for new hardware. [14:29] odiamar: its nothing to do with Linux, you need to configure your router properly [14:29] legend2440: I run nvidia at home. No problems. [14:29] right [14:29] I have to tweak my router [14:30] odiamar: set the webserving system to static IP to save issues whem the dhcp lease expires then configure the router to push requests on port 80 on your WAN side to port 80 on your web box [14:30] legend2440: nvidia has drivers for legacy cards, what about amd? do they ? [14:30] Ok this is a dumber question, I ran this step of the binary howto: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` What effects will this have and how do I reverse it? :D [14:30] aw I'm on a dynamic IP [14:31] can I still run a webserver? [14:31] Who are the french ? [14:31] Djvirus666, go away! [14:31] lol [14:32] Djvirus666: hi [14:32] odiamar: Yes, you can run anything. It only might be less convienent for the users - but there are services such as DynDNS where you can get a free subdomain for a dynamic IP. [14:33] another question guys.. How to install driver for nvidia geforce2 mx400? [14:33] odiamar: sudo apt-get intall nvidia-glx-legacy [14:34] hi [14:34] odiamar: better to install it from menu>system>admin>hardware drivers [14:35] !fr > Djvirus666 [14:35] Djvirus666, please see my private message [14:35] odiamar: doesnt matter, get a no-ip or dydns account [14:36] odiamar: you can then install a service to update the IP for the address every hour or so [14:36] Hi [14:36] Stupid ATI. [14:36] I have a dual screen setup and my screensaver is not going across both screens, does anyone know how to fix this? I'm runing 9.04 amd64. Thanks [14:37] I just restarted my computer, and now alsa keeps spitting out cracking noises =/ [14:37] odiamar: you shouldnt be running an xserver on a server really [14:37] how is that? [14:37] I have a Problem on Kubuntu live CD. The font is too big. How can i change it? [14:37] hello [14:37] sheepsy i think its true they dont support x 1200 also with [14:37] odiamar: the server install doesnt come with an x server for a reason [14:37] newer drivers [14:38] Any idea? [14:38] odiamar: you can run httpd on the desktop but slinging a desktop on the server install doesnt gain you anything [14:38] indus: Yeah that link that legend2440 provided pretty much said it. I think it'll work on 2.6.28 but then I remembered reading something about a way for turning the restriction off in jaunty and still running them, but I don't think that I want to bother with it. [14:38] Heero2007, increase the display resolution? [14:38] french ? [14:38] sheepsy ya i read it but dont bother === andatche_ is now known as andatche [14:39] !fr | Gabou89a [14:39] Gabou89a: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [14:39] The screen resul. Is the biggest [14:39] sheepsy if you use hardy heron you get the nice amd drivers for x 300 also [14:39] indus: I know. It just sucks. I run jaunty with effects at home and it's awesome. [14:39] what is the alternative to rarp now? [14:39] hi runing "andlinux" which seems to be loosly based around backtrack i did sudo apt-get install grub which completed ok now when i do grub i get command not found where could it have installed to man grub works ok... [14:39] thank you storm22 [14:39] indus: :( I wanted a quick fix for work but if no then no :) I'll just bug my boss about getting nvidia maybe. [14:39] sheepsy at least nvidia have legacy drivers for older stuff [14:40] sheepsy but ati support open drivers ,now also being made for 4000 series, radeon HD,its being done my novell [14:41] indus: I'm running open drivers now and there are several problems with them on this dual head setup. [14:41] Hello, my network card isnt working on ubuntu ( Realtek RTL8168/8111 ) ethernet [14:41] zealiod: rarp is a defacto standard [14:41] sheepsy i hear dual head works better with open source drivres [14:41] Black_Phantom: i have the same rtl 8169 it works [14:41] indus: I dunno. For example, I got the infamous lines coming down the screen where the cursor on them gets corrupted. [14:41] Black_Phantom: how do you know it doesnt [14:41] ActionParsnip: But its not available in my kernel... [14:42] How can i change the res.? [14:42] ActionParsnip: i need to obtain an ip addres from a mac address on my LAN [14:42] i just cant access the net and the ethernet is plugged in === synegy is now known as synegy34 [14:42] Heero2007: can u change it from system>preferences>appearance [14:42] Black_Phantom: what connection type [14:42] indus: Also, with effects, my screen gets cut off and I get a dead area about 300 pixels too early. [14:43] I have a dual screen setup and my screensaver is not going across both screens, does anyone know how to fix this? I'm runing 9.04 amd64. I'm using "xrandr --output DFP1 --auto --right-of LCD" to get the dual screen active on my HP 8510w with the ATI restricted drivers. [14:43] indus, Broadband PPPoE connected through a router [14:43] Black_Phantom: same here [14:43] zealiod: try dig [14:43] Black_Phantom: which country [14:43] Black_Phantom: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=13&PFid=5&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false#2 [14:43] ActionParsnip: no need for it at all, its all open source [14:43] indus, Lebanon [14:44] k [14:44] Black_Phantom-> are you using computer now while chatting? [14:44] nvm [14:44] ricews: good question [14:44] :) [14:44] indus: thats the open source for the drivers ;) so "i know" ;) [14:44] ricews, actually my friend is absoulte beginner in ubuntu and hes experiencing this problem [14:44] am talking behalf of him [14:45] Black_Phantom-> you are chatting with us, are you using the same pc where you're having issues with that ethernet? [14:45] ricews, no [14:45] !fr > captnchaos [14:45] captnchaos, please see my private message [14:45] Black_Phantom-> give more details please [14:45] Black_Phantom: his router is not configured correctly [14:45] the router is TP-Link WR541G/542G router [14:45] then how come it runs on windows [14:46] on the same computer [14:46] nice company that realtek, quietly making good chips with open drivers [14:46] Black_Phantom: the router will obey ISO standards so is not an issue [14:46] Black_Phantom: you need to configure linux drivers [14:46] Black_Phantom: its difficult to diagnose with so little information === [A]Way is now known as [A]KangB [14:46] indus: Also, don't you find that the gfx performance of closed vs open drivers is better? [14:47] ActionParsnip: configure linux drivers? what is that supposed to mean [14:47] sheepsy: i have nvidia :P [14:47] indus: the drivers need installing and configuring to be effective, they may need certain options etc. The install instructions will detail [14:47] indus: Well when you tried it... [14:48] Black_Phantom-> a drawing of your network layout would help, easier to discuss pix or drawings [14:48] never heard of configuring a realtek linux ethernet driver [14:48] Am trying ActionParsnip realtek link, it contains a driver [14:49] Black_Phantom: it will need compiling. if you change kernel you will need to recompile the driver with the new kernels headers [14:49] Black_Phantom: i dont suggest you try that [14:49] :S [14:49] Black_Phantom: we will need some output from that pc [14:50] tell me some command for all the info u need [14:50] and i will copy it on the pastebin [14:50] from my friends computer [14:50] lspci , lshw -C network [14:50] it will take 1 minutes, hes online with me [14:50] indus: why not, its the official driver from the cchip manufacturers site [14:50] ActionParsnip: Is dig really suited to LAN lookups? [14:51] ActionParsnip: had a read through the man and did some tests... not sure thats going to work [14:51] ActionParsnip: compile , its too much i think, ubuntu already has done it for us, also not like amd where you really need latest stuff [14:51] ActionParsnip: realtek is a breeze really [14:51] zealiod: it will use your listed nameservers to give the details [14:51] ActionParsnip: iam sure his problem is simpler than what it appears [14:51] ok hes typing the commands, please wait for moments [14:52] indus: if you can find a way, be my guest. The drivers are a cinch to compile [14:52] ActionParsnip: but the addresses are private... [14:52] i will paste the output [14:52] ActionParsnip: no offence, its upto him [14:52] ActionParsnip: whatever it takes to get his internet working :) [14:52] zealiod: mac addresses are needed for the final hop so are required, dig (i think) gets that [14:52] If nothing works, we will try compiling. [14:52] because ubuntu without internet is nothing lol [14:53] Black_Phantom: hardly, you can still play frets on fire without www [14:53] ActionParsnip: notice how beautifully realtek lists all the source for almost every hardware without a fuss [14:53] ActionParsnip: nice chaps [14:53] indus: indeed, thats why they rock [14:54] hey i recently installed a clean version of Ubuntu jaunty but when i enter my password to login it just hangs there and does nothing any suggestions? [14:54] btw compiling a driver is just ./configure make make install, or something more complicated ? [14:54] ActionParsnip: and they do it so quietly without gimmicks etc, no marketing hype [14:54] anyways off topic :) [14:54] hello again can someone take the time to work with me on my wireless, i got the backports from jaunty, but i still dont have the wireless connectivity and lspci is still saying unknown atheros device [14:55] ActionParsnip: dude, i need your brain [14:55] ActionParsnip: ya help him [14:55] lol [14:55] :) [14:55] anyone at all? [14:55] crackheadjunky: me too, lost it ages ago [14:55] ActionParsnip: lol [14:55] crackheadjunky: have you checked under hardware drivres now [14:55] can i get a witness? [14:55] ActionParsnip, lol [14:55] heh [14:55] kryptos: boot to recovery root console and make a ne user, try that [14:55] ActionParsnip: yes, and its still not showing my atheros chipset [14:56] join ubuntu-id [14:56] ActionParsnip, dont feel bad, i did too [14:56] crackheadjunky: did i see paste of lshw -C network? [14:56] indus: i have also tried going with ndiswrapper and it wont find it [14:56] ActionParsnip: how do i do that? [14:56] thiebaude: too much drugs and booze [14:56] any body tell me about ubuntu 9.04 its a stable version or 8.10 stable version [14:56] crackheadjunky: try wicd [14:56] !wicd [14:56] Sorry, I don't know anything about wicd [14:56] Don't have a idea [14:56] ranasco: both stable [14:56] crackheadjunky: "sudo update-pciids" [14:56] ActionParsnip, oh no [14:56] 9.04 more stable [14:56] !who | Heero2007 [14:56] Heero2007: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) === JustMe is now known as Guest99788 [14:56] kryptos: reboot, press esc when grub shows up, select recovery mode then select root, you can now run: adduser testy; passwd testy [14:56] indus: i did that [14:57] llutz_: hmm good tip [14:57] kryptos: then log on as testy [14:57] crackheadjunky: update the pciids [14:57] ahh ty [14:57] indus: i did [14:57] kryptos: did you md5 check the iso you installed with as well as verify the install media? [14:57] ActionParsnip: thanks man i really appreciate the free help you guys do here [14:57] kryptos: he gets paid [14:57] crackheadjunky: sup with your atheros? [14:58] I LOVE U INDUS [14:58] ActionParsnip: well it came with a magazine [14:58] indus: that was it, i needed to update the pciids [14:58] crackheadjunky: all thanks to llutz_ === llutz_ is now known as llutz [14:58] ActionParsnip: from a bookstore with jaunty 9.04 on it [14:58] llutz: beautiful tip indeed [14:58] one more question [14:58] llutz: you are the man [14:58] please advice me indus [14:59] ranasco: yes tell me, what is it you would like to do [14:59] indus, maybe if i updated the pciids ethernet would work ? [14:59] if I load the jaunty for 32bit on a 64bit machine willit work? [14:59] In the US, if you have a car crash but don't have health insurance can you still get treated? [14:59] ActionParsnip: i finally got GOS on this notebook, i couldnt get ubuntu on it, so i went to gos, which is a ubuntu deritive, and i could not get the atheros wifi chip to recognize [14:59] Black_Phantom: try it but dont know about your story, yes do try [14:59] i use internet [14:59] because it seems adobe always gives me wrong architecture i386 error [14:59] !offtopic | fufu [14:59] fufu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [14:59] ranasco: are you using ubuntu? [14:59] i gotta reboot, brb [15:00] yes [15:00] ranasco: which version [15:00] fufu, it is offtopic, but they prob will bill you [15:00] will ubuntu 32bit work on a 64bit machine? [15:00] kryptos: Yes [15:00] kryptos>32 bit will work on a 64 bit machine; not the other way around. [15:00] kryptos: on amd64 yes, on ia64 no [15:00] i am using 9.04 but i absorve its slow [15:00] ok thanks a lot guys [15:01] ranasco: its already newest version [15:01] I port forwarded. Still my router menu is still displayed [15:01] ranasco: 9.10 will be out in october end , you can upgrade to that [15:01] Heres the output you need guys : http://pastebin.com/m47e3daa5 [15:01] how to? [15:01] its very slow i think [15:01] ranasco: why, what hardware you have, ram etc [15:02] i already use 8.10 for a long time [15:02] Black_Phantom: he seems to be having some kind of custom network card [15:02] also [15:02] santrino 1.4 ram 512 [15:03] so whats the soultion ? [15:03] solution* [15:03] can i use trading software on ubuntu [15:03] hi folks, i have a problem with all the players installed on my ubuntu because everytime I try to watch a video, the player (whatever it is) just shuts down automatically... can anyone please help me 'cause I'm kind of newbie and dunno where to start! [15:03] do ISPs block port 80? And if they block port 80 I can't run a webserver [15:03] ranasco: upgrade ram maybe [15:03] Hello can anyone help me? I opened Wireshark (as root) in my Applications and my pc froze, and now my minimize/maximize/close buttons don't work nor does my Appearance tab works for themes ect. I also then deleted "Documents" by mistake but I restored it in Trash Bin so basically I cannot minimize/maximize/close a program [15:03] I ve installed linux headers for my kernel version. never the less including linux/user.h in c says no such file or directory when compiling. does anyone have a clue? [15:04] Black_Phantom: ask him to configure this through network applet on panel ,see what happens [15:04] i have to go now [15:05] indus, configure what exactly ? [15:05] any body tell me to check error on ubuntu 9.10 [15:05] Black_Phantom: the device,etc enter password maybe for isp etc [15:05] ranasco: what error? [15:06] Black_Phantom: i checked and i read it works fine on linux [15:06] indus, theres somekind of a restore command, to bring the OS back the way it is, rather than a clean install [15:06] ? [15:06] indus: need a bit more help [15:06] indus: just a bit [15:06] i am not a professional, i upgrade may software through intruction some software are upgrade or some not [15:06] crackheadjunky: tired :) [15:06] lol [15:06] demy> Perhaps this link will help... http://search.ubuntu.com/results2.html?cx=009650792990864903260%3A-lsdjshi1tu&cof=FORID%3A11 [15:07] indus: so, it sees my atheros card now, but the interface is not showing up in the network [15:07] I was resizing a partition when power went out and now the partition is unrecognizable. It is the / partition for my Ubuntu 9.04 on a multi boot system of XP, Win7. [15:07] Black_Phantom: no [15:07] !who | ranasco [15:07] ranasco: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [15:07] Hi. I was wondering if the NBR USB install can be used to install to a regular desktop as well? [15:07] and second i need to install new version of firefox [15:07] Black_Phantom: linux doesnt mess up things like windows does, so unless something breaks no real need of restore [15:08] !ff35 | ranasco [15:08] ranasco: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY [15:08] ranasco: open synaptic and install firefox 3.5 [15:08] indus, cool [15:08] Black_Phantom: but maybe futuer versions will have restore like windows [15:08] thank you Sidewinder [15:09] indus, I just found out that network is marked as disabled in the output i gave u [15:09] You're welcome [15:09] Black_Phantom: yeah i saw it [15:09] indus, wheres the text file so that i can enable it or something ? [15:09] Black_Phantom: ask him to do this in a terminal [15:09] Black_Phantom: sudo /etc/init.d/networking start [15:09] then ? [15:09] I was resizing a partition when power went out and now the partition is unrecognizable. It is the / partition for my Ubuntu 9.04 on a multi boot system of XP, Win7. What do I do now? [15:09] Black_Phantom: then check what else [15:10] give me the whole commands, because he has to reboot everytime [15:10] can someone help me with getting my interface up [15:10] Black_Phantom: its whole command [15:10] anyways i have to go nowwww [15:10] indus, ok thanks man [15:11] Sidewinder1: do you have a second? [15:11] Gateway, yala do it !! [15:11] easy way to install firefox 3.5 [15:11] where is domain.xml used by glasfishv2 [15:11] crackheadjunky>I'll try... [15:11] I was resizing a partition when power went out and now the partition is unrecognizable. It is the / partition for my Ubuntu 9.04 on a multi boot system of XP, Win7. What do I do now? [15:11] Sidewinder1: i just need to get my interface up, it is seen in lspci [15:11] ranasco: go to main menu>system>administration > synaptic package manager [15:11] ranasco: search for firefox-3.5 and install it [15:12] crackheadjunky>Interface? [15:12] Sidewinder1: the wireless interface [15:12] Hi, I just installed windows on a 40GB partition. Now I have 80 GB left. I want to use 18 + 2 GB for Ubuntu, and 40 GB as Data Disk. How should I proceed ? [15:12] not a list on synaptic [15:12] eg first make an extended partition [15:12] Sidewinder1: it wont show up in the network [15:12] or first install ubuntu, and then make the data partition [15:12] I was resizing a partition when power went out and now the partition is unrecognizable. It is the / partition for my Ubuntu 9.04 on a multi boot system of XP, Win7. What do I do now? [15:12] I'm hard wired and unfamiliar with wireless issues; and I don't want to tell you the wrong thing, sorry,,, [15:12] RS: you may have to reformat [15:13] RS: you might try TestDisk, see if it can help you: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk [15:13] Sidewinder1: thanks [15:13] ranasco: enable the Universe repo [15:13] NP [15:13] RS: wht are you trying to do? [15:13] right sipior [15:13] can someone help me with my wireless? [15:13] really easy i am sure, [15:13] lol [15:14] llutz: you around? [15:14] hi [15:14] hi [15:14] anyone ? [15:14] does ubuntu do anything to my MAC adress when I re-install? [15:14] me [15:15] herenbdy: no. the mac is burned in to the nic card [15:15] RS: i'd urge you to make backups of everything on the affected disk before playing with any recovery software. [15:15] The partition can't be read.. === Lutoma is now known as Lutoma_Gl_Mobil [15:15] RS: what are you trying to do? [15:15] any body tell me what is the best distribution [15:15] RS: yes, but you mentioned other operating systems on the disk. make sure the data there is safe. [15:15] after windows install on partition 1, should I install ubuntu first, or first make my Data Partition ? Data partition should be accessible by both ubuntu and windows [15:15] Lol. My DVD drive is dead:) [15:15] Yeah, yeah.. [15:16] djoef>This is a step by step...http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/ [15:16] djoef: i would make your partitions when you install windows, then let ubuntu use what you want it to use [15:16] Anything is not working correctly [15:16] RS: what are you trying to do? [15:16] Can i boot Ubuntu over usb? [15:17] Heero2007: yes [15:17] Getting my partition fixed.. [15:17] hi how to make xubuntu fast? [15:17] crackheadjunky, but do you make the partition for ubuntu too in XP then ? [15:17] djoef: yes [15:17] Or you just leave some unpartitioned space ? [15:17] And how it works? [15:17] ? [15:17] djoef: just dont format it [15:17] any body tell me the what is the best distribution for a new user:) [15:17] ranasco: depends on hardware [15:17] Heero2007: if your motherboard support it [15:18] ranasco: since you're in the ubuntu channel, what do you think people here will answer? [15:18] ranasco>I'd try Hardy, it's LTS [15:18] Heero2007: it works well [15:18] centrino 1.4 ram 512 [15:18] ranasco: nic card? [15:18] Where can i find out that? I don't use it at anytime [15:18] ranasco: video card? [15:19] i dont know to check video card [15:19] i am using laptop [15:19] ranasco: generally, i like ubuntu, or debian, but it really depends. sometimes ubuntu isnt the best route... i have tried 8 different distros [15:19] Heero2007: when boot,you will find "press *"to setup [15:19] I keep having trouble accessing my school's wireless network (which identifies each devicce by their mac address), and I keep getting rejected form the network because somehow I'm reporting a different MAC address than my actual one reported by ifconfig :/ [15:19] from* [15:19] Yes:) [15:19] ranasco: i can tell you that ubuntu doesnt play well with ati, then again, no linux os does. it takes a bit to get it just right. if its intel, or nvidia its alot easier [15:20] Heero2007:enter it,and navigatiter to boot [15:20] herenbdy: your mac is not the problem its probably their arp (address resolution protocol) on their server. [15:20] intel [15:21] ranasco: then your fine. go with ubuntu [15:21] which version [15:21] ranasco, which intel chip? [15:21] ranasco: anything lts for someone that isnt the most intelligent, or willing to learn [15:21] Ok other Question: the font in Kubuntu is too big. How can i change it in the terminal? [15:21] Hardy Heron is LTS [15:21] need some help with my wireless [15:22] it is heard that 10.04 will not use gnome3? [15:22] Heero2007: i don't known [15:22] wzssyqa: that's a ways off yet [15:22] lspci shows atheros, and it will work if i can get the interface up, is there a program i need, or will the network pick it up? [15:23] Does anyone know? [15:23] can i install 8.10 [15:23] Heero2007: i dont know how to do that in terminal [15:23] ranasco: yes [15:24] its a staible version [15:24] Heero2007: is it Necessary? [15:24] Heero2007: maybe you can search gconf? === NorwayGeek is now known as NorwayGeek|Away [15:25] whats the command to change hostname [15:26] crackheadjunky: i am waiting for your sugestion about which version i installed [15:26] Hello! I need help with rdiff-backup -- would anyone know how to restore all files that have been saved in a given increment? [15:27] ranasco: who is it for? you? [15:27] ranasco: maybe the newest is best [15:27] its a better support [15:27] ranasco: who is it for? you? [15:28] Is there no way to change it? [15:28] ranasco: of couse,the lts [15:28] ranasco: im waiting on you to answer me... [15:28] but my laptop very slow [15:28] i am not understand [15:28] ranasco: is this for you? [15:29] ranasco: my feel is that,the newset is the fast [15:29] can I use bitlbee with xchat? [15:29] ranasco: the linux install, is it on your computer? [15:29] yes [15:29] !karmic [15:29] Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [15:29] ranasco: are you willing to learn? if so, use the latest ubuntu [15:29] later [15:30] ranasco: the best wireless extensions, video card drivers, etc are all in the latest build [15:30] Heero2007: it seems that kde have reg? [15:31] ok and my second question " i am using my home computer with ubuntu 8.10 can i install new version or upgrade the previos version" [15:31] ranasco: sudo update-manger -dc [15:31] !upgrade | ranasco [15:31] ranasco: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [15:32] sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [15:33] can anyone please help me?? I have an issue with all players installed on ubuntu... if I try to start totem from the terminal, this --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/275895/ is the error I get back! Please help me out! [15:33] for those who have seen die hard 4, what was that irc/im farell used when he as chatting? [15:34] what is the sugestion can i format the harddisk and install new version [15:34] ranasco: if your files are in another partition, do so. If not, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [15:35] Hello , its possoble to hide elinks outgoing informations showing up in target domlogs ? [15:35] how to install fonts.. [15:35] !fonts | kannan01 [15:35] kannan01: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer [15:36] Hello!!!! [15:36] what is the min ram to use ubuntu 9.04 [15:36] ranasco, 256 [15:36] ranasco, which intel chip do you have? [15:36] i am using 512 but my laptop response slow === Hlao-ru is now known as __cdecl [15:37] where i can check intel chil [15:37] Kannan: if you want a graphical interface to install fonts you can install FontyPhython [15:37] ranasco, lspci | grep VGA [15:38] where i go to check intel chip [15:38] ranasco, lspci | grep VGA === sM is now known as Guest88996 === sharperguy2 is now known as sharperguy [15:39] Is there any way to force a fullscreen game into windowed mode as done in windows with -windowed in a shortcut [15:39] hi i'm installing 9.04 server and at one point i'm asked what server components to install, like DNS server, SSH server etc. and one choice is "virtual machine host". what sort of VMS software is that going to install? [15:39] demy>That error is a bit beyond my abilities, sorry; but, have you tried uninstalling Totem, then reinstalling it? [15:39] VMS=VM [15:39] !server [15:39] Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support === __cdecl is now known as Zort [15:39] what search engine should I use in CLI? [15:40] 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) [15:40] Hi all... I'm stuck on a problem here: I have set up my resolv.conf, and nslookup, or ping work fine. However, telnet gives: telnet www.google.com 80. Any idea on how to start debugging? [15:40] JeoTheLeo, lynx === Zort is now known as __stdcall [15:40] JeoTheLeo: Google? [15:40] beniwtv hmm, please rephrase [15:40] !offtopic [15:40] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [15:40] BlackFate, yes, lynx as a browser..but what about the search engine [15:40] man everytime a new version gets released in Ubuntu, i get more excited for the next one to be released [15:40] JeoTheLeo, google :P [15:41] LinusT, google isn't working properly with lynx [15:41] Is there any way to launch an application in windowed mode? [15:41] JeoTheLeo: It works well with links [15:41] or not ;) [15:41] hmmm [15:41] no page is working properly with lynx [15:41] how can I stop crypt setup from prompting for a password at boot? [15:41] theres any alpha for 10.04 ? [15:41] Black_Phantom, no [15:41] Black_Phantom: No. [15:42] Black_Phantom: Yes. [15:42] BlackFate, I meant actually searches [15:42] Black_Phantom: I mean, no. [15:42] didn't mean it visually [15:42] Now burning the ubuntu iso to dvd =D [15:42] BlackFate: How can there be, when 9.10 is still in alpha? [15:42] roygbiv: I mean, DNS resolution is working fine (via ping and nslookup for example), but I get no Internet on firefox. So I tried telnet, and it gave: Name or service not known [15:42] BlackFate 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02):) [15:42] Sidewinder1, it's not a matter of player because I tried to change player too, but the problem stands still [15:43] Black_Phantom: yes. Or, to put it another way - no. [15:43] roygbiv: However, if I use the IP on telnet instead of the DNS name, it also works fine :( (And the same IP works on firefox) [15:43] i am waiting for your answer [15:43] beniwtv that would seem to be a dns issue all right. maybe there's something wrong with your dns service provider? [15:43] demy>As I said, it's beyond me; have you searched ubuntu forums? [15:44] hi all, is safe to store proxy passwords in Firefox under ubuntu? How is the password stored? [15:44] can anyone tell me what VM software would be installed on 9.04 server when you select the "virtual machine host" option during installation? [15:44] ranasco: what's your question? [15:44] its possible to hide elinks outgoing informations that showing up in the target domlogs like : "ELinks/0.11.1 (textmode; Linux; -)" ? [15:44] murielgodoi: Firefox passwords are only encrypted if you have a "master password" set in it. [15:44] theres anyway to upgrade from 8.04 all the way to 9.10 ? [15:44] roygbiv: Yeah, that's what I thought too, so I changed them to OpenDNS. Still the same problem. Also, suspicious that nslookup works just fine... [15:45] i am using ubuntu 9.04 but my laptop response slow [15:45] How do I create a shortcut to my app warsow that launches the game in a windowed? As done in M$ Windows by adding -windowed [15:45] Black_Phantom: Upgrade to 8.10, then to 9.04 then to 9.10. [15:45] beniwtv well nslookup