
mac_vDanRabbit: ping05:28
* MacSlow -> lunch11:57
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
natewiebe13is this the spot to discuss xsplash?15:30
DanRabbitif anybody is awake ;)15:31
* DanRabbit --> Skooool15:31
natewiebe13alright.. i noticed something with xsplash.. if you run xsplash from terminal, once it is finished, it fades into the desktop.. when it runs during boot.. it abruptly shows the desktop.. is it just a bug, or is it planned to be abrupt?15:32
hyperairnatewiebe13: when run in a terminal it still ends abruptly for me15:42
hyperairperhaps your window manager is donig something funky with it?15:42
natewiebe13hyperair: not for me.. it crossfades into the desktop very nicely15:42
hyperairi see15:43
hyperairtry setting -x15:43
hyperair-x 2 or something15:43
natewiebe13what does -x change?15:43
hyperairwait. it seems that when i specify --timeout, it dies halfway no matter what15:44
natewiebe13i did "sudo xsplash -x 2" and it still faded out15:44
hyperairit doesn't for me15:44
hyperairinstead, no matter what timeout i give it, it still ends abruptly after the first throb15:45
natewiebe13i modified mine to look like mrdoob's iteration 3, but i dont think that should make a difference15:45
hyperairhmm strange. sometimes it fades out15:47
hyperairsometimes it ends abruptly15:47
hyperairvery strange15:47
natewiebe13im thinking of filing a bug report15:48
hyperairgo ahead15:52
=== mac__v is now known as mac_v
natewiebe13hyperair: Bug #43532416:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 435324 in xsplash "xsplash should crossfade during boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43532416:22
natewiebe13hyperair: i also included a video with what i saw in terms of crossfading16:23
=== djsiegel_ is now known as djsiegel

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