is not the same as client DNS resolution [15:45] behappy: elinks user-agent can be changed in Options -> Protocols -> HTTP. [15:45] !upgrade | Black_Phantom [15:45] Black_Phantom: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [15:45] behappy: Btw, what do you mean by "domlogs"? [15:45] black_phanton: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [15:45] grawity: I'm running under a ldap authentication network, but Firefox keep asking the login everytime [15:45] demy>You might also try (if you haven't already) googling the exact error message. [15:45] nslookup queries a specific server for DNS information. other software just uses the client resolver library [15:45] roygbiv: Any ideas how to test that (like a client) and get some more debug? [15:46] how cna I get the ubuntu 'version' it's not in uname -a [15:46] Sidewinder1, yes, I've already tried yesterday... but or the explanations were too detailed or the case was not exactly as mine... [15:46] beniwtv try dig, or host [15:46] wamty_: lsb_release -a [15:46] nothing I could apply [15:46] black_phanton: sorry, I got you know. [15:46] now* [15:46] Pici: it may updata from a LTS to everyone [15:47] roygbiv: ok, both work fine. Strange... [15:47] wzssyqa: No. You can only update from one LTS to the next LTS, you can't skip releases otherwise. [15:47] grawity, I just have /etc/elinks.conf I don't have kde [15:47] behappy: I wasn't talking about KDE. [15:47] grawity: Is there a way to auto autheticate users in Firefox without use kerberos in ldap? I use simple ldap and samba sheres here... [15:47] ranasco: I had the same problem [15:47] behappy: Go to 'Options' in elinks. [15:47] grawity, I mean that I don't have graphic interface [15:47] behappy: So? [15:48] hi all. I have a text file which contains for about 100 mac adresses and want see whether one if this mac's are in a other big text file of mac's. How can I do this? [15:48] beniwtv i don't know much about ubuntu honestly. i'm just installing it myself for the first time so perhaps it has a global local dns cache like windows or mac os. maybe a reboot would be a good test too [15:48] grawity, Shell [15:48] what version you can use [15:48] Ok... I install Kubuntu over the Windows installer... It's like the desktop cd:) that is great. Because my DVD drive is broken. Thank you for This nice feature [15:48] Pici: i remember once i see it with yelp [15:48] behappy: START ELINKS AND OPEN OPTIONS THERE [15:48] xukun that's not hard. a simple 6 or 8 line shell script should do it [15:48] behappy: Sorry, I'm in a bad mood today :| [15:48] ranasco: I sticked to 8.10. It`s faster on my PC [15:49] demy>If this is your problem...https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/299280 [15:49] grawity, no problem ;) [15:49] Pici: will uname -r work too? [15:49] hey there [15:49] roygbiv, sorry but I know nothing about scripting [15:49] roygbiv: Yeah, will probably try that... [15:49] ranasco: however, you can use 9.04 and disable some featues that slow down your computer. [15:49] Pici: whats the difference between lsb_release -a and uname -r ? [15:49] behappy: Anyway, elinks has a menubar, and in that menubar you should find 'Options'. [15:50] xukun something like: for macaddr in $file1; do if grep $macaddr $file2; then echo "$macaddr found"; fi [15:50] hi to all [15:50] grawity, I get it [15:50] wamty_: lsb_release -a shows the actual release name and version of Ubuntu. uname just shows information about your kernel. [15:50] I need help to record analog tv with mencoder, ffmpeg or transcode [15:50] how can I do that? [15:50] roygbiv, hmm thanks [15:50] grawity, I am now in protocols > http [15:50] grawity, then ? [15:50] I need it asap :) [15:50] Milos_SD: i belive the ffmpeg, and menucoder faq's give examples of command lines that do that. [15:50] has anyone here made a prism54 card work with the hostap driver? (yes, i'm aware of the p54 kernel modules but i'm specifically trying not to use them) [15:50] behappy: Find the 'User-Agent' option there. [15:51] xukun i assume you were wanting an automated method to compare the two files ;) [15:51] thank you sidewinder1 I've solved my issue!! :) [15:51] any body tell me i use fxcm trading software on ubuntu 9.04 [15:51] grawity, then ? [15:51] behappy: Edit it. [15:51] Unfortunately, the bug link doesn't really give an answer. :-( [15:51] roygbiv, yes totally [15:51] grawity, then ? === b14ck_ is now known as b14ck [15:52] xukun my script is a good start. obviously it's untested ;-D [15:53] Dr_Willis, all that is out of date, some commands doesn't work anymore :( [15:53] roygbiv, would it be too much to ask if I ask you to write such a script and paste it for me? ;) [15:53] xukun well that's what i did though. the thing is, i don't know the format of the files and such things so mine is only a start [15:53] xukun something like: for macaddr in $file1; do if grep $macaddr $file2; then echo "$macaddr found"; fi [15:54] ranasco, do you have java installed? [15:54] ^^ that is the script [15:54] Is there a way to reduce the lag over a VNC connection on ubuntu? Even on good speeds VNC is choppy, unlike RDP for windows, any ideas? [15:54] grawity, :( [15:54] grawity, I don't know how to thank you [15:55] grawity, I ask the god to give you a long life with full of happness [15:55] revygttam: use a super light window manager, reduce the # of colors.. reduce the res. use 'vncserver' and have a dedicated shared minimal desktop dont share the 'currently seen desktop' - are some ways. [15:55] heh [15:55] How did you solve it? [15:55] hi [15:56] greetings [15:56] (test) karmic [15:56] is there a way to display a message on the desktop of a machine you're ssh'd into? [15:56] zer0x: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic please [15:56] yay! === everton137 is now known as everton137-busy [15:56] DrWillis, those are some good suggestions thanks [15:56] bob___ i don't know of a graphical way but if there is a shell open on the desktop, the wall command is one way [15:56] Hi all, Is there a way to auto autheticate users in Firefox without use kerberos in ldap? I use simple ldap and samba shares here... [15:57] Bob_: hahaha, yes. [15:57] revygttam: i never use the 'show current desktop' feature of gnome for vnc. it is jsut too slow at times.. I tend to use jwm, or icewm as a window manager for vnc also. [15:57] hi! why can't i modify files here? [15:57] in ubuntu? [15:57] oops, roygbiv said it. [15:57] init[1]: segfault at 7a88f24 ip 07a88f24 sp bfe21218 error 4 in sh[8048000+ec000] [15:57] anybody know what happened? [15:57] odiamar please rephrase [15:58] compgenius999: happened to what? [15:58] my mouse and keyboard suddenly stopped working [15:58] so i pressed reboot [15:58] now i'm getting this: [15:58] init[1]: segfault at 7a88f24 ip 07a88f24 sp bfe21218 error 4 in sh[8048000+ec000] [15:58] then a kernael panic [15:58] compiz is very fickled...some pf the time the effects work then for what ever reason they stop......Is there a known problem or setting that im not aware [15:58] !permissions | odiamar> [15:58] odiamar>: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [15:58] its 9.04 jaunty and it has ext4 [15:59] hello, can anyone help me with getting some video card drivers compiled and running? [15:59] compgenius999 that does not sound pretty :( === adante_ is now known as adante [16:00] its weird [16:00] compgenius999: what did you do before your mouse and keyboard stopped working? [16:00] this is the 2nd time this week ubuntu has randomly killed itself [16:00] well i upgraded the ram ( when it was off and unplugged) [16:00] started it up [16:00] aha [16:00] everything was plugged in [16:00] so your ram is broken [16:01] run a memtest [16:01] it cant be [16:01] i am right now [16:01] kyle6513: type? [16:01] thats whati suspected i hit esc and pressed memtest [16:01] !enter | compgenius999> [16:01] compgenius999>: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [16:01] wzssyqa, savage IX [16:01] oh sorry [16:01] compgenius999: are the rams from the same company? [16:01] no [16:01] wzssyqa, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75393 === Graviton_ is now known as Graviton [16:01] its a custom built computer [16:01] compgenius999: the same size? [16:02] the bios says the ram is fine [16:02] yep 3 256 mb's [16:02] yes in bios and in real life there are differences [16:02] do they run in dual channel? [16:02] i just put in a new 256 mb ram iin the third slot [16:02] kyle6513: i hav'nt heard it [16:02] have no idea [16:02] i'm running memtest now [16:03] the bios detected the ram instantly and didnt give any warnings [16:03] wzssyqa, the problem is it tells me to install a sort of headers, only problem is i have no idea how to since sudo apt-get install doesnt get them [16:03] I don`t believe there`s any 256mb RAM supporting the dual-channel feature. [16:03] i hope i dont have to reinstall ubuntu AGAIN for the 2nd time in 2 days [16:03] check that. if so, run them in single mode. look if you maybe have to place the ram in the second slot. if that all doesnt help, one ram is broken or they cannot work together (different fabricates) [16:03] kyle6513: try dpkg -S [16:04] one of the rams are an original HP ram out of my old hp pavillion [16:04] the others i have no idea about [16:04] wzssyqa, the only place i can find is this, sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.12-10-686 [16:04] sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.12-10-686 [16:04] sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-686 and since those all return not found how do i install it if i dont have them? [16:05] is there an easy tool to allow me to recover files after I accidently formated a drive? I know this sounds stupid... said drive is on removeable media attached to my ubuntu laptop. [16:05] occy1, yes try data recovery tools [16:05] compgenius999: any ideas on how to get them? [16:05] goolge undelete files after format [16:05] occy1>Look for "testdisk. [16:05] I love testdisk [16:05] what are some ways to search a folder and it's subfolders for a file with a specific name [16:06] is there something for Ubuntu though? that's open source? [16:06] my sound levels seem messed up, its like my sound only works when i put the volume slider half way and up, anything under half way i get no low sound levels [16:06] tesydisk [16:06] occy1, that is for ubuntu [16:06] test [16:06] thanks mates [16:06] Testdisk is easy but not graphics interface [16:06] NP [16:06] occy1, sudo apt-get install testdisk [16:06] my daughters 6th birthday pics were on there and I like a dummy nuked the images :( [16:06] been having to do this myself lately with no luck [16:07] kyle6513: i can't undestand your saying [16:07] occy1 how did you accidently format it O_O? [16:07] If you just want to recover pictures [16:07] wzssyqa, private? [16:07] ...do the Photorec [16:07] compgenius999: thought the stuff on there I didn't need anymore but forgot I had stuff I DID need. [16:07] (it`s part of checkdisk) [16:07] Hello everybody [16:07] testdisk (correction) [16:08] Is keyserver.ubuntu.com down for a couple of days now or is it just me? [16:08] newproggie: Its been having some issues lately, you can substitute pool.sks-keyservers.net if you're looking to download keys. [16:08] ughh i hate how ubuntu breaks so easily for me, and I was just about to burn a sysreccd :( [16:08] good morning [16:08] Pici: I tried to sign some ppa keys, can I use this one? [16:09] newproggie: I'm not sure how they're synced, probably best to ask in #launchpad about that. [16:09] can i have some help with ubuntu notebook remix and olicard internet key? === synegy is now known as synegy34 [16:09] !iso [16:09] To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. [16:09] it's a digital camera Ihave mounted shouldn't I be able to use it on it? it see's my HD /dev/sda1 but not the camera [16:09] how are the ubuntu ISOs so much smaller than debian's? [16:09] Pici: thanks [16:10] JohannesSM64: Ubuntu breaks its apt repositories into different sections and does not distribute all of them on its isos. [16:10] compgenius999: what does memtest say? [16:10] successfully compiled moc, music on console but when i type moc at the terminal am told that the program moc can be found in some listed packages, does that mean that its not installed or should i have used another command? [16:11] hi all [16:11] hi [16:11] hihi [16:11] nmvictor: It sounds like you haven't installed the executable to your $PATH. Did you run the `make install` or similar? [16:12] gtk orphanage was removed my unnecesary package i.e. kernel [16:12] Sidewinder1: how can I get a camera to show up as a drive? I checked dmesg and it's saying something about ehci_hcd [16:12] has anyone here had any experience with savage 3d cards? [16:12] what to do now i'm in live session and use chroot command === h4x0r is now known as Guest54826 [16:13] occy1>I don't have a clue, sorry...:-( [16:13] how can i help you [16:13] Pici: yea, and it went on well.Hey,just realized through tab completion that the appropriate command should have been mocp, however, when i type that it echos FATAL ERROR: NO decoder plugins have been loaded [16:14] simply: my ubuntu wan't run. i have checked menu.lst and realy kernel is not [16:14] !usb [16:14] For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [16:14] nmvictor: I'm afraid I can't help you with that, I don't know anything about moc. [16:14] !recovery [16:14] To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system" [16:15] !hungry [16:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about hungry [16:15] dcx, me too =] [16:15] ahhh, alternate install!? [16:15] I`m hungry Mr. Bot [16:16] me too [16:16] hungry? i can eat a pig !!!!!!!! [16:16] I'm using Jaunty and Flash either needs exclusive control over all audio to work. If I'm watching a file on YouTube I can't play MP3s and if I'm listening to MP3s I can't hear a flash video. Does anyone know of a fix? [16:16] hehehe, I love this Bots [16:16] iskin, no from my knowledge that is a bug in firefox, not flash [16:16] !firestarter [16:17] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist [16:17] iskin what are you trying to do [16:17] is there a command to list the other commands ubottu knows? [16:17] !virus [16:17] A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [16:17] Q: How do I create example.so so that the GUI output of example.so does not create a new window, but instead goes to that application's window that loaded example.so? IF you think this is impossible, think again and use as an example the adobe flash plugin that works as well with forefox or with Opera ! That flash player IS libxxx.so and it sure does not create a new window but shows the flash content in an existing browser window instead, but HOW ? [16:17] how to install cPanel on ubuntu?! [16:17] Pici: no prob, its just a Music On Console application, i like spending alot of my time at the terminal so installing a terminal based music player is just giving myself all the reasons to stay at the term.Im reading its man, thanks ... [16:17] !usage | uniquefluff [16:17] uniquefluff: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [16:17] hi [16:17] ah [16:17] how to install cPanel on ubuntu?! [16:17] anyone knows gtk-aplication for restoring ubuntu? [16:17] Guest54826, I just don't want to have to close my MP3 program if I want to watch a flash movie in firefox. [16:18] how to keep my monitor always on ? [16:18] you have ubuntu 9.4? [16:18] !who [16:18] As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [16:18] !tab [16:18] You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [16:19] !asd sd [16:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about asd sd [16:19] !cPanel [16:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about cPanel [16:19] !ubuntu [16:19] Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com [16:19] !msg the bot [16:19] Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [16:19] !install [16:19] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate [16:19] !web [16:19] Sorry, I don't know anything about web [16:19] !MSG THE BOT [16:19] kyle6513, So if i used another browser like Opera I wouldn't experience the flash sound bug? [16:19] odiamar: do not abuse the bot in channel; msg it [16:20] !botabuse | odiamar [16:20] odiamar: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [16:20] ok guys i need some wireless assistance please [16:20] talk about bot abuse... [16:20] Im sorry.. [16:20] iskin, from what i understand, try googling it, it should be on launchpad [16:20] lul [16:20] having problems with atheros chipset wireless [16:20] lol [16:20] forgive me .. [16:20] where to get alternate install cd: [16:20] ? [16:20] !download [16:20] Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low! [16:20] odiamar: cpanel is commercial. [16:20] how can i repair my dead ubuntu using the live cd if i dont have alternate install cd? [16:20] !atheros [16:20] Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [16:21] what exactly does the "Rescue a broken system" option in ubuntu's CD/DVD boot menu do? [16:21] go to synaptic and install all streaming [16:21] odiamar: check in howtoforge [16:22] uni: helps you to get back on your feet and boot up ubuntu again. [16:23] anyone have any experience with alternate cd? does it really helps? [16:23] dcx: yes but what exactly does that entail? does it reinstall the packages? does it wipe my configurations? [16:23] odiamar: no problem [16:24] reinstall packages but keeps most configurations === Akuma0n3 is now known as Akuma [16:24] ubunewbie: The alternate CD supports running on a wider range of hardware that may not be able to run the Live CD. It installs the same system as the Live(Desktop) CD. [16:24] i just ram memtest [16:24] it only tested 512mb of my 768mb [16:24] Does anyone know how to get a USB mounted camera to show up as a drive in df ? [16:25] and came up with 0 erors [16:25] Is it possible to turn the sceen into some kind of frame based layout? Hmm, did anyone understand that? :S [16:25] I had a crappy partition schema, and ran out of space, so I rebooted using knoppix and ran gparted to change my partitioning schema, and for some reason, it decided that some device names needed to change (like my root partition) ... now grub craps out with an error 15. I tried editing the /boot/grub/menu.lst (which, iirc, is not the way things work anymore) so that I was running with the options: root (hd0,4) and kernel ... root=/dev/sda5 ... an [16:25] Pici: does it means that i will lost entire data? i have only one partition [16:26] can someone help me with my atheros wireless? it sees the atheros card, but wont give me the wireless option in network [16:26] ubunewbie: Its just not a graphical interface, it may be a bit harder to see what is being partitioned if you're not familiar with the process. [16:26] occy1: Where do you have the camera mounted? [16:27] Pici: moreover i have installed ubuntu as application inside of windows [16:27] Pici: it's USB and just magically shows up in GNOME [16:27] heh [16:27] Pici: I do a df and it doesn't show as if it's mounted anywhere which is odd [16:27] Anyone used moc to play audio files at the terminal?I have some issues with decoder plugins when i fire up moc [16:28] occy1: Then its not really mounted to a mount point, but rather using gvfs. I suppose nautilus should be able to tell you the amount of free space. [16:28] help here is my pastebin for my wireless network [16:28] http://pastebin.com/m51d00410 [16:29] ubunewbie: Then what do you hope to do with the alternate cd? You cannot turn the Wubi install into a real installation using that. [16:29] Pici: I'm trying to use testdisk to recover pictures I accidently nuked off the drive, but it doesnt' show up as anything I can mount [16:29] hey... i have an unmounted raid0 partition in sda7-sdb7... how do i create the md and mount it in my system? [16:30] occy1: dmesg should give you a /dev location when you plug in the camera. Then you'd manually need to mount it somewhere. [16:30] occy1: Alternativly, you may be able to see it in ~/.gvfs if your program supports that. [16:30] Pici: i do not know how it exactly works. anyway i know how to mount virtual disk [16:31] Pici: that shows up in ~/.gvfs/ as gphoto2 mount on usb#3A002,005 [16:31] are there any good howto's out there to set up dual monitors on a machine with an Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller on Ubuntu 9.04? [16:31] does anybody feel like confirming this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/379169 [16:32] err %3A [16:33] exco_: Probably best to re-test with a more recent alpha CD. Additionally, the karmic channel is #ubuntu+1 [16:33] wamty_: i install the latest intel drivers on my netbook.. and plug in the 2nd monitor.. and use the config program... [16:33] !intel [16:33] Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information. [16:33] wamty_: i might of had to hit the monitor keys on the netbook to enable it also.. i forget .. === synegy is now known as synegy34 [16:33] occy1: Is testdisk able to access that? Or do you need a /dev location? [16:33] it needs something like /dev/sda1 [16:34] everything i run across is for ati & nvidia hardware [16:34] wireless help someone here is my pastebin http://pastebin.com/m51d00410 [16:34] Pici: any help getting camera mounted as a device would be greatly appreciated. trying to recover my daughters 6th birthday pics :( [16:34] needless to say, it was a bit discouraging to learn that this laptop had some wonky intel video chipset [16:34] !xinerama | wamty_ [16:34] wamty_: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead [16:35] salve vorrei chiedervi una cosa: ho un vecchio pc pentium 2 a cui si è rotto l'hard disk..secondo voi poteri acquistare un nuovo hard disk magari più grande e farci girare su ubuntu? [16:35] what has that got to do? [16:35] !it | ildaniel [16:35] ildaniel: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [16:35] occy1: How are you plugging the camera in? usb? [16:35] soreau: aye [16:35] occy1: You *might* be able to get to it by going to /dev/bus/usb/002/005 [16:36] soreau: plugging it in and Gnome auto-detects it [16:36] sorry !!!! ciao ciao a tutti [16:36] occy1: So what is the problem? [16:36] hey [16:36] i removed the new ram i put in it [16:36] !nl | xT|Fish [16:36] xT|Fish, please see my private message [16:36] now ubuntu is booting up fine [16:36] atheros wireless card help please [16:36] soreau: trying to recover files off it via testdisk and it needs to be /dev/sda1 or something. [16:37] where can i fine "gli.deb" anyone ? [16:37] find even [16:37] occy1: That doesnt make sense to me.. are the files deleted off the camera or something? [16:37] glib.deb that is [16:37] soreau: I accidently formated my Compact Flash card in the camera. I'm hoping I can mount the drive and use testdisk to restore them [16:37] Pici: well it's not related to karmic ... That problem is present on all alternate cd's I tried from Ibex to Karmic [16:38] what is it with update manager in jaunty, it lauches itself occassionally and when its purely uncalled for, is their a way to disable this, after some time i realized that i have 3 instances of update manager beaming for my attenstion ate the panel, whoever lauched them i can tell.How do disable this? [16:38] occy1: I highly doubt that will work. But to see which device it is in /dev, use dmesg|tail or so [16:38] exco_: Then you should mention that in your bug report. [16:38] soreau: dmesg doesn't show anything such as /dev/blah already checked [16:38] occy1: Or you can use df -h to see where it is mounted [16:39] soreau: Its mounted using gvfs currently, it doesnt show up in df. [16:39] occy1: /dev/whatever has nothing to do with *mounting* it (you *don't* want to mount it to use testdisk on it) [16:39] occy1: It will probably only say something like sdc or something in dmesg [16:40] occy1: And LjL is correct. If you will be using /dev/sd* on it, you probably want to have it unmounted anyway [16:40] Pici: will download the recent karmic alternate and jaunty alternate final ... try again and then update the bug, thanks anyways [16:40] hello [16:40] LjL: testdisk is asking for /dev/sda only (which is the drive I'm running under heh) it won't see any other drive [16:40] I guess testdisk can't work with removeable media [16:40] how to chage position on awn manager [16:40] ? [16:40] O:-) [16:40] i'd like update my ubuntu by using apt-get [16:41] occy1: Pastebin the last 20 or so lines of dmesg right after plugginng the camera in [16:41] it is possible? [16:41] !update [16:41] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading [16:41] ive seen Xinerama mentioned on various pages....if i can get that to work, it'd be ideal [16:41] Pici: any suggestions? [16:41] how can i detected if i have computers connected to my wireless network (running hostapd with a ath5k) [16:41] ubunewbie, update or upgrade? [16:42] erUSUL ? [16:42] occy1: testdisk does work with removable media [16:42] erUSUL: im used to using multiple video adapters for multiple monitors, but since this is on a laptop, i dont really have that option [16:42] ubunewbie, meaning you wanna go from say 8.10 ->9.04? [16:42] update] [16:42] wamty_: sorry; pointing to the docs is as far as i can get helping in this issue. never set up xinerama myself [16:43] ubunewbie: sudo apt-get update [16:43] Pici: any ideas please sir? [16:43] i want to make from 9.04 -> 9.04 [16:43] ubunewbie: that should be very easy [16:44] ubunewbie: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [16:44] wamty_: I've not setup xinerama myself either, sorry. [16:45] maybe in this way i'll bypass broken kernel [16:45] nibbler_: You probably want to use madwifi-ng with monitor mode. See aircrack-ng.org [16:45] apperance preferences arent saving [16:46] ugliefrog: What do you mean by that? elaborate [16:47] he means that when he changes his appearance preferences, they dont save if he closes [16:47] how to chage position on awn manager ? [16:47] ! awn [16:47] Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards. [16:47] neC0: Try #awn [16:48] does ubuntu update the system with specific attention to what hardware I actually have, or does it attempt to update anything and everything that might conceivably be used ever? [16:48] yes [16:48] guys, how do I change the screen resolution? I checked xrandr and it shows current 1280 x 800, maximum 1280 x 1280, now i want to check if 1280x1280 is okay.. how do i do that? [16:48] anyone have any idea to fix broken kernel? of course reinstall can't be the way [16:48] soreau, Apperance prefer under visual effects...i clik on extra...i come back and its uncliked....The extra settings in compiz dont work [16:49] ugliefrog: Does it ever give you a message like effects could not be enabled? [16:49] Rods_Tiger: it updates only the packages you have installed, so in a sense yes, the hardware to your specific machine [16:49] ugliefrog: Or, does it stay at normal? [16:50] akaikaze: You would have to attempt to add a mode [16:50] IdleOne: so things like xorg - does it pull in all the bits for all the hardware written for it, or does it know which hardware I have and only install/update the bits for that? [16:50] Rods_Tiger: I don't believe it is that specific. if there is an xorg update it will install it [16:50] aha [16:50] ubunewbie: define broken kernel ? why not just reinstall the kernel package ? [16:51] soreau, doesnt give error message when u come bak nadda is cliked [16:51] IdleOne: so I probably only have modules that relate to this machine, or is it more like a livecd? [16:51] soreau: well, my card is running in master/ap mode, so monitor mode is no option. thing is, i regularly need to restart my hostapd as it crashes - so the idea is to make the cronjob check if there are ppl connected [16:51] ugliefrog: Pastebin the output of compiz --replace & [16:52] Rods_Tiger: you probably have other modules but only using the ones you need, if there is an update to a module you arent using the package will update but not use that module [16:52] ah. [16:52] hmm, i'll analyse /proc/net/ip_conntrac for that, should do the job... [16:52] nibbler_: ath5k driver doesnt support monitor mode afaik, youd have to use madwifi-ng [16:53] soreau: master you mean? [16:53] hi, can someone help me choose between exaile and banshee? [16:53] soreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/275936/ [16:54] * erUSUL throws a coin... it was face so jauntycat has to install exaile [16:54] guys, how do I change the screen resolution? I checked xrandr and it shows current 1280 x 800, maximum 1280 x 1280, now i want to check if 1280x1280 is okay.. how do i do that? === __stdcall is now known as Zort [16:55] jauntycat: install them both and see which you prefer [16:55] ugliefrog: That output shows compiz is starting ok. Not sure whats wrong with your gnome-appearance-properties unless it is some permission issue in $HOME [16:55] 1280 x 1280 is a weird res [16:56] i'm using chroot command and when apt-get update is used i have message: couldn't donload http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty-proposed/multiverse/i18n/Translation-pl.bz2 cannot translate pl.archive.ubuntu.com" [16:56] what is wrong here? [16:56] check http://dvinchi.no-ip.info:8080/Arp/index.jsp [16:56] check http://dvinchi.no-ip.info:8080/Arp/index.jsp [16:56] IdleOne: i've done that, but i just wanted to know if you guys prefer one, or if there's really no pros or cons [16:56] akaikaze: Use cvt 1280 1280 then use the output for xrandr --addmode [16:56] in my live session i have internet connection [16:57] jauntycat: I am pro for the one that works best for me :) === bob___ is now known as bobbyd [16:58] wii dvinchi____ [16:58] IdleOne: ok, thanks ;) [16:59] Pici check http://dvinchi.no-ip.info:8080/Arp/index.jsp [16:59] dvinchi____: Don't spam, this is a support channel. [16:59] i reinstalled ubuntu on my server last night. now when i try to ssh into it, it tells me RSA host key has changed and won't connect. what do i do? [16:59] is this supposed to be a bug, i never experienced this in intrepid and as a just-switched-to-jaunty ubuntu-user, its getting to me, update manager lauches it self automatically, Am i the only one experiencing this? [16:59] Pici XD [16:59] bad [17:00] rogerrabbitdidit: try deleting the entry for the target system in $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts (or just delete the whole file, if impatient :-) [17:01] i found how to fix it by googling [17:01] ah, that did it [17:01] thanks sipior [17:02] http://pastebin.com/m310d93d8 [17:02] im running Ubuntu 9.04 btw [17:03] wow, took all night but fianlly did acleansweep, w98 gone and nothing but ubuntu on my old dell...what a feeling, runs like the wind [17:03] Pici: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step#Disk_selection apparently you have to have it mounted or showing before testdisk can do anything with it [17:03] !yay | balsaque [17:03] balsaque: Glad you made it! :-) [17:03] need to know if i should take the 349 updates even thought it runs great? [17:04] i haven't felt this good since the i met my 1st girlfriend [17:04] Pici: usb drives don't show up for some reason, and while testdisk says you can recover from USB and removeable media, nowhere in their DOCs do they show you how. :( [17:04] any ideas? [17:04] http://pastebin.com/m310d93d8 [17:04] nmvictor: I believe you can change that behavior in sys>admin>software sources>update tab [17:04] is it possible to run vnc server on a dual head system ? and if yes how to select the display to show please ? I use nvidia separate X screen method with Xorg [17:05] does it hurt anything if i just tak all the updates...i'm too tired toread em all [17:05] balsaque: No, just grab them all. [17:05] oh good thanks so much easier [17:05] please look at my problem? [17:05] wonder how long it will take to load 349 UPDATES? [17:06] balsaque: depends on your connection speed mostly [17:06] balsaque: It should tell how long it will take to download once it starts. During the download process you can cancel, but not during the install process. [17:06] hi all i have one problem with youtube video is not possible open what happen [17:06] maybe i will learn so much i can contribute some how...i have fast dsl [17:07] ! falsh | ejjlatenord [17:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about falsh [17:07] ! flash | ejjlatenord [17:07] ejjlatenord: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [17:07] can i stay on the internet while they download [17:07] thanks [17:07] balsaque: yes [17:07] thank you you guys are unreal [17:07] ejjlatenord: You probably want to install flashplugin-nonfree and restart your browser [17:07] guys/girls [17:08] balsaque: You have to stay on the internet while updates download.. [17:08] can i donate money or my time somehow to this movement [17:08] heh [17:08] ! contribute | balsaque [17:08] balsaque: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate [17:09] http://pastebin.com/m310d93d8 [17:09] salve [17:09] as you can see I start the server with mysqld --skip-grant-tables & to get in [17:09] but I cant change the password [17:09] it says 0 rows affected etc [17:09] im running Ubuntu 9.04 btw [17:09] !enter | wamty- [17:09] wamty-: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! [17:10] sono inesperto; a chi posso chiedere come rendere persistente al riavvio una cartella condivisa con ubuntu (samba)? [17:10] Hello! Can any tell me to make me sure; apt-get purge and remove --purge does EXACTLY the same? [17:10] wamty-: Idk anything about mysql, but why are you running as root? [17:10] !it | giVagus [17:10] giVagus: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [17:10] ok [17:12] Hi I'm trying to get my ntfs partition to automount at start up but i also want normal user to be able to unmount it. I've tried in fstab and the combinations i've tried don't seem to work anyone have any ideas where im going wrong? rw,suid,dev,exec,auto,user,async,locale=en_GB.UTF-8 0 0 [17:12] S@P@A@M@ [17:12] S@P@A@M@ [17:12] ejjlatenord: Don't do that. [17:12] ejjlatenord: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [17:13] impy^: I dont think you can umount partitions as user [17:13] ubuntu server + backuppc > windows home server [17:13] soreau i'm pretty sure you can i had it doing it before :o [17:13] Hello. Does any one here experienced issues with brightness control for Ubuntu 9.04 X64 install ? [17:13] hello [17:13] !hi | amcsi [17:13] amcsi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [17:14] how do I stop my workstations from switching by mouse scrolling on the desktop? [17:14] amcsi: Disable Viewport Switcher in ccsm [17:14] HI [17:14] what's ccsm? [17:15] ! ccsm | amcsi [17:15] amcsi: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz [17:15] amcsi: You want the former, not the latter [17:15] thanks [17:15] hello [17:16] Hi I'm trying to get my ntfs partition with all my music on to automount at start up but i also want normal user to be able to unmount it. I've tried in fstab and the combinations i've tried don't seem to work anyone have any ideas where im going wrong? rw,suid,dev,exec,auto,user,async,locale=en_GB.UTF-8 0 0 [17:16] how i can delate tow files on my desktop on ubuntu this folders have locks [17:17] is anyone from poland here ?? [17:17] stoki try typing gksudo nautilus in terminal? [17:17] stoki: I am [17:18] can anyone tell me how i can make an ubuntu(samba) persistent shared folder? if I reboot the folder share desappeare. [17:18] I forget, how does one do a kernel upgrade in ubuntu? [17:18] impy^: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=369222 [17:18] Can any tell me to make me sure; apt-get purge and remove --purge does EXACTLY the same? [17:18] Enlik: Yes. [17:19] jpds: OK, thanks. [17:19] CSWookie: Your update manager should automatically provide kernel updates when there is one available [17:19] Whenever I try to boot my machine from the hard drive grub hands me an error 15 (which means: file not found). I have the pertinent parts of my /boot/grub/menu.lst (everything but the automagic-kernels stuff) pasted here (http://www.pastebin.ca/1575367) as well as the output of "fdisk -l /dev/sda" and a brief description of my partition schema. I would appreciate it if somebody could help me to get my jaunty system booting again. [17:20] ! grub | eurythmia_ [17:20] eurythmia_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [17:20] I have a wierd problem, I can't access boxtorrents.com I just get redirected to localhost, I have checked my /etc/hosts but I find no entries for that particular website [17:20] Is there any one here willing to help me with some issue regarding screen brightness ? [17:20] soreau: Well, yeah, but I tend to ignore that... updating is a productivity suck. [17:21] bye === wamty- is now known as wamty [17:23] soreau: I appreciate your desire to help me, but is it not obvious that I have been reading, and still run into issues? [17:23] eurythmia_: You will notice the * in the output of fdisk is showing its set to an ntfa partition which is wrong [17:23] ntfs* [17:25] eurythmia_: i think you want (hd0,5), not (hd0,4) [17:25] soreau: not wrong, just not what you'd expect. Anyhow, it was booting fine until I did some partition manipulation today, and gparted decided it would be a good idea to rename my root partition from /dev/sda6 to /dev/sda5 [17:26] sipior: (hd0,5) would be my home partition (/dev/sda6) [17:26] crap. I have to go to class. be back in an hour or so. [17:26] eurythmia_: If you follow the links ubottu gave, you can have it fixed from a live cd in no time [17:26] eurythmia_: (hd0,5) maps to /dev/sda5, i believe. (the extended partition still counts) [17:27] sipior: Actually, hd0,5 is sda6 [17:27] soreau: ah yes, begins from zero. [17:27] hd0,4 is sda5 and so on [17:28] check your ip Ike. [17:28] Ubuntu is the next step. The First is getting rid of Vista... Lol. === Sonderbla is now known as Sonderblade [17:30] aspoor: hahaha, you are right! [17:30] when I installed ubuntu i allocated 10 gb for it. I do not windows now. how can i increase my partiiton size so that i can install more apps [17:31] ummmm wnet to do the 349 updates and saw the 9.04 upgrade...should i do that instead??? [17:31] ? [17:31] Hey all [17:32] How can I check my sound device ? I am using jaunty but no sound here :S [17:32] when I installed ubuntu i allocated 10 gb for it. I do not need windows now. how can i increase my partiiton size so that i can install more apps on ubuntu [17:32] is it better to have 8.10 with the 349 updates or should i do the 9.04 upgrade? [17:32] ! audio | pedroz [17:32] pedroz: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [17:32] I'm having a problem with my usb pen drive. I plugged it but the device is not showing on the desktop or in the "Computer" file browser [17:33] balsaque: I'd suggest doing all the updates, then doing 9.04 upgrade [17:33] pradeep: gparted from a live cd Id say [17:33] pradeep: 10G should be plenty of Ubuntu. [17:33] In Windows XP it installs but the drive letter also don't show. [17:33] balsaque: Yes, do all updates first before doing the upgrade [17:33] oh wow i would have assumed the 9.04 upgrade would have covered most of the upgrades [17:33] jpds : currently i have only 3 gb remaining [17:34] that 2 of you said the same thing i better listen [17:34] pradeep: did you put /home on a separate partition? [17:34] MOUD: What does lsusb say while it is plugged in? [17:34] balsaque: it should, but it's safer to do things in the right order [17:34] jpds: no its under / [17:34] /dev/sdb2 20G 17G 1.8G 91% / [17:34] ok i am doing the upgrades 1st glad i asked thank you [17:34] I'm running out of space on / and I got 20GB : / [17:35] jpds: i din manually select the partiton i had went for auto install as far as i remember [17:35] soreau: gparted?? [17:35] soreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/275956/ [17:35] bummer now i cant get the upgrade thing to come back on [17:36] ! gparted | pradeep [17:36] pradeep: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [17:36] soreau: thanks [17:36] balsaque: all 349 finished already? [17:37] MOUD: And what about dmesg|tail ? [17:37] ubottu: using gparted we can increase the partition size [17:37] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [17:37] says i am up to date?? didnt even recal doing the upgrades [17:38] you hear me Ben64? [17:38] balsaque: you could open a terminal, and type 'update-manager --dist-upgrade' to upgrade to 9.04 then [17:38] how to reinstall kernel using apt-get? [17:38] how could i be up to date put th update on hold started the 9.04 stpped it before it loaded now up to date? [17:38] ubunewbie1: why do you need to re-install it ? [17:38] ikonia: because it's broken [17:38] wow? [17:39] ubunewbie: Why do you think you need to reinstall your kernel? [17:39] ubunewbie1: define broken please [17:39] soreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/275958/ [17:39] soreau: gtkorphanage messed my OS [17:39] hi. Is there a nice simple howto on file sharing in ubuntu? [17:39] hi! I need help with torrentflux-b4rt. Is here good place to ask? [17:39] gsedej: depends what your question is [17:39] use of gparted looks complicated.any other alternative [17:39] MOUD: It is roughly a 4GB usb stick? [17:39] did i mess it up? [17:40] ubunewbie1: define broke please. [17:40] somehow i am uptodate and i havent actually dloaded any yet [17:40] soreau: yes, 4GB [17:40] HypothesisFrog: just start a torrent-client [17:40] pradeep, depends on what you are using gparted for [17:40] iceroot no I mean local file sharing [17:40] ikonia: menu.lst seems to be ok but when ubuntu loads it stos i one moment [17:40] HypothesisFrog: what is local file sharing? [17:40] ok [17:41] iceroot between computers, in my house. [17:41] ikonia: I have torrentflux on my ubuntu server, but I want b4rt. I just followed howto. phpmyadmin doesent seem to work [17:41] iceroot perhaps "networking" is the term? [17:41] gsedej: how did you install phpmyadmin ? [17:41] gwildor: i want to increase the partition size for my ubuntu, it's currently 10gb and only 3gb is remaining [17:41] HypothesisFrog: network != local [17:41] MOUD: Well if it didnt automount, youll have to manually mount it. Try sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt (assuming /mnt is an empty folder) [17:41] !samba | HypothesisFrog [17:41] HypothesisFrog: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. [17:41] ikonia: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin [17:41] Anyone know how I can regenerate a mkinitrd that matches _exactly_ what my 2.6.28-5 kernel is using? [17:41] soreau: okay [17:41] hi, how can I view with which options was compiled packed in ubuntU? [17:42] Because 2.6.28-15 doesn't boot [17:42] pradeep, gparted is probablly your best option there,...its not difficult. [17:42] HypothesisFrog: or use sftp if you are using only linux-clients [17:42] ikonia: http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=848138 [17:42] gsedej: what's the problem [17:42] i statred the 9.04 upgrade but didnt take it when i was told the updates should come 1st...now i am up to date...am i ok/ [17:43] gwildor: ok then will try it. live usb would do rite? [17:43] pradeep, yup [17:43] gwildor: ty [17:43] balsaque, you did apt-get update, then apt-get upgrade ? [17:43] soreau: mount: special device /dev/sdc1 does not exist [17:43] Anyone? [17:43] MOUD: Try without the 1 [17:44] siema [17:44] soreau: same thing. Those are the options available: sda sda1 sda2 sda5 sda6 sda7 sdb sdb1 sdb5 [17:44] setuid, try playing with `uname -a` [17:44] What does the letter 's' stand for in the ChatZilla command /stalk? [17:44] how can I find out, whether a cdrom contains all the files I wanted (complete files)? with a checksum? because k3b reported an error, (full disc while burning), but it seems to have the same size as the file === donos is now known as donostiarra [17:45] JStoker_, `uname -a` doesn't let me generate a working 2.6.28-15 mkinitrd that matches the same modules/scope that is used to boot my 2.6.28-5 system [17:45] MOUD: Sounds like you might have a corrupted file system on the stick or no file system at all.. have you any files on it or has it ever worked? [17:45] jakie wersje polecacie ubuntu [17:45] was offered update (349) put them on hold, saw the 9.04 started it, then it said if i do it will take 25 min, asked you guys what to do, decided to do updates 1st....all the sudden "all up to date" ?? [17:45] and the disc claims to have 700MB but the file is only 167MB. [17:45] setuid, But, Yuo could write a script to add the changes that 28.15 needs... [17:45] boscop: Yes, check the MD5 sum. [17:46] bullgard4: how do I do that? [17:46] iceroot thanks. Do you have a howto on sftp ? [17:46] jak zainstalowac ubuntu z xp razem [17:46] soreau: there are some important data in there [17:46] HypothesisFrog: just install openssh-server and use a sftp client (filezilla, nautilus for e.g.) logins are the local user logins which have shell-access [17:47] MOUD: What file system is it using? [17:47] whats a good network manager besides the default in ubuntu [17:47] boscop: md5sum file [17:48] FloridaGuy: ifconfig/iwconfig? [17:48] can someone help me setup my atheros wifi? [17:48] iceroot ta [17:48] how to install the LAMP set of software [17:48] soreau: it isn't mine, my uncle just asked me to see if I can recover the data [17:48] !wifi | crackheadjunky [17:48] crackheadjunky: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [17:48] crackheadjunky: Maybe, whats wrong with it? [17:48] jakie sa wersje ubuntu 904 desktop edition i jakie jeszcze ine [17:48] iceroot: ive done that [17:48] !details | crackheadjunky [17:48] crackheadjunky: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [17:48] iceroot: should I pass all the files? [17:48] soreau: the atheros is seen in lspci, but i cant get it configured [17:48] JStoker_, Write a script that does what, to what, based on what? I need to know the source data that is used to build the initrd/initramfs for the working kernel, so I can reference that in the non-working, newer kernel. [17:48] why Ubuntu doesn't actually TEST THEIR KERNELS is beyond me [17:49] crackheadjunky: What have you been trying so far? [17:49] how to install the LAMP set of software [17:49] soreau: i used the backports modules with the madwifi drivers but it still wont work [17:49] jakie sa wersje ubuntu 904 desktop edition i jakie inne [17:49] crackheadjunky: elaborate [17:49] rgmz: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server phpmyadmin [17:49] ! work | crackheadjunky [17:49] crackheadjunky: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [17:49] Hi everybody [17:49] .//bin_unix/linux_client: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by .//bin_unix/linux_client) [17:49] soreau, dont want that...want something better then gnome-network manager [17:49] what to do, anyone pls [17:49] boscop: k3b has also a verify check [17:49] iceroot: the one .iso file was written as multiple files. can I get a "total" checksum of them to compare with that of the .iso file or what? [17:50] can somebody tell where I can find deb for the Amarok 2.2 beta please ? [17:50] setuid, Aaah. /me is unsure. [17:50] FloridaGuy: Use kde? [17:50] setuid: kernels are tested, the ability to test said kernels on every possible hardware platform and variance of said platform is impossible thou. there statistically will be a point and time that something will break AND someone will have the requirements to see that breakage. [17:50] fresh 9.04 install, nvidia, xserver settings don't allow anything of 640x480, I assume this is because my monitor doesn't reply properly. Is there a way to add them? [17:50] pauldb: at there website i guess but dont know [17:50] soreau: did u write something? I was disconnected [17:50] soreau: this is a netbook with atheros wireless and realtek nic card. it is not supported in the latest build of ubuntu, so i had to go back and get them from jaunty, i did this, but it stll doesnt add itself to the network as a wireless network [17:50] MOUD: What file system is it using? [17:50] s/of/over/ [17:50] YeTr2, It' snot even that... same laptop... 2.6.28-5 works. 2.6.28-15 is installed, does not work... because the root device is seen as invalid in -15 (hard-locks the machine at boot). [17:50] boscop: The DEB program package 'coreutils' includes the GNU_core_utilities. Among them is the program 'md5sum'. [17:50] soreau: I think it's FAT32 [17:51] soreau, dident say other then kde...want something better then gnome-network manager [17:51] iceroot: no, there isnt.. [17:51] setuid: somethings also change in the kernel. [17:51] YeTr2, So whatever was used to generate the initrd/initramfs for -15 is not the same list of supported modules that were used to generate the initrd/initramfs for th eworking -5 kernel [17:51] bullgard4: I have that, but how should I compare the end files with the one iso file? [17:51] crackheadjunky: Does iwconfig show wifi interface? [17:51] Hello [17:51] Guys.... I want to setup something similar to IRC chatroom..... but I want only private access.......for meeting purpose......how to?...........the total members will not exceed 20 [17:51] YeTr2, I've been building kernels for 15 years... I _wrote_ the damn howto on it. I understand how this works, except... Ubuntu went way off in left field with this part. === mtozses__ is now known as Kartagis [17:51] apparle, google silc [17:52] apparle, use skype [17:52] pauldb: but at google. http://tuxarena.blogspot.com/2009/09/how-to-install-amarok-22-beta-1-from.html [17:52] hey everyone [17:52] MOUD: Not sure what to tell you then. If xp and ubuntu both cant use it, that points to fs corruption or hw problem with the stick itself [17:52] apparle: you can make a channel invite-only [17:52] I wanted to know how to recover a file in /dev/block which has disappeared [17:52] hmmm I need someone that knows about recovering files from removeable media mounted via usb with photorec and testdisk. [17:52] no [17:52] soreau, iwconfig is cli.....no manager...want something just like gnome -network manager..but better [17:52] apparle: #freenode [17:52] soreau: no [17:52] a gui [17:52] apparle: install ircd and set it up for only the lan-ip and max 20 users [17:52] here is my pastebin from lspci http://pastebin.com/m4ee826d4 [17:52] FloridaGuy, try wicd [17:52] iceroot: Thanks you Very Much ;) [17:52] does anyone know how i can increase a truecrypt partition without having to coppy all files off it and back on it? [17:53] is nfs broken in jaunty? [17:53] soreau: I see. But red light keeps blinking like it's writing something but it isn't [17:53] nobody ? === sale_ is now known as sale [17:53] FloridaGuy: I dont know of another nw manager. It is mostly integrated with the gnome desktop [17:53] iceroot: But I want it to be accessible on net also [17:53] crackheadjunky: What does lsmod|grep ath show? [17:53] apparle: then bind it to the wan-ip (default) [17:53] photorec and hence testdisk will not see my USB compact flash drive. :( [17:53] soreau: setuid boscop I want the chatroom to be loggable [17:53] apparle: /j #freenode [17:53] apparle: Ask in #freenode [17:53] apparle, so log it [17:54] boscop: 'man md5sum'. Apply it to the 2 files and compare the outputs. [17:54] gwildor, thanks...thats what i was looking for [17:54] FloridaGuy, np, GL [17:54] You want it private, but you want it logged? That basically throws privacy out the window. [17:54] But whatev. [17:54] iceroot, bullgard4: here are the checksums, but I don't know how to compare them: http://pastebin.com/d55a044c8 [17:54] soreau: i dont get a response [17:54] setuid: it's hard to reply to that without sarcasm indicating that you are whining and showing off your e-pen, but sometimes issues happen. file a bug report, help out with solving the issue so noone else does, and make it better. [17:54] apparle: you can use a bot to log [17:54] iceroot: another problem....... IRC is blocked in college......... I currently use it from webchat.freenode.net [17:55] crackheadjunky: Then you dont even have atheros modules loaded at all. Can you go to sys>admin>hw manager and try to install the driver? [17:55] apparle, is this an always open channel...or only when you guys need to use it ? [17:55] setuid: I want it to be logged on my PC.......... [17:55] soreau: well, thank you for your help. I'll try some recovery software [17:55] gwildor: can't say...... but I'll be controlling it [17:55] MOUD: Best of wishes to you [17:55] soreau: thanks [17:55] apparle, for jstu a group chat when you need it... id suggest just instaling skype.. [17:56] everyone ... the problem is IRC is blocked in college......... I use it from webchat.freenode.net [17:56] soreau: it says no proprietary drivers are install except the ati firegl ones [17:56] apparle, skype is not irc.. [17:56] Question: I just gave a ubuntu box a new ip. All comps on the same switch can see it but nothing on the other side. Can I somehow announce the IP so the other switches know how to get to it? [17:56] gwildor: I know that..... [17:57] crackheadjunky: Ok, try sudo modprobe ath_pci [17:57] does anyone know how i can increase a truecrypt partition without having to coppy all files off it and back on it? [17:57] soreau: nothing [17:57] crackheadjunky: That is a good sign [17:58] soreau: ) [17:58] crackheadjunky: Now what does lsmod|grep ath say? [17:58] apparle: just use an existing irc-server like freenode. its easier then hosting a personal one [17:58] gwildor: does skype work smoothly on linux.,........ I heard its no FOSS [17:59] soreau: http://pastebin.com/m4efb5cb4 [17:59] crackheadjunky: And iwconfig? [17:59] apparle: it works smoothly if you dump pulseaudio === Maritim_ is now known as Maritim [17:59] lo and eth0 show no wireless extensions [17:59] crackheadjunky: Hmm [17:59] iceroot: but can I make it invite only.............and is it secure [18:00] crackheadjunky: Alright, what card is it again listed from lspci? [18:00] apparle: sure but that is not ubuntu related so join #freenode, #help or #ircd === wertik_rus is now known as wertik_kremlin [18:00] ar9285 [18:00] soreau: ar9285 [18:01] crackheadjunky: Ok, try this: sudo rmmod ath_pci; sleep 1; sudo modprobe ath9k [18:01] fatal ath9k not found [18:01] crackheadjunky: Huh [18:01] soreau: fatal ath9k not found [18:02] crackheadjunky: Well I wonder why... which version of ubuntu? === francisco is now known as Francis_Albert [18:02] running GOS a deritive of ubuntu [18:02] hmm [18:02] crackheadjunky: Do you have linux-restricted-modules installed? [18:02] I wanted to know how to recover a file in /dev/block which has disappeared [18:02] hey [18:03] soreau: think so, hang on [18:03] boscop: In the first case you have not evaluated the md5sum of an iso file. [18:04] bullgard4: yeah: the iso was burned as separate files! [18:04] soreau: think so, how would i be 100 percent sure? [18:04] that's why I'm asking [18:04] soreau: restricted is an option that i have checked [18:05] crackheadjunky: dpkg -l| grep linux-restricted-modules [18:06] boscop: So try to persuade to burn an image (and no common file of your source image file. [18:06] soreau: http://pastebin.com/m7b0ad83 [18:06] s/persuade/persuade your burning program/ [18:06] crackheadjunky: And I am guessing: ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ath9k/ath9k.ko [18:06] shows no such file or directory [18:07] Hello. Can we install a persistent Kubuntu into USB memory with USB Startup Disk Creator like Ubuntu? [18:07] What does the letter 's' stand for in the ChatZilla command /stalk? [18:07] soreau: got an error that it could find the file specified with the last cmd [18:08] crackheadjunky: Anything at all shown for locate ath9k.ko ? [18:08] him when i use flash player i see hebrew letters in an opppsite direction. what can i do? [18:08] I am getting a segmentation fault (in libdbus and gnome-session) when trying to start x, which renders my laptop not very useful. (dmesg: http://pastie.org/626185.txt , Xorg.0.log: http://pastie.org/626187.txt) [18:08] nothing [18:08] soreau: nothing [18:08] bullgard4: but iso files are usually burned as extracted, I think. [18:09] crackheadjunky: Well I guess whatever version of distro you are using they have either an old kernel or just decided not to compile ath9k in with the kernel [18:09] I have a hd with my home dir on it fill up and now evolution does not load my email accounts. the .evolution direcory is stall there. what tells evolution to use the .evolution dir? [18:09] soreau: thats why i wanted to use the backports jaunty [18:09] crackheadjunky: That is not a good idea [18:10] soreau: ok, what is a good idea 8) [18:10] crackheadjunky: Since it needs to be compiled against your currently running kernel [18:10] Looks like mkinitramfs isn't used anymore [18:10] crackheadjunky: You might be ale to compile it out-of-tree yourself... [18:10] What is the proper way to set up the root disk for booting? It's not initrd, and it's not initramfs [18:10] soreau: i also tried the ndiswrapper and it failed [18:11] any takers on the seg fault in gnome-session here : http://pastie.org/626185.txt ? [18:11] can anyone help me here? i added a partition to /etc/fstab in /work as shown here: http://pastie.org/626194 but when i use mount -a i get the following error: mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/65c4c9ef-997a3984-f59771c5-f44efc6e does not exist [18:11] crackheadjunky: Lemme see if I can find anything about doing that, sec (dont even bother with ndis) [18:11] boscop: General statements may not help in a particular case. -- Burning programs usually have a special mode to burn iso files. [18:11] soreau: i have the tar file i need from madwifi [18:11] soreau: just dont know how to compile it [18:11] bullgard4: but can I boot from the cd then? [18:11] fsck-ing a large disc like a 500gb disk can take a while right? It is a usb external, and has issues, it got shutdown while in mid rsync [18:11] boscop: Yes. [18:12] hm [18:13] I used fsck -CVa to try and repair the problems, is that correct way? it has ext3 [18:14] hi i am running gparted with root priviliges and i am not able to format any of my drives: whether they are fat/ntfs/ext3... I am trying to format my windows partition [18:14] go BulBulRed delete them windows partitions [18:14] that is my problem: i can't [18:15] BulBulRed: yes, it should be able to, you need to unmount them, I beleve gparted can do that [18:15] does anyone know how I can mount a compact flash drive in Linux? I have a USB card reader I've hooked up to my laptop. and can't seem to access it. [18:15] BulBulRed: you need to right click on them? I think and select unmount [18:15] trae: look at dmesg to see if it showed up there [18:15] riight [18:16] trae: then you'll know which device in /dev you'll have to mount [18:16] i never touch gparted besides installations so i didn't want to touch it without knowing [18:16] umount did trick [18:16] thx! [18:16] BulBulRed: understood. [18:16] [ 2893.504044] usb 7-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4 [18:16] when swf is shown hebrew letters shown in opposite directions. anything that solve it? [18:16] does anyone know to correct options for fsck to repair a partition? [18:16] I have an issue with startkde. Every time I run it or run "startkde :1" KDE run but runs on top of gnome instead of Virtual Terminal 8. [18:17] Maritim: did you see the above? [18:17] Can you help me? [18:18] I can actually see both bars at the bottom. How do I run them in separate. [18:18] !help | turbolinux [18:18] turbolinux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:19] !fsck [18:19] fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot [18:20] Yes i need help installing combat arms on my pc can anyone help me out [18:21] has anyone figured out the whole atheros AR928x network card issue yet? [18:21] that asounds fmailiar [18:22] epic1501, is that a game? [18:22] killians31: I have such a card! what issue? I have some issues with it [18:22] When I type startkde or startkde :1 (which should run kde in VT8) KDE starts over Gnome and both run on the same virtual terminal. I can see both task bars and the Gnome bar on the top still. How do I make them run separately instead of simultaneously? [18:22] trijntje yes yes it is [18:22] killians31: my system freezes when I do aireplay-ng ! [18:22] it doesnt seem to pick up any AP's... [18:22] only with ubuntu, fedora, backtrack, no problems...just ubuntu [18:22] epic1501, if its a windows game you can try with playonlinux or crossover [18:23] !wine | epic1501 [18:23] epic1501: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [18:23] killians31: for me it does. but aireplay freezes [18:23] hello.. i reinstalled my system and mounted the partition that had the .vdi containing the virtual machines, but when i try to load them now i get the following error: http://pastie.org/626215 can someone help me? [18:23] strange [18:23] trijntje, installing games directly with wine is bit hard for beginners [18:23] the weirdest thing is that i the live cd of ubuntu, it picks up signals no problem... [18:23] I just enabled Remote Desktop on my Mom's PC (Ubuntu) and now I want to be able to control her desktop from my Ubuntu machine. I have her IP, and Remote Desktop password (and her permission) -can I do this? -any tutorials available? -found lots of 'enable Remote Desktop tutorials' but none that explain how to *control* a Remote Desktop -Links? Suggestions? [18:23] killians31: maybe try another driver [18:24] e.g. madwifi [18:24] is there a way to rollback to an old version of a package? [18:24] epic1501, see http://www.playonlinux.com [18:24] alokito, thats all i've ever done, but if thats the hard way I wont advice it anymore, thanks [18:24] does anyone have a link to the madwifi drivers? i couldnt seem to find them from their home page [18:25] crackheadjunky: Sorry, had some troubles ther for a sec === bluebottle is now known as Guest17660 === Darth_Revan is now known as Guest72893 [18:25] crackheadjunky: Anyway, you need to compile ath9k against your kernel or find the package that might provide ath9k.ko that was compiled for you running kernel version [18:26] killians: search @ http://packages.ubuntu.com [18:26] [ 2893.504044] usb 7-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4 [ 2893.684446] usb 7-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice Anyone know how I can mount this show it shows up under /dev/$foo ? [18:26] killians31: I think ath9 is the latest or so I read === prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys [18:26] Is something wrong with keyserver.ubuntu.com? [18:26] trijntje, playonlinux and crossover are wine based and they make installing games and apps a lot easier [18:26] How do I get blocked updates to stop showing up in my system update notification? [18:26] crackheadjunky: It might be worth it to search you package manager for ath9k package or figure out which package provides ath9k.ko (if any) maybe with a utility like apt-file [18:27] Kagee: perhaps... try pool.sks-keyservers.net ... updates to the same place [18:27] soreau: i will look in the package manager [18:27] soreau: nothing on ath9k [18:27] fccf: thank's that worked - but i've hade problems w. keysever.ubuntu.com for two days [18:28] crackheadjunky: After loading the module successfully that is compatible with your card, you should then see a wifi interface listed by iwconfig with which you can work [18:28] JStoker_, I re-ran update-mkinitrd and passed in the right kernel version.. still doesn't use the same root= line that 2.6.28-5 does [18:28] So where is it getting that from? [18:28] sound very large of hard disk ,why? i use win havn't,i'm novice.i love linux ,F1 [18:28] Kagee: I have had intermittent problems with keyserver.ubuntu.com for several weeks === Labrador is now known as K4rl [18:29] Hello [18:29] soreau: still stuck, but i guess i will go through my packages to see which one will have the driver [18:29] #_# hello [18:30] hello [18:31] cgroza: Angluca: OldSmoke: welcome to ubuntu support .... If you have questions please ask them here [18:31] You'd think mounting a USB drive would be an easy thing to do [18:32] how can i display the status of just one RAID? right now i am using cat /proc/mdstat and it shows both of my RAIDs... i want to display one at a time [18:32] i have 2 nvidia 9500gt to install i take 1 out how do i get the 2nd to work [18:33] bbl [18:33] Does anyone know of a guide for dualbooting ubuntu and xp but with ubuntu installed first? [18:33] hello.. i reinstalled my system and mounted the partition that had the .vdi containing the virtual machines, but when i try to load them now i get the following error: http://pastie.org/626215 can someone help me? [18:33] slabbeh: Do you have a Windows partition free or do you need to create one? [18:33] ltcabral: have you asked in #vbox? [18:34] is it the /etc/mailcap file that needs editing in order to change mime type preferences? [18:34] MrHeavy, I have a partition [18:34] fccf: yes... but they are very slow to answer :) [18:34] ltcabral, did you check file permissions ? [18:34] slabbeh: There's nothing special required to install Windows, but you have to reinstall GRUB afterwards [18:34] why does Brasero make a checksum *after* the data is burned to the disc? [18:34] why doesn't it generate the checksum concurrently with the burn operation? [18:34] MrHeavy, how do I reinstall GRUB?? [18:35] slabbeh you can always just edit grub but reinstall is easier. [18:35] !grub [18:35] GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [18:35] hdon, id guess you cant checksum something that doesnt exsist yet [18:35] thanks [18:35] gwildor: but we know what the data will be. we have an image of it. [18:35] slabbeh, ^^ [18:35] hello.. does anybody have a tv tuner GIGABYTE U8000? [18:35] Boot from a LiveCD and run grub-install /dev/sda or whatever your first hard disk is [18:35] ltcabral: I run ubuntu in a vbox on my win7 dev machine ... my expierence has been that when a snapshot has been created and something crashes, you have to start back at a reboot of the system ... the only way to do this is to copy the full .vdi and create a new machine from it [18:35] hdon, im pretty sure it check the image vs the actual burnded disk... how can it check a disk it hasnt burned yet [18:36] janhaj nope but I have gotten my tv tunner to work. What is the problem? [18:36] gwildor: oh, so the "generate checksum" stage is actually a "verify checksum" stage? [18:36] hi [18:36] sorry i have to go === unnamed is now known as Guest37623 [18:37] if i want do do sth wihr all files i am using *.* but what if i want to manipulate all directories? [18:37] how do I setup ubuntu to always start up with the same static ip? tried some now [18:37] sth like: chmod a-rwx *.* but for directories [18:37] i tried playon linux [18:38] what about cedega [18:38] Guest37623: add a -R to that line ... Recursively [18:38] anli_: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/internet/C/connecting-wired.html#connecting-wired-manual [18:38] tahnk You fccf [18:38] how can i make a rs server on ubuntu? [18:38] Guest37623: Dont use *.*, just * [18:38] PSP: What is 'rs'? [18:38] good day everyone , while chating between a person on ubuntu with pidgin 2.6 and a person on windows ,audio call is not enabled ,how to enable it ? [18:38] aa ok [18:38] rs is runescape [18:38] nullr: i don't have problem.. i bought this Tv tuner (in eshop, i don't have this yet) and i only want know, if this tuner work in ubuntu 9.04.. [18:38] Guest37623: find folder/ -type d -exec chmod a-rwz {} \; [18:38] a runescape private server on linux [18:38] i've got a problem with karmik koala daily build [18:38] liveD : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion. [18:39] i ddone this on xp like 2 years ago [18:39] !karmic | liveD [18:39] liveD: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [18:39] ok ok [18:39] PSP, i couldnt tell ya, are there instruction provided by runescape ? [18:39] MrHeavy, now just one small problem... where did I put my Live disk [18:39] slabbeh under the kitchen table [18:39] slabbeh: it is the one you haven't labeled... sitting there among the other 100 or so disks that arn't labled [18:40] can anyone offer pychess help? [18:40] fccf very true for me [18:40] fccf, ah the unlabeled one... === gwildor_ is now known as gwildor [18:40] I might just redownload it, would probably be quicker [18:41] good day everyone , while chating between a person on ubuntu with pidgin 2.6 and a person on windows ,audio call is not enabled ,how to enable it ? yahoo chat [18:41] I always use the gigenet mirror its pretty quick. [18:41] does anyone use pychess? [18:41] How do I get blocked updates to stop showing up in my system update notification? I don't want to install them and I don't want my system update notification to always be on [18:42] alpineian: just ask a ubuntu-related question [18:42] alpineian: details would help [18:42] I tired marking (F)orbid Version in aptitude but that doesn't seem to work [18:42] !details [18:42] Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." [18:42] thanks iceroot [18:42] ubuntu, i have never checked to see if pidgin does voice with yahoo, as i dont use it, i would suggest checking the pidgin main site, to see if it is available [18:43] where can i ask an application related question... i.e. installed, but won [18:43] t start up? [18:43] !ask | alpineian [18:43] alpineian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [18:43] alpineian, what is your question? [18:43] alpineian: can you just aks your real question please? [18:44] also pidgin has plugins so even if it does not support it chances are a plugin will. [18:44] Ok, update-initramfs in Ubuntu is 100% broken [18:44] It does not generate a working, bootable initramfs [18:44] damnit [18:44] i've installed pychess... clicking on the icon causes the startup process but it just stops and nothing happens [18:45] alpineian: start it from the terminal "type the name" and look at the erros [18:45] I really wish the Ubuntu package maintainers would actually test their own packages before they release them [18:45] you think they would O_o [18:45] empathy will replace pigdin in karmic:-( [18:45] setuid: everything works fine here [18:45] iceroot, which means it's broken [18:45] iceroot, if it works for you and fails for us, it means it's not working [18:46] setuid: sure, its working for me :) so its not not working [18:46] It works for generating a working initrd/initramfs for 2.6.28-5, but not 2.6.28-15 [18:46] iceroot, Are you on Jaunty? Are you using 2.6.28-15? [18:46] setuid: Have you asked on #ubuntu-kernel ? [18:46] setuid, well, i wouldnt call that 100%, would you ? [18:46] thanks iceroot. error is as follows: runtime error, could not create Gladexml object [18:47] gwildor, Sure would... fails 100% of the time on several dozen of our machines where 2.6.28-5 works flawlessly. So yes, 100% failures in our test cases. [18:47] but you just said it works on 2.6.28-5 100% of the time... [18:47] setuid: i cant see 2.6.28-15 for jaunty just 2.6.28-11 [18:47] * gwildor checks the official version.. [18:48] What does the letter 's' stand for in the ChatZilla command "/stalk"? [18:48] how to make a runescape private server on ubuntuhow to make a runescape private server on ubuntu === Xano_gonerrr is now known as Xano_ [18:48] iceroot, 2.6.28-15-generic here [18:48] setuid: normal repos? [18:48] doesnt matter im gona go install xp and hopefully dual boot [18:48] iceroot, yes [18:49] PSP: Check the runescape documents, its not a part of the package repositories. [18:49] setuid: hm, strange [18:49] what command should i put in "startup application" when i want them to start with a delay? [18:49] hmm i have -15 tooo...i wonder if its backports.. [18:49] gwildor: maybe its the eeepc kernel from array.org here [18:50] setuid: 2.6.28-15.49 or 2.6.28-15.52? or something else? [18:50] iceroot, i need to get that... [18:50] trijntje: maybe « sleep [seconds] && appname » [18:50] Pici, 2.6.28-15-generic [18:50] as above [18:51] erUSUL, ill try that, thanks [18:51] I wanted to know how to recover a file in /dev/block which has disappeared [18:51] hello ? [18:51] I lost my sdcard entry in /dev/block...but my sdcard is ok ...so what can I do ? [18:51] Whenever I try to boot my machine from the hard drive grub hands me an error 15 (which means: file not found). I have the pertinent parts of my /boot/grub/menu.lst (everything but the automagic-kernels stuff) pasted here (http://www.pastebin.ca/1575367) as well as the output of "fdisk -l /dev/sda" and a brief description of my partition schema. I would appreciate it if somebody could help me to get my jaunty system booting again. I've already [18:51] Hi, I need to log all (failed) ssh login attempts, complete with originating IP and used username. Is this possible? [18:51] I have disabled Alt-F7 (move window) but it is still active. Is there any way around this bug? [18:52] eurythmia_: Your message has been too long. So it has been cut after "I've already" [18:52] Threetimes: They should already be logged in /var/log/auth.log [18:53] Hi, I am trying to get my volume up, down, and mute buttons to work on Ubuntu. I am using a Dell Latitude D600. The keys are not responsive. When I go to System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts and try to assign the keys, they are not detected when i press them. [18:53] witam jak na ubuntu zainstalować drukarkę ? [18:53] Pici: i will check (must be a large log, i get hacken by chinese botnets and stuff...) [18:53] !keys | spree [18:53] spree: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts [18:53] !de | nowak_ [18:53] nowak_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [18:53] bullgard4: that is a client issue. I'm not sure if it's mine, or yours. What I said was: "I've already seen the !grub factoid, and I'm still having troubles." [18:53] fccf, i think it's polish [18:53] Threetimes: I suggest using fail2ban to automatically ban addresses that fail to login after a few times. [18:54] i want to backup my root disk into a tarball.. is there a way to do this before i login? before the disk is active? [18:54] !po [18:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about po [18:54] !pl [18:54] Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [18:54] i tried installing ubuntu on my friends laptop, giving 10gb for / ext3 file system and 250 mb for swap, at 95% it said grub installation failed fatal error [18:54] <_cb> Can multiple people use freenx or is there only one user? (nx) [18:54] Pici: i might want that :D (but i have only strong passwords, and root is disabled, so i should't need it) [18:54] eurythmia_, http://pastebin.com/d773cd307 <-- might help, I don't know for sure but worth looking at anyway [18:55] is there anyway to hook up a zune mp3 player to linux [18:55] i co mam zrobić w tych skrótach klawiszowych, aby zainstalować drukarkę ? [18:55] if i order a dsktop version of ubuntu wiil it work in a laptop?> [18:55] balsaque: yes [18:55] komputer stacionarny [18:55] webbb82, You just asked the wrong question. The answer is yes. [18:55] exodus_ms: thanks, I'll take a look and let you know. [18:55] i tried installing ubuntu on my friends laptop, giving 10gb for / ext3 file system and 250 mb for swap, at 95% it said grub installation failed fatal error [18:55] pradeep: why so little room? [18:56] webbb82, I suppose you want to know how? [18:56] Hello. Can we install a persistent Kubuntu to USB memory stick with USB Startup Disk Creator program like Ubuntu? [18:56] spree, ya that would be nice [18:56] eurythmia_, by the way, witch version of ubuntu are you using [18:56] Turbolinux, i dont use kubuntu, but im 999999999.99% sure you can [18:56] webbb82, http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+zune [18:56] trijntje: what [18:57] balsaque, yes [18:57] nowak_: please join # ubuntu-pl za pomoc w języku polskim ... To jest tylko w języku angielskim kanale [18:57] hey everybody! someone know how to get the permission to write in a folder which belongs to "root" ? [18:57] !pl | nowak [18:57] nowak: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [18:57] can any one tell me why TRAFFIC_ACCT_OUT isn't collecting packets, whilst TRAFFIC_ACCT_IN is... http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=290 [18:57] pradeep: only 10 gb root, and only 256 MB swap, thats very small for an installation [18:57] spree, you just googled ubuntu + zune [18:58] webbb82, yeah, which is more than you have done [18:58] exodus_ms: I don't think it'll help, because I've specified "root (hd0,4)" which is the result of "find /boot/grub/stage1" ... also, I'm using jaunty on the affected machine. [18:58] trijntje: what [18:58] strep_] prefix sudo with ur command [18:58] ive been trying to find out how all mornging [18:58] hi!!!! [18:58] trijntje: is the swap space less?? [18:58] !hi |selmani [18:58] selmani: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [18:59] but i ccant find a solid answer thats why i asked in here and didnt think i would get attitude for asking a question [18:59] pradeep: how much ram do you have? [18:59] would anyone happen to know why when i run gcc i get some funky characters in the output? for instance: client.c: In function âmainâ: [18:59] webbb82: hey ignore spree, he's obviously just being a wanker [18:59] !attitude [18:59] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [18:59] whats the use a a irc room that o nly tells you to google the question [19:00] eurythmia_, Ya, you just need to make changes to the /boot/grub/menu.lst file so that grub is looking in the right place, Look at sudo fdisk -l | grep -i linux and make sure you have the correct "root" partition [19:00] ya i know [19:00] ty pradeep but it doesn't work.. dont know why.. i tried : sudo chown jean /root [19:00] fccf: 1gb [19:00] but it may be wrong :] [19:00] pradeep: use 2gigs swap [19:00] spree: Please be helpful when helping. [19:00] but some tips webbb82 ... give details [19:00] exodus_ms: have you looked at the paste that was included in my problem description? [19:00] strep_]: which ubuntu u have installed [19:00] just saying "it doesn't work" doesn't really let people know what the problem is [19:00] pradeep im using jaunty [19:01] webbb82, strictly, the irc channel is for when googling doesn't work ;) [19:01] !work [19:01] Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [19:01] anyone know how to fix and external drive with fsck? I ran fsck -a for autofix and it failed, said to run it manually [19:01] strep_]: root login is disabled in Ubuntu in 9.04. So you are not able to access the root folder [19:01] ^^ [19:01] ya i have googled this question alot and i cant find a good way to do it besides useing virtual box [19:01] or do I need to run e2fsck? it is an ext3 drive [19:01] webbb82, the second google hit is very instructional. http://www.zuneboards.com/forums/zune-hacks-mods/2772-zune-linux-progress-2.html [19:01] eurythmia_, shamelessly I have not, it was rather long :P I can take a look though [19:01] does swap have to be in a certain order? mine is sda/1 extended /sda5 linux-swap /sda6 ext4 / and sda7 ext4 /home [19:01] strep_]: you need to enable the root login in ubuntu first [19:02] webbb82: I dont believe there is a better method [19:02] i thought Zune's let you treat them like flash drives, and just copy music over [19:02] but I don't have one, so idk [19:02] Is there a good pop3 server for production? [19:02] pradeep how do i do this is it simple? [19:02] strep_], pradeep: use sudo. [19:02] exodus_ms: it's only 44 lines, only 23 of which are actual grub.conf ... the rest are the details of the partitions on my disk. [19:02] strep_]: http://techgyan.im/?p=63 [19:02] strep_], pradeep: you don't need to enable the root login, just use sudo to copy stuff there. [19:03] strep_]: don't enable root login [19:03] t0s, swap can be anywhere [19:03] strep_]: follow the link. it will help u [19:03] pradeep: please don't ever recommend someone enable the root login here, thanks. [19:03] it looks like rythembox mite work [19:03] man newbie here i idid the ubuntu instal and i have been upgrading for a couple hours??/ am i ok? [19:03] how do i solve the following error when pychess boots up: RuntimeError: could not create GladeXML object ? [19:03] gwildor, kthanks [19:03] strep_]: "sudo su -" enter password, done [19:03] amorak is the way to go [19:03] it will work with zune [19:03] Ben64: sudo -i [19:03] !noroot [19:03] We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information. [19:03] balsaque, that depends on your computer speed, and network connection.... but possibly.. [19:04] Flannel: my way works too :) [19:04] Flannel : agree [19:04] Flannel : Might be useful for some [19:04] thank you, i am dsl but on an 11 year old dell 400mgx with 768 ram [19:04] clean install though === kb is now known as Guest38358 [19:04] balsaque: what is your question? [19:05] pradeep: No, there's really no reason to do it and it's not officially supported. [19:05] Ben64 my password doesnt work after sudo su - [19:05] doesn't do anything [19:05] balsaque, could be normal if there are a lot of updates, don't you see a progress bar or something like that? [19:05] i would have thought i should do the 9.04 but 2 people said do upgrades 1st [19:05] strep_]: it should change your prompt [19:05] doing 349 update thanks [19:05] ben64@ben64:~$ sudo su - [19:05] root@ben64:~# [19:05] # means you're root [19:06] don't you ever call me unhelpful again. it took me 20 seconds on google to find what you were looking for. [19:06] strep_]: wats ur exact application [19:06] nice man [19:06] * thiebaude haha [19:06] yes the bar is about 3/4 of the way seem to be in my dos now [19:06] !google [19:06] While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. [19:06] thank you [19:06] wow this is intense [19:06] !who | balsaque [19:06] eurythmia_, I understand that, but have tried to understand why grub would fail in the first place? It's looking for a file to load that is obviously not located where it is looking, double check your /boot/grub/menu.lst file and sudo fdisk -l | grep -i linux your / is sda5 no? but it's labled 4 in your boot list? [19:06] webbb82, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, you are in violation of the rules. [19:06] balsaque: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [19:07] pradeep all folders in flightgear [19:07] anyone experiecing problems with the gnome panel in the version of the gnome currently in the jaunty repo? it doesn't always successfully re-draw itself [19:07] i cannot add new folders in them [19:07] violation of what [19:07] <_cb> anyone can give me a quick delta between freenx/nomachine and ltsp? [19:07] spree: Drop it. [19:07] strep_]: can u be more specific [19:07] ok donr know how will fihure it out thanks [19:07] (for exemple add scenery or aircrafts) [19:07] all i did was ask if anyone new a good way to hook a zune to ubuntu [19:07] how is that [19:07] exodus_ms: that's because of the way grub labels drives ... hda1 = (hd0,0), hda2 = (hd0,1), etc. [19:08] eurythmia_, wait, you installed Ubuntu after xp correct? [19:08] can anyone address how I would solve RuntimeError: could not create GladeXML object when I boot pychess [19:08] hi [19:08] exodus_ms: yes. [19:08] ah [19:08] sorry everyone ill just leave [19:08] balsaque: ubottu is a bot, you can use it to send automatic messages to people [19:08] exodus_ms: what is the suspicion? [19:08] you guys are way ahead of what i would of ever imagined [19:08] eurythmia_, thats the hard way to do it [19:08] anyone knows good crack or keyegen for arcserve backup 12.5? [19:08] balsaque, I let it send you the info about mentioning names, its somehting a lot of people don't know when they first come here [19:08] balsaque: ubottu is a robot that we can have repeat canned messages !tab is a canned message telling you about tab completion [19:09] !tab |balsaque [19:09] balsaque: You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [19:09] ok i read thatt thanks [19:09] diogo_79: not the correct place here [19:09] wierd this was running fsater before i got into the update thing [19:09] i now but iam desperate [19:09] thiebaude: well, ubuntu has been installed on the machine for about 4 months now. The only reason grub quit booting the machine is because I had to repartition and gparted changed device names (root partition used to be sda5, home was sda7, etc.) [19:09] still beating the hell out of w98 [19:09] searching and searching and nothing [19:09] balsaque: did you reboot after update? [19:10] amelue torrent lots of crack sites [19:10] nothing [19:10] diogo_79: please stop that here [19:10] eurythmia_, is your box loading xp after you boot, or is it just hanging on the grub error? [19:10] uh oh only if it made me do it [19:10] diogo_79, please cease discussing getting a crack NOW. [19:10] updates still going on [19:10] ok [19:10] exodus_ms: it's just hanging on the grub error [19:10] sorry [19:10] diogo_79 call arcserve and tell them your story. they may be willing to give you an activation key immediately with a credit card number [19:10] !piracy | diogo_79 [19:10] diogo_79: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o [19:10] as far as i know [19:10] diogo_79, this is not an appropriate channel for that discussion, and in fact I believe it's against Freenode policy entirely. [19:11] ok gus [19:11] guys [19:11] balsaque: it is still in the middle of updating ... updating takes up resources (until it is done) [19:11] balsaque: are you updating in a text only environment? [19:11] configuring getit now is that ok [19:11] anyone in here use LMMS? [19:11] 9.04, geforce fx5500, I'm at 640x480, and adding modes to xorg didn't do anything. How do I get higher resolution? the monitor does 1600x1200 under XP. [19:11] !anyone | M03BIUS [19:11] M03BIUS: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [19:11] eurythmia_, the only thing I can think of is repair grub on the xp partition, if thats what you installed first and if that what you want your "1" choice to be [19:12] Does anyone use LMMS in here? [19:12] what ubottu just said doesn't make any sense to me heh [19:12] M03BIUS: you have a real question? [19:12] configuring getit now is that ok am i on track [19:12] yes [19:13] balsaque: yes [19:13] balsaque: gedit, and sure. [19:13] ubuttu hasn't passed the turing test [19:13] I'm setting up hotkeys with Compiz Commands -- Anyone know how to launch a location (file browser) from cli ? [19:13] exodus_ms: I'm confused. I installed grub on the MBR ... ntldr is the only bootloader installed on the XP partition. [19:13] whew thank you you people are unreal\ [19:13] daevski: nautilus /path/to/location [19:13] hey, how do you convert a .img to a .iso? [19:13] i have never done an instal i wsince 1998 if i get thru this.... [19:13] guys where in ubuntu is the firewall [19:13] fccf -- You're the best :) [19:13] I just installed Xubuntu, must say its rather nice. Except I seem to be stuck at 800x600 resolution [19:14] !resolution [19:14] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution [19:14] !ufw | diogo_79 [19:14] diogo_79: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist [19:14] k thanks [19:14] dang, I was beaten by a bot [19:14] coaxmt, haha [19:14] well, he said it better than I could have [19:14] doing all the updates first [19:14] ok thanks [19:14] I seem to be having trouble getting sound to work in Linux multimedia studio, does anyone in here use lmms? [19:14] when packaging a server. what is the part where I create a system user ? === war is now known as pusher [19:15] in text mode ubuntu, the console wants to go blank after a short time of inactivity. how do i disable that if possible? [19:15] seems like i have slowed it down since i began with the updates though [19:15] hey - i've got an lcd t.v. with a native resolution of 1366x768@60hz [19:15] Already tried the hints in !resolution. [19:15] 9.04, geforce fx5500, I'm at 640x480, and adding modes to xorg didn't do anything. How do I get higher resolution? the monitor does 1600x1200 under XP. [19:16] now doing libpam? [19:16] eurythmia_, what about this #/dev/sda1 1 11 88326 de Dell Utility I know you have your boot list to start at (hd0,4) [19:16] balsaque: It knows what it's doing. Leave it alone. [19:17] i've run various configuration steps (including dexconf and dpkg --reconfigure) but i just get the bog standard xorg.conf... i tried manually adding a SubSection to 'Screen' in my xorg.conf but that just causes a syntax error? [19:17] exodus_ms: you want me to try making that the first entry in the grub list? [19:17] eurythmia_, I'm sorry boot is selected at #/dev/sda2 according to your fstab [19:17] yes i dont bother it am operating on trust ,thrusting the intelligence of you all knowing nothing is as bad as w98 [19:17] how can i try and force x11 to display at this res? when it starts X in 'low graphics mode' X starts up OK. [19:17] Edward123: restricted driver installed? [19:17] hey, how do you convert a .img to a .iso on ubuntu? [19:17] Edward123: or any other nvidia-driver? === keffie_jayx_ is now known as keffie_jayx [19:18] Rabbitbunny: did you install the nvidia drivers for your card? [19:18] ctmjr: Yes. [19:18] iceroot: no restricted driver for my card - it's ATI Raedon 9200 [19:18] just wonder if it will ever end [19:18] exodus_ms: yeah, sda2 is selected as a bootable partition ... but the bootloader installed on the MBR can *override* that. I suppose I could try disabling the boot flag on /dev/sda2 to see what happens. [19:18] Edward123: ok, ati driver installed? [19:18] am so used to w98 failing [19:19] Rabbitbunny: see if you have nvidia-settings installed in terminal type nvidia-settings [19:19] iceroot: how can i check? the ubuntu docs i've read say if your card is older than a certain version you should just use 'open source drivers'... which i presume come with X? [19:19] eurythmia_, or change the *override* and set your boot list to start with that one [19:19] ubuntu: why do you want to convert it? you can mount .img files in ubuntu [19:19] ctmjr: Yes it is. That's also under Admin, and no, it doesn't have the higher resolutions listed, and it doesn't have a way to add them. [19:20] now is doing vinagre... [19:20] having a nick of "ubuntu" must be hell in this channel. my nick beep alert would go crazy [19:20] exodus_ms: I just removed the boot flag, now I'm rebooting (into knoppix again). [19:20] eurythmia_, then after that you can configure grub however you want, or just reinstall grub and let it find everything all over agian === kb is now known as Guest76188 [19:20] roygbiv: yeah, im on a livecd and i want to make a usb startup disk for ubuntu netbook edition, but the usb startup disk utility in ubuntu only does .isos. and the unr on the server is saved in a .img format [19:21] in what file does grub store the boot settings ? [19:21] list.. sth? [19:21] what was ist? [19:21] Guest37623: /boot/grub/menu.lst [19:21] hey... can anyone help me to set up NIS correctly? im missing something that doesnt allow me to bind [19:21] :) thanks [19:21] !details | ltcabral [19:21] ltcabral: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." === bluebottle is now known as Guest57590 === Lutoma_Gl_Mobil is now known as Lutoma [19:23] whats the difference between menu.lst and menu.lst~ [19:23] ubuntu do you have ccd2iso? looks like that might be a way [19:23] whats the file i have to edit? === Deadly is now known as Guest85055 [19:24] Guest37623: menu.lst the other is a backup/swap [19:24] Anyone know of a debug tool to view background processes? i.e. when I click a web file, and the system calls on firefox [19:24] Guest57590 usually files ending in ~ are backups left by text editors so probably menu.lst is the one you want to edit [19:24] ok :) [19:24] roygbiv: yeah i saw that, but its not in the apt-get or aptitude repos :/ === Guest37623 is now known as nureinfake [19:25] Rabbitbunny: well the easiest way to try to fix it is run sudo nvidia-xconfig and see if it fixes it, if you have not done so you need to reboot after you run it then look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look for any errors [19:25] ubuntu i just did "sudo aptitude install ccd2iso" and it worked fine for me [19:26] Anyone know of a debug tool to view background processes? i.e. when I click a web file, and the system calls on firefox [19:26] ubuntu: you need this http://ppa.launchpad.net/ogra/ubuntu/pool/main/u/usb-imagewriter/usb-imagewriter_0.1-1~ppa1_all.deb [19:26] roygbiv: im on a livecd so maybe it doesnt have internet repos installed by default? [19:26] daevski: ps ax [19:26] ubuntu hmm can't say i have an answer to that one [19:26] still very new to ubuntu here [19:26] livecd has repos. [19:27] fccf: says that file is not available [19:27] iceroot: what kind of details do you need [19:28] ltcabral: usefull details [19:28] mm is there a way to force a resolution change using something other than the xorg.conf file? maybe then i can see what it writes in there and use that s an example? [19:28] iceroot: like? [19:28] ltcabral: as ubottu told you [19:28] !details | ltcabral [19:28] ubuntu: sorry.. it has been moved http://ppa.launchpad.net/ogra/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/u/usb-imagewriter/usb-imagewriter_0.1.3-0ubuntu1~hardy~ppa1_all.deb [19:28] what release of debian is hardy derived from? [19:28] treyh: etch unstable [19:29] iceroot: well we can start with this: http://pastie.org/626307 [19:29] anyone with a mac and SL / Ubuntu dual boot? [19:29] tasslehoff: done it before, what's up? [19:29] well, Leopard, not SL [19:29] but still [19:30] ltcabral: Add a NIS server to the /etc/yp.conf configuration file [19:30] what's up? [19:30] fccf: thanks. i installed the deb, now how do you run it? :) [19:30] iceroot: is that the same as my NIS domain? [19:30] Rabbitbunny -- that's helpful, thanks. I'll look into ps more. [19:30] ltcabral: normally yes [19:30] daevski: np [19:31] ubuntu: usb-imagewriter from terminal.. I think [19:31] tasslehoff: you there? [19:31] fccf: i did that, it said nothing even though the .deb installed correctly. [19:32] Maritim: I've done it on Leopard as well, but to install SL I had to start from scratch, since it wouldn't install until I have reblessed "the bootloader". now I thought I'd install dual boot again, but rEFIt doesn't work [19:32] fccf: im on a livecd if that matters [19:32] Maritim: yep, just a lot to type :) [19:32] tasslehoff: rEFIt doesn't work? [19:32] firefox is running slow in jaunty. Any suggestions? [19:32] iceroot: i added but same error [19:33] ubuntu: look in Applications>accessories>imagewriter ??? see if it shows up there? [19:33] Maritim: installed, shut down, started up, and got thrown right into os x [19:33] no rEFIt boot meny [19:33] menu [19:33] tasslehoff: tried holding the C button? [19:33] found it, ty fccf [19:34] does anyone know how to change the week numbers in evolution. I would like them to match my uni weeks and not financial weeks [19:34] /msg [S`n`N]`Fujin xdcc send #24 [19:34] chiques: try galeon it seems to run faster [19:34] ctmjr: Do you happen to know what an ETID is? [19:34] Maritim: actually no, but should I have to do that to get rEFIt? I'll try it afterwards anyway :-) [19:34] tasslehoff: worth a shot [19:34] i'm reading through xorg.0.log but not seeing anything meaningful [19:34] orksbane, OK . What do you think is going on with Firefox? It's never ran this crappy in Linux for me. [19:34] ubuntu: i am using instruction from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR/Installation/Hard [19:34] I've heard that Karmic is much better on MBP than Intrepid was. [19:35] gotcha, ty again, thanks for all your help fccf [19:35] chiques: I'm having problems with Firefox aswell.. it's a resource hog these days [19:35] chiques: i don't know but a few updates of firefox ago it started slowing down [19:35] tasslehoff: I'm running Jaunty on my 3rd gen MBP (Santa Rosa) [19:35] and only Jaunty === kb is now known as Guest80078 [19:35] Edward123: Read the beginning of it. You're lookng for (WW) or (EE). [19:36] Maritim, orksbane That's exactly what I've seen with Firefox. After the last few updates, it's been going to crap. I wonder if the Mozilla guys are aware of this. [19:36] Maritim: orksbane: Try opera, Firefox is fat. [19:36] Rabbitbunny, yep opera [19:36] is opera in the repo? [19:37] mmm Rabbitbunny the only WW or EE entry is saying that it can't find the cyrillic font directory so far [19:37] Maritim: I have the 5.1, and it gets too hot in Intrepid, but in Karmic the nvidia-drivers supposedly perform better [19:37] I don't see opera in the rop [19:37] !opera | Maritim [19:37] Maritim: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser [19:37] *repository [19:37] configuring evolutiom exchange [19:37] sweet [19:37] anyone installed ubuntu on a DFI LanParty NF4 motherboard? [19:37] Rabbitbunny: EDID store's the information about your monitor and is used by the graphics card/drivers [19:38] Edward123: Umm, dunno what you're actually doing, Only know how to find errors. [19:38] Rabbitbunny: trying to get my raedon 9200 running at resolutions above 800x600 [19:38] ctmjr: It can't find that. [19:38] an di'm having a real job of it [19:38] Edward123: Interesting, I'm trying to get my nvidie over 640x480. [19:39] let's fight [19:39] ultimately i want it running at 1366x768 for my widescreen t.v. [19:39] Hmm, I don't see opera in the Add/Remove menu either [19:39] I need 1600x1200 for SolidWorks. [19:39] chiques: what version of ubuntu? [19:39] look in synaptic, add/remove doesn't have everything [19:39] Jaunty [19:40] when i check out my config file i can see it recognises the card properly, all looks fine as far as i can see - only odd thing is that it lists the BIOS location @ 0x??????.../13 [19:40] and i doubt that even indicates anything is wrong [19:40] coaxmt, Don't worry about it. I found the Ubuntu help doc for that [19:40] Hello, somebody knows a software that identify the song name just listen the song ? [19:41] You could try music brainz [19:41] <^mNotIntelligent> hello everyone! [19:41] ^mNotIntelligent, hi [19:41] nota9, but music brainz just try to watch if the music is inside a CD, not a independet song, for example [19:41] yea, I was going to suggest music brainz. they have some software that analyzes the sound [19:41] there's no v4l2 on my machine, I wanted to extract the files to the same dir the v4l is in.. that seems ok, doesn't it? I don't get permission to unpack, but where else should it go? [19:42] chiques: you need to add the partner repository to get opera, deb http://archive.canonical.com/ jaunty partner [19:42] ricardoromao muzic brainz will work with mp3s as well [19:42] trism, Yup, doing that right now. Thanks! [19:42] opera is free? [19:42] c'mon, anyone? [19:42] nota9, I'll try [19:42] what can go wrong if you put stuff in the / dir? [19:42] the root dir [19:43] music brainz picard should be in the repos [19:43] ie, sudo apt-get install picard [19:43] hello, I'm trying to think of how to backup my linux system from one to another. I believe that the way the kernel works and such, there's nothing from stopping me to just tar and gzip the entire filesystem (excluding /proc, /dev, /sys) and then restoring the tar on another computer - will that work? [19:43] Edward123: free to download, not open source [19:43] even when the hardware is completely different? [19:43] Vinceman: whats your problem? [19:43] Wow, Opera's thumbnail tabs are awesome. [19:43] Vinceman: you will need to add the medibuntu repository ... or debianmultimedia ... not sure which one [19:43] mweichert that likely will not work, if the hardware is different enough [19:43] <^mNotIntelligent> mweichert, I'm afraid it'll not work [19:43] What does this mean "W: GPG error: http://ftp.debian.org etch Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 9AA38DCD55BE302B' [19:43] can you explain why? === devnull is now known as Guest74957 [19:44] my main problem with opera is that it is qt, so doesn't look pretty [19:44] <^mNotIntelligent> chiques, import the GPG keys [19:44] K [19:44] hi..are there any good terminal emulators for ubuntu? im not satisfied with tilda [19:44] OOPS! I missed step 7 [19:44] mweichert there are configuation files and drivers that are customized to the particular system the kernel was installed on. if you want it to work on more than one system then you need to be careful that the kernel has drivers for all the architectures you expect it to run on [19:45] it's a tricky process [19:45] gnome terminal (the default) is good [19:45] mweichert: provided nothing changes during the taring, yes [19:45] Rabbitbunny: if you do not have an edid you can try this and see if it helps sudo nvidia-xconfig --mode=the resolution you want/ then restart X see if it takes [19:46] can anyone help me configure NIS? i dont know what am i missing, but i already set the domain name and added +:::::: to /etc/passwd [19:46] <^mNotIntelligent> mweichert, roygbiv : its way too much tricky/hackish...so need to be careful [19:46] ^mNotIntelligent: well said [19:46] tread carefully ;-D [19:46] jest tu jakis polak [19:47] !pl | ejjlatenord [19:47] ejjlatenord: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [19:47] pl [19:47] roygbiv, where is this configuration stored? I don't remember ever having to configure anything. I thought udev does all of that. As far as the kernel modules/drivers, I think Ubuntu's kernel tries to support as much hardware as possible no? [19:47] After I customize the Gnome applications menu, when I reboot the Gnome panels don't load and I need to delete my customizations in the .local/share/applications directory to get Ubuntu working again. This has happened twice and it is really annoying b/c I don't like the default setup. I would like to report this bug and maybe find a fix, but where do I report it? [19:47] Is there a easy way to install persistent Kubuntu into USB memory stick? [19:47] ejjlatenord: /join #ubuntu-pl [19:48] <^mNotIntelligent> Turbolinux, the same as Ubuntu persistent [19:48] what is this error ELinks: URL expected after -dump [19:48] roygbiv, so I would assume, that if Ubuntu can run on both systems - then I should just able to copy the filesystem from one workstation to another, no? [19:48] !usb | Turbolinux .. second link here ... then install kubuntu-desktop [19:48] Turbolinux .. second link here ... then install kubuntu-desktop: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent [19:48] mweichert i highly doubt that will work. but go ahead and give it a try if you want [19:48] just re-installed and don't remember how I get acroread [19:49] roygbiv, I'm just trying to understand the "why" [19:49] oh dear now i cant login to an x session, used the terminal failsafe mode :S [19:49] it just hangs after login [19:49] anybody polish [19:50] mweichert well, i think my high level explanation is good? i don't know specific files but there are kernel modules that are configured to load at boot. there are GRUB config files referencing specific partitions and such that may or may not exist on the other hardware, etc etc etc [19:50] ejjlatenord: Translation: English » Polish i co mam zrobić w tych skrótach klawiszowych, aby zainstalować drukarkę ?_SetupBidi('source'); please join # ubuntu-pl za pomoc w języku polskim ... To jest tylko w języku angielskim kanale [19:51] hey my nis client cant be started... i need help: http://pastie.org/626337 [19:51] !pl | ejjlatenord [19:51] ejjlatenord: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. [19:51] roygbiv, hmm, do you know what configuration file is used to load modules at boot? [19:51] !irc-server [19:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about irc-server [19:53] Any chance anyone knows a cli for Show Desktop? [19:53] mweichert hmm i've been away from linux for a couple of years so i don't remember. what i do remember is it's not a straightforward process unfortunately [19:53] daevski: for what? [19:53] how is your print hp?? [19:53] 0capt, making a hotkey [19:54] ^ captnchaos [19:54] mweichert: /etc/modules.conf [19:54] hey all === dean is now known as Guest85897 [19:54] wow! Opera is nice! === Guest85897 is now known as japanfred [19:54] hey [19:54] captnchaos, thanks [19:54] got a problem, if i leave my OS for a couple of hours, it'll goto black, and never come back... had to do a hard reset [19:55] japanfred: you probably have it set to hibernate, or sleep.. disable that in powermanagment [19:55] I just installed the Blender 2.49b 64bit deb from the blender.org for Jaunty. For some reason none of the menus are working, would anyone know why? [19:55] Checked alll of that... all set to never, etc [19:56] my system doesn't have /etc/modules.conf, although it does have /etc/modules that is very lean compared to the actual list of modules currently running [19:56] anyone know what repository has adobe's pdf viewer acroread? [19:56] fccf sorry bit late but medibuntu is already installed [19:57] Does anyone know where to find the jdbc odbc driver for ubuntu? [19:57] Vinceman: seems like you are on the right track [19:57] More specifically Blender's menus are there but scattered and only appear blinkily after much clicking on the same menu. :-/ [19:57] captnchaos, sorry bit late but the problem is, I want to put the v4l2 files in the same dir as the v4l files (seems logical) but I don't get permission.. can anything go wrong? even if you put it all nicely in a directory? [19:57] maybe it's a graphic issue... [19:57] mweichert: /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-version too [19:58] fccf will extra possibilities show in the Synaptic Packet Manager when you enable medibuntu? [19:58] why kick me [19:58] Vinceman: where is the folder? [19:58] Vinceman: yes [19:58] bbryant: sun-javadb-core [19:58] helow! does anybody know how to install wireless mouse on ubuntu. I have genius traveler 600 mouse http://www.genius-europe.com/en/produktdetail.php?ID2=56&ID=24&ID3=359 [19:59] fccf: I have that installed, but the jdbc odbc class is still missing [19:59] where i can found "PHOBOS" [19:59] ?? [19:59] how can i make my NIS bind automatically before system startup? [19:59] !ssl [19:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about ssl [20:00] where i can found phobos [20:00] trying to install opera....but the installer keeps closeing [20:00] captnchaos the 4vl folder is in /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-11(13+14+15)-generic/include/config/video dir [20:00] what is lost&found? I have about 5.8gb of stuff in there after repairing a drive [20:00] wow [20:01] where i can found phobos where he is ???? [20:01] I mean it may have been in there before, but at anyrate it is in there now. === ripps_ is now known as ripps [20:01] bbryant: not sure [20:01] Any good twitter clients that are not made with Adobe Air? Air doesn't work very well in Ubuntu 64bit. [20:01] Vinceman: and why do you want to edit the kernel sources? === trmanco is now known as trmanco_ [20:01] shane2peru the stuff in lost+found is recovery data from fsck [20:02] roygbiv: so, it is probably safe to remove it [20:02] captnchaos you mean the kernel sources are in that dir? [20:02] ejjlatenord: what/who is phobos? [20:02] shane2peru only if you know it's not needed === trmanco_ is now known as trmanco [20:02] roygbiv: I mean, I'm not real concerned about recovering it, it is my backup external hdd [20:02] Vinceman: yes [20:02] you'll probably have to go through the stuff by hand and review to make sure it's not needed [20:02] all I know is I have an app that doesn't work with merely v4l so I thought I'd just put v4l2 in the same place [20:03] captnchaos ^ [20:03] shane2peru aaah ok then yes you can delete it if you know it's not important [20:03] Vinceman: and you only have acess to files and folders in your home dir. you understand now why? [20:03] roygbiv: hmm, I think I will dump it and just rsync stuff back up [20:03] roygbiv: thanks [20:03] captnchaos however I would still like to crack this little problem [20:03] that's probably a better way [20:03] np [20:03] Vinceman: why do you want to move the sources there? [20:04] it seems logical to put v4l2 where v4l is [20:04] okgg [20:04] Vinceman: the guys that designed the kernel know why they put v4l and v4l2 in two different folders [20:04] roygbiv: 5GB is only 10% of the drive, I had a small electrical fire while backing up, and lost power in mid backup, quite exciting. :) [20:04] how do i install a deb package when the installer keeps closeing [20:04] phobos [20:04] heh [20:05] Vinceman: and if you still want to try... use "sudo nautilus" or "sudo cp" [20:05] alguem fala portugues? [20:05] <^mNotIntelligent> FloridaGuy, can't you use command line [20:05] !portugues | israel [20:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about portugues [20:06] e holandes [20:06] !portuguese | israel [20:06] israel: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. [20:06] http://petermodzelewski.blogspot.com/2008/07/phobos-hack-big-update.html [20:06] captnchaos, what can go wrong, all i Know is that v4l2 is not in synaptic or installable with apt-get only downloadable from internet [20:06] it's a phobos ! Where i can found him?? [20:07] which you of course also do when you install from synaptic but now I have to do everything myself [20:07] Vinceman: erm... these files belong into your homedirectory. ther you compile them. than you delete the files. [20:07] ^mNotIntelligent, how do i use cli for a deb i downloaded [20:07] ok [20:07] Vinceman: mkdir ~/src [20:08] copy the tarball into src [20:08] FloridaGuy: dpkg -i blah.deb [20:08] how to install wireless mouse on ubuntu? [20:08] Vinceman: run tar xvzf v4l2-archive.tar.gz [20:08] kubanc: google [20:08] <^mNotIntelligent> FloridaGuy, dpkg -i [20:08] ubottu -help [20:08] help is ask - added by Seveas on 2006-06-21 00:28:59 - last edited by Pici on 2009-07-09 15:32:16 [20:08] Vinceman: than read the README and INSTALL file [20:09] ubottu ask perl [20:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about ask perl [20:09] how can i make my NIS bind automatically before startup? [20:09] ubottu perl [20:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about perl [20:09] !msgthebot | pr0ton [20:09] pr0ton: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [20:09] Hah, figured it out. [20:09] so im still stuck on my wireless issue. atheros driver problem [20:09] is there an add-on to give an "open with" option in firefox (in linux)? [20:09] Pici: thanks [20:09] Edward123: Still having trouble? [20:10] does someone have the time to help me with my atheros wireless issue? [20:10] Quick question: what the hell happened with the RUN window in Karmic 9.10 ? And how can I get it back ? :D Thanks! [20:10] Rabbitbunny: managed to fix it by specifying Driver ati in xorg.conf, double-checking the syntax of my SubSelection, finding out the proper rez + refresh rate for my monitor, and manually providing that as an option in xorg.conf [20:10] all rejoice! [20:10] my root partition is full and i don't know how that happened. can I remove all -dbg packages? or can someone tell me how to find the files that are taking up the space? [20:11] Edward123: Why, that's what I did. What a coincidence. [20:11] mazda01: Aplicaction>accesories>disk use analizer [20:11] can anyone give me a suggestion of a good cloning program, that can clone a whole linux disk, for mass reproduction? [20:11] atheros wireless issue [20:11] !karmic | Edward123 [20:11] Edward123: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [20:11] !karmic | sisif [20:11] sisif: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 [20:11] Edward123: sorry wrong nick [20:12] erUSUL, will try that. thank you. can I remove all -dbg packages though? [20:12] erUSUL... no problem! i was just scratching my head heh [20:12] why does gnome-panel use up 500M ram? [20:12] mazda01: yes they are only needed to debug issues you have [20:12] now... i need to find some more ram from somewhere... heh [20:12] colblood, partimage or ghost for linux (g4u) [20:12] erUSUL, thanks [20:12] after working for about 6 hours it is all done all the flippin update and all woow w98 gone i am all ubuntu now [20:12] hmm [20:13] partimage eh? can it create an image that can be reproduced later on? [20:13] this runs great [20:13] thanks al of you [20:13] colblood, sure, why wouldn't it be able to? [20:14] no idea, just wanna make sure :) and it includes all partitions including boot and swap? [20:15] i need someone who is really good at wireless to help me. [20:15] please! [20:15] captnchaos, I get this weird error: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' === jepler_ is now known as jepler [20:15] Vinceman: what did you enter? [20:15] vd = open('/dev/video0', 'rw') [20:15] colblood: part image does images of partitions not of entire disks [20:16] oh :( [20:16] Vinceman: where did you get this? [20:16] Vinceman: that doesn't look like bash [20:16] .from the README file [20:16] ubuntu is no good to me without wireless, so please help [20:16] Vinceman: that looks like python [20:16] !helpme | crackheadjunky [20:16] crackheadjunky: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience [20:16] Hello, I have installed the viewvc package, however there seems to be no useful documentation - in particular, I'm looking for how to configure the repository. [20:16] captnchaos, Myrtti, trism: http://paste.ubuntu.com/276043/ [20:17] (that's the README file) [20:17] Vinceman: thats for developers [20:17] crackheadjunky: Do you have wired networking operational? [20:17] Vinceman: that is python, type python before you enter those commands [20:17] Rabbitbunny: yes [20:17] Rabbitbunny: thank you [20:17] Vinceman: to bring up the python interactive shell [20:17] crackheadjunky: tell us what wifi chip do you use... does a wlan0 appear when you do « iwconfig » ? [20:17] Vinceman: dont do what trism said [20:18] Vinceman: is there an install file? [20:18] crackheadjunky: Coll, so, we know you're not slow. What happens with wireless? [20:18] Hi! I am intending to create a soft link to a program I have recently installed to put on my desktop. The problem is though, that I don't know where the program executable is located. Not really familiar with how the filesystem works and how all files are arranged, etc, but I can't find the executable in /bin. What do I do next? Thanks [20:18] iwconfig shows nothing but no wireless extensions, and the wifi chip is atheros 9285 [20:18] python: can't open file 'import': [Errno 2] No such file or directory [20:18] ok, I got it now [20:18] crackheadjunky: do you have the correct driver? [20:18] Yoman: do «which programname» [20:18] captnchaos: why not? he is installing a python binding, the readme is showing him how to play with it, I don't see the problem [20:18] Rabbitbunny: thats one of the problem [20:18] Rabbitbunny: i cant find it [20:19] crackheadjunky: Lemme look for a moment. [20:19] Vinceman: What exactly are you trying to do? [20:19] trism: he wants to install v4l2.... not a python binding. the binding is if you want to develop some v4lpython apps [20:19] erUSUL, are you asking for what program? mnemosyne [20:19] Hello all... I can no longer left-click for whatever reason... Can I get some help? [20:20] Yoman: no which is command of the shell [20:20] I already tried a different mouse to no effet [20:20] Pici install v4l2 [20:20] >>> v4l2.ioctl(vd, v4l2.VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, cp) [20:20] Traceback (most recent call last): [20:20] File "", line 1, in [20:20] File "v4l2.py", line 76, in ioctl [20:20] Vinceman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:20] return fcntl.ioctl(fd, op, arg, True) [20:20] unplug mouse plug it back again [20:20] !pastebin | Vinceman [20:20] Vinceman: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic [20:20] Yoman: which cat returns /bin/cat [20:20] Yoman: what application? [20:20] Vinceman: v4l2 is kernel module, it should already be installed. [20:20] captnchaos: sorry, came in late, although I still don't see the problem with playing with the library [20:20] sorry [20:20] yet my flash app doesn't work, the cam image is interlaced [20:20] erUSUL, ah, thanks alot =) [20:21] Vinceman: And why do you think that installing v4l2 will help? [20:21] someone on some forum said something about v4l2 [20:21] but it is already deleted now [20:21] crackheadjunky: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1179951 [20:22] Actually scratch that, it looks like my left click button might be stuck on somehow... Not in the hardware though [20:22] Pici, do you have any other ideas? [20:23] Vinceman: you deleted the v4l2 module? === vgn is now known as Hetii [20:23] no [20:23] Vinceman: Take a look at the v4l-conf package. [20:23] apt-get install v4l-conf? [20:23] crackheadjunky, I'm not really sure what your problem with the wireless is, but I had heaps of problems getting my atheros chipset wireless wpa running.. WHat fixed it really smoothly was simply installing wicd and rebooting the computer [20:23] Maritim: pressing C did the trick. rEFIt appeared, and has done so on every boot since :) [20:23] Rabbitbunny: that wont fix it, i already did that, and i cant seem find the correct driver on that site [20:24] Yoman: how do i install wicd? [20:24] crackheadjunky, apt-get install wicd I guess [20:24] Vinceman: Yes. I'm unsure of another way to configure your camera, but thats at least will be somewhat productive. [20:24] crackheadjunky: What site? That instructs you to install a package. [20:24] the site on the forum. [20:24] crackheadjunky, its a gui for wireless devices [20:24] Yoman: apt-get doesnt work with wicd [20:24] crackheadjunky: What version are you running? [20:24] crackheadjunky: try installing linux-backports-modules-jaunty [20:25] Rabbitbunny: how do i tell? [20:25] hey guys does any1 know any taskbar like win7 superbar for ubuntu ? [20:25] 1st time setting up ubuntu email ...do i "restore it from backup" ? [20:25] crackheadjunky: Didn't you install it? [20:25] hello [20:25] yes, but its not true ubuntu, its GOS [20:25] Pici v4l-conf is installed already [20:25] crackheadjunky: Now is a bad time to tell me that. [20:25] Rabbitbunny: i couldnt get ubuntu to install due to the usb key problems [20:26] Rabbitbunny: so i went to gos, which is ubuntu deritive === Lotse_ is now known as Lotse [20:26] Rabbitbunny: uses all ubuntu repos, etc [20:26] Vinceman: Hrm, after looking at its manpage its probably not going to be much help anyway. [20:26] Hi - Is there a way to change the Volume Up keyboard shortcuts to point to PCM instead of Master sound? [20:27] Rabbitbunny: sorry, i know in alot of things it matters, but it doesnt matter in this instance [20:27] crackheadjunky: run "sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty", if it installs reboot and hope. [20:27] crackheadjunky, that command worked for me. first "sudo apt-get update", then "sudo apt-get install wicd" [20:27] Since Ubuntu 9.04 a different audio driver is seen by Alsamixergui (PulseAudio... don't see my Intel HDA controls) [20:27] crackheadjunky: You hope it doesn't. [20:27] how come v4l2 doesn't show up in synaptic after enabling medibuntu?> [20:27] Pici ^ [20:27] Vinceman: try typing it out. [20:28] Rabbitbunny? [20:28] couldnt find backports jaunty [20:28] a joke? [20:28] crackheadjunky: See? it matters. [20:28] Vinceman: What do you mean? v4l2 is not a package in itself. [20:28] do i need to creat a ~/.mailcap file in order to override system wide defaults for mime types? basically i want lynx to prompt me to download images by default rather than open them in fbi. [20:28] Rabbitbunny: only because i dont have the right repos added [20:29] help setting up email on here? [20:29] crackheadjunky: Okay well, when you get ahold of that package, it should fix everything for you. [20:29] or should i just do gmail? [20:29] Rabbitbunny: thats why i need someones help that knows better than me [20:29] Pici after the effort it is not nice to see it lead to nowhere [20:29] Vinceman: the v4l2 modules are part of the kernel packages. [20:29] balsaque: what mail ? client ? server? [20:29] balsaque: google email provider and program, thay all have instructions. [20:30] Pici there were v4l2 dirs on my PC [20:30] i have verizon dsl, i have google on my desktop [20:30] Pici, how does webcaminterlacing come to be? [20:30] (rabbit) do i do ubuntu email or google or what [20:31] Rabbitbunny: ok, how do i add the jaunty backports? [20:31] Vinceman: I don't know, but I'm sure you're going down the wrong path by trying to install v4l2 bindings. You don't need that because you already have v4l2 installed. [20:31] (rabbit) ok you said gmail [20:31] Rabbitbunny: maybe thats a better question [20:31] crackheadjunky: You wasted 10min of my time by not telling me that, Use google to figure out how to add repos and get the package you need. [20:31] Pici since I already ran the first three commands in python, is this a problem? [20:31] Vinceman: No. [20:31] but we cannot solve the problem [20:31] Vinceman: right click on a flash element in a webpage and choose Configure. there is a tab to configure the webcam [20:32] Vinceman: inm my case it only says no webcam found becouse i do not have any [20:32] Rabbitbunny: did it really waste your time? no. but if thats what you need to get out of helping me, then great. thanks for your time. [20:32] !bot [20:32] Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [20:32] crackheadjunky: Thanks for valuing my time, Have a nice day. [20:33] a55 [20:33] erUSUL how do you recognize such flash elements? [20:33] Vinceman: the youtube player for example [20:34] hi [20:34] Vinceman: i thought your problem was with flash and the webcam [20:34] ye sit is [20:34] if I install karmic, will apt-get upgrade keep me current as it becomes stable? [20:35] Vinceman: just right click in a youtube video then. in the context menu should be an entry called Configuration [20:35] Vinceman: Then you can right click on the flash applet is giving you a problem. [20:35] Vinceman: that opens a small window with tabs. one is to configure the webcam [20:35] Hello Running Ubuntu 9.04 server on a dell server. Only using it for VMware. Xorg is using over 60% of cpu cycles. Is there a way to drop back to a default VGA driver? I don't need anything fancy [20:36] Flats: well a generic driver (like vesa) is likely to be more cpu intesive than an accelerated one [20:36] Hello Running Ubuntu 9.04 server on a dell server. Only using it for VMware. Xorg is using over 60% of cpu cycles. Is there a way to drop back to a default VGA driver? I don't need anything fancy [20:36] sorry didnt think that first 1 posted [20:36] really? [20:37] i have file called sqlAWDgzx that's located in my / folder. when i look at it it says this on the first line, "The system tables of MySQL Server" can I delete it? [20:37] Flats: Are you running VMWare server? [20:38] !info xserver-xorg-video-vmware | Flats maybe this is what you need [20:38] Flats: xserver-xorg-video-vmware (source: xserver-xorg-video-vmware): X.Org X server -- VMware display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:10.16.5-2 (jaunty), package size 37 kB, installed size 140 kB [20:39] yes It's the infrastructure server. The server hosts the vm's and I use other PC's on the network via a browser to run them === adam is now known as Guest78099 [20:39] Flats: Why run X at all then? [20:39] It's not really the server because I am not using it locally. All the video is remote [20:39] * ^mNotIntelligent gotta go [20:39] I like also [20:39] i heave no permition to open stupiod video dvd...from you tube moves...whats going on...in windows i heave never problems open stupid dvd [20:40] No idea at all how that would work [20:40] that would be idea. but how would I start anything. [20:40] Not a real linux tech yet [20:40] i heave no permition to open stupiod video dvd...from you tube moves...whats going on...in windows i heave never problems open stupid dvd..any solution? [20:41] !repeat | Guest78099 [20:41] Guest78099: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [20:41] Flats: http://communities.vmware.com/thread/134066 [20:41] Guest78099: give more details if you want help. what dvd? from what program ? what error do you get ? [20:42] if I install karmic, will apt-get upgrade keep me current as it becomes stable? [20:42] Flats: it's for windows, but I imagine the commands are similar for linux minus the .exe [20:42] any oryginal dvd.....error is no permition open file [20:42] hi, I just added the JDK, but cmd javac doesn't find the compiler. [20:42] any help on finding it and changing my path so it's accessible? (ubu9.04) [20:42] korcan: Yes. But karmic questions should be directed to #ubuntu+1 [20:42] just i trayet watch stargate in ubuntu [20:42] ahh [20:42] erUSUL Adobe Flash says Logitech QuickCam USB (V4L1) is the device to be used [20:42] Flannel, thanks :) I didn't know that chan existed :) [20:42] but it's not ok, how do I change and improve it ? [20:42] erUSUL ^ [20:43] i have file called sqlAWDgzx that's located in my / folder. when i look at it it says this on the first line, "The system tables of MySQL Server" can I delete it? [20:43] where is the Trash again in 9.04? [20:43] xine player [20:43] I think I just need to go without the GUI. I don't use it for anything. All the configs are done thru a remote browser. [20:43] Vinceman: sorry i do not know how to help further [20:43] but! [20:43] Just not sure how to reboot without the GUI loading but making sure all the necessary VM stuff loads [20:43] Flats: You can kill gdm and lead the GUI installed, but not running. [20:44] Guest78099: to whatch dvd you need the decripting libs found in medibuntu [20:44] s/lead/leave/ [20:44] !dvd | Guest78099 [20:44] Guest78099: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [20:44] !medibuntu | Guest78099 [20:44] Guest78099: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [20:44] where is the Trash again in 9.04? [20:44] Is that just the ctrl - bksp thing [20:44] Flats: /etc/init.d/gdm stop [20:44] so... photorec and testdisk for the win! [20:44] I was able to save my files [20:44] Can I do that while it's running? [20:44] all my vm's running I mean [20:44] Flats: Guess what happens if you replace 'stop' with 'start' [20:44] Yes i need help when i insert a cd or dvd into my drive bay ubuntu will not detect it ?? [20:45] Flats: Uh... not sure on that one, try it. [20:45] so what type in terminal to fix it dvd players [20:45] epic1501: Try another disc. [20:46] i did Rabbitbunny [20:46] still dont work === yofel_ is now known as yofel [20:46] epic1501: Does it read any disc? [20:47] no none at all :( [20:47] epic1501: cleaned it lately? [20:47] is there any FREE rar tool? [20:47] Well, I guess it worked. I guess I need to enable telnet now to start and stop things. [20:47] it was working perfectly fine before i installed ubuntu i use to run xp [20:47] any mininote users around? [20:47] how run that dvd...??? [20:48] got a 2133 with issues [20:48] Flats: If you have linux all around, use ssh. it's more secure. [20:48] epic 1501, what kind of player is it? [20:48] It's all in my house though no outside access. [20:48] liteon [20:48] mazda01: it is the little orange icon in the bottom right corner, if you mean where it is stored, it has moved to ~/.local/share/Trash [20:48] I guess you're right though, why chance it [20:48] any player going to fail [20:48] epic1501: Okay, it's probably a driver error, which means I have no idea how to help you. [20:48] Flats: Exactly. [20:48] it was working perfectly fine for over a year now and then i install ubuntu and no workie [20:48] Guest78099: have u tried vlc ? [20:49] having difficulties running the uppdates... linux-generic,...,linux-restricted-modules,->some kind of crash or broken something [20:49] should i just skip the kernel uppdate? [20:49] ok, did you google it? [20:49] and what player are you using? [20:50] bliiixt: can to post the errors to pastebin or something? [20:50] hi [20:50] ??? [20:50] !hi | mario__ [20:50] mario__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [20:50] i am new in linux [20:50] !!! [20:51] wish i could, didnt store it though, and i reinstalled ubuntu two times today so don't have the log [20:51] trism, dang, i was hoping it was somewhere outside of /home because my / is full and I am trying to figure out what I can delete. i have no idea what filled my / folder [20:51] heh [20:52] marlo enters, says he is new to linux, then leaves. i guess he just had to get that off his chest [20:52] theres a huge list of uppdates after fresh install [20:52] ;p; [20:52] how handle it? [20:53] should some of it go first? [20:53] mazda01: if I'm trying to figure out where all my space has gone, I often do a du | sort -nr > ~/usage.txt [20:53] bliiixt: the system takes care of the order of the updates [20:53] mazda01: it will list the directories that take the most space at the top [20:54] ok, then there should be something else wrong... [20:54] mazda01: err, for all of / that should be du / | sort -nr > ~/usage.txt [20:54] what's the correct way to remove all non-critical packages? [20:54] (yes, I'm serious; yes, I know what I'm doing) [20:55] hi [20:55] the linux-restricted-modules thing that gets checked automatically when i check the linux kernel brakes when i run the uppdate [20:55] then i can't remove it with the package handler [20:55] bliiixt: Run it, get the errors. Once you have a copy of the errors it can be fixed. [20:56] ur right, ok, thanks [20:56] Ok now that you got me excited and my CPU use went from 70% to 10%. How do I install the SSH server thru a command line [20:57] Flats: sudo apt-get install openssh-server [20:57] hi, is this possible? I wanna connect to our exchange server using thunderbird as my email client instead of micr0s0fts outlook? [20:57] already have it, just need to activate it [20:58] I assume [20:58] syntax\: not with thunderbird [20:58] I have a webcam on my eeepc but I dont know how to make it work [20:58] how do I turn on the device [20:58] I am running ubuntu 8.10 [20:58] have you tried the webcam in skype? [20:58] Myrtti: for real? [20:58] !webcams | Richard_Martin [20:58] Richard_Martin: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras [20:59] syntax\: you might have better luck with evolution [20:59] syntax\: depending on if your exchange has OWA on and which version it is [21:00] Myrtti: evolution? the one default on almost every linux distro available?" [21:00] might i be able to ask someone for help? [21:00] syntax\: the same [21:00] TiamatStudios: just ask [21:01] TiamatStudios, feel free to ask ;) [21:01] trism, yeah. the problem is that I am mounting several directories over samba and nfs and I just don't understand what could be taking up the space. we're talking about 3 to 4 GB's that just disappeared. I did use devede but I thought I wrote it to /media/500gb/tmp which is a mounted NFS drive. [21:01] alright, my installer packages have all gotten corrupt and im unable to install anything updates or general programs. How can i fix this? [21:01] erUSUL it did not work [21:02] TiamatStudios: how did that corruption occur? [21:02] erUSUL, are all the flash apps the same? [21:02] mazda01: hmm, no idea [21:03] in the middle of a system update the whole thing froze up and did nothing so i ended up having to restart [21:03] Vinceman: dunno really; as i said i do not even have a webcam [21:03] Hi, can someone help me compile a kernel module [21:03] fuck you mom [21:04] I can't seem to set the path for arm-eabi-gcc [21:04] mazda01: if you use du (like trism said) with -x you get only local folders and if you use -s you get only sums for whole trees [21:04] !ot | arber4444 [21:04] arber4444: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [21:04] hrm TiamatStudios frankly the quickest way may be a re-install [21:04] trism, usage.txt shows / is using the most but i already knew that. i just don't know what to do? [21:04] guntbert, will try those options. thanks [21:04] Is there a way to check your kernal version? [21:04] mazda01: well yeah, you generally want to look down several levels after that to see what stuff below / is doing [21:05] !ops | arber4444 pm spamming [21:05] arber4444 pm spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! [21:05] Sega_Dude: uname -a [21:05] ok, in the error it said the problem was in dpkg the debian package and libvolume-idl, so is there a way to install either of these 2 manually? [21:05] Sega_Dude, uname -r [21:05] TiamatStudios: i wouldn't have though you're going to be able to install dpkg without dpkg, no [21:05] K thanks [21:05] erUSUL: They aren't doing it on join [21:05] guntbert, the -x option is great. it's helping. i just need to find the files I need to delete [21:06] dang, well thanks anyway [21:06] how can i remove one, and only one (not the dependencies) package? [21:06] Amaranth: no but 22:03 < arber4444> fuck you mom <<< deserves something [21:06] have a good day [21:06] does anybody know.. the window you get when you right click a youtube movie, how can you fix something wrong in your device selection? [21:06] tisepti: sudo apt-get remove package_name_here [21:06] hi! Someone knows about torrentflux-b4rt? [21:06] erUSUL: Perhaps it does for you repeating it here but someone bothering you in a PM is not our responsibility [21:07] Is there software in the repo that will let me view a Berkeley DB file? [21:07] mazda01: I usually use something like du -sx /* | ...., and then from that on the next biggest and so on [21:07] tisepti: anything automatically installed by that package will only be removed if you do a sudo apt-get autoremove [21:07] Amaranth: fair enough. i just ignored him. thank you for your time anyway [21:07] I've re-installed ubuntu, and have 2 main issues - high CPU usage when browsing folders in nautilous and I can't get the duel-head to work, even though I used the hardware installer to install the ATI drivers [21:08] OK ssh was a bit too complicated to figure out so I dropped back to telnet. It seems pretty basic but it appears I'm using Xinetd and it flashed something baout converting. does any of this make sense [21:08] tisepti: although if the dependencies are important, you'll probably want to set them to manually installed so autoremove won't remove them [21:08] Since i have ubuntu on my ps3 I was wondering it anyone knos of any good fps games? [21:08] Here's one I can't figure out: One PC, no floppy, no CD-Drive, can't boot from USB or Network. Ubuntu is already installed on first HDD, but I need to install it to the second HDD, which is supposed to replace the first one. How do I do it? [21:08] Amaranth: where's the PM? that was said in this channel. scroll up. [21:09] LjL: ah, so it was [21:09] LjL: Well, he is already gone [21:10] can alien be used to convert from tar.gz to a deb? === occy1 is now known as trae [21:10] wasnt able to find the flags for it... [21:10] wrapster: No. Assuming you mean a source tarball, you should look into Checkinstall [21:10] trism: are you sure i get a two lists - one that is no longer required (packages i assume that package x depended on - and nothing else did - which is what autoremove would do? ) and a list of "The following packages will be REMOVED" [21:11] tisepti: well, if there are packages that depend on the package you are removing, they will be uninstalled too, because otherwise they would be broken [21:11] checkinstall? [21:11] Okay so Im trying to install my new graphics card but the only type of plug it seems to have is a 3 pin port... My computer doesnt have any 3 pin power cables I dont think but this card came with a short cord that seems to have 3 pins and fits into the card... On the other end of it it has two black things one says GND and the other says SPDIF... What do I do? [21:11] just started learning these things can you be descriptive please [21:11] is there a tutorial on how to build an ubuntu package from a software that doesn't need compiling? [21:11] why are there nine linux-headers directories in my /usr/src directory? [21:12] shawn_: That sounds like a connection for getting sound for an HDMI output. Also, that's not really related to Ubuntu so rather offtopic here. [21:12] hey guys , how can i make connection to auto reconnect when its disconnect / [21:12] !packaging | benc [21:12] benc: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports [21:12] hey guys , how can i make connection to auto reconnect when its disconnect ( DSL connection ) ( Sorry for my bad engilish ) [21:13] Vinceman: because you have the linux-headers package installed, and you have 9 kernels installed I imagine [21:13] guntbert, how can I see just files though? du is showing me folders isn't it? [21:13] trism don't you need merely one kernel? [21:13] Amaranth Im sorry but I dont know where else to go to ask... How am I supposed to plug power into this graphics card then? [21:13] trism: the packages scheduled to be removed are ones for which i wrote the dependency lists for; I am testing an alternitive dependency [21:14] What happens if you press middle mouse button in the gnome-terminal??? [21:14] shawn_: you should ask the manufacterer of the card or ask where you bought the card [21:14] shawn_: The port on the motherboard provides power, only some cards need an extra power connection. Sounds like you don't have one of those. [21:14] shawn_: /join #ubuntu-offtopic [21:14] trism? [21:14] ManDay: It should paste any text you have highlighted into the terminal [21:14] Vinceman: yes, you really only need one, although it's good to keep the last few in case you have a problem with the most recent one [21:15] okokokookkookokkook [21:15] Vinceman: although I just leave them all installed cause I don't feel like messing with it [21:15] Amaranth... Are you saying it will just work without any other plugs going into it? [21:15] hey guys , how can i make connection to auto reconnect when its disconnect ( DSL connection ) ( Sorry for my bad engilish ) [21:15] trism well something messed with my PC so I think I should simplify things [21:15] wow ubuntu irc [21:16] mazda01: yes, the usual procedure is to drill down to the (one) big folder and then type ls -l | sort -nr -k5 [21:16] nick neil [21:16] tisepti: not sure I can really help you there, but apt-get really should only remove a single package unless some other package depends on it [21:16] Amaranth, ok. My problem is that usually MMB is used for compiz - so is the upper left edge - this usually works - even in fullscreen, but then - ocasionally it just stops working and reverst to MMB=paste, upper left corner=useless behaviour [21:16] <--- neil [21:16] NEIL [21:16] DONT steal my name :( [21:17] nick neil.sun [21:17] !ot | x[x] [21:17] x[x]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [21:17] .. [21:17] Vinceman: well you can do a dpkg -l | grep ii | grep linux-image to list your installed kernels, and then uninstall the ones you don't want, just be careful [21:18] Vinceman: doing a sudo apt-get remove linux-image-VERSION will remove the headers too (replacing VERSION with the kernel version you want to uninstall) [21:18] guys, I upgraded my server from ubuntu lts plain 6.06 to hardy 8.04, after a reboot it never came up. in my ip-based kvm i noticed that in the dist-upgrade/main_pre_req.log file, after a while it says; ERROR IOError/SystemError in cache.update(): 'Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-backports/Release Unable to find expected entry main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release fi [21:18] dist-upgrade/main_pre_req.log:2009-09-14 21:40:16,068 ERROR doUpdate() failed completely [21:18] any suggestions ? [21:18] trism.. 11-13-14-15- - there are five! [21:19] guntbert: I've read the packaging guide but still don't understand what file of the template I need to edit to: [21:19] what is a linux image? [21:19] guntbert:1. copy my server folder to the file system [21:19] linux image ! [21:19] Vinceman: linux-image is the kernel package [21:19] 2. create a system user and give him the needed permissions to run the server [21:19] kernel! [21:19] !kernel [21:19] The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [21:19] Hi, I'd like to somehow tunnel all traffic from an interface over http, and have it re-emerge on the internet as it it were coming from the remote machine, is that possible somehow? [21:19] Vinceman: the kernel is that what is called linux [21:20] Vinceman: the rest is a distribution (like ubuntu) [21:20] benc: I don't know about packaging myself - just wanted to give you a starting point - sorry for the confusion [21:20] Vinceman: if you decide to mess with it, make sure you keep 2.6.28-15-generic, that is the most recent [21:20] guntbert: thanks [21:20] trism you sound as if I shouldn't mess with it [21:21] does somebody know a good keylogger for linux ? i tried klk but the keyboard doesnt work as expected with it..< [21:21] Vinceman: unless you really really need the disk space, I wouldn't bother with it [21:21] Vinceman: never touch a running system === s is now known as Guest43614 [21:22] guntbert, that's not helping. at least not for me. it says /usr/ is the largest after / but when i look at that, i can't think of anything that was written to /usr/ that shouldn't have [21:22] Vinceman: although, I have 7 sets of kernel headers in my /usr/src and they are taking up about 500 megs, so it isn't completely insignificant [21:22] can the remote desktop be used as a guest 'host'? in other words, want to code on it remotely, and test.. [21:22] hello [21:22] So I'm trying to find a website that tells me what software i should be installing. New cool stuff that I wouldn't think to download. Any ideas? [21:22] trism my system isn't running smoothly, I get an interlaced webcam image with a certain flash app [21:23] trism, my /usr/src only have 1 kernel. i was sure to check that [21:23] I figure if I remove junk the image will be ok again [21:23] mazda01: the next step would be du -sx /usr/* | sort -nr - so you find what is there, try it [21:23] anybody good with nvidia 9500gt? [21:23] !ot | spree [21:23] OldSmoke_: you have a ubuntu-related question? [21:24] spree: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [21:24] hey guys , how can i make connection to auto reconnect when its disconnect ( DSL connection ) ( Sorry for my bad engilish ) [21:24] yes as in how to install drivers for sli setup [21:24] guntbert, it says /usr/lib/, that's jsut filled with lib files [21:24] OldSmoke_: running the restricted-drivers? [21:25] OldSmoke_: if i am correct, they support sli with the nvidia-settings gui [21:25] am running the latest from nvidia [21:25] mazda01: now drill downdu -sx /usr/lib/* | sort -nr ... and so on [21:25] mazda01: now drill down du -sx /usr/lib/* | sort -nr ... and so on [21:25] i can install with 1 card as soon as i put the other in it dies [21:26] what dies? ubuntu or the pc? [21:26] OldSmoke_: [21:26] i am at work just installed ultimate 2.3 will try tonight [21:26] guys, I upgraded my server from ubuntu lts plain 6.06 to hardy 8.04, after a reboot it never came up. in my ip-based kvm i noticed that in the dist-upgrade/main_pre_req.log file, after a while it says; ERROR IOError/SystemError in cache.update(): 'Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-backports/Release Unable to find expected entry main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release f [21:26] dist-upgrade/main_pre_req.log:2009-09-14 21:40:16,068 ERROR doUpdate() failed completely, any suggestions ? [21:26] guntbert, openoffice and jvm are the largest folders [21:27] how do I add a line into my crontab from shell, without having to type in crontab -e, and save manually? [21:27] Hello [21:27] not the pc i end up at a terminal [21:27] mazda01: now you do that till you find, what is the culprit - dig down :-) [21:27] Any Urban Terror players in here? [21:28] ldlework: this is ubuntu-related? [21:28] ldlework: this is the ubuntu support channel [21:28] ldlework: me; althought its been months since my last connection ;P [21:28] guntbert, yes [21:28] guntbert, thanks. i just don't see what would be there that isn't suppose to be. i thought maybe it's because the last time I ran devede but guess not. [21:28] dvinchi____: I beg your pardon? [21:28] OldSmoke_: have installed the driver from terminal again? to detect sli? [21:29] will try tonight thx [21:29] ill kick on let ya know how i make out [21:29] mazda01: how much space is missing did you say? [21:30] guntbert, about 3 to 4 gigs [21:30] iceroot, guntbert erUSUL , Yes - No matter what machine I play on, no matter what quality of network I play on - I get consistent network latency issues. Rather, my ping is very low, but the ingame netgraph shows massive black spikes and massive stuttering. I was wondering if any other ubuntu users expereinced this problem. [21:30] ldlework: count me in. i blamed it the fact i use wifi (heard could be the couse) [21:30] guntbert, can i use the find command but exclude /media/ and the other NFS mounted shares? [21:30] ldlework: bad server, bad connection, wifi? [21:31] ldlework: that sound better suited for ubuntu-offtopic :-) [21:33] How do I get rid of the 6 /sbin/getty tty terminals that start on bootup? I don't really need that many options to fall back to if I want to kill X [21:33] Hi guys! Is it a bad idea to run Ubuntu from a USB-memory if the system is considered a permanent server? [21:33] mazda01: maybe, but I never mastered find (its too big a beast :-) [21:33] EuphoniC: a professional server or a home-server without important stuff? [21:33] EuphoniC, not sure. i would think that flash is faster than IDE though but I could be wrong. [21:33] I'd say sure as long as /var and /tmp were on a tmpfs [21:34] haris: they don't do any harm :-) [21:34] guntbert, darn. I know how to use find / -size 100mb but not sure how to exclude the NFS moutned shares/ [21:34] it's for personal use, but professional but with ftp server, http server, 10-15 users that will be using it [21:34] EuphoniC: important is not using swap on a flash-drive [21:34] haris: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow console-setup ...this also has the settings for your default keyboard, fonts etc so be careful answering the questions [21:34] I mean /var and swap [21:34] sorry [21:34] is it possible to insert a line to crontab without typing crontab -e? Like issuing a command directly at prompt? [21:34] haris: go to /etc/event.d/ rename the tty you do not need to ttyn.disabled (for example) [21:34] mazda01: my best advice for this : man find (and some spare time :-) [21:35] iceroot: ah :( [21:35] ah thanks erUSUL (and guntbert that doesn't really answer my question .. I know they do no harm but I still want it removed. This is not Apple now, is it? I should be able to customize my system) [21:35] help [21:35] Pici, another error concerning my webcam: Guvcview error: Couldn't query device capabilities Make sure the device driver suports v4l2 [21:35] !ask | Neil_Sun [21:35] Neil_Sun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [21:36] EuphoniC: imo its better to use a real hdd instead of flash-drives for server [21:36] erUSUL, the /etc/event.d tip was very handy. Appreciate it :) I just commented the "exec /sbin/getty" line in them [21:36] gnome-app-install [21:36] trism, another error concerning my webcam: Guvcview error: Couldn't query device capabilities Make sure the device driver suports v4l2 [21:36] haris: you should probably keep one or two spare terminals [21:36] guntbert, thanks for the help thus far [21:36] haris: I think tty1 is required for some things [21:36] anyonw knows how often gnome rereads gconf2 config? [21:37] gladideg crontab files are stored in /var/spool/cron/crontabs so you could e.g echo "" >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/gladideg, then sighup cron to pick up the change [21:37] stupid server wont boot from sata, all my ide disks have gone to hell and it's not very econimically "smart" to buy a new IDE drive, they're expensive as shit, you get 250GB for the price os a 1TB SATA :S [21:37] lstarnes, that i will, yes thanks .. I am just trying to kill all processes that I know I don't need and tty1 has some of the boot time messages [21:37] erUSUL: Ah, nice, wasn't aware of that method. I've been setting it the other way [21:37] iceroot: how come? under standard use, no reason to expect a flash stick to fail any time soon. [21:37] EuphoniC: buy a sata/raid controller :) [21:37] mazda01: np - and good luck (btw there is a GUI app too - I'll have to look - if you still got enough space) [21:37] speaking of USB-memory, then you should use a solid state disk for swap either? cause it's pretty much the same isn't it? [21:38] iceroot: I do have SATA controller but for some reason it can't boot from it, don't understand why [21:38] genii: well not a method but more of a hack :) [21:38] nanotube: limit write access is not nice for a server (swap, logging, ftp usage) [21:38] Is there a command line equivalent for NetworkManager? [21:38] haris: ifconfig, ifup, ifdown, /etc/network/interfaces [21:38] hello [21:38] haris: if you switch from networkmanager to wicd, then you get the neat wicd-curses interface. otherwise, just use the standard commands... [21:39] anyone can help me with the function SuspendThread() ?? [21:39] EuphoniC: the bios cant boot? or ubuntu cant detect it? [21:39] haris: cnetworkmanager ? never used it but it is there [21:39] cocacoca: what language is that in? [21:39] haris: http://vidner.net/martin/software/cnetworkmanager/ [21:39] it's from windows api [21:39] iceroot, I was actually looking at it from a more wireless networking point of view. Wired I am familiar with, it's just the wpa-supplicant part .. i didn't know wicd had a curses interface so thanks nanotu will try that out .. and erUSUL cnetworkmanager wasn't in the repos, so will check your link out .. thank you [21:39] does anyone know how often gnome rereads gconf2 config when logged in? [21:39] !info gdmap | mazda01 [21:39] mazda01: gdmap (source: gdmap): Tool to visualize diskspace. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.5-4ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 44 kB, installed size 244 kB [21:39] * erUSUL we need a package of that [21:39] cocacoca: ehrm... aren't you in the wrong channel for that? :) [21:39] cocacoca: and windows has what to do with a ubuntu-channel? [21:39] hi. I trying to clarify how large Ubuntu makes the swap partition by default. E.g. if you have 1Gb, how big the swap? If 2Gb, how big swap? If 4Gb, how big swap? [21:40] iceroot: i installed ubuntu on a sata, that was fine but when i reboot it can't find the drive even though the drive on the first slot on the controller and the bios has been setup to boot from that [21:40] Gizmo_: it's up to you to decide that [21:40] yes but i can't figure out the problem [21:40] Gizmo_: if you want to hibernate, you need at least the size of your RAM for swap [21:40] Gizmo_: maybe more [21:40] i should get a new server, it's an old p3 800 that has caused sporadic boot problems in the past [21:40] roygbiv, I figured out a file in /etc/cron.d/ would be just fine for me :-) Thank you [21:40] because it blocks the thread but it blocks also the main [21:40] EuphoniC: using raid? i had the same problems, i must use the alternate cd for that (only jaunty is working) [21:40] Vinceman: no idea, I never actually managed to get my webcam working in linux [21:40] so if anyone can help me... :D [21:40] lstarnes: i seem to recall though, that if you just accep the auto configuariton and say "Use entire disk" it automatically allocated a swap partition [21:41] cocacoca: tried looking at the docs? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms686345%28VS.85%29.aspx [21:41] cocacoca: ##windows [21:41] hi [21:41] only software raid and not booting from raid [21:41] trism my webcam works locally, except there's something wrong with it's support for v4l2 [21:41] cocacoca: and yea, try the windows channel, like iceroot says [21:41] EuphoniC: yes, same here [21:41] k tnx [21:41] oh? [21:41] trism? how do you reinstall the webcam drivers in ubuntu? [21:41] EuphoniC: use alternate cd 9.04 it will work. it will ask to acticate the raid during installation [21:41] EuphoniC: otherwise grub will fail [21:41] anyone know why i would not use linux [21:42] my home key is not working [21:42] Vinceman: well, the webcam drivers are probably included with the kernel, so it won't really help [21:42] xev is not turning up anything [21:42] Vinceman: what webcam do you have? [21:42] Adobe flash for linux don't stream some flash sites :D [21:42] a DEXXA webcam [21:42] jaunty? dont really want GUI [21:42] slow computer [21:42] sergiu: if you have a need for some other specific OS [21:42] trism if you buy a webcam from the store nowadays do you get linux drivers included with them? [21:42] EuphoniC: maybe the server-cd is also activating the raid [21:42] EuphoniC: or just purge gnome-desktop [21:43] EuphoniC: or dont start x/gdm :) [21:43] guntbert, i used disk usage analyzer but it's not really helping me find offending files [21:43] how do i see what my current mouse polling interval is in ubuntu? [21:43] iceroot: but I dont quite understand how the raid could be the problem here? [21:43] Vinceman: unless it says it supports linux on the box, it is probably unlikely [21:44] roygbiv: hope that the new realise of adobe flash for lin will fix this.. [21:44] EuphoniC: because grub cant detect the raid-array if it is not activated with dmraid (what the alternate-cd is doing) [21:44] EuphoniC: maybe give it a try? if it is not working you can use usb-flash or buy a ide-drive [21:44] OK getting close. I set up OPen SSH and when I connect, I get the SSh-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5ubuntu1 but never get a login? [21:44] i'll give it a shot :) [21:45] Flats: sudo apt-get install openssh-server? [21:45] Flats sounded like you used telnet [21:45] EuphoniC: good luck [21:45] hi i want to burn a .iso file onto a cd anyone know a good program? [21:45] Vinceman: Might want to check out this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras if you're thinking of getting a new one [21:45] nero [21:45] Welshy-Rob: k3b or brasero [21:45] mazda01: then you will have to change you point of view maybe (about where some files are ok and where they are not - and maybe they are not in your biggest tree - get creative :-) [21:45] is goos [21:45] Welshy-Rob: right click on it> choose writtw to disk [21:45] good === prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys [21:45] any idea why home key may not be working? [21:45] for burning iso [21:45] you don't telnet to connect to the ssh port, you use ssh to connect to the ssh port [21:45] kk ta [21:45] No I used hyperterm and connected to port 22 [21:45] !keys | nsahoo [21:45] nsahoo: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts [21:45] I have just installed 9.04 fresh to this PC and can't get the duel head GFX card to work as it was before. I need help from an ATI expert [21:45] ahh maybe hyperterm is only telnet? [21:46] hmm, not familiar with hyperterm [21:46] Flats: you need and ssh client like putty [21:46] damn. sooo close. Thanks guys...and girls [21:47] Flats if you're on windows then use putty. it's very nice [21:47] trism thx for everything [21:47] Hello, I have Hardy on a system that was partitioned out automatically (use entire disk), and after many updates the /boot files were winding up past the 1,024th cylinder, making GRUB die with Error 17. I shifted / over with GParted, inserting a new 100Mb /boot partition at the front of the disk, and on reboot, all the UUID-references in fstab were invalid. I checked blkid, but while the UUIDs still showed there, they could no longer [21:47] Vinceman: np, hope you get it working [21:48] brantg: when you edit the parition table some filesystem change uuid [21:48] brantg: you need to update the grub conf file and /etc/fstab [21:49] erUSUL: I did assume that would be the case, but the reported numbers in blkid simply don't work - attempts to mount by UUID always claim the UUID doesn't exist,. [21:49] brantg: Are you in a livecd? [21:49] brantg: :| [21:49] kl_: No, this is a fully installed (and long-running) workstation. [21:50] brantg: did you try using device names instead of uuids? [21:50] hi, i need help with a 30gb disk with ex3 partition [21:50] erUSUL, i just did that and it told me there was a error writing to disk? [21:50] i used it right for 2 months [21:50] now the system check it as less (21gb) === christian is now known as Guest36675 [21:51] epl: Like I said, I did switch to using device names, and that does work - I'm satisfied to leave it that way, but I'd like to learn what I borked by doing what I did. Someday I might need to know :) [21:51] brantg: Since you just formatted the disk would it be easier to just reinstall everything again? [21:51] fsck.ext3 give me "bad superblock" [21:51] Welshy-Rob: i know this does not help but allways worked for me... try with brasero === kaikai is now known as Ulrika` [21:51] and testdisk don't find a backup of it [21:51] brantg: sorry, missed that [21:51] darkham, perhaps its going bad? [21:51] Anyone have Flash10 full-screen playing smooth on Ubuntu 9.04? [21:51] Welshy-Rob: aplications>sound and video> brasero [21:52] revygttam, it seems works right [21:52] erUkk thx [21:52] erUSUL, thanks kk [21:52] kl_: I didn't format it, I used gparted to move / over by 100Mb and add a new /boot partition. I'm working on the theory that that is what caused it all, frankly. [21:52] revygttam, i've "bad superblock" [21:52] darkham, yea thats kinda odd though, its just a guess but perhaps its failing on the back end of the drive. Maybe try backing up the drive, repartitoining and moveing the files back over. [21:53] What is avahi-daemon? Can I stop it? [21:53] rappr: how did you install adobe? Are you using the .deb from adobe's website, that works fine for me but the one in the repos sucks. [21:53] revygttam, i've http://pastebin.com/m81e4b6e [21:53] brantg: Ok you had only /. Then you split and made 100mb /boot? [21:53] revygttam, I'll give that a try. [21:53] I cant get my ati card to work properly, anyone have any ideas what I can try? I've installed the drivers using Administration>Hardware Drivers and they say they say active, but nothing works [21:53] haris: is an implementation of Zeroconf for linux (apple call it rendevouz) [21:53] revygttam: i must recover data... === dennis_ is now known as M3DLG [21:54] darkham, do you have problems viewing files on the drive? === m1dlg is now known as M1DLG [21:54] revygttam, yes, i cant mount it [21:54] rappr, theres .deb at adobe.com just use dpkg to install that [21:55] kl_: Yes, to corral my boot files and keep GRUB under the 1,024th cylinder. Please understand, the system is up and running now, I just don't understand why my UUIDs no longer work for mounting. [21:55] revygttam, will do, thanks [21:55] darkham, i would take the opportunity to at least backup the data, if it randomly happend, it might randomly happen again [21:55] darkham, i misread, you cant mount [21:56] ah thanks erUSUL . By the way if I am not running Gnome do I still need system-tools-backends service running? [21:56] darkham, are you able to view the partition in gparted? Sometimes you can get some more details from that [21:56] revygttam, not [21:57] maybe even use a live cd of partmagic 4.4 and check the smart monitor tool to see if its reporting an issue [21:57] haris: dunno [21:57] darkham, it really sounds like the drive might be corrupt [21:58] anyone have an example cupsd.conf to show how to share a network printer [21:58] is this a multi-partitioned hard drive? [21:58] erUSUL, all right man. And finally, why are all of cron, anacron, atd all running? Can't everything be grouped together? [21:58] darkham; is this a multi-partitoined hard drive [21:58] can somebody tell me what their alsamixer config is for their front/front mic/front mic boost/mic channels? [21:58] by default i mean [21:58] revygttam, not it's only an ext3 partition [21:58] hello [21:58] all the disc [21:59] haris: at and cron do two different things [21:59] brantg: I see. Well you can try to make new UUID === Neil_Sun is now known as neil_sun [21:59] hmm I see [22:00] All right makes sense [22:00] darkham: what error does it throw when you try to mount the drive? [22:00] kl_: I thought blkid was my only route - how do I assign a new one? [22:00] revygttam, bad superblock [22:00] darkham: oh i thought that was just from running fsck [22:00] can somebody tell me what their alsamixer config is for their front/front mic/front mic boost/mic channels by default --- please....? [22:01] brantg: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ match blkid output ? [22:01] brantg: does not the blkid command show you which UUID you have? [22:01] noshelter: im not sure what mine are or where to get them but i think thats hardware specific so im not sure if thats gonna help you too much. [22:01] revygttam, oh, when i try to mount i've "mount: you must specify the filesystem type" [22:01] brantg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingUUID should help you [22:02] how can i make my firefox/flashplugin use my usb headset for audio-out? it seems to be stuck to my pci-soundcard, and ignoring the settings i made in system->preferences->sounds [22:02] opera says, please enable java for an applet but even after turning java on and refreshing it doesn't work :( [22:02] revygttam: type alsamixer in a terminal and check for urself, its volume control [22:02] erSUL: NO! I never paid close enough attention to notice that! The / partition no longer matches what it was previously [22:03] brantg: :) [22:03] revygttam: it should not be hardware specific*(at least i dont think so) [22:03] kl_: Please see my comment to erUSUL [22:03] Is there a tutorial on rebuilding the Kernal the Ubuntu way? (As in creating a .deb etc etc) .. most help websites for debian / ubuntu kernel compilation are really really old. There are quite a few modules I don't want (bluetooth) and I just want a leaner kernel [22:03] hi [22:03] !kernel | haris [22:03] haris: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages [22:04] is there any way that I can get shortcuts such as alt+f2 to work without running gnome-panel? I am running awn without any gnome-panel [22:04] got it, using totem to playback the file from /tmp, totem respects my system settings... [22:04] my volume keys don't work with xfce (Fn+UP/DOWN) [22:04] noshelter, Front Mi is muted, Second Front Mi is 0, Mic Boost is 0 [22:05] hi, I have the xscreensaver manpage on an 8.10 system but not on my main 9.04 sys.... any idea why ? [22:05] it's installed on both [22:05] darkham: have you tried a mount -t ext3 /dev/locatin /mount/directory [22:05] ? [22:05] How do I fix a routing problem in wifi? I can connect to wireless networks but can't "go anywhere" while connected and it appears to be a routing issue. [22:05] revygttam: thank you very much, have u ever used skype or something like that to make a call? for some reason this morning the front mic channel was not mutted and it echoed the hell out of my speakers... now after i muted it i solved it, but not sure if i can still use skype and the mic in general [22:06] noshleter, no i havent ;( [22:06] erUSUL, k;_: To clarify, in case anyone else is interested - blkid still reports the original values, but the entries beneath /dev/disk/by-uuid differ from the values that used to be there prior to my repartitioning. From what I can tell, the /dev/disk/by-uuid values are the correct ones. Thank you for the help! [22:06] brantg: no problem [22:06] lol sweet erUSUL . But not surprisingly that page is a confusing mess .. ah well this should be a fun Fall break project. [22:07] revygttam, not, i try [22:08] can you install windows on a new partition even though grub has already been installed? [22:08] How do I download a package that has already been installed? I want to install wicd, but that will remove network-manager and thereby disconnect me from internet. I want to have the network-manager deb so I can reinstall if something goes wrong [22:08] Lenin_Cat: yes; but you have to restore grub after that [22:08] !grub | Lenin_Cat [22:08] Lenin_Cat: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [22:08] Can anyone help me with this problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1272405 [22:08] http://artiomix.googlepages.com/ubuntu.png [22:09] can someone point me to a channel that can help me resolve a hardware issue? tia [22:09] can anyone running ubutntu 9.04 just type "man xscreensaver" (if they have the program installed)... and tell me if the manpage comes up ? [22:09] xlberz5: ##hardware ? [22:09] brantg: Long scroll up :) [22:09] Hi, I am new to Linux, anyone use server on his or her computer, I need to write so PHP, MySQL stuffs? [22:09] revygttam, i've http://pastebin.com/m2dc638ca [22:09] erUSUL: works :) ty [22:09] !lamp | Mert [22:09] Mert: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [22:10] blip: yes I get a man page [22:10] thank erUSUL checking it [22:10] kl_: Yes, thank you, I caught that a little late - I think vol_id would have rescued me in the midst of my project. Thanks anyway. [22:10] darkham,im not really sure what else you can do. If it were me id end up giving up on it at this point. Its probably a corrupt partition and needs to be blown away. You could check the logs but, a bad superblock is normally not a good error to come across [22:10] brantg: I suggest then you clear the UUID with tune2fs -U clear /dev [22:11] want me to spoonfeed too? [22:11] brantg: Then create a new one with the same command but with random or time input. Read more at man tune2fs [22:12] question: how do i set permission access on network devices? i was looking for the /dev/eth0... but obviously it's not there now... [22:12] rlee: ifaces do not have device files [22:12] erUSUL: thanks... i found that out... but how do I set permissions on them then? [22:12] kl_: Got it, thanks, I'll do that [22:13] rlee: you can not. only root can change its properties though [22:13] I think i used a tool to upgrade kernel earlier. Anybody know? I think it was gui [22:13] erUSUL: ok... so anyone can bind to the interface? but i can change its various interface properties via root [22:14] rlee, what do you mean "bind to the interface"? [22:14] rlee: bind ? [22:14] erUSUL: yea, open a socket on it [22:14] rlee: yes (unless it is raw) [22:14] rlee, any user can create a socket on the ephemeral (>1024) ports -- for the lower ones, only root can. [22:15] erUSUL: ok... thanks [22:15] rlee: and the port limit unop says [22:15] rlee, but then again, sockets don't really have much to do with the interfaces [22:15] unop: thanks, i figured that out too [22:15] unop: i was thinking simplist... like just setting chmod 600 on the device... but it seems that is not possible [22:15] does anyone know if the keyserver is broken at 'keyserver.ubuntu.com' [22:16] I keep getting time out server erros [22:16] rlee, well, that doesn't make sense - most users on a networked computer require some sort of network connectivity [22:16] trying to send-keys for launchpad [22:16] unop: right, but not if there are two interfaces... they just need access to one [22:17] unop: i want to block out the other from being accessed [22:17] rlee, maybe, i dunno - depends on your setup [22:17] yo ubuntu where's my xscreensaver manpage [22:17] Hello can anyone help me with an error when I dual boot XP/Linux? My XP partition says Starting up... NTLDR is missing press ctrl+alt+del to restart. Now my friend gave me his files named NTLDR and NTDETECT.COM and Boot.ini but I don't know where to put these files can anyone help? [22:17] gggg [22:18] Wizards: that is a question for ##windows [22:18] Does anyone know of X having problems working with DVI-D outputs? [22:18] rlee, well, do any of your users use the other interface at all? you could take the interface down if not. [22:18] what is the easiest way to install e17 in ubuntu? is it through their website or is there an easier way? e17 is not in repos, only e16 [22:18] Amaranth: Still got the compiz error [22:19] unop: yes, local users use one interface, and subnet users use another interface [22:19] !ppa | nicklas_ maybe someone make packages of it [22:19] nicklas_ maybe someone make packages of it: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart. === ^Einstei1 is now known as ^Einstein [22:19] unop: i want to prevent local users from opening sockets on the subnet interface [22:19] shawn_: Are you running karmic? [22:19] !e17 [22:19] Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version. [22:19] soreau: No, not that error :) [22:19] soreau: that one is fixed, btw [22:19] rlee, I would use iptables for this purpose [22:19] Amaranth: I saw, thanks. Also, I'm not following along here ;) [22:20] quit [22:20] hello [22:20] !hi [22:20] Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay! [22:20] unop: that's the point.... if i have two seperate rule chains for local users, and one for the subnet, the local user can just bind a socket to the subnet interface and bypass the rules for the local interface [22:21] rlee, not if you have a rule that prevents traffic from accessing opened sockets tho .. [22:21] Is there a command for the terminal to find out the internet speed? [22:21] unop: what do u mean? [22:21] @spurs use 'netstat -i -c' [22:22] If I have a file, made by ls -R, of everything under one folder, and I have another folder, with all that stuff in, and some extra, and I want to remove the extra. how would I do that. i.e. remove everything that isn't in the file made by ls -R [22:22] rlee, let's say you have a rule that drops all packets to the local address unless an outgoing connection is already established - a user may setup a socket, but it will be unusable. [22:22] realbadapple: thanks [22:22] jophish_: use grsync to sync the two folders [22:23] @spurs use 'Ctrl-c' when finished [22:23] jophish, this is a question for #bash - they have a FAQ for this. [22:23] jophish_: check the "delete on destination" [22:23] unop: ahh ok i didn't connect that piece when i was setting up my tables... i'll try it out real quick brb [22:23] I used rsync to generate the flder in the first place, and It made two copies of everything with an accented letter [22:23] o.0! [22:23] thanks anyway erUSUL and unop [22:24] !uuid > kl [22:25] !private kl [22:25] Sorry, I don't know anything about private kl [22:25] I need some help with ext2resize version 1.1.17.... I've never built anything before and I'm guessing it isn't as simple as 'sudo make' [22:25] FuRom: only make install needs sudo [22:26] kl_: you need to spell your name correctly to get the PMs [22:26] Pici: don't get any pms [22:27] i still have a ubuntu nvidia problem trying to get sli to work [22:27] erUSUL, making it gives me an error regardless though. It says "make: *** [config.status] Error 2" and I'm unsure what I should do in the process of fixing the issue. [22:27] 1 card i can go 2 cards no x [22:27] how do i find global array overrun or incorrect indexing ? i tried valgrind it doesn't work. something like int arr[10] ; int main(){ arr[10]=3; return 0; } passes [22:27] Should Ubuntu be able to automatically choose the right settings for my monitor? How can I check/change/set the right options? [22:28] FuRom: [22:28] !uuid > kl_ [22:28] kl_, please see my private message [22:28] when is 10.4 out [22:28] OldSmoke: do both cards show up in /etc/X11/xorg.conf? [22:28] !10.04 | markarnold [22:28] markarnold: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video. [22:28] kl_ ? [22:28] FuRom: Sometimes you need to configure your system first by running ./configure [22:28] any one there [22:29] i think so i took 1 out so i could get to a desktop [22:29] kl_, thanks a million. Problem solved.... [22:29] FuRom: sudo apt-get build-dep e2fsprogs [22:29] unop: thanks, that cleared up that part [22:29] ultimate 2.3 is wicked [22:29] wahoo [22:29] !ultimate [22:29] The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes; please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ultimate Edition [22:30] Pici: Got the pm now. :) [22:30] any one seen it yet is it good [22:30] unop: the socket is bound to the iface address, but no connects are accepted because of the table rule [22:30] yes [22:30] rlee, yea, that's the idea exactly [22:31] ill update reboot and take a look at the config [22:31] now to go mess up my routing tables [22:31] markarnold: 10.04 exists in name only. [22:31] new kernel updatee anyways [22:32] greets! ran mencoder on a wmv-file because when i watch it with MS's stuff (xp, mediaplayer)i can't seem to move to arbitrary positions in the film as i would like (its david deutsch on quantum computers..) [22:32] thanx ya just watched tube now [22:32] hello [22:32] heres what i ran:mencoder /home/mikael/Desktop/deutsch_lect_2.wmv -ofps 23.976 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o /home/mikael/Desktop/outfile.avi [22:32] how do I make runlevel 3 never launch any desktop manager by default? [22:32] anyone ever setup an OpenVPN server and willing to talk to me in Private Message about some things? [22:32] hi [22:33] it came out watchable but not much more, very blury.. [22:33] and exit the current one if I'm in one [22:33] any tips? [22:33] /#linuac [22:33] some1 help me please [22:33] OldSmoke: ok [22:33] one question. I have linux (kubuntu) on my machine that is connected to a LAN network (lots of computers)... And we are all sharing connection. Now, if i start XAMPP (Apache server), will that in any way inpact anything on the network? Will my computer interfere with any server on the network? Someone told me i could block people from using internet, because their computer will try to obtain IP from my server instead the real one... Any info on this? [22:33] do these forums do any good [22:34] how can I change to a channel ? [22:34] help [22:34] !ot | markarnold [22:34] markarnold: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! [22:34] hi [22:34] !apparmor [22:34] For information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor [22:35] how do I install my ATI GFX card drivers correctly? I can't seem to get duel head to work or give any option to edit the settings [22:35] any one put ubuntu on ps 3 [22:35] !10.10 > kl_ [22:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about 10.10 [22:35] master: irc channel? [22:35] lovre: No, running just an Apache server will not interfere with anything, your friend was probably thinking of a DHCP server [22:36] yes ctmjr [22:36] anyone had any success with getting cups-pdf to print to email? [22:36] master: /join #channel name [22:36] need info about DRBD [22:37] hi. [22:37] lovre: apache by it self can't (it just listens port 80), but XAMPP isn't just apache right? [22:37] hi! [22:37] any quakelive people in here? [22:37] Jordan_U: yes, i know about DHCP server, but i was thinking since im not running pure Apache, but XAMPP, maybe it had something like that included also, i dont know [22:37] thanks ctmjr [22:38] OldSmoke, i play it a bit - i'm not very good though [22:38] fbianconi: thats right, thats why im asking, since i know xampp is not only apache, im not sure what else it has, and can it interfere with LAN computers or server [22:38] me either but it is fun [22:38] !ati [22:38] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [22:38] master: your welcome [22:38] i'm new to ubuntu. i've installed languages that i need but i cant switch them. with ctrl+alt don't work [22:38] that was a good guess :) [22:39] dont know why ubuntu is the only 1 i have video probs with [22:39] need some help, im trying to install OpenBravo software, is a Point of sale software for Linux, installation comes up, but it tells me that i need privalegs of super user or root, how can i login as the administrator in the terminal with the sudo command? [22:39] I can't get my video to work either [22:39] but after playing with ultimate 2.3 ill have to figure it out lol [22:39] angelo: sudo -i [22:39] thanks [22:39] !rootshell | angelo [22:39] angelo: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous) [22:39] let me check it out [22:40] Can someone help me get CUPS running on 9.04. Yesterday it worked, today it wont let me print. Anyone? [22:40] lovre: AFIK XAMPP is just Apache + MySQL + Perl + Python ( which is pretty easy to setup with Ubuntu without XAMPP ) so still nothing that would interfere with your network [22:41] Jordan_U: ok, thanks. And another question, can i configure http server (Apache) to work only locally, so it doesnt listen to port 80 or any port. At the moment anyone on the LAN can see my localhost page by entering my local IP [22:41] Hi, I downloaded an update via the update manager a few hours ago, then hopped over to win to game.. log back into ubuntu to get some work done and conky isnt working right.. is there a way to check my most recent updates? [22:42] yee [22:42] works [22:43] Any takers? [22:43] lovre: Yes, but not the warning on the XAMPP website: "The default configuration is not good from a securtiy point of view and it's not secure enough for a production environment - please don't use XAMPP in such environment." [22:43] -bash: cd: ./home: No such file or directory [22:43] root@angelo-desktop:~# cd angelo [22:44] -bash: cd: angelo: No such file or directory [22:44] root@angelo-desktop:~# cd ./angelo [22:44] -bash: cd: ./angelo: No such file or directory [22:44] angelo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [22:44] lovre: s/not/note/ [22:44] root@angelo-desktop:~# cd /angelo [22:44] hello allllllllll] [22:44] i have one question [22:45] physic, just ask away [22:45] hey all [22:45] hi [22:45] i use this in terminal gksu natilus [22:45] hiya [22:45] Jordan_U: well, i use it only for local testing while developing PHP scripts... should be ok... [22:45] im back [22:45] it make root to every thing but i cant see deskop [22:45] hey guys any one have problems whit samba user permissions ? [22:46] can't change directory [22:46] Hi, I downloaded an update via the update manager a few hours ago, then hopped over to win to game.. log back into ubuntu to get some work done and conky isnt working right.. is there a way to check what packages were recently updated? [22:46] neos [22:46] angelo: You don't need a root shell, just run whatever setup script sith "sudo /path/to/script.sh". You can exit the root shell you are currently in by typing "exit" [22:46] is there any gui for samba4 ? [22:46] ahhhh ok [22:46] how i can be root in desktop too [22:46] it's CD ../home whatever directory is [22:47] Hi! I want to look at the listing of available source code packages for any Ubuntu distribution releases and download (using wget) arbitrary selected source packages from the repository. How can I figure out the URL to the actual packages given the content of sources.list? [22:47] Someone to help me get Ubuntu to see my printer? CUPS seems to not be working though Synaptic says it is installed. Thoughts? [22:47] physic: activar destop login for root user [22:47] *avtivate [22:47] what? [22:47] how? [22:47] one second [22:47] adhok_: /var/log/dpkg.log [22:48] Hey guys! I'm trying to compile the latest version of pgadmin3 (v1.10.0) in Ubuntu Jaunty (the version 1.8.4) has some problems with postgresq-server8.4. The thing is I want pgadmin3 to be configured (compiled and installed) just like the version form Jaunty's repos. Is there a way to find out which flags options were used to compile the version in the repos? (like where to store the bainary files, the lib files, where to store logs, where to store configura [22:48] tion files) [22:48] Thanks a ton Jordan_U [22:48] in administration user and grups [22:48] Who has made Ubuntu look like OS X [22:48] adhok_: np [22:48] !apturl [22:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about apturl [22:48] !info apturl [22:48] apturl (source: apturl): install packages using the apt protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.3ubuntu1.1 (jaunty), package size 17 kB, installed size 228 kB [22:48] dcosta, [22:49] NoReflex: You might want to just backport the package from Karmic or Debain unstable/testing ( note I do NOT mean use the binary package ) [22:49] * dragon drops a pin. [22:49] physic: http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg24t4.htm [22:49] This information about the configure options used when compiling software in the repos would be very helpful on any other programs as well. Kind of like some general information. [22:49] !backport | NoReflex [22:49] NoReflex: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [22:50] root desktop in a security problem [22:50] NoReflex: Sorry, wrong factoid [22:50] but your box P [22:50] *is [22:50] dcosta,i dont know what u talking about [22:51] you want login as root in desktop ? [22:51] What would you say is the best tutorial to make Ubuntu look like OS X [22:51] yes ? [22:51] lol wow 4 pckg upgrades dumps quite a bit into the log file :) [22:51] yeah [22:51] Scarra3: There are some themes at gnome-looks.org [22:51] kl_-There are themes but they dont work that well. [22:52] Jordan_U, in Jaunty's backports there are no updated packages for pgadmin or postgresql for that matter and I've been told not to mix repos between releases [22:52] Scarra3, I use a combination of avant window manager and gdesklets for mine [22:52] Hi Guys, I'm trying to copy a backup.tar.bz2 to an external usb drive. The file is 8Gb. The transfer gets to 4 Gb and then stops. any ideas? [22:52] dyek: you can use synaptic for generating a script for downloading the selected packages [22:53] sixnonep: is a fat32 disk ? === thiras_ is now known as thiras [22:53] sixnonep, you probably have a filesystem that doesn't support file bigger than 4 GB on the flash drive (fat maybe)? [22:53] NoReflex: Sorry, that was the wrong factoid, there used to be a factoid about how to recompile source packages from Ubuntu+1 or debian so that they could be used in an older ( stable ) release [22:53] Ah yes. [22:53] Did'nt check that... [22:54] i just installed a 2nd video card, how would i check how much video ram it has from ubuntu? [22:54] sixnonep: then you have to split the file in less than 4 GiB parts [22:54] Scarra3: Well most of Mac themes are there. If you want dock you need to install it separate. [22:54] Anyone hep me get 9.04 working with my printer? Please? [22:54] !lshw | compgenius999 [22:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about lshw [22:54] erUSUL: is there a run through on this? [22:54] info dmidecode | compgenius999 [22:54] !lspci [22:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about lspci [22:54] fail NoReflex [22:54] sixnonep: use the split command... [22:54] fbianconi: Thanks for the response. Is there a way to assemble an URL from sources.list and web sites specified by the URLs contained within it? [22:54] :P [22:54] i did lspci [22:55] its detected fine [22:55] I installed libdvdcss2, however I still can't play a DVD? I get I/O errors in dmesg, mplayer tells me "CRC check failed!" - what to try next? [22:55] btu doesnt say amount of ram on it [22:55] compgenius999, did you try dmidecode? [22:55] nope [22:55] lemme try [22:55] erUSUL: Thankyou. [22:55] compgenius999: sudo lshw [22:55] theclaw: try to delete the decss folder in home [22:55] Amaranth: How come some greys on my desktop are showing up greenandpixely randomlhy [22:55] Anyone help me get 9.04 working with my printer? Please? [22:55] ciao [22:56] theclaw: it is hidden [22:56] jer_: what's the issue? [22:56] Greetings. Does Ubuntu 9.04 server handle RPM packages? [22:56] ok, can anybody with a mic turn on the front mic channel and the front channel in alsamixer? or gnome volume control, --- can you please let me know if your mic echoes any sound into ur speakers? [22:56] !rpm | Fishscene [22:56] Fishscene: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) [22:56] dragon, thanks. I cant seem to get my printet to print. I have CUPS installed, but no joy. Thoughts? [22:56] lshw only tells me the speed and other info [22:57] no memory [22:57] Criminy. Way to go VMware =( ok. Thanks Jordan_U [22:57] kl_: it was .dvdcss - thanks! :) [22:57] would having a 2nd graphics card install increase my ubuntu graphics performance? [22:57] compgenius999: just type free in a terminal [22:57] jer_: is it a LAN printer or a USB? Did you add it to the list of printers? === d is now known as Guest87640 [22:58] prrrrrr [22:58] ctmjr i'm talking about graphics ram [22:58] not installed ram which i already know [22:58] compgenius999: It depends on what you're comparing with. Graphics cards have their own outputs, so they don't affect each other. [22:59] hey dragon they are both old graphics cards [22:59] dragon, USB. I cant seem to add it to the list of printers. I have no icon or option. Just says not connected. [22:59] and i need to find out how much ram they each have [22:59] dragon, when I try to connect to local host, I get, "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'httpConnectionEncrypt failed'." [22:59] compgenius999: yes i see that now sorry [22:59] jer_: System > Administration > Printing [22:59] theclaw: Happy watching the movie then :) === chaky_ is now known as chaky [22:59] Fishscene: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Server [23:00] so far this 2nd graphics card seems to have made ubuntu less laggy [23:00] Jordan: Thanks [23:00] Fishscene: np [23:00] dragon, yes, that is where I am. It wont allow me to add a printer. Just says, "not connected". [23:00] i know my first graphics card only has 64mb graphics ram [23:00] the new one i have no idea about [23:01] my first only had 0.5mb ram [23:01] jer_: Is the printer connected? [23:01] jer_: and switched on? [23:01] dragon, yes, connected. [23:02] jer_: disconnect the printer's usb connection and then run `dmesg | tail -20` [23:03] jer_: then connect the printer, and run that command again. pastebin the output [23:03] jer_: an easier way to pastebin the output at the end would be `dmesg | pastebinit` [23:04] hi there! e.g. in deluge there is an option to open containing folder. so how do i set what file manager it would use? :-/ [23:04] dragon, this is what i got after following your instructions..."[272839.403671]: command not found" [23:04] gotta go [23:05] dragon, sorry, how do I pastebin? [23:06] jer_: do you have pastebinit installed? [23:06] compgenius999: run lspci then find the video card make a note of the numbers in front of it the run sudo lspci -v -s 01:00.0 < change this number to the one you found [23:06] jer_ at the top of the page in the MOTD is a link to pastebin :) [23:06] dragon, I guess not :-( [23:07] I have a problem with my wireless networking program, does anyone think they could help me? [23:07] !anyone | Trulypoison [23:07] Trulypoison: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [23:07] of course [23:08] Lets say I found in Packages.gz that udev package Filename is pool/main/u/udev/udev_141-1_i386.deb. What is the exact URL to this package so that I can use wget to fetch it? [23:08] I just installed ubunto onto a gateway mx6455, and the ethernet connection works, however even though the wireless componant is turned on (from the XP partition) and from the ubunto system, it will not find any wireless networks that i know exists [23:09] Trulypoison: Have you checked if you need drivers with System > Administration > Hardware Drivers? [23:09] dragon, ok here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/276108/ [23:09] 00:09.0 [23:09] let me recheck that === BeardedAdmin is now known as BeardedAdmin_Awa === BeardedAdmin_Awa is now known as BeardedAdmin === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [23:10] ohhh i get it [23:10] it says no proprietary drivers are in use by this system [23:10] ctmjr, it worked, it says 64mb graphics ram [23:10] Trulypoison: Ok, do you know the chipset of your wireless card? [23:11] unfortunately no i do not, is there a way to find that without having to go to my xp partition? [23:11] Is there a shortcut to swap between current window and last focused window? [23:12] Trulypoison: lshw -c network ( don't paste the output here ) [23:12] kk [23:12] hey does anybody know if this 2nd graphics card will make my ubuntu any faster? [23:12] compgenius999: was there ever any doubt ;) [23:13] lol [23:13] i have a hercules 3d 4000xt with 64mb video ram, and now i have an S3 ViRGE Fastware in it aswell [23:14] how would i be able to share read write files on a ubuntu system, to my home lan? the files are on xubuntu but i need to be able to read and write from ubuntu on another system as well. a command line way would be the best solution if possible [23:14] dragon, any thoughts? [23:15] interesting [23:15] appearently the wireless tool was never enabled from the application settings [23:16] but thats something else entirely [23:16] I cannot get firefox to use adobe flash player [23:17] hey, I am helping a friend setup ubuntu. we have installed all the necessary gstreamer codecs for rhythmbox and he still can't play .wma files is there something else that needs to be installed [23:17] ? [23:17] tge farm game will not open in firefox [23:17] eldon_, did you install flashplugin-installer ? [23:17] yes [23:17] is there a way to increase the amount of space a partition can have after creating it? [23:18] it seems i didn't give it more than it absolutely needed [23:18] did you also install flashplugin-nonfree? [23:18] Trulypoison: Yes, you can use a tool called gparted [23:18] dragon, it keeps telling me "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'httpConnectionEncrypt failed'." when i try to connect localhost. [23:18] gparted is an easy tool [23:18] eldon_, see above [23:18] does it come with the system disk? [23:19] I downloaded and installed adobe [23:19] beto are the wma file DMR restricted? [23:19] eldon_, if you do have flashplugin-nonfree then there is a conflict and you need to remove one of them [23:19] er...DRM [23:20] Trulypoison, are you trying to dual boot? [23:20] not sure [23:20] !codecs | beto [23:20] beto: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [23:20] Trulypoison: It is available in the LiveCD if that is what you mean [23:20] it's already been configured to duaboot [23:20] ok will try [23:20] dualboot* [23:20] eldon_, you can remove flashplugin-nonfree and leave flashplugin-installer and everything should work ok [23:20] ok thanks [23:20] Trulypoison, i sent you a query. I can help you there i think [23:20] my volume levels seem to be messed up, its like i only get volume when the slider is half way and up anything below half way i get no sound, like there is no low sound levels [23:20] thank god [23:21] via what command can i send mail from ubuntu? i tried "mail" but there is no such command [23:21] t0s, open up all the volume sliders. OSM i think it is might be low [23:21] you have to turn that all the way up for master to work well [23:21] mrwes: I do not think they are he ripped them from CD's [23:21] mrwes [23:22] dragon, it says, "The CUPS spooler does not appear to be running." Thoughts? [23:22] beto, did install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package? [23:22] mrwes: yes [23:23] NitroD, i have every slider all the way up [23:23] beto: Can he play them in totem? If nothing else it usually will tell you what you are missing. [23:23] beto, do you happen to have cross fade enabled in Rhythmbox? [23:23] t0s, did you enable all the sliders in the options menu? [23:24] how would i be able to share read write files on a ubuntu system, to my home lan? the files are on xubuntu but i need to be able to read and write from ubuntu on another system as well. a command line way would be the best solution to set it up, if possible [23:24] dragon, BRB. Rebooting [23:24] lovre: You mean making your own mail server? [23:25] NitroD, yup [23:25] NitroD, everything is up [23:25] hurra, I fixed it all :) [23:25] mrwes: it says it need the windows media audio decoder what package do I install to get that [23:25] is there volume adjustment on the speakers themselves/ [23:25] NitroD, yeah its all the way up as well [23:26] beto, read up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu [23:26] i have an nvidia problem with ubuntu === hey` is now known as grumete [23:26] t0s, sending you a query [23:26] beto: You might need w32codecs from the medubuntu repository [23:26] nitrod, ok [23:26] beto: you might try to install some codes from http://www.medibuntu.org/ [23:26] i have 2 9500gt when i put both cards in x fails [23:26] 1 card is fine [23:27] newest drivers from nvidia 185. something [23:27] beto, from a terminal type: sudo apt-get install w32codecs [23:28] OldSmoke: are both cards in now? [23:28] mrwes: I did that already [23:28] I am trying to disable ipv6 and lsmod doesn't list /anything/ concerning IPV6. Can anyone help me determine if IPV6 is enabled? [23:28] I am running Jaunty [23:29] no [23:29] no x with both in [23:29] Can I use Gnome / Ubuntu but replace metacity as Gnome's window manager? [23:30] I just reinstalled ubuntu on my system because my old filesystem got messed up, however on my new installiation I think my packages are corrupt, I try to repair them, but it seems the package contining the rt73usb module is also corrupted... which I need for my wifi card [23:30] beto, did you check to see if you have cross fading enabled in Rhythmbox? [23:30] mrwes: ok now rhythmbox is saying it needs the application/smil decoder [23:30] mrwes: Crossfade is enabled [23:30] i put it in then installed the drivers checked the config it is only seeing 1 card [23:30] beto, there is a bug with cross fading AND wma files -- turn it off and see if they play [23:31] mrwes: I did that too [23:32] dragon? [23:32] Hey everyone, it's been a long time since I've been here to ask for help, but this one is really frustrating. I'm running Kubuntu 9.04 and it seems that I've lost access to most of my MP3 files. By lost access, I mean ls -l gives me a bunch of question marks for owner, group and permissions, and I can't open the folders with dolphin without getting an "access denied". This happens even as root, and even in GNOME. Any ideas? [23:32] beto, did you import the files/folder from another drive? [23:33] OldSmoke: you can try this and see if it works sudo nvidia-xconfig --sli=ON and reboot with bith cards in [23:33] mrwes: no fromt the music folder in his home directory [23:33] beto, hrmm...I'm stumped then [23:33] ^both [23:34] k will try ty [23:34] beto, maybe install VLC and see if they play? [23:34] Clay: Did you try resetting the permissions on those files? [23:34] Fishscene, I did. It gives me a bunch of "access denied" messages. [23:35] rofl. [23:35] Did you reset the owner of the files? [23:35] Fishscene, access denied [23:35] Fishscene, ridiculous right? === r_ is now known as mrblahblahnonick === mrblahblahnonick is now known as remo234 [23:36] clayadavis: Pretty much. Sounds like the kind of crap that DRM does. [23:36] Fishscene, but these are mp3s i ripped myself === kuba_ is now known as Guest63040 [23:36] siema [23:36] jak zdrowko [23:36] Which worked until a couple days ago. [23:37] Yea. I'm just saying it sounds like it. Unfortunately, beyond trying to reset the permissions/owner, I have no idea. Sorry =( [23:37] :P [23:37] Hello, I am new to Ubuntu. I just did an apt-get install on php, I was wondering where it gets installed to? [23:38] The strange part is that the directory structure is still there somehow: for example, I don't have access to the folder intronaut, but ls -l intronaut gives me "ls: cannot access intronuaut/intronaut - [2006] - null: Permission denied [23:38] ls: cannot access intronuaut/intronaut - [2006] - void: Permission denied [23:38] total 0 [23:38] d????????? ? ? ? ? ? intronaut - [2006] - null [23:38] d????????? ? ? ? ? ? intronaut - [2006] - void [23:38] clayadavis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [23:38] null and void are the two album names. [23:38] mrwes: for some reason even vlc won't play them [23:39] Anyone? Can I get rid of metacity and use something else instead? [23:39] beto, Sorry, I'm stumped then [23:39] alexnet: I'm unsure where it will be on your particular system, but try 'whereis php' [23:39] Btw, did floodbot keep everyone from seeing that ls -l output I just pasted? [23:40] Running 9.04, with an ATI (x1300 I think) I'm unable to select the native resolution of the monitor (1680x1050). [23:40] hi [23:40] clayadavis: nope we all had the privilege of seeing it [23:41] alexnrt http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=258548 here is the answer [23:41] alextnet that is [23:41] ctmjr, okay. I just wanted to know if I needed to pastebin it in case anyone was still reading what I was typing [23:42] thanks [23:42] hi. how to search for files and folders in ubuntu? thanks [23:43] alexnet then you should be able to get it from the terminal or even Applications>Programming>PHP [23:43] Another quick question while I'm here, does anyone know how to change the default folder when one opens up a konsole? [23:43] odiamar: on the console, or gnome? [23:44] on the gnome [23:44] odiamar, on the 'Places' menu there should be a 'Search for Files..' option [23:45] Any command line junkies here? How do I use the output of a previous command as an argument in the current command? [23:45] In bash of course [23:46] hi all [23:46] hi [23:46] haris: Try using a pipe? ls | nextcommand. [23:46] is this ubuntu channel [23:46] ? [23:46] mustafa: yes [23:46] i got some questions [23:46] please help me [23:46] are u following [23:46] mustafa: we can't answer your questions if you don't ask them [23:46] ? [23:47] hahah funny [23:47] :D [23:47] i have setup ubuntu 9.04 [23:47] today [23:47] pidgin has decided to quit starting at bootup.... anyone know how I would check the problem? It is still in my startup applications and spelled correctly [23:47] i have been cheking it since morning [23:47] it is nice [23:47] remo234, ok here's what I want. first I did "which gconftool" and the output was /usr/bin/gconftool .. next I want to do a "file" on that. So I could do file `which gconftool` but I don't want to type `which gconftool` again .. get what I am saying? [23:47] but i got problem with visial effects [23:47] haris: "command2 `command 1`" or "command2 ${command 1}" [23:47] thats why [23:47] i got problem with my graphic card [23:48] it is ati rodeon hd 3200 [23:48] fbianconi, that requires me to type "command 1" again .. is there anway I can bypass that since that was typed just previously? === r_ is now known as remo234 [23:48] how can i do that [23:48] fbianconi: I thought it was $(command 1), not ${command 1} [23:48] lstarnes: my bad [23:49] sooooooooooo??????????// [23:50] Fishscene, I fixed my problem actually just now. I had to "sudo su", and then change all the file permissions. Somehow plain "sudo chmod -R 755 Music/" wasn't root enough. [23:50] !patience | mustafa [23:50] mustafa: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. [23:50] how can i join german ubuntu support here ? === death_ is now known as trulypoison [23:50] lstarnes: unless you saved the output was consumed by the tty [23:50] hey nitro you there? === r_ is now known as remo234 [23:51] any one know of a good program to convert .wma files to either .aac or .flac [23:51] please help me how can i join german ? [23:51] hi everyone [23:52] !de | botoxx [23:52] botoxx: /join #ubuntu-de [23:52] botoxx: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. [23:52] dayglo98, !ask [23:52] vn [23:52] nbyb [23:52] I haven't installed any flavor of linux in a while and I just installed xubuntu, I have a problem [23:52] dTHX [23:53] first thing I did after rebooting is update the ati drivers, but I also updated all my packages before rebooting, and now X is messed up [23:54] Can anyone help me get my printer recognized on 9.04 ubuntu please. I'm in desperate need. [23:54] anyone got 5 minutes ? [23:54] jer_: what kind of printer? [23:54] how do I connect to a different channel? [23:54] rabidmachine9: /join #other-channel [23:55] I want to find a channel about css [23:55] !ask [23:55] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [23:55] Can anyone help me get my pbatrick, it is an HP Photosmart C4680 [23:55] somebody can help me...? [23:55] Hi, how come when i load firefox it turns grey and rreeze and i have to force quit, it is very annoying. [23:55] batrick, HP photosmart c4680 [23:56] Anyone can help with X not starting up after updating packages in ubuntu 9.04 ? [23:56] sharma: Try starting firefox in safe mode by running "firefox --safe-mode" [23:56] dayglo98: What packages? [23:56] batrick, when I go to the printing secotion of Administration, it just says, not connected. [23:56] so that means i always have to start it in safe mode? [23:56] ]because it happens 50 times today and i dont like where this is going [23:57] the 166 packages that showed up after my first round of updating (right after installing xubuntu 9.04) [23:57] sharma: No, it means that if safe mode works the problem is likely a plugin [23:57] rabidmachine9, /join #css [23:57] jer_: http://hplipopensource.com/ [23:57] hello, i bought a 750 barracuda, tried to install ms but it failed at making partitions, made partitions and formatted them with mkfs.ntfs, and windows still fails to reconize it can install(XP), vista just gives disc error right away when running installer, tried 3 dif win discs [23:57] but i have not even isntalled a signle plug in [23:57] follow the installation instructions. You will find ubuntu 9.04 does not support your printer by default [23:57] I have an open port but dont see which program blinded it. how can i check ? [23:57] trakcyia: ls|grep [23:57] How do I add new workspaces to my GNOME desktop? [23:57] this just a fresh out of the box copy of ubuntu [23:57] /join #css [23:57] You will need to install hplip manually. [23:58] batrick, when I try and connect it says, "There was an error during the CUPS operation: 'httpConnectionEncrypt failed'." I have that file, but it wont let me even add a printer. [23:58] jer_: install hplip yourself, everything should be automatic afterwards. [23:58] oh, and its a secondary drive [23:58] ping me later if you still have problems after installing the latest version of hplip [23:58] rabidmachine9, you started that line with a space take the space out [23:58] is there any possible solution? [23:59] batrick, I was sharing a printer before with my kids. Then I moved that printer to the other room. Now, witn my new printer, my computer wants to connect to "localhost", but can't. Thoughts? [23:59] thanks